Russian Guard Day

Russian Guard Day

The day of the Russian Guard appeared in the country recently. This memorable date in the history of the domestic armed forces was approved by decree of the President of 22 on December 2000 of the year ...
Americans are scared. Russian army is changing

Americans are scared. Russian army is changing

Transfiguration of the Russian army. Technological innovations and weapons systems. All of this is closely monitored in the White House, the Pentagon and the State Department. Americans are scared: Russian armed forces ...
28 MAY - Border Guard Day

28 MAY - Border Guard Day

The total length of the Russian border is 23,53 thousand km, of which more than 14 thousand km is the land border. The Russian Federation is bordered by 18-th states of the world, including Abkhazia and South Ossetia ....
Reforming the Airborne Forces

Reforming the Airborne Forces

The airborne troops of Russia are distinguished by high combat capability, and their development continues. New details of the command plans for the airborne troops have become known. Consider what changes are waiting ...
Special Forces Day

Special Forces Day

February 27 in the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of the Special Operations Forces. This is a relatively new holiday, among other professional holidays of the Russian armed forces. His story ...
Russia risks remaining without military medicine

Russia risks remaining without military medicine

The process of optimization in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, begun under the previous Minister of Defense, did not bypass the military medicine ...
Day of Russian Engineering Troops

Day of Russian Engineering Troops

January 21 in Russia celebrate the Day of the engineering troops. Their service is important both for the armed forces and for the country as a whole ...
Day of military counterintelligence. 100 years

Day of military counterintelligence. 100 years

December 19 marks 100 years with the Russian military counterintelligence agencies. 19 December 1918 was created by the Special Department of the Cheka at the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, the heir of which is the modern Department ...
We are not ready to fight over the river

We are not ready to fight over the river

Fights for the river. The Russian army is not ready for this side of a big war. We are talking about large waterways: the Dnieper, Don, Volga ...
The Day of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia

The Day of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of Russia

December 17 in Russia marks the day of the Strategic Missile Forces. On that day, in 1959, a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers was issued, which established in the structure of the country's armed forces the position of commander-in-chief of the missile ...
Russian Marines Day

Russian Marines Day

On November 27, Russia celebrates the Day of the Marine Corps - a holiday of military personnel, military service personnel and civilian personnel who served or served and work in military units of the Marine Corps ...