Europe ignition powder powder ignition cord is set on fire!

In those days, when supporters of detente of world tension discussed the results of the meeting of Russian and American leaders with fair optimism, provocation was carried out in Serbia, which, if the situation unfavorably developed, not only nullified all the positive changes that had been outlined, but also caused a severe crisis in Europe, which will inevitably be drawn into the United States and Russia.

Europe ignition powder powder ignition cord is set on fire!

Actually, the conflict situation itself, threatening with such serious consequences, at first glance seems insignificant.

The following happened: the Bosnian National Council (Bosnian Serbs-Muslims), operating in the Rashskoy district of Serbia and a non-governmental organization, invited the “foreign minister” of the separatist Kosovo, Bejet Parazoli, to visit the Serbian city of Novi Pazar as a representative of a foreign state, despite that Serbia did not recognize the independence of Kosovo.

Agency Tanjug published the text of this invitation. “Bearing in mind the choice of all states of the Western Balkans in favor of European integration, as well as the importance of establishing long-term stability in the Western Balkans, we consider it useful that you visit the National Council of Bosniacs, Novi Pazar and others as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kosovo. Municipalities of Sandzak (as some Muslims call the Rashsk district of Serbia), ”the letter said to the Kosovo“ minister ”.

To people who are far from the Balkan problems, the incident may seem simply an example of the incorrect and unreasonable behavior of a representative of a national-religious community.

However, things are not so simple. The fact is that a number of Serbian boshnyaks (or, as they are called simply religiously affiliated, “Muslims”) adhere to separatist aspirations and harbor plans for secession from Serbia. Actually, even the term "Sandzak", which was used by the conquerors during the Turkish yoke, is considered by many as a kind of encroachment on the sovereignty of Belgrade over these territories.

If we take into account the extremely painful attitude that Serbs experience, not only politicians, but also ordinary people, to the situation around Kosovo, the invitation of a representative of this separatist entity, torn off by force from Serbia, the head of a national organization with separatist aspirations, looks like a challenge and provocation.

We add that the head of the Bosnian National Council, Suleiman Uglyanin, did not even try to reconcile this “official” invitation with the Serbian authorities, and the text of the letter itself does not even contain the word “Serbia”.

It looks as if the head of a sovereign country invites the head of the foreign policy department of another independent state in order to “establish the long-term stability” of the region.

In other words, what happened, regardless of whether Pacioli accepted an invitation to visit Novi Pazar or not (as the media report, he has already declared that he is ready to come if Belgrade permits), is quite qualified as an encroachment on the territorial integrity of the country.

Obviously, Belgrade will simply have to somehow react to this, especially since the Serbian authorities are now under rather tough pressure from a patriotic public suspecting it, and not entirely unreasonable, ready to finally “surrender” Kosovo in exchange for the hope of European integration. And the leadership of the country will not be indifferent to observe the birth of another separatist focus.

In addition, Serbian radical groups that have gained considerable strength in recent years may well react to the Bosnian Union’s speech.

This is exactly what is needed by the organizers of the provocation - to call for some kind of sanctions from the authorities or actions of the radicals, in order to accuse Serbia of infringement of national minorities, of encroaching on their rights, and to start “the struggle for their release”. Which will immediately receive broad support from abroad.

There is no difficulty in turning a political conflict into an armed one - this technology has been worked out to the smallest detail, especially since we are talking about the Balkans, which are not accidentally called the powder keg of Europe.

Recall that in Kosovo everything started with rocking the political situation and provoking conflicts, which in Belgrade were for a long time persistently declared “domestic”.

And for those who are behind the national Bosniaks Council (who would have long been in Russia the status of a “foreign agent”), it is important not only to “squeeze” another province from Serbia. They are well aware that Russia cannot remain indifferent to the fate of this unfortunate fraternal country. And even our diplomatic support for Belgrade will be immediately interpreted as yet another “Moscow aggression”, which is trying to kindle another war in Europe, this time “by the hands of the Serbs”.

And this, of course, will cause a new round of tension and will intensify the confrontation of the West with our country. There is no doubt that the letter appeared by chance right now, when the “hawks” in the States and the EU are alarmed about the prospects for, even if rather illusory, warming Russian-American relations.

And this, of course, is not the only and not the last provocation.
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  1. +12
    19 July 2018 05: 54
    Everything rests on indecision ... One morning, pick up the required number of buses and take all Muslims to Kosovo ... To co-religionists .... Problems need to be solved ... Like in Crimea ...
    1. +5
      19 July 2018 09: 23
      Quote: Vard
      and take out all the Muslims in Kosovo ...

      send in albania and from kosovo too
      1. +5
        19 July 2018 10: 03
        Let the Muslims separate, the Serbs should not get used to, leave Belgrade to them and that's enough, let them rejoice. And Russia does not need to fit into these skirmishes.
        1. +8
          19 July 2018 10: 19
          No matter how you have only Astana left ... Here you will have joy!
          1. +1
            19 July 2018 14: 29
            Quote: solzh
            No matter how you have only Astana left ... Here you will have joy!

            If they tear Kazakhstan, God forbid, of course, Astana together with the north can escape to us, not for nothing that the capital was moved closer to us in due time. But such a situation is not necessary better, and I hope that it will not be.
            1. +1
              19 July 2018 19: 50
              Quote: ghby
              not for nothing that the capital was brought closer to us in due time.

              just to the peak of Russia and moved
    2. +3
      19 July 2018 14: 00
      Or this is how some smart people do it .... "The Israeli Knesset on Thursday morning, July 19, passed a constitutional law that defines Israel as an exclusively Jewish state. ... The law proclaims that Israel is the birthplace of the Jewish people, and Jews are the only people who have the right to national self-determination in the country. "
      1. +1
        20 July 2018 01: 33
        In how ... There a couple of years ago the question was discussed whether it is possible to cut the "goyim" into the organs. They reasoned that “it is possible” with a thousand reservations why everything is “kosher”. Who cares, you can find it on the Internet. Sailed ..
      2. 0
        20 July 2018 16: 30
        Nazi country ...
    3. +1
      19 July 2018 15: 22
      again there will be no violence, negotiations, we guarantee you stability ... Merkel and others like her ..
    4. 0
      19 July 2018 22: 26
      Like for example in the Crimea ...- take out the Tatars!
    5. +4
      19 July 2018 23: 28
      The majority of the Kosovo Albanian population are Bektashis, i.e. Shiite Sufis. Whereas the Muslims of the historical area of ​​Sanjak, the Sanjakli are Sunni Muslims. The Sanjakli have nothing to do with Kosovo Albanians, either nationally, linguistically, or religiously.
      The Serbian leadership just needs to be a guide for all Serbian citizens - Sanjakli, Albanians, Hungarians, Gypsies, Muslims, Catholics, Protestants, and not just Orthodox Serbs - and then the situation in the country will definitely change.
  2. +13
    19 July 2018 06: 26
    Well, the Yugoslavs themselves created problems. It started under Tito. There nationalists were bred quite consciously, that they and the country would be torn apart were fully aware. By the way, the Yugoslavs TOGETHER with the Americans and other Caucasians stood behind the coup attempts in the GDR and in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, and many more where.
    The fact that the Allies tore Yugoslavia itself today is blamed for RUSSIA, which, according to different Serbs and others there, was simply obliged to get involved in the war and save Yugoslavia and Milosevic and others.
    And most of all * touches * the readiness to merge in the ecstasy of European integration of both Serbs and Croats and Bosnians and of course the Albanians.
    1. 0
      19 July 2018 10: 44
      Quote: Vasily50
      Well, the Yugoslavs themselves created problems. It started under Tito. There nationalists were bred quite consciously, that they and the country would be torn apart were fully aware.

      You might think that before Tito there was silence and grace ... just under Tito there was peace between the peoples of Yugoslavia, just like during the USSR we did not have interethnic conflicts
  3. +2
    19 July 2018 06: 31
    Europe ignition powder powder ignition cord is set on fire!

    ... but is the article title too loud ... request disturbing news, but there are hundreds of such daily ...
  4. +3
    19 July 2018 07: 20
    The Balkans were and probably will be in the future a place of the beginning of major European conflicts. The recognition by Europe and the United States of the independence of Kosovo will still play its role, like a gun on a wall in a theater.
  5. +4
    19 July 2018 07: 45
    As I understand it, someone needed a small victorious war? It’s not with the Russians butting or with China, the Serbs will not be beaten for the second time for NATO
  6. 0
    19 July 2018 08: 38
    There is no doubt that the letter appeared not by chance right now
    .... Yes, of course .. by the way before and after the meeting between Trump and Putin, many such accidents happened in different places ...
  7. +3
    19 July 2018 10: 36
    And from which side is Russia here? The government of Serbia pursues a compromising policy, sleeps and sees itself in NATO. But Serbia’s “wide circles of the public” behind whom no one stands otherwise than provocateurs who want to fan the European conflict for the sake of the United States and cannot be called that. How much can you step on the same rake? Serbs remember Russia only when they are not very well and then shit on their heads
  8. +7
    19 July 2018 10: 39
    Flirting with Muslims in the Balkans - not from yesterday, and usually MIT (Turkish intelligence) is behind this, the money comes from the Saudis, and the interest is from the USA. (Muslim arc under the belly of Europe)
  9. +2
    19 July 2018 11: 06
    In addition, Serbian radical groups that have gained considerable strength in recent years may well react to the Bosnian Union’s speech.
    Nonsense, radical groups were always strong in Serbia (you can remember the same Arkan), only this did not help Serbia much.
    They perfectly understand that Russia cannot remain indifferent to the fate of this unfortunate fraternal country. And even our diplomatic support of Belgrade will be immediately interpreted as yet another “aggression of Moscow” trying to rekindle another war in Europe, this time “by the hands of the Serbs”.

    Sense it ?! Kosovo has seceded, Montenegro too, and even joined NATO - the Serbs will not rock anywhere, at least in the near future. They won the EU all dream to enter
  10. +3
    19 July 2018 12: 24
    It is not a matter of religion at all, Christians and Muslims may well live peacefully in one state.
    It is a matter of specific individuals who, either because of their thirst for power, or on instructions and support from abroad (and most likely both), incite hatred in people.
    For an example, see the Crimean Tatar outcast who lost power with the advent of the Russian Federation and now oozes bile and dirty tricks.
    For such people, there should be only the political will to "soak in disputes," which the Serbs are not showing now.
    Some rotten cucumber in a jar will spoil both the pickle and the rest of the cucumbers how much not to spend resources and not putting new and fresh ones. There is only one way, find and throw out the rotten cucumber.
  11. 0
    19 July 2018 13: 03
    Quote: Hiking
    Let the Muslims separate, the Serbs should not get used to, leave Belgrade to them and that's enough, let them rejoice. And Russia does not need to fit into these skirmishes.

    Are you also a provocateur? Whose pipe is the tune with?
  12. +1
    19 July 2018 15: 06
    Dzherelivsky in his repertoire - wangs war, based on the slightest movement of air in the pelvic area.
  13. The comment was deleted.
  14. +4
    19 July 2018 18: 22
    Serbs need to decide. Or are they in the European Union, then you need to sacrifice territories. In general, this catastrophe of Serbia can no longer be stopped apparently. Even if the single-faith Montenegro has come unstuck, it means that the Serbian state is not able to maintain order and the desire of their citizens to live in such a state. Russia will not help here
  15. 0
    20 July 2018 09: 25
    It will be difficult for Russia to help Serbia, there are no common borders. If in the 90s this was still possible, since the "intermediate" states could well allow both military and humanitarian assistance to pass, then with the current limitrophies this is hardly feasible. Under the cries of Russophobia, not a single country will miss, not like a military side, but even a civilian one, if you do not start a war with this.
  16. +2
    20 July 2018 12: 56
    Yugoslavia - originally an artificial state was, the collapse was natural. what goes on with Serbia is already an echo of the initial collapse. over time, everything will settle down there in the form of small mono-ethnic states. and if they all end up in the European Union, then this will be the most logical. external command (as in Ottoman times), but with local government and the illusion of independence.