Fleming Johann von Tilly, conqueror of the Palatinate

Fleming Johann von Tilly, conqueror of the Palatinate

Count Johann Tserclaes von Tilly (1559–1632) is an outstanding general in the imperial service, famous for having won a huge number of victories over the Protestants, some of which had...
How did the Second Rome die?

How did the Second Rome die?

After a three-day assault on May 29, 1453, the Ottoman troops of Sultan Mehmed II captured the capital of Byzantium, Constantinople, ending the 1100-year history of the Byzantine Empire...


In the late Middle Ages, very serious changes took place in weapons and military art. Solid plate armor replaced chain mail. The shield was no longer needed. Thanks to this, the warrior's hand was freed, ...
Mastery of the Sword: One Man and His Books

Mastery of the Sword: One Man and His Books

Unfortunately, very little is known about many authors of fencing treatises. So little that all the information about them fits in just one or two lines. That is why it will be all the more interesting to learn about one of ...
"Such a massacre and no results!" Battle of Bautzen

"Such a massacre and no results!" Battle of Bautzen

210 years ago, the Russian-Prussian army near Bautzen suffered a second defeat in a general battle with the French army. The Allies retreated to Silesia and made a truce with the French...
Sword Masters: The Deadly Art of the Renaissance

Sword Masters: The Deadly Art of the Renaissance

In 1410, the Bolognese master Fiore dei Liberi published a systematic work "Flos Duellatorium in Armis" ("The flower of those who fight with weapons"), which became a significant contribution to the literature on ...
Great Depression and World War II

Great Depression and World War II

The United States began to prepare for a new world war from the beginning of the 1930s. That is, even before Hitler came to power in Germany ...
How Russia Saved Turkey

How Russia Saved Turkey

The presence of Russian troops and navy in Constantinople, the fierce determination of the Russians to defend Turkey, forced the Egyptian pasha to stop the offensive and start peace negotiations. Russia saved the Ottoman...
"Good Guy Robin Hood"

"Good Guy Robin Hood"

Pagan motifs of ballads about Robin Hood and Sherwood Forest...
Landsknechts: soldiers in individual uniforms

Landsknechts: soldiers in individual uniforms

It was at the beginning of the XNUMXth century that infantry appeared on the battlefields in Europe, the whole appearance of which was nothing more than a characteristic uniform, and at the same time, none of the costumes of these ...
Ho Chi Minh - the creator of sovereign Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh - the creator of sovereign Vietnam

May 19, 1890 was born Ho Chi Minh, an outstanding Vietnamese political figure of the XNUMXth century, leader of the national liberation struggle of the Vietnamese people, founder of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Ho...