How Nicholas II abdicated the throne

How Nicholas II abdicated the throne

100 years ago, 2 (15) March 1917, Russian Emperor Nicholas II abdicated. The court historian of the tsar, General Dmitry Dubensky, who constantly accompanied him on trips during the war, commented on the renunciation in the following way: “I handed in as a squadron was handed over ... I had to go not to Pskov, but to the Guard, to the Special Army”.

The day before, the tsar's train, having failed to drive in the direction of Petrograd, which was already controlled by the rebels, arrived in Pskov. There was the headquarters of the armies of the Northern Front under the command of General Nikolai Ruzsky, and the king hoped for his defense. However, even here the autocrat expected a heavy blow: as it turned out, Ruzsky was a secret opponent of the monarchy and did not personally like Nicholas II. And the chief of staff of the army, General Alekseev, organized by telegraph a “general opinion poll”. The next day, all the front commanders had already sent telegrams to the tsar with requests to lay down power to save the country. After that, Nicholas II signed a manifesto on the abdication in favor of his younger brother, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. But the next day, he also refused the crown, saying that he would put it on only if the Constituent Assembly of the new Russia favors this. At the same time, a de facto dual power was established in Petrograd: on the one hand, the Provisional Government of Russia, on the other, the Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies.

Thus, the palace coup ended with the complete success of the conspirators-fendists. Autocracy fell, and with it began the collapse of the empire. Fevralista, without realizing it, opened a Pandora's box. The revolution has just begun. The fevralists, after crushing the autocracy and seizing power, hoped that with the help of the Entente (the West) they would be able to build a "new, free Russia", but they were greatly mistaken. They overwhelmed the last obstacle that had restrained the fundamental social contradictions that had been accumulating in the Romanovs for centuries. Began a general collapse, a civilizational disaster.

In the countryside, begins its own peasant war - the defeat of landowners' estates, arson, armed clashes. Even before October 1917, peasants would burn almost all the landlords 'estates and divide the landowners' lands. The separation of not only Poland and Finland, but also of Little Russia (Little Russia-Ukraine) begins. In Kiev on March 4 (17), the Ukrainian Central Council was created, which spoke of autonomy. On March 6 (March 19), the 100th demonstration was held under the slogans "Autonomy to Ukraine", "Free Ukraine in Free Russia", "Long Live Free Ukraine with the Hetman at the Head". All over Russia, all kinds of nationalists and separatists raised their heads. National formations (gangs) appear in the Caucasus and the Baltic states. The Cossacks, formerly faithful support of the throne, also become separatists. In fact, independent state formations arose - the Don Army, the Kuban Army, etc. Kronstadt and the Baltic Fleet in the spring of 1917 got out of the control of the Provisional Government. Mass killings of officers in the army and on navy, the officers lose control of the units entrusted to them, the army loses its combat readiness by the summer of 1917 and falls apart. And all this without any influence of the Bolsheviks!

February 28 (March 13)

The uprising continued to gain momentum. In 08.25, General Khabalov sent a telegram to GHQ: “The number of remaining loyal to duty was reduced to 600 infantry and to 500 people. riders with 13 machine guns and 12 guns with 80 cartridges in all. The situation is extremely difficult. ” In 9.00 — 10.00, he answered questions from General Ivanov and said that at his disposal, in the building of the Main Admiralty, “four guards companies, five squadrons and hundreds, two batteries. Other troops went over to the side of the revolutionaries or remain neutral by agreement with them. Some soldiers and gangs roam the city, shooting at passers-by, disarming officers ... All the stations are dominated by revolutionaries, they are strictly guarded ... All artillery establishments are dominated by revolutionaries ... ”.

Armed workers and soldiers, advancing from the assembly point at the People’s House in Alexander Park, crushed the outposts at the Birzhevoy and Tuchkov bridges and opened the way to Vasilyevsky Island. The 180 Infantry Regiment and the Finnish Regiment revolted here. The sailors were joined by sailors of the 2 of the Baltic naval crew and the cruiser Aurora, which was under repair at the Franco-Russian plant near Kalinkin Bridge. By noon the Peter and Paul Fortress was taken. The garrison of the fortress went over to the side of the rebels. The commandant of the fortress, Adjutant General Nikitin, recognized the new government. The soldiers of the reserve battalion of the Pavlovsky regiment, who were arrested two days earlier, were released. At the disposal of the rebels turned out to be artillery of the Peter and Paul Fortress. In 12.00, revolutionaries presented an ultimatum to General Khabalov: under the threat of shelling by means of the guns of the Peter and Paul Fortress, they left the Admiralty. General Khabalov removed the remnants of government troops from the building of the Main Admiralty and transferred them to the Winter Palace. Soon the Winter Palace was occupied by troops sent by the Provisional Committee and the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Soviet. The remnants of government forces went over to the rebels. Pal and the headquarters of the Petrograd Military District. Generals Khabalov, Belyaev, Balk and others were arrested. Thus, about 400 thousand people with 899 enterprises and 127 thousand soldiers took part in the movement on this day and the uprising ended with a complete victory for the rebels.

The new centers of power were finally formed. On the night of February 28, the Provisional Committee of the State Duma announced that it was taking power into its own hands, in view of the termination of its activities by N. D. Golitsyn. State Duma Chairman Rodzianko sent the appropriate telegram to the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander General Alekseev, commander of fronts and fleets: "The Provisional Committee of the State Duma informs your Excellency that, due to the removal of the entire composition of the former Council of Ministers, the government has now passed to the Provisional Committee of the State Duma" . During the day, the Provisional Committee appointed General L. G. Kornilov to the post of commander of the troops of the Petrograd district and sent out his commissars to all the ministries.

At the same time, a second center of power was being formed - the Petrograd Soviet. On February 27, the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Council distributed leaflets calling on the factories and soldiers to elect their deputies and send them to the Tauride Palace. Already in 21.00, in the left wing of the Tauride Palace, the first meeting of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' Deputies headed by the Menshevik N. S. Chkheidze began, the labor of A. F. Kerensky and the Menshevik M. I. Skobelev became deputies. All three were State Duma deputies and masons.

By five o'clock in the morning of February 28, the imperial trains left Mahiliou. The trains were to be crossed about 950 versts on the route Mogilyov - Orsha - Vyazma - Likhoslavl - Tosno - Gatchina - Tsarskoe Selo. But they did not arrive there. By the morning of March 1, the lettered trains were able to get through Bologoye only to Malaya Vishera, where they were forced to turn around and go back to Bologoye, where only by the evening of March 1 arrived in Pskov, where the headquarters of the Northern Front was located. With the departure, the Supreme Commander was actually cut off from his Headquarters for forty hours, as the telegraph message worked intermittently and with delays.

1 (14) March

In this situation, the mood of the tsarist generals, its willingness to support the king and suppress the uprising in the capital, is increasingly taking the first place. And also the readiness of the tsar himself to fight to the end and decide on the toughest measures, right up to the beginning of the civil war (it was already inevitable, with the separation of the national suburbs, the peasant war and the most severe class struggle).

However, the higher generals participated in the conspiracy. In Pskov, the headquarters of the armies of the Northern Front was under the command of General Nikolai Ruzsky, and the king hoped for his defense. However, even here the autocrat expected a heavy blow - as it turned out, Ruza was a secret opponent of the monarchy and did not personally like Nicholas II. Upon the arrival of the royal train, the general pointedly did not organize the usual meeting ceremony, appeared on the platform late, advising "to surrender to the mercy of the winner."

Headquarters Headquarters Mikhail Alekseev was also inclined to support the Februaryists. Even before the February uprising, he was appropriately "processed", inclined to support the conspiracy. Historian G.M. Katkov wrote: “It was impossible to avoid official contacts between the commanders-in-chief of the fronts and the leaders of public organizations whose functions were to help the army, to care for the wounded and sick, in the ever-increasing and expanding organization of the supply of food, clothing, fodder and even weapons and ammunition. Leaders of public organizations ... were not slow to take advantage of official contacts to constantly complain about the inertia of government agencies and to exacerbate the problems that already complicated relations between commanders-in-chief and ministries. Guchkov himself and his deputy Konovalov worked on Alekseeva at GHQ, and Tereshchenko, the head of the Kiev military-industrial committee, made every effort to influence Brusilov, the commander-in-chief of the South-Western Front, in the same vein. ” Katkov noted that the position taken by General Alekseev both during this period and during the February events can be qualified as two-faced, dual, insincere, although the general tried to avoid direct participation in the conspiracy.

According to historian G.M. Katkov, “in the evening of February 28, Alekseev ceased to be an obedient executor towards the king and assumed the role of mediator between the monarch and his rebellious parliament. Only Rodzianko, creating the false impression that Petrograd was under his complete control, could have caused such a change in Alekseev ”(G. M. Katkov. February Revolution).

As stated shortly before his death in emigration, one of the most active conspirators, Chairman of the Central Military Industrial Committee A. I. Guchkov, who from February to August 1916, sent Alekseev privately to his general bitter observations and advice about the unsatisfactory work of the rear, from February to August 1917 "... I was so aware [of the fact that in well-known circles there may be well-known plans], which was done by an indirect participant." An indirect fact that Alekseev supported the Februaryists and the transfer of power to the liberal-bourgeois government is the fact that he, when the Bolsheviks took power, with the support of the then political and financial-economic elite of Russia, became one of the founders of the White movement. Fevralisty, losing power in October XNUMX, unleashed a civil war, trying to return Russia to the past.

At a time when the Stavka and the high command had to act in the most decisive manner to suppress the uprising, they dragged time. If at first Alekseev quite accurately covered the situation in the capital before the commanders-in-chief of the fronts, then from February 28 he began to indicate that the events in Petrograd had calmed down, that the troops, "joining the Provisional Government in full, are being put in order", that the Provisional Government "under the chairmanship Rodzianki "says" the need for new bases for the selection and appointment of the government. " That the negotiations will lead to a common world and will avoid bloodshed, that the new government in Petrograd is filled with goodwill and is ready with new energy to contribute to military efforts. Thus, everything was done to stop any decisive actions to suppress the insurgency by armed forces, to prevent General Ivanov from forming a strike force to suppress the uprising. In turn, the leaders of the Februaryists, Rodzianko, were keenly interested in stopping the expeditionary forces of General Ivanov, which they considered far more numerous and stronger than they actually were. The Provisional Committee created the illusion that it keeps Petrograd under complete control.

Confused and the king. On the night of 1 (14) on 2 (15) in March, General Ivanov received a telegram from Nicholas II, which he sent after his negotiations with the commander of the Northern Front, General Ruzsky, acting on the basis of agreements with the Chairman of the State Duma Rodzyanko: “Tsarskoe Selo. Hope to arrive safely. I ask you not to take any measures before my arrival and report. ” 2 (15) March, General Ivanov received a dispatch from the emperor, canceling the previous instructions on the movement to Petrograd. As a result of negotiations between the emperor and the commander-in-chief of the Northern Front, General Ruzsky, all the troops previously assigned to General Ivanov stopped and returned to the front. In this way, the highest generals in alliance with the conspirators in the capital disrupted the possibility of an immediate military operation to restore order in Petrograd.

On the same day, the Provisional Government took shape. At an expanded meeting of the Provisional Committee of the Duma with the participation of the Central Committee of the Cadet Party, the Bureau of the “progressive bloc” of the State Duma deputies, and representatives of the Petrograd Soviet, the composition of the cabinet of ministers was agreed, the formation of which was announced the next day. The first chairman of the Provisional Government was a high-level Freemason Prince George Lvov, formerly known as a cadet, and then a progressive, State Duma deputy and prominent figure in the Russian zemstvo. It was assumed that the Provisional Government would have to manage Russia before the elections to the Constituent Assembly, at which delegates elected in democratic elections will decide what the new form of government of the country will be.

They adopted a political program from the 8 points: full and immediate amnesty for all political and religious affairs, including terrorist attacks, military uprisings; democratic freedoms for all citizens; the abolition of all class, religious and national restrictions; preparation for elections to the Constituent Assembly and to local governments on the basis of universal, equal, direct and secret voting; the replacement of the police by the people's militia with an elected official; the troops that took part in the revolutionary uprising in Petrograd remained in the capital and kept weapons; soldiers received all public rights.

The Petrograd Soviet formally recognized the power of the Provisional Government (only the Bolsheviks who were its members objected). But in fact he himself issued decrees and orders without the consent of the Provisional Government, which increased the chaos and confusion in the country. Thus, the 1 (14) of March issued the so-called “order No. 1” on the Petrograd garrison, which legitimized the soldiers' committees and placed at their disposal all weapons, and the officers were deprived of disciplinary power over the soldiers. With the adoption of the order, the principle of unity of command, fundamental for any army, was violated, as a result of which a collapse in discipline and fighting capacity began, and then the complete disintegration of the whole army.

In modern Russia, where part of the “elite” and the public ”enthusiastically creates the myth of the“ crunch of the French loaf ”- an almost perfect device of the“ old Russia ”(which implies the idea of ​​the need to restore the then orders in the Russian Federation), it is considered that massacres of officers began under the Bolsheviks. However, this is not true. Lynches of officers began during the February coup. So, when 26 February, the rebels captured Arsenal, where the famous artillery systems designer, Major General Nikolai Zabudsky was killed.

1 (14) March killings have become widespread. On this day, the first victim was the watch lieutenant Gennady Bubnov, who refused to change the flag of St. Andrew to the revolutionary red battleship “Andrew the First-Called” - he was “raised to the bayonets”. When Admiral Arkady Nebolsin himself, who commanded a battleship brigade in Helsingfors (modern Helsinki), climbed onto the battleship of the battleship, the sailors shot him, and then five more officers. In Kronstadt, also 1 (14 in March), Admiral Robert Viren was stabbed with bayonets on the main square and rear-admiral Alexander Butakov was shot dead. 4 (17) in March in Helsingfors, the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Admiral Adrian Nepenin, was already shot dead, who personally supported the Provisional Government, but negotiated with him secretly from electoral committees of sailors, which aroused their suspicions. Nepeninu also recalled his rude temper and inattention to the requests of sailors to improve life.

It is worth noting that from that moment, Kronstadt, and the way the Bolsheviks imposed their order there, became an independent “republic”. In essence, Kronstadt was a kind of Zaporizhian Sich with a sailor anarchist freemen instead of the “independent” Cossacks. And finally, Kronstadt will be “calmed down” only in the 1921 year.

Then the commandant of the Sveaborg fortress, VN Protopopov, lieutenant-general for the fleet, commanders of 1 and 2 of Kronstadt naval crews N. Stronsky and A. Girs, commander of the battleship "Imperator Alexander II", captain 1 of rank N. Povalishin, were killed. , the commander of the cruiser "Aurora" Captain 1 rank M. Nikolsky and many other naval and land officers. By 15 March, the Baltic Fleet lost 120 officers. In Kronstadt, moreover, at least 12 land army officers were killed. Several officers committed suicide or went missing. Hundreds of officers were attacked or arrested. For example, for comparison: all the fleets and fleets of Russia have lost 245 officers since the beginning of the First World War. Gradually, rampant violence began to penetrate the province.

To be continued ...
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  1. +2
    2 March 2017 06: 31
    Yes, one fatal mistake in the chain caused the rest to be like an avalanche ... you can’t stop it anymore and it will sweep away everything in its path.
    Therefore, a person vested with the fullness of state power should like a sapper ... understand the price of error is this life.
    1. +8
      2 March 2017 07: 20
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Yes, one fatal mistake in the chain caused the rest to be like an avalanche ...

      Alexei, I assure you that if there hadn’t been one “fatal mistake”, another “fatal mistake” would have appeared and all the same, it would have continued to roll towards the rout of the empire. I am convinced that almost all possible options were thoroughly thought out by the organizers of all this "circus" action. Although I want to doubt these words of mine, the only practice of shifting power in the other three empires suggests that the Russian Empire was doomed initially, according to a unified plan created long before the events described.
      1. +22
        2 March 2017 09: 11
        venaya Today, 07:20 ↑ New
        Alexei, I assure you that if there weren’t one “fatal mistake”, another “fatal mistake” would have appeared
        Yesterday we were arguing with you over who was to blame, now you are writing about the "organizers of all this" circus "action," and let me ask who this is ?! There is no doubt that the collapse of Russia by all means desired and dreamed about this the whole collective West. But, as real practice shows, Russia was falling apart either because of the stupidity and worthlessness of the leader (Nikolai the Bloody), or because of betrayal and purposeful work on the collapse of the country (Bear-labeled). You can talk a lot about the work of the Western special services, but it would hardly be so effective if these special services did not have recruited agents among the Russian corrupt elite. And the fact that it was, is and is likely to be corrupt, I think no one doubts ?!
        To our dispute yesterday, here again the conclusion is that you can have knowledge, you can observe the process and understand its essence, but if the elite decided to sell the country's assets, neither you, nor I, nor all of us together can stop it.
        The talent of the leader lies in the ability to select competent and less honest staff. This talent was possessed by Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Great and Joseph Stalin, perhaps all. The famous phrase of Stalin, frames decide everything, it is not sucked out of a finger! But the ability to select frames is a great art and amazing intuition. Nikolay did not possess these qualities, and Gorbachev picked up a team set up for the collapse of the country, one Shevardnadze of cattle, which is worth it.
        Something like that!
        1. +7
          2 March 2017 09: 16
          Diana, good to see .. love
          1. +14
            2 March 2017 09: 20
            parusnik Today, 09:16 ↑
            Diana, good to see .. love
            Thank you, mutually! love
            1. +1
              2 March 2017 10: 19
              Quote: Diana Ilyina .... one Shevardnadze cattlewhat it costs.

              Bravo! Real definition, short and to the point! hi love
        2. +5
          2 March 2017 10: 17
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          the collapse of Russia by all means desired and dreamed about it the whole collective West. ... and the leader’s worthlessness (Nikolai the Bloody)

          Now the "collective West" - and calls itself already in Aramaic - "Europe". These are the descendants of the ancient families of the Phoenician merchants, who once migrated to Genoa and Venice. The Genoese, fleeing the Arabs who came from the Arabian Desert, who settled on the entire Iberian Peninsula, moved to the venets of today's Switzerland. Family clans of Swiss bankers live there now. Venetian merchant clans also moved first to Holland, having organized their revolution there for the first time (now our naval terminology, thanks to Peter I, has the Dutch terminological basis). 95% of shipping during the time of Peter I was carried out by ships under the Dutch trade pennant. British pirates posed a great threat to the safety of shipping for Dutch ships, so Cromwell's revolution took place in England with the further submission of the British crown to the financial interests of the families of Venetian merchants, as well as the formation of a private credit and financial system called the "Bank of England". Then it started: "The Great French Revolution", etc. etc. To put pressure on RI and France, the “German Empire” was artificially created, both for the struggle against France and for the struggle and subjugation of Russia. The apotheosis for Russia was the February Revolution. Hoping that a particular emperor’s tsar could save the situation could not be possible, too grandiose forces fell on Mother Russia in those days. It’s not entirely correct to use the term “Nikolai the Bloody”, the tragedy in Khatynka was simply not out of the mind, and the “Stolypin ties” claimed the lives of up to 800 people, but as a result of the revolution and the civil war, the population in the Republic of Ingushetia decreased so much by 30 million, that's serious. Something like this!
          1. +19
            2 March 2017 10: 45
            As for the first part, I agree completely. But regarding the fact that Nikolai is not bloody, he fundamentally disagrees. Khodynka, this is only the first swallow in a series of his bloody reign. It was his mediocre and brainless rule that led Russia to collapse. It was his inability to put the right people in key posts that led Russia to defeat in the Russo-Japanese war, to the first revolution of 1905, to a bloody resurrection, to Russia's unpreparedness for WWI, to defeat in the same WWI, to overthrow him from the throne, and as a result to the civil war. All these sacrifices are on his conscience!
            As for this one of your phrases:
            Hoping that any super-duper concrete emperor-king could save the situation, it does not seem possible to me
            then Stalin was able to pull the country out of a more deplorable situation than Nikolay had. So a decisive, competent and purposeful ruler could well improve the situation, and sometimes simply not bring the country to a situation where it began to crumble. The royal family’s ambitions brought us to the Russo-Japanese War, the same ambitions led to the fact that Russia joined the WWII without being ready for it at all!
            So in general, I agree with you, but fundamentally disagree with your assessment of the activities of the bloody Nicholas. The people just do not give out nicknames to the kings. Terrible, Great, Great, Palkin, Liberator, Bloody, our people are very wise and just will not call anyone.
            1. +6
              2 March 2017 11: 46
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              The royal family’s ambitions brought us to the Russo-Japanese War

              smile Diana, my soul, the ambitions of completely different people brought us to the Russo - Japanese War. As there, in his correspondence Rothschild called Mr. Witte ... "dear Emil" seems?
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              the same ambitions led to the fact that Russia joined the WWII without being ready for it at all from the word!

              Well, Diana, it's you in vain! The Russian army was ready for war no worse than others.
              1. Cat
                2 March 2017 20: 12
                The Russian army was ready for war no worse than others.

                If essentially! Yes, you are right, but the people of Russia did not need this war! The geopolitical problem of the Russian Empire was resolved in the south. His name is "Bosphorus and Dardanelles", and not in the west in "Alsace and Lorraine". If Nicholas kept his restraint and listened to William's uncle, he could one-on-one crush Turkey. Moreover, in this Russia was supported by the Greeks and Bulgarians. And then it’s not a fact yet that we were picked out from Constantinople.
                Although to be honest, it would be best for Nicholas to fulfill Stolypin's covenant and abstain from war in general!
            2. +5
              2 March 2017 12: 05
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              Russia joined WWI without being ready for it from the word at all

              perhaps it was the apotheosis of idiocy, for
              1. were not ready
              2. fought for the interests of others contrary to their own
              3. inspired by the ridiculous promises to get the straits (it’s clear to the fool that they would not have been given in any case)
              4. Even in the most fantastic version, the sheepskin would not be worth the “highlight”, since there was still no coherent Mediterranean policy.
            3. +2
              2 March 2017 12: 20
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              1. Stalin was able to pull the country out of a more deplorable situation than Nikolay had. ... 2. The people just do not give out nicknames to the kings. Terrible, Great, Great, Palkin, Liberator, Bloody, our people are very wise and just will not call anyone.

              As for Stalin, he possessed special knowledge, inaccessible to the rest of the party members; special preparation, even Lenin, was having an effect. In this sense, you just don’t have to compare it with the rest of the party, it’s not that school. Hence the numerous problems after the 53rd year. Once again, compare the 800th from Stolypin’s ties with 130 in the 37-38th years. Obviously more serious preliminary preparation for the massacre, so it’s better not to use “hackneyed” and obviously not fair phrases like: “Nikolai the Bloody”, obviously not corresponding to the true state of affairs, not quite decent and not true.
              2. As for the nickname to the kings: you are already careful with the expression "people", it smacks of the 282nd article. After all, here we can talk about a certain people, and not of local origin. It’s there, in totalitarian Americas and China, one people lives (for example, the US Constitution: “We are the people”), any other definition is either criminally punishable, or immediately “on the head”. You don’t seem familiar with the topic about which people give nicknames to emperor-kings, so try not to raise it in the future, it’s not worth it, otherwise it doesn’t work out very correctly.
              1. +15
                2 March 2017 13: 53
                venaya Today, 12:20 ↑ New
                Once again, compare the 800 from the "Stolypin ties with 130 thousand in the 37-38th years.
                I tell you about Thomas, and you tell me about Yeryoma! Do you even hear me ?! The bloody Nicholas is personally guilty of the victims of the Russo-Japanese War, personally guilty of the victims of the bloody resurrection and on the Khodynka field, personally guilty of the millions of killed soldiers in WWII and personally guilty of the victims of the civil war and the so-called red terror that followed! If you cannot discern an absolutely direct causal link between the king and these events, then you should not boast of your mind and the ability to “think independently”!
                As for the nickname for the kings: you are more careful with the expression "people", it smacks of the 282nd article.
                Well, this is only in your mind. This is how you should try to pull an article on my comment on inciting ethnic hatred ?! I get the impression that you are not quite healthy. Sometimes you reason correctly and logically, but when it comes to the guilt of the bloody Nicholas, it’s as if they are replacing you, you start to carry some kind of nonsense and accuse me of something to which I have nothing to do.
                1. +4
                  2 March 2017 14: 50
                  Our king is Mukden,

                  Our king is Tsushima

                  Our king is a bloody stain

                  The stench of gunpowder and smoke, in which the mind is dark.

                  Our king - squalor blind, prison and whip, trial, execution

                  The king is a gallows, twice as low as he promised, but dare to give,

                  He is a coward, he feels with a hesitation, but there will be an hour of reckoning, waiting

                  Who began to reign Khodynka, he ends, standing on the scaffold.

                  Konstantin Balmont, 1906. But the family of the executed, for the children, to these executioners is no excuse, for no situation.
              2. +1
                2 March 2017 14: 47
                Quote: venaya
                special preparation affects, even Lenin

                do you mean something specific?
                explain plz hi
              3. +1
                2 March 2017 15: 12
                Quote: venaya
                As for Stalin, he possessed special knowledge.

                What kind of special knowledge is this?
                1. 0
                  3 March 2017 09: 33
                  Quote: RUSS
                  Quote: venaya
                  As for Stalin, he possessed special knowledge.

                  What kind of special knowledge is this?

                  But this question was not answered, about the "special" knowledge of Stalin ......
            4. +3
              2 March 2017 13: 55
              Stalin was able to pull the country out of a more deplorable situation than Nikolay had.

              Stalin in his decisions relied on numerous competent people (experts) in their fields. Here, Nikolai could not compete in any way, since he made decisions (or rather didn’t take them correctly) himself.
              This is a completely different level of development of society.
              1. +1
                2 March 2017 15: 12
                Quote: glory1974
                Stalin in his decisions relied on numerous competent people (experts) in their fields.

                For example ? Surnames say?
                1. +2
                  2 March 2017 20: 09
                  Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov.
                2. +1
                  2 March 2017 23: 15
                  For example ? Surnames say?

                  Many surnames, depending on which area. If in the military it is necessary to start with the fact that decisions on military matters were made after discussion in a collegial body known as the headquarters of the Supreme High Command. Participants in the bid accordingly: Vasilevsky, Zhukov, Shaposhnikov, etc.
                  If there was not enough information, people with relevant competencies were involved. Discussed aviation, involved up to the head of aircraft factories, designers, etc.
                  In sociology, the 3 type control system.
                  For comparison, Hitler had an 2 type control system. When he made decisions himself, often contrary to the opinion of the generals. In this case, you can respond to the event more quickly, mobilize everyone to implement a not even popular solution, but more errors accumulate over time.
                  Nikolai has a control system? I see you know me better
                  however, in fact, Nicholas II rather "did not interfere." He did not even have a personal secretariat.
                  1. 0
                    3 March 2017 09: 32
                    Quote: glory1974
                    Vasilevsky, Zhukov, Shaposhnikov, etc.

                    Few surnames and then mostly military, who else?
                    1. +1
                      3 March 2017 09: 48
                      in aviation Yakovlev certainly
                    2. +1
                      3 March 2017 10: 32
                      Few surnames and then mostly military, who else?

                      I wrote for an example of the most famous military. In general, there are about 250 people in the Supreme Command. Moreover, since 43 of the year, a special train relied on members of the rate for going to the front. There was not only security, but also a secretariat, paperwork, a communications center, etc. Under such conditions, all decisions were made exclusively collectively, but when the decision was made, the person responsible for its implementation was appointed. Recall from the movies: "Comrade Zhukov, the headquarters has decided to appoint you commander of the Western Front."

                      There were other specialists in other areas of life, I was not specifically interested, but I know that meetings were held with all aircraft designers and directors of aircraft plants. According to A1845 and Yakovlev, and Tupolev, and Bartini, Lvavochkin and so on. I do not remember the names of plant directors.
                      In other branches of science and technology, other specialist people are: atomic Kurchatov, Ioffe.
                      According to sociologist I. Boschenko, Churchill's institute of experts was about 15 000 people. remember for example a specially educated institute for breaking the Enigma code.
                      Stalin probably had no less experts, they were simply recruited from various industries as necessary.
              2. +1
                2 March 2017 15: 28
                Quote: glory1974
                Here, Nikolai could not compete in any way, since he made decisions (or rather didn’t take them correctly) himself.

                It is customary to say about Nikolai the Second that he personally carried out reforms, often in defiance of the Duma. However, in fact, Nicholas II rather "did not interfere." He did not even have a personal secretariat. But with him, well-known reformers were able to develop their abilities. Such as Witte and Stolypin. At the same time, the relations between the two “second politicians” were far from idyllic.

                Sergei Witte wrote about Stolypin: "Nobody destroyed the appearance of justice as much as he, Stolypin, and everything, accompanied by liberal speeches and gestures."

                Peter Arkadievich did not lag behind. Witte, who was unhappy with the results of the investigation into the attempt on his life, he wrote: “From your letter, Count, I have to make one conclusion: either you consider me an idiot, or you find that I also participate in an attempt on your life ...”.

                Sergey Witte wrote succinctly about Stolypin’s death: “They killed”.

                Nicholas II never personally wrote the detailed resolutions, limited himself to notes in the margins, more often than not, he simply put a “sign of reading”. He sat on official commissions no more than 30 times, always on extraordinary occasions, the emperor’s remarks at the meetings were brief, he chose one side or another in the discussion.
          2. +5
            2 March 2017 11: 37
            Quote: venaya
            Hoping that a particular emperor’s tsar could save the situation could not be possible, too grandiose forces fell on Mother Russia in those days.

            Totally agree with you! In fact, it all began with the Baku strike of the 1903 of the year (who won and who lost as a result. Decide for yourself), the next step of the "tremendous forces" was the REV and the first "color" revolution. The economic upsurge of Russia provoked the assassination of Stalypin, drawing Russia into an unnecessary war and the subsequent two revolutions! The autocracy in the person of Nicholas 2 could not in any way resist the future collapse of the empire. So in the USSR, after the "strange" death of Stalin, the irreversible path of self-destruction began! Here, my respected Diana brought the thesis "cadres decide everything", the tsar appoints the loyal prince of Lvov as chairman of the infamous ZEMGOR, who knew then that ZEMGOR, under the chairmanship of Lvov, would become the grave digger of the Russian army ?! In the first half of the 20 century, Russian society was struck by all sorts of "popular" movements, and the most interesting thing is that all these movements wanted freedom, and after receiving this freedom they still did not understand what to do with it! I do not defend the king. Yes, it’s his fault that he didn’t show decisiveness, didn’t destroy his opponents like Stalin did, didn’t take off his “pink glasses” and completely trusted in the honesty of his ministers and generals! The king went to war, but it was not necessary to go to war, but to restore order in the rear! A hundred years have passed and now it is easy to talk about bygone years. But now the same thing is happening! We are just as biting each other to the joy of our enemies! History teaches us nothing gentlemen - comrades! hi
        3. +2
          2 March 2017 10: 48
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          You can talk a lot about the work of the Western special services, but it would hardly be so effective if these special services did not have recruited agents among the Russian elite through and through.

          It’s strange, right? In all areas, from folk dance to fundamental science, our relatives have proven - “we can”!
          And at the same time, at all times, instead of elites (in the direct sense of the word), our land gave rise to some kind of abomination, why?
          1. +14
            2 March 2017 11: 09
            A1845 Today, 10:48 ↑
            And at the same time, at all times, instead of elites (in the direct sense of the word), our land gave rise to some kind of abomination, why?
            I have my own theory about this, but I'm afraid they will raise a laugh with her. Nevertheless, I believe that at our mental level it is laid down to live and overcome difficulties. As soon as our person begins to live better, fuller and carefree, he immediately begins to turn into a snickering nouveau riche. Look at our newly-born princes who appeared after the collapse of the USSR. Indeed, from them normal people can be counted on the fingers. And all of them immediately begin to wag their tail and obsequiously bow to the West and its rotten "values."
            I don’t know what is happening to them, but a popular saying: if you want to know who he is about a person, give him money and power, it’s not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
            But our people have never lived well. Neither under princes, nor under kings, nor now, the only exception of the USSR and then only its last years. By the way, maybe because under Brezhnev healed more calmly and satisfactorily than under Stalin, the country fell apart ?! Not sure if this is so, but nonetheless!
            1. +1
              2 March 2017 11: 43
              Quote: Diana Ilyina: As soon as our person begins to live better, fuller and carefree, he immediately begins to turn into a snickering nouveau riche.

              I can’t say that they won’t make fun of me, but there is one thought. If you look back into the dark past laughing, it seems that only here, the elite with a laudable frequency, went to humus almost in full strength. Now, look, only, only the elite was formed under Ivan III, as, already the fourth, it was quite densely thinned. Further, confusion, then the formation of new Dons and again flew their heads already under Peter. It seems that after him there was a period long enough for the new elite to form, eat up and start thinking about the soul. I do not know. Here are some families in Europe, the genealogy of years so in 500 and have everything in power anyway. Depends the time of "exposure" or not on the quality of power, again, I do not know. smile
              1. +1
                2 March 2017 11: 48
                Tradition however. laughing This speaks to the quality of our elite. Well, there are already ready-made historical recipes. wink
                1. +1
                  2 March 2017 12: 10
                  Quote: vladimirvn Well, there are already ready-made historical recipes.

                  Yes, but Ivan or Peter, no.
              2. +3
                2 March 2017 14: 29
                Quote: avva2012
                so that a new elite is formed, ate and began to think about the soul

                After Peter and before October they ate, drank to stupor, became mired in debauchery, and did not grow wiser.
                Quote: avva2012
                pedigree years so at 500 have

                and how many years ago they got out of cattle-no statistics?

                The version is interesting, but somehow does not add up.
                Maybe this rule does not apply in our climate?
                1. 0
                  3 March 2017 05: 03
                  Quote: A1845: The version is interesting, but somehow does not add up.

                  I say, "I can’t say that they won’t make fun of me ...". I don’t know, there were summarizing studies of historians, genealogies of modern European elites and their relations among themselves. Where, who, with whom, when. What connections, besides formally related, did the Europeans have with our “blue blood”. Purely speculative, it seems that we are alien to Europe in this regard. We have different "roots", "horizontal" ties between representatives of the elite, I am absent. Those of "ours" who dared to establish such ties with the West, or decreased in growth by head or emigrated. I repeat, there is no evidence.
            2. +4
              2 March 2017 11: 44
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              I believe that at our mental level it is laid down to live and overcome difficulties

              It is possible that this is true, because the Westerners lived in overpopulation and willy-nilly, they studied society for millennia, as a result, many Westerners have sane statehood.
              Our ancestors could develop new territories with a very non-Mediterranean climate, overcome difficulties, live hungry but independently.

              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              Look at our newly-born princes who appeared after the collapse of the USSR. Indeed, from them normal people can be counted on the fingers.

              This really is ...
              Neither Gates, nor Jobs, nor Hewlett with Packard, nor Ford are among our rich. These only know how to plunder what was created before them, or sell (read - plunder) the wealth of our land or cut the budget of the country.
              1. +1
                2 March 2017 23: 25
                Neither Gates, nor Jobs, nor Hewlett with Packard, nor Ford are among our rich.

                There are such people, just their names are not advertised. It is not profitable for the rich who have reached the power to show that there is someone who is morally superior to them by head.
                Hundreds of scientists have not left for the West in spite of proposals, but are trying to implement their developments here. Zhores Alferov.
                Someone pays millions to search for extraterrestrial civilizations, I don’t remember the name. They say little about such people.
                M ...... ki, promoted by the press as the founder of Vkontakte, immediately made planes from five-thousand-dollar bills from a hotel on Nevsky Prospekt and launched them.
                Or the modest cellist Roldugin. Billions of dollars passed through him and he didn’t get anything.
            3. +5
              2 March 2017 12: 05
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              I have my own theory about this

              Hmm, and you know Diana, and you are probably right! No, all the same, they are right! There is some kind of Asian trait in us, envy or something, because for the most part people who even raise a little not even a large amount of money immediately show some sort of “lordly trait” ....
              1. +15
                2 March 2017 12: 28
                Serg65 Today, 12:05 ↑
                There is some kind of Asian trait in us, envy or something, because for the most part people who even raise a little not even a large amount of money immediately show some sort of “lordly trait” ....
                Here, and I about the same! Why does a person seizing on money or power take down the roof ?! Yes, apparently because he did not earn this money, either by mind or by labor, but only by the will of chance, connections, or simply luck. But in this case, he will not appreciate this wealth as if he had got it through his work or talent. It is only through labor and difficulties that have been passed that a person begins to appreciate not only what he has got, but also what others have earned. I emphasize EARNINGS, not stolen!
                1. 0
                  2 March 2017 23: 11
                  Rather, they won the lottery, pliz ball, and according to history there is a DayTV channel there, historian Yevgeny Spitsin, says the right thing.
        4. +5
          2 March 2017 12: 41
          The tsarist monarchy gave rise to the February revolution with its anti-people policy, and no "Western intelligence services" played a special role here.
          It is enough to recall such a fact that in just 50 years with a little before 1917 - in the lives of people who were still living, people could be sold like cattle, not to mention other heavy moral and physical punishments.
          Yes, and after the so-called "liberation", the peasants - the main category of those living then, were left without land, forcing them to go back to the same landowner in capitalist bondage again, otherwise it was simply impossible to feed themselves.
          There were a great many reasons for the discontent of the people, but the main thing was that they did not have normal living conditions — these are the main causes of discontent and revolutions. It only remained to wait until there were forces capable of leading this element and leading to the destruction of the monarchy.
          In February 1917, the discontent of the people turned into complete spontaneous disobedience in the capital, it coincided with the interests of the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois milieu of officials, the Duma and the Army, filled with peasant masses of soldiers, which together led to the victory of the February Revolution.
          The bourgeoisie itself, the Duma and the generals, would never have gone to the overthrow of the tsar, and putting forward an ultimatum to him, they did this, driven by the protest of the people in St. Petersburg, and soldiers at the front.
        5. +1
          2 March 2017 15: 25
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          But, as real practice shows, Russia was falling apart either because of the stupidity and worthlessness of the leader (Nikolai the Bloody

          In connection with the events on Khodynka and January 9, 1905 he was nicknamed radical opposition “Nikolai the Bloody” with such a nickname appeared in Soviet popular historiography.
          The opposition called the king "bloody", not the people!
      2. +2
        2 March 2017 16: 12
        Quote: venaya
        Quote: The same LYOKHA
        Yes, one fatal mistake in the chain caused the rest to be like an avalanche ...

        Alexei, I assure you that if there hadn’t been one “fatal mistake”, another “fatal mistake” would have appeared and all the same, it would have continued to roll towards the rout of the empire. I am convinced that almost all possible options were thoroughly thought out by the organizers of all this "circus" action. Although I want to doubt these words of mine, the only practice of shifting power in the other three empires suggests that the Russian Empire was doomed initially, according to a unified plan created long before the events described.

        Nicholas 2’s abdication is one thing, and the vile execution in the basement of the Ipatiev house of innocent children and associates of Shaia Goloshchekin, Yankel Yurovsky and other villains on the orders of the executioner of the Russian people Sverdlov is completely different, it’s a bloody massacre and ritual murder
    2. +6
      2 March 2017 09: 50
      What is there! Pro.ral Kolek Empire .... laughing "Khodynka began, Khodynka and ended!"
      1. +6
        2 March 2017 10: 25
        Quote: Finches
        What is there! Pro.ral Kolek Empire .... "Khodynka began, Khodynka and ended!"

        laughing Like Lenin pro.ral Bolshevism ...... executions began. executions and ended!
        1. +8
          2 March 2017 10: 55
          It is unlikely! Not because I am an avid Leninist communist, but because your judgment has no historical justification! The phrase I quoted said by someone at a reception at the French ambassador on the day of the coronation is just a laconic description of the weak man who came to power in Russia, Nicholas II! History forgives many rulers, with the exception of one thing - self-neglect. Kolya was advised not to suffer from nonsense and generally abandon the throne in favor of Michael - he did not listen! Kolya was advised not to arrange a festivities with a gratis treat like Louis XVI arranged in Paris, which ended with a scaffold ..., didn’t listen again ... The brilliant General Dragomirov, who taught Kolenka military affairs, was far from casual to leave us with a judgment about him: "Sitting on the throne is good, but not able to stand at the head of Russia"...- so these are links of one chain and Nikolai is personally responsible for the collapse of the Empire! As for the executions, although it’s not clear why you talked about this at all - this is not the subject of this article, the Russian Revolution, unlike the English and French, when London and Paris were literally drowned in blood, was extremely peaceful, almost without sacrifice ... Yes, then there was the Red Terror, but there was the White Terror ... Excuse me, but here the smartest person, Vladimir Ilyich, correctly identified: "Every revolution is only worth something if it can defend itself." White gentlemen, besides themselves, also dragged foreign intervention into Mother Russia - the British landed in Arkhangelsk, the Americans and Japanese in Vladivostok, the French in Crimea, the Germans in Kiev ... And all this is far from tourists with peaceful intentions ... They need Was it bread and salt or something to meet? And to those who called them to us, such as the Admiral, what was needed, to issue coupons for enhanced food ...?
          1. +16
            2 March 2017 11: 13
            And to those who called them to us, such as the Admiral, what was needed, to issue coupons for enhanced nutrition ...?
            Bravo Eugene! hi love Glad to see you in good health!
            1. +5
              2 March 2017 11: 20
              And, I, Diana, am glad to see you again in VO! love
          2. +3
            2 March 2017 11: 59
            Quote: Finches
            I am an avid Leninist communist

            With whom it does not happen, Eugene, with whom it does not happen! I do not blame you smile
            Quote: Finches
            there was a red terror, but there was a white terror

            I’m not talking about this, but about the fact that the cunning and clever Stalin pressed Communists to the fingernails of Leninists, then he rocked the Rockefellers for the good of the Motherland!
            Quote: Finches
            in Arkhangelsk, the British landed; in Vladivostok, the Americans and Japanese

            Trotsky dragged them to Arkhangelsk with the consent of Lenin laughing
            All this bullshit Eugene! There is the concept of Homeland, Russia, and it is not necessary to take it away, fill it with blood, and play verbiage. Even with the Union it was not possible to build a free, equal society ... unfortunately.
            1. +3
              2 March 2017 12: 15
              You are not very careful - I wrote that I am far from being a Leninist communist! As for Trotsky’s invitation, this is partly true, but it’s not about Arkhangelsk, but Romanov-on-Murman, and then the future Murmansk at first World War I was actually the base of the Entente ... In Arkhangelsk, in the city, as a result of anti-Bolshevik The coup was created by the Supreme Administration of the Northern Region, headed by the Trudovik N.V. Tchaikovsky, turned into a puppet government of interventionists.

              There is the concept of Homeland and you are right, but I will quote myself from the same post I have already written here on a similar topic: “But you just have to admit - this is, indeed, our history and the whites lost in it! Because there will always be another side - the Reds, for one reason that I have already written about - modern Russia, this is a continuation of the USSR, which the Reds founded, but not white! If it were vice versa, it would be the other way around! And there’s nothing to distort history! You see? We are erecting a monument to Vladimir, the baptist of Russia, but not Yaropolk killed by him ... if we simplify everything to form! Trying in our case is just an acknowledgment of historical truth and nothing more...!" hi
              1. +8
                2 March 2017 12: 31
                Quote: Finches
                "And you just need to admit - this is, indeed, our story and the whites lost in it!

                Oh Eugene, I'm afraid we all lost! In 1913, Russia celebrated 300 years of the Romanov dynasty, 300 years in Russia there was an inner world, the son respected his father, his brother loved his brother. The 20 century has come, and what happened to the Russian people? The son goes against the father, the brother kills the brother .... who made them like that? Who destroyed the centuries-old foundations of respect for each other?
                Quote: Finches
                Trying in our case is just an admission of historical truth and nothing more ...! "

                In this I agree ... but reconciliation without subtext.
                1. +3
                  2 March 2017 12: 48
                  "The son goes against the father, the brother kills the brother .... who made them like that? Who destroyed the centuries-old foundations of respect for each other?"

                  Liberals are Westerners, imposing opposing values ​​on the Russian way of life, culture, mentality, their own alien values ​​... Unfortunately, they succeed sometimes! The cadets sold the empire with the money of the Anglo-Saxons and sympathizers for them - this is February! They didn’t want to do anything when they came to power, in anticipation of American and English help ... Power, starting in February, was lying like a street girl on the panel, and the country was rolling towards the so-expected collapse for the sake of Western capital ... Poland and Finland gain sovereignty with the light hand of the English agent Kerensky, total anarchy in the country begins ... The Bolsheviks, and this is historical truth, save the country from collapse, but society has been fragmenting for a long time: brother against brother, father against son .. but the Bolsheviks are not guilty ! And the executions were needed, unfortunately, this radical method is the only effective, against the gangrene of decomposition and the way for further consolidation of the state! By the way, Robespierre and Cromwell - which you mentioned, did the same thing, but with even greater cruelty, but for some reason you justify them implicitly ... However, I can be mistaken here, about your judgment!hi
                2. +4
                  2 March 2017 13: 18
                  Sergey65, well, do not engage in idle talk. The son of the father, and the brother of the brother should be respected in any normal family, unless, of course, they commit any unworthy things. I don’t know, in Soviet times, in my opinion, there was even more respect for father and brother than today. In addition, in Russian classics there are a lot of examples of exactly the opposite: a father solicits a daughter-in-law, a son kills his father out of self-interest or revenge, a best friend betrays, a father spread rot his daughter, etc. Such things are common to any time, it’s not about them. Speaking of 1917, it is necessary first of all to note global problems that the authorities did not solve in any way.
    3. +3
      2 March 2017 10: 22
      Quote: The same Lech
      Yes, one fatal mistake in the chain caused the rest to be like an avalanche ... you can’t stop it anymore and it will sweep away everything in its path.
      Therefore, a person vested with the fullness of state power should like a sapper ... understand the price of error is this life.

      What is the “one mistake”? The classics must be listened to, though now slandered. Vladimir Ilyich wrote about the revolutionary situation, now it fully manifested itself, and escalated due to the war, again, according to his theory. In general, the Russian Empire was in this state of the year from 1904. The army and the Black Hundreds did not allow events to develop.
    4. 0
      16 May 2017 09: 01
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      Yes, one fatal mistake in the chain caused the rest to be like an avalanche ... you can’t stop it anymore and it will sweep away everything in its path.

      their nobleness, the bloody saint Nicholas heaped them so much that he ruined their alien homeland for him, although in a civilizational sense this led to the appearance of a more equitable project called SOVIET RUSSIA, oriented to a man, and laying the foundation for the implementation of the COMMUNISM project i.e. everything goes as it should and fits into the constructive framework of reformatting human civilization
  2. +7
    2 March 2017 07: 08
    Thus, the palace coup ended with the complete success of the February conspirators.

    Auto paints a picture of the world existing only in his imagination.
    The February Revolution is a "soldier revolution" that overlapped with strikes in the absence of martial law and wartime laws, i.e. effective restoring order in unrest, inevitable in the face of difficulties of war ..

    As the same author absolutely remarked yesterday, the Provisional Committee of the State Duma only FOLLOWED the events, trying to maintain at least some order and power, but did not direct them.

    The Stavka acted in the same way, only FOLLOWING the events .. When Alekseev (already March 2!) Sent a telegram to the commanding fronts, the Cabinet of Ministers had already been dispersed, the power in Petrograd was already in the hands of the VKGD and the Petrosoviet. Moreover, Rodzianko in panic telegrams actually misled Alekseev.
    . Alekseev reported about the threat by the Provisional Government stop the supply of ammunition and food to the army in case of refusal of the military command to support the ultimatum to Nicholas II, and that he was forced to submit, since the resources of his armies were running out. The same arguments were made during a conversation between General Lukomsky and the commander of the Romanian Front, General Sakharov, who had preliminarily agreed to the proposed measure. a curse on the "band of robbers" and a statement that "the armies of the front would steadfastly stand for their sovereign leader if they were not in the hands of the same state criminals who had seized the sources of life for the armies."
    Those. the desire to avoid civil strife and the desire for order in wartime forced Alekseev, leaving the monarchy unshakable, to propose that the throne be transferred to Mikhail.
    There was no renunciation, however, after the publication of the Manifesto, in order to avoid civil strife, Nicholas called for the subordination of the Provisional Law to the Government before the Constitutional Court.
    Emperor Michael 2 called for the same.
    On March 2, the Emperor Nikolai was appointed the head of the cabinet of Lviv, he also became the Chairman of the VP, i.e. The interim government possessed legitimacy.
    It was also agreed by the Petrosoviet.

    The Emperor could NOT leave Stavka, it was necessary to impose martial law in the country and Petrograd, immediately, on February 23, send troops from the front to storage cowards and strikers (in wartime!) And not be afraid of "civil strife".
    1. +11
      2 March 2017 07: 34
      Quote: Olgovich
      The February Revolution is a "soldier revolution" overlapping strikes

      ... "bast yes bast - start over!" The habit of putting the cart in front of the horse once again did not disappoint you. Your denial of the role of “leaders” in the February revolution begins to suggest the idea of ​​some inadequacy of your perception of long-completed processes. Constant attempts to make applause with one palm are fraught with mental disorder.
      1. +7
        2 March 2017 07: 48
        Dear V.ic, and you noticed the frustration of our Moldovan friend! lol
        1. +6
          2 March 2017 08: 57
          I always knew this, only the reluctance to spend time, devote comments to insanity. All the time I do not have time to read any good articles.
          This article was liked by information unknown to me. ++++
        2. +14
          2 March 2017 09: 18
          Uncle Murzik Today, 07:48 ↑ New
          Dear V.ic, and you noticed the frustration of our Moldovan friend! lol
          Not only. I immediately realized that the boy’s head and logic were completely out of order. He clearly confuses cause and effect relationships, the only question is whether he does this out of stupidity or purposefully. It seems to me that the second option is closer to the truth, that is, the Cossack is mishandled ...
          1. +5
            2 March 2017 09: 44
            Quote: Diana Ilyina
            It seems to me that the second option is closer to the truth, that is, the Cossack is mishandled ...
            Of course, this is the way it is ---- confirmation of the stubborn repetition of the same thing in different ways. And what, in Moldova there is nothing to do, as soon as the Russians learn?
            Verse: Light --- Dianochka returned! All nature smiled! Immediately the whole Earth blossoms and the nightingale sings! Glad bunnies and squirrels, glad cats and girls! Everyone carries chocolate sweets! This is joy ---- ah! Diana is beloved!
            And, I hope, dear like-minded people will forgive me for my spring joy!
            1. +6
              2 March 2017 10: 00
              I respect you, but by verse, did you drink in the morning?
              1. +11
                2 March 2017 10: 53
                bober1982 Today, 10:00 ↑
                I respect you, but by verse, did you drink in the morning?
                Why didn’t the poems please you ?! Only that Dima dedicated them to me ?! We have a mutual dislike, but do not go bile and make yourself a laughing stock! negative
                And do not judge people by yourself, it's me about addiction to alcohol!
                1. +4
                  2 March 2017 11: 11
                  And what poems did not please you
                  I didn’t like it, they don’t argue about tastes.
                  We have a mutual dislike ...
                  I must admit that the scent of you, like a real woman, that is, like a cat.
                  ... I'm talking about addiction to alcohol!
                  How can you be aware of my drunkenness, together we never used
                  1. +3
                    2 March 2017 12: 16
                    Quote: bober1982
                    How can you be aware of my drunkenness, together we never used

                    With Dmitry, as far as I know, you also did not use. No need to draw deep-reaching conclusions, deeply dear.
            2. +13
              2 March 2017 10: 03
              Reptiloid Today, 09: 44 ↑
              Verse: Light --- Dianochka returned! All nature smiled! Immediately the whole Earth blossoms and the nightingale sings! Glad bunnies and squirrels, glad cats and girls! Everyone carries chocolate sweets! This is joy ---- ah! Diana is beloved!
              Oh, thanks Dima! Pleased in the morning! love love love
              Boys, I miss you !!! love
              1. +4
                2 March 2017 12: 35
                Evgeny Nikolaevich hi

                Diana, you noticed that nothing has changed, however, the same question for the namesake is simply a “holiday of some kind,” especially through the prism of a century of revolution and the calls for GDP for reconciliation !? Either the collapse of education in the 90s, or God knows what, but the number of people who know how to reason more reasonably and objectively tends to zero ... However, maybe I'm wrong! I really hope that I'm wrong ...
                1. +14
                  2 March 2017 14: 16
                  Eugene, it's hard not to notice, after reading the comments of the local public! One can only wonder how much you can fool and confuse a person who does not have the ability to think independently. After all, by and large, all of our bakeries with rare exceptions do not have any serious knowledge of history. Moreover, the history of not only Russia, but also of history as a whole.
                  I’m trying to convey to some venayathat between the incompetent rule of Nicholas the Bloody and those following his overthrow and the civil war, there is a direct causal link. But read what he writes. Although it seems that in some places they are not stupid comments, but as soon as it comes to Nicholas's guilt, all sanity is lost. And so with almost everyone. And I have only one question for them all. How many of them in the new monarchy see themselves as slaves ?! Or all for themselves already looked after the owner, it remains only to pick up more serfs ...
                  So you are absolutely right, the ability to think sensibly and objectively tends to zero! And, unfortunately, the site has long been less adequate than inadequate!
            3. +3
              2 March 2017 10: 57
              Quote: Reptiloid
              Of course, this is the way it is ---- confirmation of the stubborn repetition of the same thing in different ways. And what, in Moldova there is nothing to do, as soon as the Russians learn?
              Verse: Light --- Dianochka returned! All nature smiled! Immediately the whole Earth blossoms and the nightingale sings! Glad bunnies and squirrels, glad cats and girls! Everyone carries chocolate sweets! This is joy ---- ah! Diana is beloved!
              And, I hope, dear like-minded people will forgive me for my spring joy

              You have FLOOD (comment not related to the topic of the article)
          2. +5
            2 March 2017 10: 54
            Quote: Diana Ilyina
            Not only. I immediately realized that the boy’s head and logic were completely out of order. He clearly confuses cause and effect relationships, the only question is whether he does this out of stupidity or purposefully. It seems to me that the second option is closer to the truth, that is, the Cossack is mishandled ...

            You, girl, ABOUT ARTICLE, write something or refute any of the FACTS I have quoted.

            It seems that you are not capable of such burdens.

            And the comments on VO are for discussing ARTICLES, not commentators.

            Accordingly, you have Flood.
            1. +8
              2 March 2017 11: 05
              Quote: Olgovich
              You, girl, write something about the ARTICLE or refute any of the FACTS I have quoted.

              This is Ilyina, she doesn’t write anything in fact, she’s just being rude all the time. Strange. That she hasn’t been there
              1. +10
                2 March 2017 13: 55
                The convinced white guard Alexander Romanov, apparently standing on the position of Februaryists, Western liberals who once sold the Empire, at least very respecting collaborator Kolchak, blames the woman for what he himself, sometimes, does not disdain, only because she has Opposite opinion... laughing
                1. +4
                  2 March 2017 14: 45
                  Quote: Finches
                  just because she has the opposite opinion ...

                  A woman should cook borscht deliciously, and nails into the wall on the site. We will drive
                  1. +4
                    2 March 2017 14: 56
                    Alexander, you and I cannot judge - what if Diana is still perfectly cooking! However, if we discard our differences, I agree with you about borscht! Nevertheless, be supportive of Diana - she adorns VO! Yes, and to stoop to insult or a hint of insulting a woman is not worth it, even if we are standing on opposite sides of the barricades - God forbid only virtual ones! hi
                    1. +4
                      2 March 2017 15: 58
                      Quote: Finches
                      what if Diana cooks well too!

                      So let him cook .... cook, cook and still cook. Even I wanted to eat
                      Quote: Finches
                      she decorates VO!

                      I will embellish the site
                      Quote: Finches
                      God forbid only virtual!

                      And if you lose a game of poker?
                      1. +6
                        2 March 2017 16: 22
                        Quote: Alexander Romanov
                        Quote: Finches
                        what if Diana cooks well too!

                        So let him cook .... cook, cook and still cook. Even I wanted to eat
                        Quote: Finches
                        she decorates VO!

                        I will embellish the site
                        Quote: Finches
                        God forbid only virtual!

                        And if you lose a game of poker?

                        this young lady is really beautiful!
                        and yes, I agree with Romanov! a woman sitting at the computer from morning to night, and even teaching peasants life is unlikely to be a good housewife in the house.
                    2. +2
                      2 March 2017 18: 47
                      Quote: Finches
                      Alexander, you and I cannot judge - what if Diana is still perfectly cooking!

                      a big doubt about this)) if he spends so much time discussing generally purely male topics ...
                  2. +2
                    4 March 2017 05: 41
                    darling Alexander Romanov, you are still very far from Diana in the knowledge of history and in intelligence! laughing
                2. MrK
                  2 March 2017 15: 46
                  Quote: Finches
                  Convinced White Guard Alexander Romanov

                  I agree with you, colleague. And most importantly, all their comments are saturated with such pride, as if they: monarchists and White Guards, made Russia the second country in the world in economic and military power. But not delinquent ... whether all that is possible.
                  But now is their time. Let them show off. The world crisis at the very beginning. All problems are yet to come. History develops in a spiral. The time will come for everything we ask.
                  1. +2
                    2 March 2017 15: 59
                    Quote: mrark
                    The time will come for everything we ask.

                    Nude nude, dreaming is not harmful
                    1. MrK
                      2 March 2017 16: 19
                      Quote: Alexander Romanov
                      Nude nude, dreaming is not harmful

                      What. Stole a lot. And you hope that you will be saved behind the hill?
                      1. +2
                        2 March 2017 16: 24
                        Quote: mrark
                        What. Stole a lot.

                        Not stealing
                        Quote: mrark
                        And you hope that you will be saved behind the hill?

                        Over the hill you will, if you have time to escape to the DPRK wassat
              2. +2
                2 March 2017 15: 06
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                Strange. That she was gone for a long time

                She was banned.
                1. +3
                  2 March 2017 16: 50
                  Quote: RUSS
                  She was banned.

                  A user without a "ban" that the cop without a gun ...
              3. +1
                2 March 2017 18: 44
                Quote: Alexander Romanov
                This is Ilyina, she doesn’t write anything in fact, she’s just being rude all the time. Strange. That she hasn’t been there

                probably rested at the resort))
            2. +6
              2 March 2017 12: 18
              Quote: Olgovich
              Accordingly, you have Flood.

              You, too, like Romanov.
              1. +2
                2 March 2017 12: 25
                Quote: EvgNik
                You, too, like Romanov.

                You have a flood, where about the article, not a word. My article is mentioned everywhere.
                1. +7
                  2 March 2017 12: 35
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  My article is mentioned everywhere.

                  To write the word article in a post does not mean that you wrote something about it. This is about your fabrications about Reptiloid and Diana. By the way, I also have a flood. Fershteen?
                  And Diana - with a return!
                  1. +3
                    2 March 2017 13: 21
                    Quote: EvgNik
                    To write the word article in a post does not mean that you wrote something about it.?

                    Wrote about the article and about my comments on it.
                    Quote: EvgNik
                    This is about your fabrications about Reptiloid and Diana. By the way, I also have a flood. Fershteen?

                    Thoughts, what? Their reasoning about ME, and not about the article is a violation of the Rules of VO, the flood is called. Comments MUST be-about the article.

                    AGAIN, do not understand? request
                    Well, very strange ....
          3. +2
            4 March 2017 05: 35
            Hello Diana, this Moldovan comrade wrote an ordinary troll more than once, most likely the Ukrainian maydanut! hi
      2. +4
        2 March 2017 08: 59
        Good day! I did not notice that Olgovich denies the role of the upper classes in the February revolution, on the contrary emphasizes it. Not everyone at the top took this coup joyfully and unambiguously. And if another man had appeared in revenge of N-II, for example, his father, then history would have gone differently
      3. +3
        2 March 2017 10: 45
        Quote: V.ic
        Your denial of the role of "leaders" in the February revolution.

        I follow the FACTS, well set forth by the Leader of All Leaders in the Short Course of the CPSU:
        The bourgeoisie THINKED to resolve the crisis through a palace coup.
        But people RESOLVED it in its own way.

        Quote: V.ic
        Begins suggest about some inadequacy of your perception of long-completed processes. .

        You think? lol
        You are a thinker. What is your last name, thinker? Spinoza? Jean Jacques Rousseau?

        Marcus Aurelius?

        The red-haired was silent, suppressed by a fair accusation
        . lol laughing

        Quote: V.ic
        Constant attempts to make applause with one palm are fraught with mental disorder.

        You ALREADY- not fraught. Yes
        . Focus on the ARTICLE, not on my humble person
        1. +5
          2 March 2017 14: 53
          darling Olgovich Here with this document the liberals in the person of the Provisional Government and the collapse of the country began! which led to chaos in the country It was called the “Declaration of the Provisional Government on its composition and tasks” and was published on March 3, 1917. Paragraph 5 of the declaration directly said: 1) “Replacement of the police by the people's militia with elected authorities, subordinate to local authorities”
          It’s strange. Is it not clear to the gentlemen from the government the simple truths that during the war the dissolution of the police will lead to a surge of crime and add unnecessary difficulties in achieving the long-awaited victory? The very fact of the tsar’s abdication — unprecedented in Russian history — was a heavy blow to the defenses and morale of the troops. Why exacerbate all this?
          Has ever in history, when all the forces of the state were tense, carried out a complete restructuring of the state mechanism? Every driver knows that to repair a car, you must at least stop it. No one will try to replace the punctured wheel at full speed - after all, this threatens disaster! And the first paragraph of the first document of the Provisional Government reads: 2) “A complete and immediate amnesty for all political and religious matters, including terrorist assassinations, military uprisings and agrarian crimes, etc.” Those who detonated bombs will be released killed in every possible way the citizens of the Russian Empire during our first revolution! In what other country during the war, all those who tried to destroy this country more recently were released from prison? Do not look, you will not find examples in world history! 3) “Freedom of speech, press, unions, meetings and strikes with the extension of political freedoms to military personnel to the extent permitted by military-technical conditions?” How do you order to understand this? What kind of political freedom can a soldier have during a war? Soldiers and officers during the period of hostilities have the same duties. Unpleasant - kill other people who wear the form of an enemy army. And terrible for every normal person - to die for themselves when their commanders demand it. Other rights during the war were neither among the Roman legionnaires, nor among the Napoleon’s guards, nor among the Suvorov miraculous heroes. What kind of strikes, meetings and alliances in the army can be?
  3. +12
    2 March 2017 07: 43
    March 2, 1917, on the day of abdication, Nicholas II in his diary wrote: "Around treason, cowardice and deceit ..." ... Moscow newspaper "Morning of Russia", March 2, 1917 wrote:
    On Voskresenskaya Square a hundred thousandth crowd. The order is amazing - unanimity is not broken by anyone. Gray overcoats, chuiks, various coats, but — one soul and wonder — a beating of a common heart is heard. Students passing by ... Institute. - "Go ahead, go ahead, working people ..." The propeller cracks in the air ... The airplane is planning over the Kremlin, the eight writes, showing the rudder painted in red.
    - Our, ours! Hooray!
    The theater square has a large group of Tatars and Sarts.
    - Allah! Shykur Alla!
    Folding her hands in prayer, she whispers something in a turban. Someone reading the latest news from Petrograd at the illuminated entrance of the Duma. Baba in a sheepskin coat asks the tram conductor:
    - And ours? Where is he, blissful?
    - Ours? To William must have gone to eat tea! .....
  4. +5
    2 March 2017 09: 03
    I understand that the article was written, rather, as an analysis. Could be painted more colorful. And about Ivanov’s campaign (a very interesting person is Nikolai Judovich, the son of the cantonist, apparently, from baptized Jews). And about the actions of Ruzsky (no less peculiar person).
    During the advancement of Ivanov’s units at the Dno station, he began to put things in order on it, and 100 revolutionary weapons that had previously belonged to officers were taken from the revolutionary soldiers. But everywhere there was confusion on the part of the authorities and the troops loyal to it. Tarutin regiment, following to help Ivanov, was disarmed only by a group revolutionary officers who rolled out the only defective cannon on the platform. The feeling that everyone was tired at that moment, and no one wanted to fight against своих.
  5. +8
    2 March 2017 09: 10
    Weak emperor, archaic leadership.
    He brought the state to collapse.
    When for the people, the “king of the priest” becomes - the bloody Nikolashka, then no tops will hold back.
    1. +5
      2 March 2017 09: 22
      I do not agree with you, it often happens (including with Nicholas II) when a people becomes a "people", that is, an evil crowd, then yes, no tops will hold back.
      1. +2
        2 March 2017 09: 26
        Quote: bober1982
        I do not agree with you, it often happens (including with Nicholas II) when a people becomes a "people", that is, an evil crowd, then yes, no tops will hold back.

        The voice of one crying. Do not waste your strength. Here everything has been decided for a long time and no one will convince anyone.
        1. +4
          2 March 2017 09: 31
          Yes, I agree, that the topic would be changed, well, as much as possible, every single day of God.
  6. 0
    2 March 2017 09: 30
    There were many mistakes. Here's another! Yesterday I read about the abdication. It turns out he could not abdicate. For the anointing of the kingdom (coronation) is made by the patriarch, the church. Consequently, only the church can depose. And this was not. Consequently, the abdication is not legal. These are the things of the world!
    1. +3
      2 March 2017 09: 36
      These are the things of the world!
      What kind of worldly affairs are these? this is a mistake, another one that you noticed was a lot.
    2. +3
      2 March 2017 09: 56
      For the anointing of the kingdom (coronation) is performed by the patriarch.

      look at wikipedia when there was the last pratriarch,
  7. +6
    2 March 2017 09: 32
    "Thus, the palace coup ended in complete success" ////

    The author writes in detail about the broad revolution, that "ALL (!!!) front commanders called
    Nicholas abdicate ", and in bold stands out his stupid thesis, which contradicts the whole article:
    "palace coup" fool .
    1. +3
      2 March 2017 09: 36
      palace coup

      rather, it is necessary to talk about a systemic crisis, taken to extremes.
    2. avt
      2 March 2017 09: 48
      Quote: voyaka uh
      and in bold stands out his stupid thesis, which contradicts the whole article:
      "palace coup"

      It depends on how you look at the events of 1917 in the dynamics of development. It began and was conceived precisely as a palace coup with the elimination of one king by another. In February, on Lesha the minor under the regency of a brother-in-law, And before February, the assassination of Rasputin by the British intelligence was planned to be replaced by Yusupov, well, just like in the murder of Pasha No. 1. But the U-turn went the other way - the bourgeois revolution, which, like the Baras Directory into the French, has already passed to the more armier and more decisive Bolsheviks. Dialectic of development ponimash. In statics, such processes are silly to consider.
  8. +4
    2 March 2017 09: 58
    weak article, even no desire to argue, let fans of the Masonic conspiracies appear in the arena.
  9. +3
    2 March 2017 10: 49
    The Russian Empire self-collapsed in February 1917.

    The provisional government of Russia and the General Staff of the Russian army need to erect a monument that they were able to keep Russia from collapsing the country itself until the transfer of power to the Bolsheviks.

    The problem of the Provisional Government was only in one thing - the Petrograd Soviet, the second center of power formed by the Mensheviks - proteges of international Jewish capital. The second center of power was to be destroyed, as suggested by the Commander-in-Chief Kornilov, which was not done, and instead of the subversive elements from the composition of the Petrograd Council were included in the government.

    In order to maintain the integrity of the country, the General Staff of the Russian Army together with the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) organized the October Revolution, liquidated the dual power and established a military dictatorship.
    1. +7
      2 March 2017 11: 08
      "The General Staff of the Russian Army together with the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) organized the October Revolution" ////

      Excusable mistake. You wanted to say: "General Staff of the German Army ..." ... to bring
      Russia from the World War.
      This succeeded, although it did not save Germany from defeat.
      In principle, to lead Russia out of an unpopular and devastating war was to
      to make the Provisional Government without waiting for the election to the Constituent Assembly.
      1. +2
        2 March 2017 11: 52
        Quote: voyaka uh
        You wanted to say: "General Staff of the German Army ..."

        It is amusing that the German General Staff allocated much larger sums for subversive work in Paris, but it did not work there.
        And in St. Petersburg, no problem - “distributed the threesomes” and everything flared up ..
      2. 0
        2 March 2017 12: 02
        In principle, to lead Russia out of an unpopular and devastating war was to
        to make the Provisional Government without waiting for the election to the Constituent Assembly.

        I also thought about it, this would be the most correct way out. But .. but were the Germans going to stop in this situation? They went further in the 18th year, until the Brest shameful peace was signed.
        1. +5
          2 March 2017 13: 41
          "But .. but were the Germans going to stop in this situation? They went further in the 18th year" ////

          As far as is known, the German military had (then) consent
          Do not intrude deep into Russia itself. They moved to the Baltic
          and later to the breakaway Ukraine.
          America entered the war with fresh forces, and Germany became doomed
          to defeat even if Russia had left the war after the February Revolution.
          The smartest strategy for the Provisional Government, apparently, was to waste time,
          no offensive at the front and gradually withdraw and disband units,
          who stayed at the front and wanted to go back to the village more than anyone else.
          And, of course, a decree on land. He was a Right SR. Lenin copied it letter by letter.
          1. 0
            2 March 2017 14: 13
            everything is logical. but..
            nor moved to the Baltic states and later to the breakaway Ukraine.

            resembles a parade of sovereignty. But what about the territorial integrity of the state? (unfortunately, we are reaping the echoes of this so far). If only, as you say correctly, to waste time ..
      3. +3
        2 March 2017 12: 09
        So I imagine how the officers of the General Staff of the German Army in October 1917 capture the Central Telegraph and the Central Telephone Station of the capital of the Russian Republic and begin to dictate to telegraphs and telephone operators who to connect with whom laughing

        They also occupy command posts on the bridge of the cruiser Aurora, designed to evacuate the Bolshevik coup headquarters in case of failure to seize power laughing

        Well, to the heap, together with the Bolsheviks, they are part of the joint military-political center for the restoration of the defense capability of the Republic of Poland to repulse the Second German Reich laughing
        1. +4
          2 March 2017 13: 47
          how officers of the General Staff of the German Army in October 1917 capture the Central Telegraph "///

          Why do they need such nonsense? These were intelligence officers of the General Staff.
          They (in portions) transferred money that Lenin carefully (without stealing!) Spent
          on anti-military actions: rallies, newspapers, leaflets. And accountable for each
          portion. When Russia left the war (Brest Peace), then financing
          has stopped. And the Lenin-German General Staff agreement lost its force.
          1. +6
            2 March 2017 14: 09
            The Bolsheviks divorced the officers of the German General Staff as suckers - they received money, carried out a coup, made peace, and immediately began subversive work to overthrow the German monarchy, including the decomposition and agitation of German troops in Russia.

            Subversive work of the Bolsheviks ended in the November coup in Germany 1918 year. Together with the collapsed Second Reich, two other geopolitical opponents of Russia, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, disappeared.

            Relying on the military dictatorship, the Bolsheviks for 28 years were able to maintain the unity and independence of Russia, increase its military and economic potential many times, compensate for the territorial losses (Poland and Finland) at the expense of Bukovina, Galicia, East Prussia, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, eliminate four geopolitical opponents (Germany, Japan, Britain and France).
            Over the next 40 years, the Bolsheviks turned Russia into a superpower, forming the world's largest nuclear missile potential.

            Consequently, in fact, the Bolsheviks acted effectively, but the German General Staff did not.
            1. +6
              2 March 2017 15: 24
              Quote: Operator
              Subversive work of the Bolsheviks ended in the November coup in Germany 1918 year. Together with the collapsed Second Reich, two other geopolitical opponents of Russia, the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, disappeared.

              Moreover, the notorious Brest peace about which so much has been talked about has existed for only 7 months. Immediately after the revolution in Germany, it was canceled and the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of November 13 on the annulment of peace said directly- "all occupied regions of Russia will be cleared."
              The problem of a temporary retreat on the Western border (until 1939-1940) was not in the Brest world, but in the fact that they could not finish Poland in 1920.
          2. +3
            2 March 2017 14: 10
            Quote: voyaka uh
            These were intelligence officers of the General Staff.
            They (in portions) transferred money that Lenin carefully (without stealing!) Spent
            on anti-military actions: rallies, newspapers, leaflets. And accountable for each

            This invention is another that Lenin allegedly took money from the Germans if such a fact would actually have occurred then during Hitler’s attack on the USSR Nazi propaganda at ten mouths would have shouted that the communist system in Moscow is a product of the Germans. But such shouts did not mean the Germans themselves and could not prove at least some real influence on the revolution and the Communist Party in Russia
            And Nikolai, with his gang of snickering so-called nobles, had to be overthrown, they were like a cancerous tumor on the body of our country.
            1. +5
              2 March 2017 14: 14
              "Nazi propaganda of ten mouths would scream that the communist system in
              Moscow is a product of the Germans "////

              Did you understand what you wrote? laughing
              How can the Nazis attack such a creature after such a cry?
              When it’s bad with reason, it’s bad with logic.
              1. +3
                2 March 2017 14: 53
                Listen, is Nicholas II, who signed the peace with Japan, after (as they say now) an almost won war, also a Japanese spy? Is his wife a German spy? She was also blamed. After the July events in Petrograd, the Provisional Government strenuously sought evidence of cooperation between the Bolsheviks and the Germans - they did not find anything. In addition, you have a problem with logic. In your opinion, hidden communists sat on the German General Staff who wanted to establish socialism in Russia. The German General Staff was so powerful that it could not prevent a revolution in its own country.
                1. +4
                  2 March 2017 16: 49
                  "In your opinion, there were hidden communists in the German General Staff,
                  wishing to establish socialism in Russia "///

                  These officers had no idea either about Marx or about socialism.
                  But they saw that their country was losing the war on two fronts.
                  And they tried to eliminate one of the fronts. Which way: any.
                  They learned that Lenin, a smart and energetic politician, is calling for
                  to the exit of Russia from the war. Why? - they were not interested.
                  They used him, and he used them. Lenin was not a spy in the classical sense:
                  he was not interested in money for himself personally. And he didn’t care a bit about Germany and
                  her fate. He wanted to seize power in Russia and conduct a social experiment.
                  At any cost. And did it.
          3. 0
            2 March 2017 14: 43
            Quote: voyaka uh
            They (in portions) transferred money that Lenin carefully (without stealing!) Spent

            True, the firm maintained a credit rating at the highest level. laughing
            Not only German staff agreed with this smile
  10. The comment was deleted.
  11. +4
    2 March 2017 14: 07
    Former Minister of Education A. Golovnin wrote prophetic words in the late 70s of the 19th century: “Over the past forty years, the government took a lot from the people and gave it very little. This is very unfair. And since every injustice is always punished, I’m sure that the punishment will not be long in coming. It will come when the peasant children, who are now infants, will grow up and understand what I just said. This can happen during the reign of the grandson of the real sovereign. "
  12. +1
    2 March 2017 20: 10
    Quote: RUSS
    Quote: glory1974
    Stalin in his decisions relied on numerous competent people (experts) in their fields.

    For example ? Surnames say?

    Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov
    1. 0
      3 March 2017 09: 31
      Quote: A1845
      Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov

      And everything?
      1. +2
        4 March 2017 05: 58
        RUSS surnames Zhukov, Vasilyevsky do not say anything! belayTouching upon the history of the development of the plan of the Belarusian operation, Marshal of the Soviet Union K.K. Rokossovsky, whom Stalin very much appreciated and called “my Bagration,” cites the following episode: “The Supreme Commander-in-Chief and his deputies insisted on delivering one main strike (and not two, as suggested by Rokossovsky - LB) - from the bridgehead on the Dnieper (Rogachev district), which was in the hands of the 3rd Army. Twice I was offered to go into the next room to think over the Bet proposal. After each such “thinking”, it was necessary to defend our decision with renewed vigor. After making sure that I firmly insist on our point of view, Stalin approved the plan of the operation in the form in which we presented it. “The insistence of the front commander,” he said, “proves that the organization of the offensive is carefully thought out. And this is a reliable guarantee of success ”(K. K. Rokossovsky. Soldier's debt. M.1997. S.313).
  13. +1
    3 March 2017 09: 46
    The so-called "bloody" of Nicholas II is clearly exaggerated. The bourgeoisie, Masons and nobles overthrew the king according to the Western scenario, and not for "bloodthirsty." Kerensky later recalled that if the interim government (Masons) lasted until November of the seventeenth year, then the country would cease to exist. Everything would be given to the west.
  14. +1
    12 May 2017 23: 31
    No one claims that the last emperor was a fool or that with him there was nothing positive in Russia. But not only the process is important, but the final result is more important. And the result of Emperor Nicholas II’s “activity” is such a defeat in the Russo-Japanese War, a generally unsuccessful participation of Russia in the WWII, walking in the wake of the “allies,” the tsar’s conniving attitude to the so-called elite and other traitors, degradation of the rear, the result is a social explosion, the causes of which have been accumulating for centuries. The emperor was betrayed by his own circle, the so-called elite. And in this he is mainly to blame. He is worthy of pity and sympathy, as a person and an Orthodox Christian, but the history of gentleness, stupidity and neglect of his people does not forgive. Monarchists and other fans of the white movement, of course, find it easier to blame the bloody Bolsheviks as someone else’s agents there. The Bolsheviks did not play a prominent role in the then theater of political absurdity. They just ended up at the right time and in the right place. And we must give them their due, it was they who saved the country. The leader is responsible for everything, even for something that seems to be not directly related. Here on I.V. Stalin, for example, is blamed for the "mass" repressions, although he never had the absolute power of the autocrat, and these repressions were actually carried out by his political opponents and internal opportunists such as N. Khrushchev, since the country continued a "quiet" civil war. So in the case of the former Emperor Nicholas II, canonized in the "new" bourgeois Russia for political reasons. Maybe he was a good man, a wonderful family man, but for the leader of a country such as Russia, this is not enough.
    1. 0
      18 May 2017 15: 55
      Yes. the thing is that there is no such profession - a good person. A person may be just beautiful, but as a leader it turns out to be complete zero. And all his excellent personal qualities do not play any role when disaster occurs due to his management. And Nikolai, let’s be fair, and as a person he was not very. Very not very.
  15. 0
    13 May 2017 00: 33
    Learn materiel, author.
  16. 0
    18 May 2017 15: 52
    When it came to peasants and workers, Mikola set resolutions more carefully, to shoot, they say, more often and more clearly. But he turned out to be weak with the Duma, did not dare to immediately outweigh the conspirators, although it was clear what was going on already in the second half of 1916. Well, that’s understandable. In the Duma, neither grain farmers nor steelworkers were sitting, money bags were sitting, capable of buying and selling this Nikolai three times at a discount. Such a conspiracy stupidly blinked under his nose.
  17. 0
    22 October 2017 12: 35
    And after all this "Tsarskoye Selo gopher" they are counted among the saints ??? Loaned the ROC, lohanla!