Destined to die? Died with honor!

Kornilov managed to fulfill his initial task (to bring the army to Ekaterinodar). But he could not solve the more complicated task and seize the capital of the Kuban. 31 March 1918, the commander of the Volunteer Army was killed.

The Military Council

March 30 (April 12) fighting for Ekaterinodar continued. But the Volunteer Army is already exhausted. The volunteers' ammunition ended (not only shells were saved, but also cartridges), and the losses for a small army of whites turned out to be catastrophic - the number of killed and wounded exceeded 1,5 thousand people. In the shelves, instead of 800, there are 200 left - 300 people. Most of the regimental commanders, battalions and companies were killed or injured. The surrounding Kuban Cossacks, seeing that there was no quick victory, began to go home, throwing Kornilov’s army. In Ekaterinodar there were no demonstrations against the Bolsheviks, which could help the capture of the city. Moreover, the townspeople were afraid of the arrival of the Kornilovites, and defended the capital of the red Kuban with unprecedented bitterness. It was a time of civil slaughter for extermination — neither the Reds nor the Whites spared each other in battle. Therefore, residents of Ekaterinodar reasonably feared an outbreak of white terror after the fall of the city.

Bloodless, exhausted by campaigns and battles, the volunteers could not move a single step, and in some places began to retreat. The city’s defensive troops of the Southeast Revolutionary Army had an overwhelming advantage in every battle area. For three railway lines that were not blocked by volunteers, reinforcements from Tikhoretskaya, Kavkazskaya and Novorossiisk constantly came to the red lines in the city. The red detachments had at their disposal huge stocks of ammunition, grenades and shrapnel shells, and used them without economy, suppressing the positions of the whites with fire.

The situation was critical. The volunteer army was threatened with death. Kornilov and his commanders got involved in the battle for Yekaterinodar, being completely confident of victory, but they had largely miscalculated. For the first time after Olginsky, General Kornilov convened a Military Council. Generals Alekseev, Romanovsky, Markov, Bogayevsky and Denikin were present at the meeting of the top commanders of the army. In addition to them, Kornilov invited the Kuban chieftain A. P. Filimonov and the head of the Kuban "government" L. L. Bycha. The mood of all members of the meeting was heavy, depressed. Markov, exhausted by two sleepless nights, fell asleep. The rest of the generals also barely overcame themselves in order not to follow his example.

Each of the invited generals gave a report on the situation in their area of ​​hostilities. The overall picture was gloomy: the enemy had an advantage on all counts (strength, weapons, ammunition), had good combat capability, constantly received reinforcements; Kuban Cossacks did not raise a general uprising; Losses YES were extremely heavy, the command staff was knocked out. For example, when March 30 was appointed Colonel Kutepov as commander of the Kornilov regiment, only 65 bayonets remained in the regiment. By order of Kornilov, the 350 Cossacks of the Novomyshastovskaya stanitsa under the command of Colonel Shkuratov were infused into the regiment.

However, Kornilov had already made a decision and spoke with all his usual harshness and inflexibility: “The situation is really difficult, and I see no other way out than taking the Ekaterinodar. Therefore, I decided to attack tomorrow at dawn on all fronts. ” It is clear that Kornilov made a decision in advance. According to the adjutant commander Khadzhiev, Kornilov said that volunteers should take Ekaterinodar, since “Retreat will lead to agony and the immediate death of the army. If we are destined to die, then we will perish with honor in open battle! ”Kornilov said similar words to General Kazanovich:“ Of course, we can all die at the same time, ”said the Commander,“ but in my opinion, it’s better to die with honor. Retreat is also tantamount to death: without projectiles and cartridges, it will be an agony. ”

Opinions are divided. Alekseev and Filimonov and Bechem agreed with Kornilov. Almost all the white generals Denikin, Romanovsky, Markov, Bogayevsky were against the continuation of the unsuccessfully developing operation. Alekseev proposed to postpone the assault on April 1 so that the troops could rest for a day. Kornilov agreed. Both Denikin and Bogayevsky recalled that they had the impression that the meeting was convened by Kornilov only in order to convince the senior army commanders of the inevitability of the new decisive assault on Ekaterinodar. Council members dispersed gloomy. They said that Markov, returning to his headquarters, said: “Put on clean underwear, who has it. We will storm Yekaterinodar. Ekaterinodar do not take, and if we take, we die. "

Death of Kornilov

A new assault on the city did not take place. For the location of his headquarters, Kornilov chose a farm of the Ekaterinodar Agricultural Society, which stood at the intersection of roads on the steep bank of the Kuban. Ekaterinodar was perfectly visible from here, but the enemy, having learned that the headquarters of the whites was located here, in the morning of March 29 began to fire at the farm with direct fire from three three batteries. General Romanovsky pointed out to the commander that it was reckless to expose himself to such danger, but Kornilov ignored the advice: there was no housing nearby, and he did not want to move away from his troops. He was sure that the city would soon be taken and the headquarters would move to Ekaterinodar. As a result, the farm in which the headquarters of the DA commander was located was shelled for several days and the fire was constantly increasing. 31 March Kornilov again pointed to the danger, but he answered only: "Now it is not worth it, tomorrow the assault."

Climbing up around 5 in the morning of March 31, the general said goodbye to the body of his pet Nezhentsev. At half-past six, Kornilov received Bogayevsky. After listening to his gloomy report, Kornilov said: “But still, it is necessary to attack Ekaterinodar: there is no other way out ...”. This morning, the line of bursting shells began to come close to the house of the commander. One of the shells killed three Cossacks. A desperate adjutant of Kornilov, Khan Khadzhiev, once again asked the general to decide on the transfer of the headquarters, "since the Bolsheviks shot themselves well." Kornilov said “A!”, Entered the house and bent over the map. Khan Khadzhiev recalled that it seemed to him that Kornilov wanted to give orders to transfer the headquarters, but "instantly forgot about him."

Around 7. 20 morning grenade, fired by the battery under the command of sailor Rogachev, broke through the wall near the window of the room of Kornilov and hit the floor under the table at which he sat. The general’s blast wave struck the wall of the stove opposite to which he was sitting, and several ceiling beams collapsed on top. The first to run into the room were General Kazanovich and the adjutant Kornilov V. I. Dolinsky. When the smoke in the room cleared a little, Kornilov appeared to them, “covered with fragments of plaster and dust. There was a small wound not far from the temple, it looked shallow, there was a large bloody stain on the trousers, ”recalled Kazanovich. Kornilov was still breathing. After 10 minutes, without regaining consciousness, General Kornilov passed away. The death came, apparently, precisely because of a concussion, since there were no severe wounds. Through tears, Denikin said: "I will take command!"

The news of the death of Kornilov, first tried to hide from the army. Of course, it was not possible to do this, and soon a real pilgrimage began to Kornilov’s body. Volunteers considered it necessary to worship the beloved leader, not hiding their tears. The volunteer R. B. Gul recalled that news about the death of Kornilov, "They all pulled out of their hearts last hope." “Now it's all over,” recalled the general mood at the moment of the news of the death of Kornilov, Colonel V. N. Birkin. The body of the commander, accompanied by the Tekin convoy, was taken to the German colony of Gnachbau, and Kornilov was secretly buried on April 2, while only a few of the closest persons were allowed to pay their last honors to the general. Next to Kornilov, his comrade Nezhentsev was buried. In order not to attract the attention of outsiders, both graves were carefully leveled to the ground.

Despite the fact that Kornilov’s grave was carefully hidden, it was not possible to hide it from the angry mob. The grave was discovered, the body of Lieutenant Colonel Nezhentsev was left in the grave, and the corpse of Kornilov, identified by the red, dressed in a general's uniform, was removed from the burial and subjected to reproach, despite the opposition of Avtonomov. As a result, the body burned. Volunteers learned about it only after the capture of Ekaterinodar through 4 during the Second Kuban campaign already by Denikin’s army.

Destined to die? Died with honor!

Memorial service for General Kornilov. Ekaterinodar

The command takes Denikin

In the meantime, life went on. Denikin joined the temporary command of the army. General Alekseev, the only surviving member of the triumvirate, by his order approved General Denikin commander of the Volunteer Army. Alekseev said: “Well, Anton Ivanovich, take a heavy inheritance. God help you. ”

Anton Ivanovich Denikin, has gone from a soldier to one of the best generals of the tsarist army. Participant of the war with Japan, in 1914 - 1915. headed the 4 Rifle Brigade, nicknamed "Iron." This brigade was then deployed to the division, under his own command. The glory of this compound resounded throughout Russia. In 1916, he headed the 8 Corps on the Romanian front. After the revolution, Denikin was appointed Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander Alekseev. He commanded the Western Front, then took over the main, South-Western Front from Kornilov. That is, February ascended Denikin to the very top of the military elite. Denikin opposed the "democratization" of the army by left-wing feudalists and supported the Kornilov insurrection (right-wing feudists). As a result, he was arrested by the Provisional Government, was in prison.

Ran to the Don and became one of the founders of the Volunteer Army and the White movement. He became the military commander of the Volunteer Army. Unlike Kornilov, who was striving to defeat the enemy with a quick onslaught, Denikin was a master of maneuver, he loved to defeat the enemy with his mind, with unexpected tactics. The situation was severe and worsened. The Reds launched a counterattack, Erdeli barely restrained them with equestrian attacks. The death of Kornilov completed the moral breakdown of the white army. Having heard about the death of Kornilov, many of the wounded began shooting, so as not to be captured, for them all hope of a successful outcome after the death of the commander disappeared. After the death of Kornilov, Denikin wrote, “the army, which was experiencing a tragic tension, fell into despair. "The end of everything." These words were broken from the lips of not only the faint-hearted, but many brave ones. And the fallen asleep already thought about how to run and hide ... It was almost the most terrible moment, forever memorable to the participants of the heroic epic. And especially to me, because, as an assistant commander of the army, I had to replace the slain. I didn’t want and had no right to evade when the army was threatened with death ... ”

It is worth noting that Denikin, despite his weight in the old army, didn’t have the authority of a beloved and respected leader by the DA. In the system of the Volunteer Army, General Denikin served as assistant commander to whom he was appointed Kornilov. But at the very beginning of the Kuban campaign, Denikin, who had lost warm clothing in turmoil and was walking in civilian clothes and worn out boots, first caught a cold, and then slept with a severe form of bronchitis. As a result, in a difficult march full of events and battles, Denikin became an extra. Denikin, one of the brightest figures of the Russian generals of the world war, was not known in the Dobroarmiya without taking part in the command of volunteers. So, among the volunteers have already emerged their idols, the first of which was a young General Markov.

However, the fears of the chief of staff, General Romanovsky, that the army would painfully meet Denikin’s appointment were not justified. The army was shocked and desperate from the failure of the assault, heavy losses and the death of a beloved leader. In such circumstances, the appointment of Denikin accepted everyday. The claims of some Markovists that General Markov was appointed commander of the army were suppressed by the general himself, who said that he believed Denikin more than himself. These words of the general were enough for everyone to calm down with a new appointment. Denikin's personal friendship with Markov, who served as chief of staff in the famous Iron Division of Denikin during World War II, played an important role here. That is, from this side, Denikin had full support.

Tsarsky General and one of the main leaders of the White movement during the Civil War Anton Ivanovich Denikin


Denikin decided to withdraw the troops from the battle. From the south there was the river Kuban, from the east - the city, from the west - marshes and swamps. There was only a way to the north. The command of the army was going to reach the village of Medvedovskaya, and then - on Dyadkovskaya. At sunset the troops secretly left the positions and began to retreat. The goal was one - escape. They left in order, with baggage and artillery. But when Elizavetinskaya was left, when the Reds had already almost surrounded the village, the bogie bosses did not find any other way out than leaving 64 seriously injured, for whom transportation was tantamount to death, to the care of a doctor and sisters of mercy. Only 11 people were saved, the rest were killed.

The movement was heavy. Column found. In passing villages, whites were shelled, and red troops followed the volunteers, which they had to hold back. White troops were subjected to artillery shelling and could not answer (there were no shells). By the night of April 1, the army approached the German colony of Gnchbau, where she stood all the next day, putting herself in order and waiting for darkness. YES was on the verge of death. Denikin later wrote that "it seemed that there was no longer any way out for the locked bogs, the river and the Bolshevik troops of the Volunteer Army ...". If the army commander thought so, then you can imagine the mood of ordinary soldiers and officers. People were severely suppressed, the army was on the verge of collapse. Many were ready to save themselves. General S. M. Trukhachev recalled: “The troops were nervous, they said that the end had come to us. From the Gnachbau bottle (Gnchbau is really surrounded on all sides by swamps and the exit from it passed through a narrow throat in the swamps) we cannot escape. They began to draw up a party, looking for horses to be sprayed on horseback. There was controversy about how to escape more correctly - in a small group of horses in 10-15, or in a large one, in a hundred or more horses. ”

This is also reported by others. Colonel I. F. Patronov recalled that "the army allegedly decided to disperse and the slogan" Save yourself, who can, "gradually engulfed many." Denikin, in turn, wrote that on that day, April 2, “the worst instincts, selfishness, distrust and suspicion were revealed — to each other and to the authorities, one part to another. Mainly in the crowded population of the wagon train. It was better in military units, but a very nervous mood was also created there ... ” For several hours the commander received reports of one more disturbing than the other: that “one of the cavalry regiments decided to secede from the army and break through separately. That organized a lot of equestrian parties, involving the spray. " General I. G. Erdelyi wrote in his diary in those days: “The common goal was dull, that is, the struggle against Bolshevism. Kornilov’s death had a depressing effect on everyone. And now, if everyone does not run up, it is because it is easier for the escapeers to die alone and to wander off and just a selfish question is to stick together. ”

The commander ordered only the 4 guns to be left, since there were no shells. The rest of the tools, which were obtained with great difficulty, but now became a burden, were drowned in the river. In the evening Denikin gave an order in the direction of the Black Sea Railway, to the village of Medvedovskaya. It was necessary to cross the railway, which was controlled by the enemy and go to the friendly Cossack villages.

Dobrarmii retreat from Ekaterinodar

On the night from 2 to 3 (15 - 16) on April 1918, parts of Markov began to cross the railway track. General Markov seized the railway guard at the crossing and placed the soldiers along the railway track, sent in the direction of the stanitsa, where the Red armored train stood, a reconnaissance detachment. Began organizing the transition through the railway main forces. The whole army headquarters with generals Denikin, Alekseev and Romanovsky was concentrated at the lodge. However, whites discovered sentries. From the station in the direction of the lodge moved the red armored train. Brewing a complete rout.

Markov's resourcefulness saved everyone. When the armored train approached a short distance, Markov, showered the armored train with swear words, rushed onto the path and shouted: “Stop! Crush the son of a bitch! Can't you see your own ones ?! ”The stunned driver braked, and Markov threw a grenade into the engine. In response, the strongest fire from rifles and machine guns opened on the white from the cars. Only with open gun platforms did not have time to give a single shot. The commander of the white battery Mionchinsky advanced guns and two three-inch guns at close range fired grenades at the cylinders and wheels of a locomotive, then hit the cars. The officers who came up to the regiment went to the assault. They fired through loopholes, climbed onto the roof, chopped it with axes and threw grenades inside the cars. Lined with flammable materials and set on fire. Red stubbornly fought back, but were killed. Then the volunteers quickly began to extinguish and uncouple the cars, saving precious ammunition. They took 400 shells and 100 thousand cartridges .. At the same time, Bogayevsky attacked the station and, after a stubborn fight, took it. Part of the red was able to retreat by train, the other interrupted. From the south came the second armored train of the Reds, but it was driven off by artillery fire.

Victory and trophies somewhat raised the morale of the volunteers. In Denikin we saw a lucky leader and commander. On the same day, the volunteers arrived at the village of Dyadkovskaya, where they arranged a day-rest. The villagers greeted the volunteers hospitably and cordially. Here Denikin is forced to take an extremely unpopular decision - to leave the wounded so that they do not detain the troops. This made the army extremely painful. So that the wounded could not be lynched, they were left known Bolsheviks Limansky and Karyakin, taken Pokrovsky as hostages even when leaving the Ekaterinodar by the Kubans. Limansky and Karjakin promised to keep the wounded, for the maintenance of which the sum of 250 thousand rubles was left intact. They kept their word. Of the 119 volunteers left in Dyadkovskoy, only two were killed, and 16 died from injuries. The rest survived.

April 5 army continued to retreat to the east, and April 9 volunteers arrived in Ilyinskaya, overcoming 9 versts from Ekaterinodar in 220 days almost without loss. That is, whites broke out of the dense network of railways, having received a certain freedom of action. Then the volunteers moved to the nearby village of Ouspensky. On the Don was sent intelligence. 14 (27) April, the intelligence returned with a hundred Don Cossacks and reported that the uprising and the Cossacks on the Don "They beat the brow of the Volunteer Army, asking them to forget the old one and quickly come to the rescue."

Denikin conducted a review of the army and informed the fighters that the white “miraculous heroes ... made one of the greatest campaigns of the Russian army” and that a great uprising broke out on the Don and the army would come to the aid of the Don Cossacks. The situation has changed radically. Kuban, as a base for war with the Bolsheviks, could not be used. But the uprising began on the Don, which previously did not want to support Kaledin, Alekseev and Kornilov. There was hope for a successful continuation of the struggle. 16 (29) April, White came out of the Assumption in the direction of the Don.

The feat of General S.L. Markov. Capture of red armored train during the battle for the station Medvedovskaya. Journal of Hour, No. 30


The White Army was unable to solve the main task - to take Ekaterinodar. During the assault, the army suffered heavy losses, nearly a third of the number - about 1900 killed and wounded. Many commanders were killed and injured, including the army commander Kornilov. The Red forces lost up to 15 thousand people in this battle.

The remnants of the white army managed to break through the ring of the superior forces of the Red Army and move in the direction of friendly Cossack villages. By 29 of April (12 of May), the Welcome Army went to the south of the Don region to the region of Mechetinskaya - Egorlykskaya - Gulyay-Borisovka. The first Kuban campaign was over. The Soviet press these days wrote about the "rout and liquidation of the White Guard gangs scattered throughout the North Caucasus." However, the situation soon changed radically - the Cossacks raised a large-scale uprising on the Don and called for volunteers to help. In addition, German troops were sent to Taganrog and Rostov. A new stage of the Civil War began, and the Volunteer Army, having accepted replenishment, soon again reached the borders of the Don and Stavropol.

It is worth noting that on the side of Dobroarmia was not only good luck and skillful actions of the commanders, but also the general carelessness and irresponsibility of local military and party leaders who underestimated the danger posed by the Kornilovites defeated near Yekaterinodar. Soviet newspapers happily reported that Kornilov was forever finished, that “the largest of the remaining gangs - around 1000 — a man under the command of General Markov is now running north-east to Stavropol gubernia in order to break through to the Don and Tsaritsyn ... under these conditions this gang does not have to be considered as with great force. " The Red Army soldiers unanimously decided that the Kornilov revolt was over. The local leadership did not take emergency measures to catch up with the rapidly retreating (fleeing) whites.

Thus, although the Reds had the opportunity to finish off the white army, its leaders, Denikin, Markova, Erdely, and others, decided that the Volunteer Army would never recover from the defeat inflicted on it and would fall apart by itself, disappear as a fighting force. Later, they will find "scapegoats" on whom they will blame all the fact that the Volunteer Army managed to avoid death after the defeat under Yekaterinodar: they will be Sorokin and Avtonomov.
91 comment
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  1. +10
    21 March 2018 06: 59
    a real pilgrimage began to Kornilov’s body. Volunteers considered it necessary to bow to their beloved leader, not hiding their tears.

    There was something to cry from: died hero of Russia, flesh from the flesh of the Russian people, his favorite, who defended the Fatherland in the difficult year of a long war with the German invaders.
    Absolute animal savagery began after the Bolsheviks, who rushed to search for the allegedly buried “cash desks and treasures” of the whites, found Kornilov’s grave instead.
    He was dug up, taken to Ekaterinodar. After photographing the corpse, Sorokin and Zolotarev ordered to tear off the tunic and began using their orderlies to hang the body on a tree and strike at it with drafts. Only after the drunken red commanders shredded the general’s body did they receive orders to take the body to the city massacres [.
    The body was already completely unrecognizable by this moment and was a shapeless mass disfigured by blows of drafts and throwing it to the ground.
    Upon arrival at the city carnage, the body was burned.
    Sorokin was soon shot like a dog by his own "comrades." Who remembers him, knows? And for the reds, and the white loya is insignificance.
    And the memory of the people's generalforever!
    The noble people erected a monument to him in Yekaterinodar, the place of his heroic death, and named the streets in his honor
    1. +7
      21 March 2018 08: 20
      Oh! I can imagine how faithful Leninists and Communists are now clenching their fists, grinding their teeth, turning their eyes furiously, furious, dreaming of the moment when the cons will be returned!
      I read such articles with interest! Since we know about the exploits of the Reds, now we need to find out what kind of warrior was from the whites!
      In response to your comment, I want to add that the whites were not angels, they also hung and executed in vain!
      For myself, I concluded in the history of the civil war in Russia, both sides excelled!
      1. +13
        21 March 2018 09: 36
        Quote: K.A.S.
        faithful Leninists and communists clenching their fists, grinding their teeth,

        But you are happy with the current situation in Russia, when thousands of industrial enterprises that the people built, including and under the leadership of the Stalin you hate, they illegally fell into the power of various crooks, or were they simply cut into scrap metal?

        And now many of you complain that they say that Russia has turned out to be a “raw materials appendage and gas station” and you need to “urgently revive the economy”? Revive it, now that all sorts of "landlords" are thinking primarily about their selfish interests, and the interests of the state to them for

        And here you regret and make the “heroes” of the tsarist generals who fought against their people in the interests of international capitalists. Have you forgotten the intervention?

        If the Bolsheviks hadn’t kicked out foreign troops with kicks in holey boots and crushed it with incredible efforts, your “white movement” would have divided Russia back then.
        1. +5
          21 March 2018 11: 56
          Quote: bistrov.
          Revive it, now that all sorts of "landlords" are thinking primarily about their selfish interests, and the interests of the state to them for

          Unhappy beggars, dying of hunger, without industry and technology of the country of Europe, because there are only business owners and no communists! Really, Comrade Bistrov?
          Quote: bistrov.
          And here you regret and make the “heroes” of the tsarist generals who fought against their people in the interests of international capitalists. Have you forgotten the intervention?

          They fought for their Russian people, with bald tourists who stayed in the war not at the front of the struggle with the invaders, but in switzerland. If all sat in Switzerland, WHERE would there be invaders in 1914?
          Quote: bistrov.
          Have you forgotten the intervention?

          Have you forgotten WHO made friends with the German occupiers by feeding them BREAD and GOLD to continue the world massacre? In 1941, the USSR carried out INTERVENTION to Iran to deprive Hitler of Iran’s oil and resources. Condemn too?
          While there was no thief and betrayal in Brest, there was NO intervention — remember this.
          After the completion of the PMV, all SAMI interventionists left.
          Moreover, it is Entente made German occupiers, to whom the Bolsheviks surrendered Russia, get out of Russia.
          If the Bolsheviks kicked in holey boots then.

          In holey boots, without weapons and cartridges were exactly white. ALL reserves of the huge Russian Army were in the Bolsheviks. White stocks were obtained in battle with bayonets from the Reds: Aren't you reading VO articles?
          if foreign troops had not been driven out and not crushed by incredible efforts, your "white movement" would have divided Russia back then.

          Russia was dismembered in 1917 and 1922. And the current border of Russia was THEN established exactly. DIDN'T know?
        2. +2
          21 March 2018 12: 23
          The article is not about this, but I’ll answer. Yes, I’m mostly satisfied with today's situation! the fact that enterprises are closed dissatisfied! but I understand why this happened - they were not effective! people do not need to be upset, you need to accept it with joy! like those merchants industrialists, whose fists and others they robbed, because a lot of commentators talk about it. that the rich gave their good to the people (who did not have any rights to it), and did not bother!
          in VO any confirm. that I do not complain !!! and I am for the interests of states, only we have different concepts about the state. I am for what would be from each according to his ability. to each according to his work, that is, for capitalism with a human face! And I see how the state is developing and the economy is reviving!
          unfortunately I must disappoint you in the interests of international capitalists. just the Bolsheviks fought. for there was no reason for the capitalists to carry out a full-scale intervention. Since, if the white movement was successful, the Russian state returned to its borders, it would become a competitor in industry. trade. would also claim reparations from Germany and more!
          and with the tsarist generals, who fought? all merchants, kulpki and other exploiters? there are many exploiters! intervention is based on textbooks and films of the union period. but in fact there was just a recharge of weapons and finances, so that more blood would be shed!
          again longer to disappoint you! Russia was divided just by the Bolsheviks! look how many new states arose after Lenin’s decrees! look from what areas modern republics are created! the most striking example is Ukraine!
          I believe that the Bolsheviks fulfilled the plan of the Allies. ruined Russia, slowing down its development. divided the country on the basis of nat those symy laying laid a bomb for years and generations! they were also able to strike at the Russian people, depriving them of national self-identification!
        3. 0
          22 March 2018 21: 03
          Quote: bistrov.
          under the guidance of your hated Stalin,

          Was there a speech about Stalin? belay I’m for example. ardent opponent of Lenin. but at the same time a supporter of Stalin, who successfully shot the Leninist cohort of permanent revolutionaries.
          Quote: bistrov.
          and make the "heroes" of the tsarist generals who fought against their people in the interests of international capitalists.

          And on whose money the revolution was made. do not want to remember? Understand that the international capitalists were mostly Jewish bankers, and they bet on both white and red. They didn’t need any Russia at all. This is the root to look at.
    2. +2
      21 March 2018 17: 39
      HOSE, there he was dear.
      1. 0
        21 March 2018 19: 23
        Dog - dog death!
  2. +12
    21 March 2018 07: 35
    In addition, German troops came to Taganrog and Rostov.
    ... It was probably right to write thundering red detachments, German troops came out to Taganrog and Rostov. Whites were not going to fight with them .. The Brest Peace was concluded .. And the "white knights" vomited ... accords ....
    1. +6
      21 March 2018 08: 11
      Quote: parusnik
      with which whites were not going to fight .. the Brest Peace was concluded .. And the “white knights" vomited ..

      Don't talk nonsense, please. White did not recognize the Brest disgrace. And the four thousandth Volunteer Army at that moment was physically physically incapable of fighting the German invasion — the White did not have any ammunition or medicine for this. And the main goal of the creation of the Dobarmia was the liberation of Russia from the power of German accomplices — the Bolsheviks.
      1. +3
        21 March 2018 11: 45
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        Do not talk nonsense, please. White did not recognize the Brest disgrace. And the four thousandth Volunteer Army at that moment was physically physically incapable of fighting the German invasion

        The comrade writes nonsense: Taganrog and Rostov the Reds passed without a fight, fleeing from there without a single shot.
      2. +6
        21 March 2018 11: 50
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        White did not recognize the Brest disgrace. And the four thousandth Volunteer Army at that moment was physically physically incapable of fighting the German invasion — the White did not have any ammunition or medicine for this

        Well, with Volunteer’s, it’s clear, but Krasnov - is he a white general or not, did he recognize the Brest disgrace? This is to say that he and the Germans, until the WWI ended, lived on the Don in perfect harmony. They did not hesitate to take equipment and ammunition from them. Later, after the revolution in Germany, he again became a devoted Entente.
      3. +10
        21 March 2018 16: 23
        Lieutenant, name at least one battle between the White Guards and the Germans .... Well, yes, the Reds, the German mercenaries created detachments against their masters ... and fought ... Especially in Ukraine, which the TsR gave ... And the valiant knight Krasnov swore allegiance to the Kaiser .. By the way, a kick., the red troops in Taman were given German troops who came to the aid of the labor Cossacks, at their request, rebelled against the yoke of the Bolsheviks, ..that ... the Germans opposed their mercenaries ... And so after this kick, the glorious campaign of the Taman Red Army began no worse and no better than the Ice Camp ....
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. +1
        22 March 2018 02: 20
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        And the main goal of the creation of the Dobarmia was the liberation of Russia from the power of German accomplices — the Bolsheviks.

        Interestingly, the Volunteer Army freed Russia from German accomplices Bolsheviks, relying on German help. General Krasnov, for example, created the Cossack army with German help, and only after the revolution in Germany he temporarily reoriented to the Entente, but in February 1919 he again left for Germany, where he continued his anti-Soviet activities.
      6. The comment was deleted.
  3. +17
    21 March 2018 08: 05
    Yeah! They are all “heroes”. From these "heroes" then General Vlasov and Ataman Krasnov took an example. Also with the "invincible" army of invaders went to conquer. Why are they almost always talking about the civil war and hiding the intervention? And there was an intervention. 14 states have entered their troops and occupied Russia. Kornilov, Denikin, and other kolchaks received funding and support in exchange for dividing Russia into pieces and becoming Russia in the event that White wins a powerless colony of the West. That is why White failed to win. Because the other heroes defeated them. Personal courage? It was on both sides. Cruelty? It was on both sides. But the Reds had a just cause. And White had a rotten business. Therefore, they lost.
    1. +19
      21 March 2018 08: 31
      From these "heroes" then General Vlasov and Ataman Krasnov took an example.

      No, not so.
      Vlasov is a Soviet man, a favorite of Stalin. Faithful follower so to speak.
      Krasnov, heading the Don region, carried out Germanophilic policy. Already. And with the Volunteer Army he was "on the knives."
    2. +5
      21 March 2018 08: 52
      Quote: Oleg Kozlov
      From these "heroes" then General Vlasov and Ataman Krasnov took an example. Also with the "invincible" army of invaders went to conquer. Why are they almost always talking about the civil war and hiding the intervention? And there was an intervention. 14 states have entered their troops and occupied Russia.

      Your ignorance of native history is amazing. I ask you, I sincerely ask you, you do not need to study the history of Russia in the “short course in the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks”! General Vlasov — the Soviet commander and member of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and his act towards the White Movement has nothing to do.
      And the pearl about the “14 states” is absolutely amazing. Where does this number come from? And besides, only Germans really fought with the Reds of those “interventionists”. The British in the North took out their property and fled without entering into battles with the Reds. The French in the South left after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles. The Americans and Japanese in the East did sit out so far behind the whites in the rear! What kind of intervention is this when the "invaders" run away without fighting?
      1. +4
        21 March 2018 10: 03
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        The British in the North took their property and fled,

        Who, then, was sitting in Arkhangelsk prisons and a concentration camp on Mudyug?

        And "their property" included, including timber, hemp, thousands of cattle, which they requisition from the peasants, a billion gold rubles, even Russian steamships stole, including the icebreaker "Ermak"

        And they didn’t “fight”: Only for some reason their “gunboats” loomed near Kotlas and in all, even villages, there were Anglo-American troops, where they created a strong defense with gun batteries and machine guns, and the Red Guard detachments had to knock them out of there .
        1. +6
          21 March 2018 10: 31
          Quote: bistrov.
          Who, then, was sitting in Arkhangelsk prisons and a concentration camp on Mudyug?

          You want to say that the British were kept in a concentration camp on Mudyug?
          Quote: bistrov.
          timber, hemp, thousands of cattle, which they requisition from the peasants, a billion gold rubles

          Can you name the source of such an accurate calculation?
          Quote: bistrov.
          icebreaker "Ermak"

          But this is already something from the field of alternative history. “Ermak” spent the entire civilian life in the Baltic, and in 1938 he went for the Papanins.
          Quote: bistrov.
          where they created a strong defense with gun batteries and machine guns, and the Red Guard detachments

          And, this is apparently from the same category as the story in which the flimsy trenches of the Russian Army at Perekop turned into concrete lines of defense with dugouts and heavy artillery in Frunze's memoirs. Good fantasy, "comrade"!
          1. +1
            21 March 2018 22: 29
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            this is already something from the field of alternative history

            Many people, developing the theory of alternative history, mainly emphasize the word alternative, forgetting about history. Here is just such a case.
      2. The comment was deleted.
        1. +1
          21 March 2018 22: 30
          Quote: Seeker
          In total, 14 states took part in the intervention.
          Wow! How much and why not 25? A poor list?
      3. +2
        22 March 2018 03: 27
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        And the pearl about the “14 states” is absolutely amazing.

        You will not believe it, but Wikipedia gives even more numbers, here is a list of the powers of the intervention participants in Russia:
        USA, Japan, UK, France, Italy, Romania, Poland, Finland,
        Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Greece, Australia, Canada, China, India.

        As for the fact that the interventionists only observed.

        In the Far East, the Japanese alone had more than 120 thousand. The interventionists acted together with the White Guards and destroyed whole villages, joint punitive expeditions to the Amur Region alone destroyed 7 thousand inhabitants and burned 25 villages.

        In the North, the interventionists established a regime of terror. On June 3, 1918, the British interventionists, under the command of Colonel Laundonson, captured Kem and shot all Soviet workers. Thousands of people were executed or died of starvation and torture on the island of Mudyug, through which about 52 thousand passed.

        In the Caucasus 30 thousand. the British carried out police functions: they crushed a peasant uprising in Dusheti and Akhaltsikhe districts, crushed the uprising of the Georgian regiment in Sukhumi, provoked an Armenian-Georgian conflict.

        And as robbed. The British exported 26 million pounds of manganese from Georgia alone, 30 million pounds of oil from Baku, and 700 thousand pounds of tobacco from Abkhazia.

        But the main thing is that everywhere, under their cover, whites acted, who destroyed everyone who was only suspected of sympathizing with the Soviet Government.

        So teach History to you. And then you read the perestroika "Twinkle" and think that this is a story. By the way, Korotich cheated on us, but he himself escaped to America.
        1. +1
          22 March 2018 19: 16
          Quote: Alexander Green
          You will not believe it, but Wikipedia gives even more numbers, here is a list of the powers of the intervention participants in Russia:
          USA, Japan, UK, France, Italy, Romania, Poland, Finland,
          Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Greece, Australia, Canada, China, India.

          Yeah, I forgot Greece, I remember the picture from a student of history. All this is Bolshevik propaganda, in reality there were only English, Germans, Japanese and French. Australia, Canada, India, the components of the British Union, the Chinese and Korean mercenaries in the Red Army were no less than what came from that side, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia are the same, the Turks fought with the Armenians, who gained independence from the Bolsheviks, yes , still Poles, but in fact this is the participation of England and France at the hands of the Poles, by the way, like the Romanians. The rest of all the microscopic subdivisions of different states of limitrophs can be ignored. How did I forget about the Finns ?! The Finns fought with themselves, there were also red and white, well, there were a few Baltic states who, by the way, were also independent.
          1. 0
            22 March 2018 23: 19
            Quote: verner1967
            Yeah, I forgot Greece, I remember the picture from a student of history. All this is Bolshevik propaganda,

            Do you blame bourgeois Wikipedia for Bolshevik propaganda? See you this may not be forgiven.
            1. +1
              23 March 2018 06: 59
              Quote: Alexander Green
              You are a bourgeois Wikipedia

              attached a label - done! Has it become easier?
  4. +8
    21 March 2018 08: 06
    An extremely sane article from Mr. Samsonov. But the author is true to himself — even in such an article he manages to distort the facts. The population of Yekaterinodar did not protect the city — only parts of the Reds kept it. And even more so the simple Yekaterinodar people were not afraid of any terror from the whites — during the Second Kuban campaign, volunteers took the city, but no repressions ensued. The only ones who could be afraid were the red activists, agitators and other Judas. Here they could expect an honest trial.
    1. +21
      21 March 2018 08: 39
      I agree with you
    2. +3
      21 March 2018 10: 15
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      it was held exclusively by parts of the Reds.

      And the "parts of the Reds" did not consist of "ordinary Krasnodar"? These “reds” included warrant officers and warrants of the tsarist army, cadets, wealthy merchants, traders, archpriests ... Also chamberlains of the court of his “imperial majesty”, as well as vice-adjutants .., hehe ...
    3. +2
      22 March 2018 03: 35
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      And even more so the simple Yekaterinodar people were not afraid of any terror from the whites — during the Second Kuban campaign, volunteers took the city, but no repressions ensued. The only ones who could be afraid were the red activists, agitators and other Judas. Here they could expect an honest trial.

      Oh, what white ones were “white” and fluffy.
      Only in September-October 1918, after the occupation of Maykop by the 1st Kuban Division of General Pokrovsky in the city and its suburbs, almost 4 inhabitants were executed, hanged, and simply cut out, who were somehow suspected of collaborating with Soviet power. They even cut out those who simply worked at the enterprises of the city nationalized by the Bolsheviks. The massacre of Maykopts lasted almost a month and a half without a break.

      It all started with the order of the white “hero”, Major General Pokrovsky, who was furious from his own impunity.
      "Order No. 2 in the city of Maykop, September 8, 1918
      “For the fact that the population of the city of Maykop (Nikolaev, Pokrovskaya and Troitskaya Slobodka) shot at volunteer troops, I impose an indemnity of one million rubles on the above-mentioned outskirts of the city.
      Contributions must be paid within three days.
      In case of failure to fulfill my requirement, the above-mentioned settlements will be burned to the ground. I assign the collection of indemnity to the commandant of the city of Esaul Razderishchina.
      Head of the 1st Kuban Cossack Division Major General Pokrovsky. "
  5. +21
    21 March 2018 08: 07
    Heroic episode
    Could not get to the living - got to the dead Kornilov with Nezhentsev
    The pre-democracy remained true to allied duty, and even the question was raised whether it was necessary to engage in battle with the Germans when meeting with the latter.
    Speaking of the Germans. In the fall or winter of 1918 several German officers went to volunteer units - the latter almost cried about the consequences of the revolution - the "democratization" of their units, the humiliation of their soldiers and asked to be included in the ranks of the Russian Dobrarmi. Miracle weapons returned as they boomerang.
    1. +18
      21 March 2018 08: 27
      In the fall or winter of 1918 - this is of course later, the consequences of the November Revolution.
      And in the period considered in the article, the German army experienced a peak of organizational development
      launching the last powerful blow - the Spring Offensive of 1918 on the French Front
      1. +17
        21 March 2018 09: 01
        But I generally noticed that we were behind the Germans by about a year.
        As is known, the so-called "shell hunger" and interruptions in supply experienced all countries participating in WWII.
        Overcoming at different times and at different times. The Germans in the winter of 1915, the Russians in the winter of 1916.
        The peak of the development of the army is the Germans winter 1918., Russians - winter 1917.
        And even revolutions - Germans - November 1918., Russians - November 1917. laughing
        The Germans were lucky that they had one revolution, not a couple. And the Civil War was strangled in the bud.
        1. +3
          22 March 2018 03: 40
          Quote: Cheburator
          And I generally noticed that We lagged behind the Germans by about a year.
          As is known, the so-called "shell hunger" and interruptions in supply experienced all countries participating in WWII.
          Overcoming at different times and at different times. Germans - in the winter 1915, Russians - in winter 1916.
          The peak of the development of the army - Germans winter 1918., Russians - winter 1917.
          And even revolutions - Germans - November 1918., Russians - November 1917.

          Dear, you are not a victim of the exam? I still don’t understand, were we behind or ahead?
          By the way, the Germans who lived in the GDR now very much regret Soviet times.
      2. +3
        21 March 2018 14: 20
        Quote: XII Legion
        And in the period considered in the article, the German army experienced a peak of organizational development
        launching the last powerful blow - the Spring Offensive of 1918 on the French Front

        Still would! The eastern front disappeared, troops were thrown to the West, bread, gold, fodder flowed into the river from Germany from the traitors, breathing new strength and hope into the Germans.
        Brest betrayal splashed gasoline into the fire of Great Oyoyna and the Grazhanskaya fire
        1. +1
          22 March 2018 03: 45
          Quote: Olgovich
          Brest betrayal splashed gasoline into the fire of Great Oyoyna and the Grazhanskaya fire

          Was it true that for Germany and for the Entente, the first world (imperialist) predatory war was also Great?
  6. +5
    21 March 2018 08: 41
    Another work in the genre of "shit hits the fan" from Samsonov. Yesterday he praised Stalin and urged to protect his memory, today he is on the side of the Goodwill and the white movement.
    Ahead is the next series of the infinitely eepic srach series "Bulk-crunches and Bolsheviks are being thrown by feces."
    1. +16
      22 March 2018 08: 29
      A man works in contrast.
      So probably more fun)
      I recall a joke. Just to the topic.
      Comes artist to engage in a circus. Says - I have a number. I work in contrast.
      What is it like? - asks the director.
      The bucket is filled with Mr. and suspended from the circus dome. Then the rope is cut and the bucket collapses into the arena.
      So what? - asks the director.
      Like what? Imagine - the arena in Mr., the audience in Mr. And here I go out - all in white! laughing
  7. +6
    21 March 2018 09: 17
    So many admirers of the white movement divorced that it is amazing how they live in a country that Bolsheviks defended and rebuilt.
    The whites were not allies, but lackeys among the interventionists, and none of the organizers of the * white movement * could conceal this, and the owners did not allow it to be forgotten. But today troubadours of chivalry began to appear, singing hosanna to the brutalized * whites *. Apparently hoping that the origin of the nobles?
    1. +17
      21 March 2018 09: 40
      Basil, I personally am not a supporter of the split into red and white. This is already 100 years old.
      But this is our story.
      It is amazing how they live in a country that they defended and rebuilt Bolsheviks.

      The country and the Bolsheviks got more than. True, in size it has been reduced during the revolutions and coups.
      Both sides were brutalized at that time - and it is still unknown who more.
      The whites were not allies but lackeys among the interventionists
      the Dobramia was in poverty, lacking shells and ammunition, especially in the first stage.
      Apparently hoping that the origin of the nobles?
      The basis was not the origin, but the vision of the future of Russia. It is no accident that Kornilov and Denikin are peasant children, and Tukhachevsky and Lenin are nobles.
      1. +1
        21 March 2018 22: 35
        Quote: XII Legion
        The basis was not the origin, but the vision of the future of Russia. It is no accident that Kornilov and Denikin are peasant children, and Tukhachevsky and Lenin are nobles.

        good here neither add nor decrease
    2. +7
      21 March 2018 09: 45
      Quote: Vasily50
      a country that was defended and rebuilt by the Bolsheviks.

      Dear Vasily, you forgot to say that they are:
      a) before the revolution, they were engaged in terror against the country and people;
      b) in 1991, like feudal lords, they dragged the country to pieces and arranged a sabbath in the style of African capitalism.
      I am writing this because the RSDLP, the VKPb and the CPSU, by their very nature and ideology, are one and the same party.
      Quote: Vasily50
      one of the organizers of the * white movement *, and the owners did not allow to forget

      What always struck me as a proponent of Bolshevism was the indestructible urge to search for “opponents” among all opponents. Are you really so alien to the idea that people can act independently, driven by a sense of duty and love for the Fatherland?
      1. +20
        21 March 2018 09: 53
        the indestructible desire to search for all opponents of certain "owners".

        Or is it because Mr. Poruchik that the owners themselves were? After all, they measure others, as a rule, by their own standards.
        Yes, and to sit during the war in the territories of the adversary states is at least suspicious. An ideological weapon, so to speak, undermining the combat effectiveness of an army by a blow from the rear.
        1. +6
          21 March 2018 10: 05
          Dear XII Legion, You have practically removed these words from my lips. Indeed, as the proverb says wisely, it is well known that the loudest "hold the thief!" the sought-after criminal screams.
      2. +4
        21 March 2018 10: 38
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        terror against the country and people;

        You do not confuse the anti-people tsarist government and the capitalists, landowners, bloodsuckers with the "country and people" ...

        You are not "Sunday School" Mormon USA "education" received? It really hurts "last name" you have suitable .., hehe ....
        1. +7
          21 March 2018 10: 52
          Quote: bistrov.
          You do not confuse the anti-people tsarist government and the capitalists, landowners, bloodsuckers with the "country and people" ...

          Firstly, the Imperial Government consisted of representatives of all classes. Or do you think that officers and officials were all noblemen? No. There were immigrants from the middle class, peasants, merchants, sons of priests, etc. The government was flesh of the flesh of its people.
          Secondly, ordinary citizens died at the hands of revolutionary criminals. The bomb, you know, doesn’t matter if the official nearby, a woman or a child.
      3. 0
        21 March 2018 22: 37
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        What always struck me as a proponent of Bolshevism was the indestructible urge to search for “opponents” among all opponents.

        so they cannot live without a master, and they want to restore their Stalin out of dust, but he was the master and clicher among them.
    3. +2
      21 March 2018 14: 23
      Quote: Vasily50
      The whites were not allies but lackeys among the interventionists

      The interventionists were allies and lackeys of the Bolsheviks: NOBODY and NEVER gave the invaders forever THIRD countries for power, only the Bolsheviks did it.
  8. +6
    21 March 2018 11: 06
    Well, what honor is there? Fu ... Kornilovites, and generally the white movement, could not solve the main task - to establish a solid law on their territory. This was their only chance - a firm and fair law, order, stability. This is exactly what was missing in the chaos-ridden country. But neither Kornilov, nor the Kornilovites, nor any other whites were interested in anything like this at all. They hesitated between a desire to develop their vague plans for a radical reorganization of the country and a thirst for revenge on the “troublemakers” who had the audacity to try to restore order in the country, which had been overturned by the very same tsarist generals.
    Whether they took Ekaterinodar there or not, it does not matter. The important thing is that the people did not accept them. Seeing how the “whites” destroyed tsarist Russia, people did not want to go forward under their control. And they did not want so much that Kornilov "and like a wolf between a pack of dogs spun." There was a chance. It was firmly stated that there would be enough chaos, enough experiments, let's go back to law and order, and there would be millions of supporters. Where to there. I wanted to continue the bloody bacchanalia, until everyone succeeds in taking revenge and building something ... it is not clear what but exclusively his own.
    I do not see honor and hair in the actions of these people. Pouring blood to the last opportunity ... it's some kind of ghouls. What an honor? What is it about?
  9. +4
    21 March 2018 11: 33
    In the history of the civil war in Russia, what is most terrifying is that under beautiful slogans and promises from all sides, the Russians killed each other with bestial cruelty.
    God forbid once again to bring the situation in the country to the state: "brother went against brother, father against son."
    1. 0
      26 March 2018 15: 25
      After March 18, the Russian oligarchy confidently took the path of a new civil war. So some kind of god needs it.
  10. +1
    21 March 2018 11: 57
    The inflexibility of Kornilov is visible as a commander.
    You can only take a large city with ammunition reserves
    and shells. No? - do not meddle. Paradoxically, the White movement is still lucky
    that Kornilov died and Denikin canceled the suicide attack.
    And then there would be a White movement and end.
    1. +4
      21 March 2018 13: 02
      Quote: voyaka uh
      The inflexibility of Kornilov is visible as a commander.

      Kornilov was a revolutionary general, one of the culprits of the collapse of autocratic Russia.
      The initial march of Kornilovites is curious: We do not regret the past, the king is not an idol for us ....but the well-known words of General Keller said about Kornilov .......let him try to save Russian democracy.
    2. +2
      21 March 2018 14: 37
      Quote: voyaka uh
      The inflexibility of Kornilov is visible as a commander.
      To take Big City you can only holding ammunition stocks
      and shells. No? - do not meddle.

      You are absolutely wrong!
      The largest city of Russia Rostov-on-Donwas taken by a fierce and swift assault on the squad Mikhail Gordeevich Drozdovsky , which was many times less than the Bolshevik forces, both in numbers and in weapons and ammunition. It happened at about the same time described by the article.
      ALL White’s victories were won not “thanks”, but “contrary” to ALL rules and logic.
      They had no supplies, no bases, no rear, no weapons, no transport, no roads — read at least the recent VO articles on this topic.
      1. +6
        21 March 2018 15: 32
        The exploits that you describe are possible: one, two, three ...
        But in strategic terms, defeat is inevitable without ammunition, bases and roads
        for the transportation of ammunition - in short, military logistics.
        Indeed, you must admit that the White Guards did not plan to die heroically for History, but to defeat the Bolsheviks who seized power in the capitals.
        In this regard, the transfer of troops from front to front, the supply of ammunition, and the organization of reserves, Trotsky (who was not a military man at all) completely outplayed General Denikin.
        1. +1
          21 March 2018 16: 01
          "We're going to die. Our reward is a wooden cross!" This is from white propaganda.
          1. +1
            21 March 2018 16: 06
            The propaganda of all is similar:
            "Boldly we will go into battle for the power of the Soviets,
            and as one die in the struggle for it! "
            But the leaders want to win ...
        2. +1
          21 March 2018 16: 28
          Quote: voyaka uh
          But in strategic terms, defeat is inevitable without ammunition, bases and roads
          for the transportation of ammunition - in short, military logistics.
          Indeed, you must admit that the White Guards did not plan to die heroically for History, but to defeat the Bolsheviks who seized power in the capitals.

          So they fought, contrary to the rules, logic. Otherwise, there would be nothing of the All-Union Union of Socialist Republic of Ukraine, nor the Russian State (1919)
          And the lack of material resources, military supplies, promised, but not delivered by the allies, is the main reason for the defeat.
          Quote: voyaka uh
          In this regard, the transfer of troops from front to front, the supply of ammunition, the organization of reserves Trotsky (who was not at all a military man) completely outplayed General Denikin.

          Just as a drc will beat a wise guy, having six trump cards of six cards in his hands: all the property of the Russian Army, all industrial centers, finances, railways with important junctions and rolling stock.
          While the future whites defended their homeland at the front, not allowing themselves to think and never wanting to fight with their compatriots, the Bolsheviks captured almost everything and didn’t bother with such “stupid things”: after a treacherous attack on the air forces, they attacked Moscow, unleashed a massacre there, on Kiev, on Don, it started in the Urals .....
          1. +2
            21 March 2018 18: 40
            "And the lack of material base, military supplies promised,
            but undelivered by the allies, is the main reason for the defeat "////

            Deliveries were, but did not reach the front. Or arrived when
            it was already late. The British, for example, supplied Denikin with tanks. And not just
            tanks, and with crews of volunteers, veterans of the Great War.
            But the tanks must be delivered to the battlefield, technical maintenance, fuel, oil are needed.
            And it stalled. Same thing with the supplied aviation. It was used little and inefficiently.
            For comparison, the Poles used aircraft against the Red Army in 20
            in an active way. And constant intelligence, and bombed. But Denikin’s not.
            It is impossible to win by the Cossacks alone in the rear. We need equipment, a lot of equipment.
            So there were some trump cards in the White Army of Denikin: a mass of military professional officers
            and technology of the Entente. They could come to Moscow ...

            “In February [1919], the supply of English supplies began. We rarely experienced a shortage of combat supply at that time ... ”wrote General A. I. Denikin.

            W. Churchill commented on these events: “The military
            Denikin’s actions were much more serious,
            and his efforts were persistent. On the advice of the General Staff,
            starting in the month of July, England provided him with major assistance, and
            no less than 250 thousand rifles, two hundred guns, thirty tanks and huge
            stockpiles of weapons and shells were sent through the Dardanelles and
            Black Sea in Novorossiysk »
            According to the data of A. And Deryabin, in just 1919, the All-Union Union of Liberal Democratic Forces received
            198 thousand rifles, 6 177 machine guns, 50 million cartridges, 1 guns,
            more than 1,9 million shells, about 60 tanks (such as MKѴ and Medium
            A ") and 168 aircraft
            1. 0
              22 March 2018 13: 32
              Quote: voyaka uh
              Or arrived when
              it was already late.

              Or-not at all delivered, even for paid deliveries (Kolchak)
              Quote: voyaka uh
              But the tanks must be delivered to the battlefield, technical maintenance, fuel, oil are needed.
              And it stalled. Same thing with the supplied aviation. It was used little and inefficiently.
              For comparison, the Poles used aircraft against the Red Army in 20

              Aircraft were delivered incomplete and without spare parts.
              I remember an example when from a batch of 20 aircraft only 5 were suitable for flying. Or came a huge batch of "weapons" .... for fencing.
              The British were mainly engaged in training Russian crews. The Russians themselves fought. But in a maneuvering war, tanks were ineffective
              Quote: voyaka uh
              According to the data of A. And Deryabin, in just 1919, the All-Union Union of Liberal Democratic Forces received
              198 thousand rifles, 6 177 machine guns, 50 million cartridges, 1 guns,
              more than 1,9 million shells, about 60 tanks

              Road spoon to dinner: Denikin:
              main source of supply until February 1919 years were the Bolshevik stocks that we seize.
              Those. the most terrible battles of 1918, the Allies did not help ANYTHING. Not even a single White Government was recognized! During this time, the Red Army became a real army. Moreover, perfectly armed and equipped.

              The reason for Kolchak’s defeat is the lack of ammunition. Unpartitioned allies
              1. +1
                24 March 2018 10: 07
                In 1918, as you know, the Great War has not yet ended. It was not up to Russia with its outbreak of the Civil War. Germany still carried out the last desperate offensive, and there were heavy battles of millions of soldiers.
                Entente Denikin (England, mainly) supplied a lot of weapons and good. Which, by military significance, the Bolsheviks were not even close to: tanks and planes. But they disgusted him. Although only Denikin had a chance to defeat Lenin-Trotsky.
                I don’t want to talk about Kolchak: he failed absolutely everything. He and mountains of weapons would not have helped.
            2. +1
              22 March 2018 14: 31
              Deliveries were, but did not reach the front
              Great comment. All this shopper blew up Russia, deciding to rebuild it. And they themselves did not know how to establish business even in their direct field, where they had education and experience! The closer you look at the white movement, the more associations arise with the modern Swamp. Heaped with guns, damn it.
        3. 0
          26 March 2018 19: 29
          Quote: voyaka uh
          In this regard, the transfer of troops from front to front, the supply of ammunition, and the organization of reserves, Trotsky (who was not a military man at all) completely outplayed General Denikin.

          so it was easier for Trotsky if you look at the map at the time most threatened by the Soviet regime in 1919 (though this map is from a Soviet textbook, so there are doubts), so on this map the territory controlled by the councils is represented as a mushroom on a thin knife, a leg this is the Volga River and the adjacent territories to Tsaritsyn, and the hat is the central regions of Russia with the most dense network of railways converging to Moscow and Petrograd. So inside this mushroom it was very easy to transfer troops to threatened areas, and you try to transfer the army from Siberia to the south or from south to northwest without radial roads
  11. +17
    21 March 2018 11: 59
    It is not necessary to say that the “people” did not accept the whites.
    The bulk - the peasantry - was quite inert. She was mobilized by both sides, and they ran there and there. Depending on the political situation. Introduced the red surplus appraisal, kombedy and began raskazachivanie - anti-Bolshevik uprisings began on the Don, and the peasants began to intensely run from red to white.
    And vice versa - during reverse processes they ran from white to red. The bulk did not want to fight at all, even for the greens. Well, mobilized ...
    Workers seem to be a faithful pillar of Soviet power. But we can recall the workers of the Izhevsk and Votkinsk factories, who raised an anti-Soviet uprising. Izhevsk and Votkinsk divisions of the workers became the most reliable in the army of Kolchak.
    And the workers of the Taganrog plant took upon themselves the obligation of repairing the armored trains of the Vyuyur in time.
    In general, not everything is clear.
    Red victory brought:
    A tougher policy and more harmonious organization of power, the monolithic political system;
    The fact that the Reds on time moved from a voluntary to a regular start to the organization of the army - using the old charters, specialists, etc. White fully came to regular beginnings only at Wrangel - when it was already too late;
    Finally (perhaps most importantly) - the Reds have entrenched in the center of Russia, having received the resources of the core of the former empire. On the outskirts of production, for example, it was an order of magnitude smaller.
    1. +1
      21 March 2018 12: 07
      Quote: Cheburator
      in reverse processes, they ran from white to red.

      And what are these "reverse processes"?
      1. +16
        21 March 2018 12: 21
        And what are these "reverse processes"?

        activities that alleviate the situation of peasants by the Red
        and the tightening of requisitions and mobilization by white
        1. +2
          21 March 2018 12: 35
          Those. in the end, you can still say that the people did not accept the whites?
          1. +17
            21 March 2018 12: 52
            You know, when Wrangel carried out land reform in the Crimea - recognized peasant land seizures and created something like state farms on the basis of estates - peasant delegations made their way to the Crimea with the question: When will you release?
            But it was too late - the 100 millionth Russian army of Wrangel was opposed by the 3 millionth REGULAR Red Army. Of course, not all of them are in the south of Russia. But the general balance of power is understandable. Time was wasted, and victory brought as I wrote
            A tougher policy and more harmonious organization of power, the monolithic political system;
            The fact that the Reds on time moved from a voluntary to a regular start to the organization of the army - using the old charters, specialists, etc. White fully came to regular beginnings only at Wrangel - when it was already too late;
            Finally (perhaps most importantly) - the Reds have entrenched in the center of Russia, having received the resources of the core of the former empire. On the outskirts of production, for example, it was an order of magnitude smaller.

            Missed moment will not return forever.
            God is on the side of large battalions.
            Both catch phrases are fully confirmed.
            Well, the replacement of the surplus appraisal by a tax deduction and the introduction of the NEP in general tried on the bulk (very pragmatic) of the peasants with the new government.
            They did not know about collectivization in 10 years)
            1. +4
              21 March 2018 14: 37
              Quote: Cheburator
              peasant delegations made their way to Crimea with the question: When will you free me?

              Can you tell me the source? Somehow dissonant with the uprisings against Wrangel.

              Quote: Cheburator
              White fully came to regular beginnings only at Wrangel

              And before him, what did White have? Irregular beginnings? They did not have the old charters involved, didn’t have enough military specialists (i.e. officers), etc.?

              The workers of the Izhevsk and Votkinsk factories raised the correct proverbial anti-Bolshevik uprising. At the same time, they were on knives with each other, so the White Command tried not to keep them close so that they would not shoot each other instead of the Reds ...

              The workers of the Taganrog plant made a commitment - to repair the armored trains of the All-Union Union of Railways in the shortest possible time? Maybe. But one of the significant reasons for the defeat of the All-Union Socialist League was the railway crisis transport, and just because of the sabotage of workers. Many stations were whole "graveyards" of steam locomotives.

              Tighter policy brought victory in red? And at the same time more flexible than that of whites. And the trouble and the fault of the whites was that they generally tried to avoid any intelligible policy ...
              1. +15
                21 March 2018 15: 40
                Yes, before the Crimea, the army in the south was called Volunteer.
                Along with the Don and Kuban.
                Denikin, Wrangel and Steifon write about this and call it more than an essential circumstance. The crisis of volunteering - read this article.
                With armored trains VSYUR was in order.
                And the Izhevsk and Votkinsk divisions became one of the best divisions of the army of the Supreme Ruler A. Kolchak.
                Here is the banner of the first of them
                1. +15
                  21 March 2018 16: 02
                  Forgive me generously.
                  Did not write about the first part.
                  Can you tell me the source? Somehow dissonant with the uprisings against Wrangel.
                  By the way, the uprisings were in the rear of everyone - someone coped better, someone worse. What is Antonovism, for example, if not a peasant war? But she does not dissonant with the Decree on the Earth.
                  About the source.
                  Wrangel Petr Nikolaevich. Notes. November 1916-November 1920 Volume 2. 2002, Ch. 3. The order of the land and the rural municipality. S. 87.
                  I quote: “The peasants said that the population of the localities from where they came, except for slaughter and garbage, was extremely burdened by the Soviet government and the commune. The peasants want peace, order and statehood in the village, they are waiting for the law on land and zemstvo government, but they themselves want to take charge of zemstvo management and land management, they assured that they will conduct the business wisely, economically and fairly, without any resentment and destruction of the remaining farms of private owners. Only under these conditions the peasantry, according to their statement, will understand and acknowledge that the business of the Russian army is their own and state, people's business.

                  These conversations finally strengthened me in my decision to meet the sentiments of the army and the population. I immediately instructed Senator G. V. Glinka to prepare a land bill as soon as possible, definitely indicating to him the main reasons on which this bill should be drawn up. "
                  Ahead of your fair question: "How can one trust Wrangel himself, the bloodsucker and the person concerned"?
                  I answer: But we believe Brusilov’s memoirs about the advance of his front in 1916 - also a person who is interested, and also a memoir.
                  Both carried out the processes, both at the head of the processes. Although memoirs are, of course, somewhat subjective. But SOURCE - along with the document.
                  1. +15
                    21 March 2018 16: 04
                    Tighter policy brought victory in red? And at the same time more flexible than that of whites. And the trouble and fault of the whites was that they generally tried to avoid any intelligible politics

                    I agree with you on this.
                    A clear policy began to implement Wrangel, but it was too late. Remember the gorgeous phrase from the movie "2 Comrades Served": "What is the Crimea? Navel."
                    But very important wink
                  2. +1
                    21 March 2018 18: 10
                    I believe it is worth believing Wrangel here. One can simply imagine what kind of peasants they were, calling their fellow villagers "bastards and garbage" and striving to conduct business "without any offense ... private owners." Read - the landowners. Presumably, these peasants themselves in the village were called "world-eaters" and "bloodsuckers." Yes, and it would be strange if, turning to the white general for help, they would say that ALL peasants are behind the Reds. The good thing is that they had the intelligence to say that not all peasants stand behind the whites.

                    True, according to EMNIP Bishop Benjamin, at one such meeting, Wrangel cruelly disappointed the peasants ...
                    1. +15
                      21 March 2018 18: 30
                      The fact is that not necessarily private owners are landowners. Moreover, their estates were looted and the land was divided in 17 years.
                      Most likely these are prosperous peasants + middle peasants. After all, private property penetrated the village - after the Stolypin reforms that created the farm and the cut.
                      1. +1
                        22 March 2018 02: 45
                        Quote: Cheburator
                        Most likely these are prosperous peasants + middle peasants.

                        Wait a minute. In the army, the Belyaks fought full of Cossacks, and even then they didn’t side with the peasants. On the contrary, they despised them, landless. A scuffle between the Cossacks and the peasantry was not uncommon. Stolypin reforms? The peasants ran away from them like hell from incense. The same collectivization, only according to Stolypinski. And he destroyed the community.
                      2. 0
                        22 March 2018 06: 14
                        Not necessarily, but mostly landowners. After 1861, the tsars, and since 1918, the whites had a constant headache, the land issue was precisely from the perspective of the landowner-peasant. For white, he was largely the cause of defeat.
                        And under Stolypin, they also added fists - who made a fortune for themselves at the expense of the community and for that they hated it. It was they who probably came to Wrangel.
                        This is on the one hand. On the other hand, as whites complained, in Siberia it was the “Stolypin agrarians” who were the most active partisan
                2. +2
                  21 March 2018 18: 01
                  Quote: Cheburator
                  the army in the south was called Volunteer.

                  On South. And it was called. And the white armies were in the east, north and northwest. And they were not equipped at all voluntarily. When Wrangel in the Crimea, simply by raiding the streets. It is unlikely that this helped to strengthen their power ...

                  There could be some order with the armored trains of the FYUR (since they were not serviced by anyone), but with the trains in the rear, which had to provide the front with everything necessary, it was rubbish ...
                  The Izhevsk and Votkinsk divisions were indeed one of Kolchak’s best divisions, but their soldiers directly said that they were fighting for Soviet power, and before they received the banner from Kolchak, they fought under the red ...
                  1. +15
                    21 March 2018 18: 37
                    The primary basis of virtually all white armies (Northern, North-Western, COMUCH) is volunteering.
                    This then began the mobilization of more or less successful.
                    Wrangel and without raids of troops was enough - he retained the best formations of the FSSJ, tested and hardened in battle.
                    1. 0
                      22 March 2018 06: 21
                      Yes. As well as the primary principle of the Red Army was volunteering. For the time being. Those. in terms of regularity, the red and white armies were essentially equal

                      Quote: Cheburator
                      Wrangel and without raids of troops was enough

                      What was enough for? Yes, about the "best connections" ... It is true that they were tested and hardened in battles, but at the same time the beats were brutally updated several times in terms of personnel (up to the captured Reds) and, as an eyewitness writes, they lost faith in the rightness of their cause, moral surrender to the Bolsheviks.
                      1. +15
                        22 March 2018 08: 23
                        So the Red Army previously abandoned the voluntary principle of formation
                        Switched to regular rails
                        What I wrote above
    2. +5
      21 March 2018 13: 11
      Quote: Cheburator
      Tougher policies

      Harder than torture and mass shootings? Are you talking about the fact that "Stalin ate children"? Indeed, many people ran back and forth. And the bulk chose the side, otherwise the Bolsheviks would not have succeeded.
      Well, and more specifically, the whites destroyed the country that completely belonged to them. With their playful little hands. They showed a shameful inability to debug control after the seizure of power from the king. They did not offer any intelligible program that would interest the people.
      The Bolsheviks had unconditional advantages - they had a program, they TALKED with people, and did not try to sexually sit on their neck. They offered people an unprecedented experiment in which there could be a place for anyone who wanted to build a future. Yes, everything went as it went. But they won for this reason.
      The whites did not have any honor in the eyes of the people, since they obviously tried to grab even more power than they had before the king’s deposition. Having confused the infernal meat grinder, they clearly looked like its first culprits, unlike the Bolsheviks, who tried to establish the work of the state. It would be an honor to help people, and not continue to shoot ...
      1. +16
        21 March 2018 13: 15
        people in the civil war sometimes really ate
        and Stalin has nothing to do with it
        Talked about the civil war
        1. +3
          21 March 2018 16: 05
          What are you speaking about? I have given an expression by which stupid cliches are ridiculed. Why are you commenting on it? And yes, in the civil war brewed by white, it came to cannibalism. Which strongly motivated me to join the Reds, because someone, but not Lenin, was guilty of the onset of this horror.
          1. +15
            21 March 2018 16: 10
            Okay, I'm silent
            As for cannibalism, and about the fact that the White War brewed a civil war.
            1. +2
              22 March 2018 14: 40
              Do it right. The hunt, of course, yelling about the "damned Bolsheviks who threw off the tsar", but it doesn’t come out. It may break out that those damned Bolsheviks vilely took power from the naive and beautiful generals and Duma deputies, but this will not work either. By the time the Bolsheviks arrived with a pair of revolvers to disperse this talkative gang, Kerensky, with his cheap things, had already lost all control of the country.
              The Constituent Assembly still remains to be remembered. The brainchild of all these ruffled, because of which Russia was ready to about to disappear altogether, under their relentless thresh in tongues. But when the question loomed, did the autocracy break? What else do you do when things just started getting better? Here it became interesting. When all these traitors who drove away the king and rocked the country, it was time to remove them from command ... So on and on and on. Honour. Oh well.
      2. +1
        24 March 2018 14: 22
        "They offered people an unprecedented experiment," ////

        They (the Bolsheviks) did not propose, but imposed on people an unprecedented experiment. In which all of Russia turned out to be experimental rabbits. Who did not like to be a laboratory rabbit - eliminated.
        This is the difference between the Bolsheviks and all the others that you do not like.
  12. +3
    21 March 2018 18: 38
    Quote: K.A.S.
    Oh! I can imagine how faithful Leninists and Communists are now clenching their fists, grinding their teeth, turning their eyes furiously, furious, dreaming of the moment when the cons will be returned!

    This is understandable, everyone has their own joys.
    I have no doubt that it was a holiday for you to die in Syria, Lieutenant Colonel Peshkov.
  13. +6
    21 March 2018 18: 40
    Quote: Olgovich

    The noble people erected a monument to him in Yekaterinodar, the place of his heroic death, and named the streets in his honor

    Where are the grateful people? In the photo there are only mummers clowns with branzullets on their chest.
  14. 0
    21 March 2018 19: 46
    Quote: K.A.S.
    The article is not about this, but I’ll answer. Yes, I’m mostly satisfied with today's situation! the fact that enterprises are closed dissatisfied! but I understand why this happened - they were not effective! people do not need to be upset, you need to accept it with joy! like those merchants industrialists, whose fists and others they robbed, because a lot of commentators talk about it. that the rich gave their good to the people (who did not have any rights to it), and did not bother!
    in VO any confirm. that I do not complain !!! and I am for the interests of states, only we have different concepts about the state. I am for what would be from each according to his ability. to each according to his work, that is, for capitalism with a human face! And I see how the state is developing and the economy is reviving!
    unfortunately I must disappoint you in the interests of international capitalists. just the Bolsheviks fought. for there was no reason for the capitalists to carry out a full-scale intervention. Since, if the white movement was successful, the Russian state returned to its borders, it would become a competitor in industry. trade. would also claim reparations from Germany and more!
    and with the tsarist generals, who fought? all merchants, kulpki and other exploiters? there are many exploiters! intervention is based on textbooks and films of the union period. but in fact there was just a recharge of weapons and finances, so that more blood would be shed!
    again longer to disappoint you! Russia was divided just by the Bolsheviks! look how many new states arose after Lenin’s decrees! look from what areas modern republics are created! the most striking example is Ukraine!
    I believe that the Bolsheviks fulfilled the plan of the Allies. ruined Russia, slowing down its development. divided the country on the basis of nat those symy laying laid a bomb for years and generations! they were also able to strike at the Russian people, depriving them of national self-identification!

    You, dear, are doing, IMHO, the wrong conclusions. A civilian country was a tragedy for the Russian people (regardless of nationality and religion). And yes, those who had the idea won it (arguing about whether it is good or bad can take a long time). And yes, I do not argue that a large number of lives were sacrificed. The result of this, you see, was that we won the most terrible war in the history of mankind. Having fought about the situation that is now. But there are differences that are very significant, I think, there is no need to tell ...
    1. +2
      22 March 2018 04: 06
      Quote: Olegi1
      A civilian country was a tragedy for the Russian people (regardless of nationality and religion).

      Dear, after each revolution civil wars begin, the old resists the new and does not voluntarily leave. So it was after the Great French Revolution, so it was after the Great October Socialist Revolution. And in the future, when the working people take power, the oligarchs will also give it up so easily.
  15. +15
    22 March 2018 08: 24
    Mordvin 3,
    What does the Cossacks have to do with it?
    We are talking about the peasants of Northern Tavria, sending delegations to Wrangel
  16. 0
    22 March 2018 12: 00
    Very little earlier than whites.