The current events in the Arab countries follow the same scenario, with the events of the 30-s in Europe. Then, the “civilized world” surrendered one position, after another, one country after another, in order to “pacify” ...
In the practice of world political science, it is customary to consider: the viability of the state, its security, and, consequently, its vitality in world history are characterized by four main indicators ...
Russia - the Russian Empire - the Soviet Union, were the prototypes of Globalization in Russian. The main reason for the collapse of these empires is not the fulfillment of their mission, the unification of Mankind. So understanding ...
Gaddafi, despite all his flaws, created a very interesting project, a synthesis of Islam and socialism, with the leader playing a huge role - the Jamahiriya. This project could become the basis of a united Africa, Gaddafi ...
It so happens that we live in times of strong movement and tremendous unprecedented uncertainty. It can be said that due to political conflicts and natural disasters and wars of the world, how ...
Remembering the Third World Vain about every fallen bomb has long become fashionable. As a rule, this is nothing more than rhetorical exercises. Recently, however, the situation in the world is increasingly beginning ...
Analysts are focusing on oil unrest in the Arab Troubles, the role of the United States, social and economic problems, but few noted that this Troubles also has a clear religious dimension. This is a Shiite uprising against ...
Latin American countries did not remain aloof from the diplomatic battles around Libya, and most of them spoke out about this war. Often their opinion does not coincide with the position taken ...
According to Reuters, Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that in dealing with Syria and Iran, the West should use the same principles and methods as in the case of ...
Russian soldiers are very necessary to the owners of the Western project, the Great War is already making itself felt, the first flashes. A, the West loves to use Russia to their advantage. The world begins ...
By starting military operations against Libya, the United States was able to get not only the support of the majority of NATO members, but also to get the neutrality of China and Russia they needed. In this case, the press got ...
19 March 2011, the attack of the French Air Force began aggression against Libya. Night and day 20 th hit the US and British naval forces, firing more than 100 Tomahawk missiles. According to Reuters, ...
A colonel who has survived under the blow of the "p-revolutionaries" who, for the most part, were represented by bribed youth, separatists and mercenaries, will be punished. US, UK and France are preparing ...
Washington intends to contain Iran and the Russian Federation by arming its Caspian neighbors, given "the growing importance of the security of the Caspian Sea in this oil and gas rich ...
Moscow once again “buckled” before the United States and the “world community” - a decree was signed on the entry of the Russian Federation into the sanctions regime against Libya. In addition, Medvedev signed a document on which the Libyan ...
The first three months of 2011 were marked by a steady stream of geopolitically significant events. A Tunisian youth named Mohammed Bouazizi protests against corruption and government oppression ...
The US Navy has been instructed to change its attitude towards the North Pole and restructure its work in connection with the complication of the situation. The list of competitors for the fight includes 7 “rival” countries: ...
Saudi Arabia was no exception among the countries of the Arab world - and there is a serious possibility of revolution. Although Saudi Arabia is a very rich state that possesses ...
In 2003, during the NATO intervention led by the United States, Iraq was occupied. Currently, the US has withdrawn heavy weapons, but there are still quite significant forces left in Iraq, including private mercenaries ...
Western and a significant part of the world media, including Russian, are waging an information war against Gaddafi. By its power, it can overtake the avalanche of lies about the "humanitarian catastrophe" in Kososo in 1999 ...
In 1987, the Welfare Party was created in Turkey, among whose supporters were the current leaders of the country - President Abdullah Gul and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. In the year 1995 occurred ...
Cuba is on the verge of a landmark event in its history - 84's summer titan, the famous Fidel Castro, retires. He is going to leave the last of his post - the leader of the Communist ...
The wave of revolution continues to walk in the Middle and Near East. Unrest of varying intensity swept Algeria, Morocco, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan. In Libya, there is already a civil war. Possible ...