How to create Ukraine and the "Ukrainian people"

How to create Ukraine and the "Ukrainian people" Before 1917, the term “Ukrainian people” was not in any encyclopedia, throughout Russia, Velikaya, Malaya and Belaya, lived by Russians who had their own territorial, linguistic and everyday characteristics.

As previously noted, the Central Council was chosen not by the Russian people of Little Russia, but by several hundred people of Ukrainian national separatists, many of whom were Westerners and Freemasons, who were oriented toward the West in their activities: Austria-Hungary. Germany or France. By 1917, the Ukrainian Socialist-Federalist Party, the Social Democratic Party, the Socialist-Revolutionary Party and other smaller associations consisted of several dozen, at best hundreds of members, and had virtually no influence on the people. At the same time, these parties were not part of the all-Russian parties of social democrats, social revolutionaries, etc. These were autonomous groups, led, as a rule, by freemasons. Thus, the head of the General Secretariat (Council of Ministers) was Mason V. K. Vinnichenko. The deputy (comrade) of the president of the TsR of the mason M. Hrushevsky in the Rada was A. Nihovsky, from the box “The Great East of the Peoples of Russia”. Interestingly, when the name of the lodge was discussed in 1910, Grushevsky did not want the word “Russia” mentioned in the name, since such a state should not exist at all, and the masons decided to call the lodge the “Great East of the Peoples of Russia”. Kerensky, in the “Great East” lodge, was in charge of coordinating the activities of St. Petersburg and Kiev Freemasons and on the affairs of the lodge traveled to Kiev in 1913, 1915 and 1916. That is, February-masons seized power in Petrograd and Kiev, therefore the Provisional Government turned a blind eye to the "independent" course of the Kiev "brothers".

Thus, the masons brothers Kerensky, Nekrasov, Grushevsky and Co. had already anticipated the collapse of the Russian state and put all their efforts into this by fulfilling the attitudes of the West.

At the same time, the similarity of the Provisional Government in Petrograd and the Central Committee in Kiev was that both centers of power had no real support from either the common people or the army. They were supported only by narrow circles of the intelligentsia and the bourgeoisie, as well as part of the generals, who made a rapid career with the change of power. The Central Council, like the Provisional Government, plunged into an endless talk-and-talk about the future, completely alienated from pressing problems, such as maintaining law and order against the backdrop of the country's criminal revolution, ensuring the supply of cities and railways and other transport. Thus, the land issue was the most important issue for the peasants of Russia. Ukrainian independentists followed in the footsteps of their “brothers” in Petrograd and offered to wait for the Constituent Assembly to be created in Russia and the law on the land to be passed, when all the landowner’s lands would be confiscated, and only then the Rada will take on the transfer of land to the peasants. As a result, the peasants in Great Russia and Little Russia themselves resolved this issue by proceeding to the "black division" of the land. In fact, the peasant war began, even before the beginning of the confrontation between whites and reds.

Thus, the CR completely reiterated the path of the all-Russian Provisional Government, which quickly lost its initial popularity in society, having lost touch with the people and local authority. While the social democrats, socialists, revolutionaries and nationalists led endless debates, quarreled, the Rada lost contact with the village (the overwhelming majority of the population) and its power was actually limited only to Kiev, its surroundings and several large cities.

It is not surprising that the Kiev "brothers" did not accept Soviet power and headed for the strengthening of "national statehood." 7 (20) November 1917 was adopted by the Third Universal, which proclaimed the creation of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR). The document said that the territory of the People’s Ukrainian Republic “includes lands populated mainly by Ukrainians: Kyiv region, Podolia, Volyn, Chernihiv region, Poltava region, Kharkiv region, Yekaterinoslav region, Kherson region, Tavria (without Crimea). The final determination of the borders of the Ukrainian People’s Republic ... must be established by agreement of the organized will of the peoples. ”

In this way, Central Rada actually began a civil war in the territory of Little Russia. First, there were no “Ukrainians” in Kiev, Chernigov, Poltava, Kharkov, etc. As in the times of Kievan Rus and in the epoch of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, so in the 20th century, Russians occupied the territory of Little Russia (southern and western Russia). They were just en masse recorded in the "Ukrainians" - an ethnic chimera created in the conceptual and ideological "headquarters" of the West (Rome, Poland, Austria and Germany).

Secondly, in Russia there was a central Soviet government, and it was recognized by 20 in November by a large part of Central Russia, the Baltic States, Belarus, the northern part of Ukraine, Kharkov, Donbass, Krivorozh'ye, etc. And by November 20 1917 in Russia there was no civil war and serious competitors for the Soviet government. A rebellion of General Kaledin broke out on the Don, but it was 11 February (29 January) 1918 was put down by the Soviet forces, and Kaledin himself had to shoot himself. The core of the white army - the Volunteer Army, retreated. The centers of counterrevolution in the Orenburg region and in the Urals were also easily suppressed. So, it turns out that The Central Council became one of the main instigators of the Civil War in the territory of the former Russian Empire. In the future, this initiative was supported by the Austro-German invaders.

Since that time in Ukraine, the time begins "Ruins 2" - unrest and military confrontation of several centers of power in the face of external invasion. In general terms, the situation in Ukraine repeated history XVII century (the period of the Ruins). The CR did not have high managerial abilities, did not enjoy sufficient support from the population and could not resist the Soviet government, and, like the hetman of the 17th century, appealed to the aid of foreign troops (the Austro-German army). From all over Ukraine to Ukraine, since the autumn of 1917, large and small gangs began to form. Their chieftains argued that they were fighting for the rights of "oppressed peasantry," and shared a part of the booty with the local population. In the conditions of complete collapse and lack of power, many local residents were forced to support "their" gangs, replenishing their ranks and hiding gangsters. Do away with the rampant various "governments" and gangs only red.

The outbreak of civil war in Ukraine

The Ukrainian government, with the support of a part of the generals, destroys the still existing Russian front of the world war by recalling and unauthorized relocation of “Ukrainianized” units and disarmament of military units on the territory of Ukraine, which recognized Soviet power. The secretary of military affairs, S. Petlura, in his appeals to the “warriors-Ukrainians” urged them to return to Ukraine immediately, disregarding the orders of the Council of People's Commissars.

November 23 (December 6) Petlyura informed the Soviet Supreme Commander N. Krylenko about the unilateral withdrawal of the South-Western and Romanian fronts from the headquarters of the Stavka and their unification into an independent Ukrainian front of the UPR army. The Ukrainian front was led by the anti-Bolshevik colonel-general D. G. Shcherbachev, the former commander of the Romanian front. There is a destruction and disarmament of the Russian Romanian front in the interests of the Romanian and Ukrainian governments.

The proclamation of the independence of the Ukrainian front and the intervention of the Ukrainian government in the direct control of the fronts and armies led to further disorganization and confusion, undermining the system of unity of command. For example, on the Romanian front 8-I army did not recognize its membership in the UNR. The extraordinary congress of the South-Western Front, held on November 18-24 (December 1-7), did not agree to the subordination of the Central Committee, and spoke in favor of the Council of soldiers, workers and peasant deputies in the center and in the provinces. General NN Stogov, who served as commander of the Southwestern Front, worried about the situation on the front line, reported to Kiev that “Russian troops are threatening to flee from the Ukrainian front. The disaster is just around the corner. " As General N.N. Golovin noted in his memoirs, “soldiers who were cowering in the old Russian military units did not understand what was going on, and everyone, both non-Ukrainians and Ukrainians, tried to go home, seeing the“ enemy of the people ”interfering with the cessation of war . And here in the armies of the former Russian South-Western Front, which Petlura turns into Ukrainian, the following phenomenon is observed: the soldiers of some of the military units use the existing military organization to weapons in the hands to get home. The local Bolsheviks use these units to fight against the Central Rada. Among the Russian armies stationed in Romania, this process was stopped by General Shcherbachev, who, with the help of the Romanian troops that kept the discipline, disarmed all Russian troops leaving the front, after which the latter were dispersed. The military units of the South-Western Front were also sprayed, but only after the soldiers were convinced that no one would oppose their return home (NN Golovin. The Russian counterrevolution in 1917 — 1918 M., 2011.).

At the same time, the UNR and the Don Government agreed on a joint struggle against the Soviet government, on the union of the south-eastern regions and Ukraine. In particular, the export of grain and coal outside Ukraine and the Don was prohibited, the border of the UPR and Soviet Russia was closed. Donbass was divided into two parts. The western part, bordering the Don region, came under the control of the Don Cossacks, and the eastern part, which was part of the Kharkiv and Yekaterinoslav provinces, - under the authority of the Central Council. Ukrainian government refused to pass through its territory of the revolutionary units, designed to fight the Don, and skipped Cossack echelons.

In the field of domestic policy, the Ukrainian government has strengthened the national-chauvinistic deviation and could not solve the most pressing problems of Little Russia, which pushed the workers of the capital, and the proletariat in other large cities and villagers, and even the part of the bourgeoisie, which began to look for external force, away from it. on which you can rely. In the area of ​​foreign policy of the government, the CR took an ambiguous policy. Not having the strength to fight the Bolsheviks, the Rada did not stop negotiations with the CPC. Simultaneously, the Rada came into contact with the Germans and had a friendly relationship with the French consulate in Kiev, which was the first to recognize the “people's republic”. In December, the Ukrainian delegation began negotiations with Germany.

The Soviet government did not want to aggravate the CR, other problems were enough. Speaking about the position of the Council of People's Commissars in the Ukrainian question, Stalin assured Labor Secretary N. Porsh that the Soviet government did not intend to restrain the full autonomy of Ukraine. When the CR announced the creation of the “Ukrainian Front”, Trotsky, addressing directly to the working people of Ukraine, he declared that “the all-Russian Soviet power would not make any difficulties to Ukraine’s self-determination, whatever form this self-determination would ultimately end up ...”. At the same time, the Soviet authorities did not refuse the support of the Soviets of the Ukrainian workers, soldiers and the poorest peasants "in their struggle against the bourgeois policy of the current leaders of the Central Rada."

November 26 (December 9) SNK delivered an appeal to the entire population "On the fight against the counter-revolutionary uprising of Kaledin, Kornilov, Dutov, supported by the Central Rada." The document noted: “Kaledin on the Don, Dutov in the Urals raised the banner of the uprising ... The Bourgeois Central Rada of the Ukrainian Republic, leading the struggle against the Ukrainian soviets, helps the Kaledinians to force troops to the Don, prevents the Soviet authorities from directing the necessary military forces across the land of the fraternal Ukrainian people to suppress Kaledinsky rebellion ... ". November 27 (December 10) The Soviet government created at the Red Headquarters in Mogilev the Revolutionary Field Headquarters - the operational organ of the leadership of the armed struggle against the counterrevolution. This headquarters was headed by V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko.

In the meantime, the Ukrainian government disarmed Sovietized troops and Red Guard detachments of three factories and workers' suburbs in Kiev. In Odessa, an armed clash took place between the Red Guards, revolutionary sailors and Ukrainian units. The reason was the fact that the CR prohibited the sending of the Red Guard detachment and the sailors to the Don against Kaledin. After that, the Ukrainian authorities and in other cities tried to eliminate the Red Guard. The commander of the 1 Ukrainian Corps (the former 34 Army Corps), General PP Skoropadsky, managed to disarm and disperse the soldiers' masses (parts of the Bolshevized 2 Guards Army Corps), moving from the front to Kiev.

In addition, by order of Petliura and General of the Ukrainian Front, General Shcherbachev, the troops loyal to the Rada seized the headquarters of the Romanian and South-Western fronts, armies, right up to the regiments, arrested members of the Revolutionary Military Committees and Bolshevik commissars, some of them were shot. This was followed by the disarmament by the Romanian troops of those units in which there was a strong influence of the Bolsheviks. Part of the soldiers were thrown into concentration camps and shot. Left without weapons and food, the Russian soldiers were forced to go to Russia in a severe frost. A lot of people died. Romania, on the other hand, embarked on the seizure of Russian Bessarabia (For more details, see: Romanian invasion of Bessarabia; How Romanian executioners exterminated Russian soldiers).

All this forced the Soviet government to submit an ultimatum to the CR from 4 (17) December 1917. The Council of People's Commissars demanded to stop supporting Kaledin, to support the Soviet authorities in suppressing counter-revolutionary actions, to stop the disorganization and disarmament of military units at the front, recognizing Soviet power. Council of People's Commissars said that in the event that a satisfactory answer to the demands was not received within forty-eight hours, he would consider Rada in a state of open war against Soviet power in Russia and Ukraine. The General Secretariat on the same day prepared its response. The Ukrainian government rejected the demands of the CPC and put forward its own conditions: recognition of the UPR; non-interference in its internal affairs and in the affairs of the Ukrainian front, permission for the withdrawal of Ukrainianized units to Ukraine; the division of finances of the former empire; Kyiv’s participation in general peace talks.

The presentation of the ultimatum coincided with the Congress of Soviets of Ukraine in Kiev. The CR was able to “Ukrainize” the congress at the expense of the Ukrainian military and peasant organizations. The Bolsheviks were in the minority among the two and a half thousand people gathered and left the congress. They moved to Kharkov, where the Soviet Ukrainian government was soon formed.

An armed clash between the national-chauvinistic, bourgeois government of the CR and the Soviet regime became inevitable. 6 (19) December 1917, the head commander Krylenko received instructions from the CPC: “We consider the Central Rada’s response insufficient, the war has been declared, responsibility for the fate of the democratic world, which Rada disrupts, falls entirely on the Rada. We propose to move further merciless struggle with Kaledinians. Breaking the progress of the revolutionary troops break steadily. Do not allow the disarmament of the Soviet troops. All free forces must be thrown into the struggle against counter-revolution. ” 6 (19) December SNK formed the Southern Revolutionary Front to combat counter-revolution. V. Antonov-Ovseenko was appointed commander-in-chief of the troops of the front.

8 (21) December to Kharkov - a key railway junction in the direction of the south of Russia - arrived with trains with red detachments under the command of R. F. Sievers and sailor N. A. Khovrin (1600 people with 6 guns and 3 armored cars). From December 11 (24) to 16 (29) December, up to five thousand more soldiers arrived from Petrograd, Moscow, and Tver headed by Commander Antonov-Ovseenko and his deputy, head of staff, former lieutenant colonel of the tsarist army M. A. Muravyov. In addition, there were already several thousand Red Guards and probolshevistically-minded soldiers in Kharkov itself.

11 − 12 (24-25) December in Kharkiv, an alternative to the Kiev 1 th All-Ukrainian Congress of Soviets was held. The congress proclaimed Ukraine the Republic of Soviets, declared “a decisive struggle for the policy of the Central Council of the workers and peasant masses”, established federal ties between Soviet Ukraine and Soviet Russia, elected the Bolshevik Temporary Central Executive Committee of the Soviets of Ukraine. The All-Russian Central Executive Committee of Ukraine assumed full authority in Ukraine and approved the composition of its executive body, the People’s Secretariat. This was the first government of Soviet Ukraine. One of the first decrees of the Ukrainian Soviet government was the decree on the abolition of the ban on the export of bread from Ukraine to Russia, previously announced by the Central Committee. A resolution was also issued on the invalidity in general of all decisions of the General Secretariat. December 19 1917 (January 1 1918) The Council of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR recognized the People’s Secretariat of the UNRSA as the only legitimate government of Ukraine.

Obviously, the these and subsequent events somehow recur in the present. Again the Russian civilization was seized by unrest, the great Russia (USSR) was destroyed. In Kiev, Westerners, Nazis and outright oligarch thieves (bandits) seized power. The main and only ideology of the leadership of Ukraine and ukronatsionalistov ("zapadentsev", neobanderovtsev) became Russophobia and hatred of the whole Soviet. Although it was during the years of Soviet power that Ukraine (Kiev region) was in the most flourishing state in its entire history. Worship before the West (“European integration) and Russophobia are the basis and meaning of the activities of the entire Ukrainian leadership (Kravchuk - Kuchma - Yushchenko - Yanukovich - Poroshenko). In order to somehow unite the people and retain power (and it is necessary to continue the robbery of the people), an image of the enemy was created - “Muscovites”, Russians who again want to drive Ukraine into the “evil empire”.

In the end, this led to the beginning of the civil war in Ukraine in 2014, the separation of part of Donbass. The conflict continues to the present and may be a prerequisite for the complete collapse of today's Ukraine. At the same time, the extinction and degradation of Little Russia - demographic (extinction and flight of the population abroad), scientific, educational, social, economic, transport, etc., occurs. One of the parts of the Russian superethnos and civilization is dying right before our eyes.

The factor of geopolitics (“big game”) is also important. In the USA and Western Europe they do not want to see Ukraine as a full part of the Western world. Only a colony, a supplier of some resources, a sales market, a supplier of cheap and relatively skilled (compared to blacks and Arabs) workers. In addition, rabsila are representatives of the white race, which is necessary to maintain racial balance in Europe, the USA and Canada. Therefore, the remnants of science, education, the military-industrial complex, space, aviation, shipbuilding industry, etc. (created in the USSR) are demolished. Ukraine is also important as a "barrier" and "cannon fodder" for a future war with Russia. On the borders of Russia and Western Europe, a "Ukrainian front" has been created, a center of chaos, which is extremely beneficial for the owners of the United States, who are implementing the strategy of global unrest, plunging a large part of humanity into a state of war. At the same time, people do not even understand that they are already living in conditions of war - conceptual (good and evil), informational, ideological, civilizational, racial-ethnic, economic, etc.
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  2. +14
    28 February 2018 06: 35
    Until 1917 the term “Ukrainian people” was not in any encyclopedia throughout the whole territory of Russia - the Great, Small and White, the Russians lived ... associations consisted of hundreds members of
    Of course, there wasn’t, the anti-Russian project “Ukraine” and “Ukrainian people” were developed and created by the Bolsheviks AFTER 1917.
    Stalin, 1920: "Five years ago they said that the Ukrainian nation DOES NOT EXIST. "The party’s task is to develop it.

    Posted by: "lava of the General Secretariat (Council of Ministers) became a freemason V.K. Vinnichenko. "

    ukronazist, caressed by a bald tourist and invited to conduct Ukrainianization of Russian.
    the president of the CR Mason M. Grushevsky

    The Nazi is kindly received by the Bolsheviks and invited to Russia to create the "Ukrainian people" from the Russians.
    Interim government in Petrograd and the Central Committee in Kiev was that both centers of power did not have real support from either the common people or the army. They were supported only by narrow circles of the intelligentsia and the bourgeoisie

    VP was created precisely by the councils and received complete support of the 1st Congress of Soviets, and it was precisely "he owned the power before the thief in Little Russia" (Savchenko, Ukrainian historian)
    November 7 (20), 1917 of the year the Third Universal was adopted, which proclaimed the creation of the Ukrainian People's Republic (UNR).
    Thus, the Central Council is actually started a civil war

    November 7 was AFTER October 25 (BOP), and it was the BOP that caused the outbreak of civil war. Before the Thief, it was NOT.
    The Bolsheviks recognized the UPR in the Manifesto on January 4, 1918.
    Then it started ....
    and Russophobia - the basis and meaning of the activities of the entire Ukrainian leadership (Kravchuk - Kuchma - Yushchenko - Yanukovych - Poroshenko

    ALL of them are the purest product of the Bolshevik system and the “Ukrainian” people artificially created by the Bolsheviks.
    1. dSK
      28 February 2018 11: 37
      Quote: Samsonov Alexander
      It was during the years of Soviet power that Ukraine (Kiev region) was in the most prosperous state in its entire history. Adoration of the West ("European integration) and Russophobia are the basis and meaning of the activities of the entire Ukrainian leadership (Kravchuk - Kuchma - Yushchenko - Yanukovych - Poroshenko).
      "Then Judaswho betrayed Him, when he saw that He was condemned, and repenting, he returned thirty pieces of silver to the high priests and elders, saying: I have sinned by betraying innocent blood. But they said to him: What is it to us? take a look yourself. And throwing the pieces of silver in the temple, he went out, went and strangled. (Matthew 27: 3-5)
    2. BAI
      28 February 2018 17: 29
      November 7 was AFTER October 25 (BOP), and it was the BOP that caused the outbreak of civil war. Before the Thief, it was NOT.

      Well, how much can you repeat the same nonsense?
      The Extraordinary Investigation Commission of the Provisional Government, which investigated this issue, came to the conclusion that the total number of “victims” in Petrograd was 1656 people of both sexes.
      This figure appeared after studying the statistics of hospitals and hospitals, where it was ordered to take all the wounded, as well as the corpses of the dead.

      Nevertheless, this number is not final: there were judicial executions, the bodies went to the ice-hole, relatives of some of the victims were buried on their own, without going to the morgues. The total number of losses between the end of February and the beginning of March 1917 alone in Petrograd can be estimated at 2000-2200 people, and that with a huge share of error.
      All in all, there were much, much more deaths in Russia - we do not take into account clashes in Moscow, the Volga cities and the Urals, the killing of officers at the front, just random casualties - passers-by, who were hooked by a bullet during city battles.

      The Civil War began, and the culprits of this were not the Bolsheviks, whose leadership had so far sat abroad, and the bourgeois-liberal Provisional Government, which was unable to either prevent or investigate the murders, as well as severely punish the guilty and restore order.

      Killed police officers, March 1917
      The civil war began immediately after the FEBRUARY revolution. The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution absolutely nothing to do with.
      1. +3
        1 March 2018 08: 57
        Quote: BAI
        The civil war began immediately after the FEBRUARY revolution. The Bolsheviks and the October Revolution absolutely nothing to do with.

        The start date of the Civil War is well known: this is the day when the Soviet branch of the post-February government decided to use the armed forces to liquidate the non-Soviet branch of this government with which it had somehow coexisted. Supporters of non-Soviet power, of course, tried to fight back, and a wave of violence swept across the country, and then rolled back from the outskirts, where anti-Bolshevik forces could strengthen, to the center where the Bolsheviks settled. Another significant date to which the beginning of the Civil War can be tied is January 6 (19), 1918, the day the Bolsheviks dispersed the Constituent Assembly. Meanwhile, the anti-Bolshevik movement in the eastern regions of Russia in the summer of 1918 flared up precisely under the slogans of defense of the Constituent Assembly and was originally led by its former members, and by no means by February generals.
        1. BAI
          1 March 2018 09: 10
          The start date of the Civil War is well known:

          As it turned out, she is known poorly. The Bolsheviks did not start, but continued, maybe more politicized.
      2. +4
        1 March 2018 10: 34
        Quote: BAI
        The civil war began immediately after the FEBRUARY revolution.

        What power with what fought, dear?
        And THOUSANDS killed by criminals, also a civil war?
        Petrograd was 1656 people of both sexes.

        In Russia, 40 only INTENTED murders take place every year, is there a civil war too?
        You though their Bolsheviks read who count it with 1918 g
        That c. war began after February - post-Soviet ravings of the surviving Newbolsheviks
  3. +5
    28 February 2018 07: 06
    Not everything is clear.

    In childhood, the book liked Belyaev's "Old Fortress." And there, some teachers Mazepa was in heroes. And now it is no coincidence that his portrait was placed on the hryvnia.

    We have gone far from each other for these 30 years. And now it’s also involved in the blood.
    And, the main question is what kind of “firmware” is in the head of the young generation. And this does not only depend on the family.
  4. +19
    28 February 2018 07: 25
    No one has put so much effort into creating the "Ukrainian people" as the Soviet government. The unprecedented Ukrainization of Donbass and other territories of the 20-30s can only be compared with what the Natsiks are doing now. Even in the 70s and 80s, it was necessary to teach a stupid and useless move in the still-not-become Donetsk Donetsk. And it was from the Communist Party that the entire current independent “Elite” came out.
    1. 0
      17 January 2024 10: 31
      Unprecedented Ukrainization - is this the one that failed? The percentage of Ukrainians was around 75% and remains so. And the population began to speak Russian en masse.
  5. +6
    28 February 2018 07: 54
    So many beeches, but why?
    To paraphrase Churchill, the Russians do not need to prove anything. Bandera can’t prove anything.
    And in general, what was - that the past was overgrown. It's time to live in now and create the future. Now there are 2 states - multinational Russia and multinational Ukraine. In one country, the top live their own way, in another country the top live their own way. And the people in both countries live their own way. Works. Loves. Is drinking. Beats. Survives. Lives! So live yourself slowly. Stop hating!
    1. +2
      28 February 2018 14: 19
      Quote: M0xHaTka
      So many beeches, but why?
      To paraphrase Churchill, the Russians do not need to prove anything. Bandera can’t prove anything.

      the current project "Ukraine" and Ukrainization is a project of modern Zionists of Hasidim, a Chabad-Lubavitcher rabbinate of the followers of Schneerson. the destruction of the Russian people in Ukraine is the task set by the Ziono-fascists to turn the territory of Ukraine into Israel No. 2, and the goal is the resettlement of Hasidim to these fertile lands ...
      The Maidan was organized and funded by Zionofashists.
      All leading posts are captured by them.
      Turchinov (Kogan), Timashenko Yu. (Kapitelman), Parashenko (Valtsman), and even Klitschko of Jewish origin (Ethinzon in mother), as well as the Nazis Tyagnibok - Frotman and Yarosh (A-Rosh - from the Jewish "leader") .
      The Zionists of the world wanted to appropriate Crimea even under Stalin.
      a certain Mikoels wrote a letter to Stalin signed by prominent Zionists with a request "we ask you to give our poor, landless, homeless, bloodless and impoverished people this impassable Krim, which we will turn into candy," to give the Crimean peninsula to Jewish autonomy. Stalin did not let him in, and then Mikoels handed the indicated letter through Stalin’s wife, Jewess Aliluyev. Aliluyeva whispered to the leader in bed about the need to read the letter and help the poor, persecuted people ...
      But Stalin turned out to be a smart and far-sighted man and allocated “poor and ruthless Jews” land in the Far East with the capital Birobedzhan,
      but the "poor and not ruthless" for some reason did not appreciate this gift ...
      and continue to plot on the seizure of Russian lands and the genocide of the indigenous population
      1. +2
        28 February 2018 14: 28
        Quote: Alber
        but the "poor and not ruthless" for some reason did not appreciate this gift ...
        and continue to plot on capture

        All this continued in our time, but thank God Putin turned out to be wise like Stalin, he returned Crimea home in time ...
  6. +8
    28 February 2018 08: 55
    The performance of the author in terms of delivering the product to the fan is even respected. Consumers of Samson’s organics are already pushing at the distribution, especially since today they have a double portion, so to speak, “two in one” - and about the “masters of the West” revelations, and even Ukrainians and Ukraine in the background. Now it's called a "story."
  7. +12
    28 February 2018 09: 05
    The author so angrily denounces the Ukrainian “independents” that he forgets about the people who supported the creation of the UPR, and then the Ukrainian SSR, and later pursued a policy of Ukrainization and transferred to the structure of the Ukrainian SSR the initially Russian lands of the Don Don region. If, according to the author, the agents of the "evil West" were engaged in the creation of Ukraine, then it turns out that the comrades "Lenin" and "Stalin" were also agents of the West?
    1. dSK
      28 February 2018 15: 20
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      Mother (Stalin) - Ekaterina Georgievna - Was a burdened hard-working Puritan woman who often pounded her only surviving child, but was infinitely loyal to him. She was disappointed that her son never became a priest. In 1886, Ekaterina Georgievna wanted to appoint Joseph to study at the Gori Orthodox Theological School, however, since he did not know Russian at all, he failed to enter. In 1886-1888, at the request of his mother, the children of the priest Christopher Charkviani undertook to teach Joseph the Russian language. As a result, in 1888 he entered not the first preparatory class at the school, but immediately in the second preparatory, in September next year, enrolling in the first grade of the school, which he graduated in June 1894 (after six years of training). In September 1894, Joseph passed the entrance exams and was enrolled in the Orthodox Tiflis Theological Seminary. (wikipedia)
      Joseph Vissarionovich, Orthodox, baptized, did not manage to finish the seminary, was preparing to become the priest. The Lord God does not do anything "by chance." "Joseph", according to the Bible, saved his family, which became the Israeli people, from starvation. Joseph Vissarionovich saved Russia from destruction, having cleared of masons for forty years. But this tribe, very cunning and treacherous, continues its dirty deeds.
  8. +4
    28 February 2018 09: 09
    February Freemasons seized power in Petrograd and Kiev, so the Provisional Government and turned a blind eye to the "independent" course of Kiev "brothers"

    what But what about Lazar Moiseevich and the forcible Ukrainization of Little Russia ???
  9. +7
    28 February 2018 09: 51
    great Russia (USSR)

    For this phrase, the author in the thirties after lengthy torture would have been put to the wall as a counter-revolutionary and a great-power chauvinist.
  10. +8
    28 February 2018 10: 24
    Comrade Communists and their fans, explain to me how the Russian cities are impatient. Odessa. Kiev Kharkov and others became Ukrainian?
    Communists are the first destroyers of Russia!
    1. +5
      28 February 2018 11: 28
      You have not indicated Zhmerinka yet.
      1. +6
        28 February 2018 11: 51
        I talked about Russian cities.
        And how did the Polish Romanian Hungarian Zhmerinki appear in Ukraine to me insofar as. Although probably this question should also be addressed to the Communists!
        1. +5
          28 February 2018 12: 28
          Strange, Kiev you have a Russian city, and Zhmerynka is not Russian. All upside down.
          1. +8
            28 February 2018 13: 34
            I have nothing more to do than remember the names of all Zadischenskis
            that in Russia, that in Ukraine, that in Honduras. I asked the Communists: how Ukraine got hold of the lands and at the expense of whom?
            if you are Ukrainian. then tell me how you became a Ukrainian?
            I’ll tell you how a person from our family became a Ukrainian. this is my father’s brother was born under penza; in 20 years I traveled to Zaporozhye. and after some time he became a good Ukrainian-mov, Muscovites. And so on! it was under the USSR. then the connection was lost more
            I agree with the spikelos glad. between the Russian Federation and uraine need a visa. for people with an unadulterated, to put it mildly, embarrassed by their simplicity!
            1. +11
              28 February 2018 13: 47
              As I became a Ukrainian, I need to ask my paternal ancestors who have been living here for about three hundred years with a hook. How they got here from Russia, or maybe also from Muscovy, I don’t know, for the past years. But what from there, exactly, since the surname is one of the most common in Russia.
              And the fact that a person born and raised in Penza, having moved to Zaporozhye, has become a rich Ukrainian, you will tell the grandmother of the daughter of the Crimean officer. Zaporozhye is a Russian-speaking city to this day. There is absolutely no need to switch to the Ukrainian language for a person from Penza. Absolutely. And Penzyuk will never speak on a good move. Etch bikes elsewhere. And learn the story. And then you scatter cities, not knowing history.
              1. +2
                28 February 2018 14: 34
                Maybe after the prescription of years, I confused the Ukrainian regions. (I do not deny I can be mistaken). I remember only my father was amazed and said, "Vitka generally became a crest. He even speaks Russian through his lip."
                From your history of becoming a Ukrainian, you can draw the following conclusions,
                For example, this: for a long, long time in the Kherson province, in the Odessa district of the Russian Empire, the Ivanovs, Smyrnovs, Perths lived and one fine morning they woke up by the Ukrainians in the Ukrainian SSR. all. So maybe Ivanov Petrov Sidorov in Siberia wake up with a nation of northerners!
                Why doesn’t Penzyuk speak on mov, because a guy from Kursk is swinging on mov. and how. What is worse than a pennyuk?
                Communists scattered cities! I repeat once more. I have nothing more to do than remember the names of all Zadrischens! If you are offended by a comparison of Zhmerinka with Zadrischenskoye. try not to be offended in us in Russia there are many. as suddenly their countries is a fact.
                1. +6
                  28 February 2018 15: 26
                  To me, honestly, your attitude towards Zhmerynka is violet. About the language. In order to change the language, you need to change the language environment. Having moved to Zaporozhye, it was impossible to change one, since it was absent in the days of the USSR, and now too.
                  Even in the district center school, where the teaching was in Ukrainian, not one of a dozen of my classmates who moved from different regions of Russia in the ninth grade did not speak Ukrainian for graduation. Yes, no one required it. Everybody understood them. They and textbooks in Russian were allowed to use. They do not speak Ukrainian even now, forty years later. So, surzhik.
                  And I will not comment on the transformation of Ivanovs into Ukrainians at the same time. Baby talk.
                  I found three censuses of the USSR, and no one in the Ukrainians forced anyone to record.
                  1. +1
                    28 February 2018 15: 44
                    You may not believe it. told how it was and what I heard! maybe there was surzhik, the little one was to understand such subtleties. I just know that he has changed!
                    My father-in-law served in Ukraine. the city of Odessa and now applies all sorts of ludyns, I’m measuring, zerbil, praises and others ... I have a friend from Donbass. shocking. the creep talked on surzhik with the addition of all sorts of brakes, pasochok so he is Russian. and there was a friend from Lviv who spoke Russian so he is Ukrainian.
                    About the simultaneous transformation of Ivanovs into Ukrainians, you better not really comment! because you can be a witness to the mass simultaneous transformation of Ukrainians into Poles, Russians, Romanians, Hungarians! And they won’t force anyone in the census!
                    1. +4
                      28 February 2018 17: 42
                      These horrors, about Poles with Romanians and others eager to divide Ukraine, they exist only on TV and on sites such as VO. So no one is distracted by this.
                      1. +1
                        28 February 2018 19: 27
                        Quote: Curious
                        These horrors, about Poles with Romanians and others eager to divide Ukraine, they exist only on TV and on sites such as VO. So no one is distracted by this.

                        They also spoke about Crimea.
              2. +4
                28 February 2018 14: 48
                I suspect that even your great-great-grandfather, and maybe great-grandfather, did not even know that he was “Ukrainian” and lives in Ukraine.
                1. +5
                  28 February 2018 15: 08
                  From your suspicions no one is neither cold nor hot. They have no influence on the course of the historical process.
                  1. +7
                    28 February 2018 15: 54
                    Viktor Nikolaevich, I didn’t read Samsonov yesterday, but it's a pity .. I don’t want to comment on today, but yesterday’s phrase finished off ..
                    Given their connections, it is clear that the "Germans" were deliberately introduced into Peter's environment in order to adjust the course of his reforms in the right direction. etc. about how they corrupted him. Thank God that they didn’t even make a homosexual.laughing I wonder at how the author’s brains work! For some reason, he forgets to mention the streltsy riots that passed through Peter's childhood, the biting of the boyars, the lack of an advanced army and navy (fleet - from the word "completely"). Honestly, anyone who had seen enough of this would begin to change life in the country! laughing but ... it seems, "Germans, German Jews, just Jews, always and everywhere Jews are to blame." laughing drinks I summarize the work of Comrade Samsonov. soldier
                    1. 0
                      28 February 2018 19: 28
                      Quote: Mikado
                      Thank God that they didn’t even make a homosexual

                      Well, as if Peter was a homosexual, or rather he did it there and there.
                      1. +6
                        28 February 2018 20: 17
                        Quotation: blooded man
                        Well, as if Peter was a homosexual, or rather he did it there and there.

                        Is the source of information possible?
                      2. +7
                        28 February 2018 20: 27
                        Well, as if Peter was a homosexual, or rather he did it there and there.

                        Did you personally hold a candle, or did Samsonov sing? wink I join with my esteemed HanTengri hi a source.
              3. +1
                28 February 2018 19: 26
                Quote: Curious
                As I became a Ukrainian, I need to ask my paternal ancestors who have been living here for about three hundred years with a hook. How they got here from Russia, or maybe also from Muscovy, I don’t know, for the past years. But what from there, exactly, since the surname is one of the most common in Russia.

                Your ancestors were never Ukrainians, but how you became a Ukrainian is very easy to answer - Mankurt.
                1. +5
                  28 February 2018 22: 13
                  Well, your rudeness can only cause compassion. Rudeness is a sure sign that a person is in an extreme degree of frustration and unfulfillment. Boorish words are a story of a boor about himself, about his own pain points. The plight of such a cross.
                  1. +1
                    28 February 2018 23: 32
                    Quote: Curious
                    Well, your rudeness can only cause compassion. Rudeness is a sure sign that a person is in an extreme degree of frustration and unfulfillment. Boorish words are a story of a boor about himself, about his own pain points. The plight of such a cross.

                    If you accused me of being rude to your person, then I insist on explaining these words. Otherwise, you will be idle talk.
                    1. +5
                      1 March 2018 00: 52
                      Insist better motherwort, it is possible, somehow for you to improve the situation, including with understanding.
                      1. +2
                        1 March 2018 14: 24
                        You are a pan of ordinary idle talk. Actually mankurts can not be others.
        2. 0
          28 February 2018 14: 23
          Quote: K.A.S.
          And how did the Polish Romanian Hungarian Zhmerinki appear in Ukraine to me insofar as. Although probably this question should also be addressed to the Communists!

          To the commissars!
    2. +10
      28 February 2018 13: 40
      Quote: K.A.S.
      Comrade Communists and their fans, explain to me how the Russian cities are impatient. Odessa. Kiev Kharkov and others became Ukrainian?

      Nothing to say to them! Therefore, they will simply be foolish.
      The most stubborn will tell that the FORCED transformation of the RUSSIAN cities of Novorossia into "Ukrainian" was necessary precisely for the happiness of .... the Russian people. fool
    3. +8
      28 February 2018 18: 13
      Quote: K.A.S.
      Comrade Communists and their fans, explain to me how the Russian cities are impatient. Odessa. Kiev Kharkov and others became Ukrainian?
      Communists are the first destroyers of Russia!

      Somehow I did not join the CPSU at the time, there was laziness.
      But as a Soviet officer, I’ll answer.
      The first destruction of Russia took place when Nikolashka entered the war for the interests of others, with an almost complete absence of the military-industrial complex and a rotten state system. management.
      The result is a liberal revolution and gangrene collapse.
      And only the Bolsheviks who seized power were able to prevent a catastrophe. Then at least partially restored what was lost.
      The second collapse began when the ever-drunk president in the Bialowieza conspiracy began to trick the USSR into collapse.
      And here are the Bolsheviks?
      1. +4
        28 February 2018 18: 40
        Quote: shuravi
        Quote: K.A.S.
        Comrade Communists and their fans, explain to me how the Russian cities are impatient. Odessa. Kiev Kharkov and others became Ukrainian?
        Communists are the first destroyers of Russia!

        Somehow I did not join the CPSU at the time, there was laziness.
        But as a Soviet officer, I’ll answer.
        The first destruction of Russia took place when Nikolashka entered the war for the interests of others, with an almost complete absence of the military-industrial complex and a rotten state system. management.
        The result is a liberal revolution and gangrene collapse.
        And only the Bolsheviks who seized power were able to prevent a catastrophe. Then at least partially restored what was lost.
        The second collapse began when the ever-drunk president in the Bialowieza conspiracy began to trick the USSR into collapse.
        And here are the Bolsheviks?

        It is very bad that the Soviet officer did not read Lenin. I recommend reading his works and letters to friends, maybe you will understand, moreover, the Bolsheviks.
        1. +6
          28 February 2018 19: 26
          Quote: captain

          It is very bad that the Soviet officer did not read Lenin. I recommend reading his works and letters to friends, maybe you will understand, moreover, the Bolsheviks.

          Yes, I’ve just read it, because I immediately see nonsense of people like you.
          And the facts are not in your favor.
  11. BAI
    28 February 2018 10: 35
    that when in 1910 the name of the lodge was discussed

    The box website has a different date.

    The transition to a new organizational structure of Russian Freemasonry took place precisely at such a convention in Moscow in the summer of 1912. At two sessions that lasted a whole day and took place in the apartments of S.A. Balavinsky and F.A.Golovin, there were deputies of all the lodges that existed in 1912 ... N.V. Nekrasov chaired the convention. Two issues were considered: “on the constitution of the Russian Masonic organization” and on its name. On the first issue, a decision was made to create an independent Russian union. It turned out to be more difficult to solve the second question posed: “The overwhelming majority of the convention stood for the name“ Great East of Russia ”; Grushevsky, on the other hand, demanded that the name in no case contain the word "Russia". He took a completely irreconcilable position on this issue, denying in general for Russia as a state unit the right to an integral existence; Vasilenko supported him with a number of reservations. All the others opposed Grushevsky, and the dispute, at times very sharp, lasted two days <...>. In the end, the name “Great East of the Peoples of Russia” was confirmed. The 1912 convention also adopted a decision to develop a charter for the renewed organization. The next convention met in the summer of 1913 in St. Petersburg at VA Stepanov's apartment. This convention, after discussion and introduction of amendments, adopted <...> an updated draft charter of the “Great East of the peoples of Russia”. "

    Thus, the masons brothers Kerensky, Nekrasov, Grushevsky and Co. had already anticipated the collapse of the Russian state and put all their efforts into this by fulfilling the attitudes of the West.

    Thank God that the Jews were not remembered.
    3. And where did the Germans go? They actively participated there:
    French Consul Emile Hainaut (1918):
    “Ukraine has never had its own history and national distinctiveness.
    It was created by the Germans. "
    1. dSK
      28 February 2018 15: 27
      Quote: BAI
      Glory God
      Seminar Stalin thwarted the plans of these corrupt crooks. Before the BOP people called them - "liquid masons".
  12. +10
    28 February 2018 12: 00
    The author’s manic persistence in planting his own ideas is surprising, while these ideas themselves are extremely contradictory and inconsistent. Proclaiming the ideas of the "Russian superethnos", the author approves the policy of the Bolsheviks, whose main idea was internationalism and the world revolution, and in no way the creation of a national state. After the publication of Samsonov’s top-secret and super-influential Masonic lodge, it is safe to publish a list of its members and specific plans for all times, even on the pages of Pioneer Truth. And the “West” appears to be just a block, a monolith, throughout the entire historical period the only purpose of which is the enslavement of the whole world, and the only obstacle to its achievement is heroic we and our ancestors from the “boreal world”. How they are helpless, mocking us - they split and share, sell and buy, introduce how they want and where their agents of influence want. Half, and half, three quarters of all our rulers were agents of the Vatican, London or Washington. Of all the reasons why certain historical events could have happened, the author knows only one thing - the machinations of the West. Climatic changes, the development of production, an increase in the surplus product, a change in socio-economic formations and, in general, the economy, are empty and unnecessary words for him. What for? There is a superethnos, there is a West - what else is needed?
    Primitive, the most primitive primitive ...
    1. +2
      28 February 2018 15: 37
      You forgot the main thing - and Lenin dawned on us the great path! Here, under this slogan, the author will also need the Mongolian - the Tatar yoke will also pull up the Battle of Ice! And what - Alexander Nevsky henchman of Novgorod separatism beat the knights - internationalists! Lenin in 1917, where did he come from ?! That is a historical analogy!)))))))
      1. +4
        28 February 2018 17: 17
        Quote: Oper
        Here, under this slogan, the author will also need the Mongolian - the Tatar yoke will also pull up the Battle of Ice!

        Not just pulled up.
        Imagine a child of 14-15 years who is interested in history. He wants to know what, how and why happened in the past. He goes to the store and buys two books with deferred money. One - Fomenko, Petukhov or another author such as Samsonov, albeit larger in caliber. The second, if you find (and find them difficult) Shaskolsky, Grekov, Froyanov or Kirpichnikov. In the first book, everything is clear: the Russians are the coolest, the rest are either the slag of history or the personification of dark forces. It’s clear and nice, this good one, this bastard. In the second book, the syllable will be more complicated, boring, and not everything is clear - as it is, there is no certainty, everything is "presumably", "probably", and even ours are fenced off from enemies with enviable regularity, not less often than they themselves distribute. And there is no phrase at the end that would unequivocally determine who is good and who is bad. What book will this child buy on his next trip to the store?
        But after six years these children will vote in the presidential election - for whom, for Navalny? It’s easy. It is easy, for simple, because from childhood and adolescence they are accustomed to make simple decisions that are imposed on them, including by authors such as Samsonov.
        Everything is simple with him - black and white, evil and good, west and east. Thinking is not necessary, everything is clear.
        1. +1
          28 February 2018 19: 32
          Quote: Luga
          But after six years these children will vote in the presidential election - for whom, for Navalny?

          Heal urgently. It’s necessary to drag politics here fool
          1. +5
            28 February 2018 21: 52
            You, my dear, have completely lost the shores. I don’t know if you’re such a stupid and rude person in life, like here, if so, I sympathize with your environment, but what you have spun today (as, however, before) is nothing but deep contempt and condescending pity for normal people cannot cause a wretched mind in normal people. I don’t know what advice to give you in return - to be treated, study, or shoot yourself ... of your choice. Both that and another and the third with a careful and thoughtful approach will make you better and more attractive.
            1. +2
              28 February 2018 23: 34
              I am not interested in your attitude to my person. You don’t know what advice to give me, but I already gave it to you. Urgent treatment, urgently.
    2. +1
      1 March 2018 16: 39
      Quote: Luga
      Climatic changes, the development of production, an increase in the surplus product, a change in socio-economic formations and, in general, the economy, are empty and unnecessary words for him.

      I never saw such articles from Samsonov. But there are reasons, and not in the machinations of the West. How competition is only one of the reasons ...
  13. +3
    28 February 2018 12: 41
    To be honest, I didn’t even read the article properly. from the first lines it became clear what will happen next. the author clearly expressed Ukrainophobia laughing
    1. +9
      28 February 2018 13: 18
      Yes, the author has no phobias. The author has a filia. Moreover, of the many branches of the author, the filia pursues money. And he only gets talent for issuing such a product to a fan.
      1. +6
        28 February 2018 14: 01
        It is depressing that, for example, young people after reading Samsonov’s articles can take them for historical ones and understand them as the truth of last resort.
        I have repeatedly said that Samsonov is a science fiction and also suffers from a "conspiracy theory."
        It is strange that he is not visible on REN TV.
        1. +6
          28 February 2018 14: 07
          Every cricket know your hearth. REN-TV does not use the services of such a chantrap. They have their own personnel reserve.
        2. +2
          28 February 2018 19: 36
          Quote: RUSS
          It is depressing that, for example, young people after reading Samsonov’s articles can take them for historical ones and understand them as the truth of last resort.

          Those who are interested in history for truth will not be accepted, and those who are not forgotten about it in a week.
    2. +2
      28 February 2018 19: 34
      Quote: Glum
      To be honest, I didn’t even read the article properly. from the first lines it became clear what will happen next. the author clearly expressed Ukrainophobia

      I didn’t read it either, but there is clearly no phobia here. In fact, there would be no USSR, there were no Ukrainians and Ukraine.
  14. +4
    28 February 2018 15: 28
    Quote: M0xHaTka
    And in general, what was - that the past was overgrown. It's time to live in now and create the future. Now there are 2 states - multinational Russia and multinational Ukraine. In one country, the top live their own way, in another country the top live their own way. And the people in both countries live their own way. Works. Loves. Is drinking. Beats. Survives. Lives! So live yourself slowly. Stop hating!

    )))))))))))))))))) From the series - the father had 3 sons ... In this version, the "wise" author has two fools instead of one!)))) And one smart one! Our humble Belarusian significantly kept silent about him ... And he and the peacemaker still - enough, he says, hate to breed! Did you tell anyone that ?! Or just so everyone in a row illuminates the path?
  15. 0
    28 February 2018 17: 03
    If the author was banned in Google, then there are other search engines. We hammer (Guillaume Boplan) and + map. we look and enlighten.
    1. +2
      28 February 2018 19: 41
      And what will we see there? State of Ukraine? Can you read his biography, where he served, whom he served, what he did?)
    2. +3
      28 February 2018 22: 51
      In the days of Boplan such a concept as "Ukraine" existed, and not even in the singular. There was no state education with that name and there were no Ukrainians
  16. +3
    28 February 2018 18: 37
    Quote: Serg65
    February Freemasons seized power in Petrograd and Kiev, so the Provisional Government and turned a blind eye to the "independent" course of Kiev "brothers"

    what But what about Lazar Moiseevich and the forcible Ukrainization of Little Russia ???

    Netrozh Lazarus-Lenin. He was for the Ukrainian people and did a lot for him. For example, Grushevsky was invited with the Galicians to teach Ukrainian illiterate Little Russians and Russians.
  17. +6
    28 February 2018 20: 47
    The separation of Ukraine from us is the first step towards the collapse of the Russian Federation. To abandon their ancestors is a collapse. For some time, Gazprom and Rosneft will save the situation, but not for long. Already on the site there are people wishing war with Ukraine. We can’t be at war catastrophically. Just a reunion. In any way.
  18. +2
    28 February 2018 21: 55
    Have you even understood what you wrote?
  19. +1
    1 March 2018 01: 56
    The fact that the "Ukrainian people" was created by the Bolsheviks was never hidden. Moreover, the first writers on the mov even boasted that they could enrich the Ukrainian language with new words that never existed ... Well, of course, the Bolsheviks could not do without .. .
    According to contemporaries, an attempt to Ukrainize by the pro-German separatists of the UNR-tse failed - the people make fun of everything Ukrainian, the villagers consider themselves Russian, hate Ukrainians and ask them to join the RSFSR.

    But the Bolsheviks have their own opinion on the national question, as Comrade Stalin said in a speech at the Tenth Congress of the RCP (B.) On March 10, 1921: "... I have a note that we, the Communists, are as if planting Belarusian nationality artificially. This is not true, because there is a Belarusian nation that has its own language that is different from Russian, which is why it is possible to raise the culture of the Belarusian people only in their native language. The same speeches were made about five years ago about Ukraine, about the Ukrainian nation. it was said that the Ukrainian republic and the Ukrainian nation were the invention of the Germans. Meanwhile, it is clear that the Ukrainian nation exists, and the development of its culture is the responsibility of the Communists. You can’t go against history. It is clear that if Russian elements still prevail in Ukrainian cities, then over time, these cities will inevitably be Ukrainianized. "

    And since the development of the culture of the "Ukrainian nation" is the duty of the Communists, then you need to start somewhere, for example, to print textbooks, there is an opportunity - on May 20, 1919 the State Publishing House of the RSFSR was formed, which printed books and brochures in any print runs in existing printing houses.

    But in the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR, suddenly, there were no specialists in the "Ukrainian language", therefore, on May 31, 1921, at a meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee, the question was raised of the purchase of textbooks and primers abroad, after which 500 thousand and then 250 thousand were allocated first. , and then another 250 thousand rubles in gold.
    For comparison, 4 million rubles were allocated for the purchase of 28 million pounds of coal and 1.7 thousand cubic meters of firewood. gold - you can estimate how much it is in modern prices.
    In metal 1 million rubles. gold is about 800 kg at the rate for 1921.
  20. +3
    1 March 2018 10: 09
    Quote: Luga
    Imagine a child of 14-15 years old who is interested in history. He wants to know what, how and why happened in the past. He goes to the store and buys two books with deferred money. One - Fomenko, Petukhov or another author such as Samsonov, albeit larger in caliber. The second, if you find (and find them difficult) Shaskolsky, Grekov, Froyanov or Kirpichnikov.

    Quote: Luga
    But after six years these children will vote in the presidential election - for whom, for Navalny?

    I totally agree with you. But I think if a historical event is ambiguous, children need to be given not one point of view, but as many as have the right to exist. But certainly not in the Samson version. There must be a serious scientific approach to a particular historical event. And of course, serious literature should be available. After all, we have already gone through the 70-year-old “kingdom of justice” on earth and the “prison of peoples” and the fact that the boyar is a derivative of a ram and the “founding by the Swedes” of the Russian state and much more! History is of course an exact science exactly as much as possible in connection with available sources and less often primary sources. No need to turn history into literature, or even into pulp fiction!
    1. +2
      1 March 2018 11: 22
      That is the complexity of the perception of scientific texts, that one event is considered from different points of view, the opinions of other researchers, links to sources are given, it is boring. Easier when everything is clear and primitive.
    2. 0
      5 March 2018 00: 05
      Quote: Oper
      But I think if a historical event is ambiguous, children need to be given not one point of view, but as many as have the right to exist. But certainly not in the Samson version. There must be a serious scientific approach to a particular historical event.

      Aunts need to be taught history from the position of patriotism and the point of view should be the same, and what kind of option this should be decided by the state. This is the only way to educate a citizen who loves his history and country. A serious scientific approach is an institution or schools with a historical bias.
      In general, the same historical event is interpreted by different historians differently depending on personal beliefs.
  21. Urs
    4 March 2018 21: 01
    Great historical opus.
    Wishing the author more links “in the margins” to off documents and real historical reports and references.
    And so it’s all true. At all times, our enemies (mind you, not enemies) were afraid of our vastness and multinationality in unity, and according to this already in those days and even earlier plans were discussed for the collapse of RUSSIA, for turning it into a bunch of disparate principalities.
    So the Ukraine project was born, with the corresponding program of ideological and ethnic processing of the population.
    The goal is to create an allegedly Ukrainian nation that wants to have its own state and separate from RUSSIA, a step towards the fragmentation of the Russian Empire.
  22. -1
    1 July 2018 09: 45
    sausages the author)))) with such comrades as the author and the enemies are not necessary, Russia will always be in the circle of "friends."
  23. 0
    17 January 2024 10: 28
    Before 1917, the term “Ukrainian people” was not in any encyclopedia

    And of course, we didn’t read encyclopedias. Otherwise they would not have written such nonsense.
    Both Ukraine and Ukrainians were on the pages of pre-revolutionary publications.
    For a hint - "Peoples of the Earth"
  24. 0
    17 January 2024 10: 28
    Before 1917, the term “Ukrainian people” was not in any encyclopedia

    And of course, we didn’t read encyclopedias. Otherwise they would not have written such nonsense.
    Both Ukraine and Ukrainians were on the pages of pre-revolutionary publications.
    For a hint - "Peoples of the Earth"