Silence - gold

Silence - gold

By starting military operations against Libya, the United States was able to get not only the support of the majority of NATO members, but also to get the neutrality of China and Russia they needed. In this case, the press got ...
Russia needs Russian foreign and global politics

Russia needs Russian foreign and global politics

Moscow once again “buckled” before the United States and the “world community” - a decree was signed on the entry of the Russian Federation into the sanctions regime against Libya. In addition, Medvedev signed a document on which the Libyan ...
The US Navy was instructed to closely monitor the Arctic

The US Navy was instructed to closely monitor the Arctic

The US Navy has been instructed to change its attitude towards the North Pole and restructure its work in connection with the complication of the situation. The list of competitors for the fight includes 7 “rival” countries: ...
What will the revolution in Saudi Arabia

What will the revolution in Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia was no exception among the countries of the Arab world - and there is a serious possibility of revolution. Although Saudi Arabia is a very rich state that possesses ...
What will happen to Iraq?

What will happen to Iraq?

In 2003, during the NATO intervention led by the United States, Iraq was occupied. Currently, the US has withdrawn heavy weapons, but there are still quite significant forces left in Iraq, including private mercenaries ...
West vs. Libya: Is a Force Scenario Possible?

West vs. Libya: Is a Force Scenario Possible?

Western and a significant part of the world media, including Russian, are waging an information war against Gaddafi. By its power, it can overtake the avalanche of lies about the "humanitarian catastrophe" in Kososo in 1999 ...
Cuba at the crossroads

Cuba at the crossroads

Cuba is on the verge of a landmark event in its history - 84's summer titan, the famous Fidel Castro, retires. He is going to leave the last of his post - the leader of the Communist ...
What powers will win and lose from the Arab Troubles

What powers will win and lose from the Arab Troubles

The wave of revolution continues to walk in the Middle and Near East. Unrest of varying intensity swept Algeria, Morocco, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan. In Libya, there is already a civil war. Possible ...
Syria, as a candidate for the next revolution

Syria, as a candidate for the next revolution

The "virus" of the revolution, launched in the Arab world and has already penetrated beyond its borders - unrest has been recorded in Croatia, Greece, Armenia, Iran, Cote d'Ivoire, etc. - is quite successful...
Anglo-Saxon World vs. Yellow Dragon

Anglo-Saxon World vs. Yellow Dragon

Many authors describe the success of China in the field of economics, military construction, achievements in space exploration, but they say little about the strategic vulnerability of China. China is very similar ...
USA: playing on foreign field by its own rules

USA: playing on foreign field by its own rules

What factors determine US strategy in Eurasia? Of course, there is a wide and dynamically changing range of American approaches to contemporary challenges in this vast space. However, you can ...
Caucasian problem and its solution

Caucasian problem and its solution

The latest events in the North Caucasus - the murder of tourists, the attack of militants on the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria - the city of Nalchik, only confirm the true state of affairs, the Caucasus is on the verge of an explosion ....
War on the threshold?

War on the threshold?

Yesterday, on the Internet, rumors spread that the Japanese ambassador in Moscow gathered the heads of large Japanese companies and hinted to them that it was time to pack their bags and be ready to leave for ...