The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

The assault of Vladimir by the Horde. Thumbnail from Russian annals

Secrets of ancient Rus. The term “Tatar-Mongols” is not in the Russian chronicles, neither V. N. Tatishchev, nor N. M. Karamzin and other historians, the founding fathers of the Russian have it historical schools. “Mongols” are the Russes of the Scythian Siberian world, the most powerful and great people of Northern Eurasia from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean. The "Mongols" were Aryan Indo-Europeans, not the Mongoloids. The myth of the "Mongol-Tatar yoke" was invented in the Vatican in order to distort the true history of Russia and the Rus (Russian people).

The problem of the "Tatar-Mongols"

The term "Mongol-Tatars" is artificial, coined, it is not in Russian sources, the first Russian historians do not. The term “Mongol-Tatars” itself is not a self-name or ethnonym for the peoples of Mongolia (Khalkha, Oirats). This is an artificial term that was first introduced by P. Naumov in 1823 in the article “On the attitude of Russian princes to the Mongol and Tatar khans from 1224 to 1480”.

Some researchers derive the term "Mongols" from the Chinese characters "man-gu" - to receive the ancient. " Obviously, this is absurdity, nonsense. In reality, the "Mongols", in the original version, without the nasal "n", "mogul" (in India they were called that), comes from the root word "could, can," - "mozh, husband, mighty, mighty, powerful" (he who “can”, “mighty”, hence “mighty”), and the end of the plural “-ola” (for example, “Voguls”). It was from the "mighty, powerful" that the "Mongols" appeared as "greats." The people who created the greatest empire of Eurasia.

The only people who could build such a world power were the Rus of the Scythian Siberian world. The most powerful ethnic group of the huge forest-steppe zone of Eurasia from the southern Russian steppes, the Urals to the Pacific Ocean. Only they can be called "great", "powerful", "Mughal-Mongols." Other ethnic groups and tribes could not claim such a title. More details about the Rus of Eurasia can be found in the following works: Yu. D. Petukhov, “Rus of Eurasia”; N. I. Vasiliev, Yu. D. Petukhov, “Russian Scythia”.

It is also known that before the beginning of the XII century. n e. Mongols and Tatars were at enmity. And this is not surprising. Mughal Mongols are Indo-Europeans (Aryans), and Tatars are Turks. From the "Secret Legend" it is known that the Moguls (Siberian Rus) hated the Tatars (steppe Turks). For some period, Temuchin (Genghis Khan) “got on” the Tatars, included them in his super union of tribes. And then, for his disobedience and the possibility of betrayal, he ordered everyone to be cut down: all the men above the axis of the cart, women and children were distributed by birth, for assimilation. The word "Tatar" in that era was an insult to the Mughals. Therefore, the term "Mongol-Tatars" is purely cabinet.

Much later, the Volga Bulgars began to be called the ethnonym "Tatars", then other fragments of the Golden Horde - Astrakhan, Crimean Tatars, etc. Although the ethnonym "Bulgars" comes from the "Volgar". That is, "Volga Bulgars-Volgars" is an obvious tautology. "Volgars" belong to the group of intermediate genera, with a large initial Indo-European component. The division of boreals into Indo-Europeans and Prototurks occurred in the Southern Urals in 3 - the beginning of 2 thousand BC. e. Part of the intermediate clans, in the predominance of the Indo-European part, settled on the Volga, becoming "Volgar" -bulgars. The original Turks, including the Tatars, who inherited from Temuchin, lived east and south. At the same time, the Siberian Russ, having reached Bulgaria, did not begin to cut out all the “Volgars”, although they showed strong resistance. Bulgars for the most part, after the elimination of the hostile nobility (Islamized), were accepted into the hordes of the "Mongols". They had the same initial spiritual and material traditions, the same language (a dialect of the common language of the Russians, as now Little Russian-Ukrainian is the adverb of the common Russian language), as the Siberian Rus-Mongols. Therefore, the genera of the Bulgars easily integrated into the all-imperial Northern Eurasian tradition, and later the Kazan “Tatars” became active builders of the common Russian empire-empire, part of the Russian superethnos.

Thus, the Big, “Mongolian” Horde is a Scythian-Siberian-Volga clan of pagan Rus (including Polovtsy and Alans). The Horde is the direct descendant of Great Scythia and Sarmatia, the ancient northern tradition and civilization of the Indo-Aryans. At the peak of their power, the Russians controlled Northern Eurasia, developed on the southern civilizations of Asia - Persian, Indian, Chinese and Japanese (it is interesting that there, in particular in India, as in the "reserve", many traditions of the Eurasian Rus survived, which our enemies were able to erase in the north). There were no other “Mongol-Mongoloids” who had developed many thousands of years of spiritual and material culture, the production necessary to equip powerful armies, a military cult capable of great campaigns and conquests in Northern Eurasia.

The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

The truth is that there are no “Mongol-Mongoloids” from Mongolia in Russia in the 13th – 15th centuries. did not have. The present Mongols are Mongoloids. But archaeologists did not find skulls of the Mongoloids in Ryazan, Vladimir-Suzdal, or Kievan Rus. There are no signs of Mongoloidism among Russians. Although with a large-scale invasion of tens of thousands of soldiers, a long “yoke” should have such signs. If those innumerable tumenes-darkness passed through Russia and the Mongols drove many thousands of Russian women to their camps, and then also dominated the Russian lands for a long time, then anthropological Mongoloid material would certainly remain. Because Mongoloidity is dominant, overwhelming. It was enough for thousands of Mongols to rape thousands of Russian women, and Russian burial grounds for many generations would be filled with Mongols.

So, Polish historians, Russophobes, and Ukrainian behind them, have long come up with a theory about Russian Asians. Like, Slavs in Muscovites did not remain, Russians are a mixture of Mongols and Finno-Ugric peoples. And the real descendants of Kiev Rus are Ukrainians. However, genetics shows that the Rus-Russians do not have signs of Mongoloidity, the Russians are Caucasoids. In the Russian cemeteries of the time of the "Horde" are only the Caucasian Europeans. Mongoloidism in Russia appeared only in the 16th - 17th centuries. instead of serving Tatars, who in masses entered the service of the Russian tsars and themselves, being originally Caucasians, acquired Mongoloid features on the eastern borders of Russia, taking natives as their wives.

Thus, all these tales and tales about narrow-eyed riders, iron archers, who conquered a significant part of Eurasia, is a myth. It was invented in the West in order to distort the true history of Russia, Europe and humanity. Russian history was radically circumcised, almost before Baptism, and rewritten in the interests of Rome and its heirs. Rusov turned into a "wild" tribe that did not know the written language and barely crept out of the marshes in the middle of 1 thousand AD e. Savage barbarians, to whom statehood, civilization, culture and writing were instilled by German Vikings and Greek missionaries.

Wandering monks, missionaries (Catholic intelligence) wrote reports to the "control center" (Vatican). They wrote everything that they knew or came up with, confused, and introduced popular rumors. Based on these reports, they have already written "the history of the great Mongols." These "stories" came from West to East, to Russia already as an indisputable truth. Under the Romanovs, German historians wrote the “history of Russia” in the political interests of Europe. Thus was born the great myth of the great "Mongols from Mongolia." Novels, paintings were written, films began to be shot, as the Mongol tumens from Mongolia came to Russia and Europe. Nowadays, it has come to the point that in the films the “Mongols” are shown as real “Chinese” - the Russian fantasy action movie The Legend of Kolovrat (2017). Although even in Europe, the engravings of the “Mongols” depict Russian Cossacks, boyars and archers.

Lack of capacity to create a “Mongolian” empire

Mongolia so far does not have the spiritual, productive and human potential to create a world empire. There is no great military culture, like the Rus-Russians, or the Japanese and Germans. In the XII century. the Mongolian steppe could not expose the numerous, well-armed, disciplined and high fighting spirits of the army of conquerors, going "to the last sea". Mongolia simply could not conquer such developed and strong powers - China, Central Asia (Khorezm), Russia, half of Europe, Persia, etc.

This is complete nonsense. In the then Mongolia there simply wasn’t a developed industrial, material culture to arm many thousands of soldiers. There was no developed production, crafts, wild steppes and hunters could not become blacksmiths, metallurgists, builders, engineers, great warriors within one generation. Iron discipline and military spirit cannot be instilled in wild camps, something millions of blacks with AK do not conquer the planet. The organization of the army of the "Mongols" is typically Indo-European, the Russian - decimal. Darkness - 10 thousand warriors, thousand, one hundred and ten. The level of spiritual and material culture of the Mongoloid clans of Mongolia of the 12th - 13th centuries approximately corresponded to the culture of the Indian tribes of the Great Lakes of the XVII century. They just started to master cattle breeding, they were hunters. At this level of development, one cannot conquer half the world, build a powerful empire.

Rus war with Rus

Therefore, about the "Mongols from Mongolia" must be forgotten. There were none. But there were wars, storms of the city and fortresses, tithe was. Who fought? The authors of the new chronology Fomenko and Nosovsky answered this question non-traditionally: they believe that these were internal wars between the Russians and the containers of Russia, on the one hand, and the Russians, Cossacks and containers of the Horde, on the other. Big Russia was split into two fronts, into two Russia - Siberian-pagan and European-Christian (de facto double faith reigned, the ancient Russian faith had not yet left, and became part of Russian Christianity), two hostile dynasties - western and eastern. The Eastern Russian Horde was the “Mongol horde” that beat the Russian rati, stormed the cities, and tithed. She went down in history as the "Tatar yoke", "evil Tatarism." The chronicles did not know the Mongols and Mongoloids, but the Russian chroniclers knew and wrote about the Tatars and "filthy" pagans.

Chronicles reported the arrival of the "tongue of the unknowable", "trash." Who was this “language" of the people? Where did the Horde come to Russia? Huge territories from the Northern Black Sea coast through the Volga and the Southern Urals to Altai, Sayan and Mongolia itself, those territories that were inhabited by mythical "Mongols", called "Tartaria", actually belonged to the Scythian Siberian world, Great Scythia-Sarmatia. Long before the departure of the last wave of Indo-European Aryans in 2 thousand BC e., who left the Northern Black Sea Region and the Southern Urals to Persia-Iran and India, Indo-European Caucasians mastered the forest-steppe zone from the Carpathians and the Danube to the Sayan Mountains. They led a semi-nomadic way of life, engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. Used a horse tamed in the southern Russian steppes. They had developed production, crafts, and the cult of a warrior. They left behind a lot of barrows with carts, rich utensils, weapons. They were the masters of a vast space from the Crimea (Taurus Scythians-Rus) to the Pacific Ocean. They dominated in Mongolia, brought metallurgy, agriculture, civilization as a whole. The local Mongoloids, who were still in the Stone Age, could not compete with the Caucasians. But they retained the memory of them as giants, light-eyed and fair-haired heroes. Hence the light-eyed, light-eyed Genghis Khan. The military elite, the nobility of Transbaikalia, Khakassia, Mongolia, was Indo-European. Only these sorts of Scythian-Siberians were the only real military force that created the world empire. The exodus of the Rus to the East and West led to the weakening of their ethnucleus, later they disappeared into the Mongoloid masses of the East, but remained in the legends and fair-haired and gray-eyed giants (the sign of Mongoloidity is small growth).

Here is a part of these pagan Rus (Scythian-hermitage-skloty) and came to the North-East and South Russia. Anthropologically, genetically, in their spiritual and material culture (mainly the Scythian "animal" style), the late Scythians-Rus were the same Russians as the Russians of Ryazan, Moscow, Novgorod or Kiev. Outwardly, they differed only in the style of clothing - the Scythian Siberian animal style, the dialect of the Russian language and faith - were "filthy" for Christian chroniclers. Also, the Scythians were carriers of a concentrated military cult - the Cossacks. In general, the Horde was the Cossacks, who tried to establish their rules on all Russian lands.

The notorious “Mongol yoke” did not bring anything to Russia. There are no words, no customs, no Mongoloid. The word "horde" itself is a distorted Russian word "glad, kind." The princes of Siberian Rus called themselves khans. But even in Kievan Rus, princes, for example, Vladimir or Yaroslav the Wise, were called kagans-kogans. The word “kogan-kokhan” (abbreviation “khan-khan”) is not of Mongolian origin. This is a Russian word meaning “chosen”, “beloved” (preserved in Little Russia as “kokhan” - “beloved”). It is not surprising that the Scythian Rus easily found a common language with the Russian princes (for example, with Alexander Nevsky), the boyars, the church, had relatives, brothers, and married daughters on both sides. The Scythians were not strangers.

Thus, it was not the Mongoloids and not the Tatars (Bulgars) who came to Russia, but the only real force - the Scythians. Therefore, the three-century dominance of the “yoke” did not leave any anthropological changes in the population of Russia. The Horde themselves were Caucasoid Rus, the eastern core of the superethnos of the Rus. Therefore, they naturally became part of the Russian people. The population of the Horde (Horde, Polovtsy, Alans, etc.) just in one moment became Russian.

The image of the Golden Horde as a completely alien Russia of a foreign hostile state in which the “Mongols” reign supreme is false, created by the enemies of Russian civilization and people. There were no Mongol Mongols in the Horde. There were Volga Bulgars ("Tatars"), there were Scythian Rus. A huge empire "from sea to sea" was created by pagan Rus of the Scythian Siberian world. A great power perished due to Islamization and Arabization. As soon as Islam took up the Horde, a spiritual and religious confrontation began between the parts of the empire, dividing into "friends" and "strangers." As the Horde Empire degenerated, the "control center" of northern civilization gradually moved to Moscow. Under Ivan the Terrible, Russia restored the unity of the Eurasian empire.
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  1. +2
    27 November 2019 16: 06
    Quote: Dosaav
    Choosing troop routes taking into account supply capabilities is a basic skill of a commander.

    We are talking about the 13-14 centuries.
    They went “on a raid” hundreds or even thousands of kilometers away. For a year or two or three. WITHOUT communication with the "main forces" and "reserves"
    Did they go “at random”, asking a lot of people they met, or did they have maps and “deep reconnaissance”? How did you keep in touch?
    Was there a “cart” or were arrows, food and other small items “mined” on the spot?
    If we take the same 3 million population, then they are “spread out” over thousands of square kilometers, and in a “narrow area” feeding 10 thousand fighters plus “spare horses” and “knocking them around the villages” is also not so easy.
    If they walked in hundreds, then for 10 thousand you need 100 villages - it is NOT clear over what area they are “spread out” and it is NOT easy to keep in touch...And how many people lived in the “average Russian village” in the 13-14 centuries?
    In general - only GUESSES.
    WHEN “someone” COMPLETES THE RECONSTRUCTION of the raid and goes through the winter with at least a HUNDRED cavalry from the “barn” to Ryazan, then it will be EASIER-))
  2. -3
    28 November 2019 21: 21
    The site has turned into a garbage dump. How long can blatant nonsense be replicated?
    1. 0
      28 March 2021 14: 05
      Why did it “transform”? Was he ever different? If yes, then when?
  3. +1
    5 March 2020 12: 29
    Since when did Yuri Petukhov become an authoritative historian? The writer, yes, and a rather mediocre one at that. And theories regarding the “superethnos” are not even funny, but simply absurd.
  4. 0
    8 March 2020 04: 05
    Uh......Russian Atlanteans are strong and the pyramids are a breakwater when the evil Americans pump out the depths and the earth falls to one side
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. 0
    28 March 2021 14: 09
    Typical stupidity and abomination in the spirit of Fomenko and Nosovsky, word for word. At least he indicated the source of his nonsense at the very beginning!