Soviet "Acacia" continue to smash terrorists in Syria

Soviet "Acacia" continue to smash terrorists in Syria

ACS 2S3 "Akatsia", despite its small number, make a worthy contribution to the fight against terrorist groups in Syria. In total, a little more than 50 units were received from the USSR, Lev writes ...
December 19 - Military Counterintelligence Day

December 19 - Military Counterintelligence Day

December 19 is the day of military counterintelligence in Russia. The date was chosen due to the fact that it was on this day in 1918 that a special department appeared in Soviet Russia, which later became part of ...
The second power unit is shut down at Leningrad NPP

The second power unit is shut down at Leningrad NPP

The press service of the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant reports that today (December 18) at 13:50 Moscow time, the second power unit was shut down due to the formation of steam in one of the rooms of the turbine ...