Georgian Legion officially joins Ukrainian army

Georgian Legion officially joins Ukrainian army

Today, the first foreign military unit officially became part of the Ukrainian armed forces. We are talking about the so-called Georgian Legion, which became part of the 25th motorized infantry ...
Military parade in Tallinn

Military parade in Tallinn

Today, Estonia celebrates one of the main national holidays - the anniversary (98th) of the Estonian Republic. On this occasion, a military parade was held in the country, in which, as with pride ...
Media: Russia this year will reduce military spending on 5%

Media: Russia this year will reduce military spending on 5%

The expenses of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in connection with the economic situation will be reduced in 2016 by 5%, the bmpd blog reports with reference to the newspaper Vedomosti ....
Report: Russia ranked second in arms exports

Report: Russia ranked second in arms exports

In 2011-2015 The US and the Russian Federation have maintained their positions as the largest arms sellers, according to a report by the Stockholm Research Institute (IPRI) ....