The last battle for the World Ocean

The last battle for the World Ocean

In the global rivalry between the two superpowers, America in the middle of the 70 of the last century highlighted the geopolitical formula "Who rules the oceans, he rules the world." The main...
How dinosaurs died out - the last heavy tanks (part of 6)

How dinosaurs died out - the last heavy tanks (part of 6)

After the adoption of the M103 tank into service in the United States, and the difficulties associated with this fact, the question arose about a radical modernization of the tank, or about a possible replacement. Quite an interesting solution to this ...
Tank T-55AGM. Ukraine

Tank T-55AGM. Ukraine

Kharkiv residents offered several options for modernization at once, as they say, in order to satisfy any wishes of customers. So, the tank has undergone a deep modernization of the fighting compartment will allow ...
Drones will be equipped with "smart" bombs

UAVs will equip with smart bombs

Small tactical ammunition STM Phase II has passed laboratory testing. Developers are preparing for the start of flight tests of a new bomb. These tests should take place already this year. Himself ...
"Screw" under the barrel

"Screw" under the barrel

Continuing the theme of submachine guns in the modern system of domestic small arms, it is worth remembering about one more direction of their development. Whatever tasks the fighters, armed with ...
Ships will fly along the water ...

Ships will fly along the water ...

A long-standing problem of all shipping was not the high speed of the movement of swimming facilities on the water. That is why the engineers from the American University Duke decided to come close to it ...
How dinosaurs died out - the last heavy tanks (part of 5)

How dinosaurs died out - the last heavy tanks (part of 5)

In June, 1944 of the year, the design bureau of the plant No. 100 was presented in GBTU a draft design of a heavy tank EC-6, the feature of which was the use of electric transmission. Consideration of the project is not ...
The appearance of the new T-90C

The appearance of the new T-90C

The updated combat vehicle of the Russian army will be presented to the attention of specialists at the international arms exhibition, which will be held in the city of Nizhny Tagil from September 8 to 11, 2011 ....
Whose tanks are better: T-80 against Abrams

Whose tanks are better: T-80 against Abrams

As you know, it is human nature to doubt. People who have no doubts, are absolutely sure of everything are naturally stupid. However, in fairness, it should be noted that the massive, ...
Is it so perfect Russian weapons today ...

Is it so perfect Russian weapons today ...

For foreign countries, Russia has always been and remains a country that simply draws once again to criticize. Particularly willing to succeed in this power of some countries of the former socialist camp, and ...
New aircraft

New aircraft

For a quarter of a century already, ideas about creating a so-called hybrid aircraft have been hovering around the world, which, in its construction, will allow to combine the airship, the aircraft and the helicopter. What for ...
New Chinese MLRSs don't let Taiwan sleep well

New Chinese MLRSs don't let Taiwan sleep well

As you know, there are a great many unsettled conflicts in the world, which overnight can go from the category of political to the category of military ones. This is exactly the situation between China ...
Progress PLA worried about the Pentagon

Progress PLA worried about the Pentagon

Last Wednesday, the Pentagon reported to the US Congress on the state of affairs in the Chinese armed forces. In particular, the achievements of Chinese military developers in the past were analyzed ...
New materials enhance US military capabilities

New materials enhance US military capabilities

The US Bureau of Scientific Research published the results of experimental development of a completely new material for various types of warheads. In the United States, working on this ...
Old air defense systems continue to maintain their effectiveness.

Old air defense systems continue to maintain their effectiveness.

The recent shooting by the Russian Ministry of Defense proved the effectiveness of the use of the Osa anti-aircraft missile system manufactured by 70. Parts of the Air Defense Forces demonstrated the Osa anti-aircraft complex in ...
Financial intractability makes you postpone the order

Financial intractability makes you postpone the order

Despite the postponed signing of contracts for the purchase of MiG-29K / KUB fighters by the Russian military departments, as well as the combat training Yak-130, all orders of the Russian Ministry of Defense can ...
The striking points of the human body: the torso, leg and foot

The striking points of the human body: the torso, leg and foot

Continuing to study the shock surfaces of a person, we will focus on the damaging points of the body (there are few of them) and the legs, feet of a person. Analysis of domestic fights and melee suggests that the shock ...
Leather like steel that cannot be pierced by a bullet.

Leather like steel that cannot be pierced by a bullet.

This is the latest invention of modern biotechnologists who have managed to combine artificial skin with cobwebs. For this purpose, special genetically modified goats were bred. Further from their milk, in ...