Not so easy to make Russia pay

Not so easy to make Russia pay

Even before Vladimir Putin publicly announced his intention to send troops into Crimea on Saturday, Obama and his team had already discussed how to respond. Considering canceling the president's trip ...
European neo-Nazis flock to Kiev

European neo-Nazis flock to Kiev

In early February, Swedish soldier Fredrik Hagberg stood on the podium in the Kiev city administration, conveying fraternal greetings from Sweden to the crowded Ukrainian rebels, dirty and beaten ...
West suffers Russia with "international" isolation

West suffers Russia with "international" isolation

Western leaders have found something to do to their liking: to practice how to deal with countries that have, let's say, their own, different from the Western and pro-Western point of view. In particular on ...
Will the radicals be able to stop the Russian spring?

Will the radicals be able to stop the Russian spring?

While the number of refugees from Ukraine is growing, entire regions are no longer subordinate to Kiev, and on the streets of the capital itself there are attacks on representatives of law enforcement structures, a new Ukrainian ...
“What does Comrade Kharkov say?”

“What does Comrade Kharkov say?”

While the Bandera revolution in Ukraine is proceeding quite manageably, its militants obey the commands, because it is also a planned "color revolution" carried out by the US Embassy in Kiev ....
How do they hate us?

How do they hate us?

I deliberately and for obvious reasons do not put the question "why" or "who." And so everything is clear. It is - how. The world is changing. And, often, it does not change as we would like. Examples from Yugoslavia to Syria already ...
When the West is profitable ...

When the West is profitable ...

When the West benefits from it, it speaks of negotiations and a "peaceful settlement", but when it benefits from something else, geopolitical card cheaters are silent about the "unacceptability of escalation" and other peacekeeping ...
Protection for armored vehicles (Part 2)

Protection for armored vehicles (Part 2)

Destroying the projectile before it hits the vehicle is the best way to protect the crew. Control over the latest versions of the most lethal anti-tank weapons has been disrupted due to ...
Liberation of Ukraine

Liberation of Ukraine

In the previous article "Freedom to Ukraine!" we said that already under President Yushchenko, Ukraine was turned into a semi-colony - a politically dependent country, whose leadership was "under the hood" ...
Weekend in Ukraine

Weekend in Ukraine

I bring to your attention something like emotional travel notes of two Russians who visited Ukraine last weekend. Just in case, the names and some names are changed. In order not to complicate ...
Eternal nomads

Eternal nomads

The United States is bogged down in a Middle East swamp: the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ended in a resounding fiasco, while the opponents of the West - Islamist groups and Iran - only grew stronger ....
Europe vs America

Europe vs America

Marine Le Pen explained the party's policy: “What can be done to make the European Union better? It is necessary to achieve its collapse ”. When the "National Front" gets into parliament, "attempts to further ...
Protection for armored vehicles (Part 1)

Protection for armored vehicles (Part 1)

As we can see from the drawing by BAE Systems, the survivability of a machine is not the sum of the various protection systems at its disposal, but rather the integration of these systems in order to use ...
Get up, the country is huge!

Get up, the country is huge!

On Saturday and Sunday (March 1-2, 2014), actions of opponents of the so-called new Ukrainian "authorities" and that policy are planned to be held in Kharkov and other large cities of eastern Ukraine ...
War with children, hospitals and toy stores

War with children, hospitals and toy stores

On February 27, a strong explosion occurred in the Damascus quarter of Al-Qassaa. The "Infernal Machine" was planted by terrorists in a package near the hospital. Opposite - a toy store, a grocery store, a pharmacy, residential ...