Sharia patrols are already on the Volga. Urgently need a mode of "counter-ideological operation"

Sharia patrols are already on the Volga. Urgently need a mode of "counter-ideological operation"In early January, clashes occurred in Tatarstan between participants in the Sharia patrol and activists of the Russian Runs movement. The former hunted for the tipsy citizens in order to incline them to the “true faith”, while the latter hunted down the former in order to prevent unauthorized preaching. Who won, where did the Sharia patrols on the Volga come from and what to do with it - we analyze below.

In the regional center Bazarny Mataki of the Republic of Tatarstan on holidays there was a clash between the adherents of Wahhabism and their opponents. Participants so-called “Sharia patrol” at night was tied to a drunken citizen in order to teach him a drink for drinking and add to “true Islam”. For the happiness of a citizen, the members of the movement “Russian jogs for a healthy lifestyle”, who were patrolling, were nearby. As a result, the novice Islamists were beaten and retired, and news all relevant online communities have covered it. And if in the camp of the so-called. "Russian nationalists" celebrated the defeat of the enemy (we note, ungroundedly wriggling against the winners - see below), then among the so-called. "Tatar nationalists" and Internet Wahhabis complained about the arbitrariness of the "Russian fascists" and the oppression of Muslims.

However, after checking the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan refuted information about the conflict, and this, in turn, is in itself a reason for reflection, but about everything in order.

Firstly, the fact of the presence of “Sharia patrols” in the center of Russia, unfortunately, is not surprising, but annoying. And although they prefer not to notice them at the official level, local residents and public organizations confirm the fact of their existence. Such cells have been operating in the republic since 2010, and they are structural subdivisions of the Wahhabi At-Takfir va al-Hijra - a banned, among other things, extremist organization in Russia. Its participants search for drunken people on the streets and “punish” for sin, preach in crowded places, raise funds to help the “brothers in Syria” and urge not to celebrate the “New Year of Käfer” and other divine holidays. Previously, these activists tried to guide the priest of the local Orthodox parish to the “true path”, but they could not, for which they tried to burn his house.

The police, I'm sorry, the police cannot do anything with them, as they are experiencing the results of the “Medvedev reform”, which resulted in a drastic reduction of staff. And those that remained, apparently, are not very eager to quarrel with the Islamists who have gained strength.

Secondly, one would think that we are dealing with another ethnic conflict, but this is not so. The participants of the “Russian jogs” are the ethnically predominantly Tatars and Chuvashs. In this case, they are fighting against the alien Islam of the Arab bottling and act as the most natural conservatives.

Thirdly, the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not find evidence of what happened is also not surprising. Most likely, no statements from the victims have been reported. But the main thing is that the recognition of what happened means the immediate resignation of the head of the district, and possibly the local leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Recall that under the new law local authorities are responsible for the state of interethnic and interfaith relations in the localities. Of course, nobody wants to be substituted.

Fourth, the specific events in Tatarstan began to go too tight. The news about a series of arson attacks on churches, about shelling by home-made “Kassams” of state facilities, about the participation of Tatarstan youth in the Syrian war, just like the Sharia patrols, just died down.

And this is perhaps the main thing. After the loud murder by Islamists of Valliuli Yakupov and the subsequent cleansing of the gangster underground on the eve of the Universiade in Kazan, it seemed that the republic would breathe freely. But the lull did not last long.

It is said that after information about Sharia patrols was leaked to the press at the end of 2013, top officials from Kazan descended on Bazaar Mataki and demanded from local authorities "to strengthen educational work with young people by introducing healthy lifestyle and sports." Good, good offer, it is a pity that it was late for a couple of decades. Today, the propagandists of a “healthy lifestyle and sport” are the Wahhabis themselves, using these terms to oppose the usual way of life of the Tatarstan heartland, from which one way or another dreams of escaping youth. It is proposed to break out in the direction of "jihad" against "infidels, leading swinish life and oppressing true Muslims."

We, in general, have talked about this and are talking all the time, but the radicals in Tatarstan will no longer be known by force. Such methods would be appropriate at the stage of their formation, but today they are already too firmly settled in the republic, and any pressure on them only strengthens the image of martyrs for their faith in the eyes of neophytes.

Here I want to convey ardent greetings to our beloved federal agency Rosmolodezh. For some reason, it does not appear in such news, and the streets are protected from Wahhabis by amateur organizations, while “Rosmolovtsy” prefer to sit at “round tables” and lament about the insufficiency of budget financing.

In order not to justify the gloomy predictions about the emergence of a "second Dagestan on the Volga", we must act urgently. To do this, one should admit to himself that Islamist organizations broke away from the sluggish state ten steps ahead and continue to increase the lead, while the state has not yet decided which direction to run. And it is necessary to run in the direction of the introduction of the regime of “counter-operational operation”. And it would be better on the scale of the whole country, and not a separate republic.

Let there be no such term yet, and there is no one to carry it out, except for the people's militia, but there is a need for it. There is quite a bit of time for organizing a massive ideological response. At least, the overwhelming majority of the people of Tatarstan do not share the ideology of Wahhabism, but we know how quickly public opinion changes with a competent and systemic effect on it - and the absence of a distinct and decisive opposition. Need to hurry.
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  1. +78
    14 January 2014 10: 47
    One of the main reasons for the growth of nationalism I consider the very fact of the existence of national entities - republics and the FULL impotence of the federal center in relation to these quasi-entities (lack of youth, national, migration policy)!
    We need to start small - stop indulging the Caucasus and national entities on the territory of central Russia, ask them toughly, ask for EVERYTHING. To begin at least to say - what actually terrorists are - they are not Buddhists, not Hare Krishnas, not Christians, nor anyone else. These are representatives of the Caucasus and Islam (Chechen, Dagestan, Ingush, Ka
    Bardin, Tatar, Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Kazakh Muslims are terrorists). Stop playing tolerance - the policy of ZERO TOLERANCE will not be superfluous! It is necessary to stop currying favor with the diasporas - from the same Mr. Solovyov on the program - when the head of the diaspora was asked for the guys who shouted ala baba and shot at people - he answered something absurd like "well, boys got excited."
    Do you want to live according to Sharia, PSHEL WON from Russia. Go to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and we have a secular state and religion outside the state!
    1. +59
      14 January 2014 15: 30
      Quote: makst83
      We need to start small - stop indulging the Caucasus and national formations in central Russia,

      I agree. And first of all, in my opinion, you need to destroy the apple of discord - administrative borders within the Russian Federation. No republics or autonomous regions. And accordingly, no presidents of the republics, ordinary regions with ordinary governors. And it is not a matter of infringing on national minorities. Germany and France are also not nationally homogeneous, and there is no Comanche republic in the United States. It is necessary to exclude the very possibility of exclusion of territories. hi
      1. waisson
        14 January 2014 18: 14
        it is necessary to level all select privileges and make someone work
        1. -1
          14 January 2014 19: 22
          Quote: makst83
          Chechen, Dagestan, Ingush, Ka
          Bardinian, Tatar, Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Kazakh Muslims are terrorists

          You haven’t gone too far, comrade? You yourself urge you to call a spade a spade and immediately fall into complete heresy. There are Muslims, but there are people who have some kind of their own, very strange religion which partially, once again PARTially based on Islam. About the same as Jehovah's Witnesses and Orthodoxy. And you are here all, without exception, in the radicals.

          Quote: makst83
          we have a secular state and religion outside the state!

          A strange understanding of secularism, so what, and FAITH and Fatherland in Russia are two unifying ideas of the Russian people. And the fact that you place your religious views above current legislation is absolutely right in that. By the way, in Islam it is separately said about this.
          1. 120352
            14 January 2014 20: 13
            Kindly please name the suras and verses! And I know the Qur'an by heart (such a work, I’m not a Muslim), but I didn’t find what you write about there. Just the exact opposite. As you know, in a number of Islamic states, for example, Saudi Arabia, it is the Quran = Constitution. And no legislation other than the so-called faith. And the court there is exclusively SHARIAT. So, read this satanic book, it will be useful, and then compare where in Islamic countries law is and where Islam is. Islam is always above all law. Although there is no right there at all. This is their state religion and state ideology.
            1. -9
              14 January 2014 21: 10
              Quote: 120352
              but what you write about there did not find

              You can look at Turkey and understand everything. As for the Sharia law, they apply only in countries where all 100% are Muslims, and not somehow there selectively. You can read or even ask a question on the site
              1. 120352
                15 January 2014 00: 59
                You are partly right. In some Islamic countries, being non-Muslim means being sentenced. But Turkey, since the time of Gamal Atta Türk (the father of all Turks, if translated into Russian), has taken a course towards Europeanization. Knowing Turkey, you certainly know about the Hat Revolution. So it is called in all documents. The bottom line was the rejection of Islamic orders, including the wearing of fez, harems and the introduction of European rules for life and wearing European costumes. You also know that since then (I am slightly exaggerating here) Turkey has been on the waiting list to join the EU. But it should be noted that all of these changes were mostly external. As Carl Gustav Jung teaches, there is a collective unconscious, in which the entire centuries-old (or many-millennia, for whom as) experience of social existence is deposited.
                Now this collective unconscious, based on almost 1300 years of Islam, thanks to Prime Minister Recep Erdogan, is breaking through. Women in the once forbidden hijabs are beginning to appear on the streets again, it is forbidden for young men and women to walk down the street, holding hands and, God forbid, kissing! For this, you can get serious trouble. You can continue the list of what was forbidden and what is now being used again. Social, and especially religious-ethnic life develops, naturally, in a spiral (as, indeed, everything that develops). But it is easier for us to see this spiral as a projection onto a plane, i.e. in the form of vibrations. Where is the current wobble heading. I think you are clear. Towards Islamization with all the consequences and ethnicization. Naturally, having reached a certain point, Turkey will begin to experience serious problems both in international relations and in the economy. This will begin, however, barely noticeable, when bans are introduced on the walking of foreign women in the clothes of their culture. They will come less often. And the Turkish market, its economy is, excuse me, still a bazaar. Further more. Since today Turkey stands further from the goal of joining the EU than to Erdogan and in the future this distance will only increase (thanks to the efforts of the prime minister), Erdogan's "love" for Europe will gradually give way to hatred. Europeanization will be replaced by tough Islamization. This is, excuse me, dialectics. And some experience of human history.
                That is precisely why you are only partially correct. Social, religious and ethnic life is an ongoing process. What was true yesterday may be false today. And vice versa.
      2. +22
        14 January 2014 18: 14
        Exactly. And then we are blowing in our ears about the supranational forming Russian ... nation? I’m already confused what to call it, can people? At the same time, they forget to say what the role of the Slavs is in this mess, they urge to give birth and to cultivate - again, whom to give birth to and from whom to whom (based on what culture) to cultivate.

        And against the background of all this, the border is within the "indivisible". And not just borders, not only territorially, but sometimes also ideologically, with an indication of the priority of certain nations, is legalized.

        One country, one border, one legislation, one state-forming people, equal rights and obligations. And without any multi stumps.
        1. +1
          14 January 2014 18: 36
          "We, in general, talked about this and are talking about it constantly, but the radicals in Tatarstan will not be ruined by force methods. Such methods would be appropriate at the stage of their formation."

          they also expected that in the most favored nation mode, they went through the formation stage.
          but nothing now I’ll express a phrase popular with lovers of moon-faced faces: after the Olympics, he will soak them in the toilet, well, or put him in prison.
          the main thing is that after the Olympics. down to her.
          close your eyes and there are no Wahhabis, there are no Sharia patrols. but after the Olympics, they will open Viya, poo moon-faced, eyes, and all of them kirdyk immediately from horror will come
        2. 120352
          14 January 2014 20: 40
          I recommend starting with a primer, and then read historical texts, but not textbooks, but monographs and documents, you see, something will clear up. I would especially recommend not Müller, Bayer and Schlozar with their Nordic theory, but Lomonosov M.V., Tatishchev and other historians who considered themselves, unlike you, Russian. And what does "To be Russian" mean for them did not raise a question. Let me remind you that you may have heard when father V.I. Dahl, author of Zhivago of the Great Russian Language, once said to his children: "You are happy that you were born in Russia, so be Russian." In fact, it is more correct to speak not about the Russian ethnos, but about the Russian civilization (it will be interesting - you will find on the Internet both the concept of civilization and the concept of Russian civilization, just look in serious sources). It was the desire to become a part of this civilization that the adoption of Orthodoxy and Russianness by Kara-Murza, known today as the great Russian historian, publicist, playwright Karamzin, became. The same Boris Godunov (have you heard of this?) Was once a Tatar, but then converted to Orthodoxy and became Russian. And even for some time he "performed the duties of the Russian tsar." The Scandinavian Vitus Bering and thousands and thousands of people also considered himself Russian. It is precisely in this that the superiority of civilization over an ethnos or nation (the concept of "nationality" has no scientific status).
          Where did this word come from, RUSSIAN? It's simple. On the southern shore of Lake Ilmen at the confluence of the Polist and Porusya rivers, where a salt mine was located, there was the city of Russa. (Now it is called Staraya Rusa) Thanks to his craft, he flourished. The people who cooked salt were called VARIANS and they did it by putting MITTLES on their hands. When the inhabitants of this city were in other places, they were asked a natural question: "Whose are you, will you be shy?" They naturally answered: "Yes, we are Russians." This is to the question "Where did it come from". A little later, the city of Novgorod appeared in the North of Ilmen-lake, which became one of the first Russian capitals. It was from Novgorod that the Russians came to more southern places and founded Kiev there. The Russians, initially it was the SLOVEN tribe, over time also other Slavic tribes and representatives of small tribes and clans joined in. Hence the polyethnicity of our civilization, which is united by the R1a1 haplogroup, which is its genetic center and carriers of other haplogroups.
          I think something should be clarified for you, of course, if you were ready to perceive the information, and not from the first letter were aimed at its denial. In general, to be literate is useful. It’s more difficult to confuse a competent person. Learn. You look, something will turn out.
          1. -2
            15 January 2014 12: 52
            Varangians in mittens - this is strong))
            But, as they say, every theory deserves the right to exist)
            I am personally a supporter of the theory that the word "Varyag" meant the same thing as "Viking", only among the Baltic Slavs. Well, the mittens, apparently, originated from the combat mittens that the Varangians carried.
            And in fact, the Rus came from the Baltic (Fr. Rugen), first to the Novgorod lands, and then to Kiev and others.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. +7
        14 January 2014 22: 00
        I have been ill with this idea for at least twelve years. Republics definitely need to be eliminated. National identity itself is not destroyed, please: language, culture, school, religion, local self-government of settlements, well, etc. The country is divided into 7 districts, territories, regions, the name is not the essence, according to the territorial and economic principle. They will say too little, normally, they manage not the territories, but the people living on it. Only the central district will turn out to be the most numerous, and even then because of Moscow. Transfer the capital to us - there will be a redistribution of the population, though then Muscovites will not see 3 ring roads. How is the idea? Just do not say that this is one of the ways of the collapse of Russia, I thought about that. The current management organization may also lead to collapse. And so a more even distribution of material, human and natural resources. In principle, donor and outcast regions disappear. The region takes care of itself, and the appetites of Moscow can be substantially pressed.
    2. A.YARY
      14 January 2014 19: 06
      : Maxim Timofeev good afternoon
      Everything is basically true. Another interesting fact is that the word "diaspora" logistically refers to citizens another state and not "republics as part of something."
      The question is what just like the USSR, so does Russia have an "Achilles heel" at the federal structure.
      The absence of the Russian national government , in the presence of both territory and people.
      But! Once like that the government will appear that will arise legal incident to the possible renaming of the federation into a union!
      And then look at the USSR!
      And here you are rightonly erasing the national republic will allow the formation of the Russian National Government, as a single and only center of power.
      Equalization is right because it is true.
      1. 120352
        14 January 2014 20: 48
        I fully support your logic! Since the diasporas have appeared, the states that they represent should also appear. And at once all the diasporas go home!
    3. Christian
      14 January 2014 19: 25
      The Russian people should know more about the peace-loving religion of Islam - for example, that its prophet Mohammed PERSONALLY cut his throat according to various sources from 600-900 people (the Qur'an) - disbelievers should either be destroyed or enslaved, conquer countries and forcefully spread Islam there, and so on. .d. etc. Conclusions do you ...
      1. 120352
        14 January 2014 21: 43
        He's also a sonicide. He killed his son when he desired his wife. Who does not believe, read the Quran. We have commandments for this case: "Thou shalt not covet the wife of thy neighbor" and "Thou shalt not kill."
        And besides, he's a pedophile. His youngest wife was 6 years old when he married her. We do not need commandments for an adequate assessment of this. There is a criminal code. And if that, then the people themselves will figure it out. He did not understand. The prophet is allowed any sin. Here he is righteous.
    4. +1
      14 January 2014 19: 25
      Almost everything is correct, except for one, please answer, as a man to a peasant, in case of unrest you go to fight and kill fellow citizens for an idea? I think not, and most will not do it.
      Putin might have introduced provinces, and on whom to rely? On young soldiers?
      No offense, I just read the comments ... I wondered. And with whom to fight next to what? ... It's not just for you, it's for everyone. How many of us are ready to go beyond the idea of ​​Russia? ... I think a little.
      1. A.YARY
        14 January 2014 19: 38
        Oleg Good afternoon
        I have grandchildren and I want their life and the life of their children to be calm and confident as mine once was. I put my "three kopecks" into the safety of the Motherland. I spent myself a lot, but if it happens in my life, I'll go. I won't, but I'll go myself. This is my duty to them, because in the 90s I fucked up the country.
        1. Pinochet000
          14 January 2014 21: 06
          In Kazan, 4 Russians cut 16 Caucasians. Tozheroziyans shocked

          the link is a video. Quote:
          Persian campaign of Colonel Karyagin, 500 Russians against 40 Persians, a modern remake in its purest form. According to the results of the clash between 000 Caucasians and 16 Russians, two Tozhero-Russians left to rest in the hospital, the remaining 4 - you just do not laugh - wrote a statement to the police. So they say, and so, we walked in a peaceful crowd of 14 people, and then 16 Russian kaaaak ran up, but kaaak started to offend us! We ask you to take measures and remove the Russians from the streets, because even as a sixteen we, proud dzhigits, are not safe.
          1. +1
            15 January 2014 13: 33
            I’ll spread the link to all my friends I know. on the central channels, news portals zero, and you look, THE PEOPLE HAVE FORCE !!!!!!!!!
        2. optimist
          14 January 2014 21: 20
          Quote: A.YARY
          It is my duty to them, for the fact that in the 90s prosral country.

          Gold words! Under them, I hope, any honest person who loves his country will subscribe. I was 91 in the 22st, but I also consider myself personally guilty of a cry for the 3rd World War. Unfortunately, it seems that the civil cannot be avoided anymore: it is necessary to pay for a series of betrayals and robberies within a quarter of a century. It will be terrible if the civil is superimposed and the external ...
          1. Pinochet000
            14 January 2014 21: 39
            Quote: optimist
            Under them, I hope, will sign any honest person who loves his country

            I don’t want to repent to anyone, and I didn’t crap anything .... but I’ll go to fight without thinking for the Motherland, for my people, for my children ... and who’s in power at the moment.
      2. Christian
        14 January 2014 20: 19
        Let's go out - many! But for the idea of ​​Orthodox Russia, and not for Putin's cockerel!
      3. 120352
        14 January 2014 20: 51
        Fellow citizens - they are different after all. Some from Ivanov, others from the Caucasus ...
    5. polkownik1
      14 January 2014 21: 35
      It's like that. What is interesting, if not strange: on the street the word "nationality" cannot be pronounced in relation to a particular citizen, the case will be sewn up. And the state is built on a national basis! And even with borders. And even with national presidents. And with patrols too, as it turns out ... An inexplicable mess!
    6. c3r
      15 January 2014 13: 49
      So you have to start asking, who will be the police (by the way in central Russia all of them are not Caucasians), who cannot even help themselves in the Central Federal District when PPSnikov piled on opera and everything is fine, by the way, try to do opera in the Caucasus, policemen will tear like a hot-water bottle. So we can start asking the authorities (also by the way, for the most part Russians) for their work, or rather its absence (in the same Volgograd and Astrakhan what roads are, and the rich cities are also probably to blame for the Caucasians) and stop pumping the national theme, to vkaze way too Russian live, leave in Chechnya 90 - x, or both?
    7. +2
      15 January 2014 14: 45
      There should be some regions or provinces and all the brains enough to soar the Russian people, hid their heads in the sand like ostriches and some progress, both in the economy and in other areas. Some kind of stupidity doesn’t mean anything, some talk about modernization and innovation, talkers from authorities.
  2. +17
    14 January 2014 18: 13
    Yes, the Bolsheviks planted a serious mine on the descendants, creating the national republics - the limitrophes. "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others." Unfortunately, our authorities can only fight against smoking and homosexuals; there isn’t enough more determination. You can relate to Zhirinovsky as you wish, but his proposal to return to the provinces of 15 years ago will make it possible to eliminate this inequality. Only the population, can also be a territory, as criteria for manageability, should be a criterion of territorial division, but not nationality, the latter leads to the situation described in the article.
    1. +6
      14 January 2014 18: 26
      The Bolsheviks, one way or another, coped with the lack of alignment in the ranks. Some with a kind word, some with a link. And the citizens also felt like residents of an empire, not a national republic. One way or another, symptoms of Russia's spreading into dubious ethnic groups begin to appear. If even Iran, the Saudis and Obama hurry up and arrange another oil collapse for our economy, then I'm afraid in a couple of decades we will discuss the "Perumov Court" and the Drevlyano-Polyansky patrol.
  3. +12
    14 January 2014 18: 13
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Quote: makst83
    We need to start small - stop indulging the Caucasus and national formations in central Russia,

    I agree. And first of all, in my opinion, you need to destroy the apple of discord - administrative borders within the Russian Federation. No republics or autonomous regions. And accordingly, no presidents of the republics, ordinary regions with ordinary governors. And it is not a matter of infringing on national minorities. Germany and France are also not nationally homogeneous, and there is no Comanche republic in the United States. It is necessary to exclude the very possibility of exclusion of territories. hi

    The following words were attributed to the deceased, very honored general:
    Question: How do you feel about administrative division in the province?
    Answer: No provinces, only military districts, Baltic, Belarusian, Transcaucasian ....
    1. +13
      14 January 2014 18: 33
      Quote: 787nkx
      : No provinces, only military districts, Baltic, Belorussian, Transcaucasian ....

      Apparently to this also goes.
      The authorities are afraid of the Russians and rely on national minorities in the hope that national minorities (mainly from the North Caucasus) will protect the government from the Russians. Or while the Russians will deal with national minorities, the representatives of the glorious God-chosen people and the powerful comprador elite serving their interests will have time to pull away their grabbed legs and carry away their legs.
  4. +16
    14 January 2014 18: 16
    But are Islamists and Wahhabis not fascists? They stick to people on the street, hold forced conversations, condemn other people's customs ... We have the same freedom of conscience ... Or is it already such a time that you can touch someone’s conscience, but you can’t? What are the rights of the Sharia patrol? And the government tolerates that illegal groups establish order in the streets? What kind of power is this that cannot stop the greyhound and the substitution of its functions?
    1. 0
      14 January 2014 19: 22
      dear, don’t bear it ... why are you blaming the authorities ... as you know, only action gives rise to opposition (physics)
      1. 120352
        15 January 2014 01: 16
        And you, of course, are Auguste Comte, who tried to explain social processes by physical laws. Nothing happened! Entities are different! If you are so attracted to inter-scientific relations, try, say, to explain quantum physics by the laws of the development of a biofield.
  5. +11
    14 January 2014 18: 24
    Che bred the nurses again ??
    cancel presidents, but canceled a long time ago.
    Well, it will not be the Republic of Chechnya, but the province of Chechnya and what will change ?? This is a series of police call the police. We must start from Moscow, the Kremlin they appoint the local.
    Ask the diasporas, say ?? YOU, what should I explain to you 150 times, what is the diaspora, who are their leaders and their zero influence on ordinary citizens ???
    It is necessary to fight with the cause, and not with the consequence !!!!

    And by the way, for the subsequent comments, we’ll wrap it in pork skins, explain the BILLION TIME the way the pogrebenich doesn’t affect getting to heaven and hell at all, so don’t talk in vain, except for the Wahhabi’s smile.
    1. +5
      14 January 2014 22: 17
      Don't understand or pretend? It is about provinces by population. And what is Chechnya (1,3 million) by this criterion compared, for example, with the Moscow (7 million) region? This is arithmetic, not algebra.

      As soon as they have a Russian boss, everything will calm down right away. It is only desirable that this be a person of a non-God-chosen nation.
    2. +2
      14 January 2014 22: 31
      to achieve something, "cure the disease" is necessary -

      Quote: Yeraz
      It is necessary to fight with the cause, and not with the consequence !!!!
  6. +4
    14 January 2014 18: 35
    EBN, to put it mildly, "played naughty" with sovereignty, and before him the Bolsheviks planted a time bomb in the form of republics, so now it is generally difficult to imagine the process of liquidation of national formations.
  7. ed65b
    14 January 2014 18: 38
    There are the usual methods of power and prevention, why bother with the words that you don’t uproot, believe, you can uproot for 24, and then prevention and tight control. and there will be no Wahhabism and yet, the entire Tatar elite will be baptized, and who is against yay ... and Lubyanka, well, that’s the way.
  8. +7
    14 January 2014 18: 38
    And you need to run in the direction of introducing the regime of "counter-ideological surgery." And it would be better on a national scale, rather than a separate republic.

    And you need to do it en masse ..! Lay out lists of sites where anti-Russian propaganda is going on ... and so on. I think many here would register there and talk with "pleasure" .. bully I fought alone on some at first .. (sort of closed and somewhere banned forever ..))) I lick my wounds on this site and get peace of mind .. good What I have not read and seen enough .. (Thank God, my nerves are strong so far ..))
    1. not good
      14 January 2014 18: 58
      Before starting the regime of the "counter-ideological operation" it would be nice to decide what kind of ideology the state can oppose. After all, according to the constitution, we have no state ideology. In the USSR, with all its shortcomings, ideology was responsible, in extreme cases, the KGB could not only threaten with a finger, but also help to realize. And the FSB is not yet so similar.
    2. +6
      14 January 2014 19: 03
      Quote: MIKHAN
      And you need to do this massively ..! Spread lists of sites where there is anti-Russian propaganda .. etc.

      Vitaly, here on the website Voennoye Obozreniye on the forum, too, many conducted anti-Russian propaganda. Is it possible to divide the country into friends and foes, the shouts "let's drive the Caucasus out of Russia" and numerous assenting to such calls are not anti-Russian propaganda? To be honest, some of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on several articles shines.
      1. 120352
        14 January 2014 21: 06
        Alone! That's what you do not shine, so this is loneliness. Go to your Caucasus, you will become a field commander. Or are you already?
        Now about "friends and foes". Since you are such an "internationalist", take a dozen or two locusts into your house, and then think about this topic. Previously, there were such insects, cockroaches were called. Do you remember maybe? They sometimes shared an apartment with me. But I did not consider them mine, but poisoned them. And this habit of sweeping garbage out of the house is well preserved for me! Like a reflex. And this reflex in me has become very aggravated lately ...
        1. +8
          14 January 2014 22: 56
          Quote: 120352
          Alone! That's what you do not shine, so this is loneliness. Go to your Caucasus, you will become a field commander. Or are you already?

          Dear You, Our 120352! Sorry, I don’t know the name. I’m sitting at home for the time being and I’m not going anywhere, especially to Russia. I have already won my own, if I have to, only for my state.
          Unlike your griefs, from your mind, we don’t allow locusts to reach us for 100 km, and a bearded riffraff can not even utter a word, srau sends to great-grandfathers.
          about exacerbation there is such a drug called dibinazole, take and calm down.

          PS And what is shining for me, and what is not, I decide for myself)) hi
        2. -2
          15 January 2014 08: 05
          in the order of delirium: "Have you tried to refer yourself to cockroaches?"
  9. DZ_98_B
    14 January 2014 18: 49
    PLEASE FORGIVE ME. BUT ISLAM IS A VERY RIGID RELIGION. AND THE ROOTS OF ALL THIS Wahhabism and other ISMs are in Islam ... Islam must be ........
    1. +8
      14 January 2014 19: 05
      Quote: DZ_98_B
      PLEASE FORGIVE ME. BUT ISLAM IS A VERY RIGID RELIGION. AND THE ROOTS OF ALL THIS Wahhabism and other ISMs are in Islam ... Islam must be ........

      and write thoughts openly and clearly weakly? Wahhabis are not related to Islam. This is the party of Satan. It is this party that must be destroyed. Not one Monotheistic religion is not cruel. People do evil under the guise of religion.
      1. +6
        14 January 2014 19: 22
        And why are killers constantly blocked precisely by Islam, not Buddhism, not Judaism, not Jehovah's Witnesses, not a flying pasta monster, namely Islam?
        1. FormerMariman
          14 January 2014 19: 34
          Why do criminals, flayers, prick crosses on the body? They are probably for "Orthodoxy" right?
          1. +5
            14 January 2014 21: 22
            Quote: Former Mariman
            Why do criminals, flayers, prick crosses on the body? They are probably for "Orthodoxy" right?

            But when was the last time you heard about the “Orthodox terrorist?” Islam was originally an aggressive religion, tell me how many people did Jesus personally condemn to death? Answer: none, true Christianity is a religion of peace, not aggression. And how many wars did Jesus fight? None. Did he proclaim himself the head of state? No, even when Satan directly offered him this (Matthew 4; 8). And the Prophet Muhammad initially fought, killed and punished personally, especially the “infidels.” Muhammad created a Caliphate state that claimed exclusive world power. So this is how the current terrorists think, since the prophet is allowed, then why shouldn't I? Russian "infidels" means they can be cut, blown up and killed with impunity and become a "hero." But if a "Christian" snatches AK in center of Grozny and will begin to blame Muslims, then justify the "holy war" or even as it is impossible, from the point of view of true Christianity, the murder of even a Muslim, Jew, Buddhist or atheist is a sin and nothing else.
            1. smersh70
              14 January 2014 23: 15
              Quote: Standard Oil
              But when was the last time you heard of an "Orthodox terrorist"?

              read ....
              Arthur Ryno is the leader of a group of Nazi skinheads known as the Ryno-Skachevsky Gang. After his arrest, Arthur confessed to 37 murders (!). Subsequently, he recanted his initial testimony, but the investigation was able to prove his participation in 20 murders and 12 attempted murders. The fanatical criminals called themselves "Russian soldiers who cleared the city of the invaders."
              the burning of heretics took place in Russia from 1504 to 1743, although rarely, but quite regularly. Heretics were punished in other ways, for example, by drowning. The reason for the rarity of persecution for religious persecution is, firstly, in the break with Western European Christianity, and secondly, in the subordinate position of the Orthodox Church to the state. the rest is here .. read at your leisure
              1. +4
                15 January 2014 08: 39
                And how long has Natsik skinhead become Orthodox? In an inflamed brain?
                Before you write nonsense, count how many Muslims cut people in the name of faith in these years.
                1. smersh70
                  15 January 2014 12: 04
                  Quote: Orik
                  And how long has Natsik skinhead become Orthodox?

                  You dear .... write about him .... I didn’t put everything .... there wasn’t enough space .... read, then you will understand .......
        2. +3
          15 January 2014 08: 06
          many people like to hide behind Christianity
      2. 120352
        14 January 2014 21: 21
        Hello, please! And where is the center of the Islamic world? in saudi arabia. What is Saudi Arabia’s domestic policy? Wahhabism! So Wahhabism = Islam!
        Alone! Well read the Quran! You will find it in any library and immediately understand that evil is the basis of Islam, everything is done there on the basis of the motivation to avoid failure, i.e. from under the stick! And the stick is evil! And your Allah is an evil gangster who calls to kill people if they believe in a true or some other god. This does not happen in religions!
        1. +3
          15 January 2014 03: 06
          120352 / In Russian, GOD, in Arabic, ALLAH, these are synonyms, in Russian the archangel Gabriel, and in Arabic, Gabriel, there is a legend that he wrote the Qur'an. In these religions, even many saints are common and GOD is one. How did you not see this (I look at the book, I see a fig). Come on minus.
      3. +7
        15 January 2014 02: 27
        LONE / I agree with you that the Wahhabis i.e. Islamists (I do not mean devout Muslims) are evil spirits hiding behind Islam, but they have nothing to do with Islam. Terrorists, extremists cover all their actions from the position of the Koran, or rather some calls Prophet Muhammad written in the Quran: "Fight on the path of God with those who fight with you" (2,186), "Kill them wherever you catch them" (2,187), "War has been prescribed for you, and it is extremely disgusting to you" (2,212) ... "Believers! Do not choose your friends from among the unbelievers! "(4,143)." Fight with the unbelievers until there is no temptation "(8,39). Hiding behind these calls, they (the ISLAMIS) are silent that this is nothing more than giving speeches in specific situations; in fact, the Prophet Muhammad inspired the troops before the battle. In such cases, both our military leaders and political leaders (commissars) called on the soldiers to beat the enemy until complete Victory, to be without mercy for the Nazis. We did not call for mercy, for the enemy. They made selections from these speeches of Muhammad and suggest to Muslims that the infidels are not Muslims, which means that all enemies must be killed. And here is another speech of the prophet: "Of all people, the most cruel haters of believers (not to mention only Muslims) are Jews and polytheists" (5,85) These are the roots of enmity with Jews and pagans. The word "infidels" meant the Jews in the first place, not Christians, and they are their old enemies. Jews, having suffered a crushing defeat from the troops of Muhammad in 628, decided to resort to the national (Jewish) type of terrorism. A Jewess named Zeynab came to the camp of Muhammad and declared that she wanted to convert to Islam, and handed over the gift of the slaughtered lamb. He was poisoned with potent poison. The companion of Muhammad, who tasted the meat, died immediately. The prophet has survived. But the poison was so strong that Muhammad finally did not recover. In 632, at the age of 63, he died from the effects of this poison. This is another reason for the hostility and hatred of Muslims towards Jews. The Quran is translated as "reading", "book for reading", and has no other semantic meaning. It has many inconsistencies, inaccuracies, a huge number of repetitions, but this can also be explained. The text was written down by the students and followers of Muhammad (he, like most of his contemporaries, was not literate). At the heart of almost all the chapters-speeches read before the troops and at rallies. Hence the repetitions. The chapters are written according to the general scheme. First, a problem was posed, for example, the need to rally before a war with infidels (Jews). This is followed by quotes from the Old and New Testaments, references to the authority of biblical prophets, because for many years he studied the foundations of Judaism and Christianity, therefore it is believed that Islam is a simplified Christianity, the foundations are taken from Christianity. And Muhammad did not fight with Christians, but with Jews and pagans, it was they who were "unfaithful" for the Prophet, and even then the sacred war for Muhammad was a religious and political measure necessary only in a specific situation, but not an eternal principle (like these, eternal jihad). So the Qur'an may be the ideological basis of the war between Muslims and Jews, but not as not between Muslims and Christians.
    2. The comment was deleted.
      1. +4
        15 January 2014 03: 39
        120352 / Did the QURAN read it carefully, or did it just look through? How did you not see quotes from the Old and New Testaments and references to the BIBLICAL prophets, if you carefully read and delved into the essence of what was written? And the Testaments themselves, then at least read, to compare? Or did you even hold the Bible in your hands? Before you throw mud at something indiscriminately, study it carefully and delve into the essence of what has been written, otherwise it looks like the "tops" have picked up and let's pour slop over everyone and everything.
    3. +4
      15 January 2014 02: 05
      DZ_98_B. Islam is the same traditional world religion as Christianity. And as well as Christianity has its own radical currents, like Wahhabism. There are about 1 Muslims in the world. Order them too .... hi
      1. FormerMariman
        15 January 2014 06: 12
        Renome: Not everyone who wears a cross and does abominations is a Christian, right ?! And not everyone who shouts allah akbar and creates abominations a Muslim! Therefore, experts who wish and live in black and white will not be able to explain anything!
  10. -2
    14 January 2014 18: 51
    Comrades, I know this hole - Market Macaques. I can’t imagine that there were such dodgers. If it were not for the republican program on the Internet, and not for the invention of USB-modems, those Malays would still not be able to laugh "in Russian".
    The Nazis are not stuck, from where only such "ideas" have been shoved into their confusion.
    1. 120352
      14 January 2014 21: 23
      Is that what you wrote about? Expand the thought (if any).
  11. +5
    14 January 2014 18: 55
    This is all the result of the lack of ideology, the presence of corruption, and the fear of the authorities to pursue a tough domestic policy. Will there still be ...
    1. 120352
      14 January 2014 21: 24
      And domestic politics too.
  12. +2
    14 January 2014 19: 02
    Quote: MIKHAN
    Post lists of sites where there is anti-Russian propaganda.

    He was unpleasantly surprised to find the site of Jebhat Nusra, acting for himself, no one closed it.
    And you say "counter-ideological operation", it looks like a purple state for the state, we continue to waltz.
  13. Sewer
    14 January 2014 19: 02
    Glory to Putin and the go team!
    1. +3
      14 January 2014 19: 35
      "Glory to Putin and his team!"

      pay extra? or joke please?
    2. +2
      14 January 2014 22: 47
      Quote: Sewer
      go team

      GOP team?
      1. 0
        15 January 2014 08: 42
        Quote: Ingvar 72
        GOP team?

        Or GO.VNO team ??? These automatic cuts are just a laugh, whatever you want and read.
  14. +2
    14 January 2014 19: 05
    It is necessary to destroy the infection by force, but further prevention should be carried out with a word, propaganda, etc.
  15. +4
    14 January 2014 19: 13
    Ha, well, it's just that the SA stormtroopers clashed with the workers' squads of the Rotfront. To see soon the NSDAP 2.0 will appear, of course, at first they will be called "clowns and jesters", but there will be less smiles when they start torchlight processions, since they already have more than enough supporters, especially among Slavic youth, and it will be completely ridiculous when one night "clowns" knock on your door and ask about your "racial purity", which is incredible? Well, well. The citizens of humiliated Germany, plundered by the oligarchs, probably 75 years ago, well well let's see what happens next ...
    1. 120352
      14 January 2014 21: 26
      What are you talking about, whom and against what, whom? Explain!
      1. +1
        14 January 2014 23: 10
        It's just that the current policy of the authorities will sooner or later lead to an explosion of nationalism, at first the authorities may even try to use it for their own purposes, until it itself is washed away by this stream, this has already been tried to push through in Germany when big capital, the military and oligarchs pushed the Nazi clowns into power , hoping to bring down the social. tensions appointing enemies of the Jews and what came of it? So in Russia, the government may try to bring down the social. having redirected the tension against the greyhound Chechens, etc., fortunately, they themselves created a bunch of reasons for dissatisfaction, but then it went on, it went according to a well-known scenario ...
    2. 0
      15 January 2014 08: 47
      Quote: Standard Oil
      the benefit of their supporters is already more than enough, especially among Slavic youth.

      And there is nothing to be surprised at, even in a tolerant geyrop the nationalist movement is growing. The more chocks on the streets, the more support, especially those who are poorly educated whose work these take.
  16. +1
    14 January 2014 19: 17
    Got game. The abscess has matured. Where are the surgeons?
    1. 120352
      14 January 2014 21: 27
      Today the word "surgeon" is spelled through the vowel E. And only for money!
  17. nbnbnb
    14 January 2014 19: 20
    Well done "conservatives", everyone should be equal to such guys! Profess Islam, profess your health at home within 4 walls.
  18. 0
    14 January 2014 19: 24
    the author from the resource "however" wrote about nothing. The most worthy "ideological" answer to the gopota was given by guys from the same Matakov. in another way, it's too late, for the "jackals" have grown too
  19. Kurbashioglu
    14 January 2014 19: 25
    censorship is needed for everything ......
    1. 120352
      14 January 2014 21: 28
      And the pants are warm, otherwise the winter is getting colder ...
  20. +3
    14 January 2014 19: 30
    These Sharia patrols must not be beaten, but fired!
    1. 120352
      14 January 2014 21: 30
      It’s dangerous to shoot, although it’s necessary to be ready for it, but baseball bats are just right! And be sure to feed pork and vodka into the throat later.
  21. +2
    14 January 2014 19: 33
    Quote: lonely
    Quote: MIKHAN
    And you need to do this massively ..! Spread lists of sites where there is anti-Russian propaganda .. etc.

    Vitaly, here on the website Voennoye Obozreniye on the forum, too, many conducted anti-Russian propaganda. Is it possible to divide the country into friends and foes, the shouts "let's drive the Caucasus out of Russia" and numerous assenting to such calls are not anti-Russian propaganda? To be honest, some of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on several articles shines.

    I’m generally talking about extremists .. There are a lot of adequate thinking forum users .. I know the law and observe it .. and I’m not calling for anything! I just propose to dilute some of the info resources with an adequate one and that’s all .. (they can insult there, of course, and they will read it and someone will think) that’s all .. This is called the Russian Information War and not only! It's just that young people feel sorry for them washing their brains there ..
  22. sergey261180
    14 January 2014 19: 36
    A few years later, the first person on the first channel: "If necessary, we'll touch on Vkontakte!" It was 14 years of counter-ideological special operation ...
    Well, it’s ugly:
    The participants of the so-called “Sharia patrols” at night became attached to a tipsy citizen with the goal of teaching him a lesson in drinking alcohol and introducing him to “true Islam”. Fortunately for the citizen, the participants of the “Russian Runs for a Healthy Lifestyle” movement were nearby
    Saved the poor fellow. Go on, dear tovarisch!
  23. +1
    14 January 2014 19: 38
    Yes, time is lost! But better late than never! Still, in my opinion, it is necessary to introduce harsh penalties for the spread of this "infection". And it turns out that we know who, we know where and how the recruitment takes place! in fact, our special services are inactive, so what happens? This means that it is imperative to improve in this direction to educate the population, starting from the school bench, technical schools, institutes, etc. For example, I really like the speeches, books and lectures of Nikolai Starikov. I understand that today's Constitution makes it difficult to have its own ideology, but let me, in the end, at least the ideological vector of development of society should be in such a huge country like ours, and not just banal stuffing of pockets and drinking in power!
    1. 0
      14 January 2014 22: 55
      When - "Otherwise it turns out we know who, we know where and how the recruitment takes place! In fact, our special services are inactive, so what happens?" - This is a common betrayal of state interests, and in fact the interests of the peoples living on it, as it leads to blood and intentionally.
  24. +3
    14 January 2014 19: 40
    Lapotnik (1)
    ... And then they blow into our ears about the supranational forming Russian ... nation? I’m already confused what to call it, can people?

    So the government, it seems, is striving for this - "to powder the brains." In my opinion, the name of the country is RUSSIAspeaks for itself - RUSSIAN - the state-forming nation of the country -RUSSIA! Why "shadow the fence"?
  25. +5
    14 January 2014 19: 40
    We must recognize at the state level that we have declared a religious war. Christianity and traditional Islam. And act according to the laws of war. Destroy wherever they are.
    1. +2
      14 January 2014 19: 48
      perhaps I agree with your opinion!
  26. +4
    14 January 2014 20: 35
    Quote: rodiy2007
    We must recognize at the state level that we have declared a religious war.

    It is impossible to admit that (even at the family level. Not that at the state), which is not really there.
    There are no religious wars, neither here, nor in the world as a whole. And for quite some time now.
    Under the hijab is anything ...
    - stupidity, lack of time and, worse, a direct betrayal of the country's highest political leadership (they have no time to get rid of the country);
    - the destructive policies of foreign entities, both state and religious;
    - the battle for the loot-loot-loot of local bei, princes (and the free loot-coming from the center due to item 1);
    signs of religious reasons can be found at the very bottom .... But the Asiyats, Alims, Sokolovs, even (above) Mumars (s) --- is that ??? - warriors of Allah ??
  27. stranik72
    14 January 2014 20: 36
    There are other (they also need to be seen) moments in all this, there are fewer drunks on the streets (practically invisible), no one drinks beer on the go and in the alleyways, smoking women and girls are practically invisible, an emphasized polite and attentive attitude towards the elderly and children. Free medical care is developed in the republic, and paid at a price much lower than in "primordially Russian regions". There are a lot of equipped sports grounds. In the republic, one can feel the presence of an owner and the interest of the majority of residents in establishing and maintaining order. Well, the rest is really present and clannishness (the Tatars themselves suffer from it) and the features of the Wahhabis, everything is there, just like we have cattle chauvinism too. Everyone and the authorities need to see this in the first place, equality before the law is the only way it is treated, and no privileges at the place of residence and nationality of IHMO.
  28. +2
    14 January 2014 20: 38
    Hey, the so-called Duma, awww !!! Where are you ????
    1. +1
      14 January 2014 21: 21
      And the Duma, "thinks" mainly in its POCKET, "thinks" in what area has not yet RAPED, where else "missed", have not carried out their "reforms", how else to rip off the people ???
    2. 0
      14 January 2014 22: 36
      Quote: valton
      Hey, the so-called Duma, awww !!! Where are you ????

      fills his pockets
    3. +3
      14 January 2014 22: 42
      Quote: valton
      Hey so called Thought, awww !!! Where are you ????

      No comment.

  29. coserg 2012
    14 January 2014 21: 01
    Here are the taxes that the government will raise above and start swarms between people, and then you can sew things with any political bookmarks. What other patrols will not appear and it is impossible to imagine.
  30. +3
    14 January 2014 21: 13
    I read the article and could not understand what was familiar in it. At the end I saw - the office "However". This one is still young, therefore: "We must hurry."

    Now, in order:
    • Quotation marks stand out: direct speech; slang; words or phrases that have the opposite meaning. Guess three times.

    • The counter-ideological operation is absurd, to say the least. An ideology can never be conceived and carried out at the level of operations. Otherwise, it's a company. Wahhabism is not an object for counter-companionship.

    • From history: All religions arose as protest against injustice, hypocrisy and other vices. Conclusion: society will heal - the Wahhabis will die. Otherwise, how to explain to a young man that a Christian "throws" his neighbor and rejoices, while a Muslim drinks vodka and wishes the neighbor's wife. And that this is true.

    That’s the whole ideology. What the current ones do not want: neither these nor these.
  31. Andrey44
    14 January 2014 21: 54
    Yah. What are we talking about? I know the Bazaar Mataki, it’s just a small village. Would it be if they stir up Kazan? ... I would not want to. And so - what kind of nonsense? someone steers them? Am I supposed to fight with the friends of my youth? It won’t work out that way. They know too.
    What the hell?
  32. +1
    14 January 2014 22: 25
    And my aunt was fucking "witness yyoga" or xs. in short, I tell her you are a sectarian! And he will repent)))).
  33. +1
    14 January 2014 22: 40
    Christian, Muslim, Buddhist and other "patrols" should be imprisoned for at least 10 years immediately and unconditionally. Connivance will lead to a lot of blood.
    1. 120352
      15 January 2014 01: 35
      Buddhist ones can be left alone. They are all "non-resistance", like Count L.N. Tolstoy (War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Sevastopol Stories, etc.). Their protest tactic is non-violent resistance. Remember Mahatma Gandhi, the father of Indira Gandhi and the grandfather of Rajiv Gandhi. By the way, he expelled the British from India by his non-violence. A useful method. But to use it, you must follow the "Eightfold Path". Details for those who wish separately.
  34. AVV
    15 January 2014 00: 51
    Quote: waisson
    it is necessary to level all select privileges and make someone work

    Make these preachers work, and not propagate, pseudo-religion or send them to places of evergreen reindeer moss !!!
  35. +2
    15 January 2014 01: 07
    Quote: makst83
    One of the main reasons for the growth of nationalism I consider the very fact of the existence of national entities - republics and the FULL impotence of the federal center in relation to these quasi-entities

    Yes, I do not agree fundamentally! Always in Russia, peoples lived in their ancestral lands and did NOT assimilate! Always kept your language and culture! And this is perhaps the greatest achievement of our EURASIAN SUPERCIVILIZATION. This super-civilization includes both Russians (with Ukrainians, Belarusians) and Turkic (Tatars, Bashkirs, etc.) and Siberian peoples and Caucasians. Unites us - love of our own roots, history of common traditional values.
    Yes, they are trying to drive wedges between us. They want to crush us, our civilization. Does it work for them? NO.
    As I had best friends among the Tatars and Caucasians, they remained. And I teach this to my children.

    Different nations - it's great! No need to erase the borders, the destruction of the republics and haircuts all under one comb. Let the western arrange melting pots. And we must live as we always have. Russians are the backbone of the Eurasian Civilization (along with the Tatars), on which all peoples are strung. They are trying to kill this ridge, first of all, setting us (Russians) against our brothers in spirit (from other nations).
  36. +1
    15 January 2014 13: 00
    Quote: makst83
    One of the main reasons for the growth of nationalism I consider the very fact of the existence of national entities - republics and the FULL impotence of the federal center in relation to these quasi-entities (lack of youth, national, migration policy)!
    We need to start small - stop indulging the Caucasus and national entities on the territory of central Russia, ask them toughly, ask for EVERYTHING. To begin at least to say - what actually terrorists are - they are not Buddhists, not Hare Krishnas, not Christians, nor anyone else. These are representatives of the Caucasus and Islam (Chechen, Dagestan, Ingush, Ka
    Bardin, Tatar, Uzbek, Tajik, Kyrgyz, Kazakh Muslims are terrorists). Stop playing tolerance - the policy of ZERO TOLERANCE will not be superfluous! It is necessary to stop currying favor with the diasporas - from the same Mr. Solovyov on the program - when the head of the diaspora was asked for the guys who shouted ala baba and shot at people - he answered something absurd like "well, boys got excited."
    Do you want to live according to Sharia, PSHEL WON from Russia. Go to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and we have a secular state and religion outside the state!

    You yourself are a terrorist. A sick imagination draws enemies where they are not. It is good that such patients are not the majority.

    And further. Russia is a federal state. It is in no way possible to eliminate the structure of the subjects of the Federation of a national character. Nowhere. Not in Tatarstan, not in Dagestan. Instantly there will be an explosion of the "national liberation" struggle. And if we consider fasting in this context - into whose mill the water is pouring? To the mill of the enemies of Russia.
  37. 0
    15 January 2014 13: 26
    Yes, Shariah patrols in Russia are nonsense! I remember in London, they caught and beat a crowd of white English for drinking beer. So what? The tolerant public was silent and whimpering in the kitchens.
    If it will be with us, then the Biryulev episode is inevitable. Well, and after the events in Stalingrad, the special services
    It’s high time to pay attention to all kinds of courses of Muhamed’s fans there. We believe that something is being done, but I want more and more. It would be nice to have corrupt media, except for advertising and moronic scripts of dumplings and
    real boys, connect to this thread.
  38. garlik
    15 January 2014 15: 26
    “And those that have remained, apparently, are not very eager to quarrel with the Islamists who have gained strength.” “The radicals in Tatarstan will no longer be exterminated by force. Such methods would have been appropriate at the stage of their formation, but today they are already too firmly settled in republic, and any pressure on them only strengthens their image of martyrs for their faith in the eyes of the neophytes "-Why is that just p ... negative
  39. 0
    15 January 2014 17: 43
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    Quote: makst83
    We need to start small - stop indulging the Caucasus and national formations in central Russia,

    I agree. And first of all, in my opinion, you need to destroy the apple of discord - administrative borders within the Russian Federation. No republics or autonomous regions. And accordingly, no presidents of the republics, ordinary regions with ordinary governors. And it is not a matter of infringing on national minorities. Germany and France are also not nationally homogeneous, and there is no Comanche republic in the United States. It is necessary to exclude the very possibility of exclusion of territories. hi

    The wisest decision possible in the current situation, but the whole question is whether the top leadership of the Russian Federation is ready to take such a step!
  40. 0
    15 January 2014 18: 13
    Quote: garlik
    “And those that have remained, apparently, are not very eager to quarrel with the Islamists who have gained strength.” “The radicals in Tatarstan will no longer be exterminated by force. Such methods would have been appropriate at the stage of their formation, but today they are already too firmly settled in republic, and any pressure on them only strengthens their image of martyrs for their faith in the eyes of the neophytes "-Why is that just p ... negative

    The NKVD of the 30s exhausted everyone - both "neophytes" and "old fighters" - very qualitatively. After their work, no one dared to think about radicalism. So there would be a desire, but the necessary personnel will always be found! Only a good secretary is needed!
  41. 0
    2 March 2014 16: 58
    no, it won’t work, they want to be on the run, so it’s also necessary with them!