How Kerensky and Krasnov tried to repel Petrograd

How Kerensky and Krasnov tried to repel Petrograd

Attempts to overthrow the Bolsheviks who seized power began almost from the first days. Kerensky himself fled to Pskov, where he persuaded the Cossack troops under the command of General Peter Krasnov to speak at Petrograd.

In Petrograd itself, on the night of October 26 (November 8), right-wing socialists from the Petrograd City Council and Pre-Parliament established their own Committee to Save the Homeland and the Revolution headed by Right Socialist-Revolutionary Abram Gots in opposition to the Military Revolutionary Committee. He distributed anti-Bolshevik leaflets, called for sabotage of government workers. The anti-Bolshevik committee also supported armed resistance to the Bolsheviks in Moscow and Kerensky’s attempt to recapture Petrograd.

October 29 (November 11) The Committee to Save the Motherland and the Revolution raised the first anti-Bolshevik uprising in Petrograd itself, the center of which was Mikhailovsky Castle (where the cadets of the Nikolaev Engineering School were located). Georgy Polkovnikov, dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief of the military district, declared himself commander of the “salvation troops”. He forbade his order to all military units of the district to execute orders of the Revolutionary Command. For some time, the military managed to recapture the telephone station and disconnect Smolny from communication, arrest part of the commissar of the Revolutionary Command and begin disarming the Red Guards. But without outside support they were doomed, and two days later the Bolsheviks suppressed this uprising, although the clashes were bloody and with the use of artillery. On both sides, about 200 people died.

Kerensky fled to the location of the headquarters of the Northern Front in Pskov, hoping to find support from the military. However, all attempts by Kerensky to organize a movement in Petrograd, at least some group of troops, met with resistance from the front commander, General V. A. Cheremisov. Cheremisov led his game, hoping to take the post of supreme commander, and took a "neutral" position, not wanting to link his future with the losers. He refused to remove parts from the front to suppress the uprising in Petrograd and declared that he did not guarantee the security of Kerensky himself. He then gave the order to the troops to load themselves into trains for movement on Petrograd, then canceled it, not wanting, in his words, “to interfere in Petrograd bother.”

Then the former head of the Provisional Government tried to persuade the Cossacks to oppose the Bolsheviks in Petrograd. The Cossacks listened reluctantly, as they remembered that Kerensky had only recently been destroyed by the speech of General Kornilov. Thus, the historian of the Russian revolution N. N. Sukhanov N. N. wrote: “... A characteristic scene occurred. Kerensky extends his hand to the story-telling officer, who stretches out before him. The officer continues to stand stretched out, with his hand under the visor. Kerensky puts on the look: "Lieutenant, I give you my hand." Lieutenant reports: "G. Supreme Commander, I can’t give you a hand, I am a Kornilovist ”... Perfect phantasmagoria! Kerensky goes to revolutionary Petersburg at the head of the troops that he recently recently declared rebellious to him. Among their commanders, there is no man who would not despise Kerensky as a revolutionary and ruin of the army. Did not the Bolsheviks reflect and defame these troops two months ago this restorer of the death penalty, this executor of the Kornilov program, this organizer of the June offensive? ”

However, Krasnov decided to support Kerensky. He promised to hand over three more infantry and one cavalry divisions to the general, which is about to fit. Kerensky appointed Krasnov commander of the "army" going to Petrograd. In the evening of October 26 (November 8), Cossack units (about 700 people in total), stationed south of Pskov, loaded into the cars and departed in the direction of Petrograd. Only an extremely insignificant part of the Red Army 3 Corps (1 of the Don and Ussuri divisions) acted because part of the corps was scattered over a large area. Moreover, in Pskov itself, the echelons with them tried to detain the revolutionary-minded soldiers. Peter Krasnov later recalled: “There are hundreds of weak, 70 people. ... Less shelf normal state. And if we have to dismount, throw away one third of the horses - there will remain the combat force of the entire 466 man - two wartime companies! Army commander and two companies! I find it funny ... Playing with the soldiers! How she is seductive with her lush titles and phrases. ”

Peter Nikolaevich Krasnov (1869 - 1947) was born in St. Petersburg, a native of the nobles of the Don Cossacks. His family was one of the most famous on the Don. He studied at the Alexander Cadet Corps and Pavlovsk Military School. In the year 1890 enlisted in the Life Guards Ataman regiment. In 1892, he entered the Academy of the General Staff, but a year later he returned to his regiment of his own free will. In 1897, he was the head of a convoy of a diplomatic mission to Addis Ababa (Abyssinia). Being an observant person, he kept daily records that were published in the booklet “Cossacks in Africa: Diary of the convoy commander of the Russian imperial mission in Abyssinia in 1897-1898.” In 1901, he was sent by the Minister of War to the Far East to study the life of Manchuria, China, Japan and India. He wrote fiction and articles on military theory. During the boxing uprising in China and the Russian-Japanese war - war correspondent. In 1909, he graduated from the Cavalry Officers' School, and in 1910, he was promoted to colonel, commanded by 1 Siberian Cossack Yermak Timofeyev by a regiment on the border with China, in the Semirechensk region. From October 1913 of the year - the commander of the 10 Don Cossack General Lukovkin Regiment, who was on the border with Austria-Hungary, at the head of which he entered the First World War. He fought bravely. In November, 1914 was promoted to major general and appointed commander of the 1 Brigade of the 1 Donskoy Cossack Division. From May 1915 of the year - the commander of the 3 brigade of the Caucasian native horse division, from July 1915 of the year - head of the 3 of the Don Cossack Division, from September - head of the 2 of the Combined Cossack Division. At the end of May 1916, the division Krasnov one of the first to start Lutsk breakthrough armies of the Southwestern Front (Brusilovsky breakthrough). 26 May 1916 of the year in the battle of Vulka-Galuzinskaya seriously wounded by a bullet in the leg. The commander was not bad, he always took care of his subordinates, so the Cossacks loved and appreciated him. After the February revolution, Krasnov did not take part in politics. In June, 1917 was appointed head of the 1 Kuban Cossack Division, and in August, commander of the 3 Horse Cavalry Division. He was arrested during the Kornilov speech, but then released.

On October 27 (November 9), the Cossacks landed in Gatchina (40 km south of Petrograd), joining there with another two hundred soldiers loyal to the Provisional Government who arrived from Novgorod. In Gatchina, there were thousands of “red” soldiers before 1,5, but at the sight of the Cossacks disembarking from the coaches, they had exaggerated ideas about their numerical superiority, and they began to take weapon. The Cossacks did not know how to protect such a number of prisoners, what to feed them and simply dismissed them to their homes. But Krasnov's forces were still counted in several hundred fighters. Later he recalled: “To go with these forces to Tsarskoye Selo, where the garrison numbered 16 000, and further to Petrograd, where it was near 200 000, no tactics allowed; it would not be the madness of the brave, but simply stupidity. ”

October 28 (November 10) in the evening after a small exchange of fire, Krasnov’s squad nevertheless occupied Tsarskoye Selo (now Pushkin). At the same time, there was virtually no battle, everything was reduced to negotiations with the garrison of Tsarskoye Selo, the "red" soldiers were either disarmed or retreated. But further, despite the favorable situation in the capital (the anti-Bolshevik uprising in Petrograd), Krasnov could no longer advance and gave the troops a rest. October 29 (November 11) Krasnov did not take active actions, remaining in Tsarskoye Selo and waiting for reinforcements. The headquarters of the commander-in-chief, led by Dukhonin, tried to help Kerensky. But most of the summoned troops refused to execute the order, supporting the Bolshevik party, or took the position of "neutrality." The 13 and 15 of the Don regiments of the 3 of the cavalry corps were simply not released from Revel on the orders of the local revolutionary committee. Near the 900 Junkers, several artillery batteries, and an armored train joined the Kerensky-Krasnov squad. A total of "white" were able to put about 5 thousand people, about 20 guns and armored train.

Kerensky, apparently, still imagined himself a great ruler, and thought that when he saw it, the masses would immediately run after him. But here his illusions were finally broken. The officers and the Cossacks, not seeing reinforcements, cursed him. To the rebels joined the famous revolutionary, SR-terrorist Boris Savinkov. He suggested that Krasnov arrest Kerensky and head the movement himself. Krasnov refused. Then they proposed the formation of a government to a prominent Marxist and socialist GV Plekhanov, who at that time lived in Tsarskoe Selo. But the results of the negotiations did not give positive results. Savinkov went to the headquarters of the Northern Front, but even there he was failing.

The Bolsheviks, meanwhile, ordered the railway workers to stop the movement of troops in the capital. The order was executed. October 27 (November 9) The Military Revolutionary Committee ordered the combat readiness of the Petrograd garrison, put forward revolutionary regiments, detachments of Red Guards and sailors to Tsarskoye Selo and Pulkov. On the night of October 27–28 (November 9–10), the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) and the Soviet government created a commission led by V. Lenin to lead the suppression of the rebellion. Squads of sailors were summoned from Helsingfors and Kronstadt to Petrograd. In the event of a breakthrough in Petrograd, Lenin ordered the Baltic ships to enter the Neva fleet. On October 29 (November 11), Lenin and Trotsky visited the Putilov factory, where they examined guns and an armored train prepared to fight the Kerensky-Krasnov troops. At the call of the Bolsheviks, thousands of Red Guards from Putilovsky, Pipe and other plants came out in defense of the revolution. Trotsky then departed for Pulkovo Heights, where he directed the construction of fortifications. About 12 thousand fighters had to defend them. The Reds were divided into two detachments: Pulkovsky, led by the commander of the 2nd Tsarskoye Selo reserve regiment, Colonel Walden, the sailors were commanded by P.E. Dybenko; Krasnoselsky, which was headed by F.P. Khaustov and V.V. Sakharov. The commander of all the troops near Petrograd was appointed the Left Revolutionary Colonel M. A. Muravyov, his assistants were V. A. Antonov-Ovseenko. On the same day, the Military Revolutionary Committee sent about 20 thousand people to create the Zaliv-Neva defensive line. They built barricades, erected wire fences, dug trenches, and were ready at any moment to support the troops that were at the forefront.

On the morning of October 30 (November 12) in the morning Krasnov's troops, with the support of artillery and armored trains, launched an offensive in the area of ​​Pulkovo. The revolutionary troops withstood the onslaught, and in the evening they themselves launched a counteroffensive. The “Reds” had a large numerical advantage, but the Cossacks gained an advantage in artillery. At the same time, the Cossacks suffered small losses, while among the Reds the losses reached 400 people, but they continued to attack. By evening, the Cossacks began to run out of ammunition, the reinforcements promised by Kerensky did not appear. The Bolsheviks pulled up naval artillery, began to beat at Tsarskoe Selo. During the artillery bombardment, the regiments of Tsarskoye Selo garrison were panicked and summoned. They demanded to stop the fight, threatening to strike from the rear. At dusk, the sailors began to bypass the flanks of the Cossacks and Krasnov ordered to retreat to Gatchina. The Cossacks entered into negotiations with the revolutionary soldiers and sailors and concluded a truce. During negotiations with the Cossacks, Dybenko jokingly suggested that they "exchange Kerensky for Lenin."

On the night of October 31 (November 13), Trotsky, who was on the defensive line at Pulkovo, telegraphed to Petrograd: “Kerensky’s attempt to move the counter-revolutionary forces to the capital of the revolution received a decisive rebuff. Kerensky retreats, we advance. Soldiers, sailors and workers of Petrograd have proven that they can and want with arms in their hands to affirm the will and authority of democracy. The bourgeoisie tried to isolate the army of the revolution, Kerensky tried to break it with the power of the Cossacks. Both suffered a miserable collapse ... Revolutionary Russia and the Soviet government have the right to be proud of their Pulkovo detachment operating under the command of Colonel Valden. "

The 31 of October (13 of November) continued negotiations on the terms of the truce, and the Cossacks agreed to extradite Kerensky to the Bolsheviks, on the condition that they were allowed to go to the Don. Upon learning of this, he immediately escaped by car from the location of Krasnov's troops. Kerensky transferred his authority to the supreme commander Dukhonin and fled to the Don. He arrived in Novocherkassk, but the ataman Kaledin refused to cooperate with him. On November 1 (14), parts of the Bolsheviks entered Gatchina. Cossacks disarmed and soon released.

The Cossacks in this period retained their combat capability, but did not want to fight the Bolsheviks. For the most part, they wanted to end the annoying war and simply return home. The Cossack units began to leave the Petrograd, Pskov, Novgorod and other provinces in echelons and went to their native Cossack regions. “Everything rushed uncontrollably to the Don, but not to Kaledin, to fight against the Bolsheviks, defending Don’s freedom, but going home to their villages to do nothing and rest, not feeling and not understanding the terrible shame of the nation,” Peter Krasnov himself later recalled .

General Krasnov himself surrendered, but was soon released under the "honest word of an officer that he would no longer fight against Soviet power." A little later he went to the Don, where he became one of the leaders of the local white Cossacks. In May 1918, Krasnov was elected ataman of the Don Cossacks. Having established allied relations with Germany and disobeying A. I. Denikin, who was guided by the Entente, he launched a struggle against the Bolsheviks at the head of the Don Army. Krasnov created the Great Don Army and headed for the creation of an independent state.

Thus, besides the performance of the Krasnov-Kerensky detachment, the battles in Moscow as a whole, the Soviet government established itself throughout the country peacefully. Only the Cossack regions refused to submit to the new government. But the Cossacks themselves did not want to fight, they wanted to return to a peaceful life. In provincial towns and villages, October (as well as February) passed almost unnoticed. The power of the county and provincial government commissioners was so weak that nobody had taken it seriously before. In many places, diarchy persisted for several months. In parallel, the Soviet organs and the City Dumas worked. The last Dumas dispersed only in the spring of 1918.

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  1. +8
    14 November 2017 07: 20
    Thus, in addition to the performance of the Krasnov-Kerensky detachment and the fighting in Moscow as a whole, Soviet power was established peacefully throughout the country. Only Cossack regions refused to submit to the new government.
    Who is this statement for?
    Refused to obey Ukraine, Bessarabia, Finland, Central Asia. Fights in Kaluga, Kazan, Irkutsk. And this is just a slightly different situation. Finland, by the way, said that with the overthrow of the legitimate Provisional Government, it considers itself free and leaves Russia
    In the cities, the "peaceful establishment" of power came simply: the "soldiers", deserters of the reserve regiments, and dispersed them with arms, came to the buildings of the Duma administration, elected, by the way, by universal secret ballot by all the people. When planting your own, none-chosen advice. If there were councils, then the Bolsheviks were expelled from them.
    But the more they learned the new "power", the more resistance to Russia grew.
    1. +24
      14 November 2017 08: 55
      Olgovich, you can write your libel as long and as much as you like, paper (in this case, a monitor) will not be tolerated. The fact will remain, the Bolsheviks eventually won in spite of any resistance. They won and you can’t refute this in any way. They won despite the resistance from all sides, they threw out the white-bellied trash, threw out or destroyed your beloved “salt of the nation” in the form of any corrupt liberalism, threw out invaders invited by the white-bellied interventionists of all stripes and nations, defeated all kinds of Denikins, Krasnov, Shkuro, Wrangels, Kolchakov, Yudenich, Skoropadsky, Petlyur, Semenov, beat the gangs of all sorts of thugs, cleaned up the Basmachi of Central Asia, then threw the Germans from occupied Ukraine and Belarus. They put things in order in a tormented country, they began to eliminate common illiteracy, they began construction projects that even the capitalists did not dream of, they electrified the country, and in the end they created the Soviet empire, which broke the backbone of a united Europe led by Hitler. Yes, that's all of them! They educated scientists who made the first breakthrough into space, created the world's best weapons, made great discoveries in all fields of science. It was they who created a counterbalance system to the Western system of profit and debauchery.
      No one of his contemporaries can repeat their achievements, therefore they are so intensely extinct from history! And you, you will remain nobody ..., so the local clown-mourner in Russia whom in fact has never been. Burn further, with my "fiery" word, I will laugh at your next bunch in a puddle ... laughing
      1. +7
        14 November 2017 09: 48
        Quote: Varyag_0711
        Olgovich, you can write your libel as long and as much as you like, paper (in this case, a monitor) will not be tolerated. The fact will remain, the Bolsheviks eventually defeated Cosmos,

        It is sad to read you, comrade Varyag. Think about what criterion for assessing power (any), can there be a party?
        For me, the criterion is how much power, the party (any) carried out the saving of the Russian people, their growth, the growth of their well-being, the development of their culture.
        So look:
        - Under Emperor Nicholas II, people grew by 50% in 23 years, in 1913 they ate better than in 1903, culture is the best in the world, scientists are the best in the world. Him, respectively, "+".
        - Under the next government: not a single generation of Russians born after 1910 and having entered an active reproductive age, starting from the era of the “great turning point”, from the late 1920s to the beginning of the 1930s, did not reproduce itself. Since 1964, extinction.
        hp. Eat, as in 1913 began only to the 1950s. One-sided culture. Therefore, the authorities "-".
        -EBN and the Germans, the extinction of the people, his robbery, hunger, one-sided culture. And this power "-
        -Putin-extinction has stopped, Russian territories are returning, they are eating better, the glorious history of Russia is being returned to the people. This power, respectively, is "+".

        Total: there is a people, there will be both iron and space, there will be none, there will be neither iron nor space, and no one needs them.
        What do you disagree with?
        PS You say the Bolsheviks defeated those, these, others (before Hitler).
        These people are part of the Russian people. Who is the “victory” over? Above oneself? fool
        1. +22
          14 November 2017 10: 13
          Olgovich, your aplomb is simply inimitable. In general, those who say cretinism are incurable are generally right. I tell you about Thomas, and you again about Yerema.
          I’m telling you about the achievements of the USSR, you again tell me some kind of crap about some mythical, well-known “tsiferki” to you ... What are you poking me with them? Do you want to refute with your fake "little digits" that historical fact that Nicholas II, the bloody one, was so "outstanding" figure that you spooked such an empire that you brought the country to a halt? You can shove your FALSE as much as you like about how well you lived and most importantly the people ate in tsarist Russia, but it will still be FALSE! If this were not so, there would not be any revolutions and coups and the people would not go en masse to the Bolsheviks.
          And then, you absolutely do not know the Russian people from the word, if you think that they only need to fill their belly, and then the grass does not grow there. If this were true, then this people would not have such immortal feats as the defense of Smolensk and Sergiev Posad Monastery from the Poles, there would be no Azov sitting, burning unconquered Moscow in the 1812th, there would be no Brest Fortress and certainly there would be no defense of Leningrad. All your false propaganda, it’s not about the Russian people, who in the best of times preferred death from starvation or from a bullet, but not captivity, not shame, not dishonor. It’s good to feed your slogans with the French, Czechs and other Europeans who prefer not to resist, so they will sell anyone, even their mother, for a piece of bread and the opportunity to live. The French are especially concerned. Great valor shaves the heads of their own women, whom they themselves could not protect. Here is your audience there, not here. Here you are a stranger and you will never become your own. They don’t like traitors anywhere.
          And put your “little digits” to hell, none of your false “little digits” will refute the facts that I brought!
          1. +4
            14 November 2017 11: 54
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            . In general, those who say cretinism are incurable are generally right.

            Yeah lol see
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            I’m telling you about the achievements of the USSR, you again tell me some kind of crap about some mythical, well-known “tsiferki” to you ... What are you poking me with them?

            But sho you poke something? I do not know.....request But tsifirki, I notice, they are such, you can’t go around them on a curve goat. You see, how much you wrote, but the numbers are worth DEATH! And nothing will come of them from your chatter.
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            And then, you absolutely do not know the Russian people from the word, if you think that they only need to fill their belly, and then the grass does not grow there.

            Yes, yes, but the Bolsheviks didn’t listen to you and ..... they promised the people exactly the stuffing of their belly: "Bread to the hungry!", "Land to the peasants!" etc. Three wild famines did not promise, but they did.
            Quote: Varyag_0711
            And put your “little digits” to hell, none of your false “little digits” will refute the facts that I brought!

            Put it in, put it in, what will it do to them from TRACCOUNT? lol They are the facts!
        2. +8
          14 November 2017 11: 26
          Olgovich, here you speak for the tsar how good it was, but, after all, the tsar gave power voluntarily, so he saw that he had led the country into a dead end. This, in fact, is a fact. And the fact that the Provisional Government was not legitimate at all was simply turned up by chance. So what is the point of Nicholas ll whitewash? For the sake of demagogy?
          The Bolsheviks ... You personally know that after the tsar slammed the crown into a puddle, anarchy ensued in Russia and confusion began and at least two authorities were organized in parallel, the Soviets and the Provisional Government. The people believed in the Soviets more, and therefore supported, than they already proved in the Civil: the white Civil and the intervention were unleashed and defeated. You say, they say, whom did you win when the Russians were there and there? Yes, they won. Those who led anti-people politics were defeated. What, is such a victory unworthy of being a victory?
          USSR ... You, only, forget that the USSR, having recovered from two catastrophic wars in a decade, in the second decade (30s) has gone the way in the economy as in a century. Is it easy? Therefore it was difficult. And we must not forget that the population during the USSR increased from 150 million to 300, and this with terrible losses in WWII.
          Now is Russia? Well, say, the population does not fall in growth, but, after all, it does not grow, and this too is the destruction of the population, especially in the future. Why are people so frivolous about population growth? Simply, the government of both Yeltsin and Putin has much less problems, and to fit into the West, more and no need, better less so that the West is not afraid. And the fact that Putin and Trump are barking, these are the usual "family" showdowns, but no manifestations of patriotism: the thieves showdown just for the money of the oligarchs, both there and there.
          1. +4
            14 November 2017 12: 06
            Quote: Flying Dutchman
            Olgovich, here you speak for the tsar how good it was, but, after all, the tsar gave power voluntarily, so he saw that he had led the country into a dead end. This, in fact, is a fact. And the fact that the Provisional Government was not legitimate at all was simply turned up by chance. So what is the point of Nicholas ll whitewash? For the sake of demagogy?

            I did not start, I did not see. involuntarily. VP-Legal, recognized by all (including the Soviets) -sm. facts.
            Quote: Flying Dutchman
            The Bolsheviks ... You personally know that after the tsar slammed the crown into a puddle, anarchy ensued in Russia and confusion began and at least two authorities were organized in parallel, the Soviets and the Provisional Government. The people believed in the Soviets more, and therefore supported, than they already proved in the Civil: the white Civil and the intervention were unleashed and defeated. You say, they say, whom did you win when the Russians were there and there? Yes, they won. Those who led anti-people politics were defeated. What, is such a victory unworthy of being a victory?

            Quote: Flying Dutchman
            The Bolsheviks ... You personally know that after the tsar slammed the crown into a puddle, anarchy ensued in Russia and confusion began and at least two authorities were organized in parallel, the Soviets and the Provisional Government. The people believed in the Soviets more, and therefore supported, than they already proved in the Civil: the white Civil and the intervention were unleashed and defeated. You say, they say, whom did you win when the Russians were there and there? Yes, they won. Those who led anti-people politics were defeated. What, is such a victory unworthy of being a victory?

            Bolsheviks lost the popular election in Uchr. Meeting, people rolled them. There were no more elections in Russia. And the civil slaughter and intervention before the October Revolution was NOT a fact
            Quote: Flying Dutchman
            USSR ... You, only, forget that the USSR, having recovered from two catastrophic wars in a decade, in the second decade (30s) has gone the way in the economy as in a century. Is it easy? Therefore it was difficult. And we must not forget that the population during the USSR increased from 150 million to 300, and this with terrible losses in WWII.

            ALL went the way. But without cannibalism. Numbers - read the ARTICLE from the links.,
            Quote: Flying Dutchman
            Now is Russia? Well, say, the population does not fall in growth, but, after all, it does not grow, and this too is the destruction of the population, especially in the future. Why are people so frivolous about population growth? Simply, the government of both Yeltsin and Putin has much less problems, and to fit into the West, more and no need, better less so that the West is not afraid. And the fact that Putin and Trump are barking, these are the usual "family" showdowns, but no manifestations of patriotism: the thieves showdown just for the money of the oligarchs, both there and there.

            Putin is a patriot of Russia, clever. and he is not EBN.
            1. +5
              14 November 2017 17: 21
              About the "house" of Nicholas II. The Great French Revolution. The king and queen of France refuse to surrender the crown to scrap metal - capitalist republicans cut off their heads, but did not receive the crowns. This gave legal rights to the house of Louis to claim the crown, for the death of the king is not the death of the crown, which the future Louis XVIII took advantage of and recognized by law and the people of France took it ... until 1870 ..., although, however, Louis XVIII did not refuse the crown, therefore the crown for Louis is still in law. Nicholas II. Nicholas II voluntarily refused the crown; nobody cut his head, and everyone in the Romanovs' house refused the crown. That is, the house of the Romanovs lost the right to the crown and, according to the laws, a new Tsar was to be elected. The Russian "elite" violated the law and established the illegal Provisional Government, which proclaimed itself a republican, although no one authorized it and no one voted for it, just a handful came up at the moment. The Provisional Government itself understood its illegality, which is why it was called provisional until the Constituent Assembly. But ... Here is a big BUT! If the Constituent Assembly were assembled in real time — by June 1917, the situation would be completely different — then the people would vote. And so ... By the way, in February, Mr. Lvov was elected chairman of the Provisional Government. Until July 1917, pogroms of landowners' estates, mass executions of officers of the monarchist depot and in the July demonstration took place. Mr. Lvov refused, and he could not leave the army to internal problems, and the question arose in the Provisional Government: who would shoot the people. (SR?) Kerensky said that he would shoot people, which he proved in July 1917. The Provisional Government, naturally, kicked Mr. Lvov under the ass and appointed (under what laws?) Kerensky as "chairman".
              1. +1
                15 November 2017 07: 53
                Quote: Flying Dutchman
                everyone in the house of the Romanovs refused the crown

                No, they didn’t refuse: you don’t know the FACTS of the story: Michael 2 POSTPONED Perception of the crown to the CSS
                Quote: Flying Dutchman
                The Provisional Government itself understood its illegality, which is why it was called provisional before the Constituent Assembly

                You do not know the story: Nicholas and Michael 2 called on the people to subordinate the EaP, and the Emperor charged Lvov to mold the Government.
            2. +4
              14 November 2017 22: 10
              Quote: Olgovich
              The Bolsheviks lost the popular elections in Uchr. Meeting, people rolled them. There were no more elections in Russia.

              They again mounted a buridan donkey and are trying to arrange races on it, with your mythical CSS, which no one needed, including the Provisional one led by Kerensky?
              How much time chatted. Could you not write fifty pages of conditions for CSS? What is rubbish here again about your CSS?
              The Constituent Assembly as soon as possible was to assemble the Provisional Government, which all the time dragged on with this matter. For seven months it prepared the Regulation on the elections to the Constituent Assembly, although, in general, taking into account the experience of elections to the State Duma of various convocations, it was possible to prepare this document in the size of fifty pages within one to two months, to hold elections in the middle of summer, and by fall, the Constituent Assembly would have completed work.
              So why are you lying here again?
              The meeting began on January 5, I won’t talk about how it went; this should be done in a detailed article on the topic of CSS. Here I want to note the following - after the majority of the assembly, which consisted of right-wing Socialist-Revolutionaries and Mensheviks, refused to discuss the "Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People", the Bolshevik faction left the assembly. After some time, the Left Socialist-Revolutionary faction also left the assembly, stating that ““ The Constituent Assembly is by no means a reflection of the mood and will of the working masses ... We are leaving, we are retiring from this Assembly ... We are going to bring our strength, our energy to Soviet institutions, to the Central Executive Committee. ”

              As a result, less than a quarter of the elected deputies remained in the hall, which did not give the Constituent Assembly the right to make decisions on behalf of all of Russia. According to the logic of things, it was necessary to dissolve the meeting (which was done in the future) and conduct elections of a new composition of deputies. That is, there was practically no “dispersal” of the Constituent Assembly, which our liberals insist on all the time — it stopped its work and existed because of internal contradictions that prevented it from continuing to work.

              In general, your myths, as always, have gossip, myths and fairy tales under them, but not a gram of truth.
              1. 0
                15 November 2017 10: 06
                Quote: badens1111
                They again mounted a buridan donkey and are trying to arrange jumps on it,

                I never sat down, you yourself always come — to comment on me, I never did. Find out, by the way, WHAT it means, or else you’ve sat in a puddle again.
                Quote: badens1111
                The Constituent Assembly as soon as possible was to assemble the Provisional Government, which all the time dragged on with this matter. For seven months it prepared the Regulation on the elections to the Constituent Assembly, although, in general, taking into account the experience of elections to the State Duma of various convocations, it was possible to prepare this document in the size of fifty pages within one to two months, to hold elections in the middle of summer, and by fall, the Constituent Assembly would have completed work.

                Dull nonsense of an ignorant person: such free elections, as in the Constitutional Council of Russia, have never before, anywhere in the world, been prepared and never happened. And to prepare, naturally SUCH, not about a donkey to write. lol .
                Quote: badens1111
                As a result, less than a quarter of the elected deputies remained in the hall, which did not give the Constituent Assembly the right to make decisions on behalf of all of Russia. According to the logic of things, it was necessary to dissolve the meeting (which was done in the future) and conduct elections of a new composition of deputies. That is, there was practically no “dispersal” of the Constituent Assembly, which our liberals insist on all the time — it stopped its work and existed due to internal contradictions, it wasn’t for him to continue working.

                You killed two people's deputiespart put in jail, banned the cadet faction, newspapers, meetings, made a terror of it, intimidated and beaten popularly elected on the way to the US- and after THIS, you say that they are few gathered ?! Truly, your hypocrisy and hypocrisy, there is NO limit! Bolshevik deputies-HEROES that came there! In SUCH conditions, you have collected the maximum number of yours, the Bolsheviks, the minimum number of yours and all the same, you are in the plow.
                2. ANYWHERE, in no document of the Electoral Commission did not specify the number of deputies necessary for the work of the Constitutional Council, ANYWHERE! Deputies gathered and began work, all under the Election Law. Who does not want to be on the beach!
                Everything was LAW, it is a FACT. Your speculation and reasoning in this world is worthless,
                Learn the history of our country, so as not to carry nonsense: work.
                Quote: badens1111
                That is, there was practically no “dispersal” of the Constituent Assembly, which our liberals insist on all the time — it stopped its work and existed due to internal contradictions that prevented it from continuing to work

                It WAS and worked, adopted the fateful LAW on earth and was dispersed by force by a losing bunch of usurpers of power who did not gain the confidence of the peopleso-called Decree on his dissolution and the power of arms.
                Learn the history of our homeland, not the somphs
                1. +2
                  15 November 2017 10: 31
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  It was and worked

                  Quote: Olgovich
                  adopted the fateful LAW on land

                  When, and who, who initiated the Earth Decree.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Learn the history of our country

                  You and the history of Russia, things are incompatible.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Truly, your hypocrisy and hypocrisy, there is NO limit!

                  Indeed, why are you doing hypocrisy here, trying to justify what has shown and proved your failure for that period?
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Nowhere, in any document of the Electoral Commission did not stipulate the number of deputies necessary for the work of the Constitutional Council, ANYWHERE!

                  Quote: Olgovich
                  The dull nonsense of an ignorant person: such free elections as in the US of Russia, never before, anywhere in the world, were prepared and never happened.

                  Your sad song about CSS, amuses. Continue.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  You yourself always come -comment me

                  I am having fun, then looking from the side at your battles of the liberal Don Quixote with events already held and not changed by your false conjectures, fairy tales and gossip.
                  A history teacher, a simple teacher, gives you the simplest answer to your fantasies with CSS.
                  Pitirim Sorokin
                  “The development of the law on elections to the Constituent Assembly is almost complete. The draft law is very democratic, provides for a full and proportional representation of the entire population. But it seems to me that it suits modern Russia just like an evening dress for a horse ride."
                  Ivan Bunin
                  Glotovo village, Oryol province
                  The election to the Constituent Assembly is about to begin. We have not a single soul is interested in this.

                  The Russian people cry out to God only in great grief. Now happy - where is this religiosity! And in what a miserable position and how sorry our clergy! Is it heard in our, such a terrible time? Here is the church cathedral - who is interested in him and what did he say to the people? Ah, Merezhkovsky m ...!
                  Council of People's Commissars
                  Petrograd, Smolny
                  The Council of People's Commissars decides:

                  Elections to the Constituent Assembly shall be held at the appointed time.
                  All election commissions, local government institutions, Soviets of workers ', soldiers' and peasants 'deputies, and soldiers' organizations at the front should exert all efforts to ensure the free and correct conduct of elections to the Constituent Assembly on time.
                  Your talkers, Februaryists, Cadets, and other Socialist-Revolutionaries, dug their own graves with their own hands, tearing the CSS, so do not lay your blame on the Soviets.
                  1. 0
                    15 November 2017 12: 39
                    Quote: badens1111
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    It was and worked

                    Where did the Bolsheviks RUN? lol
                    Quote: badens1111
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    adopted the fateful LAW on land
                    When, and which,

                    Learn, comrade badance, yourself, there’s no educational program: open the book.
                    Quote: badens1111
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    Nowhere, in any document of the Electoral Commission did not stipulate the number of deputies necessary for the work of the Constitutional Council, ANYWHERE!

                    TRUTH. which you-to overturn-is incapable.
                    Quote: badens1111
                    The Council of People's Commissars decides:
                    Elections to the Constituent Assembly shall be held at the appointed time.
                    All election commissions, local government institutions, Soviets of workers ', soldiers' and peasants 'deputies, and soldiers' organizations at the front should exert all efforts to ensure the free and correct conduct of elections to the Constituent Assembly on time.

                    WHAT should I understand? fool In addition, that the Bolsheviks PROMISED the CSS (to their voters too) and dispersed it, deceiving their voters too?
                    Quote: badens1111
                    Your talkers, Februaryists, Cadets, and other Socialist-Revolutionaries, dug their own graves with their own hands, tearing the CSS, so do not lay your blame on the Soviets.

                    Blah blah yours .. who needs them?
                    ONCE AGAIN, to get it: YOU made a TERROR against the POPULAR ELECTED deputies, the situation of blackmail and violence, censorship and EVERYTHING were equally defeated. FACT, my friend.
                    Turn up lol
    2. +1
      14 November 2017 21: 07
      The Bolsheviks, meanwhile, ordered the railway workers to stop the movement of troops in the capital. The order was executed. October 27 (November 9) The Military Revolutionary Committee ordered the combat readiness of the Petrograd garrison, put forward revolutionary regiments, detachments of the Red Guards and sailors to Tsarskoye Selo and Pulkov. On the night of October 27 to 28 (November 9 to 10), the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) and the Soviet government created a commission led by V. Lenin to lead the suppression of the rebellion. Squads of sailors were summoned from Helsingfors and Kronstadt to Petrograd. In case of a breakthrough to Petrograd, Lenin ordered the Baltic Fleet ships to enter the Neva. On October 29 (November 11), Lenin and Trotsky visited the Putilov factory, where they examined guns and an armored train prepared to fight the Kerensky-Krasnov troops. At the call of the Bolsheviks, thousands of Red Guards from Putilovsky, Pipe and other plants came out in defense of the revolution. Trotsky then departed for Pulkovo Heights, where he directed the construction of fortifications. About 12 thousand fighters had to defend them. The Reds were divided into two units:

      it all comes down to one
      - you need to look how they lived in the "war without cards" 120 million. When they decided to "pretty ride us"
      !!!!!! without ??? signs, it is clear that in about 15
      and at 16 everything was finally formed and poured by 17 g into the TIPS - LOCAL AUTHORITIES (past nobles and other serving bureaucrats) !!!!!!! it was clear to all observers (and all military identities) by the tilt of the head of a woman who was walking through the water with empty buckets and with full backs.
    3. 0
      19 November 2017 12: 46
      In fact, power throughout Russia has basically established itself quite peacefully. What happened next refers to the civil war. But the transfer of power to the Soviets was almost bloodless.
      The fact that the outskirts fell away is already a consequence. Any weakening of the central authority has the consequences of the withdrawal of the outskirts. That was in 1917. It was the same in 1991.
      For comparison. The collapse of the USSR was almost bloodless. The fact that hundreds of thousands of people died as a result and millions became refugees is a consequence.
      1. 0
        29 November 2017 19: 34
        So no one wanted a civil war, everyone was tired of WWII. If not for the intervention, there would be no civil war.
        1. 0
          29 November 2017 19: 53
          In fact, the beginning of the civil war is attributed to the Czechoslovak rebellion. Although in Russia, it began immediately after February. This is if the concept of "civil war" is widely interpreted. The intervention began much later.
    4. 0
      3 December 2017 16: 54
      Both Ukraine and Finland (in which the national bourgeoisie had formed by the end of the 19th century) began their journey to secession immediately after the February Revolution. And if the Ukrainian separatists were still considering options for a confederation, the Finnish-Swedish bourgeoisie, especially after the Seimas building was sealed by order of Kerensky, immediately achieved complete independence
    5. 0
      2 March 2018 22: 16
      As far as I know in Kazan, the Bolsheviks took power earlier than in Petrograd. Ukraine proclaimed independence under Kerensky. Finland strove for independence and, perhaps, under Kerensky’s power, she could chop off territories to the Urals. The seizure of power took place in the summer of 1917, when the peasants organizedly smashed the manor houses. My grandmother remembered how the peasants of the village of Sibrovka in the Yurlovsky district of the Tambov region and the surrounding villages gathered together, took and shared all the inventory from the landowner, poured grain, and the landowner’s family was strongly advised to relocate to other scales. So the events of October 25, 1917 in St. Petersburg is the final point of the stupid reign of Kerensky. A civil war would not have been possible without German, Japanese, Turkish, Polish, Czech, French and other interventionists.
  2. 0
    14 November 2017 07: 32
    Kerensky missed his "happiness" ....
  3. +3
    14 November 2017 07: 40
    The author of the article constantly mentions in the article about ......Krasnov’s troopsbut these troops consisted of 600-700 people, with a dozen guns and one armored car.
    Krasnov despised Kerensky, but as a military man he was forced to obey the order to move his "army" to Petrograd.
    1. +2
      14 November 2017 13: 03
      Quote: bober1982
      Krasnov despised Kerensky,

      And not only him. At the mention of Kerensky, the eastern wisdom is recalled: “When the caravan turns back, the lame camel is in front.”
      Unfortunately, at the turning points of our history, more than one such lame camel was ahead ...
      1. +2
        14 November 2017 13: 23
        Yes, I agree with you. Kerensky actually turned out to be a lawyer and a dumbbell, there were corn cobbers and drunks, and they all looked into their mouths and clapped their hands.
        1. 0
          14 November 2017 17: 12
          Quote: bober1982
          .Kerensky actually turned out to be a lawyer

          Kerensky - Commander-in-Chief Revolutionary Army of Free RussiaThis revolutionary army was dispersed by the Bolsheviks.
  4. +2
    14 November 2017 12: 31
    The article itself is not bad, but in my opinion, the author abuses such concepts as “white” and “red”
    There were none then - there was rabble on both sides, Kerensky even at that time managed to make his fiery speeches + venal generals and cowardly Petrograd regiments. By the way, the Izmailovsky Regiment of the Life Guards opposed (was thrown on the offensive) (ran away at the first shelling), or something called revolutionary troops.
    1. +2
      14 November 2017 14: 31
      Quote: bober1982
      The article itself is not bad, but in my opinion, the author abuses such concepts as “white” and “red”
      There were none then - there was rabble on both sides

      There were. But in a much smaller amount than even in 1918. And the bulk of both sides were really a “swamp”, which was pulled from side to side by agitators.
      Here they are - the future White Guards and Red Guards of the Civil: smile
      1. 0
        14 November 2017 16: 47
        "Agitators"? Is there all trouble in them? But do not you think that the agitators are chosen to your liking?
        1. +1
          14 November 2017 17: 21
          Quote: Flying Dutchman
          "Agitators"? Is there all trouble in them? But do not you think that the agitators are chosen to your liking?

          So the agitators promised the agitated what they wanted most. And both white and red. And at first the mass chose not on a political platform, but on promises.
          As a result of such agitation, the "staff turnover" at the beginning of the Civil War was on the scale of entire regiments.

          As for the influence of agitators ... remember Kornilov’s campaign in Petrograd. First, the general raised his loyal units and sent them to disperse the Soviets and arrest the Bolsheviks - and they went. And then the Council’s agitators arrived - and the same units were dispersed a couple of days before the complete loss of combat effectiveness.
  5. +2
    14 November 2017 18: 15
    As can be seen from the article, Kerensky was not a coward and a caricatured politician,
    how they try to imagine it. He persistently tried to organize
    resistance to the armed coup of Lenin-Trotsky (October Revolution) in Petrograd
    And acted reasonably. He managed to organize a military campaign in Petrograd,
    which failed due to a lack of fighters.
    I respect Kerensky with great respect, as a reasonable, moderate politician,
    who tried to push Russia along the path of reform.
    He was in a difficult situation and could not cope. sad
    1. +3
      14 November 2017 19: 07
      Speak Kerensky acted reasonably, starting a "liberation" campaign against the Bolsheviks? What is the reason? The fact that he did not guess the opinions of the people and could not collect the necessary army? Except as a miscalculation of Kerensky, there is no other name. By the way, since when did Kerensky become the legitimate ruler of Russia, who authorized him? After the rejection of the crown of Nicholas II and the entire "house" of the Romanovs, the Ecumenical Council was to be held to select a new king, but this was not done. So, both the Provisional Government and the so-called Constituent Assembly-usurpers. Is it because the West still does not want to recognize all the rulers of Russia that since February 1917 the laws of the Russian Empire have been violated? Respect Kerensky .... for what ... for the fact that he did nothing sensible and successful? Well, they prayed at Kerensky, prayed at Yeltsin, but the result? Praying for Putin? Is that all?
      1. 0
        15 November 2017 13: 18
        "the Ecumenical Council was to be held to select a new king" ///

        If the Constituent Assembly decided that Russia should stay
        a constitutional monarchy, you would do what you are talking about.
        There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the monarchies (England is the best confirmation).
        But the decision on the monarchy must be made by the parliament (Constituent Assembly).
        Which Kerensky tried to bring to power.
    2. +1
      14 November 2017 19: 33
      Quote: voyaka uh
      As can be seen from the article, Kerensky was not a coward and a caricatured politician,
      how they try to imagine it. He persistently tried to organize
      resistance to the armed coup of Lenin-Trotsky (October Revolution) in Petrograd
      And acted reasonably.

      Oh yes ... Kerensky’s most sensible act was apparently the distribution of Red Guard weapons. laughing
      Quote: voyaka uh
      He managed to organize a military campaign in Petrograd,
      which failed due to a lack of fighters.

      What is the lack of fighters? Everything went according to plan, until the AFC accepted Kornilov’s proposal to impose martial law and transfer all power to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief as an ultimatum on the AFC’s resignation of the prime minister’s powers and a threat to his life. Then he instantly crossed over to the other side, taking advantage of the help offered by the Council. As a result, he destroyed by his own enemies the only chance to leave power to the Provisional Government and to remain at least somehow in power, if not the prime minister, but the minister.
      The policy of sitting on two chairs led to a logical result - by October, almost no one remained on the side of the Temporary workers. And all this is almost exclusively through the efforts of Kerensky.
      1. +1
        15 November 2017 00: 15
        He ended up between the ultra-left and the ultra-right. He did not want to side with either one or the other, hoping to hold out until the election to the Constituent Assembly. Which, in his opinion, was supposed to determine the future of Russia. But Lenin (the ultra-left) took the lead and seized power. The far-right (Kornilov) no longer wanted to help Kerensky, but there were few moderates. So he lost.
        1. 0
          15 November 2017 10: 20
          Quote: voyaka uh
          But Lenin (the ultra-left) took the lead and seized power. The far-right (Kornilov) no longer wanted to help Kerensky, but there were few moderates.

          Quite the opposite: at first, the AFC decided with the hands of the ultra-right (Kornilov) to remove the ultra-left and just the left (the Bolsheviks and the Soviets as a whole). But something went wrong - and then Kerensky removed the ultra-right with the hands of the ultra-left.
          After that, the fate of the Temporary workers was decided. The betrayal of the AFC pushed the far right away from them. And the ultra-left, having lost (by the efforts of the AFC) the ultra-right counterweight and received the armed Red Guard in their hands (again thanks to the AFC), began to take power into their own hands.
        2. +1
          16 November 2017 01: 02
          In the 90s, I came across the book The Truth About Russia. It was written by the White Guard who fought against the Bolsheviks until the year 20. At that time he was a friend of Krasnov and practically his adjutant. The events described by him are much brighter, and the people who are heroes of these events are outstanding personalities. So it can be said about Trotsky, Dybenko, and Krasovekakim he was in 1917. What is it worth when Trotsky personally breaks into Krasnov’s headquarters and invites him to surrender. A minute later, Trotsky himself is under arrest at the guard of Krasnov. It was after this that negotiations began between the Bolsheviks and the rebel Cossacks of Krasnov. Moreover, Krasnov and Trotsky respected each other, but the Bolsheviks and Krasnovists hated Kerensky with all their guts. The result of the negotiations was an agreement on an open trial of Lenin, Trotsky and Kerensky. But if Trotsky behaved with dignity in this setting, then Kerensky simply got scared. The author suggests that the legend of Kerensky, dressed as a woman’s dress, takes the basis in these events. The next day, Kerensky fled, at the same time it turned out that the sailor from Trotsky’s guard was undressed at night and locked in a closet until morning. Moreover, his clothes disappeared without a trace. At that time, Krasnov was sick of betraying Kerensky, whom he considered under his tutelage. Of course, after this, Kerensky, as a politician, became nobody and not a single Russian politician would deal with him. Very interestingly, the author describes the beginning of bitterness in the civil war. And although he is a White Guard, but from it it seems that it is the whites who are more to blame for the brutality of the civil war. The opinion of the author about the patriotism of whites is already interesting in 1918. The author ascribes to Krasnov something like this phrase. "Yes, I Krasnov, a German prostitute, receive dirty shells from the Germans, wash them in quiet Don and send them clean to honest patriots from the Volunteer Army of Denikin." The quote is not verbatim from memory, but the meaning is conveyed correctly. Maybe someone knows the author and the exact title of the book. There is an interesting description of the American counterintelligence from the State Department, an interesting description of the Americans talking about the sunset of McCarthyism in the USA and the beginning of the thaw in the USSR.
          1. 0
            16 November 2017 12: 19
            "then Kerensky just scared" ///

            But you agree that he would most likely be shot
            battle and alcohol soldiers sailors if he stayed in the Winter?
            It is debatable whether one must perish beautifully "for history" or escape
            and try to organize an armed struggle?
            Your post is very interesting anyway. good
            I also read the memoirs of White Guard officers. In some it is written (by Denikin) that
            enough to defeat the Bolsheviks [approximately, from memory]
            "lure one Trotsky to his side, disperse the mediocre Denikin headquarters
            and let Trotsky organize a new "
            1. 0
              29 November 2017 19: 32
              Nonsense. Trotsky told the soldiers what they wanted to hear from him. How he would urge White to fight is not very clear.
  6. 0
    3 December 2017 16: 55
    Where did the Red Guard loss figures come from?
  7. 0
    29 December 2017 06: 35
    Quote: voyaka uh
    "then Kerensky just scared" ///
    But you agree that he would most likely be shot
    battle and alcohol soldiers sailors if he stayed in the Winter?
    It is debatable whether one must perish beautifully "for history" or escape
    and try to organize an armed struggle?

    Of the members of the interim government who did not run away with Kerensky, the Bolsheviks did not shoot anyone in the years 17-18. Kolchakites shot some of them when they overthrew Komuch’s power in Siberia. Kerensky did not kill anyone, the Bolsheviks also did not touch him in 1917, and until his death, he lived quietly in the West, being fed a little by Uncle Sam and participating in anti-Soviet actions a bit, not actively. He lived happily and did not bother Russia much. Ksyusha, Khodorkovsky and their liberal brotherhoods for edification. Even the first troublemaker Krasnov, on parole, was released to the Don, where his associates began a bloody carousel of civil war. In particular, a certain Chentsov, I do not remember exactly in full force, shot the workers' council, most of whose members dealt with economic issues. After that, everything went on increasing.
    During the Great Patriotic War, Krasnov, serving Hitler, earned a harsh but fair punishment. If you do not agree with this, visit Piskarevskoye Cemetery or Babi Yar. At Piskarevsky, the souls of the dead are almost visibly present. At the Holocaust Museum, I think you felt it too. So Kolomoisky, Krasnov, Bandera, Khodorkovsky gathered in one company
  8. 0
    20 February 2018 06: 22
    Quote: Olgovich
    Quote: Varyag_0711
    Olgovich, you can write your libel as long and as much as you like, paper (in this case, a monitor) will not be tolerated. The fact will remain, the Bolsheviks eventually defeated Cosmos,

    It is sad to read you, comrade Varyag. Think about what criterion for assessing power (any), can there be a party?
    For me, the criterion is how much power, the party (any) carried out the saving of the Russian people, their growth, the growth of their well-being, the development of their culture.
    So look:
    - Under Emperor Nicholas II, people grew by 50% in 23 years, in 1913 they ate better than in 1903, culture is the best in the world, scientists are the best in the world. Him, respectively, "+".
    - Under the next government: not a single generation of Russians born after 1910 and having entered an active reproductive age, starting from the era of the “great turning point”, from the late 1920s to the beginning of the 1930s, did not reproduce itself. Since 1964, extinction.
    hp. Eat, as in 1913 began only to the 1950s. One-sided culture. Therefore, the authorities "-".
    -EBN and the Germans, the extinction of the people, his robbery, hunger, one-sided culture. And this power "-
    -Putin-extinction has stopped, Russian territories are returning, they are eating better, the glorious history of Russia is being returned to the people. This power, respectively, is "+".

    Total: there is a people, there will be both iron and space, there will be none, there will be neither iron nor space, and no one needs them.
    What do you disagree with?
    PS You say the Bolsheviks defeated those, these, others (before Hitler).
    These people are part of the Russian people. Who is the “victory” over? Above oneself? fool

    And I read other data. When Mendeleev calculated that the population of Russia would grow to 300 ... 500 million, scientific demographers pointed out to him that the growth of ethnic Russians was close to 0. In science, physics, and mathematics there was only a repetition of old foreign experiments. A real impetus to the development of physical and mathematical sciences was given by Ioffe under the Bolsheviks. Aircraft engines, machine tools began to be made under the Bolsheviks, and with their departure from power they forgot how. Therefore, Russian heroes fly on military aircraft, and most machine tool factories died. Of course, engines do for military aircraft, but there is a tendency to decline. The civilian new Super Jet is not entirely successful, and the Russian one there seems to be a glider assembly. What can be done against the background of Yeltsin can be taken even as a great achievement. About my tsar, my grandmother, a resident of the black earth, said that with him they ate a quinoa after 2–3 years of famine. Under communists, only at the beginning of 30 and after the war. In my opinion, we know different Russia. But the truth is one.
  9. 0
    April 3 2018 18: 27
    These events (I don’t know how historically) are shown in the film "The Man with the Gun". By the way, a good movie.