Makhno's blow to Denikin

Makhno's blow to Denikin

Rebel leaders in 1919 (from left to right): S. Karetnik, N. Makhno, F. Schus

Smoot. 1919 year. The Makhno guerrilla war to destroy the rear of the White Army had a noticeable impact on the course of the war and helped the Red Army repel Denikin’s troops offensive against Moscow.

People and White Power

As previously noted ("Why did the White Army lose"), the fundamental reason for the defeat of the White movement was the "white project" itself - bourgeois-liberal, pro-Western. The Westernist feudalists, having curtailed Tsar Nicholas II, destroyed the autocracy and empire, created the Provisional Republican Government, tried to make Russia a part of the "civilized world", Europe. However, their actions became a troubles detonator. The whites lost power. To return it, they, with the participation of Western "partners", unleashed a civil war. Their victory signified the dominance of capitalism and the bourgeois-liberal order. This was contrary to the deep interests of Russian civilization and the people.

All other causes, contradictions, and problems that led to the defeat of White came from here. Robberies and requisitions were common for all warriors, causing hatred of the population, reducing the social base of the White movement. Especially robberies were characteristic of Cossacks and mountain units. The Donets of Mamontov, having carried out a successful raid on the rear of the Southern Front in August - September 1919, returned with huge convoys and loaded with various goods. Then most of the Cossacks went home to take away their prey and celebrate. The chairman of the Tersky circle Gubarev, who himself fought, reported: “Of course, you should not send uniforms. They’ve changed ten times already. A Cossack returns from a campaign loaded so that he and a horse cannot be seen. And the next day he goes camping again in one torn Circassian. ” Some commanders looked at such disgraces by closing their eyes. In particular, when Yekaterinoslav was captured, the Cossacks Shkuro and Irmanov walked around the city well.

There were objective factors for the robberies - poor supply, lack of a developed and permanent rear, a normally functioning monetary system. Troops often "fed" from the population, as in the Middle Ages, switched to "self-supply". Entire echelons or convoys followed the troops, which the regiments loaded with “their” property, good. In reserve. The hope of getting something from the rear was weak. Denikins were unable to organize a normal monetary system, as a result, the troops did not receive a salary for two to three months. Therefore, instead of buying the necessary products, the White Guards often resorted to requisition or outright robbery. Moreover, the war raised criminal, dark elements from the social bottom. They were in the White and Red armies. It is clear that the white command tried to deal with these phenomena, which very quickly turned the regular units into gangs. Harsh laws and relevant orders were issued at all levels. Crimes were investigated by emergency commissions. However, to stop this evil in the chaos of unrest failed.

The rear Denikin administration was weak. There were no cadres, usually not the best people went to the local administration, those who wanted to avoid the front line, or were unsuitable for military service. Appointed and officers, but usually from the old, crippled, left without a post. For them, civilian administration was new, had to delve into, or rely on assistants. There were many loafers, dark personalities, speculators, businessmen who used the troubles for personal gain. As a result, the Denikin administration was not able to solve the problem of establishing law and order in the rear.

The Denikin government was not able to solve the land issue, to carry out agrarian reform. Agricultural laws were developed: they planned to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises at the expense of state and landowner lands. In each locality, they were going to introduce the maximum of the land that remained in the hands of the previous owner, the surplus was transferred to low-land. However, the Kolchak government, which was subordinate to the Special Meeting under the Supreme Commander of the All-Union Socialist League, (advisory body in the field of legislation and the supreme administration under the commander-in-chief of the Volunteer Army), postponed the solution of this issue. The temporary Kolchak law entered into force, which prescribed until the Constituent Assembly to preserve land ownership of the previous owners. This led to the fact that the previous owners, returning to the territory occupied by the whites, began to demand the return of land, livestock, equipment, and compensation for losses. It was not until the fall of 1919 that a special meeting returned to this question, but did not succeed in bringing the matter to an end. The issue of land ownership and, in general, property rights was a key issue for the owners of the White movement. It is clear that this also did not add popularity to the White Guards among the broad masses. The peasants have already de facto resolved the land issue in their favor.

As a result, the Bolsheviks quite easily won the information war against the White movement. Even realizing the mighty power of such weaponsas propaganda, the White Guards failed to use it properly. The Bolsheviks massively and professionally processed not only their rear and front, but also the white rear. In Siberia, in the south of Russia, in the Russian North, mass uprisings were everywhere in the rear of the whites. At the same time, in Central Russia, while the struggle with the White Army was ongoing, it was relatively quiet. Peasants deserted in droves from the Red Army, and rebelled against the Bolsheviks, but they hated whites more. It was historical memory. With the White Guards, the "master" went to the peasants, who had traditionally been hated since serfdom, whose estate was burned back in 1917, after February, when the peasant war began. Lands, cattle and other good were divided or destroyed. With the "master" came the "Cossack nagayshchiki" - a scarecrow for the peasants, at all times pacifying peasant riots, stealing entire villages.

Thus, Denikinites had to fight not only against the Red Army, but entire armies in the rear. Denikin had to hold troops to keep the North Caucasus, to fight with the highlanders, the army of the emir Uzun-Khadzhi, various “green” bandits, atamans and fathers, Petliurists and Makhnovists, who had popular support in New Russia and Little Russia. The forces of the Red Army had to be distributed on different fronts and directions.

Session of the Special Meeting under the Commander-in-Chief of the All-Union Union of Socialist Liberal Union Summer 1919 of the year. Taganrog. From left to right, General I.P. Romanovsky, General A.I. Denikin, K.N. Sokolov. Standing - N.I. Astrov, N.V. Savich

City and Village War

All over Russia, there was a war not only of white and red, but also of a clash of power (any power) with the Russian village. Today, many do not know that at that time Russia was a peasant country. The endless peasant sea and the islands of urban civilization. 85% of the inhabitants of the empire are villagers. Moreover, many workers were children of peasants, or just came from the village (first-generation workers). February of the 1917 of the year led to a terrible disaster - the state collapsed. The last state bonds, the autocracy and the army, were destroyed. The chatter of liberal temporary workers, "democracy" and "freedom" as they understood it meant nothing to the peasants.

The village made a decision: enough to endure power on its neck. From now on, peasants did not want to serve in the army, pay taxes, comply with laws adopted in cities, pay exorbitant prices for manufactured goods and give bread for nothing. The peasant world opposed generally any government and state. Everywhere, peasants divided the state and landowner lands, created self-defense units, fought first with one power, then with another. Partisan peasants at first fought fiercely with the whites, and then, when the Reds defeated, they also opposed the Soviet regime.

Both white and red forced the peasants to supply their cities and armies with food. They acted in the same way: they introduced a food reconnaissance, formed food detachments (specially detached parts of the whites), they took away bread, livestock, etc. With this, industry in the country stood up. The city, as before in peacetime, could not give the village manufactured goods in exchange for provisions. I had to take it by force, until the Bolsheviks could not win and, at the very least, but launched the industry. This caused the most fierce resistance of the village. In turn, whites destroyed entire villages, declaring them to be “gangster’s nests”, and shot hostages - relatives of “gangsters”. In Kolchak Siberia, troops acted against the people as the most cruel enemy: mass executions, executions, burning of rebellious villages, confiscation and indemnity. The Reds also acted when they crushed the peasant freemen (like Antonov-Ovseenko and Tukhachevsky in the Tambov region) with the most merciless. True, unlike the whites, the Reds acted with great success and yet were able to suppress the peasant element, which, if it was defeated, could kill Russian civilization and the people.

The project of free cultivators

The peasant world put forward its project for the future of Russia - the world of freemen, free farmers. The village opposed any government and state. This was the response of the people to the Westernization of Russia by the Romanovs, which went against the people and, for the most part, at their expense. When the autocracy collapsed, the village immediately began its war. And after October, when the two authorities, white and red, met in a fierce battle between themselves, the village did everything to completely destroy the state and establish a new life in conditions of complete disintegration.

The Russian peasantry put forward their unique project of the future - the utopian ideal of life for free cultivators, peasant communities. Peasants received land in the ownership and cultivated it on the basis of a neighboring community. The peasants paid a terrible price for this utopia. The peasant war and its suppression became, apparently, the most terrible page of the Russian Troubles. However, if the village could gain up, then this clearly led to the death of civilization and people. In the industrial XX century. the peasant world with guns and carts would not have survived the armies of industrialized countries with tanks, airplanes and artillery. Russia would be a victim of neighboring predators - Japan, Poland, Finland, England, the USA, etc.

War Makhno

The rich Little Russian peasantry, which was already accustomed to “free will”, did not need power. Therefore, almost immediately after the defeat of the Reds in Little Russia and New Russia, and the establishment of Denikin’s power, a new wave of peasant war began there. It began from the time of February, the Central Council, and continued during the Austro-German occupation, the Hetman, Petliura and the Soviets. One of the brightest leaders that peasant Russia gave the world was Nestor Ivanovich Makhno.

Makhno, after breaking up with the Bolsheviks and a summer defeat from the whites, led his partisan detachments west and towards the beginning of September 1919 approached Uman. Then he entered into a temporary alliance with the Petliurists and occupied the front against the whites. Petlyura provided territory for basing and recreation, space for the sick and wounded, and ammunition supply. Makhno recovered from defeat, his troops rested, replenished ranks due to fleeing from the White Red Army. Petliurites began to actively move to the dad, dissatisfied with the attempts of the Petliura command to restore at least some order (Makhno had a partisan freemen). Also, the Makhnovists successfully plundered numerous wagons of the defeated Southern Red Group (in the Odessa region), Soviet institutions and refugees, which ran parallel to the front from south to north. So the Makhnovists significantly replenished their reserves, seized a large number of horses and wagons. Thus, they secured further operations, got mobility.

Particularly increased the role of the main striking force - carts. This is a horse-drawn spring wagon with an easel machine gun aimed back in the direction of travel. 2-4 horses were harnessed to the cart, the crew - 2-3 people (driver, machine gunner and his assistant). The cart was used both for transporting infantry and in battle. At the same time, the overall speed of the detachment corresponded to the speed of cavalry marching at lynxes. Makhno units easily passed up to 100 km per day for several days in a row. Most often, carts were used to transport infantry and machine guns with calculation and ammunition. When approaching the battlefield, the crew removed the machine gun from the wagon and put it in position. Shooting directly from the cart was provided in exceptional cases, since in this case horses fell under enemy fire.

With Petliura, Makhno was out of the way. The old man did not support the idea of ​​"independent Ukraine". It was not possible to seize control over the Petliurites. In addition, the pressure of the White Guards increased, which threatened with a final defeat. The Makhnovists could not stand the frontal battle with the white. Makhno decided to break into his native places. On 12 (25) on September 1919, he unexpectedly raised his troops and went on a breakthrough, east, on the whites, who were located by the main forces under the village of Peregonovka. Two regiments of General Slashchev, not expecting an attack, were defeated, and the Makhnovists moved to the Dnieper. The rebels moved very quickly, the infantry was planted on carts and carts, tired horses were exchanged for fresh from the peasants.

Tachanka of Nestor Makhno, the museum of the city of Gulyai-Pole

The successes of the Makhnovists and the counterattack of Denikin’s

On 22 of September (5 of October), the Makhnovists were at the Dnieper, and having shot down the weak screens of whites, hastily put forward for the defense of the crossings, forced the river. Makhno returned to the Left-Bank Little Russia, took Alexandrovsk (Zaporozhye) and on September 24 (October 7) was in Gulyai-Pole, having overcome about 11 versts in 600 days. Soon Makhnovism spread over a vast territory. Denikin noted in his memoirs: “in early October, the rebels were in the hands of the rebels, Melitopol, Berdyansk, where they blew up artillery depots, and Mariupol - in 100 versts from Stavka (Taganrog). The rebels approached Sinelnikovo and threatened Volnovakha - our artillery base ... Random units — local garrisons, reserve battalions, and State Guard detachments, initially set up against Makhno, were easily defeated by his large gangs. The situation was becoming formidable and required exceptional measures. To suppress the uprising, it was necessary, despite the serious position of the front, to remove parts from it and use all the reserves. ... This rebellion, which took on such a wide scale, upset our rear and weakened the front in the most difficult time for him. ”

Under the leadership of Makhno there was a whole army - 40 — 50 thousand people. Her numbers constantly fluctuated, depending on current operations, victories or failures. In almost every village there were units that were subordinate to the headquarters of Makhno or acted independently, but on his behalf. They gathered in larger detachments, disintegrated, reunited. The core of the Makhnovist army consisted of approximately 5 thousand soldiers. These were desperate thugs who lived one day, a rampant freemen and adventurers, anarchists, former sailors and deserters from various armies, outright bandits. They often took turns - they died in battles, from illnesses, drank too much, but in their place there were new lovers of “free” life. Peasant regiments were also formed, the number of which reached up to 10 — 15 thousand people during major operations. In secret warehouses and caches in the villages hid a lot of weapons, up to cannons and machine guns, ammunition. If necessary, significant forces could be immediately raised and armed. Moreover, the peasants themselves considered themselves to be true Makhnovists, despised the "cadre" bandits, and on occasion destroyed them like mad dogs. But the authority of the father was iron.

White could not resist such a powerful uprising, the whole army, which was supported by the entire local peasantry. All the main forces were at the front against the Reds. The White Guard garrisons in the cities were extremely small, with several platoons or companies. Plus spare battalions. The state guard (police) has just begun to take shape and was small. All of these units were easily crushed by the large gangs of Makhno. Therefore, in a short time Makhnovists captured a large area. Artillery depots were located in Berdyansk, so the garrison was strong. However, the Makhnovists organized an uprising, the rebels hit the whites from the rear. Denikinites were defeated. The rebels blew up warehouses.

When taking cities, a very distinct picture of the general war of the city and the village was drawn. Behind the rebels hundreds, thousands of local peasants rushed into cities on carts. They exported everything that they could carry from shops, institutions and houses, weapons, ammunition, equipment. They mobilized the mobilized peasants, plundered and burned state institutions, army depots. Caught officers and officials were killed.

Thus, literally in 2-3 weeks, the Makhnovists crushed the rear of Denikin’s army in New Russia. The local administration was killed or fled, economic and civilian life was destroyed. Soon, the Makhnovists took Mariupol, threatened Taganrog, where there was a headquarters of Denikin, Sinelnikov and Volnovakha. Despite the extremely difficult battles with the Red Army, the white command had to urgently withdraw troops from the front and transfer them to the rear. A group of General Revishin was formed in the Volnovakhi area: Terskaya and Chechenskaya horse divisions, horse brigade, 3 infantry regiment and 3 reserve battalion. 26 October 1919 g. White went on the offensive. At the same time, from the south of the Schilling group, Denikin turned against Makhno the corps of Slashchev (13 and 34 divisions), which they had previously planned to send to the Moscow direction. Slashchev acted from the west, from Znamenka, and from the south, from Nikolaev, suppressing the uprising on the right bank of the Dnieper.

Fierce fighting went on for a month. At first, Makhno stubbornly clung to the line Berdyansk - Gulyai-Pole - Sinelnikovo. The Makhnovists tried to keep the blow, but the White Guards pressed them to the Dnieper. Finally, their front collapsed under the blows of a white cavalry, many prominent assistants and commanders of Makhno died. Ordinary fighters scattered in the villages. Pushed to the Dnieper, the rebels tried to retreat through the Nikopol and Kichkass crossings. But here were already parts of Slashchev who came from the west. Many Makhnovists died. But the dad himself with the core of the army again left. He crossed to the right bank of the Dnieper in advance, as soon as the troops of Revishin launched an offensive. And suddenly attacked Yekaterinoslav. In the city itself, the Makhnovists, disguised as peasants traveling to the bazaar, raised a stir. White fled across the railway bridge across the Dnieper. Makhno blew up the bridge and prepared for the defense of the provincial city.

By the end of November 1919, the Revishin and Slashchev groups had cleared the lower reaches of the Dnieper from the rebels. December 8 Slaschev went on the assault of Yekaterinoslav. Makhno did not become heroes and broke through the highway to Nikopol. But as soon as white occupied the city, when the Makhnovists suddenly returned and attacked the city. With an unexpected blow, the rebels captured the railway station, where the headquarters of the 3 Army Corps was located. The situation was critical. Slashchev showed courage and determination, personally led his convoy with hostility and discarded the enemy. The attack was repelled and the Makhnovists again retreated. However, the winners were besieged. The Makhnovists tried twice more to take the city, but they were thrown back. Then Makhno turned to the usual partisan tactics: raids of small parties in one place or another, actions on communications, with strong pressure, the Makhnovist detachments immediately scattered and “disappeared”. Slashchev himself had a rich school of maneuver warfare, in the Shkuro detachment, in the Crimea, but even he could not defeat the peasant leader. He borrowed a lot from the Makhnovists, in particular, the carts.

Thus, with great difficulty and diverting forces from the main front, White was able to temporarily put out the fire of Makhnovism. The main rebellion was crushed, but the struggle with Makhno continued and took on a protracted character.

Flag of the 2-th combined regiment of the Makhnovists. Source:
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  1. +5
    12 November 2019 05: 50
    Hmm ... a very interesting look at the history of the civil war ... I immediately recall the peasant from the Chapaev movie ... the white ones come robbing ... the red ones come robbing again ... the green ones robbing again ... well, where the hell should the hell go.
    Thanks to the author for the article. hi .
    1. -3
      12 November 2019 12: 28
      If all these "field commanders", red commissars and "your noblemen" thought a little about the people, they would not arrange a massacre of Russians against the Russians, but would calmly agree.
      However, things are still there.
      1. +1
        13 November 2019 18: 58
        Quote: Civil
        If all these "field commanders", red commissars and "your noblemen" thought a little about the people, they would not arrange a massacre of Russians against the Russians, but would calmly agree.
        However, things are still there.

        It is with such thoughts that the countries are misplaced. Praise be to Allah that the Bolsheviks were smart.
    2. +5
      12 November 2019 14: 58
      Men, however, also rob ...
  2. +9
    12 November 2019 06: 43
    Both white and red forced the peasants to supply their cities and armies with food.
    ... Uh-huh, and all sorts of "multi-colored" daddy, chieftains, ate the holy spirit ... what they would serve ... A commercial would come in, such a detachment with a daddy, sit on the porch with an outstretched and ask the villagers for bread, they will be served ... as much as possible and again in the battle for "people's happiness", against white and red ... laughing
  3. The comment was deleted.
    1. +13
      12 November 2019 08: 29
      Olgovich (Andrey)
      officially the civil war began on October 25, 1917, with the seizure of power by the only one of the many hundreds of so-called Soviets. after the dispersal by the Bolsheviks of the popularly elected Constituent Assembly, in the elections to which the people sent them.
      Twenty-five again, ward No. 6 woke up. fool
      And it was the Bolsheviks who had the western "partner" (invader, occupier and aggressor against Russia): for EIGHT months under the powerful wing and protection of Germany, the Bolsheviks established their power, paying them for it with Russian lands, gold, bread, and demobilization of the army.
      Ohhh ... the Germans are serving the Bolsheviks. But by chance, do not remind me what the date of February 23 is dedicated to?
      The Reds have good military units (the Makhnovists were Krsno Army soldiers too, lol). The author has not yet mentioned the conscientious commander of the ataman Grigoryev, a noble sadist and a Russian cutter.
      No worse than white. One of your cocaine Kolchak what it cost, that's who drank Russian blood not measured! It is necessary to remind about Krasnov and Shkuro ?!
      The Murachno turkey, who was used as they were thrown away, would have lived on its land, with freedoms and a well-fed people, if White won.
      I wouldn’t rush from side to side like a ram in an ice hole; no one would touch him.
      Doomed his people to the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks (Second Fortress of the Right), to the most terrible famine in the history of the people (33 g) and complete lack of rights. It would be better not to do anything ....
      O olgovich sat on his skate. And what about the famine in Tsarist Russia, why don’t you remember? Oh yes, there was no famine there. Peasants drank milk directly from the river and ate jelly from the shore ... laughing laughing laughing
      1. -12
        12 November 2019 11: 10
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        Twenty-five again, ward number 6 woke up!.

        It’s not necessary to inform us about the awakening of your chamber: this is superfluous Yes
        Simple enough: Good morning! " hi
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        Ohhh ... the Germans are serving the Bolsheviks. But by chance, do not remind me what the date of February 23 is dedicated to?

        On the contrary, dear: read the text of the Brest betrayal: you have already spent so much time in VO and ... absolutely not copenhagen request
        From MARCH 18 to NOVEMBER there are EIGHT months: this is just arithmetic: and you have it. apparently another tsifirka?
        refresh yourself: Book: "Arithmetic for Grade 1" - › hi
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        No worse than white. One of your cocaine Kolchak what it cost, that's who drank Russian blood not measured! It is necessary to remind about Krasnov and Shkuro ?!

        The Russian blood-tree has withered out, burnt in its veins 13,5 million people who died of starvation in peacetime under the Bolsheviks, in hundreds of thousands of children who died in exile in the 30s, Nazino cannibals on the island of 33 g, etc. The Russian cross is the result of the Bolsheviks.
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        I wouldn’t rush from side to side like a ram in an ice hole; no one would touch him.

        He was consistent and direct. But with him ....
        Quote: Alexander Suvorov
        O olgovich sat on his skate. And what about the famine in Tsarist Russia, why don’t you remember? Oh yes, there was no famine there. Peasants drank milk directly from the river and ate jelly from the shore ..

        Compared to PEACEFUL 22, 25, 33,47 years, certainly

        Remember: From a survey of Yurchenko’s mother and available materials, it was found out that one daughter died in the family from starvation due to hunger, and another dies after her. Then, when the third child falls ill, the son and mother decide to strangle this child and eat it, which they carry out, not satisfied with one son and brother, they strangle the other and also eat him. After this they catch a completely alien child, Vanya Chernenko, whose father left his family and left, and his mother left him too, and the boy was left alone, and they also strangled him and eat him. Thus, they ate 3 children, two of whom are their own and one is a stranger. March 15, 1933: Information letter from the chairman of the Snegurovsky regional KK RCT Sitov to the chairman of the Odessa regional KK RCT on cases of cannibalism in the village of Lotskino, Snegurovsky district.

        There are thousands of such documents about the jelly banks in the center of Europe in the middle of the 20th century.
        1. +10
          12 November 2019 11: 16
          Nothing new, tired of reading the same rotten rot.
          About hunger in Tsarist Russia why are you silent? Can you even read Leo Tolstoy about hunger?
          And at the same time tell us who is to blame.
          1. -11
            12 November 2019 12: 11
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            Nothing new, tired of read the same rotten rot.

            Remember the truth, then. Perfectly! Yes
            Quote: Alexander Suvorov
            About hunger in Tsarist Russia why are you silent? Can you even read Leo Tolstoy about hunger?
            And at the same time tell us who is to blame.

            1. Famines and deaths in Russia, as in Germany, France, etc., of course, were. and much has been written about them.
            BUT! They ended there in ...19th century, chop it to your nose (with an ax, if it helps nothing else), finally!
            NOT ONE even advice. so-called "demographer" (that is, already a liar by definition) did not write about deaths from hunger in Russia in the 20th century.

            2. The Tolstoy did not write about the famines of 33, 47 because there were NO famines in a parallel non-existent "reality" at all (see owls of the newspaper). And writers were never allowed to enter tragedy areas (this is not Russia)

            3 / Show Tolstoy something similar to this (OgpU report of March 7, 1933
            TSA FSB of the Russian Federation. F. 2. Op. 11. D. 42. L. 62, 63, 64 :):
            The village Dolzhanskaya - 22 / II food aid commission, having examined, established that tr. G **** had eaten the corpse of the dead sister’s owl

            In the same village it was established that group D ***, remaining after the death of his father and mother with young sisters and brothers, ate the meat of brothers and sisters who died of starvation.

            Station Novo-Shcherbinovskaya. In the 3rd brigade of the collective farm, the wife of E *** hacked to death and "ate her 3-year-old child,

            The cemetery found up to 30 corpses thrown out during the night, part of the corpses bitten by dogs. The corpse of the collective farmer REZNIK was cut in half, without legs, and several coffins were found there, from which the corpses disappeared.

            And Tolstoy wrote painted over with MILK water ...
            Did you catch the difference?
            1. +3
              12 November 2019 13: 49
              BUT! They ended there in the ... 19th century

              in a parallel non-existent "reality"
              1. +2
                12 November 2019 19: 50
                Quote: A vile skeptic
                BUT! They ended there in the ... 19th century

                in a parallel non-existent "reality"

                Games with phrases for students in grades 6-9?
      2. +1
        12 November 2019 18: 36
        But by chance, do not remind me what the date of February 23 is dedicated to?

        On February 23, 1918, or rather from 23rd to 25th, local battles took place between the Red Guard and German units, as a result of which the Germans occupied Pskov and Narva.
    2. +7
      12 November 2019 08: 57
      Before the thief and dispersal of the US-no gr. there was no war, it's just a fact

      After October, there was simply a final demarcation into 2 separate parties, which was fixed in the historiography of the conflict. But the fact is that the civil war in Russia, that is, an acute form of resolving the accumulated social contradictions within the state, which manifests itself in the form of armed confrontation between the organized groups that were part of a previously united country, entered the active phase in the summer of 1917.
      Or is 9 peasant uprisings for March-June not an acute form of resolving accumulated contradictions? To smooth out which the Socialist-Revolutionaries in May convened a congress of peasant deputies and began to drag out talk about the socialization of the land by transferring it to the jurisdiction of the land peasant committees. Immediately taking up the landings of these committees (members of 731 committees sat down under the strict guidance of the Minister of the Interior Avksentiev in July). Naturally, this only added fuel to the fire of the Civil War - from that moment until the October Revolution another 2000 peasant uprisings took place.
      And Lenin just used already established situation - "the Bolsheviks will be traitors to the peasants if they do not support the peasant uprising by organizing an uprising in the city of workers and soldiers"
      1. +7
        12 November 2019 09: 15
        Vile Skeptic (Timur)
        And Lenin just used the already created situation - "the Bolsheviks will be traitors to the peasants if they do not support the peasant uprising by organizing an uprising in the city of workers and soldiers"
        For olgovich, this is not an argument anyway, he drowns for the Constitutional Court without knowing the history of the same Constitutional Council and of whom it consisted.
        It is probably worth recalling that the elections were attended less than 50% of voters. So to speak about the legitimacy of the CSS, I would beware. A total of 715 deputies were elected, of which 370 mandates received Right Socialist-Revolutionaries and Centrists175 - Bolsheviks, 40 - Left Socialist-Revolutionaries, 17 - Cadets, 15 - Mensheviks, 2 - Socialist-Revolutionaries and 86 - deputies from national groups (Socialist-Revolutionaries 51,7%, Bolsheviks - 24,5%, Left Socialist-Revolutionaries - 5,6%, Cadets - 2,4%, Mensheviks - 2,1%). The Mensheviks suffered a crushing defeat in the elections, gaining less than 3% of the vote, the lion's share of which was represented by Transcaucasia.
        Moreover, the Bolsheviks won in large cities and industrial centers, as well as in the Navy, that is, where the concentration of the literate population was higher.
        It is also worth recalling that the right-wing essays are actually the same as the Volunteers, i.e. essentially terrorists. As a result, essays in early June 1918, relying on the support of the rebelled Czechoslovak corps, formed in Samara a Committee of members of the Constituent Assembly, chaired by Vladimir Volsky. The People’s Army of KOMUCH was created, which began active military operations in the Volga region. As a result, Kolchak dispersed them as well, and some of whom he let into consumption. But olgovich completely forgets about it.
        That is, the essays embarked on the path of betrayal. About the atrocities of the Czechoslovak corps, I hope you do not need to remind?
      2. -12
        12 November 2019 11: 26
        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
        Or is 9 peasant uprisings for March-June not an acute form of resolving accumulated contradictions?

        Do you read yourself? No.
        WHERE are large-scale ORGANIZED groups of people in the summer of 1917? Who organized them, i.e. WHAT power fought with WHAT?

        Ahhhhh, robberies and robberies, murders -this is already acts of gr. wars! ... So you have Chikatilo then, its member! "Black cat" is the red squadronlol
        11.11.19/XNUMX/XNUMX g An unknown attacker shot two men in the south-west of Moscow.Act Citizen. wars like ... Yes
        Quote: Nefarious skeptic
        And Lenin just used the already created situation - "the Bolsheviks will be traitors to the peasants if they do not support the peasant uprising by organizing an uprising in the city of workers and soldiers"

        They are traitors in relation to RUSSIA, and the peasantry did not ask for anything and did not care about them: even in the soviets, in more than half, they were NOT AT ALL, but in the minority they were. min.%
        1. +5
          12 November 2019 13: 06
          WHERE are large-scale ORGANIZED groups of people in the summer of 1917? Who organized them, i.e. WHAT power fought with WHAT

          The largest social class in the country is not large enough for you? You mean the countdown of the civil war begins with the events in Petrograd, despite the fact that the participants in these events are many times less than the participants in the peasant uprisings of the past months. Interesting position.
          And you are confusing centralization and organization. The peasants were remarkably self-organized locally in the Soviets of Peasants 'Deputies and provincial executive committees, empowering their representatives at the All-Russian Congresses of Peasants' Deputies and provincial congresses of peasant deputies. And what kind of power opposed what one read in Figes in "The Peasant Masses and Their Participation in Political Processes in 1917-1918" and in Danilov in "The Peasant Revolution in Russia. 1902-1922."
          Ahhhh, robberies and robberies, murders are already acts of gr. war!

          So you have Chikatilo then, its member! "Black cat" is the red squadron lol
          11.11.19/XNUMX/XNUMX g An unknown attacker shot two men in the south-west of Moscow.-Act Grazhd. wars like ... yes

          They are traitors in relation to RUSSIA, and the peasantry did not ask for anything and did not care about them: even in the soviets, in more than half, they were NOT AT ALL, but in the minority they were. min.%

          What once again shows that in the brewing of the revolutionary situation the participation of the Bolsheviks is just the same, they did everything for them before them.
          And the attitude of the peasantry towards the Bolsheviks is not constant, it changed from February to October, read the reports of the governors.
          1. -5
            13 November 2019 10: 20
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            The largest social class in the country is not large enough for you?

            what power was at war with the state. the power of the EaP? What are its goals and objectives? Forms of organization? What was her name, after all, and why did nobody know her except you?
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            you mean the countdown of the civil war begins with the events in Petrograd, despite the fact that the participants in these events are many times less than those in the peasant uprisings of the past months. Interesting position.

            One organized power opposed the other AUTHORITIES.
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            empowering its representatives at the All-Russian Congresses of Peasant Deputies

            ! Cross congress fully SUPPORTED VP. What ... gr. war? with whom?!
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            Ahhhh, robberies and robberies, murders are already acts of gr. war!


            So I say: big revolutionaries with domes on the chest: "SOCIALLY CLOSE" Yes
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            So you have Chikatilo then, its member! "Black cat" is the red squadron lol
            11.11.19/XNUMX/XNUMX g An unknown attacker shot two men in the south-west of Moscow.-Act Grazhd. wars like ... yes


            You have, yes .: criminal offenses: robbery, robbery, etc. is ... "gr war" Yes
            Quote: Nefarious skeptic
            What once again shows that in the brewing of the revolutionary situation the participation of the Bolsheviks is the same miserable, did everything for them and before them.

            In Petrograd ?!
            Yes, if they were not there, NOTHING in Russia would have happened!
            1. +1
              13 November 2019 18: 56
              what power was at war with the state. the power of the EaP? What are its goals and objectives? Forms of organization? What was her name, after all, and why did nobody know her except you?
              One organized power opposed another POWER

              The definition of civil war is given to you above. Where is there even a word about power? How can a concept fight? The concept of "power" is inseparable from the subject of power and the object of power, otherwise it simply becomes a meaningless word. Therefore, the authorities cannot have a name, goals, objectives and forms of organization. Power is in itself the goal of the opposing sides, so that this very distinction appears, which side will become the object of power, and which the subject.
              If I invited you to read two people, then the question "why no one knows her except you" is already meaningless - this is not "no one else knows", you just do not know.
              Cross congress fully SUPPORTS VP

              what I wrote earlier
              And the attitude of the peasantry towards the Bolsheviks is not constant

              fair for
              And the attitude of the peasantry towards the Socialist-Revolutionaries is not constant

              Only the poles are different
              So I say: big revolutionaries with domes on their breasts: "SOCIALLY CLOSE"
              You have, yes .: criminal offenses: robbery, robbery, etc. is ... "gr war"

              Manipulation in the categories "particular" and "general". I said something quite different.
              Or will you argue that other civil wars did without such "acute forms of resolving social contradictions"?
              In Petrograd ?!
              Yes, if they were not there, NOTHING in Russia would have happened!

              If you choose the right angle, then I think such a lateness can even be passed off as naivety.
    3. +6
      12 November 2019 16: 33
      Quote: Olgovich
      officially the civil war began on October 25, 1917

      Officially? Did someone give someone a note about her announcement?
      Quote: Olgovich
      with the victory of the whites, I would live on my land, with freedoms and a well-fed people.

      It is a pity that no one then explained this to the people. Therefore, "Our village, like all neighboring Ukrainian and Russian villages, was" red "(PG Grigorenko). And I would give it dearly to see the reaction of the people to the words that he" lived with the victory of the whites. would be on their own land, with freedom " fool
      Quote: Olgovich
      Better not do anything

      And there were many. At first they thought: we don’t need to go to war, they can handle the Bolsheviks without us. And then: fight, do not fight — the Bolsheviks will win anyway, it’s better not to go. lol
      1. -5
        13 November 2019 10: 30
        Quote: Sahar Medovich
        Officially? Did someone give someone a note about her announcement?

        Martov, Oct 26 1917
        Bolsheviks, November 1917 (decrees)
        Quote: Sahar Medovich
        It is a pity that no one then explained this to the people. That is why "Our village, like all neighboring Ukrainian and Russian villages, was" red "(PG Grigorenko). And I would give dearly, so that at that time to see the reaction of the people to the words that "with the victory of the whites, they would live on their own land, with freedoms"

        And I would not give anything to see the reaction of the people to your "victory of the Reds" in the TAMBOV village (and so on) in 1920-22. Not a sadist, yeah .. Yes
        1. +1
          13 November 2019 16: 07
          I wouldn’t just look at the Tambovskys, but would ask: against what and for what they fought in 1905, 1917, 1918-21 ... lol
          1. 0
            14 November 2019 10: 49
            Quote: Sahar Medovich
            I wouldn’t just look at the Tambovskys, but would ask: against what and for what they fought in 1905, 1917, 1918-21 ...

            Grade 2 textbook to help you: against external enemies and their accomplices-nat. traitors Yes
    4. +3
      13 November 2019 07: 12
      The civil war began on February seventeenth, from the moment when the worthless king completely withdrew.
  4. +7
    12 November 2019 09: 17
    So the unbridled element of the peasant war broke out ...
    The injustice of those in power was prepared for it. The state prepared by the Socialist Revolutionaries. The stupidity of the monarchists. The greed of the bourgeoisie. The brutality of the military. The intellectual weakness of the intelligentsia. The crisis of the territory of Russia ..
    The Reds began to curb this element. Where the word where the law where they could lead to reassurance. Yes, not a little blood was shed. But the least of all questions to the Reds was inherited by this madness.
    1. -9
      12 November 2019 11: 32
      Quote: apro
      but the Reds least of all questions they inherited this madness.

      develop the idea of ​​"inheritance": from whom it got, when it began, etc.
      1. +8
        12 November 2019 12: 07
        Olgovich. You only learn to spoil ...
        1. -9
          12 November 2019 12: 25
          Quote: apro
          Olgovich. You only learn spoil...

          But you, NOT ruined, Judging by virgin knowledge. Yes
          1. +4
            12 November 2019 12: 34
            Quote: Olgovich
            Quote: apro
            Olgovich. You only learn spoil...

            But you, NOT ruined, Judging by virgin knowledge. Yes

            So they didn’t teach me. It reached me ..
          2. 0
            12 November 2019 20: 25
            Quote: Olgovich
            But you, NOT spoiled, judging by virgin knowledge
            Bad epithet. Do you attribute virginity to the value of inferiority, deficiency?
            1. -3
              13 November 2019 10: 36
              Quote: sniperino
              You attribute virginity value inferiority, deficiency?

              Cleanliness. Is "virgin purity" familiar to you?
              1. 0
                13 November 2019 11: 14
                Quote: Olgovich
                Pure knowledge is the ideal of epistemology, pure reason is not a dumbass, even though Kant wrote his criticism. The knowledge of your opponent I would call rather muddy.
    2. -8
      12 November 2019 12: 14
      "the collapse of the state prepared by the Social Revolutionaries" ////
      Only Socialist Revolutionaries? But Lenin did not try to ruin this state?
      Most of his pre-revolutionary works are precisely detailed
      instructions on how to ruin a state.
      1. +8
        12 November 2019 12: 18
        Who threw the king away? Who ruined the army? Disorganized state administration?
        1. -9
          12 November 2019 12: 20
          In descending order of importance:
          1) SRs 2) Bolsheviks 4) Mensheviks 4) Cadets 5) anarchists.
          1. +7
            12 November 2019 12: 24
            How to understand this warrior, the Bolsheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries threw off the tsar? How? Under what circumstances?
            The Russian military was missed nearby or at the top of the list.
            1. -6
              12 November 2019 12: 34
              The military was busy - fought. There was a World War, by the way.
              And the agitation against war and the monarchy was conducted by those parties that I have listed.
              Each with its goals and emphasis.
              The Socialist-Revolutionaries engaged in propaganda among the peasants, the Bolsheviks - among the workers.
              Everything is among the soldiers and sailors.
              The Cadets and Mensheviks are among officials and the intelligentsia.
              1. +10
                12 November 2019 12: 48
                Yes, yes .... I completely forgot about Berlin and Vienna ...
                But why did General Alekseev insist on abdication ... and the front commanders supported this?
                And the SRs got the main bonus in the form of power. And they disposed of it very competently.
                The Bolshevik Party consisted of 20 thousand members. They were either worthless opponents or the Bolsheviks were really able to work ..
                1. -10
                  12 November 2019 13: 17
                  The war went on hard and unsuccessfully for Russia, and became very unpopular
                  already since 1916.
                  The mobilized peasants wanted to go home, but the rotation of the soldiers, as you know,
                  did not have. Therefore, the Socialist Revolutionary campaign was especially effective.
                  But the Bolsheviks did not doze off with agitation among low-skilled workers
                  and a soldier. The Cadets wanted either a constitutional monarchy or a republic.
                  The Mensheviks wanted a republic.
                  The Romanov dynasty began to interfere with the majority of the population, both above and below.
                  Therefore, she fell so easily.
                  But then began a serious civil strife. What form of government
                  to accept? Should the war continue? Should land reform be carried out immediately?
                  Which led to the second revolution and civil war.
                  1. +4
                    12 November 2019 13: 52
                    Voyaka. It’s one thing to talk about ... you can listen, no, and objective economic difficulties can’t hide from the real thing. And now, in order to create economic difficulties, the tsarist then the provisional government could help the Bolsheviks in such a way that no Germans and liquid masses stood by.
                    Quote: voyaka uh
                    The mobilized peasants wanted to go home, but the rotation of the soldiers, as you know,
                    did not have.

                    I do not quite understand the meaning of this phrase ... demobilization usually occurs with the end of the war. Or do you have something else?
                    1. -5
                      12 November 2019 14: 45
                      1) Rotation is when those who have served for a long time,
                      demobilized, and in their place send new ones.
                      If you had guessed this in Russia (the population is large,
                      there are reserves), then they would have taken off the heat of anti-war agitation.
                      The peasants were tired of fighting for three years.
                      2) Economic difficulties arose throughout the warring
                      in world war countries. Russia had the opportunity to regulate
                      supplying cities, holding grain reserves, and go to the fronts only
                      to defense, without bloody attacks.
          2. +4
            12 November 2019 15: 07
            Quote: voyaka uh
            1) SRs 2) Bolsheviks 4) Mensheviks 4) Cadets 5) anarchists.

            0) Persons close to the emperor. As a rule, monarchists. wink
            1. -6
              12 November 2019 15: 21
              Of course, in the immediate environment, Nicholas II had enemies.
              Thinking of a palace coup. How without it ...
              But they did not carry out the February Revolution. And not they
              used her results. In the Provisional Government were
              monarchists, but right-wing socialists and cadets commanded there.
              And in principle - the main thing! - by decision of the Provisional Government
              It was to hold general elections to the Constituent Assembly (Parliament).
              The decision is absolutely correct.
              But before that it was necessary to "slow down" the war (go on the defensive)
              and begin partial demobilization of the peasants. And declare the land
              reform. (Two important urgent things, alas, were not done).
              This could have prevented the October Revolution in Petrograd
              and the coming destructive Civil War.
              1. +3
                12 November 2019 16: 36
                Quote: voyaka uh
                But they did not carry out the February Revolution. And not they
                used her results.

                And they too.
                Quote: voyaka uh
                But before that it was necessary to "slow down" the war (go on the defensive)
                and begin partial demobilization of the peasants. And declare the land
                reform. (Two important urgent things, alas, were not done).

                They could not do this: they were required to continue the war "to a victorious end."
                And how exactly "to declare the land reform"? In any form?
                1. -5
                  12 November 2019 16: 44
                  "And how exactly" to declare the land reform "? In what form?" ////
                  In the Socialist Revolutionary, with additions. Earth - to the peasants.
                  Landlords receive monetary compensation from the government.
                  And a tax on large land holdings.

                  "they were required to continue the war" to a victorious end. "
                  The French demanded. But with them it was possible to pull the rubber.
                  They could not press hard.
                  It was possible to repay French loans by borrowing from the Americans.

                  1. +4
                    12 November 2019 17: 58
                    Unrealistic. Their soldiers-peasants would not give "to pull the rubber". "Partial demobilization" - i.e. some home, others rotting in the trenches? Will not work! "Down with the war, give me the land!" and that's it.
                    Quote: voyaka uh
                    It was possible to repay French loans by borrowing from the Americans.

                    And with what to pay with the Americans?
                    Quote: voyaka uh
                    Landlords receive cash compensation from the government

                    How after 1861 or otherwise? At whose expense of compensation?
                    1. -5
                      12 November 2019 18: 12
                      There were options ... The situation and the situation in which Kerensky found himself,
                      It was difficult, but not hopeless.
                      If Kerensky had guessed that Lenin was at all costs! - will disrupt the elections and
                      the work of the constituent assembly then would have taken leading
                      the political steps that I wrote about above.
                      Well, the story is like this: "how it turned out - and so it happened ..."
                      It was nice to speculate with you drinks hi
                  2. +2
                    12 November 2019 18: 18
                    Landlords receive monetary compensation from the government.

                    Those banknotes, which instead of wallpaper glued the walls by autumn 17? In 1918, 800 million pre-war rubles had to be returned to creditors, almost 30% of the pre-war budget. There would be no money for compensation.
                    1. -4
                      12 November 2019 18: 51
                      Jews say:
                      "If money can solve the problem,
                      it's not a problem - it's expenses "
                      If you attach this phrase to February 1917, then Russia had
                      high expenses (debts).
                      But in November 1917, Russia had a real PROBLEM. sad
                      1. +1
                        12 November 2019 19: 20
                        Good saying)
                        Do you think the problem arose in November? I think about 15 years earlier she was already visible to the blind)
                        And by the way
                        If Kerensky had guessed ... he would have taken the lead
                        the political steps that I wrote about above.

                        On October 20 and 24, at a government meeting, Maslov’s bill to regulate land relations and transfer land to land committees was discussed. The Pre-Parliament decides on the urgent need for a decree. But Kerensky responds with a refusal. Let me remind you, October 24th. And then came 25.
                      2. -4
                        12 November 2019 19: 35
                        Thanks for the interesting information about Maslov’s bill.
                        You are right, the need for this reform has been brewing since the 1905 revolution ...
                        In Europe, the impetus for land reform was the revolution of 1848.
          3. BAI
            12 November 2019 17: 52
            Who threw the warrior king?

            In descending order of importance:

            1. The royal family;
            2. Generality;
            3. The liberal bourgeoisie.
            In February 1917, the Bolsheviks were no one to call - no way.
            1. -3
              12 November 2019 18: 05
              I answered not only the question: "who threw off the king." And two more:
              "who ruined the army? disorganized state administration?" smile
              Therefore, my list is different from yours.
              But I did not put the Bolsheviks in the first place.
              Only the "Liberal bourgeoisie" is significant from your list. I have: "cadets".
              Neither the Grand Dukes nor the generals made an effort to overthrow Nicholas
              Second. Although not very loved him. It was suicidal for them to overthrow him.
              But when he renounced, no one objected, of course.
              The tsar was overthrown by the soldiers garrison of St. Petersburg.
              Soldiers (and partly sailors) of minor parts who did not want
              go to the front. And among which the Social Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks and
      2. -7
        12 November 2019 12: 28
        Quote: voyaka uh
        Most of his pre-revolutionary works are precisely detailed
        instructions on how to ruin a state.

        But he broke up precisely during the war: to call for the defeat of his country, shopping mall. it increases the chance of a successful revolution — it's beyond general ...

        What would they do (and did with others) in 1941?
        1. +2
          12 November 2019 22: 35
          What under the warm side of the priest-king Rasputin and his comrades during the war was even worse than Lenin's calls. He was at least an open enemy.
      3. -1
        12 November 2019 12: 46
        Quote: voyaka uh
        Most of his pre-revolutionary works are precisely detailed
        instructions on how to ruin a state.

        Not quite so, before the revolution, Lenin made titanic efforts in the struggle against his party comrades, evil tongues even claimed that Lenin did not fight with tsarism, but only got carried away inside the factional struggle, with all kinds of opportunists - otzovists, liquidators, god-builders, examples, Mensheviks, etc., Lenin wrote a huge number of articles and brochures, where he literally scourged the unlucky (in his opinion) party members. In exile, he literally rushed across Europe - Paris, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Geneva, where he spoke at numerous conferences, meetings, congresses and gatherings.
        He fought in alliance with Plekhanov, then against Plekhanov himself, then against Trotsky, etc.
        1. -2
          12 November 2019 14: 52
          It's right. And typical of radical movements.
          There are more fears of competitors than direct enemies.
          But strategically the enemy of the Bolsheviks was the Romanov empire.
          And Lenin’s task is to repeat the Great French Revolution of 1789,
          which was his standard (where the Bolsheviks would be "Jacobins").
          1. +5
            12 November 2019 22: 37
            To destroy the old state in order to create a new one, on completely different principles. He was not an anarchist. And he succeeded.
  5. +1
    12 November 2019 12: 09
    "... the Little Russian peasantry, which is already accustomed to" freedom ", did not need power." it remains to clarify what kind of power. But why does Samsonov need it? laughing
    1. 0
      13 November 2019 17: 36
      Quote: smaug78
      "... the Little Russian peasantry, which is already accustomed to" freedom ", did not need power." it remains to clarify what kind of power. But why does Samsonov need it? laughing

      Any power.
  6. 0
    12 November 2019 14: 33
    This article is more consistent with historical truth than some others. Indeed, the peasantry as a spontaneous force was the main argument in the power confrontation. Anyone who could mobilize the peasants would win. Both red and white robbed them, but the Bolsheviks had better management organization, and most importantly more understandable and simpler. The whites tried to liberalize, on the one hand they played freedom, on the other hand, the unit commanders brutally robbed the population. In words, freedom, in fact, repression. As a result, the Bolsheviks were better able to mobilize the peasant population and ... won. But Petliurites and Makhnovists, instead of uniting and defeating the Reds, only prolonged the fratricidal war, mocking ordinary people.
  7. +4
    12 November 2019 18: 09
    In the photo of the car, which is in the Gulyai-Pole Museum, there is a machine gun "Maxim" modified in 1930, which hurts the eye.
  8. +2
    13 November 2019 08: 29
    -The author has not yet mentioned how the Makhnovists punished the Denikin units, formed by the Caucasians too ... -This Native equestrian division, formed from the Highlanders, more than once failed Denikin with his indiscipline and outright betrayal; more than once she simply threw a section of the front, was distinguished by massive desertion and looting in relation to the civilian population ... -And in the end, she was simply completely defeated by the Makhnovists and exterminated ...
  9. 0
    13 November 2019 17: 20
    Old Man Makhno looks out the window ...
  10. -1
    13 November 2019 18: 55
    Makhno is a peasant leader. It’s ridiculous.
  11. 0
    14 November 2019 12: 31
    Quote: Hiking
    Quote: smaug78
    "... the Little Russian peasantry, which is already accustomed to" freedom ", did not need power." it remains to clarify what kind of power. But why does Samsonov need it? laughing

    Any power.

    What are you saying? And whose power was in the territory controlled by Makhno, tell me, please tell me?
  12. 0
    19 November 2019 04: 21
    In any civil war, everything is against everyone until someone becomes clearly stronger.
  13. DRM
    23 November 2019 02: 39
    Soviet propaganda worked quite hard on the demonization of Makhno. But, in the spontaneous folk art of the 20s, a different attitude erupts:
    "... one, - the hero of the Civil,
    Makhnovist partisan ... "
    That's really really "you can't throw out words from a song"))

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