Does the fleet need small rocket ships?

Does the fleet need small rocket ships?

Once, small rocket ships (IRAs) were very effective and very dangerous for the enemy percussion means. Is this true in our time? Not really! ...
What is dangerous Sea Hunter and how to deal with it

What is dangerous Sea Hunter and how to deal with it

The United States is actively developing the direction of the unmanned surface ships, and one of the main developments in this area is the anti-submarine defense boat ACTUV / MDUSV / Sea Hunter. In perspective, this ...
371 Admiralty "aristocrat"

371 Admiralty "aristocrat"

It's about a massive family of large commander boats 371 project. Immediately after the end of World War II, it was decided to start the construction of a series of cruisers of projects 65, 82, ...
Anti-submarine potential of the Russian Navy

Anti-submarine potential of the Russian Navy

One of the main tasks of the Navy is to search and destroy enemy submarines. To solve this problem, the Russian fleet has a sufficiently developed group, including various means, ...
On the need to reduce the types of submarines

On the need to reduce the types of submarines

Talk about how abroad “have long gone the way of reducing types of submarines” does not make sense. Domestic submarine fleet has also always sought to create a main multi-purpose project and ...
Memorial Day for the dead submariners

Memorial Day for the dead submariners

April 7 in the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of the memory of the dead divers. This is a memorable date of the Navy of the Russian Federation, which includes the submarine forces, where they served and ...
There was money for the fleet. They even spent

There was money for the fleet. They even spent

Often it is necessary to meet with the opinion that the problems of the Navy are caused by underfunding. This is not quite true. It's not so much money as it is how they spend it ...
Where does Admiral Evmenov "run"?

Where does Admiral Evmenov "run"?

Given the acute problems with the training and combat effectiveness of the submarine forces of the Northern Fleet, a reduction in the training course for submarine crews, announced by the commander of the Northern Fleet, is unacceptable ...
Where will the Japanese AUG go?

Where will the Japanese AUG go?

Two carrier groupings, which may include up to X-NUMX F-28B aircraft in total, are a serious military argument that changes a lot in the alignment of forces in the Pacific region ...