Myths of the Great Patriotic. Why did the Stalingrad prisoners die?

From time to time on the Internet and in the periodical press, in articles dedicated to the next anniversary of the defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad, there are references to the sad fate of German prisoners of war. Often their fate is compared to the fate of millions of Red Army men who were tortured in German camps. Thus, unscrupulous propagandists are trying to demonstrate the identity of the Soviet and Nazi regimes. Quite a lot has been written about the attitude of the Germans to Soviet prisoners of war. As for the Soviet side, the USSR, which did not sign the Geneva Convention 1929 in its time “On the content of prisoners of war” (the reasons for not signing it are known, but are not subject to this article), announced that it would comply with it same days after the start of World War II.

At the initial stage of the war, the maintenance of prisoners of war did not arise for the simple reason that they were too few. From 22 June to 31 December 1941, the Red Army captured 9147 people, and by 19 November 1942, when the counteroffensive at Stalingrad began, enemy 10 635 enemy soldiers and officers entered the rear camps for prisoners of war. Such an insignificant number of prisoners of war made it possible to easily supply them according to the standards given in the table below.

The prisoners were needed by the Soviet command not only as a labor force, not only as a source of information, but also as an object and subject of propaganda.

The norms of the daily allowance of foreign prisoners of war and Soviet prisoners in the USSR in 1939 – 1946 (in grams)

Myths of the Great Patriotic. Why did the Stalingrad prisoners die?

Already in one of his first directives 24 on June 1941, the head of the Main Political Propaganda Department of the Red Army, Army Commissar of 1 rank, Mehlis demanded:

“... systematically photograph prisoners, especially paratroopers in their clothes, as well as German captured and shot down by our troops Tanks, planes and other war trophies. Immediately and regularly send pictures to Moscow. Send also the most interesting prisoner polls and documents. All this will be used for propaganda purposes. ”

In leaflets that were addressed to German and Finnish soldiers, they were guaranteed life and good treatment. However, Soviet propaganda had no noticeable influence on the enemy. One of the reasons for such a failure was the repeated cases of the killing of German prisoners by Red Army soldiers. There were relatively few such cases, but it would be a big mistake to be silent about them or try to find an excuse for them, especially since the facts of the inhumane attitude of Soviet soldiers to German prisoners were immediately widely “promoted” by Nazi propaganda. Subsequently, it was the fear of death at the hands of the “ruthless enemy” that caused the death of many Wehrmacht soldiers, who preferred death from starvation and typhus to Soviet captivity.

Despite the fact that from December 1941 to the end of April 1942, the Red Army was almost in continuous offensive, it failed to capture a large number of prisoners of war. This is explained by the fact that parts of the Wehrmacht either retreated in time or quickly unblocked their surrounded units, preventing the Soviet troops from destroying the “boilers”. As a result, the first large encirclement that the Red Army managed to complete was the encirclement of the German 6 Army near Stalingrad. 19 November, the 1942 began the Soviet counteroffensive. A few days later the encirclement ring was closed. The Red Army proceeded to the gradual elimination of the “boiler”, at the same time discouraging attempts to break through it from the outside.

For Christmas, 1942, the attempts of the German command to break through the Soviet defense and establish contact with the surrounded ones ended in failure. The chance to escape from the "boiler" was also missed. There was still the illusion that the inhabitants of the “boiler” could be supplied by air, but the Stalingrad “boiler” differed from Demyansky and Kholmsky in size, remoteness from the front line, and most importantly in the number of surrounded groups. But the most important difference was that the Soviet command learned from its mistakes and took measures to combat the "air bridge". Before the end of November, the air force and anti-aircraft artillery destroyed several dozen transport aircraft. By the end of the Stalingrad epic, the Germans had lost 488 "transports" and bombers, as well as about 1000 flight crews. At the same time, even on the calmest days, the defenders did not receive their 600 tons of supply per day due to them.

It should be noted that the problems with the supply of the Paulus group began long before the start of the Soviet operation "Uranus". In September, 1942, the actual ration of food that the soldiers of the 6 Army received, was about 1800 calories per day for needs taking into account the loads - 3000 – 4000. In October 1942, the command of the 6 Army reported to the OKH, that since August "living conditions in the entire range of the 6 Army are equally bad." The organization of additional food supplies at the expense of requisition of local sources was no longer possible (in other words, all that soldiers of the gallant Wehrmacht stole from the civilian population was eaten). For this reason, the command of the 6 Army asked to increase the daily ration of bread from 600 to 750 grams. The constantly increasing physical and mental exhaustion of soldiers and officers was superimposed on supply difficulties. By the time the Soviet counteroffensive began, these difficulties seemed terrifying, but the real horror began after 19 November. Continuous battles with the advancing Red Army, a slow retreat to Stalingrad, the fear of death, which increasingly seemed inevitable, constant hypothermia and malnutrition, gradually turning into hunger, quickly undermined morality and discipline.

Malnutrition was the biggest problem. From November 26, the food ration in the “cauldron” has been reduced to 350 g of bread and 120 g of meat. December 1 bread production rate had to be reduced to 300. December 8 bread production rate was reduced to 200. It is worth recalling that the minimum bread rate issued to workers in the besieged Leningrad in November - December 1941 was 250. However, the time the Germans got to their lean rations of horse meat welds.

A hungry person quickly loses the ability to think, falls into apathy and becomes indifferent to everything. The defenses of the German troops quickly fell. 12 and 14 December, the command of the 79 Infantry Division reported to the headquarters of the 6 Army that, due to the lengthy battles and insufficient food supplies, the division could not hold its position any longer.

For Christmas, for a few days, front-line soldiers were given additional 100 g. It is known that at the same time, some soldiers in the “cauldron” received no more than 100 g of bread. (For comparison: the same amount - children and dependents of Oranienbaum received at least in besieged Leningrad.) Even if this is not the case, such a “diet” for quite a long time for thousands of adult men experiencing extreme physical and mental stress meant only one thing - death. And she was not long in coming. From November 26 to December 22, 6 deaths were reported in the 56 Army, “in which nutritional deficiencies played a significant role”.

By December 24 such cases were already 64. December 20 from the IV Army Corps received a report that "because of the loss of strength, two soldiers died." It is worth noting that hunger kills adult men before they have complete dystrophy. They generally suffer hunger worse than women. The first victims of malnutrition in besieged Leningrad, for example, were precisely working and working men who received more rations than employees or dependents. 7 January recorded death rate from hunger was already 120 people per day.

Paulus and his subordinates were well aware of the catastrophic situation of their troops. On December 26, in the telegraphic conversation with Colonel Fink, the rear commander of the 6 Army outside the ring, wrote to the commander of the surrounded grouping Major von Kunowski in telegraphic conversation:

"I ask by all means to make sure that tomorrow we were delivered 200 tons of planes ... I never sat so deep in shit in my life."

However, no prayers could correct a continuously deteriorating situation. In the period from 1 to 7 in January, a ration was issued per person in the LI package per day in 281 g gross, with a standard in 800. But in this case the situation was relatively good. On average, in the 6 Army, bread distribution was reduced to 50 — 100. Soldiers on the front line received 200. Amazingly, with such a catastrophic shortage of food, some warehouses inside the “pot” literally burst with food, and in this form fell into the hands of the Red Army. This tragic curiosity is due to the fact that by the end of December, due to an acute shortage of fuel, freight transport had completely stopped, and the riding horses had died or were killed for meat. The supply system inside the "boiler" was completely disorganized, and often the soldiers died from starvation, not knowing that the saving food was literally a few kilometers away. However, in the 6 army there were fewer and fewer people able to walk such a short distance. In 20 January, the commander of one of the companies, which was to make a half-kilometer march, despite the shelling from the Soviet side was absent, told his soldiers: "Those who fall behind will be left to lie in the snow and it will freeze." January 23 the same company for the four-kilometer march took time from morning to night before night 6.

Since January 24, the supply system in the “boiler” has completely collapsed. According to eyewitnesses, nutrition has improved in some areas of the environment, since there has already been no consideration of the distribution of food. The containers dropped from the planes were plundered, and there was simply no way to organize the delivery of the rest. The command took the most draconian measures against the marauders. In the last weeks of the existence of the “boiler” by the field gendarmerie, dozens of soldiers and non-commissioned officers were shot, but the majority of the insurgents who were distraught from starvation did not care. On the same days, soldiers received 38 g of bread in other areas of the “pot”, and a can of Kola chocolate (several round tiles of tonic chocolate the size of a palm) was divided into a 23 person.

From January 28, food was issued in an organized manner only to soldiers on the front line. In the last days of the boiler’s existence, most of the sick and wounded, who were already around 20 Ltd. in December, did not receive any food at all in accordance with the order of Paulus. Even taking into account the fact that a significant number of the wounded were taken by plane, the headquarters of the 6 Army, which did not control the situation, believed that there were 26 – 30 thousands of them on January 40. Walking wounded and sick mobs wandered in search of food throughout the shrinking cauldron, infecting soldiers who were still sick.

According to unconfirmed reports, cases of cannibalism were noticed on January 12, 20.

Another scourge of the army surrounded at Stalingrad was cold. This is not to say that late autumn and winter of 1942 – 1943. in the Volga steppes were some particularly extreme. So, December 5 air temperature was 0 degrees. On the night from December 10 to 11, it dropped to minus 9, and December 15 rose to zero again. In January, it became very cold. During the month, the temperature at night ranged from minus 14 to 23 degrees of frost. 25 – 26 on January, when the agony of Paulus’s army began, the thermometers dropped to minus 22. The average daily temperature in January ranged from zero to five degrees below zero. At the same time, the Stalingrad steppe constantly blew a sharp and damp cold wind. Another feature of the Volga steppes, like any other, is the almost complete absence of trees in them. The only place from which theoretically it would be possible to deliver fuel (wood or coal) was Stalingrad. However, there was nothing to deliver it. As a result, another "silent killer" joined the famine. Under normal conditions, when a person can warm up and rest, when he normally eats, a long stay in the cold does not pose any danger to him. The situation in Stalingrad was different. Of course, the German command took into account the lessons of the winter 1941 / 42. For the Wehrmacht were developed warm cotton sets, fur hats with earflaps and a mass of devices for heating dugouts. Part of this wealth fell into the 6 army, but all the soldiers did not have warm clothes. However, as the inhabitants of the “boiler” died out, it became easier and simpler to get the clothes, because the corpses do not need them anymore. In fact, by the time Paulus surrendered, the needs of those surrounded in warm clothing were met, and many times over. However, in order to warm up, a person needs fire, and it was too difficult to get it. Cold and damp doing their job. Frostbite and frostbite, exacerbation of chronic diseases, problems of the immune system, pneumonia, kidney disease, furunculosis, eczema - this is just a small list of diseases that a person is suffering from constant hypothermia. Especially hard in the cold accounted for wounded soldiers. Not even a very significant scratch could result in gangrene. The horror was that the soldiers, who were even injured of moderate severity, were subject to immediate evacuation to the rear. The original concept of "Medicine Blitzkrieg" did not assume that the Wehrmacht would fall into the boilers from which it was impossible to remove the wounded, and excluded the battalion and regimental first-aid posts from the evacuation system. On the front line, in the army, there were only first aid equipment and almost no qualified surgeons. Thus, the wounded were doomed to death.

At the end of September, next to the soldiers of the 6 Army, or rather, directly to them, the harbingers of another misfortune appeared: lice. Biological species head louse (Pediculus Humanus Capitis), clothes louse (Pediculus Humanus Corporis) can parasitize only on humans. Perhaps a few lice carriers arrived in Stalingrad with the army, perhaps Wehrmacht soldiers got infected by local residents or in the city’s creepy conditions when using other people's things. Lice breed with terrifying swiftness. For a week, one individual can bring 50 LLC larvae. Amazingly, the Germans, whose level of medicine was significantly superior to the Soviet, could not beat the lice. The fact is that they used chemical powders against parasites, while in the Red Army, which had the sad experience of the Civil War, the main means of fighting insects was the treatment of clothes with steam, haircut "zero" and a bath. Of course, the lice "did not pardon" anyone, but they "Germans" especially German soldiers. Naturally, in the Stalingrad steppes it was difficult to arrange a bathhouse and roast clothes. In addition, the apathy, in which German soldiers gradually fell, does not contribute to the observance of elementary rules of personal hygiene. That is why, since October, the 6 Army has been trimmed. On one of the late autumn days, 1,5 kg (!) Lice were taken from twelve prisoners of war in a field hospital, which on average yielded a figure in 130 g per person. Thus, with an average weight of imago lice - 0,1 mg, individuals were taken from one wounded person to 130 LLC! Single mortality from typhus and other infectious diseases was observed in the Paulus group before the environment. In the last weeks of the existence of the “cauldron”, patients had strayed to Stalingrad, which gradually turned into a real typhoid hearth. Even before the beginning of the counter-offensive near Stalingrad, the Soviet command was aware of what the prisoners of war and intelligence reports were about in general, what was happening in Paulus’s army, but no one could have expected how bad things are there. Since November 19, the influx of prisoners has increased dramatically. It turned out that many of them are in a rather exhausted state, they are lousy and suffer from hypothermia. A few weeks later, the Commissar of Internal Affairs, Lawrence Beria, concerned about the high mortality rate among the prisoners, ordered his subordinates to investigate its causes. We note that Lawrence Pavlovich was hardly guided in his actions solely by the principles of humanism. First, the high mortality of prisoners of war could be used by enemy propaganda. Secondly, every dead German or Romanian could not, because of his death, be subsequently used at work, and working hands, even the hands of prisoners of war, were at that moment extremely necessary. Finally, thirdly, competitors and detractors could doubt the organizational skills of the Commissioner General of State Security.

On December 30, Deputy Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR Ivan Serov presented his patron with a memorandum stating:

“In connection with the successful actions of the Red Army units in the South-Western, Stalingrad and Don fronts, the transfer of prisoners of war takes place with great difficulty, with the result that there is a greater mortality among prisoners of war.

As established, the main causes of death are:

1. Romanian and Italian prisoners of war from 6 — 7 to 10 days before their surrender did not receive food due to the fact that all the food coming to the front went first to the German units.

2. When capturing our units, the prisoners of war are driven on foot along the 200 – 300 km to the railway, while their supply with the rear units of the Red Army is not organized and often along the way of the prisoners of war along the way, 2 – 3 do not feed them for days.

3. The concentration points of prisoners of war, as well as the reception centers of the NKVD, should be provided with food and clothing on the route by the Red Army rear headquarters. In practice, this is not done, and in some cases, when loading trains, prisoners of war are given out flour instead of bread, and there are no dishes.

4. The organs of military communications of the Red Army submit wagons for sending prisoners of war that are not equipped with bunks and stoves, and 50 – 60 people are loaded into each wagon.

In addition, a significant number of prisoners of war do not have warm clothes, and the trophy equipment of the rear services service and armies is not isolated for these purposes, despite the instructions of Comrade. Khruleva on these issues ...

And finally, contrary to the Statute on Prisoners of War, approved by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, and ordered by the Red Army Glavvoensanpura, wounded and sick prisoners of war are not taken to front-line hospitals and sent to reception centers. ”

This memorandum generated a rather harsh reaction at the very top of the Red Army command. Already 2 January 1943 was issued an order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 001. He was signed by the deputy commissar, the head of the commissar service of the Red Army, Colonel-General AB and the commissary service AB Khrulev, but there is no doubt that this paper did not escape the attention of the Supreme Commander himself:

“No. 0012 January 1943

The practice of organizing the direction and maintenance of prisoners of war at the front and on the way to the rear camps establishes a number of serious shortcomings:

1. Prisoners of war long delayed in the units of the Red Army. From the moment of captivity to the arrival at the loading points, prisoners of war walk on 200 – 300 kilometers and receive almost no food, as a result of which they arrive sharply exhausted and sick.

2. A significant part of prisoners of war, not having their own warm clothes, despite my instructions, is not provided from the captured property.

3. Prisoners of war, going from the place of capture to the points of loading, are often guarded by small groups of fighters or not guarded at all, as a result of which they disperse in settlements.

4. Concentration centers for prisoners of war, as well as reception centers of the NKVD, which, in accordance with the instructions of the Red Army Logistics Headquarters and the Main Directorate of Food Supply of the Red Army, should be provided with food, walkers and transport fronts, receive them in extremely limited quantities that do not meet the minimum needs. This does not allow for the provision of prisoners of war in accordance with established allowance rates.

5. VOSO fronts untimely and in insufficient quantities allocate rolling stock to send prisoners of war to rear camps; in addition, they provide wagons that are completely not equipped for human transportation: no bunks, stoves, toilets, firewood and household inventory.

6. Contrary to the provision of prisoners of war, approved by the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, and the order of Glavvoensanupra, wounded and sick prisoners of war are not taken to front-line hospitals and sent to reception centers and NKVD camps with general stages.

For these reasons, a significant number of prisoners of war are depleted and die before being sent to the rear, as well as en route.

In order to decisively eliminate the shortcomings in securing prisoners of war and preserve them as labor, I order:

Commander of fronts:

1. Ensure the immediate dispatch of prisoners of war by military units to concentration points. To expedite the sending use all modes of transport, going empty from the front.

2. To oblige the commanders of the units to feed the prisoners of war on the way before transferring them to the reception centers of the NKVD according to the standards approved by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 18747874с. Pillars of prisoners to attach camping kitchens from the captured property and the necessary transport for the transport of products.

3. In accordance with the regulations on prisoners of war, approved by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR No. 17987800 from 1 July 1941, provide all types of medical care to wounded and sick prisoners of war in a timely manner.

Strictly prohibit the direction in the general order of the wounded, sick, frostbitten, and sharply exhausted prisoners of war and their transfer to the reception centers of the NKVD. These groups of prisoners of war should be hospitalized with subsequent evacuation to the rear special hospitals, satisfying them according to the standards established for sick prisoners of war.

4. To allocate a sufficient number of troop guards to escort prisoners of war from the place of capture to the receiving points of the NKVD.

5. In order to avoid long foot crossings, to bring the prisoners of war loading points as close as possible to their concentration sites.

6. When sending prisoners of war, commanders of units hand them over to an escort under an act indicating the number of escort, food stock issued for prisoners of war, and attached to a convoy-level train of property and transport. The act of accepting prisoners of war shall be submitted upon delivery to reception centers.

The chiefs of the convoys to transfer under the act all the documents seized from prisoners of war, for delivery to the receiving points of the NKVD.

7. Daily walking passage of prisoners of war to limit 25 – 30 kilometers. Every 25 – 30 kilometers of the pedestrian walkway, make halts-overnight stays, organize the delivery of hot food, boiling water to prisoners of war and provide the possibility of heating.

8. Leave clothing, shoes, underwear, bedding and dishes on POWs. In the event that prisoners of war do not have warm clothes, shoes and individual dishes, it is obligatory to issue the missing of the captured property, as well as of the things of the dead and dead soldiers and officers of the enemy.

9. Commander of fronts and military districts:

a) in accordance with the orders of the headquarters of the Main Department of the Red Army for the number 24 / 103892 from 30. 11. 42 g. And the Main Department of Food Supply of the Red Army, No. 3911 / ш from 10.12.42, immediately check the security of the NKVD reception centers and food distribution camps, create the necessary stocks at the points and in the distribution camps for uninterrupted power supply of prisoners of war;

b) to fully provide reception centers and distribution camps of the NKVD with transport and equipment. In the case of the mass inflow of prisoners of war, immediately allocate to the points and camps additional necessary transport and equipment.

10. Chief of the VOSO Red Army:

a) ensure the supply of the required number of wagons for the immediate dispatch of prisoners of war to the camps; equip cars with bunks, stoves, toilet bowls and uninterruptedly supply fuel along the line; to use for the evacuation of prisoners of war to the rear echelons, freed from under the composition;

b) to ensure the rapid advancement of echelons in transit along with military transport;

c) to organize in the VOSO Directorate of the Red Army dispatch control over the advance of trains with prisoners of war;

d) establish the norms for loading prisoners of war: in two-axle cars - 44 – 50 people, four-axle - 80 – 90 people. Echelons of prisoners of war to form no more than 1500 people in each;

e) to provide uninterrupted hot meals to prisoners of war and replenishment of the traveling supply of food at all military food and nutritional points for sales issued by military units, reception centers and camps of the NKVD;

e) organize a reliable supply of drinking water to prisoners of war, provide each two-axle wagon with three and four-axle wagons with five buckets.

11. To the head of Glavsanupra of the Red Army:

a) to ensure the hospitalization of the wounded, sick, frostbitten, and sharply depleted prisoners of war in the medical institutions of the Red Army at the front and in the front line;

b) organize their immediate evacuation to rear special hospitals;

c) for medical care of prisoners of war on the way to provide the necessary medical personnel with a supply of medicines. For these purposes also use medical personnel from prisoners of war;

d) to organize on evacuation points the review and verification of passing trains with prisoners of war and rendering medical assistance to the sick person. Not able to follow for health reasons immediately removed from the trains and hospitalized in the nearest hospital, followed by re-sending to the rear special hospital;

e) carry out sanitary processing of prisoners of war with disinfection of their personal belongings along the line of trains;

e) to organize a complex of anti-epidemic measures among prisoners of war (prior to their transfer to the NKVD camps).

12. Prohibit the departure of prisoners of war in not equipped for human transportation and non-insulated wagons, without the necessary reserves of fuel, travel stock of food and household inventory, as well as those who are not dressed or not seasoned.

Deputy People's Commissar of Defense, Colonel-General of the quartermaster A. Khrulev. "

Looking ahead, it makes sense to clarify that during the entire 1943, to establish a normal evacuation of prisoners of war from the front did not succeed. It is necessary to assume that such an important order was given too late, and it would be foolish to expect that it could be properly executed in less than a month when the stream of exhausted and sick prisoners of war fell upon the Red Army.

In the first days of January 1943, the commander of the Don Front, Colonel-General Rokossovsky, together with a representative of the General Headquarters, Colonel-General Artillery Voronov, recalled the ancient times two days before the start of the operation to eliminate the “boiler”, with the approval of Moscow, they turned to the German 6- commander Army, Colonel-General Paulus with an ultimatum of the following content.

“The 6th German Army, the formations of the 4th Panzer Army, and the reinforcement units attached to them, have been completely surrounded since November 23, 1942. Parts of the Red Army surrounded this group of German troops in a tight ring. All hopes for the salvation of your troops by the advance of German troops from the south and southwest did not materialize. The German troops rushing to your aid were defeated by the Red Army, and the remnants of these troops retreat to Rostov. German transport aviationtransporting you a hungry norm of food, ammunition and fuel, in connection with successful, rapid advancement

The Red Army, often forced to change airfields and fly to the location of surrounded troops from afar. In addition, German transport aviation suffers huge losses in aircraft and crews from Russian aviation. Her help to the surrounded troops becomes unreal.

The position of your surrounded troops is difficult. They experience hunger, disease, and cold. The harsh Russian winter is just beginning; severe frosts, cold winds and blizzards are still ahead, and your soldiers are not provided with winter clothing and are in difficult unsanitary conditions.

You, as the Commander, and all the officers of the encircled troops are well aware that you have no real opportunity to break through the encirclement. Your situation is hopeless, and further resistance makes no sense.

Under the conditions of a hopeless situation that has developed for you, in order to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, we suggest you accept the following terms of surrender:

1. All German forces surrounded by you and your headquarters will cease resistance.

2. You are organized to give at our disposal all the personnel, weapons, all military equipment and military equipment in good condition.

We guarantee to all officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who have ceased resistance, life and safety, and after the end of the war return to Germany or any country where prisoners of war express their desire.

For all personnel of surrendered troops, we keep military uniforms, insignia and orders, personal belongings, valuables, and the highest officers and cold weapon.

All surrendered officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers will immediately be established normal food. All the injured, sick and frostbite will be given medical assistance.

Your answer is expected in 15 hours 00 minutes, Moscow time, 9 January 1943, in writing, through your personally designated representative, who must follow in a car with a white flag on the road exit KONNY - KOTLUBAN station.

Your representative will be met by Russian trusted commanders in the “B” area of ​​0,5 km southeast of the 564 junction in 15 00 minutes 9 minutes of January 1943.

If you reject our offer of surrender, we warn that the troops of the Red Army and the Red Air fleet they will be forced to conduct business on the destruction of the encircled German troops, and you will be responsible for their destruction. ”

Paulus rejected the ultimatum (according to Rokossovsky's memoirs, the Soviet voter-envoys fired at the German branch of the region, and the 10 in January, 1943 on the outskirts of Stalingrad, hell broke loose ...

“On January 10 in 8 hours of 5 minutes, the Russians begin artillery shelling even more than November 19: 55 minutes are“ Stalin's organs ”howling, heavy guns are rattling - without a break, salvo after volley. Hurricane fire plowed the whole earth. Began the last assault on the boiler.

Then the thunder of guns ceases, white-painted tanks approach, followed by submachine gunners in camouflage coats. We leave Marinovka, then Dmitrievka. All living things are in the valley of Rossoshka. We dig in at Dubinin, and two days later we find ourselves in the area of ​​the Nursery station in Tolova beam. The boiler gradually shrinks from west to east: 15 to Rossoshka, 18 to Voroponovo - Nursery - Gonchar farm, 22 to Verkhne-Elshashsh - Gumrak. Then we rent Gumrak. The last opportunity for aircraft to take out the wounded and receive ammunition and food disappears.

(...) January 16 our division ceases to exist (...).

(...) Decomposition is intensifying. Other officers, such as, for example, the chief of the operational department of the headquarters of our division, Major Vilutski, flee on an airplane. After the loss of the Nursery, the planes land in Gumrak, which the Russians continuously fire at. Other officers after the disbandment of their units secretly flee to Stalingrad. More and more officers want to make their way alone to the retreating German front. These are in my battle group (...). "

Soon Shteydle himself joined this dreary flow. Stalingrad still had street battles at that time, the city was literally flooded with soldiers and officers who did not know what to do now. Someone cherished the hope of independently getting out of the cauldron, someone wanted to understand what was going on and get clear orders, and someone just hoped to find food and shelter in the city. Neither the others nor the third have achieved their goals. In the second half of January, Stalingrad turned into an island of despair shelled from all sides.

“A countless number of soldiers are moving along the street in front of the barred windows. For many days they have been moving from one trench to another, rummaging in abandoned cars. Many of them came from fortified basements on the outskirts of Stalingrad; they were beaten out by Soviet assault groups; here they are looking for where to hide. Here and there the officer appears. In this commotion, he is trying to assemble combat-ready soldiers. However, many of them prefer to join a division as laggards. Soviet troops are advancing and moving incessantly from one quarter, garden, factory territory to another, capturing position after position. (...) Many are extremely tired in order to do away with this and leave this crumbling front. They continue to fight, as others stand next to them, intending to defend their lives to the last bullet, those who still see the Soviet soldier as a real enemy or fear retaliation.

Around us are the ruins and smoking ruins of a huge city, and the Volga flows behind them. We are fired from all sides. Where a tank appears, there is at the same time visible the Soviet infantry, immediately following the T-34. You can clearly hear the shots and the terrible music of the “Stalin's organs”, which at short intervals firing barrage. It has long been known that there is no defense against them. Apathy is so great that it no longer causes anxiety. It is more important to pull something edible out of the pockets or rusks of the dead and wounded. If someone finds canned meat, he slowly eats them, and cleans the box with swollen fingers, as if it depends on these last remnants whether he will survive or not. And here is another horrible sight: three or four soldiers, crouching, sit around a dead horse, tear off pieces of meat and eat it raw.

This is the position "at the front", at the forefront. The generals know it as well as we do. They are “informed” of all this, and they are considering new defensive measures. ”

Finally, from January 30 to February 2, the remnants of the German troops defending themselves in the cauldron laid down their arms. To the surprise of the Soviet military (who estimated the surrounded grouping at about 86 thousands), only 10 22 Germans (including the 1943 general and around 91 officers) were captured from 545 in January to 24 in February, and there were also tens of thousands the dead. The condition of the prisoners was terrible. More than 2500 people were unconscious, 500 percent had dystrophy, almost all suffered from beriberi and were in a state of extreme physical and mental exhaustion. Lung inflammation, tuberculosis, and heart and kidney disease were widespread. Almost 70 percent of prisoners had frostbites of the 60 and 2 degrees with complications such as gangrene and general blood poisoning. Finally, about 3 percent were in such a hopeless condition that there was no way to save them. Among other things, the prisoners received the troops unevenly throughout the entire month of January, and the order to create a large front camp was given on the 10 of this month. Although the camp, more precisely, several camps-distributors, united in the management number 26, with the center in the village of Beketovka, began to function already in the first days of February, it was certainly not possible to properly arrange it.

But for the beginning of the captives it was necessary to withdraw from Stalingrad and somehow deliver to the camps, which were from the city approximately at a distance not exceeding the daily transition of a military unit consisting of healthy people. Today, Beketovka has already entered the city limits of Volgograd. On a summer day, walking from the city center to the area takes about five hours. It will take more time in winter, but for a healthy person such a “journey” will not become too difficult. Another thing - the Germans exhausted to the limit. Nevertheless, they had to be urgently withdrawn from Stalingrad. The city was almost completely destroyed. There were no premises suitable to accommodate a huge number of people, the water supply system was not functioning. Typhus and other infectious diseases continued to spread among the prisoners. Leaving them in Stalingrad meant doom to death. Long marches to the camps also did not promise anything good, but at least left the chances of salvation. At any moment the city could turn into an epidemic center, and deadly diseases spread to the Red Army soldiers, who in Stalingrad also gathered a huge number. Already February 3 – 4, capable of moving around the Germans, who were still waiting to be shot, built in columns and began to withdraw from the city.

Some modern researchers compare the withdrawal of prisoners of war from Stalingrad with the "death marches" in Southeast Asia, during which thousands of American and British prisoners of war died at the hands of the Japanese. Is there any ground for such comparisons? More likely no than yes. First, the atrocities of the Japanese are supported by concrete and numerous evidence. Secondly, the Americans and the British were captured healthy or relatively healthy (as, incidentally, the Red Army was captured by the Germans). In the case of Stalingrad, convoys had to deal with people, much of whom were actually dying. There is anonymous evidence that some of the completely weakened prisoners, who could no longer move, were shot by escorts. At the same time, the military doctor Otto Rühle in his book Healing in Elabuga tells that all fallen German soldiers were transplanted to sledges and taken to the camp. And this is how Colonel Steidel describes his way to the camp:

“A group of officers, supplemented by several soldiers and non-commissioned officers, was built into a column of eight people (eight rows). There was a march that demanded the strain of all our forces. We took each other's arms. They tried to restrain the pace of the march. But for those who walked at the end of the column, it was still too fast. Calls and requests to go slower did not stop, and it was all the more understandable that we took with us many with sore feet, and they could hardly move along the well-groomed, glistening like a mirror, ice-cold road. What did I not see as a soldier on these marches! Endless rows of houses, and in front of them - even in small lodges - lovingly groomed gardens and gardens, and behind them playing children, for whom everything that happens either has become commonplace or has remained incomprehensible. And then all the time stretched endless fields, interspersed with forest belts and steep or gentle hills. In the distance, the contours of industrial enterprises looked through. For hours we marched or rode along the railways and canals. All ways of transitions were tested, up to the use of a mountain road at a dizzying height. And then again marches past the smoking ruins, into which the settlements that had existed for centuries were turned. (...) On both sides of our path, snow-covered fields stretched. At least, it seemed to us on that January morning when the frosty air mixed with the descending fog, and the earth seemed to be lost in infinity. Only from time to time it was possible to see closely huddled prisoners of war who, like us, made this march, a march of guilt and shame! (...) After about two hours we reached a large group of buildings at the entrance to Beketovka. ”

At the same time, Steidel emphasizes the correct behavior of the convoy and the fact that the soldiers fired civilians into the air as they tried to approach the convoy.

Prisoners in Stalingrad continued to arrive until February 22 1943. On this day there were 91 545 enemy soldiers in the city and its environs, some of whom were already dead. In the first days with the placement of prisoners, there were big problems. In particular, the Beketov camp was not equipped with sufficient space. Turn again to the memories of Steidel:

“We were placed there in all rooms from basement to attic, mostly in groups of eight, ten or fifteen people. Those who did not at first grab a place for themselves, they had to stand or sit on the platforms of the stairs as necessary. But in this building there were windows, there was a roof, water and a temporarily equipped kitchen. Restrooms were located opposite the main building. In the next building was a sanitary unit with Soviet doctors and nurses. We were allowed at any time of the day to walk around the big yard, meet and talk with each other.

In order to avoid typhus, cholera, plague and everything else that could have arisen with such a crowd of people, a wide campaign of preventive vaccinations was organized. However, for many this event was overdue. Epidemics and serious illnesses were common in Stalingrad. Whoever fell ill, he died alone or among his comrades, where he would have to: in a crowded, hastily equipped basement under the infirmary, in some corner, in a snowy trench. No one asked about why the other died. The overcoat, the scarf, the jacket of the dead did not disappear - the living needed it. Through them, very many were infected. And here, in Beketovka, what we thought was absolutely impossible, but what made the criminal nature of Hitler’s actions, and our own blame for the fact that we didn’t carry out a long-standing solution, was unclear: the physical, mental and spiritual collapse of an unprecedented scale. Many who managed to get out of the Stalingrad hell could not stand it and died from typhus, dysentery or complete exhaustion of physical and mental forces. Anyone who was alive a few minutes ago could suddenly fall to the floor and be in the dead within a quarter of an hour. Any step for many could be fatal. Step into the yard, from where you will not return, step by step for the water, which you will not drink anymore, step with a loaf of bread under the arm, which you will not eat anymore ... My heart suddenly stopped working.

Soviet women — doctors and nurses — often sacrificing themselves and not knowing peace, fought against mortality. They saved many and helped everyone. And yet it took more than one week before it was possible to stop the epidemic. "

Stalingrad prisoners were sent not only to the outskirts of the destroyed city. In general, the site was supposed to leave the wounded, sick, and another 20 LLC people who were supposed to deal with the restoration of Stalingrad. Others were subject to distribution to camps located in other parts of the country. So, the surviving officers and generals were placed in the suburban Krasnogorsk, Elabuga, Suzdal and in the Ivanovo region. It turned out that those who were taken out of the Stalingrad region, made up a significant part of the survivors. Most of the prisoners waited a sad fate. At first, the wounded died. At the time of the capture, at least 40 LLC was needed for immediate hospitalization. However, camp number 108 was not originally equipped with hospitals. They began their work only on February 15. By February 21, medical aid had already received 8696 prisoners of war, of whom 2775 had been frostbitten, and 1969 needed surgical operations for injuries or illnesses. Despite this, people continued to die.

The mass mortality among prisoners of war seriously disturbed the leadership of the USSR. In March, a joint commission of the People's Commissariat of Health, NGOs, the NKVD and the Executive Committee of the Union of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies was formed, which was supposed to examine the camps of the Office of Camp No. 108 and determine the causes of such high mortality. At the end of the month, the commission examined the camp in Khrenovoe. The inspection report stated:

"According to the reports of the physical condition of the prisoners of war who arrived in the camp, they are characterized by the following data: a) healthy - 29 percent,

b) sick and exhausted - 71 percent. The physical condition was determined by the appearance; prisoners of war who could move independently were in the group of healthy ones. ”

Another commission, which examined the Velsk prisoner-of-war camp in a few days, recorded in its act:

“The prisoners of war revealed extreme lumpiness, their condition is very depleted. 57 percent

mortality falls on dystrophy, 33 percent. - for typhus and 10 percent. - for other diseases ... Typhus, lumpiness, vitamin deficiency were noted in German prisoners of war during their stay in the vicinity of Stalingrad. ”

The commission’s general conclusions stated that many prisoners of war arrived in camps with diseases that were irreversible. Anyway, by 10 in May 1943. 35 099 the first inhabitants of the Becket camps were hospitalized, 28 098 people were sent to other camps, and 27 078 people died. Judging by the fact that after the war no more than 6000 people returned to Germany, captured at Stalingrad, among whom there were many officers whose stay in captivity took place in relatively comfortable conditions, it can be assumed that most of the “Stalingradians” captured by the Red Army did not survive 1943. From the mistakes made in the winter of 1943, when the Soviet side had to take a large group of prisoners of war, conclusions were made. Already in mid-May, the NKVD Directive of the USSR on the need to take measures to improve the sanitary conditions of prisoners of war was sent out to all camp chiefs.

"Moscow 15 May 1943

Ow. top secret

Head of UNKVD _ t.

Cc: Chief of the camp _____ prisoners of war

t. __________________

Considering that the bulk of prisoners of war captured in 1942 / 43 in winter, by the time of their capture were extremely depleted, sick, wounded and frostbite, therefore, the work on restoring the physical condition of prisoners of war and eliminating cases of morbidity and mortality of prisoners of war did not gave due results, the NKVD of the USSR, in addition to the previously given directives, offers:

1. Take the necessary measures to improve the living conditions of prisoners of war. Bring in a exemplary sanitary condition of residential premises and the territory of the camp. Ensure sufficient throughput of baths, de-chambers and laundries, completely eliminate lice among prisoners of war.

2. To improve the treatment of each individual prisoner of war.

3. To organize differentiated medical nutrition for the depleted and sick.

4. Skip the entire contingent of prisoners of war through the medical commission and release from work with enrollment in the health teams of the weakened, giving them 750 grams of bread per day and food increased by 25% until full recovery of working capacity. For prisoners of war who are partially able-bodied, establish a reduction of 25 – 50% of the rate of production with the issuance of the full standard of nutrition.

Medical examinations of prisoners of war should be carried out at least once a month.

5. To take measures for the full and timely supply of camps of prisoners of war with all kinds of allowances, in particular vegetables, vitaminous foods and products for diet.

6. Provide the camp with proper bedding and bedding as required. To ensure the implementation of these measures to prevent mortality and to establish medical care for prisoners of war, the chief of UNKVD t ._______ personally go to the site and take measures to assist the camp.

The status of the POW camp and the implementation of this directive to the Chief of the NKVD t ._______ report regularly to the NKVD of the USSR through the Chief of the POW Office, Major General Petrov.

Deputy Commissar t. Kruglov systematically check the implementation of this directive.

People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR

Commissioner General of State Security L. Beria ".

In the future, no excesses like Stalingrad in the Soviet prisoner of war camps took place. In total, over the period from 1941 to 1949 in the USSR, more than 580 thousands of prisoners of war of different nationalities died or died of various causes - 15 percent of the total number of prisoners. For comparison, the loss of Soviet prisoners of war amounted to 57 percent. If we talk about the main cause of death of the Stalingrad prisoners, then it is obvious - this is Paulus’s refusal to sign the 8 surrender of January. There is no doubt that in this case, many German soldiers did not survive, but most would have managed to escape. Actually, if a significant part of the captured German generals and officers did not see how indifferent their own command is to their fate, and then they did not feel the selflessness with which ordinary Soviet people, their enemies, fought for their health, they would hardly have to participate in the creation of the Free Germany Committee.
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  1. +59
    5 February 2014 07: 35
    We didn’t invite them to us and there was nothing for them to make snot. They brought so much grief to our country that they will not mourn for a century, so let them repent before us.
    1. +41
      5 February 2014 08: 44
      I agree with you one hundred percent! But to forget that the Soviet people themselves were starving, they did not need to feed the fascist prisoners. This once again shows the greatness and nobility of the Soviet people! This must be vigorously reminded so that Western ubki do not dare to forget this fact!
      1. +12
        5 February 2014 16: 56
        Mercy is a distinctive feature of the Russian people, do not forget about it! No wonder there is a monument to a Soviet soldier with a rescued German girl.
      2. +1
        6 February 2014 05: 20
        Quote: invisible
        But to forget that the Soviet people themselves were starving, they did not need to feed the fascist prisoners.

        And, judging by the plate, they fed them better than their convicts (among whom there were many random ones)!
        But in general, I agree with Farvil. Nobody called them to us, but they should have known what awaited them in case of defeat: called himself a cargo man - climb into the box!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      5 February 2014 13: 46
      Well, after the war they ceased to exist as a single nation, still have not fully recovered.
      1. +10
        5 February 2014 16: 06
        More than snapped up. Films are already being shot about the valiant warriors protecting unhappy Jewish children from the cruel Ukrainian bogeys.
        Looks like soon a new one will have to carry out educational work.
    4. Old scoop
      5 February 2014 14: 14
      The article is not about regret or gloating. Another side of the war is shown, a description of how it was. There are many who want to distort the facts and speculate on the ignorance of history. Thanks to the author.
      1. +2
        6 February 2014 05: 23
        Quote: Old scoop
        Another side of the war is shown, a description of how it was.

        With numbers and facts, and without unnecessary "analytics"!
    5. +5
      5 February 2014 19: 16
      It is correctly said that they brought troubles and misfortunes to our house, but despite this, they spared the Germans! In our city there was a German prisoner of war camp. They built a lot of things. Entire streets built by them, many workshops in factories (by the way, dismantled in Germany, together with machine tools, we have one machine manufactured in 1935, with a German eagle, it still works). Mom said that when they were taken to the construction site, they were dirty, hungry, their material and at the same time they were given bread and potatoes. In truth, an unknown Russian soul! Many of those who gave bread lost fathers, brothers, sons at the front, and still fed the Germans!
      1. +3
        5 February 2014 20: 36
        Very famous! Only a strong man is not like any scum, only great people could despise, but no one would have allowed to scoff at the prisoners, only noble people can hate, but leave a chance! Are there still such people in the world?
    6. +3
      5 February 2014 20: 31
      The humane attitude towards prisoners of war was primarily caused by a shortage of working hands. Millions of Soviet citizens were called up to the front and needed to be replaced by someone. Think for yourself, because to capture enemy soldiers it is necessary to spend ammunition, equipment and, most importantly, the lives and health of their soldiers .In my opinion, it is quite reasonable to give prisoners the opportunity to at least partially atone for their guilt. By labor.
      In general, it seems to me that this was a strong feature of the leadership of the Soviet Union-the ability to suppress emotions (anger, a sense of revenge) and act on the basis of common sense. Our dead people cannot be returned and prisoners can still benefit the living. And they brought.
      By the way, reading the memoirs of veterans, it was felt that cases (not frequent) of ill-treatment of captured Germans were mainly from the rear, the soldiers who actually beat the enemy were higher than this.
  2. +15
    5 February 2014 07: 47
    Good informative material. Thanks to the author for the article.
  3. +6
    5 February 2014 08: 01
    Article plus! Thank! I agree with Farvil. There’s nothing more to add.
  4. Crang
    5 February 2014 08: 07
    I read the article. Well ... As the saying goes, "not nearly a pity."
  5. -33
    5 February 2014 08: 11
    In general, komunyak had an incomprehensible policy, his people in packs in the camps were rotten (and not the worst ones), they treated their own like cattle, and the German executioners who were killing Our women and children.
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. +10
      5 February 2014 09: 04
      Quote: CIANIT
      In general, Komunyak had an incomprehensible policy, his people were packs of rot in the camps (and not the worst ones), they treated their own as cattle

      It’s already a good star!
      Quote: CIANIT
      Our women and children were exterminated nursed.

      Not nursed, but treated as prisoners.
      1. Shogun23
        5 February 2014 11: 54
        Quote: invisible
        Not nursed, but treated as prisoners.

        moreover, without even signing international conventions. That is, they were not forced to do this by the legal aspect of the issue.
        1. +2
          5 February 2014 12: 33
          My grandmother worked as a nurse in a prison camp, she told me that these creatures were better than our population was fed.
          1. Shogun23
            5 February 2014 12: 39
            Because they worked, they honestly restored the cities destroyed by their fault, built railways and more.
            1. +1
              5 February 2014 16: 09
              Quote: Shogun23
              Because they worked, they honestly restored the cities destroyed by their fault, built railways and more.

              It is a fact. Fifteen years he lived in a house built by captured Germans. He still stands and people live in it. And people all over the country still live in them.
              And the Khrushchevs built in the 1960s have already been demolished a lot due to extreme wear.
              1. Shogun23
                5 February 2014 16: 33
                as far as I remember they almost completely restored Kharkov and Stalingrad
                1. +1
                  5 February 2014 17: 25
                  as far as I remember they almost completely restored Kharkov and Stalingrad
                  together with the population? Well, they probably apologized for some temporary inconvenience, took the train and Dach to West back to Faterland, aufiderzeyn - they didn’t make a mistake with anyone ...
                  1. 0
                    6 February 2014 07: 58
                    I agree, people will not return
                2. The comment was deleted.
                3. 0
                  6 February 2014 05: 31
                  Quote: Shogun23
                  as far as I remember they almost completely restored Kharkov and Stalingrad

                  In Chisinau, for sure, the best houses and the station were built by captured Germans (previously bombed by "allies").
                  But this does not justify them, although - I believe they tried make excuses.
              2. +2
                5 February 2014 16: 40
                Khrushchev built as a temporary living foundation, but as they say there is nothing more permanent than temporary.
        2. +2
          5 February 2014 18: 59
          You are not right. The USSR signed the Hague Convention, which differed very little from the Geneva Convention.
          1. +2
            6 February 2014 02: 20
            Quote: invisible
            The USSR signed the Hague Convention, which differed very little from the Geneva Convention.

            Prior to the Geneva Convention, the treatment of prisoners of war was governed by the Hague Convention 1907 on the laws and customs of war. It was signed and ratified by Tsarist Russia. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the recognition of all international conventions on the Red Cross of 4 on June 1918 announced that "international conventions and agreements regarding the Red Cross recognized by Russia until October 1915 are recognized and will be respected by the Russian Soviet Government, which retains all rights and prerogatives based on these conventions and agreements. ” Thus, the Soviet government recognized the obligations imposed on it by the Hague Convention.

            The Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, otherwise called the Geneva Convention of the 1929 of the year, was signed at Geneva on the 27 of July of the 1929 of the year. Its official common name is the Convention on the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Entered into force on June 19 1931 of the year. It is this part of the Geneva Conventions that governs the treatment of prisoners of war in World War II. It was the forerunner of the Third Geneva Convention, signed in 1949.
            Articles from 82 to 97 describe the procedure for implementation and operation of the convention, establish the binding nature of its implementation for all countries that have signed the convention. They establish the procedure for familiarizing prisoners of war with the text of the convention, the procedure for exchanging text translations, the procedure for monitoring the implementation of the convention by the patron powers, the procedure for resolving contradictions, the procedure for enforcing the convention after ratification, and the inadmissibility of refusing to comply with the convention in case of war.
            The refusal of the USSR to accede to the Geneva Convention was ideological in nature. In particular, it provided that privileges (for example, salary) and the opportunity to wear insignia in the camp were provided for officers. At the same time, the Geneva Convention provided for the possibility of mandatory involvement of prisoners of war in the work, which the leadership of the USSR did not like. There were other points with which the USSR did not agree. As a result, the Soviet Union adopted on 19 March 1931 of the year its own "Regulations on Prisoners of War."
            1. 0
              6 February 2014 05: 35
              Informatively! good
              Thank you.
      2. -1
        5 February 2014 12: 30
        They treated them like prisoners, i.e. making it clear that these are people. And we had people in captivity, and livestock, so they were forgiven.
        1. Shogun23
          5 February 2014 12: 37
          all the nonhumans (SS, as well as those who were more cruel than the Sonderkommando towards the civilian population - collaborators and other henchmen) were either not taken prisoner or executed. And what is the fault of Private Hans, who went to fight for his country, sacredly believing that it will make it bigger, and honestly fought in his trench, without killing or raping civilians?
          Or do you think those liberals who scream about "all German women from 8 to 80 years old were raped by the Red Army" are right?
          1. 0
            5 February 2014 13: 13
            About 12-16 million civilians were destroyed in the USSR, something too much for the innocent Hans, and after the war, with the participation of the GDR government, they gave amnesty to thousands of war criminals in the NKVD camps and released them home.
            1. Shogun23
              5 February 2014 13: 17
              Many, not many, but the overwhelming, if not the absolute majority of the victims, are in the hands of not the Germans, but just the locals who stood in the service of the Germans
          2. +4
            5 February 2014 13: 45
            all the nonhumans (SS, as well as those who were more cruel than the Sonderkommando towards the civilian population - collaborators and other henchmen) were either not taken prisoner or executed. And what is the fault of Private Hans, who went to fight for his country, sacredly believing that it will make it bigger, and honestly fought in his trench, without killing or raping civilians?
            Or do you think those liberals who scream about "all German women from 8 to 80 years old were raped by the Red Army" are right?

            Just don't need these snot. Now the Germans have learned to distinguish between the Wehrmacht and the SS so that they simply knock out a tear. They directly fought on two different planets and in addition: The book "Soldaten" was published in Germany - a documentary study dedicated to the Wehrmacht servicemen. A unique feature of the book is that it is built on the revelations of German soldiers, which they shared with each other in POW camps, unaware that their allies were listening and recording conversations on tape. In a word, the book includes all the ins and outs, everything that the Nazis avoided writing in letters from the front and mentioning in their memoirs.
            As noted by Spiegel magazine, "Soldiers" finally buried the myth of the spotless Wehrmacht ("We carried out the order. Burned the SS - we fought.") Hence the subtitle: "About how we fought, killed and died" ("Protokollen vom Kaempfen, Toeten und Sterben "). It turned out that senseless murders, torture, rape, bullying were not the prerogative of the Sonderkommands, but were commonplace for the German army.
            1. Shogun23
              5 February 2014 14: 34
              You write this, only under the influence of emotions, and emotions have always been and remain the main enemy of common sense. If you think it’s wrong that you saved the lives of captured Germans, do you think you consider yourself smarter and more visionary of the country's leadership? Well then, good luck!
              1. 0
                5 February 2014 15: 10
                If you think it’s wrong that you saved the lives of captured Germans, do you think you consider yourself smarter and more visionary of the country's leadership? Well then, good luck!
                No emotion. In view of many cases of the absence of witnesses and the general atmosphere of confusion - unfortunately, many Wehrmacht employees were able to evade responsibility for what they had done - find in my post at least one sentence "to shoot all prisoners." If what I wrote was in a harsh form for you - I apologize! I am the kindest and most humane)
              2. The comment was deleted.
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. +1
            6 February 2014 05: 38
            Quote: Shogun23
            And what is the fault of Private Hans, who went to fight for his country

            The fact that he fought for his country in a foreign country.
            Only war in protection his homeland can be fair.
    3. sq
      5 February 2014 13: 05
      do not confuse komunyak and communists
    4. +4
      5 February 2014 15: 50
      And how much did they rot? And who are good? Stop repeating liberal nonsense ....
  6. +16
    5 February 2014 08: 15
    from the Don.
    They thought they would arrange a walk around our country? But how did you go at the beginning of the war! With rolled up sleeves, a memory photo on the background of burning huts !!! I don’t feel sorry for them!
  7. kaktus
    5 February 2014 08: 24
    And who called them ??? In general - all claims to their "tour operators"!
  8. +3
    5 February 2014 08: 59
    Behind it, both the forest and the cities are cobbled together. You cut down the forest for the coffins. Penal battalions are breaking through.
    They don’t even have to cross the crosses on the graves and cross the wings.
    Excerpts from two songs by V.S. VYSOTSKY am
  9. +13
    5 February 2014 09: 02
    In Minsk, the invaders organized the first concentration camp, where they drove both prisoners of war and all seemingly suspicious civilians between the ages of fifteen and fifty. Almost one hundred and fifty thousand people were driven into such a small territory that they could hardly move and sent their natural needs where they stood. They were not given food: it was a great honor to feed some Russian pigs. The only desire of people who lived without food for six to eight days was to get something edible. Every morning long lines stretched to the camp - these were residents of Minsk carrying food to prisoners. But she was not enough for everyone. At the slightest suspicion or just for fun, the German guards opened fire to defeat; corpses lay among people falling from hunger.
    Life in this camp, and many others like him, was so inhuman that it caused some shock even from the Minister of Propaganda Reich Joseph Goebbels. Having visited one of the camps at the end of August, Goebbels wrote in his diary:

    “The prisoner of war camp presents a terrible picture. Part of the Bolsheviks should sleep on bare ground. Rain cats and dogs. Most have no roof over their heads ... When visiting such a prisoner of war camp, you can get a strange look about human dignity during the war. "ModernLib.Ru / History / A. Dyukov / What Soviet people fought for
  10. Kapitan Oleg
    5 February 2014 09: 05
    Thank you for the article. My grandmother said that after the war, in Moscow, in the Cherkizov region, the captured Germans built a narrow gauge railway and warehouses, so she and these friends of the Germans fed them bread, despite the fact that half of our family died in the war, who is at the front, and who is in the rear, and still they were these captive Germans PIT. How to understand this ?!
    1. +5
      5 February 2014 11: 14
      Quote: Kapitan Oleg
      who is at the front, and who is in the rear, and still he was sorry for these German prisoners. How to understand this ?!

      In most people, humanity will always prevail over instincts - this distinguishes us from animals. Moreover, the Russian people at the genetic level have not developed cruelty to the defeated or weak. My grandfather lived throughout the war under occupation in Ukraine, and in 1945 he was drafted into the army. When he served in Sevastopol, German prisoners of war worked there. So he said that the political instructor gave instructions so that there would be no excesses - suddenly someone’s nerves could not stand it and shoot. But that was redundant. At first, they looked at them with anger, some with interest. And then they even treated the Fritz with cigarettes and tea. They lowered their eyes to the ground and spoke to the dunk. And no one even had the desire to hit or humiliate the German. Such is the alignment.
    2. +5
      5 February 2014 13: 16
      Nobody in the West will appreciate it anyway. We will always be "bad" there because we must be such in their eyes.
    3. Shogun23
      5 February 2014 13: 19
      When the Germans retreated from Stalingrad, frostbite, hungry, tired, women in villages and villages, seeing them, invited them to their house, gave food, and the Germans thanked them with tears in their eyes.
    4. +1
      5 February 2014 16: 25
      Quote: Kapitan Oleg
      there were these captive Germans PITCH. How to understand this ?!

      Humanity is not a sign of a nation, but for some reason it is inherent mainly only in Russians.
    5. Valentine77 64
      5 February 2014 18: 57
      The pitiful look of these scum European could always depict (nicht schizen)
  11. +5
    5 February 2014 09: 07
    Yes, it is precisely what these animals of Belarus did to the mind. It’s unstoppable !!!!!!!!! (rotten European civilization) am
  12. +7
    5 February 2014 09: 12
    For me it would be better if all the Fritz rotted in our land, because many of those who returned home remained as Fritz what they were in 1941 - the recent German film OUR FATHER AND MOTHER-clearly showed the attitude of the Germans towards us — it has not changed a bit since 1941-DRANG HX OSTEN is still relevant for the Germans.
    I read a lot of memoirs of German soldiers and officer-rare units among them changed their views on the Russian people, in their eyes we are still wild barbarians which must be conquered.
    1. amigo1969
      5 February 2014 10: 58
      ..I completely agree!!! Studied many memories of the "Aryans" ... There is no guilt complex there. They only complain that the Russians fought incorrectly .. Not according to their rules !!! Nothing, the fear of the "glorious" campaign to the East in 41st among the Germans / Europeans is deeply rooted at the genetic level. Any attempt to repeat them will turn out the same - without a "Schengen visa" the Russians will again go to Berlin.
    2. +1
      5 February 2014 12: 34
      Quote: The same LYOKHA
      For me it would be better if all the Fritz rotted in our land

      No, it's better in her own way.
  13. +3
    5 February 2014 09: 13
    And here is another terrible sight: three or four soldiers, cowering, sit around a dead horse, tear off pieces of meat and eat it raw.

    Bondarchuk does not interfere with making such a film. And call it Desperate Island.
    1. +1
      5 February 2014 10: 20
      He has already removed one "Stalingrad" from "grateful" descendants, why another one?
    2. 0
      6 February 2014 05: 47
      Quote: Sergei Medvedev
      Bondarchuk doesn’t interfere with making such a film.

      Yes, what a contrast between dad and sons!
  14. The comment was deleted.
  15. +4
    5 February 2014 09: 28
    Strange of course, the Germans declared the citizens of the USSR subhuman, which cannot be reckoned with in principle, only exploited and destroyed. But the Germans must be treated humanely and respectfully, to respect human rights. Complete nonsense, I think it’s not even necessary to justify oneself, We on our land destroyed an evil and powerful enemy.
    1. Shogun23
      5 February 2014 11: 58
      Quote: svskor80
      . But the Germans must be treated humanely and respectfully, to respect human rights.

      This is called the mercy of the winner. And this is a very smart move. Or do you think it was necessary to go down to the level of the fascists, become like them and make our people the executioners of a whole nation? And if all this happened, would you have the conscience to say that the USSR was the liberator of Europe?
      1. +4
        5 February 2014 12: 15
        Quote: Shogun23
        This is called the mercy of the winner. And this is a very smart move. Or do you think it was necessary to go down to the level of the fascists, become like them and make our people the executioners of a whole nation?

        All right. To beat the enemy is one thing, and to tear evil off prisoners, albeit recent enemies, is to become like nonhumans. Well, this is my personal opinion. Well, I certainly would not have been able to specifically starve and cold and mock the prisoners.
        1. +2
          5 February 2014 14: 16
          Quote: Prometey
          pluck evil on prisoners, albeit recent enemies - this is likened to nonhumans. Well, this is my personal opinion. Well, I certainly would not have been able to specifically starve and cold and mock the prisoners.

          I already wrote and will write. Germany imposed a war on us to destroy. And if we won this war, having lost (well, for example) 15% of the population, and the Germans, having lost the war, lost 10% of the population, that’s bad. Yes, military losses are about are the same, but the losses of the civilian population from the atrocities of the Nazis are simply horrifying. And these people killed by the Germans and their allies will not become parents of the children of OUR people, they will not build houses, they will not go to factories and factories, they will not grow bread. Indirect losses of our people have grown many times. Now, let's say, some kind of attacked us for Naglia. Again, many civilians were exterminated, again we defeated them, again they lost 10% of the population, we are 15%. Then the Unified Areas attacked us across the Ocean. Again, the repetition of history, again they do not spare our civilians. Well, and how much will our people suffice? No, the party guilty of aggression, waging a war of extermination with us, should be warred so that its losses are many times greater than ours, so that even thoughts of a possible revenge do not arise in view of the fact that there’s simply no one to arise. If we have lost 10% of the population ia (God forbid), the aggressor must lose many times more. So our distant ancestors acted with the Khazars, Polovtsy, and Russia stood strong. There is no sadism, as is common with enlightened Europeans, no special bullying and torture by hunger and cold. But no help and pity. We ourselves unleashed a war, ourselves robbed, burned and gobbled up supplies on our land, ourselves and eat each other. It is not our fault for their hunger, epidemics and death. This is what they brought to us. Let them ourselves used to the dump. And those products that went to feed their prisoners, it would be better if It was worth letting the recovering children of Leningrad. And German prisoners of war should be fed by Hitler (the earth was broken glass for him), as the Americans were feeding their prisoners of war.
      2. dmb
        5 February 2014 14: 59
        Of course, you wrote correctly about the mercy of the winner, but what does "honest Hans in the trench" have to do with it. The honest Hans stayed in the barracks of Buchenwald and Sachsenhausen, and those whom we did not invite came to us. They will never be honest, and their descendants should remember this well.
        1. Shogun23
          5 February 2014 15: 05
          Well, then let's blame all the Russian soldiers who conquered Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and other regions. They weren’t called there either! But ordinary soldiers simply served their country, and believed (erroneously, not erroneously, everyone already considers the significance for himself) that this war would bring prosperity to his country.
          1. dmb
            5 February 2014 20: 30
            Of course, let's blame. But on condition that you can cite facts showing that Russian soldiers diligently carried out the tasks of their government to destroy other nations. All the "oppressed" with the beginning of the "oppression" began to live much better than the oppressors. And that while some of them, in particular in the Caucasus and Central Asia, were forbidden to keep slaves, including from among the Russians, this is certainly not good, but we are Asian, what can you take from us. But the Hans and Micheli-civilized Europe, in order to "bring prosperity to their country", waged a war to destroy these "Asians". They knew very well that they were fighting for the sake of destruction and would have destroyed, turned into slaves, if we hadn't broken their necks. If you do not understand this, this is half the trouble, there is a chance that you will grow wiser. It is much worse if you promote these ideas as an ideologue of Dozhd or Svanidze. Sooner or later you will simply be beaten, and it will be fair.
            1. Shogun23
              5 February 2014 21: 55
              That is, according to you, it was necessary to act on the principle of "eye for an eye?" And cut out the Germans? And what, then, would be better, acting on the occasion of emotions?
              1. dmb
                6 February 2014 09: 25
                You leave the topic not very technically. I did not question the existing correctness of the attitude towards the captured Germans. I am talking about the fact that it is not necessary to make of them "victims of Hitlerism" and "soldiers who honestly performed their duty to the country." I repeat, those who honestly fulfilled their duty to the country sat in Moabit and concentration camps, and those who came to us with the war did not go to restore justice, but to kill and rob, knowing that they would eat Ukrainian bacon and Russian bread, which slaves would grow for them. And the slaves who will not do this will go to fertilize.
              2. 0
                7 February 2014 09: 33
                "And cut out the Germans." What would not be bad
              3. 0
                7 February 2014 09: 33
                "And cut out the Germans." What would not be bad
  16. IRKUT
    5 February 2014 09: 57
    Dyukov A. in his book "For what the Soviet people fought" very openly describes the attitude of the Germans towards Soviet prisoners of war. And the death toll in 57% I think is underestimated. So in relation to the Germans, my opinion is a dog's death for dogs. We were And the Soviet people fell under complete extermination. It would be better if any of the Nazis did not return to themselves after the war.
  17. +9
    5 February 2014 10: 02
    The TV channel "RAIN" can be advised a new version of the SMS voting "Was it necessary for Paulus to sign his surrender on January 8 to save tens of thousands of lives."
    1. +3
      5 February 2014 11: 26
      Not anymore. The channel has ceased to exist. All major operators turned it off
  18. ed65b
    5 February 2014 10: 07
    The article is indicative. The USSR nevertheless undertook to comply with the convention, although it did not sign. And Hitler, with his philosophy of "subhuman" and could not have any other attitude either to our prisoners or to civilians of a different race. But now our newly-minted "independent" comrades from the CIS countries whitewash and glorify collaborators and traitors of their people, licks of fascism and Hitler personally. They shoot films, print books, erect monuments.
  19. +2
    5 February 2014 10: 12
    no pity
    And Gregory Pernavsky respect for the article
  20. -1
    5 February 2014 11: 15
    Let "SATAN" punish these nedobits !!! am
  21. Shogun23
    5 February 2014 11: 53
    In the Western zone of occupation, according to the official version, more than a million disarmed German soldiers "disappeared". They were not given the status of prisoners of war, and they did not fall under the articles of the conventions.
    K. Adenauer, said that about 1,5 million German prisoners died in total, about 500 thousand people died in Soviet captivity, and where did the rest die?
    1. -1
      5 February 2014 17: 40
      Where is the data from
      1. Shogun23
        5 February 2014 18: 24
        from the international red cross suit?
        1. +1
          6 February 2014 00: 42
          Quote: Shogun23
          from the international red cross suit?

          And so ... these are your fabrications, nothing more.
  22. +2
    5 February 2014 12: 50
    Serves them right, the dogs die of a dog, the blockademen got less bread! In addition to the "SS", the Hungarians (Magyars) committed atrocities, the Romanians were mainly engaged in robbery and looting (there were cases that the Germans simply shot them for looting Romanians). THERE IS Nothing to regret, NOBODY CALLED THEM IN THE USSR, A. Nevsky's dictum was forgotten, and Bismarck too.
  23. +4
    5 February 2014 13: 18
    It is not necessary to be assimilated to all enemies, it is necessary to remain Humans. Not God in the Force, but in Truth.
  24. +4
    5 February 2014 13: 21
    ... there are references to the sad fate of German prisoners of war.

    And there are other references:
    ... along the way we met a column of medium German tanks. They moved towards us. The driver of the head tank, considering that we were prisoners, gave full throttle and crashed into our convoy all the way. The front rows were crushed and crushed by caterpillars. Hiking guards and motorcyclists watched this picture with laughter, shouted something at the tankmen leaning out of the hatches and waved their hands. Then they built us again and drove us to the side of the road. Funny people, you will not say anything ... M. Sholokhov The Science of Hate
    1. +2
      5 February 2014 19: 33
      On my own, I will add that in a similar way the tankers had fun along the columns of soldiers and sailors who had just been captured in Sevastopol in the region of 45 batteries, with the only difference being that they did not enter the flank of the convoy going, but along the front.
    2. The comment was deleted.
  25. +4
    5 February 2014 13: 35
    But the Germans did not feed Soviet prisoners of war in concentration camps near Stalingrad at all ... am
    1. +2
      5 February 2014 18: 01
      Soviet prisoners of war in concentration camps under
      The Germans did not feed Stalingrad at all ... About five hundred thousand of us in them should have all died of starvation. so the Germans got the case. sorry that not everyone paid.
  26. parus2nik
    5 February 2014 13: 56
    The USSR did not sign the 1929 Geneva Convention “On the Maintenance of Prisoners of War” at the time .. but nevertheless complied with the conditions .. Germany signed the Geneva Convention .. didn’t fulfill the conditions .. But essentially ... nobody called the Germans, Neither Romanian nor Magyar. 22.06.1941/XNUMX/XNUMX It comes to the ridiculous .. in fact, this European crusade to the East .. trying to present as an advertisement .. You still do not erase Tide? Then we go to you .. Have you come? ..
  27. M72
    5 February 2014 14: 26
    The decision on the humane treatment of German prisoners of war was the right one. And it would be very unpleasant if the opposite decision were made.
    Do not be like those whom you condemn.
    1. 0
      5 February 2014 17: 27
      I put your comment plus. From a humane point of view, this is true .. But my grandfather fell into this war, and I do not understand why I should regret these disadvantages ??
  28. cpk72
    5 February 2014 14: 30
    How many Europeans do not feed anyway climbs into Russia.
    1. +1
      5 February 2014 15: 53
      Maybe how many do not feed, and do not hit, but climb like honey spread. every 50 years for so many centuries. And then they wonder why they are called stupid. Although .... water sharpens the stone
  29. -2
    5 February 2014 15: 10
    After Stalingrad, the Germans didn’t have to take prisoners at all
    1. ko88
      5 February 2014 15: 47
      Well, someone had to rebuild the ruined cities, clear up the rubble, who will work? women and children? and these dogs were hired as they were destroyed and built, they just simply had to cut their rations at times.
    2. 0
      6 February 2014 00: 56
      Quote: govoruha-otrok
      After Stalingrad, the Germans didn’t have to take prisoners at all

      Worth it !!! At least for the sake of this:
  30. ko88
    5 February 2014 15: 44
    In general, I am once again convinced of the kindness and breadth of the Russian soul, the years of intense confrontation, millions of dead, dozens of cities in ruins, we dealt dearly with captured Germans and surrendered Germany, according to the idea of ​​Germany we could drown in blood, we simply couldn’t feed the prisoners, but ours cost very humane. I read somewhere that the Fritz prisoners in Stalingrad returned home with good affluence and completely weathered muzzles.
  31. +4
    5 February 2014 16: 00
    A very complex topic is raised in the article. I would like to share my thoughts with the readers of VO.
    1. While preparing an article on the Solovetsky Monastery, I found material where Ivan the Terrible forbade the capture of Germans, Finns and Swedes. Those who were captured, he ordered the execution. War and raids on our North ceased.
    2. In a number of aviation regiments, there was an unspoken order to shoot fascist pilots who parachuted, This was after the Nazi pilots on Ladoga shot and bombed steamboats and boats with red crosses, where the children of Leningrad were taken to the mainland.
    3. I studied at a school in Leningrad, and the captured Germans built a garage opposite the school, then the streets were paved, including Nevsky Prospekt. Our fathers died defending the city, and we had no malice towards them. Even we shared bread with them, which some brought from home as breakfast.
    I don’t know what to do. I would not have captured fascists. I have the honor.
  32. +4
    5 February 2014 16: 18
    Judging by the published documents and memoirs, the "Soviet barbarians" treated the prisoners of war many times more humanely and humanely than the "civilized supermen". What is only the ratio of those killed in prisoner war camps: 15% in Soviet camps and 57% in German. It would be interesting to look at German documents and orders regarding the reduction of the mortality rate of Soviet prisoners of war in German camps. I'm not sure if there were such documents. Thanks to the author of the article for a serious review and selection of documents.
  33. 0
    5 February 2014 16: 40
    here it is not clear, each in his own way tells. For example, in the book of Artyom Drabkin, where the Germans tell about the war, the German who fought in Stalingrad told that out of 100 prisoners on the train, 3 traveled in 6 weeks and the rest died, 4 died in the camps and two returned to Germany after the war and camps, including him. So then think about how and what happened and where is the truth)
    1. 0
      5 February 2014 17: 07
      And where are the contradictions, you talked about two, the remaining 3-4 of the hundreds of surviving Stalingrad Germans were officers, and they had different conditions in the boiler and in captivity.
  34. Beck
    5 February 2014 16: 52
    90 thousand captivated. Only 6 returned home after the war. The author of the article asks a sacramental question and tries to explain inaudibly.

    What to explain. Captivity is captivity, moreover, captivity of invaders. The population of their country did not have enough food, but here they feed the invaders. What could they have isolated. It’s as if someone in the USSR promised German soldiers that you’ll reach the Volga, they will feed you in captivity to the dump from the esophagus to the rectum and as varied as in a restaurant.
  35. 0
    5 February 2014 16: 57
    Quote: govoruha-otrok
    After Stalingrad, the Germans didn’t have to take prisoners at all

    Very accurately the Germans were characterized by foreman Vaskov in the movie "And the dawns here are quiet ...": "These are not people - animals, about two hands, about two legs."
  36. +1
    5 February 2014 16: 58
    Recall Leningrad, and our prisoners.
  37. volga
    5 February 2014 18: 05
    The command of the German troops was about 5-10%. Rest
    military personnel were called up from villages, small towns, etc. At the same time, for the most part - no one asked people if you want to fight. The Gestapo and Goebbels's hysterical sermons did their work. And people were simply put under arms. They put on shoes, gave out a gun. They said your commander must obey him, but your enemy, this is not a human being, etc. he must be killed.
    Only in the SS came really voluntarily, in essence, real criminals who evenly divided people into people and nonhumans.
    5 February 2014 18: 12
    Quote: Shogun23
    K. Adenauer, said that about 1,5 million German prisoners died in total, about 500 thousand people died in Soviet captivity, and where did the rest die?

    And the rest were killed on the Eastern Front. A feature of accounting for losses by the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front, for propaganda purposes, was an underestimation of losses by 10 times (on average). Or write off the loss of the killed in the category of missing persons (in Germany to date, 2 people are reported missing) or hopelessly sick.
    There were few German prisoners in 1941, because they were killed an order of magnitude more than in the Red Army. Throughout the Great Patriotic War, the Wehrmacht suffered losses killed twice as much as the Red Army. But the side that causes the most damage to the enemy wins. Damage is an irrevocable loss (killed, captured, missing, dead from wounds). Irreversible losses of the Red Army in 1941-1942 - these are mostly prisoners of war who, if they survived by the end of the war, would not fall into the category of irretrievable losses. Those. The Red Army destroyed the enemy twice as efficiently, but until 1943, due to the greater number of prisoners on our part, the Germans managed not to lose their strategic initiative. When the stream of prisoners from our side turned into a thin stream (compared with the initial period of the war), the Wehrmacht's lag in the effectiveness of warfare was fully manifested. The staff of the Wehrmacht was knocked out as far back as 1941 (the Reserve Army numbering 1 people was dissolved in the snowy Russian forests, and it still lies there). In the spring of 200, in fact, the calls of 000 and beyond were already fought. Where did the severe grenadiers of Kaiser Wilhelm and the triumphs of conquering Europe go? There, where the Reserve Army is. Regarding the fate of the Germans captured at Stalingrad, I sincerely believe that even if they became extinct, it was not the fault of the bloody Stalinist regime, but solely the fault of the German fathers-commanders who made the comrades fanatically and pointlessly resist (the stubborn resistance of our soldiers by the Germans was regarded just like that). As can be seen from the article, these, in fact, were not prisoners, but potential corpses. Comrade Stalin was not a wizard, but he studied.
    1. 0
      6 February 2014 08: 03
      Interesting information, where does the source come from?
  39. +1
    5 February 2014 18: 58
    an extract from the diary of Halder, chief of staff of the ground forces of the Wehrmacht: "I flew to a meeting of the chiefs of staff of army groups in Orsha, then a trip to Minsk, a sad picture of Russian prisoners of war, they are doomed. And another extract from his diary:" the question of insane asylums, Russians believe that madmen can be cured; they certainly need to be eliminated.
    Anyone who doubts the authenticity of the above can personally read Halder's diary; he is in free sale.
  40. Valentine77 64
    5 February 2014 19: 04
    The main feature of the Russian man (not only by blood but also in spirit) was collectivism, which manifested itself especially in difficult years (even proverbs: die yourself - help your comrade). Russia has always been strong in unity and diversity (only a few, and even of incomprehensible nationality, were engaged in hoarding). The Russian man has always lived in a community, each worked for the benefit of his community. They (geyropetsi) always looked at us with saliva in their tongues (to snatch from us) and did not understand why it did not work out before. And the reason is that not society for man, but man for society.
    Now everything is upside down.
    5 February 2014 19: 09
    The issue of mortality of prisoners was partly touched upon by K. Simonov in his work "Soldiers are not born". There is truth without statistics, but artistic. And as for the high mortality rate, we did not say - "The Gospel of Matthew": 27. "For the Son of Man will come in the glory of His Father with His Angels, and then He will reward everyone according to his deeds."
  42. +2
    5 February 2014 19: 12
    Many thanks to the author for the article. A lot of information, a lot of work.
    I would like to add.
    1. The Germans in the boiler were well equipped with medical ambulance. There was enough medicine, dressing; Field hospitals were practically inactive, not so much because of the lack of staff and facilities, but because most of the wounded were still taken out before January 10.
    2. I would like to supplement it. I don’t know how systematic this was, but already at the end of February groups of prisoners of war (10,20 each) were sent to farms in the central, northern, and trans-Volga parts of the Stalingrad region. Responsibility for the content lay with local authorities.
    Until the end of the war, these Germans worked in fields, on farms, and in the construction of hydraulic structures (by the way, there are still a lot of ponds still alive in the region, because they have done it honestly).
    I must say that there was no protection, there were no attempts to escape, there were no excesses either.
  43. Crang
    5 February 2014 19: 27
    These people robbed, killed, burned and hanged. And they thought that it will always be so and nothing will happen to them for their actions. They were wrong. SS-sheep and other scum such as punishers, our destroyed mercilessly. Their women were raped, who threw flowers to all this filth, for their "merits" on the eastern front. Ordinary ancestors from the Wehrmacht were taken prisoner. The attitude towards them was appropriate - they saved their lives, they did not let them die of hunger, they forced their hands to engage in positive work to restore the destroyed national economy. Many of these Germans became Russified and became Russians (the difference is very small). And for that, let them say thanks.
  44. +1
    5 February 2014 20: 17
    For the atrocities of the Nazis had to be punished mercilessly! But Russians cannot mock the prisoners! - The prisoners - like unrequited cattle, silently pray for mercy ... We had invaders: Germans, Magyars. The neighboring family stole a horse from them and butchered for food. And did not find, no one betrayed! - My grandmother was fed: she, having given birth before the occupation, was swollen from hunger. After the war, captured Germans worked in the city. They built a large station, Book House, ATC and other buildings. They left us a wooden box for trinkets as a souvenir. But our grandfather cannot be returned; he died in the militia.
  45. Dovmont
    5 February 2014 20: 27
    My opinion, which I will not change when: All captured invaders from the rank-and-file to the general would have to perish on the restoration of the Soviet Union’s destroyed economy!
  46. +2
    5 February 2014 20: 32
    The German armed forces were strong in that war as never before and we defeated them, and this is the main thing! As warriors, they are somewhere worthy of respect ... as people who think that they are the top of perfection, no, and no matter what they get up to, one cannot go down to their level. because if we answered with an eye for an eye ... we would be no better than them.
  47. fimusito
    5 February 2014 21: 36
    The representative of the "superior race". Stalingrad. January 1943
    The famous photograph that circulated in January-February 1943 newspapers and magazines from all over the free world, placed on the cover of Time magazine.
  48. 0
    5 February 2014 23: 29
    Before spring, they had to be marinated in a cauldron.
    Now they wouldn’t know that so many prisoners perished in Russia. There would be "combat" losses or missing ..
  49. 0
    5 February 2014 23: 44
    German soldier and Russian boy (this is about the question of Hans-Inhumans). Photo 100% no resolution!
    1. The comment was deleted.
    2. IRKUT
      6 February 2014 11: 01
      Shot by the Nazis 16-year-old boy Vitya Cherevichkin with a dove in his hands. Rostov-on-Don, RSFSR, USSR. On November 28, 1941, after graduating from a seven-year school, he studied at the vocational school No. 2 and, like many, was engaged in the maintenance of pigeons. After the outbreak of World War II, when his father and elder brother went to the front, Victor with his mother and two younger sisters remained in the city, which On November 20, 1941, it was captured by the advancing units of the Wehrmacht and the SS troops. Contrary to the German command to destroy the domestic pigeons belonging to the local population, the teenager hid the birds he had for a week.

      On that day, the Germans found the teenager releasing several pigeons near the headquarters building, and found a dovecote in the barn in the courtyard of his house. After interrogation and torture of the captured teenager, they were accused of aiding the Red Army, taken to Frunze Park and shot
  50. +2
    6 February 2014 01: 06
    The death rate of prisoners of war was lower than in the whole country. Well, the fact that the feeding and conditions were not very good - and the country did not fat. Anyway, not at the resort.
  51. brownie
    6 February 2014 02: 25
    Anyone who wants to understand this issue in more detail, visit Yu. Veremeev’s website “Anatomy of the Army”

    There is data on the nutritional standards of German prisoners of war. It is very interesting to compare with the nutritional standards of Soviet prisoners of war. Informative.
  52. IRKUT
    6 February 2014 10: 17
    From the very first days of the war, the term “Einsatzgruppen” was filled with an eerie meaning for the population of the occupied regions of the USSR.

    Collective photograph of Wehrmacht soldiers. On a blackboard pulled out of a school classroom is the quintessence of Nazi philosophy: “The Russian must die for us to live.”
  53. IRKUT
    6 February 2014 10: 22
    A. Dyukov: "... In Minsk, the occupiers organized the first concentration camp, where they drove both prisoners of war and all civilians aged from fifteen to fifty years who seemed suspicious. Almost one hundred and fifty thousand people were driven into such a small territory that they could barely could move and fulfilled their natural needs where they stood. They were not given food: it was a great honor to feed some Russian pigs. The only desire of people who lived without food for six to eight days was to get something edible. Every morning they reached out to the camp long lines - it was the residents of Minsk who brought food to the prisoners. But there was not enough for everyone. At the slightest suspicion or just for fun, the German guards opened fire; the corpses lay among people falling from hunger.
    Life in this camp, and many others like him, was so inhuman that it caused some shock even from the Minister of Propaganda Reich Joseph Goebbels. Having visited one of the camps at the end of August, Goebbels wrote in his diary:

    “The prisoner of war camp presents a terrible picture. Some Bolsheviks must sleep on bare ground. Rain cats and dogs. Most have no roof over their heads... A visit to such a prisoner of war camp gives a strange insight into human dignity during war.”
  54. IRKUT
    6 February 2014 10: 27
    Goebbels wrote these words in Berlin, in the new building of the Reich Chancellery, and on the minister’s desk lay a magazine from the OKW internal propaganda department that had just arrived from the printing house. The magazine clearly explained the need to save pan-European values ​​from Asian Bolshevism:

    “Russian-Jewish Bolshevism builds its dominance on terror and on the destruction of all spiritual values. Everyone who has ever seen the face of a Red Commissar knows what the Bolsheviks are. There is no need for theoretical explanations here. One could offend the animals by calling the traits of these mostly Jewish flayers brutal. They are the embodiment of hell, beings who have a terrible hatred for all noble humanity. The images of these commissars personify in our eyes the revolt of subhumans against noble blood" 70.

    Goebbels's department worked efficiently; Articles and leaflets about the essence of Judeo-Bolshevism were published in millions of copies. Every German soldier on the Eastern Front knew for sure that he was fighting against those who were worse than animals, against Russian-Jewish Asian hordes, against non-humans who had no reason to be captured.
    “It is necessary to eliminate the Red subhumans along with their Kremlin dictators,” said propaganda bulletin No. 112, issued by the Wehrmacht propaganda department. “The German people have to carry out the greatest task in their history, and the world will hear that this task will be completed to the end.”71
    The destruction of captured Red Army soldiers occurred everywhere. In full view of local residents, those executed were thrown into anti-tank ditches, which failed to prevent the victorious tank forces of the Reich. Uncovered arms, legs, heads were visible from under the ground...
    Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler, who arrived in Minsk on an inspection tour, stayed with the commander of Einsatzgruppe B, Brigadeführer Arthur Nebe. The Fuhrer gave a special order on the most brutal fight against partisans, and now the leadership of the Einsatzgruppen needed to clarify who should be considered partisans. Anyone you please.
    After Himmler and Nebe discussed pressing matters, it was time for entertainment. Himmler had never seen a mass action being carried out; Knowing this, Nebe ordered the execution of a hundred prisoners of war. The next morning, Himmler, Nebe and Police General von dem Bach-Zelewski left the city; Before their eyes, the SS men brought prisoners, among whom were two women, to a freshly dug ditch. Prisoners were shot; As the number of corpses in the ditch increased, Himmler became more and more worried.
    Finally, the SS chief’s nerves gave out and he vomited.
    When the Reichsführer came to his senses, General von dem Bach-Zelewski, who was watching the SS men finish off the prisoners, did not fail to take advantage of the opportunity and pointed out that after such actions people are “completely exhausted.” “Look into the eyes of these people,” said the SS general. “They no longer have nerves for the rest of their lives.” We are raising neurotics and barbarians here!” 72
    Himmler promised to think about this problem.
    A few tens of kilometers to the west, in occupied Brest, private engineer regiment Otto Tyshler listened to drunken field gendarmerie soldiers boasting about their exploits: the execution of several thousand Soviet prisoners of war, including women. 73 Like everyone else, Otto knew that this was not empty boasting.
    “Russians are only for destruction”
  55. bubble82009
    6 February 2014 23: 54
    We must not forget that the USSR was also not in the best position. in 1943, there was not enough food for the population and the troops. It was winter after all. Stalingrad was destroyed, where to get what? where are the buildings in which to house sick people? During this period, the Red Army fought for Kharkov.
  56. jury08
    8 February 2014 18: 49
    How could you not love your people - the prisoners had better rations!
  57. 0
    8 February 2014 21: 33
    In my opinion, on this site, the article was about how the Americans fed the prisoners and didn’t feed them at all, although the warehouses were overcrowded. And they will still teach us humanity when our whole country was starving. This is truly the limit of cynicism, what kind of country is this? After all, everything from all over the world gathered there, without shame or conscience. And if not everything, then the whole world is looking for and sponsoring them.
  58. ONlopas
    13 February 2014 21: 07
    More like the truth than puffing about evil Stalinism.