Death march. How did the Ural White Army die?

Death march. How did the Ural White Army die?

Ural Cossacks. Hood. Nikolay Samokish

Smoot. 1919 year. The Ural White Army of General V.S. Tolstov died at the end of 1919. The Ural army was pressed to the Caspian Sea. The Uralians made the "Death March" - the hardest trip along the eastern shore of the Caspian Sea to Fort Aleksandrovsky. An ice trip through the desert finished off the Urals.

The retreat of the Urals to the Caspian

After the defeat in October-November 1919 of the Eastern Front of Kolchak, the Ural White Army found itself isolated and in the face of superior red forces. The Urals were deprived of any sources of replenishment of weapons and ammunition. The defeat of the White Cossacks was inevitable. However, the Urals continued to resist, despite the fact that the Kolchak forces fled further east, and the neighboring Orenburg army was defeated and retreated east, then south. Denikin’s help was weak, autumn storms in the Caspian Sea hindered the supply of supplies, Guryev blocked the red Caspian flotilla. Soon the sea transportation was completely blocked - the northern part of the Caspian was frozen, Guriev’s connection with the Caucasus was interrupted.

In early November 1919, the Red Turkestan Front under the command of Frunze as part of the 1st and 4th armies (22 thousand bayonets, sabers, 86 guns and 365 machine guns) launched a general offensive against the Ural Army (about 17 thousand thousand bayonets and a saber, 65 guns, 249 machine guns) in order to surround and destroy the main enemy forces with concentrated blows to Lbischensk from the north and east. Under the pressure of the Reds, the Ural army began a retreat. On November 20, the Red Army occupied Lbischensk, but it was not possible to encircle the main forces of the Urals. The front stabilized south of Lbischensk.

The remnants of the Ural army gathered in Kalmykovo. In the regiments there were 200-300 fighters left, almost all the artillery was lost. There were many sick and wounded. Only about 2 thousand people remained in the main direction, against 20 thousand Red Army men. The Reds also had an epidemic of typhoid, but they had a rear for accommodating patients, and all the time they received replenishment. On the right flank were the remains of the 2nd Iletsk Cossack Corps of General Akutin, in total about 1 thousand healthy fighters. The headquarters of the corps was located in the village of Kyzyl-Kug.

With the onset of winter, Frunze managed to break the resistance of the Ural Cossacks. Turkestan front tightened reserves and received weapon and ammunition. Frunze obtained from Lenin a complete amnesty for ordinary Cossacks. The Cossacks, who did not want to leave their native villages, began to return to peaceful life by the masses. Also, the confrontation applied a new tactic to combat the rebellious Uralians who carried out horse raids. The Red cavalry and machine-gun outposts began to cut off the White Cossacks from the villages and farms, forcing them into the bare winter steppe, not allowing them to live, to live. The combat capabilities of the Urals were undermined, they could no longer conduct partisan operations.

On December 10, 1919, the Red Army resumed the offensive. The 4th Soviet Army of Voskanov and the expeditionary force of the 1st Soviet Army broke the resistance of the weakened Ural units, the front collapsed. The Cossacks retreated, leaving the page behind the page. The command of the Ural Army decided to withdraw to Guryev, then to Fort Aleksandrovsky, since the northern part of the Caspian was already frozen and it was impossible to evacuate from the Guryevsky port. From Aleksandrovsky they hoped to cross over to the Caucasian coast.

On December 18, the Reds captured Kalmykov, thereby cutting off the escape routes to the 2nd Iletsky Corps. On December 22, the Reds occupied the village of Gorsky, one of the last strongholds of the Urals before Guryev. The commander of the Ural Army Tolstov with headquarters moved to Guryev. The Soviet command offered the Cossacks to surrender, promised an amnesty. The Urals promised to think, a 3-day truce was concluded. At this time, the Cossacks destroyed property that they could not take with them, and under the cover of a small screen began a campaign in Fort Aleksandrovsk. On January 5, 1920, the Reds entered Guryev.

Meanwhile, the flank units were cut off from the main forces. Alash-Orda, a self-proclaimed Kazakh national-territorial entity, took the side of the Reds (though this did not help the nationalists, Alash autonomy was liquidated by the Bolsheviks). Alash-Horde troops along with the Reds attacked the Cossacks. Parts of the 2nd Iletsk Corps, having suffered heavy losses in battle during the retreat, and from typhus, in early January 1920 were almost completely destroyed and captured by the Red troops at the settlement of Maly Baybuz. The headquarters of the corps, headed by General Akunin, was destroyed, its commander was captured (he was soon shot). The Iletsk division of Colonel Balalaev on the river Wil suffered the same fate. Only the 3rd regiment was able to break out of the encirclement and exit to the Residential Spit.

Part of the left flank of the Ural Army - the 6th division of Colonel Gorshkov (from the 1st Ural Corps), which was sent to the Volga to communicate with the army of Denikin, was cut off from the main forces in the area of ​​the Khan Headquarters. Cossacks could go west to cross the Volga and join Denikin’s army, or try to break through to join Tolstov, who had already entered Fort Aleksandrovsk. As a result, it was decided to force the Urals and connect with their own in the area of ​​Residential Spit. From the division remained 700 - 800 people, there were many patients. About 200 people decided to go with Gorshkov, the rest decided to go home. A small detachment was able to force the river. The Urals were on ice, but then the Kazakhs of Alash-Orda defeated it. Only a small group escaped (Yesaul Pletnev and 30 Cossacks) and two months later by March 1920 went to Alexandrovsk.

Vladimir Sergeevich Tolstov (1884 - 1956). The last chieftain of the Ural Cossack army, the last commander of the Ural separate army

Death march

At the end of 1919, Tolstov went with the remnants of the army, fragments of the White Guard units located in the area east of Astrakhan and refugees (about 15-16 thousand people in total) on a campaign of 1200 kilometers along the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea to Fort Aleksandrovsky. It was a small fortress, built in the past by Russians as a base for the conquest of Western Turkestan. There, in advance, even during navigation, solid supplies of provisions, ammunition and clothing were taken out. In Alexandrovsk, the Urals planned to establish ties with the Turkestan army of General Kazanovich and cross over to the Caucasian coast in Port Petrovsk.

Before the villages of Zhilaya Kosa and Prorva, wintering of local residents was still met, but there were no further camps. Before Residential Scythe, the trip was more or less normal. There were wintering, food. Carts went almost continuous tape. It was possible to replace horses with camels more adapted to local conditions. In Residential Spit, units, rear services and refugees were given food for the next trip (1 pound of wheat flour per day, for only 30 days).

Prior to the breakthrough, the road was worse. There were two roads. Good steppe, but longer circumventing narrow sea arms. And a short winter, almost along the coast, where there were many narrow sea arms (eriks). In frost, the Eriks froze. It was very cold, so most went on the second path. But on the second day of the trip it became sharply warmer, it started to rain, water began to arrive, the ice washed away and it began to break when moving. This greatly complicated the journey. Many carts drowned, or they were stuck to death. The breakthrough was a small fishing village, so they did not stay there. Only a small group of patients remained here, as well as those who wanted to try their luck — drive to Fort Aleksandrovsky on ice when the sea freezes. It was a shorter way. But this time the ice was hacked by the south wind and the refugees had to return to the breakthrough. There they were captured by the red arrivals.

From Prorva to Aleksandrovsk there were more than 700 miles of bare desert. Here the trip took place in a deserted desert with icy winds and frosts to minus 30 degrees. The campaign was poorly organized. They went out hastily, without adequate preparation for movement through a bare, deserted desert, in frosts. General Tolstov sent a hundred Cossacks to the fort in advance to arrange supply and rest points along the way and prepare the fort for their arrival. This hundred did something, but it was not enough. The procurement of camels for soldiers and refugees from local residents was not organized. Although the Ural army had money: the military treasury brought to Aleksandrovsk at least 30 boxes of 2 pounds each with silver rubles. And the property was a lot, it was basically just thrown along the way. This good could be exchanged for camels, cabins, felt carpets (koshma) for protection from the wind. There was no fuel, food too, they cut and ate horses, slept in the snow. People burned everything to survive, carts, saddles and even boxes of rifles. Many did not wake up. Each halt in the morning was like a large cemetery. Dying and freezing people killed themselves and their families. Therefore, this campaign was called the “Death March” or “Desert Ice Campaign”.

By March 1920, only about 2–4 thousand frost-bitten, hungry and sick Urals and other refugees passed through the icy desert. Mostly young, healthy, and well-dressed people (so the English mission came almost without loss). The rest died of hunger, cold, typhoid, or were killed by the red and local nomads, or turned back. Local residents, taking advantage of the plight of the Urals, attacked small groups of people, killed and robbed them. Some of the refugees returned back. The Orenburg Cossacks, who were with the Urals, turned back. Many, especially the sick and wounded, women with children, remained in Residential Spit - a small fishing village. She was occupied by the Reds on December 29, 1919 (January 10, 1920).

By this time, the terrible march to the Alexander Fort lost its meaning. The Turkestan army of Kazanovich was defeated in December 1919 and at the beginning of 1920 its remains were blocked in the area of ​​Krasnovodsk. On February 6, 1920, the remnants of the Turkestan army on ships of the Caspian flotilla of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia were evacuated from Krasnovodsk to Dagestan, part of the White Guards along with the British fled to Persia. The war between the White and Red armies in West Turkestan is over. White was defeated in the south of Russia. Denikinites retreated from the Caucasus. Evacuation was not well established, disagreements began with the command of the flotilla. The fleet sometimes sent ships, but they were primarily engaged in the transportation of goods. Therefore, only non-Cossack units, some of the wounded, seriously ill and frostbitten Cossacks, managed to evacuate to Petrovsk. The port of Petrovsk was abandoned at the end of March 1920 and further evacuation to the Caucasus became impossible.

The campaign of the Urals to Persia

On April 4, 1920, from the port of Petrovsk, which became the main base of the red Volga-Caspian flotilla, the destroyer Karl Liebknecht (and the Zorkiy fighter boat) approached the fort. The commander of the flotilla Raskolnikov commanded the detachment. Having defeated the enemy’s ships, on April 5 the red were captured the last remnants of the Ural Army: Cossacks, completely demoralized by previous dramatic events, lost their will to resist and surrendered, more than 1600 people were captured.

General Tolstov with a small detachment (a little more than 200 people) went on a new campaign towards Krasnovodsk and further to Persia. The Ural Army ceased to exist. After two months of a difficult campaign, on June 2, 1920, Tolstov’s detachment went to Ramian (Persia). There are 162 people left in the detachment. Further, the detachment reached Tehran. General Tolstov proposed that the British create the Ural unit as part of an expeditionary force in Persia. At first, the British expressed interest, but then abandoned this idea. Cossacks were placed in a refugee camp in Basra, and in 1921 they transferred with the sailors of the white Caspian flotilla to Vladivostok. With the fall of Vladivostok in the fall of 1922, the Urals left for China. Some Cossacks remained in China and, together with the Orenburg Cossacks, lived for some time in Harbin. Others moved to Europe, part with Tolstov went to Australia.

A small part of the Urals, who were evacuated from Alexandrovsk to the Caucasus, with the retreat of Denikin’s army, came to Transcaucasia, some to Azerbaijan, others to Georgia. Cossacks from Azerbaijan tried to get to Armenia, but were blocked, defeated and captured. From Georgia, part of the Cossacks was able to get to the Crimea, where he served under General Wrangel.
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  1. +26
    30 December 2019 05: 54
    This "Death March" took place along our edges. My grandmother was an eyewitness to these events, and after seeing the atrocities that the retreating white men did to the end of her life, she hated the Cossacks. We got what we deserved.
    1. +19
      30 December 2019 06: 18
      My grandmother was an eyewitness to these events, and after seeing the atrocities that the retreating whites did to the end of her life, she hated the Cossacks.
      Cossacks generally distinguished themselves in civilian robbery, violence and atrocities. Take, for example, the mammoth raid and skin, instead of developing success, these grief warriors engaged in robbery, violence and looting. As a result, all this army was overgrown with looted convoys and from combat-ready units turned into an ordinary gang.
      In general, all these belugos went right.
      1. -5
        1 January 2020 12: 07
        You do not know what robberies, atrocities, and murders were committed by the krasnyuki from Chapaev’s 25th division, the Cossacks didn’t even dream about it. The Chapaevs began robberies when the division was organized in Saratov, then in Samara, and Chapaev himself did not disdain to hunt for it. For which he was called more than once to the Revolutionary Military Council, and threatened him .. And once he was generally suspended by the division’s administration for a while. And this is on the land of Russia. And when he came with his bandits to the lands of the Ural Cossacks, then it all started ... Cossacks by this time were loyal to the Red Government, and did not oppose it. BUT the Reds after the capture of Orenburg, and the defeat of the Orenburg Cossacks and their ousting to the Kolchak army, entered the lands of the Ural Cossacks, and the first thing they started to do was to rob, force and kill everyone (both Cossacks and nonresident), which forced the congress of the Urals Cossacks, to defend their land, their people and Cossacks ... So, what about Shkuro, Mamontov, we do not need it here. The Reds were no less atrocities, they burned living people driven into barns, or haystacks. In the village of Krasnoye, between Orenburg and Uralsky, there is a monument burnt by the Ural Cossacks red. You can come and have a look. The atrocities of the Reds were not measured.
    2. -13
      30 December 2019 11: 12
      This "Death March" took place along our edges

      You are from the former Broadcast Russia-from the former Russian Uralsk (the so-called Oral), the former Russian Guryev (the so-called Atyrau)?

      Here they are your heroes:

      . 4th Soviet Army Voskanov

      According to the verdict of the Supreme Court of the USSRfascist and saboteur. Shot down.

      red flotilla Raskolnikov

      According to the verdict of the Supreme Soviet of the USSRtraitor to the motherland, fascist.

      He escaped from the red country, went crazy, poisoned

      The Reds have "cool" commanders, yes! Yes

      And they fought so that give the Russian lands to Kazakhstan (and given).

      What Russia and its Heroes-Ural, Orenburg, Terek, Don, Kuban Cossacks fought against.

      Glory to these guardians of the Russian Land! hi
      1. +8
        30 December 2019 11: 34
        Olgovich (Andrey)
        The Reds have "cool" commanders, yes! yes
        And what "cool" whites have already wondered:
        Krasnov P.N., Krasnov S.N., Shkuro A.G., Domanov T.N., Klych, Sultan-Girey, Denikin A.I.
        Continue to continue, or is there enough of these ?!
        1. -9
          30 December 2019 12: 18
          Quote: Alexander Suvorov
          Krasnov P.N., Krasnov S.N., Shkuro A.G., Domanov T.N., Klych, Sultan-Girey, Denikin A.I.
          Continue to continue, or is there enough of these ?!

          Of course, continue! Yes

          I beg you, Macedonian!

          Show among the whites of such proportions as "traitors to the motherland, fascists Tukhachevsky, Uborevich, Bukharin and others, "traitors to the Motherland"- ALL the first Leninist Politburo of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Bolsheviks, ALL the first SNK, etc., "who sent COUNTRY defense plans Germany, trying to capture the KREMLIN and kill the Government and personally Stalin": so defined them Upper Court of the USSR.

          Even Prosecutor General of the USSR Vyshinsky said about these members of the Leninist Politburo, Central Committee, and SNK in the processes: "Stinky scum, dung, stinking heap of garbage, filthy dogs, damned reptile, scorched crooks, vile creatures, crooks, bandits, arrogant, despicable adventurers."

          He didn’t say such a thing about whites. belay Yes

          Denikin, by the way, lies in the very center of Russiarevered by her people. Yes

          But ide your members of the Politburo, Central Committee, doesn’t know request
          1. +7
            30 December 2019 12: 31
            Olgovich (Andrey)
            Denikin, by the way, lies in the very center of Russia, revered by its people. yes
            What kind of people? Degenerates who do not remember how this same Denikin called on the United States to fight with Russia?

            Nothing will come, and we are throwing all this garbage back abroad.
            1. -11
              30 December 2019 12: 37
              Quote: Alexander Suvorov
              What kind of people? Degenerates that do not remember like this very Denikin called upon the USA fight with Russia?

              Do not carry nonsense. illiterate: even ask Napoleon not to get into trouble.

              AND -DON’T be distracted: CONTINUE to call the whites, the level of YOUR traitors-members of the Politburo, Central Committee, SNK. Come on! Yes lol
            2. -8
              30 December 2019 14: 25
              Quote: Alexander Suvorov
              Denikin called on the United States to fight with Russia?

              Do not lie frankly
              1. +6
                30 December 2019 14: 44
                RUSS (Maxim)
                Do not lie frankly
                Well, do not lie!
              2. +8
                30 December 2019 15: 12
                Quote: RUSS
                Do not lie frankly

                You need to know the story. The truth in the letter is not to fight, although the presence of foreign troops was allowed, but destroyed. (The main result).
                1946 73-year-old General Anton Ivanovich Denikin, who at that time was living in the United States, wrote a letter to US President Harry Truman.
                The Soviet Union must be destroyed through internal struggle - a coup d'etat, debunking the "personality cult" of Stalin. As for the United States, they must guarantee Russia territorial integrity after the victory over Bolshevism.
                1. -10
                  31 December 2019 09: 55
                  Quote: naidas
                  You need to know the story.

                  So know that Denikin wrote about actions only in the case of DIRECT AGGRESSION of the USSR to the West.
                  1. 0
                    16 January 2020 15: 45
                    Yes, this letter is a fake. However, they are very fond of "reds" to shake them
                2. 0
                  16 January 2020 15: 44
                  hesitated you all to shake this fake.
                  1. 0
                    19 January 2020 14: 15
                    Quote: Sneaky Urus
                    hesitated you all to shake this fake.

                    And what about you.
                    1. 0
                      12 February 2020 11: 01
                      dear heart, do you know how the source differs from a simple piece of paper with letters?
          2. +10
            30 December 2019 19: 07
            Quote: Olgovich
            the fascists Tukhachevsky, Uborevich, Bukharin, etc. Kamenvy, "traitors to the Motherland

            Well, how much can you click the same thing? You yourself consider yourself a connoisseur of history, but you yourself do not understand the elementary - the dialectics of the class struggle.

            After the revolution, a lot of random people came to it, some for fame, some for positions in the Red Army, for example, a lieutenant could quickly grow to the commander, or even to the front commander. And what awaited a simple officer in the white army? At best, command a company; at worst, be privates in an officer regiment.

            In the civil war, the whole country was divided into two warring camps “red” and “white”, before the conspiracy of the 30s. no more than 15 years have passed, it is known that many of the former officers of the tsarist army did not fully recognize the new people's power, and many of them still nurtured the idea of ​​restoring the monarchy in Russia.

            And considering that out of the one hundred and thirty thousandth commanding staff of the Red Army, she had at least 70 percent in the service of former tsarist officers, there were quite a few who wanted to change the political system.

            Tukhachevsky, Uborevich and their accomplices also did not become Soviet people, they did not accept the ideas of socialism, they hatched the ideas of overthrowing the Stalinist leadership, and when the world smelled of war, the Red Army organized a conspiracy to plan a coup, which was planned to be held simultaneously with the German opposition officers.

            So Vyshinsky was not far from the truth.
            1. -9
              31 December 2019 10: 04
              Quote: Alexander Green
              Tukhachevsky, Uborevich and their accomplices also did not become Soviet people, they did not accept the ideas of socialism, they hatched the ideas of overthrowing the Stalinist leadership,

              Thus, the overwhelming MINORITY of the leadership of the Bolsheviks became Soviet people. ALL the first Leninist Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, ALL the First Council of People's Commissars, 75% of the Central Committee - destroyed - "did not fit into the ry ... oh! In sicilism" Yes lol
              Quote: Alexander Green
              So Vyshinsky was near from the truth.

              Well, as I agree with you !! good All of these destroyed the USSR Pre-Ministers, People’s Commissars, Zimny ​​Winter’s helmsmen and c. wars, members of the Politburo, etc., etc. hi
              1. +4
                31 December 2019 15: 34
                Quote: Olgovich
                ALL the first Leninist Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union, ALL the First Council of People's Commissars, 75% of the Central Committee - destroyed - "did not fit into the ry ... oh! In sicilism"

                Well, what can you do - a weak man, not everyone is given a firm stand on Bolshevik positions.
                You, as a “connoisseur” of history, must remember the betrayal of Zinoviev and Kamenev, who gave the dates of the uprising, Nogin and others like him, who deserted from the Council of People's Commissars at a difficult moment, to remember how Bukharin called on the kulaks to enrich themselves, and there are many such examples. IN AND. Lenin then gave many of them an exhaustive description in his famous letter to the Central Committee.

                After the revolution and the civil war, there were many other parties clinging to the CPSU (B.) - former Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Bundists, etc. They immediately began to fight against the Leninist Central Committee, and after the death of Lenin openly opposed the Leninist plan of building socialism. They suffered for a long time, exhorted, tried to re-educate. but when they went into direct action, they were given a hand.

                In addition to them, the party had many compromisers with a petty-bourgeois consciousness, such as Rykov, who supported the struggle against the Central Committee, and while the Bolsheviks brought up by Lenin and Stalin were alive, the working Bolsheviks who joined in 1924 on Lenin's call, the party fought with all deviations.

                But during the war, I repeat on purpose, for those who are especially dull, the party suffered heavy losses, three members of the Communist Party died. They were replaced by heroes, but politically illiterate, and while Stalin was alive, the dictatorship of the proletariat rested on his authority, the party was on the right track.

                After the death of I.V. Stalin, a coup d'etat was made by masking degenerates like Khrushchev, they ceased to fight with the petty-bourgeois deviation, as a result, there was a shift in the mass consciousness of the people and the party towards petty-bourgeois ideology, which led to the collapse of socialism and then to the destruction of the USSR.
            2. -3
              9 January 2020 14: 52
              What nonsense are you talking about)
              ALL of these people became victims of internal party bickering, and their fate has nothing to do with their personal attitude to the Soviet regime. They were at the wrong position at the wrong time - that’s all.
              1. +1
                9 January 2020 20: 32
                Quote: mamonthful
                They were at the wrong position at the wrong time - that’s all.

                This is what all carriers of the petty-bourgeois consciousness think, and those with a proletarian consciousness believe. that it was a class struggle, socialism in the USSR was at stake or not. :
                1. -2
                  9 January 2020 22: 02
                  That is the opinion of all literate people who know the history of Soviet Russia. Well, there are stubborn ones who are ready to believe every turn of the party line, because otherwise they have nothing to believe in, emptiness inside them.
                  1. +1
                    9 January 2020 23: 46
                    Quote: mamonthful
                    That is the opinion of all literate people who know the history of Soviet Russia.

                    Literacy and knowledge of history does not mean that a person stands on class proletarian positions. But the process is underway, and many of our compatriots are already showing class awareness, and soon there will be a majority.
          3. +5
            1 January 2020 15: 17
            The "center" of Russia is the Kremlin wall.Something.Whiteguard DRAW !!!! not seen against the wall.
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            What kind of people? Degenerates who do not remember how this same Denikin called on the United States to fight with Russia?

            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            What kind of people? Degenerates who do not remember how this same Denikin called on the United States to fight with Russia?

            And also Olgovichi. And others like him.
        2. -8
          1 January 2020 12: 24
          And everything that you spit here is little truth, you really do not know anything about a single commander described by you who opposed the red units. So after listening to any propaganda that propaganda of the Red Terror drove into your head .. You confuse the white commanders, the white army, with the Cossack chieftains. You confuse goals and objectives, officers of the white army, and atamans of the Cossacks, in the internecine war of post-revolutionary Russia, organized by the Bolshevik party throughout the Russian Empire. But their goals were different and the tasks were different, and the conduct of the war (why fight the Reds) were different. A lot of people, far from St. Petersburg and Moscow, ordinary people and Cossacks, were not happy with the actions of the Reds and raised uprisings against them all over the country. And on the Volga, and in Little Russia, and in the Don, Urals, Caucasus, Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Far East .. But the uprisings were extremely fragmented, small, without material resources .. And therefore, they were suppressed with extreme cruelty by the Reds. Decades there was a war in different parts of the country, millions of dead, executed, exiled to the camps of dissatisfied with the red government of the citizens of RI. Several tens of millions left the country, having gone abroad. What do you think these people driven from their lands, robbed of the red, devoid of their homes, the graves of their ancestors, will be loyal to the Red Government and are glad that they were kicked out? Do you think that these millions of people of different classes would not want to regain their homes, even with the devils themselves, to expel that government in Moscow and regain what they lost? That’s the answer, why some of the citizens who fled abroad, or gathered forcefully in the Red Army, switched to the side of the enemy of the USSR, hoping to regain their former status.
      2. +16
        30 December 2019 12: 32
        Again he came to talk nonsense. If these are the guardians, then not the Russian land, but their class privileges, who pulled RI into the Middle Ages with their greed and stupidity. The "guardians", with their stubborn clinging to the class structure, brought the country to the catastrophe of February 1917, and in fact could not offer anything except to live in the old days, simultaneously committing crimes against their own people to protect their medieval rights and views.
    3. +1
      30 December 2019 21: 04
      And where did your grandmother live - what village? And who she was. What year of birth? Russian or Kyrgyz?
      Give the facts. And then maybe they composed everything?

      Something your statement is similar to the usual modern anti-Russian and anti-Cossack Kazakhstan chauvinistic false propaganda.

      In the fall of 1919 I have a complete selection of red documents from archives, including the actions of the Cossacks. Check your "grandmother."
    4. +1
      30 December 2019 21: 05
      I asked you some questions. In my opinion, you are repeating the backsides of modern Kazakh propaganda
    5. -3
      31 December 2019 18: 13
      What are your edges? How old are you and how old is your grandmother?
  2. +4
    30 December 2019 07: 36
    Despite everything, the Civil War in Russia is the essence of the tragedy of the Russian people!
    1. +7
      30 December 2019 08: 09
      The trouble is that, as it began in 1918, it still has not ended. And apparently it will not end long.
      1. -1
        30 December 2019 13: 41
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        so still not over.

        I do not agree. This phase of the civil has ended. But the contradictions have moved to a different level. Between public and personal consciousness. The creation of a new type of person has encountered an undeveloped community. And it failed.
        1. +6
          30 December 2019 14: 11
          Why is society not developed? I believe that society under Stalin was quite developed. Another thing is that the traitor Khrushch came to power and the history curve started in a different direction.
          For example, I am sure that if in 1953 we did not turn off the Stalinist path of development, we would now live under fully developed socialism, or even communism could be. Such a pace of the country's development as under Stalin was not dreamed of by any country in the world, including modern China.
          1. -2
            30 December 2019 14: 32
            The Alexander man cannot simultaneously abandon the acquired experience of a personal family in which he spent his life. Of course there have been changes, but they must be supported by lengthy tests of expediency and tranquility. And this was not always possible due to the extreme tasks of the time that the people faced . War. Quick recovery. Struggle for power parity. And this also kills the best aspirations. Want to stop and digest the deed. To consolidate the acquired skills.
            In general, for the most part, the people were pulled out of feudalism and in places from the primitive communal system and put into the socialist system. The tasks became more complicated and the skills remained the same. .
          2. -2
            5 January 2020 10: 59
            [quote] [/ q Such a pace of development of the country as under Stalin did not dream of any country in the world, including modern China.uote]
            People believed in communists, there was an enthusiastic upsurge, there was a goal, a bright future, but then people realized that this was a hoax.
        2. +4
          30 December 2019 15: 09
          Maybe the opposite? Consciousness of the majority is not ripe for a new society? A conflict of personal and public interests destroyed the USSR.
  3. +7
    30 December 2019 08: 31
    They killed all this shobla, the road is there for them.
    1. -7
      30 December 2019 14: 26
      Quote: Free Wind
      They killed all this shobla, the road is there for them.

      Are you talking about repression against the Soviet military, namely against officers?
      1. 0
        30 December 2019 15: 17
        Quote: RUSS
        Are you talking about repression against the Soviet military, namely against officers?

        You would at least read a textbook on the French Revolution. Nobody canceled the emergence of a new bourgeoisie, the Bolsheviks fought this as they could, emigration waited and hoped. Millions of Frenchmen paid for her appearance in France, we have many with her coming in 1991 and the country continues to pay
        1. -5
          30 December 2019 16: 06
          Quote: naidas
          Nobody has canceled the appearance of a new bourgeoisie, the Bolsheviks fought this as best they could,

          How could you? In consumption?
          1. -8
            30 December 2019 23: 28
            "The revolution has a beginning, the revolution has no end." sad
            From 1917 to 1953 - 35 years of almost continuous internal terror.
            Civil life in the USSR began to warm and develop only after the death of Stalin,
            when the terrorist dictatorship of Stalin was replaced by the moderate dictatorship of the Politburo.
            1. +2
              3 January 2020 12: 25
              How did the population tormented by inhuman terror increase in the years indicated by you:

              Or, as one of our glamorous little animals farted recently - they gave birth to slaves for the country against all odds?
  4. -2
    30 December 2019 10: 24
    The heroism of white officers is constantly addressed by the Dear Leader.
  5. 0
    30 December 2019 11: 18
    For the Russian people, a long peace is the tragedy of the last war .....
    As the history of the state began with the words "our lands are abundant, but there is no order, come and rule over us" - and so we end.

    Curious statement of Yu. Boldyrev after his meeting with the Kemerovo miners:
    We need those that are not sold later ... Do you know what they answer me? “There are no such things as to not be resold.” What do I have to say to them in the end? There is nothing to cry. If you don’t have these, then you have no choice but to go and surrender to those who have such people - the Chinese, Japanese, Americans ... If society is not able to fight betrayal - it will simply be wiped off the face of the earth. This is the main thing that, it seems, our people have not yet realized. "

    1. +1
      30 December 2019 15: 21
      Quote: ort
      “There aren’t such that they are not resold”

      It’s in vain that you are so against people and the country. People are responding because they have been given the task by the country's leadership.
      The leadership of the country will pose another task and there will be other answers.
  6. 0
    30 December 2019 17: 00
    . 4th Soviet Army Voskanov

    Kaspar Vaskanyan, a native of a peasant family from Bessarabia (Grigoriopol, 30 km from Tiraspol), in the "prison of peoples oppressed by landowners, clergymen and capitalists" made a career without cronyism from the son of a small village craftsman to Lieutenant Colonel RIA (personal nobility, etc.), awarded orders and golden weapons. At the age of 33 he "believed" in the world revolution and the world proletariat. In Civic he was distinguished by his onslaught and ruthlessness. After the death of his patron, fellow countryman, Frunze actually remained out of work, for a couple of years he dangled in the reserve of the Red Army personnel, then for a couple of years he dangled around the USSR attachés in tertiary countries like Turkey or Finland. After the overthrow of Trotsky, he received a technical position at Osoaviakhim, where he sat until his logical end in 1938 as an accomplice of the "Trotskyist military conspiracy" (the Trotskyists kicked him out of the Red Army in 1926, that's where the irony of fate is). The man tried so hard, with such frenzy beat and spread rot on his former comrades-in-arms in RIA, whom he had recently led into battle in WWI, and how did the unclean man pay him off? - shards
    1. +5
      30 December 2019 18: 14
      Quote: Corrie Sanders
      actually remained out of work, hanging out for a couple of years in the reserve of personnel of the Red Army, then hanging out for a couple of years on Soviet attachés in third-rate countries like Turkey or Finland

      As a result, Voskanov considered himself underestimated, and there is no irony of fate, the Trotskyists kicked out, the Trotskyists and greeted. In the 30s, when the conspiracy in the Red Army matured, they were looking for just such underestimated ones, promised an important position, and this is what Voskanov pecked at. And the time was harsh ...
  7. 0
    30 December 2019 20: 57
    Another compilation samsoniada. Everything is as usual.
    Of course, there are many factual errors, but it makes no sense to parse them. The local left-wing audience is already doing so. She actually does not need history.

    So, only replicas. Tolstov’s headquarters and he himself were not in Guryev, it’s a lie, they went off by a different route. The accusation that silver was not harmfully spent on the purchase of camels and food is rubbish. There was nowhere to buy, resources were exhausted, and the Kyrgyz migrated. There are a lot of authentic documents in my archive about the allocation of significant sums of money by the deputy chieftain General Martynov to combat units and institutions. About amnesty - also a lie. She was promised, but certainly not fulfilled. The Reds started executions right in the occupied Guryev and Prorva.
    1. -2
      1 January 2020 12: 44
      The Reds started executions not only in Guryev and Prorva .. But much earlier. Even in Ilek, Red, Uralsk, Sugar, Lbischensk, Kalmykov, Inder, Guryev .... So, that throughout the Urals there were executions and extermination of all. Robberies, and rape. You have some kind of documents, I don’t know what you mean .. But long ago, from Atzam Brisbane (Australia) Ataman S.V. Tolstov wrote a chronology of the retreat of the Ice Camp, starting from Guryev to Fort Aleksandrovsk, and then went through battles through kizilbashi to Iran. All the victims of the last campaign have long been indicated. How they died in the cold in the steppe, And the arrest of the weak 80-year-old General Lieutenant V. Tolstov, the former chieftain of the Terek Cossack army, the father of the last chieftain S.V. Tolstoy in Fort Aleksandrovsky and his transfer to the Solovetsky Monastery, where he died. this is documented in the book - The Last Campaign of the Ural Separate Army. January-February 1920. Memoirs of the participants. " The book consists of memoirs of participants in a tragic campaign in January-February 1920 from the territory of the Ural Cossack Army to Fort Aleksandrovsky. Therefore, it’s strange for me sometimes to hear what you write here. I am a native of Guryev, and who knows about this last trip is not by hearsay. and from his relatives, who lived throughout the Urals From Lbischensk to Guryev, a descendant of his great-grandfather, who was shot in Guryev prison, much is known about this tragedy in the Urals. Tolstoy's headquarters and Tolstov himself, was in Guryev. And he himself, Guryev, from the village of Zelenovskaya, had his own home in Guryev, and the last campaign began with Guryev, after a big meeting with the commanders, and the Cossacks in Guryev. So not everyone went south, part went to the side of the village of Chizhenskaya, one group of Serov went to Astrakhan, and the third group, organizing a partisan detachment, left the steppes beyond the Urals, and fought until 21.
  8. 0
    30 December 2019 21: 09
    And why not mention that the real Chepayev was shot by the Chekists, having beaten Chapaevskaya after him, Kutyakov, who actually commanded the Reds during this period? The peasant, the front-line soldier, the organizer of the red troops, the mass of merits, was never a Trotskyist, but also received a well-deserved bullet from his own.
    1. 0
      30 December 2019 22: 35
      And why did they put cons to me)))) It's not me who shot him. Or was there no execution, comrades Bolsheviks and sympathizers?
      Although bet, this is a sign of your weakness. You have nothing to argue with any of my words, Kutyakov is the best Chepaevite, by the way - a military nugget, talent.
      Yes, you yourself say, they shot only for the cause. As they wrote then in the newspapers - dog dog death. So Kutyakov turned out to be a vile double-dealer and someone else's agent. The Soviet government and the Leninist party cannot be wrong, can they?
  9. +2
    30 December 2019 21: 48
    Woe to the vanquished.
    I’m a Ural Cossack, but my great-grandfather was among the winners, thank you for that, I often visit my small homeland, signpost Berlin, or Paris, you can wrap up relatives in Varna, went to dances to Moscow / Moscow, Borodinovka is a bunch of relatives, etc. d ..
    The civil war is very cruel, the choice or or, it did not work out. In Soviet times, they preferred not to stir up the past.
    1. -1
      30 December 2019 22: 30
      The towns of Varna and Paris are Orenburg Cossacks. Never Ural. The Ural Cossacks are in the past egg. First, research the family history, so as not to be embarrassed)))
      1. +2
        30 December 2019 23: 17
        Yes, I do not care, I do not suffer from Cossack exceptionalism, for me it's all the Urals. And the Urals is a very long concept. I know perfectly well that the difference is purely geographical, as the human contingent is the same, the hodgepodge from all over the Russian Empire, like all the Cossacks of this border line.
        1. -3
          31 December 2019 01: 29
          You do not know anything about Cossacks. The difference between the Orenburg and Yaitsky Cossacks is entirely geographical.
          But since you don’t care, the path in your head remains a hodgepodge. Just do not think of yourself in vain as a Cossack or his descendant. Why shake the air, stick on, since you do not care? For the sake of a red word.
          But the highlanders, but at least the same Kazakhs, for example, do care. The memory of the ancestors is known and respected, and for their insult, you can get it.
          The point here is not exclusiveness, the matter is respect for the ancestors and knowledge of their life.
          However, nothing surprises me, the Soviepy among the Russians gave birth to many mankurts, typical of "Ivanovs who do not remember kinship." Russians, including Cossacks, were deprived of their roots consciously and, it must be said, successfully. You are one of them, and there are millions of them.
          There is such a Cossack proverb, excuse me, your grandfather was a Cossack, your father is a Cossack son, and you are a dog’s tail.

          You say “woe to the vanquished,” but why did you think that you are a winner today?
          You are also defeated, regardless of whether your ancestors fought for white or red. And the winners are those who have arrogated to themselves today the national treasure of Russia. But if the whole nation accepts the fact that it is defeated, then it will no longer be the people, but the biomass doomed to be eaten.
          1. +2
            31 December 2019 11: 15
            Here is another nationalist on my head, just like a Cossack son. At first I was Russian only then a Cossack, and from that I traced the paternal line to the beginning of the 19th century, but the maternal line of peasants until the mid-18th century (about a hundred peasants from near Perm bought land from the Bashkirs in the archive there is an agreement indicating how much silver, copper and buckets of vodka paid) you can dig further - I beat myself in the chest with my left heel. There are still Mordovians through the great-grandmother and ran the grunts. What do I delete them from historical memory. Grandfathers fought in the Patriotic War, the latter recently buried. All Soviet history. So go to Ukraine, they like to measure their blood exclusiveness there, and to correct their history, there is no biomass.
            So arguing is useless.
            1. -1
              31 December 2019 17: 04
              All that you wrote about me is the fruit of your wounded pride. I don’t give a damn about your cheap self-promotion. But essentially you have nothing to say. You yourself called yourself an Ural Cossack; I didn’t pull you by the tongue. And now it suddenly became clear that you have no national self-identification, you are not a Ural Cossack, but no one. Mixed in a bunch of grandfathers and victory.)))

              Well, self-respecting peoples have a national identity, but you don’t have it. It happens. I'm so sorry. Everything else from you is an ordinary confused stream of consciousness and propaganda cliches.

              And in order to search for nations that respect themselves, one does not have to nod at the shamed anti-Russian Ukraine. Scoops are better off looking at the great Great Han national China. However, you will not understand, not a horse feed.
              1. +1
                31 December 2019 18: 50
                Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                And now it suddenly became clear that you have no national self-identification, you are not a Ural Cossack, but no one.

                About the nationality "Cossack", can you give more details? When and how was it formed? How does the face of the Cossack nationality differ from the Russians? Etc...
          2. +1
            1 January 2020 23: 41
            Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
            the point is respect for the ancestors and knowledge of their life.
            However, nothing surprises me, the Soviepy among the Russians gave birth to many mankurts, typical of "Ivanovs who do not remember kinship." Russians, including Cossacks, were deprived of their roots consciously and, it must be said, successfully. AT

            I'm shy to remind-
            1) By 1917, the Cossacks almost completely ceased to perform border functions. Amur and Semirechye remained, the rest sat deep inside the country
            2) the percentage of Cossacks called up for war is lower than the percentage of other classes called up from the total
            3) Well, about the fact that they deserted and forgot the oath almost without exception - it’s even indecent to say something ..

            And even the Cossacks managed to annoy the whole country so that they were killed mercilessly throughout the whole country. Both sides captured the peasants / workers and were not abhorred.
            But no one was happy with the Cossacks .....

            By the way, in my vicinity, AlGay, Novouzensk, Ozinki, the old people recalled the Cossacks very badly ....
            1. -3
              2 January 2020 00: 35
              1 - lies, Cossacks are not only border guards (by the way, you forgot about the Trans-Baikal and Ussuri people) more important - the speed of mobilization.
              2 - lies. According to the calculations of Trud and Voskoboinikov, the rate of mobilization of the Cossacks was 12,5 percent of the male population, non-Cossack population - 4,2 percent. During the World War, Cossacks were mobilized much more than this norm (for the Urals, for example, 18 percent). According to Golovin, in the army infantry (not from the Cossacks) there was a ratio of 65 percent of bloody losses to 35 percent of prisoners. And the Cossacks - 94 and 6. That is, the resilience of the Cossacks significantly exceeded the army.
              3. lies. Almost all Cossack units left the front organized. There were practically no cases of the murder of their officers. But the men in soldier's overcoats — yes, they robbed and killed. They shot their officers. In Gomel, for example, they burned and looted warehouses, staged a massive robbery and a Jewish pogrom.
              Repeat false Soviet myths less and do not flood on topics that you are not familiar with.
              1. -4
                2 January 2020 00: 39
                And in my vicinity (Uralsk) your reds came as fascists, robbed, raped and killed. Moreover, it was yours that first came to us in 1918, we did not touch yours, and only then we began to take revenge. Moreover, only those with blood on their hands.
                And take an interest, there are already documents, what a gangster was your New Uzensky Sapozhkov and how many Saratov villages the Chepaevites themselves burned. Let me remind you - for example, the massacre in Semenovka.
              2. 0
                2 January 2020 15: 59
                Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                1 - lies, Cossacks are not only border guards (by the way, you forgot about the Trans-Baikal and Ussuri people) more important - the speed of mobilization.

                against who mobilized in the late 19th - early 20th century "internal" (and there is no other way to name the Cossacks of the Don, Urals, Orenburg, Astrakhan)?
                They completely lost any military significance at this point - as World War I showed.
                Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                lies. According to the calculations of Trud and Voskoboinikov, the rate of mobilization of the Cossacks was 12,5 percent of the male population, non-Cossack population - 4,2 percent.

                "According to the 1897 census, which also took into account the belonging to the estates, about 3 million people (1 men and 448 women) identified themselves as the Cossack estate."
                During the First World War, almost 300 thousand Cossacks were drafted into the Russian army, of which:
                "110 thousand in the Don army;
                89 thousand in the Kuban army;
                27 thousand in the Orenburg army;
                18 thousand in the Terek army;
                13 thousand in the Transbaikal army;
                13 thousand in the Ural army;
                11,5 thousand in the Siberian army;
                4,5 thousand in the Semirechensky army;
                2 thousand in the Astrakhan army;
                1 thousand in the Amur army;
                400 people in the Ussuriysk army. "
                I agree - many were called on from the total number of men.
                Only now the war was massive - and 13 Ural Cossacks did not do weather on it already in principle. Unless in the first 000 days of the war .... well, and then ...
                Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                Almost all Cossack units left the front organized by.
                -throwing even if it is falling apart - but the front. They deserted the whole parts ..

                and now we are looking smoothly - and why the Cossacks didn’t like it so much .... I won’t even tell you, why in Russia they treated the priests and Cossacks so badly - think for yourself. These two categories of the population ..
                And do not about the fact that the priests did not allow robbing, and the rich Cossacks were ....
                Everything was much more fun ...

                Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                . In Gomel, for example, they burned and looted warehouses, staged a massive robbery and a Jewish pogrom.

                Chapaev Solyanka was forced to build a bridge in the summer, but the river was destroyed by the Cossacks in the middle of winter without roofs - they were dismantled for building dugouts and positions ...
                So everyone then destroyed their enemy without any remorse and morality
                1. -4
                  2 January 2020 21: 18
                  Got mad - streamline. About the percentage of those called up was leaked, now you are trying to replace one question with another. About the importance of the Cossacks, despite their numbers - I will not tell. Do not understand. If you want, see for yourself that the Cossacks made up the majority of the Russian cavalry. And according to the share of those awarded, for example, St. George's awards - the best after the guard. So it is not for you, the Muzlans, to be measured.
                  From the front, our Cossacks left AFTER the Bolshevik coup and the wholesale flight to the rear of you, the Muzlans. So it’s not for you, Soviet deputies, to reproach the Cossacks.
                  Why did you, Saratov Muzlans, “not love us”? But because they envied our economy. They themselves could not. Among you, the German colonists also lived well, the yards are paved with bricks, and you are in manure and envy. On this the Bolsheviks picked you up))))
                  And once again I congratulate you on the flow around. Blah blah about the roof - leave in favor of the illiterate.
                  The civil war was launched on Easter 1918 by the campaign of the Saratov army against the Ural Cossacks. We did not invade you. The aggressors are you. Documentary irrefutable fact. Already in the first Stone Village seized by the Red Muzlans, one third of the houses were immediately burned, but all were looted. The remaining civilian Cossack population was subjected to massacre and violence. In Zelenovsky village, a priest was brutally tortured right in the church. And this was the very beginning of the Civil.
                  There are archival materials. So don’t wash the black male white, as you are not trying.
                  1. 0
                    3 January 2020 20: 09
                    Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                    Why did you, Saratov Muzlans, “not love us”? But because they envied our economy.

                    And Germans in the 1940s were hated by those whom the Germans called "subhumans." Why? Hardly because of the envy of the farm.
                  2. -1
                    5 January 2020 19: 10
                    Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                    If you want - see for yourself what the Cossacks made most (??)Russian cavalry.
                    Well, let's say if the "majority" is 45% of the cavalry - yes ...
                    "During mobilization, Russia put up thirty-five cavalry divisions in the composition sixty seven regular and fifty seven Cossack regiments of the army cavalry. "
                    this is to the issue of strength

                    Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                    Why did you, Saratov Muzlans, “not love us”? But because envied to our au pair.
                    - turn on the head to start ...
                    Why were priests and Cossacks killed in the first place - and atrocious? Don’t you know? Why were quite prosperous Germans of the Volga region just cutting Cossacks / priests - just like men?
                    No landowners / merchants / farmers / noblemen - they were simply robbed (they could have been killed in a fever, but this rarely happened), but it was your brother who was killed - always with terrible hatred?
                    did not think?
                    think about it .....
                    Moreover, on the White side you and yours were not particularly loved ....

                    I’m honestly surprised at all (at the time of the scenario !!) - how did the Cossack survive at least

                    Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                    you Muzlans.

                    Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                    you are in manure and envy.

                    Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                    And once again I congratulate you on the flow around.

                    strong arguments in dispute, by golly ...
                    1. -2
                      6 January 2020 01: 52
                      Why should I give you arguments? But you even managed to sit down in a puddle for the second time on the question of the share of Cossacks in the entire cavalry in the First World War. They brought up plans out of context.
                      Although all the data is openly on the Internet, how many Cossack regiments were in the army cavalry and how many Cossack regiments were in them, and how many over that Cossack divisions and brigades.
                      To argue with you is not to respect yourself and to waste time in vain. So streamline.

                      As for the brutal reprisals - it is funny that even today be proud of it. Even the Soviet government then was somehow shy and began to hide its genocide against the Cossacks.
                      Speaking of German colonists - they lied again, well, this does not surprise.
                      1. -1
                        6 January 2020 15: 52
                        1) what were torn out? In the fact that the second half of the cavalry (no less !!!) at the beginning of the war amounted to NOT Cossacks?
                        what are you talking about? Do you want the Cossacks to play a significant role? here in these situations ????
                        "In Russia, about 16 million people, that is, over one third of all those placed under arms in the countries of the Entente and among its allies.
                        In June 1917, of the 521 divisions that the Entente had, 288 (55,3%) were Russian. The number of mobilized in Germany reached 13 million 250 thousand people, "
                        What is 300 versus 000 million?

                        Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                        As for the brutal reprisals - it's funny that even today be proud by this.
                        - quote where I personally am proud

                        Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                        Even the Soviet government then was somehow shy and began to hide its genocide against the Cossacks.
                        Soviet people were not embarrassed by this.
                        Sholokhov was quite famous

                        Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                        Speaking of German colonists - they lied again, well, this does not surprise.
                        -Sports names look out of sports interest. There are German surnames for a carriage (not Jewish!) ..

                        And on the subject of the dispute, I can say the Ural Cossacks as an army represented something until the middle of the 19th century, while the border existed.
                        Further, using the tsar’s benefits (fishing, tax-free and others), as well as the robbery of local nomads and smugglers became what it became ..
                        As soon as the king was overthrown, the Cossacks rushed home and did not give a damn about the oath, homeland and honor.
                        Remind me - on the second or third day the Cossack convoy appeared to swear allegiance to the Provisional Government?

                        Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
                        So streamline.
                        -This is necessary for those Cossacks who served in the SS. They are even allies disdained leave yourself.
                        The Germans (including the SSovtsev) were left to their own devices - and the Cossacks were disdained, given to Stalin - nobody needed traitors and traitors
      2. 0
        1 January 2020 12: 51
        That's for sure. Although now part of the original Ural regions has moved to the Orenburgers (Pervomaysky, Tashlinsky Iletsky) district.
  10. 0
    31 December 2019 19: 43
    Gentlemen, comrades, I’m reading your comments and I think now give you checkers, you chop off each other’s boshki to the joy of the true enemies of Russia))) What are you measuring with pissy? I am ashamed of you, gentlemen, comrades. (((((
  11. +1
    1 January 2020 07: 30
    civil war is one of the greatest tragedies of our homeland
  12. 0
    1 January 2020 09: 08
    Two of my cousins ​​passed this campaign to the end. The older one stayed in Persia (Iran), in 1986, under Gorbachev, he found us all, wrote, he never had time to come home. Another Bear was vilified to the house through Mongolia and China. In the 30s he served, his wife and children died. Until the end of his life he no longer married. He lived in a wandering place, was unsociable, although he was respected in the village. With my own grandfather Sasha (after World War I served on the side of the Reds) and did not talk with my nephews, they lived nearby, and met only on holidays. It’s a pity that I was then a little 10-13 years old, but I also remembered something of Mishka’s conversations. My family tried not to talk about this topic, otherwise they would explain to us how the brothers killed the brothers. You can write a novel on this topic. After them, there were no Cossacks left. The Cossacks did not have differences in nationality, this is a service class, and everything else is Duty and Honor. The oath is taken once.
  13. -5
    1 January 2020 11: 53
    The title of the author does not indicate the correct information. As a descendant of the Ural Cossacks, some of whom went abroad and some who are repressed, I can say that there was no WHITE Army in the Urals, and accordingly there were no white Cossacks - this is a fallacy and a distortion of the truth. The Ural Cossacks were isolated from all revolutionary confrontations, and at their congress the army Cossacks, from all the villages, and the army government, decided not to take either side, neither red nor white. but to live apart and peacefully. Until the end of 1919, they succeeded, and they even lived without opposing the Red Government in Samara and Orenburg. But after the defeat of the White Army, Kolchak, and the Orenburg Cossacks (Ataman Dutov), ​​who entered into an alliance with him, and the White Army retreat to Omsk. The Reds sent their strike to the South, to the Ural Cossacks, to subjugate them to themselves. Under these conditions, the Ural government and the electives from all the villages elect as chieftain General Tolstov, who gathered all the remnants of the Urals into a small army, to protect themselves from attacks on the lands of the Ural Cossack army of the Red Army. Considering that since the beginning and the middle of 1919 there was a TIF, and death mowed the villages, the already small Cossack army and the population of the Ural villages were constantly decreasing. Cut off by the Red Army from the supply of weapons and food, the Ural Cossacks were greatly weakened, in such conditions the Remains of the Ural Cossack troops were forced to retreat south, leaving the wounded and typhoid killed throughout the bloody path, arranged by the Red ... Ural Cossacks, who served faithfully The Russian Empire in almost all its wars since 1591, and created the power and fortress of the Russian state, together with the Russian troops and who gave hundreds of thousands of lives for their homeland in these wars, were destroyed by the Reds ....
    1. -1
      2 January 2020 03: 32
      No matter how many things happened, and all one thing they don’t like the Muzlana of the Cossacks, alas, that was and will be so ... Yes, there are plenty of impostors, asses aren’t washed, but they’ll mark Cossacks .. They just forget that the Urals know each other, few of us ...
      1. 0
        26 September 2020 12: 39
        It’s true.
  14. +3
    2 January 2020 12: 24
    "But on the second day of the journey, it became sharply warmer, it started raining, the water began to arrive, the ice washed away and it began to break when moving."

    one more confirmation: God was on the side of the Reds
    1. 0
      2 January 2020 21: 20
      And the Reds, judging by the rout of the churches, aren't they atheists?
  15. +2
    3 January 2020 11: 21
    Quote: Yaitsky Cossack
    And the Reds, judging by the rout of the churches, aren't they atheists?

    Apparently we are talking about the real God. He doesn’t live in your churches, since he’s not offended.