The Bolsheviks began to implement a new development project, saving not only Russia, but the whole of humanity

The Bolsheviks began to implement a new development project, saving not only Russia, but the whole of humanity

100 years ago, October 25 (November 7) 1917, the Bolshevik Party took power into its own hands. The Great October Socialist Revolution was the greatest event not only of the Russian, but also of the world stories. No wonder China remembers this - the Russian revolution became the basis for the liberation of the Middle Kingdom from colonial oppression, the Japanese occupation and the victory of the Chinese Communists. Following the path of Lenin and Stalin, the Chinese civilization achieved tremendous success, becoming a superpower.

The revolution in Russia eventually led to the collapse of the colonial system. Forced Western masters to move to more hidden methods of controlling Latin America, Africa and Asia - to create a neo-colonial system. Thanks to the Russian Revolution, India, black Africa, the Arab world, etc. gained freedom from the colonialists. The revolution in Russia and the creation of the Soviet project, the creation of a society of service and creation, social justice, forced the Western masters to sympathize with European Social-Democracy, to build general welfare "in Western Europe (a substitute for Soviet society). Make America "sign of capitalism." What allowed a large middle class to appear in the West. For several decades, an ordinary person in the Western world enjoyed numerous benefits shared by the true masters of the West. The existence of the Soviet Union forced the Western "predators and aliens" to restrain their predatory and parasitic instincts. Otherwise, the population of Western Europe and the United States could overthrow the power of corporate and financial oligarchs.

Thanks to October, the great Soviet Union was created, which defeated Nazism and Fascism - the most striking manifestations of the Western masters' desire to create a global slave-owning civilization (eternal Reich, global Babylon), where a handful of "chosen" rule the enslaved peoples, and millions destroy the "subhumans". The Soviet Union showed humanity the main route to a future bright, sunny society - space exploration. He offered mankind a society of service and creation, social justice, instead of Western society of extermination and self-destruction (consumer society). The justice society, and the idea of ​​restoring the renewed Union - 2 - is currently the only salvation for the Russian multinational civilization. Russia-Russia entered the storm of a new world war and was faced with the threat of a new turmoil, since after the 1985-1993. social justice in Russia was violated, and the body of Russian civilization and Russian super-ethnos was torn apart.

On the Great October, many false myths were created. So, was created the myth that the Bolsheviks destroyed the Russian Empire and unleashed a civil war. In reality, the Russian empire was destroyed by the fundamental contradictions that had accumulated over the centuries in Russia. The incompetence of managers and unsatisfactory management during the reign of Nicholas II allowed these contradictions to break through. In particular, the Russian-Japanese and First World Wars became the detonators of the revolution, which Russia could have avoided under wise rule.

Taking advantage of the weakness of the tsarist government, the lack of a powerful and loyal state security system, a strong weakening of the personnel core of the imperial army (died in the unnecessary Russia’s war with Germany and Austria-Hungary), Representatives of the pro-Western liberal bourgeoisie and intellectuals led by freemasons, with the full support of the West, organized a conspiracy and quite easily overthrew Nicholas and destroyed the Russian autocracy. Virtually no one defended the king, but he himself did not resist. Even members of the Romanov family came out against him, the grand dukes sported red bows, becoming revolutionaries of the Februaryists. The entire elite of old Russia literally spoke against the Russian monarchy and Nikolai: grand dukes, aristocrats, generals and admirals, church hierarchs, members of liberal, left-wing and nationalist parties and movements, members of the Duma, industrialists and bankers, liberal intelligentsia (it was almost its own liberal, westernized). Freemasons acted as an organizing force. The February-March coup was actively supported by ambassadors of the Western powers, Western special services.

The Bolsheviks had nothing to do with February. All of their leaders and activists were in exile abroad or in prisons and exiles in Russia. After the Bolsheviks took defeatist positions at the beginning of the world war, their structures in Russia were defeated. They were extremely small, unpopular. They took a place on the sidelines of the political life of the Russian Empire. Lenin generally believed that during his life there would be no revolution in Russia.

Contrary to liberal propaganda and mythology, not the Bolsheviks destroyed the armed forces. Their decomposition began during the reign of the king - due to a number of defeats, “shell, artillery, gun famine,” rear turmoil, poor supply, command errors, etc. Fevralista killed the army in general, starting its “democratization” in a war, and finally collapsing the rear. Already during the Februarylists, the real Peasant War began - the peasants ravaged and burned most of the landed estates, divided the noble lands, killed the landlords. The peasants generally refused to recognize any authority, anarchy swept Russia. We must not forget that the peasants constituted the overwhelming majority of the population of the country. Later, it was the powerful peasant movement in the rear of the white armies that became one of the main reasons for the defeat of the White movement. A red managed to "reassure" the peasants only with great blood, but there was no other way, which was one of the main tragedies of the Civil War in Russia.

The Provisional Government was illegitimate from the very beginning; it had no real political or economic program. Since the February-March coup, which destroyed the autocracy and the rule of the Romanov dynasty, by the fall of 1917, the February-Westernists crushed all the foundations of the state in Russia - the monarchy (sacral power), the armed forces, law enforcement and legal system, the unity of Great Russia. Under the Provisional Government, the great criminal revolution began, with the creation of entire gangster "armies". The separation of the regions of the Cossack Troops, Finland, the Kingdom of Poland, the Baltic states, and Central Asian territories (Turkestan) began. The temporary workers did not even control Kronstadt. The Provisional Government did not have a real power in the country: there were parallel structures of the Provisional Government, the Soviets, the military, the nationalists. Part of the territory was occupied by Austro-German troops. Other territories generally fell into anarchy, did not obey anyone.

Another the myth is that the Bolsheviks launched the Civil War, overthrowing the legitimate government and seizing power in Petrograd. However, the Provisional Government was illegitimate from the very beginning. Formally, the government chose only some of the delegates of the Duma. When they came to power, the "temporary" rulers never wanted to assemble the State Duma, and then they dissolved it altogether. Their rule caused a complete collapse of the entire system of governance and power in Russia. In fact, “old Russia” has already died. The Bolsheviks simply took power. Not surprisingly, in such conditions, the Soviet government for three months was almost bloodlessly installed throughout Russia (the so-called Triumphal procession of Soviet power), with the exception of the Caucasus, the lands of the Cossack Troops and Central Asian territories.

Seeing that they are losing power and property, the Russian bourgeoisie, the capitalists (with their support the White movement will be organized), as well as various nationalists, gangsters and basmachis, tried to organize resistance. However, they all had no chance of unleashing a full-scale war. They could create only individual centers of resistance. Recall that the Volunteer Army of Alekseev and Kornilov had only a few thousand bayonets. The Reds would easily have transferred such foci, resist, with the support of the West, could only national suburbs. And for a large-scale Civil War, organization and resources were needed at a completely different level. The bloody slaughter in Russia was organized by the masters of England, France, USA, Japan (“partners” of Russia), Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. And their "cannon fodder" were made by whites, nationalists and separatists, basmachis and gangsters.

The armed forces of the West and East occupied a part of the Russian land. Under their cover, on the outskirts, whites and national armies and various gangs were formed and armed. For example, under the wing of the Austro-German forces occupying the vast territory of Russia, the White armies, various national formations, etc., were formed. In particular, the Germans armed the Polish and Baltic nationalists, Petliurists gangs to the teeth. And the main goal of the former “allies” of Russia on the Entente was to create as many independent, “independent” state formations as possible on the territory of the former Russian Empire (all of them would become semi-colonies of the West), and direct capture of the most important strategic points (North, Black Sea, Far East ). White armies, fighting for a “united and indivisible” Russia, covered this process. The main initiator of the Civil War was the Czechoslovak Corps, which was supposed to occupy a huge piece of Russian land for the United States - Siberia (along the Trans-Siberian Railway - the only highway connecting European Russia with Siberia and the Far East). Also, the Westerners have armed to the teeth the armies of Denikin, Wrangel, Kolchak, Miller, etc.

Nevertheless, The Red Army defeated all the armies of the whites and the interventionists, most of the national formations and just gangs and saved Russia from complete collapse and destruction. Plans for the owners of the West were destroyed. In Russia, they began to implement a new development project and create the society of the future, saving not only their civilization, but the whole of humanity.
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  1. +41
    7 November 2017 06: 54
    Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution! Happy Anniversary of us all! Happiness and health. Of memory.
    1. +31
      7 November 2017 07: 06
      Quote: avva2012
      Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution! Happy Anniversary of us all! Happiness and health. Of memory.

      1. +15
        7 November 2017 07: 53
        Quote: Dead Day

        Katasonov is a "cool" economist: he has been cramming the collapse of Russia every year since 2002 of the year.

        There are more authoritative sources: the secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR 1955 of the year, which records: meat in 1937 g ate at 40% less than in 1913 g, milk - on 20% less; eggs, fish, bread, clothes - on 20% less than in 1913 year.
        The pre-revolutionary level of food consumption was reached only by 1950, the pre-revolutionary level of housing provision for citizens was only by 1960.
        From 1964 of the year-the depopulation of Russian.
        These are all SOVIET statistics.

        Comrade Avva wishes memory And I wish memory of the aforementioned and memory of WHAT happened after thathow the Bolsheviks simply "picked up" the power: a civil war with victims exceeding the victims of the WORLD WAR - FIVE times!
        1. +32
          7 November 2017 08: 21
          I, you are not comrade laughingOlgovich. For me and those whom I consider to be comrades, this is a great holiday! For you, Great October, terrible grief, you still live in the Gulag in your head, in fact, "Under the barking of dogs, the door opens me a hut ...." I agree, this is terrible horror. And, for me, the Revolution is a free education, medicine, confidence in the future.
          1. +7
            7 November 2017 08: 52
            Quote: avva2012
            You still live in the Gulag in your head, in fact, "Under the barking of dogs, the door opens me a hut ...." I agree, this is terrible horror. And, for me, the Revolution is a free education, medicine,

            Well, this thanks God that they were born at a different time, otherwise how would you know which door they would open to you. And without revolution it was impossible to get what they had after it?
            Quote: avva2012
            confidence in the future.

            And the bottom really came in the late 80s laughing
            1. +23
              7 November 2017 09: 20
              Bottom? It is yours, personal. For the country, this is, I hope, temporary difficulties. “And without revolution it was impossible to get what they had after it?”, The question was not addressed. Why it was necessary to bring the country to the Revolution, ask yourself reading the lines, "every third draftee during the WWII carried traces of flogging on his back." Oh, here you are about the door.
              1. +6
                7 November 2017 09: 57
                Quote: avva2012
                Bottom? It is yours, personal.

                No, I’ve just started climbing after the 92nd))
                Quote: avva2012
                "every third conscript during the WWII carried traces of flogging on his back."

                Nevertheless, pleasant memories of the holiday remained in my memory. Congratulations to those for whom he has remained red on the calendar!
                1. +5
                  7 November 2017 10: 01

                  You can read Yegor Yakovlev, like every serious historian, there are links. Anyway, google to help.
                2. +4
                  7 November 2017 13: 30
                  Quote: verner1967

                  1. +6
                    7 November 2017 14: 02
                    Ingenious! To quote Semin in the comments of the regular television extremist, who pathetically fights against “capitalism” on the television screen and on the Internet, while he calmly studied in the “imperialist USA” and participates in competitions held in the West, this, of course, is strong. laughing
                    1. +4
                      7 November 2017 14: 56
                      And V.I. Lenin, in general, was a nobleman and what?
                    2. +11
                      7 November 2017 14: 58
                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                      and he calmly studied in the "imperialist USA" and participates in competitions held in the West, this, of course, is strong.

                      It does not matter where to study, it is important where and for what you apply, the acquired knowledge.
                      1. +2
                        7 November 2017 23: 28
                        Quote: Stroporez
                        It does not matter where to study, it is important where and for what you apply, the acquired knowledge.

                        Of course, it doesn’t matter! Here are just Ukraine and other union republics prove the opposite! The second generation is already growing up, which believes that Russia is to blame for everything! By the way, how the family is to blame for everything in the family! This is until you reach the age of wisdom! (By the way, this age is different for everyone)!
                    3. +5
                      8 November 2017 18: 07
                      Eun also studied in Switzerland, and the Fed owners whistles, unlike the oligarchy of the Russian Federation, which wags its tail before the owners of the Fed.
              2. +6
                7 November 2017 10: 46
                Quote: avva2012
                For the country, this is, I hope, temporary difficulties.

                In our country there is nothing more permanent than temporary ...
                1. +4
                  7 November 2017 10: 51
                  At the same time, somehow, the country has lived 1000 years and will still live, I hope.
            2. +10
              7 November 2017 10: 04
              Quote: verner1967
              And without revolution it was impossible to get what they had after it?

              Have you decided to replay History? Change the site.
              Quote: verner1967
              Well, this thanks God that they were born at a different time, otherwise how would you know which door they would open to you.

              As practice shows, with such moods as you have, you should expect to write a bamaga with suspicions, in other words, denunciations, often anonymous, not in vain 4 million denunciations are classified to this day.
              In addition, all your oh-oohs, ostensibly about rampant repressions, are not worth a damn, screaming about them those who perfectly know why and why a relative ended up in prison, 99,9% are criminal.
              1. +5
                7 November 2017 10: 12
                Quote: badens1111
                screaming about them, those who know perfectly well why and why a relative ended up in prison, 99,9% are criminal.

                I’ll skip all the previous nonsense, but about the criminal ... Rykov, Kamenev, Zinoviev ... well, there were such criminals)))) Those who were convicted on the 58th would be glad to sit on a criminal article, with all the privileges, like " socially close "to the Bolsheviks, but no, put on political. So not criminals
                1. +5
                  7 November 2017 10: 17
                  Those who were convicted under 58 would be happy to sit on a criminal article

                  Article 58 in the Criminal Code of the RSFSR 1922 of the year entered into force on February 25 1927 to counter counter-revolutionary activities. It has been revised several times. In particular, the list of subparagraphs of article 58-1 has been updated and entered into force on June 8 of 1934.
                  В Criminal codes of other union republics of the USSR had similar articles. In particular, in the Criminal Code of the Ukrainian SSR, the 54-th article corresponded to it.
                2. +11
                  7 November 2017 10: 38
                  Quote: verner1967
                  Those who were convicted on the 58th would be glad to sit on a criminal article, with all the privileges as "socially close" to the Bolsheviks, but no, they were put on political charges. So not criminals

                  You go and read article 58 with notes, then the volume of the current Criminal Code is in your hands, there you will find full compliance with the articles. There is nothing to whine about criminals and traitors.
                  When comparing articles, one can safely instead of the words "counter-revolution", "anti-Sovietism" put the word "extremism" and its derivatives, according to the Russian language ..
                  The most criticized are the following articles -58.1 (Treason against the Motherland), 58.2 (Armed uprising) .58.6 (espionage), 58.10 (Anti-Soviet propaganda and agitation).
                  In the RF Code, they comply with Articles 275 (Treason), 279 (Armed Rebellion), 276 (Espionage).
                  The notorious article 58.10 mentioned by everyone corresponds to article 280 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Public calls for extremist activity).
                  It is also possible, for example, to check the availability of relevant articles under other paragraphs of Article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. For example, article 58.8 corresponds to article 277 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 58.9 - article 281 of the Criminal Code, and so on. Some of the provisions contained in article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR are spread over several articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Everyone can check all this for himself, the texts of laws (Criminal Code of the RSFSR and the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) can be easily found on the Internet.
                  Thus, almost all the provisions of article 58 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR for 34 years are in the modern Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, including the famous provisions of the “political” article 58.10.
                  In conclusion, I want to say that the basis for writing the commentary was the material located at the link:, the author of which was the first to make such an analysis, which I only added a few.
                  1. +3
                    7 November 2017 11: 09
                    Quote: badens1111
                    You go and read article 58 with notes

                    I read it, only, you see, you did not read it. Why political articles if there are criminal ones? And then, for political reasons, there is no longer a “privilege” in the camp. A very good thing to deal with the dissatisfied. Moreover, the article is not terrible in itself, but its application. After all, even with the Criminal Code, the rule of law was violated everywhere. At least the replacement of the courts with triples, the absence of lawyers, the expression “recognition is the mother of evidence” alone is worth what
                    1. +8
                      7 November 2017 11: 30
                      "recognition is the mother of evidence" what it costs

                      This is not Vyshinsky said, and not even Soviet lawyers, as it turned out.
                      1. +3
                        7 November 2017 15: 06
                        Quote: avva2012
                        This is not Vyshinsky said, and not even Soviet lawyers,

                        And I did not write about Vyshinsky, it doesn’t matter who said it, it is important who was guided.
                    2. +5
                      7 November 2017 14: 21
                      Quote: verner1967
                      A very good thing to deal with a disgruntled

                      Blah blah blah. Is that all?
                      1. +4
                        7 November 2017 15: 08
                        Quote: badens1111
                        It's all ?

                        That is, there is nothing to object, as expected hi
                      2. +5
                        7 November 2017 16: 44
                        Quote: verner1967
                        That is, there is nothing to object, as expected

                        You admitted that in fact, you are illiterate?
                        And what is the Criminal Code, in any country, if not a thing for the persecution from dissatisfied to direct bandits? Go with God ..
          2. +12
            7 November 2017 09: 55
            Happy Holiday, Comrade !!!!
            1. +5
              7 November 2017 16: 31
              Yes, 100 years have passed, but there is no end. Lord save and have mercy on Russia!
          3. +4
            7 November 2017 13: 49
            Quote: avva2012
            I, you are not comrade , Olgovich

            No, you are precisely “comrade:” and not a comrade (as this word is interpreted in Russian)
            Quote: avva2012
            For me and those whom I consider comrades, this is a great holiday

            In the list of Public Holidays-Weekends of the Russian Federation (Art 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) -no.
            November 7 is the Day of Military Glory -Parada November 7, 1941) -, the VOTE-elected President Putin, signed the corresponding Law on Holidays and Days of Glory ..
            I fully support the President of Russia
            Quote: avva2012
            For you, Great October,,

            for decades people have eaten, dressed, lived worse than in 1913 — are you glad of this ?! It's beyond the mind fool .
            Quote: avva2012
            And, for me, the Revolution is a free education, medicine, confidence in the future.

            You just don’t know our storyGreat Motherland of Great Russia, alas.
            I sympathize with you, absolutely sincerely! hi
            PS Is it really uninteresting to know her? request
            1. +10
              7 November 2017 14: 07
              Yours, "I fully support ...", is very similar to the statement of one character from one film, "I also love PZ very much."
              Do not tear so-so, live where you live. And as for the rest, I already recommended that you turn your finger around your temple less, or in Moldova, even in a country that is purely European, it’s not very good with medicine. So, take a walk in the fresh air and sometimes read useful, and not notes of a madman, alas, not N.V. Gogol.
              1. +2
                7 November 2017 15: 31
                Quote: avva2012
                Yours, "I fully support ...", very similar to the statement of one character from one film, "I also love the pancreas very much."

                Very strange associations: fool You there
                Quote: avva2012
                walk in the fresh air and sometimes read useful, and not notes of a madman, alas, not N.V. Gogol.

                Quote: avva2012
                Do not tear so-so, live where you live.

                In Russianand take the trouble to speak.
                1. +3
                  7 November 2017 15: 41
                  Olgovich, you are not even a Lieutenant, where did such expressions come from? belay
              2. +2
                7 November 2017 17: 02
                "I also love the pancreas very much"

                and I have him even more KU! fellow love (Uef character - Evgeny Leonov)
                1. +1
                  8 November 2017 02: 14
                  Well, that’s right, Nikolay! Otherwise, etsih with nails! laughing
                  1. +1
                    8 November 2017 10: 14
                    life like a patsaku laughing
                    1. +1
                      8 November 2017 10: 47
                      No holidays? belay Or maybe if you sing along the galaxy “mom”, they don’t knock, no? crying
                      1. +2
                        8 November 2017 10: 50
                        Well, if you sing for six months, then we’ll buy a separate planet, another six months - we’ll buy air. Everyone who has no air will fly to us, crawl before us, and we do not care about them - get pleasure drinks Doctor, do you own a violin, or at least own a cello? wink
            2. +10
              7 November 2017 14: 24
              Quote: Olgovich
              November 7 is the Day of Military Glory -Parada November 7, 1941) -, the VOTE-elected President Putin, signed the corresponding Law on Holidays and Days of Glory ..

              Mdya ... a concrete example of not owning yourself and your mind, the PARADE of 1941, was held in honor of the anniversary of OCTOBER.
              Quote: Olgovich
              for decades people have eaten, dressed, lived worse than in 1913 — are you glad of this ?! It's beyond the mind

              Well, everything is as always ... where no one understands your verge of reason for a long time .. but you pretty much thrashed the nonsense here, what kind of reason and its verges.
              Quote: Olgovich
              You simply do not know the history of our Homeland-Great Russia, alas.

              Learn the history of Moldova. Here you will have discoveries there ...
              1. +4
                7 November 2017 15: 33
                Quote: badens1111
                Well, everything is as always ... where no one understands your verge of reason for a long time .. but you pretty much thrashed the nonsense here, what kind of reason and its verges.

                Yes, dear friend, you can’t beat the FIGURES with agitation. Your times of one truth have ended ...
                Go celebrate, or you’ll be late ....
                1. +5
                  7 November 2017 16: 47
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Dear friend,

                  Your "dear friends" in the ditch horse eat up.
                  Each decent person like you, number in friends, will not.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  NUMBERS cannot be broken with agitation. Your times of one truth have ended ...

                  That's right, Mr. Liar, the time has come for talkers and liars, your time. Your using agitation of the most disgusting injury and lies.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Go celebrate, or you’ll be late ....

                  What I don’t need is your wishes, I have much more worthy people with whom to celebrate and work in joy.
            3. +2
              8 November 2017 00: 46
              13.49. Olgovich! *** November 7th is the Day of Military Glory -Parada November 7th, 1941) -, the VERY elected President Putin, signed the corresponding Law on Holidays and Days of Glory. *** Is it through the Windows of Overton that the memory of the Great October Socialist Revolution is destroyed !? *** people for decades ate, dressed, lived worse, than in 1913 — are you glad of this ?! It’s beyond the bounds of reason . *** And by chance, not by 1927, reached the level of 1913? And today Russia has reached the level of what year in economic terms?
              1. 0
                8 November 2017 06: 34
                Quote: Region 34
                And by chance, not by 1927, reached the level of 1913?

                By 1928, almost reached (under the capital. NEP), then everything collapsed, and until the 1950s
      Доклад ЦСУ СССР.
          4. +2
            7 November 2017 16: 19
            And for me, Comrade Stalin did it, but not Lenin.
            1. +6
              7 November 2017 16: 49
              Quote: tihonmarine
              And for me, Comrade Stalin did it, but not Lenin.

              And without Lenin, Stalin would not have taken place.
              Or did they learn the Yakovlev and Trotskyist lies that Stalin was supposedly the opposite of Lenin?
          5. -1
            28 March 2018 20: 04
            Down with the Olga, Teterin, Gopnik and other pro-American riffraff.
        2. +10
          7 November 2017 08: 45
          All commies just need to read the archives and declassified documents ...
          1. +20
            7 November 2017 08: 50
            Goebbels, or something declassified?
            1. +6
              7 November 2017 08: 59
              No, it will not be declassified for a long time, but please see the Bolshevik documents ... So just read the archives in the originals, in each region they are almost identical in content and you can go to excavate burial sites in transit prisons, in addition to the remains of adults, hundreds more children of different ages, infants are young, and lie in the arms of mothers. I saw it myself. Even the search engines lost their nerves at the sight of this.
              And that was all over the place.
              You all hate priests, but how do you differ from the same beasts of the ss, if your idols used the same methods, or rather they came up with them. It was not enough for you to simply shoot the priest, but they took and crucified them on the doors of the temple.
              All the achievements were paid for by the hundreds of thousands of lives of prisoners who worked in millions of construction sites of the century, and there were, most of them, not criminals at all. Everything you built is built on bones and blood.
              1. +18
                7 November 2017 09: 11
                Well, here again, I "saw it myself." If you say this, then confirm with facts, and then from the time of Yakovlev, blah, blah, blah. "hundreds of children of different ages, infants are young, and lie in the arms of mothers" Seriously? Tell me, is it like in a pile of bones, "they lie" in their arms? Such a "draw" was late, years on 25. At the beginning of the 90, they believed this, but now you are trying in vain.
                1. +4
                  7 November 2017 10: 12
                  Quote: avva2012
                  Tell me, is it like in a pile of bones, "they lie" in their arms?

                  As you can see, ask the search engines or the firefighters.
                  Quote: avva2012
                  and now you are trying in vain.

                  Yes, I do not care about your beliefs))
                  1. +17
                    7 November 2017 10: 29
                    Rude and I can. And what do you know how to compose acre fairy tales for children of uncertain age? And I don’t need to ask the firemen. I can give a lecture on what happens to a corpse, starting from the time of the appearance of cadaveric spots and the "cat's eye" to the result of 70 summer (or how much you have) being in moist earth, sand, clay and other places used for burial. Yes, and ask yourself, "babies for greater cruelty" wassat, tied to mothers with barbed wire? And, one more, "is the bone tissue of babies identical to that of an adult?" And finally, "what does the decomposition rate depend on?" ps If you like the "horror", read Lovecraft and King, and do not confuse real life with fictional.
                    1. +5
                      7 November 2017 11: 58
                      Quote: avva2012
                      tied to mothers with barbed wire

                      the wire is not preserved there, but the remains nearby are mixed up ...
                      I think they could have tied it as well, I will not be surprised at the brutality of the Bolsheviks.
                      1. +14
                        7 November 2017 12: 06
                        Yeah, the wire has rotted, but the bones are left? How many parish classes have graduated?
                        but the remains are nearby to shuffle ...

                        hundreds of children of different ages, infants are young, and lie in the arms of mothers.

                        Shuffled or hugged?
              2. +4
                7 November 2017 09: 32
                Quote: Velizariy
                , but the Bolshevik documents please ... So just read the archives in the originals,

                What do you recommend specifically?
              3. +17
                7 November 2017 10: 30
                Quote: Velizariy
                All the achievements were paid for by the hundreds of thousands of lives of prisoners who worked in millions of construction sites of the century, and there were, most of them, not criminals at all. Everything you built is built on bones and blood.

                What a "powerful thought" ... and now, in more detail, how you like have ASSUMED everything that you did not build at all.
                Show the millions of cemeteries that you are whining about here, show the certificates from the Ministry of Railways about "millions" of transported food items and food for them, can you? Is this you? No, it was not and cannot be.
                CRIMINAL in prison, not with a sandwich and eclairs in the Canaries, but a thief on the bunk, obliged to work out his contents.
                Quote: Velizariy
                So just read the archives in the originals, in each region they are almost identical in content and you can go to excavate the burial sites of transit prisons, in addition to the remains of adults, hundreds more children of different ages are young, their infants are young, and they lie in the arms of their mothers. I saw it myself. Even the search engines lost their nerves at the sight of this.

                Lodges, idle talk and idle talk .. there were similar screams when burials of the 12th century were tried to pass off as "victims of repression."
                You still recall Butovo, a fake pile of rumors, gossip and not a gram of archaeologically accurate evidence.
                The myth of the Butovo training ground has become a gathering point for anti-Russian forces as well as the Great Victory Day - a gathering point for patriotic forces. They are trumped by both the liberal and the white. Each handshake should remember the endless multitude of “innocent victims of the Bolshevik experiment killed by the tyrant,” buried in the Butovo training ground.
                A museum, funds are being created, an entire Butovo cultural tradition is being created, etc.
                And the king is naked. In fact, there is nothing to rely on.
                1. +4
                  7 November 2017 15: 12
                  Quote: badens1111
                  You still recall Butovo, a fake pile of rumors, gossip and not a gram of archaeologically accurate evidence.
                  The myth of the Butovo training ground has become an assembly point for anti-Russian forces

                  Expert opinion of the FSK archival service dated 6.04.1993 / Prep. al. CA MB RF O.B. Mozokhin, beg. subdivision rehabilitation of UMB in Moscow and Moscow. reg. N.V. Grasovenem; at hand. beg. arch. Service MB A.A. Krajushkina and the beginning. TSA MB A.A. Zyubchenko]
                  In 1997 there were archaeological excavations, in several layers, corpses. Have a photograph
                  President Putin is a true patriot of Russia- repeatedly visited the Butovo training ground. You are smarter than the President, right? fool lol
                  1. +8
                    7 November 2017 15: 45
                    Olgovich, tie with GDP, the deflection has already been counted.
                    1. +1
                      8 November 2017 06: 49
                      Quote: avva2012
                      Olgovich, tie with GDP, the deflection has already been counted.

                      No, comrade Avva!
                      Я I fully support the President of Russia V.V. Putin-in his assessments of the history of our country and actions (including the opening of the Wall of Sorrow)

                      And his grades and defend
                      So. Yes .
                      1. +3
                        8 November 2017 09: 21
                        Do not make excuses, Olgovich. Complacency and cringing are characteristic of representatives, of some, strata of bourgeois society (See, for example: Podkulaknik). The fact is repeatedly described in Russian and foreign literature, as well as confirmed by sociological studies of various scientific research institutes in Russia and abroad.
                      2. -1
                        28 March 2018 20: 21
                        You know the famous expression of Bender- "do not hit your ears on the cheeks."
                    2. +1
                      8 November 2017 10: 41
                      Quote: avva2012
                      Do not make excuses, Olgovich. Complacency and cringing, characteristic of representatives, some, layers of bourgeois societies ..

                      You turned off my ability to answer you, like all other baden lol Funny .....
                      Before who justify something? belay I don’t even know you request
                      Pleasure and support are two different things, comrade. Avva. Such things should be known.
                      Apparently, you are before myths.
                      You live with your eyes shut so that the sweet mythical vanished world does not collapse.
                      Squint again: remember the so-called congress of "winners"? He went to January 1934 of the year. They have not yet buried all of the many, many millions who died from hunger unprecedented in the history of mankind and Europe.
                      The second time in the history of Russia (the first was in 1921-22), a huge number of cases of cannibalism, corpse-eating, a huge tragedy of our Motherland
                      And - they alone did not get up and did not offer to honor the memory of the dead citizens. None of them said even a WORD about the tragedy, only rattling about successes in agricultural (?!) under the leadership, etc. Not a single newspaper, not a single book, no one! NOTHING!
                      But there is a higher justice: almost all of these Bolsheviks with pre-revolutionary experience in one or two years killed each other.
                      This is a real face
                      This is a real real world that you don’t want to see.
                      But he is.
                      1. +2
                        8 November 2017 10: 55
                        I hope you do not believe it, what you write about.
                        They have not yet buried all of the many, many millions who died from hunger unprecedented in the history of mankind and Europe.

                        So it seems, the decomposed corpses and bones ... belay
                        a huge number of cases of cannibalism, corpse-eating is a huge tragedy of our Motherland

                        This is generally a picture from a low-budget horror movie. More zombies are missingcrying
                        Hope you just lie for one reason or another. Otherwise, with such a world in my head, living outside a psychiatric hospital is most likely not possible. Or do you have free wi-fi?
                    3. The comment was deleted.
                    4. 0
                      8 November 2017 12: 37
                      Quote: avva2012
                      I hope you do not believe it, write about what ..

                      This KNOWS every literate person in the country. What does FAITH have to do with it ?!

                      Hope you just lie for one reason or another. Otherwise, with such a world in my head, living outside a psychiatric hospital is most likely not possible. Or do you have free wi-fi?

                      I hope you pretend you don’t know? Or ... really, nothing ?! It's hard to believe ... Oh my god! belay request
                      Squint again: the bulletin (its slice) is one of a great many:
                      Archive: CA FSB of Russia. F. 2. Op. 11. D. 551. L. 36—38

                      From the special report of the operational department of the main department of the workers and peasants' militia at the OGPU of the USSR "On cannibalism and murders with the goal of cannibalism." March 31, 1933
                      Yeisk p. In the camp. Novo-Scherbinovskaya March 14 this year the sisters S. and K. were detained, all of them were single-minded women-middle peasants, and poor collective farmer U., who, because of hunger, in early February this year they ate the corpse of her husband K., who died of exhaustion. Then, continuing to starve, on February 5 this year S.’s 13-year-old sister was stabbed to death and from that time until March 10 of this year, inviting under different pretexts to their apartment, they killed the collective farmers Sh., T., a member of the commune M., expelled from the collective farm P. and sole-man K. Only 5 people. Cutting the corpses of the latter into pieces, boiled meat and cooking sausages were eaten.

                      In the same village, the collective farmers T. and Ch., Having called into the apartment, killed the 9-year-old son of the collective farmer R. on March 12 this year parts of the corpse of the latter and sausage stuffed with human mass were found in T.'s apartment. There, sole-man S., his brother, collective farmer S. and collective farmer B. for a month ate meat from corpses torn off by them in cemeteries.
                      [/ I]


                      Read is very scary.
                      Or screw up your eyes again?
                      1. +4
                        8 November 2017 20: 32
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        Yeisk p. In the camp. Novo-Scherbinovskaya March 14 this year the sisters S. and K. were detained, all of them were single-minded women-middle peasants, and poor collective farmer U., who, because of hunger, in early February this year they ate the corpse of her husband K., who died of exhaustion. Then, continuing to starve, on February 5 this year S.’s 13-year-old sister was stabbed to death and from that time until March 10 of this year, inviting under different pretexts to their apartment, they killed the collective farmers Sh., T., a member of the commune M., expelled from the collective farm P. and sole-man K. Only 5 people. Cutting the corpses of the latter into pieces, boiled meat and cooking sausages were eaten.

                        These scarecrows have recently been thrown into the Internet, measured and unmeasured. Do you even think about what nonsense you are repeating.
                        In the early days of February, two sisters C and K and their girlfriend U ate husband K, but did not ate too much and four days later (February 5) they had to kill sister C, but they ate something very quickly, although the husband was starving, but by weight for a young piglet would surely have passed.
                        Further. Already in a couple of K and U, another 3 people were killed within a month: the collective farmers Sh and T, and a member of the commune M (okay, there is a collective farm, there is a commune, we will not quibble). But these probably were more well-fed, because in all collective farms and communes they fed their workers, collective catering was organized there. So this is counting three rather big pigs.
                        But this is not enough, the hungry people ate K, who was excluded from the collective farm, and the individual girl K (here it is not clear, this is another K or the one whose husband and sister were eaten first, and now got to her). If so, then there remains one U. Why does she need so much meat alone?
                        Well, about boiled meat it’s going to come true, but U also cooked sausages. Do you even imagine what it means to make sausages. If imagined, then such nonsense would not be repeated.
                        A quote “... from this time until March 10 this year, inviting under various pretexts to your apartment at the same time they killed the collective farmers ... " generally a masterpiece. Really there were apartment buildings on collective farms that shouted not into a house, but into an apartment ...

                        PS I ask readers to excuse me, maybe I wrote something sacrilegious, but such nonsense as Olgovich repeats is, in my opinion, even more sacrilegious.
                      2. +4
                        9 November 2017 06: 51
                        Read is very scary.

                        "How scary to live!" crying You, Olgovich, a sadist, or what? Not only that all this accept for faith, so also savor.
                    5. 0
                      9 November 2017 10: 58
                      Quote: avva2012
                      "How scary to live!" .

                      That’s why you live in the IMAGINABLE never-existent world of the blessed October.
                      This condition is known: - man lives in his IMAGINED world
                      -types-causes /
                      That's just wi-fi, after all, they gave you nothing. request
                      You, Olgovich, a sadist, Not only do you take all this for faith

                      I was not there then. THIS was allowed by you.
                      You are given the storage numbers in the State Archives, deny. THESE DOCUMENTS - HUNDREDS, with the indicated archive storage numbers and PHOTOCOPIES (here you have another officer. Rosarchivehttp: //
                      ger-ussr / 1933_22.shtml-DENY.
                      Those that are smarter do not deny the obvious, they say it was necessary. fool
                      1. +5
                        9 November 2017 11: 40
                        This condition is known: - a person lives in his IMAGINED world
                        You are given the storage numbers in the State Archives, deny.
                        Those that are smarter do not deny the obvious, they say, it was necessary

                        Khan Tengri is right when speaking of “voices,” oh, how right.
                        Who says it was necessary? Who says there are people, is it good that "it was necessary"? Who, when he denied that during the famine and not only in the USSR, some people began to eat corpses and kill for the sake of feeding other people? Another user, Alexander Green, answered this. Is it logical or did logic science not visit you? There were lunatics who cooked sausages or pies from the neighbors, so what? There was Chikotilo and there is Breivik, and during such trials as hunger, in such individuals, the attic was the first to move out. What is the social system?
                        Oh, Olgovich, it’s ridiculous, by the way, to follow in the footsteps of Shpakovsky. Live your own mind, and do not try to evaluate a stranger like him. As they say, "smarter seen, and even those in the" Crosses "are sitting."
                        But wi-fi periodically turn off all the same, electromagnetic waves have a bad effect on the fragile um, "I wasn’t there then. THIS was allowed by you." wassat laughing Yeah, I was! belay
                    6. 0
                      9 November 2017 14: 10
                      Quote: avva2012
                      Another user, “Alexander Green,” replied to this. Is it logical or did logic science not visit you?
                      Don't you read each other? fool Comrade Green "proved" that there was no humanity ... All-fake fool
                      There were lunatics who cooked sausages or pies from the neighbors, so what? There was Chikotilo and there is Breivik, and during such trials as hunger, in such individuals, the attic was the first to move out. What is the social system?
                      [Quote] [/ quote]
                      7 million people died of starvation (state estimate of Russia). Carnivore, cannibalism, eating fell and surrogates during the year, many cases, and not ONE ticked the difference, do not catch ?.
                      This scale has never been anywhere. There has never been cannibalism in Russia, never . Only with that social order.
                      Which has NOT WORDS anywhere said this. Not a word! But they could help the whole world, as in 1922 the Sinostrans saved millions. But- Silent. Rather, bursting about success. Why, answer, ov. Avva !.
                      Is this the norm?
                      If you take an interest in the history of our country, you will find out that people were dying of hunger and in 21-23, 24-35, 27, 35, 47 years.

                      Do not know the history of your country, the mind is incomprehensible! request
                      Good luck! hi
                      1. +3
                        10 November 2017 03: 14
                        Olgovich, I understand, when there is some regular fake about which they did not previously speak and did not expose. Accordingly, to be a peddler of this, for some Internet users, there is an honorable duty or work at worst. But about the famine 32-33, it is written rewritten. And how Western partners demanded by quotas not to reduce the sale of grain to the USSR threatening with further sanctions. It was violet to these "synostrans" that people perish, "fulfill the quota!" No one was silent about anything and “Alexander Green” did not write to you that there was no hunger.
                        7 million people died of starvation (state estimate of Russia). Carnivore, cannibalism, eating carrion and surrogates during the year.
                        then you will find out that people were starving to death in 21-23, 24-35, 27, 35, 47.

                        Olgovich, tie up with reading Ukrainian sites, it’s just as if brains will flow from them if you don’t stop. They say there have already been cases of brain dilution with a fatal outcome.
                    7. 0
                      10 November 2017 11: 46
                      Quote: avva2012
                      And how Western partners demanded by quotas not to reduce the USSR grain sales threatening with further sanctions
                      Make these demands not to reduce grain sales and the threat of sanctions. Specifically. You can’t. They are not here. How does this, incidentally, justify the inability to lead the country (hunger) ?.
                      It was violet to these "synostrans" that people perish, "fulfill the quota!" No one was silent

                      NO ONE OF HUNGER in the world-did not know! Not a word, either inside the country, either in the press or at the congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks 34 g (read the transcript!) You did not answer a simple question: HOW could one keep silent about it 50 years
                      ?! Is it normal to be silent about the grief, the scale of which in Russia has never been?
                      And in the years 21-22, foreigners from ALL over the world saved millions of our citizens, even the starving Germans sent huge help.
                      and “Alexander Green” did not write to you that there was no famine.

                      Green wrote that the above OGPU reports — fake and cannibalism — were not supposed to be able to eat as much.
                      Olgovich, tie with reading Ukrainian sites.
                      ukrosayt disgusted me, because they arranged Russophobian dances on the tragedy. By the way, the areas of mass hunger are precisely Novorossia and Slobozhanshchina, i.e. Russian people.
                      I tried and try to read the source, and not someone else's opinions, I love history !.
                      You live with your fantasy world, having little with the real events of the country, do not like history. Your right. But to indicate to others is obviously incorrect.

                      PS your counterpart Khan Tengri (Top of the World is translated lol ), called me and my grandfathers-veterans -gua.nom, kindly specifying (so that I would not think what). what is it - excrement. Since then I disdain to communicate with him.
                      1. +3
                        10 November 2017 12: 57
                        Make these demands not to reduce grain sales and the threat of sanctions. Specifically. You can’t. They are not.

                        Do not judge others by how you yourself would do. Personally, I would not write what I am mistrustful of.
                        My world is not fictional. I do not consider the Bolsheviks to be messengers of heaven in white robes. Most of them were pragmatists. Therefore, no one would consciously destroy the people. Not Russian and non-Russian.
                        And, for you, they are something infernal. I do not urge you to try to stand on their side, to feel like a commissar in a dusty helmet, you still will not, but in itself, this "exercise" is useful. You begin to understand, even if the primary sources are laid out, which "documents" are fake, and which are not. The same "secret protocols" of the 1939 of the year. The simple question, “why?” Often puts everything in its place.
                    8. 0
                      11 November 2017 09: 44
                      Do not judge others by how you yourself would do. Personally, I would not write what I am mistrustful of.
                      My world is not fictional. I do not consider the Bolsheviks to be messengers of heaven in white robes. Most of them were pragmatists. Therefore, no one would consciously destroy the people. Not Russian and non-Russian.
                      And, for you, they are something infernal. I do not urge you to try to stand on their side, to feel like a commissar in a dusty helmet, you still will not, but in itself, this "exercise" is useful. You begin to understand, even if the primary sources are laid out, which "documents" are fake, and which are not. The same "secret protocols" of the 1939 of the year. The simple question, “why?” Often puts everything in its place.

                      You are already more serious, without fussing, answer.
                      But-and only: You couldn’t deny my one FACT, you couldn’t confirm any of yours, you couldn’t answer a single question.

                      Once again, I was convinced of the correctness of my assessment.
                      Further, it is senseless to discuss.
                      PS I was also a Komsomol in school and in the army, sincerely.
                      But I read a lot. And compared.
                      Everything turned out to be a lie among the Bolsheviks.
                      1. +2
                        13 November 2017 05: 15
                        I, too, was a Komsomol in school and in the army, sincerely.

                        Ah, I wasn’t. Komsomol. And, about sincerity, you’ll excuse me, I won’t believe it. Unfortunately, there were many of you such "Komsomol members" at that time. The counterrevolution was not carried out by aliens from the alpha centaur. These are so sincere. And it makes no sense to argue with you, because, from everything "read", you did not understand anything. Or pretend and again, "sincerely."
                  2. +8
                    7 November 2017 17: 10
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    Expert opinion of the FSK archival service dated 6.04.1993 / Prep. al. Central Bank of the Russian Federation O.B. Mozokhin, beg. subdivision rehabilitation of UMB in Moscow and Moscow. reg. N.V. Grasovenem; at hand. beg. arch. Service MB A.A. Krajushkina and the beginning. TSA MB A.A. Zyubchenko]

                    This document cannot be evidence - the conclusion of the Archival Service is made on the basis of a list of names, and, consequently, discrepancies, such as "25 or 26, and maybe 28" in it cannot be by definition.
                    An interesting turn is the “expert opinion of the archival service” ... Archives are usually sent for REFERENCES containing documented facts. It would be interesting to read the SUBSTANTIATION of this expert opinion.

                    In general, the company of Horns and Hooves, in your performance and ATTENTION-FIR-compiler of fakes.
                    This applies to Katyn, but equally butovo, a fake on a fake, a lie on a lie ..
                    You are still here a fairy tale, knocking out a tear, about Misha Chamonin bring ...
                    Researcher Peter Solomon, a professor at the University of Toronto (Canada), described the situation with the death sentences of minors in the USSR in the 1920s and 1950s.

                    “In the course of working with extensive archival documents, it was not possible to find examples of the execution of the death sentences of minors. Only in June 1936, the leadership of the justice authorities informed Stalin and Molotov of one incident when eight teenagers aged 15 to 18 years systematically raped schoolgirls under the threat of using weapons. The judicial authorities asked the party and government leaders for permission to judge these criminals under the article “banditry” (article 59-3 of the Criminal Code) and apply the death penalty in relation to the sixteen-year-old leader of the gang. The official documents quoted at that time allow us to conclude that the leaders refused. ”
                    After all, besides photography, there is absolutely no information about the boy. The number of the specific criminal case, the circumstances of the rehabilitation are not indicated, which also proves that the information about “Misha Chamonin” is a deliberate hoax.
                    Besides, what kind of hoax is the liberals if there is nothing to be laid down in such cases according to the LAW?
                    For some reason, there was no official exhumation, instead of it, archaeological excavations were carried out by enthusiasts with the blessing of the patriarch in a limited area. During which, according to the article "Recent Research at the Butovo Test Site" in the "Bulletin of the Butovo Test Site", among clothes, shoes, bottle fragments, fragments of barrels, etc. were the remains of 59 people were discovered. The age of the remains was not established. Examinations were not carried out. The strangest oddity is that the prosecutor’s office did not initiate proceedings upon the discovery of an unknown burial place and unidentified remains.
                    1. +1
                      8 November 2017 06: 40
                      Quote: badens1111
                      This document cannot be proof.

                      ДFSK document (KGB, MB) compiled by KGB officers is evidence. unlike your hollow talk. Or is she proof? belay fool
                      Dismiss DOCUMENTS, friend!
                      1. +5
                        8 November 2017 09: 15
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        FGC document (KGB, MB), compiled by KGB officers

                        In how, and why, for the sake of persuasion, they did not add -NKVD? Because the fake.
                        The reasons to consider all this fuss of the Butovo Memorial, a political provocation based on forgery, are false.
                    2. 0
                      8 November 2017 10: 47
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      FGC document (KGB, MB), compiled by KGB officers
                      In how, and why, for the sake of persuasion, they did not add -NKVD? Because the fake.

                      lol fool
                      You turned me off again! Not ashamed?
                      You-refute the official DOCUMENT and President Putin with other DOCUMENTS and -zyuganov lol
                      Weak? Weak .... lol
              4. +17
                7 November 2017 10: 51
                Quote: Velizariy
                breast infants, and lie in the arms of mothers. I saw it myself.

                Here, straight, "in the arms"? Try to reconstruct the actions of the funeral team ... (After all, this is, “excavation of burial places of transit prisons,” and not the Bolshevik Babi Yar! ““ He lies like an eyewitness ”- this, apparently, is said about you.
                Quote: Velizariy
                It was not enough for you to simply shoot the priest, but they took and crucified them on the doors of the temple.

                A link confirming the accuracy of the fact, is it possible? And then all of a sudden you, as Olgovich, are informed by anonymous “voices” in his head. And, yes, it would be nice to refer to documents confirming that the crucifixion of priests on the doors was a constant practice of the bloodthirsty Bolsheviks, and not a single expression of love of "grateful" parishioners to a single, concrete worshiper.
              5. +2
                8 November 2017 18: 18
                And they also bit off their hands, from which the Bolsheviks cooked soup. ........ do not toss the bags.
          2. +14
            7 November 2017 10: 01
            Quote: Velizariy
            All commies just need to read the archives and declassified documents

            Yakovlev fakes or Goebbels?
            It’s not necessary for nothing, and I don’t advise you, you know. All traitors, since the time of Judah, end up equally badly.
            1. +3
              7 November 2017 10: 13
              Quote: badens1111
              Yakovlev fakes or Goebbels?

              Are they in the archives? Have they been placed everywhere already? The conspiracy is not otherwise))))
              1. +5
                7 November 2017 17: 11
                Quote: Velizariy
                Are they in the archives? Have they been placed everywhere already? Conspiracy is not otherwise

                But how, your FIRST hard tried pushing a fake in the archives.
          3. +2
            7 November 2017 16: 20
            Well, who destroyed the USSR and gave power to the folly and Alconaut Eltsin ???
            1. +7
              7 November 2017 16: 49
              Or, I or reptilians or Masons, choose. Society is a complex system in which errors are possible at some stage. What is the attitude, these or those errors, although leading to serious consequences on the final result? You, you don’t see him, so don’t talk about ebn. He is only the end result of some mistakes. The system itself, after rebooting, will work even better. Capitalism has outlived itself.
        3. +16
          7 November 2017 08: 55
          Quote: Olgovich
          Secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR 1955

          Olgych, and what is this secret report, can you reference? Or is the report so secret that it was only given to you to read it?
          1. +17
            7 November 2017 09: 06
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            Olgych, and what is this secret report, can you reference?

            So this “secret report”, from the laboratories of traitors, was painted on by some sort of a barder, here Olgovich runs around with him like a bag and tells all tales by numbers, point-blank not seeing the conclusions .. However, well, what to take from him, to him to raise data on Moldova .. in the form of the MSSR and the current one, where there is a lot of work .. and he writes all the rumors of gossip and myths .. They gave him a shit ... revolyuciya-1917-goda-ot
            html # comments
            so he got here again with his sack ..
            Read it. He immediately keeps quiet when he receives an answer based not on the scribble of dubious sources ", but on the facts.
            1. +15
              7 November 2017 09: 39
              Quote: badens1111
              this "secret report", from the laboratories of traitors, on some sort of a barder painted

              Perhaps the source of the "secret report" O.A. Platonov. Natsik, a fan of Ilyin, a member of the Izborsk club
              In any case, when I tried to find a secret report, I came across this -
              I didn’t find the report by the way laughing
              Quote: badens1111
              He was already given a shit

              Yes, Olgich constantly gives a shit, but it doesn’t stop him, he exposes it even more than the Bolsheviks, he successfully earns pluses laughing
              1. +9
                7 November 2017 10: 22
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                Yes, Olgich constantly gives a shit, but it doesn’t stop him, he exposes it even more than the Bolsheviks, he successfully earns pluses

                Don Quixote reminds ... he fought all with the mills, periodically getting blades on the head, this one with the Kumachev banner, getting sweat at the withers of a shaft .. restless some sort ..
                I ask, well, tell us a resident of sunny Moldova, what successes Moldova has now, against the successes of the MSSR ... it is silent .. there is nothing to say ... the poorest republic, even the poorest Romania, looks richer ...
              2. +5
                7 November 2017 14: 12
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                Yes Olgich constantly give a shit

                NOBODY has given yet: everyone is cowardly splashing with long idle talk and ... turn off comments. lol -baden and license plates
                1. +9
                  7 November 2017 14: 27
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  NO ONE HAS GIVEN

                  Yeah ... you don’t serve the porch on Friday, but you are begging for alms ...
            2. +4
              7 November 2017 14: 10
              Quote: badens1111
              So this "secret report", from the laboratories of traitors, on some sort of a barder painted

              fool lol
              Archive: RGAE. F. 1562. Op. 33. D. 2313. L. 164-185
              Quote: badens1111
              They already gave him a shit ...
              html # comments

              Was this an asshole given to me by those who DISCONNECTED me from the opportunity to respond to them (including you)?
              Falling! lol laughing

              Quote: badens1111
              Read it. He immediately keeps quiet when he receives an answer based not on the scribble of dubious sources ", but on the facts.

              Keep quiet, yes: the comments are you-turned off! lol
              1. +9
                7 November 2017 14: 28
                Quote: Olgovich
                Keep quiet, yes: the comments are you-turned off!

                Delirious? Where in the system of the VO site is there a system for disabling comments? Be silent already, look sorry.
                1. +1
                  8 November 2017 06: 46
                  Quote: badens1111
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Keep quiet, yes: the comments are you-turned off!

                  Delirious? Where in the system of the VO site is there a system for disabling comments? Be silent already, look sorry.

                  You do not know how? lol No, I do not believe that you can be like that. request

                  In essence, you can’t argue, friend! What a truth. RU?
                  The State Archive has been presented to you!
                  1. +4
                    8 November 2017 09: 16
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    The State Archive has been presented to you!

                    We are presented with a FALSE constructed by the persons indicated by you.
                    1. 0
                      8 November 2017 10: 51
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      The State Archive has been presented to you!

                      We are presented with a FALSE constructed by the persons indicated by you.

                      State archive submitted-with case and page number.

                      You, friend, wish to study, study, study. hi
            3. +6
              7 November 2017 16: 29
              Secret reports are published by government agencies, but not by the media working both on ours and yours.
          2. +5
            7 November 2017 12: 38
            It’s so secret that the links are secret ... but you don’t believe the word - it’s not a gentleman ..
          3. +4
            7 November 2017 14: 04
            Quote: rkkasa 81
            Quote: Olgovich
            Secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR 1955

            Olgych, and what is this secret report, can you reference? Or is the report so secret that it was only given to you to read it?

            no, they gave it to ALL people who are interested in the history of our country to read. But comrade Baden stubbornly escapes refutation: they can’t, sir! lol
            Archive RGAE. F. 1562. Op. 33. D. 2313. L. 164-185 hi
            1. +11
              7 November 2017 14: 34
              Quote: Olgovich
              it was given to read to ALL people interested in the history of our country

              Quote: Olgovich

              Have you read this report yourself? The report in Russian on white says:
              Compared to pre-revolutionary time the nutrition of the population of the USSR improved both in quantity and quality: consumption of vegetables and melons, eggs, fish and sugar increased significantly, consumption of milk and dairy products, meat and meat products increased by 14-19 percent. It should be noted that labor of workers and peasants is now significantly mechanized and requires less energy. Before the revolution, the labor of peasants, who constituted the bulk of the population of tsarist Russia, was associated with a large expenditure of energy: on mowing, energy expenditures reached 7300 calories, with a plowman with a plow - 5242 calories, on a bunch of sheaves - 4957 calories.

              Currently, over 80 percent of all agricultural work is carried out by MTS. For tractor drivers and combine harvesters, energy expenditures are determined approximately in 3200-3500 calories per day.
              The labor of industrial workers on a larger scale is mechanized, and therefore, at present, workers spend much less energy than before the revolution.

              Then, average nutritional data of the population of tsarist Russia, as well as other capitalist countries, derived from dissimilar quantities characterizing the consumption of various classes of society - the bourgeoisie and the working people.
              1. +1
                8 November 2017 07: 01
                Quote: rkkasa 81
                Have you read this report yourself? The report says Russian in white

                So there is a Report? Take your words BACK, if you are decent! Yes

                The Report says in black and white (Table 1, 2) that I affirmed: in 1937 1940 at constructed Socialists ate and dressed WORSE than in 1913.
                Those. power, after huge sacrifices and inconceivable costs, did NOT achieve what was WITHOUT victims and WITHOUT it. This is implacable evidence of a "progressive" structure. No?,

                and only by 50 years, caught up with 1913, after 40 years!
                1. +4
                  8 November 2017 08: 47
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Those. power, after huge sacrifices and inconceivable costs, did NOT achieve what was WITHOUT victims and WITHOUT it. This is implacable evidence of a "progressive" structure. No?,
                  and only by 50 years, caught up with 1913, after 40 years!

                  " It is on the basis of such a comparison that a generalizing specific coefficient was obtained in the work, which was widely used in the necessary recalculations of the observed indicators of Russia and the USSR. Earlier, similar data conversion ratios were developed by the author to compare the names of the same name, but heterogeneous in the composition and scope of international indicators that were widely used in the work UN statistical services and other organizations and went into scientific circulation as international coefficients ero name operators"

                  I have no right to advise you, but any information from the Internet must be checked 10 times and not on the Internet ..
                  1. 0
                    8 November 2017 10: 55
                    Quote: 27091965i
                    I have no right to advise you, but any information from the Internet must be checked 10 times and not on the Internet ..

                    You have the right to watch name tables of my document: there is indicated the level of NUTRITION per capita.
                    You presented what? request
                    1. +5
                      8 November 2017 11: 28
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      You presented what?

                      If you carefully look at the table it shows the population, then mathematics. Regarding the secret report, in the USSR this report was calculated several times in subsequent years. So in our time the same calculation was made, find the data as in 1913 the calculation of the consumption of products was made. He is true, not on the Internet. In our time, the calculation was made by Vasily Simchera, Soviet and Russian economist, statistician, doctor of economic sciences, professor. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2001). Area of ​​professional interests: economics, statistics, finance. Director of the Research Institute of Statistics. Editor-in-chief of the journal “Economics. Entrepreneurship. Environment". The volume of his scientific work is 660 pages, everything is painted there. Read.
                      1. 0
                        8 November 2017 12: 56
                        Quote: 27091965i
                        Quote: Olgovich
                        You presented what?

                        If you carefully look at the table it shows the population, then mathematics. Regarding the secret report, in the USSR this report was calculated several times in subsequent years. So in our time the same calculation was made, find the data as in 1913 the calculation of the consumption of products was made. He is true, not on the Internet. In our time, the calculation was made by Vasily Simchera, Soviet and Russian economist, statistician, doctor of economic sciences, professor. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation (2001). Area of ​​professional interests: economics, statistics, finance. Director of the Research Institute of Statistics. Editor-in-chief of the journal “Economics. Entrepreneurship. Environment". The volume of his scientific work is 660 pages, everything is painted there. Read.

                        Checked: meat consumption is the same as the document I have given.
                        Thanks for the recommendation. But why do I need Simcher? What can he overthrow?
                2. 0
                  22 November 2017 08: 57
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  So there is a Report? Take your words BACK, if you are decent!

                  Confess your nonsense first.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR of the 1955 of the year, which records: meat in 1937 was eaten by 40% less than in 1913 g, milk-by 20% less, eggs, fish, bread, clothes — by 20% less than in 1913 year.
            2. +10
              7 November 2017 15: 41
              Quote: Olgovich

              Recover, Olgovich! So these are not “voices” at all? Religion did not allow to immediately share the source? Surely it was necessary to wait when you N-th number of times with a muzzle in feces poke a muzzle? laughing
              Quote: Olgovich
              There are more authoritative sources: the secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR of 1955, which fixes: in 1937 they ate 40% less meat than in 1913, 20% less milk, 20% less eggs, fish, bread, clothes, than in 1913.

              Olgovich, do you somehow interest on a special, in Moldovan think?
              meat and fat (with boiled meat) 1913 - 27 (per capita per year - kilograms). 1937 - 18 (> by - 33,33%)
              Milk and dairy products in milk 1913 - 154 - 1937 (> 138%).
              And so it is everywhere.
              1. +7
                7 November 2017 16: 11
                Threat. For this "drawdown" of indicators in 1937, compared to 28, the Nth number of citizens, stopudovo, "drove" into the bunk, by the 58th (Nothing, of course! lol ), and someone, on the same 58th, “drove” much further, right up to the Lord God. Cry over them, Olgovich! laughing
              2. +1
                8 November 2017 07: 15
                Quote: HanTengri
                You Nth number of times muzzle in feces poke

                And the same thing is hanging on the site! request
                The site is good, readable why is there such a thing? I do not understand......... request
                1. +3
                  8 November 2017 09: 19
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  The site is good, readable

                  Yeah, exactly, especially "READY" you, well, very good, especially when you and you are like a deck through a stump, with errors and distortions, direct manipulation and relying on Western "true" sources,READ here we have your speculation.
        4. +16
          7 November 2017 09: 51
          Quote: Olgovich
          : secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR of 1955, which fixes: meat in 1937 ate 40% less than in 1913, milk 20% less, eggs, fish, bread, clothes 20% less than in 1913 .

          Meditating, Yarjunmagu laughing
          And all that you have is secret, reports, documents, books laughing
          You still tell everyone that the 13th generated more electricity than the 37th laughing wassat
          You will continue in the same vein, everyone will laugh with you laughing
          Let me ask you your age range in order to treat you adequately laughing
          1. +12
            7 November 2017 11: 24
            Quote: Stroporez
            You still tell everyone that the 13th generated more electricity than the 37th

            He had not yet found such a Secret Report. lol But something tells me that he will soon find! How long skillfully! wassat laughing
            1. +8
              7 November 2017 12: 42
              And I’m interested in being able to look at least with one peep (not like Kutuzov) what’s in the report about tractors, bearings and property of foreign companies in the USSR ...
          2. +6
            7 November 2017 12: 40
            It is interesting that in that secret report about meat and fish in 1941-45? Although on the other hand, by 1950, just after the war, they began to recover and immediately reached and surpassed ...
            1. +4
              7 November 2017 15: 17
              Quote: mat-vey
              It is interesting that in that secret report about meat and fish in 1941-45? Although on the other hand, by 1950, just after the war, they began to recover and immediately reached and surpassed ...

              In 1937 there was no war. For a long time (except collectivization). But socialism has already been built.
              At which they ate and dressed worse than under the “damned” tsarism.
              1. +4
                7 November 2017 15: 59
                Although this is not a secret ..... but the war was also preparing for another war at a frantic pace ....
              2. +5
                7 November 2017 23: 20
                Quote: Olgovich
                In 1937 there was no war. For a long time (except collectivization). But socialism has already been built.
                At which they ate and dressed worse than under the “damned” tsarism.

                How much will you lie? I have preserved my mother's photographs of the 30s, my mother has beautiful fashionable dresses, which she had never dreamed of before the revolution.
                1. +5
                  8 November 2017 00: 54

                  Photo of the 30s look at these fashionistas. Why are they worse dressed ladies of 1913.
                  1. +6
                    8 November 2017 06: 33
                    Why are they worse dressed ladies 1913 year.

                    At least, for sure, they look better than the current "young ladies."
                2. +1
                  8 November 2017 07: 07
                  Quote: Alexander Green
                  How much will you lie?

                  STATISTICS, Soviet statistics, comrade Green, "lying", not me! Yes
                  And she’s that “wizard”!
                  1. +5
                    8 November 2017 09: 26
                    Quote: Olgovich
                    And she’s that “wizard”!

                    Statistics and STATISTICS. So here is the "statistics" from OLGOVICH, falsehood and lies, STATISTICS, with conclusions, it is true.
                    The "statistics" of a fake issued by a certain resident of sunny Moldova, based on false data, leads to amiably false conclusions of the country's development.
                    STATISTICS OF THE USSR of the indicated period, provides a sum of information for direct managers and production workers., On changes in the direction of improvements, the elimination of certain shortcomings. With that, the authorities managed at that time ..
                    So, Mr. liar, you again solemnly fell into the swamp with the people.
                    And the numbers show that in what there was no success, so in the hair of a goat and a camel, so compete with them and who will spit further and ... well, you understand about small peas.
                    t / 00003.html
                    The same data in real terms, in kg. per person per year:
                    Pre-revolutionary period 1925 1936* 1952* 1976 1986
                    Meat 14,6 35,7 14,4 14,4 46,9 55,9
                    Milk 130,3 109,7 137 170,4 415 355,6
                    Eggs 29 62 38,4 57,6 253 290
                    Fish 3,5 7,5 - - 16,1 15,8
                    Sugar 2,2 9,9 3,6 4,8 45,8 41,7
                    Potatoes 77,1 90,6 239 224 138 125
                    Vegetables 22,8 37,5 72 66 52,5 71,6
                    Bread 253,1 174,1 270 246 182,9 152,3
                    I took the data for 1936 and 52 from here: Table of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR “Consumption of food in the families of peasants in 1905-1913, 1923/24, 1928/29, 1936, 1940, 1950, 1952. and 1953. " They are in the USSR, not the RSFSR.
                    Shut up Mr. liar.
                    1. 0
                      8 November 2017 10: 59
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Quote: Olgovich
                      And she’s that “wizard”!

                      Statistics and STATISTICS. So here is the "statistics" from OLGOVICH, falsehood and lies, STATISTICS, with conclusions, it is true.
                      The "statistics" of a fake issued by a certain resident of sunny Moldova, based on false data, leads to amiably false conclusions of the country's development.
                      STATISTICS OF THE USSR of the indicated period, provides a sum of information for direct managers and production workers., On changes in the direction of improvements, the elimination of certain shortcomings. With that, the authorities managed at that time ..
                      So, Mr. liar, you again solemnly fell into the swamp with the people.
                      And the numbers show that in what there was no success, so in the hair of a goat and a camel, so compete with them and who will spit further and ... well, you understand about small peas.
                      t / 00003.html
                      The same data in real terms, in kg. per person per year:
                      Pre-revolutionary period 1925 1936* 1952* 1976 1986
                      Meat 14,6 35,7 14,4 14,4 46,9 55,9
                      Milk 130,3 109,7 137 170,4 415 355,6
                      Eggs 29 62 38,4 57,6 253 290
                      Fish 3,5 7,5 - - 16,1 15,8
                      Sugar 2,2 9,9 3,6 4,8 45,8 41,7
                      Potatoes 77,1 90,6 239 224 138 125
                      Vegetables 22,8 37,5 72 66 52,5 71,6
                      Bread 253,1 174,1 270 246 182,9 152,3
                      I took the data for 1936 and 52 from here: Table of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR “Consumption of food in the families of peasants in 1905-1913, 1923/24, 1928/29, 1936, 1940, 1950, 1952. and 1953. " They are in the USSR, not the RSFSR.
                      Shut up Mr. liar.

                      Friend, you are printing THIS for the 4th time! belay fool
          3. +4
            7 November 2017 14: 27
            Quote: Stroporez
            Meditating, Yarjunmagu

            Neighing is not people laughing
            Quote: Stroporez
            And all that you have is secret, reports, documents, books

            Top Secret Reports were at YOU (not at YOU, but at YOU!) .- you were afraid of YOUR OWN figures, like fire. And there was something to be afraid of!
            Quote: Stroporez
            everyone will laugh with you
            There is nothing to be done, horses can only laugh. request
            1. +5
              7 November 2017 23: 43
              Quote: Olgovich
              Quote: Stroporez
              And all that you have is secret, reports, documents, books

              Top Secret Reports were at YOU (not at YOU, but at YOU!) .- you were afraid of YOUR OWN figures, like fire. And there was something to be afraid of!

              You write that everyone was afraid of these numbers. I don’t understand why to be afraid of something? Why keep it secret? In the 50s all people remembered how they lived in 1937, and even after the war it was difficult to scare them with anything.
          4. +8
            7 November 2017 15: 38
            so it is, but bearings in 1913 were not produced in Russia at all.
            And then it’s milky. the eggs. And what about literacy in 13 and 30 years in comparison? All gut think.
        5. +13
          7 November 2017 09: 55
          opachki, so it means the Bolsheviks, along with the Entente, crushed their people? and no one stopped you from pouring German blood at the front, but you liked the blood of your people more
          1. +4
            7 November 2017 12: 46
            opachki, so it means the Bolsheviks, along with the Entente, crushed their people? and no one stopped you from pouring German blood at the front, but you liked the blood of your people more

            What did you think? The Bolsheviks immediately declared that after the war we had problems with the outskirts here, don’t understand that in 1918 they didn’t melt at all, so could you help us with any kind of intervention or, in extreme cases, sanctions and sabotage you can, but you can and all at once ..
        6. +10
          7 November 2017 10: 05
          Quote: Olgovich
          There are more authoritative sources: the secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR of 1955, which fixes: in 1937 they ate 40% less meat than in 1913, 20% less milk, 20% less eggs, fish, bread, clothes, than in 1913.

          Again ... That's right, you have no thoughts; you have a lie from PROZY.RU, nothing more.
          And the numbers show that in what there was no success, so in the hair of a goat and a camel, so compete with them and who will spit further and ... well, you understand about small peas.

          t / 00003.html
          The same data in real terms, in kg. per person per year:
          Pre-revolutionary period 1925 1936* 1952* 1976 1986
          Meat 14,6 35,7 14,4 14,4 46,9 55,9
          Milk 130,3 109,7 137 170,4 415 355,6
          Eggs 29 62 38,4 57,6 253 290
          Fish 3,5 7,5 - - 16,1 15,8
          Sugar 2,2 9,9 3,6 4,8 45,8 41,7
          Potatoes 77,1 90,6 239 224 138 125
          Vegetables 22,8 37,5 72 66 52,5 71,6
          Bread 253,1 174,1 270 246 182,9 152,3
          I took the data for 1936 and 52 from here: Table of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR “Consumption of food in the families of peasants in 1905-1913, 1923/24, 1928/29, 1936, 1940, 1950, 1952. and 1953. " They are in the USSR, not the RSFSR.
          Shut up Mr. liar.
          1. +4
            7 November 2017 14: 45
            Quote: badens1111
            Again ... That's right, you have no thoughts; you have a lie from PROZY.RU, nothing more.

            Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR, 1955-RGAE. F. 1562. Op. 33. D. 2313. L. 164-185 HOW MUCH repeat to get it?
            Quote: badens1111
            And the numbers show that in what there was no success, so in the hair of a goat and a camel, so compete with them and who will spit further and ... well, you understand about small peas.
            t / 00003.html

            Russian language-LEARN, finally: In Table 1 of the RSAE. F. 1562. Op. 33. D. 2313. L. 164-185 indicated the level of CONSUMPTION per capita and what do you show? What made everything?fool Where, by the way, is the link to the archive, and not to the : lol fool :
            Quote: badens1111
            I took the data for 1936 and 52 from here: Table of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR “Food Consumption in Families” farmers in 1905-1913, 1923/24, 1928/29, 1936, 1940, 1950, 1952. and 1953. " They are in the USSR, not the RSFSR.

            The peasants ?! fool Where are you at all?
            You are given per capita data for the whole country, not just peasants.
            And these data show: people ate, dressed, lived for decades WORSE than in 1913.
            So that:
            Quote: badens1111
            Shut up Mr. liar
            1. +5
              7 November 2017 17: 15
              Quote: badens1111
              Shut up Mr. liar.

              It is addressed to you and you are no longer poked with your nose into yours ... smelling only lazy.
              1. +1
                8 November 2017 07: 18
                Quote: badens1111
                Quote: badens1111
                Shut up Mr. liar.

                It is addressed to you and you are no longer poked with your nose into yours ... smelling only lazy.

                That's it, friend!
                You are in a knockout.

                But you hold on there! lol
                1. +4
                  8 November 2017 09: 28
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  You are in a knockout.
                  But you hold on there!

                  Sir, your cries of the carpet bewilderment, but they do not convince the venerable assembly that you have at least something remotely resembling at least half the truth.
        7. +10
          7 November 2017 11: 11
          Quote: Olgovich
          Secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR 1955

          Again, the "voices" in the head torment, or still share a link to the source?
          Quote: Olgovich
          The pre-revolutionary level of food consumption was reached only by 1950, the pre-revolutionary level of housing provision for citizens was only by 1960.

          I hope the "voices" also informed you about the distribution of this "consumption" in the indicated years? After all, the average temperature in the hospital, it is so average ...
          1. +3
            7 November 2017 14: 32
            Quote: HanTengri
            Again, the "voices" in the head torment, or still share a link to the source?

            You still have not learned to speak humanly. request
        8. +4
          7 November 2017 11: 56
          Quote: Olgovich
          secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR of the 1955 of the year, which records: meat in 1937 was eaten by 40% less than in 1913 g, milk-by 20% less, eggs, fish, bread, clothes — by 20% less than in 1913 year.

          Poor Americans and how they survived ...
          1. +5
            7 November 2017 14: 33
            Quote: Boris55
            Poor Americans and how they only survived.

            So they ate three to four times more during the years of the American "famine" - why be surprised?
        9. +7
          7 November 2017 13: 43
          Quote: Olgovich
          Comrade Avva wants a memory And I wish the memory of the aforementioned and the memory of WHAT happened after the Bolsheviks simply "picked up" the power: the civil massacre with victims exceeding the victims of the WORLD WAR is FIVE times!

          Olgovich, you are our merciful, you also "insert" so much for the victims of the French (bourgeois) Revolution that you can’t eat it? Or, after all, did the citizens of aristocrats and priests there "sausage" kosher, in the bourgeois style, unlike any Bolshevik cattle?
          1. +4
            8 November 2017 08: 58
            Quote: HanTengri
            unbelievable to any Bolshevik cattle?

            Well, what are you to “people”, you can have human emotions, remember the backs and torn nostrils, and “b..lo” should be higher than this - higher than the saints and the righteous ...
        10. +10
          7 November 2017 17: 48
          Quote: Olgovich
          There are more authoritative sources.

          A simple example in 1913, a crop per hectare in the Poltava region was 6,5 tons. In 1936 it was already 24 tons! Olgovich, you are just an OUTSTANDING LIAR !! You tell silly stories about how tsarist Russia with horseless peasants gathered grain, supposedly more than industrialized USSR with MTS and combines! Only down can only believe in such nonsense!
          1. +7
            8 November 2017 00: 57
            Quote: albert
            A simple example in 1913, a crop per hectare in the Poltava region was 6,5 tons. In 1936 it was already 24 tons! Olgovich, you are just an OUTSTANDING LIAR !! You tell silly stories about how tsarist Russia with horseless peasants gathered grain, supposedly more than industrialized USSR with MTS and combines! Only down can only believe in such nonsense!

            Bravo! Not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
          2. +1
            8 November 2017 07: 20
            Quote: albert
            Quote: Olgovich
            There are more authoritative sources.

            A simple example in 1913, a crop per hectare in the Poltava region was 6,5 tons. In 1936 it was already 24 tons! Olgovich, you are just an OUTSTANDING LIAR !! You tell silly stories about how tsarist Russia with horseless peasants gathered grain, supposedly more than industrialized USSR with MTS and combines! Believe in such nonsense can only down!

            I'm not a liar, but then Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR..http: //
            You show him the centners! lol

            1. +4
              8 November 2017 09: 30
              Quote: Olgovich

              Quote: albert
              A simple example in 1913, a crop per hectare in the Poltava region was 6,5 tons. In 1936 it was already 24 tons! Olgovich, you are just an OUTSTANDING LIAR !! You tell silly stories about how tsarist Russia with horseless peasants gathered grain, supposedly more than industrialized USSR with MTS and combines! Only down can only believe in such nonsense!

              You have been presented.
    2. dSK
      7 November 2017 08: 49
      "we will destroy the old world to the ground, and then we will build a new world, who was nobody he will become everything." Breaking does not build.
      1. +6
        8 November 2017 01: 13
        Quote from dsk
        "we will destroy the old world to the ground, and then we will build a new world, who was nobody he will become everything." Breaking does not build.

        Well, why should the hymn be misinterpreted? Everything sounds different there: "We will destroy the whole world of VIOLENCE to the ground, and then - we are ours, we will build a new world, who was NOTHING, that will become everything"
        First, it is about the need to destroy the world of VIOLENCE. Secondly, it is said that a new world will be built, where the working man, who in the old world was considered ANYTHING, will become EVERYTHING.
        What does "break-not build?". Just to fade?
    3. +5
      7 November 2017 10: 15
      About the salvation of the world, this author turned down, but Russia was not really saved.
      1. +12
        7 November 2017 10: 40
        Quote: Wend
        About the salvation of the world, this author turned down, but Russia was not really saved.

        There is no colleague ... in the validity of the WORLD, otherwise it would have been 60 years ago, there was such a bloody compote in the world ... and no social gains, no freedom from colonialism, slaves would be traded as before ... yes, billions were destroyed in opium.
        1. +3
          7 November 2017 10: 57
          Quote: badens1111
          Quote: Wend
          About the salvation of the world, this author turned down, but Russia was not really saved.

          There is no colleague ... in the validity of the WORLD, otherwise it would have been 60 years ago, there was such a bloody compote in the world ... and no social gains, no freedom from colonialism, slaves would be traded as before ... yes, billions were destroyed in opium.

          The world was bloody all the 70 years of the USSR. And the First World War ended on November 11 of the 1918 of the year. Well, there wouldn’t be a Finnish war, for example, and what kind of war could be this we will not know. However, the USSR was the same irritant for the West, which led to many conflicts.
          1. +6
            7 November 2017 14: 30
            Quote: Wend
            However, the USSR was the same irritant for the West, which led to many conflicts.

            And again, your lie, not the USSR as such an irritant, but Russia, in whatever form it may be.
            1. +3
              7 November 2017 14: 43
              Quote: badens1111
              Quote: Wend
              However, the USSR was the same irritant for the West, which led to many conflicts.

              And again, your lie, not the USSR as such an irritant, but Russia, in whatever form it may be.

              Well, where is the lie? laughing There was no Russia then. There was a country of the USSR and the Russian Federation. And Russia before 1917 was in the same order as other countries in the world. Yes, the territory of Russia has scared and still scares, its resources were envied and envied, Russian people are not understood and still afraid. But there was no difference in the system, and the Russian monarchs had relatives in European countries. The USSR was distinguished by a system, which irritated the whole Western world.
              1. +5
                7 November 2017 17: 19
                Quote: Wend
                There was no Russia then. There was a country of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

                The priests of the light .. was the USSR as part of which the RSFSR, well, at least they should know that ..
                Quote: Wend
                And Russia before 1917 was in the same order as other countries in the world. Yes, the territory of Russia has scared and still scares, its resources were envied and envied, Russian people are not understood and still afraid. But there was no difference in the system, and the Russian monarchs had relatives in European countries.

                Did this somehow prevent Napoleon from invading Russia, then by everyone, early, Karl, Batory, and then Hitler?
                Quote: Wend
                The USSR was distinguished by a system, which irritated the whole Western world.

                Yes, it was different. Because it posed a threat to capitalism. And now, what about Russia, the sanctions say something. They almost promise a war, build capitalism in the country, why is the West against it again?
                Quote: badens1111
                And again, your lie, not the USSR as such an irritant, but Russia, in whatever form it may be.

                So I'm right ..
                1. 0
                  7 November 2017 17: 41
                  Quote: badens1111
                  Quote: Wend
                  There was no Russia then. There was a country of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

                  The priests of the light .. was the USSR as part of which the RSFSR, well, at least they should know that ..
                  Quote: Wend
                  And Russia before 1917 was in the same order as other countries in the world. Yes, the territory of Russia has scared and still scares, its resources were envied and envied, Russian people are not understood and still afraid. But there was no difference in the system, and the Russian monarchs had relatives in European countries.

                  Did this somehow prevent Napoleon from invading Russia, then by everyone, early, Karl, Batory, and then Hitler?
                  Quote: Wend
                  The USSR was distinguished by a system, which irritated the whole Western world.

                  Yes, it was different. Because it posed a threat to capitalism. And now, what about Russia, the sanctions say something. They almost promise a war, build capitalism in the country, why is the West against it again?
                  Quote: badens1111
                  And again, your lie, not the USSR as such an irritant, but Russia, in whatever form it may be.

                  So I'm right ..

                  laughing laughing The saints have nothing to do with the saints. You are inadequate for yourself, and even with the painful feeling of being right everywhere. Napoleon and Hitler were not prevented from attacking, but they were prevented from winning. They mixed two different attacks on the country with different systems. laughing laughing What are you right about? in your own painful inadequacy that's for sure laughing laughing
                  1. +3
                    8 November 2017 09: 34
                    Quote: Wend
                    You are inadequate for yourself, and even with the painful feeling of being right everywhere.

                    Is this an attempt to offend me?
                    Quote: Wend
                    Napoleon and Hitler were not prevented from attacking, but they were prevented from winning.

                    This is already a leap to the side, the question is not what they were not allowed to “win”, but the fact that they attacked regardless of the order that currently exists in Russia in this place.
                    Quote: Wend
                    They mixed two different attacks on the country with different systems.

                    It’s you who, in fact, not understanding what you are writing about, are trying to disavow what I said, but there is no logic and truth in your words.
                    Quote: Wend
                    in your own painful inadequacy that's for sure

                    Rudeness is a sign of undeveloped intelligence and, as a result, recognition of its defeat.
                    1. +1
                      8 November 2017 10: 15
                      Quote: badens1111
                      Quote: Wend
                      You are inadequate for yourself, and even with the painful feeling of being right everywhere.

                      Is this an attempt to offend me?

                      This is an analysis of your answers.
        2. dSK
          7 November 2017 12: 37
          Quote: badens1111
          no freedom from colonialism

          The grandfather of his wife, the railway master, for the phrase “We will die, we won’t buzz” (after the death of Kirov, the factory mourning beeps) gave 9 years of camps in the Far East. He survived because they put him on a qualification as a master. A large family of mothers near Tambov was taken to the Kazakhstan steppes in winter, only adult children survived. What temples were blown up, what beauty was destroyed. They built dozens of years on public donations. Secret archives, whose "efforts" made a coup.
          Today's generation is already used to saying what they think. There is no faith for you, gentlemen of the Communists, you are seizing power - again, arrange the Red Terror.
          1. +10
            7 November 2017 13: 14
            Here, again, dear grandfather. In my opinion, it is not necessary to open top-secret archives, but it is worth carrying out a full rehabilitation with an assessment of those cases. How many qualified lawyers and time will be required, I do not know, but this must be done. Then it will be known exactly who innocently suffered, and who has a family legend about a joke or, as you have, "for words about Kirov."
            1. +5
              7 November 2017 15: 26
              Quote: avva2012
              Then it will be known for sure who innocently suffered and who has a family legend

              Yes, it will not be known, judging by the papers, so everyone will be to blame, the scouts knew what to write
              1. +8
                7 November 2017 15: 52
                This is not visible to an outside observer, but for a pro, everything is visible. I can determine from any medical documentation whether the linden is or not, because I know the little things that are not visible from the outside.
                1. +2
                  7 November 2017 19: 15
                  Quote: avva2012
                  I can determine from any medical documentation whether the linden is or not, because,

                  this requires, at a minimum, the examinee himself and a complete picture of the examinee (analyzes, x-ray, doctor’s opinion), and in this case we only have the opinion of the investigator and the dictated protocols of interrogations. In order not to be unfounded, remember Rokossovsky, his broken fingers and broken teeth during interrogations.
                  1. +4
                    8 November 2017 02: 33
                    Here I am about the same thing, you only heard about Rokossovsky and, moreover, you read Solzhenitsyn. It's not about the x-rays, but the text. As it is written, what turns. If it is a linden, then with the same investigator, confessions in the same style will be recorded. I say, professionals and it is unclear how many echelons of time are needed for real rehabilitation.
                    1. +4
                      8 November 2017 03: 21
                      ps In the 1939-40 years after the change of the People's Commissar, the first rehabilitation of innocently convicted was carried out. A number of people were released and convicted (the data are on the internet), and so, the review of cases did not take place according to persons (some were shot), but according to documents. So even then, things sewn with white thread were visible. So the real excuse is not a problem if you want.
            2. dSK
              7 November 2017 17: 12
              Gentlemen, descendants of nomenclature workers - do you know a word like "conscience"?
              1. +6
                8 November 2017 09: 37
                Quote from dsk
                a word like "conscience" is familiar to you

                Freud’s mention? Did you quote CONSCIENCE because you don’t have one?
                You look like, “the descendants of the nomenclature”, and if you take it and sort it out, then almost every second of those same descendants among you.
                So on a vkidka-Chubais-sons of the party worker, Gaidar, it is clear who, Svanidze, a relative of Abel Enukidze, Nikonov, the granddaughter of Molotov, so who has no conscience?
          2. +15
            7 November 2017 13: 27
            Quote from dsk
            you reach power - again arrange red terror.

            We will definitely arrange it! We confiscate plants and factories from the bourgeoisie, and we will make the pioneer of the camp out of ruble and a homeless village.
            We will return offshore money to the country. We will carry out an audit; we will become those who stole exorbitantly judged by a people's court, and for those who manage to get over the hill to their curators, the famous Dynamo company will release a batch of ice axes. good
            1. +4
              7 November 2017 15: 27
              Quote: Stroporez
              We will definitely arrange it!

              Are you not afraid of the second civil? Or do you have sea of ​​blood again knee-deep?
              1. +3
                7 November 2017 18: 38
                Dear Verner, they are just the second civilian craving and waiting for her. They want to take out their grievances and complexes on their neighbors, "bring justice" as they see it, and only to them. It’s just that such “comrades” forget that their desires are firstly criminally punishable, and secondly, their zealous executors of “bringing world justice” are sent to their own accomplices as soon as they do all the dirty work ...
                1. +5
                  7 November 2017 21: 33
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  Dear Verner, they are just the second civilian craving and waiting for her. They want to take out their grievances and complexes on their neighbors, "

                  Do not blame yourself for the healthy, your HATE against the people, in itself says what you want, arousing discord in society for the interests of a handful absolutely unnecessary to society.
                  It is you and your like who deny the History, accomplished not by you, but by the appropriated property created by the Epoch of the USSR, which was built by the labor of the people.
                  So do not try hard here, for it is you, with your lies, hatreds, who initiate an answer, and you yourself are asking for a criminal article, even under current legislation.
                  As for the junk ... yes, you are right, the Berezovskys and Latins, the Khodlorkovskys and Kasyanovs, others are on their way, so ... you will find dirty work, in the allotted time, for the position of Solzhenitsyn, a scammer and then a librarian, it is unlikely whether there will be hope.
                  You can deceive one person forever, for a long enough time a group of people, but to deceive forever the whole people, it will not work.
                  1. +2
                    7 November 2017 22: 07
                    Quote: badens1111
                    Your HATE against people

                    where is the hatred? Hatred I see only from the adherents of communism here. Even in this post, drool out of anger.
                    1. +4
                      7 November 2017 23: 49
                      Quote: verner1967
                      Hatred I see only from the adherents of communism here.

                      Do not get the blame on the healthy.
                      You remind the leader of the False Friends of the Renegade Party, today Zhirinovsky, like you, is twisting, repeating all the myths, gossip and tales of the liberal-stoned hatred of the people.
              2. +8
                7 November 2017 18: 51
                Quote: verner1967
                Are you not afraid of the second civil? Or do you have sea of ​​blood again knee-deep?

                No I'm not afraid! Because there will be no civil war! This is the bugbear of current campradors.
                There is no one to fight. 1% of the population, who owns all the wealth of the country will be dumped over a hill. Especially odious ones will roll their own cops. They will not particularly protect them - they do not care who pays. The bosses of the cops will dump after their hosts and to their dough.
                The army ... it’s the people’s and against the people it won’t go, rather, on the contrary, it will defend the people and the public heritage.
                Did I remember everyone? wink
                And we will find out our differences with you at the bottle of cognac Yes
                That's all.
                1. +3
                  7 November 2017 19: 01
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  And we will find out our differences with you at the bottle of cognac

                  May God grant that all differences be resolved! hi
                  1. +3
                    7 November 2017 19: 24
                    Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                    May God grant that all differences be resolved!

                    Will you be the third? caviar with a French bun? )))
                    1. +2
                      7 November 2017 20: 48
                      Quote: verner1967
                      Will you be the third? caviar with a French bun? )))
                      And what, to take into account the Holiday and to the lieutenant in bulk, let him forge his swords for yelling))))))))))))
                2. +2
                  7 November 2017 19: 24
                  Quote: Stroporez
                  And we will find out our differences with you at the bottle of cognac

                  I agree with this unequivocally and irrevocably drinks But all the above leads me to very big doubts, this 1% is too attached to the bowels from which it has its own gesheft and just like that it will not fall down, the deputies and officials will follow it, whom this 1% feeds from hand, and this is the power , and the government pays the military and the cops, and here there are many nuances. Then the middle class and farmers, who will immediately be put down in "fists". Skilled workers and office plankton, too, will not go to the barricades, there remains only the lumpen and the slogan "rob the loot. And then the lumpen will not go either. And who to rob? And I, I have three apartments (and nothing that they received from the state for serving in BC), my wife has real estate (I’ve left my relatives), and for this I’ll go to the barricades, only against the lumpen. Here’s the civil war. Could it be better? good
                  1. +3
                    7 November 2017 20: 44
                    Quote: verner1967
                    this 1% is too attached to the bowels with which it has its own gesheft and it won’t just dump it, the deputies and officials will follow it, whom this 1% hand feeds, and that’s the power, and the power pays the military and the cops and here a lot nuances.

                    Understand that everything says that these weathercocks consider themselves temporary (otherwise the loot and families would not have been taken out) and are surprised how long their people endure. Everything is ready for departure !!! And there is only one question: to tell the cops that they will not cut back in pay, etc. The whole event will end quickly enough ... And just tell the passive majority that they will raise their salaries and pensions by five tyrs and they will even sing the reindeer. And farmers with shopkeepers, but who needs them, they themselves have suffered from this power, they will need to help them, on the contrary, with zero credits. and you and your apartments, too, like the bourgeois, who are included in 1%, do not pull.
                    Only a step — a monopoly on alcohol and a ban on the export of capital — will give the country a second full budget! I don’t even take it that the gas has become really popular, like all other extraction!
                    Quote: verner1967
                    Maybe better cognac? good

                    Quote: verner1967
                    Maybe better cognac? good

                    Duc with a good man, forever! drinks
                    So the people have no disagreements among themselves, as we do with you. drinks good
                    1. +2
                      7 November 2017 22: 14
                      Quote: Stroporez
                      So the people have no disagreements among themselves, as we do with you.

                      Yes, only now we are in a situation like those officers with the Reds after escaping from the bandits in "Adjutant of His Excellency", like friends, and which way to go? It does not pull me back to the USSR (state), although I love the country of the USSR!
                3. +3
                  9 November 2017 07: 37
                  You are wrong, in addition to the 1% of oligarchs and semi-oligarchs who are toppled over a hill without options, there are another 4% of their servants (a bright representative at VO Golovan Jack and others) who do not have a lot of property over the hill, and in Russia there is a bit. And so they will become the main striking force of the new “whites”.
                  1. +4
                    9 November 2017 08: 26
                    Quote: zoolu350
                    You are wrong, in addition to the 1% of oligarchs and semi-oligarchs who are toppled over a hill without options, there are another 4% of their servants (a bright representative at VO Golovan Jack and others) who do not have a lot of property over the hill, and in Russia there is a bit. And so they will become the main striking force of the new “whites”.

                    Dear Comrade! hi
                    4% of bourgeois slaves are not the kind of power that can stop change, they are those who are fed by litter-TV and minor handouts. Believe me, if they are afraid of the tax, like fire, do you really think that they will confront the Red Army? belay
                    No, they, like true cubs, will hide their "good" and crawl into their minks. In addition, we will not begin to carry out the expropriation among the small Togo-pigs, but simply provide them with jobs at the construction sites of the national economy.
                    After all, we have a lot to build, extremely many, because over 25 years the new government has thrown us, consider, 100 years ago in every sense.
                    1. +3
                      9 November 2017 11: 44
                      So there were not so many banderlogs in Ukraine, but they were skillfully organized and 4% of servants will organize it for sure. But our people are still fragmented to the state of the electorate.
              3. +3
                7 November 2017 21: 56
                Quote: verner1967
                Are you not afraid of the second civil? Or do you have sea of ​​blood again knee-deep?

                The first is a minority of you, the second you want it, since you talk about it and the third, not I said, but you should remember.
                "I understand that the revolution is not pleasant enough. But you still think for a moment and ask yourself: why did I end up in this company, how did it happen?
                The main thing is not to forget to attribute about Bunin's “Cursed Days”. After all, true Russian patriots do not want to join Alik Kokh and Novodvorskaya in the company, they want a more decent company. To Bunin, for example. Or there to Ilyin and Zinaida Gippius. But the main thing is to Bunin. Not everyone read Ilyina and Gippius, and Bunin even filmed Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov.
                One trouble: Ivan Alekseevich was a master. He was supposed to despise and slaves, especially rebels.
                Therefore, when another Russian patriot wants to tell us about “Cursed Days”, let him first look at himself in the mirror. If he does not recognize Nikita Sergeyevich Mikhalkov in reflection, then, probably, it is not necessary about “Cursed days”.
                No, I’m saying. This is not your story, the descendants of the workers, peasants, philistines, and all the other cooks, and coachmen.
                The simple Russian man at the beck and call of the bourgeoisie is the sad result of a century of revolution.
                However, while Lenin, as their personal demon, lies in the Mausoleum, none of the Russian bourgeois will be at rest.
                In general, I am for a referendum.
                Are everyone willing to bury Lenin ready for a referendum, that’s the question.
                There is a feeling: if someone begins to bury Lenin, Lenin will bury them in return. "
                Zakhar Prilepin
                1. +2
                  7 November 2017 22: 11
                  Quote: badens1111
                  First, you are a minority

                  who are we?
                  1. +4
                    8 November 2017 00: 00
                    Quote: verner1967
                    who are we?

                    You-olgovichs and Werners, this is obvious even from the comments. Whether you didn’t teach history, or for some other reason, but since you represent the History of the country, few people think.
                    Are you smarter than V. Menshov?
                    1. +1
                      8 November 2017 07: 34
                      Quote: badens1111
                      You-olgovichs and Werners, this is obvious even from the comments.

                      this site is far from all the people. You read on other comments, we are still friends of the Soviet Union in comparison with those.
                      1. +5
                        8 November 2017 09: 41
                        Quote: verner1967
                        You read on other comments, we are still friends of the Soviet Union in comparison with those.

                        I read. I laugh at a flock of fans of all kinds of Echo of Moscow, Rain and others like them, especially perverted in hatred. But all of them are MINORITY in the people, as you say.
                2. +4
                  8 November 2017 03: 27
                  “There is a feeling: if someone begins to bury Lenin, Lenin will bury them in return.”

                  Well said and brought to the place! Bravo!
          3. +7
            7 November 2017 14: 31
            Quote from dsk
            The wife’s grandfather, the railway master, for the phrase “We will die, they won’t buzz” (after the death of Kirov, the factory mourning beeps) gave 9 years of camps in the Far East.

            Provide the address of the case, the wording of the sentence.
            1. +4
              7 November 2017 15: 29
              Quote: badens1111
              the sentence is presented

              laughing naive, so you followers honestly and set out
              1. +7
                7 November 2017 17: 46
                Quote: verner1967
                so you followers honestly and set out

                You sir, in your naivety, make a sad impression .. THE CASE is obliged to imagine according to which the doubtful grandfather was allegedly repressed, and if this grandfather has not been rehabilitated to this day, that means that he is convicted of a real crime under the law. The so-called rehabilitation of Khrushchev and Yakovlev do not make people laugh with statements. that they are at least someone who was really justified.
                Do you propose to grieve about these?
                1. +2
                  7 November 2017 19: 28
                  Quote: badens1111
                  CASE must submit, on which the doubtful grandfather was allegedly repressed

                  if the grandfather will be written that for counter-revolutionary activities in the form of anti-Soviet propaganda (not during the war) i.e. for the notorious joke or participation in some kind of "industrial party" or in the "case of doctors", or in the "Leningrad
                  business, then there’s nothing to talk about.
                  1. +4
                    7 November 2017 22: 02
                    Quote: verner1967
                    those. for the notorious joke and

                    Quote: verner1967
                    participation in some kind of "industrial party"

                    You are an amateur in this matter.
                    Quote: verner1967
                    or in the "case of doctors", or in the "Leningrad
                    business, then there’s nothing to talk about.

                    That's right, you do not understand anything in this matter.
                    Assessment is not good for your knowledge.
                    This is for you to remember.
                    "The Industrial Party, the Union of Engineering Organizations is an illegal counter-revolutionary wrecking organization of the bourgeois engineering and technical intelligentsia, which operated in the USSR in 1925-30 (until 1928 - under the name" Engineering Center ").
                    The leaders of the Industrialist Party were associated with the White Guard emigration, in particular with Torgprom (Commerce and Industry Committee), an association of former Russian industrialists formed in Paris in 1920.
                    In the USSR, at the head of the organization were engineers P.A. Palchinsky and Khrennikov, as well as L.G. Rabinovich, N.K. von Meck and others formerly big capitalists; after their arrest, the leadership of the Industrial Party went to L.K. Ramzin, V.A. Larichev, N.P. Czarnowski.
                    Occupying a number of important posts in the Supreme Economic Council and the State Planning Commission, members of the organization tried to sabotage in industry and transport, create imbalances in development between different sectors of the national economy, "deadened" capital, disrupted supply, etc., thereby striving to reduce the pace of socialist construction and cause discontent among workers.
                    The ultimate goal of the anti-Soviet underground was the overthrow of the dictatorship of the proletariat in the USSR, the restoration of capitalism. "
                    In fact, the “doctors’ case ”was an ordinary reaction of the Soviet government to gang violence, nepotism and corruption of the Jewish community. Mukhin analyzed the “doctors' case” in great detail in his book “The Killing of Stalin and Beria”. I will give here only a brief summary of the facts that I found on the Internet, removing their emotional coloring.

                    Even in a note by Abakumov to Malenkov on July 4, 1950, attention was drawn to the rapid development of grouping, nepotism, and corruption among doctors of Jewish nationality. The head of the Ministry of State Security Abakumov reported: “According to the data available at the Ministry of State Security of the USSR, as a result of a violation of the Bolshevik principle of recruitment in the clinical nutrition clinic of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, an atmosphere of nepotism and grouping has been created. For this reason, out of 43 positions of the leading and scientific workers of the clinic, 36 are occupied by people of Jewish nationality, mainly Jews are taken to the clinic for treatment. Deputy Director of the Institute of Nutrition BELKOV A.S. on this issue said: “Having got acquainted with the apparatus of the clinic, I saw that 75–80% of scientists are people of Jewish nationality. In the clinic, when filling out the medical history, the columns “nationality” and “party affiliation” were excluded. I suggested the deputy director of the clinic BELIKOV to include these graphs, since they are needed for statistics. They were included, but five days later Pevzner were again canceled.
                    1. +2
                      7 November 2017 22: 23
                      Quote: badens1111
                      This is for you to remember.

                      that they wrote it to me and I know without you, but this is not true, judging by the interrogation protocols, we had “pests” who “worked” for intelligence of countries not only exotic, but even hostile ones, everyone wrote nonsense. For example, the doctors’ case was summed up under a political article that they organized a conspiracy and wanted to kill, taking advantage of their position, the Soviet people and prepared an attempt on the assassination of members of the Central Committee, including Comrade himself. Stalin and trumpeted the people about it. But nepotism does not even attract a criminal, not like VMN. And how many specialists were killed for this business! No need to build a know-it-all out of yourself.
                      1. +5
                        8 November 2017 00: 02
                        Quote: verner1967
                        But nepotism does not even attract a criminal, not like VMN.

                        Again, blah blah blah blah ... how fussy you are when it comes to a serious matter ... Cronyism is the direct path to corruption, the direct road to sinecure and idleness, and now the descendants of these loafers are yelling about repression .. Well, things are. ..
          4. +6
            7 November 2017 17: 03
            Quote from dsk

            Today's generation is already used to saying what they think. There is no faith for you, gentlemen of the Communists, you are seizing power - again, arrange the Red Terror.
            So it is necessary to deal with the enemies of Russia and thieves. Under Stalin, there were thieves, but all the money stolen was returned And not to be ashamed, not to repent of the fact that there was a beautiful country of the USSR and help to other countries, and CMEA, and SPACE and METRO, and air flights on Aeroflot planes. And break the vile Monuments to enemies and the wall.
            Here I am, as today's generation, and say what I think.
          5. +2
            8 November 2017 01: 20
            Quote from dsk
            The wife’s grandfather, the railway master, for the phrase “We will die, they won’t buzz” (after the death of Kirov, the factory mourning beeps) gave 9 years of camps in the Far East.

            After this phrase, you also do not have faith. With such "examples" we were entertained in the late 80s. Now no one believes in this. Rummage in the archive, there maybe they will show what exactly the grandfather was planted for.
        3. GIN
          7 November 2017 13: 51
          Who, of course, didn’t notice, the conquests of October have already begun to be taken away, including in Europe, I’m not talking about Muslim countries, there the slave trade is already blooming. WHY TAJIKI DO NOT RUN FOR US
    4. +4
      7 November 2017 15: 25
      Long live the Great October Socialist Revolution!

      I have a didactic question:

      Praise of the communist revolution of 1917 = praise of a violent change of power = praise / call for violation of the constitution?

      how is it consistent with the criminal code of Russia?
      how is this consistent with Putin’s policy of “revolution is bad”, “democratic elections are good”?
      what about the offended feelings of groups of people, etc.? Poklonskaya won’t get excited about the film, but the fact that they revolutionize the revolution should it offend her too?
      1. +4
        7 November 2017 15: 55
        You can ask a question, in the last word, did you put an end to the accident or is this a disguised insult?
        1. +3
          7 November 2017 15: 58
          sorry. accidentally.
          you opened my eyes - in this context, I have not seen it. I wanted to fix it now, but it's too late.
  2. +9
    7 November 2017 07: 14
    The day of the seventh of November is the red day of the calendar ....
    The Bolsheviks began to implement a new development project, saving not only Russia, but the whole of humanity
    does the world know about this? In another hundred years, we will discuss the interplanetary scale.
    1. +9
      7 November 2017 09: 56
      Quote: verner1967
      and the world knows about it

      Do not hurt yourself, KNOW. Remember and celebrate.
    2. +6
      7 November 2017 12: 51
      He knows very well - so much that he still spends a lot of energy to erase his memory ..
      1. +2
        10 November 2017 14: 12
        Including knows that the social package, holidays and other benefits to workers in the West began to receive after the October Revolution. Strange, huh?
  3. +7
    7 November 2017 07: 30
    Quote: verner1967
    The day of the seventh of November is the red day of the calendar ....
    The Bolsheviks began to implement a new development project, saving not only Russia, but the whole of humanity
    does the world know about this? In another hundred years, we will discuss the interplanetary scale.

    He knows, even as he knows.
  4. +15
    7 November 2017 07: 31
    All on the occasion of the Great October Revolution!
  5. +16
    7 November 2017 07: 37
    Characteristically, the same Petrograd Soviet was created with the filing of the Provisional Government ... which at the beginning was headed by the Mensheviks and Socialist Revolutionaries, loyal to the Provisional Government ... And about today Happy Holidays, the Great October Socialist Revolution! ... that she came out, not from noble and royal clothes, but from soldier’s, sailor’s overcoats and leather jackets of the revolution ... She’s even ashamed of throwing the banners of defeated Nazi Germany to Lenin's mausoleum, draping it every year for 9 ma I am...
    1. +13
      7 November 2017 08: 25
      Shame on you! Today, on the first channel, in the news feed, Trotsky’s birthday is in the first place. 100 anniversary of the Revolution on the third. Or maybe everything is true, since, he is their ideological inspirer, so they consider his birthday to be a more important event?
      1. +8
        7 November 2017 09: 05
        Yes Trotsky with them, wink Happy Holidays!
        1. +7
          7 November 2017 09: 28
          Happy Holiday! And the truth is .... with him and with them wink
          1. +11
            7 November 2017 10: 04
            Happy anniversary of the Great October Revolution, comrades !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It happened yesterday.
            I read about the city of Petrograd
            In the seventeenth year:
            The sailor ran; a soldier was running;
            Shot on the go.
            Dragged a working machine gun;
            The sirens sounded howling.
            The poster hung: --- Down with the gentlemen!
            Down with the landowners!
            The temporary ruler fled;
            I wanted to pass Russia.
            To all foreign rich
            She wanted to sell her.
            But the common people were faithful
            Country of my own:
            He managed to defeat the gentlemen
            In Russia, only one!
            And who now reigns with us ---
            Bourgeois rich!
            Law and power are for them alone,
            And luckily the keys!
            Due to his story
            Back we again
            And support such people
            What will win
            What will Russia do again
            An example of the whole earth,
            Socialism and Peace --- The World
            Distribute away !!!
            Here comes the seventeenth year,
            It gives an answer to everything:
            The USSR is just the right way!
            Alternatives --- no !!!
            1. +3
              7 November 2017 17: 05
              Dmitry, are these your lines? then my applause and deep respect for you! drinks good Happy Holiday! hi
      2. +8
        7 November 2017 09: 57
        Quote: avva2012
        Or maybe everything is true, since, he is their ideological inspirer, so they consider his birthday to be a more important event?

        Yes, in the USA the neocons are the same, in fact, Trotskyists.
        There is a famous photograph where Chubais is embraced with the grave of Trotsky, so no wonder.
        1. +7
          7 November 2017 10: 05
          Our authorities are scorching laughing Immediately I recall a joke about Stirlitz, a budenovka and a parachute behind.
          1. +12
            7 November 2017 10: 18
            Quote: avva2012
            Immediately I recall a joke about Stirlitz, a budenovka and a parachute behind.

            Everyone is malicious ... they essentially act as always, in the interest of the West, for example - "The Entente Plan" was adopted at a meeting in Paris on December 23, 1917 and made public by US President Woodrow Wilson on the eve of 1918. The plan provided for the division of Russia into sphere of influence and bore the name "Terms of the Convention."

            At the end of December 1917, representatives of France and Great Britain Georges Clemenceau and Robert Cecile signed a secret convention on dividing the south of Russia into areas of interest and areas of future operations of the British and French troops.

            The English "sphere of action" included the Caucasus, the Cossack regions of the Don and Kuban, Central Asia, and the French - Ukraine, Bessarabia and the Crimea.

            London and Paris agreed that from now on they would see Russia not as an ally on the Entente, but as a territory for the realization of their interventionist plans.
            The conclusion of the Anglo-French convention is on a par with such a “glorious” act of Western democracies as the signing of the Munich Agreement of 1938, according to which they gave democratic Czechoslovakia to the devastation of Germany, Poland and Hungary, which became the prologue of World War II. "Http: / /
            And what about all kinds of Trappers and Olgovichi about this?
            They cannot say anything except links to outright falsehood.
            1. +12
              7 November 2017 10: 44
              Everyone here is spiteful ... basically they act as always, in the interests of the West

              The anti-Soviet have one road, in essence. English battleship, Wehrmacht, CIA. There are no other options. As soon as someone enters this road, it soon turns out that the path has already been trodden on, before him, by the English boots of the “Russian army” of Wrangel, the shoe-worn boots of the ROA, and the NATO berets.
              1. +8
                7 November 2017 10: 58
                Quote: avva2012
                The anti-Soviet have one road, in essence

                It is brilliantly formulated. I, with your permission, use your wording in other places. good
                1. +12
                  7 November 2017 11: 19
                  Thank you for rating. If it is useful, then use. hi You know, how many have not read, I can’t find in history, at least one anti-adviser to which universal human concepts can be applied, such as “honor, conscience” or the like (without the Civil War, and even there in the afternoon with fire). All of the anti-Soviet is obtained, then red, then Vlasov, then rezuny, then bleached with Bandera. How can you not think about it, maybe the whole thing is in ideology? request
                  1. +10
                    7 November 2017 13: 43
                    Quote: avva2012
                    I can’t find in history even one anti-adviser to which universal human concepts can be applied, such as “honor, conscience” or the like (without the Civil War, and even there in the afternoon with fire). All of the anti-Soviet is obtained, then red, then Vlasov, then rezuny, then bleached with Bandera. How can you not think about it, maybe the whole thing is in ideology? request

                    And I don’t understand at all, dear Alexander, why pay attention to those anti-advisers, yes, of course, you need to cite figures and facts to make it clear. But somehow no one mentioned that historical processes do not happen instantly. There was an article about the Reformation But did Luther know that his thesis was the beginning of a bourgeois revolution? And when did this bourgeois revolution finally end? Already more than 250 years later! Step by step! At the same time, many events took place in different parts of the world, a lot of people died before capitalism finally defeated feudalism. Also, the complete victory of socialism will take place in stages.
                    The continuation of the above verse is now completed.
                    How great everything was done:
                    Space, construction, Earth resources!
                    Defeated the Nazis of the damned
                    But the top robbed everyone.
                    Slowly, like poison by drop,
                    Penetrated the infection in the country,
                    And the Soviet people were oppressed,
                    To forget the victory in the war.
                    And the factories in the Country were collapsing,
                    Industry went into scrap metal,
                    We said goodbye to aviation
                    And now we are flying on a stranger.
                    The bourgeois law dictates to us,
                    And in power again "bad guys"
                    Ready to give for cookies
                    Get your profits.
                    I know: repeating lightning!
                    I know: there will still be a thunderstorm!
                    Revolution young faces
                    They'll look into the eyes of the world again !!!
                    1. +9
                      7 November 2017 14: 16
                      Wow, Dmitry, poetry from the heart! Thank! And as for the phasing, you are absolutely right, you just have to give a rebuff, otherwise we will forget who we will betray our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who saved us first from their bloodsuckers, and then from other people's killers. I recall a "comic song" by Elizarov about orcs))). It is sad if that happens.
                      1. +6
                        7 November 2017 15: 30
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Z, we must give a rebuff, otherwise we will forget who we are and will betray by this our grandfathers and great-grandfathers who saved us first from their bloodsuckers, and then from other people's killers. .
                        Yes of course. So that the substitution of concepts does not occur. Victory, Space, industry, education, science, nuclear weapons, Socialist countries, all this and much more — only thanks to the USSR, socialism.
                    2. +1
                      7 November 2017 18: 05
                      Poured A.S. Pushkin! Well, just spilled!
                      1. +3
                        8 November 2017 04: 06
                        Poured A.S. Pushkin! Well, just spilled!

                        Poured Vladimir Nabokov, well, just poured, Ph.D. in 63 of the year, V.O. Shpakovsky.
                        “Sarcasticity is prickly ridicule on the verge of sarcasm, by means of which it is as if by chance, unintentionally touching one’s or someone’s“ sore spot ”, a person ridiculed by others is embarrassed. “Friends, enemies, and indeed everyone in a row, are vilified by a stinging and envious person”- wrote Pierre Bouast. Tartness has no brakes, no moral boundaries. All its destructive potential purposefully searches for the “Achilles heel” of the victim, then to ruthlessly hit the pain point of a person. "
                    3. +3
                      9 November 2017 08: 32
                      I agree. Serfs of the oligarchy of the Russian Federation and accomplices of the owners of the Fed: edolubyubov, bulkohrusty, neovlasovtsy and adherents of the KhPP believe that since the USSR is gone, they won. But no. The Great October Socialist Revolution is the first nail in the coffin of their defective world.
                  2. +7
                    7 November 2017 15: 37
                    Quote: avva2012
                    I can’t find in history at least one anti-adviser

                    Maybe not looking there? History knows a lot of people who did not accept the revolution, but remained people. At the same time, many anti-imperialists who sided with the USSR are also traitors, and for you, heroes.
                    1. +6
                      7 November 2017 16: 04
                      So, I write that I did not find. It's not a matter of accepting, not accepting. Anti-Sovietism is an active negative attitude towards the Soviet project. Ideological rejection. Here among them are found, either Shkuro, then Bukovsky. ps I understand that for you, they are not heroes, right? Cambridge four for you, who?
                      1. +1
                        7 November 2017 19: 48
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Here among them are found, either Shkuro, then Bukovsky. ps I understand that for you, they are not heroes, right? Cambridge four for you, who?

                        No, they are not, Shkuro was an SS-man, and by this he crossed out all his merits to Russia. As for the Cambridge Four, I’m not an Englishman to consider them traitors, especially since they spied on the British, well done!
            2. +1
              7 November 2017 11: 03
              Baddens, you did not learn one important detail, signed and accepted in December 17 in advance developed and calculated plans. I can’t give the source, but the process was launched after the February revolution. just could not decide on the moment of the beginning. alas, I do not store links
            3. +3
              7 November 2017 11: 40
              Quote: badens1111
              "The Entente Plan" was adopted at a meeting in Paris on December 23, 1917 and made public by US President Woodrow Wilson on the eve of 1918.

              And for some reason, all the dates fall at a time when Russia as a state no longer existed, I do not say as a full-fledged ally, having signed a separate peace with Germany. A link LJ well, just the best, this is such a reinforced concrete source
              1. +6
                7 November 2017 14: 37
                Quote: verner1967
                all the dates for some reason fall at a time when Russia as a state no longer existed

                Googel to help, you will find not from LJ about Woodrow Wilson's conspiracy. And dates and methods, well, pray on your whites that they made a bloody nightmare of the country until they are kicked out of the country.
                1. +2
                  7 November 2017 15: 39
                  Quote: badens1111
                  bloody nightmare

                  red nightmare maybe? )))
                  1. +5
                    7 November 2017 17: 48
                    Quote: verner1967
                    red nightmare maybe?

                    No, it’s the White Terror and the ANATHANA intervention.
                    1. +2
                      7 November 2017 19: 50
                      Quote: badens1111
                      No, it’s the White Terror and the ANATHANA intervention.

                      White terror was a response to red, and the intervention was carried out against sovereign states, which Soviet Russia at that time was not, and therefore there was no intervention.
                      1. +4
                        8 November 2017 01: 41
                        In my opinion, you completely lie, it seems to you that the Bolsheviks were the first to declare the Red Terror, killed Podbelsky, Uritsky and thousands more ordinary people, then wounded Lenin, and only after that the White Terror was declared.
                        And there was definitely no intervention, neither in the North, nor in the West, nor in the South, nor in the East, did they rob Russia, did not steal the fleet, did not export oil, etc. and they didn’t kill supporters of the Soviet regime at all.
                      2. +2
                        8 November 2017 09: 44
                        Quote: verner1967
                        hence there was no intervention.

                        Sit down, DVA. Your knowledge and interpretation of History is sad, disgustingly bad. Why so, out of ignorance or ..?.
            4. +10
              7 November 2017 12: 55
              The Entente Plan was adopted at a meeting in Paris on December 23, 1917 - they are also exclusively out of philanthropy ... now this is called the spread of democracy and the protection of rights and freedoms ...
    2. dSK
      7 November 2017 14: 13
      Kerensky began, Bronstein (Trotsky), Ulyanov-Blank (Lenin), Apfelbaum-Radomyslsky (Zinoviev), Lurie (Larin), Krylenko, Mandelshtam (Lunacharsky), Uritsky, Goldstein (Volodarsky), Rosenfeld (Kamenevich), Smi Solomon Movshevich (Sverdlov), Nakhamkes (Steklov) ... continued. Former seminarist Stalin (preparing to become a priest), he broke everything, clearing for 70 years Russia from the freemasons. Atheists from the cradle, the last Secretary General Gorbachev, and repainted Yeltsin launched the process of destruction of the Stalinist inheritance. But God willing, the country will be restored to the borders of tsarist Russia (including Poland and Finland), if we strengthen the Orthodox faith. "I am with you and no one at you."
      1. dSK
        7 November 2017 14: 53
        Quote: Eurodav 6.11.2017, 19:23
        "...Many Leninist cadres went through the anti-Russian Masonic training at the beginning of the century: G.I. Bokiy, G.I. Petrovsky, N.I. Bukharin, Lenin himself, G.E. Zinoviev, L.B. Kamenev, Ya.M. Sverdlov, Kh.G. Rakovsky, M.M. Litvinov, K. Radek, A.V. Lunacharsky and many others. in particular, the Yugoslav historian Z. Nenevich reports on the fact of a visit to the Italian Masonic lodge in Rome by a prominent Soviet military commander, deputy people's commissar of defense M.N. Tukhachevsky. But, thanks to Stalin, from the second half of the 20 years, Masons are struck by a real plague. So during 1926-1928, Krasin, Skvortsov-Stepanov, Sokolov, Kozlovsky die, in 1929 von Meck and Manuilov were shot, and in 1933-1934 - Sereda and Lunacharsky ... https: //
  6. +11
    7 November 2017 08: 14
    National Disaster Day
    1. +16
      7 November 2017 09: 43
      Sorrows and be reconciled. Quietly, silently, and aside.
      All the rest - with a Great Holiday! Happy October Socialist Revolution! We hope that during our lifetime the USSR 2.0 will be built.
      1. +5
        7 November 2017 13: 26
        Quote: Servla
        We hope that during our lifetime the USSR 2.0 will be built.

        USSR 2.0, say? What do you want the repetition of mothers with babies to undeveloped places where children will die in large numbers? Execution plans? Hunting for “Trotskyists”, “saboteurs” and other triumphs of lawlessness?
        1. +4
          9 November 2017 08: 36
          No, we want people like you (Bulk-crunches and neovlasovtsy) and the oligarchy of the Russian Federation to get what they deserve for everything that they have done to the country and people.
    2. +12
      7 November 2017 09: 59
      Quote: A.W.S.
      National Disaster Day

      For thieves? For bloodsuckers? For traitors?
      Yes, for you for sure, disaster, for the country, briefly about your myths
      1. +4
        7 November 2017 10: 10
        For thieves? For bloodsuckers? For traitors?

        What do you! For these comrades, this is the day of TRIUMPH! If it were not for the BOR (the great October revolution), then neither Putin, nor Medvedev, nor the dogs with the Chubais, nor the other hereditary purebred proletarians in the third or fourth generation (like the grandson of the red marshal Budenny Kolenok Choles) would never have been where they arrived now.
        1. +13
          7 November 2017 10: 14
          Quote: Dzmicer
          where are they arriving today.

          What crazy thoughts you have ..
          Why are you suddenly disowning your chubais of kokhs, avens and others, along with kolchach, wrangels and red ones?
          The people in those years gave you an assessment, throwing you out of the country, do you want a repeat? But you want to ... how much and so much lies.

          It seems that the Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in which three generally recognized Judas divided historical Russia in 1991, clearly plays a mystical role for us. It was there that almost a century before, in August 1897, another Judah (and he was the Minister of Finance of the Empire, and part-time zealous agent-henchman of the Western banking houses of Witte) slipped the signature on the emperor, who was hunting, the Name Decree on the introduction of the gold currency ruble, and he waved him. He waved without considering it at the State Council - contrary to his previous Decree on the indispensable consideration and discussion of this extremely problematic, as it turned out later - devastating innovation ... Just in these years, the international usurious mafia turned the world-wide scam into drawing in the “golden bondage” all the leading powers of Europe and America, and Russia here was only part of their savage conspiracy.
          From that moment, Nicholas II completely condemned the country to an unprincipled financial bondage among Western bankers, completely dependent on their loans, in addition, immediately increasing the state debt by one and a half times by demonetization, withdrawal of silver from money turnover (although the Empire used to “borrow” on loans). .. A country that has lost financial independence cannot be considered sovereign in all its other areas of activity; and without taking into account these very aggravating circumstances, one cannot correctly judge all the subsequent events. http: // view = articles
          & articles_id = 2764
          Is there any argument against what has been said?
          1. +6
            7 November 2017 10: 21
            Why are you suddenly disowning your chubais of kokhs, avens and others, along with kolchach, wrangels and red ones?

            Because they are not mine. They are YOURS. Flesh from the flesh, blood from the blood of the Soviet nomenclature elite.
            It seems that Belovezhskaya Pushcha, in which three generally recognized Judas in 1991 dismembered historical Russia

            Ulyanov divided historical Russia into pieces, creating unprecedented states of the Ukrainian SSR and BSSR from nothing to a village, 1991 - this is the end of the process begun by the Bolsheviks when the local branches of the CPSU dragged Russia to their feudal possessions.
            From this moment, Nicholas II finally doomed the country to a safe financial bondage from Western bankers, completely dependent on their loans

            The national debt of a great power is not a problem of a great power. This is the problem of her creditors.
            1. +8
              7 November 2017 11: 04
              Quote: Dzmicer
              Because they are not mine. They are YOURS.

              You prove with your comments only one thing, every liberal, easily betrays even his own, if there is a profit.
              Quote: Dzmicer
              Ulyanov divided historical Russia into pieces, creating unprecedented states of the Ukrainian SSR and BSSR from nothing to a village, 1991 - this is the end of the process begun by the Bolsheviks when the local branches of the CPSU dragged Russia to their feudal possessions

              In these calculations of yours, mind and understanding, there are exactly as many as ZERO in mathematics.
              Quote: Dzmicer
              The national debt of a great power is not a problem of a great power. This is the problem of her creditors.

              Tell this to the United States when its dollar hegemony collapses.
              1. +2
                7 November 2017 11: 11
                You prove with your comments only one thing, every liberal, easily betrays even his own, if there is a profit.

                How did you get the idea that I am a liberal? I, as befits a decent person, a fascist. laughing
                In these calculations of yours, mind and understanding, there are exactly as many as ZERO in mathematics.

                This is not a “mind set." These are the facts.
                Tell this to the United States when its dollar hegemony collapses.

                By all means.
                How much I live - every year I hear that dollar hegemony is doomed, the dollar will collapse, the United States will collapse, etc. etc.
                1. +4
                  7 November 2017 17: 50
                  Quote: Dzmicer
                  I, as befits a decent person, a fascist

                  An ideology, like yours, is criminally condemned at the NURBERG process, any carrier of such an ideology is a criminal.
                  The connection between liberals and Nazis, fascists is direct, this is an extreme degree of development of liberalism.
                  Quote: Dzmicer
                  How much I live - every year I hear that dollar hegemony is doomed, the dollar will collapse, the United States will collapse, etc. etc.

                  Are you hoping for a roll of toad skins?
                  1. +1
                    7 November 2017 18: 21
                    An ideology like yours is criminally condemned at the NURNBERG process, any carrier of

                    That's what Franco and Salazar hanged. Oh no. Do not hang. Just in 2017 there are people who do not distinguish between fascism and Nazism.
                    Are you hoping for a roll of toad skins?

                    No, it's just very funny to hear the same thing year after year about the imminent collapse of the dollar.
                    1. +1
                      8 November 2017 09: 50
                      Quote: Dzmicer
                      not distinguishing fascism from Nazism.

                      That is, you?

                      Fascism is an open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, most imperialist elements of financial capital ... Fascism is not superclass power and not the power of the petty bourgeoisie or the lumpen proletariat over financial capital. Fascism is the power of finance capital itself. This is an organization of terrorist reprisals against the working class and the revolutionary part of the peasantry and intelligentsia. Fascism in foreign policy is chauvinism in its most rude form, cultivating zoological hatred against other peoples.
                      You need to know the classics of definitions.
                      1. +2
                        8 November 2017 09: 59
                        So solidarity and corporatism in your opinion, in the Soviet way, is also fascism. laughing
                        It is these ideological trends that I adhere to, generally despising both Mussolini's Italian fascism and Hitler’s totalitarian dictatorship of the National Socialists.
                        But for you, after all, everything to the right of the Mensheviks is fascism, isn't it?
            2. +2
              9 November 2017 08: 45
              Quote: Dzmicer

              Because they are not mine. They are YOURS. Flesh from the flesh, blood from the blood of the Soviet nomenclature elite.
              Ulyanov divided historical Russia into pieces, creating unprecedented states of the Ukrainian SSR and BSSR from nothing to a village, 1991 - this is the end of the process begun by the Bolsheviks when the local branches of the CPSU dragged Russia to their feudal possessions.
              The national debt of a great power is not a problem of a great power. This is the problem of her creditors.

              They are neovlasovtsy - members of the CPSU serving the owners of the Fed.
              And why didn’t they drag along under Stalin, or at least under Brezhnev? But only when labeled.
              Yeah, in WWI this great power paid the blood of its soldiers, and when it collapsed, the creditors appeared in all their glory.
    3. +12
      7 November 2017 10: 03
      of course sorrows. After all, the Bolsheviks saved the statehood of Russia, you should be reminded of the occupation of territories: the United States-the north and the Far East, Japan-the Far East, the Anglo-Franco-Black Sea. Everything was divided under Kerensky. you have warred the Germans, brought the Entente to our land. and the Bolsheviks kicked them out of here with your ardent opposition! for 70 years a country will be created with which the whole world will be reckoned - the USSR
    4. +10
      7 November 2017 11: 59
      Quote: A.W.S.
      National Disaster Day

      Then they gave Julia a hand tightly, but to see a little, they climbed out again ...
      All a happy holiday and let the damned bourgeois remember that our armored train is already in pairs.

    5. MrK
      7 November 2017 12: 00
      Quote: A.W.S.
      National Disaster Day

      Day of sorrow for thieves and bandits
      1. +10
        7 November 2017 14: 17
        Quote: mrark
        Day of sorrow for thieves and bandits

        Quote: Boris55
        Then they gave Julia a hand tightly, but to see a little, they climbed out again ...
        All a happy holiday and let the damned bourgeois remember that our armored train is already in pairs.

        Comrades, it’ll be ours anyway !!!
  7. +11
    7 November 2017 08: 19
    Happy holiday! Happy Great October Socialist Revolution!
  8. +18
    7 November 2017 08: 27
    Speaking of civil. The civil war ended about six months after November 1917. Then came undisguised intervention. The French, Germans, Americans, supported the former tsarist generals. Kolchak, a citizen of the English crown on Japanese bayonets, killed, robbed, burned. Czechoslovak Corps.
    But with the holiday.
    1. +6
      7 November 2017 09: 05
      Can you tell me which British, French, American and Japanese divisions were defeated by the Red Army?
      Maintaining is one thing, invading is another. The presence of foreign units was very local and limited and was limited to the protection of strategic facilities - ports, warehouses, etc. But the fighting was carried out between Russian units that had different colors - white and red.
      And the support of the white army was so ... peculiar to say the least, that the Red Army men had more English uniforms than the white units))))
      1. +9
        7 November 2017 10: 16
        Quote: Trapper7
        Can you tell me which British, French, American and Japanese divisions were defeated by the Red Army?

        Study. In late January, American units were defeated on the Northern Front, who wanted to unite with Kolchak. The danger of a breakthrough deep into the country also passed on the Southern Front, where units of the 10th Army launched a counterattack in January 1919. In February 1919, a significant part of Ukraine was also liberated. April 3, 1919 began a stampede of intervention troops from Odessa.
        1. +3
          7 November 2017 11: 18
          Quote: badens1111
          In late January, American units were defeated on the Northern Front, who wanted to unite with Kolchak.

          Did they know about this? Well, what did they have to unite with Kolchak? Do you imagine distances for such a union? If one of the parties overcome this distance, then there was no one to unite against
          1. +5
            7 November 2017 17: 52
            Quote: verner1967
            Did they know about this?

            I don’t know much why you don’t know. Lack of education or any other reason?
            1. +2
              7 November 2017 19: 51
              Quote: badens1111
              I don't care much why youYou don’t know.

              Quote: badens1111
              А they knew about this?
              you read well or you have
              Quote: badens1111
              Lack of education or some other reason
              1. +2
                8 November 2017 09: 55
                That is, you recognized that you have-
                [quote = verner1967] Lack of education [/ quote] [/ quote]
    2. +8
      7 November 2017 10: 10
      "... our Civil War was inextricably linked with the war for the independence of Russia - the war against the intervention of the West." (S. Kara-Murza. Civil war in Russia.) And here one just cannot help but see that the white movement objectively and directly worked to achieve the main centuries-old goal of the West - to dismember Russia first into occupation zones, and then, of course, into limotrophs, “CIS countries,” where, as they say, no current Erefiy would smell. It is naive to think that the officially (and secretly) serving in the service of the British crown Kolchak, with the clearest eye intentionally proclaimed the “Supreme Ruler of Russia”, the famous Germanophile Ataman Krasnov, Denikin, the ward of the French Wrangel would have opposed the will of the owners. We now see how they can manage the “wards” who have become addicted to them, and even in the same Ukraine; and with Russia as a single country it would then be done away with. "
      Full text here
      cles_id = 2764
      1. +7
        7 November 2017 10: 26
        And here it’s simply impossible not to see that the white movement objectively and directly worked to achieve the main centuries-old goal of the West - to divide Russia first into occupation zones, and then, of course, into limitrophies, “CIS countries”, where there would be no current Erefia like spoken, and did not smell.

        Yeah, that's just the "union" "republics" with the right to exit the union (which was used in 1991) Russia was cut by cow-brewers. This is not a bug. This is an institutional design. 1991 was planned in 1922.
        White fought for RUSSIA, GREAT, ONE AND INDIVIDUAL. In order not to write direct agents of the West or their useful idiots - cow parsnip.
        1. +5
          7 November 2017 10: 47
          or their useful idiots - cow parsnip.

          Do you mean them?
          1. +7
            7 November 2017 10: 56
            In this particular case, it is difficult to separate direct spies from foolish performers.
            One thing is clear, Russia paid with blood (the great terror) as for industrialization (30 thousand American engineers worked in the USSR in the 30s, I would also put the condition in the place of the Americans: if you want industrialization, liquidate your engineers so as not to create competition in the future and always be in the position of a chasing one), and for Lend-Lease - the Russian guys were dying for the interests of the Anglo-Saxons in their imperialist war.
            1. +7
              7 November 2017 11: 09
              I would also put the condition in the place of the Americans: if you want industrialization - eliminate your engineers

              Well, that’s you. Judge by style, "and the living will envy the dead" smile
              ps How many, interestingly, engineers graduated in RI, do not tell me? How many managed to leave in the Civil War and how many died? Was it possible to train so many engineers in the USSR since 1922? Questions, questions, "doubts about the darkness" wassat
              1. +6
                7 November 2017 11: 23
                ps How many, interestingly, engineers graduated in RI

                Russia had the largest number of students in higher education in Europe - 180 thousand people (for comparison, in Germany - 80 thousand) And this is not counting those who received education abroad.
                pire /
                1. +8
                  7 November 2017 11: 40
                  And they all killed on a tip from American engineers ??? belay Yes, I heard about the kissel banks in RI. There were a lot of literate people. Highly. I will not argue, the results of the WWI showed. And the presence of aircraft engines, and ball bearings, and much, much more. There were so many educated that, having come to power, the Bolsheviks, almost in the first place, took care of education and healthcare. Comparison with the Germans, this is, in general, five points! That is, before the revolution, we were ahead of the Germans in technology!
                  1. +3
                    7 November 2017 11: 54
                    There were so many educated that, having come to power, the Bolsheviks, almost in the first place, took care of education and healthcare.

                    The fact that this education was due to the unfortunate and already robbed Russian peasant (cultural tax), you, as befits a political instructor, are silent. laughing
                    1. +8
                      7 November 2017 12: 09
                      Who, finally robbed him, then? Cultural tax (what kind of beast, what is the percentage, the document to the studio) or purchase payments and, in general, the wonderful economic policy of the Republic of Ingushetia? ps: Why, "political instructor", it's better right away, "w and d" wink laughing, genossa.
                      1. +3
                        7 November 2017 12: 14
                        Who, finally robbed him, then?

                        Here are redemption payments, right? For decades, the Russian peasant brought them.
                        And then the Hommunids came and took this plundered land, the dissatisfied - whom they killed, whom they exiled. As a result, again the famine of 1932-1933. 7 million lives. Plus terrible mortality among those exiled to the solar resorts of Kazakhstan and Siberia. With wives and children. To the cold steppe. In the winter.
                        Collectivization! Industrialization! Dizzy with success! Life has become better, life has become happier!
                2. MrK
                  7 November 2017 12: 07
                  Quote: Dzmicer
                  Russia had the largest number of students in higher education in Europe

                  And a stupid link.
                  In Russian universities in 1913, 119 423 people studied, in the USA - 258 000 (twice as much as in Russia). There were several dozens of universities at the university level in the USA, in England - 18 universities, in Germany - 22, in France - 18, in Russia - 5 universities (excluding Finland and Poland). 1 University in Russia had about 20 million inhabitants, in England - 2,5 million, in France - 2,8 million, in Germany - 3 million. In Russia, there were 1000 teachers on 1,7 people, in the USA - 5,45 teachers - more than 3 more than once.
                  And although in the 1912-1914 years, the circular “0 Cooking Children” was practically no longer valid, but, nevertheless, of the 119 000 people who studied at the gymnasiums, natives of peasant families made up 16 000 people (14,12%).
                  In all the educational institutions of the Ministry of Education (including professional, commercial, etc.), peasants made up about 13% of students. And this is in a country where 85% of the population was peasant !!! In the cadet corps, military schools, natives of peasant families were generally not allowed. A. Kurlandchik on Proza.Ru. "Damned" Soviet power ...
                  1. The comment was deleted.
          2. GIN
            7 November 2017 14: 02
            so there are kosherniks and cow parsnip
        2. +11
          7 November 2017 11: 08
          Quote: Dzmicer
          White fought for RUSSIA, GREAT, ONE AND INDIVIDUAL.

          Yes exactly?
          This kolchak, traitor and English citizen, fought for Russia? Or did Krasnov, a Germanophile with dreams of an independent Don, take care of Russia? Semenov sold with giblets to the Japanese, take care of Russia?
          Do not ... you still go to school ... though I find it difficult to determine which.
          Once again I repeat - it is possible today to understand white officers, their motives and actions. But the fact remains - the people as a result did not follow them.
          For the most part, the people did not understand why the urgent problems of the state should not be solved now, but postponed until later, at the discretion of some obscure Constituent Assembly? And what is “restoration of the rule of law”? That is, again it is necessary to transfer power to the tsarist corrupt officials who brought the country to revolution, to return the land to the landlords and fists, and to return the bourgeois-bloodsuckers to the factories? None of the recognized leaders of the white movement - neither General Denikin, nor Admiral Kolchak, nor Baron Wrangel - were able to give a clear and convincing answer to any of these questions that worried the Russian public of that era.
          Therefore, the masses of whites did not support. Yes, white themselves felt it. Hence, their main stake in the civil war is not to rely on the Russian people and on their patriotic anti-Bolshevik consciousness, but on the support of the Western allies in the Entente.
          One of the organizers of the military intervention in Russia, the British ambassador Bruce Lockhart, quite cynically admitted in his memoirs:

          “With our policy, we helped to increase terror and increase bloodshed ... Alekseev, Denikin, Kornilov, Wrangel tried their best to throw the Bolsheviks away. But for this purpose, without support from abroad, they were too weak, because in their own country they found support only in the officers, which in itself was already very weak ... My intelligence assistant Hicks served as an intermediary between me and enemies of the Bolsheviks. They were represented in Moscow by the so-called center, which had a left and right wing, and in addition, the Russian Salvation League led by Savinkov ... Both counter-revolutionary bodies were unanimous in only one respect - both wanted to receive help from the allies with money and weapons. ”

          Paradoxically, the loud and seemingly patriotic slogans of the whites about the "single and indivisible" actually began to serve ... the interests of foreign states ?!

          ya-prodavala-rossiyu /
          1. +5
            7 November 2017 11: 29
            Once again I repeat - it is possible today to understand white officers, their motives and actions. But the fact remains - the people as a result did not follow them.

            The people generally did not follow anyone. Some 3% of the population took part in the civil war, and therefore the international help of the Rusorez-Latvians and Chinese was very useful to the borschoviks.
            In general, the February revolution - this had to be thought out. Just something with something.
            Now Kadyrov’s rides on Panamera with KRA numbers at an oncoming 200 km / h, and shoots passers-by from a machine gun. People prefer not to mess, shrug, skip, "well him."
            But if tomorrow on TV they officially announce that Kadyrov is a jerk, sodomy, bloody, rag - the Chechens will slowly begin to beat.

            February 1917 - this is when the Kadyrovites caught Kadyrov himself, put him on a bottle, made him shout, “I’m a husband and donkey ud,” they filmed it all, posted it on his Instagram, after which he sat down in the wheelbarrows with the same KRA’s rooms and left for “SHOW” .
            What a complete cretin must be in order to think of such a thing - I do not understand. But in general, October after this is not that it is not surprising, but perhaps that it is deeply logical and even deserved.

            The people did not really understand how the pink februaryists, who by their stupidity overthrew the legitimate ruler of Russia, differ from the red Octobrists who seized power.
            Learned a little later.
            1. +2
              8 November 2017 02: 14
              Quote: Dzmicer
              The people generally did not follow anyone. Some 3% of the population took part in the civil war,

              What nonsense are you writing? If the people did not follow anyone, then there would be no victory for the Soviet power. The people followed the Bolsheviks, some fought in the Red Army, another part built the Soviet state.
              1. 0
                8 November 2017 08: 46
                Yes, the Latvian people, Chinese, Polish, Armenian, Georgian, Jewish and the worst, most degenerate part of the Russian people. Such is the international people.
                1. +3
                  8 November 2017 09: 01
                  About yet in the regiment of the descendants of the princes arrived ... ROA badge came up to you ...
                  1. +1
                    8 November 2017 09: 09
                    O still in the regiment of the descendants of the princes arrived

                    The peasant and the prince shared the same fate - they were equally robbed and exterminated by members of the totalitarian sect of the witnesses of communism. Because they were Russian.
                    1. +2
                      8 November 2017 15: 21
                      Ek of you ... would you at least ask how many of these "sectarians" were ... so how did the princes behave so did the peasants with them and did ...
                      1. +1
                        8 November 2017 15: 26
                        What do you think, if you can shoot the Grand Duke like a dog and bury it in an anonymous grave without a burial due to an Orthodox Christian, then what can be done with a simple peasant?
                        “Princes” for the most part were able to protect themselves abroad (1,5 million of the best sons and daughters of Russia migrated). But the men were left face to face with terrorists and mass murderers.
                        And when they rebelled against the power of "workers and peasants" in 1930 - there was no one to tell them.
                    2. +1
                      8 November 2017 15: 58
                      Quote: Dzmicer
                      What do you think, if you can shoot the Grand Duke like a dog and bury in an unmarked grave without the burial due to an Orthodox Christian

                      If you behaved like a dog then why not?
                      Quote: Dzmicer
                      And when they rebelled against the power of "workers and peasants" in 1930 - there was no one to tell them.

                      And in 1930 there was to whom? So what did not bring?
          2. +5
            7 November 2017 13: 03
            Quote: badens1111
            This kolchak, traitor and English citizen, fought for Russia?

            Lying. The fact that this is a myth has long been proved by the doctor of historical sciences Vladimir Handorin:
            The third myth: allegedly Kolchak was “recruited” by the British before the revolution and later acted as their agent, including as if the British had brought him to power. The truth in this unscientific fiction is only one detail: after October and the Lenin government concluded a separate armistice with Germany, Kolchak (who was then on a business trip abroad), who did not recognize this government and was alien to defeatist sentiment, filed a petition for acceptance into British service in order to continue the war with Germany, which he continued to consider an enemy of Russia. At first, his request was approved in absentia and offered to go to the Mesopotamian front, but already on the way changed his mind: his services were no longer needed, and he was offered to return to Russia, at the insistent requests of the Russian whites, who considered him necessary to participate in the then-civil war. On this, all his “service” to the British ends, without starting, no “oath to the British crown,” about which the ignorant communists falsely speak, he didn’t even have time to accept, all his communication with the English from the moment the petition was submitted to his rejection went in absentia, when he was en route from San Francisco to Singapore.

            Quote: badens1111
            oh is, again it is necessary to transfer power to the tsarist corrupt officials who brought the country to revolution, return the land to the landlords and fists, and return the bourgeois bloodsuckers to the factories?

            But for some reason, under the “tsarist corruptionists”, the country had economic growth of 7% per year, and the country fought on 3 fronts without much tension, and in the cities there was nothing even remotely resembling the German "turnip soup" of 1916.
            Quote: badens1111
            But the fact remains - the people as a result did not follow them.

            Sorry, but this phrase describes exactly the position of the Reds. The percentage of foreign citizens who fought in the red army was very high:
            krasnaya-gvardiya-na-zashhite-oktyabrya50.html? sh
            owall = & start = 6
            That is, the Red Guard was originally formed mainly from foreigners. And in the future they played a significant role:
            In April 1918, all foreigners who were in Russia were given the right to accept Soviet citizenship, the formation of inter-units of the Red Army began. By the summer of 1918, international detachments, companies, battalions, and regiments were formed in approximately 90 cities of Russia. Under the gun were the Chinese, the Hungarians. Germans, Koreans, Poles, etc. Many Europeans came from Europe and America to support the Bolsheviks. The striking force of the Red Army was the Latvian arrows. In total, about 300 thousand volunteers - internationalists participated in the civil war on the side of the Reds. In letters to the Lunacharsky writer V.G. Korolenko complained that these people were used as the main performers in punitive actions against the civilian population. "
            (Associate Professor S. Rybakov. Lecture Course. Part I1. Edited by Academician Lichman B.V. Ural State Technical University, Ekaterinburg, 1995)
            1. +9
              7 November 2017 13: 29
              Latvians-foreigners :)) but nothing that Latvia, like Poland, have just been part of the Russian Empire? literally that "the other day" ... but the white movement is artificially Russian: both Anglo-French and Japanese and Americans. yours on the board! write more, lieutenant!
              1. +3
                7 November 2017 14: 06
                At that time, the Baltic States was de facto a separate region from Russia, if you forgot. And for the RSFSR, yes, Latvians were foreigners. Like the Chinese, and the Hungarians, and other international trash. For your information, the British, French and Americans, unlike the internatsists, did not join the White Army and did not fight along with them. It was there to sit behind the backs of the whites — but they did not constitute separate regiments in the white armies. And Latvians with the Chinese just made up separate parts of the Red Army.
                1. +3
                  7 November 2017 17: 02
                  de jure? whatever you like, you want to call white black, but you want the other way around. how profitable.
                  1. +2
                    7 November 2017 19: 03
                    And de jure too. December 22, 1918 SNK of the RSFSR recognized the independence of Soviet Latvia. So for the Soviets, Latvians were already foreigners.
                    1. +3
                      8 November 2017 02: 22
                      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                      And de jure too. December 22, 1918 SNK of the RSFSR recognized the independence of Soviet Latvia. So for the Soviets, Latvians were already foreigners.

                      The civil war was not national, but class. With the help of the bourgeoisie of the whole world, the white movement of Russia tried to strangle the world's first workers' state, which was defended not only by workers of Russia, but also by internationalists from other countries.
            2. +2
              8 November 2017 10: 08
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Lying. The fact that this is a myth has long been proved by the doctor of historical sciences Vladimir Handorin:

              This liar doctor what to look for
              This is this specimen of lies, referring. In 2017 in Moscow a new book was published by Professor of the Orthodox St. Tikhon University, Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Gennadievich Khandorin, “The National Idea and Admiral Kolchak”.
              Kolchak’s "National Idea ... yeah, the whole Siberia of dogs calls Kolchak, that's why the people characterize the essence of his ideas.

              Evgeny Spitsyn. “Alexander Kolchak: a hero or a punisher?” Https://

              On November 5 (28), 1917, the Supreme Council of the Entente adopted a formal decision on intervention in Russia. Secondly, already on December 10 (23), 1917, the leaders of the Entente's European core - England and France - signed a convention on the division of Russia into spheres of influence! And almost a year later, when the German Empire (and the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was sent to the landfill of History in November 1918, and Kolchak was thrown back to Russia, the Anglo-French allies confirmed the same convention on November 13, 1918, under the auspices of the United States , expressed in a purely legal language, prolonged its effect. And knowing all this and already being a double Anglo-American agent, Kolchak, precisely after the confirmation of this convention under the patronage of the same states, agreed to become allegedly the Supreme Ruler. Therefore, I say that this was also a traitor, officially serving in the service of the enemy! If he simply collaborated (for example, in the framework of military-technical supplies) with the former allies in the Entente, as many White Guard generals did, this would be one. Even in spite of the fact that they also took upon themselves not too blissful obligations affecting the honor and dignity of Russia. However, they at least de facto acted as something independent, without formally transferring to the service of a foreign state. But Kolchak officially went to the service of Great Britain.

              And the very admiral Kolchak, who was shot like a mad dog by the Bolsheviks, was not just the self-proclaimed Supreme Ruler of Russia, Admiral Kolchak, whom the Bolsheviks fought against, but the official representative of the English king and his government, who was officially in their service, who was trying to dominate all of Russia! The British general Knox, who oversaw Kolchak in Siberia, at one time openly admitted that the British were directly responsible for creating the Kolchak government! All this is now well known, including from foreign sources. Https://
              KOLCHAK A.V. not subject to rehabilitation, based on the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the rehabilitation of victims of political repression” of October 18, 1991 (as amended thereafter).

              In accordance with Art. 4 of the aforementioned Law shall not be subject to rehabilitation of persons who have been reasonably punished by a decision of extrajudicial bodies if there is sufficient evidence in their cases on charges of crimes related to the commission of violent acts against civilians and other criminal acts.

              As seen from the case materials, they contain evidence that Kolchak A.V. was involved in 1918-1920 in military operations in Siberia against Soviet Russia, during which massacres against the local population were carried out with his knowledge by the created punitive bodies. , the Red Army and the troops sympathizing with them.
              Therefore, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (despite the great merits of A.V. Kolchak before Russia until 1917) did not find sufficient grounds to raise the issue for the cancellation of the court decision in the case, about which the applicant - ataman <...> - notified. <...>

              Judge of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation V.V. Khomchik.
        3. +4
          7 November 2017 19: 36
          Quote: Dzmicer
          White fought for RUSSIA, GREAT, ONE AND INDIVIDUAL.

          Yeah ... General Krasnov did it especially well.
          To ask to recognize Your Imperial Majesty the borders of the Great Don Army in its previous geographical and ethnographic sizes, to help resolve the dispute between Ukraine and the Don Army over Taganrog and its district in favor of the Don Army, which has owned the Taganrog District for more than five hundred years and for which the Taganrog District is part of Tmutarakan, from which the Don Army became.
          To ask Your Majesty to facilitate joining the Army for strategic reasons in the cities of Kamyshin and Tsaritsyn of the Saratov province and the city of Voronezh and the station Liski and Povorino and draw the border of the Don Army, as indicated on the map available in the Winter Village.
          The Great Don Army undertakes for the service of Your Imperial Majesty to maintain complete neutrality during the world struggle of the peoples and to prevent the armed forces hostile to the German people from entering its territory, to which Ataman of the Astrakhan Army, pr. Tundutov and the Kuban government, and upon accession, the rest of the Don Caucus Union.

          Lovely picture, isn't it? The white general forms a cozy, independent state from the lands of a single and indivisible Empire. Along the way, he enters into negotiations with Emperor Wilhelm - the head of the German Empire. The very empire with which the White Movement, which did not recognize the Abominable World, is formally still fighting. In violation of allied obligations, he declares the neutrality of his separatist state. Moreover, further in the letter, he promises to supply products and raw materials to Germany - which runs counter to the policy of the blockade of Germany declared by the Entente. Oh yes, he still asks the Germans for help in resolving territorial issues - he wants to slaughter even the zemstvos of the Empire, relying on German bayonets.
        4. +2
          9 November 2017 08: 53
          You have not even seen what the structure of the Leninist USSR is. And this is a brilliant weapon of EXPANSION. Stalin at first defended the idea of ​​autonomy, but did not change the structure during his leadership of the USSR. To say that Stalin could not change the structure of the USSR is of course stupid. But he did not change, for he carried out the EXPANSION. But the Leninist structure of the USSR is vulnerable to ideological retreat.
  9. +8
    7 November 2017 08: 34

    Crazy, treacherous, shameful Brest-Litovsk peace treaty in favor of the defeated German side, which came to us in the Second World War and 27 million lives thanks to the genius of the Georgian superintelligence, Civil War and Red Terror, political and economic repression, three waves of hunger (quite real, in unlike the mythical famine under Nicholas - in 1921-1922, 1932-1933 and 1947) - and this will be no less than 50 million corpses in the first 30 years of Soviet power.
    Saved the country. Thank. I bow to them.
    1. +9
      7 November 2017 09: 08
      And they don’t believe in it)) For them, these millions of lives, as for Chubais, those who "did not fit into the market" are an extra element.
      And they simply do not read their documents.
      Bolshevism is the same Satanism that asks for human blood.
    2. +15
      7 November 2017 09: 10
      It is impossible to evaluate the events of 1917 in isolation from time, from modern positions. This also applies to the Brest Peace. And why not 150 million? Remember Solzhenitsyn’s tales. The Second World War came around the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, to which at that time Russia had nothing to do. Once again I’m convinced that now in schools they don’t really teach anything.
      1. +6
        7 November 2017 09: 37
        The Second World War came around the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, to which at that time Russia had nothing to do

        Why didn’t she? Is it because she made a shameful separate peace with a hopelessly losing side?
        And why not 150 million? Remember Solzhenitsyn’s tales

        And let's calculate, based on publicly available information from the wiki.
        Civil war - 10,5 million people.
        Collectivization - 2 million
        Famine 1932-1933 - 7 million
        World War II - 26,6 million
        Famine 1946-1947 - 1 million
        Total 47,1 million people with a very rough calculation. The population of a very large European country.
        1. +10
          7 November 2017 10: 09
          and the loss of the king from hunger and wars do not count? I’m looking at you and created an account by November 7th. Well done, preparing for the holiday
          1. +7
            7 November 2017 10: 41
            and the loss of the king from hunger

            The "hungry years 1901-1902, 1905-1908 and 1911-1912" are unknown to anyone except Soviet propagandists. The last real famine in the Russian Empire was recorded under Alexander III, in 1891-1892. At that time, natural anomalies caused a crop failure that first overlapped the typhoid epidemic and then the cholera pandemic. Mortality amounted to 400 thousand people. It is not known for certain whether at least one of them died directly from starvation, but it can be assumed that people weakened by malnutrition became a victim of the disease in the first place. The Russian government has done a lot to help the starving people (over 7 percent of the state budget has been allocated for these purposes), but alas, it could not prevent cholera.

            The death in 1891-1892 of 400 thousand people was perceived by Russian society as the greatest tragedy, and the authorities did everything possible to prevent this from happening again. And it did not repeat. However, how should one relate to historical Russia in order to invent 8 million dead from starvation from 1901-1912 from scratch. (a figure that exceeds the number of victims of the Holocaust and is comparable to the total number of victims in the First World War)? Rounding an indicator that tends to zero to eight million is a bold mathematical operation. With approximately the same courage and accuracy, the Soviet judge the state of the economy, education, culture, diplomacy or the army in the last period of the existence of the Russian Empire, its ruling class, the standard of living of the population, the personal qualities and private life of the imperial family, etc. etc.
            and do not count wars

            Russian-Japanese: total irretrievable losses: 86 004 people;
            World War I (under the Tsar): 511 killed and 068 missing, total = 264
            Total 861 people.
            1. +10
              7 November 2017 10: 49
              Quote: Dzmicer
              The "hungry years 1901-1902, 1905-1908 and 1911-1912" are unknown to anyone except Soviet propagandists.

              Yes, what are you ?? Exactly? Is there really "truth" here? And this is what-THE SHARE OF THE HUNGED IN THE POPULATION OF CENTRAL RUSSIA
              (without Poland and without Finland) in 1891-1911 years
              HUNGER: 1891 - 25,7% and 1892 - 9,1%. In 1893 - 0,1%, 1894 - 0,5%, 1895 - 1,1%, 1896 - 2,2%,
              1897 - 3,8%, 1898 - 9,7% 1899 - 3,2%, 1900 - 1,5%.

              At the beginning of the XX century, Russia was hungry in Russia: 1901-1902, 1905-1908 and 1911 - 1912 years.
              In 1901 - 1902, 49 provinces starved: in 1901 - 6,6%, 1902 - 1%, 1903 - 0,6%, 1904 -― 1,6%.
              In 1905 - 1908. starved from 19 to 29 provinces: in 1905 - 7,7%, 1906 - 17,3% of the population
              In 1911 - 1912 over the 2 of the year, famine swept 60 provinces: in 1911 - 14,9% of the population.
              30 million people were on the brink of death.

              According to various estimates in the years 1901-1912. about 8 million people died from hunger and its consequences. The tsarist government was preoccupied with how to hide the scale of hunger. In the press, censorship forbade the use of the word “hunger,” replacing it with the word “underperformance.”
              Emperor Nicholas II, on the contrary, sharply curtailed the rights of the zemstvos to combat hunger, and in 1911 and 1912 completely prohibited the participation of zemstvos, the Red Cross, and charitable organizations in helping the starving. Nicholas II issued a unique decree "On the preparation of bread from bards and straw flour, which could replace the use of ordinary rye bread."
              The number of people in need, according to rough estimates, amounted to 8,2 million people. Prominent publicist doctor, Chairman of the Pirogovsky Society D.N. Zhbankov wrote: “Diseases and cases of starvation, ruin and general poverty, mutilation of moral character - robberies, arson, trafficking in children and oneself, suicide and complete physical and spiritual prostration - all these bring crop failures in Russia” .http: //
              1. +7
                7 November 2017 11: 00
                If I don’t see links to official statistics confirming your numbers, then the conclusion is unequivocal - "Politruk is always lying."
                I understand that you need to smear Russia with guan in order to whitewash the criminal regime of cowhide spies from the totalitarian sect of witnesses of communism, who drowned my Fatherland in blood, but still.
                1. +3
                  8 November 2017 10: 09
                  Quote: Dzmicer
                  If I don’t see links to official statistics confirming your numbers, then the conclusion is clear

                  And where are your arguments, except for cries of millions of trillions? You do not have them.
              2. +9
                7 November 2017 11: 12
                the same thing is said about the famine of 20 years in the young Soviet republic.
                No evidence or documents.
              3. +4
                7 November 2017 13: 07
                Quote: badens1111
                In 1911 - 1912 over the 2 of the year, famine swept 60 provinces: in 1911 - 14,9% of the population.
                30 million people were on the brink of death.

                That's just not a single publication has a single archival document confirming these figures. No one. And not a single newspaper article. But the real documents of that era give a completely different picture:
                The solid multivolume “Population of Russia in the XX Century” absolutely unequivocally states that “by 1913 the population in all regions of European Russia had a significant increase. Compared to 1897, the number of inhabitants of the Central Industrial Region increased by 32,4 ‰, the Northwest Region by 37 ‰, the Middle and Lower Volga Region by 34,3 ‰, and the Central Black Earth Region by 38,8 ‰. The largest increase was observed in the North Caucasus - 68,4 ‰ ”[26, p. 25]. That is, as we see, the Chernozem region and the Volga region, supposedly constantly “mowing” by the famine-millionaires, give one of the highest rates of population growth. Miracles, and more!

                If we take the hungry years, then in 1907 a very high natural population growth was recorded (18,1 ‰), supposedly “catastrophic” 1911 (17 ‰) and 1912 (16,9 ‰) were inferior to it. The lowest increase in the first 15 years of the twentieth century was registered in the troubled 1905 (13,9 ‰) [26, p. 26-27].

                How to reconcile the "regular million figures of the dead" is completely incomprehensible. They would give an unambiguous negative dynamics and testify to the extinction of the population! Meanwhile, even during the allegedly “gigantic famine” of 1911-1912, the population grew by more than 3 million people. For comparison, you can raise the data on the years of the Soviet famines (1921-22, 1931-33, 1946-48): a complete cessation of the country's population growth, and then the growth indicators go minus + a sharp drop in life expectancy.
                Quote: badens1111
                Nicholas II issued a unique decree "On the preparation of bread from bards and straw flour, which could replace the use of ordinary rye bread."

                ... which exists only in publications of pro-communist scribblers, but in reality is not found in any newspaper or in any archive.
                1. +3
                  8 November 2017 10: 12
                  Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
                  That's just not a single publication has a single archival document confirming these figures. No one. And not a single newspaper article. But the real documents of that era give a completely different picture:

                  Teterin is so frenzied to lie only from the realization that you have no other choice but to lie.
                  1906 - 1907. HUNGER IN RUSSIA. Travel N.E. Belyavskaya "for hunger"
                  PART OF THE ARTICLE: 1 2 3 4

                  See help: “Famine in the Russian Empire”
                  See help. CONSTITUTION 1906 Compositions I and II of the State Duma

                  See Help: 1881-1917. REPRESSIONS in Tsarist Russia. Prisons and hard labor.
            2. +5
              7 November 2017 11: 13
              tsifirki from where? from the wiki? this is only suitable for general information, but in no way can be considered a confirmed fact.
              1. +5
                7 November 2017 11: 35
                And it is impossible to achieve confirmed facts - because they are gathering dust behind seven seals under the heading of the top secret in GB archives (those that have not been destroyed). So you have to use only eyeballs.
                1. +6
                  7 November 2017 13: 13
                  excuse me, but this is from the area of ​​rezun and Solzhenitsyn - 100500 mulons of convicts ... they are also "by eye" ... it's a pity that the eye meter is all lame
        2. +12
          7 November 2017 10: 09
          And let's calculate, based on publicly available information from the wiki.

          And let's go without it? Or without Wikipedia to start? The same, to me, “universities for secondary / correctional schools” have become a source of knowledge. You probably don’t use the garbage can for food storage or?
          1. +4
            7 November 2017 18: 21
            There are editions of provincial zemstvo committees, including those on the fight against hunger. There are data from Zemstvo statistics on ALL issues - crops, education, diseases, welfare ... Everything is there. There are relevant studies. But ... it's easier to carry all nonsense. Unfortunately, at a glance at these thick reference books, the disputants have their eyes widened and any desire to read them disappears. I posted photos of pages from these collections. It is clear that this is interesting only to specialists. But ... to argue like this relying on a "live journal" is ridiculous ...
            1. +3
              8 November 2017 10: 17
              Quote: kalibr
              But ... it's easier to carry all nonsense.

              Well, why are you her ..?
              Is this not enough for you?
              The total amount of starvation losses for 50 pre-revolutionary years from 1861 to 1917 amounted to approximately 5,4 million people. As you can see, the scale of the losses is very impressive and more than doubles the so-called so-called propaganda widely spread by the current propaganda. The famine of 1933, which allegedly claimed the lives of 7 million people, but of which no more than 2,5 million victims can be documented. The rest is the inventions and fantasies of Ukrainian and some Russian authors, such as the group of liberal demographers Andreev, Darsky and Kharkov, whose hypothesis of 7 million victims of the 1933 famine formed the basis of the official point of view of the Russian ruling regime, which is on this issue on one side of the anti-Soviet , which means anti-Russian barricades with the ruling Bandera regime of Ukraine.
        3. +4
          7 November 2017 10: 21
          Quote: Dzmicer
          And let's calculate, based on publicly available information from the wiki.

          «Discrepancies in estimates, no matter how monstrous they would be, are always and always attributed to random errors and statistical account errors in advance. Cases of outright fraud and distortion, numerous cases of data manipulation, cases of monstrous fabrication of all kinds of custom ratings, for example ratings, etc., in the current confusion and vacillations have become the norm of everyday life rather than the exception. The same phenomena, the same indicators, depending on the methods of their measurement and calculation methods, the prevailing point of view and social order are presented in different, sometimes directly opposite estimates. ” Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Economics Section of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences D.S. Lviv 2007 year.
        4. +10
          7 November 2017 11: 16
          Total 47,1 million
          Do you have numbers? Maybe at the same time and starting with Gorbachev there are numbers? How many in gang warfare, how much on national grounds and how many were forcibly evicted from apartments? Perhaps in the extermination of the people no one can be compared with the current democrats.
          1. +4
            7 November 2017 11: 56
            So who argues that the ninetieth genocide of the Russian people continued. I just wouldn’t call people with CPSU party tickets in the drawer of the table or KGB ksiv democrats. These characters have the same relation to democracy as the Khmer Rouge regime to Scandinavian social democracy.
            1. +11
              7 November 2017 12: 05
              these characters
              You don’t like the red ones, tricolor ones either. So you for whom. Or is everything in the past?
              1. +4
                7 November 2017 12: 09
                Reds you do not like, tricolor too.

                Just the “tricolor” ones are also red, they simply use symbols in a marauding manner, to which they have nothing to do.
                So you for whom.

                I am for Russia. For legitimate authority. For the Russian people.
                Or is everything in the past?

                God willing - all in the future. And on the trees instead of leaves will be the communism (and their thoroughbred proletarian descendants from good families)
                1. +8
                  7 November 2017 12: 34
                  Hang up do not overtake? You have obvious homicidal tendencies, it's time to increase the dose, otherwise you never know what.
                  1. +4
                    8 November 2017 10: 19
                    This- Dzmicer [by his own admission, upstream, FASCIST, it is strange that the bearer of this criminal ideology freely distributes his calls on the site.
                    1. +2
                      8 November 2017 10: 34
                      So go from the counts, well, or from their grooms ....
        5. MrK
          7 November 2017 12: 09
          Quote: Dzmicer
          Total 47,1 million people with a very rough calculation. The population of a very large European country.

          Everything was written in the Goebbels leaflet in 1941.
          1. +5
            7 November 2017 12: 18
            Not a country - but the dream of an enemy propagandist. You don’t even have to invent anything. Just tell the truth.
    3. +10
      7 November 2017 10: 00
      Quote: Dzmicer
      Crazy, treacherous, shameful Brest-Litovsk peace treaty

      You wrote a lie. Learn.
      1. +5
        7 November 2017 10: 03
        Learning to write lies? Do not you? laughing
        1. +9
          7 November 2017 10: 54
          Quote: Dzmicer
          Learning to write lies?

          You write it, but they tell you, LEARN, in order not to be an outspoken charlatan and a liar, do you catch the difference?
          PMV: Russia - 1,6 million dead; about 5 million wounded; 2,5 million prisoners - in order to capture 1 Russian soldier, the enemy needed to kill 0,64 and injure 2.
          WWII: USSR - 8,6 million killed; 22 million wounded; 4,5 million prisoners - in order to capture one Soviet soldier, the enemy needed to kill 1,9 and injure almost 5 soldiers.
          That is - "for the damned collective farms and starving for life" (C) - people fought much more stubbornly than the missionary kingdom.
          PS By the way, for comparison:
          Germany - 2 million dead; 4 million wounded; 1 million prisoners - for one prisoner 2 killed and 4 wounded
          Great Britain - 0,7 million dead; 1,6 million wounded; 0,17 million prisoners - to capture 1 English you need 4 to kill and injure almost 10
          Austria-Hungary - 1,5 mln dead; 2,6 mln wounded; 2,2 mln prisoners - to capture 1 Austrian, 0,7 should be killed and 1,2 wounded
          1. +5
            7 November 2017 11: 04
            That is - "for the damned collective farms and starving for life" (C) - people fought much more stubbornly than the missionary kingdom.

            Yeah, that's why 5 million Soviet citizens were captured. A third of those mobilized in the army.
            How terrible the power of the cow-brewers was, but the Germans managed to surpass them. This is precisely what caused them to fail. If they were at least a little smarter and at least a little less ideologized by Nazi propaganda, Russian units would take Moscow.
            But the Nazis turned out to be who they were - dim-witted, self-confident, turned on the idea of ​​racial superiority by the dypaks.
            1. +8
              7 November 2017 11: 44
              Be they even a little smarter and even a little less ideologized by Nazi propaganda - Russian units would take Moscow.

              Forgot to put a signature: collaborator.
              1. +3
                7 November 2017 11: 50
                Forgot to put a signature: collaborator.

                Oh no. The USSR occupied Russia, and not vice versa. And then it broke up on a call from London to the anti-Russian states. Accordingly, the collaborator here is not me, but the one who supports both the regime of the totalitarian sect of witnesses of communism and their successors from Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation - the occupying states of Russia.
                1. +11
                  7 November 2017 11: 59
                  USSR occupied Russia? Familiar, familiar. I don’t remember who, there whom, Tartary of Muscovy or vice versa, do not tell me? The main thing is: "If they were at least a little smarter and at least a little less ideological by Nazi propaganda, the Russian units would take Moscow." And excuses, everyone has ....
                  1. +2
                    7 November 2017 12: 05
                    USSR occupied Russia?

                    Russia - occupied.
                    Its elite - exterminated.
                    The people - enslaved.
                    1. +5
                      7 November 2017 12: 30
                      Where and in which room?
                      1. +3
                        7 November 2017 12: 46
                        In reality, dearest, in reality. And not in your borschevitsky beckoning little world laughing
                      2. +4
                        7 November 2017 13: 14
                        Quote: avva2012
                        Where and in which room?

                        Hm. In fact, the new government systematically exterminated the people who made up the administrative, financial, and scientific elite of Russia.
                        For example, well-known researchers of the history of Russian aviation V.R.Mikheev and G.I.Katyshev in their capital research on I.I.Sikorsky analyzed the biographies of 75 leading Russian specialists who worked until 1917 together with the creator of Ilya Muromets, including aviation company RBVZ. Of these, only one died before 1917, 25 died between 1917 and 1924. 32 emigrated. Moreover, among the emigrants - not only I. I. Sikorsky himself and employees of his company, but also such outstanding specialists as S. P. Timoshenko, G. A. Botezat, A. A. Lebedev, L. V. Bazilevich for many decades being the "golden fund" of science and technology in France and the United States. Only 17 out of 75 specialists remained to work in the USSR, and 8 out of 17, including the outstanding designer of fighter aircraft N.N. Polikarpov, were repressed
                        In your opinion, is the loss of 58 employees from a team of 75 people working in a highly innovative industry for their time? This is not the extermination of the elite of the state?
          2. +3
            7 November 2017 11: 50
            Quote: badens1111
            That is - "for the damned collective farms and starving for life" (C) - people fought much more stubbornly than the missionary kingdom.

            Well, firstly, the numbers must be taken from one source, and not pull out the necessary from different sources, and secondly, it is stupid to compare two wars, in the second, the means of murder were much more effective, and the strategy of the wars was completely different. At VO there was an article comparing the ratio of prisoners of war, killed and wounded in WWII, and RI occupied a worthy place there. As for the numbers you quoted, judging by the absolute number of prisoners, the Soviet people didn’t really want to fight for collective farms, and if you compare the number of defectors and outright traitors, the numbers will not be in your favor
            1. +3
              8 November 2017 02: 46
              Quote: verner1967
              the Soviet people didn’t really want to fight for collective farms, and if you compare the number of defectors and outright traitors, then the numbers will not be in your favor

              A civil class confrontation was superimposed on the Great Patriotic War. Defectors and traitors were representatives of the former exploiting classes, who hid for the time being and only dreamed that at least someone would attack the USSR.
    4. +13
      7 November 2017 10: 13
      the tsar continued the war for three years, then Sashko-Kerensky joined in, and Lenin was to blame. you chose to fight with your people by connecting foreigners. The Brest-Litovsk peace was a forced step. besides, after 20 years, they all returned. and you are not half Sakhalin ...
      1. +5
        7 November 2017 13: 13
        Quote: Andy
        Brest-Litovsk peace was a forced step

        Well, at that time they understood that it would not work without an army, but I decide the modern "strategists" with the click of a mouse the fate of peoples - in toys and they think that in life the same way ...
      2. +3
        7 November 2017 14: 08
        Quote: Andy
        the tsar persir. l war for three years,

        Yeah, so lost that parts of the Russian army were on the territory of Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Even Russophobe Churchill admitted that the Russian army at the beginning of 1917 was strong:
        The selfless attack of the Russian troops that saved Paris in 1914, overcoming a painful retreat without weapons, a slow recovery of forces, Brusilov’s victory, the invincible and more powerful Russia joining the 1917 campaign. Was there really no share of his merit? Despite huge and terrible mistakes, the regime that he personified, at the head of which he stood and to whom he attached a spark of life with his personal character, had won the war for Russia at this point.
        1. +6
          7 November 2017 15: 12
          And where were the Germans?
          1. +2
            7 November 2017 15: 47
            Not in Ukraine, as under the Bolsheviks in 1918, and not near Moscow, as in 1941.
            1. +4
              7 November 2017 16: 12
              And the German in WWI did not have messerschmitts, armored personnel carriers and the most advanced tactics and strategy. But in WWII and France with England they did not interfere with the back of the head. Bullshit argument, Lieutenant, compare different wars.
              1. +2
                7 November 2017 16: 52
                And during the Second World War, the USSR did not have modern fighter jets and heavy tanks like KV? In general, a comparison of WWI and WWII is a painful topic. Nicholas II managed to enter into the inevitable (and after 1912 it became clear that the Germans “bit the bit and want to provoke a war at all costs) the war with the two allied powers, and even the first blow of the Germans did not fall on us, but on the French. And in the Second World War ... I think the situation on the morning of June 22, 1941, you are well aware of.
                And yet, if you do not compare these wars, it still turns out that under the tsar the front was successfully held, and without it the Germans poured into Russia in a wide stream in 1918.
                1. +3
                  8 November 2017 05: 04
                  In general, a comparison of WWI and WWII is a painful topic.

                  And in general, to compare, incomparably, this is work on du.ak, with some, you and your kind, consider others. About PMV and the military genius of Nicholas 2, it is written, rewritten as "the front successfully held." The reasons for the defeats of 1941 of the year are the same analyzed. You just have to force logic in a perverted form, hoping that those who read you will be interested in the form / look, and not the essence of the process.
        2. +3
          7 November 2017 15: 47
          Lieutenant Rzhevsky, I thought it was a sinful thing that already in 1916 they fought on the approaches to Riga ...
          1. +1
            7 November 2017 16: 59
            In fact, the front ran near Riga from August 1915 to September 1917. And then, the approaches to Riga are not Kiev and not the environs of Pskov and Narva, where the Germans went by February 1918 ...
            1. +6
              7 November 2017 17: 33
              You see, with the indicated dates agreed ... 300km and the tsar for the scruff of the palace, "victory" in one word. and you are talking about Turkey ... the front where nothing was decided. you monarchists reproach the Bolsheviks saying that they spread out the army, but you yourself were not eager to beat together with the Reds the enemies of the Polish Homeland in the 20th, the Germans, the Entente. you have a strange concept of patriotism.
              By the way, General Brusilov transferred to the Red Army, later he will return to his homeland and the gene. Sweet ... it is the tsarist officers who will help the young Red Army. many, but not all. as already said, they entered into an alliance even with the Nazis, it’s like “patriots” who need to hate their people
              1. +2
                7 November 2017 18: 47
                Quote: Andy
                300km and the king for the scruff of the palace, "victory" in one word. and you are talking about Turkey ...

                In fact, these “300 km” to Petrograd, where the residence of His Imperial Majesty the All-Russian Emperor was, were insurmountable for the Germans. It’s not for nothing that I wrote specifically for you that the Germans TWO YEARS stomped near Riga, not having the opportunity to go further. And the Emperor himself was much closer to the front line than 300 kilometers. Have you heard of the Headquarters in Baranovichi?
                Quote: Andy
                and something themselves did not burn with the desire, together with the Reds, to beat the enemies of the Pole Motherland in the 20th, the Germans, the Entente.

                Volunteer Army of Denikin, as the Russian Army of Wrangel, so that you know the Germans, as the Poles were considered forces uniquely hostile.
                Quote: Andy
                By the way, General Brusilov transferred to the Red Army, later he will return to his homeland and the gene. Sweet ... it is the tsarist officers who will help the young Red Army.

                ... and will be killed during the 20s and 30s on far-fetched matters:
                In the mid-20s, there were no mass arrests of former officers (they did not always arrest those who concealed their service in the white armies: there were at least a dozen such in the Kiev school mentioned above, but until 1928 they were not touched, although almost everyone knew about their past ) Some of the officers managed to survive in the camps and some were allowed to return home. Some, the “most dangerous,” but for some reason not executed, were sent to Solovki (the only permanent concentration camp then). A wave of arrests of white officers swept in late 1930 - early 1931 .. when an even stronger wave swept over former officers serving in the Red Army (the Vesna case, no less ambitious than the case of Tukhachevsky and others, but almost completely unknown; Major General Olderogge, the former commander of the Red Eastern Front, was appointed to his head, and more than 3 thousand officers were arrested; among them were, in particular, the famous military theorist N. Kakurin, Ukrainian historian A. Ryabinin-Sklyarevsky). During the next “purge” of Kronstadt in early 1930, among the 300 shot sailors there were more than 80 former officers {1313}. Former whites were mostly convicted under Art. 58–13 and sent to the camps, and if someone survived during this period, then almost automatically grabbed during the "Yezhov" period, even if the deadline {1314} had already served.
                Mass repressions against officers 1930-1931 concerned all categories of officers and were of a total nature. In Petrograd, in particular, according to the data of the pre-revolutionary publication "All Petersburg" and other directories, all officers of units remaining in the city who had once stood in the city and its environs were arrested without exception. Most of them (including almost entirely officers of the guard regiments in the specially created “case of guard officers”) were shot and the rest were exiled. Mandatory shots were suspected of striving to unite and preserve the relics of the regiments - in particular, officers of the Konstantinovsky school for a friendly breakfast in 1923, the director and officers of the Alexander Cadet Corps - for keeping the banner (banners were also found from officers of the Lt. Preobrazhensky and the 148th Infantry Regiment) {1315}.
                Their situation became especially difficult after 1934. When thousands of former officers and their families were expelled from large cities to remote areas where they lived in poverty, some were separated from their families. During the “Great Terror”, most of the former officers who had already spent several years in the camps were shot (the absolute majority of the officers remaining in the USSR by that time had passed through Soviet prisons and camps). During the repressions of the late 30s (as is known, affecting all commanders of military districts and armies, 70% of corps and division commanders and 50% of regiment commanders, and more than 30 thousand commanders {1316} were eliminated), and the last officers holding prominent posts in the army, so that by the beginning of the war only a few hundred former officers remained in the army (some of them continued to hold important posts up to the front commanders).
                These people were tricked into serving the enemies of Russia, deciding that the red Soviet “Russia” is the same as historical Russia and, unfortunately, they paid for their mistake with their lives.
    5. +3
      7 November 2017 19: 44
      Quote: Dzmicer
      Crazy, treacherous, shameful Brest-Litovsk peace treaty in favor of the defeated German side, which came back to us with the Second World War and 27 million lives

      The Second World War was planned not in Brest-Litovsk, but in Versailles. Marshal Foch was absolutely right about the timing of the Versailles truce - with the date of its end, he was mistaken for only a couple of months.
      German revanchism, also fueled by American money, would have unfolded in any case. Especially in a situation where the guarantors of Versailles were unable to achieve compliance with the treaty - one did not have an army, the other had money and the will to use armed force. smile
    6. The comment was deleted.
  10. +7
    7 November 2017 09: 29
    At the expense of creating a society of universal social justice and the salvation of all mankind - these are the next tales of the Communists. But the society of universal deficit, lines and living standards is lower than in the developed capitalist countries, it was a reality. And disrespect for the rights of their own citizens, which can be seen in modern Russia, also hails from the USSR. If a citizen filed an application against the current government in the USSR, it eventually jammed. On the principle: “If you don’t like something, go to our prosecutor’s office. Do not like our prosecutor’s office, go to our court!”
    Conclusion: The Communists can now tell anything, but they have not created a welfare society within the borders of one country! Otherwise, the USSR would not have collapsed, and everyone would have seen its success in this, before the capitalist countries. And it is a fact!
    1. +10
      7 November 2017 10: 30
      so no one has canceled the traitors, every olgovichi, velizarii and others, who created an account by November 7 and writing here. not cleaned them up. your lamentations about the deficit are ridiculous - with the king you are generally dead from hunger and disease
      1. +5
        7 November 2017 13: 18
        And let's agree that everyone will be responsible for their actions. Not referring to how it was under the king, or in the prehistoric era. Moreover, the king has already paid for his mistakes and the mistakes of his government - with power, his life and the lives of his loved ones. But the Communists, pushing people to vomit about equality and justice, which in fact have not achieved. And perhaps it’s funny for you, because there is nothing to say in defense of your position on the Communists. In addition to the deficit, there was even leveling, when lazy people and parasites lived no less successfully than respectable citizens. And endless lines were behind everything. And the sale of the underground. And what did you remember about the deficit and the tsar, but about a lower standard of living in comparison with the developed cap. countries, for some reason forgot? And a particularly important point when it comes to respecting the rights of citizens. When the "black crows" took people away in an unknown direction and meet. And only after years it became clear that they seem to have been illegally convicted and are subject to rehabilitation.
        If you want to have a normal dialogue, learn to admit mistakes, stop dealing with rumors and refer to others. Let everyone be responsible for their own!
      2. +6
        7 November 2017 13: 20
        Quote: Andy
        Ak traitors no one canceled-

        Do you know what the problem is, you Communists? Traitors always interfere with you.
        As soon as Lenin died, it turned out that the second person in the party, Comrade Trotsky, was a traitor. Kamenev, Zinoviev, Bukharin and Stalin overthrew Trotsky and expelled from the USSR.
        But after a couple of years it turned out that Kamenev, Zinoviev and Bukharin are also enemies and pests. Then the valiant comrade Heinrich Yagoda shot them.
        A little later Yagoda, as an enemy agent, was shot by Yezhov.
        But after a couple of years it turned out that Yezhov was not a comrade, but an ordinary traitor and an enemy agent. And Yezhov shot Beria.
        After the death of Stalin, everyone realized that Beria was also a traitor. Then Zhukov overthrew and shot Beria.
        But soon Khrushchev learned that Zhukov was an enemy and a conspirator. And he sent Zhukov to the Urals.
        And a little later it was revealed that Stalin was an enemy, a pest and a traitor. And with it, and most of the Politburo. Then Stalin was taken out of the mausoleum, and the political bureau and Shepilov, who joined them, were dispersed by honest party members, led by Khrushchev.
        Several years passed and it turned out that Khrushchev was a voluntarist, a rogue, an adventurer and an enemy. Then Brezhnev sent Khrushchev to retire.
        Soon Brezhnev died, and it turned out that he was a senile, a pest and a cause of stagnation.
        Then there were two more senility, which no one had time to remember, because they died like flies.
        But then a young, energetic Gorbachev came to power. And it turned out that the whole party was a party of pests and enemies, but he will correct everything now ...
        It was then that the USSR collapsed. And Gorbachev turned out to be an enemy and a traitor.
        1. +5
          7 November 2017 15: 34
          Listen, Lieutenant Rzhevsky, but nothing bothers you? Nicholas blows war after war. The grenades of the wrong system (ships / guns / shells) then the revolutionaries steal the victory. a month ago you proved hoarse. and as for traitors-monarchists - an example of krasnov and skin. or again explain with nostalgia about the crunch of French rolls
          1. +3
            7 November 2017 15: 52
            Stop being rude. Where and when where did I argue that
            Quote: Andy
            grenades of the wrong system (ships / guns / shells)
            1. +5
              7 November 2017 17: 07
              But did you moan about the Bolsheviks who stole the victory- articles about the Latvian arrows and monzund? where do you see rudeness? in my opinion, rudeness is a story to misinterpret. what are you doing
              1. +3
                7 November 2017 18: 56
                Quote: Andy
                where do you see rudeness?

                Here, in your tone:
                Quote: Andy
                But did you moan about the Bolsheviks who stole the victory- articles about the Latvian arrows and monzund?

                In an article about Latvian arrows I did not say a word about your Bolsheviks, you were mistaken. And as for the stolen victory ... What will you deny the fact that the RSDLP conducted treacherous propaganda work in the army and in the rear?
                If yes, then read carefully:
                ny-vyp-1-proklamatsii-1914-gm-pg-1923 # page / 137 / m
                ode / grid / zoom / 1
              2. +3
                7 November 2017 20: 02
                Andy! So you are also busy distorting the story. Namely, embellishment of reality about the Great October and subsequent Soviet period of Russia. Which, in fact, I explained to you above, in a couple of my comments. In addition, we recall how Soviet historiography was torn (and some supporters are torn now) talking about Nicholas II - the bloody and "Bloody Resurrection". And then they forget to tell exactly the same episode of Soviet history - the shooting and repression in Novocherkask.
                Not in your first comment, I notice that you argue and prove where controversial and biased points of view are given. And where the Soviet government really had enormous disadvantages, bypass it.
                Your bias in such dialogs, this is the same deceit and rudeness (in your understanding) hi
    2. +3
      8 November 2017 02: 53
      Quote: Arkady Gaidar
      At the expense of creating a society of universal social justice and the salvation of all mankind - these are the next tales of the Communists.

      Do not dishonor the name of Arkady Gaidar, better be called Timur.
      1. +1
        8 November 2017 06: 24
        So you do not dishonor the name of the great Russian science fiction, promoting the religion of communism laughing
        1. +3
          8 November 2017 20: 51
          Quote: Arkady Gaidar
          So you do not dishonor the name of the great Russian science fiction, promoting the religion of communism

          And this is my school click, shortened my name.
          1. 0
            8 November 2017 21: 45
            And this is my pseudonym, taken on the principle of fame and prevalence, and not from the attitude to celebrities. So what a coincidence))
            1. +2
              8 November 2017 23: 48
              Quote: Arkady Gaidar
              And this is my nickname,

              Timur Gaidar is more suitable for you.
              1. +1
                10 November 2017 14: 39
                Quote: Alexander Green
                Timur Gaidar is more suitable for you.

                Here it is not necessary to touch Timur. Egor - exactly in the subject.
                1. +2
                  10 November 2017 19: 14
                  Quote: CT-55_11-9009
                  Here it is not necessary to touch Timur. Egor - exactly in the subject.

                  Yes, I was mistaken, I had in mind Yegor. But Timur is also to blame. I understand that he was a naval officer, a service, but he did not at all educate Yegor and gave it to his grandmothers, and those of him grew a freak.
                  1. 0
                    15 November 2017 08: 43
                    Quote: Alexander Green
                    but he didn’t take up Yegor’s education at all and handed it over to his grandmothers, and those of him grew a freak.

                    Unfortunately, the family is not without a freak ...
      2. +1
        8 November 2017 06: 48
        And this is for you a snack:
        ciya-100-let-perevarivaniya.html # comment-id-75315
        laughing hi
  11. +10
    7 November 2017 09: 33
    Happy Holidays, comrades! Happy anniversary of the Great October Revolution!
    1. +3
      7 November 2017 16: 38
      No doubt that October was great. Only the rest is all about the dialectic of Marx — for some, a holiday, and for someone a tragedy. Everything is relative smile
      1. +3
        8 November 2017 02: 56
        Quote: Arkady Gaidar
        No doubt that October was great. Only the rest is all about the dialectic of Marx — for some, a holiday, and for someone a tragedy. Everything is relative

        That's right: Revolution is a holiday of the oppressed, and their overwhelming majority.
        1. +1
          8 November 2017 06: 28
          Sanity dictates that revolution is a bloody feast at which all human hatred spills out. Such she was at all times. Could a bloody harvest be a holiday? Well, for someone like.
          1. +3
            8 November 2017 15: 49
            Sanity dictates that it is not necessary to bring the country to revolutions ... and if brought then it is not necessary to hide for others - although if brought then what is sanity ..
  12. +12
    7 November 2017 10: 32
    Saved from the Golden Horde, saved from the Ottomans, saved from Frederick, ".... threw the idol burdening the kingdoms over the kingdoms ....." (Napoleon), provided the Miracle on the Marne with their blood, colossal they gave the world the concept of a social state with blood, yes, thanks to Russian blood, all these gay people have pensions, an 8-hour working day, a five-day working week, etc., etc., but no one will ever say thank you RUSSIAN what you paid for all this is such a price Thank you.
    1. +4
      7 November 2017 16: 45
      This is how the political life of the whole world works. Does anyone thank the artisans for having once helped to move from slavery to the bourgeois system)) Alas, we do not remember them, and even reproach the socialists for the shortcomings of their system.
  13. SMP
    7 November 2017 11: 02
    The Soviet Union showed mankind the main path to the future bright, sunny society - space exploration. He offered mankind a society of service and creation, social justice, instead of the Western society of extermination and self-destruction (consumer society). The society of justice, and the idea of ​​restoring the renewed Union - 2 - is currently the only salvation option for Russian multinational civilization. Russia-Russia entered the storm of a new world war and faced the threat of a new turmoil, since after 1985-1993. social justice in Russia was violated, and the body of Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos was torn to pieces.

    I subscribe to every word good
    People are not gods and have the right to make mistakes, so we grow and develop, the same thing with the USSR, well, it’s impossible for the first time in the history of mankind to create something the first time.
    The Russian people have a proverb, the first pancake is always lumpy, so everything is fine,
    USSR-2, but only on the territory of Russia, and without construction in other industrial countries. production, free supply of weapons, and financial assistance which we then write off in billions of dollars,
    this is one of the main reasons why the USSR has overstrained.

    And China does not pay for anything, does nothing to anyone, that's why it is flourishing.

    In the USSR, Trotskyism with its commentary idea of ​​the world revolution was not completely rid of, which affected politics both by the khrush and Brezhnev, and the hunchbacked traitor bought by the CIA in general is the biggest success of the Americans.
    recruit the head of state of the enemy. Here even Stirlitz is resting ..
    1. +3
      7 November 2017 17: 01
      In fact, the capitalists are also exploring space, and no less than the socialists. About the society of social justice has already written above, complete lies. And, if you recall how Soviet historiography poured mud on the last emperor for Bloody Sunday, forgetting for some reason to mention the same Soviet Novocherkask, with victims and repressions, the picture of deceit and injustice becomes complete)) As Western societies have been self-annihilating for centuries, we see according to their latest achievements and most importantly the standard of living)) And everything else is just pompous phrases, in an attempt to justify the shortcomings of the socialist system)) But they were also very significant.
      China is right for no one and does nothing for free. Money is the blood of the economy! And no one has yet been able to challenge this, and find something to replace the money with.
      To the question: “Do you believe in communism?”, I can answer: The question is posed correctly! For in mathematical and other scientific calculations, communism, like God, no one has ever seen)) That is, faith in God is replaced by faith in communism. Or in other words, a new religion arose))
      Frankly, I do not care about the Communists. But here by the principle: "Socrates is my friend, but the TRUTH is more expensive!" laughing
  14. +4
    7 November 2017 11: 22
    “Thanks to October, the great Soviet Union was created, which defeated Nazism and fascism” - not thanks but in spite of.
    To the gentlemen who post beautiful videos about cavalry with sabers headlong to a brave song.
    Have you thought against whom these checkers are directed? and the question is, if even now there was an opportunity with drafts to boldly attack those who live differently or have an excellent opinion? Would you just as passionately support it? If only the landlords and oppressors were to overthrow, then there would be no such resistance and civil war. It’s just that the Bolsheviks decided to clean up everyone, both the army and the church and parishioners and peasants, who could grow more than others, and merchants and officials, and the fleet - (sailors to remind?) The police and their own, too, which were slightly deviating from the rules. Well, the fact that it was power - who argues. The Reds eventually defeated everyone. Lenin also wrote "we must respond to terror with even greater terror." It was such a time.
    We have not in vain introduced the day of national unity. The main enemy of our civilization is disunity. Do not forget that every person can live as he needs to earn as much as he can and believe in what he considers to be close. And we have enough rubilov and strife in history.
    1. +4
      7 November 2017 11: 46
      We have not in vain introduced the day of national unity. The main enemy of our civilization is disunity.

      And, I do not want unity with murderers, bloodsuckers, traitors. I, if, what, better with a checker. Them.
    2. +6
      7 November 2017 13: 16
      Quote: Resident of the Urals
      earn as much as you can

      This phrase alone is enough to doubt your adequacy ...
    3. dSK
      7 November 2017 13: 43
      Quote: Resident of the Urals
      And we have enough rubilov and strife in history.

      Two hands for! hi
  15. +6
    7 November 2017 12: 29
    Bravo! Instead of an answer about the "cultural tax" and links, "the communists killed everyone!". Where did you come from after the total elementation?
  16. +6
    7 November 2017 12: 36
    The article is a fat minus for outright fraud and misrepresentation of the facts.

    Thanks to the Russian revolution, India, black Africa, the Arab world, etc., gained freedom from the colonialists.
    The decolonization process began after the Second World War, when the United States ousted the old European powers from the colonial markets and the collapse of economic ties, coupled with the weakening role of the metropolis, led to an increase in national identity. India did not fight for independence from England under communist slogans.
    Make America a “sign of capitalism." What allowed the appearance of a large middle class in the West.
    The emergence of the middle class was the result of the general development of the economy and the transition to the post-industrial type of economic development, when the services and management sectors gained more weight in the economy.
    The Soviet Union showed mankind the main path to the future bright, sunny society - space exploration. He offered humanity a society of service and creation, social justice,
    Rave. All space thinkers of the 20th century “hurt” space exploration - from Tsiolkovsky and Berdyaev to Isaac Asimov and Werner von Braun. As for the society of "service and creation", then ... according to the author, this is what the society should be called that scribbling denunciations against neighbors and putting scientists in sharashka? Is it "justice and creation"?
    a drastic weakening of the cadre core of the imperial army (he died in the unnecessary Russia war with Germany and Austria-Hungary),
    Frank lies. Germany got stuck in the Russian Baltic states and Ukraine, so the war was an act of protecting Russia from foreign aggression.
    Later, it was the powerful peasant movement in the rear of the White armies that became one of the main reasons for the defeat of the White movement. And the Reds managed to “reassure” the peasants only with great blood, but there was no other way, which became one of the main tragedies of the Civil War in Russia.
    Something I do not remember in the rear of the FYUR massive peasant uprisings, unlike the Reds. And the White movement ruined the lack of unity, because white were all who did not accept the barbaric Bolshevik coup — from monarchists to cadets and socialists.
    They could create only separate centers of resistance. Recall that the Volunteer Army of Alekseev and Kornilov had only a few thousand bayonets. The Reds could easily have transmitted such foci, only the national suburbs could resist, with the support of the West.
    Lying. The Reds threw a forty-thousand army to suppress the Volunteer Army, which shamefully scattered in clashes with the officer units of the Dobarmia. Semi-trained crowds, without normal commanders, could not oppose anything to well-trained and well-disciplined officer squads. The officers were later supported by the Cossacks, and only then, by 1918, and the masses of people who sought to escape from the bloody revolutionary madness. The Samyur regiment of the All-Union Socialist Liberation Union was generally formed from captured Red Army soldiers. And he fought with dignity.
    The main initiator of the Civil War was the Czechoslovak Corps, which was to occupy for the United States a huge piece of Russian land - Siberia (along the Trans-Siberian Railway - the only highway connecting European Russia with Siberia and the Far East). Also, Westerners to the teeth armed the armies of Denikin, Wrangel, Kolchak, Miller, etc.
    Rave. The Civil War began de facto with the dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks, and de jure, from the moment they seized power. The Westerners armed the White Army so that
    in his memoirs, Denikin paints a sad picture. In addition to rations, a volunteer army soldier received a monetary allowance in 1918 - 30 rubles a month, officers from the ensign to the commander in chief from 270 to 1000 rubles. The cost of living for one worker at that time is 660-780 rubles! But the officers and soldiers have families, wives and children. A miserable, hungry existence awaits them. And - not a penny from the British and French ...
    and another example of "weapons":
    Denikin asks to transfer this unnecessary property to him. The answer is negative: "The French did not want to give us huge reserves, ours and the US, which remained after the war and constituted shy trash that did not pay for the costs of its storage and was subject to hasty liquidation."

    They didn’t give money, they didn’t send weapons for free. So what do history textbooks say, how did the “allies” help the whites? The answer is simple, like a sentence: nothing. “Whether we were not logical enough, whether the French were too inert, but economic relations with France also did not improve ... It was no longer help, but simply trade and trade,” said General Denikin.
    The article is a fat minus, and its author is a deuce in history. Military Review is an excellent informative site where serious, respected authors are published, so the appearance of such a deceitful and mediocre campaign here is surprising.
    1. +6
      7 November 2017 12: 51
      About agitation, is this, you about what you yourself wrote? I sincerely agree with you.
      1. +4
        7 November 2017 13: 22
        Tell me honestly, do you have any other arguments? other than "translate arrows" on the opponent? In essence, can you answer my objections?
        1. +3
          7 November 2017 14: 39
          Your arguments were beaten, repeatedly killed, like the Swedes near Poltava. Does it make sense to crush water in a mortar again? It seems to me not.
          Yes, you read what the Khan Tengri recommended to you with your favorite Yat? How fun were the workers at the RCMP?
          1. +3
            7 November 2017 16: 00
            Quote: avva2012
            Your arguments were beaten, repeatedly killed, like the Swedes near Poltava. Does it make sense to crush water in a mortar again? It seems to me not.

            You tritely leave the answer, due to the fact that you have nothing to answer in essence.
            Khan Tengri? Is this not the man who once tried to argue with reality, "proving" to me that during the REV there were no revolutionary actions before peace with Japan?
            1. +2
              7 November 2017 16: 16
              So he did not argue with you, but simply gave a link to one book of the beginning of the zero of the last century. The link doesn’t bite.
              1. +1
                7 November 2017 18: 35
                He argued, and how. Read the comment history somewhere in early June (I don’t remember a more accurate date).
                1. +1
                  8 November 2017 07: 28
                  I read the answer of "Khan Tengri" below, slightly confused. Well, now, your link:
                  Pdf with "Ity":

                  Forgive us sovereign crying
              2. +3
                7 November 2017 21: 24
                Quote: avva2012
                but just gave a link to one book of the beginning of the zero of the last century.

                I gave it to Olgovich.
                1. +2
                  8 November 2017 05: 19
                  Is there a difference? belay Both well done, identical from the face.
            2. +3
              7 November 2017 21: 23
              Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
              Khan Tengri? Is this not the man who once tried to argue with reality, "proving" to me that during the REV there were no revolutionary actions before peace with Japan?

              Lieutenant, you should see a doctor. “during the REV there were no revolutionary demonstrations before the world with Japan” and “All the main battles of the REV were performed before the start of the MASS revolutionary demonstrations” - these are two big differences. But you, you see, like Olgovich, are talking mainly with voices in your own head. hi
    2. +2
      7 November 2017 15: 03
      Lieutenant, I partially agree with you, and partially not. Let me state what I agree with you: The civil war, of course, did not begin with a speech by the Czechoslovak corps. And Czechoslovakia might not have come forward, but Comrade Trotsky became very furious in one interesting place and let him provoke the Czechs. So we can all say "thank you" to Leiba "associates": that hundreds of thousands of people died in the Civil.
      Indeed, there were no mass uprisings in the rear of the Volunteer Army.
      They may call me the army of Makhno, but the fact is that at that time Makhno did not yet have an army as such (in my opinion, Nestor Ivanovich had a little more than a brigade of inorganic people in the 1918 lot) and he acted as an ally of the Bolsheviks. He was even awarded the Order of the Red Banner, but I don’t know what number it was, but it should be in the top five.

      I agree with you that Denikin’s army REALLY HAD NOT what we were told at school.
      I agree with you that the author periodically "wanders in three pines" from here and all his "ups and hurts." Apparently, it is difficult to be an expert in all sections of history and as a result: “horses and people mixed”
      But there are times where I do not agree with you (read my koment). I’m risking causing emotional attacks on me, but I’ll continue to call it “Application Day” on November 7th.
      Our Vadim rightly says: both red and white - we are all CHILDREN OF MILLENNIUM OF RUSSIA. And what kind of mother likes when the children are doggy with each other? Therefore, WE NEED REconciliation.
      1. +5
        7 November 2017 16: 07
        Dear Monarchist, I allow myself to disagree with you. The Reds, for the most part, do not consider themselves children of millennial Russia. For them, the history of our Fatherland until 1917 consists entirely of "oppression, backwardness and obscurantism." And the Bolshevik government itself for the first decades actively destroyed monuments to Russian heroes, dying out the memory of them, destroying the bearers of the old culture and trying to fight the Church. A good idea of ​​the attitude of "comrades" to Russia is given by a history textbook for the 10th grade of the 1951 edition. Reconciliation is possible, but not with those who renounce our common mother - Russia.
    3. +4
      7 November 2017 19: 50
      Quote: Lieutenant Teterin
      Something I do not remember in the rear of the FYUR massive peasant uprisings, unlike the Reds.

      In addition to VSYUR, there was also Admiral. So he and his comrades-in-arms really managed to make a nest of red partisans from their rear for some six months. And with their own hands, ramrods, lashes, etc.
      1. +2
        7 November 2017 20: 52
        The civil war in Siberia is a separate issue. There, the level of bitterness on both sides reached some truly infernal scale. And it was not so much Kolchak who tried there, but a semi-anarchist freemen like the same Semenovites who recognized Kolchak’s central authority with a creak and through gritted teeth.
  17. +9
    7 November 2017 12: 48
    It’s good that all this is already the story of a rather gloomy past century.
    For the future, for life (le hayim!) drinks
    1. +1
      10 November 2017 14: 43
      Quote: voyaka uh
      For the future, for life (le hAim!) Drinks

      For Jews and only for Jews, right?
  18. +5
    7 November 2017 13: 18
    Comrades, let's immediately agree: no offense and takorbljenii. I will express my opinion.
    1) Happy November 7th! How not to treat him, but this is OUR HISTORY, and HISTORY needs to be KNOWN.
    2). The author is right: the government of Kerensky is no more legitimacy than the government of Lenin-Sverdlov, Rosenfeld, Bronstein and others. This I say to the gentlemen of the Liberals.
    3) How not to treat Lenin, but he was GREAT. His intentions were Great and it was not his fault that it all ended in collapse.
    4) The author, I immediately apologize to you, but I didn’t want the highest to spit on other peoples. How much we helped them, and they are UNGrateful Grunts. Everyone can agree with this if he looks At: Albania, Bulgaria and further alphabetically.
    If Lenin, Trotsky, or whoever there didn’t fantasize about the World Revolution, but focused on his country, it would be SMARTER. Agree that building socialism in Afghanistan was stupid, they still dozed in a decree of meditation
    1. +5
      7 November 2017 14: 51
      Let's leave Leon Trotsky aside and not mix him up with V. I. Lenin and the ideas of Bolshevism? A passenger, he is random, unlike V.I. Lenin, who created the party. I did not sit on links and hard labor. So the revolutionary is still one. It is no coincidence that his ideas were so fond of in the West. 1. V.I. Lenin was a realist and when things went wrong with the revolutions, he departed from this idea. NEP, where did you come from, don't you remember? The very idea of ​​a world revolution, what is bad? Is it more convenient to confront the entire capitalist world face to face, or what? 2. As for helping all friends and not so much. Yes, there were excesses, who is not without sin, but the very idea of ​​knocking out the feed base of the USA and Europe, is it really stupid? 3. Crash, still not over. The phase of counter-revolution has begun. Only phase. This has already happened in history, and more than once, when one formation replaced another. Not yet evening. If the ghouls in the West do not smash our ball into molecules, we’ll still fight. No one canceled the dialectic.
      1. +1
        7 November 2017 15: 22
        “Let's leave Leon Trotsky aside and will not mix him with V. I. Lenin and the ideas of Bolshevism?” ///

        But this is impossible. Without Trotsky (whether you like him or not, I don’t, for example)
        there would be neither the October Revolution (Petrograd armed uprising) nor
        Reds' victories in the Civil War (again, depending on which side you are on).
        He is explicit "number 2" after Lenin in significance. With a wide margin from the rest.
        Of course, he was an anti-Zionist, and anti-Jew - "a true internationalist," as
        he read himself. But his incredible energy was at the basis of the foundations of the victory of the Bolsheviks.
        1. +6
          7 November 2017 16: 23
          I’m talking about ideology, and not about its business qualities. And exaggeration, it is that without Trotsky, there would be no revolution. All of you liberals, sometimes without Stalin, had nothing, now without Trotsky. Social being determines consciousness. Do not add up such a situation and such a leader was not required in 30's, for example. And the RCP (b), nevertheless created by V.I. Lenin, and at that time, he had numerous associates, as well as opponents. ps carried out the revolution, yet the people.)))
          1. 0
            7 November 2017 17: 30
            I do not deny the leadership of Lenin. But I needed someone hyperactive,
            who would carry out active actions "on the ground". And that was
            Trotsky, who had an "awl in the ass." And he dangled on the advice, headquarters, rallies,
            cities throughout Russia and organized hostilities.
            After the Civil War, he, naturally, was out of work.
            And calculating intriguing politicians survived him. (see the great French revolution)
            And Lenin was just lucky that he "died on time" from illness at the height of glory.
            And so he would go for Trotsky to Mexico to drink tea.
            1. +5
              8 November 2017 00: 04
              Quote: voyaka uh
              But I needed someone hyperactive,
              who would carry out active actions "on the ground".

              That is, Trotsky was USED in the interests of the country, when he realized that his attempts to be a leader-went to ashes, hit directly into anti-state activity, the result is logical, an ice ax into a possessed head.
              Quote: voyaka uh
              And calculating intriguing politicians survived him.

              Quote: voyaka uh
              I do not deny the leadership of Lenin. But I needed someone hyperactive,
              who would carry out active actions "on the ground". And that was
              Trotsky, who had an "awl in the ass." And he dangled on the advice, headquarters, rallies,
              cities throughout Russia and organized hostilities.
              After the Civil War, he, naturally, was out of work.
              And calculating intriguing politicians survived him. (see the great French revolution)
              And Lenin was just lucky that he "died on time" from illness at the height of glory.
              And so he would go for Trotsky to Mexico to drink tea.

            2. +3
              8 November 2017 05: 27
              And Lenin was just lucky that he "died on time" from illness at the height of glory.

              I hope you are joking in the dark, at the expense of "lucky." You will not try on these words to yourself?
          2. +1
            7 November 2017 22: 36
            Quote: avva2012
            And the RCP (b), nevertheless created by V.I. Lenin, and at that time, he had numerous associates, as well as opponents. ps carried out the revolution, yet the people.

            “Every revolution is only worth something if it knows how to defend itself”, if Lenin organized the party and the revolution, then Trotsky defended it. You can not call a smaller part of the population of the city people.
            1. +3
              8 November 2017 00: 05
              Quote: verner1967
              then Trotsky defended her

              Quote: verner1967
              You can not call a smaller part of the population of the city people.

              You again demonstrates disgusting knowledge, an absolutely large part of the people followed the Bolsheviks.
              Whether you like it or not, the note is the result of the Civil-total defeat of the Whites.
              1. 0
                8 November 2017 07: 38
                Quote: badens1111
                You again demonstrates disgusting knowledge, an absolutely large part of the people followed the Bolsheviks.

                and revolution? And you do not confuse the concept of revolution with civil war? See how many people took part in the so-called "storm of the Winter" And with
                Quote: badens1111
                absolutely a large part of the people.

                you got a mistake, a lot has gone, but not the absolute part. The vast majority simply watched who whom.
            2. 0
              8 November 2017 05: 29
              Trotsky defended her.

              The creator of the Red Army, he became after 1991 year.
  19. +7
    7 November 2017 13: 34
    Dzmicer, "In the reality...."
    I am not a specialist in similar realities like yours; consult a professional.
    The USSR, occupied Russia, yes, in your reality, the USSR, still attacked Ukraine and Germany. wink In Ukraine, apparently, medicine is a kayuk.
  20. +9
    7 November 2017 13: 59
    All a great holiday! Happy Great October Socialist Revolution!
    The first attempt in the history of mankind to build a society without class, class, national division, without human exploitation of man!
    This event changed everything, became a breakthrough into the future, and became a unique contribution of Russia to the history of mankind.
  21. 0
    7 November 2017 14: 07
    I add that until about the 50s there was a high infant mortality rate, as well as a high mortality rate during childbirth.
    I'm not talking about other causes of death (such as hunger).
    1. +5
      7 November 2017 15: 24
      Of course, did you compare child mortality with the prosperous years of the XI NUMX century? It is also interesting to understand what period, you mean, the 20 years or the 30 years that were directly adjacent to the 40 years. Analysis will show the difference in reasons. The fact that you, hunger was dismissed aside, is strange. Malnutrition, lack of vitamins, protein foods directly affect both the fetus and the woman in labor. What, undoubtedly, is the merit of the Bolsheviks, in this matter is the promotion of basic hygiene and the transfer of obstetrics to a professional basis. This included the patronage of pregnant women, and a change in their attitude at work.
      1. 0
        7 November 2017 16: 15
        It was about the period of the 20s and 30s. At this time, infant mortality did not fall below 200 people / thousand (and this is only mortality up to 1 year).
        I didn’t do away with hunger. On the contrary, hunger must be added, because older children also die there.

        It sharply decreased after the war and by 1960 reached about 30 people per thousand.
        And the reason was the war, because :
        1. A number of drugs were invented that contribute to the suppression of infections (namely, infections of various kinds and were the cause of high mortality). - Hi penicillin and others like him
        2. Almost all doctors had an extensive practice in stopping various infections, because medicine worked for the military for more than five years (do not forget that the wounded were healed for a long time)
        3. Improving the level of medical literacy, as all returning from the war were familiar with the primary basics. Including hygiene.
        4. Plus, the attitude towards children after the war also changed - they began to be more appreciated.
        1. +5
          7 November 2017 17: 06
          So the mortality of the 20's, exactly the 30's, was indirectly affected by the Civil War. The generation grew up with very poor nutrition, plus, while a new health system was being created, which was often built from scratch. Another point. In the Republic of Ingushetia, the Orthodox were considered mainly, and in the USSR, everyone was entered into the register, in my opinion.
  22. +13
    7 November 2017 14: 09
    But what surprises me is how the Olgovichi / Pruchiki and the like react to communists and socialism. If the article does not concern Marxists and everything that is connected with them, then they write interesting comments that supplement the articles, but if they only touch on the USSR or the October Revolution, then that’s all. It’s as if something is closing within them and they are throwing out anti-Soviet nonsense, or distorting the facts. And when they are told that their facts are a lie, with the truth being provided, then they immediately go into unconsciousness, or they begin to "pour water on the mill," or, to talk the opponent into rubbish and skip the topic.
    Remember: "Not every Russophobe is an anti-communist, but every anti-communist is a Russophobe."
    Of course I want (some) to believe that there was a kind of Russia, where there were balls, junkers and schoolgirls ruddy, and the peasants lived happily not knowing grief and hunger, but people who know history do not believe in such stories.
    So where do you take yourself? Believe in a fairy tale or reality? Just honestly answer yourself.

    With the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution!
    1. dSK
      7 November 2017 14: 42
      Quote: Diminisher
      "Not every Russophobe is an anti-communist, but every anti-communist is a Russophobe"

      The Zionist composition of the 1917 coup:
      Central Committee of the Right Wing of the ESER Party:
      Kerensky, Aronovich, Gissler, Lvovich-Davidovich, Gurevich, Gotz, Goldstein, Lihach, Kintshuk, Verlinrut, Distler, Chernyavsky, Rosenberg, Tchaikovsky, Ratner.
      The Central Committee of the Social Democratic Party MENSHEVIKOV:
      Dimand, N. Himmer, Strauss, Ratner, Lieber, Zonn, Dan, Abramovich, Rappoport, Cederbaum (Martov), ​​Tsederbaum (Levitsky).
      Central Committee of the Left Wing of the ESER Party:
      Sternberg, Levin, Fishman, Lenberg, Stytsa, Lander. Kagan (Gresser-Kamkov), Katz (Bernstein), Feiga Ostrovskaya, Nachman, Karelin, Maria Spiridonova.
      Central Committee of the Social Democratic Labor Party - Bolsheviks:
      Bronstein (Trotsky), Ulyanov-Blank (Lenin), Apfelbaum-Radomyslsky (Zinoviev), Lurie (Larin), Krylenko, Mandelstam (Lunacharsky), Uritsky, Goldshtein (Volodarsky), Rosenfeld (Kamenev), Smidovich (Yoshua-Yoshua) Sverdlov), Nakhamkes (Steklov) ... After the October change:
      in the Council of People's Commissars of 22 members - 19 were Jews;
      in the military commissariat led by Trotsky - only 1 Latvian, and the rest are all Jews;
      in the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs - the future of the Cheka, the NKVD - all Jews;
      in the People’s Commissariat of Finance - out of 30 people - 26 Jews;
      in the People’s Commissariat of Justice - all Jews ... etc.
      Jews seized power in Russia. Facts stubborn thing.
      1. +7
        7 November 2017 14: 51
        The first Bolshevik government (note rhino):

        Premier - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin (Russian, from the nobility)
        Ministry of Internal Affairs - Alexey Ivanovich Rykov (Russian, from peasants)
        Ministry of Agriculture - Vladimir Pavlovich Milyutin (Russian, from the philistines)
        Ministry of Labor - Alexander Gavrilovich Shlyapnikov (Russian, from the bourgeoisie-Old Believers)
        Ministry of Defense - Vladimir Alexandrovich Antonov-Ovseenko / Pavel Efimovich Krylenko / Nikolay Vasilyevich Krylenko (Ukrainian / Ukrainian / Russian; from the nobility / from the middle class / from the peasants)
        Ministry of Industry and Trade - Victor Pavlovich Nogin (Russian, from the philistines)
        Minobr - Anatoly Vasilievich Lunacharsky (Russian, from the nobility)
        Ministry of Finance - Ivan Ivanovich Skvortsov (Russian, from a family of employees)
        MFA - Lev Davidovich Bronstein (Jew, from a family of landowners)
        Ministry of Justice - George Ippolitovich Oppokov (Russian, from a priest's family)
        State Reserve - Ivan Adolfovich Teodorovich (Pole, from the nobility)
        The Ministry of Communications - Nikolai Pavlovich Glebov-Avilov (Russian, from the philistines)
        Minnats - Joseph Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili (Georgian, from artisans)
        Rospotrebnadzor - Eduard Eduardovich Essen (Russian, from the nobility)
        Ombudsvumen - Alexandra Mikhailovna Kollontai (Russian, from the nobility, the first woman minister in history)

        In general, it is strange to watch how people like you everywhere see a Jewish conspiracy.
      2. +8
        7 November 2017 17: 06
        I remember a joke of Soviet times. Two directors meet. The first asks:
        - Listen, do you take Jews to work?
        - I take it.
        “Listen, where do you get them?”
        Quote from dsk
        Jews seized power in Russia. Facts are a stubborn thing.

        With the same success, we can say that the Jews ruled Russia before the Bolsheviks, because the last Romanovs were representatives of the Holstein Gottorp dynasty. laughing
        I still remembered.
        "Jews, Jews, only Jews around" wassat
        The song was so childish. Like "If there is no water in the tap ... If there is water in the tap ... They say that the sparrow is also a little Jew ...", remember?
        Have Russians ever ever led themselves, do you think? What kind of people are we, then Normans, then Mongols, now Jews ... Do you feel sorry for the Russians? It hurts so we are getting miserable with you, just like that in a yoke and ask - not to one, but to another.
        Do you have a sense of your own national dignity, write this?
  23. +15
    7 November 2017 14: 16
    I read the comments and, frankly, they make me happy. There are much more “reds” than “whites,” while the “reds” are much more educated and erudite, while the “whites” operate at the level of Radio Liberty or Novodvorskaya. So, for the country, everything is still not lost.
    On the occasion of the Great October Socialist Revolution, comrades!
    1. +5
      7 November 2017 16: 12
      Quote: Laurel
      So, for the country, everything is still not lost.

      So far yes .. but iPhones are coming ..
      1. +1
        10 November 2017 14: 52
        Quote: mat-vey
        So far yes .. but iPhones are coming ..

        In addition to these individuals, there are normal youth. I don’t know, maybe I’m lucky, but I know a lot of representatives of normal youth. Even with his cockroaches in his head. So my generation, too, is absolutely not worth burying.
        1. 0
          10 November 2017 18: 12
          So no one argues that there is .. only here, as in the garden - some are watered-fed, others will be sprinkled with salt ...
          1. 0
            15 November 2017 08: 47
            Quote: mat-vey
            only here as in the garden - some are watered-fed, others will be sprinkled with salt ...

            Gee, that’s just e ... uh ... economists, lawyers and other social.-ec bruised all over his head Brotherhood (or office plankton) is fed for slaughter, while normal, in the majority, engineers, doctors, teachers and representatives of other professions, paid “below the baseboard”, are eager to be “tinkered”.
  24. +8
    7 November 2017 14: 26
    Lieutenant Teterin,
    Not in my opinion, but in your opinion, a lieutenant. You, after all, did not speak with me now, but with yourself. They themselves brought the facts and themselves proved them. At school, the same problems solved from the end of the textbook? Above there was a conversation about the crazy ideas of the occupation of the USSR, Russia. On this issue, have something to say? Do you also support Uronazi propaganda?
    1. dSK
      7 November 2017 16: 18
      Metropolitan Gorlovsky and Slavic Mitrofan | November 6, 2017
      “From a legal point of view, Prince Dimitry Pozharsky rebelled against the lawful rulers, against the legitimate sovereign who was in Moscow and seemed to have all the rights to rule the people. The prince gathered around himself a militia and went to free the city from his“ rule. ”Pozharsky was called a traitor and a traitor at that time, but today he’s a national hero and monuments are erected to him. This example shows very clearly that the Motherland is not the president and not the government, not the majority in the Verkhovna Rada or any other parliament. The motherland is the land on which we live according to which we walk, which we love, from which we can never refuse, how impossible it is to abandon parents.

      To love the Motherland does not mean to love some party, left or right, any politician or ruler. To love the Motherland is to love the land on which you live, and to do everything so that this land does not go bankrupt, but flourishes, so that life on it becomes better. It’s not the one who waves the flag or shouts patriotic slogans who loves his homeland, but the one who does not steal, does not rob, does not deceive, who has compassion, helps those who are next to him, build and build this land, and not destroy, do not make it lifeless desert "
  25. +4
    7 November 2017 14: 30
    "Eat pineapples, grouse chew,
    your last day is coming, bourgeois. "
    V. Mayakovsky

    “The past must be known not because it has passed, but because, leaving, it did not know how to“ remove its consequences ”” (V.O. Klyuchevsky).

    V.O. Klyuchevsky, “history is not a teacher, but a warden magistra vitae (mentor of life): she does not teach anything, but only punishes her for not knowing the lessons.”
  26. +5
    7 November 2017 15: 37
    Guided, if not strange, by socialist legality, and not by this expression.
  27. +5
    7 November 2017 15: 56
    The very existence of our country, Dmitry. That is all the merit of the Revolution.
  28. +4
    7 November 2017 16: 06

    Happy Intransigence Day!
    1. +6
      7 November 2017 16: 30
      Hama, by the way, is a large part of Russia, which fed this one ...
      1. +5
        7 November 2017 16: 41
        Since when did the poor drunk, criminals and half-heads from factories, national minorities and other rabble have become "most of Russia" and its "breadwinners"?
        No one was harmed by the Soviet regime as much as a Russian peasant. Dissipated, tattered, robbed by collectivization, deported from their native places thousands of kilometers from home to an empty steppe in the middle of winter.
        1. +4
          8 November 2017 08: 00
          No one was harmed by the Soviet regime as much as a Russian peasant. Tinkered, tattered, robbed by collectivization, ...

          crying crying crying But seriously:
          Two aircraft were built with the money of Ferapont Golovaty: the Yak-1Б and the Yak-3. Both were bought for Boris Yeryomin. The first aircraft was at the end of December 1942 (or in January 1943), the second in May 1944. On the fuselage of the first one there was an inscription: “To the pilot of the Stalingrad Front of the Guard Major Yeryomin from the collective farmer of the collective farm“ Stakhanovets ”Comrade Holovaty. " On the second: "From Ferapont Petrovich Golovaty 2-th plane to the final defeat of the enemy." To buy the first plane, Golovaty sold a centner of honey and two cows.
          Matrena Ivanovna Yakovleva, who, having ceased to receive letters from the front from her husband, sold all her property (including, as they say in newspaper articles, 7 head of cattle) and even her own house, having given away for the purchase of an airplane 100 Thousand rubles.
          During the Great Patriotic War, the crew of the T-126 / 17 mother-motherland tank fought as part of the 34 th 85 md. Tank was built at the expense of 65-year Muscovite Maria Iosifovna Orlova, the mother of the commander of the 6 th 4 th TA, which included the 17 th RBM, Colonel V.F. Orlov, who later became the Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumous).
          Ilya Andreevich and Maria Filipovna Shirmanovs presented the purchased for personal savings tank to his only son Andrei in honor of the 25th anniversary of the Red Army. T-34 / 76 was received in June 1943, then the parents took pictures with him as a keepsake. A tank with a crew died in the Chernivtsi region.
          Spouses Alexandra and Ivan Boyko contributed to the bank 50 thousand rubles for the construction of the tank and asked to send them on it to the front ... The request of the patriots to fight on their own tank was respected. Both of them were drafted into the army. After studying at CTTU, the couple arrived in July 1944 of the year at the 2th Baltic Front in the guards. Alexandra became the commander of the car, Ivan - the driver-mechanic (this was the only case when a woman became the commander of a heavy tank). Their IS-2 tank No. 40356, on board of which was written “Patriots Boyko” (according to the alternative version “Kolyma”), participated in the liberation of Vyborg, Tartu, Tallinn, and defeated the Nazis in Latvia.
          In the Rossoshansky district of the Voronezh region in the 1944, the collective farmer Miron Alexandrovich Polyanichko surrendered to the district party committee 300 Thousand rubles.
          65-year-old collective farmer of the Khleborob artel of the Myshensky village council of Miloslavsky district P. V Krysanov spoke at the meeting and said: “The more tanks we have, the closer the victory over the sworn enemy! I am contributing to the construction of the tank convoy“ Ryazan collective farmer ”that I earned honestly labor 1400 rubles. "But Volodya Minaev, a student of the 10 class of the Pekhletsk high school, was a tractor driver all summer of the 1943 year. All the money earned for the 4 month is almost 10 thousand rubles - he gave to build tanks.
          The staff of the Sverdlovsk bread and pasta factory, mostly women, bought a T-34 tank for their meager savings and called it “Fighting girlfriend”.
          The artist Yakhontov in memory of his idol called the IS-2 tank he bought at his own expense. The actor had a cherished dream: to build a tank with his own money, name him Mayakovsky and send him to the front. The request of the famous reader was granted.
          6 February 1943 Yeysk and Yeysk district were released from the Germans. The Yeichites began to rebuild the economy destroyed by the war. In these difficult years, the home front workers did their best to bring the hour of the Great Victory closer. On the initiative of the Yeisk grain farm workers, fundraising began for the construction of the Yeisk collective farmer tank. The initiative was supported by the Yeisk RK of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, which adopted a resolution on the collection of funds for the construction of the tank. The first to contribute 100 thousand rubles. workers of the Yeisk grain farm. They sent a telegram addressed to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin with a request to assign the name “Yeisk collective farmer” to the tank being built with their money and received a satisfactory answer. In total, the workers of the Yeisk district contributed 380.508 rubles to the construction of the tank. 34 cop. One of the newly built T-34 tanks with tail number 4 was given the name "Yeisk collective farmer."
          And also: Writer Mikhail Sholokhov gave his Stalin Prize for "Quiet Don" (awarded in the 1941 year) to military enterprises. His colleague Alexander Twardowski brought thousands of rubles to the 50 defense fund. Alexey Tolstoy donated thousands of rubles for the purchase of 100 aircraft. The designer of the Soviet Yak aircraft Alexander Yakovlev gave 150 thousand rubles received in the form of a prize for new developments.
          Two fighters of La-5F were built on the savings of the artists of the jazz band Leonid Utesov "Merry Guys". The aircraft were handed over to the pilots of the 5 GIAP in November 1943. Both aircraft flew as part of the 5 GIAP until Victory. La-5F with tail number “14” of Senior Lieutenant Alexander Masterkov, had the inscription “From the L. Utesov Jazz Orchestra” on the right side of the fuselage.
          Aircraft Yak-7B with the inscription "SMALL THEATER - FRONT", built at the expense of workers of the Maly Theater.
          the poor drunk, criminals and half-heads from factories, national minorities and other scum have become "most of Russia" and its "breadwinners"?

          But it happens !? In my head ...
          1. 0
            8 November 2017 08: 49
            And the source of these wonderful poly-arms of the dairy rivers, and the jelly banks?
            1. +2
              8 November 2017 09: 30
              Too lazy to select and click search, Partigenigenoss?
          2. +3
            8 November 2017 09: 08
            My great-grandfather lived 109 years (he was born even at the serfdom and died after Gagarin’s flight) I didn’t see him, but my mother talked to him a lot, and so he said when someone started to grumble - well ... and you are better than life than with the Bolsheviks there wasn’t ... and he had something to remember and died without insanity - a heart attack ...
      2. +8
        7 November 2017 16: 51
        Oh yes, "Boors - to the stable .... smack!"
        And at this time they have - Schubert, rolls and ravishing evenings
        1. +3
          7 November 2017 17: 11
          Creatures that do not distinguish law-abiding God-fearing citizens from the rampant mob of terrorists and mass murderers - yes, flog. Until they grow wiser.
        2. +1
          9 November 2017 01: 50
          About these evenings, every day I hear a song in the minibus. It is not clear what the drivers found in it.
          Quote: Severomor
          Oh yes, "Boors - to the stable .... smack!"
          And at this time they have - Schubert, rolls and ravishing evenings

          And where are those who flogged ???
    2. +6
      7 November 2017 17: 57
      Quote: Dzmicer
      Happy Intransigence Day!

      You described yourself a little higher and admitted that you are a fascist, well, INTEGRABILITY to you, the quality of worthy people.
  29. +2
    7 November 2017 16: 21
    The 100th column won 5 years ago.

    I must admit, some of the views of the left are very tasty ...... the part of life itself was considered a follower of most of their ideas. But their main principle is limitation, violence, irrational distribution of resources, etc. In general, foreign utility unions took over some of the usefulnesses from them, and for good reason. Our situation is strange, with such an experience of Bolshevism (75 years), our trade unions are incredibly modest, with our fierce Russian capitalism this is not amenable to intelligence!

    Aw! Where are you unions?

    Why is it that someone who does not shy away from paying taxes is torn in 3 skins, and who is super-rich, but on the sanction lists - does not pay taxes at all.

    We have nothing to do with capitalism

    We have gangsterism .... just not like in the 90s (wild), but creeping. Whoever is closer to power or richer is right.

    Once again-this is not capitalism, but a mess ..... legitimized by the authorities. Putin, ay! Let your sidekick pay taxes, and it’s time to introduce progressive tax scale - a country in a semi-military situation !! For the war period, another is required - MILITARY ECONOMY. Someone considers the war with cannibals and savages frivolous? No, it’s just the war that is going on on many fronts - in addition to Syria and LDNR, we are constantly being crushed in the media space, NATO is constantly moving, all kinds of internal agitators from recruiting to the Islamic State, to Islamic radicalism, etc., etc. In a word, these things are made up of one deck and, of course, paid.

    So the wartime economy should be MILITARYand therefore apply to the richest progressive taxation scale.

    We did not officially switch to the military economy during the war in Afghanistan - and in vain, this affected the collapse of the USSR, because then there were also many hot spots and those who urgently needed help, and this is almost half the world!

    So it’s fraught to shift the main burden of war onto the shoulders of ordinary people ..... people can still endure the vagaries of the rich for the time being, then an explosion is inevitable, and do not rub the Rotenbergs poor and unfortunate - let them pay as all taxes and not on a proportional scale, but progressive ..... and Sechin with Serdyukov, that's all!
    1. +3
      8 November 2017 09: 09
      Quote: Novel 11
      Once again-this is not capitalism, but a mess ..... legitimized by the authorities.

      I don’t want to upset you, but this is capitalism ...
  30. +1
    7 November 2017 16: 45
    Quote: Laurel
    I read the comments and, frankly, they make me happy. There are much more “reds” than “whites”

    For those who are concreted in armor on the shoulders - you risk fighting with your enemies all your life ..... behind the wall is the same declassed item reds - they are at war with all neighbors, their deeds are not in Syria, but against pensioners in the courts! Is it okay through the court from the pocket of retirees? 40 years under one roof? Sharikovs (declassed element) among the reds - a dime a dozen! They may have learned to speak, but as the professor said, nothing came of them recourse

    So stop looking for gray-brown-crimson and life will become a little easier, because all the same, she is ruled by Putin and Rotenberg, promissory notes and Abramovich .... the thieves list is big wink
  31. +7
    7 November 2017 17: 02
    Thank you Alexander for the article.
    I’ll add a little material for readers of “VO”. In Soviet times, from 1978 to 1988, I was subordinate to the PA "Russia" (6 GU MRP USSR). this software was in Leningrad. in 1885, by the decision of our Government, I came to hand them the Order of the "World War I Class". There were no such enterprises in the Ministry of Radioprom who were awarded such a high award. This factory was created in 1922 and was called "Promet". During the Second World War, he released ammunition, and after going to the Ministry of Industry and Industry, he released: radar, control gear, blocks for TVs, armored personnel carriers for ACS ATC, and much more. Post of celebration General Director Nikolaev G.P. showed me a stand. On it was a party ticket V.I. Lenin number 3. It turns out V.I. Lenin was part of the Promet factory until the Great October Revolution.
    Happy November 7th, Happy Red Calendar Day. I have the honor.
    1. +1
      7 November 2017 17: 14
      Dear Readers, sorry. The plant was established in 1911. While writing a comment, I was torn off by the phone ringing. I have the honor.
  32. +5
    7 November 2017 17: 06
    And wholesale, it’s not just one Poklonskaya’s bust of the king that is streaming. Olgovich, enlighten how it looks ...
  33. +2
    7 November 2017 17: 15
    Quote: Dzmicer
    I am for Russia. For legitimate authority. For the Russian people.

    Which Russia? she is always so different, from light to dark.
    What kind of power is legitimate? At which the courts shake out money from pensioners ..... of course, and old people are different ..... but old people!
    And why honestly paying taxes are stolen to the penny, and fabulous profits jumping offshore are nothing? Where is she the legal authority? We still do not know much about the elections.

    For the Russian people? For what? There are sick haters, if they don’t torment others, they don’t feel like people - it’s a disease, so the stars agree ... so are you for them? there are many of them !!
  34. +3
    7 November 2017 17: 18
    From the book "Memoirs of 500 Russian Children" ed. prof. V.V. Zenkovsky
    “I soon saw people being cut.” Dad told me: "Come, Mark, you're too small to see it." “Life somehow swayed right away at us, and everything rolled on an inclined plane ...” “Russian blood soon began to pour, my loved ones died without a moan, without curses and complaints. - I survived only one of the whole family.

    “I recognized the revolution.” A bomb was thrown into a small house. I ran there. Everything crumbled. In the corner was a woman. Near her son with his legs torn off. I immediately realized what to do, because was fond of scoutism. I sent my little brother for a cab, bandaged the wounded as I could ... The worst thing in the revolution is the wounded. They were never fed. We, children, had to collect money for them.

    - Our father was shot, his brother was killed, his son-in-law shot himself. - Both my brothers died. - Mother, brother and sister were killed. - They killed the father, the mother was tortured by hunger ... They took the uncle away, then found in one of the pits, there were many of them.

    - I saw at 11 years old and shootings, and hanging, drowning and even wheeling. “All of our realists have perished.” No one returned home. My brother was also killed ... - Over the years I have become so used to death that now it does not make any impression on me. - I went to prison, asked not to slaughter dad, but to slaughter me. They drove me away. - The doctor came, and, pointing to my mother, asked: "Not dead yet?" I lay there and listened to it every day, morning and evening.

    - I saw mountains of the wounded, dying for three days on ice. - My dad was put in the basement with water. It was impossible to sleep there. Everyone stood on their feet. At this time, my mother died, and soon my father died ...

    - His parents were hiding. Hunger forced to send his son for bread. He was recognized and arrested. He was tormented for a week: they cut his skin, knocked out his teeth, burned his eyelids with cigarettes, demanding to extradite his father. He endured everything without uttering a word. A month later, his incredibly disfigured corpse was found. All the children of our city went to watch ...

    “The check was placed in my parents' house.” When the Bolsheviks were driven out, I went around the unrecognizable rooms of my native home. I read the inscriptions of the executed, made in the last minutes. I found a jaw torn from someone, a warm stocking of an infant, a girl’s braid with a piece of meat. The worst thing was in our sheds. All of them were filled to the brim with torn corpses. On the wall of the cellar, someone scratched the last words: "Lord, I'm sorry ..."

    1. +2
      8 November 2017 08: 38
      Recommended reading for rounding: S.P. Melgunov "Red Terror in Russia":
      A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Gulag Archipelago";
      V.B. Suvorov (Rezun) "Icebreaker".
      And also for contrast: Shidlovsky S. N. "Notes of a white officer."
      Shkuro A.G. "Notes of the White Partisan." Gul R. B. "Ice campaign." Von Budberg A.P. "Diary of the White Guard." Lieutenant General Denisov S. V. "Notes. Civil War in the South of Russia 1918-1920." Drozdovsky M. G. "Diary". Denikin A. I. "Essays on Russian Troubles".
      “The White Terror in Russia 1918-1920" P.A. Goluba.
  35. +1
    7 November 2017 17: 29
    Quote: Olgovich

    Or all retirees? laughing
    1. +2
      8 November 2017 15: 37
      Do not slander retirees ...
  36. +2
    7 November 2017 18: 47
    Some commentators write that VOSR is the horrors of the civil war, the Bolshevik terror, the executions of the NKVD. They are categorically opposed by others, claiming that one more Stalin is needed, only he will wean the corrupt officials and oligarchs from stealing from the people.

    The most interesting thing is that both are right
  37. +1
    7 November 2017 19: 11
    Quote: badens1111
    And what is the Criminal Code, in any country, if not a thing to prosecute from dissatisfied to direct bandits?
    I agree with the second, direct gangsters are prosecuted under the law (CC), and as for the first, those dissatisfied with these articles are prosecuted only in totalitarian countries, and not in any. What are you talking about and you acknowledge it, so go, go, go .....
    1. +4
      8 November 2017 00: 07
      Quote: verner1967
      and as for the first, those who are dissatisfied with these articles are persecuted only in totalitarian countries, and not in any.

      Tell it in America, in the era of McCarthyism, and even now, tell it to the Indians, whose leader Peltier, on absolutely far-fetched pretexts in conclusion.
  38. +3
    7 November 2017 22: 37
    Quote: SMP
    and the hunchbacked traitor in general bought by the CIA is the biggest success of the Americans,
    recruit the head of state of the enemy. Here even Stirlitz is resting ..

    But why didn’t we succeed in recruiting Bush? Are they ready to sell their mother for money? Or not? Could not or are our people more honest there?
  39. +8
    7 November 2017 23: 34
    Quote: Olgovich

    Katasonov is a "cool" economist: he has been cramming the collapse of Russia every year since 2002 of the year.

    There are more authoritative sources: the secret Report of the Central Statistical Bureau of the USSR 1955 of the year, which records: meat in 1937 g ate at 40% less than in 1913 g, milk - on 20% less; eggs, fish, bread, clothes - on 20% less than in 1913 year.
    The pre-revolutionary level of food consumption was reached only by 1950, the pre-revolutionary level of housing provision for citizens was only by 1960.
    From 1964 of the year-the depopulation of Russian.

    Depopulation, you say? And how many children and your relatives do you have? Here in my family from generation to generation from 4 to 7. And my wife is also like that, and our children will not have 1 either!
    And about the consumption of food - complete rubbish, hunger in the Russian-imperial village was a frequent visitor, I know this from “first persons” - one great-grandmother of mine, Baba Fekla, born in 1889 lived until 105, the second (grandmother Maroussia) until 98, great-grandfather Athanasius and great-grandmother Fenya - also exceeded 90, so there was someone to tell. This is what I understand, authoritative sources, and not some kind of "secret bill" there. I have 43, and I still have a maternal grandmother, God grant her ... and she also remembers the stories of her parents, like a swan and a bark from spruce trees and there was one pair of shoes per family. You can laugh, but as a child my great-grandfather taught me how to cook acorns correctly, how to make flour from the roots of reeds and cattail, purely in Russian "just in case"
  40. +2
    8 November 2017 00: 31
    From all revolutions there is only grief and loss, it would be better if they would not have existed at all - not one in Russia.
  41. +2
    8 November 2017 03: 28
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: SMP
    and the hunchbacked traitor in general bought by the CIA is the biggest success of the Americans,
    recruit the head of state of the enemy. Here even Stirlitz is resting ..

    But why didn’t we succeed in recruiting Bush? Are they ready to sell their mother for money? Or not? Could not or are our people more honest there?

    Gorbachev received a salary of the secretary general of about 4000 rubles and from 100 thousand US dollars (Nobel Prize), his roof was demolished.
    Bush’s money is not measured, he’s used to them, so that he also has a roof demolished, he should have been given at least 400%. And how to give them? There was no such award in the USSR.
  42. +2
    8 November 2017 03: 58
    Reptiloid, "All ready to give for cookies,
    Get your profits.
    I know: repeating lightning!
    I know: there will still be a thunderstorm!
    Revolution young faces
    They’ll look into the eyes of the world again !!! "
    Mayakovsky had a similar style, Dmitry. Poems like beats of the heart! Thanks again!
  43. 0
    8 November 2017 04: 35
    No, they are not, Shkuro was an SS-man, and by this he crossed out all his merits to Russia. As for the Cambridge Four, I’m not an Englishman to consider them traitors, especially since they spied on the British, well done!

    It doesn’t matter who Shkuro or the “Kirillovichs” become, the main point is a person who sincerely chooses one or another ideology. Bukovsky, just a banal pedophile. And, the "Cambridge Four", they were ideological and intelligence activities would be carried out in any bourgeois country for the sake of October.
  44. +1
    8 November 2017 11: 17
    Doctor, do you own a violin, or at least own a cello?

    I? Only a guitar, but I know one theme: "Spanish tie." How do you think fits in the form of an adagio for empty heads? wassat
    1. +1
      8 November 2017 11: 29
      exactly spanish? not Colombian? belay and then, you know, with a scalpel, and in a good mood, you will do this to anyone. wink Aliens do not understand, they are popular for simple translocation. request
      1. +2
        8 November 2017 11: 43
        No, Nikolai, what am I, what a monster ?! wassat I hate to take actions whose consequences cannot be fixed. "Spanish tie", this is a modification of the Good Monk's bamboo stick. Just bring to life and all request I think that even the aliens on our site will get through and the clips with cogs will come back. wink laughing
        1. +3
          8 November 2017 11: 59
          I think that even the aliens on our site will get through and the clips with cogs will come back. wink laughing

          nothing will help our aliens. If only creative work and a ban on slogans and pseudo-historical literature. stop Well, yes, and the stick of the Good Doctor .. pah, Monk. hi
          1. +2
            8 November 2017 12: 16
            Yes, for sure, I didn’t mention about creative work, but you can replace the “mother in the galaxy” with the usual “from the fence to lunch”. If healing in 10 years does not come, then in the clinic, for experiments. laughing
            1. +2
              8 November 2017 12: 23
              but the "mother of the galaxy" can be replaced with the usual, "from the fence to lunch."

              To replace creativity with bureaucracy? belay Doctor, you are a decent person! stop Maybe to search for hidden talents - to make you dance, write poetry, embroider, draw, so that everyone can fulfill themselves .. fellow although .. yes, rather than looking for the key to the good in every person, it is often easier to give a slap and say "Or work." angry The question, by the way, is deeply psychological! drinks
              1. +5
                8 November 2017 12: 40
                He seems to be a psychological question. In my opinion, no psychology can cure people who believe that the estates should be returned to the country, and RI is an ideal country that was destroyed by the B-Bolsheviks. Only occupational therapy can help, only she.
                1. +1
                  8 November 2017 12: 48
                  that the estates must be returned to the country

                  they .. have already been returned. Look at the "new know."
                  RI, this is the ideal country that the w-Bolsheviks destroyed

                  to each his own. I try to value people by their minds and not by their political views (with the exception of Russophobes).
                  1. +5
                    8 November 2017 14: 29
                    Sometimes political views arise as a result of a lack of intelligence ...
                    1. +4
                      8 November 2017 14: 56
                      Often, I think so. But the mind, this is not so bad, views, sometimes, are formed due to the eternal 15 summer age. The outside entails, "clarinets, evenings ....".
                      1. +5
                        8 November 2017 15: 25
                        Quote: avva2012
                        But the mind, it’s not so bad, views, sometimes, are formed due to the eternal 15 years of age

                        The eternal 15 years of age is no longer a lack of mind, it is a damage to the psyche ...
                  2. +5
                    8 November 2017 14: 53
                    I don’t know, Nikolay, but I don’t see monarchists in addition to our site in real life. There are liberals, there are "red" laughing. Everything. Apparently wilderness, Siberia, there is no flight of thought, like the Olgovich wassat
                    1. +1
                      9 November 2017 13: 07
                      All. Apparently wilderness, Siberia, there is no flight of thought, like the Olgovich

                      No, your monarchists were first with the Admiral, and the rest then were shot with Semenov. request
  45. +2
    8 November 2017 15: 38
    And, some ideas in the head of an adult, what is this? Apparently, you are right, it remains to classify and enter the ICD laughing
  46. +5
    9 November 2017 06: 53
    Alexander Green,
    Alexander, I absolutely agree with your arguments. It was possible to consider from a professional point of view, but you feel sick (not from the text) from the disgust of the fall.
    1. +1
      9 November 2017 11: 32
      Quote: avva2012
      Alexander Green,
      Alexander, I absolutely agree with your arguments. It was possible to consider from a professional point of view, but you feel sick (not from the text) from the disgust of the fall.

      From a professional point of view, the state of people who deny the surrounding REALITY (government documents of the Russian Federation), has long been described.

      Sick people from blasphemy and insulting the memory of victims of hunger.

      ANYTHING to hundreds of such documents you can counter-DO NOT!
      Except that it does not fit in the head. Yes, it does not fit, but the worse the reality.

      I sympathize with you - your world, which you invented, collapsed hi
      1. +3
        9 November 2017 11: 42
        Quote: Olgovich
        government documents of the Russian Federation

        Yes, yes, Olgovich .. STATE documents, falsifications from Pikhoy, Yakovlev and the Khrushchev gang, cause skepticism to all your words.
        And your tendency to use outright fakes from the West as your "evidence" just makes you think that you are not who you say you are .. "construction officer" ...
        IN AND. The last year of his life, Ilyukhin was engaged in false documents, on the basis of which the USSR, and with it Russia, was accused by non-governmental and government scoundrels of killing those Polish officers who had taken refuge in the USSR in 1939 from their duty to defend Poland. These documents were falsified and planted in the archives of Russia, and Ilyukhin (Lieutenant General of Justice and Doctor of Law), having established this, turned to the Prosecutor General with a demand to investigate this crime and punish the perpetrators. But, as you understand, the prosecutor’s office did not and does not consider a crime against Russia a crime. Http: //
        post387010645 /
        In general, study, Mr. liar ..
        natjevich / kak-uroduyut-istoriyu-tvoej-rodini / 6
        1. +1
          9 November 2017 13: 14
          Quote: badens1111
          Yes, yes, Olgovich .. it is GOVERNMENTAL documents, falsifications from Pikhoy, Yakovlev and the Khrushchev gang that cause skepticism to all your words.

          What is the matter with you, comrade Biden? fool
          what Katyn?
          Speech of hunger 32-33.

          Refute PHOTOS and NUMBERS of Rosarchiv’s affairs lol
  47. +1
    9 November 2017 11: 05
    Alexander Green,
    Refute the document, but do not bring your "thinkers."
    HUNDREDS of such documents refute!
    You are blaspheming.
    1. +3
      9 November 2017 23: 36
      Quote: Olgovich
      HUNDREDS of such documents refute!

      Such fakes were thrown into the media an unmeasured amount, because the price was high - the destruction of the USSR. But the double edged sword - they beat across the USSR, and beat Russia.
      1. +1
        10 November 2017 12: 05
        Quote: Alexander Green
        Quote: Olgovich
        HUNDREDS of such documents refute!

        Such fakes were thrown into the media an unmeasured amount, because the price was high - the destruction of the USSR. But the double edged sword - they beat across the USSR, and beat Russia.

        Throw ROSARCHIVES, Rosarchives
        /content.shtml, and not the media - again it is not clear ?!
        THERE ARE THOUSAND documents of originals-PHOTOCOPES of OGPU reports and so on for the years 193-1934.
        Refute them!
        Let’s request an archive, and then the one who is a LIHR who will be publicly in a lie will leave.
        1. 0
          10 November 2017 19: 42
          Quote: Olgovich
          Let's request an archive, and then the one who is a LIHR, the prizess in public in a lie, will leave

          There are two options.
          1. If you are preparing a fake seriously, then it is placed in the archive. But in many ways it can be distinguished from the real one, thanks to Ilyukhin and Mukhin, they taught how to do it.
          2. The original may be in the archive, but they do not publish a photocopy of it, but a distorted copy. One thing is that instead of surnames in the "archival document" are indicated not the names and surnames, but the conventional letters of S.K. U. etc. this already says that this is not a document.
          1. +1
            11 November 2017 09: 54
            [quote = Alexander Green] 1. If a fake is being prepared seriously, then it is also placed in the archive. But in many ways it can be distinguished from the real one, thanks to Ilyukhin and Mukhin, they taught how to do this.
            2. The original may be in the archive, but they do not publish a photocopy of it, but a distorted copy. One thing is that instead of surnames in the "archival document" are indicated not the names and surnames, but the conventional letters of S.K. U. etc. this already says that this is not a document. [/ quote You are given DOCUMENTS, PHOTOCOPIES OF ROSARCHIV, storage numbers.
            You contrast them only with your fears of eternal deception.
            You are NOT able to reject.
            Once again, let's request an archive! If you lie, then admit and leave.
            If I'm the same!
            Why do not you agree? Are you afraid RIGHT afraid!
        2. +1
          12 November 2017 14: 45
          Quote: Olgovich
          Refute them!
          Let’s request an archive, and then the one who is a LIHR who will be publicly in a lie will leave.

          I looked at your link. Document

          Well, I do not believe this photo, even with yellowed sheets. Because what is written there is in doubt.
          Quote from page 3, lower paragraph.
          “In the first days of February, in the Litipsky District, the poor sole-man individual Kkhkhkhkh, with the aim of killing his children - two daughters of 5 and 8 years old, heated the stove and closed the chimney. Children from torment began to suffer and scream for help, then they strangled them, after which he went to the village council and announced the complete murder.
          Really, those who wrote this note did not know that death from carbon monoxide comes quiet without torment, they breathe without notice, because it is odorless, a person just quietly lulls to sleep. So about the "torment" and "screaming", this is fiction.
          Yes, and why in the certificate of such a level to paint who was tormented and died? In such documents, generalized information is usually given in the form of a table with numbers where how many are starving and how many have died. And in this reference there is not even a total, i.e. The document is written to impress.
          By the link
          /1933_21.shtml there is another reference, which refers to the events of February 1933, the date of March 17, 1933, and the number of archival files are stamped on it. I, dealing with the delivery of documents to the archive, the question arises: "Is it possible that documents of a month ago are archived?"
          The time will come, and independent experts will give an opinion on all these documents, I hope that they will separate the husk from the chaff. In the meantime, I’m not in a hurry to take everything on faith, in addition, the editor of the Duel newspaper, Y. Mukhin, writes that there are now sites where you can produce any documents yourself on-line.
          1. +1
            13 November 2017 13: 45
            Quote: Alexander Green
            The time will come, and independent experts will give an opinion on all these documents, I hope that they will separate the husk from the chaff. In the meantime, I’m not in a hurry to take everything on faith, in addition, the editor of the Duel newspaper, Y. Mukhin, writes that there are now sites where you can produce any documents yourself on-line.

            You are incomprehensible, excuse me, in your fear of persecuting YOU ALL.
            The site has authoritative people of encyclopedic knowledge: Andrey from Chelyabinsk, Alexei RA.
            Ask if they are fake documents PUBLISHED BY MUSCARDS. .
            1. +1
              14 November 2017 00: 47
              Quote: Olgovich
              The site has authoritative people of encyclopedic knowledge: Andrey from Chelyabinsk, Alexei RA.

              They also found "experts." I believe now only Mukhin. Ilyukhin, unfortunately, passed away early, the impression is that he was helped to die. Here they are really experts.
  48. +3
    9 November 2017 12: 42
    Here you are, Alexander asked, is it sadistic Olgovich? I think not. He has an excellent, calm, prosperous life in a small poor country. All his wishes are fulfilled by specially trained servants (or orderlies) ...... The table is good, cigars, drinks, pills, injections ..... BUT HORROR he lacks !!!!!
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +3
      10 November 2017 11: 48
      The table is good, cigars, drinks, pills, injections ..... BUT HORROR he lacks !!!!!

      Well, well described (seriously), Dmitry! The picture came to the sight of the eye! Pills, injections ..., healing enemas with chamomile are not enough, obviously wink
      1. +1
        10 November 2017 13: 05
        by the way, and I recommend you the Russian ORIGINS of the GARF, RGAE, RGASPI, CA FSB of Russia on the topic of hunger, cannibalism 30-34gg
        Reading is very difficult, the hair stands on end. but wishing to know the truth, it is necessary. hi
        1. +4
          10 November 2017 13: 47
          Once again, Olgovich, the Bolsheviks are not tailed and fanged demons, stop believing in fairy tales, though good, even evil. As soon as you stop, you will immediately find and see documents that simply tell you how it was then. Yes, if you left links, then I will leave. "Historical materials:
          1. +1
            11 November 2017 09: 48
            Quote: avva2012
            Once again, Olgovich, the Bolsheviks are not tailed and fanged demons, stop believing in fairy tales, though good, even evil. As soon as you stop, you will immediately find and see documents that simply tell you how it was then. Yes, if you left links, then I will leave. "Historical materials:

            In appearance, no, in relation to the Russian people, yes.
            I opened the link: I gave it to you by cannibalism.
            There materials are SEA.
            What do you mean? request
    3. +1
      10 November 2017 12: 08
      Quote: Reptiloid
      Here you are, Alexander asked, is it sadistic Olgovich? I think not. He has an excellent, calm, prosperous life in a small poor country. All his wishes are fulfilled by specially trained servants (or orderlies) ...... The table is good, cigars, drinks, pills, injections ..... BUT HORROR he lacks !!!!!

      Read the RUSSIAN documents: http: //
      unger-ussr / content.shtml.
      Then we'll talk about who needs, as you said, servants (or orderlies). Have you agreed?