Rumyantsev's war with Turkey

Rumyantsev's war with Turkey

Russian-Turkish War of 1768–1774. sometimes called Rumyantsevskaya. It was then that Suvorov won his first high-profile victories, and the Turkish fleet in Chesme Bay was burned by A. Orlov’s squadron...
Illusion in photographs. Why did Khomeini win?

Illusion in photographs. Why did Khomeini win?

Who hasn’t seen online collages telling about the life of Iran under the last Shah and the first Grand Ayatollah in power, with the constant refrain: it was - it was; However, is it worth perceiving the realities of life - from...
Pyotr Rumyantsev in the Seven Years' War

Pyotr Rumyantsev in the Seven Years' War

The first article about P. Rumyantsev ended with a story about the beginning of the Seven Years' War and the Battle of Gross-Jägersdorf. In this one we’ll talk about the new battles of the Seven Years’ War, as well as the resignation of Rumyantsev after...
How the predatory American empire was created

How the predatory American empire was created

The Monroe Doctrine was adopted 200 years ago. The Americans laid claim to the lands of the Western Hemisphere. Moreover, this doctrine was disguised by “humane and democratic” ideas of protecting America from...
Golden saber of General Chechensky

Golden saber of General Chechensky

The highest state awards of the Chechen Republic could well be named in honor of this hero. Two hundred years ago, highlander Ali from the village of Aldy became the first Chechen general in the Russian Imperial...
“The battle is glorious, higher than Chesma and Navarino!”

“The battle is glorious, higher than Chesma and Navarino!”

On November 30, 1853, the Black Sea Fleet won a brilliant victory over the Turkish fleet in Sinop Bay. “The battle is glorious, higher than Chesma and Navarino!” – this is how Vice Admiral Kornilov assessed the battle...
The tragic death of Emperor Paul I

The tragic death of Emperor Paul I

Continuation of the story about the conspiracy against Paul I, the death of the emperor and the fate of his killers...
Kabul airborne operation

Kabul airborne operation

The purpose of this work is to slightly expand the picture of the initial phase of the Afghan war than is currently presented. First of all, look at the operation from a logistics point of view. Reveal the nuances that...
Did Stalin want to starve Ukraine to death?

Did Stalin want to starve Ukraine to death?

The Holodomor claimed, according to various estimates, from 4 to 7 million lives. In Ukraine they believe that Stalin is personally guilty of organizing the Holodomor...
The death of the "Armenia" transport. The culprits of the tragedy

The death of the "Armenia" transport. The culprits of the tragedy

In April 1942, the Chief Prosecutor of the Navy sent an appeal to the People's Commissar of the Navy, Admiral N.G. Kuznetsov, in which, on the basis of a memo from the head of the 3rd department of the Black Sea Fleet, Kudryavtsev...