Despite all the restrictions, Serbia is trying to develop its armed forces. Various measures are being taken, as a result of which the Serbian army turns out to be one of the strongest in its region....
The Pentagon wants to cut costs on ammunition for tactical aircraft. For this purpose, the ETV research program has been launched, the participants of which must work out the optimal design of long-range and...
The enemy decided to play escalation. In response to Russia conducting exercises using tactical nuclear weapons, NATO decided not to lag behind and once again aggravated the situation around...
The situation with the use of toxic substances in Ukraine continues to develop. There are new facts of their use by formations of the Kyiv regime, but its foreign allies prefer not...
About 10 years ago, China began building long concrete runways, piers for ocean-class ships, and deploying anti-aircraft and anti-ship systems on artificial islands...
France is testing the upgraded ASMPA-R cruise missile. After completion of these activities, the updated product will take its place in the nuclear arsenals of the armed forces....
US Navy ships and submarines use guided missiles of various classes and types. These products are not simple and cheap, which is why the ammunition load of one ship can cost hundreds of millions...
The US Air Force has a keen interest in combat lasers and has launched several such programs in recent years. However, the development of new weapons has encountered serious problems, and promising...
The DPRK is armed with a wide range of missile systems of different classes, including strategic systems. In terms of their capabilities, modern Korean missiles are approaching the best...
One of the most active supporters of the Kyiv regime is France, which transferred a lot of different weapons and equipment to it. At the same time, supplies of materiel significantly impacted its combat effectiveness...
In the United States, work begins on a new military budget. Next year the plan is to rein in spending again, which could lead to various difficulties in different directions. In particular, under...
The Pentagon plans to expand and strengthen the Marine Corps. A prominent place in these plans is occupied by measures to modernize and re-equip air defense units....
The German Ministry of Defense is developing a new organizational structure of the Bundeswehr. Through a number of major transformations, it is planned to bring the armed forces in line with the requirements of the time....
On the night of April 14, Iran launched a massive attack on Israeli military targets. This operation used UAVs and missiles of various classes and types, which are in service with the aerospace forces....
The international NATO exercise Sea Shield 24 has started in the Black Sea. Over the course of two weeks, the troops and navies of 12 countries of the Alliance will practice cooperation in solving various types of problems....
In eastern Europe, the likelihood of a major war is growing. Previous posts have discussed Washington's motives and plan. Today we will try to assess the military potential of those countries that...
There are all sorts of rumors about the French contingent in Ukraine. French officials for the most part get off with general phrases. Ukrainian sources represented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs are not so...
Ukrainian forces have American-made UH-60 helicopters at their disposal. The quantity of such equipment remains unknown, and its origin raises questions....
The main task of the current Special Operation is to get rid of the military threat in the Ukrainian direction. One of its solutions could be the creation of a “sanitary zone” of sufficient depth....