Saudi Arabia will fight with Iran for oil

Saudi Arabia will fight with Iran for oil

2013 year for Saudi Arabia looked very ambiguous. The endless war in Syria cannot be called a disappointment for the Kingdom - just for the Arabs, this way of waging war to the weariness ...
USA - the main world terrorist

USA - the main world terrorist

Terrorism exists just as much as mankind exists, but American intelligence services have turned it into a threat of an international scale. The starting point can be called the end of 70's, when the CIA ...
How in China are struggling with illegal immigration

How in China are struggling with illegal immigration

The problem of illegal migration in Russia is very serious. The reason for this migration is explained to us as follows: there are not enough hands. Few people in Russia, there are not enough workers, so they have to be imported ....
Washington leads the world to war

Washington leads the world to war

Paul Craig Roberts - former Assistant Economic Policy Assistant to the US Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, the father of Reaganomics, and now one of the most serious critics of the actions of administrations ...
Information wars: stamps of anti-Russian propaganda

Information wars: stamps of anti-Russian propaganda

The 20th century was the most brutal century in the whole history of mankind in terms of the number of irretrievable victims. Only two world wars took tens of millions of lives at once and warped a lot more destinies into ...
Terrorism can only be defeated by Soviet methods.

Terrorism can only be defeated by Soviet methods.

Today, many countries of the world are in search of effective ways to solve the problem of terrorism. However, terrorism is far from the first place in the list of the main threats to humanity. About threats...
Deck drones with missiles - new in tactics of wars

Deck drones with missiles - new in tactics of wars

Behind the US desire to make deck drones larger and heavier, there is a transformation of tactics of future combat operations. Having a significant superiority in the organization of the military ...
Stratfor: 2014 year will be critical for Russia

Stratfor: 2014 year will be critical for Russia

In the forecast of the American non-state analytical center Stratfor, Russia appears to be a global power, seeking to retain the old and build new positions in the world, flexible in ...
Holiday civilized media: "Finally, someone blew Russian"

Holiday civilized media: "Finally, someone blew Russian"

On New Year's Eve, the world press, with alarming enthusiasm, undertook to count Russia's achievements. Why is it - it is clear. There was an opportunity to put a large black spot over the succession of success ....