Eastern Front Education

As previously noted ("Why do Czechoslovak murderers and looters erect monuments in Russia"), the Czechoslovak Corps, contained at the expense of the Entente, became the external organizing force and core for the white counter-revolutionary forces in the east of Russia. The West has acted as the initiator of the intensification and expansion of the Civil War in order to dismember Russia, seize its wealth and exsanguinate the Russian people in a cruel fratricidal war.

In May, 1918 began the famous uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps, which put an end to the Soviet power in the vast expanses of the Far East, Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region for a long time. Almost simultaneously, in April 1918, the Japanese landed troops in Vladivostok, which drastically changed the military-strategic, political situation in the eastern part of Russia. The governments of England and France decided to use the Czechoslovaks as a battle core for organizing the counter-revolutionary Eastern Front. The soldier of the Czechoslovak Corps managed to provoke a malicious agitation about the alleged extradition of them to Germany and Austria-Hungary, as former prisoners of war. There were clashes between the former Austro-German prisoners who were carried to the west and the Czechoslovak legionnaires who were moving to the east.

Lev Trotsky again acted as a provocateur, ordering to disarm and arrest the legionnaires. On May 25, the People’s Commissar for Military Affairs, Trotsky, sent a telegram to “all Soviets along the line from Penza to Omsk”: “All councils on the railroad are obliged to disarm the Czechoslovaks under fear of heavy responsibility. Every Czech who will be found armed on the railway lines must be shot on the spot; each train, in which there will be at least one armed, must be unloaded from the wagons and confined in a prisoner of war camp. Local military commissariats undertake to immediately execute this order, any delay will be tantamount to treason and will bring down a severe punishment on the guilty. At the same time, I am sending reliable forces to the Czechoslovak echelons, entrusted with instructing them to teach the disobedient. With honest Czechoslovakians who surrender weapon and submit to the Soviet power, to act as with the brothers and to give them full support. All railroad workers are told that not a single wagon with the Czechoslovakians should move east. ”

For their part, the leaders of the corps, represented by Chechek, Gaida, and Wojciechowski, quite deliberately conducted their game, acting on the orders of the French mission, which they had telegraphed in advance about their readiness to speak. Having developed their plan of action and coordinated it in time, the Czechoslovakians began the operation. Thus, the provocation was well prepared and she succeeded. The conflict, which could be resolved through negotiations, grew into a large-scale armed confrontation. A Czechoslovak Corps for that time was a serious force (30 - 40 thousand fighters), white and red fought in small detachments and "trains" - a few hundred and thousands of fighters.

25 May Gaida with his troops raised a revolt in Siberia, capturing Novonikolaevsk. On May 26, Wojciechowski captured Chelyabinsk, and on May 28, after a battle with local Soviet garrisons, Chechek's trains took Penza and Syzran. The Penza (8000 fighters) and Chelyabinsk (8750 fighters) groups of Czechs initially showed a desire to continue eastward. Group Wojciechowski 7 June, after a series of clashes with the red, took Omsk. 10 June she connected with echelons of Hyde. The Penza group headed for Samara, which took possession of 8 June after a minor battle. By the beginning of June 1918, all Czechoslovak forces, including local White Guards, were concentrated in four groups: 1) under the command of Chechek (the former Penza group) as part of the 5000 soldiers - in the Syzran-Samara region; 2) under the command of Wojciechowski, consisting of 8000 people - in the Chelyabinsk region; 3) under the command of Gaydy (Siberian) as part of 4000 people - in the Omsk-Novonikolaevsk region; under the command of Diterikhs (Vladivostok) as part of 14, 000 people were scattered in the space to the east of Baikal, heading for Vladivostok. The corps headquarters and the Czech National Council were located in Omsk.

Eastern Front Education

Czechoslovak machine gunners

The eastern group of the Czechoslovak General Diterichs at first held passively. All her efforts were aimed at successfully concentrating in the area of ​​Vladivostok, for which she conducted negotiations with local authorities with a request for assistance in advancing the trains. July 6 Legionnaires concentrated in Vladivostok and captured the city. 7 July, the Czechs occupied Nikolsk-Ussuri. Immediately after the uprising of the Czechs, by the decision of the Allied High Conference, the 12-Japanese division landed in Vladivostok, followed by the Americans, the British and the French (with the participation of small units from other countries). The Allies took over the protection of the Vladivostok area, and by their actions to the north and towards Harbin they provided the rear of the Czechoslovaks, who moved back west to join the Siberian group of Guyda. On the road, in Manchuria, the Diterichs group united with the troops of Horvat and Kalmykov, and in the area of ​​Art. Olovyannoy in August established contact with the detachment of Gaida and Semenov. The Red detachments in the Far East were partially disarmed and taken prisoner, some of which left for the taiga and the mountains, blowing up bridges and leading partisan struggle.

At the same time, the process of creating white “governments” and troops begins. 8 June in Samara, was created the first such "government" - the Committee of members of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly (Komuch). It includes five Social Revolutionaries who did not recognize the January decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly and found themselves in Samara at that time: Vladimir Volsky, who became the chairman of the committee, Ivan Brushvit, Prokopy Klimushkin, Boris Fortunatov and Ivan Nesterov. The Committee, on behalf of the All-Russian Constituent Assembly, proclaimed itself the temporary supreme authority in the country until a new meeting was convened. The former head of the Provisional Government, Alexander Kerensky, tried to side with the activities of the Komuch government, but the Central Committee of the Social Revolutionaries Party opposed, and Kerensky left Russia forever. To fight the Bolsheviks began the formation of its own army, called "People". Already on June 9, the 1 volunteer Samara squad of 350 men was formed. The commander of the squad became Lieutenant Colonel General Staff Vladimir Kappel. 11 June Kappel squad captured the city of Syzran, 12 June took Stavropol-on-the-Volga (now Togliatti).

The first team members are I. M. Brushvit, P. D. Klimushkin, B. K. Fortunatov, V. K. Volsky (chairman), and I. P. Nesterov

On June 10, in Omsk, after the Chelyabinsk and Siberian Czech groups merged, a meeting of the Czech command was held with representatives of the new Siberian white government. The meeting adopted a plan to fight the Bolsheviks. The general leadership of the Czechoslovak troops was assigned to the corps commander of the Russian General Vladimir Shokorov. All forces were divided into three groups. The first - Western, under the command of Colonel Wojciechowski, was supposed to advance through the Urals to Zlatoust - Ufa - Samara and join up with the Penza Chechek group, which remained in the Volga region. Then they had to develop their operations against Yekaterinburg from the southwest. The second group, under the command of Syrovy, was to advance on the Tyumen railway in the direction of Yekaterinburg, in order to divert as many Soviet troops as possible and facilitate the advancement of the Western group (merged with the Penza group of Chechek) and then take Yekaterinburg together.

19 June Czechoslovakia captured Krasnoyarsk. In this they were actively helped by local anti-Bolshevik forces, which formed volunteers from among them (mainly officers). By the middle of June, local White Guard volunteers managed to form a whole so-called West Siberian army under the command of Colonel Alexei Grishin-Almazov in the cities occupied by Czechoslovakia. By June 20 in Krasnoyarsk there were already 2800 fighters of this “army”. 22 June in the area of ​​the station Tulun on the whites and the Czechs attacked the red troops from Transbaikalia. Czechoslovakians and whites retreated to the area of ​​Nizhneudinsk, where they managed to gain a foothold in the city. June 25 Reds began an early morning attack on Nizhneudinsk. White and Czechs fought off this attack and turned the Reds to flight. 26 June white managed to break through the red rears and destroy there the inexperienced Red Guards miners 400, who slept without guards. By July 1, whites and Czechoslovakia pushed the Reds back to Winter station. The Reds retreated towards Irkutsk, while still remaining one of their few strongholds in Siberia.

23 June in Omsk occupied by the Czechs was announced the creation of a new Provisional Siberian government to replace the "Socialist Revolutionary", which was formed in Tomsk under the conditions of the underground in February, but nowhere had real power and escaped in Harbin, China. The well-known lawyer and journalist Peter Vologda became the chairman of the new Siberian government. The “Socialist-Revolutionary” government of Peter Derber refused to recognize this “coup” and still considered only itself to be the legitimate authority in Siberia. Komuch announced the mobilization of citizens 1897 - 1898 year of birth for service in his People's Army. In a short time, the army of Komuch increased to five regiments. Its most combat-ready core was a volunteer detached infantry brigade under the command of Colonel Kappel ("Kappelevtsy").

July 3 Orenburg Cossacks entered the city of Orenburg. The power of the Bolsheviks was eliminated throughout the Orenburg province. July 5 Czechs Checheka and whites captured Ufa. Having completed the initial task of seizing the Siberian railway, the Czechs continued operations to seize the entire Urals region, advancing on Yekaterinburg with their main forces, less significant southward, towards Troitsk and Orenburg. 15 July 1918, the second meeting of the Czechoslovak command with white governments took place in the city of Chelyabinsk. At this meeting, an agreement was reached on the joint military actions of the forces of these governments with the corps. Thus, the Soviet Republic was in the ring of fronts.

Red Eastern Front

The performance of the Czechoslovakia caught the Soviet Russia at the time of the formation of its armed forces. In addition, the main forces were connected on the Don front and the Caucasus and on the line with the Austro-German troops. Therefore, Moscow could not immediately allocate large forces to fight the Czechoslovak Corps. In addition, a number of factors contributed to the rapid success and spread of Czechoslovakia. Thus, the influence of the Social Revolutionaries and Mensheviks was strong in the region. The advanced assets of the Bolsheviks were weakened by the allocation of personnel for the struggle against counterrevolution on other fronts. Often the policy of the Bolsheviks contributed to the growth of public discontent, and people supported the whites and the Czechs, when they approached, or remained neutral. The approach of the Czechs gave rise to a series of unrest and uprisings prepared by the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries. So, 11 June rebelled Barnaul. The Reds succeeded in suppressing the uprising, but this distracted their forces from the opposition of the Czechoslovakians and the Whites, who were advancing to Barnaul from the northwest, from Novonikolayevsk (now Novosibirsk). By June 14, whites and Czechoslovakians surrounded the city and began to enter it from all directions. The Reds were partly captured and executed, partly fled. 13 June 1918 an uprising broke out in the workers of the Upper Nevyansky and Rudyansky factories. 13-14 June fought between the Red Army and the local anti-Bolshevik forces that had risen in Irkutsk. There was an uprising in Tyumen. During the offensive of the Czechoslovakians at Kyshtym, the workers of Polevsky and Seversky factories arrested their councils. The uprisings also occurred at Kusinsky, Votkinsk, Izhevsk and other factories.

The Soviet government realized that a voluntary principle did not create a large and strong army. By the end of April 1918, the number of army was able to bring only to 196 thousands of people, after which the flow of volunteers began to decline. Almost until the summer of 1918, the Red Army was in the “germ”. The performance of the Czechoslovak Corps showed that only a regular army would be able to withstand a strong opponent. A decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On Forced Recruitment into the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army” of 29 in May 1918 declared a general mobilization of workers and the poorest peasants in the 51 district of the Volga, Urals and West Siberian military districts, as well as the workers of Petrograd and Moscow. Communist mobilization began on the front. 26 June 1918, the military commissar Trotsky, sent to the Council of People's Commissars the idea of ​​establishing universal military service of the working people. In Soviet Russia, the policy was taken to build an army on traditional principles: unity of command, restoration of the death penalty, mobilization, restoration of insignia, uniform clothing and military parades.

The Red Army in the east of the country in the first period of confrontation consisted of troops and squads, often numbering 10-20 fighters. For example, 1 of June 1918. On positions under Mias there were 13 of such units, whose total number did not exceed 1105 bayonets, 22 sabers with 9 machine guns. Some detachments consisted of conscious and dedicated workers, but with little combat experience. Others were pure "partisan". As a result, the Reds initially could not successfully resist the Czechoslovak Corps (regular formation, having experience of world war) and the White, who had experienced officer personnel. Czechs and whites, even with strong resistance, quickly found the "weak link" and broke the enemy's defenses.

13 June 1918, the Reinhold Berzin formed the North-Ural-Siberian Front. In June, the “front” was located in the Yekaterinburg-Chelyabinsk area, and numbered about 2500 people with 36 machine guns and 3 artillery platoons. The Northern Ural-Siberian Front lasted only one day. The central command also took steps to stabilize the situation in the east of the country. An order was issued to organize a unified control of the Red Eastern Front, headed by Mikhail Muravyov, who had previously commanded Soviet troops in Ukraine and tried to stop the Romanian intervention, with the title of commander in chief.

By the time they were transformed into the 3 Army, the Northern Ural-Siberian Front was providing: Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk direction with forces on 1800 bayonets, 11 machine guns, 3 guns, 30 sabers and 3 armored vehicles. On the Shadrinsk direction, he possessed forces in the 1382 bayonet, 28 machine guns, 10 saber and 1 armored car. In the area of ​​Tyumen (Omsk direction) there were 1400 bayonets, 21 machine gun, 107 sabers. The reserve of these forces could become 2000 workers in Tyumen. The total command reserve did not exceed 380 bayonets, 150 sabers and 2 batteries. Thus, the formation of four red armies has begun: 1-th - in Simbirsk, Syzran and Samara directions (in the area of ​​Simbirsk-Syzran-Samara-Penza), 2-th - on the Orenburg-Ufa front, 3-th - on the Chelyabinsk-Yekaterinburg direction (in the area of ​​Perm - Yekaterinburg - Chelyabinsk) and the Special Army in the Saratov-Ural direction (in the area of ​​Saratov-Urbakh). The headquarters of the front is located in Kazan.

As a result, the red managed to detain the enemy near Yekaterinburg. There was a formation of the red Eastern Front. And the performance of the Czechoslovakia allowed the enemies of Russia (internal and external) to tear away the vast territories of the Volga region, the Urals, Siberia and the Far East from the Soviet republic. It helped white to form their own governments and armies. Having seized the strategic initiative in their hands, the Czechs and the whites put Soviet power in an extremely difficult position. Soviet Russia was in the ring of fronts. The second stage of the Civil War began, more ambitious and bloody.
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  1. 0
    26 June 2018 05: 32
    That put Mannerheim. then the Czechs. then kolchak. Put a monument in Sevastopol Potemkin, he deserved it.
  2. 0
    26 June 2018 05: 33
    It seems that Pu and Mu are generally difficult with priorities.
  3. +3
    26 June 2018 05: 52
    It turns out that the rebellion of the Czechoslovakians was organized by the Soviet government itself. The Czechs then went east, and Trotsky managed to organize their uprising and turn to Moscow.
    1. 0
      26 June 2018 06: 18
      What did the Czechs and Moscow take? Something new in the history of the Civil War.
      1. 0
        26 June 2018 08: 59
        Did I write somewhere that the Czechs took Moscow?
        You do not betray your speculation for my words
        1. 0
          26 June 2018 09: 53
          Something yes, wrong.
  4. +1
    26 June 2018 05: 57
    In May 1918, the famous uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps began, which put an end to Soviet power for a long time in the vast expanses of the Far East, Siberia, the Urals and the Volga region

    Some superhuman ones! lol Only 30 thousand - and seized such a territory!
    True, they themselves did not even suspect their superpowers anywhere, except in fact they weren’t Trans-Siberian.
    The Russian people rebelled against usurpers of power, and it was he who liberated these vast territories from invaders.
    Leo Trotsky again acted as a provocateur, ordering to disarm and arrest the legionnaires.

    What does Trotsky have to do with it? Someone objected to him from the so-called. SNK? No, of course, because he was following the SNK line to carry out the order of the German occupation masters to prevent the appearance of tens of thousands of soldiers against Germany. The other side of these orders was the sending of a million captured Austrian Germans to the front, to Germany, as the author himself writes:
    former Austro-German prisoners transported to west

    Lieutenant Colonel of the General Staff Vladimir Kappel became the commander of the squad. June 11th Kappel squad captured Syzran city, June 12 took Stavropol-on-Volga (now Togliatti).

    Not captured, but freed. And the ashes of the liberator, General Kppel, in honor and respect, now rests in the center of Moscow
    Workers Polevsky and Seversky plants arrested their councils. The uprisings also occurred at Kusinsky, Votkinsky, Izhevsk and other factories.

    The people said their word.
    Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee "On forced recruitment to the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army "of May 29, 1918

    belay Oh pa! In you is the "support" of the people!
    Coercion, blackmail, taking hostages, executions, the whole set had to be applied ..
    Reinhold Berzin formed the North Ural-Siberian Front.

    Shot by comrades in the fight.
    Mikhail Muravyov was appointed with the rank of commander in chief

    Squeezed by comrades in the struggle

    The correct reward is for the war against his people.
    1. +2
      26 June 2018 06: 12
      One of the few of your comments with which I agree. In fact, Siberia and the Far East were cool about the ideas of the Bolsheviks and generally everything that came from the center (in principle, as now)
      1. 0
        22 September 2018 20: 38
        Nehist "Generally, Siberia and the Far East were cool with the ideas of the Bolsheviks and in general everything that came from the center (in principle, as now)"
        Well, who guerrilla was against the whites?)))) And when the White Army made its Siberian ice campaign, who supported them in the Urals and Siberia?))) White didn’t need anyone.))) They had a front that collapsed from -for the departure of the white whales, and then because of the transition to the side of the Red Bashkir brigade.))) That is, such a powerful front was.))) The people did not support them for the most part.
    2. +4
      26 June 2018 06: 51
      Quote: Olgovich
      Some superhuman ones! Only 30 thousand - and seized such a territory!

      About the population density have not heard, no?
      Well, the article correctly says that 30-40 thousand soldiers with combat experience represented at that time a very serious force against the background of small detachments of the Reds.
      Quote: Olgovich
      sending a million captured Austrian Germans to the front too, to Germany

      Ludendorff on the causes of the defeat of Germany. One of the reasons he sees the decomposition of morale: "a significant deterioration in the psyche of the troops caused a replenishment formed from soldiers who returned from Russian captivity".
      Ludendorff cites reports of generals and officers about the "Bolshevik infection" in the army. Open rebellion occurred in Graudenz and Yuverloo. In Dusseldorf, soldiers distributed Bolshevik leaflets. The military district commander, Allenstein, reported directly to Hindenburg:
      "The soldiers returning from Russian captivity, including non-commissioned officers, as a result of the revolution, lost all discipline and brought so many Bolshevik ideas that they have a fatal effect on comrades".
      Ludendorff concludes:
      "Now, in hindsight, I can argue that our defeat clearly began with the Russian revolution".

      Quote: Olgovich
      Not captured, but freed

      After a two-day battle, on August 7, units of the Samara People’s Army detachment and Czechoslovakians together with our combat flotilla took Kazan. Trophies cannot be counted; Russia’s gold reserve of 650 million has been captured.

      Litter bedding Yes reports to his western master.
      Quote: Olgovich

      Oh pa! In you is the "support" of the people!

      Quote: Olgovich
      The people said their word

      Bylya also used forced recruitment into their army. So much for the "support" of the people!lol
      But in the end, the people said their word - when he kicked out of the country of hackers, and their owners. good
      Quote: Olgovich
      Squeezed by comrades in the struggle

      Mr. fool , you have already been explained that these were not comrades, but only temporary companions Yes
      1. -2
        26 June 2018 08: 28
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        Ludendorff on the causes of the defeat of Germany. One of the reasons he sees the expansion of morale: "a significant deterioration in the psyche of troops caused a replenishment formed from soldiers who returned from Russian captivity. "

        So, with the replenishment of the troops of the occupier, the instigator of the World War, the Bolsheviks fought for peace all over the world They also fed gold and bread.
        And the world carnage erupted with renewed vigor!
        By the way, slash it on your forehead: it was the troops from the Eastern Front that defeated the Angofurans in the Great Spring Offensive of 1918.
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        The litter bedding reports to its western master.

        Litter-is- the accomplices of the German invaders, feeding these invaders manpower, gold, Russian lands and bread
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        Bylya also used forced recruitment into their army. So much for the "support" of the people!

        Later reds, alas. But never hostage and blackmail were used.
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        But in the end, the people said their word - when he kicked out of the country of hackers, and their owners.

        On the State Flag of Russia-Russian tricolor-look and respect !! Do not cry, it was inevitable Yes ...
        Quote: rkkasa 81
        Mr. , you have already been explained that these were not comrades, but only temporary companions

        Courtesy to you, I see, added Yes
        So I say: it’s good that they shot these heroes of the civil war, who, in fact, turned out to be bandits, spies and traitors. Yes
        By the way, ALL the first composition of the so-called SNK-Stalin "governments" shot, like ALL the first Politburo
        You have good fellow travelers! lol
        1. +3
          26 June 2018 08: 59
          Quote: Olgovich
          world carnage broke out with renewed vigor! ... it was the troops from the Eastern Front who defeated the Angofurans in the Great Spring Offensive of 1918

          Another confirmation of the genius of Lenin. Complicated the life of the Entente, respectively - it did not so quickly get the opportunity to provide serious assistance to the bells good
          Quote: Olgovich
          accomplices of the German invaders feeding these invaders with manpower, gold, Russian lands and bread

          I am glad that you agree with me, and consider all red-denikin foreign litter hi
          Quote: Olgovich
          Courtesy to you, I see, added

          Mr. fool rave again? I always Yes was polite with smart, honest and decent people.
          Quote: Olgovich
          So I say: well, that shot

          So I always said it - well good that got rid of not the most worthy people, fellow travelers in fact. I am very pleased that this has finally come to you, and now you share my opinion hi
          1. -2
            26 June 2018 11: 03
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            Another confirmation of the genius of Lenin.

            belay fool lol
            This individual has just stood for PEACE throughout the world and for ALL nations! And his activities led to the intensification of the slaughter and death of hundreds of thousands of people of these peoples.
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            Complicated the life of the Entente, respectively - it did not get so quickly opportunity provide serious assistance to bailers

            no, it was he who got the opportunity from the occupier — instead of killing the occupiers — to kill his people
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            I am glad that you agree with me, and consider all red-denikin foreign litter

            ONCE AGAIN for those who do not understand the first time:
            Litter is an accomplice of the German invaders, feeding these invaders manpower, gold, Russian lands (one third of Russia) and bread .
            . This was done only by the Bolsheviks. Do you remember? Yes Repeat!
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            So I always said that - well, that got rid of not the most worthy people, companions in fact.

            Why are there monuments to them and streets with cities named? To all these gangsters ovseenko, dybenko, krylenko and other artichoke blucher?
            I suggest you sign a petition to CLEAN from these names the streets and squares of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia! You agree, of course! Yes
            1. +3
              26 June 2018 16: 50
              Quote: Olgovich
              . This was done only by the Bolsheviks. Do you remember? Repeat!

              Mr. yap, you again carry blatant nonsense fellow
              And this, doggy is raving Yes , you repeat again that you will command your woman? lol
              Quote: Olgovich
              Why are there monuments to them and streets with cities named? All these bandits ovseenko, dybenko, krylenko and other blucher with artusov?
              I suggest you sign a petition to CLEAN from these names the streets and squares of St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia! You agree, of course!

              Yes, why request There are much more important things. Clear our cities of the names of the white litter of the interventionists good
              1. -2
                27 June 2018 09: 01
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                Mr. yap, you again carry blatant nonsense

                Quote: rkkasa 81
                And this, doggy naughty , you repeat again

                No, they didn’t teach you politeness, but they still teach you Yes
                Your insults do not touch me (funny, yes! lol ), but the pages of the respected VO -You get dirty.
                Phi! negative
  5. +4
    26 June 2018 06: 03
    the leaders of the corps in the person of Chechek, Gaida and Wojciechowski quite consciously conducted their game, acting on the orders of the French mission, which they had cabled in advance about their readiness to speak.

    Leo Trotsky again acted as a provocateur, ordering to disarm and arrest the legionnaires.

    Just the Bolsheviks were on this issue in the position of the Zugzwang.
    On the territory of Russia there is a large military formation, which is subordinate to a foreign state hostile to Soviet power; plus - the Germans use the fact of the presence of the Czechoslovak Corps as an occasion to accuse the Bolsheviks of not complying with the conditions of the Brest Peace.
    And what did the Bolsheviks have to do - calmly put up with the existence of this formation? Of course not. In any case, it was necessary to correct this situation. The French would still sooner or later throw the Czechs against the Bolsheviks.
    1. +1
      26 June 2018 06: 17
      So it was easier to give them a green light to Vladivostok where the Czechs gathered. So no, one of the leaders came up with the idea to block them, as a result of which clashes occurred and the events became uncontrollable. As a result, the Czechs collaborated with both the white and the red and with the interventionists, pursuing exclusively their interests. As you can see from the story quite successfully
      1. +1
        26 June 2018 06: 49
        Legia Bank is the most successful project.
      2. +1
        26 June 2018 07: 16
        Quote: Nehist
        It was easier to give them green light. to Vladivostok where the Czechs gathered

        The Czechoslovak government was formed in France during the WWII, and the Czechoslovak corps was subordinate to the Entente since the end of 1917. That is, it would be used against the Bolsheviks in any case:
        The governments of England and France decided to use Czechoslovakia as the warhead for organizing the counter-revolutionary Eastern Front.

        the leaders of the corps in the person of Chechek, Gaida and Wojciechowski quite consciously conducted their game, acting on the orders of the French mission, which they had cabled in advance about their readiness to speak

        Again, if in your opinion they were only going to get to Vladivostok, then why did they trample on a completely different side?
        moved back west to join the Siberian group
    2. -1
      26 June 2018 09: 07
      Events should always be considered taking into account the place and time. The creation of the Czechoslovak Corps was aimed at throwing well-motivated fighters against the Germans to the front. Therefore, it was created. But after the Brest Peace, their presence in Russia was problematic. Therefore, they decided to send them to the front (already European) through the Far East.
      The Germans absolutely did not need such a gift and therefore decided to disarm the corps. But fools cannot be entrusted with serious work. Trotsky decided that by stretching the corps by rail, it would be easy to disarm individual echelons. I didn’t take into account that the power collapsed, and the Czechs managed to organize quickly and the whole Transsiberian was in their hands.
      The disarmament of the Czechoslovak corps was carried out by order from Berlin. Local fools failed the mission. Here Siberia flared up.
      1. +3
        26 June 2018 09: 29
        Quote: Bakht
        The disarmament of the Czechoslovak corps was carried out by order from Berlin

        In your opinion, the Bolsheviks themselves did not give a damn that there is a significant military formation on our territory subordinate to hostile states?
        Quote: Bakht
        The French wanted to get this corps to their front

        But for some reason the corps didn’t go to Europe, but it stayed with us. If they really wanted to, then to Vladivostok, and from there to Europe, the Czechs had every opportunity to cross.
        Quote: Bakht
        The Entente did not intend to help white. Help was sporadic and totally inadequate

        Well, actually, the Reds-Denikins-Wrangels-Kolchaks were largely due to this help and fought. And the fact that it turned out to be insufficient is understandable - fortunately the Reds won.
        1. -1
          26 June 2018 09: 47
          The corps was sent from Russia to France at the insistent request of the French. The idea of ​​sending through Murmansk was considered unacceptable in Moscow. More details can be found in the book of V. Shambarov “The White Guard”. Chapter “Czechoslovakians”
          Entente assistance to the White Guards was irregular and was not always considered necessary. Help was provided only to those formations that agreed to dismember Russia. Denikin’s book clearly states that with the slogan “United, Indivisible Russia”, help immediately stopped. Therefore, Denikin personally did not receive substantial assistance.
          1. +1
            26 June 2018 16: 18
            Quote: Bakht
            The corps was sent from Russia to France at the insistent request of the French

            ... but for some reason did not go to France, but fought against the Bolsheviks in Russia. Apparently because - “The French wanted to get this corps to their front. They thought the least about the Bolsheviks.” (WITH) lol
            Quote: Bakht
            Help was provided only to those formations that agreed to dismember Russia

            ... and Kolchak, and Denikin, and Wrangel. And there was German help to Krasnov, and through him, all the same to Denikin.
          2. +3
            26 June 2018 17: 43
            Quote: Bakht
            Denikin’s book clearly states that with the slogan “United, Indivisible Russia”, help immediately stopped. Therefore, Denikin personally did not receive substantial assistance.

            And whose tanks did Denikin have?
            1. -1
              27 June 2018 16: 47
              Oh yes ... As many as 20 tanks. In 1919, when hundreds and thousands of cars were in warehouses. Quote
              Nevertheless, French politics did not make their “choice”, remaining at a crossroads: France divided its attention between the Armed Forces of the South, Ukraine, Finland and Poland, providing more serious support to Poland alone, and only to save it later entered closer relations with the command of the South in the final, Crimean period of struggle. This circumstance gave the whole French policy in the “Russian question” the character of indecision, instability, baseless fortune-telling and the absence of that share of risk that is legal and inevitable in any large political enterprise.
              As a result, we did not get real help from her: neither solid diplomatic support, which was especially important with regard to Poland, nor credit, nor supplies.

              A.I. Denikin "Essays on Russian Troubles"
              I think he owned the item much better than you and me.
              The French did not want to give us huge reserves, ours and the US, which remained after the war and constituted shy trash that did not cover the costs of its storage and was subject to hasty liquidation. Since August, the French mission has been negotiating "economic compensation" in exchange for supplying military equipment and after sending one, two transports with an insignificant amount of reserves

              And here is the position of England
              Lloyd George began to prepare public opinion for a sharp turn in the political course: “I can’t decide,” he said, “to offer England to shoulder such a terrible burden as the establishment of order in a country spread out in two parts of the world, in a country where the foreign armies penetrating inside it have always experienced terrible failures ... I do not regret our assistance to Russia, but we cannot spend huge amounts of money on participating in an endless civil war... Bolshevism cannot be defeated by weapons, and we need to resort to other methods in order to restore peace and change the management system in unhappy Russia ... "
              1. +2
                30 June 2018 00: 26
                Quote: Bakht
                A.I. Denikin "Essays on Russian Troubles"
                I think he owned the item much better than you and me.

                Well, who in the memoirs writes to himself that he was on the content of foreign states?
                1. 0
                  1 July 2018 20: 17
                  In addition to memoirs, there are documents of the Entente countries. Help was provided only to those forces that agreed to trade the country. Denikin did not agree. Kolchak signed some concessions. Help received the outskirts of Finland, Poland, the Baltic states.
                  There's a quote from Lloyd George, too ...
                  1. 0
                    1 July 2018 20: 29
                    In April 1919, the Supreme Council of the victorious countries in Paris unexpectedly decided in general to withdraw troops from Russia and not to intervene with armed forces in Russian affairs... why? Frightened by the vast expanses and possible combat losses? No, not only. After all, there was a much simpler, completely safe option for the West - just to cover up with troops troops some areas where national anti-communist forces could form and strengthen without interference. But the fact of the matter is that at that time preparations began for the Paris Conference on the establishment of a post-war world order. Great powers were about to reap and share the fruits of victory. Recognizing and supporting the White Guards, helping them to throw off the usurpers - meant introducing Russia into the list of winners. Allow her to participate in the division of the inherited “pie”, to somehow help in the restoration of the economy, to compensate for the costs incurred, to devote a certain share of reparations for this. To fulfill, at least partially, other promises given to her before the war and during the war. And to lose the advantages of "unipolarity" that arose for the first time in world history and seemed so tempting ...
                    The head of the British government, Lloyd George, bluntly stated in parliament:
                    "The expediency of assisting Admiral Kolchak and General Denikin it is all the more controversial that they are fighting for a united Russia. It is not for me to indicate whether this slogan is in line with British policy. One of our great people, Lord Beaconsfield, saw in the vast, mighty and great Russia, rolling like a glacier towards Persia, Afghanistan and India, the most formidable danger to the British Empire. "
                    Despite the fact that many deliveries were not at all free - Kolchak, for example, paid in gold, and even the Allies took 320 million rubles from Germany. gold paid to her by the Bolsheviks for indemnity under the Brest Treaty. And still, they were petty, tried to get out on pennies, sent down all the rubble. Of the tanks sent by the British to Yudenich at the beginning of the campaign to Petrograd, only one was serviceable, none of the airplanes. Instead of ordered Colt machine guns, Kolchak (for gold!), American businessmen shipped the Saint-Etienne machine guns - junk from the times of the Mexican War, clumsy kolymygs on tripods, completely unsuitable in a field battle. Moreover, in these limited deliveries, the next “tranche” could become the subject of political and economic bargaining, sometimes its receipt was subject to certain conditions. Some researchers generally notice that Western deliveries intensified with the successes of the Reds and suddenly faded away with the successes of the Whites - as if one of their goals was to keep Russia in a state of war longer, to weaken it as much as possible.
        2. 0
          26 June 2018 09: 48
          Quote: rkkasa 81
          But for some reason the corps didn’t go to Europe, but it stayed with us. If you really wanted to, then to Vladivostok, and from there to Europe, the Czechs had every opportunity to cross

          So you were also told above that some individuals failed to disarm the corps. Or rather, at that time the Red Army did not have the strength to do so. Thanks to the adventure with an attempt to disarm, we got a flaming corridor! Although I repeat once again, throughout the course of their journey the Czechs collaborated with everyone with whom it was beneficial at one time or another.
          1. +2
            26 June 2018 16: 33
            What does any personality have to do with it?
            Think for yourself - did the Czechs have the opportunity to leave Russia? It was. Did they leave her? No. They stayed and fought against the Bolsheviks. Plus, both the Czech government and, naturally, the corps, were completely dependent on the Entente, which was hostile to the Bolsheviks.
            That is, all the facts indicate that the Czechs would in any case have opposed the Soviet Government.
      2. 0
        26 June 2018 09: 53
        Let's all the more objective. Not by order from Berlin, but by urgent request. The Bolsheviks also had their views on the corps, but unfortunately mediocre approach to this issue
        1. 0
          26 June 2018 10: 18
          Documenting the existence of such an order is of course impossible. But the logic of events suggests that this is more than possible.
          Spring of 1918 Victory over Germany is not a fact. The Germans near Paris, whether the Americans will help is unknown. And the Germans are preparing an offensive. There is no eastern front and a new miracle on the Marne can not be expected. The French simply begged to give them this corps. So they did not need to provoke an uprising in Siberia.
    3. +1
      26 June 2018 09: 16
      The French wanted to get this corps to their front. They thought the least about the Bolsheviks. Events with the Czechoslovak corps - completely and completely satisfied the Germans. The Entente did not intend to help white. Help was sporadic and totally inadequate
  6. +3
    26 June 2018 07: 09
    it’s good to fight with the right army against the tribal militia. However, when the chukhs across Samara and Kazan ran into Tukhachevsky’s regularares, their fighting spirit immediately evaporated. The demons of the war jumped into the echelons and looted for another year and a half in the expanses of Siberia and the Far East. But now the Chush government is talking seriously about the light of civilization that the pimps brought to the expanses of Tartarus. And as for murders and robberies - so this is the burden of a white man - to take a stick and punish a lazy black man .... for his own good
    1. +1
      26 June 2018 11: 27
      Quote: nivasander
      . However, when the chukha in Samara and Kazan ran into Tukhachevsky's regularares, their morale immediately evaporated. The demons of war jumped into the echelons and looted in the expanses of Siberia and the Far East for another year and a half

      And what did the “regularares of Tukhachevsky” do these and a half years? laughing Looking at the atrocities?
  7. +1
    26 June 2018 07: 23
    Quote: rkkasa 81
    only temporary companions

    The whole "congress of the winners" was and all turned out to be temporary. And all to the ground!
    1. +2
      26 June 2018 08: 33
      Quote: kalibr
      The whole "congress of the winners" was and all turned out to be temporary. And all to the ground!

      Lying. Not all, but a little more than half. This is a thousand people with something, not so many.
  8. 0
    26 June 2018 09: 53
    And the Czechs for 1968 are offended. We only made alaverds.
  9. 0
    27 June 2018 04: 30
    The Czechs are only to blame for the fact that they did not consider themselves meat and did not allow themselves to be destroyed.