Results of the week. Putin's ball - "on the side of America"

Looking at the gods

At the moment, most well-known military analysis agencies, as well as independent political experts and bloggers, are trying to thoroughly understand for themselves, and then bring to the general public at least a superficial part of the outcome of the landmark negotiations between Russian President Vladimir Putin and the head of the White House, Donald Trump, who was held in the Finnish capital 16 July 2018 of the year.

Results of the week. Putin's ball - "on the side of America"

The result of the negotiations in Helsinki: art strikes near Dokuchaevskiy and military assistance package for the Armed Forces
Naev prepares shots for the new coup
Bloody Pedro's Wild Squadron
US media: Putin suggested that Trump support the referendum in the Donbas

Ukraine digests the results of negotiations between the presidents of Russia and the United States. Well, not the pearls of Poroshenko to digest, after all. For Ukraine, that Putin, that Trump - the deities who literally look into his mouth. While they looked in, they decided to check how the “inhabitants of the heavens” would react if once again large-scale shy away around Dokuchaevsk, the Comintern and the western quarters of Donetsk. The "inhabitants of heaven" remained silent, but because the Ukrainian camarilla continued its stories about the great Peremogs, realizing that while it is possible ... But when it will be impossible, the question that concerns not only the Ukrainian camarilla.

Comments from our readers:

Expect a massacre between the Nazis and the APU, let them crumble each other.

Per se.
The fact that Natsik are complete scumbags is one thing, but quite adequate people were mobilized in the Armed Forces, and the tragedy is that the Armed Forces are opposed to the Donbass. If we wait for someone to “crush each other”, the problem with Ukraine will not be solved. Ukraine, this is Russian land, its historical the core, and there is no joy that the West is bleeding, exterminating the Russians, is preparing to appropriate the Ukrainian chernozems, take complete control of the territory that is important for us, and make it a springboard for the war with Russia. Unfortunately, we lost Ukraine, due to the dependence and mediocrity of the authorities, but sooner or later, it will be necessary to return our original land, and here, indeed, it will be better if there are fewer plagued by Nazism.

Oleg Zhepalov
Alas, while Poroshenko in power adequate people will just throw out of the country. Fighters of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are often simply afraid to get involved with pravosek (“PS” - banned in the Russian Federation). Not even for himself, but for loved ones. They also gave a blank check from the president. And the pocket media will immediately shout "separatist" or "Kremlin agent" ...
Already, the “war” for the country is a shame (like any civil war), and over time, when more information about the causes of what is happening is revealed, the attitude will be even more negative.

Bears behaved well

German journalist notes that the attempts to present the inhabitants of Russia savages looks at least ridiculous. She notes that she was amused by a publication in one of the Western newspapers, in which it was stated that "the world championship made the Russian savages smile."

World Cup made the "Russian savages" smile. The answer to the German press journalist from Germany
What do you think, in the Russian Federation nobody cares. Cherchesov's answer to Der Spiegel provocation
Killing Russians will be harder
Ukroaktivistov hysterics: Shame on all football traitors, they will all get the war

About the bear today already expressed? Not? Disorder ... Indeed, the Russians with great difficulty held the World Cup, because keeping bears on a dry ration on a leash to a nuclear warhead in the cellar is not the fences of the Swiss lights of democracy urine mark. A bear, he is a creature of a delicate mental organization, and therefore without a little man, it is better foreign, he does not intend to relive the ups and downs of the championship. When Fedya Smolov didn’t realize a penalty, the bears were already wanted to be released, as he wouldn’t have taken it apart anyway for his tattoos - his or someone else’s. But somehow restrained. Thank you, one German woman noticed - she told her that in vain, they say, you are so with the Russians - they have almost tame bears.

Comments from our readers:

It's not over yet, and we will, though unfortunately for us, still hear from our “partners” from the west and their “non-living” media from the fact that not everything in the championship was good and even a lot of bad things that our players played with such a good result because somewhere in the depths of the FSB / GRU / Secret Laboratories of the Ministry of Health invented a new kind of medicine that improves the athlete’s body, but is not available for detection by the Anti-Doping Laboratories, etc. etc.
The West would not be the West if it left our success without their mud. But in Ukraine now there is “democracy”, in Moldova economic “progress”, Georgia has achieved breathtaking “successes” it is not clear what, and all of Eastern Europe lives “in chocolate”.

Catherine Shpёr was simply not in the “castle”, and it is there that evil, uneducated, antisocial elements live ... retirees, collective farmers and PTUshniki)))

I was more interested in Croatsha here - compared to her previous visit, she was noticeably prettier (although she looked so impressive), she lost weight, she was younger .... I was plagued by vague doubts, why would?))))

What, again, GDP worked?)))

Bins of the Motherland

At Zelenodolsk Shipbuilding Plant named after AM. Gorky, that in Tatarstan, 12 July laid the small rocket ship "Stavropol". This is the 12-th in a row in the series of ships of the project 21631 "Buyan-M", the first six already serve in our Navy.

Where to get money for the "Brawlers" when pockets are empty?
Without "Mosquitoes" and "Onyxes" will have hard times. Theater of the Absurd in the modernization of the best rocket boats

Are the bins of the Motherland empty for building the proper number of the same "Buyans"? - The question. Rumor has it that if you scrape the bottom of the barrel, you can find a whole battalion of "Colonels Zakharchenko" who had the house ... And it was in the garage ... And the mother-in-law under the bed was also ... There and on the "Buyan", and on "Armaty", and a cake with a cherry.

Comments from our readers:


So what? Tropical rain poured (1,5 monthly norm per day) and something blurred. This is bad, but after such showers, isn't it? And everywhere. This is not a catastrophe, do not whine, but must be eliminated, corrected.
And the World Cup is a failure, disgrace, and negligence? And there’s really nothing to rejoice at, because the national team didn’t try and, composed mainly of little-known players, was included in the number of only, you see, 8-mi strongest teams of the world .... Oh, oh, what a passage!

Dozens of sports facilities, as well as positive hundreds of thousands of guests will not wash rain.
In construction fleet and everything else, there are also problems, but ... that there is no rearmament of the army, especially aviation and didn’t happen?

Or did it happen, by some civilians, that the Russian Federation really does not have unlimited financial and industrial opportunities, and doesn’t have the right to go bankrupt in an arms race?
And it is strategic forces that have priority, and not ships of the 1st rank, etc., on which we still cannot surpass the West? And I would like to release 2000 “Armat”, but it’s not the West that restrain them at all ... this is a very expensive matter, but for enforcing peace, for example, banderlogs, the most recent thing is to be massively applied Tanks and infantry, here we need the attacks of the OTRK and aviation to the entire depth of the operational formation of the ATO troops or whatever they call it now.

In general, far from everything is lost, but they are still planting a little - this is the main reason for the shortcomings. Although there is always room for criticism. For example, my colleague was extremely indignant at the tax burden in Russia, although he lived all his life at the expense of taxes and receives a pension of about 40 thousand.

smart ass
And the money for the “Buyans” can be subtracted from Siluanov’s salary, which allows

The shipyards are loaded with work and orders for 15 years ahead. I work with them, in particular with the Gorky Zelenodolsk plant. I had the pleasure to supply material for the "Buyan-M". In parallel, I work with other shipyards and I know that the construction of ships is underway, the factories are very busy.

Flying PAK YES in a dream and in reality

As of 2017, our strategic aviation consisted of 15 units Tu-160 (11 - Tu-160 and 4 - Tu-160М) and 60 units Tu-95 of all modifications, from MS to MSM. For comparison, the US YES looks somewhat more impressive. B1B - 64 units, B-2 - 19 units, B-52 - 62 units.

Tale about PAK DA: God loves a trinity

When will PAK YA fly, and whether to fly? Today the question is posed in a different way: does it really need this PAK YA to fly? After all, if it flies, it turns out that Russia almost entered the arms race. And this is a big sadness. That's why the statements sound: yes, we don’t need any PAK YES - we fly with existing Carcasses, and indeed we have rockets (even smarter and more beautiful than Trump), that's why we don’t have any adversary and without PAK DA it’s not scary. Vooot ...

Comments from our readers:

We need more ... And this is more necessary. And that. If lobbyists ruled like budget policy in the US, that would be understandable. Yes, a couple of dozen Tu-160 in these three years, and then the super-new Tu -... in the following. And it’s not at all nice to have one to three budget for this in relation to the current one. However, for this, the main budget would be nice, at least two times higher with current prices. But nothing. No way, and in the future. The economy of the Russian Federation is based on the real, not the paper sector, so it’s hard to make money from money to buy money. However, other people's money is spending quite actively with “beautiful, wonderful, clever” messages about “Armatah”, PAK DA and PAK FA. And what about the prospects? Need a pak yes or not? About the rest of the system will not. Rather, still no more than yes. The fundamental difference in the light of the development of air defense systems and the saturation of parts and divisions between the stealth-non-stealth flying platforms gradually fades into the background. The means of applying with 4-5 thousands of kilometers, in the presence of a powerful breakthrough corridor to a potential partner through the Arctic, the same factor is not small. Well, local wars - here is someone more comfortable for money.

The economy of the Russian Federation is based on .... On mineral resources .... Not only oil, there is still titanium, aluminum, and so on ... And the US is in engineering and consumer goods ... You can continue to shout that "they do not produce anything" But remember who owns the factories in China? By the way, as an example - Avtovaz whose? - Yes, not American, but not ours.
But the fact that we don’t shine all kinds of PACs there is a fact ... Well, the maximum front squadron ...
Is the current absolute missile defense potential adversary? Not! and in the short and medium term will not appear.
Hence, weapon retaliation or deterrent, or nuclear parity - no matter what we call it - we have it! And in their right mind, no one will start a serious conflict with the Russian Federation.
What is the "numerous" YES for? First of all, as an alternative to ballistic missiles to deliver guaranteed death on the heads of the enemy. But is this really guaranteed? Is not a fact! and therefore - is it necessary to overwhelm the airfields with equipment that may not have time to take off, and if it has time, it can certainly not perform the BR?
Maybe it's true, now, is enough of the hundred and more flying strategists? Again, I do not think that the filling rods for the Tu-22М3 lie somewhere very far away. And there are still about 200, and maybe more.
The fleet is underwater again - some kind of, and even from the cover under the cover of the same "mosquitoes" to shoot back at the "sworn friends" in more than able.
In fact, the “mosquitoes” themselves, in principle, are not in a padla from Petropavlovsk or Sov.Gavani, for example, to run a couple of thousand miles and unload TUKSK cells each in the direction of San Francisco. Just at the stated maximum range.
It would be a wish ...
So is it necessary to demand now to maximize our arsenals, which will not be in demand for 99,99%? If there is already enough of what is already in these arsenals, for unconditional destruction of both the enemy and himself and the entire globe together?
The development of the latest technology go? Plants are built! The same Armata, the same newest factories of Antey, the same shipyards in the Far East and in the Crimea, the restoration and expansion of the aviation and aircraft engine plants ...
If necessary, there will be a kick in the ass, which will give acceleration.
And now, at this particular moment and in the foreseeable future, I personally do not see the need for a kick.
And therefore, I consider the policy of our General Staff and Defense to develop, build and purchase advanced batches of advanced weapons, develop technologies, teach people, return real-estate resources in the form of airfields, ports, latitudinal passages, etc., which is useful not only when the need arises PINKA, but also in the daily life of the country.
Now it is much more important, in my opinion, to support
- “KGB” and others like him, in order to prevent internal collapse, disorder and self-loosening of other people's money, as has happened more than once,
- air defense, electronic warfare - as a daily, every second shield,
- well, and IT-technologies, without which nowhere.
And if we need an extra hundred bombers or superpupertankov - this is a big question!
It seems to me that is not very.

Flight "Dagger" with the effect of the "Arrival of the train"

The Russian Ministry of Defense has published a unique video with tests of the latest Russian hypersonic complex "Dagger". It is noted that the missiles were tested on targets of various nature - land and sea. This was announced to the media by Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces Sergey Drones. According to him, the first combat training launch of the "Dagger" took place in March.

Tests "Dagger". Impressive footage from the MiG-31 and Tu-22М3
Russia can create an unmanned super-interceptor. MiG-31 will go to rest?
Dashing surprises from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: shots with "Petrel", "Poseidon" and "Peresvet"

The summit in Helsinki ended, and the video show of the Ministry of Defense was involved. They say they have gathered such an audience that they have never even dreamed of any film of a modern creative director. True, many again decided to convince themselves that the frames represented cardboard rocket and clay soldiers, they are experiencing. But what about the bridge: shot in the pavilions of Mosfilm, and that's it. So, if someone is so calmer - even if the rockets are cardboard.

Comments from our readers:

Very good newsand the fact that in this plan works are going on according to the schedule, if you believe the media, of course ...

Now howl will intensify from all sides.

Indeed, they again planted a video similar to a bad election cartoon. A Poseidon is generally similar to the torpedo of the USSR Type 65-73 650 mm. A missile with a nuclear power plant in general causes laughter. A nuclear reactor is a very difficult thing, even without taking into account the weight of biological shielding. There is no evidence of a new weapon, only show-off.

Siberia 9444
There is a saying: “a good bluff is more precious than money”. Well, there is or not, I can not judge, I do not know.

Who told you that there is a full-fledged nuclear reactor? It is enough just to have a “nuclear battery” - roughly speaking, a certain amount of radioactive material, where decay takes place and a sufficient amount of heat is released, which is then used when the engine is running. There were similar developments in the USSR as well - so before “calling out laughter”, familiarize yourself with the topic.

Did someone go to Berlin?

A very strange story is being discussed with the nature of the exercises of the military personnel of the Russian 102-th military base on the territory of the Republic of Armenia. Earlier, Armenian media began to come out with angry materials that the Russian military in KamAZ literally “broke into” the village of Panik in the Shirak region of the republic and fired “over the heads of local residents”. 

What happened in Armenia: the media - about the strange exercises of the military personnel of the 102 base of the RF Armed Forces

Apparently, someone from the senior officers had a keen desire to take Berlin, but Berlin was not at hand. But it turned out the Armenian village of Panik, where the soldiers made a real panic. The local population turned out to be extremely impressionable, and therefore it thought that Armenia decided to make 86 a subject of the Russian Federation. Although many of Armenia and so in the regions of the Russian Federation live, and nothing - quite happy, healthy and joyful.

Only now it remains to find out who there forgot to warn the local authorities about that very keen desire to turn the teachings into an entertaining and mind-blowing performance for the residents of the Armenian village. Or is this “forgetfulness” not accidental?

Comments from our readers:

Even if it was, Armenians inflated a lot of foam, the military in the light of modern war should think creatively, in Suvorov, and in Soviet times we would be happy for the boys if in our village we held exercises. And then everyone, you see, frightened ... The Turks want to be a guarantor? NCOs from the United States in the Armenian land are sown well, so weed shoots and climb, this Russia can not interfere anywhere, no, no, but these Yankees with a pig snout, and in any Kalash row will climb.

Mountain shooter
Armenian cognac? So zazoristyy, the officer drove off the roof?

Victor jnnjdfy 
The funniest thing in this story is that both Armenians and Azerbaijanis are climbing into Russia. They cannot, in their own countries, reduce debit and credit. In the case of the new Armenian-Azerbaijani turmoil, again, they will run to Russia. They would keep quiet about Russia, but it is clear that the convolutions lack either one or the other.

Nordic situation

Reports came from Kiev about the decision that the Ukrainian side took on the further fate of the crew of the Russian vessel Nord.

Ukraine decided to release the members of the crew of the ship "Nord"

The fishing vessel was arrested, the captain - also, the cargo was turned into tons of rot, and otherwise "everything is fine, everything is good." We say, we are not detaining anyone, return “from the mainland to the peninsular”, and remember - “see the hulks of Ukraine.”

For Russia, it is humiliating. The American Six is ​​trying to dictate its terms with a lack of government. But this is modern reality. Each pug tries to yelp.

Comments from our readers:

Now we have to wait for money from Kõev to:
crew treatment (to the max) in Nice and
+ new seiner
+ catch compensation
+ moral harm to family members and
+ content of the Crimean Bridge (72% is still godly)
+ apologies for everyone and everything
+ redemption of areas and fishing quotas in "our" Azov Sea

further others who read, invent.

And seiner himself, will he be returned? Or will he be enrolled in the Sumerian fleet ...

There was another tricky wording: how citizens of Ukraine can go. I do not know why the authors of the article missed it?

Yes, in my opinion, to everyone according to their wording), even though the citizens of Ukraine, even Zimbabwe. The main thing will cross the border.

Did you deserve a pension at all? In the State Duma will think about it

The United Russia faction, which has a majority in the lower chamber, came out for the pension reform bill. However, not all is remarkable. There was only one brave man who decided to express an opinion different from the “general line of the party”. And this woman turned out to be a daredevil — Natalya Poklonskaya, a deputy from the Crimea. All other representatives of the "United Russia" - in unison.

VTsIOM: The rating of the party "United Russia" has grown
Poklonskaya went against the "general line" of the party. Voting on pension reform
Kudrin criticized the project of pension reform: a revolt on a liberal ship?

And then the president spoke in Kaliningrad, and the rating of the United Russia party grew even more on the forms of public opinion monitoring services. More than ever grown. The president says that he does not approve the current options for pension reform, but something needs to be done, since the pension system will burst in the future. The fact that many representatives of the authorities burst stomachs from "malnutrition" against the background of a real attitude to the initiative on the part of the people, no one "at the top" says. Well, their stomachs ...

And people need to tighten their belts and prepare a rug softer for the case of a sudden improvement in health status right behind the machine or in the coal mine. After all, as they say on federal channels, no one wants to be a pensioner in 60 in Russia and you can’t tear anyone away from your workplace ... And the female half of the population in 63 gives birth to an incredible pace. These 63-year-old young moms have already scored all the hospital. Therefore - only to raise! ..

Comments from our readers:

I wonder how much the bill will change after the 3 reading has passed? - While the question is rhetorical.

Yes, nothing. Gosmashina spun. The decision was made by Volodya. Lukashenko has run in on his people, said that everything is fine - people are happy! And Volodya gave the good! .. And all this hype - for the awareness of the people - that democracy is in action!

SRC P-15
It looks like this is the last majority of the EP faction in the lower house.

The black
Absolutely ill-considered proposal for pension reform. Those who voted for its introduction are unscrupulous in relation to their conscience.

Big mistake!

Arnold Schwarzenegger commented on the speech of the President of the United States at a press conference following talks with Vladimir Putin. He wrote on Twitter: “President Trump, I watched your press conference with President Putin. It looked insulting. You looked like a little wheat macaroni, like a little fan (Putin). I asked myself when you ask Putin for an autograph or an opportunity to take a selfie. ” Schwarzenegger believes that Trump "betrayed American intelligence, the legal system and the whole country."

You are the president of the United States! What is going on with you?

Iron Arnie called on Trump to be like Ronald Reagan, who "pointed out to Gorbachev that he must destroy the Berlin Wall."

Unofficial compensation: the true reason for the meeting between Trump and Putin
The enemy is the more dangerous the wider he smiles
West split. Separate World or the New Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact?
Schwarzenegger - Trump: I was waiting for everything, when did you ask Putin for an autograph
Save the transit and pay us a fine. "Naftogaz" responded to the speech of the President of the Russian Federation

Whatever the outcome of the summit, one thing is clear: broad-shouldered American patriots like Iron Arnie believe that the United States has the right not only to teach, but also to point out. Reagan pointed Gorbachev, now Trump should point to Putin. Equitable partnership? No, the scheme "I'm the boss, you ... subordinate."

We'll wait for Arnie to make a documentary called “Little Wheat Macaroni”. Michael Moore to help him.

Comments from our readers:

Autograph was given behind closed doors! And the selfie is made in the same place ...
I would have looked like Arnie and Putin "bazaril" ...
I like films with his participation, but I don’t like him as a politician!
Everything was normal there, Trump behaved with dignity ... They got used to muddy in each other in America. If two people behave with dignity towards each other, even if they are in a state of enmity, then this is self-respect in the first place.
Completely forgotten what a TACT!

Too brains on one side at Arnie in his old age.

It is very important for everyone that the pop-industry is talking about politics, now on this occasion we are looking forward to having Buzov write on Twitter ...

Warrior with machine gun
This is striking when the elderly clowns, on the basis of their insanity, imagine themselves to be the ultimate truth. But Uncle Arnie has a good time to rest in retirement (tea is not bad), or let him act, if there is still demand. Something I do not recall that under his "sensitive" leadership, California became an economic miracle and a beacon of democracy, rather, on the contrary on the first point.

Crush until you burst

Among other documents adopted at the NATO summit held in Brussels, there is a declaration of the participating countries, according to which they pledge to get rid of Soviet and Russian weapons, which are in service with a number of states that are members of the alliance.

Trump found governing on Erdogan and the Russian military-industrial complex?

However, in the countries of the “Young Europeans”, the modernization programs of the old Soviet technology were adopted on the direct instructions of the Americans, who demanded an increase in the number of armored units in the ground forces from Eastern European allies. And today there is simply no alternative to the old Soviet “seventy-twains”, infantry fighting vehicles and artillery systems. The United States simply does not have such a number of "Abrams" to arm them with the Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian and Bulgarian armies. It is also unlikely that the Air Force will quickly re-equip. And most likely, despite the adopted declaration, the Soviet equipment will remain in service with the NATO countries for a long time (until its resource is completely exhausted). So why did you need to accept this document? Especially since Washington can get anything from the Baltic republics and most of the countries of Eastern Europe without any declaration.

Turkey! New Russian weapons intends to buy Turkey, which is a member of NATO. A Russian-Turkish contract has been signed for the purchase of the Triumph C-400 air defense system, which, as is known, causes Washington's fierce fury.

But after all, Erdogan remains firm in his intention to strengthen the protection of the airspace of his country at the expense of the Russian complexes, the best in the world today. Moreover, after the States announced the possibility of sanctions, including the refusal to supply F-35 (which Ankara participated in financing the development), the Turks hinted that they could significantly expand military-technical cooperation with Russia. But now, after the adoption of this declaration, the United States had the opportunity to put pressure on Ankara on behalf of all of NATO. How concerned will the Turkish leadership be?

Comments from our readers:

Whatever Trump talks about, he, like a true businessman, talks about money.

Countries wanted complete independence from the Russians, they got it. Countries wanted the American way of life, they got it - to the fullest. Now let them rejoice.

Trump like a ram, sweeping away everything, promotes the interests of the American military-industrial complex without regard to the interests of the allies. But will Erdogan break through? Question. We'll see.

The road to confrontation

A provocation was carried out in Serbia, which, in the event of an unfavorable development of the situation, could not only nullify all the positive changes that had been noted, but also cause a severe crisis in Europe, in which both the United States and Russia would inevitably be drawn. The Bosnian National Council (Bosnian Serbian Muslims), operating in the Rashi district of Serbia and a non-governmental organization, invited the “Minister of Foreign Affairs” of the separatist Kosovo, Bejet Pazoli, to visit the Serbian city of Novi Pazar as a representative of a foreign state, despite the fact that Serbia is not recognized the independence of Kosovo.

Europe ignition powder powder ignition cord is set on fire!

For those who are behind the national Bosniaks Council (which in Russia would long ago have received the status of a “foreign agent”), it is important not only to “squeeze” another province from Serbia. They are well aware that Russia cannot remain indifferent to the fate of this unfortunate fraternal country. And even our diplomatic support for Belgrade will be immediately interpreted as yet another “Moscow aggression”, which is trying to kindle another war in Europe, this time “by the hands of the Serbs”. And this, of course, will cause a new round of tension and will intensify the confrontation of the West with Russia.

Comments from our readers:

Well, the Yugoslavs themselves created problems. This is when Tito began. There the nationalists were bred quite consciously, that they would tear the country apart, they were fully aware. By the way, the Yugoslavs, along with the Americans and other Caucasians, were behind the coup attempts in the GDR, and in Czechoslovakia, and in Hungary, and many more where.
The fact that the Allies broke Yugoslavia itself is today blamed on Russia, which, in the opinion of Serbs and others, was simply obliged to get involved in a war and save Yugoslavia, Milosevic, and others.
Most of all, the willingness to merge in the ecstasy of European integration of Serbs, Croats, Bosnians, and, of course, Albanians touches.

You might think that before Tito was quiet and grace. It was during the time of Tito that there was peace between the peoples of Yugoslavia, just as in the USSR there were no inter-ethnic conflicts.

The Balkans were there and, probably, will continue to be the starting point of major European conflicts. The recognition of Europe and the US of Kosovo’s independence will still play its role, like a gun on a wall in a theater.

Collisions of economic entities

If you look closely at what is happening around the construction of the Nord Stream 2, there are too many questions. Why did SP-2 become a stumbling block in the European Union and between Germany and the USA? At the same time, it seems that all the participants in these vicissitudes hold back something very important.

The mystery of the "Nord Stream - 2"

The observer V. Kamenev asked himself a question: what prevents Russia in the event of a breakdown in the construction of the SP-2 to build an LNG complex at the outlet of the gas pipeline to the Baltic by the 2020 year? The pipeline’s exit to the Baltic Sea is already under construction or is being built; LNG technologies have been mastered in Yamal. It is possible, instead of SP-2, to build an LNG complex and supply Russian LNG to the same Germany, but at a higher price. And for Europe it will be cheaper than American LNG due to lower transportation costs.

At the same time, Germany loses cheap Russian pipeline gas and changes to expensive liquefied gas. Is that why Germany so grabbed the SP-2? And Russia calmly looks at the conflicts of business entities, apparently preparing a “plan B”: the construction of an LNG complex in the Baltic.

Comments from our readers:

Interesting idea. The author seems to be right ...

Normal ok
Yeah, yes, that's just yesterday (17.07) negotiations between Gazprom, Naftogaz and the European Commission on further transit through Ukraine took place.

The author has no idea how the gas pipelines are arranged. Their main component in terms of price is not buried pipes, but gas compressor stations (GCS), for which you still need to build high-voltage electrical substations and supply appropriate lines to them, if there is any, and if not, to build a TPP or additional units for NPPs if they are nearby. The most powerful GCSs are built immediately before the start of the offshore part of the route, so that their power is enough for pumping along the entire length of the offshore section. For example, the most powerful in Russia, the Russkaya CS, alongside Novorossiysk, was built for the South Stream. Now, most of it was mothballed due to excess capacity, which is billions of dollars, since half of the capacity for the Turkish Stream is enough for two lines.

Is the Russian “monopoly” over?

The Russian C-300 and C-400 complexes may face a formidable competitor: the XR-SAM interceptor, a direct-flow interceptor, said columnist E. Damantsev. For almost two decades, he recalls, we have been witnessing a strong tendency of domination in the air defense segment of the world armament market of domestic C-300PS, C-300PMU-2 "Favorit", C-300BM "Antey-2500" and C-400 “Triumph”, as well as the American “Patriot PAC-2” and “Patriot PAC-3” complexes.

The organization of defense research and development DRDO (Defense Research and Development Organization, India) tested the first flight prototype of the XR-SAM / SFDR anti-aircraft missile still 31 in May 2018 of the year. In the photo, which captures the launch of the first experimental product, you can pay attention to a powerful and “long-playing” solid-fuel accelerator that accelerates the rocket to the 2M and provides an altitude of 10 — 12 km, as well as a combat stage, which is nothing but constructive analogue of the European missile air combat "Meteor" from the concern MBDA. The second (combat) stage, in fact, like the “Meteor”, has an additional accelerating solid-propellant engine and a marching integrated rocket-ramjet engine to maintain a high flight speed throughout the entire approach path with the target. Due to the presence of a system for regulating the intensity of the gas generator supply to the combustion chamber, the XR-SAM can initially approach the target at speeds of 2,5 — 3,2M, saving fuel, and a minute before being destroyed, accelerate to 4,5 — 4,7M, which practically prevents the enemy fighter from escaping the attack.

C-300 and C-400 may face a formidable competitor: the “straight-through” XR-SAM interceptor

If Delhi succeeds in bringing this project to mass production at least within the national air defense system, then tactical aviation of China and Pakistan, having territorial claims to India, will have a very serious threat, which cannot even hide behind the Himalayan mountain ranges, because the XR- SAM has a modern active radar homing head, which turns the product into a dangerous autonomous airborne predator.

Comments from our readers:

What they will not write ... But still ... Fact is fact ... With the advent of C-300, the profession of a military pilot in the West has ceased to be attractive.

Again, the topic of ramjet. Yes, it has its advantages, but there are also significant drawbacks. The acceleration stage accelerates to the desired speeds for starting the ramjet operation - this is good in an air-to-air rocket, when the modes of use of such a rocket are clearer, and the height of the 10 + -5km application makes it possible to maintain speed on the cruise and the constancy of the environment, which provides the necessary traction characteristics ramjet operation mode. Accordingly, for similar modes of operation they can use ramjet in strategic and tactical cruise missiles, as well as in hypersonic rockets flying in the stratosphere. Thus, using a ramjet as interceptor for ballistic missiles makes little sense due to the need to launch them from the ground to the edge of space, while the character of the atmosphere varies significantly from dense to rarefied layers, and the operation of ramjet becomes difficult to implement. As a result, the author first writes about the interception of ballistic missiles, and then about the interception of aircraft. In fact, it turns out almost a three-stage rocket of enormous length with dubious prospects. But the main thing is to praise the PFD. In fact, these are just crutches to make an air-to-air missile for a SAM system with a dubious ability to intercept ballistic missiles.

Nikolaevich I
The Krug and Kub (Kvadrat) missile systems with ramjet propulsion systems (solid propellant) were already in service with the AA air defense. With significant advantages of such a scheme were identified and significant shortcomings. So, for example, at large angles of attack, the operation of the ramjet engine became unstable. The introduction of a ramjet engine was, perhaps, a necessary measure due to the USSR lagging behind in the development of high-energy solid propellant rocket motors (as well as the use of the LRE). With the appearance of success in the development of solid propellant solid propellant engines, a ramjet with a solid propellant gas generator was refused in Russia. In the second half of the last century, anti-aircraft missiles with ramjet engines (liquid fuel) were in service with and in NATO (Bomark, Bloodhound, Sea Dart, finally). In some countries, such air defense systems even remain in service, but all new developments are equipped with solid propellant rocket motors.

"Akash" Hindus recently adopted, the missile as a "Cuba", the BMP-2 chassis, the radar is modern only. Budget, i.e. mass option. It is clear that the maneuverability of the rocket is so-so, they will not fall, they will frighten, tear off the attack, something already :)

American freaks for the Japanese

The official folding of the YF-23 project does not at all mean that the unique design features and elemental base of the first two prototypes of this machine will not be partially embodied in promising next-generation tactical fighter projects from other manufacturers on the Eurasian continent, columnist E. Damantsev believes. This was confirmed by the news about the request for RFI (Northrop Grumman) to provide RFI (Request of Information) information in the interest of the Japanese F-5 Fighter X-program.

The Black Widow's Revenge: The Legendary YF-23 in a New Version May Appear Above the Far East

Flat rectangular nozzle with a high-oriented cooling circuit; “Diamond wing”, which prevents the machine from sticking into a corkscrew when maneuvering with high angles of attack; twin tail gables with 90-degree camber; ribbed overhangs encircling the nose of the fuselage; constructive niches under the radio-transparent skin of the wing and elevators to accommodate additional radars of the decimeter and meter ranges ... And this is only a small part of the entire list of technological “bells and whistles” that the Japanese company Northrop Grumman is ready to provide to the Japanese to take revenge on Lockheed Martin in the ATF project and gaining prestige in the Asian arms market!

Comments from our readers:

This is only Wishlist. Who will enable Northrop to export technologies funded by the US Department of Defense? Judging by the fact that the Japanese do not give even a vertical-landing penguin, the Americans do not really trust the Japanese. Although "Aegis", again, sold.

Like who? For Japan, this is the best option - the creation of the fifth generation. For 20 billions will acquire technology and ready-made aircraft from the United States.

What makes you think that the Japanese do not give verticals? No restrictions, maybe delay any or technical problems.

Keep your debts with you

In a report by the US Treasury, Russia, Russia, was suddenly not among the 33's major holders of US debt. At the beginning of the summer of 2018, the amount of US debt obligations, which remains in the “disposal” of Russia, fell below the 15 billion mark. Thus, only for the two months preceding the specified period, Russia got rid of American debt securities for an impressive amount of 80 billion dollars.

Russia got rid of the largest package of US debt securities

Just a few years ago, we recall, the amount of Russian investments in American debt securities exceeded 130 billion dollars. Such large investments in the debts of the “partner” placed the Russian Federation among the largest US assistants in servicing their incredible debts. By now, as we see, the situation has changed significantly.

However, this is unlikely to affect the American debt itself. He has grown and will continue to grow, especially with Trump’s policy aimed at increasing the arms race and developing the military-industrial complex according to the Reagan scenario. Well, those who want to invest in American debt securities are.

Comments from our readers:

Sold American paper. And where did the proceeds go?

This money is not gone. Treasures are bought from the gold and foreign currency reserves of the Central Bank. Previously, they almost completely consisted of shtatovskih papers. Now the account is diversifying, the amount of gold is increasing, as well as the euro and the yuan. In addition, trading in local currencies with neighbors requires currency swaps.
Over the 2017 and 2018 years, the gold and foreign currency reserves rose by almost 100 yards, including almost 20 tons of physical gold.

There are many things in the world, friend Horatio ... Maybe we will not know what is happening there. But I think it is better to give this money to our population. Say, for the construction of private houses ...

Nemaє Publіki

A video of Petro Poroshenko’s speech at a joint briefing with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has been published online. The press conference was held following the NATO summit in Brussels, where the Ukrainian president also arrived. On the Ukrainian TV channels, the press conference was shown from a single angle - it was not visible from the hall itself. But on the NATO News YouTube YouTube channel, the operator demonstrated the very same room. His chairs were empty, with the exception of a few employed, a little more than a dozen. Most of them were representatives of the so-called Ukrainian pool, some of whom filmed Poroshenko’s speech on the smartphone’s camera. And as soon as the President of Ukraine and the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance reached the stands, Mr. Stoltenberg glanced into the hall. From the expression on his face it became clear that he feels a certain awkwardness. The awkwardness of the fact that the European and overseas journalists Petro Poroshenko's speech is uninteresting, as Poroshenko himself ...

In NATO, Poroshenko speaks with an empty hall. How it was presented in Ukraine

About the study of this kind of public "speeches" Poroshenko comes to mind the book of Bard and Zoderkvist "Netocracy" (written in 1999, first published in 2000-m). The politicians of the coming network era are presented by the authors almost as clowns, as scene characters, designed to entertain masses of consumeries (consumer class), and in fact fulfill the will of the shadow netocrats.

Now we see that Poroshenko can not cope even with the role of a clown. Actually, he and the scene anymore.

Comments from our readers:

Probably, there would be more people in the hall if he presented his new candies. And so it turns out nobody wants chocolate bunny, who, most likely, paid for the opportunity to stand next to politicians.

With something to start. Vaughn Trump is already experiencing "less sympathy" for Ukraine and "somewhere understands" the actions of Russia. It is clear that all this is directed not against the junta as a whole, but against Poroshenka, but so far so.

Masya masya
Himself a director, an artist himself. Well, applause (stormy, endless) - also myself !!! And the reader and the reaper, and the igrets on the dude!

Empty chairs, he is the head, the stool commander.

Poroshenko is ready to speak with one NATO emblem, just to testify his presence at the summit. It is strange that this time he came without passports, iron and stripped flags, which he likes to decorate with his performance. The empty hall is another bell for the Ukrainian “peacemaker”.
31 comment
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  1. +2
    22 July 2018 05: 41
    ... lost the World Cup ... met and talked the Dark One with a trump ... in Syria, in the south, knock banderlogs as it should ... in the DLNR they shot as if less ... Alex and Oleg were knocked down for a week, and posted on the forum users ... the week flew by and Au! ...
    1. +9
      22 July 2018 06: 20
      I read the "Results" ... Not fun sad No.

      There is no money either for the fleet or for retirement; it’s “independent” from the Russian Federation it’s flying ...

      Not a dust recourse and sadness ...

      Maybe it’s time for Russia to become a state thinking about its citizens?
      (Do not allow officials to plunder the treasury, “click on the nose” with preserving dill ...)
      1. +7
        22 July 2018 06: 43
        Quote: Separ DNR
        There is no money either for the fleet or for retirement,

        and where did they not think? after all, huge pipes are pouring oil and gas from the country in all directions, and the prices are pretty good now ... where does the money settle?
        1. +8
          22 July 2018 06: 49
          Quote: Andrey Yurievich
          and where did they not think? after all, huge pipes are pouring oil and gas from the country in all directions, and the prices are pretty good now ... where does the money settle?

          V.O.R. U. Yu. T.
          Die, Putin, at least "on decl" appetites specifically of their "encirclement", and other more distant officials-thieves, money-grubbers, and the money will appear ... And the Navy and retired.

          But who will do this? It’s easier to rip off the people. Right ?
          1. +3
            22 July 2018 07: 32
            Yes, according to the results, it’s not an iceberg. But it’s interesting that the Nord crew and the captain still left or are still there. And what did they say in Kiev is an empty place? And what next? What actions on LDNR in the Kremlin? Maybe really referendum and well, what the hell is this carnage? Once cut into shreds in the back streets? NATO is still actually in Ukraine (Ochakov). What are we waiting for?
            Quote: Separ DNR
            Quote: Andrey Yurievich
            and where did they not think? after all, huge pipes are pouring oil and gas from the country in all directions, and the prices are pretty good now ... where does the money settle?

            V.O.R. U. Yu. T.
            Die, Putin, at least "on decl" appetites specifically of their "encirclement", and other more distant officials-thieves, money-grubbers, and the money will appear ... And the Navy and retired.

            But who will do this? It’s easier to rip off the people. Right ?
      2. +2
        22 July 2018 07: 45
        Quote: Separ DNR
        Maybe it’s time for Russia to become a state thinking about its citizens?

        Maybe it's time for citizens to choose the power that will think about them, and not EP, defending the interests of the bourgeois?
        I’m wondering, everyone is not happy with the proposal from the leader of United Russia, Medvedev, to raise the retirement age. In the next election, September 9, citizens will again vote for representatives of EP or what? I think that they will again vote for EP and this is sad ...
        1. +2
          22 July 2018 08: 53
          "Consolidated" people's deputies from "ER", they are also wrestlers with their own people, stumbled over nyasha Poklonskaya !? The only one that, as a woman, could refer to malaise and not come to vote for the destruction of the nation, like some cunning consolidators of her party.
          But this is only a small, albeit bright, elimination in a large political Russian mosaic. Something big is brewing. The elections of Moscow people's deputies are on the nose, and there will be indicative, before the federal, the amount of electrorate for "ER". It is not by chance that there was talk of Medvedev’s resignation if the United Russia failed in Moscow in November. Let's see whose oligarchs win, Moscow or St. Petersburg.winked
          1. +1
            22 July 2018 08: 59
            Quote: siberalt
            It is not by chance that there was talk of Medvedev’s resignation if the United Russia failed in Moscow in November.

            These choices will be an exam on the maturity of our society. If we drive out, they will bend further.
            1. 0
              22 July 2018 09: 34
              Quote: Boris55
              Quote: siberalt
              It is not by chance that there was talk of Medvedev’s resignation if the United Russia failed in Moscow in November.

              These choices will be an exam on the maturity of our society. If we drive out, they will bend further.

              security forces and state employees will again choose HEDRO.
              Well, they will count as it should.
              1. 0
                22 July 2018 09: 40
                Quote: KLV2018
                security forces and state employees will again choose HEDRO.

                The next, if you slip here, in line for increasing the age of retirement are the security forces.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +2
            22 July 2018 09: 39
            They will keep Medvedev for at least a couple of years. And only then will the OH receiver enter the stage ... First, of course, he will sit in the prime minister’s chair.
            Quote: siberalt
            "Consolidated" people's deputies from "ER", they are also wrestlers with their own people, stumbled over nyasha Poklonskaya !? The only one that, as a woman, could refer to malaise and not come to vote for the destruction of the nation, like some cunning consolidators of her party.
            But this is only a small, albeit bright, elimination in a large political Russian mosaic. Something big is brewing. The elections of Moscow people's deputies are on the nose, and there will be indicative, before the federal, the amount of electrorate for "ER". It is not by chance that there was talk of Medvedev’s resignation if the United Russia failed in Moscow in November. Let's see whose oligarchs win, Moscow or St. Petersburg.winked
            1. 0
              22 July 2018 09: 46
              Quote: 210ox
              First, of course, he will sit in the prime minister’s chair.

              Shoigu, Sobyanin or someone else in mind?
        2. +2
          22 July 2018 09: 34
          Boris, good afternoon. They will certainly vote for disgusting things ... I already wrote about my colleagues at work. The people are completely inert and you can do anything with him .. I'm surprised why the government did not raise the retirement period to 70?. Then it was possible for the president to descend and throw off five years ... People would throw at his feet.
          Quote: Boris55
          Quote: Separ DNR
          Maybe it’s time for Russia to become a state thinking about its citizens?

          Maybe it's time for citizens to choose the power that will think about them, and not EP, defending the interests of the bourgeois?
          I’m wondering, everyone is not happy with the proposal from the leader of United Russia, Medvedev, to raise the retirement age. In the next election, September 9, citizens will again vote for representatives of EP or what? I think that they will again vote for EP and this is sad ...
          1. 0
            22 July 2018 09: 41
            Quote: 210ox
            I am surprised, why the government did not raise the retirement period to 70? Then the president could be lowered and thrown off for five years ... People would throw at his feet.

            hi Maybe because they are not friends?
          2. +8
            22 July 2018 11: 18
            Well, why did people vote for the Communist Party? request All the same . Because there is no one else. There is one big ruling party and a bunch of clowns playing in the opposition. Vote for the clowns? Meaning? Look, the same Communists all Yeltsin's rule had a majority in the Duma, and how? Did they do a lot of useful things? belay
            I don’t like the increase in PV, but not because it’s a “zrad” or “robbery of the people” or some other nonsense. But because the government went the simplest way. Instead of reforming the structure of pensions, stupidly copied from the neighbors increase PV. And as a result, he will now rake up a bunch of problems, which again will have to be plugged with money from the budget. In my opinion, this is worse than a crime - this is a mistake. Moreover, the problem will not only not be solved, but a bunch of new ones will be added to it. request
            But then again, in the next election I will vote for EP. DO YOU WANT TO VOTE FOR ANOTHER PARTY? Find or create a sane centrist party with sane leaders who have some positive experience managing something and some real action plan, not boltology. No such? Well, that means there is no question who to vote for. request
        3. 0
          22 July 2018 11: 12
          Quote: Boris55

          I think that they will again vote for EP and this is sad ...

          I think we will be announced that we voted for EP)
        4. 0
          22 July 2018 21: 57
          Quote: Boris55
          Quote: Separ DNR
          Maybe it’s time for Russia to become a state thinking about its citizens?

          Maybe it's time for citizens to choose the power that will think about them, and not EP, defending the interests of the bourgeois?

          And who is it?
    2. +2
      22 July 2018 06: 23
      Quote: aszzz888
      in DLNR, as it were, they shot less

      Arty, it was LITTLE smaller, and the "shooter" as it was, as it is ...
      1. +2
        22 July 2018 06: 53
        Separ DNR (Gray) Today, 06: 23 ↑ Art, it was LITTLE smaller, and "shooter" , what was, what is ...

        ... and each bullet brings death ...
        1. +2
          22 July 2018 07: 18
          Quote: aszzz888
          ... and each bullet brings death ...

          Yes, it can "fly" ...
          But now I want to write a little differently.

          Why so ...
          The “truce” began, and with the CP of the battalion, they began to demand how much and what kind of ammunition was fired at us. In general, the usual practice, nothing like that, IF I DIDN’T require you to report on the consumption of BC from dill to the "arrow marks" fellow
          Well, count the bullets in the queue from the PC (M) lol

          Well, an order is an order, and we are conscientious, we transmit:
          PC, landmark such and such, ten bullets per parapet, one rebound,rest
          are looking for
          (naturally to count wassat )fellow

          In general, they pinned on the signalmen as they wanted, until they got tired, and the command finally realized its fool
          Of course, the story would have been even funnier if not for BUT (large).
          Behind all such orders, in the "high headquarters" are military advisers ...

          Oh, they "command", I feel ... And we under them will "fight."


          Where do they come from? Does army reform not mean that complete fool should not be in it?
          1. +1
            22 July 2018 07: 26
            Quote: Separ DNR
            Where do they come from?

            Where do they come from ... what
            1. +1
              22 July 2018 07: 31
              Quote: Andrey Yurievich
              Where do they come from ...

              They send, according to the order ...
              Actually, we already have a strong opinion that Russia TWO army.
              One being modernized, fulfilling tasks in exercises and Syria, and from second "specialists" are sent to us belay ...
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. The comment was deleted.
  3. +5
    22 July 2018 06: 47
    Bear, he is a creature of subtle mental organization

  4. 0
    22 July 2018 07: 38
    Putin's ball - "on the side of America"

    About the symbolism of this action:
    The ball is a symbol of the earth. The 11 people teams are the 11 teams of Egyptians, north and south, who rule the world.

    Based on these symbols, Trump brought a proposal from globalists to Putin to take control of the World - Russia. Putin refused and returned the ball to Trump. He, in turn, passed it to his son. Most likely, China will exercise power over global governance of the world ...
  5. +5
    22 July 2018 08: 59
    Eh Russia, the whole world is jealous of you (normal of course) .. You have again stirred up the world of anthill!
    Russians have always been revolutionaries of the world order and now they are again annealing in world politics ..
    "We are ours, we will build a new world ..!" Without Russia, it would be boring and boring in the world .. You know how to "walk like a walk, shoot like a shoot ...!" For Putin ... Hood! drinks
  6. +2
    22 July 2018 09: 01
    that not everything in the championship was good

    The puncture was also very alarming: AS they missed a field in the final, through three cordons, a group of potential terroristswho were not even prepared plainly, without documents, in fake form?
    Why were they not an instant response team? driven in the face asphalt?
    Why did they make such a mockery of millions of citizens of the world?

    I hope that both heads and shoulder straps flew for it! and rightly so!
    1. 0
      22 July 2018 09: 40
      Quote: Olgovich
      that not everything in the championship was good

      The puncture was also very alarming: AS they missed a field in the final, through three cordons, a group of potential terroristswho were not even prepared plainly, without documents, in fake form?
      Why were they not an instant response team? driven in the face asphalt?
      Why did they make such a mockery of millions of citizens of the world?

      I hope that both heads and shoulder straps flew for it! and rightly so!

      why drive a muzzle into the asphalt?
      maybe everyone who doesn’t like raising the retirement age can also drive in?
      have you snickered? you should raise the length of service to 40 years of calendar. and no apartments, allowances, northern.
      endure all hardships and hardships.
      1. +3
        22 July 2018 12: 21
        Quote: KLV2018
        why drive a muzzle into the asphalt?

        Didn’t get it yet? belay
        According illegal attempt to enter the field and violation of ALL safety rules in the stadium using a fake police uniform. And this is in conditions of a huge crowd of people, where there is enough spark for panic and sacrifice.
        It could be terrorist attack and not harmless little ones - and with an attack on a football player and on the referees, even without weapons. Even the pusis could have a fight with them - and the match would be frustrated.
        How is this incomprehensible? request
        1. 0
          22 July 2018 13: 37
          Quote: Olgovich
          Quote: KLV2018
          why drive a muzzle into the asphalt?

          Didn’t get it yet? belay
          According illegal attempt to enter the field and violation of ALL safety rules in the stadium using a fake police uniform. And this is in conditions of a huge crowd of people, where there is enough spark for panic and sacrifice.
          It could be terrorist attack and not harmless little ones - and with an attack on a football player and on the referees, even without weapons. Even the pusis could have a fight with them - and the match would be frustrated.
          How is this incomprehensible? request

          but just to delay, is it not according to the law?
          to start their werewolves, let them all be sent to tagil.
  7. 0
    23 July 2018 08: 49
    Someone is trying to inflate a balloon whose safety factor has already expired.
  8. 0
    25 July 2018 01: 27
    Quote: Separ DNR
    Quote: Andrey Yurievich
    and where did they not think? after all, huge pipes are pouring oil and gas from the country in all directions, and the prices are pretty good now ... where does the money settle?

    V.O.R. U. Yu. T.
    Die, Putin, at least "on decl" appetites specifically of their "encirclement", and other more distant officials-thieves, money-grubbers, and the money will appear ... And the Navy and retired.

    But who will do this? It’s easier to rip off the people. Right ?

    you teach yourself where to take the money. it's all your fault. There used to be thinking people on the site. and now just tell them about theft of power, at once groans and lamentations. here one of his president calls the darkest. if you do not respect, who will respect you. the site began to turn into a bunch of liberal revolutionaries. forgot 90s. forgot where they came from. forgot who brought. he still cleans yours from Yeltsin's times. do you hear much about the oligarchs now? all of Russia now has both an army and a navy to be proud of. normal people work and do not grumble. I’ll advise you to work. Yes, yes it’s work. since you can’t work abroad, and indeed, a person about scumbling his country will never work well in it. you understand at your workplace and life and then about the state that should think about you. maybe you owe the state, not it to you. I know such figures who do not pay taxes, but want all the benefits for free. envious and whiners took out.