In the coming years, a new combat outfit for the Sotnik serviceman will be developed for the Russian army. In this project, it is proposed to use the most daring ideas and promising components ...
The Russian missile attack warning system, without interrupting combat duty, has undergone modernization and state tests. In the near future, the full operation of new ...
The Ministry of Defense intends to continue the reconstruction and modernization of the training grounds. In the near future, in this context, attention will be paid to training sites in remote regions ...
A key component of the State Armament Programs is the purchase of new combat and combat training aircraft for the air force and naval aviation. So, in 2010-2020. the armed forces received more ...
The process of modernization of the strategic missile forces continues. Regular supplies of modern weapons and materiel have already made it possible to obtain very high results, and these ...
In 2021, the rearmament of the aerospace forces will continue. A large number of new and modernized aircraft are expected to be delivered, as well as promising anti-aircraft ...
In 2020, the implementation of the current State Armament Programs and the re-equipment of various units continued. The ground forces received a lot of new and modernized weapons and equipment ...
The need to protect ships and infrastructure from the actions of submarine saboteurs, or to use subversive submarine groups themselves - tasks, to put it mildly, are not new. However, after a series of events ...
Despite its small size, the Caspian Flotilla of the Russian Navy shows high combat effectiveness and effectively solves the problem of protecting the country's southern borders. Military construction in its interests continues - ...
The recently ended Armenian-Azerbaijani war once again demonstrated the increased importance of unmanned aerial vehicles and, accordingly, means of combating them ...
The International Institute for Strategic Studies has released Russia's Military Modernization: An Assessment, focusing on the development of the Russian military in recent years. Continuing ...
At the end of 1959, the 12th GU MO was included in the newly created type of the USSR Armed Forces - the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) ...
On August 23, the International Military-Technical Forum "Army-2020" opens in the Patriot Park and its branches. As always, this event will be a platform for showcasing famous and new designs ...
Russia continues military construction in the Arctic. To protect the northern borders of the country, structural transformations, new construction programs and promising samples are proposed and implemented ...
In Russia, May 7 is Radio Day, a professional holiday for all employees of communications services. It is symbolic that the same day is celebrated as the Day of the signalman and specialist of the radio technical service of the Russian Navy ...
For many years, the Bryansk Automobile Plant has been specializing in the creation of special wheeled chassis and tractors with a lifting capacity of up to 40 tons ....
RKhBZ troops are called upon to solve their tasks in both wartime and peacetime. At the moment, the most relevant area of their activity is the fight against biological threats ...
March 19, Russia marks the Day of the submariner. The date of the celebration is timed to March 19, 1906, when a new class of ships, submarines, was included in the Russian Imperial Navy ...
Several departments are working on the creation of a concept for the construction and development of the Russian Armed Forces. In the coming months it will be completed, approved and accepted for execution ...
The armies of the most powerful states are developing in a similar way. The conversion methods used in this connection are often associated with the name of the former chief of the General Staff of the USSR, Marshal of the Soviet Union N.V.
In 2019, purchases of weapons and equipment of all major classes continued. Due to this, by the beginning of next year, the share of new samples will be brought up to 68% ...
All construction in the interests of the Ministry of Defense will now be carried out by the Military-Construction Company. This organization should begin work in the very near future ...