The offensive campaign of the Ukrainian army, at least, is stalling. The military-political leadership did not take into account a whole bunch of factors, relying on only one thing - the Russian soldiers would flee at the first fire ...
The enemy will sooner or later go underground. Especially when he is qualitatively inferior to his opponent. The fight against such threats has recently become fashionable among Western armies ...
The Pentagon has an understanding of the fact that in the event of a conflict with China or Russia, it is not worth counting on allies. The main hardships of the war will fall on the shoulders of the United States. But resist...
The US National Guard conducted Exercise Ridge Runner 23-01. As part of this event, representatives of a number of American and foreign structures worked out the solution of various tasks in the conditions of irregular...
Foreign media were waiting for the start of the Ukrainian counter-offensive and made the most daring predictions. However, the plans of the Kyiv regime failed, and now the press has to describe completely different processes...
South Korea is developing its naval forces. Several topical shipbuilding programs are being implemented, as well as new projects are being developed, according to which combat units will be built ...
The Kyiv regime is begging the US for cluster munitions. Official Washington is in no hurry to allocate such assistance, but does not refuse it either. At the same time, disputes continue in the United States about the very possibility ...
Helping the Kyiv regime, the NATO countries have worsened their military potential. In addition, the transferred weapons and equipment do not show themselves well and spoil the reputation of the former owners ....
The international military air exercises Air Defender 23 have started in Europe. More than 250 aircraft from 25 NATO countries are involved in solving combat training tasks, which makes these exercises...
France plans to increase defense spending. Over the next few years, the military budget should grow by a third. In 2024-30 total spending will exceed 400 billion euros....
According to the foreign press, China plans to establish a radio intelligence center in Cuba - or has already opened such a facility. At the same time, Beijing, Havana and official Washington refute such...
Poland ordered FA-50 fighter jets from South Korea last year. The first aircraft under this contract have already been built, and their official presentation took place the other day....
In 2004, Romania joined NATO. After that, a number of new Alliance facilities appeared on the territory of the country and the implementation of international military programs began....
A zoo made of NATO-style equipment has a serious impact on the combat readiness of the Ukrainian army. On the one hand, it significantly enhances, and on the other hand, complicates maintenance and repair....