Ukrainian aviation, having suffered very heavy losses in the initial phase of the air strike, still retained about a hundred combat aircraft and approximately the same number of helicopters in service...
Atypical behavior - a source for Newsweek in the USA reported that Ukraine had received F-16 fighters, but a representative of the Ukrainian Air Force command denies this...
The Kiev regime intends to develop the production of unmanned aerial vehicles. Next year he plans to assemble record quantities of such equipment, but the announced plans look unrealistic...
The cold season places special demands and provides new advantages. Proper preparation for winter and the use of its characteristic factors allows the army to increase the efficiency of its work....
With the onset of cold weather, a new threat appeared in the combat zone - rodents. Mice and rats are a nuisance and can also pose a danger to human health and equipment....
Foreign countries are trying to convict the Russian army of receiving foreign weapons. In particular, in recent months the topic of possible deliveries of missile technology from the DPRK has been actively discussed....
The Polish program has drawn up and is implementing a major re-equipment program for artillery units. Its characteristic feature is its critical dependence on foreign designs and developments....
The complete lack of knowledge of basic military training among our youth is no longer surprising. We are reaping the fruits of education reform. Let's try to slightly lift the veil of uncertainty about a technique familiar to everyone...
The French ground forces are among the largest and most developed in Europe. At the same time, measures are being taken for their further development and improvement, aimed mainly at updating the fleet...
It is easy to recognize an Israeli army soldier in the field by his characteristic accessory. Over the past few decades, fighters' helmets have been covered with a cover called mitznefet....
Until the beginning of last year, Ukraine had a fairly large tank fleet. However, later it was subjected to forced demilitarization, which led to a reduction in all quantitative and qualitative...
The Israeli army begins a ground operation in the Gaza Strip. It has various means and systems for fighting on the ground, but at the same time it faces known risks and...
The Israeli army will have to conduct active combat operations in urban areas and underground areas. It is reported that to counter the enemy in such conditions, it will be able to use the so-called. sponge bombs...
The United States has revised its plans for the development of nuclear weapons. In order to quickly rearm combat aviation, it was decided to begin right now the development of a new modification of the B61 bomb....
The Pentagon has published its next annual report on the Chinese armed forces. As always, this work pays special attention to Chinese strategic nuclear forces....
Whether they will achieve their results remains to be seen, but even Western experts are confident that it will not be an easy ride for the Israelis...
The Kiev regime has so far been unable to obtain any weapons or military equipment from Romania. Official Bucharest justified the refusal by the limitations of current legislation and the need...