Aid to Ukraine and consequences for the Bundeswehr

Aid to Ukraine and consequences for the Bundeswehr

Germany is actively helping the Kyiv regime with the supply of weapons, equipment and ammunition. In most cases, such property is taken from units and warehouses of the Bundeswehr, which negatively affects its...
Hezbollah missiles

Hezbollah missiles

One of the largest and most powerful forces in the Middle East is the Lebanese Hezbollah movement. Its military potential is largely determined by the presence of a large number of missile weapons...
India's nuclear arsenal today

India's nuclear arsenal today

India continues to modernize its nuclear weapons arsenal and is rushing to operationalize the nascent triad....
Israel's nuclear potential: rumors and versions

Israel's nuclear potential: rumors and versions

According to various assumptions and estimates, Israel is a nuclear power and has significant reserves of special ammunition. However, officials deny this and talk about...
Military potential of the Hamas movement

Military potential of the Hamas movement

The events of recent days have shown that the Palestinian Hamas movement has serious military potential. It was built under conditions of severe restrictions and constant threats from...
Development of US strategic missile defense

Development of US strategic missile defense

The United States is building and developing a national missile defense system. Right now, the construction of several new facilities is underway, which will have to strengthen the missile defense system in the most important areas....
Polish tank forces in the process of re-equipment

Polish tank forces in the process of re-equipment

Poland has planned and is modernizing its tank fleet. Old Soviet-style equipment is being written off, a number of other machines are being modernized and a large number of foreign ones are being purchased...
Pakistan's nuclear arsenal today

Pakistan's nuclear arsenal today

Pakistan has a full range of nuclear weapons in three categories: strategic, operational and tactical, with full coverage of a large area of ​​India and its outlying areas...
The scale and causes of Ukrainian losses

The scale and causes of Ukrainian losses

Ukrainian formations are suffering heavy losses in manpower, weapons and equipment. The reasons for this are both competent and correct actions of the Russian army, and serious miscalculations of the Ukrainian...
Stable Instability: Nuclear Parity in the Light of NWO

Stable Instability: Nuclear Parity in the Light of NWO

For the first time in decades, nuclear weapons actually work. It does not smash cities to pieces, as the Americans did, but directly influences the course of the Russian special operation on...
US is building a new missile defense site in Europe

US is building a new missile defense site in Europe

The build-up of Poland's anti-missile capabilities is becoming increasingly threatening to Russia's interests. The emergence of a new missile defense positioning area in Europe should be considered exclusively in line with ...
France's nuclear arsenal today

France's nuclear arsenal today

With the exception of the United States, France is the most open of the nuclear powers, having for many years revealed details about its nuclear forces...
US Marine Corps armed with cruise missiles

US Marine Corps armed with cruise missiles

The US Marine Corps has received and is developing long-range missile weapons. The first battery armed with Long Range Fires Launcher coastal missile systems with...