On the anti-popular nature of the Kolchak regime

100 years ago, in November 1918, Kolchak became Russia's supreme ruler. The military overthrew the “Left” Directory and transferred the supreme power to the “Supreme Ruler”.

The Entente immediately supported the Omsk Coup. The Menshevik-Socialist-Revolutionary governments, formed in the Volga region, Siberia, in the Urals and in the north, no longer satisfied either the Russian “whites” (large owners, capitalists and the military) or the West. During 1918, the Social Democratic governments not only failed to organize powerful armed forces and overthrow Soviet power, but they could not even fully gain a foothold in the territory that was conquered by the Czechoslovakians. In the area of ​​their domination, they quickly caused discontent among the broad masses of the peasantry and workers, and could not ensure order in the rear. The workers' uprisings and the partisan uprisings of the peasantry in the regions dominated by the white governments became widespread. At the same time, during their administration, the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, as before them and the Provisional Government, showed their incapacity, when they had to act, they debated and argued.

Therefore, the military and the Entente decided to replace them with a “hard hand” - a dictatorship. In the hands of this military dictatorship it was supposed to concentrate all power within the territory seized by whites. The Entente, especially Britain and France, also demanded the creation of an All-Russian government in the form of a military dictatorship. The West needed to have a fully controlled government. He was headed by a mercenary of the West - Kolchak.

On the anti-popular nature of the Kolchak regime

Vice-Admiral Alexander V. Kolchak


Among the various white “governments” formed in the territories liberated from the Bolsheviks, two played a leading role: the so-called Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly in Samara (KOMUCH) and the Provisional Siberian Government Directoire in Omsk. Politically, these "governments" were dominated by social democrats - the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks (many were also masons). Each of them had their own armed forces: KOMUCHA - the People’s Army, the Siberian government - the Siberian Army. Negotiations on the formation of a unified government, which began between them in June 1918, led to a final agreement only at the September meeting in Ufa. It was a congress of representatives of all anti-Bolshevik governments that emerged in 1918 in the regions of the country, political parties, Cossack troops and local governments opposing the Bolsheviks.

September 23 State Meeting in Ufa is over. The participants managed to agree on the rejection of the sovereignty of regional anti-Bolshevik formations, but it was announced that the wide autonomy of the regions was inevitable, due to both the multinationality of Russia and the economic and geographical features of the regions. It was ordered to recreate a single, strong and efficient Russian army, separated from politics. The Ufa meeting as urgent tasks for restoring state unity and independence of Russia called the fight against the Soviet power, reunification with the regions alienated from Russia, non-recognition of the Brest peace and all other international treaties of the Bolsheviks, continuation of the war against Germany on the side of the Entente.

Prior to the new convocation of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly, the Provisional All-Russian Government (Ufa Directory) was declared the sole bearer of power throughout Russia as the successor of the Provisional Government overthrown by the Bolsheviks in 1917. Eser Nikolai Avksentiev was elected chairman of the government. After the February Revolution, Avksentyev was elected a member of the Petrograd Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies, Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the All-Russia Council of Peasant Deputies, was Minister of the Interior as part of the Second Coalition Provisional Government, was elected Chairman of the All-Russian Council of the Russian Republic (the so-called “Pre-Parliament”). "). He was also a deputy of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. Besides him, the four other members of the Directorate were the Moscow cadet, the former mayor Nikolai Astrov (actually did not take part in it, as he was in the South of Russia, with the Volunteer Army), General Vasily Boldyrev (he became the commander of the Directorate), Chairman of the Siberian Government Peter Vologda, Chairman of the Arkhangelsk Government of the Northern Region Nikolay Tchaikovsky. In reality, the duties of Astrov and Tchaikovsky were performed by their deputies — the cadet Vladimir Vinogradov and the Social Revolutionary Party Vladimir Zenzinov.

From the very beginning, not all whites were satisfied with the results of the Ufa meeting. First of all, it was the military. The formed "left-liberal" Directory seemed to them weak, a repetition of "Kerenshchyna", which quickly fell under the onslaught of the Bolsheviks. It seemed to them that in such a difficult situation, only strong power could win a victory — military dictatorship.

Indeed, the leftist governments could not establish order in the rear and develop the first successes at the front. October 1 1918, the Red Army left the south to the railway between Samara and Syzran and cut it, by October 3 the whites were forced to leave Syzran. In the following days, the Red Army forced the Volga and began to advance towards Samara, on October 7, the whites were forced to surrender the city, retreating to Buguruslan. As a result, the entire course of the Volga was again in the hands of the Reds, which made it possible to transport bread and petroleum products to the center of the country. Another active offensive was led by the Reds in the Urals, with the aim of crushing the Izhevsk-Votkinsk uprising. October 9 The Ufa Directory, due to the threat of losing Ufa, moved to Omsk.

After long wanderings around the world, the former commander of the Black Sea arrived in Omsk on October 13. fleet Vice Admiral and Western Influence Agent Alexander Kolchak. In England and the USA, he was chosen to be the dictator of Russia. On October 16, Boldyrev offered Kolchak the post of military and naval minister - instead of P.P. Ivanov-Rinov, who did not satisfy the Directory). This post, not wanting to connect himself with the Directory (at first he thought to head to the South of Russia), Kolchak at first refused, but then agreed. On November 5, 1918 he was appointed Minister of War and Navy of the Provisional All-Russian Government. With his first orders, he began the formation of the central organs of the War Ministry and the General Staff.

Meanwhile, the Reds continued to develop the offensive. October 16 red, pushing whites to the east from Kazan and Samara, occupied the city of Bugulma, October 23 - the city of Buguruslan, October October 30 red - Buzuluk. 7 - 8 November Reds took Izhevsk, November 11 - Votkinsk. Izhevsk-Votkinsk uprising was suppressed.

Chairman of the Provisional All-Russian Government (Directory) Nikolay Dmitrievich Avksentyev

Omsk coup

On November 4, the Provisional All-Russian Government appealed to all regional governments with a demand to immediately dissolve “all without exception Regional Governments and Regional Representative Institutions” and to transfer all the powers to manage the All-Russian Government. On the same day, on the basis of the ministries and central administrations of the Provisional Siberian Government, the executive body of the Directory was formed - the All-Russian Council of Ministers, headed by Peter Vologda. Such centralization of state power was due to the need, first of all, to “recreate the combat power of the motherland, so necessary in the struggle for the revival of Great and United Russia”, “to create the conditions necessary for supplying the army and organizing the rear on an All-Russia scale”.

The predominantly center-right Council of Ministers was radically different in political coloring from a much more “left” Directory. The leader of the Council of Ministers figures who resolutely defended the right-wing political course was Finance Minister I. A. Mikhailov, who enjoyed the support of G. K. Hins, N. I. Petrov, G. G. Telberg. It was this group that became the core of the conspiracy, which aimed to establish a strong and homogeneous power in the form of a sole military dictatorship. A conflict began between the Directory and the Council of Ministers. However, the Directory, suffering one after another defeat at the front, lost the confidence of the officers and right-wing circles, who wanted strong power. Thus, the Directory had no authority, its power was weak and fragile. In addition, the Directory has been constantly torn by internal contradictions, for which the press even ironically compared the “All-Russian Government” with the Krylov's swan, cancer and pike.

The direct reason for the overthrow of the Directory was the circular letter of the Central Committee of the Socialist Revolutionary Party - “Appeal” - written personally by V. Chernov and distributed by the 22 telegraph in October 1918 with the traditional revolutionary appeal of that time called “Everything, everything, everything”. The letter condemned the relocation of the Directory to Omsk, expressed distrust in the Provisional All-Russian Government, called upon all members of the Party to arm themselves to fight the Provisional Siberian Government. The Appeal reported: “In anticipation of possible political crises that may be caused by counterrevolutionary plans, all party forces at the moment must be mobilized, trained in military affairs and armed, so that at any moment be ready to withstand the blows of the counterrevolutionary organizers of civil wars in the rear of the anti-Bolshevik front. The work on armament, rallying, comprehensive political instruction and purely military mobilization of party forces should be the basis of the activities of the Central Committee ... ”. In fact, it was a call for the formation of its own armed forces to fight back the right. It was a scandal. General Boldyrev demanded explanations from Avksentiev and Zenzinov. The question was attempted to be hushed up, but to no avail, and the opponents of the Directory were given a pretext for a coup, accusing the Social Revolutionaries of plotting a plot to seize power.

The core of the conspiracy consisted of the military, including almost all the officers of the Stavka led by its quartermaster general Colonel A. Syromyatnikov. The political role in the conspiracy was played by the cadet emissary V. N. Pepelyaev and the Minister of Finance of the Directory IA Mikhailov, who was close to the right-wing circles. Pepelyaev "recruited" ministers and public figures. Part of the ministers and bourgeois organizations were also involved in the plot. Colonel D. A. Lebedev, who arrived in Siberia from the Volunteer Army and was considered the representative of General A. I. Denikin, also played an active role in organizing the overthrow of the Directory. Unreliable military units were withdrawn from Omsk in advance under various pretexts. General R. Gaida was to ensure the neutrality of the Czechs. The action was supported by the British mission of General Knox.

On the night of November 17, 1918, three Cossack high-ranking officers — the head of the Omsk garrison, Colonel of the Siberian Cossack Troops, V. I. Volkov, military foremen, A. V. Katanaev, and I. N. Krasilnikov, made a provocation. They were at a city banquet in honor of the French General Zhanin demanded to perform the Russian national anthem "God Save the Tsar." The Social Revolutionaries demanded that Kolchak arrest the Cossacks for "inappropriate behavior." Not having to wait for their own arrest, Volkov and Krasilnikov on November 18 themselves made a preemptive arrest of the representatives of the left wing of the Provisional All-Russian Government - the Social Revolutionaries N. D. Avksentyev, V. M. Zenzinov, A. A. Argunov and Deputy Minister of the Interior EF Rogovsky . The Directory Guard Battalion, which was composed of the Social Revolutionaries, was disarmed. Not a single military unit of the Omsk garrison came out in support of the overthrown Directory. The public reacted to the accomplished coup either indifferently or hopefully, hoping for the establishment of firm power. Entente countries supported Kolchak. Czechoslovakia, subordinate to the Entente, limited themselves to a formal protest.

The Council of Ministers, which met the next morning after the arrest of the Socialist Revolutionaries, recognized the Directory as non-existent (its members were driven abroad), announced that they would assume the full authority and declared the need for “complete concentration of military and civilian power in the hands of one person with an authoritative name in the military public circles ", which will lead on the principles of unity of command. It was decided “to transfer temporarily the exercise of supreme power to one person relying on the assistance of the Council of Ministers, assigning the name of the Supreme Ruler to such a person”. It was developed and adopted the "Provision on the temporary structure of state power in Russia" (the so-called "Constitution of 18 November"). The candidates for “dictators” were considered by the commander-in-chief of the troops of the Directory, General V. G. Boldyrev, director of the CER, General D. L. Horvath, and the Minister of War and Navy Vice-Admiral A. V. Kolchak. The Council of Ministers elected Kolchak by vote. Kolchak was promoted to full admirals, he was given the exercise of supreme state power and was given the title of supreme ruler. In his subordination included all the armed forces of the state. Denikin was considered his deputy in the south of Russia. The supreme ruler could take any measures, including emergency measures, to ensure the armed forces, as well as to establish civil order and law.

Vice-Admiral A.V. Kolchak - War Minister of the Provisional All-Russian Government with his closest entourage. 1918 year

Antinational essence of the Kolchak regime

Kolchak defined the direction of work in the post of Supreme Ruler: “Having accepted the cross of this power in the extremely difficult conditions of the Civil War and complete disorder of state affairs and life, I declare that I will not follow the path of reaction or the disastrous path of partisanship. The main goal I put is the creation of an efficient army, a victory over the Bolsheviks and the establishment of law and order. ”

The military dictatorship in military conditions was an obvious step by the White movement and the Entente. The Bolsheviks also established a "dictatorship of the proletariat" and began to pursue a policy of "war communism", mobilizing all forces to fight the enemy and the creation of Soviet statehood. But the Russian Communists acted in the interests of the majority of the people, fought for the new development project, for social justice against the exploiters, predators and parasites - their own and the western ones. The Soviet project embodied the ideals of Russian civilization. The White project (which continued the work of February) was a liberal-democratic project, which was promoted by the Westernizers, the Freemasons, the Liberals and the Social Democrats. This project was supported at the first stage by the West, interested in fomenting a fratricidal war, disintegration and destruction of Russia-Russia.

The white project was on the idea that after the liquidation of tsarism, life could be arranged only according to Western models. Westerners planned full economic, social, cultural and ideological integration with Europe. They planned to introduce a parliamentary-type democracy that would rely on the hierarchical system of secret power in the order, masonic and paramason structures and clubs. The market economy led to the full power of financial and industrial capital. Ideological pluralism provided the manipulation of public consciousness and control over the people. We see all this in modern Russia, in which at the beginning of the 1990s a counter-revolution was carried out.

The problem was that the European version of development is not for Russia. Russia is a separate original civilization, it has its own way. “The Golden Calf” - materialism, can win in Russia only after the destruction of the Russian super-ethnos, the transformation of the Russians into “ethnographic material”. The image of a “nice”, prosperous, peaceful, equipped Europe is acceptable for a large part of the Russian intelligentsia, impressed by cosmopolitanism, westernism, for large owners, capitalists, comprador bourgeoisie, who build their future by selling off their homeland. This group includes people with a “philistine”, “kulak” psychology. However, the powerful traditional cultural strata of the Russian civilization - its matrix-code, resist the processes of westernization of Russia. Russians do not accept the European (Western) way of development. Thus, there is a gap in the interests of the westernized elite of society, the intelligentsia, and civilizational, national projects. And this gap always leads to catastrophe.

Kolchak's dictatorship had no chance of success. The white project is Western in its essence. Anti-people. In the interests of the owners of the West and the pro-Western stratum of the population in Russia itself, extremely insignificant. Concentration in the hands of the dictator of military, political and economic power gave White the opportunity to recover from the defeats suffered in the Volga region in the fall of 1918 and move to a new offensive. But successes were short-lived. The political, social base of the White movement has already become. The leadership of the Czechoslovak Corps considered the admiral a "usurper", the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks condemned the "Omsk coup".

Kolchak's regime immediately provoked powerful resistance. The Social Revolutionaries called for armed resistance. Members of the Constituent Assembly, headed by Social Revolutionary Chernov, who were in Ufa and Yekaterinburg, said that they did not recognize the authority of Admiral Kolchak, and they would oppose the new government with all their might. As a result, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party went underground, from which it began the struggle with the power of the new dictator. Kolchak introduced exceptional laws, the death penalty and martial law for the rear areas. The arbitrariness of the military authorities pushed away from Kolchak and moderate democracy, which initially supported him. At the same time, local counterrevolutionary forces headed by atamans Semenov and Kalmykov opposed Kolchak in Eastern Siberia and almost clearly opposed him.

From the very first days of his coming to power, the admiral showed complete intolerance towards the labor movement, eradicating any traces of the recent domination of Soviet power. Communists and non-partisan progressive workers who had previously taken part in the work of the Soviet organs were mercilessly destroyed. At the same time, the mass organizations of the proletariat, first of all the trade unions, were routed. All the performances of the workers were bloodshed.

The establishment of "law and order" in fact led to the return to the capitalists and landowners of their rights to the property taken from them. On the land question, the white government’s policy was reduced to returning land, agricultural implements and livestock to the landowners of the landowners. Part of the land for a fee was supposed to transfer to the fists. Not surprisingly, the peasantry suffered the most from the Kolchak regime. The appearance of white troops meant for the peasantry, according to the testimony of one of the former ministers of the Kolchak government of Hins, the onset of an era of unlimited requisition, all sorts of duties and complete arbitrariness of the military authorities. "The peasants were slaughtered," says Hins, "they were robbing, insulting their civic dignity, ruining them." In turn, the peasantry fought against whites through incessant uprisings. The Whites responded with bloody punitive expeditions, which not only did not stop the uprisings, but further expanded the areas covered by the peasant war. The peasant war, as well as the forced mobilization of the peasants, significantly reduced the fighting capacity of Kolchak's army and became the main cause of internal collapse.

In addition, Kolchak’s policy helped turn Russia into a semi-colony of the West. Representatives of the Entente, primarily England, the USA and France, were the actual owners of the White movement. They dictated their will to white. Despite the lack of bread and raw materials (ore, fuel, wool) in the occupied white regions of Russia, all this was exported abroad in significant amounts upon the first demand of the allies. To pay for the military property received, the largest enterprises passed into the hands of Western European and American capitalists. In the east, foreign capitalists received a series of concessions. Meeting the demands of the allies, Kolchak turned Russia into China, plundered and torn by foreign predators.

Thus, Kolchak's regime was anti-popular, reactionary, in the interests of the West and the pro-Western, White project in Russia itself. His future collapse is logical.

Caricature of Admiral Kolchak during the Civil War
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  1. +7
    23 November 2018 05: 40
    Caricature of Admiral Kolchak during the Civil War
    is the caricature definitely not modern? but it seems like it is not a Kolchak sitting there with a "tricolor".
    1. +4
      23 November 2018 06: 49
      After seventy years, this project has borne fruit ..
      1. +5
        23 November 2018 07: 07
        If this flag is now, then what happens? The caricature is very clear. Much stronger than words! Although about this flag on the White Guard armored Shpakovsky 2 years ago wrote
    2. +3
      23 November 2018 09: 26
      One-sided interpretations of any historical persons are already tiring.
      1. -10
        23 November 2018 10: 00
        I agree. The author once again juggles the facts and holds back the texts of quotes.
        The white project was based on the idea that after the elimination of tsarism, life can be arranged only according to Western standards. The Westerners planned full economic, social, cultural and ideological integration with Europe.

        Complete nonsense. White advocated the preservation and restoration of the social and cultural structure that existed before the revolution, nothing more.
        But this passage is completely fantastic:
        “The peasants were slaughtered,” says Gins, “they were robbed, insulted their civic dignity, ruined.”
        Taken out of context, it sounds creepy, right? But if you look at the context of this phrase, then it takes on a completely different meaning.
        Great uprisings took place in Tarsk County. As always, their new settlers began, but as the uprising developed, others joined in. The reason for this was the nature of the suppression of the uprising. The Bolsheviks worked in the county, undoubtedly under the leadership and at the expense of secret j organizations in Omsk, Tara and other cities. The peasants were baffled. To what extent the agitators in the media were illegible, one proclamation that was successful on the Yenisei can show. One of the rebel leaders, Shchetinkin, a former peasant-born officer, not a Bolshevik by convictions, but a Bolshevik one, carried away by a revolutionary career, announced to the peasants that the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich had already acted in the Far East, that he had appointed Lenin and Trotsky as his first ministers that Semenov joined him and it remains only to defeat Kolchak.
        I do not think that this proclamation, the text of which was communicated to the Office, was a city fabrication, an apocrypha. What kind of porridge was supposed to be in the heads of the peasants, whom Lenin and Trotsky were represented by the ministers of the grand duke?
        That almost half of the peasants in the Yenisei and Irkutsk provinces considered Kolchak’s power to have fallen long ago is a fact repeatedly confirmed by correspondence from the field.
        And in the Tarsk district, taking advantage of the ignorance of the population, bribing teachers and elders, using the services of cooperators and hiring their agitators, the Bolsheviks stirred up the people. And in this dark kingdom was a punitive expedition. Peasants were slaughtered, robbed, insulted their civil dignity, ruined. Among the hundred punished and offended, perhaps one was found guilty. But after the expedition passed, the enemies of the Omsk Government all became polls.
        In Tarsk County, the Poles pacified. According to the identity of the county authorities, they robbed unscrupulously. When, after the Poles, a detachment came under the command of the Russian Colonel Frank, who did not allow any violence, the peasants did not believe that this was Colonel of the Kolchak troops.

        The picture is more than interesting: the uprising inspired by the Bolsheviks is rising in the county, a detachment consisting of Poles in the Russian service is sent to pacify it and this detachment acts in violation of all possible orders and instructions of Kolchak. The question arises: who did this detachment really work for, if the next detachment of the Russian colonel did not allow such a thing?
        1. The comment was deleted.
          1. -10
            23 November 2018 14: 05
            Quote: McAr
            Let's start with the culture.
            3/4 of the peasantry, and this is 80% of subjects, were illiterate. Those. could not read.

            Nonsense, and not supported by any evidence. The real situation was completely different. You take a walk at this link: https://www.kramola.info/vesti/letopisi-proshlogo/vseobshchee-narodnoe-obrazovanie-v-rossiyskoy-imperii
            You will find a lot of new things about education in RI. All materials in this article are scanned photos and prints of those years.
            Quote: McAr
            For example, the court. For jurors of RI of low origin, no jury was supposed - the Volost court maximum.

            Do not lie. The court was omnipotent, with no exceptions. http://civil.consultant.ru/reprint/books/118/78.html
            And in the jury, the peasants also sat:
            The composition of the Russian jury trial reflected the structure of the estate division of the country's inhabitants. In large cities it was dominated by nobles, officials and merchants, and in small towns by middle class and peasants. On the whole, in Russia, whose population was predominantly peasant, the jury consisted of almost 2/3 of the peasants.


            Quote: McAr
            Requirements for a judge to be literate, i.e. be able to read, were of a recommendatory nature. And there was no requirement at least to hold in the hands of the "Code on penal and correctional punishments". This means that the judge could judge how he got into his head.

            Unproven tale. The volost courts were created as an organ of peasant local self-government and examined only petty property disputes and criminal offenses, moreover, the courts were allowed to follow local customs. In other words: Osip stole a goat from Timofey - such a court did not send him under arrest, but forced him to return this goat and pay a half ruble. But if Osip Timofey killed, then Osip was already sent to the district court, where he was tried on a general basis.
            1. +6
              23 November 2018 15: 06
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin

              Sedition?!!! Wow! laughing Fu, Lieutenant, give up kaku! I would also understand if Samsonov brought a link to this resource alternatively, to the whole head, of the gifted, his work there is the place. But, lieutenant, I honestly did not expect such degradation from you! Or do you care who, what, where and how ... if only your ChSV continuously purred from the illusion of your own rightness?
              1. -3
                23 November 2018 15: 10
                Excuse me, did you follow the link? I see that no. The resource can be alternatively gifted, but scans of books, magazines, photographs there are quite real. This resource does not suit, so I will give you a link to another, where the same photo materials are given: http://www.charmingrussia.ru/2016/07/blog-post.html
                1. +6
                  23 November 2018 17: 19
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  I see that no. The resource can be alternatively gifted, but scans of books, magazines, photographs there are quite real.

                  AND? What do these "scans" prove? In addition, such, perhaps (!!!), also happened. So, as far as I understand, no one in their right mind is trying to deny this possibility. The question, after all, is not in the presence of presence, but in how much "every cook" (s) and her children this beauty was available, in the realities of that time.
                  PS And, yes, about the "scans" ... I, you, such pictures, in Photoshop (ne), in three hours, about 20 pieces I can cook up. How long, skillfully! laughing
            2. The comment was deleted.
              1. -2
                23 November 2018 16: 04
                Quote: McAr
                Literacy of the Rural population of the Republic of Ingushetia (out of 108,8 million people) according to the 1897 census:
                - men 25,2%
                - women 9,8%
                - of both sexes 17,4%

                Literacy of the urban population of the Republic of Ingushetia according to the 1897 census:
                - men 54,0%
                - women 35,6%
                - of both sexes 45,3%

                SOURCE: http://istmat.info/node/86

                I went through the link you provided ... What can I say. The book was published in 1956 and is replete with clichés like "capitalist, imperialist". This is already causing concern. And even more caution is caused by the fact that the author, declaring the topic "Population of Russia for 100 years," for some reason, the study of literacy ends in the 19th century. Why he does this is not difficult to understand if you look at D. Saprykin's monograph "The Educational Potential of the Russian Empire". Here's what he writes:
                The results of the 1897 census provided the necessary statistical material for the implementation of "systematic" work to create "school networks", that is, the basic infrastructure (material in the form of school buildings and teaching aids and staffing in the form of qualified teachers in the field) covering the entire territory of the Empire. The goal was to ensure access to schools for all children with a radius of 3 versts. It was this problem (ensuring the physical accessibility of schools and the availability of qualified specialists on the ground), given the length of the country, that was the most difficult. But after 1897, it was successfully resolved mainly due to the cooperation of the Ministry of Education and Zemstvos. As a result, by 1917, "school networks" were built in the country, which still constitute the basis of the educational system of Russia and other states that were part of the Russian Empire. It was during this period that the material infrastructure of the national school system was created in our country, including school buildings, and an administrative and organizational infrastructure was provided, which was supposed to grow only in the sense of increasing the number of specialists, reaching all children, increasing the duration of training etc. (By 1916 in the Russian Empire there were about 140 thousand schools of various types, today in Russia there are about 65 thousand educational institutions of all types. In total, there are 135,5 thousand educational institutions of all types and forms of ownership in the Russian Federation (that is, not only general educational, but and professional educational institutions, institutions of additional education, etc.).

                The data of the full school census of January 1911 and the partial census of January 1915 indicate that at that time virtually complete training of boys was provided in the central Great Russian and Little Russian provinces. The situation was different with the training of girls (even in European Russia no more than 50% of girls studied in schools in primary schools) and with the situation in provinces with a predominantly foreign population, primarily in the regions of Central Asia, as well as in remote provinces of Siberia.

                Agree, the situation looks completely different. Having received data on the real level of literacy of the population, the imperial government began to actively address it. And looking at these figures, it is clear why the Soviet author stopped at the 19th century: the figures for the first decade and a half of the 20th century strikingly contradict the Soviet myth of "an illiterate, downtrodden Russia."
                Quote: McAr
                And what is so dramatic?

                Because by your statement that "for subjects of low origin" a jury was not supposed to be held, you told a blatant lie, contrary to the realities of those times.
                Quote: McAr
                As for the omnipotence of the courts, the peasants, as the lower class, were judged by the volost court.

                Yes, I did. But - on the limited scope of disputes and crimes. And this was logical, because the volost courts were in fact analogous to justices of the peace in cities. And no grounds about "lower" or "higher" estates took place here.
                1. 0
                  23 November 2018 18: 14
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  And even more caution is caused by the fact that the author, declaring the topic "Population of Russia for 100 years," for some reason, the study of literacy ends in the 19th century. Why he does this is not difficult to understand if you look at D. Saprykin's monograph "The Educational Potential of the Russian Empire".

                  I did not delve deeply into the lack of time, but this monograph does not correspond to its status - roughly speaking, samizdat. If I am mistaken, correct.

                  Quote from the monograph:
                  The data of the full school census of January 1911 and the partial census of January 1915 indicate that at that time virtually complete training of boys was provided in the central Great Russian and Little Russian provinces.

                  I did not find data on the "partial census of January 1915". Was there a boy?
                  The data of the full school census of January 1911 contradict what was said in the monograph.
                  Firstly, there was no sample of boys and girls — the author’s speculation.
                  And secondly, here (https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/materialy-shkolnoy-perepisi-1911-goda-kak-istochnik-dlya-izucheniya-sostoyaniya-obrazovaniya-nerusskih-narodov-vostochnoy-chasti-rossii ) on page 119 it says:
                  In general, the results of the school census of 1911 showed that in Russia only 23,8% of children aged 7 to 14 years old studied in rural primary schools.

                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  Agree, the situation already looks completely different.

                  So I made an amendment for two decades from 1897 to 1917. - Not 17% were literate, but 25%.
        2. +16
          23 November 2018 13: 16
          Lieutenant Teterin, tell me honestly, aren't you tired of the way they say now: "sculpt excuses" for your "beloved White Guards"? Already some kind of theater of the absurd, honestly. The cons speak volumes about the attitude and credibility of your statements. And another question, why did you, dear, not take part in the discussion of the article about the atrocities of the White Guard Annenkov? Didn't you "smear" one of your "idols"? Strange, really ...
          1. -7
            23 November 2018 14: 07
            Quote: fighter angel
            to sculpt excuses "for their" beloved White Guards "?

            Defending the honor of their people and their Fatherland can only be bored of a notorious villain.
            Quote: fighter angel
            Cons speak eloquently

            about the powerless anger of minusers who have nothing to answer my arguments.
            Quote: fighter angel
            did not participate in the discussion of the article on the atrocities of the White Guard Annenkov?

            Want to discuss Annenkov? Please wait for your reply.
            1. +7
              23 November 2018 14: 26
              "Only a notorious scoundrel can get tired of defending the honor of his people and his Motherland ..."
              What kind of people are you talking about here? Whites are not the whole nation, not even the whole is more correct, but only a certain part of it. In percentage terms, the rest is very small.
              "Your arguments, impotent rage ..."
              Ah, leave, lieutenant, these are high-sounding words, but nothing more.
              With regards to Annenkov, do you agree that this "warrior of the white guard" is an executioner, murderer and murderer? The article described some of the "feats" of this ... I don't even know what to call it. Beasts, it will be more correct ...
              1. -7
                23 November 2018 14: 38
                Quote: fighter angel
                What kind of people are you talking about here? Whites are not the whole nation, not even the whole is more correct, but only a certain part of it. In percentage terms, the rest is very small.

                I agree, not all, but part of it. The whites were the best, most active part of the people. And in the ranks of the whites, everyone fought: peasants, workers, merchants, Cossacks, officers, nobles, school teachers and university professors, even boys, high school students, and those went to the whites. It is significant that people joined the ranks of the white armies, not differences in origin and occupation.
                Quote: fighter angel
                "Your arguments, impotent rage ..."
                Ah, leave, lieutenant, these are high-sounding words, but nothing more.

                Come on, these are words of truth, because many put cons to me, but few object. The rest of the "minusers" simply understand that I have nothing to argue with. There are my comments with minuses, where there is not a single objection.
                Quote: fighter angel
                With regards to Annenkov, do you agree that this "warrior of the white guard" is an executioner, murderer and murderer?

                I completely cannot agree with you. Annenkov is a brilliant partisan, a talented tactical commander, but, unfortunately, suffered from total skipping discipline. And his subordinates were the same. As magnificent as he was on the battlefield, so disgusting was he in the rear. Complaints were also made against him by the white commanders and counterintelligence themselves.
                1. +6
                  24 November 2018 12: 17
                  I quote you, lieutenant: "... Whites were the best, most active part of the people. And in the ranks of the whites everyone fought: peasants, workers, merchants, Cossacks, officers, nobles, school teachers and university professors, even school boys and they went to the whites. It is indicative that the ranks of the white armies were people, not differences of origin and occupation .... "
                  You are our precious! So the ranks of the Red Army made up the same categories of the population of Russia that you listed! And let me ask you, what were they better? The better was the high school student fighting for the white, the high school student fighting for the red?
                  If Annenkov had been a "brilliant partisan tactician" - he would not have been hit by bullets, and he would not have dragged himself to China. Why was he so "magnificent on the battlefield" ??? Something his "brilliant" operations are not considered or studied in any military academy ...
                  1. +6
                    24 November 2018 12: 22
                    Brilliant partisans, so that you could understand, this is Denis Davydov, Seslavin, Figner, Gerasim Kurin, Kovpak, Fedorov ... This is People with a clear conscience! And this Annenkov is a vile, vile killer, sadist and punisher.
                2. +4
                  25 November 2018 12: 37
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  The rest of the "minusers" simply understand that I have nothing to argue with. There are my comments with minuses, where there is not a single objection

                  ".... A pitiful philistine, captivated by bourgeois prejudices! For such gentlemen, the 10 killed in the imperialist war is a matter worthy of support (in deeds, with corny phrases" against "the war), and the death of hundreds of thousands in a just civil war against the landlords and capitalists cause ahs, oohs, sighs, tantrums. "

                  Order of Lieutenant General Rozanov of March 27, 1919
                  The chiefs of military units operating in the area of ​​the uprising:

                  1. When occupying villages captured earlier by robbers, demand the extradition of their leaders and leaders; if this does not happen, but reliable information about the availability of such information is available, shoot the tenth.

                  2. The villages, the population of which will meet government troops with weapons, burn; adult male population to shoot without exception; property, horses, carts, bread, and so on, selected in favor of the treasury. Note. All selected must be carried out by order of the detachment.

                  3. If, when passing through a village, residents on their own initiative do not notify government troops about the enemy staying in that village, and there was a possibility of notification, impose monetary indemnities on the population beyond the responsibility of the Contributions to collect mercilessly. Note Any indemnity must be carried out by order, moreover by detachment. Amounts subsequently deposited in the treasury.

                  4. During the occupation of the villages, according to the case study, steadily impose indemnities on all those persons who contributed to the robbers at least indirectly, having connected them with mutual responsibility.

                  5. To declare to the population that for the voluntary supply of robbers not only with weapons and ammunition, but also with food, clothing and other things, the guilty villages will be burned and property selected in favor of the treasury. The population is obliged to take away their property or destroy it in all cases when robbers can take advantage of it. For property destroyed in this way, the population will be paid the full cost in cash or reimbursed from the requisitioned property of the robbers.

                  6. Among the population to take hostages, in case of action of fellow villagers directed against government troops, shoot hostages mercilessly.

                  7. As a general guideline to remember: a population that explicitly or secretly helps robbers should be looked upon as enemies and cracked down mercilessly, and their property should be compensated for losses caused by the hostilities of that part of the population that is on the side of the government.
                3. +5
                  25 November 2018 13: 05
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  The whites were the best, most active part of the people.

                  Only the "people" of England wassat -
                  A.V. Kolchak - A. Timireva:

                  Today is a day of great importance to me; today I was called by Sir Green at the embassy and received a message from him deciding my immediate future. Я with two of his companions accepted into the service of His Majesty the King of England and going to the Mesopotamian front.
            2. +3
              25 November 2018 11: 54
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Defending the honor of their people and their Fatherland can only be bored of a notorious villain.

              I adore the syllable syllable

              Interestingly, were you born in the USSR, or in the Republic of Ingushetia? laughing
              And soaring, easily and masterly
              Screw High Stylish Turn
              like a light bulb in a cartridge! And monstrous
              High Syllable will pierce the chest
        3. +4
          23 November 2018 14: 21
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          White advocated the preservation and restoration of the social and cultural system that existed before the revolution

          More precisely, some are white. "Some dumbass" in the words of Ya.A. Slashchev. But what is true is true - whites were perceived in this way - the personification of the "old regime". Therefore, the attitude towards them was appropriate and the result was what it was.
          1. -4
            23 November 2018 14: 28
            Quote: Sahar Medovich
            Separate dumbass "according to Ya.A. Slashchev.

            You forgot to indicate the source of the quote. It is doubtful that Slashchev, who was at one time the chief of staff at Shkuro, said this.
            Quote: Sahar Medovich
            White is just that - the personification of the "old regime". Therefore, the attitude towards them was appropriate.

            Of course it is appropriate. This is how Kharkov, having tasted the "joys" of the Bolshevik regime, met whites:
            “I went through Russia at least 2 thousand versts, I saw many busy cities, but nowhere have I met white people so touchingly as in Kharkov. The sounds of music attracted the attention of residents, and from all sides crowds of people ran towards us. Greetings came from all the windows. From everywhere flowers fell on the troops. When I turned back at the end of a long Yekaterinoslavskaya street, I saw a continuous swaying flower bed. Each on a bayonet, on a cap, under shoulder straps, had flowers in their hands. In those minutes, it was so keenly felt that we really were savior and liberator for all these crying and laughing people ... "
            General B.A.Steyfon

            And here is the meeting of the Drozdovites with the Cossacks:
            In the evening of the same day, Drozdovites, thrown with spring flowers, entered the streets of Novocherkassk. The Cossacks, who had previously not particularly favored the "gold miners," greeted them like real heroes, looking with undisguised delight at this bride from where the power came from ...

            White people were greeted as their own, as legitimate Russian authorities.
            1. +10
              23 November 2018 15: 40
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              General B.A.Steyfon

              Found someone to quote. This type, being the head of the Russian corps in the service of the Germans, and managed to die in one day with Hitler.
              1. -3
                23 November 2018 16: 05
                Quote: Mordvin 3
                Found someone to quote. This type, being the head of the Russian corps in the service of the Germans, and managed to die in one day with Hitler.

                Yes, no matter who he is, his words are confirmed by the testimonies of other eyewitnesses. German generals spoke highly of our soldiers. You also do not trust them, because they fought on the side of Hitler?
                1. The comment was deleted.
            2. +6
              23 November 2018 17: 56
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              You forgot to indicate the source of the quote.

              The source is fairly well known, I thought you were familiar. But please: "Crimea, 1920".

              I have already given you the testimonies of the whites, how the people met them and how it ended.
              Slashchev also says this:
              "" ... a group of people headed by Kornilov and Alekseev settled in Novocherkassk on the Don ... ... the idea that guided these people was the struggle for the "fatherland" ...
              But did the masses embark on this new struggle? No. In Novocherkassk, only a group of "intelligentsia" of 2000 people gathered, and the masses remained deaf to their call.

              The Soviet government closed the bazaars and began to take away surplus products, and a “miracle” happened. The idea of ​​“fatherland”, which still did not find a response among the masses, suddenly became clear to the prosperous Cossacks so much that they did not have to agitate for the organization of the detachments, but the villages themselves sent for officers and spoke “horse-drawn, crowded and armed.”
              The prosperous Cossacks, local merchants, kulaks and intelligentsia greeted the Volunteer Army with enthusiasm, and it gave the impression of a movement for their homeland, capable of deceiving an even more experienced politician than I and others like me. ”

              But here
              “... The robbery policy of big capital began. ... The struggle from the internal gradually and completely imperceptibly began to turn into a struggle between international capital and the proletariat. Even the petty-bourgeois masses felt oppressed and partly surrendered from the whites. The proletariat raised its head, uprisings began.
              ... the slogan "fatherland" ... was not able to raise the masses, was not able to move them to Moscow. "

              “... the collapse in the Volunteer Army began: the proletariat and the poorest peasantry were clearly against it, the petty bourgeoisie was very disappointed and began to move aside. Desertion began in the troops. Robberies intensified, the participants of which were persons even of the highest command staff. The movement lost all ideology and everything was done in the name of personal well-being or vanity. The army reached Orel, from where it uncontrollably rolled south.
              ... the petty bourgeoisie suffered and, naturally, disillusioned with the Volunteer Army, put forward a united front with the proletariat and the poorest peasantry against the latter. The idea of ​​“fatherland” inspired only individual idealists, politically illiterate and therefore stubbornly standing their ground to the detriment of their people and themselves. ”

              This is with Kornilov and Denikin. And so it was with Wrangel:
              "They took the city of Aleksandrovsk by the fall. But I did not feel faith in us among the people. For example, in this city I served the liturgy in the cathedral ... After the liturgy, a procession was organized. There were not many people walking with us, and there were workers on either side. They were obvious enemies of ours. ”They did not take off their hats before the procession and smiled openly and maliciously at our address:" Wait a minute, and you will soon be finished! " I read it on their faces quite clearly. ”Yes, the people are not here with us again!
              ... I myself saw with sadness that the former upper classes had gathered around General Wrangel: ministers, governors, generals, senators, aristocrats, a few industrialists and members of the Duma, and ... none of the peasants and workers. And I directly expressed my sadness and fear to General Wrangel, and then to Krivoshein. And to be to the fact that just after this report to the Prime Minister, his secretary Kotlyarevsky came in, who did not know anything about the content of our conversation, and said that Trotsky’s propaganda speech on the same issue was now broadcast on the radio: “Everyone, everyone, everyone ! Who gathered around Wrangel? Counts, princes, landlords, generals, there are no people, "etc.
              We were all struck by such a coincidence: the white bishop and the red commissar said the same thing. Yes, of course, one must admit that the "white movement" was in the end a class movement, not a nationwide (not a workers 'and peasants') movement. "(Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov)
              "At the turn of two eras")
            3. +5
              23 November 2018 19: 39
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              White people were greeted as their own, as legitimate Russian authorities.

              And if the whites also ruin the majority of the male population of the village, then they see them off almost like "relatives".
        4. +1
          23 November 2018 22: 05
          At the beginning of 1919, mainly from Polish prisoners of war who fought in World War I on the side of Germany and Austria-Hungary, the 5th Polish division of about 11 thousand people was formed in Siberia. She was remembered for punitive raids against the red partisans and peasants, as well as the heroic rear-guard battles with which they defended Kolchak’s retreat to the east - up to 50% of the personnel of the Polish division died in their course.
      2. +10
        23 November 2018 12: 57
        Quote: Wend
        One-sided interpretations of any historical persons are already tiring.
        Why is it especially tricky? There is a fact that the rogue Red Army with relative ease cleared all of Siberia from Kolchak’s perfectly armed and equipped army (the famous Kappel’s psychic attack in Chapaev is not an exaggeration of filmmakers). This clearly says one thing: for the most part, the people did not support the Kolchak project, and vice versa, supported the Red Project. hi
        1. +1
          23 November 2018 13: 32
          Quote: Proxima
          Quote: Wend
          One-sided interpretations of any historical persons are already tiring.
          Why is it especially tricky? There is a fact that the rogue Red Army with relative ease cleared all of Siberia from Kolchak’s perfectly armed and equipped army (the famous Kappel’s psychic attack in Chapaev is not an exaggeration of filmmakers). This clearly says one thing: for the most part, the people did not support the Kolchak project, and vice versa, supported the Red Project. hi

          Not so easy. but the question is, in the ranks of the white army who fought? Same people
        2. -4
          23 November 2018 14: 18
          Quote: Proxima
          tons of Kolchak’s beautifully armed and equipped army (the famous Kappel’s psychic attack in Chapaev is not an exaggeration of filmmakers).

          Forgive me, of course, but this is utter nonsense. Well-armed and equipped armies do not go into psychic attacks. They lazy bombard the enemy with shells, and then shoot down those who broke through the distance of a rifle shot. So it was in 1896 near Omdurman, in 1918 in northern France, in 1945 during the Wisla-Oder operation.
          1. +2
            23 November 2018 16: 06
            Yes, this is a film, dear! The bottom line is, the equipped army lost barefoot !!! The question is why? hi
            1. -1
              23 November 2018 16: 12
              Quote: Proxima
              The bottom line is, the equipped army lost barefoot !!! The question is why?

              Maybe because she wasn’t really equipped?
              Alexander Kolchak, who commanded the white armies in Siberia, and the commander-in-chief of the White Northern Army, General Yevgeny Miller, repeatedly demanded from the allies to provide them with these stocks of weapons, which the tsarist government paid in advance in gold! In the end, the Entente gave them an insignificant share of the contents of the warehouses. Moreover, from Vladivostok, weapons began to come to Kolchak only in the summer of 1919, after the Trans-Baikal ataman Grigory Semyonov, who did not recognize his power for a long time, finally allowed the passage of trains along the Trans-Siberian Railway. Until that moment, only 41 thousand rifles and 10 million cartridges for them arrived at Kolchak along the Northern Sea Route - a drop in the bucket compared to needs. When Semyonov unblocked the Transsib, Kolchak's armies were already defeated everywhere. This is reported by Rambler. Further: https://news.rambler.ru/army/38921984/?utm_content=rnews&utm_medium=read_more&utm_source=copylink

              1. +7
                23 November 2018 18: 31
                Equipped with something she was "really". Only this equipment was used to no avail:

                When approaching Novonikolaevsk (modern Novosibirsk), the Reds captured the guns of ONE white battery in battle.
                “Naturally, the brand-new guns captured from White aroused the most lively interest. But, unfortunately, they turned out to be English, with a rifle scope in yards and unfamiliar in the system. True, we quickly found ourselves: they forced the prisoners, before they were sent to the regiment headquarters, to show us at least hastily what was happening.
                And as they moved further, the Reds found that the whites had “... in the rear - from Art. Kargat and until Novonikolaevsk there were dozens of trains, frozen without fuel ...
                An endless ribbon of mixed together carcasses, platforms, freight and class cars - all this clearly showed the collapse of the Kolchak regime.
                Here are the platforms loaded with brand new English cannons, on which the factory lubrication is still frozen. Next - a carriage with shells, cartridges, rifles. Even further stolen Kolchakites from the Ural factories machines. And there they went wagons with cereals, sugar, flour, a finished dress, furs, felt boots, furniture and Kolchak money ... "
                And in the occupied Novonikolaevsk “The trophies we captured are hard to count: more than 200 guns, including all Kolchak's heavy artillery, 2 armored trains, 5 armored cars, about 1000 machine guns, more than 50000 rifles, 5 million cartridges and 3 million shells. All the commissary artillery and engineering warehouses of the front, a huge amount of various property were also captured. To our great joy, we also got a significant amount of medicines ”. (L. A. Krasnopolsky "Liberation of Novonikolaevsk from the Whites"
                L. A. Krasnopolsky - former military commissar of the 4th Vyazemsky artillery battery of the 27th Omsk Rifle Division of the 5th Red Army)
              2. +5
                23 November 2018 18: 41
                Lieutenant, you surprise me !!! See the map !! There were five industrial regions in the Russian Empire: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ural, Yekaterinoslav and Donetsk. Three of the five districts were under the whites, plus the third city of the empire in terms of population, and in logistics and cargo turnover in general, the first was Odessa. I'm not talking about the inexhaustible reserves of fertile land. And the Bolsheviks had what? - Non-chernozem? The question is, was White missing? The answer is very "original" - public support! hi
          2. +5
            23 November 2018 18: 14
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Well-armed and equipped armies do not go into psychic attacks.

            However, they did! And whites in civilian and Germans in both worlds.
        3. -3
          23 November 2018 19: 13
          Quote: Proxima
          the rogue Red Army with relative ease cleared all of Siberia from Kolchak’s perfectly armed and equipped army (the famous Kappel’s psychic attack in Chapaev is not an exaggeration of filmmakers)

          The fact that White went to the PA, instead of shooting as expected, raises questions about who was perfectly armed and who was not.
    3. +4
      24 November 2018 11: 46
      Quote: Andrey Yurievich
      Caricature of Admiral Kolchak during the Civil War
      is the caricature definitely not modern? but it seems like it is not a Kolchak sitting there with a "tricolor".

      laughing The caricature is very relevant and indeed the story is repeated .. even in faces laughing
  2. +5
    23 November 2018 05: 59
    "The people are not with us. They are against us." Bulgakov said this a long time ago in a great play
  3. +12
    23 November 2018 06: 08
    English uniform
    Shoulder strap french
    Japanese tobacco,
    Omsk ruler.
  4. -20
    23 November 2018 06: 27
    I agree, Kolchak is not a lamb. But the Reds should not be idealized.
    And the people rebelled against the Reds on the Don, in Izhevsk, in Votkinsk, in Tambov. And certainly the Bolsheviks had no equal in the ferocity of the suppression of uprisings. Drowned barges with prisoners of war and civilians. Chemical weapons were used in Tambov against peasants.

    Commander of the troops of the Tambov province No. 0116 / operational-secret
    Tambov June 12, 1921

    The remnants of the broken gangs and individual bandits who fled from the villages where Soviet power was restored, gather in the forests and from there raid civilians.

    1. Forests where bandits are hiding should be cleaned with poisonous gases, precisely calculated so that a cloud of suffocating gases spreads completely throughout the forest, destroying everything that was hidden in it.
    2. The Artillery Inspector shall immediately submit the required number of poisonous gas cylinders and the necessary specialists to the field.
    3. The commanders of the battle areas persistently and vigorously carry out this order.
    4. Report on measures taken.

    Commander Tukhachevsky
    Chief of Staff of the General Staff Kakurin

    Russian State Military Archive F.34228. Op. 1. D.292. L.5 "

    "Order of the Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the beginning of repressive measures against individual bandits and their families harboring N 171, Tambov, June 11, 1921

    To the commissions of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    Starting from June 1, a decisive fight against banditry gives a quick reassurance of the region. Soviet power is gradually being restored, and the laboring peasantry is moving to peaceful and quiet work. Antonov’s gang was defeated by decisive actions of our troops, scattered and caught separately.
    In order to permanently eradicate the Socialist-Revolutionary gang roots and, in addition to previously issued orders, the Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee
    1. Citizens who refuse to give their name, shoot on the spot without trial.
    2. For the villages where the weapons are hiding, the authorities of the political committee or the district political committee shall pronounce the verdict on the seizure of hostages and shoot them in case of non-delivery of weapons.
    3. In the case of finding the hidden weapon to shoot on the spot without a trial, the senior employee in the family.
    4. The family in whose house the bandit took refuge is subject to arrest and expulsion from the province, her property is confiscated, a senior worker in this family is shot without trial.
    5. Families that harbor family members or property of gangsters are treated as gangsters, and the senior employee of this family is shot on the spot without trial.
    6. In the event that the gangster’s family escapes, distribute the property among the peasants loyal to Soviet power and burn or dismantle the houses they left behind.
    7. This order is enforced severely and mercilessly.

    Chairman of the Plenipotentiary Commission of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Antonov-Ovseenko
    Commander Tukhachevsky
    Chairman of the Executive Committee Lavrov
    Secretary Vasiliev
    Read at rural gatherings.

    GATO. F.R.-4049. Op. 1. D.5. L.45. Typographic copy ".

    1. +17
      23 November 2018 07: 26
      Again flooded barges ... The nineties are long gone, and Mr. Tarkhan continues to amuse the people by telling the nonsense of "Novodvorskaya and the company"
      1. -12
        23 November 2018 08: 44
        Again flooded barges ... The nineties are long gone, and Mr. Tarkhan continues to amuse the people by telling the nonsense of "Novodvorskaya and the company"

        "In 1925, the Iversky convent was closed. Its buildings were given to the proletariat - for housing a worker of a brewery, state district power station and a cooper factory. This is how the Worker's Town appeared on the map of Samara. A small part of the nuns remained to live in it, but the lion's share of them was forced to leave the walls of their former monastery.
        However, in the early 1930s, when the persecution of the church reached its peak, the Samara Chekists decided to root out the "religious dope". An announcement was placed in the Samara newspapers that the Iversky Monastery was reopening and the nuns were being invited to return there. Those who believed this misinformation were captured, put on a barge, the latter was taken out to the middle of the Volga and flooded there. "
        1. -11
          23 November 2018 11: 54
          Quote: Tarkhan
          However, in the early 1930s, when the persecution of the church reached its peak, the Samara Chekists decided to root out the "religious dope". An announcement was placed in the Samara newspapers that the Iversky Monastery was reopening and the nuns were being invited to return there. Those who believed this misinformation were captured, put on a barge, the latter was taken out to the middle of the Volga and flooded there. "

          A terrible fact in its essence - to set a trap for ordinary believers who did not wage any war with the Soviet regime, simply kill them for their loyalty to their religious ideals.
          1. +7
            23 November 2018 12: 29
            One (Tarkhan) threw in a lie, the second (Mikhail) immediately made Yaroslavna cry. Do you always believe everything so easily, or just horror stories about "communism and others like it"?
            The above lines are taken from the site "Another city". Except for one.
            However, in the early 1930s, when the persecution of the church reached its peak, the Samara security officers decided to lime the “religious dope” under the root. An announcement was published in Samara newspapers that the Iversky Monastery was reopened and the nuns were invited to return there. Those who believed this misinformation were captured, put on a barge, the latter was put into the middle of the Volga and flooded there. However, this urban legend has no documentary evidence.

            Tarkhan, I will remind you of your words (you "branded" the author of the article in an article about Basmachi):
            Once lied, who will believe you? 74th aphorism from the collection of thoughts and aphorisms “Fruits of Meditation” (1854) by Kozma Prutkov. Original: Having lied once, who will believe you? Allegorically: a commentary on the words, assurances, promises of a person about whom it is reliably known that he once deceived someone, let him down, etc. And the deceiver can once again do this again.
            1. -3
              24 November 2018 12: 35
              However, this urban legend has no documentary evidence.

              And what documentary data about the crime should the killers leave?
              "They say we, such security officers, drove 30 nuns onto an old barge and flooded. Stamp, date, signature."

              I don’t have progandon concepts - branded.
              I said that the author is telling a lie, omitting the truth. He did not note in any way that the large-scale popular movement in Central Asia began after the arrival of 11 echelons of red troops in Turkestan and their destruction of Kokand with many casualties. The elimination of Turkestan autonomy which proclaimed itself autonomy within Russia. I am still in these positions.
              1. -2
                24 November 2018 18: 06
                And this, too, is not completely copied, not all the material.

                "On June 18, 1930, the City Council adopted a decree" On the implementation of monuments, crosses, gratings and gravestones within the city limits. "In accordance with this decree, the fence, crypts, graves were destroyed in the Iverskaya monastery. The tombstones of the monastery cemetery began to pave the Alexander ( now Vilonovskaya) street.Near the grave of P.V. Alabin in the family crypt of Prince Kugushev, a street toilet and a garbage bin were arranged.

                It was a difficult time for the religious life of Samara. Faith became persecuted, illegal, the shrine ceased to be inviolable. The Bolsheviks closed all parish and ecclesiastical schools in the diocese, confiscated their libraries and property, from Samara churches and monasteries all material values ​​were confiscated and disappeared without a trace, in 1933, on Alekseevskaya Square (now Revolution Square), on the night of November 7-8, burning of service books, icons and vestments. On the territory of the Iversky Monastery on February 8, 1938, they were brutally killed - stabbed with bayonets and drowned in an ice-hole on the Volga - the rector of the Iversky Church, Archpriest Peter Mikhailovich Arkhangelsky and Protodeacon Nestor. Parish priests, monks and believers were arrested and exiled. In 1930, Archpriest Alexander Fedorovich Bechin was sentenced to five years in concentration camps for counter-revolutionary activities. In 1937, Hieromonk Ilariy (Ovinov), the confessor of the Iberian monastery, was arrested and then shot. "
          2. +1
            23 November 2018 23: 28
            These are the number of Misha people who believe in all lies.
        2. +4
          23 November 2018 12: 17
          Also spend that barge.
          Well, what a loss!
          1. -1
            24 November 2018 17: 20
            Quote: Black Owerlord
            Also spend that barge.
            Well, what a loss!

            In fact, since the era of the "Great" French Revolution, an invention has been known - reusability - first, people are driven onto a ship, then it is sunk, then they are unloaded again. It's a pity if you don't know that the Bolsheviks took the terror of Robespierre as their model.
            1. 0
              25 November 2018 13: 28
              Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
              first people are driven into a ship, then they drown it, then they unload it again.

              Have you ever seen the Volga barge?
        3. +5
          23 November 2018 19: 51
          Quote: Tarkhan
          Those who believed this misinformation were captured, put on a barge, the latter was taken out to the middle of the Volga and flooded there. "

          How dense you are, but I don’t feel sorry for you, I feel sorry for the Volga River, poor river, I have suffered so much from your inventions: this is necessary: ​​the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks littered all of it with flooded barges, where did the steamboats sail then ?.
          1. +1
            25 November 2018 15: 26
            Quote: Alexander Green /
            .... How dense you are, but I don’t feel sorry for you, .....
            Greetings, Alexander! In one of his stories A.I. Fursov said that blaming each other, both white and red, with these barges, --- does not have a foundation with us. This was not the case. Only in France.
            Matyugin still has not explained how White repented for GV. I would like to know.
        4. +3
          23 November 2018 23: 27
          Quote: Tarkhan
          Those who believed this misinformation were captured, put on a barge, the latter was taken out to the middle of the Volga and flooded there. "

          However, this urban legend does not have any documentary evidence.
          You would copy the text to the end.
          Yes, of the same tales, a black climber-white guard tortured by the Bolsheviks.
      2. -8
        23 November 2018 10: 01
        And where did you see the barges here? This is an order that is documented.
        1. +4
          23 November 2018 23: 30
          Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
          This is an order that is documented.

          Aha in a book without originals and with erroneous documents, see above. Sennikov in his book cited some documents that were widely quoted in many later works devoted to the Tambov uprising. However, the authenticity of the cited texts raises serious doubts. And the point is not that it is not possible to get acquainted with the originals, because Boris Vladimirovich refers to the mysterious “author’s archive” allegedly found by him under the floor of the Winter Church of the Kazan Monastery in Tambov, how much the texts themselves do not withstand any criticism.
    2. +12
      23 November 2018 08: 19
      "THAT'S SUCH AN ORDER KING WAS NOT EXACTLY ISSUE." Well, well, Siberians remember flogging, executions, hanging of "evaders" from mobilization and requisitions. Therefore, the Siberian peasant rebelled against benefactors - civilizers.
    3. +9
      23 November 2018 08: 48
      Quote: Tarkhan
      Forests where bandits hide, clean with poisonous gases,

      Hehe ... I was amused ..., especially the joke about "poisonous gases in the woods." Interestingly, Mr. "Tarkhan" will not disclose to us the technology of using these "gases" in forests and will not decipher what kind of "gases" are in "cylinders" and where did they come from? As far as we know, Russia in World War I produced only chemical shells.
      1. -12
        23 November 2018 08: 56
        Interestingly, Mr. "Tarkhan" will not disclose to us the technology of using these "gases" in forests and will not decipher what kind of "gases" are in "cylinders" and where did they come from?

        Why should I decrypt, did I write an order? I gave an order that is stored in the archive.
        You need to prove that there is no such order or it is fake.

        For the first time in history, the army of Tukhachevsky used chemical weapons against shells - shells and cylinders with chlorine.

        "June 24, 1921 to the Commander of the Troops of the Tambov province

        Regarding the use of gases in Moscow, I found out the following: an outfit for 2 chemical shells was given, and these days they should arrive in Tambov. Distribution into sections: 000st, 1nd, 2rd, 3th and 4th in 5, and 200th - 6. I present the instructions for use for your consideration, after which I will send it to the heads of artillery of the sections.

        Tambov Army Artillery Inspector for Combating Banditry S. Kosinov

        - B.V. Sennikov. Tambov uprising of 1918-1921 and the de-peasantization of Russia in 1929-1933 ".
        1. +7
          23 November 2018 09: 17
          Quote: Tarkhan
          You need to prove that there is no such order or it is fake.

          There is no need to prove anything, just read it to understand that it was written by an absolute amateur.
          1. -7
            23 November 2018 10: 38
            There is no need to prove anything, just read it to understand that it was written by an absolute amateur.

            The form of orders was not compiled by us. At that time it was like that.

            And what do you think Chapaev had a very refined and competent form of orders.
        2. +3
          23 November 2018 14: 15
          Quote: Tarkhan
          For the first time in history, Tukhachevsky’s army used chemical weapons against its citizens

          For the first time - except for the use of the same weapon as white. Against their own citizens.
        3. +1
          23 November 2018 19: 46
          "For the first time in history, Tukhachevsky's army used chemical weapons against its citizens - shells and chlorine cylinders" - well, there was no use there (see the works of Bobkov, Zaits, Glushko, etc.). But it happened from Siberia: “With the knowledge of Rozanov (the governor of the Yenisei and part of the Irkutsk province under Kolchak), units of the Czechoslovak corps in June 1919 shelled the partisan areas of the Taishet district of the village of Biryusa, the station of Akulshet. More than two hundred local residents died from poisoning and partisans. " Or let's take the time early, 1918 - in June 1918, in the battles near Verkhneuralsk and Beloretsk, the Whites used up 684 suffocating shells.
        4. +4
          23 November 2018 23: 20
          Quote: Tarkhan

          the authenticity of the texts is in serious doubt. And the point is not that it is not possible to get acquainted with the originals, because Boris Vladimirovich refers to the mysterious “author’s archive”, allegedly found by him under the floor of the Winter Church of the Kazan Monastery in Tambov, how much the texts themselves do not withstand any criticism:
          1. Not to Kosinov, but to Kasinov. The post of Tambov artillery inspector was held by Sergei Mikhailovich Kasinov. The commanders of the units were also aware of this, especially since they were all personally acquainted with him.
          2. Sennikov’s reference to the “chief of artillery” is not true, the troops of the Tambov province did not exist. The artillery activity was supervised by the artillery inspector of the troops of the Tambov province. And in all other documents, such an appeal does not occur even once.
          3. The link to August 20 and 22 of the “operation in the area of ​​Lake Ramza” also does not have documentary evidence, there were no “battles with bandits” using artillery these days, therefore, no shells could be fired.
          4. There were no “Trans-Volga artillery courses” in nature.
          5. The term "high explosive" in the documents of those years does not occur at all even once. Neither in the Tambov documents, nor in the documents of the GAU, TsUS, the headquarters of the Red Army, nor in other such terms is used.
          6. Well, the term “department” in relation to art division looks quite absurd.
          7. The last names of Mikhailov are among the personal files of the command staff of the ZVO legenddiv, and indeed throughout the Tambov artillery, as well as in the administration of the inspectorate.
          8. Of course, at that time there was no “artillery brigade” in the Tambov province, and indeed the Red Army in general.
          9. It is also unclear why the head of the mythical artillery brigade writes his report from Inzhavino, where the headquarters of the 6th combat unit was located, and not from Rasskazovo (or from Sampur station), from the headquarters of the 2nd combat unit, to which the artillery of the Western Military District belonged.
          1. +2
            24 November 2018 22: 06
            Bravo, and even already in films this nonsense is shown, but lieutenants and olgovich spit in the eyes - God's dew. By the way, it’s strange that he has not yet pulled himself up.
      2. 0
        23 November 2018 12: 21
        I think the video is accurately transmitted about those same gases
      3. 0
        23 November 2018 23: 44
        [quote = bistrov.] [quote = Tarkhan] Forests where bandits hide are cleaned with poisonous gases, [/ quote]
        The Antonov uprising was generally interesting:
        On August 2, cadet companies examined the wooded island "Dry Oaks", on which fire was fired. The only trophies were “three horses” (one belonged to Antonov), by the way, who successfully survived the gas bombardment. Which, however, is not surprising, because “59 chemical shells” was clearly not enough to create a gas cloud of the required concentration.
    4. BAI
      23 November 2018 15: 37

      Russian legal scholar Georgy Konstantinovich Gins (1887-1971) was one of those people who formally elected Kolchak “Supreme Ruler of Russia” on November 18, 1918. He held various positions in the Kolchak government, and in exile in 1921 he published detailed memoirs “Siberia, Allies and Kolchak” -
      Gins G.K. Siberia, the Allies and Kolchak. The turning point of Russian history. 1918-1920 - Moscow: Iris Press, 2013.– 672 p.

      As the Supreme Ruler, he clearly stated his “legal credo” in one of his conversations with Gins:
      “The civil war must be merciless. I order the unit commanders to shoot all captured communists. Either we shoot them, or they shoot us. This was the case in England during the Scarlet and White Rose War, so inevitably should be with us, and in any civil war. ”

      And the war with the civilian population (ibid.):

      It was a punitive expedition. Peasants were slaughtered, robbed, insulted their civil dignity, ruined. Among the hundred punished and offended, perhaps one was found guilty. But after the expedition passed, the enemies of the Omsk Government all became polls.
      Throughout Siberia, peasant uprisings spread like a continuous sea. The more pacifications there were, the wider they spread throughout the country. They approached Omsk itself from the Slavgorod and Tarsky districts, from the southeast and northwest, interrupting the communication lines of Semipalatinsk – Barnaul, captured most of Altai, large areas of the Yenisei province.
    5. +2
      23 November 2018 19: 29
      What are you! Didn't publish?
      But what about Kolchak’s Order on the suppression of the Yenisei uprising (March 1919):

      “Perhaps sooner, more decisively, to end the Yenisei uprising, not stopping at the most severe, even cruel measures against not only the rebels, but also the population supporting them (...). In any case, a strict measure should be applied to the villages of Kiyayskoye, Nayskoye. I believe that the method of action should be something like this:

      1. In settlements it is necessary to organize self-protection from reliable residents.

      2. Demand that local authorities themselves arrest and destroy all agitators or troublemakers in localities.

      3. For harboring the Bolsheviks, propagandists and gangs, there must be merciless reprisal, which should not be done only if the nearest military unit was informed about the appearance of these persons (gangs) in the settlements in time, as well as the time of the departure of this gang and the direction of its movement reported to the troops. Otherwise, a monetary fine should be imposed on the whole village, and the village leaders should be brought to a military court for concealment.

      4. Make unexpected raids on troubled points and areas. The appearance of an impressive detachment causes a change in the mood of the population.

      7. For intelligence, communications use the locals, taking hostages. In case of false and untimely information or betrayal of the hostages, execute, and burn down the houses belonging to them ... All able-bodied men to be collected in some large building, kept under surveillance and guard for the night, in case of treason, betrayal - merciless reprisal.
    6. +2
      23 November 2018 23: 07
      Well, do not finish yet there were such instructions:
      On June 17, 1921, the heads of the combat units and units were sent a circular by the headquarters of Kakurin, which stated: "... in all operations involving asphyxiating gas, comprehensive measures must be taken to save the livestock in the gas area ..."
      The decision of the Sklyansky commission, and Kakurin's circular, were without fail addressed to Kasinov, the artillery inspector of the troops of the Tambov province. In his replies to the telegrams received, he said: “... that the corresponding instructions will be given in the instructions, which will be sent out to the fighting. plots, after the approval of the Command ... "Such an instruction was written and sent to the combat sites. In it, in particular, the comments expressed by the command were reflected:
      “... When using gas waves, care must be taken so that people and livestock are not affected. Why should the chief conducting the attack, through local authorities, notify the population well in advance of the indication of gas-hazardous areas. "Cattle should not be closer than 5 miles from the place of release of gases from the leeward side ..."
      I suppose that Kolchak did not warn the population about punitive operations.
      Here are the episodes of the use of chemical weapons:
      1. The operational summary describes this battle:
      “... At 24 hours 12.07 a gang of up to 200 sabers surrounded and launched an offensive on the village of Smolnaya Vershina <...> After an hour's battle, the village of Smolnaya Vershina was repulsed by the garrison and the artillery platoon and a bullet command from the village of Pahotny Ugol, which had approached directions. On our side, 2 Red Army men, the Chairman of the Village Council, were wounded. Several horses were wounded ... 15 choking shells were used up (and this is for the advancing cavalry and at night)
      Due to the low effectiveness of chemical shells, artillerymen of the 2nd combat unit did not use them anywhere else.
      On August 2.2, cadet companies examined the wooded island "Dry Oaks", on which fire was fired. The only trophies were the "three horses", by the way, having successfully survived the gas bombardment. Which, however, is not surprising, because “59 chemical shells” was clearly not enough to create a gas cloud of the required concentration.
      I suppose that the protesters in the countries of advanced democracy got more gas than the Antonovites.
  5. -21
    23 November 2018 07: 09
    But the Russian communists acted in the interests of most people . .

    Most people NEVER authorized the Swiss foreign tourists who lived half their lives in Europe to act for their benefit. It rejected them in the elections.
    The Soviet project embodied the ideals of Russian civilization

    Civil war with victims of 10 million people (many times more than WWI), famines unprecedented anywhere in the world with the number of victims of many millions in Peaceful time (many times more victims of the WORLD WAR), hundreds of thousands of people shot in Peaceful time, million deported to the north robbed and dispossessed, millions of deprived, island of cannibals Nazino on the Ob, consumption level 1913, achieved only after 40 years, lack of free elections, the press, books, justice, the Russian Cross and the disaster 91 g - no relation to the ideals of Russian civilization do not have.

    For the fact that none of the above should be (and this was not anywhere else in the world), for the freedom of the people, for the right of the people to choose their fate on free and equal Representatives of the people of absolutely all political parties of Russia, from the RSDPRM to the monarchists in the ranks of the White Movement, also fought. including A.V. Kolchak.
    1. +12
      23 November 2018 07: 55
      Wow ... England and France (Entente) unleashed the Civil War and the Intervention on the territory of Russia, and the Bolsheviks are to blame. From such comments, something "Svidomo" evokes, because from the same State Department manuals ... they hang noodles about khokhlomors, and about how VEZMIR just dreamed of feeding the poor kids, and the evil commies put a knife on everyone ...
      The "Saints of the Nineties" for which you are praying are long gone in Russia, and all your dozens and hundreds of times debunked chatter that "the commies are to blame for everything" does not work on normal people (and not on the pots of head horses).
      1. -6
        23 November 2018 10: 04
        Quote: mavrus
        Wow ... England and France (the Entente) unleashed the Civil War and Intervention on the territory of Russia, and the Bolsheviks were to blame.

        Most gracious, the Civil War on the territory of Russia began after the coup, organized by the Bolsheviks. And the same English were invited to Murmansk by the Bolsheviks themselves:
        An answer came from Moscow signed by the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs L. Trotsky, which, in particular, said: “You must accept all assistance from the allied missions and counter all obstacles against predators” (Struggle to establish and consolidate Soviet power in Murman. Murmansk, 1960, p. 145, 147). This directive was confirmed by V.I. Lenin and I.V. Stalin on April 9-10, 1918 (see Doc. 123). Relying on Trotsky’s directive, the chairman of the Murmansk Council Yuryev concluded on March 2, 1918, a “verbal agreement” (referred to in the record of negotiations) as follows: “§ 1. The highest power within the Murmansk region belongs to the Murmansk Sovdep. § 2. The highest command of all the armed forces of the region belongs to the leadership of the Soviet of Deputies to the Murmansk Military Council of 3 persons - one for the appointment of the Soviet government and one each from the British and French. § 3. The British and French do not interfere in the internal management of the area: all decisions of the Council of Deputies, which are of general importance, they are informed by the Council of Deputies in those forms, which, according to the circumstances, the cases will be deemed necessary. § 4. The Allies take care of supplying the region with the necessary reserves ”(Documents of the USSR Foreign Policy. T. 1. M., 1957, p. 221). On the basis of this agreement, on March 6, the English cruiser Glory entered the port of Murmansk, landing a marines force of 170 people. On March 14th, a landing was launched from the English cruiser Cochrane, and on March 18th from the French cruiser Admiral Ob.

        1. BAI
          23 November 2018 11: 36
          The civil war in Russia began after the coup, organized by the Bolsheviks.

          The civil war began after the February Revolution, with the killing of officers and police. Next is just an upward development, reinforced by a change in ownership.
          1. -6
            23 November 2018 11: 55
            You can count it like that. But still, hostilities in the country began after October. Although the feudalists were villains, they did not shoot artillery at Russian cities.
            1. +6
              23 November 2018 12: 35
              One of the qualities of the enemies of the communists on the territory of the USSR is fantastic cowardice, a complete lack of a sense of responsibility for your words and deeds, and with all this you seriously think that the communists and their supporters are more worthy to own the country. The cowardice of the enemies of the Communists reaches the point of sheer irrationality. They themselves openly admit that after the October Revolution they created armed armies with the aim of overthrowing the power of the Bolsheviks, seized the territories of Soviet Russia, killed the Bolsheviks and their supporters, BUT all the same, contrary to not only the truth, but also common sense, they stubbornly whine in a cowardly chorus "and we have nothing to do with it, the Bolsheviks unleashed the Civil War. "
              But there is such an elementary concept as logic, and if you cowardly blame the Communists for what you yourself have done, then you yourself admit it as your crimes.
              1. -5
                23 November 2018 12: 48
                No one here says that white is only white and red is only red.

                This author of the article interprets historical events only from the side of the Reds. Such as propaganda was appropriate in 20 years, to strengthen the power of the Bolsheviks.

                But after 100 years, one must treat everyone and everything equally objectively. And the author raises what was demolished from the historical scene in the 90s as not meeting expectations. And not only in Russia, but throughout the world. People did not want to live under violence and want. In 90, even secretaries of district and regional committees, who always called for the defense of communist ideals, did not even enter the barricades. Because the power commies first of all ended in the heads of people.
                1. +4
                  23 November 2018 13: 39
                  Some kind of meaningless answer,. with eternal criticism, and eternal cowardice of the enemies of the communists on the territory of the USSR "and we have nothing to do with it, it's all the others to blame." You proved to EVERYTHING that you did, said, wrote, during these 100 years, both under Soviet rule, and after you captured the republics of the USSR, that you are not worthy and are not capable of owning the country.
                  As you YOURSELF proved over these 100 years, you had only a maniacal fix idea to RETRACT the country from the communists and their supporters, and then everything "but we have nothing to do with it, we owe nothing to this country and this people" for yourself, loved ones.
              2. -6
                23 November 2018 13: 41
                Quote: tatra

                One of the qualities of the enemies of the communists on the territory of the USSR is fantastic cowardice.

                I would say that this quality more characterizes the Communists themselves. In 1991, a group of people pulled the USSR apart and ... where were they, communists? We sat at home and waited for everyone to decide for them.
                Quote: tatra
                that after the October Revolution, armed armies were created to overthrow the power of the Bolsheviks, seized the territory of Soviet Russia, killed the Bolsheviks and their supporters

                The "October Revolution" was an openly criminal act, the seizure of power by a handful of terrorists who ignored the will of the people, expressed in the elections to the Constituent Assembly. And the armies that were gathered by the whites were a defensive reaction of the people, a desire to restore the rule of law.
                1. 0
                  23 November 2018 16: 14
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  The "October Revolution" was an openly criminal act, the seizure of power by a handful of terrorists who ignored the will of the people, expressed in the elections to the Constituent Assembly.

                  "A bunch of terrorists" ?! laughing Uh, Lieutenant, let me ask: How many terrorist attacks were carried out by the Bolsheviks in January 1918?
                  Less than 50% of voters participated in the elections. A total of 715 deputies were elected, of which 370 mandates were received by the Right Social Revolutionaries and Centrists, 175 - Bolsheviks, 40 - Left Social Revolutionaries, 17 - Cadets, 15 - Mensheviks, 2 - Enes and 86 - deputies from national groups (Socialist-Revolutionaries 51,7%, the Bolsheviks - 24,5%, the Left Socialist-Revolutionaries - 5,6%, the Cadets - 2,4%, the Mensheviks - 2,1%). The Mensheviks suffered a crushing defeat in the elections, gaining less than 3% of the vote, the lion's share of which was represented by Transcaucasia. (Wiki ..)

                  And the fact that other, real terrorists won the election in the UC (recall the names and number of victims of the Socialist-Revolutionary terror, or remember yourself?) Doesn’t it bother you, lieutenant? lol
                  1. 0
                    23 November 2018 16: 19
                    Quote: HanTengri
                    "A bunch of terrorists" ?! Uh-uh, lieutenant, let me ask you: How many terrorist attacks were committed by the Bolsheviks in January 1918?

                    A lot:
                    Among the terrorist acts of the Bolsheviks, there were many “spontaneous” attacks on government officials, as Mikhail Frunze and Pavel Gusev killed the officer Nikita Perlov on February 21, 1907 without an official resolution. On their account there were also high-profile political murders: according to the version circulated in historical literature, in 1907 it was the Bolsheviks who killed the famous poet Ilya Chavchavadze - probably one of the most famous national figures of Georgia at the beginning of the 39th century [40]. This murder, however, was never solved [XNUMX].

                    The Bolsheviks also planned high-profile murders: the Moscow Governor-General Dubasov, Colonel Riemann in St. Petersburg, and the prominent Bolshevik A.M. Ignatiev, close to Lenin personally, even proposed a plan for the abduction of Nicholas II from Peterhof.

                    A detachment of Bolshevik terrorists in Moscow was planning an explosion in a train carrying troops from St. Petersburg to Moscow to suppress the December revolutionary rebellion. The plans of the Bolshevik terrorists were to capture several grand dukes for subsequent bargaining with the authorities, who were already close at that moment to the suppression of the December uprising in Moscow.

                    According to Anna Geifman, the Bolsheviks planned shelling of the Winter Palace from a cannon, which they stole from the guards naval crew.

                    The historian notes that many of the speeches of the Bolsheviks, which at first could still be regarded as acts of the "revolutionary struggle of the proletariat", in reality often turned into ordinary criminal acts of individual violence.

                    The Bolsheviks, close to Leonid Krasin, in 1905-1907 played an important role in acquiring explosives and weapons abroad for all terrorists from the Social Democrats [41].

                    Analyzing the terrorist activities of the Bolsheviks during the years of the first Russian revolution, the historian and researcher Anna Geifman comes to the conclusion that for the Bolsheviks terror turned out to be an effective and often used tool at different levels of the revolutionary hierarchy [39].

                    Quote: HanTengri
                    And the fact that other, real terrorists won the election in the UC (recall the names and number of victims of the Socialist-Revolutionary terror, or remember yourself?) Doesn’t it bother you, lieutenant?

                    Not at all. The Socialist-Revolutionaries, for all their crimes committed before 1917, calmly reacted to the will of the people.
            2. 0
              23 November 2018 20: 01
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Although the feudalists were villains, they did not shoot artillery at Russian cities.

              And who then sent Russian soldiers to German cannons on all fronts during the summer offensive of 1917?
              1. -2
                23 November 2018 20: 27
                Quote: Alexander Green
                sent on all fronts in the summer offensive

                Do you know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?
                1. +1
                  23 November 2018 20: 36
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  Do you know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?

                  And the Februaryists, who entered almost all white governments and participated in the hostilities against the Soviet regime, didn’t bomb the cities?
                  1. -2
                    23 November 2018 23: 06
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    And the Februaryists, who entered almost all white governments and participated

                    Actually, I asked a very simple question regarding your comment.
                    What was in GV is another conversation, then everyone was good.
                    1. 0
                      24 November 2018 00: 02
                      Quote: Dart2027
                      Quote: Alexander Green
                      And the Februaryists, who entered almost all white governments and participated

                      Actually, I asked a very simple question regarding your comment.
                      What was in GV is another conversation, then everyone was good.

                      Why don't you like my answer? Teterin wanted, against the background of the Februaryists, to beat the Bolsheviks in a contradictory way. I emphasized in the form of a question that they are not whiter or fluffier. In the summer of 17, the Februaryists sent Russian soldiers to slaughter on all fronts; during the civil war, they took part in all the slaughter of the White Army. including shelling of cities. I know that you are a "literal", but you can't be so petty.
                      1. 0
                        24 November 2018 06: 38
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        What do you dislike about my answer?

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Do you know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?
                        So you don’t know?
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        during the civil war

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        then everyone was good
                      2. 0
                        24 November 2018 16: 58
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        So you don’t know?

                        Is this so important for you?
                      3. -1
                        24 November 2018 17: 08
                        And for you not?
                      4. 0
                        25 November 2018 13: 32
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And for you not?

                        I’m just wondering what suddenly interested you: do I know this difference or not?
                      5. 0
                        25 November 2018 13: 36
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        I’m just wondering what suddenly interested you

                        Do you not like it when, in response to the nonsense you have written, they ask "uncomfortable questions"?
                      6. 0
                        25 November 2018 14: 20
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Do you not like it when, in response to the nonsense you have written, they ask "uncomfortable questions"?

                        What uncomfortable question are you talking about? And what nonsense did I write?
                      7. 0
                        25 November 2018 16: 43
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        What uncomfortable question are you talking about?

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Do you know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?

                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        And what nonsense did I write?

                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        sent Russian soldiers on all fronts in the summer offensive of 1917
                      8. 0
                        25 November 2018 20: 24
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        What uncomfortable question are you talking about?

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Do you know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?

                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        And what nonsense did I write?

                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        sent Russian soldiers on all fronts in the summer offensive of 1917

                        Firstly, I don’t see anything uncomfortable in your questions, I see only incorrectness.

                        Secondly, I do not see any nonsense in what I wrote about the "Februaryists", they really sent Russian soldiers to slaughter along the entire front in the summer of 1917.

                        I understand that you want to support your like-minded person in the fact that the fierce Bolsheviks shelled their cities, but "Although the Februaryists were scoundrels, they did not fire artillery at Russian cities."

                        But you and your fellow-thinker are wrong, the "Februaryists" and their supporters also used artillery in urban conditions.
                      9. -1
                        25 November 2018 21: 47
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        Secondly, I do not see any nonsense in what I wrote about the "Februaryists", they really
                        Do you know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        But you and your fellow-thinker are wrong, the "Februaryists" and their supporters also used artillery in urban conditions.

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        What was in GV is another conversation, then everyone was good.
                      10. 0
                        25 November 2018 22: 54
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        What was in GV is another conversation, then everyone was good.

                        No, dear, this was during the struggle for power in Moscow in October 1917.
                      11. 0
                        26 November 2018 19: 17
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        it was during the power struggle in Moscow

                        That is, when the war began. Not officially, but in fact - on the night of October 24 to 25, an armed uprising began under the leadership of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) in Petrograd.
                        There will be no answer to the question about the difference between a war with another state and shooting at their cities.
                      12. +1
                        26 November 2018 22: 14
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, when the war began.

                        In my opinion you have already reported. Tell me clearly, who do you blame for shooting at your cities before the civil war?
                      13. 0
                        27 November 2018 19: 22
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        Tell me clearly who you blame for firing at your cities before the Civil War.

                        And who started the armed uprising there, which actually became the beginning of the GV? Those are to blame.
                      14. +2
                        27 November 2018 22: 12
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And who started the armed uprising there, which actually became the beginning of the GV? Those are to blame.

                        The use of artillery in Moscow in the October days was mutual. And the guns were the first to be rolled out and used against the rebel junkers, in Lefortovo, then some of them were recaptured by the rebels and used for the same purpose.

                        Another focus of the counter-revolution, Arbat Square, which became the center of attraction of the opponents of the revolution, because there was located the Alexander Military School. So, from the cannons put up on Arbat Square, the junkers, for example, completely destroyed house number 6 on Tversky Boulevard.

                        Here is what eyewitnesses write.
                        From the memoirs of K.G. Paustovsky "The beginning of an unknown life"

                        “Then from the side of Arbat Square there were several cannon fires, and in the next house behind the high firewall something boomed. A pillar of fire rose above the roof of the house, slowly curling. As it turned out, the cadets set fire to the neighboring house with shells to prevent the Red Guards from seizing it. This house, in the language of military relations, dominated the area. This second fire was much more dangerous than a pharmacy fire. ”

                        From the memoirs of an officer, a teacher at the Moscow School of Ensigns, St. George Knight A. Peterson. "My memories"

                        “October 25, we receive an order to occupy the Kremlin. Approaching the Kremlin, we saw that the gates to the Kremlin were locked, it was impossible to enter the Kremlin, we approached the Nikolsky gates. The arriving bombing team fired several bombs at the Kremlin, and very soon the gates opened. Entered the Kremlin .... "

                        “The guns were placed near the Holy Monastery, and when the Bolsheviks launched an offensive along Tverskaya Street, they were driven away by artillery fire ”

                        From the recollection of the cadet of the Alexander School V.S. Arsenyev about the October days of 1917 in Moscow (October 1932, Moscow) (Russian) // HISTORICAL ARCHIVE: journal. - 1992. - March (No. 4). - S. 104-110. - ISSN 0869-6322.

                        “In response to this, the junkers opened fire, and Colonel Drenyakin, the battalion commander of the Alexander School, ordered the firing of guns through the locked Trinity Gate ... "

                        The Red Guards did not use tools from a good life. From the report of the Red Guard Intelligence.

                        "12 hours. The Okhotny Ryad under fire from the bell tower in the Kremlin, they are always firing a machine gun, and our gun from the Bolshoi Theater is beating at this bell tower, and the gunners say, until they knock the machine gun off the church, stop shooting. ”

                        I no longer write about how the Red Guards took the news of the shooting of revolutionary soldiers of the 56th regiment in the Kremlin.
                      15. 0
                        28 November 2018 20: 03
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        The use of artillery in Moscow in the October days was mutual. And the first guns rolled out and

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        And who started the armed uprising there, which actually became the beginning of the GV?
                        Judging by the unwillingness to respond, the answer is known.
                      16. +1
                        28 November 2018 23: 07
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Judging by the unwillingness to answer, the answer is known

                        You look like an army ensign from a joke that conducts classes with personnel on the construction of a machine gun.

                        - This is a stock, it is made of wood, and this is a fore-end, it is made of the same material. Private Petrov, answer: what is the fore-end made of?
                        - Of wood. Comrade Warrant Officer!
                        -The answer is incorrect: "From the same material "
                      17. -1
                        29 November 2018 19: 49
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        You look like an army warrant officer from a joke

                        That is, I am right and the shooting was not white.
                      18. +1
                        29 November 2018 20: 38
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, I am right and the shooting was not white.

                        You are not adequate, you even forgot where you started. When you remember, write.
                      19. -1
                        29 November 2018 21: 39
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        You are not adequate, you even forgot where you started

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        Do you know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?

                        First you stated that shooting at your cities and attacking at the front are one and the same. Then I noticed that these were different things, although everyone was firing in the GV. Then you stated that the white ones started the database. Then I noticed that they were started by the Bolsheviks. You have nothing to object to.
                      20. +1
                        30 November 2018 17: 17
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        First you stated that shooting at your cities and attacking at the front are one and the same. Then I noticed that these were different things, although everyone was firing in the GV. Then you stated that the white ones started the database. Then I noticed that they were started by the Bolsheviks. You have nothing to object to.

                        You, certainly, are not adequate, because all that you attributed to me is your idle inventions. In addition, you have gone very far from your "uncomfortable" question:

                        “And you don’t know the difference between a war with another state and shooting at your cities?”

                        No, dear, I know and understand very well, the difference between these events is great.

                        The interim government sent hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers to German guns, which led nearly 130 thousand troops killed, wounded and captured, among which the vast majority were supporters of the future socialist revolution, and from shelling by rebels, for example, Palace Square in Petrograd, not a single person died but in Moscow namely, from shelling also no more than a dozen counter-revolutionaries — enemies of the working people — died.

                        But, since you really want to be right, therefore, to paraphrase K. Prutkov, I will answer: “If you want to be "right" “Be it.”
                      21. -1
                        30 November 2018 18: 39
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        You, certainly, are not adequate, because all that you attributed to me is your idle inventions
                        That is, essentially nothing to say?
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        No, dear, I know and understand very well, the difference between these events is great
                        Then why would you mix them together?
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        Interim government sent on
                        Actually, then there was a war that Russia did not start.
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        and from shelling by rebels, for example, Palace Square in Petrograd
                        That is, they started shooting?
                      22. 0
                        1 December 2018 00: 05
                        Quote: Dart2027
                        That is, essentially nothing to say?

                        In my opinion, I said everything, and even more, so I don’t see the need for our further discussion, since you reject all logical explanations, and my communication with you is like communicating with a bot.
                      23. 0
                        1 December 2018 07: 20
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        In my opinion, I said everything, and even more

                        Quote: Dart2027
                        First you stated that shooting at your cities and attacking at the front are one and the same. Then I noticed that these were different things, although everyone was firing in the GV. Then you stated that the white ones started the database. Then I noticed that they were started by the Bolsheviks. You have nothing to object to.
            3. 0
              24 November 2018 00: 03
              [quote = Lieutenant Teterin But nevertheless, hostilities in the country began after October. The febralists, although they were villains, didn’t shoot artillery at Russian cities. [/ Quote]
              Then it is unclear how the party that they laugh at in April takes power in October?
              You wrote about Russian cities, but in Russian cities people shot at:
              But what about Colonel Rebinder in July 1917? One shell exploded at the Peter and Paul Fortress, another rally was dispersed at the Mikhailovsky Artillery School, and the third hit the very middle of those who at that moment surrounded the first gun of the Rebinder detachment that had lagged behind.
          2. -8
            23 November 2018 13: 15
            Quote: BAI
            The civil war began after the February Revolution, with the killing of officers and police.

            nonsense: what power fought with which power?
            Or an attack on a bank. house (robbery, rape, etc.) -also ... gr. war? belay lol
      2. -7
        23 November 2018 13: 13
        Quote: mavrus

        Wow ... England and France (the Entente) unleashed the Civil War and Intervention on the territory of Russia, and the Bolsheviks were to blame.

        To VORANIKA c. there was no mention of war or interest.
        Anti-soviet The Bolshevik coup unleashed a civil war on October 25, 1917. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the 1 Congress of Soviets also condemned the Bolsheviks, saying that

        The Central Executive Committee considers the Second Congress invalid and considers it as a private meeting of Bolshevik delegates. The decisions of this congress, as unlawful, are declared by the Central Executive Committee as not binding on the local Soviets and all army committees. The central executive committee calls on the Soviets and army organizations to rally around him to defend the revolution. The Central Executive Committee will convene a new Congress of Soviets as soon as conditions are created for its correct
        Quote: mavrus
        From such comments, something "Svidomo" evokes, because from the same State Department manual ... they hang noodles about Khokhlomors, and about how VEZMIR simply dreamed of feeding the poor kids, and the evil commies put a knife on everyone.

        Manuals mossy 1917-1991 remained only in mossy heads that created the so-called Ussr in the place of Russia.
        Quote: mavrus
        The "Saints of the Nineties" for which you are praying are long gone in Russia, and all your dozens and hundreds of times debunked chatter that "the commies are to blame for everything" does not work on normal people (and not on the pots of head horses).

        The 90s were made by YOUR party members, just as cruelly and stupidly as in 1917. There were no others.
        And in the crash of 1991 and the Russian cross, they are the only ones to blame. for only they ruled 70 years. Or ... Martians flew in and made? lol

        Let's list
        ; Martian (aka the highest bonza of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Yeltsin.
        Martian (he is the highest bonza KPSS Kravchuk
        Martian (he is the highest bonza KPSS Gorbachev
        Martian (he is the highest bonza of the Communist Party of Gaidar

        Further "Martians" list yourself *? Yes
        1. BAI
          23 November 2018 15: 28
          The 90s were made by YOUR party members, just as cruelly and stupidly as in 1917. There were no others.

          Just like the revolution in February 1917, with which it all began, who made it? Your bourgeois democrats and tsarist generals, who changed the oath. There were no others.
          1. 0
            24 November 2018 07: 12
            Quote: BAI
            Just like the revolution in February 1917, with which it all began, who made it? Your bourgeois democrats and tsarist generals, who changed the oath. There were no others.

            ignoramus, read the Kratky quirk of VKPBE history: the PROLETARIAT under the leadership of the Bolsheviks made a revolution. The leader wrote.
            1. -1
              25 November 2018 20: 15
              If you are accurate, under the leadership of the Communist Party (Bolsheviks).
        2. +1
          23 November 2018 20: 10
          Quote: Olgovich
          To VORANIKA c. there was no mention of war or interest.

          How much can you speculate with this stupid thesis. Any revolution is accompanied by counter-revolution, because there are always classes and sections of the population who lose something and seek to return it.
          1. 0
            24 November 2018 07: 15
            Quote: Alexander Green
            How much can you speculate on this stupid the thesis.

            FACT, in your opinion, is ... stupidity? fool lol
            Until the thief-NO intervention and the city of war. It is a fact.
            1. -1
              24 November 2018 16: 40
              Quote: Olgovich
              FACT, in your opinion, is ... stupidity?

              The fact is that "Any revolution is accompanied by a counter-revolution because there are always classes and strata of the population that lose something and strive to return it.",.

              And yours " Before thief-NO interventions and hail of war. It is a fact" - This is not a fact, but ordinary speculation using historical patterns to hammer the brains of youth.

              With the same success one can "blurt out" the language about the Great French Revolution, that before it there was no intervention and civil war. It's like pointing your finger at the sky.
              1. -2
                24 November 2018 17: 08
                Quote: Alexander Green
                about the Great French Revolution, that before it there was no intervention and civil war

                And before they were?
                1. 0
                  25 November 2018 14: 22
                  Quote: Dart2027
                  And before they were?

                  Dear, and you there too? Do not be like Olgievich.
                  1. 0
                    25 November 2018 16: 43
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    Dear, and you there too?

                    So was GV in France before the revolution or was it not?
                    1. 0
                      25 November 2018 20: 37
                      Quote: Dart2027
                      So was GV in France before the revolution or was it not?

                      Dear, aren't you tired of your primitive yourself? Do you have nothing more significant to say? On your part, this is not even literalism, but .... "senile charisma" (as Lyubov Polishchuk said in the famous TV series about the nanny).
                      1. 0
                        25 November 2018 21: 48
                        Quote: Alexander Green
                        Dear, are you really not tired of your primitive? Do you really have nothing more to say?

                        That is, GV in France began after the revolution?
              2. 0
                25 November 2018 08: 08
                Quote: Alexander Green
                It is a fact that "Any revolution is accompanied by a counter-revolution because there are always classes and strata of the population that lose something and strive to return it."

                empty talk again.
                Quote: Alexander Green
                And your "Before the thief-NO interventions and hail of war. This is a FACT" is not a fact, but an ordinary speculation using historical regularities to clog the brains of young people.

                it factliar. Either develop it or be silent.
                Quote: Alexander Green
                With the same success you can "blurt out" the language about the Great French Revolution, that before it there was no intervention and civil war

                Do not bother with your head, what kind of RFF. what ..spartak and so forth? fool lol
                Quote: Alexander Green
                It's like poking a finger at the sky.

                belay lol
                1. 0
                  25 November 2018 14: 26
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  ... again, empty chatter .... do not bother your head, what kind of rfr. what ..spartak and so forth?

                  Firstly, this is not chatter, this is historical science, after the Great French Revolution in France there were both civil war and intervention. During the Paris Commune, and even during the English bourgeois revolution - the same thing. Learn history, crammer.

                  Here are some correct points to help you learn from the experience of revolutions.
                  “A revolution without counter-revolution does not happen, and cannot be” IN AND. Lenin, PSS, T. 12, S. 171

                  “A revolution cannot be made or set up. You cannot order a revolution - the revolution is growing ” IN AND. Lenin, PSS, T. 31, S. 398

                  "... The revolution grows out of the objective (regardless of the will of the parties and classes) ripening crises and turning points in history." IN AND. Lenin, PSS, T.26, S.246.

                  "Violent counter-revolution — such a historical fact — is either not overcome at all, or is overcome only by revolution." K. Marx, SS, T. 6, S. 216.

                  Secondly, excuse me, it’s not convenient for me to remind you already, but you again have naughty things: where did you read about Spartak?
    2. 0
      23 November 2018 23: 48
      Quote: Olgovich
      for the right of the people to choose their fate in free and equal elections

      add forgotten money from the West and Japan.
      1. -1
        24 November 2018 07: 18
        Quote: naidas
        add forgotten money western and japan

        Bullshit yourself write.

        With the money of the German-Turkish invaders, the traitors were delivered by these invaders to Russia in 1917. This is FakT
        1. -1
          24 November 2018 23: 14
          Western arms supplies to the White armies, according to far from complete data.

          USA England France Japan
          rifles, thousand 715 450
          machine guns 1 100 10 500 1 700 100
          guns 22 2 000 1000 30
          tanks 130
          airplanes 100 200 200

          The volume of assistance to the intervention of the white armies is equivalent to the amount of approximately $ 140 billion in 2002 (comparison by GDP) under Lend-Lease Bolsheviks broke off $ 138,25 billion at the 2008 exchange rate.
          Quote: Olgovich
          With the money of the German occupiers

          Do not forget that these traitors defeated Yudenich and Krasnov, who formed their units with German money. And after twenty or so, they didn’t harden the whole of Germany.
          1. -1
            25 November 2018 08: 20
            Quote: naidas
            Western arms supplies to the White armies, according to far from complete data.

            USA England France Japan
            rifles, thousand 715 450
            machine guns 1 100 10 500 1 700 100
            guns 22 2 000 1000 30
            tanks 130
            airplanes 100 200 200

            Only in March 19, deliveries began. And in no comparison with the weapons of the 12 millionth Russian army captured by the Bolsheviks, do not go
            Quote: naidas
            $ 140 billion in 2002 (GDP comparison)

            in the mounds of the monglian count lol
            Quote: naidas
            Do not forget these traitors defeated Yudenich and Krasnov, who formed their units on German money.

            Krasnov received weapons not only from Germany, but also from the Directory. to beat the traitors who gave a third of Russia to the invaders forever.
            Quote: naidas
            And after twenty with a little dusting, it was not sickly for the whole of Germany.

            there wouldn’t be those traitors, there wouldn’t be any WWII,
            1. 0
              25 November 2018 13: 25
              As I believe in the issue of Western money, judging by your comment there is no objection.
              Quote: Olgovich
              Only in March 19, deliveries began.

              in 1917, Great Britain, France and Italy decided to support the anti-Bolshevik forces, Churchill called for "strangling Bolshevism in the cradle." December 22, a conference of representatives of the Entente countries in Paris to open loans to them by the anti-Bolshevik governments of Ukraine, Cossack regions, Siberia, the Caucasus and Finland.
              The occupation of Bessarabia (December 1917), Murmansk (March 1918), Vladivostok (May 1918).
              In your opinion, these were tourists without weapons?
              Quote: Olgovich
              weapons of the 12 millionth army of Russia

              Well, yes, the Bolsheviks are also to blame for your organization of the Triumphal procession of Soviet power, when they got the weapons?
              Quote: Olgovich
              in the mounds of the monglian count

              Well, if you compare in mathematics the amount in mushrooms and samovars is easier, then I was taught at school to lead to one dimension.
              Quote: Olgovich
              there wouldn’t be those traitors, there wouldn’t be any WWII,

              You better ask the French if France would be occupied in 1940 if there weren’t your traitors.
              1. -1
                26 November 2018 09: 24
                Quote: naidas
                As I believe in the issue of Western money, judging by your comment there is no objection.

                Bullshit, I do not comment
                Quote: naidas
                December 22, a conference of representatives of the Entente countries in Paris to open loans to them by the anti-Bolshevik governments of Ukraine, Cossack regions, Siberia, the Caucasus and Finland.

                1. Write in Russian.
                2. 17 year loans-on the table
                Quote: naidas
                The occupation of Bessarabia (December 1917), Murmansk (March 1918), Vladivostok (May 1918).
                In your opinion, these were tourists without weapons?

                In 41g the USSR defeated and occupied Iran, together with England. to remove Germany’s ally.
                in 1918 there was a WORLD war and any ally of Germany fell under the hand, and the Bolsheviks fell, naturally ..
                Quote: naidas
                Well, yes, the Bolsheviks are also to blame for your organization of the Triumphal procession of Soviet power, when they got the weapons?

                What is "triumphant"? go to school1
                Quote: naidas
                Well, if you compare in mathematics the amount in mushrooms and samovars is easier, then I was taught at school to lead to one dimension.

                poorly taught
                Quote: naidas
                You better ask the French if France would be occupied in 1940 if there weren’t your traitors.

                Mine is who? recourse
                1. +1
                  26 November 2018 14: 17
                  Olgovich (Andrey) Yesterday, 08:20
                  Only in March 19, deliveries began. Krasnov received weapons not only from Germany, but also from the Directory.
                  Bullshit, I do not comment
                  Quote: naidas

                  2. 17 year loans-on the table
                  Quote: naidas

                  a) The contributions of the French mission in January 1918 are mentioned in the financial documents of General Alekseev among the proceeds from foreign well-wishers.
                  (nothing from the decision to the issuance of less than a month?)
                  b) January 2, 1918 (UNR) cabled Shulgin the following:
                  “... At the same time, we turned to General Barthelot, that is, rather, General Barthelot offered us assistance from the French side. He cabled to Paris, because The following are planned: a proposal for recognition of the Republic and a golden loan from England, America and France to secure our paper money (as early as December 29, Shulgin made decisions on the need to accept a loan from France in the amount of 500 million francs - RP), on the other hand questions will be discussed ... the high rate of our carbovanets abroad. The French ambassador .. at the end agreed that the Republic should be recognized and, in any case, a diplomatic representative corresponding to the title should be appointed ... "

                  Quote: Olgovich
                  in 1918 there was a WORLD war and any ally of Germany fell under the hand, and the Bolsheviks fell, naturally ..

                  I suppose that subsequent events refute you - forgiveness of indemnity from Germany and not forgiveness of Russia's debts, both Bolshevik and capitalist.
                  What is "triumphant"? go to school1
                  Quote: naidas

                  This is for sure to go to school or google at least, learn history.
                  Mine is who? recourse

                  Well, you write about traitors everywhere, however read what you write.
          2. 0
            25 November 2018 20: 23
            And the Red Army beat and destroyed them !!!!
  6. -15
    23 November 2018 07: 50
    Russia of 1991 is the result of the rule of the Bolsheviks and the proof of the fallacy of Leninist theory.
    If not a single red boss could raise his children as "builders of communism", then the creation of a "Soviet people" was also an impossible task. And therefore, the actions of the Bolsheviks to seize and retain power in all possible ways were criminal.
    1. +10
      23 November 2018 09: 03
      Quote: baudolino
      the fallacies of Leninist theory.

      Can you tell us what this "theory" is?

      As for the "children of the red bosses", for example, Stalin's children fought on an equal basis with everyone else in the Second World War, which cannot be said about the children of modern "democrats" in power, hanging out, mainly, abroad for money stolen from the people.
      1. -6
        23 November 2018 10: 51
        Can you tell us what this "theory" is?

        So you still don’t know the theory of what you are defending? Marxism-Leninism is called.

        in the Second World War, which can in no way be said about the children of modern "democrats" in power, hanging out, mainly, abroad for money stolen from the people.

        You skid nobly. What are Democrats in power? There is no Russian democrats and liberals in power.
        What are Prigogine, Rotenbergs, Sechin, Serdyukov, Zolotarev, Matveev, Lavrov Democrats? Surround and cross yourself.
        For these people, the principle of life is to put on their neighbor, for the neighbor will pull you on and will gladly rejoice.
      2. -6
        23 November 2018 13: 20
        Quote: bistrov.
        About the "children of red bosses", for example, children

        Nice person. granddaughter of Stalin. Khrushchev, Andropov, Brezhnev, Gorbachev, Suslov, etc. (familiar surnames?) - live and live fine in the rotten damned west
        1. BAI
          23 November 2018 15: 23
          Of all the above, only Stalin’s daughter, Khrushchev’s son and Suslov’s daughter (after the collapse of the USSR) emigrated abroad. All other children lived or live in Russia. In Stalin and Khrushchev, one son perished at the front (in captivity). Grandchildren And what is so small, we must also remember the great-grandchildren.
          1. -2
            24 November 2018 07: 32
            Quote: BAI
            Grandchildren? Why finely, we must also remember the great-grandchildren.

            Your grandchildren is a trifle as it is for you. There are no words ..... recourse
            Quote: BAI
            Of all these, only Stalin’s daughter, Khrushchev’s son and Suslov’s daughter (after the collapse of the USSR) emigrated abroad .. Grandchildren

            so it is written: children and grandchildren. what is wrong?
    2. +3
      23 November 2018 12: 37
      October 1917 is the result of the rule of the Romanovs and proof of the fallacy of capitalism and the monarchy.
      1. -3
        23 November 2018 14: 09
        Quote: tatra
        October 1917 is the result of the rule of the Romanovs

        This is the result of the reign of the Februaryists. But the result of the rule of the Communists is known: 1991 and the silent collapse of the country.
        1. +1
          25 November 2018 20: 30
          Do not confuse the communists with the pseudo-communists and others who have penetrated the ranks of the Party. And what were the REAL COMMUNISTS-watch the film, which is called "Communist".
    3. 0
      24 November 2018 00: 06
      Death, here is the result and proof of the fallacy of life
  7. +4
    23 November 2018 08: 42
    Dear Alexander, I think the portrait of Kolchak in your article is correctly presented. I can add that there are certain forces that the Arctic explorer tried to portray from him. And put up a commemorative plaque on the house where he lived in St. Petersburg.
    On the line of my wife, her uncle Yagunov I.A. fought against him in the east of the country. There is even a photograph of him and his wife (my wife's aunt Anfisa Nikolaevna), in which Yagunov I.A. depicted with his wife, a field bag over his shoulder with the inscription "kill the Kolchak". Yagunov I.A. commanded artillery in the Blucher army during the defeat of Kolchak. He was a member of the RSDLP since 1912, a sailor. But he was shot in 1937 as an enemy of the people, rehabilitated in 1953.
    1. +2
      23 November 2018 11: 03
      I can add that there are certain forces that the Arctic explorer tried to portray from him.

      No need to portray. Just the facts.

      "In 1899, Kolchak brought together and processed the results of his own observations of the currents of the Japanese and Yellow Seas and published in the Notes on Hydrography, published by the Main Hydrographic Department" his first scientific article "Observations of surface temperatures and specific gravity of sea water, made on cruisers" Rurik "and" Cruiser "from May 1897 to March 1899" ...
      Kolchak was delivered a telegram from the Academy of Sciences from E.V. Toll with a proposal to take part in the expedition on the schooner "Dawn". Toll, who needed three naval officers, was interested in the scientific work of the young lieutenant in the journal Marine Collection. Kolchak announced his consent and was temporarily transferred from military service to the Imperial Academy of Sciences ...
      On August 5, sailors were already heading towards the Taimyr Peninsula. On September 22, 1900, the expedition stopped for the winter on the west coast of Taimyr, in the area of ​​Colin Archer Bay ...
      Lieutenant Kolchak was fully in charge of hydrological research, and was also engaged in hydrochemical research and observations on terrestrial magnetism, topographic work, carried out route surveys and barometric leveling, and during nights with clear skies determined the latitudes and longitudes of various geographical objects. Throughout the expedition, Kolchak compiled a detailed description of the shores and islands of the Arctic Ocean, studied the state and development of sea ice. "
    2. -1
      25 November 2018 13: 17
      Quote: midshipman
      And put up a commemorative plaque

      In Omsk, they have repeatedly wanted to erect a monument to the "researcher" - so far to no avail ....
  8. +5
    23 November 2018 09: 44
    In the 1980s, we were told at school about all these White Guard ghouls: Kolchak, Denikin, Wrangel, Ataman Shkuro, etc. and about their atrocities. And with this point of view I completely agree.
    Now in schools they talk about what wonderful people they were. One film "Admiral" is worth it. Why, with each new ruler in Russia, is there a constant reassessment of history?
    1. +5
      23 November 2018 10: 37
      Quote: Tashkent
      Why, with each new ruler in Russia, is there a constant reassessment of history?

      That it would be possible to easily set one generation against another. Divide, bleed and conquer.
    2. 0
      23 November 2018 10: 49
      Do you think this is only in Russia? There was no official history without ideology and is not in any country, starting from Ancient Egypt and Babylon and ending with modern young states, for example, Ukraine.
    3. -6
      23 November 2018 13: 27
      Quote: Tashkent

      In the 1980s, we were told at school about all these White Guard ghouls: Kolchak, Denikin, Wrangel, Ataman Shkuro, etc. and about their atrocities. And with this point of view I completely agree.
      Now in schools they talk about what wonderful people they were. One film "Admiral" is worth it. Why, with each new ruler in Russia, is there a constant reassessment of history?

      the story was before 1917, there is today.

      In that "history" that we were taught in the last century. there was not a single person who died of starvation in 1933, 1947, there was no dying heart of Russia in the non-black earth (500 empty w / houses in 000) and so on and so forth ...
      1. +7
        23 November 2018 13: 48
        ENOUGH to act for profit already. No matter how much the enemies of the communists lie or hypocrite, to justify their capture of the USSR for criminal purposes, outside their anti-Sovietism, they themselves expose themselves, prove that they DO NOT care about ALL the facts, that they are with their hypocritical "philanthropy" and "righteous anger" expose for "crimes of communism", including those repressed and executed for political reasons, starving and starving to death, hundreds of thousands of deported people of "unreliable" nationalities in the Russian Empire and capitalist countries of the world.
        They do not give a damn about the multimillion-dollar super-mortality of the people after the capture of the USSR, the demographic damage of more than 70 million people that they inflicted on the peoples of the territory of the USSR that they had seized.
        1. -3
          23 November 2018 13: 58
          Quote: tatra
          ENOUGH to act for profit already. No matter how much the enemies of the communists lie or hypocrite, to justify their capture of the USSR for criminal purposes, outside their anti-Sovietism, they themselves expose themselves, prove that they DO NOT care about ALL the facts, that they are with their hypocritical "philanthropy" and "righteous anger" expose for "crimes of communism", including those repressed and executed for political reasons, starving and starving to death, hundreds of thousands of deported people of "unreliable" nationalities in the Russian Empire and capitalist countries of the world.
          They don’t give a damn about the multimillion-dollar super-mortality of the people after the USSR’s capture, the demographic damage of more than 70 million people that they inflicted on the peoples of the USSR occupied by them

          What is it? belay lol laughing
          1. 0
            25 November 2018 20: 32
            It is true, Russophobe, disguised as a patriot.
  9. +9
    23 November 2018 10: 20
    You see how gentlemen the fans of tsarism are excited! Just look for the word intervention, not just America, England France, Germany and Japan. But also Finland in Karelia, Greece in the south of Russia. And many, many .... And now tell us how Lenin ruined Russia. Then the people fought against the invaders. And Kolchak was one of those. He faithfully served the British crown, regularly flogged and hung the Russian people.
    1. -5
      23 November 2018 10: 30
      Quote: Gardamir
      Just look for the word intervention, not just America, England France, Germany and Japan. But also Finland in Karelia, Greece in the south of Russia.

      But for some reason, these "interventionists" did not fight the Bolsheviks, and after the end of WWI they for the most part left the territories they occupied.
      Quote: Gardamir
      when the people fought against the invaders.

      Yes, the people fought against the Bolshevik invaders. In the ranks of the White armies, everyone fought - from peasants to princes. And this is not to mention the uprisings against the Bolshevik occupation. Tambov, Kronshtadt, Chapan war, shot by the red artillery Yaroslavl ... there are no examples of popular resistance to the Bolsheviks.
      1. BAI
        23 November 2018 11: 50
        they didn’t fight the Bolsheviks, and after the end of the WWII, for the most part left the territories they occupied.

        So they took and left.
        The first military clash between the Red Army, which had just begun to form, and the armed forces of such a large European state as Romania, occurred between January and February 1918.
        The decisive one was the February 28 - March 1, 1918 land battle near the Dniester River in the area of ​​the city of Rybnitsa, where about 6 troops of the Red Army, led by the former SR lieutenant colonel M.A. Muravyov defeated the superior forces of the Romanians, who by then occupied almost the entire Bessarabian province (now the Republic of Moldova).


        An example of this stubborn struggle is the 17-day defense of Kherson between March 19 - April 5, 1918 and the defense of Sevastopol, when it took 22 days for the German troops occupying Simferopol on April 9 to overcome the remaining 65 kilometers to Sevastopol. During these nine-day battles, sailor units twice threw the Germans to Simferopol. And there was a moment when the command of the German corps was preparing an order for the retreat of their troops from the Crimea.

        In May-July 1918, during a fierce battle near Bataysk and the Taman Peninsula, a German offensive was foiled in order to capture the North Caucasus. During these battles on the Taman Peninsula, decisive counterattacks by Red Army units on June 14-16 blocked a German infantry regiment that landed there, 2.500 soldiers and officers with 150 machine guns and artillery. Having suffered heavy losses, the Germans on June 17 concluded a ceasefire with the Red troops there.

        Meanwhile, in Transcaucasia, on June 10 - July 31, 1918, parts of the Red Army successfully defended the oil capital of Russia Baku from the superior forces of the Turkish troops and the Azerbaijani formations supporting them.

        Almost simultaneously with the fighting of the Red Army against the German bloc, in the same 1918, its battles with Entente troops began. The most significant in 1918 in this regard was the battle of October 9-15 around the Dushak railway station southeast of Ashgabat.

        Here, an assault on the position of the Reds went over a group of British troops of more than a thousand people. In its composition, it had the 28th light cavalry regiment (300 sabers), a battalion of the Punjabi infantry regiment, reinforced by a company from the Hampshire infantry regiment (a total of 760 people). Strengthening parts of this group: 12 guns, 40 machine guns, 1 plane.

        The English and Anglo-Indian units (sepoys) were supported here by a group of White Guard troops located in Ashgabat of the Trans-Caspian government consisting of 1.800 bayonets, 1.300 sabers, 2 armored trains, 12 guns, 8 machine guns and 1 aircraft.

        During the four-day fierce fighting, the Anglo-White Guard troops managed to seize the Dushak station. But on October 14, the red forces launched a counterattack and by the end of the day on October 15 they again returned to their former lines of defense.

        An even larger battle between the units of the Red Army and the troops of the Entente countries unfolded in the next 1919.

        The largest land operation of this year was the defeat in April 1919 in the Northern Black Sea region of French and Greek troops. When the division under the command of Grigoryev completely destroyed the Greek division in Nikolaev and Kherson, and then put to flight the group of French troops near Odessa, numbering in two settlement divisions.

        In addition to large-scale battles with the Franco-Greek forces in the Northern Black Sea region, the Red Army and the Red partisans in 1919 conducted a number of large-scale ground battles with the troops of the USA, Japan, Canada and Finland in different parts of the former Russian Empire.

        In January 1919, the 18th Infantry Division defeated on the far approaches to Arkhangelsk in the city of Shenkursk a group of enemy troops consisting of 500 Americans and Canadians, as well as 700 White Guards.

        In the period from June 27 to July 28, 1919, the Soviet troops defending Petrograd, with the help of the 1st Infantry Division, reinforced by a regiment of Red Finns, with the support of the Onega Flotilla, attacked by land and two landing forces completely defeated the Olonets group of Finnish troops (about one design division). In addition to a large number of prisoners, 11 guns, 30 machine guns, 2 thousand rifles, ammunition depots, uniforms and food were captured during this operation.

        In the Far East, the larger episodes of the battles of the red partisans with the Entente troops were the destruction in early June 1919 at the village of Krolevets of the Canadian battalion of 400 people, and on June 23-27, 1919. The liquidation of the combined US-Japanese garrison in the mining village of Suchan, resulting in 900 American and Japanese troops killed.

        In addition to land battles, a large-scale naval battle unfolded in the Baltic between April and October 1919 between the English squadron consisting of 12 cruisers, 26 destroyers and destroyers, 1 monitor with large-caliber artillery, 1 aircraft carrier, 4 gunboats, 7 mine loaders, 10 torpedo boats and 12 submarines with the current Baltic Fleet squadron consisting of 2 battleships, 1 cruiser, 12 destroyers and destroyers, 2 mine-layers, 8 minesweepers, 6 patrol ships and 4 submarines.

        During the battles of the Soviet and English fleets in the Baltic Sea, which initially began in the second half of November 1918, and then after clearing the Gulf of Finland from ice, they resumed in April 1919 and continued until the end of October of that year, the British lost 1 cruiser, 2 destroyers, 4 minesweepers, 6 torpedo boats and 1 submarine. Losses of the Baltic Fleet: 1 cruiser, 5 destroyers, 1 minesweeper.

        In addition to the regular army in 1920, fighting on land against foreign troops continued the partisans of the Far East.

        One of the operations at that time received such a wide international response that the issue of it was included several times on the agenda of three international conferences: Washington 1921-22, Dairenn 1921-1922 and Changchun 1922.

        We are talking about an event in the Soviet historiography for some reason shyly called the "Nikolaev incident of 1920".

        Although in reality this meant that the group of red partisans, having defeated the Kolchak garrison at the end of February 1920, completely took control of the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, which was located near the mouth of the Amur, and later faced the attempt of the Japanese garrison there to destroy them, answered a counterattack, and during the three-day battles of March 12-14, 1920, the Japanese infantry regiment located in the city together with its commander Ishikawa was completely destroyed. The entire period of the fighting of 1918-1920, the Far Eastern partisans of foreign interventionists were reluctantly captured, but the Japanese were not taken at all.

        The international resonance that arose in connection with the hysteria of Japanese diplomacy after this event is explained by the fact that this the partisan detachment managed to do what before it the whole Russian-Japanese war could not be done by the regular Russian army, which reached the end of the war in this theater of operations of the millionth strength. That is, to surround and then destroy or captivate the Japanese at least a regiment.

        First of all, we are talking about the landing operation of the Caspian flotilla against the British naval forces and ground forces in the Persian port of Enzel on May 18, 1920.

        During the operation, the 2.500-strong British infantry brigade in Enzel and its environs belonging to the 36th Infantry Division was defeated (its headquarters and the second brigade were 40 km south in the city of Rasht).

        1. 0
          23 November 2018 12: 08
          Quote: BAI
          Here, an assault on the position of the Reds went over a group of British troops of more than a thousand people. In its composition, it had the 28th light cavalry regiment (300 sabers), a battalion of the Punjabi infantry regiment, reinforced by a company from the Hampshire infantry regiment (a total of 760 people). Strengthening parts of this group: 12 guns, 40 machine guns, 1 plane.

          What terrible invaders - as many as a thousand people went on the offensive! Downright mortal threat to a 170 million country! What is remarkable, the British occupied one (!) Station and for some reason calmed down on this. Strange behavior for "capitalist interventionists who wanted to destroy the Soviet state", is not it?

          Quote: BAI
          The largest land operation of this year was the defeat in April 1919 in the Northern Black Sea region of French and Greek troops. When the division under the command of Grigoryev completely destroyed the Greek division in Nikolaev and Kherson, and then put to flight the group of French troops near Odessa, numbering in two settlement divisions

          To begin with, Grigoriev began his battles as a Ukrainian nationalist and he switched to the side of the Reds only in February 1919. That is, he was conditionally red, no more than Old Man Makhno. And the French simply did not want to get into someone else's civil war and chose to leave without getting involved in fights.
          But the Far East is a separate issue, there the military intervention of Japan was serious, the Japanese were not going to leave voluntarily. But even with the whites they did not really negotiate - only with Semenov, who obeyed the white government of Kolchak exclusively nominally.
      2. +7
        23 November 2018 12: 39
        What is your people? On what grounds did your anti-Soviet people imagine that they are more worthy of owning the country than the Soviet?
        1. -2
          23 November 2018 14: 04
          Quote: tatra
          What is your people? On what grounds did your anti-Soviet people imagine that they are more worthy of owning the country than the Soviet?

          RUSSIAN people, where did you go?
          About the conscientious all known from start to finish.
        2. +1
          23 November 2018 14: 10
          Quote: tatra

          What is your people?

          Quote: tatra
          On what grounds did your anti-Soviet people imagine that they are more worthy of owning the country than the Soviet?

          On the historical. Or do you share Hitler's views on Russia and Russians?
          1. BAI
            23 November 2018 14: 36
            What is your people?


            And when did this anti-Sovietism become the ideology of the Russian people? It is in the "democratic" elections that an active minority imposes its will on the majority. And in the Civil, when it was impossible to sit out and keep silent, the will of the people was expressed very clearly - the Soviets won. Moreover, all the White Guards always admit that their army was smaller in number than the Red Army - another indicator of whom the RUSSIAN PEOPLE SUPPORTED. And there was no need for mobilization - there was no front as such, and both sides without any problems took deserters from the other into their ranks (moreover, the Reds - all, whites - the commanders were shot). ALL PEOPLES OF THE USSR spoke in favor of preserving the USSR and a handful of anti-Sovietists destroyed it (see above about democracy, minority and majority). Here, of course, there will be an old song that these are all party functionaries of the CPSU. They are ideological traitors who sided with anti-Sovietism and carried out a "palace" coup for personal gain. Such in Russia have always existed under any regime.
            1. +2
              23 November 2018 14: 47
              Quote: BAI
              And when did anti-Sovietism become the ideology of the Russian people?

              Maybe when the Russian people looked indifferently at the collapse of the USSR and the trial of the CPSU? And maybe even when he raised uprisings of many thousands against "Soviet power".
              Quote: BAI
              And in Civil, when it is impossible to sit out and remain silent, the will of the people was expressed very clearly - the Soviets won.

              Nonsense. In civil wars, just 5 to 10 percent of the population is involved. The rest are silent and waiting.
              Quote: BAI
              Moreover, all White Guards always admit that their army was smaller in number than the Red Army - another indicator

              ... the one who was the most cruel and cynical in this war. The Reds did not hesitate to use both the hostage institution and the seizure of food with reinforced rations for military personnel and to shuffle conscripts along the fronts so that they would not run away to their homes. However, the latter did not always help. The same Samur White Regiment was formed from Red Army soldiers who killed their commissars. And the Reds did not disdain foreign mercenaries - the Chinese, Latvians, Hungarians and the like international rabble acted well in punitive actions - that was nothing to lose.
      3. -4
        24 November 2018 04: 28
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        the people fought against the Bolshevik invaders

        Did I miss something? What did the "invaders-Bolsheviks" seize?
      4. +1
        25 November 2018 20: 37
        Against the Bolsheviks, only the FRAUDED and SCAMS of all social strata fought.
    2. -3
      23 November 2018 13: 31
      Quote: Gardamir
      Just look for the word intervention, not just America, England France, Germany and Japan. But also Finland in Karelia, Greece in the south of Russia

      And what "coincided" is strange: before the thief, there was NOTHING.
      Quote: Gardamir
      Now tell us how Lenin ruined Russia.

      Why talk about-on the CARD of Russia today, take a look. These borders are cut in 1917-1954 yours. Remember it finally!
      Quote: Gardamir
      And Kolchak was one of those. He faithfully served the British crown, regularly flogged and hung the Russian people.

      Kolchak fought against the famines of 21,25, 33,47 years, against the island of the cannibals Nazino, against a MILLION of exiled children, etc.
      1. BAI
        23 November 2018 14: 39
        And what "coincided" is strange: before the thief, there was NOTHING.

        In 1812, excursionists came to Russia in Crimea, with the aim of introducing Russia to the fraternal family of European peoples.
        1. 0
          24 November 2018 07: 34
          Quote: BAI
          In 1812, excursionists came to Russia in Crimea, with the aim of introducing Russia to the fraternal family of European peoples.

          What do you have in? What is the article about, eh?
      2. +2
        23 November 2018 15: 37
        These borders were cut in 1917-1954 by yours
        And not yours, who landed in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, in Vladivostok?
        Isn’t yours in power now, Russians are distributing lands and people are optimizing?
        1. +1
          24 November 2018 07: 41
          Quote: Gardamir
          But not yours who landed in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk, in Vladivostok?

          belay lol
          And what, it turns out, did the British write the constitutions of the RSFSR of the USSR and the republic states? So yours surrendered, it turns out, not only to the German occupiers, but also to the British imperialists, boldly admitted
          Quote: Gardamir
          Isn’t yours in power now, Russians are distributing lands and people are optimizing?

          The lands were distributed from 1917 to 1954 -FIVE million km2 lost
          already the RSFSR
          . Have the Russian people made happy? Well done!
          1. -2
            25 November 2018 20: 42
            LIAR !!! Provide a list of lost lands?. Just do not indicate Poland. Finland and other appendages of the Russian Empire.
            1. 0
              25 November 2018 21: 52
              Quote: Seeker
              Poland. Finland and other appendages of the Russian Empire

              But were they not part of RI?
              Quote: Seeker
              Give a list of lost lands?

              14 republics created unknown why?
            2. -1
              26 November 2018 09: 27
              Quote: Seeker
              LIAR !!! Provide a list of lost lands?. Just do not indicate Poland. Finland and other appendages of the Russian Empire.

              borders TODAY Russia, see. they were exclusively cut by the Bolsheviks.
      3. +2
        23 November 2018 20: 30
        Quote: Olgovich
        Kolchak fought against the famines of 21,25, 33,47 years,

        Firstly, there were no famines, there were hunger years. Secondly, you have an autumn aggravation of mental health, Kolchak was shot in 1920, he could not fight the "Holodomors". Thirdly. the famine in 1921 in the Volga region was the result not only of drought, but also the fact that in these areas there were intense hostilities with the same Kolchak, which bled the region.
        1. +1
          24 November 2018 07: 48
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Firstly, there were no famines, there were hunger years.

          in famine, millions do not die, but in the famine, they die.
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Second, the you have a fall in mental health,

          This is an insult and rudeness. These are all your ... arguments ... Shame ....
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Kolchak was shot in 1920, he could not fight the "Holodomors"

          He fought to ensure that they were never there. Nowhere else in the world was there, only YOU,
          Quote: Alexander Green
          Thirdly. the famine in 1921 in the Volga region was the result of not only drought, but also the fact that intense fighting took place in these areas with the same Kolchak,

          The bread robbery of the population of the food pro-intelligence is the main cause of death of MILLIONS.
          1. 0
            24 November 2018 16: 50
            Quote: Olgovich
            This is an insult and rudeness. These are all your ... arguments ... Disgrace ..

            And you behave more adequately, do not write deliberate nonsense.
            1. -1
              25 November 2018 08: 25
              Quote: Alexander Green
              And you behave more adequately, do not write deliberate nonsense.

              behave more adequately, do not write deliberate nonsense lol
              1. 0
                25 November 2018 16: 18
                Quote: Olgovich
                behave more adequately, do not write deliberate nonsense

                The smiley is very similar to you, this is how I represent you, but remember the Russian proverb: "Laughter for no reason is a sign ...!"
                1. -2
                  26 November 2018 09: 14
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  but remember the Russian proverb: "Laughter without a reason - a sign ...! "
                  The reason is, you. lol
  10. +4
    23 November 2018 12: 18
    The enemies of the Communists in the USSR are not only an anomaly of all peoples living in the centuries-old Russia / USSR, but also an anomaly of mankind, they rejected many priorities, values, definitions, moral and moral rules of mankind, according to which, in particular, it’s impossible to justify the occupiers of their country, as they justify the occupiers of Russia and the Soviet Union, the interventionists and Nazis, can not be justified, and even more so, praise the collaborators of their country who collaborated with the occupiers, as the enemies of the Communists justify and praise the collaborators of the Civil and World War II, which together with the occupiers unleashed two wars in which more than 30 million Russian / Soviet people died, in particular, Kolchak, Krasnov, General Vlasov, Bandera.
  11. 0
    23 November 2018 12: 24
    One thing is clear, such an orgy which was organized by the "liberal" tsar together with the Western "partners", in fact, almost 90 years later, another "liberal" tsar and the same Western "partners" cannot be allowed.
    The head of the nurse is a collapse. Our whole story screams about it. And the harder the leader and the stronger the country, the blacker his partners are painting.
    As if Kolchak had not been painted, but he was not hard enough and lost to Lenin and Trotsky who were even more cruel.
    1. 0
      24 November 2018 00: 14
      Quote: arhPavel
      As if Kolchak had not been painted, but he was not hard enough and lost to Lenin and Trotsky who were even more cruel.

      I would add that the Bolsheviks turned out to be more negotiable than the rest of the representatives of that time Russia. We agreed with everyone who came to Russia to rob (someone in a word, someone else), and Kolchak could not agree with anyone.
  12. +7
    23 November 2018 12: 45
    One of the many crimes of the enemies of the Communists on the territory of the USSR against their country and people is that they robbed the peoples of the country’s great people, real heroes of both the pre-revolutionary and Soviet periods, and instilled the praise of the anti-heroes - collaborators, separatists.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  13. -1
    23 November 2018 20: 30
    The consequences of his defeat will be raked by our children, and perhaps they will have the honor of reviving Russia. It is impossible not to envy them.
  14. +2
    23 November 2018 23: 06
    Quote: Andrey Yurievich
    Caricature of Admiral Kolchak during the Civil War
    is the caricature definitely not modern? but it seems like it is not a Kolchak sitting there with a "tricolor".

    But true - like! Not like Kolchak, but similar ... wink

    Quote: tatra

    One of the many crimes of the enemies of the Communists in the USSR before their country and people is that they robbed the peoples of the country's great people

    Tell me, pzhalusta, what was the percentage of communists in relation to all the people in this country? And who took from whom? For example, no one took the history of my country away from me. What was - that was, and who was - he remained in the memory. Only the memory of all people is different. In life, after all, as: "Who likes watermelon, and who likes pork cartilage." (FROM). hi
  15. Ali
    24 November 2018 10: 36
    In the Omsk region dogs are still called kolchak.
    1. -3
      25 November 2018 15: 23
      Quote: Ali
      In the Omsk region dogs are still called kolchak.

  16. +2
    28 November 2018 02: 31
    Quote: Olgovich
    The revolution was carried out by the PROLETARIAT under the leadership of the Bolsheviks. The leader wrote.

    Fabulous dol ... b! Read V.V. Shulgin for a start. And Gul described the "knights of the white movement" very vividly. And then the memoirs of Brusilov, Bonch-Bruevich (the general who) will help you. And Slashchev, he knew this White Guard from the inside out, he shot and hanged "white knights" even in Wrangel's intelligence service and hanged them for theft and cowardice.
  17. A.
    26 December 2018 22: 42
    Another blow to the fan.