The war for absolute power on the planet


The February revolution is interesting in that all of Nicholas II repudiated: the grand dukes, the top generals, the church, the State Duma, and representatives of all the leading political parties. The Tsar was not overthrown by the Bolshevik commissars and Red Guards, as inspired by the inhabitants of Russia from the 1991 year, but by representatives of the then “elite” of the Russian Empire. Generals and ministers, masons of high degrees, industrialists and bankers. The educated elite of Russia, wealthy, wealthy people who dreamed of a “free Russia”, who want to make France or England out of Russia.

All of them were eager to overthrow tsarism, autocracy. Wherein almost all monarchist overthrowers lost in the end. Lord Rodzyanko, Milyukov, Guchkov, Lviv, Shulgin, Kerensky and others ascended to the top of the power Olympus, became the rulers of Russia, eventually destroyed a great power, lost everything, fled the country, many eked out a miserable existence. Many grand dukes will be destroyed. Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, who refused to accept the Russian throne and make an attempt to save the monarchy, was killed. Aristocrats, landowners, representatives of the industrial and financial elite, the highest bureaucracy, all those who were the owner of life in old Russia, the owner of property and capital, lost most of their property, wealth, emigrated, many ended up in poverty. The usual picture was that in the major cities of Europe, former Russian nobles and officers earned taxi drivers, while aristocrats went to the panel.

The old bourgeoisie (the Russian national bourgeoisie), who consistently opposed the Romanov dynasty, supported the revolutions and wanted to sweep away the Romanovs, they were considered persecutors of the Russian faith, they were swept away by the revolution. The whole separate Old Believer world that existed in the Russian Empire was simply destroyed.

The generals who took part in the overthrow of the tsar “for the sake of preserving the army and successfully continuing the war” will witness the collapse of the armed forces, the front and the country and become a participant in the new civil war. Some generals will become participants in the White movement, others will support various nationalists, and others will make the most sensible choice, stand for the Reds, for the people. The officers will also be split, a significant part will die on the sidelines of the Civil War. Thousands of officers will flee the country, become poor, or lay down their heads in all major and minor wars and conflicts around the world (they will again become "cannon fodder" in other people's wars). The church, which easily accepted the abdication of its head - the emperor, first won - restored the patriarchate. However, then her fate will be tragic, the church will also have to answer for their historical error.

Thus, the victorious February revolutionaries could not become a real power, cope with the chaos growing in Russia, only aggravating it with their actions and in less than a year the country was in complete disarray. During the spring-summer of 1917, the Februaryists were so bored by everyone that the Bolsheviks, in alliance with the Left SRs (supported by the workers and peasants), easily took the power that was actually falling, picked it up. None of the Provisional Government did not protect. They criticized the tsarist regime, blaming it for all sins, and they themselves simply destroyed the “old Russia”, a real civilizational disaster occurred. The Bolsheviks simply began a new chapter in Russian history.

The main driving forces of February

The ruling elite. The ruling elite itself became the main revolutionary squad in the Russian Empire. The grand dukes, the aristocracy, the dignitaries, the industrial and financial elite, and a significant part of the political elite (Duma and political figures) all opposed the autocracy. Many opposed personally Tsar Nicholas II, but in the end they came out against the “old Russia” and cut the bitches on which they themselves sat. Having destroyed the “old Russia”, the Romanov empire, they destroyed their “forage base,” the environment in which they were the “elite,” flourished.

The reason was that from the beginning of the 18th century, Western concepts and ideas dominated in the upbringing and education of the Russian elite. The native languages ​​of the nobility were German, French and English. For years aristocrats burned their lives in Italy, Germany and France. Russia was only a source of income. Under Peter I, the Westernization of the Romanovs became irreversible. Russia began to turn into the ideological and raw materials periphery of Western Europe. In the XVIII century in Russia there was a cultural revolution. They literally drove into the social elite of Russia, etched out a new, European civilization. Russian people are artificially divided: on the nobility- "Europeans" and the rest, mostly peasant world, which retained the foundations of Russian culture based on folk traditions.

Thus, in the Romanov empire there would be a congenital vice, a split of the people into two unequal parts, the "people", the Westernized elite and the people themselves. And since the time of Catherine II, who abolished the compulsory service of the nobility, which more or less forced ordinary people to accept the privileged position of the noble landowners, an ever greater degradation (decomposition) of the elite of the Russian Empire began. More and more nobles lived the life of social parasites, burned through years in European capitals, and there they spent the wealth of the people who were squeezed out of Russia. By the beginning of the 20th century, the situation had already become unbearable. The Russian people could no longer tolerate this social injustice.

At the same time, the Westernized "elite" itself sawed the branch on which she was sitting, destroying autocracy, sacred power, the last core of the empire. Many of the revolutionaries of the Februaryists were Masons, that is, members of closed clubs, lodges, claiming the role of "architects-masons" of the new world order. Freemasons appeared in the West, and Russian Freemasons followed the Western centers along the hierarchy. The interests of various groups and families of the ruling elite were coordinated in these boxes. They were going to create a matrix of Western-type societies in Russia, focusing on England and France (a constitutional monarchy and a bourgeois republic).

The ruling elite in Russia had strength, wealth, influence, but the "elite" was eager for full power. And autocracy was a barrier to true power. Over the emperor-king, they were not imperious. The Russian autocrat was so full of power that he could change the concept of the development of the whole civilization, like Peter Alekseevich, who turned Russia to the western path of development. Moreover, there were such examples. Pavel Petrovich, Nikolai I and Alexander III somehow tried to Russify the ruling elite, to return Russia to the original path of development. However, failed. The originality of Russia could for some time be returned only by the Russian communists headed by Stalin. Thus, the Russian autocracy was, in the opinion of the Westernized Russian elite, a relic of old times, which interfered with the final westernization of Russia. On the other hand, autocratic power was dangerous, since the Russian throne could have been a man who could turn the “Russian troika” onto a distinctive path of development, so that it was unacceptable both for Westerners inside the country and for external “partners” of Russia.

In addition, the archaic political system of Russia, in the opinion of the February-Westernists, prevented the country from finally moving to capitalist rails, that is, more effectively redistributing resources in their favor. Westerners wanted “market”, “democracy” and “freedom”. Yes, and the property of the royal family had to share. The Westernizers believed that if they lead Russia, they will be able to manage it more effectively, including the economic sphere. That in Russia it will be as good (for the social elite) as in “sweet Europe”. Russian masons liked to live in Europe, such a "sweet, civilized." The same orders they dreamed of inflicting in "backward Russia." They believed that "the West will help them" as soon as they eliminate the king. As a result, it became a terrible shock for them when the West did not help them. Rather, the West helped the various groups of fevlists to start a civil war between Russians and Russians, but the help was dosed out. The masters of the West at the same time supported a part of the Bolsheviks (revolutionists-internationalists) in order to exterminate as many Russians as possible in the civil war, to undermine their demographics, the gene pool.

Why did the Westernizers of the Februaryists perpetuate the February revolution, when only a little was left before the victory of the Entente? Otmashku gave the owners of the West. The masters of England, France and the USA did not want to see autocratic Russia in the camp of the victors. They could not give even an insignificant chance for the modernization of the Russian Empire on the wave of victory. The Russian Empire was sentenced long ago, and the wars with Japan and Germany were supposed to destabilize it first and then finish it off. Therefore, they allowed the Russian Freemasons to become the organizing force of the February revolution. At the same time, western embassies and special services also took the role of organizers, in every way supporting conspirators.

Russian Westerners bought into a “carrot” - hoping to build a “sweet Europe”, and hoping “for the help of the West” in this matter. They were simply used, and then "the Moor did his job, the Moor can leave." The fevralists were the first wave - they crushed the autocracy, we will launch a massive confusion. Then other waves of destruction were launched - revolutionaries-internationalists, nationalists, just bandits (criminal revolution). As a result, they should not have left a stone unturned from Russian civilization and the Russian super-ethnos. And the resources of Russia were to serve in the creation of a new world order (global slave civilization). The plans of our enemies were thwarted by the Russian communists, who began to build socialism in a single country, and significantly thinning the "fifth column".

Russian Westerners dreamed of establishing a Western-type regime in Russia. And they wanted to start the process of building a “new Russia” on the wave of victory over Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Hence the "war to the bitter end." That completely coincided with the interests of the owners of the West. Until the last moment, Russia should have been a source of “cannon fodder” and other resources in the struggle with the powers of the Central Bloc.

Thus, without having complete political and sacral power (autocracy), the upper Russian Empire, which included various forces, including grand dukes, the aristocracy, many dignitaries and bureaucrats, the industrial, financial and trading elite, the military elite, liberal politicians and the intelligentsia, wanted overthrow tsarism, get complete power in Russia and direct it along the western path of development. In this case, focusing not on Germany, but mainly on England and France. The pro-Western top of Russia went, was organized through the Masonic lodges and Western embassies, special services. The masters of the West solved the thousand-year-old “Russian question” with the hands of the Russian “fifth column” —for the destruction of the main enemy on the planet — the Russian civilization and the super-ethnos of the Rus. Therefore, instead of a triumphal victory, the February revolutionaries caused a catastrophe of "old Russia", in which they themselves flourished, and confusion, when centuries-old social ulcers broke out.

External forces interested in the collapse of the Russian Empire

Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905 was organized by the masters of the West as a rehearsal for the destruction of the Russian Empire. Japanese ram was used to test the "immunity" of the empire, its armed forces, to try to destabilize it and cause a revolution. The rehearsal was successful. The war showed the weakness and stupidity of the Russian supreme military and political leadership, which could not prepare for the war in the Far East and defeat the weaker adversary. The empire was destabilized, experienced various revolutionary groups - from liberals to revolutionaries and nationalists. However, it was obvious that the royal power still has a powerful support - the army and the so-called. “Black Hundreds” (right-wing, conservative part of the population), with the help of which the revolution of 1905-1907 was suppressed.

A detonator was needed, a fuse that would destroy the last support of the autocracy and cause the collapse of the empire. It was the First World War, which was unleashed by the masters of the West and dragged Russia into it. The war revealed all social, economic and national problems that had long been accumulating in the Romanov empire. Russia began to fight for the interests of France and England, saving them from the Germans. Russia during the war regularly supplied "cannon fodder", rescuing the "allies" and was a "cash cow", which sucked gold from them. Personnel imperial army was killed on the battlefields. Millions of peasants, who saw no point in the war, were put under the gun and dreamed only of leaving the front and starting the redistribution of landlordism. They rotted in the trenches, died during meaningless attacks, and knew that at that time their parents and children were living in the rear on the verge of starvation, and bourgeois gentlemen were living in pubs and restaurants. Thousands of representatives of the liberal intelligentsia joined the officers and dreamed of overthrowing tsarism and building a “free Russia”.

Right (Black Hundred) forces during the war were completely discredited. In addition, the government before the war did not think of creating a full-fledged support in the person of right-wing, conservative parties and movements, although during the first revolution of 1905-1907. traditionalist conservatives had a huge social base, all of which was lost. The generals, seeing the weakness and mistakes of the tsarist regime, wanted a “firm hand” that would bring order to the rear and bring the war to a victorious end. As a result, the generals agreed to “surrender” the king, so that the new “responsible government” would bring the war to victory. As a result, the war completely destabilized the empire, knocked out the last support from under it, created conditions for a revolution (coup).

The hosts of England, France and the United States successfully conducted an operation to set Russia on Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey. The war had to solve several strategic tasks at once:

- to destabilize Russia, to cause a revolutionary situation; push the ruling "elite" to overthrow the autocracy, which hinted at the "help of the West" in creating a "new, free Russia";

- to bleed and decompose the Russian armed forces, so that they, from the pillars of the empire and autocracy, themselves become a source of unrest;

- The war was supposed to lead to the destruction of the Russian Empire, the Russian army. Power passed to the liberal-bourgeois Provisional Government, which would lead Russia along the Western path of development. What led to even greater chaos and confusion, the complete collapse of Russia into national, "independent" republics and bantustans. As a result, the masters of the West obtained control over the resources of the entire Russian civilization, which should have allowed them to build a new world order.

- The aristocratic empires collapsed - Russian, German, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman, in order to free the way for a new, "democratic" world, where all power belonged to the "gold elite" (or "financial international");

- the destruction of Europe in the flames of a big war allowed the old elites of the Old World to be crushed under the United States, which took the place of the leader of the Western project. The United States (together with England) gained dominant positions in the West and in the world as a whole. In fact, it was a war for absolute power on the planet: the owners of the United States and England planned to destroy the old world and build a new world order, where it would be possible to plunder and parasitize on the body of humanity.

To be continued ...
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  1. +21
    6 March 2017 06: 47
    They would not crush anything if they had not committed a series of fatal mistakes of that time. And glory to the eggs, the Bolsheviks seized the country and kept it from decay. That is why their fiercely hated rotten west, and not for ideology.
    1. +10
      6 March 2017 06: 57
      Quote: Flinky
      They wouldn’t crush anything if they had not committed a series of fatal mistakes of that time ...

      Why are you all pestering the poor autocrat. Count carefully, there were four of these autocrats, because smashed four empires. And you are all about Nicholas, but about Nicholas. Try to be more attentive, take a look around, because the world is not so small and everything in the world is connected, tied up.
      1. +6
        6 March 2017 07: 16
        He was not poor Nichrome, if that.
        1. +9
          6 March 2017 11: 44
          Quote: Flinky
          He was not poor Nichrome, if that.

          Yes, you also do not beggar. So many decades sat on the neck of the Russian people
          1. +3
            6 March 2017 17: 27
            Remove the pan, do not make out a damn thing.
            1. 0
              6 March 2017 21: 15
              Quote: Flinky
              Remove the pan, do not make out a damn thing.

              Have a juche, help ...
      2. +4
        6 March 2017 07: 22
        All the time I am tormented by the question, what will happen to England or the USA if there is money to destroy these countries? Pay the villains who would pee about the British and Americans, describing their inferiority or genetic inferiority? Will they deliver weapons to those who agree to shoot? To hide very frank villains and help them in the murder of members of the government?
        And it seems that Europeans have grown problems for themselves and they are beginning to spread rot. For now, let's see what the consequences of the attacks are. Saudis and Qatari are just trying on and getting into * taste *.
        1. +2
          6 March 2017 08: 01
          Vasily. You raised an interesting question: what will happen to the United States if there is an interested party, and this is possible.
          1. 0
            6 March 2017 19: 40
            According to Grigory Kvashi, after the end of the imperial period of Russia, its shadow, the United States and China will take their place among the countries of the third category. After the year 2025.
      3. +19
        6 March 2017 09: 42
        venaya Today, 06:57 ↑ New
        Why are you all pestering the poor autocrat. Count carefully, there were four such autocrats in total, because four empires were smashed.
        And what, what four ?! This is not easier for us. I don’t understand your position at all, according to Nicholas the Bloody. Why are you protecting him like that ?! Are you an adherent of Poklonskaya ?! Yes, the Anglo-Saxons and French by the hands of Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians and Turks cleared their living space. As a result, there were no four empires, but who is to blame for this ?! Say the British and French ?! Partly YES, BUT the rulers of these very empires are to blame in the first place! Because they allowed themselves to be drawn into the war, because they did not take into account the consequences, for the victims, and as a result, the collapse of their empires. Kaiser could have won if Russia had not been on the Entente’s side, but on the side of the tripartite alliance or had it not just entered the war at all.
        So I don’t understand the reasons why you are so zealously defending the killer king, to burn him in Hell with EBN, Khrushchev and Mishka-Marked!
        1. +7
          6 March 2017 10: 38
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          . I don’t understand your position at all, according to Nicholas the Bloody. Why are you protecting him like that ?! ... there are no four empires, but who is to blame for this ?! Say the British and French ?! Partly YES, BUT the rulers of these very empires are to blame in the first place! ... Kaiser could well have won if Russia had not been on the Entente’s side, but on the side of the triple alliance, or had it simply not entered the war at all.
          So I don’t understand the reasons why you are so zealously defending the killer king, to burn him in Hell with EBN, Khrushchev and Mishka-Marked!

          What are you writing here, have you even bothered to read the article? Compare Tsar Nicholas II with the "EBN, Khrushchev and the Teddy Bear" - this is how you can get to such a life? For reference: during the reign of Nicholas II, the population of the Republic of Ingushetia increased one and a half times. It is not enough? Actually, this is an absolute world record for the entire history described! The second place in the world at this time was occupied by the German Empire. Did Nicholas II breed people in order to “get drunk on blood”? Are you even in the mind to compare the champion in population growth with some abominations? Yes, I confess that Nikolai, as the head of state, did not fully comply with the difficulties entrusted to him, as the leader. So what? Does this allow you to call him bloody? Such a nickname could come up with only the narrow-minded enemies of the Russian state. Before that, you here accused him of all kinds of state crimes, such as: 1. Unleashing the Russo-Japanese War and 2. Unleashing the WWII. This is not the first time I've met such accusations against the state. the leaders of my country, in particular an MI-6 employee, accused our other leader, I.V. Stalin, of unleashing the WWII. And you follow the same curved path. Your activity reminds me of the activities of a foreign intelligence agent such as a "Japanese spy," your comments are very similar to frankly anti-state activities. You are on the site of "Military Review" - so if you please express yourself more precisely in relation to the accusation of "unleashing a war" by the domestic state. figures. Let me remind you: "Russian wars do not begin, Russian wars end!". This applies to almost the entire history of our country. Nicholas didn’t start either OW or PMW, the Japanese, trained by the enemies of Russia attacked the Republic of Ingushetia in the territory of the “Yellow Russia” (in China, and not in Japan), and Kaiser Wilhelm himself declared war on the Republic of Ingushetia, and there’s nothing to invent here, because we’re in specialists and experts in these wars are "above the roof" here, you will not succeed in deceiving them. So Nicholas II is not "bloody" at all, but a truly philanthropic family man who cares (though not successfully) for the good of the Russian state. There is nothing for you to distribute your Trotskyist little things, I myself have sufficient connections with the Communist Party and I know their problems in this area.
          1. +14
            6 March 2017 11: 21
            Yes, you do not seem to be out of your mind! What does population growth have to do with the collapse of an empire by its “precious" emperor ?! Let it be known to you that in a peasant family then having 10-15 children was the norm. Mortality was high enough; of these 10-15 children, about half survived. So there is no special merit of the emperor, here.
            The world at that time was occupied by the German Empire. Did Nicholas II breed people in order to “get drunk on blood”?
            Didn’t you get drunk ?! I'm already tired of listing all the bloody deeds of your adored monarch. All the victims of the Russo-Japanese War, all the victims of the First World War, all the victims of the three revolutions and the civil war on his conscience. Or is this not enough for you ?!
            You are like a ram at a new gate, rushing to defend this bloody ghoul.
            So Nicholas II is not "bloody" at all, but a truly philanthropic family man who cares (though not successfully) for the good of the Russian state.
            A man-loving, nude-nude, he loved the “people” so much that he regretted that they shot him a little and flogged them a little with rods. He so "loved" his people that he digested several million soldiers and officers in the furnace of the First World War.
            Remember, protecting this ghoul, you yourself become like him.
            However, I always suspected that the baker had big headaches!
            1. +9
              6 March 2017 14: 31
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              He so "loved" his people that he digested several million soldiers and officers in the furnace of the First World War.

              In the crucible of WWII, an order of magnitude more people perished, but if we start calling Stalin bloody, you will be the first to be outraged.
              Madame, blind hatred prevents you from looking at things objectively. Drink glycine or something))))))
              1. +3
                6 March 2017 17: 09
                Quote: Trapper7
                Drink glycine or something))))))

                It will not help, only the ban from which she just left helps her, and as we see it helps not for long ....
              2. +3
                8 March 2017 10: 48
                Quote: Trapper7
                Quote: Diana Ilyina
                He so "loved" his people that he digested several million soldiers and officers in the furnace of the First World War.

                In the crucible of WWII, an order of magnitude more people perished, but if we start calling Stalin bloody, you will be the first to be outraged.
                Madame, blind hatred prevents you from looking at things objectively. Drink glycine or something))))))

                This is Countrywoman-feminist, reincarnation 2.0. He hates everyone, spits poison, be careful!
            2. +2
              8 March 2017 22: 46
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              Mortality was high enough; of these 10-15 children, about half survived.

              But this is not the emperor’s fault. Explosive population growth in the 19-21 century (in different countries) is associated with the development of medicine. Those who were dying before - now survived, which is very bad for the health of the nation - for now the sick, the lame, the dumb survived, who not only survived, but also bred their own kind.
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              He so "loved" his people that he digested several million soldiers and officers in the furnace of the First World War.

              Not Nicholas II began this war. Those who attacked Russia are to blame for the deaths of millions of Russians.
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              All victims of the Russo-Japanese War

              on the conscience of the Japanese
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              all victims of the First World War

              on the conscience of the imperialists, who at that time in Russia simply did not exist
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              all victims of three revolutions and civil war

              on the conscience of the Jews
            3. +1
              8 January 2018 17: 55
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              What does population growth have to do with the collapse of the empire

              It has, and quite straightforward:
              "But especially many non-believers-atheists and nihilists-socialists appeared at the end of the XIX and early XX centuries. Among students, students and working youth. All this coincided with a population explosion. The birth rate remained high, but with the development of the Zemstvo health system mortality has decreased by several times (although by today's standards it was still huge.) The result was that by 1917, ¾ of the country's population was younger than 25 years, which determined the monstrous immaturity and lightness of the actions and judgments of this mass and no less miracle seeking contempt for the experience and traditions of previous generations.In addition to 1917, about 15 millions of these young people went through the war, gaining solid experience and prestige there, and often also honor and fame. in this short time, they could acquire the maturity of mind and life experience, while remaining virtually youngsters, but stubbornly bend their line, inflated into their ears by disintegrated revolutionaries, regardless of the experienced and wise old people. With ingenious simplicity, this problem in Cossack society exposed M. Sholokhov in “The Quiet Don”. Melekhov-father, returning from the farm circle, grumbled and swore at the returning heavily "reddened" bellowing front-line soldiers. “Take a whip, and flog these gorlopanov. Well, why not, where to us. They are now an officer, conscript, crusaders ... How to smack them? "."
          2. +4
            6 March 2017 11: 38
            Quote: venaya
            Yes, I confess that Nikolai, as the head of state, did not fully comply with the difficulties entrusted to him, as the leader. So what? Does this allow you to call him bloody? Such a nickname could come up with only the narrow-minded enemies of the Russian state.

            Rag king will suit you more? She was thought in circles close to that Holy and passionate Rag.
            1. +1
              6 March 2017 20: 49
              Quote: HanTengri
              Rag king will suit you more?

              "kings rags" is that you had your khans in Central Asia, etc., they were bent over by anyone, not a single standing leader except Tamerlane .....
              1. +4
                6 March 2017 21: 52
                Quote: RUSS
                "kings rags" is that you had your khans in Central Asia, etc., they were bent over by anyone, not a single standing leader except Tamerlane .....

                When a stupid person has nothing to object to, on the merits of the matter (and, after all, the Tsar is a rag, he is a rag, anyway. It's a historical fact!), He goes on to arguments such as: "Himself!" It’s sad. And by the way, what Central Asia do you mean? Turkestan, which my ancestors, shedding their blood joined to RI? Or the Central Asian republics that your beloved EBN actually presented to the USA, having destroyed the Union? And yet, if you do not know: For the appeal: "Tamerlan" (from: Temur Leng - Lame Timur), the Ruler of Mavverranahra Sahibkiron Amir Temur had a habit of shortening unlucky idiots on his head. But not right away ... He gave, so to speak, time to realize, repent ... Skin removal, for lively and boiling oil, greatly contributed to the process. awareness.)))
                1. +2
                  7 March 2017 07: 35
                  Quote: HanTengri
                  When a stupid person has nothing to argue on the merits of the matter (and, after all, the Tsar is a rag, he is a rag, anyway. It's a historical fact!),

                  Call and slander this in your manner, in general, what to expect from an unwise person .... All the dogs were let down to the tsar again, they executed him and his family a hundred years ago, and he still doesn’t give you peace, you are filthy.
                  Quote: HanTengri
                  Or the Central Asian Republics, which your beloved EBN actually presented to the USA,

                  And when did Asia become the property of Yeltsin? What does the USA mean? Are they that limp banana republics?
                  Quote: HanTengri
                  And yet, if you do not know: For the appeal: "Tamerlan" (from: Temur Leng - Lame Timur), the Ruler of Mavverranahra Sahibkiron Amir Temur had a habit of shortening unlucky idiots on his head. But not right away ... He gave, so to speak, time to realize, repent ... Skin removal, for lively and boiling oil, greatly contributed to the process. awareness.)))

                  Barbarians what to say .....
                  1. +2
                    7 March 2017 19: 03
                    Russ, you are right that a hundred years have passed since the assassination of the Emperor and his family! And some of our comrades continue to fiercely hate him as if he were their "blood man"
                    Because of the Emperor and Natasha Poklonskaya, let's blaspheme, and if she had the icon of St. George the Victorious or some other saint?
                    Indeed, she did not carry the ceremonial portrait of the Emperor, but the icon of the new martyrs. If this turns them on, let them turn their claims to Patriarch Alexei, his kingdom to heaven.
                    The Russian Orthodox Church very strictly approaches the canonization of new martyrs: a special commission carefully discusses everything and UNANIMOUSLY recommends the Council, and with the canonization of Nicholas several independent commissions worked in all dioceses to discuss this issue, and then recommended it to the Council.
                    In the fall, I listened to the sermon of Father Spiridon, however, the local communists respect him, he told how the canonization of Nikolai went (he was a member of the Kuban Commission).
                  2. +1
                    7 March 2017 21: 52
                    Quote: RUSS
                    Barbarians what to say .....

                    Actually, this is called the Middle Ages. Timur’s “atrocities,” even within the framework of European medieval manners, are so ... minor fluctuations, within the margin of error. And our ancestors, in this regard, were not particularly meek: Nestor 18: “In the summer of 6449 (941). Idea Igor to the Greeks; as if the Bulgars sent a message to the tsar, as they go Russia to Constantinople skedias 10 thousand. They like to go around and fight, and often fight the Bethany countries, and the war on Pontus to Heraclius and to Faflagonsky lands, and the whole country of Nicomedia has been defeated, and the Court has been completely burned. They are also more common, ovech rastinakh, other deliveries and arrows to nya, shake them off, put together their hands, iron nails in the middle of the head whip their; many saints of the church of fire betray you; the monastery and the village burned, and not less than two countries took the name. [quote] [/ quote]
                2. +1
                  7 March 2017 19: 15
                  Corporal Han Fengri, I point you to the incorrect statement: "your beloved EBN has actually given the USA." You actually deliberately insulted us (knows the attitude towards him perfectly) and the inhabitants of the Central Asian republics: are they the thing that they give?
                  I regard your statement as ill-conceived
                  1. +2
                    7 March 2017 21: 21
                    Monarchist, I’m calling, Mr. Subpolkan))), do you have Russian as your native language? You don’t notice that between the phrases: “gifted” and “actually gifted” there is a certain, quite definite semantic difference? I confess I forgot to put quotes in front of: "beloved." Not maliciously. And with the inhabitants of the former national SSR (the Baltic states and Georgia does not count) EBN and other "Belovezhtsy" (remember who participated there?) Treated just like with a thing. Imagine that you fell asleep as a citizen of a Great Country, and in the morning you woke up incomprehensibly by someone, in incomprehensibly than! Would you like it? And, yes, give "free, that is, daGom" (c) nat. the elites of the territory for which the blood of Russian soldiers and officers was paid, this is undoubtedly a worthy deed! But, freed from the damned outskirts! Is not it?
                    1. +2
                      8 March 2017 10: 55
                      Han Tengri, I remember very well who was going to the Christmas tree and what happened as a result. You say: “You fell asleep as a citizen of a Great Country, but in the morning you woke up incomprehensibly, in incomprehensibly what” and I remembered when my mother and I reported this on TV as if we were stunned and then they all waited for when the clarification came.
                      Later in one of the newspapers there was an interview with Burbulis, he was already retired, and he all praised Shushkevich: a hospitable and prudent uncle, even a typewriter was cooked
                    2. +1
                      8 March 2017 22: 50
                      Quote: HanTengri
                      But, freed from the damned outskirts! Is not it?

                      Exactly. the reality is that after the collapse of the USSR, the standard of living in Russia has grown significantly, and the standard of living in the "outskirts" has fallen dramatically.
                      1. 0
                        9 March 2017 00: 08
                        KaPToC, According to your logic, Russia urgently needs to be freed from Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Buryatia, the entire troubled Caucasus and enjoy an incredible increase in living standards within the Moscow principality of the 16th century. ))) You, KaPToC, as well as EBN, do not care that for all these lands the blood of Russian people is paid.
                      2. +1
                        9 March 2017 00: 22
                        Quote: KaPToC
                        the reality is that after the collapse of the USSR, the standard of living in Russia has grown dramatically ...

                        - Nothing ??? !!! belay
                        - You are healthy?
                        - What years are you talking about, not about 90, for an hour? And what, just - only the USSR collapsed ...

                        Damn, return the minuses am
                  2. 0
                    8 March 2017 08: 25
                    Quote: Monarchist
                    Corporal Han Fengri, I point you to the incorrect statement: "your beloved EBN has actually given the USA." You actually deliberately insulted us (knows the attitude towards him perfectly) and the inhabitants of the Central Asian republics: are they the thing that they give?

                    Moreover, judging by the flag of Han Fengri, he is from Uzbekistan and does not personally jar that, according to him, he, as a serf, was sold to the United States together with the country
                    1. +1
                      8 March 2017 11: 02
                      Kamrad Russ, in my opinion Khan is also not enthusiastic about what happened. It’s just that he is saturated with aura there and admiration for Tamerlan
        2. +5
          6 March 2017 11: 50
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          venaya Today, 06:57 ↑ New
          Why are you all pestering the poor autocrat. Count carefully, there were four such autocrats in total, because four empires were smashed.
          And what, what four ?! This is not easier for us. I don’t understand your position at all, according to Nicholas the Bloody. Why are you protecting him like that ?! Are you an adherent of Poklonskaya ?! Yes, the Anglo-Saxons and French by the hands of Germans, Austro-Hungarians, Russians and Turks cleared their living space. As a result, there were no four empires, but who is to blame for this ?! Say the British and French ?! Partly YES, BUT the rulers of these very empires are to blame in the first place! Because they allowed themselves to be drawn into the war, because they did not take into account the consequences, for the victims, and as a result, the collapse of their empires. Kaiser could have won if Russia had not been on the Entente’s side, but on the side of the tripartite alliance or had it not just entered the war at all.
          So I don’t understand the reasons why you are so zealously defending the killer king, to burn him in Hell with EBN, Khrushchev and Mishka-Marked!

          But Sverdlov, Trotsky, therefore, with Tukhachevsky, and so on. peace, thanks to which millions of Russians died, do you need to put up monuments?
          1. +14
            6 March 2017 12: 29
            Alikos Today, 11:50 ↑ New
            But Sverdlov, Trotsky, therefore, with Tukhachevsky, and so on. peace, thanks to which millions of Russians died, do you need to put up monuments?
            Where did you see in my comments a call to erect monuments to Trotsky or Tukhachevsky ?! Please provide a reference ?! It is unlikely that you can, because I never wrote this. But to raise the bloody king to the rank of "saint" is blasphemy. Even more sacrilege to go with the icon of the bloody king to the procession of the Immortal regiment! This is a spit in memory of my fought grandfathers.
            In general, all this rat fuss around the bleaching of the bloody monarch, this is a farce beyond reason, honor and conscience!
            1. +1
              6 March 2017 21: 10
              Quote: Diana Ilyina
              Alikos Today, 11:50 ↑ New
              But Sverdlov, Trotsky, therefore, with Tukhachevsky, and so on. peace, thanks to which millions of Russians died, do you need to put up monuments?
              Where did you see in my comments a call to erect monuments to Trotsky or Tukhachevsky ?! Please provide a reference ?! It is unlikely that you can, because I never wrote this. But to raise the bloody king to the rank of "saint" is blasphemy. Even more sacrilege to go with the icon of the bloody king to the procession of the Immortal regiment! This is a spit in memory of my fought grandfathers.
              In general, all this rat fuss around the bleaching of the bloody monarch, this is a farce beyond reason, honor and conscience!

              Why are you so grouchy? And it is with such a beautiful face ...))
          2. +1
            8 March 2017 22: 52
            Quote: Alikos
            But Sverdlov, Trotsky, therefore, with Tukhachevsky

            Something you somehow idiotic all under one comb, do not you think?
        3. +1
          6 March 2017 19: 46
          In criminal jurisprudence, this is called victimization: the victim is to blame.
          Nonsense. A person with a natural sexual orientation does not tend to suppress others.
          Jewish empires fell as a result of an overseas conspiracy. British, by the way, too.
        4. +2
          7 March 2017 20: 40
          Quote: Diana Ilyina
          I don’t understand the reasons why you are so zealously defending the killer king, to burn him in Hell along with EBN, Khrushchev and Mishka-Marked!

          I do not understand the reasons why you so zealously hate the martyr king - but to burn you in Hell (for blasphemy against the saint) along with Andropulo and Khrushchev (and your Burry Pakhan am , EBN and Mishka-Marked will not burn with you - intended for traitors ice circle of hell!)
    2. 0
      April 23 2017 13: 32
      Aristocrats, all these counts, were compradors, spent money in Europe and bled the economy of the RII. The development gap with the West was widening, in the 1900s, four hundred thousand cars were produced in America, several tens of thousands in Germany, and one hundred cars in the RII, one hundred Karl, against tens and hundreds of thousands in the West.
      figures voiced in the video - Intelligence Question: Boris Yulin on the outbreak of the First World War
  2. +5
    6 March 2017 06: 50
    the destruction of Europe in the fire of the great war allowed to crush the old elites of the Old World under the United States, which took the place of the leader of the Western project

    The British Empire, still dominant at that time, could no longer cope with new, re-emerging tasks. Money, a lot of money, but just crazy money flowed overseas, there was a need to change the location of the world financial center. Hence the desire to inflict the greatest possible economic and material damage to the "Old World" for the speedy displacement of the center of power of the World. All financial losses were more than compensated as a result of the gain.
  3. +5
    6 March 2017 07: 35
    - the destruction of Europe in the fire of a great war made it possible to crush the old elites of the Old World under the USA
    ... What we actually see now ...
  4. +7
    6 March 2017 07: 35
    The author’s articles in this series are absolutely alike.
    One and the same words: Freemasons, Februalists, Westerners .... The author would read "A Short History of the VKPb History" of the Leader of All Leaders, where it is correctly indicated:

    The bourgeoisie THINKED to resolve the crisis through a palace coup.
    But the PEOPLE allowed it in their own way.

    With all its fronts and desires and Wishlist, none of the Februaryists this I did not want to develop the situation, understanding what it was fraught with.

    They only FOLLOWED the situation that developed after the dispersal of the Cabinet of Ministers, trying to take control of it, without possessing the necessary full power.

    The owners of England, France and the USA successfully had an operation by bleeding Russia with Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey.

    You can "bleed" dogs or cocks. And states pursue their own state interests.
    Auto RU, repeatedly mentioned this "operation", it's time to bring DOCUMENTS of such a conspiracy, meetings of the "hosts", certificates and names of participants, performance documents.

    If he cannot do this (but he cannot) then perhaps it is time to stop these conspiracy theories ..

    In fact, it was a war for absolute power on the planet - the masters of the USA and England planned to destroy old world and build a new world order, where it will be possible to rob and parasitize freely on the body of mankind.

    Documents, author, planning documents and details of the destruction, Their-NO.
    The United States became the United States only after the WWII, having become rich on it, England became the debtor, did it plan so?
    1. +6
      6 March 2017 08: 12
      darling Olgovich you probably do not know the story at all! belay The USA before the First World was an advanced economic country! At the beginning of the XNUMXth century US industry continued to grow rapidly. The volume of manufacturing products was equal to the total production of countries such as England, France and Germany.
      The automobile industry of the USA was developing very rapidly and turned into one of the most promising in the country on the eve of the First World War. Unlike other car manufacturers, the Detroit-based Ford company produced cars with gasoline powered internal combustion engines. By 1913, Ford plants produced 1 cars a day, more than 250 a year, which accounted for almost half of total US car production. Here the system of scientific organization of production was first applied, the author of which was engineer F. Taylor. Thanks to the introduction of this system, and then in 1914 and the moving conveyor, it was possible to intensify production, to make it more cost-effective and competitive. The cost of the car decreased from 950 to 290 dollars, and he was able to win a wide consumer. The leading companies in the automotive industry are also General Motors (founded in 1908), which specialized, besides automobiles, in the production of televisions, diesel engines, refrigerators, etc. The core of the future giant of American engineering was Buick, which successively merged the companies Pontiac, Cadillac, and Chevrolet.

      Electricity quickly entered the life of the United States, industry and life. Electric wires, telegraph and telephone lines linked together entire industrial areas, administrative centers, unrecognizably changed the face of the country. Gas and kerosene lighting gave way to electric. The number of telephones in the country before the First World War was close to 10 million, while in 1900 there were only 13 thousand.

      Active construction of the railroads continued in the USA, which could not but affect industrial growth. Since the railway business was very profitable, albeit a risky one, it was here that the capital of joint stock companies was accumulated, which was then invested in other sectors of the economy, contributing to the formation of super-large states and strengthening the position of the financial oligarchy.

      New routes of communication have created a large market for the steel industry. In turn, the expansion of production in the metallurgical industry entailed the accelerated development of the mining and manufacturing industries. Technological innovations were quickly introduced on the railroads: at the beginning of the 25th century, iron rails were replaced by steel, the speed increased from 65 to 1870 mph. The length of the railroads increased rapidly: in 85 it amounted to 1913 thousand km, and in 411 - XNUMX thousand km. The United States accounted for about half of the global rail network.

      Railway construction has become a factor in major structural changes in the economy. The construction of railways contributed to the development of specialization in industry and agriculture, increasing the mobility of labor and capital, lowering production costs, increasing labor productivity, and the process of urbanization. The general development of German industry in the 10th century characterized primarily by a significant increase in the number of the working class. In the entire qualification industry in Germany (including enterprises with at least 7,4 workers), 8 million workers were employed before the First World War. The capacity of industrial engines in the manufacturing industry reached XNUMX million horsepower; in this respect, Germany lagged only behind the USA and England.
      The mining industry of Germany occupied the first place in the national economy; It employed 2,5 million workers. One of the industries of this industry - coal mining - occupied the third place in the world after the USA and England. Just before the war, 227 million tons of coal were mined in Germany, slightly less than in England (292 million tons).
      In terms of iron ore production, Germany was in second place after the United States; in 1913, it mined 28,6 million tons. Germany also ranked second in the world in the smelting of ferrous metals; immediately before the war, it smelted 19 million tons of pig iron, about the same as all the countries of the “Triple Accord” combined. US development before the First World War ›History› 26762.html
      1. +2
        6 March 2017 08: 28
        Quote: Uncle Murzik
        The USA before the First World was an advanced economic country! At the beginning of the XNUMXth century US industry continued to grow rapidly. The volume of manufacturing products was equal to the total production of countries such as England, France and Germany.
        The automobile industry of the USA was developing very rapidly and turned into one of the most promising in the country on the eve of the First World War. Unlike other car manufacturers, the Detroit-based Ford company produced cars with gasoline powered internal combustion engines. By 1913, Ford plants produced 1 cars a day, more than 250 a year, which accounted for almost half of total US car production. Here the system of scientific organization of production was first applied, the author of which was engineer F. Taylor. Thanks to the introduction of this system, and then in 1914 and the moving conveyor, it was possible to intensify production, to make it more cost-effective and competitive. The cost of the car decreased from 950 to 290 dollars, and he was able to win a wide consumer. The leading companies in the automotive industry are also General Motors (founded in 1908), which specialized, besides automobiles, in the production of televisions, diesel engines, refrigerators, etc. The core of the future giant of American engineering was Buick, which successively merged the companies Pontiac, Cadillac, and Chevrolet.
        Electricity quickly entered the life of the United States, industry and life. Electric wires, telegraph and telephone lines linked together entire industrial areas, administrative centers, unrecognizably changed the face of the country. Gas and kerosene lighting gave way to electric. The number of telephones in the country before the First World War was close to 10 million, while in 1900 there were only 13 thousand.
        Active construction of the railroads continued in the USA, which could not but affect industrial growth. Since the railway business was very profitable, albeit a risky one, it was here that the capital of joint stock companies was accumulated, which was then invested in other sectors of the economy, contributing to the formation of super-large states and strengthening the position of the financial oligarchy.
        New routes of communication have created a large market for the steel industry. In turn, the expansion of production in the metallurgical industry entailed the accelerated development of the mining and manufacturing industries. Technological innovations were quickly introduced on the railroads: at the beginning of the 25th century, iron rails were replaced by steel, the speed increased from 65 to 1870 mph. The length of the railroads increased rapidly: in 85 it amounted to 1913 thousand km, and in 411 - XNUMX thousand km. The United States accounted for about half of the global rail network.
        Railway construction has become a factor in major structural changes in the economy. The construction of railways contributed to the development of specialization in industry and agriculture, increasing the mobility of labor and capital, lowering production costs, increasing labor productivity, and the process of urbanization. The general development of German industry in the 10th century characterized primarily by a significant increase in the number of the working class. In the entire qualification industry in Germany (including enterprises with at least 7,4 workers), 8 million workers were employed before the First World War. The capacity of industrial engines in the manufacturing industry reached XNUMX million horsepower; in this respect, Germany lagged only behind the USA and England.
        The mining industry of Germany occupied the first place in the national economy; It employed 2,5 million workers. One of the industries of this industry - coal mining - occupied the third place in the world after the USA and England. Just before the war, 227 million tons of coal were mined in Germany, slightly less than in England (292 million tons).
        In terms of iron ore production, Germany was in second place after the United States; in 1913, it mined 28,6 million tons. Germany also ranked second in the world in the smelting of ferrous metals; immediately before the war, it smelted 19 million tons of pig iron, about the same as all the countries of the “Triple Accord” combined. US development before the First World War

        Say what you wanted, uncle? Not enough of your words? belay

        Read VO:
        The USA from the debtor state became the creditor of the leading world powers after the WWII
        1. +4
          6 March 2017 09: 37
          Quote: Olgovich
          Quote: Uncle Murzik
          USA ... war
          Say what you wanted, uncle? Not enough of your words?
          Read VO:
          The USA from the debtor state became the creditor of the leading world powers after the WWII

          ... Yes, and it seems to you that there are not enough words to express "undoubtedly wise thoughts," if you post in whole pages.
          1. +1
            6 March 2017 12: 33
            Quote: V.ic
            .Yes, and it seems that you do not have enough words to express "undoubtedly wise thoughts," if you are posting in whole pages.

            Are you talking about? belay
            1. 0
              7 March 2017 05: 52
              Quote: Olgovich
              You're about than?

              ... did you really move from the category of "who?" in the category of "what?" ??
        2. +2
          6 March 2017 09: 57
          darling Olgovich is a strange statement, the United States is by far the largest debtor, and this does not prevent it from being the most powerful state in the world! belay
          1. +1
            6 March 2017 12: 35
            Quote: Uncle Murzik
            darling Olgovich is a strange statement, the USA is the largest debtor at the moment, and this does not prevent it from being the most powerful state in the world

            The USA from the debtor state became the creditor of the leading world powers after the WWI — ALREADY do not argue with this. Progress!
            1. +1
              6 March 2017 13: 55
              darling Olgovich, I argued with you? belay I'm just writing facts! laughing
    2. +3
      6 March 2017 08: 15
      Olgovich, you are right that Samsonov’s articles are easy to identify: the same expressions and thoughts.
      But let me disagree with you: I am convinced that the Masons have done their dirty deed. There was also financial recharge.
      1. +4
        6 March 2017 09: 44
        Quote: Monarchist
        easy to identify: same expressions and thoughts

        Olgovich said with absolute precision that Alexander writes so clearly all fabulousness that he is visible through and through.
        Can you object to Samsonov?
        And then somehow .. it’s really embarrassing for you to “identify” -IDENTIFY, so it is written ...
      2. +3
        6 March 2017 12: 24
        Quote: Monarchist
        Samsonov's articles are easy to identify

        Is it possible in more detail about "to identify"? What kind of beast is this?
      3. 0
        6 March 2017 20: 49
        How do you know what the Masons did or did not do? Masons who have not been up to Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich, at least some evidence of the malicious actions of the Masons, the Rothschilds, or anyone else?
        What kind of Masons are needed if an empire enters into a war with Prime Minister Goremykin, General Kuropatkin is stubbornly placed in command posts.
    3. +1
      6 March 2017 17: 06
      Quote: Olgovich
      The author’s articles in this series are absolutely alike.

      Whoever knows who Samsonov is, what kind of education and field of activity he has? On normal historical resources he is not, they are not allowed with his nonsense laughing , and here he went into the wild. With his talent, by the way, you can create a sect or a party, as an example, Starikov’s anti-aircraft defense party, it scratches in the same manner, anyway, what’s more, what would the people like and most importantly, it’s strictly fashionable nowadays ....
  5. +2
    6 March 2017 09: 13
    The native languages ​​of the nobility were German, French and English. Aristocrats have been living their lives in Italy, Germany and France for years. Russia was only a source of income.

    As now, the elite is so divorced from the people that it has become alien and hostile to it. But again, the interests of the motherland are in the most ugly way intertwined with the interests of a handful of oligarchs and a host of bureaucrats. For defending the country, you still protect the wealth of the rich, it is difficult to separate one from the other. And although there will not be a complete repetition of the situation of 1917, another no less bloody unrest is possible. For the current chaos of the owners of the Russian Federation rolls even beyond the most hyped boundaries of the rational.
  6. +1
    6 March 2017 09: 27
    The article is interesting, even at times exciting, but, like all extreme points of view, shows only one side of events. The truth in the middle, as you know. There were external forces interested in the destruction of the country, yes, of course. They are now and always will be. Get food, cockroaches themselves will appear. Nevertheless, in my opinion, the system would not have rotted, had not stood at the head, such a leader, and no one would have done anything.
    1. +1
      6 March 2017 20: 51
      Quote: avva2012
      An interesting article, even at times exciting,

      I can imagine how worthwhile literature captures you laughing , some emotions and experiences wassat
      1. 0
        7 March 2017 04: 11
        I can imagine how worthwhile literature captures you

        Sarcasm? Congratulations, you are on the right track. Less pathos, gentlemen, lay judges. wink laughing
  7. +3
    6 March 2017 10: 06
    As I understand it, this happiness from Mr. Samsonov will last until December, every two days according to the same type, the computer agreed to 50 billionth click that his password is Mao Dzedong. Is the author zombifying us?
    1. +2
      6 March 2017 10: 49
      No, that's not the point. As I understood from a discussion with one of the site’s regular authors, the readers ’opinion and the quality of publications are secondary for them. The main thing is the number of clicks. While the topic will come together, it will be in operation. And this topic collects views. So the variations on the theme continue.
      1. +5
        6 March 2017 12: 04
        Busts of great people joined in the ideological struggle ...
        Nikolai II pacified in Crimea, in Vyborg menacingly in response
        pacified Lenin.
        1. avt
          6 March 2017 13: 38
          Quote: voyaka uh
          Nikolai II pacified in Crimea, in Vyborg menacingly in response
          pacified Lenin.
          Well, they did.
          Now I understand why liberals of all stripes and ideologies are so afraid of monuments to Stalin! They imagine with fear that his statue will light a pipe ... bully
          1. +2
            6 March 2017 13: 41
            And what do you think, why monuments to Hitler are banned in Germany?
            If they suddenly pacify? - carcasses of light ... stop
            1. avt
              7 March 2017 12: 11
              Quote: voyaka uh
              And what do you think, why monuments to Hitler are banned in Germany?

              Oh, wei! Hear from a Jew and from Israel a comparison, even if indirectly, of Stalin and Hitler! This is something! They could just be silent in appreciation, if only for the feasible participation of Stalin in the creation of Israel itself and the supply of arms.
        2. +3
          6 March 2017 21: 20
          Quote: voyaka uh
          Busts of great people joined in the ideological struggle ...
          Nikolai II pacified in Crimea, in Vyborg menacingly in response
          pacified Lenin.

          You have the Wall leaking with might and main, whipping streams and nothing ...
      2. +1
        6 March 2017 16: 57
        Quote: Curious
        While the topic will come together, it will be in operation. And this topic collects views. So the variations on the theme continue

        A good site rating, therefore, it’s good to cut down on advertising that is placed on the site, business and nothing more Yes
    2. +2
      6 March 2017 17: 00
      Quote: Cartalon
      As I understand it, this happiness from Mr. Samsonov will last until December,

      The number of his pseudo-historical articles with such a pace by November 7, 2017 may be about 200 pieces wassat
  8. +4
    6 March 2017 11: 06
    Again Samsonov’s geo-political nonsense with bold inserts
    font. On the first lines it’s clear ... sad
  9. +3
    6 March 2017 13: 19
    Alexander, let me express my vision of the situation: 1 “free masons” considered (I think so now) their duty to fight the absolute in any form, and the “Russian bear” dares to growl. “His Atu.” 2. Even after the Napoleonic Wars, the Rothshelds took part in a taste of power over the world (over a significant part of the world) and this was enough to “correct” Russia, to put it mildly.
    The Freemasons launched their first attack in Russia back in 1826, but Nikolai repulsed the attack and for more than half a century the “masons” scribbled the monolith of the autocracy, and in 1917 they collapsed.
    You say that all the "Februaryists" were at the "junkyard of history." Here I do not agree with you: the Masons reduced the Russian Empire and even though the Bolsheviks confused them with cards (Russia did not fall apart), but the Rothsheld Jewish standers won.
    "For some time only the communist Russians led by Stalin were able to regain the identity of Russia" this is so, but all the same, Rothschild and Co. could triumph: the destruction of "Russian civilization and the Russian superethnos" was going on. Here are the facts for you: 1) after the war with Russia, non-Russian villages took taxes on everything, but Georgia did not know taxes. (Old people in villages and small towns who remember this are still alive) 2. In the Smolensk region WISHED ON YOURSELF POWED! Because someone dawned in the Politburo: “we will master the goal” and tractors and young people went there.
    Are there still such people like Russian: how much they press, but it still costs
  10. +7
    6 March 2017 14: 09
    One can argue for a long time on the personality of Nikolai Alexandrovich, his mistakes and miscalculations, on the imperfection and injustice of certain negative aspects of the existence of pre-revolutionary Russia, one can proceed as long as possible in gossip of alternative history, but nevertheless, the Russian Empire was a national state of the Russian people . And in February 1917, the Russian people lost their state, good or not very, it does not matter. This state for a long time rested on a solid foundation, having existed for a thousand years. How many years did exist, albeit a very powerful, in many ways, bold Soviet state? Alas, a little over 70 years. And it died not so much under the influence of external factors, but because of the poor quality of the Soviet party elite, above all. Is it worth it to kick the late Sovereign and hang all the dogs on him at once, against the background of Gorbachev and Yeltsin, he really looks quite good to himself. So the thought comes to mind: imperial Russia gave birth to many geniuses of different planes, starting from Pushkin and Tolstoy, Gorchakov and Mendeleev, Witte and Stolypin, and even (yes, yes, it was them) Lenin and Stalin. It is probably not necessary to tell whom the late Soviet Union spawned ... That's what is sad ...
    1. +1
      6 March 2017 16: 46
      Quote: libivs
      Imperial Russia gave birth to many geniuses ....

      I do not agree with all due respect to the listed names
      just name the name of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev
      1. +1
        6 March 2017 20: 36
        But Sergei Pavlovich did not take on an empty spot. For the appearance of such people need soil. And she was in the form of Russian engineering. And he is her apotheosis ...
        1. 0
          7 March 2017 10: 44
          Quote: libivs
          And Sergey Pavlovich didn’t take it from scratch

          undoubtedly, Tsoilkovsky had a great influence on him
          but if you know in detail the biography of the joint venture, you will agree - all this became possible precisely in the atmosphere of Soviet industrialization
  11. +3
    6 March 2017 14: 34
    I liked the article. Especially the beginning. Especially as regards edification to the descendants - all those who betrayed the Sovereign either found their death or later became impoverished in exile. Truly a revolution is a hydra devouring its children.
    1. +1
      7 March 2017 18: 12
      you definitely noticed the “hydra devouring your children”: Trotsky, Kamenev, Bukharin, Rykov, Maria Spiridonova, Fani Kaplan (half-blind and in the dark from a distance of 20m, a joke) Tukhachevsky, Blucher, Yakir, Yagoda, and I’m tired of listing.
    2. +1
      8 January 2018 18: 17
      Quote: Trapper7
      all those who betrayed the Sovereign either found their death or became impoverished later in emigration.

      "It is very sad that in March 1917, almost all the" devotee to the Sovereign "units dressed in red revolutionary bows. In St. Petersburg, only the Finnish regiment of Mannerheim, a separate battalion of Prince Anvar Oslanov and Khan Nakhichevansky remained loyal to him. 3 of the Cossack Cavalry Corps, Count Keller remained loyal to the oath and expressed his willingness to move the corps to the defense of the king and reported it to the Headquarters with a telegram, but he was immediately removed from his post. Only some time later some generals repented and realized their guilt. So the commander-in-chief of the Western Front, General AE Evert, said: “I, like other commanders, betrayed the king, and for this atrocity we all have to pay with our lives.” Most did not repent and did not realize. Moreover, they were angry doomed with the head rushed from both sides to the bottomless pool of the beginning of the new Russian distemper, which always and inevitably accompanies the change of dynasty. "
      Keller, his headquarters and the Cossacks

  12. +1
    6 March 2017 16: 51
    In fact, it was a war for absolute power on the planet: the masters of the United States and England planned to destroy the old world and build a new

    something with logic ...
    if there are 2 states in the beneficiaries - no longer absolute.
    1. 0
      7 March 2017 05: 35
      No, the beneficiaries had a global backstage elite, and all countries are just tools. By the way, Trump today works precisely for their interests (whether he knows it or not is a separate issue).
      1. 0
        7 March 2017 10: 44
        well, they always win, it’s clear
  13. 0
    6 March 2017 23: 05
    The February revolution was spontaneous - the evidence is the explicit formation of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies on the 27 of February 1917 of the year, the executive committee of which became the first new executive body in Russia and, by the way, very highly effective - Order No. 1 of March 1 of March 1917 on the election of commanders in army and navy immediately pulled to the side of the revolution, most of the Russian military.

    Masons, St. Petersburg and Moscow oligarchs, the generals were late with their decisions — a committee of members of the State Duma to establish order in the capital and for intercourse with individuals and institutions (February 27), then the Provisional Government (March 2). But by this moment the main power of the state - the army and navy was already on the side of the Petrograd Soviet.
  14. 0
    7 March 2017 05: 32
    Mentioning the “rehearsal of the revolution” in 1905, the author forgot to note such an important fact that the execution of January 9, 1905 deprived the tsarist government of legitimacy in the eyes of the people and, accordingly, of their support. Before this execution, people could still think that "the king is good," after not him - no. Actually, in the current color revolutions, such tricks are regularly used (VV Putin once called them "sacred victims"). Well, our "Anti-Maidan" was preparing to repeat the fate of the Gapon movement ...
  15. 0
    7 March 2017 06: 01
    An interesting photo from the physician. Swelling under the eyes, given that the former emperor did not abuse alcohol or kidney or heart. On the Internet, information is mainly about the state of health of Tsarevich Alexei, about his father, no. So there is no reliable information. If the nature of edema is, nevertheless, associated with the pathology of the cardiovascular system, then based on the level of medicine at that time, he was not a tenant.
  16. +16
    8 March 2017 14: 35
    In fact, it was a war for absolute power on the planet: the owners of the United States and England planned to destroy the old world and build a new world order, where it would be possible to plunder and parasitize on the body of humanity.

    For what ABSOLUTE power and what does it mean - absolute?
    Who are the OWNERS?
    What does it mean to rob and parasitize?
    Some slogans.
    But what about informativeness? Conclusions without a basis for such conclusions ...
    1. +16
      8 March 2017 15: 26
      I agree. Weakly weak
  17. +2
    9 March 2017 00: 19
    Quote: HanTengri
    KaPToC, According to your logic, Russia urgently needs to be freed from Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Kalmykia, Buryatia, the entire troubled Caucasus and enjoy an incredible increase in living standards within the Moscow principality of the 16th century. ))) You, KaPToC, as well as EBN, do not care that for all these lands the blood of Russian people is paid.

    No need to misinterpret. In the USSR there were three huge budget expenditures, the first was military industry, the second was Ukrainian agriculture and the third was the social system of Central Asia and the Caucasus, the second and third points to the detriment of and expense of agriculture and the social system of the RSFSR. For example, Tatarstan is self-sufficient. But you can’t remember how enterprises were transported to the republics without tears.
  18. +2
    9 March 2017 00: 35
    Quote: Cat Man Null
    Nothing ??? !!!
    - You are healthy?
    - What years are you talking about, not about 90, for an hour? And what, just - only the USSR collapsed ...
    Damn, return the minuses

    Well, like now is not the nineties? Or are you stuck in time? For twenty-five years, Russia compensated with its own labor, taken from it during the USSR, but the rest of the republics (except one) ate everything that was given to them in the Union.
  19. 0
    April 23 2017 12: 54
    The level of managerial decisions of these idealistic liberals is so low that the cook would be better able to rule the state than these gentlemen. The abolition of obedience to orders in the army and the election by soldiers of their own commanders during the war, it’s necessary to think of this.