"Russia plunged into the swamp of a dirty and bloody revolution"

"Russia plunged into the swamp of a dirty and bloody revolution" 100 years ago, 3 (16) in March 1917, Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich signed an act of refusing to accept the throne of the Russian empire (the act of "non-acceptance of the throne"). Formally, Mikhail kept the rights to the Russian throne, the question of the form of government remained open until the Constituent Assembly decided. However, in reality, Mikhail Alexandrovich’s abdication of the throne meant the fall of the monarchy and the Romanov empire.

The acts of Nicholas II and Mikhail Alexandrovich were followed by public statements refusing their rights to the throne of other members of the Romanov dynasty. At the same time, they referred to the precedent created by Mikhail Alexandrovich: to return their rights to the throne only if they were confirmed at the All-Russian Constituent Assembly. The Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich, who initiated the collection of "statements" from the Romanovs: "Regarding our rights and, in particular, my succession to the throne, I, passionately loving my homeland, fully associate myself with the thoughts expressed in the act of refusal of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich."

Having learned about the refusal of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich from the throne, Nikolai Alexandrovich (former Tsar and elder brother of Mikhail) wrote in his diary from 3 (16) in March 1917: “It turns out that Misha denied. His manifesto ends with a four-tail for elections through the 6 months of the Constituent Assembly. God knows who advised him to sign such disgusting! In Petrograd, the riots ceased - if only this continued further. ”

Other contemporaries noted the fatal essence of this act. The Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander, General M. V. Alekseev, learning about the signed document in the evening of March 3 from Guchkov, told him that “at least a brief entry to the Throne of the Grand Duke would immediately introduce respect to the will of the former Emperor, and the readiness of the Grand Duke to serve his Fatherland in the hard days he was experiencing ... it would have made the best, invigorating impression on the army ... ”, and the grand duke’s refusal to accept the supreme power, from the point of view of the general, was a fatal mistake, the disastrous consequences of which for the French NTA began to tell in the first days.

Prince S.Ye. Trubetskoy expressed a general opinion: “In essence, the point was that Mikhail Alexandrovich immediately accepted the Imperial Crown transferred to him. He did not. God is his judge, but his renunciation in its consequences was far more menacing than the renunciation of the Sovereign - it was already a rejection of the monarchical principle. Mikhail Alexandrovich had a legal right to refuse the accession to the Throne (whether he had a moral right to do so was another question!), But in his act of abdication he did not pass the Russian Imperial Crown to the legitimate successor, quite lawlessly ... The Constituent Assembly. It was terrible! ... Our army survived the abdication of the Sovereign emperor relatively calmly, but the rejection of Mikhail Alexandrovich, the rejection of the monarchical principle in general, made a stunning impression on her: the main rod was taken out of the Russian state life ... From this time on, there were no longer any serious obstacles in the path of the revolution. There was nothing to cling to the elements of order and tradition. Everything went into a state of formlessness and decomposition. Russia was plunging into the swamp of a dirty and bloody revolution. ”

Thus, the power of the Romanovs, which existed since 1613, and the dynasty itself collapsed. The “White Empire” project has fallen “into the sucking swamp of the dirty and bloody revolution”. And the autocracy and the Russian empire were crushed not by the Bolsheviks, but by the leaders of Russia of that time, the Februaryists - Grand princes (almost all of them renounced Nicholas), the highest generals, leaders of all political parties and organizations, deputies of the State Duma, the church, which immediately recognized the Provisional Government, representatives of financial and economic circles, etc.

2 (15) March

On the night of 1 on 2 (15) in March, the garrison of Tsarskoye Selo finally went over to the side of the revolution. Tsar Nikolai Alexandrovich under pressure from the generals of Ruzsky, Alekseyev, the chairman of the State Duma Rodzianko, representatives of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma Guchkov and Shulgin decided to abdicate the throne.

The highest generals and grand dukes surrendered the tsar, thinking that Russia would follow the path of Western “modernization”, which is hindered by autocracy. At Stavka, Rodzianko generally favorably accepted the arguments in favor of renunciation as a means to end revolutionary anarchy. So, General Quartermaster General Headquarters General Lukomsky in a conversation with Chief of Staff of the Northern Front General Danilov said that he was praying to God that Ruzsky could convince the emperor to renounce. All front commanders and Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich (governor in the Caucasus) in their telegrams asked the emperor to abdicate "for the sake of the unity of the country in the terrible time of war." That same evening, the commander of the Baltic fleet A. I. Nepenin, on his own initiative, joined the general opinion of the respondents (on March 4, he himself would become a victim of his stupidity - they would kill him). As a result, everyone denied Nicholas II — the highest generals, the State Duma, and about 30 grand dukes and princesses from the Romanov family and the church hierarch.

Having received the answers of the commanders-in-chief of the fronts, Nicholas II, at about three o'clock in the afternoon, declared renunciation in favor of his son, Alexei Nikolaevich, under the regency of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich. At this time, representatives of the Provisional Committee of the State Duma A. I. Guchkov and V. V. Shulgin arrived in Pskov. The king, in conversation with them, said that he had decided in the afternoon to renounce in favor of his son. But now, realizing that he cannot accept separation from his son, he will deny both for himself and for his son. In 23.40, Nikolai conveyed to Guchkov and Shulgin the Act of Renunciation, which, in particular, read: “... We command our brother to rule the affairs of the state in complete and indestructible union with representatives of the people in legislative institutions, on the principles that they will establish, bringing in unbreakable oath. " At the same time, Nikolay signed a number of other documents: a decree to the Senate governing the dismissal of the former Council of Ministers and the appointment of Prince G. E. Lvov as chairman of the Council of Ministers, an order by the Army and Navy to appoint the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich as Supreme Commander.

3 (16) March. Further events

On this day, the leading Russian newspapers came out with an editorial specially written for this day by the poet Valery Bryusov, which began like this: “Liberated Russia, —What wonderful words! In them, the awakened element of People’s pride is alive! ”Then there were reports of the collapse of the 300-year monarchy of the Romanovs, the abdication of Nicholas II, the composition of the new Provisional Government and its slogan -“ Unity, Order, Work ”. In the armed forces, on the other hand, "democratization" began, lynching officers.

Early in the morning, during a meeting of members of the Provisional Government and the Provisional Committee of the State Duma (ICCL), when a telegram from Shulgin and Guchkov was read with information that Nicholas II had denied in favor of Mikhail Alexandrovich, Rodzianko stated that the latter’s accession to the throne was impossible. There was no objection. Then the members of the All-Union State Committee of Civil Rights and the Provisional Government gathered to discuss the situation in the apartment of the princes Putiatins, where the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich was. Most of the conference participants advised the Grand Duke not to accept the supreme power. Only P. N. Milyukov and. I. Guchkov urged Mikhail Alexandrovich to take the All-Russian throne. As a result, the grand duke, who was not distinguished by his strength of mind, signed the act of not accepting the throne around 4 in the afternoon.

Almost immediately, the Romanov family, which in its mass participated in the plot against the autocracy, and apparently hoped to maintain high positions in the new Russia, as well as capital and property, received an appropriate response. 5 (18) March 1917, the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet decided to arrest the entire royal family, confiscate their property and deny civil rights. 20 March The Provisional Government adopted a decision to arrest the former emperor Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna and deliver them from Mogilev to Tsarskoye Selo. A special commission headed by the commissar of the Provisional Government A. A. Bublikov was sent to Mogilyov, which was supposed to deliver the former emperor to Tsarskoye Selo. The former emperor went to Tsarskoye Selo in the same train with the Duma commissars and with a detachment of ten soldiers, which General Alekseev gave to their superiors.

8 March, the new commander of the Petrograd Military District, General L. G. Kornilov personally arrested the former empress. 9 March Nikolay arrived at Tsarskoye Selo already as a “colonel Romanov”.

Before leaving for Tsarskoye Selo, Nikolai Aleksandrovich issued his last order for the troops in Mogilev on 8 (21) in March: ““ I’ll appeal to you for the last time, soldiers so dear to my heart. Since I gave up on my own behalf and on behalf of my son from the Russian throne, power has been transferred to the Provisional Government, formed on the initiative of the State Duma. May God help this government lead Russia to glory and prosperity ... May God help you, valiant soldiers, to protect your homeland from a cruel enemy. For two and a half years, you have taken out tests of heavy duty every hour; much blood has been shed, tremendous efforts have been made, and the hour is already close when Russia and its glorious allies will work together to break the last resistance of the enemy. This unparalleled war should be brought to a final victory. Who thinks about the world at this moment is a traitor to Russia. I firmly believe that the endless love that inspires you for our beautiful homeland has not been extinguished in your hearts. God bless you and may the Great Martyr George lead you to victory! Nikolai.

The Provisional Government took a number of measures that did not stabilize the situation; on the contrary, they were aimed at destroying the tsarist legacy and increasing chaos in the country. 10 (23) March, the Provisional Government abolished the Police Department. Instead, it was established "Temporary Office for Public Police and to ensure the personal and property security of citizens." Police officers were subjected to repression, and they were prohibited from working in the newly created law enforcement agencies. Archives and card files were crushed. The situation was aggravated by universal amnesty - it was used not only by political prisoners, but also by criminal elements. This led to the fact that the police were not able to prevent the criminal revolution that had begun. The criminals took advantage of the favorable situation and began en masse to join the militia, in various detachments (workers, national, etc.), they simply created gangs without political overtones. The high crime rate was a traditional feature of unrest in Russia.

On the same day, the Central Committee of the Council of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies adopted a resolution in which it established its main tasks for the near future: 1) Immediate opening of negotiations with the workers of hostile states; 2) Systematic fraternization of Russian and enemy soldiers at the front; 3) Democratization of the army 4) Rejection of any plans of conquest.

12 (25) March issued a decision of the Provisional Government to abolish the death penalty and the abolition of military field courts (this is in a war!). On the same day, the Provisional Government adopted a law on the state monopoly on bread, which was prepared during the reign of the king. In accordance with it, the free grain market was abolished, the "surplus" (above the established norms) was subject to withdrawal from the peasants at firm state prices (and in the case of concealed stocks, only half of this price was found). It was supposed to distribute bread by cards. However, the attempt to introduce a grain monopoly in practice failed, faced with fierce resistance from the peasants. Grain procurement amounted to less than half of the plan, in anticipation of an even greater unrest, the peasants preferred to hide their supplies. The peasants themselves at this time began their own war, taking out the age-old hatred of the "masters". Even before the Bolsheviks took power, the peasants burned almost all landlord estates and divided the landlords' land. The lingering attempts of the Provisional Government, which in fact, no longer controlled the country, to restore order, did not lead to success.

On the whole, the victory of the liberal-bourgeois revolution led to the fact that Russia became the freest country of all the warring powers, and this was in the context of waging a war that the Westernizers-Februaryists were going to "lead to a victorious end." In particular, the Orthodox Church was freed from the tutelage of power, convened the Local Council, which eventually allowed the restoration of the patriarchate in Russia under Tikhon. And the Bolshevik Party had the opportunity to get out of the underground. Thanks to the amnesty for political crimes proclaimed by the Provisional Government, dozens of revolutionaries returned from exile and political emigration who immediately joined the political life of the country. 5 (18) March, Pravda began to appear again.

The collapse of the autocracy, the core of the then Russia, immediately caused a “stirring” on the outskirts. In Finland, Poland, the Baltic states, in the Kuban and in the Crimea, in the Caucasus and in Ukraine, nationalists and separatists raised their heads. In Kiev, the 4 (17) March created the Ukrainian Central Rada, which has not yet raised the question of the “independence” of Ukraine, but has already started talking about autonomy. At the beginning, this body consisted of representatives of Ukrainian political, social, cultural and professional organizations, which had practically no influence on the huge masses of the South and West Russian population. A bunch of professional "Ukrainians" could not tear off Little Russia - one of the ethno-cultural cores of Russian civilization, from Great Russia at the usual time, but unrest became their time. Since they were interested in external enemies of Russia (Austria-Hungary, Germany and the Entente), who relied on the split of the Russian superethnos and the creation of a “Ukrainian chimera”, which led to a clash of Russians with Russians.

5 (18) March in Kiev was opened the first Ukrainian gymnasium. 6 (19) March, a multi-thousand-day demonstration was held under the slogans “Autonomy for Ukraine”, “Free Ukraine in Free Russia”, “Long live free Ukraine with the hetman at the head”. 7 (20) in Kiev in March, the famous Ukrainian historian Mikhail Hrushevsky was elected chairman of the Central Rada (and in absentia, the scientist was in exile from 1915, and only 14 in March returned to Kiev).

In this way, began the collapse of the empire, caused by discredit and destruction of the central government. Despite the declared policy of the Provisional Government to preserve the “united and indivisible” Russia, its practical activity contributed to the decentralization and separatism of not only national margins, but also Russian regions, in particular, the Cossack regions and Siberia.

5-6 (18-19) March, notes on the recognition by the United Kingdom, France and Italy of the Provisional Government de facto arrived in Petrograd. 9 (22) March The Provisional Government was officially recognized by the United States, Britain, France and Italy. The West quickly recognized the Provisional Government, since it was interested in liquidating the Russian autocracy, which under certain circumstances had the opportunity to create a Russian globalization project (new world order) alternative to the Western one. First, the masters of England, France and the United States themselves took an active part in the February coup, supporting the organization of a conspiracy through the Masonic lodges (they were subordinate to the Western centers on the hierarchy). Russia should not have become a winner in the First World War; they were not going to share the fruits of victory with it. From the very beginning, the masters of the West hoped not only to crush Germany and Austria-Hungary (the struggle within the western project), but also to destroy the Russian empire in order to solve the “Russian question” - a thousand-year confrontation between Western and Russian civilizations, which were necessary for the construction of a new world order.

Second, the The power in Russia was seized by Westernists-Februaryists, who planned to finally direct it along the Western path of development (capitalism, “democracy”, which in reality hid the construction of a global slave civilization). They focused primarily on England and France. This completely suited the hosts of the West. The new bourgeois-liberal Provisional Government of Russia hoped that "the West would help," and immediately took a subordinate, lackey position. Hence the "war to the bitter end", that is, the continuation of the policy of supplying the "partners" with the Russian "cannon fodder" and the refusal to solve the most pressing, fundamental problems of Russia.
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  1. +6
    3 March 2017 06: 44
    followed by public statements about the renunciation of their rights to the throne of other members of the Romanov dynasty.

    Rats from a sinking ship. Degenerates!
    1. +9
      3 March 2017 10: 45
      ... the power in Russia was seized by the Westerners-Februaryists, who were planning finally to direct it along the western path of development (capitalism, "democracy", which in reality hid the construction of a global slave civilization). They focused primarily on England and France. This completely suited the masters of the West. The new bourgeois-liberal Provisional Government of Russia hoped that the West would help, and immediately took a subordinate, lackey position. - from article

      The analogy of Yeltsin’s time is 100%, “the West will help” turn Russia into a capitalist state with a “free market economy”.
      Helped. They even wrote the Constitution to us, according to which we now live, looking in the mouth of the West. They helped to create a comprador’s “elite”, now working for the West, and storing capital there offshore, acquired by the “overwork” of robbery in Russia.
      Is that why the current government is “raising the February achievements” to the shield, reproaching the subsequent events of the October Revolution, when the “bomb was planted” under the unity of Russia?
  2. +8
    3 March 2017 06: 58
    How similar is February 1917 to August 1991, and if in the first case there was an idea and people who were able to save the country, then in the second this did not happen (the Fed owners do not make the same mistakes twice).
    1. +10
      3 March 2017 09: 34
      Actually, February 1917 began the destruction of Russia, which the Bolsheviks were able to stop.
      The network appeared ~~~ 2-hour plot A.I. Fursov about 1917, there used to be parts. Right now, there are attempts to rewrite our history and February 1917 a reference point.
      1. +8
        3 March 2017 10: 21
        Quote: Reptiloid
        Actually, February 1917 began the destruction of Russia, which the Bolsheviks were able to stop.

        The Bolsheviks delayed the destruction of the country for 70 years ..... and their descendants, the Communists, destroyed it.
        1. +2
          3 March 2017 12: 41
          The network has stories about the penetration of liberal ideas into the country's leadership already in the early 70s. That's the whole point. They knew the empire was a kind of snake venom to whom drop by drop, so as not to die, and soak through the poison through !!!!!
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +6
    3 March 2017 07: 04
    the power in Russia was seized by the Westerners-Februaryists, who planned to finally direct it along the Western path of development (capitalism, "democracy", which in reality hid building a global slave civilization)

    It is a common habit to declare one thing, meaning completely opposite true tasks. Everything else is from the evil one. All these "revolutions", unlike popular riots, have goals completely opposite to the interests of the local population, are organized by outright enemies of the state (or empire), the country's population always loses from them and suffers immeasurably.
    1. +3
      3 March 2017 09: 38
      the split of the Russian superethnos and the creation of the “Ukrainian chimera”, which led to a clash between Russians and Russians.

      In view of the particular relevance of just this particular topic, I consider it necessary to create in parallel also a series of articles devoted to this topic alone. For reference: the term "Ukraine" itself is taken from the Polish dialect of the Russian language, where it had its own, special meaning that does not coincide with the meaning of this term with us, however, as well as the term "Little Russia", which was already imposed by the Byzantines. Only in view of the fact that both terms are of foreign origin, does it make sense to conduct an audit, as to the general competence of using such terms in modern Russian. I hope that this initiative will be able to receive support in the community.
      1. +2
        3 March 2017 09: 53
        Yes Yes Yes! And in view of the fact that all problems have been resolved and only this, super important, remains to solve it, until it is resolved.
  5. +6
    3 March 2017 07: 13
    It is not the princes who "surrendered" the tsar, but the Russian monarchy has outlived itself ..
    1. +8
      3 March 2017 09: 33
      Quote: 210ox
      It is not the princes who "surrendered" the tsar, but the Russian monarchy has outlived itself ..

      Quite right, this misunderstanding called Nikolai Romanov, together with his royal dynasty and a court group of loafers of thieves and crooks, was already boring not only by the people of Russia but even many of his close and various capitalists, and the revolution was simply inevitable since the Romanovs simply outlived themselves for a long time and turned into a tool that was convenient to hide behind for plundering the country and exploiting peasants and workers.
      It is a pity that they did not get rid of this gang earlier.
    2. +1
      3 March 2017 20: 23
      I read about the support of the military of the "new government" - found the reason for the defeat of the whites by the year 20.
      could not count the steps for 1-3 years.
      hussars are not strategists. they didn’t love their country,
      they didn’t want to develop it (to do the possible and not to do the impossible), but they were used to marching along the squares to champagne.
    3. 0
      8 August 2017 13: 42
      Romanov with VO also disappeared somewhere, has been silent for a long time. request
  6. +6
    3 March 2017 07: 40
    Formally, Mikhail retained the rights to the Russian throne
    ... On September 1 (14), 1917, the Russian Republic was proclaimed by a decree of the Provisional Government. The decree stated: "The rebellion of General Kornilov has been suppressed. But there is great confusion that he introduced to the ranks of the army and country. And again there is great danger that threatens the fate of the Motherland and Considering it necessary to put an end to the external uncertainty of the political system, bearing in mind the unanimous and enthusiastic recognition of the republican idea that affected the Moscow State Conference, the Provisional Government announces that the state order that is governed by the Russian state is republican and proclaims the Russian Republic. The need to take immediate and decisive measures to restore the shaken state order prompted the Provisional Government to transfer the fullness of its power to manage five of its members, headed by the Prime Minister. state order and combat readiness of the army. Convinced that only the concentration of all the living forces of the country can lead the Motherland out of the difficult situation in which it is located. The interim government will seek to expand its membership by attracting representatives of all those elements who put the eternal and common interests of the motherland above the temporary and private interests of individual parties or classes. The interim government has no doubt that he will complete this task in the coming days. "The decision was signed by Minister-Chairman A.F. Kerensky and Minister of Justice A.S. Zarudny. Thus, the Romanovs have no formal rights to the throne. had, and the army and navy were freed from the oath to the emperor .... and the empire ... And its collapse went more actively ..
    1. +6
      3 March 2017 08: 06
      Quote: parusnik
      ... September 1 (14), 1917, the Russian Republic was proclaimed by a resolution of the Provisional Government.

      It is interesting on what grounds the Provisional Government intervened in matters not characteristic of this body, because its main task was to hold elections to the Constituent Assembly, the purpose of which was, first and foremost, to establish a form of government in the state. Is it not possible that the temporary workers by this decision simply usurped power in the state? After all, this is not their function, which was originally declared, these issues should be decided by the people themselves, through their representatives, that is, the delegates of the Constituent Assembly. I consider such a decision a crime both against the people and the state. By this decision, the Provisional Government itself deduced itself within the framework of any laws and therefore should be removed as not justifying the trust placed in it.
      1. +5
        3 March 2017 08: 14
        Is it not possible that the temporary workers by this decision simply usurped power in the state?
        ..Yes it turns out that way ..
        1. +3
          3 March 2017 11: 02
          If the king renounces, and the successor also renounces, then it turns out - the republic.
          What are the claims to the Provisional Government?
          1. +2
            3 March 2017 11: 27
            Quote: voyaka uh What are the claims to the Provisional Government?

            The fact is that the Provisional Government, therefore, was provisional, which was created before the Constituent Assembly, which in turn was to confirm the reign of the new monarch ("the question of the form of government remained open until the decision of the Constituent Assembly." ) Therefore, it began in February with the Revolution, and ended in September with a coup d'etat (proclamation of Russia, the interim government, the Republic).
          2. +2
            3 March 2017 12: 12
            Quote: voyaka uh
            If the king renounces, and the successor also renounces, then it turns out - the republic

            Well, they renounced it, if they really renounced it, and not just "renounced" them only two people. So, after all, there are still one and a half hundred millions of “public” in the country, and indeed, by the decision of the Constituent Assembly, each of them, in theory, can become not only an emperor, but also have any position in the state, with any name for this post. Why, for what purpose, copy the foreign structures of government the name of the highest, responsible state position. I believe that in addition to the Latin term "republic", it is also possible to use any other term, better using the terminology of the native language of the country. Otherwise, all this will be painfully similar to the occupation of the country by foreigners.
    2. +8
      3 March 2017 08: 19
      The Provisional Government announces that the state order that governs the Russian state is the republican order, and proclaims the Russian Republic.

      And more actively went her collapse ..

      That is, by its decree, the Provisional Government confirmed that a coup had taken place, and the Constituent Assembly was nothing more than a profanation, because the purpose of the meeting of the Constitutional Council was to elect a new king. The Bolsheviks in October 1917, only confirmed the republican nature of the government, but unlike the gentlemen, they put things in order in the country and dissolved the CSS, by then not a legitimate formation. In my opinion, it was the Bolsheviks who restored the rule of law, violated by the February coup.
      1. +5
        3 March 2017 10: 01
        Another moment, the bourgeoisie organized a coup, deprived the imperial family of the right to the throne .. The Bolsheviks shot the imperial family .. And they were to blame for everything .. and tears began to pour and resent the cruelty of the latter, those who overthrew ...
        1. +6
          3 March 2017 10: 14
          and tears began to pour and resent the cruelty of the latter, those who overthrew ...

          Yes, even more than anyone else, they are outraged who rejected the proposal to send the Romanovs from the country to relatives, that is, those who did not want to accept them. Windsor Hypocrites. To these corpse eaters, keep quiet in a rag. I think that after February, the vultures were already licking their lips, preparing to start a meal of a dish called Russia. Oh, such a bummer! These hyenas sprinkle bile towards the Bolsheviks. Nothing, sooner or later, they will choke with their hatred.
        2. +3
          4 March 2017 01: 19
          Do you think that to remove from power and shoot is the same thing?
          Approximately how: to dismiss from work? or kill?
  7. +5
    3 March 2017 08: 21
    The fatal essence of this act was noted by other contemporaries. The Chief of Staff of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, General M.V. Alekseev, having learned on the evening of March 3 from Guchkov about the signed document, told him that “at least a short accession to the Throne of the Grand Duke would immediately bring respect to the will of the former Sovereign and the readiness of the Grand Duke to serve his Fatherland in the difficult days he was going through ... it would have made the best, invigorating impression on the army ... ”

    In general, the "contemporaries" at most slammed the revolutionary situation, so taking into account their opinion as true is at least unreasonable.

    Imagine that people taken to extremes refuse to shoot at the same peasants and workers, at other soldiers, because they are the same, and the officer? Officer yells - shoot your face! I will drive!
    Itself does not live in the barracks - in a warm apartment, does not eat from a common boiler and gives it to the "face" regularly.
    And here is your choice, to shoot at people like you or ...
    And the brought man, in this situation, makes a choice - to shoot at the officer, they will not send him further than the front!

    This shows the degree of hatred of the authorities, officers, the mediocre general and the bloody Nikolashka that had accumulated by the time that there was a small push that the soldiers would shoot at officers, generals, city officers and the system began to crumble.
    1. +2
      3 March 2017 08: 47
      Officer yells - shoot your face! I will drive!
      You are clearly exaggerating here, this did not happen, and could not be. The level of officers was not the same, the war was knocked out, and there were changes in the officers, there were many rabble from among the raznochintsy. To whom they will say: .... shoot your facewhen they climbed into the Soviets.
      1. 0
        14 June 2017 14: 40
        When parts of the Petrograd garrison began to take the side of the rebels, a wave of reprisals against the officers began. Read, for example, the story of the "first soldier of the revolution" Timofei Kirpichnikov. Why would there be such hatred?
        In 1917, many front-line officers served there in the rear, transferred there after injuries and the hospital.
  8. +1
    3 March 2017 08: 56
    100 years ago, 3 (16) March 1917 years,

    generally still 2! weeks, I don’t know whether to read further if the author has not figured this out already.
  9. avt
    3 March 2017 09: 01
    Mikhail Alexandrovich had a legal right (whether he had a moral right to this is another question!), But in his act of renunciation, he completely without law, did not transfer the Russian Imperial Crown to his rightful successor, but gave it ... to the Constituent Assembly. It was terrible!…
    bully bully bully That's because these monarchical rotten ones, in a hurry retroactively discarding their beloved responsibility for their deeds. Well, yes, of course, neither Nikolashka, nor his brother, Bear, are heroes, much less people of honor like Emperor Pasha No. 1. He really accepted the death of a martyr without merging with the post entrusted to him by history. He fulfilled the duty as it befits the monarch and is not ranked among the martyrs by priests, and none of the “Orthodox monarchists” are floundering with his icons. Well, the tsars have such a risky job at times - they called themselves a load, climb into the back. But these are the ones who But Mishka was poured into the emigration at the time, which they don’t remember, as they themselves said, having brought the papers, you will enter the throne and you will live on as long as you have time to get to the door of the house and go outside !? Well, Misha, unlike from Nika, I already really wrote a full-fledged renunciation with my own hand in all form. The conspirators learned the lesson taught by Nikolashka in the carriage at the station “Bottom”, well, when he wrote a PRIVATE LETTER - “To the Chief of the General Staff ...”, we learned the meeting and already correct Misha’s message it wasn’t required in the printing house. Well, of course, the one who sinned the Russian people and Lenin in Switzerland were to blame. bully Ah! YES! Stalin !!! I missed Stalin! bully
    1. 0
      3 March 2017 18: 17
      Quote: avt
      in the car at the station ,, Bottom "

      Why is the village of Bottom quoted?
      1. avt
        3 March 2017 18: 22
        Quote: igordok
        Why is the village of Bottom quoted?

        At the station, “Bottom" seemed to be slowed down, but now they like to speak more simply in Pskov. In general, the symbolism has been fully maintained. The dynasty began, it seems, with the call of Misha from the Ipatiev Monastery, officially ended like the execution in the basement of Ipatiev’s house. Quotation marks about the basement because there was no basement at all, but what was called the basement or semi-basement.
  10. +2
    3 March 2017 09: 40
    She liked the analogy during the discussion at the VIF.
    Several people sit on a pile of gunpowder and strike matches.
    In analogy, a bunch of gunpowder is an unresolved agrarian question. Well, the people are the Octobrists, Februaryists, Cadets, Social Democrats, Social Revolutionaries, Bolsheviks, Black Hundreds, etc.
    What did the unresolved agrarian question give? Yes, a lot of soldiers of the revolution, who became the main "infantry" from all sides of the conflict. Take this pile of gunpowder away - and everything would end like in the good old days - either by Palace Square 1825 of the year, or by another coup. And maybe even zilch.
    And so ...
    February passed, and March-April - the collapse of the front. For the peasant soldiers fled to the villages to divide the land. Well, so as not to stay in the cold during the "big sharing."
    Moreover, after all, next to our pile of bonfires it was already burning - I mean PMV. For good, in principle, we should not have entered there.
    Ergo - war degenerates into another Balkan crisis. Moreover - even without territorial claims against Serbia. The provisions of the Ultimatum for Serbia: to purge the state apparatus and army from officers and officials seen in anti-Austrian propaganda; arrest terrorist suspects. Serbia was also demanded to allow Austro-Hungarian police to conduct investigations and punishments of those responsible for anti-Austrian actions on Serbian territory.
    The Serbs rejected only the clause on the actions of the Austrian police on their territory, although they could well have handed over to them Apis departments with giblets, and this would be better for everyone, even Serbia.
    But what about the confrontation between France and Germany? Naturally, it will not go anywhere. But here England can already take more decisive action. Previously, the question of mutual assistance in the event of an attack on France by England was brought into the wilds, because for the British it was only Belgium that was important.
    Realizing that Russia can suddenly come off, if anything, it is necessary to conclude a direct treaty of friendship and mutual assistance with France. And this, in turn, is a very large stopping barrier for Germany. For William until the very beginning of the war was sure that Britain would remain neutral. The elephant did not want to fight the whale very much.
    Well, a bonus.
    In such a situation, we can suck with two teeks.
    France and England explaining everything by the fact that we are weak, we need grandmas. And bargaining with Germany, "what will you give us if we support you and close your front in the east?" The joke of the whole situation is that Austria is Germany's ally, but we and our position for Germany are many times more important than Austria.
    In my opinion, joining the WWI is the quintessence of the utter failure of our diplomacy in the last 25 years. It has long been known that every person (country) is the blacksmith of his own happiness. If we wanted to be consistent - why didn’t we support the Serbs in 1908? Let me remind you that in 1908, Austria promised the Straits to us for the annexation of Bosnia and Herzegovina in private negotiations. Well, there is "Buddy Coll, comrade Boris," you remember. And then she refused to do it publicly. But at the time of the 1908 Crisis, our whole principle that “Bosnia and Herzegovina is a part of Serbia” evaporated sharply. For the straits were more important to us than the bros.
    We desperately needed 3-5 years at that time. To do without revolutions. But we could not.
    (c) george rooke
    1. +3
      3 March 2017 10: 23
      Quote stas57: We desperately needed 3-5 years at that time. To do without revolutions. But we could not.

      Have you read the article? Which 3-5 years? There, everything is rotten! Relatives Niki stole with rapture, and when it was necessary to act, everyone began to deny, "no. No, not me!". Then the Bolsheviks came and these cowards and put to the wall, thereby removing rot from the wound. With such power, without October, the country would end. Moreover, the final and irrevocable.
      1. +4
        3 March 2017 10: 33
        Quote: avva2012
        There, everything is rotten! Relatives Niki stole with rapture, and when it was necessary to act, everyone began to deny, "no. No, not me!". Then the Bolsheviks came and these cowards and put to the wall, thereby removing rot from the wound. With such power, without October, the country would end. Moreover, the final and irrevocable.

        I completely agree with you that this royal gang had to be removed and urgently removed and a big plus to the Bolsheviks was that they "removed" this "cancer tumor" called autocracy, unfortunately it cost a lot of sacrifices and deprivations for the people of our country.
      2. +3
        3 March 2017 10: 34
        Relatives ...... stealing with rapture .....
        There were no such relatives, no one was stealing, and this was not a tsarist (grand-princely) affair. Yes, and what does it mean - everyone began to deny, there weren’t such, well-known Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich filled friends with Kerensky, great grandson Kirill Vladimirovich walked with a red bow, etc.
        And the Romanov dynasty did not suffer cowardice.
        1. +2
          3 March 2017 10: 39
          Quote: bober1982 there were noneGrand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich to Kerensky in friends crammed, Grand Duke Kirill Vladimirovich walked with a red bow, etc. ... And the Romanov dynasty did not suffer from cowardice.

          That is, in your comment, were they also moral prostitutes?
          1. +1
            3 March 2017 10: 44
            They were living people.
            1. +1
              3 March 2017 11: 16
              bober1982: They were living people.

              They are, yes. Well, only as a result of what they were, so many became Not alive.
              1. +2
                3 March 2017 11: 28
                A mysterious comment, mysticism begins, the argument must be stopped just in case.
                1. +1
                  3 March 2017 11: 58
                  Quote from bober1982: mysticism begins, we must stop the argument just in case.

                  The word "then" missed between "many" and "steel." And no mysticism.
        2. +5
          3 March 2017 12: 57
          Quote: bober1982
          There were no such relatives, no one stole, and no royal (grand-princely) thing

          Yes, yes, yes, the Grand Dukes multiplied their wealth exclusively with hard work with a plow and a shovel, from the same sources they donated ballerinas with diamonds and mansions, and the defense funds melted at the same time, it’s not known what, by coincidence laughing

          Or who, besides them, transferred defense orders from state-owned enterprises, which they did relatively quickly, efficiently and cheaply, to private ones, who did poorly, slowly and extremely expensive, but were ready to "express appreciation"? Not under Yeltsin invented "kickbacks" ....
          1. +1
            3 March 2017 13: 04
            This sweet word - kickbacks, excites the minds of many citizens.
          2. +1
            14 June 2017 15: 05
            Have you heard about the shell, cartridge and shoe crisis in the army in the spring of 1915? After all, it was a consequence of 1) miscalculations of the Ministry of War in planning and 2) the reluctance of the same Ministry of War to place orders at non-defense enterprises.
      3. 0
        3 March 2017 10: 57
        1, did you notice that this is not my authorship?
        2, everything rotted for me from my daddy, although my daddy was an old school, but alas, then it was necessary to crush with Stalin's methods, and then when the court rules the emperor ....
        1. 0
          3 March 2017 11: 14
          Quote stas57:Did you notice that this is not my authorship?

          Stas, but you brought the passage in its entirety and it was not clear how you got carried away with all this. So sorry. hi
  11. +4
    3 March 2017 09: 48
    This time, the author correctly (mostly) stated the facts, but the conclusions are rejected.
    Michael II was executed as Emperor: the fact that he postponed Throne’s perception before the US was his will and was dictated by the desire to avoid internecine strife ..

    Nicholas II Did NOT abdicate from the Throne, he agreed with him after the publication of the Manifesto of his abdication, in order to avoid civil strife.

    Both Mikhail and Nikolai called on the people and the army to submit to the Provisional Government, Lviv was appointed head of the cabinet and Nikolai and the Provisional Government. The Provisional Government was recognized and agreed upon by both the Petrosoviet and the First Congress of Soviets, recognized by ALL countries.

    Those. was LEGITIMATE. Though not perfect, chaotic, inconsistent. But even it was TEMPORARY-before US.
    His goal was to hold ELECTIONS in the CSS, and they organized them and (in fact) held the freest in and equal in the world.
    Inst. The meeting resolved ALL issues of the country on the basis of the will of the MOST, ALL recognized it. But the MINORITY seized power by force and plunged the country into a bloody massacre, making enemies of all the surrounding countries (except for friends, German-German invaders) and a huge part of the population inside the country.

    ALL the independence of the parts of the Empire was declared AFTER the October Revolution, which neither the country nor many parts of Russia recognized, and this is a FACT.
    After February, Russia, in the words of Ulyanov, was "THE MOST FREE COUNTRY IN THE WORLD."
    1. avt
      3 March 2017 10: 11
      Quote: Olgovich
      Michael II was executed as Emperor: the fact that he postponed the perception of the Throne to the US was his will and was dictated by the desire to avoid civil strife ..

      wassat bully bully Well, the brain amnuel is definitely not being treated with anything. Even the public display in the Pushkin Museum of a document by Misha personally written with neat dashes of voids, so that there was no possibility of making an addition. bully Here is one thing
      Quote: Olgovich
      he postponed the perception of the throne

      bully The emperor postponed the ascension to the post of emperor ...... but shot as an emperor this is really a specific diagnosis of psychiatry. bully
      1. +2
        3 March 2017 11: 00
        Quote: avt
        The emperor postponed the ascension to the post of emperor ...... but shot as an emperor this is really a specific diagnosis of psychiatry.

        If your brain vomits from this "contradiction" (which is actually non-existent), this, apparently,
        Quote: avt
        really specific diagnosis of psychiatry

        I have nothing to do with it. Yes
        1. avt
          3 March 2017 12: 11
          Quote: Olgovich
          I have nothing to do with it.

          For all its sake
          Quote: Olgovich
          Nicholas II did NOT abdicate

          This is a fact that I have repeatedly upheld in contradiction to the stubborn monarchists broadcasting about renunciation. But now a new interpretation has arrived
          Quote: Olgovich
          he agreed with him after the publication of the Manifesto of his abdication, in order to avoid civil strife.

          He was deposed, and specifically by his own, the same Alekseev, who disavowed the second letter of Nikolashka’s first, issued as a manifesto, according to his words Alekseeva, “put it in his pocket.” But Misha generally got into emperors to go, about which he wrote his own testimony, stored in the Russian Archives, so when you have an emperor on an emperor, the emperor chases
          Quote: Olgovich
          Nicholas II did NOT abdicate,
          Michael II was executed as Emperor:
          yes to one single country, then let me get banned and generally take off the run - this is really sluggish schizophrenia

          severe mental disorder that affects many functions of consciousness and behavior, including thought processes, perception, emotions (affects), motivation and even the motor sphere. It is best to consider schizophrenia as a syndrome, i.e. a combination of symptoms and signs,
          1. +2
            3 March 2017 12: 46
            Quote: avt
            yes to one single country, then let me get banned and generally take off the run - this is really sluggish schizophrenia
            severe mental disorder that affects many functions of consciousness and behavior, including thought processes, perception, emotions (affects), motivation and even the motor sphere. It is best to consider schizophrenia as a syndrome, i.e. a combination of symptoms and signs,

            Do not agree, of course, but why these, um. questions of your perception and disagreement to bring here? request
            1. +6
              3 March 2017 13: 02
              dear avt, you shouldn’t react like that to our Moldovan friend "If God wants to punish a person, he robs his mind"! hi
              1. +2
                3 March 2017 13: 04
                Quote: Uncle Murzik
                dear avt, do not react like that to our Moldovan friend "If God wants to punish a person, he robs his mind"! hi

                Sincerely sympathy] Your drama. hi
              2. +3
                3 March 2017 13: 24
                Quote: Uncle Murzik
                dear avt, you shouldn’t react like that to our Moldovan friend "If God wants to punish a person, he robs his mind"! hi

                You may not agree with the forum member under the nickname Olgovich, but to assert that he has no mind you cannot, you are wrong, do not slip into rudeness and hysteria.
                1. +4
                  3 March 2017 13: 31
                  RUSS is only a fact, maybe everything is much worse! laughing and where you saw the name Olgovich in your post, unless we have a few forum users from Moldova! it’s not good for you to think so bad about your comrade Olgovich! wassat
                  1. +2
                    3 March 2017 15: 09
                    Quote: Uncle Murzik
                    RUSS is only a fact, maybe everything is much worse!

                    It seems like an adult man, and freeze nonsense ..
                    Quote: Uncle Murzik
                    and where you saw the name Olgovich in your post, do we have few members of the forum from Moldova! It’s not good for you to think so bad about your comrade Olgovich

                    Do not move out, it’s clear to everyone, or did they give it to the back?
                    1. +3
                      4 March 2017 05: 21
                      Do you and your comrade write about rubbish? belay you have no comment then delusional fantasies! wassat
                      1. +1
                        4 March 2017 09: 15
                        Quote: Uncle Murzik
                        you have no comments then delusional fantasies

                        Do you understand the semantics of the word fantasy? If so, where do I fantasize? Give examples?
                      2. +1
                        6 March 2017 06: 40
                        darling RUSS yes you along with your colleague and each article on the facts carry noses! laughing but bored without you. "the circus left, but you stayed" wassat and it pleases! good
    2. +2
      4 March 2017 13: 02
      What is fashionable to be a monarchist. Having several generations of illiterate peasants behind you?
      1. +1
        4 March 2017 18: 21
        At the same time, be simultaneously for the priest-king and for those future leaders of the White Guards who overthrew him in February; for the constituent assembly and for Kolchak, who arrested and executed his remains; for one, indivisible and for those who sold it in parts for military and financial assistance in the Civil War laughing - Tryndechnik tryndet about our history is necessary, but to know it at the same time is completely useless lol
  12. +2
    3 March 2017 10: 24
    Nikolai Alexandrovich .. made an entry in his diary: “God knows who bothered him to sign such nasty things!

    They never saw beyond their nose ..
    No wonder they say: "if God punishes, then first deprives the mind"
  13. +1
    3 March 2017 10: 27
    Having learned about the refusal of Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich from the throne, Nikolai Alexandrovich made an entry in his diary: “It turns out that Misha abdicated. ... God knows who is wise sign him such nasty things!

    God deprives the mind of the one who punishes for sins ..
    And probably everyone knew already.
    1. +3
      3 March 2017 11: 06
      God knows who is wise
      Execution cannot be pardoned, Viktor Perestukin, a good old cartoon.
  14. +1
    3 March 2017 12: 46
    From February to October 1917, there was no competent state power in Russia.

    The House of Romanovs, politicians, generals and oligarchs of Russia knew and prepared for a social explosion since 1916, but were not ready. Therefore, events starting in February began to develop spontaneously in the direction of anarchy: diarchy, a clear redistribution of land, election of command in the army, mass fraternization at the front, liquidation of law enforcement agencies, complete amnesty, separatism, etc. The country would not live to see the Constituent Assembly.

    Therefore, the General Staff of the Russian Army together with the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) in October 1917 implemented a plan to restore the capacity of state power through an armed coup and the introduction of a military dictatorship.
    1. +2
      3 March 2017 13: 00
      Therefore, the General Staff of the Russian Army together with the Central Committee of the RSDLP ...
      It is difficult to understand what is at stake, what General Staff, and what it means together.
      1. +3
        3 March 2017 14: 31
        For example, Mikhail Dmitrievich Bonch-Bruevich was the head of the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff in October 1917.
        27 October Commander of the Northern Front V.A. Cheremisov removed from the front and sent to the disposal of the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Central Committee of the RSDLP (b) the 10 thousandth Latvian corps and four infantry regiments from Finland with field artillery.
        These military units suppressed in St. Petersburg attempts to resist the military, who remained loyal to the Provisional Government - four cadet schools were shot from cannons. Also, parts of the Northern Army (428-th Lodeinopolsky regiment with field artillery) crushed the resistance of the cadets in Moscow and captured the Kremlin.

        "In September 1917, a group of generals - Samoilo (future cavalier of the 2 orders of Lenin and 4 of the orders of the Red Banner), Petin and others (all from the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff) - made an action plan:
        - immediate peace with Germany and Austria-Hungary,
        - demobilization of the decomposed army (6 million soldiers at the front, 4 million soldiers in the rear, 2 million deserters),
        - placing against the German and Austrian forces a veil of 10 corps, 300 of thousands of bayonets, consisting of half the officers, in order to begin the formation of a new army under the cover of this veil.
        General staffists understood that military power in Russia would provoke popular hatred. It was necessary to find an institution to give him power. Such an institution could be the 2-th All-Russian Congress of Soviets. And in September, through the apparatus of the Bolshevik party, agitation began for the hasty convocation of the entry of the Soviets. The convocation of the congress was scheduled for October 20 of the 1917 year.
        In any conspiracy, there comes a time when the circle of initiates expands and information begins to leak. In early October, all Petersburg knew that on October 20 the Bolsheviks would take power. Since October 14, all the major newspapers in Petrograd have started the daily heading “To the speech of the Bolsheviks”.

        1. +1
          3 March 2017 16: 29
          Bonch-Bruevich, Cheremisov, Petin, Samoilov and the Latvian arrows are not the General Staff.
          At that time, there was the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command (Mogilev).
          1. 0
            3 March 2017 16: 37
            In Mogilev the Field Headquarters of the Russian Army was located.

            The main staff of the General Staff remained in Petrograd. General staffists did not go on the attack, they planned and coordinated the actions of military units. The main source of these units was the Northern Army (Baltic, Petrograd Military District, Finland), led by its commander.

            The 10 thousandth Latvian corps removed from the Northern Front and the selected regiments with field artillery flown from Finland were the striking units of the Military Revolutionary Committee in suppressing attempts to counter the October Revolution.
            1. 0
              3 March 2017 18: 07
              Again we return to what was said: the Latvian corps + regiments from Finland + Cheremisov, is this the General Staff?
              1. 0
                3 March 2017 18: 18
                Do not hesitate - all the Latvian riflemen were officers of the General Staff, as well as all who stormed the Reichstag in 1945 laughing
                1. 0
                  3 March 2017 18: 23
                  So that’s what to be, let’s agree on this.
              2. avt
                3 March 2017 18: 38
                Quote: bober1982
                : Latvian case + shelves

                wassat bully Is the amnuel virus transmitted via the Internet droplet route? At that time there were two brigades and a reserve regiment numbering about 24 thousand, and during the January battles of 1917 up to 40% of the personnel were lost. About 11 thousand bayonets entered somewhere in the February revolution. Maybe the SDLK abbreviation found in relation to Latvians is confusing? Well, this is not a mythical type of rifle, but divisions already in the Latvian, whole corps, but quite a communist organization, the Social Democracy of the Latvian Land of Lenin’s spill, it’s a fact bully We must pay tribute - by October, their number in the rested regiments of the Latvian brigades to regular 24 thousand, amounted to two thousand real party members. So eight regiments in two brigades with separate regiments. According to the staff of those years, well, a division, or not a corps.
                1. 0
                  3 March 2017 18: 47
                  I agree with you.
  15. 0
    4 March 2017 13: 15
    The Russians, where did the habit of procrastinating and grumbling our history come from? The French revolution was not bloody and dirty. But nevertheless it remains in the history of the world with the epithet-the Great. And no one is trying to revise it, they simply accept it as an accomplished historical fact.