Versatile and ultra-precise

Versatile and ultra-precise

The newest Russian multi-purpose rocket complex “Kornet” easily copes not only with tanks, but also with helicopters and even drones. At last year’s autumn international exhibition of weapons ...
Coastal Warships: Modern Approach

Coastal Warships: Modern Approach

On September 23, 2006, an extraordinary event took place in the world shipbuilding: in the city of Marinette, Wisconsin (USA), from the stocks of the shipyard "Marinette Marine Shipyard" of the corporation "Gibbs & Cox" ...
Homemade from australia

Homemade from australia

Australian gunsmith Evelyn Owen, who created one of the most recognizable examples of Australian weapons, the Owen submachine gun, like many other weapon designers, began with ...
Knife blade design

Knife blade design

The limiter is the part of the knife between the blade and the handle, which prevents the fingers from sliding off the handle onto the knife blade. Usually the role of a limiter is performed by one (subfinger stop) or two ...
The fate of the long-lived M1 Carbine in Israel

The fate of the long-lived M1 Carbine in Israel

In the distant 1938 year in the US Army, for the first time, they thought about the need to re-equip the so-called “second line” servicemen (crews of combat vehicles not participating in the infantry battle, calculating guns and ...
How is the Russian industry?

How is the Russian industry?

From expert agencies received data on the growth of the Russian industry on the basis of 2013 year. As it turned out, the growth really was, but its values ​​are minimal for the period from 2010 of the year ....
Russian aircraft at Singapore Airshow 2014

Russian aircraft at Singapore Airshow 2014

From 11 to 16 in February, Singapore held the world's third largest air show, called Singapore Airshow 2014. In its scope, it is second only to air shows that are held in the UK and ...
The US Navy thinks of a railgun and a laser gun

The US Navy thinks of a railgun and a laser gun

In the past few years, the US military has often relied on future technologies that are very close to science fiction. So, representatives of the US Navy announced that they were going ...
Hu of, Herr Schmeisser? (continued)

Hu of, Herr Schmeisser? (continued)

World War I ended. In the distant Altai region, in the family of the Russian peasant Timofey Alexandrovich Kalashnikov, the 17 child was born, who was named Misha, and in the military industry ...
"Chaingun" Treeby Chain Gun (UK)

"Chaingun" Treeby Chain Gun (UK)

Throughout the history of small arms, one of the main ways of its development has been to increase the rate of fire. For several centuries, shooters had to use special ...
Fighter ahead of time

Fighter ahead of time

For Russia, the issue of ensuring the strategic security of our state in the northern direction and protecting the interests of the country in the Arctic region is becoming increasingly topical. Struggle for...
Difficult take off Su-35

Difficult take off Su-35

Over the past two years, the newest Su-35 fighter with variable thrust vectoring engines has become the star of Russian aviation news. If his transfer to the Air Force of Russia in the last ...
Building Pacific Fleet Infrastructure

Building Pacific Fleet Infrastructure

At the end of 2014 of the year, Russia is scheduled to transfer the first amphibious helicopter-carrying dock ship (MFDD) of the Mistral type, which is currently under construction in France. After some ...