What ruined Tsarist Russia?

February was an elite palace coup with revolutionary consequences. The February-March coup was not accomplished by the people, although the conspirators used public discontent and, if possible, strengthened it with all available means. At the same time, the conspirators themselves, the Februaryists, clearly did not expect that their actions in the near future would lead to such destructive consequences.

What ruined Tsarist Russia?

Fevralista - representatives of the social elite of the Russian Empire (grand dukes, aristocrats, generals, financial and industrial elite, political figures, deputies, etc.), believed that the destruction of the autocracy would allow them to make Russia a constitutional monarchy or a republic, on the model of their beloved England and france. In fact, it was a pro-Western, Masonic conspiracy, since the Februaryists considered the Western world to be the ideal. And the king - the legacy of ancient times, his sacred figure, prevented them from taking full power in their hands.

A similar elite conspiracy was already in Russia in the 19th century, when the Decembrists, representatives of the Russian aristocracy, seduced by Western ideas of “freedom, equality and fraternity” revolted. However, in 1825, most of the elite of the Russian empire did not support the uprising, the army was the mainstay of the empire, and Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich and his comrades showed the will and determination, not afraid to shed the blood of the conspirators. In February 1917, the situation changed - most of the “elite” betrayed the royal throne, including the top generals, the cadre army bled to death on the battlefields of the First World War, and the king was different, he could not go against the representatives of the top of the empire (according to the principle “and No man is an island").

In general, the 1917 revolution of the year (unrest) was a natural phenomenon. The Russian civilization during the rule of the Romanovs experienced a deep social crisis. The Romanovs and the “elite” of the empire, who generally sought to live by Western standards and parasitized the bulk of the population, did not seek to transform society in Russia into the “kingdom of God”, in which ethics of conscience reigns and there is no parasitism on labor and the life of people. However, the code matrix of the Russian civilization and the people is not subject to such arbitrariness and sooner or later responds to social injustice with distemper, through which the renewal of society and the emergence of a more just system that meets the aspirations of the majority of the people can occur.

Among the main contradictions that have torn apart the Romanov empire, there are several major ones. Under the Romanovs, Russia partially lost the spiritual core of Orthodoxy (“Glory of Government”), a combination of the ancient traditions of Vedic Russia and Christianity (Jesus' Good News). The official Nikonian church, created after an informational diversion from the West, crushed the “living faith” of Sergius of Radonezh. Orthodoxy turned into a formality, the essence of the lured form, faith - empty rituals. The church became a department of the bureaucratic, state apparatus. The fall of the spirituality of the people began, the fall of the authority of the clergy. The common people began to despise the priests. The official, Nikonian orthodoxy becomes shallow, loses its connection with God, becomes an appearance. In the final we will see blown up temples and monasteries, and with complete indifference of the masses. At the same time, the most healthy part of the Russian people, the Old Believers, will go over to the opposition to the Romanov state. Old Believers retain purity, sobriety, high morals and spirituality. The official authorities long pursued the Old Believers, turned them against the state. Under the conditions when they were persecuted for two centuries, the Old Believers endured, retreated into the remote areas of the country and created their own economic, cultural structure, their own Russia. As a result, the Old Believers will become one of the revolutionary forces that the Russian Empire will destroy. The capitals of the industrialists and bankers of the Old Believers (who have honestly worked for centuries, accumulating national capital) will work for the revolution.

In this way, Tsarist Russia lost one of the main pillars of the Russian state - spirituality. During the revolution, the formal church not only did not support the king, moreover, the clergy almost immediately began to praise the Provisional Government in prayers. As a result of the spiritual degradation of the church - the total destruction of the church world, many sacrifices. And now, clergymen demand repentance from the people, participate in creating the myth of "beautiful Tsarist Russia", "terrible Bolsheviks" who destroyed the "old Russia" and gradually grab property and property piece by piece (for example, St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg), forming a separate class of "gentlemen" and large owners.

It should be noted that in the Russian Federation of the sample of the end of the XX - XXI century, the same thing happens. Many new churches, churches, monastic complexes, mosques are being built, a rapid archaization of society is taking place, but in reality, in moral terms, Russian citizens are lower than the Soviet people of 1940-1960's times. Spirituality with the visible wealth and splendor of the church cannot be raised. The current church is entangled by the Western (materialistic) ideology of the "golden calf", so real Christians in Russia are only a few percent, the rest only pretend to observe the formality to "be like everyone else." Earlier, in the late USSR, they also formally were Komsomol members and communists in order to get a “start in life”, etc. Now they “repainted” and became “earnest Christians”.

The second largest conceptual mistake of the Romanovs was the split of the people, an attempt to make Russia the peripheral part of the Western world, European civilization, recode the Russian civilization. Under the Romanovs, Westernization (westernization) of the social elite of Russia occurred. The most people-oriented kings - Paul, Nicholas I, Alexander III, tried to resist this process, but did not achieve much success. The Westernized "elite" of Russia, trying to modernize Russia in a Western manner, itself killed "historical Russia. " In 1825, Nicholas was able to suppress the rebellion of the Decembrists-Westerners. In 1917, the Westernist feudalists took revenge, were able to crush the autocracy, and at the same time they themselves killed the regime under which they flourished.

Tsar Peter Alekseevich was not the first Westerner in Russia. The turn of Russia to the West began during the reign of Boris Godunov (there were separate manifestations even during the last Rurikovichs) and the first Romanovs. Under Tsarevna Sophia and her favorite Vasily Golitsyn, the project of Westernization of Russia was completely formed and developed without Peter. However, it turned out that it was under Peter that Westernization became irreversible. It was not in vain that the people believed that during the trip to the West, the tsar was replaced and called “the antichrist.” Peter made a real cultural revolution in Russia. The meaning was not to shave the beards of the boyars, not in western clothes and morals, not in assemblies. And in the planting of European culture. All the people could not recode. Therefore, the Westernized top - the aristocracy and the nobility. For this, self-government was destroyed so that the church could not resist these orders. The church became a department of the state, part of the apparatus of control and punishment. Petersburg with Western architecture, full of hidden symbols, became the capital of the new Russia. Peter believed that Russia was lagging behind Western Europe, so it was necessary to put it on the “right path”, to modernize it to the west. And for this to become part of the Western world, European civilization. This opinion - about the “backwardness of Russia”, will become the basis of the philosophy of many generations of Westerners and liberals, up to our time. Russian civilization and the people will have to pay for this very expensive price. As a result, in the XVIII century, the division of the Russian population into a pro-Western elite and the rest of the people, enslaved peasant world, took shape.

Thus, the Russian Empire had a congenital vice - the division of the people into two parts: the artificially derived German-French-English "elite", the nobles- "Europeans", separated from their native culture, language and the people as a whole; on a huge mostly servitude masswhich continued to live in a communal way of life and preserved the foundations of Russian culture. Although it is possible to distinguish the third part - the world of the Old Believers. In the XVIII century, this division reached a higher stage, when a huge peasant mass (the overwhelming majority of the population of the Romanov empire) completely enslaved, fastened. In fact, the "Europeans" - the nobles created an internal colony, they began to parasitize on the people. At the same time, they received freedom from their head of duty - to serve and defend the country. Previously, the existence of the nobility was justified by the need to protect the homeland. They were the military-elite class, which served until death or disability. Now they were freed from this duty; they could exist as social parasites all their lives.

The people responded to this universal injustice with the peasant war (the revolt of E. Pugachev), which almost turned into a new turmoil. In the first half of the nineteenth century, the serfdom was largely weakened. However, the peasants remembered this injustice, including the land problem. In 1861, Tsar Alexander II announced a “liberation”, and in fact, there was a liberation in the form of a robbery of the people, since land plots were cut from the peasants, and they were also forced to pay redemption payments. The Stolypin reform also did not resolve the land issue. In the empire, there was still a division into the "nation" of gentlemen "and the people - the" natives "who were exploited in every possible way so that several percent of the population flourished, which could contain servants, estates, live luxuriously for years and decades in France, Italy or Germany. Not surprisingly, after February 1917, in fact, a new peasant war began, the estates were set ablaze, and a black redistribution of land began. Peasants revenged for the age-old humiliation and injustice. The peasants were neither red nor white; they fought for themselves. The peasant movement in the rear was one of the reasons for the defeat of the White movement. And the Reds with great difficulty extinguished this fire, which could destroy the whole of Russia.

From these two fundamentals (degradation of the spiritual core and the westernization of the elite, the artificial division of the people) other problems of the Russian Empire also occurred. So, despite the brilliant feats of Russian commanders, naval commanders, soldiers and sailors, the foreign policy of the Russian Empire was largely independent and in a number of wars the Russian army acted as the “cannon fodder” of our Western “partners.” In particular, Russia's participation in the Seven Years' War (tens of thousands of dead and wounded soldiers, time and material resources) ended in nothing. The brilliant fruits of the victories of the Russian army, including Königsberg, already attached to the Russian Empire, were wasted. Later, Russia got involved in a senseless and extremely costly confrontation with France. But it is extremely beneficial for Vienna, Berlin and London. Pavel I realized that Russia was being dragged into a trap and tried to get out of it, but he was killed by Russian Western aristocrats for gold in Britain. Emperor Alexander I and his pro-Western environment, with the full support of England and Austria, dragged Russia into a long confrontation with France (participating in four wars with France), which ended with the death of tens of thousands of Russian people and the burning of Moscow. Then, instead of leaving weakened France, Russia, as a counterbalance to England, Austria and Prussia, freed Europe and France from Napoleon. It is clear that soon the exploits of the Russians were forgotten and Russia was called the “gendarme of Europe”.

In this way, Petersburg focused all its attention and resources on European affairs. With minimal results, but huge costs, often aimless and meaningless. After the annexation of the West Russian lands during the division of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, Russia did not have major national tasks in Europe. It was necessary with one blow to solve the problem of the straits (Bosporus and Dardanelles), to focus on the Caucasus, Turkestan (Central Asia) with the release of Russian influence in Persia and India, in the East. It was necessary to develop their own territories - the North, Siberia, the Far East and Russian America. In the East, Russia could have a decisive influence on Chinese, Korean, and Japanese civilizations, and take dominant positions in the Pacific (there was an opportunity to join California, Hawaii, and other lands). There was an opportunity to start the “Russian globalization”, to build its world order. However, time and opportunities were lost in the wars in Europe meaningless for the Russian people. Moreover, thanks to the pro-Western party in St. Petersburg, Russia lost Russian America and the potential for further development of the northern part of the Pacific region with the Hawaiian Islands and California (Fort Ross).

In the economic field, Russia was becoming a resource and raw materials appendage of the West. In the global economy, Russia was a raw material periphery. Petersburg achieved Russia's incorporation into the emerging world system, but as a cultural and raw material, technically backward peripheral power, albeit a military giant. Russia was a supplier of cheap raw materials and food to the West. Russia of the XVIII century was for the West the largest supplier of agricultural products, raw materials and semi-finished products. As soon as Tsar Nikolai began a protectionism policy in the 19th century, the British immediately organized the Eastern (Crimean) War. And after the defeat, the government of Alexander II immediately relaxed the customs barriers for England.

Thus, Russia was driving raw materials to the West, and the landlords, aristocrats and merchants spent the money not on the development of domestic industry, but on overconsumption, the purchase of western goods, luxury and foreign entertainment (the “new Russian gentlemen” of the 1990-2000 model). repeated). Russia was a supplier of cheap resources and a consumer of expensive European products, especially luxury goods. The proceeds from the sale of raw materials did not go on development. Russian "Europeans" were engaged in overconsumption. St. Petersburg high society eclipsed all European courts. Russian aristocrats and merchants lived in Paris, Baden-Baden, Nice, Rome, Venice, Berlin and London more than in Russia. They considered themselves Europeans. The main language for them was French, and then English. The British, and then the French, were taken and loans. Not surprisingly, the Russians became the “cannon fodder” of England in the fight against Napoleon’s empire for world domination (a fight within the Western project). Then the most important principle of British politics was born: "To fight for the interests of Britain to the last Russian." It lasted until the entry into the First World War, when the Russians fought with the Germans in the name of the strategic interests of England and France.

Serious contradictions were also in the national, land and work issues. In particular, St. Petersburg was unable to establish the normal Russification of the national suburbs. Some territories (the Kingdom of Poland, Finland) received privileges and rights that the Russian people did not have the state-forming, bearing the burden of the empire. As a result, the Poles revolted twice (1830 and 1863), became one of the revolutionary units in the empire. During the First World War, Austria-Hungary and Germany, who created the Russophobic Kingdom of Poland, began to use the Poles, then England and France picked up the baton, who supported the Second Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth against Soviet Russia. Then the "Polish hyena" became one of the instigators of the beginning of the Second World War. Due to the absence of a reasonable policy in the national area, Finland has become the base and springboard of revolutionaries. And after the collapse of the empire Russophobic, Nazi-fascist state, which was going to create "Great Finland at the expense of the Russian lands. Petersburg could not at the right time destroy the Polish influence in the Western Russian lands. He did not russify Little Russia, destroying traces of Polish rule, the germs of the ideology of Ukrainians. All this is very clearly manifested during the Revolution and the Civil War.

The First World War destabilized the Russian Empire, undermined the old order. Numerous contradictions that accumulated over the centuries broke through and developed into a full-fledged revolutionary situation. No wonder the most reasonable people of the empire — Stolypin, Durnovo, Vandam (Edrikhin), Rasputin, until the last, tried to warn the tsar and avoid Russia entering the war with Germany. They understood that a big war would break through those “barriers” that still cover the weak points of the empire, its fundamental contradictions. Understand that in case of failure in the war the revolution can not be avoided. However, they were not heeded. And Stolypin and Rasputin eliminated. Russia entered the war with Germany, with which it did not have fundamental contradictions (as previously with Napoleon’s France), defending the interests of Britain and France.

In the autumn of 1916, spontaneous unrest began in many ways in the capital of Russia. And part of the “elite” of the Russian empire (grand dukes, aristocrats, generals, Duma leaders, bankers and industrialists) at the time were making a plot against Emperor Nicholas II and the autocratic regime. The masters of Britain and France, who could easily have prevented this conspiracy, instructed the Russian masons not to interfere with the tsarist regime to win the war, did not do that. On the contrary, the masters of the West, who condemned the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, also condemned tsarist Russia. They supported the "fifth column" in Russia. It is very significant that when in the British Parliament it became known about the Russian tsar’s abdication, about the overthrow of autocracy in Russia, the head of the government, Lloyd George, of the “union state, said:“ One of the goals of the war has been achieved. ” The owners of London, Paris and Washington wanted with one blow not only to remove the German rival (inside the Western project), but to solve the “Russian question”, they needed Russian resources for building a new world order.

In this way, Western masters with one blow - destroying Tsarist Russia, solved several strategic tasks at once: 1) did not like the possibility that Russia could withdraw from the war by concluding a separate agreement with Germany and get a chance for a radical modernization of the empire (on the wave of victory), in alliance with the Germans, who needed the resources of Russia; 2) did not suit them and the possibility of Russia's victory in the Entente, then Petersburg received the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits, expanded its sphere of influence in Europe and also could extend the existence of the empire, decide on a radical modernization of the White Empire building; 3) solved the "Russian question" - the Russian super-ethnos was the carrier of a fair model of world order, an alternative to the slave-owning western model; 4) supported the formation of an outspoken pro-Western bourgeois government in Russia and placed under the control the vast resources of Russia that were needed to build a new world order (global slave-owning civilization).

To be continued ...
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  1. +18
    27 February 2017 06: 20
    Orthodoxy has become a formality, essence has been lured by form, faith - empty rites. The church became a department of the bureaucratic, state apparatus. The decline in the spirituality of the people, the decline in the authority of the clergy. Ordinary people began to despise the priests.
    very reminiscent of what is happening now ...
    1. +10
      27 February 2017 06: 43
      Quote: Mystery12345
      very reminiscent of what is happening now ...

      And yet, about the inherent vice of society, the division of the people into two parts, the elite and the forced people, is written off precisely from today's Russia. hi
      1. +21
        27 February 2017 09: 21
        fa2998 Today, 06:43 ↑ New
        And yet, about the inherent vice of society, the division of the people into two parts, the elite and the forced people, is written off precisely from today's Russia. hi
        So today's Russia, this is a clone of Russia after the February coup. The so-called Soviet "elite", or rather the nomenclature that seized power under Khrushchev, suddenly wanted to be "not a pillar noblewoman, but a queen." The elite in our country has always been corrupt and even in Stalin's times there were a lot of traitors. True, under Stalin they were very effectively fought with.
        Now the new elite is trying to legitimize the results of the 1991-1993 coup. The result of this legalization should be the return of the monarchy in a new form. Which is strongly promoted to us by all sorts of demons, led by Poklonskaya and the Metropolitan of All Russia, the "Most Holy" Patriarch Kirill.

        P.S. The bakers are now on the run and let it be (crayfish ... laughing
        1. +7
          27 February 2017 13: 15
          Quote: Alex_1973
          The result of this legalization should be the return of the monarchy in a new form.

          And what does the monarchy have to do with it? They do not need a monarchy, but a democracy, as in some USA, where the elected presidents rule. They are selected.
          1. +9
            27 February 2017 15: 48
            Quote: Dart2027
            ... They do not need a monarchy, but democracy, as in some USA where the elected presidents rule. They are selected.

            Do you seriously believe that they care about the right to choose a common people? Not for that THEY have been building a parasitic pyramid of power for thousands of years in order to transfer this power to anyone.
            There is a demos people and there are okhlos cattle. THEY are a demos, they are for democracy, for the power of the people. They will never allow ochlos, cattle, to rule them.
            1. +1
              27 February 2017 16: 41
              Quote: Boris55
              Do you seriously believe that they care about the right to choose a common people?

              Actually, I wrote that.
              Quote: Dart2027
              where the elected presidents rule. They are selected.

              By them means only by them, and not by the people.
    2. +7
      27 February 2017 12: 14
      Quote: Mystery12345
      very reminiscent of what is happening now ...

      Thanks to the Russian Orthodox Church and personally to Patriarch Alexy II, in the crisis year 1993, negotiations began between representatives of the President and the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation in order to resolve the constitutional crisis and the conflict between the branches of government.
      His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia announced his intention to mediate in the conflict of power on September 28, 1993, at a press conference that he held at Sheremetyevo Airport immediately after returning from the United States. At it, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, in particular, stated: "I will appeal to all branches of government in Russia to convince them to find a reasonable compromise."

      The President of the Russian Federation, the X Extraordinary (Extraordinary) Congress of People's Deputies and the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation supported this initiative.

      The President of the Russian Federation entrusted the head of his Administration, Sergey Alexandrovich Filatov, with the first vice-premier of the Government of the Russian Federation Oleg Soskovets and the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov, to conduct negotiations.

      The Congress instructed to conduct negotiations on behalf of the deputy corps to the heads of the chambers of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation - the chairman of the Council of Nationalities Ramazan Gadzhimuradovich Abdulatipov and the chairman of the Council of the Republic Veniamin Sergeyevich Sokolov.

      A preliminary meeting of the negotiators through the Russian Orthodox Church took place late in the evening of September 30, 1993. As a result, at 2 hours and 40 minutes. On the morning of October 1, Protocol No. 1 was signed, according to which it was possible to reach an agreement on the gradual lifting of the blockade of the House of Soviets in exchange for guarantees of establishing control over the weapons available to the Department of Security of the Supreme Council and volunteers.

      On the morning of October 1, as a result of the agreements reached at night, the power supply to the House of Soviets was restored, which enabled heating and hot water to be turned on.

      However, this agreement was rejected by the Supreme Council, and V.S.Sokolov himself was replaced in negotiations by the First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, Yuri Mikhailovich Voronin.

      Full-scale negotiations in the Holy Danilov Monastery began at 10 a.m. on October 1 and continued in several stages until October 3, 1993. The then Metropolitan of Smolensk and Kaliningrad Kirill (now His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill) also participated in the negotiations. Court of the Russian Federation Vladimir Ivanovich Oleinik.

      As Patriarch Alexy II noted in his opening remarks, “we all have a huge responsibility for the future of our Fatherland, because everything must be done to prevent the possibility of a civil war and the collapse of the country.”

      During the talks, the presidential side confirmed agreement on the so-called “zero option” - simultaneous early elections of the Head of State and the new bicameral parliament. However, Yu.M. Voronin hid this information from deputies of the Supreme Council of Russia, who were at that time in the House of Soviets.

      On October 3, 1993, negotiations reached an impasse. As Patriarch Alexy II noted, “unfortunately, that agreement, that fragile agreement that was reached in the evening that weapons should be presented for today's meeting - it is not implemented.” In addition, on October 2, 1993, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation R.I. Khasbulatov disavowed the status of negotiations, saying that only the Congress of People's Deputies would take all decisions. Due to the aggravation of the situation in Moscow, negotiations at the Holy Danilov Monastery were interrupted on the afternoon of October 3, 1993 and were no longer resumed.
  2. +22
    27 February 2017 06: 40
    The only trouble is that after 1905-07. Russia 10 years as it turned into a constitutional monarchy.
    Even the term "unlimited" when describing the power of the monarch was excluded from the Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire (although the theoretical definition of autocracy remained).
    It was said that the emperor exercises legislative power "in unity" with the State Council and the State Duma.
    And the absolute veto of the emperor of the State Duma could overcome - pushing the same bill an infinite number of times.
    The principle of separation of powers took shape (so far on 2 branches - executive and legislative), civil rights and freedoms were legally enshrined, etc.
    This positive process was interrupted in February 1917.
    1. +8
      27 February 2017 07: 35
      Quote: Rotmistr
      This positive process was interrupted in February 1917.

      February 22, exactly one day purima. Symbolically, isn't it?
      1. +8
        27 February 2017 12: 29
        Shhh !!! Do not expose our Wise Men bully wassat . ... Purim is just on the nose ...
        1. +2
          27 February 2017 13: 45
          Quote: voyaka uh
          ... Purim is just on the nose ...

          So after all, the day of March 8 in some years passed on Purim. After all, the jumping "lunar" calendar is not directly connected with the solar Julian / Gregorian. You at least informed in advance about the dates of such grandiose holidays in advance, because they are usually so closely tied to fundamental, determining events within Russia itself.
        2. +6
          27 February 2017 14: 36
          Quote: voyaka uh
          Purim is just on the nose ...

          Will you do cannibalism again? am
  3. +14
    27 February 2017 07: 14
    Therefore, the "allies" of Russia joyfully welcomed the February Revolution. The first, on March 9 (22), 1917, the Provisional Government officially recognized the United States of America. In a day, March 11 (24) - France, England and Italy. Soon Belgium, Serbia, Japan, Romania and Portugal joined them. The reason for joy was really great: in London and Paris they could breathe calmly. No one could even hope that in just a few days the operation of the “union” special services to change the state system of Russia would end with such a tremendous success! All the planned steps were taken, not a minimum program was decided, but its most complete version.
    The new "independent" government took upon itself all the obligations of the tsarist government, both financial and political. All debts were recognized and the determination to wage war to a victorious end was declared. And if the old tsarist government at least sometimes could refuse the “allies”, then the new rulers of Russia depended on them completely. And they didn’t even think about how the British and French acted in relation to the deposed Russian monarch. First, they forced him to shed seas of blood of his soldiers in the name of utopian "allied" ideals, and then threw Nikolai Romanov into the trash of history. After renunciation, not a word of support, not a single phrase in his defense. There, into oblivion, after a short period, the Provisional Government will set off. No need to be surprised - no one takes the waste material, slag with him to the political future.
  4. +8
    27 February 2017 07: 17
    February was an elitist palace coup with revolutionary consequences. The February-March coup wasn’t accomplished by the people,

    No, dear comrade author. "A short course of the CPSU), the main creator of which was Stalin says (and rightly)
    The bourgeoisie thought to resolve the crisis through a palace coup.
    But PEOPLE allowed its own way.

    "The revolution was carried out by the proletariat, he showed heroism he spilled
    blood, he carried with him the widest masses of the working and the poorest
    population ... ", - wrote Lenin in the early days of the revolution (Lenin, vol. XX, p. 23
    - 24)

    VKGD only followed events, trying to maintain order in the country (so that he would not "speak up" earlier, do not make plans, etc.
    In the finals we will see blown up temples and monasteries, and with the complete indifference of the masses.

    By this logic and blown up the main monument of military glory of Russia and the grave of Bagration on the Borodino field , the blown up column of the Glory of Russia and many thousands of other Russian destroyed monuments also speak of the "indifference of the people" to their glory and history.
    False promise. And they protested and were indignant, but there is no arguing against force.
    As soon as they gave an outlet, the people again reached for the temples, began to rebuild them, as well as the destroyed monuments.
    dragged Russia into a long confrontation with France (participation in four wars with France), which culminated in the deaths of tens of thousands of Russian people and the burning of Moscow. Then Russia, instead of leaving weakened France, as a counterweight to England, Austria and Prussia, freed Europe and France from Napoleon.

    All right, they did, they tried to stop the monster in the FOREIGN territory. And finished off rightly, like Hitler, and did not leave him as a counterweight to England.
    It was possible to start “Russian globalization”, to build your own world order. However, time and opportunities were lost in the wars in Europe, meaningless for the Russian people. Moreover, thanks to the pro-Western party in St. Petersburg, Russia lost Russian America

    No, author: Russia DEFENSE its European part and FOCUSED on the development of Siberia and the Far East, there was no force on America.
    St. Petersburg did not Russify Little Russia, destroying the traces of Polish rule, the sprouts of Ukrainian ideology.

    Spent But the Bolsheviks invited the chief ukronacist Grushevsky and his 50 thousand Galicians to nurture the sprouts of Ukraine, which they did, forcibly turning the Russians and Little Russians into “Ukrainians”, driving reality into their theories ..

    In many ways I don’t agree with Autrom ....
    1. +3
      27 February 2017 13: 23
      the short course of the CPSU (b) was absolutely right. The February Revolution was made by the Soviets of Workers. the same Milyukov repeatedly said that we are not an opposition to His Majesty, but the support of His Majesty. This is all nonsense about the conspiracy of the elites against the monarchy. Why should the elites bury the monarchy, it is not the Western bourgeoisie, which initially appeared as a result of European revolutions, as the opposition of power and the monarchy. The Russian bourgeoisie appeared at the behest from above, after the abolition of serfdom, it was closely soldered to the authorities, and together with the authorities it died. They were not idiots, they all knew perfectly well where their revolution was leading, therefore from the very beginning the Provisional Government hindered all the ideas that came from the Soviets, didn’t go for reforms, and did not pass laws aimed at improving social conditions. It was generally afraid of what was happening, wanted to turn everything back. A characteristic episode according to Nabokov’s recollections: he watched February from the window of his office and did not understand what was happening, then already in the summer a middle-aged man approached him and extended his hand and said: “Thank you for your freedom.” Nabokov, according to his memoirs, only thought to himself that I hadn’t even done anything for your freedom.
      1. +2
        27 February 2017 15: 29
        Quote: Rastas
        the same Milyukov repeatedly said that we are not an opposition to His Majesty, but the support of His Majesty

        And you do not consider the rest of his statements?
        Quote: Rastas
        The Russian bourgeoisie appeared at the behest from above, after the abolition of serfdom, it was closely soldered to the authorities, and together with the authorities it died.

        But this did not stop her from striving to live in Europe. And just ... they were they, because they imagined that the people would carry them in their arms for the notorious democracy.
      2. 0
        28 February 2017 17: 41
        Rastas Guilty of the death of the Russian army and Russia can be called directly by name. These are the members of the Petrograd Soviet who wrote the text of the order, Yu.M. Steklov (Nakhamkes) and N.D. Sokolov. Minister of War Guchkov is to blame, to blame, everyone who was part of the government and smartly peed in their notebooks. But more than others, Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky is to blame. After all, he was a member of the Council, which wrote and issued the order; he was the minister of government, who was able to strangle in the bud the catalyst for the decomposition of his own army. Kerensky could have prevented all this twice! But he did not do this, but on the contrary helped the order to be born, although it is not difficult to foresee its consequences. No army can live by such rules. Even the most ardent "supporters" of Order No. 1, the Bolsheviks, used it only as a tool to seize power and decompose the old army. As soon as they came to power, they began to create a new Red Army, with a new discipline. More precisely, with the well-forgotten old: for disobedience shooting. The army is submission, a clear hierarchy, where orders are carried out implicitly. There is no discipline - there will be no armed force, but there will be a huge discussion club. It is obvious. It seems incomprehensible to others. It was not Lenin and Trotsky who printed and distributed Order No. 1, not the Bolsheviks initiated it. Others did it. So, what, the Provisional Government did not understand that it is impossible to win a war with such an army? Did idealistic patriots understand even less of ours in military affairs?
        For the further collapse of the country, it was necessary first of all to decompose the army - conscious and disciplined, it could instantly suppress any foci of anti-state actions
        Here you have the answer to all questions at once. Kerensky is justified: "one, or some group whose authenticity is still a mystery," issued this order, and the Russian army collapsed. And I, Kerensky, is white and fluffy! He is simultaneously in two power structures and does not know anything about the origin of this document! But for us it is not so important who published it. Suppose that everything dark and anti-Russian came from the Petrograd Soviet, and its member Kerensky simply did not attend meetings, but drank somewhere with nice ladies. Nothing changes from this. Then we will have to admit that this gentleman also did not appear at the meetings of the Provisional Government. Recall the "Declaration of the Provisional Government on its composition and tasks of March 3, 1917." It says practically the same thing there, democratic freedoms are introduced in the army, in other words, the army begins to engage in politics and listen to someone whose language is better suspended. Kerensky is trying to relieve himself and his colleagues of the responsibility for the collapse of the army, but is doing it very awkwardly.
        Complaint More ...
        1. +2
          28 February 2017 19: 05
          Uncle Murzik, well, what kind of idealist are you, Kerensky and the company are all freemasons.
          To distract from gloomy comments: there was such a glorious town in the Penza province - Kerensk, and so in 1926 the Bolshevik authorities, in spite of Kerensky, renamed the city into a village, and then renamed the city (village), to Vadinsk. Moreover, the very name Kerensk, no relation to Alexander Fedorovich did not have. Just for ideological reasons. Kerensky was offended. That's where the dog is buried.
          But justice has triumphed, since 1991 - the city of Vadinsk, Penza region, the district center.
    2. +7
      27 February 2017 14: 14
      Olgovich, it is, of course, very scary and regrettable that they destroyed the monuments, only in the blessed tsarist Russia, because of their ignorance, ordinary people did not know anything about Bagration, even for the most part they did not know about Kutuzov and Suvorov. But according to folk legends, Bolotnikov, Stenka Razin and Emelka Pugacheva were well remembered. Victor Hugo, for example, speaking in defense of the Communards in 1871, said that destroying monuments was disgusting, but for the Communards they were symbols of their oppression. Or another example - in medieval England during the peasant uprisings of Wat Tyler or Jack Cadd, rebels killed literate people who could sign their name. Why? Because of stupidity, envy? No, tax lists, judicial summons, unfair sentences - in this form, literacy appeared before the peasants.
      1. +2
        27 February 2017 19: 49
        Quote: Rastas
        Olgovich, it is, of course, very scary and regrettable that they destroyed the monuments, only in the blessed tsarist Russia, because of their ignorance, ordinary people did not know anything about Bagration, even for the most part they did not know about Kutuzov and Suvorov

        In the truly blessed Russian Empire, 130 million books a year were published and there were about 000 thousand schools (000 times more than today). So the people arecash on World War II, the most widely celebrated 100th anniversary of her. So you, excuse me, are not in the subject.

        And the monuments were demolished NOT by the people, but by the very enlightened people who lived half their lives in Europe, co-rulers. Then, by the way, they restored something back to them. For example, the crypt of Bagration (but it is empty).
        1. +6
          27 February 2017 20: 14
          Where does such a lie come from, Olgovich? In the system of the Ministry of Public Education, the number of general secondary schools by 1896 reached 998, of which 614 were male and 284 female. And 140 thousand about which you write, it was the elementary and incomplete secondary schools. Feel the difference? For tsarist Russia, it was precisely the concept of "literacy" that is, the ability to read (the primary public schools gave the skills of reading, writing, and the first four steps of arithmetic). The bulk of the population, recorded as "literate" in 1897, already in the 30s belonged to complete ignoramuses. The report, which said that in the Tobolsk province, literacy was very low, Alexander III put the resolution: "And thank God!" The head of the Ministry of Education was appointed well-known reactionary Count Dmitry Tolstoy, who started the company for restricting the admission of children from the lower classes ("cook children") in the gymnasium. So tell tales to others. Read the classics, where they wrote about ordinary people. For example, such a "lover" of the Bolsheviks as Bunin and his story "The Village", what kind of literacy is there.
          1. +1
            27 February 2017 21: 55
            Quote: Rastas
            Where does such a lie come from, Olgovich? In the system of the Ministry of Public Education, the number of general secondary schools by 1896 reached 998, of which 614 were male and 284 female. And 140 thousand about which you write, it was the elementary and incomplete secondary schools

            What is the lie, Rastas? Did you refute something? No. And who is the liar?
            Quote: Rastas
            by 1896 it reached 998, of which 614 were male and 284 female.

            You still remember the 16th century.
            Quote: Rastas
            The bulk of the population, recorded as "literate" in 1897, already in the 30s belonged to complete ignoramuses. The report, which said that in the Tobolsk province, literacy was very low, Alexander III put the resolution: "And thank God!" The head of the Ministry of Education was appointed well-known reactionary Count Dmitry Tolstoy, who started the company for restricting the admission of children from the lower classes ("cook children") in the gymnasium. So tell tales to others. Read the classics, where they wrote about ordinary people. For example, such a "lover" of the Bolsheviks as Bunin and his story "The Village", what kind of literacy is there.

            I’m not going to convince you of the things that are obvious FOR ME: live in the Soviet lies and on, so it’s obviously more comfortable for you.
            If, nevertheless, you are interested in the truth, read the monograph Saprykin D.L. "Educational potential of the Russian Empire"-with links to sources, etc.
            At the same time, remember that ALL known owls. scientists of the nuclear project, space, aviation, etc. learned in schools and universities of the Republic of Ingushetia (in the 20-30s it was the SAME imperial universities and the SAME teachers, there were no others)

            And we spoke generally about demolished by enlightened communists RUSSIAN monuments of military glory of Russia. They also arranged a public toilet in the monument to the Heroes of Plevna, where on the boards with the names of the dead soldiers .......

            1. 0
              28 February 2017 17: 56
              Olgovich again suffered! lol Not surprisingly, Pushkin's largest lifetime print runs did not exceed 1200 copies, and even those stagnated for years. The fate of the journal Sovremennik founded by Pushkin is interesting. According to Strakhov, in the correspondence between Grot and Pletnev, there is an indication that in the 1840s Sovremennik was printed in 600 copies, of which 200 diverged. The publication was unprofitable. An eloquent indicator is the celebration of Pushkin's centenary in 1899. The jubilee academic publication (but still not completed) of the poet’s complete works was printed in a print run of ... 2 thousand copies - for 140 million people. As for the anniversary Pushkin brochures for a simpler people, their circulation reached 10 thousand copies.
              The largest pre-revolutionary publication of Pushkin was the 10-volume published by Suvorin. With a circulation of 15 thousand, it cost 1,5 rubles. On the whole, as Strakhov writes, "these books did not go farther than the city and deeper than the intelligentsia." The only exception was Leo Tolstoy - truly the most popular writer among the Russian intelligentsia. The circulation of his Complete Works, published as an appendix to the magazine Around the World in 1913, reached astronomical copies of 100 thousand at that time. What did ordinary reader (tradesman, philistine) read in tsarist Russia? When a similar question was asked to Leo Tolstoy, he answered: Matvey Komarov.
              Today, no one knows such an author, and even at the beginning of the twentieth century his books were published in huge editions at that time: for example, the most popular “Glorious scammer and thief Vanka Cain” at a price of 3-5 kopecks. could have a single circulation of 50-100 thousand copies. The second most popular are songbooks, dream books and scribes.
      2. 0
        28 February 2017 17: 42
        Rastas where you saw the Bolsheviks only in a dream dreamer Olgovich! Here is another curious document that led to chaos in the country. It was called the “Declaration of the Provisional Government on its composition and tasks” and was published on March 3, 1917. Paragraph 5 of the declaration directly said: 1) “Replacement of the police by the people's police with elected authorities, subordinate bodies local government "
        It’s strange. Is it not clear to the gentlemen from the government the simple truths that during the war the dissolution of the police will lead to a surge of crime and add unnecessary difficulties in achieving the long-awaited victory? The very fact of the tsar’s abdication — unprecedented in Russian history — was a heavy blow to the defenses and morale of the troops. Why exacerbate all this?
        Has ever in history, when all the forces of the state were tense, carried out a complete restructuring of the state mechanism? Every driver knows that to repair a car, you must at least stop it. No one will try to replace the punctured wheel at full speed - after all, this threatens disaster! And the first paragraph of the first document of the Provisional Government reads: 2) “A complete and immediate amnesty for all political and religious matters, including terrorist assassinations, military uprisings and agrarian crimes, etc.” Those who detonated bombs will be released killed in every possible way the citizens of the Russian Empire during our first revolution! In what other country during the war, all those who tried to destroy this country more recently were released from prison? Do not look, you will not find examples in world history! 3) “Freedom of speech, press, unions, meetings and strikes with the extension of political freedoms to military personnel to the extent permitted by military-technical conditions?” How do you order to understand this? What kind of political freedom can a soldier have during a war? Soldiers and officers during the period of hostilities have the same duties. Unpleasant - kill other people who wear the form of an enemy army. And terrible for every normal person - to die for themselves when their commanders demand it. Other rights during the war were neither among the Roman legionnaires, nor among the Napoleon’s guards, nor among the Suvorov miraculous heroes. What kind of strikes, meetings and alliances in the army can be?
  5. +7
    27 February 2017 07: 35
    But how did the liberal press work, it’s just a separate issue, having formed public opinion by February 1917, the empress was a “German spy” and there were only “German agents” in the government .. The Provisional Government commission then conducted an investigation, and did not find confirmation .. Well, the peak , bullying became the famous speech of Milyukov in the State Duma, "Stupidity or treason" ... was immediately spread throughout the empire ...
    1. +7
      27 February 2017 10: 08
      parusnik Today, 07:35
      And how did the liberal press work?
      So we have liberals for every kipish, if only he would lead to the collapse of Russia as a state. So it was, so it is, and so apparently it will be, such is the corrupt nature of liberalism. In general, in my opinion, “liberalism” was invented by globalists in order to rule the world at their own discretion with the help of those liberals.
      Our liberals are asking for a brick, no matter the face, but rather a rope with soap, although no, soap is a pity for them!
    2. +1
      27 February 2017 13: 19
      Quote: parusnik
      having formed public opinion, the empress is a "German spy"

      Which is especially logical in light of the fact that most of her life before marriage, she lived in England.
      1. +6
        27 February 2017 15: 01
        Yes, she lived in England, where they could not have known that she would give birth to a boy with hemophilia. The birth of such a child in the royal family ----- the weakening of the dynasty and the reason for the subsequent unrest.
        1. +1
          27 February 2017 15: 25
          Quote: Reptiloid
          that she will give birth to a boy with hemophilia

          Everyone knew about it. But what does this have to do with the allegations that she is a German spy?
  6. +10
    27 February 2017 07: 37
    What ruined Tsarist Russia?

    There are many reasons, but this many things WHAT have specific Name, Surname and Patronymic, as well as a person ...
    1. +3
      27 February 2017 09: 14
      Such personification reminds me of a modern saying: "The cat left the kittens, then Putin is to blame". The search for the switchman, instead of realizing the true reasons, cannot lead to anything good, they are not able to.
      1. +7
        27 February 2017 09: 18
        Quote: venaya
        This personification reminds me of a modern saying: "The cat left the kittens, then Putin is to blame." The search for the switchman, instead of realizing the true reasons, cannot lead to anything good, they are not able to.

        Unlike Putin V.V., Romanov N.A., was a SELF-HOLDER. Should you explain the meaning of this word and title? And since he was them, it means that he bears all responsibility for what happened then ...
        1. +3
          27 February 2017 12: 04
          Quote: svp67
          Romanov N.A., was a SAMODERZHAVETSEM ... mean he bears all responsibility for what happened then ...

          Your individual approach to this topic smacks of formalism, and even populism, it’s just so convenient, why bother with a deeper one. Is it not then to blame immediately one monarch for the collapse of all four empires? And the rest of the monarchs are not to blame? Immediately recalls the technology of "renunciation" of the power of Kaiser Wilheim. His relative was locked up in the castle and on his behalf not only ruled the empire, but simply managed to sign the conditions of surrender, enslaving to the GI, despite the fact that not a single soldier of any enemy armies was on the territory of the GI. This is a coup technology! Just a sight for sore eyes, how people worked then! So grandiose power came against Russia then that blaming some kind of emperor Nikolashka for his weakness was somehow no longer reasonable. It makes sense to look at this whole problem more globally. If Nikolashka then tried to show off more, then in this case, I’m sure, there would be a government on him, they wouldn’t break such people. It immediately recalls the amazing from the point of view of medicine "from the common cold"the death of Peter I, after the capture of Baku, and there Persia and India are very close, with all their riches. And the closest relatives of John IV, who have at least something to do with the rights to the throne, that is, the entire Rurik dynasty, in the amount of ash 80 pieces, they passed away. Yes, and Nicholas I, and after all, daddy Alexander III, too, passed away under very "strange" circumstances. So blaming others, oh, how easy it is, but it’s really terrible to think on your own.
          1. +6
            27 February 2017 12: 16
            Quote: venaya
            Your individual approach to this topic smacks of formalism, and even populism, it’s just so convenient, why bother with a deeper one.

            You know, I spent the entire bulk of my conscious life in the army and I was taught as a cadet that since you are a commander, you carry the FULL DEGREE of RESPONSIBILITY for everything that happens in the military team entrusted to you. Somehow in the army they tried to treat this not so “formally” and the army immediately began to fall apart. And then a man took over the State and being a SELF-HOLDER with all the duties and responsibilities arising from this title, he suddenly turns out to be innocent ... Yes, you can think and speak in defense of Nicholas - 2 whatever you want, but History shows that you wrong. He is guilty.
            And the rest of the monarchs are not to blame?
            In the death of their States? If they died during their reign, no doubt. But this article is generally about Russia, so let's get back to assessing the role of our Emperor.
    2. +2
      27 February 2017 13: 33
      I would not have personified the story and would have blamed everything on poor Nicholas, who got it that way. This is also how the German field marshals in their post-war memoirs wrote down all the jambs on Hitler, saying that if not for him, their ingenious plans would have led to victory, and Hitler only put sticks in the wheels. Many emigrants, too, all blamed on the king, while not recognizing their mistakes. But V. Maklakov compared politics with chess, noting that a game is lost XNUMX moves before the mat. And he says: "The same thing happened to us. The mistakes and indecision of Alexander II, the incompleteness of his reforms, the internal contradiction between them and his politics made the revolution inevitable ..." Russia was moving systematically towards revolution.
      1. +7
        27 February 2017 13: 40
        Quote: Rastas
        I would not have personified the story and would have blamed everything on poor Nikolai, who got

        People make history and they need to know. And to forgive the person who brought the country to the Revolution, motivating it with the fact that he already got it ... I certainly would not.
        It is necessary to talk about this LOUDLY and more often, so that the current rulers would think about WHAT TO PERSONALLY HAPPEN TO THEM, IF THEY WILL NOT BE FULFILLED TO FULFILL THEIR DUTIES.
        And constantly repeat that Nicholas wanted to flee abroad, and NOBODY HAS RECEIVED him, not only him, but also his family members. That would be less illusions.
  7. +5
    27 February 2017 07: 56
    Does anyone think how many such articles Mr. Samsonov has posted in recent months?
    1. +5
      27 February 2017 12: 19
      Soon, the Chinese will make a new super computer - and we’ll calculate it. It seems to me that citizen Samsonov gets up in the morning, yawns and "creates." After posting, he reads comments and giggles.
      I especially liked the passage:
      The official Nikonian church, created after an information sabotage from the West, crushed the "living faith" of Sergius of Radonezh. Orthodoxy has become a formality, essence has been lured by form, faith - empty rites.
      - which, according to Samsonov, is bad.
      And below:
      Therefore, the top was westernized - the aristocracy and the nobility. For the sake of this, church self-government was destroyed so that the church could not resist these orders.
      That is, in the bad, according to Samsonov, church self-government was taken away. But this is bad again.
    2. +5
      27 February 2017 12: 21
      But this one is still "nothing." To throw out about the superethnos of the Rus and right normally even ...
      1. +2
        27 February 2017 13: 25
        Quote: kalibr
        ... Throw out about the superethnos of the Russians and right normally even ...

        So who did build the pyramids in the Giza Valley in Egypt? Is there any new information on this?
  8. +2
    27 February 2017 08: 07
    (C) 3) solve the "Russian question" - the Russian superethnos was the bearer of a fair world order model, an alternative Western slave model; 4) supported the formation of a frank pro-Western bourgeois government in Russia and brought under control the vast resources of Russia, which were necessary for the construction of a new world order (global slave civilization).

    And in 1991-1993. was it different? The customers are the same, only the performers are fed from the "shtetl" / and even then actually ... /.
  9. +7
    27 February 2017 08: 08
    The author’s discussions about the evil churchmen are certainly something, the topic is now both fashionable and win-win. They will expel people from a decent house and not treat them with tea - if you say a good word to the Church, such harsh times are coming.
    1. +2
      27 February 2017 08: 16
      Churches or ROC?
      1. +6
        27 February 2017 08: 44
        Church = ROC
        1. +4
          27 February 2017 10: 21
          The Russian Orthodox Church is a business add-on and it was the same a hundred years ago. And the Church and Faith is a slightly different level.
    2. 0
      27 February 2017 13: 36
      churchmen should be engaged in the salvation of the souls of people, to preach the good, the good, as Christ did, and not to show their noses from their cathedrals. To paraphrase General Dragomirov, you want to go into worldly life, business or politics, take off your cassock.
      1. +4
        27 February 2017 14: 35
        The church has never been engaged in the salvation of human souls, it provided a person with real freedom - with whom to be, on whose side the person had a choice. Next - save yourself.
        1. +1
          27 February 2017 15: 38
          Come on. But is there nothing that a fine existed in RI for “non-existence in confession”? Or that the priest was obliged to report on what he heard in a secret confession, if the confessor criticizes the authorities? And the persecution of the Old Believers, Molokans, evangelical Christians?
        2. 0
          27 February 2017 15: 59
          Quote: bober1982
          Church never engaged in the salvation of human souls, she provided a person real freedom - with whom to be, on whose side, a person remained selection...

          And I thought that the right to choose was granted to us by God ... laughing
  10. +2
    27 February 2017 08: 15
    The king was betrayed by the generals. The rest is secondary. But some of them fate overtook even earlier than Nicholas.
  11. +3
    27 February 2017 08: 16
    If anyone needs a brief retelling of books by Andrei Burovsky, then here you are.
  12. +10
    27 February 2017 10: 08
    and where is the military cheburashka?
    why are they not telling us how good it was under the tsar, and how the oaths of the Bolsheviks in February 17 forged renunciation?
    and all the generals and all the people were as one for their king!
    1. +5
      27 February 2017 10: 29
      The topic has become "jammed", it is impossible to so often.Is there life on Mars, is there life on Mars - science is unknown If you rephrase - whether the February coup was a conspiracy of the generals, or was not a conspiracy of the generals - this is unknown to science.
      1. +1
        27 February 2017 13: 24
        If you rephrase - whether the February coup was a conspiracy of the generals, or was not a conspiracy of the generals - this is unknown to science.

        I don’t know what science, maybe astronomy?
        it has long been written in history which general did what and who supported, as well as who initiated, inspired and carried out the February and who paid.
        1. +2
          27 February 2017 14: 03
          "On a February day, the emperor was abandoned by his people ......., the crowd in the praetorium of Pilate shouted - We don’t know another king except Caesar. Emperor Nicholas heard the same cries- We do not know another king except freedom.
          ........ Blood flows soldered the land of captive Russia for many decades. "

          “Regicide — the excess of revolution?”, 2005, Archimandrite Rafail Karelin
    2. +4
      27 February 2017 12: 58
      Quote: Stas57
      why are they not telling us how good it was under the tsar, and how the oaths of the Bolsheviks in February 17 forged renunciation?
      and all the generals and all the people were as one for their king!

      Yeah ... you can still remember - how stood for the king member of the surname, V.K. Kirill Vladimirovich. smile
    3. +4
      28 February 2017 04: 22
      Quote: Stas57
      and where is the military cheburashka?

      His Majesty is having a meal!
  13. +4
    27 February 2017 10: 17
    Under the Romanovs, Russia partially lost the spiritual core of Orthodoxy (“the glory of the rule”), the combination of the ancient traditions of Vedic Russia and Christianity (the Good News of Jesus). The official Nikonian church, created after an information sabotage from the West, crushed the "living faith" of Sergius of Radonezh.

    hand face

    Moreover, the most healthy part of the Russian people - the Old Believers, will go into opposition to the Romanov state. WITHTarovers will maintain purity, sobriety, high morality and spirituality.

    Wow, face, hand 2


    SPASOVSKY AGREEMENT, or NON-FATHER. According to their creed, salvation
    can be obtained by trusting only in Jesus Christ (Savior). Denied the sacraments
    Orthodox priesthood.
    RYABINOVSKY TOLK - current in the Spassovsky consent; recognized only
    worship of a cross made of mountain ash.
    FEDOSEEVSKY TOLK - one of the radical currents in insurgency.
    It was founded at the end of the 18th century. Theodosius Vasiliev.
    POMORSKY TOLK arose on the river Vyge, in Pomerania.
    One of the currents of the Pomors - Danilovtsi, named after one of
    founders of the sense, Danila Vakulova.

    to continue about highly spiritual Old Believers?
    1. +1
      27 February 2017 11: 29
      Quote: Stas57
      to continue about highly spiritual Old Believers?

      not ... let's ka, better about the current "mummers" ...
    2. +5
      27 February 2017 13: 01
      C'mon, you better check out two theses within the same paragraph:
      Old believers will maintain purity, sobriety, high morality and spirituality.

      As a result, the Old Believers will become one of the revolutionary detachments that will destroy the Russian Empire.

      Strict observance of mutually exclusive paragraphs is evident. smile
  14. +2
    27 February 2017 11: 34
    mediocre tsarek nikolashka - this is the whole tragedy of the second world; and of course the two worlds threw our economic development back a long way which cannot be said about America’s economy, but now they are imposing nonsense on us that supposedly some “capitalism” is more effective than socialism, not to mention a certain “democracy” which in nature does not exist, the only trump card in US economic development is a bypass of the terrible devastation of two world wars
    1. +1
      27 February 2017 11: 57
      And the Mongol-Tatar yoke threw Russia back for another 200 years
      1. +1
        27 February 2017 16: 04
        Quote: Kenneth
        And the Mongol-Tatar yoke threw Russia back for another 200 years

        The so-called "Mongol-Tatar yoke" protected Russia from Christianization for 200 years. Too bad not forever.
        1. 0
          27 February 2017 20: 04
          This I am mocking. And MIT has never bothered Christians.
          1. 0
            27 February 2017 21: 59
            Quote: Kenneth
            ... But MIT has never bothered Christians.

            Tartaria, as much as she could, interfered with the new faith and they smashed primarily the cities where the Christians won ...
    2. +4
      27 February 2017 13: 46
      Quote: dojjdik
      mediocre tsarek nikolashka - this is the whole tragedy of the second world

      Well, yes, Nicholas II is already to blame for World War II ... even though he was killed 21 years before it began.
  15. +6
    27 February 2017 11: 46
    The author again shifts responsibility for the fate of the people to external forces (Englishwoman crap) and to the elite. Poles and Ukrainians with Finns and Chukhons were set on Russia by evil Europeans who sleep and see how to enslave the Russian lands. Spirituality ... and where is the spirituality of successful countries? Germany, Scandinavia, Anglo-Saxons? Do they have everything who are churchlifted? Maybe this is not the case? In South Korea, Singapore, Germany, etc. are all spiritually enlightened? It's just that everyone works, earns, and does not sit on natural rents. Maybe there’s nothing to blame for the mirror. What are we better than Ukrainians, for whom everyone is to blame, except for themselves. All sorts of theories and contrived problems are invented, except for one - the total infantility of the people and the flesh of their flesh - the "elite". We do not steal - this is the main virtue. Do not steal because they do not carry you.
    1. 0
      22 December 2017 14: 04
      Quote: Petrik66
      The author again shifts responsibility for the fate of the people to external forces (Englishwoman crap) and to the elite. Poles and Ukrainians with Finns and Chukhons were set on Russia by evil Europeans who sleep and see how to enslave the Russian lands. Spirituality ... and where is the spirituality of successful countries? Germany, Scandinavia, Anglo-Saxons? Do they have everything who are churchlifted? Maybe this is not the case? In South Korea, Singapore, Germany, etc. are all spiritually enlightened? It's just that everyone works, earns, and does not sit on natural rents. Maybe there’s nothing to blame for the mirror. What are we better than Ukrainians, for whom everyone is to blame, except for themselves. All sorts of theories and contrived problems are invented, except for one - the total infantility of the people and the flesh of their flesh - the "elite". We do not steal - this is the main virtue. Do not steal because they do not carry you.

      If I could then set + 100. Many citizens have a split personality — Russia has the greatest power, everyone respects and fears — and at the same time Russia is in such a bad mood because everyone is in the way. Also commies - for some reason, the 1917 revolution is good for them, and the same thing in 1991 is evil.
  16. +4
    27 February 2017 11: 51
    I can see for sure which of the Samsonovs wink wrote an article.
    If there are paragraphs in bold, then the author is Samsonov, a geo-politician and conspiracy theorist.
    If there are no such distinguished paragraphs, then the author is Samsonov the historian. And it can be read with pleasure.
    1. +3
      27 February 2017 12: 25
      You deftly spied it. And I was puzzling, what bothers me ... it seems to be so ... and x ... with this. And so - yes, indeed. It all matters!
    2. +1
      27 February 2017 17: 18
      Quote: voyaka uh
      I can see for sure which of the Samsonovs

      Collective mind? laughing
      1. +1
        28 February 2017 11: 32
        Remember the Strugatsky’s "Monday begins on Saturday?" There was A-Janus and B-Janus - one of them counter-sleep. Maybe here is the same case?
  17. +3
    27 February 2017 12: 21
    February was an elitist palace coup with revolutionary consequences. The February-March coup did not take place by the people ...

    Yes. It is interesting to read modern analysts. They are more like ideological trenchers. Their judgments should drive everyone once and for all into the Procrustean bed of perceptions of the world, necessary for the needs of the day.
    What, it is not known that the people of the revolution do not carry out? That he only creates the conditions, and someone uses the results?
    Yes ... analytic Pharisaism has flourished ... with a double color. Probably, it gives, if not satisfaction, then a good profit. In any form.
  18. +2
    27 February 2017 13: 11
    The masters of Britain and France, who could easily prevent this conspiracy, instructing the Russian Masons not to interfere with the tsarist regime to win the war, did not do this. On the contrary, the masters of the West, who condemned the destruction of the German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, also sentenced tsarist Russia.

    Yeah ... at the front, a positional crisis, the Entente’s offensive degenerates into meat grinders like Verdun and Somme, the Germans lose less than the Anglo-French, the United States is still vacillating - and at that moment the ugly Anglo-Frenchwoman decides to arrange a revolution in Russia. smile
    1. +2
      27 February 2017 13: 27
      Quote: Alexey RA
      Germans lose less than the Anglo-French, the United States so far vacillating

      At first glance, yes. But Germany could no longer win, and the entry into the US war was not due to some sunken ship - it was a decision made in advance and agreed with the Allies, and the fact that the war that could be ended in 1917 did not last longer ruling elites do not matter, they themselves did not fight.
    2. +1
      27 February 2017 13: 33
      It is very significant that when the British parliament became aware of the abdication of the Russian tsar and the overthrow of the autocracy in Russia, the head of government Lloyd George of the “union state, said:“ One of the goals of the war has been achieved. ”

      I don’t even know if it’s worth asking for a source, although after the Masons I see a complete hopelessness.
      it’s me how much the shaving girls made efforts so that RI didn’t get out of the war, and they had a way out - one of the goals was, oh, it's the Masons, though Buchanan was rubbing his hands, the VP promised to wage war to the last without the “German spies” ,
    3. 0
      27 February 2017 13: 35
      Quote: Alexey RA
      Anglo-Frenchwoman decides to arrange a revolution in Russia.

      In yesterday’s article, nevertheless, the United States was named the main villain who "pitted" England and France with Germany, but with the main goal of destroying Russia. Yes
      1. +4
        27 February 2017 13: 49
        Quote: Olgovich
        In yesterday’s article, nevertheless, the United States was named the main villain who "pitted" England and France with Germany, but with the main goal of destroying Russia.

        Hour by hour is not easier. The provincial overseas USA with its doctrine of Monroe, which had to be dragged into the WWII literally on a rope, suddenly manages to pit all the great powers of Europe, including the main puppeteer. belay
  19. +4
    27 February 2017 13: 43
    The good thing about the VO site is that printing such materials gives many people the opportunity to feel like who they dream of being - historians, analysts of different genres, mega-specialists in some, if not all, fields of human activity at once. In a word, what they did not become in real life. The main thing is not to take these toys seriously.
    And the author can write for a long time. Burovsky and Medinsky have such thoughts - to write and write.
  20. +1
    28 February 2017 02: 18
    Dumb king and his stealing entourage.
  21. +1
    28 February 2017 10: 10
    You can not blame Nikolai Alexandrovich. He could neither stop nor change the course of events.
    Such was the turning point. Events developed too rapidly. Nobody in his place could change anything. He was well aware of this. He humbly sacrificed himself.
    1. 0
      4 March 2017 21: 49
      Quote: pussamussa
      He could neither stop nor change the course of events.

      You yourself confirm that Nikolashko Nambat is a weak-willed feather-worm, he crippled Russia.
  22. +1
    28 February 2017 17: 54
    Let's give the floor to contemporaries.

  23. 0
    4 March 2017 21: 46
    There is a lot of beech and one meaning. The second Nikolashko resembles the vegetable of Yanukovych - he also tried to cook a strange dish, but the dish itself ate the vegetable-vegetable. And the top of the church was always corrupt - they paid, and they began to sing like the weather vane in the right direction.
  24. +1
    April 3 2017 18: 17
    As Mark Twain wrote, if the elections really meant something, then the people would never have been allowed to see them.
  25. 0
    8 May 2017 04: 16
    Masonic conspiracy again. Well, how much can you? We need to come up with something new. Well, for example, an alien conspiracy.
    1. 0
      23 May 2017 20: 33
      But after all, Kerknsky was a freemason.
      “I received a proposal to join the Freemasons in 1912, immediately after being elected to the IV Duma. After serious thought, I came to the conclusion that my own goals coincide with the goals of society, and I accepted this proposal.”
      "The basis of our society was the local box. The Supreme Council of the order had the right to create special boxes in addition to territorial ones. So, there was a box in the Duma, another for writers, and so on. Each box received full autonomy when created. No body of the order had the right to intervene. in the work of the lodge or in the question of admitting new members to it. At the annual congresses, delegates from the lodges discussed the work done and held elections to the High Council. At the same congresses, on behalf of the High Council, the Secretary General presented a report on the progress made to the delegates with an assessment of the political provisions and program of action for the coming year. Sometimes at congresses between members of the same party there were sharp clashes of opinions on such vital issues as the national question, the formation of the government, and agrarian reform. But we never allowed these disagreements to harm our solidarity. "

      Kerensky L.F. Russia at a historic turn. Memoirs. M., 1993.S. 62-63.
      Here is given by the book: Chrestomathies on Russian History (1914 - 1945) edited by A.F. Kiseleva, E.M.Shagina. M. 1996 "