American Aid Administration and its fight against Russian hunger

American Aid Administration and its fight against Russian hunger
American Starving Russia Help Poster

Tickets were sold out long before the show. The entire collection was taken to the editorial office of the Izvestia newspaper and handed over to the Volga Volunteer Relief Fund.
On Sunday, the club in the morning was filled with guys. Children came from neighboring houses and a large crowd of street children from the Rukavishnikovsky receiver.
A. Rybakov. Dirk

History and documents. What could be worse than famine in an agricultural country? Nevertheless, in tsarist Russia, hunger was a frequent occurrence. But famine came to Russia immediately after the end of the Civil War, and it was especially scary. The fratricidal war in the literal sense of the word has just ended, there has just been at least some hope, and here you are, again suffering, death again, now not from a bullet, but from hunger. It began in the RSFSR in 1921 and covered about forty provinces of the country. By the end of the year, 23,2 million people were starving. By the beginning of spring 1922, one million people died of starvation, and another two million children became orphans.

What time, such and people ...

On January 27, Pravda wrote about general cannibalism in starving areas:

“In the rich steppe districts of the Samara province, abundant in bread and meat, nightmares are created, an unprecedented phenomenon of general cannibalism is observed. Brought by hunger to despair and madness, having eaten everything that is accessible to the eye and tooth, people begin to eat human corpses and secretly devour their own dead children ... "

The newspaper “Our Life” in 1922 reported that “a local resident, along with his father, caught an 8-year-old homeless boy on the street and killed him. The corpse was eaten ... ”A real hunt for street children began. And it’s understandable why: well, who will be exacting for such and such? Hungry prostitution has spread. Girls surrendered for a piece of surrogate bread, and in Simbirsk it was common to remove a girl for a slice of bread. Moreover, helpless parents often pushed their children into prostitution.

The United States reacted to these events on July 26, 1921, when the then Secretary of Commerce, founder and head of the ARA (American Assistance Administration) Robert Hoover, in his letter to Maxim Gorky in which he asked for help from the starving people Russia to the world community, proposed to supply food, as well as clothing and medicines for one million starving children in Russia. Then, American and Soviet diplomats met in Riga and held negotiations, ending with the signing of an agreement. At first glance, it might seem that the Americans had no benefit in helping the Bolsheviks, but in reality this was far from the case.

Hungry children of the Volga region

Just one of the consequences of World War I for the United States was the overproduction of agricultural products, especially grain. And it was not possible to sell it at a profit for itself in the bled and insolvent markets of European countries, which could have had the most serious consequences for the country. Russian assistance made it possible to maintain, first and foremost, stable prices, and, consequently, farm incomes. But there was another goal, and this is also not disputed by anyone: to stop the wave of Bolshevism. Hoover believed that such massive assistance from the ARA would show the Russians the effectiveness of the American economy and cause the process of erosion of Bolshevism within Russia itself. And the authority of Hoover turned out to be so great that he managed without much difficulty to achieve the adoption of the relevant law in Congress. “The food we want to send to Russia is surplus in the United States,” he told congressmen. - We are now feeding milk to pigs, burning corn in furnaces. From an economic point of view, sending this food for help is not a loss to America. ”

Cannibalism has become widespread ...

The first to feed starving children. The Phoenix steamer arrived in Petrograd on September 1, 1921, and on September 6, the first ARA canteen in Soviet Russia was opened in Petrograd, and a total of 120 kitchens were opened in the city, feeding 42 thousand children. Four days later, a children's nutritional center was opened in Moscow.

Then, a very important agreement on food and clothing parcels was signed with the ARA for the starving. The idea was this: everyone who wanted to help the starving people had to buy a $ 10 grocery coupon at one of the ARA's offices in Europe. The ARA sent this coupon to the "country of hunger", issued it to the needy, and he already went to the ARA warehouse, gave the coupon and received a food parcel. There were also parcels worth $ 20. The food package included: 49 pounds of flour, 25 pounds of rice, 3 pounds of tea, 10 pounds of fat, 10 pounds of sugar, 20 cans of condensed milk. That is, the weight of the parcel was about 53 kg!

By December 10, 1921, the ARA in the Samara province was feeding 185 625 children, in Kazan - 157 196, in Saratov - 82 100, in Simbirsk - 6075, in Orenburg - 7514, in Tsaritsyn - 11 000, and in Moscow - 22 000, Only 565 112 children!

In the dining room ARA

However, the appearance in Soviet Russia of a sufficiently large number of foreign specialists immediately aroused great concern of the Bolshevik leaders. Already on August 23, three days after the signing of the agreement with the ARA, Lenin gave a personal instruction to the Central Committee on the organization of supervision of visiting Americans:

“Secretly to Comrade Molotov. 23/8. T. Molotov. In view of the agreement with the American Hoover, the arrival of the Americans is ahead. Care must be taken of supervision and awareness. I propose that the Politburo decide: create a commission with the task of preparing, developing and conducting, through the Cheka and other bodies, the strengthening of supervision and awareness of foreigners. Composition of the commission: Molotov, Unshlikht, Chicherin. ... The main thing: to take into account and mobilize the maximum of Communists who know English for introduction to the Hoover Commission and for other types of supervision and awareness ... "

(Hereinafter, examples are taken from the material “Gangsters and Philanthropists” by V. Makarov and V. Khristoforov. “Homeland” No. 8, 2006)

Well, in the ARA organizations at that time there were 300 employees from the USA and about 10 thousand citizens of the RSFSR, whom the Americans recruited of their choice. Moreover, the authorized ARA were in 37 starving provinces, united in 12 subareas.

The agreement with the ARA stipulated that all its cargoes by the Soviet side are transported free of charge throughout the country, the ARA employees are paid salaries, free housing and premises for dining rooms and the administrative apparatus are provided. Equipment and utilities were also paid by the host. Warehouses, various vehicles, garages and fuel for cars coming from the USA were also provided free of charge; all trains with food were unloaded for free, in addition, we agreed to pay for all the postal and telegraph expenses of the ARA. And it took all this from the Soviet government, that is, to the costs of servicing the ARA, 14,4 million rubles in gold.

Children receive food from the American Committee in Kazan, 1921-1922.

Already in May 1922, 6 people received food from the ARA in Russia. So, the American Quaker Society fed 099 thousand, then the International Union for the Help of Children fed 574 people, the famous Nansen Committee - 265 thousand, the Swedish Red Cross - 259751 thousand, the German Red Cross another 138 thousand, the British trade unions - fed 87 thousand, and such an organization, as International Work Assistance - 7 92 people. At the same time, all food was given out completely free of charge. In addition, ARA handed out shoes and manufactories to the needy. Patients received medical care, vaccinations were carried out, and peasants received even varietal seeds. Until the end of 78, over 011 million people received food assistance from the ARA.

Another "Aarov" poster

From the very beginning, the activities of the ARA in Russia were marked by a serious conflict between the security officers of the Black Sea-Kuban coast and Hoover agents who arrived in the RSFSR. Here is what the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs G. V. Chicherin informed Lenin about him in a letter of October 23, 1921:

“The American destroyer, on which some Houverites rode, was stopped at sea by the Novorossiysk security officers who searched it and kept it extremely rude towards the Americans. When in Novorossiysk the authorized NKID wanted to go up on the American destroyer to greet the Americans, the Cheka agents standing on the shore in front of the Americans in the most brutal form did not let our authorized on the destroyer. "The Americans, having gone ashore, protested against the behavior of the Chekists, which made the most severe impression on them."

The very next day, Lenin, in his characteristic categorical manner, demanded

“To arrest the lousy Chekists and bring them to Moscow, to shoot the guilty. Put it in the Politburo on Thursday, giving timely feedback to Unshlikht and attaching all the material. ”

ARA truck with food parcels. Samara 1921-22

On the other hand, surveillance carried out by the Houverites made it possible to say convincingly that much of what was done in the ARA in Russia was to a certain extent anti-Soviet in nature.

But this is an interesting document of that era. Here, as they say, neither diminish nor add. Document cover

So, the head of the informational department of the INO VChK, Y. Zalin, in his memorandum “On the ARA” of January 26, 1922, noted the following:

“The results that we identified through systematic monitoring of the activities of the ARA force us to urgently take measures that, without interfering with the fight against hunger, could eliminate everything that threatens the interests of the RSFSR in this organization. Most of the American personnel are military and intelligence agents, many of whom know the Russian language and were in Russia either in pre-revolutionary times, or in the White Guard armies of Kolchak, Denikin, Yudenich and Poland (Gavard and Fox - at Kolchak, Torner - at Yudenich, Gregg and Fink - in Polish, etc.). The Americans do not hide their hatred of Sovvlast (anti-Soviet agitation in conversations with peasants - Dr. Golder, the destruction of portraits of Lenin and Trotsky in the dining room - Thompson, toasts for the restoration of the past - Gofstr, talk about the near end of the Bolsheviks, etc.) ... Engaging in espionage, organizing and scattering a wide network throughout Russia, the ARA tends to become more and more widespread, trying to cover the entire territory of the RSFSR with a continuous ring along the outskirts and borders (Petrograd, Vitebsk, Minsk, Gomel, Zhytomyr, Kiev, Odessa, Novorossiysk, Kharkov, Orenburg, Ufa, etc.). From all of the above, we can only conclude that, regardless of the subjective desires, the ARA objectively creates, in the event of an internal uprising, strong points for counter-revolution, both ideologically and materially ... ”

On the other hand, the work of the Arovites in Soviet Russia was fraught with a risk to life. Two employees were killed with the purpose of robbery.

The first page of the document

In the summer of 1922, the assistant chief of the SO GPU reported to his leadership:

“Observations of the work of the Russian branch of ARA for several months enabled the GPU to establish the true nature of its activities. Currently, from the GPU’s material, it is clear that, in addition to helping the hungry, in Russia “ARA” has other goals that have nothing to do with humanitarian ideas and philanthropy. The personnel of ARA employees who came from America to Russia were recruited with the participation of conservative, patriotic American clubs and under the influence of the former Russian consul in the United States, Bakhmetyev. In addition, all ARA employees were filtered by Guy, a prominent employee of the European ARA office in London, who is a representative of US intelligence in England; almost all ARA employees have military experience. Most of them are or ex. the ranks of the intelligence and counterintelligence agencies of the United States, or people who worked in white Russians and other opposing armies. Finally, some of these employees took an active part in the work of ARA to overthrow the Soviet regime in Hungary. Colonel Haskell William, authorized by the ARA in Russia, was at one time the High Commissioner in the Caucasus. He was distinguished then by his intransigence to Soviet Russia, inciting Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Armenia against it. He spread fables about the Bolsheviks in the press. Among the more responsible ARA workers with extensive military experience, we can point to the following: artillery major Karol, cavalry captain Gregg, lieutenant Seljarge, Colonel Winters, Colonel Bucks, Captain Dougreg, Major Longkran, Captain Mengen and a number of others. "

Second page…

At the same time, the Chekists were especially concerned not so much with the Americans themselves as with the Russian employees of the ARA, because it was thanks to them that they managed to get all the information they needed about Russia and her life. It was noted that the ARA supplies its food parcels mainly to the former Russian bourgeoisie, so the GPU began to consider the ARA’s stay in Russia undesirable, especially after the famine in the Volga region began to decline.

Third page ...

As a result, in June 1923, an agreement was signed between the ARA and the RSFSR on the termination of its activities and the dismissal of its personnel, after which their functions were transferred to it by the Swiss Committee for Child Assistance. The result was this: in the two years of its activity, the ARA spent about $ 78 million, of which 28 - the money of the US government, 12,2 - of the Soviet government, the rest - donations from private organizations and individuals.

The foreign white-emigrant press also responded to the completion of the ARA. The newspaper “Rule” on this occasion informed readers the following:

"ARA" ends its activities in Soviet Russia. Banquets are held in honor of its representatives and the Bolsheviks make eulogies. However, from the words of ARA employees returning to the United States, it turns out how hard it was for them and how unfriendly the Soviet government was towards them. The history of ARA is full of misunderstandings with the Soviet government. Detective agents were set up in ARA offices to monitor and monitor employees. Their mail, despite the diplomatic privileges officially granted to them, was opened and scanned. Soviet newspapers attacked the representatives of ARA as smugglers. ”

Fourth page ...

Maxim Gorky, in a letter to Herbert Hoover, spoke about the activities of the ARA as follows:

"Your help will be recorded in history as a unique, gigantic achievement worthy of the greatest glory, and will long remain in the memory of millions of Russians ... whom you saved from death."

And now a little about the results and consequences of all these events. Let's start with the children, on whom the food in the ARA canteens had a huge moral, psychological and cultural impact. First of all, the children ate themselves, and although it was forbidden to take food out of the canteens, they, of course (bread), secretly carried it out and thereby fed their parents. Despite hunger, the children began to play again, and it was noted that, playing the war, they shout not “Hurray!”, But “Ara!” There were also quite amusing phenomena associated with the interpenetration of cultures. So, the guys, having done their homework well or answered at school, began to say that “they had done the lesson in American way”, that one way or another ... “arovsky is good.” Adults, especially peasants, on the contrary, regarded the “Americans” with great distrust. They could not understand how it was possible to distribute food like this for free. At the same time, they did not like the coldness and detachment of Americans, who did not at all resemble their own on the board, and even more so did not allow cronyism. Hence the constantly rumored rumors of espionage, although what was there to spy on the Americans - in the then RSFSR? To fix the number of clamps and carts?

But the social policy of the ARA really, if I may say so, undermined the foundations of young Soviet statehood. First of all, the ARA sought to feed "their", "former" and the intelligentsia, its organizations took 120 thousand cultural people to work and thereby saved them from hunger and death, that is, they acted in fact against the Soviet government, which many of these citizens Russia was simply not needed. And about this quite frankly in September 1918 at the party conference of the Petrograd communists, said the Bolshevik Zinoviev:

“We must lead ninety of the one hundred million people who make up the population of the Soviet Republic. The rest we have nothing to say. They need to be eliminated. ”

And so it turned out that, in the first place, the regions of the well-known Chapan War were swept by hunger, and there the positions of the Soviet government were by no means strong. Workers in the cities, the main revolutionary class and the support of the dictatorship of the proletariat, received rations, they were not threatened by hunger. But the poorest peasantry, which, as the well-known Moor, played its role in the revolution, in general, did not even need power, and indeed was a reactionary class. The same Vandeya of whom consisted? From the peasants! The Bolsheviks were just glad, glad that all these "former" and also "backward peasants" were dying out by themselves, but it turned out that the ARA fed and saved them. And, saving these people, the ARA increased the inertia of Soviet society, saved millions of people in the soul of unacceptable communism, that is, by their actions, the Arovites planted a decent pig to the Bolsheviks ... And it is not surprising that they understood this and tried their best to get rid of the ARA. With their practical attitude towards people, this help was ultimately useless to them. The main thing for them is that the proletariat be preserved - the striking power of the revolution, and all sorts of peasants, intelligentsia, "former" and "officers" - as they said, were the tenth thing for them! So the hunger in a certain respect was even beneficial for the authorities, not without reason at that very time where the Soviet government allocated a lot of money not for buying bread for the starving, but for acquiring locomotives in Sweden, for which they paid 200 million rubles in gold! And then the ARA with its help, which was, by the way, seemingly, and, it seems, ... not even so. It is not without reason that TSB did not mention the ARA at all in 1950, as if its activities were not at all. True, Soviet newspapers of the 20s wrote about her activities, but all of them soon migrated to the archives. Who really went there then? In general, they don’t especially go there today. Unless to look for the pedigree ...

PS But just in the archives there are a lot of interesting evidence of Soviet-American cooperation of those years. For example, from the newspapers stored there, you can find out that, for example, American destroyers were being repaired in Novorossiysk, for example, and, in particular, the American destroyer DD-239 Overton was undergoing repairs. The newspaper "Red Black Sea" on April 22, 1922, wrote that "for every day of the interruption, the plant was obliged to pay 300 dollars under the agreement," so the work went on very quickly. In addition, his commander Ware agreed with the plant about the repair of him and all other American destroyers, who entered the parking lot in Novorossiysk. Soon ship repair was completed, the ship was anchored to leave the port.
61 comment
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  1. +11
    27 June 2020 05: 10
    Hard article. It is impossible to read these lines calmly ...
    As for American help and gifts, I will try to make a more optimistic note:

    You know, as soon as I recall the “American help”, conflicting thoughts appear in my head. It turns out that America always offered the hand of friendship and help to Soviet Russia (remember the film “The Head of Chukotka” ???), and the ignorant and ungrateful leaders of the USSR either rejected it or belittled its significance.
    It is simply amazing how in the conditions of typhoid, cholera and various infectious (and other) diseases, in the absence of electricity, industrial production and agriculture, the country rose from the ruins of the civil war. By the way, no one remembers what help the Americans wanted to provide when landing in Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Siberia as part of the "friendly Entente"?
    You saw very well how much help the USA provided in the collapse of the USSR and how generously they sponsored its destroyers.
    The USA is a country that can attack a sovereign state for no particular reason, which does nothing for free and from the heart.
    Attitude towards the US leadership has not changed. This is for Russia-the enemy number 2 ...
    1. +1
      27 June 2020 06: 46
      By the way, no one remembers what help the Americans wanted to provide when they landed in Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Siberia as part of the "friendly Entente"?

      1. -2
        27 June 2020 08: 53
        Why a question? They helped the white movement, which they considered the legitimate government of Russia. Since it declared continuity with the Republic of Ingushetia, unlike the red movement.
        Thus, taking upon itself all the allied deprivations, debts and so on. And so the United States, as an ally of RI, came to their aid.
        If White won, they would recall these troops as a friendly helping hand in difficult times.
        1. -4
          27 June 2020 14: 19
          Quote: BlackMokona
          They helped the white movement, which they considered the legitimate government of Russia. Since it declared continuity with the Republic of Ingushetia, unlike the red movement.

          Unfortunately not.

          Not to say about Chukotka, but in Murmansk / Arkhangelsk there was no White movement either. The Americans fought on the side of the Bolsheviks against Finland, which was considered pro-German. Stories about the struggle of the Entente with Bolshevism in the North were invented in the 40s, when it became politically correct.

          FER Soviet power, by the way, was also surrendered by the Americans, squeezing out Japan from there.
    2. +1
      27 June 2020 13: 15
      This is for Russia-the enemy number 2 ..

      Intrigued. Reveal the main military secret.
      1. 0
        27 June 2020 19: 16
        And why do not they write about the atrocities of the American expedition "Polar Bear" in Russia?
    3. 0
      27 June 2020 20: 02
      The grandfather and the headmaster talked about hunger .... and about the Americans and those who helped them, then most of them took on speculation and expense ...
  2. +1
    27 June 2020 06: 04
    It's all scary ..
  3. -14
    27 June 2020 06: 10
    The famine of 1921-22 is one of the first, but, alas, not the last such "achievement" of the new "popular" regime and was a consequence of its policy, which was directly and clearly pointed out by the Russian writer V. Korolenko: In March 1920, he wrote:
    "It's as if spring is beginning here. Will it bring something? The winter crops are almost gone, and it was seeded a little. . No one knows if the one who sowed has to collect"(Past, 1922, No 20, p. 17).

    In April of that year, the writer remarked:
    "Now, by all accounts, TWO THREE LANDS UNSAWLED ... The peasants sow only for themselves, in order to be well fed. "
    And all this due to food surpluswhich the writer defined as
    "direct capture of the fruits of blood labor"

    . And already in May 1920, Korolenko wrote in his diary:
    "The famine of 1891-1892 is a joke in comparison with the famine that has now seized all of Russia ... Very many will not survive this winter. In addition to hunger, we will still be ruined by the cold")
    Korolenko about the famine of 1921-22
    real hunger "not spontaneous, but ARTIFICIAL ".
    "It is a product of excessive haste: the natural order of work is violated, the worst elements, the most disabled, are called forward, and they are given an advantage, and the most able-bodied are suppressed. Now the same continues, if this does not stop, we can expect hunger for the next year and beyond .. Our government pursued equality and achieved only hunger. Suppressed the most able-bodied part of the people, robbed her of the land, and now the land is wasted(C)

    Bolshevik famines, unprecedented in the history of Russia and Europe of the 20th century. led to starvation in 1921,22,24,25,28,29,32,33,37,, 46,47 years. And the most terrible ones led to cannibalism and labor-eating, eating fell, unprecedented in the history of Russia.

    The whole history of Bolshevism up to the 1950s is the story of HUNGER of workers and difficult survival under the false, crackling spells of great. leaders about .... secured "," wealthy "peasants.

    Many thanks to the Americans and representatives of 30 other countries (including destroyed Germany), who saved millions of Russian people dying of hunger.

    And it is a crime of the authorities that in the other years of the hunger strikes listed above, arranged by their inability to manage the country's economy, they HIDED this from the world and condemned many millions of our fellow citizens to martyrdom.

    Eternal to them, the lost, memory ...
    1. +5
      27 June 2020 06: 44
      With what fright this became the achievement of the "new" regime, can you tell me? Only without the loud phrases about the surplus appropriation, which was invented by Nicolas Myrrh-streaming
      1. -21
        27 June 2020 07: 00
        Quote: Dalny V
        With what fright this became the achievement of the "new" regime, can you tell me?

        1. Read ONCE AGAIN Korolenko above: TWO THREE lands remained UNSEMPTED, because the peasants did not gather and did not want to feed those who robs and all to zero rakes.

        2. In Russia, before the Vorovtsy, there were STATE (Imperial food capital, etc.), PUBLIC, church systems of fighting hunger with related services, WAREHOUSES of grain, finance, etc.

        All this was destroyed and plundered by bandits from Switzerland.

        Quote: Dalny V
        Only without crackling phrases about the surplus appropriation invented by Nicolas the Myrrh-streaming

        Once again, you mixed up the root crop horseradish with a finger: they are only similar, but absolutely different - under the Emperor, the peasants did NOT rob the count, as in the Bolsheviks, but PAY hi

        1. +18
          27 June 2020 07: 14
          commissioners in dusty helmets wandered through the fields, shooting from those Mausers those who were trying to sow?
          And I asked without loud phrases. Robbery "clean up", "zero" of everyone and everything - this is, excuse me, certain death already next Monday, and not in a year or two.
          The main causes of the terrible famine, IMHO, drought and the consequences of the Civil. The "new regime" is also responsible, but, in my opinion, by 20 percent. This, of course, is also a lot, but at the same time the same Bolsheviks did everything possible to solve the problem. And to add to the topic the phrase of the idiot-Zinoviev, moreover, said three (!) Years before the event, as the author allowed himself, is generally beyond the bounds.
          1. -16
            27 June 2020 07: 49
            Quote: Dalny V
            commissioners in dusty helmets wandered through the fields, shooting from those Mausers those who were trying to sow?

            THIRD TIME I am writing in Russian: peasants themselves sowed a little, just to feed themselves), because dust and helmet took away the products of their labor for free (robbed). But this small TAKE OFF.
            Quote: Dalny V
            And I asked without loud phrases. Robbery "clean up", "zero" of everyone and everything - this is, excuse me, certain death already next Monday, and not in a year or two.

            So they died: 5 million people died only this year 1921-22. Little ?!
            Quote: Dalny V
            The main causes of the terrible famine, IMHO, drought and the consequences of the Civil.

            What are "consequences" and WHO unleashed it on October 26, 1917?
            Quote: Dalny V
            about the same Bolsheviks did everything possible to solve the problem.

            the best thing is if they cleaned in their switzerland and would die immediately much less already in 1921-22, and there would never be more horrors of mass starvation in Russia Bolshevik hunger strikes 24,25,28,29,32,33,37,, 46,47 years.. As they were not in Russia before the thieves in the 20th century
            Quote: Dalny V
            And to drag into the subject the phrase of the idiot Zinoviev, besides said for three years before the event, as the author allowed himself - generally beyond.

            Program of action and is always written in advance,
            What's not clear?!
            1. +10
              27 June 2020 08: 15
              Listen, Olgovich, you really know the story well, and I respect you for that. But you would have less bias - generally there would be no price. DO NOT SCREAM AT ME CAPSLOCK, PLEASE.
              I ask again: who prevented the peasants from sowing, including, for sale? But this was the basis of any peasant economy a century ago. But you do not seem to understand the economic model of the then peasantry at all.
              And here, by the way, let's imagine. The Bolsheviks did not take the hawk from the peasants and condemned the city to starvation. And, accordingly, the whole industry, no matter how wretched it was at that time. And today you would write here about this. Although not, unlikely. You should have twisted the tail of the guinea pigs of some kind, and he would have shouted at you: schnelle, Russian schwein! In the evenings, perhaps you would be given 0.5 sour Bavarian and fried cow flatbread. Brave new world.
              5 million - a lot. But where did you get the idea that the civilian began on October 26? The July crisis, the Kornilov rebellion - that’s all, of course, not the stages of the civil? Damn, well, less bias!
              In tsarist Russia, of course, people never went hungry. Amen and Ave. And about the program of action - well, right, at that time 90% of the population were peasants. Do you seriously believe that the evil Bolsheviks wanted to destroy everyone? Or was it still a stupid phrase from the head of the idiot Zinoviev? By the way, this character finished a little more sadly than the beloved by the current pancreas Chubys.
              1. -6
                27 June 2020 09: 20
                Quote: Dalny V

                WHERE am I SCREAMING at you? belay
                Quote: Dalny V
                I ask again: who prevented the peasants from sowing, including, for sale? But this was the basis of any peasant economy a century ago.

                This is the basis of the Bolsheviks and destroyed by introducing a state monopoly on the trade in bread in May 1918
                Quote: Dalny V
                And here, by the way, let's imagine. The Bolsheviks did not take the hawk from the peasants and condemned the city to starvation. And, accordingly, the whole industry, no matter how wretched it was at that time. And today you would write here about this. Although not, unlikely.

                If you only have enough brains to take away and rob, then you don't have to take the gouge: "you can't, don't torture, yes!"
                Quote: Dalny V
                You should have twisted the tail of the guinea pigs of some kind, and he would have shouted at you: schnelle, Russian schwein! In the evenings, perhaps you would be given 0.5 sour Bavarian and fried cow flatbread. Brave new world.

                lol Russia before thieves - ALREADY 4-5 the economy of the world. See HOW the world’s 4-5 economy lives today.
                So, you froze nonsense.
                Quote: Dalny V
                5 million - a lot. But where did you get the idea that the civilian began on October 26? The July crisis, the Kornilov rebellion - that’s all, of course, not the stages of the civil? Damn, well, less bias!

                Yes, if only because it was so recognized by the CONTEMPORARIES of those events and from ALL sides of the massacre
                Quote: Dalny V
                In tsarist Russia, of course, people never went hungry. Amen and Ave

                Starving. But they did NOT die and did NOT eat people !! You don’t see the difference? And the situation was only improving - in WWII only Russia was not starving of the warring.
                And in the middle of the 20th century, a rollback to .... the 17th century!
                Quote: Dalny V
                . And about the program of action - well, right, at that time 90% of the population were peasants. Do you seriously believe that the evil Bolsheviks wanted to destroy everyone? Or was it still a stupid phrase from the head of the idiot Zinoviev?

                1. This "Ichiot" is a personal friend of Lenin and was not an Ichiot.
                2. They did not want to destroy everyone, they just did not give a damn about all:

                Lenin ":" It's interesting to participate in the EXPERIENCE! "So they made experiments = on the body of the country and the people ...
                1. -1
                  27 June 2020 10: 36
                  Any caps is a scream. Am I hurting you?)))
                  this foundation was destroyed by the Bolsheviks
                  I’m embarrassed to ask - exclusively in the zone of hunger? And two years before this, the system was apparently in ambush ... Mdya. Well, even planted, no?
                  enough brains
                  Enough to break the ridge of Nazism. And send a man into space.
                  Russia after the Great October - the 2nd economy of the world. Not right away. But with an awesome claim to the 1st. Next cho?
                  it was recognized by contemporaries
                  face to face you can’t see, a large one is seen at a distance.
                  Starving, but not dying ... Leo Tolstoy, sadly, began to chew his beard sadly.
                  1. -4
                    27 June 2020 11: 10
                    Quote: Dalny V
                    I’m embarrassed to ask - exclusively in the zone of hunger? And two years before this, the system was apparently in ambush ... Mdya. Well, even planted, no?

                    You do not understand Russian at all?
                    ONCE AGAIN: in May 1918 the Bolsheviks introduced state monopoly on trade with bread.
                    The peasant could not dispose of his own bread.
                    And he stopped sowing it, for it is pointless.

                    Did it come to anyone who planted something?
                    Quote: Dalny V
                    Enough to break the ridge of Nazism.

                    AND THOUSAND YEARS before them they broke the ridge to ALL invaders, but NEVER, with SUCH victims.
                    Quote: Dalny V
                    And send a man into space.

                    Without them, they would have flown earlier, because more scientists in the country would have lived and would have SURVIVED (see how many your "craftsmen" destroyed)
                    Quote: Dalny V
                    Russia after the Great October - the 2nd economy of the world. Not right away. But with an awesome claim to the 1st. Next cho?

                    What is the "second"? What, in, ... "1" th?

                    In consumption ... FOOD, CLOTHES, in M2 housing? Not?

                    So WHAT then?
                    Quote: Dalny V
                    face to face you can’t see, a large one is seen at a distance.

                    Quote: Dalny V
                    Starving, but not dying ... Leo Tolstoy, sadly, began to chew his beard sadly.

                    Here he would have shot himself (and this is 1933, and not 1892:):
                    YEY DISTRICT. Village Dolzhanskaya - city G. **** She ate the corpse of her dead sister’s owl.
                    In the same village, it was established that group D *** remained after the death of his father and mother with young sisters and brothers ate the meat of brothers and sisters who died of starvation.

                    St. Novo-Shcherbinovskaya. In the 3rd brigade of the collective farm, the wife of a fist E *** hacked to death and "ate her 3-year-old child,

                    In the 3rd brigade, wife C *** drags corpses of children from a cemetery and eats. nutrition.
                    A girl’s corpse was found in the apartment with her legs cut off and boiled meat was found.

                    You hear? This is not a war, not a catastrophe, this is a PEACEFUL year under Soviet rule.

                    THERE WAS NEVER IN RUSSIA
                2. +2
                  28 June 2020 00: 40
                  Quote: Olgovich

                  Quote: Far In

                  I ask again: who prevented the peasants from sowing, including, for sale? But this was the basis of any peasant economy a century ago.

                  The Bolsheviks destroyed this foundation by introducing a state monopoly on the grain trade in May 1918.

                  This is a fundamental problem. In fact, this is still not a comprehensively considered theoretical question of the revolutionary transformation of the world.
                  Engels did not like Russia. This was not the current Russophobia caused by the fear that the Russians will wash and kill everyone.
                  Russia did not fit into the theoretical alignment of the first Marxists because of its social backwardness, because of the scanty and, it seemed to them, weak working class. All this did not allow counting on broad support for revolutionary sentiments in Russia ...
                  They were mistaken. As we now understand, revolutionary moods appear not only because of unbearable being, but simply because of hostility to the leading elite ...
                  Another mistake of the Marxists was that they considered the desire for wealth, in milder formulations, to improve living conditions as a vector of development ...
                  But Russia here did not fit into the theoretical framework of Marxism.
                  The Leninists did not look back to the period of liberation from serfdom. Then, many emancipated peasants sowed as much as they needed, and in the city they .... from a high bell tower ...
                  The same thing happened under the new government - freedom was taken literally, and the desire not to strain once again defeated the desire to get rich.
                  Understand correctly, in my words there is no accusatory bias against peasants. I am about the level of understanding of the behavioral motives of the masses by the rulers.
                  That was one side of the issue.
                  The second is the need to participate in the race for world leadership. This is not a whim. This is the condition for the survival of the people and the state.

                  We look at the results.
                  Tsarism went bankrupt completely.
                  Leninism - Marxism in the conditions of the Russian situation was gaining strength in certain conditions, which have not yet been strictly defined. They raised education, mechanized agriculture, carried out industrialization, ... won the worst war in almost all of Europe ... And they could not stand the test of "increasing the welfare" of the Soviet people ... For the first time this did not lead the country to starvation. Although under Gorbachev, war veterans were given "gifts" from Germany with bags of spinach for the holidays .... and "Bush's legs" should be recalled ...

                  The worst thing.
                  The worst thing is hunger. I am writing this as the grandson of a Leningrad worker who died in the blockade.
                  As the great-grandson of the 85-year-old Russian sailor and great-grandmother who died in the siege of Leningrad.
                  German warriors deliberately staged a blockade by hunger in my hometown. And this is a terrible crime. Although the textbooks on military science blockade no more. than the reception of success.

                  As for hunger in different countries, my mind refuses to accept. that someone does hunger consciously and for some purpose. This is beyond understanding. But out of stupidity, people could create any meanness or misfortune.
                  This is to say that the accusations of deliberate organized hunger are nothing but a vile attempt to politicize the tragic events of history.
              2. +2
                27 June 2020 10: 06
                I ask again: who prevented the peasants from sowing, including, for sale? But this was the basis of any peasant economy a century ago.
                Dear, you will study the question of who and how much sold bread, farming methods, grain marketability ... To whom to sell bread and why, if everyone eats inflation or requisition it. Then you will not write nonsense ...
                Here is for study: Kondratyev N. D. The market of bread and its regulation during the war and revolution.
                1. -1
                  27 June 2020 10: 44
                  Dear whom and when did hyperinflation stop? And what do you know about agriculture? What is the yield of grain on certain soils — sam-two, sam-four? How many pigs does the sow bring for the first time / already pigged? What is her pregnancy period? Yes, damn it, although how many frames fit into the hive of Dodon (not Moldavian)?
                  1. +2
                    27 June 2020 11: 04
                    Dear, you do not download. We started a conversation about bread, so let's stick to the topic and time ... Once again, who and how much sold bread, farming methods, marketability of grain ... Who should sell bread and why, if everyone eats inflation or requisition it.
                    1. -7
                      27 June 2020 11: 09
                      In short, in agriculture, not a foot in the tooth. In commodity (not commodity-money) relations, too, is not that ... But the folding does not let the doorway already. Clear. Dosvidos.
                      1. 0
                        27 June 2020 11: 17
                        Clearly, there is nothing to say. in this matter you understand, like a pig in oranges. Drain counted laughing
                2. -3
                  27 June 2020 11: 26
                  in May 1918
                  famine in 1921 Mdya For two sowing years, the nurse hid the story somewhere. It happens.
                  never with such victims
                  You, of course, were personally informed about the victims of all problem periods. I am not going to dispute this fact. But one tip: sleep, you have a tantrum
              3. 0
                27 June 2020 21: 13
                What to sow if there is nothing? All took
            2. +1
              28 June 2020 14: 24
              Quote: Olgovich
              What are "consequences" and WHO unleashed it on October 26, 1917?
              By the way, who? And if you are going to answer that the Bolsheviks, then think: why do they need it? The power in the country is already with them.
              Quote: Olgovich
              THIRD TIME I write in Russian: peasants themselves sowed a little, just to feed
              They sowed little - they ate little.
              Quote: Olgovich
              for dust and helmet took away the products of their labor for free (robbed)
              Not at all for free, but at solid purchase prices. Another thing is that that money did not rest against anyone.
              Quote: Olgovich
              So they died: 5 million people died only in that year 1921-22. Not enough ?!
              How interesting: 4 million people were starving, and 5 died. You get a high-level hunger.
              1. 0
                29 June 2020 09: 29
                Quote: bk0010
                By the way, who? And if you are going to answer that the Bolsheviks, then think: why do they need it? Power in the country already with them.

                That they thought so. And tens of millions sent them to ..
                With WHAT stat these millions should have recognized ..... the bandits seizing power?

                They chose very different
                Quote: bk0010
                They sowed little - they ate little.

                ate little, for the bandits took everything.
                Quote: bk0010
                Not at all for free, but at solid purchase prices. Another thing is that that money did not rest against anyone.

                Those. is free. The part was simply requisitioned in the most gangster way.
                Quote: bk0010
                How interesting: 4 million people were starving, and 5 died. You get a high-level hunger.

                You write nonsense about 4 million starving people.
                1. +1
                  29 June 2020 22: 07
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  That they thought so. And tens of millions sent them to ..
                  With WHAT stat these millions should have recognized ..... the bandits seizing power?
                  It is a fact. They became a government. If tens of millions were against them, then how could they win?
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  ate little, for the bandits took everything.
                  They decided to doom the city to starvation. But for some reason they did not think at all that they could be answered the same. By the way, do you know an example of a situation when a village defeated a city? Kampuchea at Pol Pot. There, too, issues were not decided by voting.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  Those. is free. The part was simply requisitioned in the most gangster way.
                  Not for free. But no one needed these grandmas. The country destroyed by the whites could not offer them anything else.
                  Quote: Olgovich
                  You write nonsense about 4 million starving
                  My data from Wiki, proof on your numbers will be? Or is it another hundred thousand million repressed?
      2. +7
        27 June 2020 07: 17
        many thanks to the Americans
        For what, sorry? Business, pure business, the article clearly indicates the article of financing. In this sense, Shpakovsky worked truly journalistically. I approve.
  4. +18
    27 June 2020 06: 40
    Shpakovsky, however. In the beginning, he gives clear quotes that the Americans are going to harm Soviet Russia, and in the end he tries to squeeze out a bunch of arguments from his own head why Soviet Russia should not have done this, and if it did, it was awesomely awful.
    As always, past the cash register. Well, for starters - any state protects itself, this is normal. The Soviets fought with mishandled zucchini, what a discovery.
    The ARA saved the peasants, whom the damned Bolsheviks sought to extinct, like cockroaches, and the ARA saved the peasants ... Well, it’s finally a masterpiece, given that both the ARA and the lion's share of homeless people were crowded precisely in cities where the peasants were not particularly observed .. But you still need to spit on the Bolsheviks, is it true, Vyacheslav Olegich?
  5. +11
    27 June 2020 06: 45
    What could be worse than famine in an agricultural country?

    A harsh phrase, but hunger for a long time accompanied all s-x. Italy there, etc.
    In the country where the war has been going on since 1914, i.e. seven years already - Famine is a terrible, but natural phenomenon,
    But why the Hunger was, as the author casually noted, a constant phenomenon during the period of "crunching of the French roll", the question?
    1. +11
      27 June 2020 07: 49
      So from what "French rolls" were baked, isn't it really clear? And there was not enough champagne and lackeys for everyone. It was necessary to expand the network of champagne factories and open courses for lackeys - these are new jobs, a decrease in the number of unemployed and the path to universal happiness in RI, which Govorukhin and Olgovich lost.
      1. +8
        27 June 2020 08: 27
        Govorukhin, it seems, repented)) Apparently, the champagne of the wrong system came across. True, we will never know this.
        However, it is significant: a really talented director (Huckleberry Finn and the Meeting Place will not let you lie) was also intoxicated. Cho to talk about ordinary people. Yes, a psychological attack on us was carried out colossal
        1. +3
          27 June 2020 10: 38
          Well, he and "Captain Grant's Children" came out quite solid. And so - he crap badly, just when there was a point of bifurcation, the choice of ways for the country's development.
          1. +1
            27 June 2020 11: 02
            It is indisputable. But I say, everyone managed to rinse the brain. Even smart. Only the wise held out, but how many of them were wise?
  6. +6
    27 June 2020 07: 40
    Quote: Slavutich
    .. Hunger is a terrible, but natural phenomenon,
    But why the Hunger was, as the author casually noted, a constant phenomenon during the period of "crunching of the French roll", the question?
    And the writer Leo Tolstoy in 1891 began to write works terrible in his truth about those events of hunger. About hunger How many times have I quoted ....
    Leo Tolstoy tried to help the starving.
    1. +8
      27 June 2020 10: 32
      Good morning, Dmitry! ... That’s characteristic, there was a famine in tsarist Russia. Moreover, at times when there were no wars. But there are no guilty people here. The famine in Soviet Russia, the USSR .. It is clear that the Bolsheviks staged. For example, in the Volga region, they called the Chukchi shamans, they called a sun hare that lives in the sun and it caused a drought. The first reason. The Volga region is not only the granary, but the arena of fierce fighting during the civil war. But only the Bolsheviks wanted to, and all kinds of anti-Soviet forces, whites, rebels, they did not eat, fed on the holy spirit and sunlight. In view of the fact that the Bolsheviks practically ate everything, this is the second reason. Well, the third, commonplace during the period of internal wars, the lands are desolate, there is no one to cultivate, care for ... Some are for the Reds, others are for the White, others are against everyone. in different armies for the people's happiness to fight .. But more went into the Red Army and at the same time only loafers who then destroyed the best part of the peasantry. So, if you don’t tell me, the Bolsheviks are to blame again. And there’s also an indirect reason for the WWII, although the peasants were almost not called up for the army, only the bourgeoisie, the nobles, the merchants were called up, and this could not be the cause of the famine. laughing Sincerely. hi
      1. +3
        27 June 2020 15: 37
        Good afternoon, Alex! Dates of famine under the king were given here by different people. Often and in detail. For example, Vasilenko Vladimir.
        If you recall the classics, tell me, did anyone write about hunger other than Tolstoy? And I also remembered how in the story about hunger the father said how he and mother are in poverty ..... I didn’t study all our classics. It seems that they did not raise this topic? Or minimally, when compared with the hungry years. That is, they did not notice it? After all, nothing was done from above for productivity, with the numbers sam-3-sam-4, with long cold seasons, despite the fact that corvée and quitrent to provide the landowner did not leave time and effort to increase work for themselves. The famine was part of the life of the peasants and did not pay attention from above, as I understand it.
        I read about the famine under the Bolsheviks that at that time, it turns out, peasants during this famine were giving their children to orphanages. What saved many. That's what.
        1. +6
          27 June 2020 16: 00
          V.G. Korolenko, lived in the village for many years, and in the early 1890s visited other starving areas and organized canteens there for the starving and the distribution of food loans. Mamin-Sibiryak ... wrote it like that ... Averchenko wrote about the famine. in one of the stories, Teffi .. Notes Figner V.N. read it, she went to the "people" ... everything is very well written ..
          1. +2
            27 June 2020 16: 31
            Thanks, Alex! hi I wouldn’t like you to think badly of me. What I read a little classics. But I found a poem! This is written in the 20s. I'll see if I can find another one suitable for the article ...
            a renegade from the culture,
            The enemy of political literature
            The renegade of Trotskyism
            The hater of communism
            Bastard, bastard and libel,
            Sharpener, surrender,
            Left, right, ear-hooker,
            Chauvinist and bendist
            Pereverzevsky libel,
            Not a fighter or poet
            Rubbish, zamyatinets, maniac,
            Pilnyakovets and leftist,
            Alarmist and slanderer
            Sharpshooter, damn and ugly,
      2. +1
        28 June 2020 21: 57
        About the hunger in RI. I didn’t read much of the classics, but I got acquainted with the dictionary! True, I have not read everything yet. However, --- it is written!
        The author, therefore, did not read, did not even know!
  7. -5
    27 June 2020 07: 50
    Interesting video in the topic:

  8. +5
    27 June 2020 08: 12
    A normal topic ... The civil war has ended for 20 years ... the opposing forces have gone back and forth in some places more than once ... and the result is a broken transport connection. Authorities are as if there are millions of citizens killed in the fire of battles. Disorganization everywhere ... they do not sow or plow everywhere. There is simply no one to force. And the result.
    American help. Yes helped the Soviet country. But not completely free ...
  9. 0
    27 June 2020 08: 26
    Thanks to the author, interesting facts. I did not know about this in our history modestly kept silent.
  10. +2
    27 June 2020 08: 49
    I did not know that the Americans began to help Soviet Russia in the 20s. Thank you, Vyacheslav Olegovich, from your articles I always learn something new!
    1. 0
      28 June 2020 17: 49
      "... the Americans began to help Soviet Russia already in the 20s."
      True, they did not forget to impose sanctions in those same years.
      1. +1
        28 June 2020 18: 08
        In about twenty years, we will impose sanctions on them - whoever sells a couple in the United States has no business with that! negative
  11. +12
    27 June 2020 08: 50
    Hence the constantly rumors of espionage, although well, what was there to spy on the Americans - in the then RSFSR? Fix the number of clamps and carts?

    Vyacheslav Olegovich, why this feigned naivety? The recruitment and creation of an agent network (just in case, for the future, according to the principle "let it be") also, as it were, are included in the concept of "espionage".
    Write yourself:
    First of all, the ARA sought to feed "their", "former" and the intelligentsia, its organizations took 120 thousand cultural people to work and thereby saved them from hunger and death,

    People who are embittered with the new government are not the worst "material" for creating "sleeping" - future pests, saboteurs, and just informants will not be superfluous!
    Workers in the cities, the main revolutionary class and the support of the dictatorship of the proletariat, received rations, they were not threatened by hunger. But the poorest peasantry, which, as the well-known Moor, played its role in the revolution, in general, did not even need power, and indeed was a reactionary class. The same Vandeya of whom consisted? From the peasants! The Bolsheviks were just glad, very glad that all these "former" and also "backward peasants" were dying out by themselves, but it turned out that the ARA feeds and saves them.

    Here, after all, what bloody ghouls, these Bolsheviks! And they don’t understand, brainless, that after these worthless, unnecessary peasants infected with petty bourgeoisie finally die out, workers in the cities will have to give rations from high-calorie cookies flavored with vegetable oil! Although no, there will also be no lean butter without peasants ... And on one cookie, without salt - neither you growth of labor productivity, nor you, industrialization, nor you, communism ...
    Maybe they planned to bring ideologically correct peasants from Mars? What do you think, Vyacheslav Olegovich?
    1. -3
      27 June 2020 14: 23
      Quote: HanTengri
      The recruitment and creation of an agent network (just in case, for the future, according to the principle "let it be") also, as it were, are included in the concept of "espionage".

      Do you even know when the Americans got a foreign intelligence service?
      1. Cat
        29 June 2020 02: 01
        when did the Americans have a foreign intelligence service?

        That the American intelligence. the community was officially registered only at the end of WWII does not mean that before that America had no intelligence at all, although the mess in this matter was enchanting.
        For example, foreign political intelligence was carried out by the diplomatic service and was supervised by the secretary of state, financial (which differed little from the political) - by the Ministry of Finance, with the military it was worse - everyone who was not too lazy, almost every commander of a branch of the armed forces was engaged in their own intelligence - and so on until the creation of the DIA in 1961. Counterintelligence was handled by the Bureau of Investigation (the forerunner of the FBI). Plus various non-governmental organizations, foundations and agencies, incl. relevant services of large corporations. Well, "free" journalists, where can we go without them ...
        1. 0
          29 June 2020 06: 51
          Yes Yes.
          Accordingly, the valiant Chekists could understand anyone as a spy.

          Similarly, it was very worth sending the spies Ilf and Petrov to the Roosevelt Gulag, and their American escorts to the wall.
    2. +3
      27 June 2020 15: 48
      Good to see you, dear Khan! hi Wonderful comment, dear Tengri laughing good
      Practically right after the revolution, Milyukov, Maslov and other leaders transferred money, sought supporters for unification against the Soviet Government.
      As for the fact that the experience of the first socialist state was of interest to many, it was 100%!
      Both friends and enemies. A lot of people from different countries were interested, came, watched, participated in projects.
      Such an event was of interest to many, and it could not be otherwise.
  12. +1
    27 June 2020 12: 18
    True, Soviet newspapers of the 20s wrote about her activities, but all of them soon migrated to the archives. Who really went there then?

    Um ...
    "Republic of SHKID"?
  13. +5
    27 June 2020 14: 50
    For an octopus.
    As soon as a state is formed (any), so it appears
    foreign intelligence service. This is a necessary and important attribute of any
    state. This service can be called in different ways, but in fact
    the name does not change.
    1. +3
      27 June 2020 18: 40
      Yes, it's not just about foreign intelligence, in my opinion.
      Politicians, party representatives, their proxies. ..... representatives of economists, bankers ......
      Before our eyes, figuratively speaking, there was a restructuring and events of the 90s. Did foreigners come? Yes! Variety....
      Nowadays, sometimes books appear that various foreign experts came from the 90s to get acquainted with our archives, libraries, regrets that they could not study before ... ... their view, conclusions, facts ..
      He eats very interesting publications ... without lies and groans.
    2. -2
      27 June 2020 21: 10
      Intelligence appears in the state of workers and peasants.

      As for the Americans, then, alas, nominally OSS appeared only in the 40s, and in fact - in general, by the 60s. Previously, there were only intelligence services for the army and navy, which were represented by naval and military attachés at embassies.

      In the USSR there was no American embassy and, accordingly, there was no attache.

      In the piggy bank of knowledge.
    3. -1
      28 June 2020 14: 29
      Quote: borys
      As soon as a state is formed (any), so it appears
      foreign intelligence service.
      But for some reason, in Russia, she did not have time to appear before the First World War.
  14. +5
    27 June 2020 15: 55
    Thanks to Vyacheslav Olegovich for the interesting material! The student had to work with the press in Crimea in the 20s. I didn't immediately understand what ARA and "Joint" are. Moreover, the local "revolutionary committees" recorded the fruits of their activities in their "reports". The impression was that at the beginning of the 20s, economic policy did not go further than agitation: posters about helping the hungry, plays about diseases, leaflets with appeals, etc.
    If not for the "petty-bourgeois element" - Russia would have died out.
  15. -3
    27 June 2020 21: 19
    Help itself, even free of charge, was very harmful to the rabble in the leadership of our country. It is easier for them, under any pretext, to shove the Americans out and do not care if our citizens die of hunger. Life is nothing - thirst for power is everything!
  16. 0
    28 June 2020 12: 07
    Gentlemen, spitefulness is inappropriate here. In the 1920s, we already nagged Europe with our world revolution, nagged Poland with our expansion, all our neighbors felt extremely uncomfortable from our border, through which various revolutionaries rummaged around, weapons and materials went for local communists ..
    And at this time the country decides to help us with food, which we so loved to portray on various posters on the theme "death to the bourgeoisie" or "the crucible of imperialism." And those very "bourgeois" who so "ate" their workers there that there is still left for our children and the intelligentsia.
    America could deliver food anywhere - Europe was not in the best shape, Poland, Latin America, the same China in which they had interests. But they put it all to us.
    As for the question of the "double bottom" - the Bolsheviks with their world revolution were definitely not for the United States with whom one could sit comfortably at the same table. You have to understand that this is a real politician - for example, during WW2, when America was our ally and supplied us with equipment and materials, we also used our agents and spies throughout the United States. And condemning them - it is worth condemning our leadership.
    And one more thing about the enemies and their cunning plans - it is very remarkable that when most of the civilized world did not trade in technology and equipment with the RSFSR / USSR, America (albeit not for free) was one of the few who helped us with industrialization.
  17. +14
    9 July 2020 17: 14
    In the 91st in our college, too, American Suhpai handed out 1 pc. in the hands - gum. help called