How drozdovtsy stormed Rostov

Drozdovtsy, by their arrival, gave the White Army the physical opportunity to resume active struggle against the Reds and to start the Second Kuban campaign, as a result of which the Kuban and the entire North Caucasus were occupied by the White.

Battle of Rostov

3 May 1818, the team under the command of Colonel Mikhail Drozdovsky approached the suburbs of Rostov-on-Don. Not far away, in Taganrog (in 70 km west of Rostov on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov), German troops, occupying the western and southern regions of Russia, stopped several days earlier. Colonel Drozdovsky decided to get ahead of them and be the first to enter Rostov in order to seize warehouses with weapons and food. He had little strength. The number of the Drozdovts brigade at that time did not exceed, according to various sources, 1,5-2 thousands of fighters. While the Bolsheviks in Rostov had 12-thousand. a grouping of troops, artillery and a warship that covered the city of the Don, and could also count on the support of detachments of armed workers. But the fact was that there were no combat-ready troops and authoritative commanders who could stop panic. The Reds were so afraid of the Germans and the Drozdovites that even 3 was in May, panic began, fleeing the city, accompanied by the looting of banks. Drozdovtsy were firmly welded, well-armed shock detachment.

The advanced cavalry detachment of Drozdovtsy under the command of Colonel Voinolovich, reinforced by armored cars, broke into Rostov on Easter night, May 4. The city station and neighboring neighborhoods were taken on the run. At first, the confused Red Army began to surrender. But they soon discovered that there were not enough whites and went to the counterattack. Voynalovich died, the Drozdovtsev avant-garde began to depart. Drozdovsky wrote down in his diary soon: “I suffered a great loss — my closest assistant, the chief of staff, may be the only person who could replace me.” Here the main forces of Drozdovsky entered the battle. The Reds again wavered and retreated to Nakhichevan-on-Don (at that time an independent city, mainly with the Armenian population).

Easy victory caused whites carelessness. Started recording volunteers. The detachment began to clear the city of the Reds who had fled and hid, and simply dissolved in the big city. Management has been disrupted. On May 5, an armored train from Novocherkassk approached Rostov, under cover of which the Reds began to deploy reinforcements - this was the 39 Division, which had previously fought on the Caucasian front, the Red Guard sailors of the Guards and the Latvian infantry brigade (up to 28 thousands of fighters) that retained combat capability. Reds arrived train after train. Began a new battle. White tried to beat the opponent. But the arrived red troops were well organized and efficient. A large numerical superiority allowed forcing whites to fight and bypass from the flanks. Drozdovtsy, having lost about a hundred people and part of the convoy, were forced to depart. Drozdovsky retreated to Taganrog.

Meanwhile, German cavalry approached Rostov-on-Don. The Germans offered their assistance to Drozdov in the storming of the city. Drozdovsky thanked them, but refused to accept help. A few days later (May 8), the red Rostov surrendered without a fight to the 1 th division of the German corps. The Red Command, without resistance, fled to Tsaritsyn. Thus, the existence of the Don Soviet Republic ended.

How drozdovtsy stormed Rostov

Drozdovtsev armored car "Ataman Bogaevsky"

Novocherkassk. Connection with the army of Denikin

Drozdovsky detachment was in a difficult situation. The battle for Rostov was lost, people died. The Reds, as it turned out, had serious and efficient forces capable of crushing a small detachment of thrushes. White could not continue the battle and did not know where and in what condition the Volunteer Army. Gained news from the Cossacks. May 6 to Colonel Drozdovsky arrived messenger from the Don Cossacks, who rose up against the Bolsheviks, who asked him to help and reach Novocherkassk. Drozdovtsy learned that the Volunteer Army goes to the borders of the Don Army.

As a result, despite the failure of the battle for Rostov, the Drozdov offensive distracted the main forces of the Reds from Novocherkassk, which the Cossacks of Colonel S. V. Denisov used. They took Novocherkassk. But the Reds launched a counter-offensive, gathered large forces and gained the upper hand. After two days of uninterrupted red, they managed to seize the outskirts of Novocherkassk, and the Cossack command realized that it was unlikely to be able to save what they had won. Cossack troops could not resist and began to retreat. At this critical moment, the Drozdovsky detachment was in the rear of the Reds. The artillery opened fire on the flank of the advancing Red Army men, an armored car crashed into the rear, causing death and panic. Thrushes turned into battle chains. Red troops mixed. Finding unexpected help, the Cossacks cheered and went to the counter. Reds ran.

In the evening of May 8, the Drozdists entered Novocherkassk. Thus, having decided the fate of the battle for Novocherkassk in favor of the Cossack troops of General Denisov, the Drozdists completed the campaign Iasi-Don. And the next day, a parade of the detachment took place on the square near the Military Holy Ascension Cathedral, which was received by the Don Ataman General P. N. Krasnov. On the basis of the detachment of Colonel Drozdovsky, he planned to revive the Cossack guards units. Krasnov offered Drozdovskiy to be part of the Don Army being formed as a Donskoye walking guard, but he refused. Don Cossacks more than once later suggested that Drozdovskii stand apart from General Denikin, but he decided to stick to the Army. At this time, Drozdovsky was so popular, his brigade had such great material capabilities that it could even form its own army and claim an independent military-political role, but did not do that. As Drozdovsky wrote in a letter to Denikin: “From various individuals ... I received offers not to join the army, which was considered dying, but to replace it. My agents in the south of Russia were so well placed that if I remained an independent commander, the Volunteer Army would not have received a fifth of those manning that would then pour on the Don ... But considering the crime to disengage forces ... I categorically refused to enter either combination ... ”

Drozdovsky left for a meeting at the headquarters of the Volunteer Army, located in Art. Mechetinskaya. A plan of further actions was developed there and it was decided to give the troops a rest, YES - in the area of ​​Mechetinskaya, and the Drozdovsky detachment - in Novocherkassk. Drozdovsky engaged in attracting replenishment to the squadron, as well as its financial support. In different cities, he sent people to organize the recording of volunteers. The work of the recruiting bureaus of the Drozdovites was organized so efficiently that the 80% replenishment of the entire YES at first went precisely through them. In Novocherkassk and Rostov Drozdovsky also organized warehouses for the needs of the army; for the wounded Drozdovites in Novocherkassk - the infirmary, and in Rostov - the White Crest Hospital (with the support of Professor N.I. Napalkov), remaining until the end of the Civil War, the best hospital of whites. Drozdovsky lectured and distributed appeals about the tasks of the White movement, and in Rostov his newspaper “The Bulletin of the Volunteer Army”, the first white printed organ in southern Russia, even began to appear. In the Cossack capital, the squad of blackbirds became seriously entrenched: so many volunteers began to enroll every day, that after 10 days the Officer regiment turned from one battalion to three, the equestrian division of the two-squadron squadron was deployed to the four-squadron cavalry, sapper and equestrian squadron squadrons. The total strength of the detachment increased to 3 thousand people.

10 May 1918 in the village of Mechetinsky Drozdovites united with the forces of the Volunteer Army. By order of Lieutenant-General Denikin of 12 (25) of May 1918, the brigade of Colonel Drozdovsky was incorporated into the Volunteer Army. The brigade consisted of all units that came from the Romanian front: 2-th Officer Rifle Regiment, 2-th Officer Horse Regiment, 3-I engineering company, light artillery battery, a howitzer platoon. When YES was re-formed in June, the Drozdovites made up the 1918 Infantry Division, and Drozdovsky himself became the head of the 3 Infantry Division. Contemporaries and colleagues of Drozdovskiy noted that it was worthwhile for the army command of the DA to use the organizational skills of Mikhail Gordeyevich and entrust him with organizing the rear, restore order there, set up supply for the army or appoint him as military minister of the White movement with the task of organizing new regular divisions for the front. It is obvious that such a capable, tough and decisive man like Drozdovsky could restore order in the rear of White Russia (and the collapse, the disintegration of the rear became one of the main reasons for the defeat of the White Army). However, the leaders of the Volunteer Army, perhaps fearing competition, chose to give him the modest role of the division commander. Obviously, the monarchical position of Drozdovsky was affected. So, the chief of staff of the Dobrovrmy, I. P. Romanovsky, was not satisfied with his ideology: "They have no extreme monarchical views, among them there are no supporters of republican Russia." In the future, the chief of staff of the army treated the "monarchist division" extremely unkindly. On the same occasion, Drozdovsky quarreled with another hero of the White movement, General S. L. Markov. As a result, the commander of the 3 Division and one of the most popular people in the DA, General Markov, very sharply told General Commander Denikin of his dissatisfaction with his officers with the open activities in the army of monarchists.

Help Drozdovtsev Volunteer Army was great. Drozdovsky himself became one of the iconic figures of the White movement. Incredibly brave, enterprising and cruel commander, he became a true idol for many volunteers. His early death will be a big loss for the White Army. But even after his death, the Drozdovites will remain the strike core of the whites, retain high combat capability and iron discipline. In addition, the arrival of Drozdovites almost doubled the forces of YES. Drozdovsky led morally resistant, well-armed, equipped and uniformed fighters. The brigade had good armament and excellent material part: significant artillery (six light guns, four mountain, two 48-linear, one 6-inch and 14 charging boxes), about 70 machine guns, two armored cars ("True" and "Volunteer"), airplanes, cars, telegraph, orchestra, significant stocks of artillery shells (about 800), gun and machine-gun cartridges (200 thousand), spare rifles (more than a thousand), etc. The detachment had an equipped sanitary unit and a train in excellent condition . All this made a great impression on the volunteer units exhausted in battle.

Thus, the Volunteer Army almost doubled numerically, significantly increased weapon and materiel. The main thing is that the arrival of the Drozdovites at the main theater of the Civil War breathed new forces into the white army headed by General Denikin and helped the Cossacks to launch a counterattack in the Don Army Area. That is, the “Drozdovsky campaign” was not only another significant, heroic event in the annals of the White movement (like the Ice campaign), but also gave impetus to a new stage of struggle. Drozdy by their arrival created favorable conditions for the creation of the Don Army, gave it a physical opportunity to resume active struggle against the Reds in the North Caucasus and start the Second Kuban campaign.

The connection of the detachment of Drozdovsky with the Volunteer Army
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  1. +7
    16 May 2018 05: 59
    “From different people ... I received offers not to join the army, which was considered dying, but to replace it. My agents in the south of Russia were so well appointed that if I had remained an independent chief, the Volunteer Army would not have received even a fifth of the staffing that later flooded into the Don ... But, considering it a crime to disconnect forces ... I categorically refused to enter any combination... ".

    The only possible, competent and mature solution.
    The work of the recruitment bureaus of Drozdovites was organized so efficiently that at first 80% of the replenishment of the entire DA went through them. In Novocherkassk and Rostov, Drozdovsky also organized warehouses for the needs of the army; for wounded Drozdovites in Novocherkassk - the infirmary, and in Rostov - the hospital of the White Cross

    Comprehensively educated, thinking about everything, commander
    10 May 1918 years in the village of Mechetinskaya, the Drozdovites joined forces with the Volunteer Army.

    The glorious centenary of the unification of forces for the salvation of Russia.
    However, the leaders of the Volunteer Army, perhaps fearing competition, preferred to assign him the modest role of the division head

    But at the front, do not such people be needed? Moreover, Mikhail Gordeevich was precisely a front-line officer. His position was not modest, for his division was the main striking force of YES.
    It is infinitely sorry that he died so early, but this affected many heroes, for they did not spare their lives and, alas, perished.
    But the blessed memory of the valiant general, who wholeheartedly fought for his homeland in 3 wars, will remain forever in the history of the country.
    1. +3
      16 May 2018 22: 48
      Yes you are a contra, Olgovich. We will know.
  2. +2
    16 May 2018 06: 28
    And so the country was torn apart by the Reds, the Whites, and the Germans. And the restrictions on each side were less and less.

    The consequences of the Brest Peace in Voloshin:

    "The Germans are from the west.
    Mongol - from the east. "
  3. +15
    16 May 2018 06: 32
    White patriots, such "patriots" ... accused the Bolsheviks of being German agents, while they themselves, having tailed their tails, fled from the Germans in order to ... fight against the Reds. That is, with those who are at war with an external enemy. And in the case of Poland, they also acted.
    The belodets' bedding-keepers went under anyone, and did whatever they wanted to do harm to their homeland.
    1. +5
      16 May 2018 07: 15
      Quote: rkkasa 81
      White patriots, such "patriots" ... accused the Bolsheviks of being German agents, while they themselves, having tailed their tails, fled from the Germans in order to ... fight the Reds. That is, with those who are at war with an external enemy

      You have interesting logic. The whites, whose numbers ranged from regiment to brigade, in your opinion should have valiantly committed suicide about the millionth corps of German troops and left Russia to be torn to pieces by German accomplices - the Bolsheviks? Do you really not understand that before the resumption of the struggle against the Germans, the White needed to free the country and force industry government agencies to work again to defeat Germany, and not for the needs of the "world revolution"?
      Quote: rkkasa 81
      went under anyone, and did anything to harm their homeland.

      The style of your speech is still criminally disgusting. And the logic is also perverse. If you think that to fight the traitors who seized power and gave the Germans a third of the country's industrial potential, unleashed wild, unbridled terror, this is harming the Motherland, and gathering party congresses in hostile London, killing your fellow citizens with bombs, and shooting at soldiers who defend the Motherland from crowds, during the most difficult war to call for the defeat of their native country - this is to do good for the Fatherland, then I sincerely regret you.
      1. +9
        16 May 2018 07: 45
        What kind of nonsense about small numbers? Under the command of future big heroes, there were fronts and divisions (the same Shcherbachev and Drozdovsky). But for some reason they did not find the strength and ability to fight the Germans, but with the Reds, please. Moreover, the decision to war with the Bolsheviks was made immediately as soon as the October Revolution took place, even before Brest.
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        Style of your speech

        You better not follow my style, but yours. Or the style of his comrade-in-arms Olgovich, who really has style, so style lol
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        gather party congresses in hostile London

        They were hostile hostages from hostile London (and not only from London, but also from other "friends" of Russia, including the Germans), and they did not burn out with shame. Moreover, for these handouts, they were ready to give their homeland in the bud as a pledge. And you are talking about some party congress.
        1. +5
          16 May 2018 08: 35
          Quote: rkkasa 81
          What kind of nonsense about small numbers? Under the command of future big heroes, there were fronts and divisions

          However ... You obviously studied history from Pokrovsky’s opus and the “short course in the history of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks,” because you don’t understand what you are talking about. The number of the Dobarmia in July 1918 was about 9 thousand people. In September, 35 thousand people. Given the frankly terrible supply situation, these forces could repel less than one province from the Germans and then die under the onslaught of a strikingly superior enemy. Fronts in the White Army appeared only in the middle of 1919. By this time, Germany had already surrendered.
          Quote: rkkasa 81
          Moreover, the decision to war with the Bolsheviks was made immediately as soon as the October Revolution took place, even before Brest.

          The seizure of power by terrorists in the midst of war is, in your opinion, not a reason to confront them in order to restore the rule of law? Especially if these terrorists openly call for peace with an undefeated enemy.
          Quote: rkkasa 81
          You better not follow my style, but yours. Or the style of his associate Olgovich

          This is unnecessary. Neither I, nor Mr. Olgovich, in our speech, resort to disgusting criminal jargon, which is abusive for any cultured person.
          Quote: rkkasa 81
          sickly handouts were accepted, and nothing burned with shame. Moreover, for these handouts, they were ready to pledge their homeland in the bud

          But do not lie. White never traded the territory of their homeland. Unlike the Reds, who distributed land to enemies and recognized the "independence" of the Limitrophs in order to maintain their power.
          And if you call the demands of the white armies for help addressed to the Russian allies in the World War “handouts”, I hasten to enlighten you that these allies were not in a hurry to fulfill these requirements and the white armies received a meager from what they needed.
          1. BAI
            16 May 2018 09: 09
            But do not lie. White never traded the territory of their homeland.

            About Wrangel already discussed the topic of how everything was sold at the root.
            1. +3
              16 May 2018 09: 47
              Discussed. And they established that all the stories about the “Wrangel sale to Russia” have no documentary basis. And the mention of the publication of certain treaties in the English press coincides with the financing by the Bolsheviks of an English pro-Bolshevik newspaper.
          2. +9
            16 May 2018 09: 22
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            The number of the Dobarmia in July 1918

            What is July 18th? You do not know when the Bylya began the struggle against the Bolsheviks, and when they defected from the front? So I recall - it all began in the fall and winter of the 17th, when divisions and fronts were under their command.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            these forces could have recaptured less than one province from the Germans and then perished under the onslaught of a strikingly superior enemy

            That is, the bailers turned out to be banal parasitic parasites, refusing to fight with an external enemy, but bravely rushing at the Reds, who at that time had their hands tied with battles with the Germans and Czechs.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            The seizure of power by terrorists in the midst of war is, in your opinion, not a reason to confront them in order to restore the rule of law?

            Are you talking about the Provisional Government? But what a misfortune - the monarchist Drozdovsky, for some reason did not begin to fight these terrorists, and "restore the rule of law."
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Neither I, nor Mr. Olgovich, in our speech, resort to disgusting criminal jargon, which is abusive to any cultured person

            I don’t quite understand what criminal jargon is (it's your path lol ), but the fact that your styles with Olgovich are offensive for any cultural person is one hundred percent.
            Suffice it to recall at least the "bald tourist". This is about Lenin, one of the most prominent figures in our history, as if someone did not belong to him. Or yours these - "criminally disgusting", "perverse logic", etc. pearl.
            Therefore, again - it’s better to follow your disgusting style.
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Whites never traded the territory of their homeland

            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            Allies were in no hurry to fulfill these requirements

            Do you really think that the Allies helped the Whites for their beautiful eyes? Kindergarten, pants with straps ...
            Weapons and ammunition were also purchased from the Germans. The offer was not limited to small arms - Krasnov concluded a contract for the supply of airplanes, guns, and shells. In the first month and a half, the Germans handed over to Don, Kuban and the Volunteer Army 11 three-line rifles, 651 guns, 46 machine guns, 88 artillery shells and 109 rifle cartridges. Even heavy guns were sent to the Don army, the sending of which the Germans had previously refused. In addition, Krasnov’s arsenals were replenished with 104 machine guns, 11 airplanes, 594 thousand rifle cartridges and 721 thousand shells.

            Wrangel testifies: “The widespread assistance promised by foreigners has already begun to take effect. Steamboats loaded with artillery and engineering property, uniforms and medicines continuously arrived in Novorossiysk. A large number of airplanes and tanks were expected to arrive in the near future. ”
            “Since the beginning of 1919, we received 558 guns, 12 tanks, 1 shells and 685 million rifle cartridges from the British,” writes Denikin.

            Colonel Drozdovsky, one of the most prominent heroes of the White Movement, in the beginning of 1918, at the very height of the Bolshevik peace talks with Germany, formed a detachment and went to General Kornilov to the Don. It was necessary to go along with the German troops, and sometimes right along the territory occupied by them: “We have strange relations with the Germans: precisely recognized allies, assistance, strict correctness, in clashes with Ukrainians - always on our side, unconditional respect ...” - writes in his diary Drozdovsky. “We pay strict correctness.”
            It is reliably established that in the battles near the city of Nataysk, the Red Army men were jointly beaten by German troops, Don Cossacks and a battalion of the Volunteer Army.
            1. +3
              16 May 2018 10: 02
              [quote = rkkasa 81]
              What is July 18th? You do not know when the Bylya began the struggle against the Bolsheviks, and when they defected from the front? So I recall - it all began in the fall and winter of the 17th, when divisions and fronts were under their command. [/ Quote]

              These divisions and fronts, if you have forgotten, through the efforts of the Bolshevik agitators in 1917 completely lost their combat effectiveness. The Bolsheviks themselves admit this:
              [quote] In particular, the Bolsheviks in the army did a great job. Military organizations began to be created everywhere. On the fronts and in the rear, the Bolsheviks tirelessly worked on the organization of soldiers and sailors. The Bolshevik front-line newspaper Okopnaya Pravda [/ quote] played a particularly large role in the revolutionization of soldiers.
              talin _-_ Kratkiii_kurs_istorii_VKP% 28b% 29__izdanie
              And by November 1917, the army was no longer subordinate to the officer corps. Through the efforts of the Bolsheviks.
              [quote = rkkasa 81]
              That is, the bailers turned out to be banal parasitic parasites, refusing to fight with an external enemy, but bravely rushing at the Reds, who at that time had their hands tied with battles with Germans and Czechs. [/ Quote]
              You know, I'm starting to doubt your sanity, as well as the fact that you understand Russian. I repeat for you: white fought with German accomplices the Bolsheviks, because they deprived Russia of the opportunity to fight the Germans. To continue the war with Germany, it was necessary not to kill Dobramia in attacks on the Germans, but first to wrest the defense industry and people from the Bolsheviks in order to obtain resources for the war with the Germans.
              [quote = rkkasa 81]
              what is criminal slang / quote]
              Not surprising. "Litter" and similar words you already use unconsciously. Meanwhile, these words — criminal, camp jargon — are not permissible in normal speech.
              [quote = rkkasa 81] This is about Lenin, one of the most prominent figures in our history, [/ quote]
              Is it Ulyanov then “outstanding” ??? The man who gave the enemy vast territories of the country with a considerable population and industry, unleashed monstrous terror and drowned the country in the blood of innocent people, calling the Russian people “chauvinists” —is outstanding for you? If this person can be called that, then only by saying that he was an outstanding criminal.
              [quote = rkkasa 81] Do you really think that the allies helped the baly for their pretty eyes? Kindergarten, pants with straps ... [/ quote]
              There is no documentary evidence of your assumptions. Without documents, your accusations are in the same category as. “Beria is an English spy!”
              1. +5
                16 May 2018 13: 27
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                These divisions and fronts, if you have forgotten, through the efforts of the Bolshevik agitators in 1917, lost their fighting ability

                The army was also good, which lost its combat effectiveness due to a handful of agitators, and the Okopnaya Pravda newspaper.
                And yet, you write that - “you’ve completely lost combat efficiency”, and immediately curse Lenin for the Brest Peace. How, and what do you think it was necessary to fight back from the Germans, if the army is not combat ready, and many officers are deserting from the front, and begin to fight the Soviet regime? You have a split personality.

                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                White fought with German accomplices the Bolsheviks, because they deprived Russia of the opportunity to fight the Germans

                How to see what I’ve just read ... they wanted to fight the Germans, but they didn’t fight the Germans, but rather the Bolsheviks who fought the Germans ...
                Who has never opposed an external enemy, starting with the Germans and Czechs, and ending with the Poles, the Bolsheviks? No, fuckers.
                And who supported the invaders, who attacked those who fought against an external enemy — the Bolsheviks? No, again, fools.
                Who received various buns from the Western "friends" of Russia — the Bolsheviks? No, again, loafers.
                But for some reason, it was the Bolsheviks - German accomplicesand bailers - patriots. L- logic ...
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                There is no documentary evidence of your assumptions.

                I already realized that common sense, and logic, is not about you. You can not continue.
                By the way, how is it with documentary evidence that the Germans bought the Bolsheviks?
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                these words are criminal, camp jargon, in normal speech not permissible

                Once again - I am not very familiar with criminal jargon, but your styles with Olgovich are very far from the styles of decent people.
            2. +3
              16 May 2018 10: 15
              PS The Provisional Government, in contrast to the Bolsheviks, had documents on hand confirming the transfer of powers by Mikhail Alexandrovich from Nicholas II.
              And yes, you did not indicate the source of the quote about the city of Nataysk.
              1. +3
                16 May 2018 13: 35
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                The Provisional Government, unlike the Bolsheviks, had documents on hand confirming the transfer of powers by Mikhail Alexandrovich from Nicholas I

                Well, they pulled out renunciation, and their recognition, so what? From this VP did not cease to be terrorists who overthrew the king. Why are VP better than the Bolsheviks, who in turn drove out the temporary?
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                You did not indicate the source of the quote about the city of Nataysk

                A quote from the link that you gave me in one of our previous conversations:
                Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                The very “help of the allies” is a red myth, as is the “intervention of the 14 powers.” This was already written on "VO"

                And I already wrote to you then that - with this link, you have carved yourself.
          3. +8
            16 May 2018 15: 05
            Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
            But do not lie. White never traded the territory of their homeland.

            1. At the beginning of 1920, General Denikin agreed with the demand of the British emissary in his army and officially announced the recognition of Bessarabia as part of Romania.
            2. Kolchak recognized the independence of Poland and Finland. The same Kolchak - "We are now ready to prepare decisions related to the fate of national groups: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Caucasian and Trans-Caspian peoples."
            It is only in words for the one and indivisible, but for the money they sold and sold.
            1. +1
              16 May 2018 15: 20
              Quote: naidas
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              But do not lie. White never traded the territory of their homeland.

              1. At the beginning of 1920, General Denikin agreed with the demand of the British emissary in his army and officially announced the recognition of Bessarabia as part of Romania.
              2. Kolchak recognized the independence of Poland and Finland. The same Kolchak - "We are now ready to prepare decisions related to the fate of national groups: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Caucasian and Trans-Caspian peoples."
              It is only in words for the one and indivisible, but for the money they sold and sold.

              Denikin did not officially recognize Romanian Bessarabia. He only agreed that the Entente had reason to recognize Bessarabia as Romanian after its capture by the Romanian troops. Denikin considered it necessary to leave this question to the decision of the Romanian government and the Russian government, which will be formed by the results of the constituent assembly elections.
              Regarding Kolchak - of course, his phrase supposedly addressed to Mannerheim - I do not trade in Russia - a fiction. The former chief manager of affairs of the Kolchak government G.K. Gins in his memoirs, Siberia, the Allies and Kolchak.

              On June 3, 1919, through diplomatic channels, Kolchak was handed the appeal of five victorious powers in World War I, who declared their sympathy for the Omsk authorities, and who sought clarification on some political issues.
              These explanations were immediately given to Kolchak. Their text has been officially published.
              Some of these questions of the victorious powers concerned Kolchak’s views on the future of Russia under his leadership.
              And here is what he answered them:
              “... I am ready to confirm repeatedly I have already made statements, for which I have always recognized the unconditionally binding force ...
              3) Recognizing that the creation of a unified Polish state is a natural and just consequence of the great war, the Government considers itself competent to confirm the independence of Poland, declared by the Russian Provisional Government of 1917, all of which we have accepted and made commitments to. The final sanction of the demarcation between Poland and Russia should, according to the principles of paragraph two, be postponed until the Constituent Assembly.
              Now we are ready to recognize the actually existing Finnish government, providing it with complete independence in the internal structure and administration of Finland. The final solution to the question of Finland belongs to the Constituent Assembly.
              4) We are now ready to prepare decisions related to the fate of national groups: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Caucasian and Trans-Caspian nationalities, and look forward to a quick resolution of these issues, since the Government now provides autonomous rights of nationalities. The limits and nature of these autonomies must, of course, be determined separately each time.
              In the event of difficulties in resolving these issues, the Government will willingly take advantage of the peace-loving cooperation of the League of Nations.
              5) The above principle of ratification of agreements by the Constituent Assembly, of course, should be applied to the issue of Bessarabia.
              6) The Russian Government reaffirms once again its statement of November 27, 1918, by which it accepted all the national debts of Russia. ”
              ............... ..
              Admiral Kolchak. "

              So you are also wrong. Finland, and so was an independent state, headed by the Grand Duke of Finland - he is the emperor. It was a personal union of the imperial family. Finland had its own government, money, border guards, customs - even on the border with Russia. After the overthrow of the emperor, the status of Finland hung in the air - nothing connected with the Republic of Finland.
              Regarding the Baltic states and Transcaucasia - a typically diplomatic trick - they say, we will decide all later, after the victory over the Bolsheviks and the elections to the Constituent Assembly.hi
      2. +4
        16 May 2018 14: 52
        Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
        You have interesting logic. Whites, the number of which ranged from regiment to brigade

        So do you support the anti-people’s essence of the whites? Then they correctly poured them, the presence of few honest people in the gadyushnik thieves.
    2. +2
      16 May 2018 11: 49
      Quote: rkkasa 81
      That is, with thosewho is fighting with an external enemy.

      He is fighting ?! belay fool THIRD countries were sold to the invaders by the Bolsheviks for maintaining their worthless power, is this a war? fool
      Quote: rkkasa 81
      Belodetskie bedding-containment, lay under anyone, and did anything to harm their homeland

      Litter is those who Sold the motherland to the invaders- in Brest. Remember the color of these litter?
      Place a monument to Antatne that expelled the invaders from Russia and saved the Bolsheviks from this shame.
      1. +6
        16 May 2018 13: 40
        Quote: Olgovich
        THREE countries were sold to the invaders by the Bolsheviks for maintaining their worthless power - is this a war?

        So yes, the Bolsheviks fought with the Germans. Unlike white litter.
        Mr. yap, what third of the country are you breaching? And please, tell us how they sold their homeland there. With "documentary evidence" (C) naturally.
        1. 0
          17 May 2018 09: 24
          Quote: rkkasa 81
          So yes, the Bolsheviks fought with the Germans. Unlike white bedding

          Brest betrayal-that's their war.
          Quote: rkkasa 81
          Mr. yap, what third of the country are you breaching? And please, tell us how they sold their homeland there. With "documentary evidence" (C) naturally.

          There is no educational program, for the hundredth time I remind you: open the TEXTBOOK and ...
          "She herself!" (WITH) Yes
      2. +3
        16 May 2018 15: 08
        Quote: Olgovich
        Antatne put a monument that the occupiers expelled from Russia

        And who expelled the Entente?
        No less frank in his memoirs and Colonel US Army Morrow, complaining that his poor soldiers ... "could not sleep without killing someone that day (...) When our soldiers took the Russian prisoner, they drove them to Andrianovka station where the cars were unloaded, the prisoners were led to huge holes, in which they were shot with machine guns. ” “The most memorable” for Colonel Morrow was the day “when 1600 people were taken to the 53 carriages”.
        1. 0
          17 May 2018 09: 27
          Quote: naidas
          And who expelled the Entente?

          belay lol
          She herself left: the WWI ended and they left.
          Quote: naidas
          No less frank in his memoirs and Colonel US Army Morrow, complaining that his poor soldiers ... "could not sleep without killing someone that day (...) When our soldiers took the Russian prisoner, they drove them to Andrianovka station where the cars were unloaded, the prisoners were led to huge holes, in which they were shot with machine guns. ” “The most memorable” for Colonel Morrow was the day “when 1600 people were taken to the 53 carriages”.

          Lies and silly: there are NO such memories anywhere except in Soviet agitation.
          Look for the source — always.
  4. +11
    16 May 2018 06: 38
    The main thing is that Drozdov’s arrival at the main theater of the Civil War breathed new forces into the white army led by General Denikin and helped the Cossacks go on a counterattack in the Don Army Region. That is, the “Drozdovskiy campaign” became not only another landmark, heroic event in the annals of the White movement (like the Ice Campaign), but it gave impetus to a new stage of the struggle. By their coming, the thrushes created favorable conditions for the creation of the Don army, gave it the physical opportunity to resume active struggle with the Reds in the North Caucasus and begin the Second Kuban campaign.

    It seems that Mr. Samsonov is delighted that the Civil War did not end in the spring of the 18th, but "received an impetus for a new stage."
  5. +7
    16 May 2018 07: 03
    Surprisingly balanced and objective article from Mr. Samsonov. The only inaccuracy is the characterization of Drozdovsky as a cruel person. He was a strict, ascetic, but not cruel man.
    1. +2
      16 May 2018 07: 17
      Drozdovsky deserves respect as a consistent monarchist. But he was unlikely to be able to control the situation.

      "Everything is against us now,
      Butoh we did not carry the cross "(c).
      1. +1
        17 May 2018 01: 23
        Why should savagery deserve respect?
    2. +1
      17 May 2018 01: 48
      And the fact that vilely killed people from left to right, without trial or investigation is not cruelty.
      "(Bolsheviks) They boldly resisted the Germans; but on the night of the 28th, when they heard about our arrival, they had a panic and decided to flee immediately. The Germans still will spare, but there is no mercy from us."
  6. +13
    16 May 2018 07: 35
    The trouble with Drozdovsky and his comrades is that he did not understand that there was no return to the past. By the way, his Emperor was not overthrown by the Bolsheviks.
    And his cruelty towards the population and the mass shootings of prisoners show that there would be nothing good from the return of the previous regime.
    1. +2
      16 May 2018 07: 41
      Suppose Drozdovsky understood this. And what choice is a bullet in the forehead? Constantinople or Paris? To serve the Bolsheviks?

      That there is no return to the past - yet Heraclitus noticed.
      Splitting a country is difficult, but possible. Soldering is much more difficult.
      1. +7
        16 May 2018 07: 47
        History has shown that Paris or Constantinople is better. The monarchy, which he loved so much, brought the people to the pen. Therefore, everyone
        1. 0
          16 May 2018 08: 06
          Paris is not the last station. It was possible to assimilate to descendants.

          "My Russia, Russia
          Why are you burning so ardent? "(C).
          1. +3
            16 May 2018 08: 30
            To be honest - in any case, they would have reached him in 37-38. And to his relatives too. If the red generals were not spared, then why talk about white.
    2. +1
      16 May 2018 11: 58
      Quote: Moskovit
      By the way, his Sovereign Emperor was not overthrown by the Bolsheviks.

      By the way, you read the Bolshevik Bible “A Short Course in the History of the VKPBE” about February of the revolution, written personally thereby: “The revolution was carried out by the PROLETARIAT. The Bolsheviks led them.”
      Quote: Moskovit
      And his cruelty towards the population and the mass shootings of prisoners show that there would be nothing good from the return of the previous regime.

      Not cruelty, but the rule of law against criminal bandits. Do you catch the difference?
      Nothing good came out of the new regime. If you don’t know, read about the Russian Cross and the accident of 91 years.
      1. +5
        16 May 2018 12: 51
        You never know what the Bolsheviks said. The February Revolution is not their creation.
        We can talk a lot about what could be, but the Russian people made a choice in favor of the Bolsheviks. This is information for consideration. You can call the people a criminal, call the Red Army Bolshevik gangs. Useless then.
        1. 0
          16 May 2018 13: 03
          Quote: Moskovit
          You never know what the Bolsheviks said. The February Revolution is not their creation.

          Their according to their bible. Argue.
          Quote: Moskovit
          We can talk a lot about what could be, but the Russian people made a choice in favor of the Bolsheviks.

          The Russian people have never chosen them. He chose OTHERS, and the Bolsheviks lost the election. And they NEVER did it again, so they were afraid of the elections.
          Quote: Moskovit
          . You can call the people a criminal, call the Red Army Bolshevik gangs. To sense

          Swiss foreign tourists are not people, but criminals. This is information for consideration.
          1. +4
            16 May 2018 14: 04
            The people chose them not by throwing pieces of paper into the ballot boxes, but by their blood. How can a gang of foreign tourists force millions of people to die?
            100 years have passed, and you are captivated by illusions. I do not condone the crimes and mistakes of the Bolsheviks. But the 1000-year-old steam burst out. And you describe everything on banditry.
      2. +3
        16 May 2018 20: 43
        Quote: Olgovich
        The revolution was made by the PROLETARIAT. Led by them BOLSHEVIKI

        Do not write nonsense, a short course talks about the participation of the Bolsheviks and their weakness in February:
        The number of members of Bolshevik organizations at that time was no more than 40–45 thousand people.
        1. 0
          17 May 2018 09: 35
          Quote: naidas
          Do not write nonsense, a short course talks about the participation of the Bolsheviks and their weakness in February

          No need to translate into Russian, written in RUSSIAN languages ​​in the "Course". You are given words from there: direct and clear.
          Your delusional interpretations are the least that interests you.
          1. +1
            17 May 2018 10: 03
            Quote: Olgovich
            Your same delusional interpretations written by RUSSIAN languages ​​in the "Course"

            You have become attached to the quote, and you have omitted the explanations and disclosure of the topic, this is how we will judge your illiterate education by your comet.
  7. +7
    16 May 2018 08: 19
    Article about Drozdovsky. Comments of "conservatives": Competent, mature, educated, thinking, glorious, heroes, did not spare their lives, bright memory, selflessly, valiant.
    An article about Blucher. Comments of the same characters: vzvina, accomplices, interrupted, traitor, criminal, mediocre.
    The sleep of reason)))) A normal person can’t squeeze in here.
    1. 0
      16 May 2018 08: 29
      See how Blucher's portraits and photographs have changed throughout life. The years under the communists did not pass unnoticed.
    2. +3
      16 May 2018 12: 10
      Quote: Alex_59
      An article about Blucher. Comments of the same characters: vzvina, accomplices, interrupted, traitormediocre.

      No, dear man, these are NOT ours, but YOUR power comments on YOUR “heroes” who were shot by her (or beaten to death like a blucher). Yes
      Quote: Alex_59
      The sleep of reason)))) A normal person can’t squeeze in here.

      The sleep of reason is when:

      1. Blucher and Yakir and others like them is heroes! , good
      2. them completely fair destroyed in 1937 as gangsters
      3. Their names deservedly (!) belay wear streets and cities.
      belay lol fool
      It is impossible for a NORMAL person to comprehend.
      Only you can do this! hi
  8. +2
    16 May 2018 09: 05
    The formation of DA is very reminiscent of the association of Donbass militias. East, Bastion, Slavs, Gorlovtsy too long and hard to grind. If in 1918 the Russian army had the same reliable and authoritative ally as the "north wind", then many excesses in the civil war could have been avoided.
    It is strange that the representatives of communist ideology, supporting the Donbass in the fight against the "revolutionaries of dignity", see no analogies from 1918. The Bolsheviks, with their "new world", were for the ordinary Russian man the same misfortune as the current Bandera people.
    1. +4
      16 May 2018 13: 54
      Yes, no. The Bolsheviks ruined the plans of the Fed owners, according to which the history of Russia was supposed to end in the 1920s. The LDNR militia is a lightweight analogue of the Red Guard of 1918, but the oligarch of the Russian Federation therefore strangled the project of Novorosia and destroyed its Heroes (Mozgovogo, Dremova, Motorola, Givi) as it understood the threat to its power.
  9. +7
    16 May 2018 16: 39
    When did the civilian end? Yesterday, the day before? Not tired of barking in vain ?!
    All were not angels in white robes, all fought for the country that they loved and defended in WWI. Only someone won, someone lost ... A hundred years have passed! Maybe enough to share on ours, yours?
    My maternal great-grandfather, the Tsar’s colonel, went to KA, his one brother went to Denikin, the youngest went to Kolchak ... Then, who should I cry for?
    And I want for them, for everyone! They all loved their country, in their own way, but they loved! And they died for different things, but they are still BROTHERS!
  10. +5
    16 May 2018 18: 33
    So relish the killing of fellow citizens at the expense of foreign investment can only be crazy.
  11. 0
    17 May 2018 01: 16
    It seems that this article is trying to somehow justify the whites.
  12. +1
    17 May 2018 02: 30
    Quote: Moskovit
    To be honest - in any case, they would have reached him in 37-38. And to his relatives too. If the red generals were not spared, then why talk about white.

    Absolutely right! Remember the fate of Jacob Slaschev. There was a simple murder, supposedly out of revenge, but who knows what it really was. One way or another, but General Slashchev turned out to be the "first swallow" in the later unleashed massacre of the army command staff. But, I think, Drozdovsky would not have to, like Slashchev, give lectures on strategy and tactics for Syoma Budyonny and others. Most likely, if he miraculously survived, and decided to return from exile to serve, albeit red, but Russia, then he would have been awaited by the fate predicted by General Chernota to General Khludov during a conversation in Istanbul:
    "Come back Roma, come back. But you will live exactly as long as it takes to bring you from the gangway to the nearest wall!" (x / f Running). soldier
  13. 0
    17 May 2018 08: 44
    The brigade had good armament and excellent materiel: significant artillery (six light guns, four mountain, two 48-linear, one 6-inch and 14 charging crates), about 70 machine guns, two armored cars (“Faithful” and “Volunteer”), airplanes, cars, telegraph, orchestra,
    I do not understand
    firstly, 48 lines - how much is it in mm? And then something goes a bit too much for me. One six-inch, armored car 2, and how many airplanes - is generally unknown. Were they on staff, with trained pilots and techno?
    Telegraph is also yours, full-time? With the orchestra it’s understandable - the brigade cannot do without it.
    1. 0
      19 May 2018 14: 01
      sivuch (Igor Kopeetsky) May 17, 2018 08:44
      firstly, 48 lines - how many in mm?

      48 lines is 121.92 mm, to be exact.
      In the Russian army, they designated 122 mm howitzers arr. 1909 (Krupp system with a horizontal wedge lock) and a sample of 1910 (Schneider system with a piston shutter).

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