ASH-12 assault foreign market

ASH-12 assault foreign market

Domestic machine ASH-12 will be offered on the foreign market. Let's take a look at this weapon, evaluate its positive and negative sides ...
Small arms ammunition with sub-caliber bullets

Small arms ammunition with sub-caliber bullets

In the armor-piercing bullets of small arms, an increasingly used core is a composite tungsten carbide alloy with cobalt type BK8 with a grain size less than 1 μm ...
Anti-tank weapons of the Soviet infantry (part 4)

Anti-tank weapons of the Soviet infantry (part 4)

In order to increase the anti-tank capabilities of the infantry in 1967, the specialists of TsKIB SOO and SSBB Basalt began developing individual anti-tank weapons. In 1972, the adoption on ...
CPV. The machine gun that changed the world

CPV. The machine gun that changed the world

Not about any weapon can say so. Yes, with the addition of "legendary." The heavy machine gun of SV Vladimirov (KPV) is precisely the legendary ...
TRW Low Maintenance Rifle automatic rifle (USA)

TRW Low Maintenance Rifle automatic rifle (USA)

The transfer to friendly formations of complex and expensive weapons does not make sense. To solve this problem, the TRW Low Maintenance Rifle rifle was developed in the USA ...
Self-loading pistol "Helwan" (Egypt)

Self-loading pistol "Helwan" (Egypt)

One of the agreements on the licensed release of small arms Egypt has signed with Italy. The Italian-made finished pistol became the basis for the Heluan product ...
RPK-74. Is it time to deserved rest?

RPK-74. Is it time to deserved rest?

In the course of the conversation about the novelties of small arms in our army (AK-12, AK-15, A-545 and A-762), the subject of a machine gun surfaced. In service of our ground troops are three machine guns ...
Hydrogen peroxide cartridge

Hydrogen peroxide cartridge

The theme of liquid throwing mixtures. The list of substances and their mixtures, suitable as a liquid propellant, is quite large ...
Anti-tank weapons of the Soviet infantry (part 2)

Anti-tank weapons of the Soviet infantry (part 2)

After the end of World War II, the Soviet infantry arsenal had anti-tank 14,5-mm guns and hand-held cumulative RPG-43 and RPG-6 grenades that did not meet modern realities ...
Anti-tank weapons of the Soviet infantry (part 1)

Anti-tank weapons of the Soviet infantry (part 1)

After the appearance of tanks on the battlefield, artillery became the main means of fighting them: medium-sized field guns, and then specialized anti-tank artillery systems ...