The roads of the gods. Why Russians Crossed Out From Ancient History

The roads of the gods. Why Russians Crossed Out From Ancient History

"Rod" is a Slavic god, the creator of the world and the father of the first generation of bright gods. I. Ozhiganov

Secrets of ancient Rus. In his monograph “The Roads of the Gods,” the historian Yu. D. Petukhov sets forth a fundamental discovery that is hushed up in the West and around the world. It lies in the fact that the ethnocultural linguistic core of the Praetnos of the Indo-Europeans (Aryans) consisted of the direct direct ancestors of the Slavs-Russians. This discovery is argued on the richest archaeological, ethnographic material, on linguistic analysis and analysis of primary mythological images of the peoples of the Indo-European language family.

Riddle of history

Indo-European Aryans, ancient Aryans. Who are they? Where did you come from? Where is their ancestral home? What gods were worshiped? This mystery of millennia was considered insoluble. Over two centuries, about twenty major hypotheses were created about the origin of the Indo-Europeans and their stories. Some of them have become almost immutable dogmas and go from textbook to textbook, from an encyclopedia to an encyclopedia.

As a result, in the West (Roman-Germanic and Biblical historical schools) a classical historical scheme was created, familiar to us from the school bench: primitive (Ancient Egypt and the Ancient East, Ancient Greece and Rome - barbarians); mainly Germans and Gauls - the European Middle Ages, etc. A little attention is paid to Ancient India and China. Each naro-element has its own place: in Egypt - the Egyptians, Palestine - the Jews, in Greece - the Greeks, in Rome - the Romans, etc. In Europe, on the outskirts the "wild" Slavs hardly loom, and even then mostly southern, which supposedly appeared in the Balkans only by the XNUMXth – XNUMXth centuries. Only at the end of the VIII, and even in the IX – X centuries. a figure of a “brutal” Eastern Slav emerges from swamps and forests, and it immediately occupies vast territories. At the same time, the Eastern Slavs, Rusichs, before the arrival of German-Scandinavian civilizers and Greek missionaries, according to this theory, were in complete savagery. They picked mushrooms, berries, wild honey and beat the fish with pointed twigs. Here is a similar picture of the past gets a young man in schools in Europe and Russia.

At the same time, the fact that the "young" Russian people created writing before the adoption of Christianity is omitted. That the Russians have the oldest literature in Europe, which is inferior in antiquity only to the literature of the ancient period. True, there is a well-founded opinion that "antique" literature was created in the Middle Ages. Accordingly, Russian literature in antiquity is not inferior to the so-called. antique. That Russian mythology has its roots in the most hoary antiquity, by the time of the appearance of man himself. And its root foundations are older than the famous Scandinavian-Germanic, Celtic, Roman and Ancient Greek mythologies. That “Slavs Russ appeared from nowhere” at the same time, literally in one or two centuries (which is impossible in principle) created in one territory a “country of cities” - Gardarik, with a rich material culture, developed crafts and trade. And all these are indisputable facts. However, the Western scheme of history lives and thrives.

Indo-Europeans as a single linguistic and ethnic community existed from 15-12 thousand BC. e. up to 5-4 thousand BC e. In 3 thousand BC e. there is a divergence of Indo-European dialect groups, filial ethnic groups stand out from a single trunk. First, the Italian, Hetto-Luvian, Tochar, Armenian, Celtic, Greek, Indo-Iranian, Germanic branches stood out. Later, the Balts and the Slavs separated from a single trunk. Moreover, as Yu. D. Petukhov proves, the Slavs-Russians were the trunk of a huge superethnos, and they retained in their language, anthropology and mythology all the leading signs of the Aryan Indo-Europeans.

Initially, the ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans was sought in the East and in Central Asia, for example, in Tibet. Researchers were attracted to places close to Iran and India. It has been suggested that the Aryan ancestral homeland was located in the Caspian region or in ancient Bactria. Searched in Europe: from Spain and Iceland to Scandinavia. There was a time when self-confident German scientists declared the Germans direct descendants of the Aryans and believed that waves of Aryan-Germans spread around the world in waves from Central Europe. Allegedly it was the Pragermans who brought the culture to the wild Slavs.

A very important point is that all Indo-European peoples (modern Russians, Lithuanians, Germans, Swedes, French, Italians, Scots, White Indians, etc.) have common roots in languages, traditions, rites, legends, legends, traditions, a kinship of mythologies. Its foundation is in pramyphology, the unified faith of the Aryans-Indo-Europeans. A common spiritual culture was born during the existence of the pranarod, a single ethnocultural community. And these roots, to a greater or lesser degree, have been preserved among peoples that have scattered all over the world and have gone thousands of kilometers from their ancestral home. In particular, ancient Indian mythology can be called a real reserve of Russian spiritual culture, which existed 4-5 thousand years ago.

Russ are arias

The hypothesis that since the first records of the Slavs appeared in the middle of 1 thousand n. e., and, therefore, at that time the Slavs arose, can be immediately discarded. It was invented by Western racists. Even in those days when they tried to prove the "birthright" of the pragermans. When studying the Indo-Europeans, you can find that there is some kind of permanent ethnic language core. In the late period, these are the Balto-Slavs, before them - the Celtic-Slavs, Scythian-Slavs. As they move to the periphery, filial ethnic groups are distinguished, to the west and northwest - the Celts and Germans, to the north - the Baltics. The Baltic-Slavic cultural-linguistic community existed relatively recently (in historical terms). As early as the XNUMXth century, the Baltic tribes worshiped Perun and Veles-Volos, while most of the Rus had already adopted Christianity.

Previously, there was a German-Baltic-Slavic community. The core in this community is the Rus (Pre-Slavs). The Germans stand out from a single community only when they begin to develop Western lands and are influenced by Rome. Going down the timeline even lower. We discover the ancient "Greeks" who came to the Peloponnese from the north and brought the Mediterranean Slavic gods and elements of a single spiritual and material culture. Greeks Greeks strife. The ancient gods and the hero of Ancient Greece have practically nothing to do with the present Greeks. These are aliens from the North, with white skin, blond eyes and hair, tall. For example, Apollo is a barbarian and hyperborea from the north, Copolo - Coop is the solar hypostasis of the Almighty Rod among the Indo-European Rus (among the later Russians Kupala). Patron of warriors and storytellers. Transformed by the "ancient Greeks" into Apollo. Artemis-Artemis (among the Romans - Diana) is Roda, the youngest Rozhanitsa, daughter and at the same time hypostasis of Lada. One of the oldest mythological images of the Rus, dating back to the Paleolithic and matriarchy. The “Greek” Hara-Hera is Yara, the goddess of the Rus, the sister and wife of Zeus-Alive, the hypostasis of Mother Lada.

Proto-Greek tribes for two millennia moved to the Mediterranean. These are natives of the “Greek-German-Baltic-Slavic community. Moreover, the permanent part of this community is the Slavs-Russes. They preserve the original anthropological appearance, language and mythology of the superethnos from ancient times to the present day. The pro-Slavic archaic carried away by the Aryans to the South will be preserved best of all among the Indo-Aryans. That is, even earlier there was an Indo-Aryan-Proto-Slavic community.

Thus, “Slavism” begins with the most ancient Indo-Europeans and, to a large extent, is precisely them. The Russ-Protoslavs, the ethnic core of the Indo-Europeans, first “gave birth to themselves” Indo-Aryans and ancestors of the Anatolian peoples (Hittites, Lycians, etc.). Then began a prolonged selection from the main core of the protogreek element that populated the Mediterranean. Likewise, with a delay, an isolation of the Italian element occurred, which served as the basis for the Romanesque group. This is the key to the Etruscan Rasenians, who until the very end retained the main signs of the Rus and served as the foundation for "Ancient Rome." Later, the ancestors of the Germans and Celts separated from the common core. The Balts did not go far from the core, therefore, they kept the old Russian archaic (with common gods and language) the best and the longest.

The historian Yu. D. Petukhov unraveled the mystery of the millennium; materials of mythoanalysis, linguistics, toponymy, onomastics, anthropology and archeology unambiguously show that the original Slavic Indo-Europeans were Aryans. It was they who, in confusion with the archatropes of Eurasia (pre-ethnic groups), generated all the existing and extinct peoples of the Indo-European language family and preserved themselves in direct descendants - Russian-Russians. Indo-Europeans and Great Indo-Europeans were those who are called Slavs. Although this is a late and not the only ethnonym "pranaroda". Other names are Aryan-Yari, Rasen, Venetian-Venetian, Russ, Scythian-chipped, etc. The ancestral home of Indo-European Rus, both primary and secondary, were located in their habitats in the Middle East, Asia Minor, Balkans, in the Mediterranean, Northern Black Sea Region, on the Volga, Don and Southern Urals.

Recommended literature for study: Petukhov Yu. D. Arias. The roads of the gods. M. 2003; Petukhov Yu. D. Antiquities of the Rus. M., 2007; Petukhov Yu. D. History of the Rus. The most ancient era. 40-3 thousand BC e. T. 1-2. M., 2007; Yu. D. Petukhov. Normans. Rus of the North. M, 2005; Yuri Petukhov. Rus of the Ancient East. M., 2007. Petukhov Yu. D. Super-evolution. Superethnos of the Rus. M., 2008; Vasilyeva N.I., Petukhov. Yu. D. Russian Scythia. M., 2006.

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  1. +1
    4 March 2020 05: 04
    It is a pity that such material is not taught in schools. I read one of Petukhov’s books, the author sets out well.
    1. +27
      4 March 2020 05: 27
      yeah, only Petukhov is the same historian as Bushkov or Chudinov. An ordinary schizophrenic who publishes himself, since the publishers simply twisted their fingers at the temple, reading his opuses. Teach folk histories of crazy graphomaniacs at school? Are you serious ?
      1. +53
        4 March 2020 06: 02
        Darwin also put forward the theory of the origin of man, and everyone followed it as an absolute truth. As for Petukhov and the rest, before criticizing them, break their arguments about the existence of writing among the ancient Slavs at least. And yet, why when the question arises about the origin of Russian civilization or its antiquity, a wave of refutations immediately arises? It turns out that any people on the planet had their own civilization, and the Russians were simply born in swamps and forests and immediately went out into the world.
        1. +6
          4 March 2020 07: 21
          Could you elaborate on the ancient writing of the Slavs in Russia in the pre-Christian era?
          1. -14
            4 March 2020 09: 02
            Quote: Zeev Zeev
            Could you elaborate on the ancient writing of the Slavs in Russia in the pre-Christian era?

            You will go to the Vatican library, or rather to the storerooms. Although there is hardly written in Hebrew.
            1. +2
              4 March 2020 09: 50
              If it was found on the territory of Russia, then how did it get into the Vatican's vaults?
              PySy: In the Vatican's vaults (as in the Russian archives) there is a lot of Hebrew literature.
              1. +2
                4 March 2020 09: 53
                Quote: Zeev Zeev
                If it was found on the territory of Russia, then how did it get into the Vatican's vaults?
                PySy: In the Vatican's vaults (as in the Russian archives) there is a lot of Hebrew literature.

                On the first question, do not include foolishness, historians like Biron and a company commissioned by the Vatican skillfully rewrote history and destroyed / seized originals. On the second question - there are a lot of them in different languages ​​of the whole world. In 1945, ours were overlooked, apparently, there were no opportunities to occupy the Vatican first and rummage there.
                1. +5
                  4 March 2020 11: 14
                  On the first question - Biron and the company were in the second half of the 18th century. Moreover, they were Protestants and did not cooperate with the Vatican. Really for 300 years not found a single written source, manuscript, inscription in ancient Russian?
                  On the second question - the Vatican city is located in the center of the city of Rome. Rome was liberated by the Allies in 1943.
                  1. -7
                    4 March 2020 11: 46
                    Quote: Zeev Zeev
                    Moreover, they were Protestants and did not cooperate with the Vatican.

                    One company, especially when it comes to external enemies!
                    Quote: Zeev Zeev
                    Really for 300 years not found a single written source, manuscript, inscription in ancient Russian?

                    They cleaned it well, maybe it was buried somewhere, only if they accidentally find it. But all the same, the "official" science will either not notice or say that it is a fake.
                    Quote: Zeev Zeev
                    Rome was liberated by the Allies in 1943.

                    So it was necessary to set a condition for the Allies, we are giving you sectors in Berlin, you are the Vatican in Rome.
                    1. +2
                      4 March 2020 12: 10
                      A. Accusing the 18th century Protestants of collaborating with the Vatican is like blaming the Uniates or Old Believers for their love for the Moscow Patriarchate.
                      B. 300 years. Cubic kilometers of land excavated, tons of artifacts. And nothing.
                      S. Vatican did not fight in World War II.
                      1. 0
                        4 March 2020 12: 21
                        The civilian population of Dresden also did not fight, and there were no military objects, but still the Western allies were burned.
                      2. -11
                        4 March 2020 12: 27
                        The Vatican City is not Germany. By the way, the civilian population of Koenigsberg, which was bombed by both the British and Soviet pilots, was beaten by Soviet artillerymen from all barrels for several days, and then the Soviet security officers deported the survivors, didn’t touch anyone? And what were the military facilities in Königsberg? The Kriegsmarine base was in Pillau, there were no military factories in the city, even a large railway junction, and there was no city, unlike Dresden.
                      3. +17
                        4 March 2020 12: 42
                        Quote: Zeev Zeev
                        And what were the military facilities in Königsberg?

                        Well, so brazenly do not dissemble about the walled city.
                        The German command took all possible measures to prepare the fortified city of Königsberg for long-term resistance under siege conditions. The city had numerous military arsenals and depots. The defense system included an external defensive contour, which had already been overcome by Soviet troops, and three internal contours. In the center of the city was a citadel.

                        In Königsberg, three defense rings were created. The first - 6-8 kilometers from the city center - consisted of trenches, an anti-tank ditch, wire fences and minefields. On this ring were 15 forts (built by 1882) with garrisons of 150-200 people, with 12-15 guns. The second defense ring passed along the outskirts of the city and consisted of stone buildings, barricades, firing points at intersections and minefields. The third ring, in the center of the city, consisted of 9 bastions, towers and ravelins (built in the 1843th century and rebuilt in 1873-XNUMX).

                        In order to encircle and destroy the enemy group, Soviet troops had to strike at Koenigsberg in convergent directions simultaneously from the north and from the south. It also planned a chilling blow to Pillau against the enemy’s Zemland grouping. Before the operation, a long artillery preparation was carried out - from April 2 to 5, 1945.
                      4. -19
                        4 March 2020 13: 26
                        Well, there was a civilian population ...
                      5. +10
                        4 March 2020 14: 05
                        Quote: Zeev Zeev
                        Well, there was a civilian population ...

                        Yes, it was, quite a bit, but in Dresden there was only a civilian population, just as in many other German cities, the Anglo-Saxons were barbarously wiped off the face of the earth without any military purpose!
                      6. +9
                        4 March 2020 14: 20
                        You did not answer: so how did ALL ancient Slavic written sources get into the Vatican and how is Petukhov aware of this? (I'm not talking about the content of manuscripts). Also read in the sun and stumps?
                      7. -1
                        5 March 2020 14: 59
                        The British, having crumpled at first, then began to declare directly that they would conduct targeted bombing of cities to break the spirit of the German people, which they did.
                        It was there that the concept of "fire storm" was noticed, studied, and it was purposefully sought to achieve it during subsequent bombings.
                        Just winners are not judged ..
                      8. +8
                        5 March 2020 05: 54
                        Quote: Zeev Zeev
                        Well, there was a civilian population ...

                        Was there a civilian population in Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Only Americans don’t blame it, even the Japanese accuse them of the total mass. You don’t need to blame and discuss Russia (the USSR) on a general wave of hatred, especially if you are a citizen of the Russian Federation .
                      9. -13
                        5 March 2020 08: 53
                        I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation and have never been on the territory of Russia. And I do not accuse the USSR of bombing Konigsberg, Kharkov or Novgorod, just as I do not accuse the United States and Great Britain of the "inhuman bombing" of Hiroshima, Dresden, Nagasaki, Hamburg, etc.
                      10. +3
                        6 March 2020 16: 54
                        Quote: Zeev Zeev
                        I am not a citizen of the Russian Federation and have never been to Russia

                        In Israel, they perfectly teach the Russian language))) You correctly write and write without errors ... Where did you study? )))
                      11. 0
                        6 March 2020 21: 35
                        In a secondary school of one of the cities of the Republic of Belarus.
                      12. 0
                        23 May 2020 18: 31
                        Zeev Zeev (Zeev Zeev) March 4, 2020 13:26
                        Well, there was a civilian population ...

                        Civilians were in Sabra and Chatilla, but were massacred by Israeli soldiers. This has been discussed all over the world, and now on Wikipedia this crime is being passed on to Christians.
                      13. +6
                        5 March 2020 18: 02
                        I will give you all the material that, in my opinion, is more believable, read:
                        So, American scientists found that one such mutation occurred 4500 years ago on the Central Russian Plain. A boy was born with a slightly different haplogroup than that of his father, to which they assigned the genetic classification R1a1. Paternal R1a mutated, and a new R1a1 arose.

                        The mutation has been very viable. The genus R1a1, which was started by this very boy, survived, unlike the millions of other genera that disappeared when their genealogical lines were cut short and bred in vast space. Currently, owners of the haplogroup R1a1 make up 70% of the total male population of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, and up to 80% in ancient Russian cities and villages. R1a1 is a biological marker of the Russian ethnic group. This set of nucleotides is the “Russianness” in terms of genetics.

                        Thus, the Russian people in a genetically modern form were born in the European part of present-day Russia about 4500 years ago. The boy with the mutation R1a1 became the direct ancestor of all the men living on earth now, in whose DNA this haplogroup is present. All of them are his biological or, as they said earlier, blood descendants and, among themselves, blood relatives, who together constitute a single nation - Russian.

                        Realizing this, American geneticists, with an enthusiasm inherent in all emigrants in matters of origin, began to wander around the world, take analyzes from people and look for biological "roots", their own and others. What they did is of great interest to us, because it sheds true light on the historical paths of our Russian people and destroys many established myths.

                        Now men of the Russian genus R1a1 make up 16% of the total male population of India, and almost half of them in the upper castes are 47%

                        Our ancestors migrated from the ethnic center not only to the east (to the Urals) and to the south (to India and Iran), but also to the west - to where European countries are now located. Genetics have complete statistics in the western direction: in Poland, the owners of the Russian (Aryan) haplogroup R1a1 make up 57% of the male population, in Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia - 40%, in Germany, Norway and Sweden - 18%, in Bulgaria - 12 %, and in England - the least (3%).

                        Here is the link to the full text
                      14. +1
                        5 March 2020 08: 27
                        For once, I completely agree with your comments. Do not waste time on apologists for the sect “History has been forged since ancient times. All documents have been replaced with“ correct. ”You still cannot prove anything to them: logic is not part of their cognitive paradigm.
                      15. +2
                        5 March 2020 20: 08
                        Well, each government comes and rewrites history for themselves, or as they say - the winners write history) What is the census of the history of World War 2, the history of 90 years has already been rewritten.
                        And China, for example, crosses out Mao - "And Mao did not seem to exist... In China, history is being rewritten." "The entire period of socialism is squeezed into one short chapter of a textbook for high school. The history of the communist regime in China before the start of reforms in 1979 is summarized in one phrase. Mao Zedong is mentioned only once - and also in the 'Etiquette' section."
                  2. +21
                    4 March 2020 22: 47
                    Quote: Zeev Zeev
                    Really for 300 years not found a single written source, manuscript, inscription in ancient Russian?

                    The question is a little wrong. If we take as a basis that the Russian people was formed in the 10th century, then there are many written languages ​​in Old Russian. The oldest East Slavic text is considered to be the nesting inscription on an earthenware jug and dating from the middle of the 10th century.
                    If you rebuild your question: "Really for 300 years not a single written source, manuscript, inscription in ancient Slavic has been found?" Then it is difficult to answer it unequivocally.
                    In 911, Oleg concluded a contract with Byzantium in writing, that is, it can be assumed that the East Slavs had written language before the adoption of Christianity. There is also evidence (again not Slavic records, but foreign ones) that the idols of the Slavic Gods were inscribed with the names of the Gods. The fact that the Slavs had written language in the pre-Christian era was defended by such prominent scientific historians as: an honorary member of the Petersburg Academy of Sciences Zabelin Ivan Egorovich, a full member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Hero of Socialist Labor Boris Aleksandrovich Rybakov, doctor of historical sciences, professor Mikhail Yulianovich Braichevsky.
                    However, so far this theory has not found documentary evidence of the existence of pre-Christian writing among the Slavs. Perhaps someday artifacts written in the language of the Slavs in the pre-Christian era will be found, but ...
                    1. Mwg
                      5 March 2020 08: 08
                      And how do you think, why there is no documentary evidence of the existence of pre-Christian writing among the Slavs, if logic and indirect signs say that it was ?.
                      1. +1
                        7 March 2020 11: 24
                        Quote: MVG
                        And how do you think, why there is no documentary evidence of the existence of pre-Christian writing among the Slavs, if logic and indirect signs say that it was ?.

                        Because she DESTROYED! Purposefully nullified by Christians!
                    2. 0
                      5 March 2020 11: 21
                      In 911, Oleg concluded a contract with Byzantium in writing, that is, it can be assumed that the East Slavs had written language before the adoption of Christianity.

                      It is not clear what such a conclusion is drawn from. Oleg concluded an agreement in the language of Byzantium - Greek. I personally have not seen evidence that there was a copy of the contract in any other language, but I will be grateful if they show it.

                      As this suggests, the Eastern Slavs had own writing is incomprehensible. For example, the Bulgarians already had a Glagolitic alphabet, but again it was created by the Greek during the Christianization of Bulgaria.
                      1. 0
                        5 March 2020 20: 14
                        And about the Greeks. Do you know the legend of the appearance of the name Greek ??
                        Most often it refers to the Byzantines - "In the opinion of the Russian people themselves, these" Byzantine "missionaries brought a lot of sins to Russia. So many sins have never before fallen on Russia. Therefore, the Russian people called these Byzantine newcomers" sins. " time the name "sins" turned into "Greeks", and so it stuck forever. Later, Eastern Rome was captured by the Turks, and the remnants of the fallen empire on the Peloponnesian peninsula began to be called, as it should be the homeland of "Greek sins", - Greece. "

                        And another legend - "The Romans called the Greeks the Greeks in the XNUMXth century BC. It happened thanks to the colonists from Greece, who founded the city of Kuma in Italy. The homeland of the colonists was the area of ​​Gray, in the center of modern Greece. Without thinking twice, the Romans called all the inhabitants Greeks. Hellas. "

                        And the Greeks are not Greeks at all, but the Hellenes. And they lived in Hellas.
                    3. -2
                      5 March 2020 18: 41
                      In general, writing independently appeared, no more than 3 times, in the history of mankind. This is a rare occurrence. The Greeks themselves did not invent, but adopted the written language. Writing arose as a method of accounting for grain in large policies of agricultural civilizations. The Slavs did not yet have policies for hundreds of thousands of people, there were no officials, so there was no written language either.
                      1. Fat
                        12 March 2020 18: 20
                        Quote: nickname7
                        The Slavs did not yet have policies for hundreds of thousands of people, there were no officials, so there was no written language either.

                        But there was trade and there were trade records. They are sometimes called "lines and cuts"
                        Unencrypted birch bark records found. So few that no one takes them seriously.
                        Well, there was also Vlesov's book - a dubious "artifact" Which was "found" by Sulakadzev .... Neopagans often appeal to it.
                        However, the original lost something impossible to verify.
                        Perhaps there was a runic letter.
                        But here, there are extremely few finds.
                  3. +7
                    4 March 2020 23: 07
                    Quote: Zeev Zeev
                    Rome was liberated by the Allies in 1943.

                    On the 44th of June 5
                    1. -2
                      5 March 2020 11: 33
                      Ours, that is, the Soviet Army, were to enter Rome (including the Vatican) in August 1968 during the events in Czechoslovakia. My dad, then a military man, from mid-August 1968 was already in a barracks position and their group from Hungary (and we lived then in the town of Szekesfehervar) had plans to advance through Austria and Yugoslavia, and by the end of the sixth day go to the shore of the Strait of Messina without crossing to the island of Sicily. Rome, according to my dad, we had to go on the evening of the fourth day. They said they didn’t touch the island of Sicily, the mafia is strong there and the CPSU does not want to spoil relations with it, and it’s kind of agreed.
                      It was all in my memory. Dad, of course, did not keep maps of Italy at home, they were secret, but he had spoken about them all these years. (Large declassified General Staff sheets, I think you have many.) Like that. But, unfortunately, my dad didn’t drive around Italy for free. But I traveled in the early 2000s, but already a tourist, and for my money ...
                      So, the Vatican library with archives would go to us! But fate was not then.
                2. +9
                  4 March 2020 12: 39
                  Quote: neri73-r
                  type historians - Biron

                  Was Biron a historian? Who is the fool included ...
                  1. +4
                    4 March 2020 18: 55
                    I welcome you, Vyacheslav hi
                    Was Biron a historian? This is who includes the fool.

                    Can neri73-r I meant the granddaughter of Biron - the writer of the 19th century Ekaterina Petrovna, Katarina Frederick Wilhelmina Benigna von Biron.
                    Her historical novels were read by Mashenka in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Dubrovsky"
                    1. 0
                      4 March 2020 21: 22
                      Everything can be ... but what does the writer have to do with history, especially the writer of that time? And besides, judging by his other comments that Biron (Protestant) worked for the Vatican, he wrote exactly what he wanted. Do not ... protect!
                      1. +4
                        4 March 2020 21: 29
                        I do not know. We can only guess. neri73-r about the historian Biron is silent as partisans during interrogation smile
                      2. +8
                        4 March 2020 21: 31
                        And they are all silent when they are asked about something directly and specifically. In general, they know everything about everything, but specifically you will not get an answer. Only minus ...
                      3. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 08: 10
                        Well, so far only those whose statements are disputed by you have been criticized ...
                      4. 0
                        5 March 2020 09: 33
                        And they don't answer my questions. For example, no one answered how it is known that Schletzer and Miller rewrote our chronicles, or that they rewrote history, but then what about the chronicles? Or that they rewrote everything, but why then in the rewritten there is not the slightest humiliation of Russia? How many times have I asked about this - no answers. Here are the cons and appear. They are given by those who correctly assess such silence. "And she feeds on fables ..."
                      5. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 10: 28
                        But it is known for certain that they were the lifetime enemies of Lomonosov, and then edited his work “Ancient Russian history from the beginning of the Russian people until the death of Grand Duke Yaroslav the first or before 1054.” And it is known for certain that the work of V. N. Tatishchev of the 1730s, Russian History, was published, for some reason, much later, in 1769-1784. and also under their own editorship.
                      6. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 10: 40
                        And the annals were replaced. And there is evidence of rubbing and erasing and replacing whole sheets. only works on this subject are traditionally scolded, not discussed.
                        And humiliation, and what humiliation? It depends on how you interpret this concept: if we talk about the wealth and greatness of a country with its fragility and creation from the outside, is this a humiliation? There is such a method, described by G. K. Chesterton: do you want to hide a dead tree, plant a dead forest. And there is such a commonplace way to seem better than others: constantly speak badly of others, including in trusting form
                      7. -2
                        5 March 2020 11: 40
                        Quote: MVG
                        And the annals were replaced. And there is evidence of rubbing and erasing and replacing whole sheets. only works on this subject are traditionally scolded, not discussed.
                        And humiliation, and what humiliation? It depends on how you interpret this concept: if we talk about the wealth and greatness of a country with its fragility and creation from the outside, is this a humiliation?

                        Have all the annals been replaced? And where are the works on this topic "laughed at"? Author - title of work, publisher, page? And where in the annals is it said about the fragility and creation of our state from the outside? An invitation to reign foreign princes is not the creation of a state. There was a reign before them, as well as cities. And it would be understandable if there were no descriptions of our victories in the annals, but only defeat. But this is not so. So you say empty words. Based on the opinion of semi-literate ordinary people, for whom the words PSRL are an empty phrase. And say this to people who have been dealing with the subject of historiography for decades. Aren't you funny yourself?
                      8. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 19: 10
                        The Radzivilov Chronicle is a story with a missing sheet, miraculously found by historians and compilers of the Moscow Academic Chronicle. The sheet contains a global chronology of all known history, again wonderfully consistent with the Scaliger version of history.
                        Do you know about this? Are you an honest historian?
                      9. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 19: 42
                        Tell me, moderator, why is it that the comment currently being commented on was first replaced by the text "you are not allowed to comment on this topic", and then appeared in a greatly truncated form? I break site rules - ban. Or are not all users on the site equal? Are some more equal than others? Can't yapping in any direction? So write: do not yap in the direction of such and such. It will be fair.
                      10. +1
                        5 March 2020 20: 40
                        And also remember, Valery, that it is not customary here to address anyone with "you". You can't yap in this direction! Learn this for the future! VO is a site of very polite people. Here even ... (the word forbidden in VO) and the ignorant say YOU!
                      11. +2
                        5 March 2020 20: 37
                        It is ugly to answer a question with a question. I was the first to ask and would like to receive an answer. He asked me to name the work where he "laughs". That is, we were talking about one thing. You jump to something else. Such techniques show the opponent's dishonesty.
                      12. Mwg
                        8 March 2020 18: 01
                        Dear, I take off my hat! All your administrative resource! You can be hungry as you like, they still will not give me an answer. I already wrote and deleted. I would venture to write again: you hush up the topics under discussion and intensely begin to discuss related topics. Sophism and Jesuitism - such names at one time received similar types of manipulations in the dispute. Initially, the topic of discussion was minipulations of historians with information, and I gave you examples of such manipulation. And do not try to translate the conversation in a different direction.
                        "The Radziwill Chronicle is a story with a missing sheet, miraculously found by historians by the compilers of the Moscow-Academic Chronicle. The sheet contains a global chronology of all known history, again wonderfully consistent with the Scaligerian version of history." - that was the answer that you probably did not notice.
                        And the sniffing is going right here and now:
                        "For once, I completely agree with your comments. Do not waste time on apologists for the sect." The story has been forged since ancient times. All documents are replaced with "correct". You can't prove anything to them anyway: logic is not part of their cognitive paradigm. "
                        "And the wild Germans probably came to the academy to study with Lomonosov. And apparently they translated from Russian into Latin, since the Slavs have whole ancient libraries of philosophy, jurisprudence, geometry."
                        And this is your follower:
                        "Let me guess: a" closed library "for people like you? Where do you get your knowledge from then? Or does faith require no proof?"
                        "Is archeology classified? Belay by whom? The Vatican? The Romanovs? Did the men tell you this fact too?"
                        "What if you tell him that the Vatican library is also open? or is it better dosed?"
                        And this is you personally: "Exactly so! Well, isn't it tempting? And yet in 1780 there was an atomic war and general brainwashing. You can believe in that, no worse than anything else. And the Caucasus ... what the Caucasus, when Russians rule the world! "
                      13. +1
                        8 March 2020 19: 44
                        Well, so online why not over .... and laugh? Ignorance is so prettier. Here, do you know, you spend years studying the simplest topic, but comes ... and begins to "make discoveries". Let's do this: You give me a link to your article on historical topics. FOR ANY TOPIC! But in the journals ISSUES OF HISTORY, MILITARY HISTORICAL JOURNAL, HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN STATE AND LAW. Including the article about the lost page. Only 1 article and I am ready to agree with all your "comments". Well, bolder ... You are shy here, write in a personal. Well, if not. Then ... I don't have time to teach anyone here. PSRL at your service. By the way, why just smart people should necessarily be my followers? They are on their own, myself.
                      14. +2
                        8 March 2020 19: 52
                        Quote: kalibr
                        You know, you spend years studying the simplest topic,

                        Vyacheslav - centuries can be spent on the study of intentionally invented myths, there are examples in history. wink
                      15. 0
                        8 March 2020 21: 59
                        Who invented and why? And then, it does not happen that someone comes up with so well that another, studying the "notion" cannot recognize it. There is always something that betrays her. Have you read all the volumes of PSRL? Or do you have a degree in source studies? Maybe you are also a candidate of sciences in this field.
                      16. +1
                        9 March 2020 21: 51
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Maybe you are also a candidate of science in this area.

                        No Vyacheslav, I'm just a thinking person. There are a lot of examples of rewriting history, for example, the baptism of Russia - all sources describe the joy of the people at baptism, but were people so happy in reality when the prince with a foreign retinue began to impose a new God, while completely rejecting the old, native Gods worshiped by their ancestors ? This is called rewriting history. An example of distortion of historical facts is well described by Valentin Ivanov in "Russia is Primordial", when Procopius' thoughts are described. hi
                      17. 0
                        10 March 2020 07: 48
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        There are plenty of examples of rewriting history. For example, the baptism of Russia - all sources describe the joy of the people at baptism, but were people really so happy when the prince with a foreign squad began to impose a new God, while completely rejecting the old, native Gods whom the ancestors worshiped ? This is called rewriting history.

                        Igor! You don't look like a thinking person. Well, absolutely! With the fact that you wrote NOBODY AND DOES NOT argue. Even Schletser (German) wrote a book about "dark places" in our annals and the obvious correspondence of a number of places. It was published in Russia in translation in 1805. It was not about the fact that they did not correspond, but with whom, when and for what purpose. And it was that it was Miller, Schletzer, agents of the Vatican and so on. Don't you remember? Here is the branch! Take a walk ... And the fact that the chronicles were edited, including personally by Ivan the Terrible, no one disputes. Again, it was about belittling the history of Russia in the annals. Have you managed to forget this too? There will be, there will be an article about the chronicles of Russia and the Russian state and how they are studied ...
                      18. +1
                        10 March 2020 08: 42
                        Quote: kalibr
                        You do not look like a thinking person. Well, absolutely!

                        About how! belay Thank you, dear Vyacheslav! good You know how to "polish" your opponent. laughing
                        If you remember, the discussion with us began with
                        Quote: kalibr
                        By whom and why invented?
                        I gave you a vivid example of "inventing" - religion. Doesn't it take up quite a large part of history? Besides religion, history is full of examples of cutting down historical events and creating new historical myths. Do you not know about this? wink
                      19. 0
                        10 March 2020 09: 39
                        And now it turns out that you don't even know how to read. Or rather, you only read yourself. And constantly break into the open door. If you had read the studies of the same chronicles, it would never have occurred to you to make such "discoveries". I told you that even that Schletser drew attention to this ... and then only perhaps the lazy one did not write about it. Here's a start: Alekseev A.A., Bobrov A.G., Likhachev D.S. Textology. SPb., 2001
                        Amosov A.A. Facial annals of Ivan the Terrible. M., 1998.
                        Berezhkov N.G. Chronology of the Russian chronicles. M., 1963
                        Buganov V.I. Domestic historiography of the Russian annals. M., 1975
                        Vilkul T. L. The people and the prince in the ancient Russian chronicles of the middle of the XI-XIII centuries. M., 2009.
                        Vovina-Lebedeva V.G. New chronicler. History of the text. SPb., 2004.
                        And here is just about editing the annals: Alshits D.N. Ivan the Terrible and the postscript to the personal vaults of his time // Istor. notes. 1947.Vol. 23. S. 251-289.

                        Ziborov V.K.On the annals of Nestor. SPb., 1995.
                      20. 0
                        10 March 2020 09: 50
                        This dissertation is also very interesting: Schools of the study of Russian chronicles: ХIХ - mid XX century. topic of dissertation and abstract on the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 07.00.09, Doctor of Historical Sciences Vovina, Varvara Gelievna 2012, St. Petersburg
                        SO DON'T BREAK IN AN OPEN DOOR, DO NOT.
                      21. +1
                        10 March 2020 16: 23
                        Quote: kalibr
                        SO DON'T BREAK IN AN OPEN DOOR, DO NOT.

                        Something I do not understand you Vyacheslav. You are trying to prove that in history there are no substitutions and invented events for the study of which the descendants spend years, then tell me that these are obvious things. Or did I misunderstand you?
                        P.S. Vyacheslav, you used to seem to me above what would go on to be personal. wink
                        Quote: kalibr
                        And now it turns out that you don’t know how to read. Rather, you read only yourself.
                      22. 0
                        10 March 2020 18: 58
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        You are trying to prove that in history there are no substitutions and invented events for the study of which the descendants spend years, then tell me that these are obvious things.

                        And you still take offense at something ... The second time I write, SECOND, that it was about the fact that the annals were rewritten by Miller, Schletser, agents of the Vatican. Even one nerd wrote that according to our chronicles the Germans trampled well. Further, that these changes were aimed at belittling our history. What the title of the article is talking about. Am I spelling out? But no one disputes that there were substitutions in the annals. Only neither the Vatican’s agents, Mi Miller and Schletser, nor Peter the Great, nor Catherine have anything to do with it. Clear? And not to diminish all these changes were directed, but to praise the church, princes and kings. At least now it dawned on you or not? And how can one not get personal, when I hammer it for you the SECOND TIME? And before that it was all about the same !!!
                      23. +2
                        10 March 2020 19: 29
                        Quote: kalibr
                        Only neither the Vatican’s agents, Mi Miller and Schletser, nor Peter the Great, nor Catherine have anything to do with it.

                        The British in their expansion around the world, as a matter of priority, after conquering countries built their schools, and replaced traditional values ​​and beliefs from the mentality of the indigenous population. All this was done intentionally with the aim of enforcing their values ​​and, as a consequence, the transformation of the people into their vassal. Moreover, this is being done now.
                        Why do you exclude the same intent on the part of the Germans in the 17th and 18th centuries? After all, any conspiracy theory should be considered from the opposite - we take the declared goals and methods of achieving them, and ask ourselves whether the results of achieving these goals will be beneficial to the alleged participants in this "conspiracy theory", and whether the methods of achieving these goals are effective. And ridiculing the themes of "theories" and the people involved in exposing them is just one of the techniques of these theories. A striking example is the Catechism of Jews in the USSR - everything is detailed there.
                        So I want to ask you a question - can the Norman theory of the origin of Russia be beneficial to anyone outside of Russia?
                        And yet - how do you feel about the rumors about the digging back by German archaeologists of the results of excavations on the island of Rugen, which suddenly turned out to be of Slavic origin?
                        P.S. And do not get excited, imagine that I am a persistent first-year student. bully
                      24. 0
                        10 March 2020 22: 07
                        I answered you, but the answer got to the very end.
                        Quote: Ingvar 72
                        Why do you exclude the same intent on the part of the Germans in the 17-18th centuries?

                        Because you do not know anything about chronicles. I gave you a list of books. Read. And here is a list of dissertations. Read. And your silly questions will decrease!
                        1. Methods of transmitting someone else's speech in Russian chronicles of the 10.02.01th - 2014th centuries. Author: Vlasova, Ekaterina Alexandrovna. Specialty HAC RF: 361 Scientific degree: Ph.D. Year of defense: 250 Place of defense: Moscow Number of pages: XNUMX p. : ill. free download abstract Cost: XNUMX rub.
                        2. Facial vault and Russian chronicles of the 07.00.09th century. Author: Morozov, Valentin Viktorovich Specialty code: 2006 Scientific degree: Doctoral Year of defense: 418 Place of defense: Moscow Number of pages: 250 p. : ill. Cost: XNUMX rubles.
                        3. Morphological phenomena in the language of Russian chronicles of the XIX-XY centuries. V. Dissertations in the Humanities Author of the scientific work: Andrsh, Lyubov Ivanovna Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences Place of defense of the dissertation: Odessa
                        4. Traditional formulas of Russian annals: structure and semantics Year: 2015 Author of scientific work: Zainullina, Saida Radikovna Academic degree: candidate of philological sciences Place of defense of the dissertation: Izhevsk
                        5. Church and parish chronicles as a historical source: Mid XIX - early XX century. Author: Dobrenkiy, Sergey Ivanovich Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation: 07.00.09 Scientific degree: Ph.D. Year of defense: 2006 Place of defense: Moscow Number of pages: 230 p. Cost: 250 rubles.
                        6. The Great Steppe and the Polovtsian Land: According to Russian chronicles, the topic of the dissertation and abstract on the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 07.00.02, Candidate of Historical Sciences Aksenov, Valery Vasilyevich Candidate of Historical Sciences 2002, Kazan
                        7. Historical and linguistic study of Turkic-Tatar geographical names in Russian chronicles: IX - XVI centuries. topic of the dissertation and abstract on the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation 10.02.02, Candidate of Philological Sciences Akhmetzyanov, Ildar Gabdrashitovich 2004, Kazan
                      25. -1
                        10 March 2020 22: 12
                        And in simple words on the topic of the questions asked? I would like to know exactly your opinion, and not to see the list of historical literature of very authoritative authors of course.
                      26. 0
                        11 March 2020 06: 53
                        Igor! I already expressed my opinion to you. TWICE! Repeat in THIRD? Are you too lazy to read and learn yourself? So tell me. About digging was in my article!
                      27. Mwg
                        8 March 2020 19: 54
                        So I do not claim that I am a historian and have never stated this. What article are you asking me for? You are a historian, and cards are in your hands. You, as a professional, can clarify their delusions to those who are in error, but do not do this, but demand "proof in the studio". This is the same if, for example, they turn to me for advice, and instead I answer them: "Well, you, my friend and!". You have taken upon yourself the trouble of being a historian, so share your knowledge, eliminate illiteracy.
                      28. +1
                        8 March 2020 22: 02
                        Quote: MVG
                        Well, share knowledge, eliminate illiteracy.

                        What am I doing? Take a look at the profile and there are 1250 articles just for this. But I do not like it when they write back to me all the nonsense of the ignorant. Peremptorily!
                      29. Mwg
                        9 March 2020 04: 15
                        OK. Here is a link to one of the works, do it as a special - refute reasonably:
                      30. 0
                        9 March 2020 07: 11
                        Do you understand that there are different specialists? A proctologist and a urologist are doctors, but they look at different holes. I have never dealt with this topic.
                      31. Mwg
                        9 March 2020 09: 27
                        I get it. You are in what area of ​​science history specializes, I will look for something for your specialization
                      32. +2
                        9 March 2020 11: 12
                        Valery! My specialization is PROFILE. Take a look. Read. These are PR, mass consciousness control, the history of the CPSU, the history of armored vehicles, samurai, the historiography of knightly armaments, castles, cultural studies, sources and source studies.
                      33. Mwg
                        9 March 2020 13: 01
                        OK. I will take the liberty of writing a couple of articles on your topic.
                        It will be very interesting to hear the opinion of the traditional historian on a different view of the events of the past. Where else do you have to talk face to face
                      34. +1
                        9 March 2020 13: 39
                        Well this is interesting and always welcome here. By the way, if you google "Shpakovsky VO all books", you will get all my 36 books in Russian and 4 in English. What if you like something? There is a site author. today, where you can read my historical novel "People and Weapons". There is practically no fiction, except that the characters are invented, and so, this is essentially a cognitive work.
                      35. Mwg
                        9 March 2020 05: 10
                        "By the way, why just smart people should necessarily be my followers? They are by themselves, myself." - tell me how you assess the intellectual potential of a person who answers like this: "I thought for a long time: do not answer, again they will be banned, and there is no more" ignore "on the site. Follower is a reader, by the way
                        well, in general: Fuck you ..y, dolboslav! "
                        Punctuation and spelling preserved in the original.
                      36. +2
                        9 March 2020 07: 15
                        No way! Because I do not know this person !!! It can be both the blind-eyed academician and the sober loader. For example, I grew up on Proletarskaya Street and surrounded by hardworking children, and so I can drive up so calmly that you will never guess a candidate of sciences in me. By the way, I was banned many times for the mat. Mate and intellectual potency are two different things.
                      37. Mwg
                        9 March 2020 09: 24
                        Only they warn me, for some reason, for much less.
                        And so, it was just about your statement about smart people as followers.
                      38. 0
                        9 March 2020 11: 14
                        Quote: MVG
                        Only they warn me, for some reason, for much less.
                        And so, it was just about your statement about smart people as followers.

                        I don't know Valery! I have no influence on the moderators and administration of the site. On the contrary, I am impressed that they treat me like everyone else. This is very correct. Most likely your "lesser" sounds worse than mate ...
                      39. Mwg
                        9 March 2020 12: 59
                        "Most likely your" lesser "sounds worse than mate ..." - You have a good opinion of people
                      40. 0
                        9 March 2020 13: 40
                        The more I don't know people, the more I love cats! Remember the novel by Robert Merle "Reasonable Animal", what dolphins said about people ...
                      41. 0
                        8 March 2020 16: 08
                        Author - title of work, publisher, page?
                      42. -2
                        5 March 2020 18: 50
                        And the wild Germans probably came to Lomonosov’s academy to study. And apparently translated from Russian into Latin, since the Slavs have entire ancient libraries in philosophy, jurisprudence, and geometry.
                      43. +5
                        6 March 2020 14: 18
                        Sorry, but the official history and its representatives also very often sin with silence. Or worse, falsification and blindness.
                      44. -1
                        8 March 2020 16: 10
                        Quote: Sergey79
                        Sorry, but official history and its representatives also very often sin in silence.

                        Do you know why, Sergey? Do not want to get involved in under-education! As they say do not roll the beads in front of ... let them not trample it underfoot!
                      45. +4
                        6 March 2020 19: 38
                        There will be several questions. Please give a logical answer. It is generally accepted that the settlement of our continent came from Africa. Why don't they pay attention to the parking lots in Kostenki? It is also generally accepted that the Scythians settled in the Black Sea region. What to do with Kyzyl gold? Where did the Scythians, Pechenegs, Polovtsians, Khazars go? Why are the finds of Siberia given the name "Indian rattle mirrors" without reason? There are a lot of similar questions ...
                      46. 0
                        6 March 2020 21: 01
                        Do you want to take a university course at HE, and hire me to be a teacher, Sergey? I'm afraid that individual training will not be affordable for you. Firstly, there is no such historian who would simultaneously deal with all these issues. Clear? Secondly, to get the answers you have to turn to different specialists, spend them and your time on this. And for whom or what? I do not need it. You need? Not enough money to pay for this work!
                      47. +2
                        7 March 2020 09: 18
                        Thanks for the advice. The questions were rather philosophical. There is enough education. A total of 20 years. I also have experience in writing scientific papers. Yes, and the writing manual ... And always the first question is asked: "What works have you read?" And research, in my opinion, is empty if they rely on sources of the same direction. "Every opinion has the right to be, but it must be subjected to critical analysis. And only then it is given an objective assessment" ...
                      48. 0
                        7 March 2020 12: 11
                        Quote: Sergey79
                        And research, in my opinion, is empty if they rely on sources of the same direction. "Every opinion has the right to be, but it must be subjected to critical analysis. And only then it is given an objective assessment" ...

                        That is why it is so difficult to answer so many very special questions. So far, be satisfied that soon there will be two of my materials on our annals. Go to the VO.
                      49. 0
                        7 March 2020 12: 13
                        Quote: Sergey79
                        And the first question is always asked: "What works have you read?"

                        Wonderful! I also told my graduate students the same thing. But you see that there are a lot of "experts" here who confuse Miller with Biron, Catholics with Protestants, but they have ... 0-ideas about what PSRL is. Everything is like Pushkin's - "And she eats fables ..."!
                      50. +7
                        5 March 2020 17: 00
                        We have Svanidze, Chubais, Mlechin historians. Why be surprised?
                  2. +4
                    5 March 2020 01: 21
                    Quote: kalibr
                    Was Biron a historian? Who is the fool included ...

                    Durku seems to include you, because for you "historians like Biron" and "historian Biron" are one and the same! belay
                    1. 0
                      5 March 2020 09: 34
                      But Biron was not a “no type” historian either!
                3. 0
                  4 March 2020 22: 56
                  Italy was already an ally in 1945
                4. 0
                  5 March 2020 11: 18
                  Biron and the company commissioned by the Vatican skillfully rewrote history and destroyed / seized originals.

                  Yeah, they dug up the whole of Russia immense and from every zemlyatsev got all the ancient letters of the ancient Rus, went around every house, every mound, etc. In general, they did what even modern archaeologists cannot do on a vast territory.

                  P'P ° Pј СЃР ° РјРѕРјСѓ то РЅРµ СЃРјРµС € РЅРѕ? lol
              2. Mwg
                5 March 2020 08: 01
                Yeah, they’re still finding her. For example, quite recently and quite by chance found in the Grand Canyon cave inscriptions in Hebrew dating from the 6th century. BC. And already in Ukraine they were found - unmeasured. Especially a lot of discoveries made since 2014
            2. +3
              4 March 2020 09: 56
              Quote: neri73-r
              Although there is hardly written in Hebrew.

              Guessing is not necessary. Need to know. There are also in Hebrew. Moreover, there is a list of materials that are available there. Moreover, you can request their photocopies. Here was my article about the Vatican library and its wealth. Take an interest.
              1. -2
                4 March 2020 10: 25
                Quote: kalibr
                Quote: neri73-r
                Although there is hardly written in Hebrew.

                Guessing is not necessary. Need to know. There are also in Hebrew. Moreover, there is a list of materials that are available there. Moreover, you can request their photocopies. Here was my article about the Vatican library and its wealth. Take an interest.

                Do you guarantee that you know about all the materials there? Or is there an open (for people like you) and a closed part of the library?
                1. +6
                  4 March 2020 11: 37
                  let me guess: a "closed library" for people like you? Where do you get knowledge then? or does faith require no proof?
                2. +1
                  4 March 2020 12: 36
                  Any person engaged in scientific research can write an application to the Vatican library and get permission to work there. For the money, of course. Even in the secret section. But it costs money and you still have to live there. And in Rome it is expensive. But if you want, will I arrange you there?
                  1. +4
                    4 March 2020 14: 21
                    I really liked the introductory illustration to the article “Scandinavian Odin with the Valkyries”!
                    I did not expect the author to adhere to Norman theory!
                    Nevertheless, the black-and-white drawing for the work of Eduard Vyashchenko is much more reliable than this miraculous fantasy, which depicts "the two-eyed One, on a throne with the heads of the Pardus, instead of ravens." Otherwise, everything is historical, winged helmets, winged spears, even Valkyries are also winged. Scandinavian shields and chain mail. With helmets, the artist a little podkosyachil, Well it’s okay a little bit possible.
                    Regards, Kote!
                    1. +2
                      4 March 2020 17: 17
                      And no complaints to the dugouts! laughing laughing good
                    2. 0
                      4 March 2020 21: 21
                      Quote: Kote pane Kohanka
                      I really liked the introductory illustration to the article “Scandinavian Odin with the Valkyries”!

                      The author added an illustration, but forgot the soundtrack of the article:

                  2. +1
                    4 March 2020 14: 23
                    Quote: kalibr
                    Any person engaged in scientific research can write an application to the Vatican library and get permission to work there. But if you want, will I arrange you there?

                    and Samsonov do not forget!
                    Although Petukhov, Klesov, grandfather Chu and the company already wrote everything.
              2. +7
                5 March 2020 01: 27
                Quote: kalibr
                Here was my article about the Vatican library and its wealth. Take an interest.

                You only know what the Vatican wanted to show ...
                These Vatican citizens hide and do not recognize even more harmless sources of information: Mavro Orbini "Slavic Kingdom", first published in Italy in 1601.
                1. 0
                  5 March 2020 19: 08
                  These Vatican citizens conceal and do not recognize even more harmless sources of information:

                  And why in the Russian Federation there is no ancient library similar to the Vatican? After all, then there would be no dependence on them. It turns out greatness was, but it was recorded in foreign libraries and they hide the Old.
                  The fact that you have to rely on the Vatican means the Slavs do not reach them. Italy 1000 - 1600 years surpassed Russia by head. The absence of a Slavic Vatican library indirectly indicates that there was no greatness.
                  1. +4
                    5 March 2020 20: 33
                    The answer is straight to the surface. After all, the fact that Peter introduced a new calendar is recognized. Before that, we had a Slavic one — by the way, summer 7529 is passing by now. Before Peter, we had not a spruce, but a birch and we celebrated it in the fall, September 1, according to the old style. And so the question is, what does it mean that we should not have originals dating from 1200 or 1300, In general, everything is younger than 1700. And we have the current they are - the question is, how so ?? So this is correspondence or simply written finally some strange sources.
                  2. +2
                    6 March 2020 10: 06
                    Well, why, Ivan the Terrible was collecting the library, but it was lost later, however. However, in the Vatican there may be books from ours ... Everything can be!
                    1. -3
                      6 March 2020 14: 48
                      Ivan the Terrible was collecting the library, but it was lost later

                      And they have not lost, which indirectly confirms that their development is higher than ours.
                  3. 0
                    6 March 2020 10: 07
                    Our Leninka is no worse than the Vatican! There is still need to figure it out.
                    1. -3
                      6 March 2020 14: 35
                      Our Leninka is no worse than the Vatican!

                      No worse, but we were talking about medieval libraries, but we didn’t have such libraries.
                  4. +2
                    6 March 2020 20: 46
                    Quote: nickname7
                    These Vatican citizens conceal and do not recognize even more harmless sources of information:

                    And why in the Russian Federation there is no ancient library similar to the Vatican? After all, then there would be no dependence on them. It turns out greatness was, but it was recorded in foreign libraries and they hide the Old.
                    The fact that you have to rely on the Vatican means the Slavs do not reach them. Italy 1000 - 1600 years surpassed Russia by head. The absence of a Slavic Vatican library indirectly indicates that there was no greatness.

                    Do you know anything about the library of Ivan the Terrible?
                    Strange however!
                    Search for information online.
                  5. +1
                    10 March 2020 22: 01
                    Quote: nickname7
                    And why in the Russian Federation there is no ancient library similar to the Vatican?

                    How is it not? And this is what: Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts
            3. Mwg
              5 March 2020 07: 53
              You see, it’s easier to throw minuses than to discuss the Vatican library. The topic under discussion and similar ones on many resources cause hysteria and flows of bile and causticity.
              Who will let it so easily break the lovingly cultivated and implanted illusion of the birthright))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
              1. 0
                5 March 2020 11: 49
                Valery! Here on the site was my article just on the content of the Vatican library and it did not cause any hysteria and bile. Use a search engine or profile, find and read. And there was no question of any illusions of the birthright. No need to multiply ridiculous entities for no reason.
                1. Mwg
                  5 March 2020 12: 14
                  I agree, it is not necessary and even harmful. But it is also not necessary to ridicule without refutation what contains a rational kernel. Where will you go to the linguistic coincidences of Sanskrit and modern Russian? What to do with the legends about the northern homeland of the highest caste of Hindus with the northern lights and landscapes of the Kola Peninsula? Where are you going to find the finds of traditionally Russian ducks and symbols of the field from Crete, how can you explain the 100% coincidence of the traditional patterns of the Permians and the Amazakhs? Where, finally, to put the medieval images of the "Indians" of North America with shovel beards, armies and bast shoes? And the Ainu from the Japanese islands? What to do with the "deplorable speech" written in Latin letters in Russian? And yes, do you seriously believe in the fairy tale that Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered America? And the notorious buried cities? Do the tales that the 3-20 meter blockages were caused by horses on their hooves seriously seem reliable to you?
                  When they begin to explain all this to us, then everything turns out to be very complicated, intermittent, not logical and confusing. Or maybe the principle of Occam's razor should first of all be applied by the authoritative and official? And if they do not use it and no one "notices" this, then maybe this is why authoritative and official ones are needed by default, in order to authoritatively chat up those who ask questions?
                  1. -3
                    6 March 2020 14: 44
                    Where do you get the linguistic coincidences of Sanskrit and modern Russian?

                    This issue has been investigated in sufficient detail. Russian language, inherited the time system from Sanskrit. But in other languages ​​there are more Sanskrit words, in others more sounds, all Indo-European languages ​​have similarities, but in different ways.

                    medieval images of "Indians" of North America with beards with a shovel, armies and bast shoes?

                    And this is nonsense.

                    What to do with the "deplorable speech" written in Latin letters in Russian? And yes, do you seriously believe in the tale that Christopher Columbus accidentally discovered America?

                    And this is bullshit.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                    2. Mwg
                      6 March 2020 16: 00
                      Parallels (that is, direct kinship): “jnana” - “knowledge”, “vidya” - “knowledge”, “dvara” - “door”, “mrit” - “death”, “shveta” - “light” , "Jiva" - "lively", kim - which, which, tat - one,
                      And another half a kilometer list.
                      Found in nete all this in a couple of minutes. and this is not only a system of times, but much more.
                      Look for deplorable speech there.
                      And you don’t need to rush into delirium to announce what you yourself see for the first time, otherwise it’s easy to get into a funny situation
                      1. -2
                        6 March 2020 18: 16
                        And another half a kilometer list
                        There will be no less words in Greek or German, but different ones. The English have h aspirate, h is real Sanskrit, unlike our x. The Germans say "this is a tree", and we say "this tree", the auxiliary verb "is" is a distortion of Sanskrit, i.e. our times are more purely preserved. In general, they have some elements closer to Sanskrit than ours, but our other elements are closer.
                      2. Mwg
                        6 March 2020 19: 27
                        In short, who has more elements, he claims to Sanskrit. We hope that you will successfully carry out work in comparison of different elements.
          2. +2
            4 March 2020 09: 57
            Could you elaborate on the ancient writing of the Slavs in Russia in the pre-Christian era?

            birch bark letters of ancient Russia date from the 9-10th century
            1. +5
              4 March 2020 10: 22
              In fact, they date back to the 11-15th centuries. Psalter of 1010 is considered the most ancient
              1. +3
                4 March 2020 16: 16
                not I dated. Online info that 9-10 century
              2. +4
                5 March 2020 01: 29
                Quote: pru-pavel
                In fact, they date back to the 11-15th centuries. Psalter of 1010 is considered the most ancient

                Source of information in the studio ... in your opinion there was no written contract with Byzantium in 911?
                1. +1
                  5 March 2020 03: 57
                  There was a contract, but its originals were not preserved. This treaty is known only from the late annals. In addition, it was compiled in Greek and Old Slavonic languages ​​(Old Slavonic - it would be more correct to even speak Old Bulgarian, it was the Greeks for the Bulgarians who developed this literary written language) This agreement is not specifically a monument of Russian writing. Thanks to the Greeks, the Bulgarian language appeared much earlier, but in Russia it was recorded only after the adoption of Christianity. If we consider the Bulgarian written language of Russia, whose monuments were not found in Russia, then we can certainly speak of pre-Christian writing, the Bulgarians also have a written post-Christian writing, by the way, they adopted Christianity much earlier.
                2. +2
                  5 March 2020 04: 20
                  By dating. There is wikipedia.
                  There is a complete database of letters you can see for yourself
          3. +12
            4 March 2020 14: 44
            the ancient writing of the Slavs in Russia in the pre-Christian era?

            Samsonov again broke through to the Internet and wrote what he could. But it was said that it was to lock the office of the head doctor ... wassat
            1. 0
              4 March 2020 16: 41
              So spring! Spring aggravation ... smile
            2. +4
              4 March 2020 18: 12
              Quote: Keyser Soze
              Samsonov again broke through to the Internet and wrote what he could.

          4. +7
            5 March 2020 17: 37
            Quote: Zeev Zeev
            Could you elaborate on the ancient writing of the Slavs in Russia in the pre-Christian era?

            Does "faith" not allow you to read books on your own?
            Here, out of the blue:
            "The earliest history of the Slavs and Slavs-Russ before Rurik's time" - Yegor Ivanovich Klassen
            "Slavic Kingdom" - Mavro Orbini
            "The Great Deception. A Fictional History of Europe" - Uwe Topper
            "Arctic homeland in the Vedas" - Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak
            Look on the net or here you can also
          5. +3
            5 March 2020 18: 14
            It turns out that any people on the planet had their own civilization and the Russians were just born in swamps and forests and immediately went out into the world? (C)
            1. -2
              7 March 2020 09: 23
              The origin of the Russians is connected with the Cheops pyramid under the supervision of a dog and we carry this information on ourselves, we just need to bring some part of the body to the state of papyrus.
            2. Fat
              12 March 2020 19: 14
              Quote: Tank jacket
              It turns out that any people on the planet had their own civilization and the Russians were just born in swamps and forests and immediately went out into the world? (C)

              Yeah, "three from the forest" ... We left along Yu. Nikitin.
              1. +1
                12 March 2020 19: 25
                History is a weapon directed from the past to the future (c) Inspire the people that they are backward and they did not have an ancient history and ...
            3. +1
              April 15 2020 15: 30
              It turns out like this. I have lived 60 years and I can confidently say that it was like that in life, and written down in history a little differently. Sometimes it’s just the opposite. Now judge the correctness of the court historians. And people still have the memory as it was on really.
          6. +2
            5 March 2020 19: 49
            Easy - where did the Cyrillic alphabet come from (well, from What did Cyril and Methodius create) ?? For example, in the Urals, they found a relief stone map, which is 120 million years old. And also there is a rune. And even if it's funny - all the kings of France swore an oath on the "Reims Gospel", and she "Reims Gospel consists of 2 parts, written in different Slavic letters:
            - The first part is Cyrillic, and
            - 2nd - glagolic. "

            “It cannot be said that nothing was known about the Slavic manuscript in Reims in Russia.
            - In 1717, Emperor Peter I arrived in France on state affairs. Traveling to different cities of this country, on June 27, he visited the ancient city of Reims, the traditional place of the coronation of French kings. In the Reims Cathedral, Catholic priests, showing special attention to the distinguished guest, showed him their relic - an old strange book written in mysterious, incomprehensible signs. Peter took the book in his hands and, to the surprise of those present, began to freely read aloud to the shocked clergy the first part of the manuscript. The emperor explained that this is a Church Slavonic text. As for the second part, neither the royal guest nor his entourage could read it. The French were amazed at what had happened, and this story was recorded as one of the most remarkable events when Peter I visited France. "
          7. +1
            7 March 2020 11: 18
            Quote: Zeev Zeev
            Could you elaborate on the ancient writing of the Slavs in Russia in the pre-Christian era?

            Of course it is possible. But you still declare that this cannot be, because it cannot be.
            Your ancestors invented a single God, and he began a triumphant march across the planet in the form of Christianity. How did the new religion begin? That's right, with the fight against "polytheism". Moreover, the struggle is brutal, uncompromising, and bloody. In this struggle, everything related to the history of the people, its culture and, of course, writing was destroyed. In the form of written sources.
            But this was only the first wave. Then there was the second - Nikon's reforms, then the third - Romanov’s, etc. But, despite all these waves, something remained. But this minuscule is in every way hushed up by professional historians. Because, if you open it, then hundreds and thousands of dissertations will fly, you will have to admit that you are wrong. And who wants this?
            Hence your exclamations about the allegedly non-existent writing of the Slavs.
          8. +2
            8 March 2020 17: 56
            The topic of Slavic writing in the pre-Christian era is well covered by Igor Yurievich Dodonov in the book "The Origins of Slavic Writing", I recommend.
        2. +7
          4 March 2020 08: 13
          Quote: Dmitry Potapov
          It turns out any people on the planet had their own civilization

          Not at all, by the way! Why write this without thinking. And many now do not have it.
        3. +1
          5 March 2020 00: 13
          Quote: Dmitry Potapov
          It turns out any people he had his own civilization on the planet, and the Russians were simply born in swamps and forests and immediately entered the world.

          Not everyone. There are thousands of peoples and languages ​​on the planet, and there are about a dozen "centers of civilizations" (regions where complex agrarian societies have emerged independently):

          Valley of the Tigris and Euphrates
          Nile Valley
          Indus Valley
          Southeast Asia
          West Africa
          South Africa

          The most influential of these are the first four. Most states and cultures on Earth are, to one degree or another, the successors of these civilizations. Including Ancient Russia, which is fully integrated into the cultural area of ​​Byzantium, which in turn was formed under the influence of civilizations of the Ancient East. And even these ancient seven-language states are also the receivers of an even more ancient Sumerian Civilization ...
          1. 0
            5 March 2020 11: 41
            P. No. 6 - Mayans and Toltecs! In vain you discard them ... I would move them to fifth or even fourth place! The end of the world is not given to everyone to predict and eat their people ...
            1. 0
              5 March 2020 23: 20
              I didn’t sort by seniority, but rather grouped geographically - West Asia, East Asia, America and Africa. All of them are unique in their own way ...
              1. 0
                6 March 2020 10: 03
                Accepted, good, good! I agree. I don’t give you an assessment - I am not a school teacher. Have a nice day!
          2. -1
            5 March 2020 11: 53
            Now you, Evgeny, will be given a hat. Because the East is the Jews, and you connect Russia to Byzantium, where there were many of them, that is, you swung at the sacred - the birthright of the Slavs all over the world!
            1. +4
              5 March 2020 23: 49
              But this is the way it is, the Slavic-Finno-Ugric state, which inherited the administrative vertical of the Khazar Haganate and the Viking trade relations, borrowing the Byzantine cultural code, became part of the Great East Christian Civilization, the genesis of which in turn goes back thousands of years. On the contrary should be proud!
        4. +2
          5 March 2020 18: 22
          why when the question arises about the origin of Russian civilization, or does its antiquity immediately rise a wave of refutations?

          In general, the refutation is not to history, but version Petukhov, do not confuse the story with fantasy.
        5. -1
          5 March 2020 20: 52
          ,, Darwin also put forward the theory of the origin of man, and everyone followed it as about the absolute truth ,,

          Darwin himself did not expect such popularity of his theory of evolution.
          She just came in time.

          In general, this theory is completely untenable and unscientific, because there are no intermediate links in the chain of evolution, of which millions and billions must be found.
      2. +32
        4 March 2020 06: 02
        Quote: Tlauicol
        Teach folk histories of crazy graphomaniacs at school? Are you serious ?

        that is, teaching Jewish "folk history" in schools is the norm?
        1. -3
          4 March 2020 06: 06
          that is, teaching Jewish "folk history" in schools is the norm?

          Well, this is the same)))
          What is the Torah, I hope you know)))
          1. +12
            4 March 2020 06: 54
            It is painful to realize that many Western Europeans are in fact our relatives who are overthrown by Europeans who are arrogant in their European character, descendants of Aryan migrants from our swamps and forests. laughing
            1. -4
              4 March 2020 08: 14
              Quote: bessmertniy

              We are all relatives, because from Adam and Eve!
              1. +3
                4 March 2020 09: 52
                Judging by the minuses, someone came from Lilith, of course!
                1. +1
                  4 March 2020 10: 03
                  Judging by the minuses, someone came from Lilith, of course!

                  Vyacheslav Olegovich, you can still recall Darwin's theory. what
                  I did not understand another:
                  At the same time, the fact that the "young" Russian people created writing before the adoption of Christianity is omitted. That the Russians have the oldest literature in Europe, which is inferior in antiquity only to the literature of the ancient period. True, there is a well-founded opinion that "antique" literature was created in the Middle Ages. Accordingly, Russian literature in antiquity is not inferior to the so-called. antique.
                  That is, the "new chronology" side by side, but quite seriously, goes to VO? request
                  Also, please enlighten on the next question. In the presented last scheme of the evolution of the "proto-Slavs" I did not find the peoples of the Caucasus. I saw the Scythians, I saw the Kurds, I saw the British, and the Russians at the top of the cake. Please explain to which branch the natives of the Caucasus belong. hi Colleagues, waiting for your opinion. soldier
                  1. +2
                    4 March 2020 10: 06
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    That is, the "new chronology" side by side, but quite seriously, goes to VO?

                    Exactly! Isn’t it tempting? And after all, in 1780 there was an atomic war and a general brainwashing. You can believe in it, no worse than anything else. And the Caucasus ... that the Caucasus, when the Russians rule the world!
                    1. 0
                      4 March 2020 10: 38
                      And after all, in 1780 there was an atomic war and a general brainwashing.

                      Washington and Lafayette partners with Jewish bankers arranged?

                      when Russians rule the world!

                      Please note that on the USA flag in the picture there are at least two Russian tricolors + the EU flag. fellow That is - everywhere our people! drinks
                      1. -2
                        4 March 2020 16: 44
                        Please note that on the USA flag in the picture there are at least two Russian tricolors + the EU flag
                        ..... Yes, yes ... and the war for US independence was not long ago, 50 years ago ... laughing
                      2. -1
                        4 March 2020 16: 53
                        ..... Yes, yes ... and the war for US independence was not long ago, 50 years ago ...

                        Alexey Anatolyevich, we will wait another 50 years, and we won’t be surprised if they write so. wink and all the rest - the Masons came up with it! drinks
                      3. 0
                        4 March 2020 17: 07
                        And Churchill was the main freemason ... He invented it all in 18 ... laughing drinks
                      4. -1
                        4 March 2020 17: 22
                        He invented it all in 18 ...

                        yeah, when I got hooked on brandy. Yes with their chemosis that you just can't imagine! Iosif Vissarionovich was trying to pull it out by sending boxes of "naturel" - Armenian cognac, but the carcass in the pot and with a cigar in its teeth after the war still turned its ass towards us. request
                        And Churchill was the main freemason ... He invented it all in 18 ...

                        and then another head physician Margulis banned TV! drinks
                      5. -1
                        5 March 2020 19: 17
                        And the city of Beijing was founded by Russian bakers, Beijing is our city.
                    2. +2
                      4 March 2020 11: 02
                      that the Caucasus, when the Russians rule the world!

                      I also did not find the Chuvash in the genealogy picture. I think. That the presented scheme needs to be supplemented so that all the peoples of the Russian Federation are represented on it. On the porcelain of 1780-90 (under Catherine and serfdom!) They were completely imprinted for some reason, but here it is serious research - and they are not! soldier
                      At the same time, I ask you to indicate the Finns, because I do not know who to attribute the nearest country to from St. Petersburg. I’m trying to get their visa, and I'm just not sure that I’ll take them to correct branch of the pre-Slavs. They will also expose ... No.
                  2. 0
                    4 March 2020 10: 57
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    That is, the "new chronology" side by side, but quite seriously, goes to VO?

                    So if it was already:

                    Mamai - "mom",
                    Batu- "dad"
                    Then why not?
                    Quote: Pane Kohanku
                    on in?
                    I also ask you to enlighten on the following question. In the submitted last pattern evolution of the "proto-Slavs" I have not found the peoples of the Caucasus. I saw Scythians, I saw Kurds, I saw Englishmen, and Russians at the top of the cake. Please explain to which branch the natives of the Caucasus belong. colleagues, I look forward to your opinion.

                    Nothing complicated: in the "tree, on the lower left branch ("Slavic-Indo-Aryan" there is an UNFILLED "branch" (below Kurds ) - there you enter any of the neighbors of the Persians in the Caucasus! hi

                    There, you really need one more ham for "Slavic-Chinese" good , also descendants of the Protoslavs (the opening I give to the author free of charge) Yes
                    1. 0
                      4 March 2020 11: 06

                      Andrei, you will laugh, but it just might have been. drinks According to Gumilyov, in the Middle Ages in the Middle Kingdom for some time there was a small colony of Slavic settlers. hi
                  3. +3
                    4 March 2020 10: 57
                    In the picture that concludes the article, at the very bottom, it is written - the ethnogenesis of the Indo-European peoples. Turn on Google / Yandex.
                  4. +7
                    4 March 2020 12: 34
                    What does this article have to do with the New Chronology? The author derives the Slavs from the Aryans, and leads the corresponding scheme. You can do exactly the same, but to put in the center not the Slavs, but the Germans, the Romance people, etc. And everything will remain the same. Regarding writing - no one doubts that by the time the Cyrillic alphabet was created (9th century), our ancestors ALREADY had written language (Glagolitic, as well as features and cuts). Methodius in his letters mentioned that the alphabet was created on the basis of the Greek and already existing among the Slavs. And Christianity was adopted only in 988. This is the 10th century.
                    1. +1
                      4 March 2020 14: 55
                      that at the time of the creation of the Cyrillic alphabet (9th century), our ancestors ALREADY had written language (Glagolitic, as well as features and cuts). Methodius in his letters mentioned that the alphabet was created on the basis of the Greek and already existing among the Slavs

                      In fact, the glagolitic is created by Methodology. The Cyrillic alphabet was created by Clement of Ohrid, in the Preslav Book School, on behalf of the Bulgarian Tsar Boris I, in the so-called close-party Bulgarian interests - did not want to write in the Greek alphabet, but had their own and their own service books, in Bulgarian. Nefig they had to introduce Byzantine influence in the country. But the Russians got the alphabet and books by accident - there simply weren’t others.
                2. +8
                  4 March 2020 10: 42
                  Quote: kalibr
                  Judging by the minuses, someone came from Lilith, of course!

                  Good, damn it! smile
                  1. +9
                    4 March 2020 10: 51
                    Good, damn it!

                    yes, indeed, it is difficult not to produce the next branch of humanity from such a thing. wink drinks
                3. -2
                  5 March 2020 14: 56
                  No, rather, one of the Svarogs' grandchildren did not want to be assigned to the "Eden incubator".
              2. +5
                4 March 2020 14: 54
                If we refer to the Old Testament, in Chapter 1 - the Creator God created people, that is, people already lived. In Chapter 2, already the Lord God creates Adam and Eve, most likely Adam and Eve are the progenitors of the Semitic people, Jews and Arabs.
              3. +2
                5 March 2020 18: 30
                Quote: kalibr
                We are all relatives

                according to you, you can see ... the close ties of the biblical people are affecting)))
            2. -1
              4 March 2020 14: 20
              Europeans -
              Quote: bessmertniy
              descendants of Aryan migrants from our swamps and forests.

              It is the modern Russians who wandered into the swamps, and our ancestors are the predecessors of the ancient Romans, the "Etruscans". Etruscans - Et 'Russians. It's time to get out of the swamps!
          2. 0
            4 March 2020 18: 17
            From our "History", from the accent and quotation marks, it is clear that not "our" ...
        2. +2
          4 March 2020 08: 16
          Which of the Jewish fh have you been taught or are being taught? Is that the basics of religion a couple of hours
      3. +17
        4 March 2020 07: 12
        .... yeah, only Petukhov is the same historian as Bushkov or Chudinov.

        In 100 years ... and even earlier. People like you foaming at the mouth will defend the now emerging deceitful Western version of World War II. Where we Russians are accused of unleashing it. And the evidence for people like you will be the same. After all, this is the "universally accepted version".
        1. -40
          4 March 2020 07: 23
          No one accuses the Russians of unleashing the Second World War. Like the Germans, which is interesting. Hitler and Stalin specifically are accused.
          1. +18
            4 March 2020 09: 05
            Quote: Zeev Zeev
            No one accuses the Russians of unleashing the Second World War. Like the Germans, which is interesting. Hitler and Stalin specifically are accused.

            Yeah, only them, and the principle of extrapolation has not yet been canceled; you are not holding us for suckers here. Better give the Palestinians and Syrians their land.
            1. -17
              4 March 2020 10: 16
              Who are the "plasticines"?
              1. +19
                4 March 2020 10: 23
                Quote: Zeev Zeev
                Who are the "plasticines"?

                Ahhh, the standings! Sit down, five! These are those who do not know who the Jews are.
                1. -15
                  4 March 2020 11: 19
                  Find any mention of the "plasticine people" or the state of "Plasticine" before the 1960s, get a pie
                  1. +6
                    4 March 2020 14: 28
                    Quote: Zeev Zeev
                    Find any mention of the "plasticine people" or the state of "Plasticine" before the 1960s, get a pie

                    By the way, who lived in Palestine before you appeared there? This is the first question.
                    I. What did you do with them? Second.
                    1. -5
                      4 March 2020 14: 39
                      Before Palestine, Jews lived in Palestine. The Palestinian province of Judea was named by the emperor Hadrian after the suppression of the Bar Kochba rebellion in 135.
                      To answer the second question?
                      1. +7
                        4 March 2020 16: 44
                        Not ... After Egypt, and even in their writings they testified (surrender). Or is it excusable for the old times?

                        Quote: Zeev Zeev
                        To answer the second question?

                        So answer.
                      2. -7
                        4 March 2020 18: 06
                        After Egypt, the Jews went to the Promised Land, it is also the Land of Knaan. Everyone was warned at the entrance: those who want to live under Jewish rule - submit, who want to run away - a tablecloth path, who want to fight - are to blame. Those who fled created beautiful trading cities and spread their colonies throughout the Mediterranean further from Tire to England. Those who obeyed - remained to live in their homes and began to pay taxes. Those who went to war died. That's how the ancestors acted more than three thousand years ago.
                      3. +6
                        4 March 2020 18: 35
                        Quote: Zeev Zeev
                        operated ancestors more than three thousand years ago.

                        But it's okay for yourself. The rest came to get out. By the way, children and women were completely cut out. and? But these are those who fought for their land. But did Hitler act on those terms? At first he said the same thing, so that they would be swept out. (I do not condone, but compare).

                        Why should the Arabs give you the territory? Well, Europeans are there, those are genocides, and they must answer. And even if they would give part of their (precisely their) territory (rightly so).
                        Those. Arabs can be understood, Europeans scoffed, and we have to pay. Yes, and an argument. that two thousand years ago, it was the Promised Land, which somehow doesn’t work (what would happen to the world if they wanted to restore the borders of at least 100 years ago).

                        Not, from a pragmatic point of view, Jews from the desert made paradise (under the Arabs. This land remained a desert.

                        But the purity of the experiment is messed up.
                      4. -3
                        4 March 2020 18: 53
                        80 percent of Arabs in Israel (including Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip) are descendants of migrants of the last century from Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Egypt. Why did they come here? Because since 1882, Jews began to return to the Land of Israel (they came back en masse, there were always Jewish communities) who built cities, planted gardens, created production and a terrible mixture of swamps and desert suddenly became a blooming garden. And they live under "occupation" so that in the same Jordan the dream of any father to marry his daughter for a "plasticine" from Shechem or Hebron.
                      5. +7
                        4 March 2020 19: 11
                        Quote: Zeev Zeev
                        Why did they come here?

                        A common thing (in fact, like you).
                        Here Saladin and Richard almost a thousand years ago found out whose land it was. Yes, and like the Arabs are your closest relatives (well, it’s understandable, why the hell is that kindred). But what is there. i.e.
                        If you take a closer look, then the Jews are the coolest anti-Semites (paradox but fact).
                      6. +1
                        4 March 2020 19: 30
                        No, the coolest anti-Semites are Arabs. More Semites die in any intra-Arab mess than in all Arab-Israeli wars in 70 years
                      7. +2
                        5 March 2020 18: 18
                        For the sake of curiosity, enlighten, and where did the Phoenicians live? The Philistines?
                      8. +1
                        5 March 2020 19: 52
                        The Phoenicians are Knaanites (they have such a name) who fled from Knaan to the coast. Type, Sidon, Gebal ... By the way, the Jews had a very good relationship with them.
                        And the Philistines, invaders from Southern Europe (the name "plishtim" means "invaders"), lived in the city-states south of the Phoenicians, but also either on the coast or near the sea - Gaza, Ashdod, Ashkelon, Ghat, Ekron.
                      9. 0
                        6 March 2020 18: 38
                        And thank you
                  2. Mwg
                    5 March 2020 08: 29
                    The theme with pies has discredited itself on the Maidan. Change old technologies, they no longer work.
            2. -1
              4 March 2020 21: 34
              Quote: neri73-r
              you here do not hold us for suckers

              How can you not keep a sucker when you have Biron the historian and serves the Vatican. only suckers can write this!
      4. +5
        4 March 2020 09: 48
        Quote: Tlauicol
        since publishers simply twisted their fingers at the temple, reading his opuses

        well, for the sake of his book, a total circulation of over 10 million was published
        1. -4
          4 March 2020 11: 05
          Quote: Barmaleyka
          Quote: Tlauicol
          since publishers simply twisted their fingers at the temple, reading his opuses

          well, for the sake of his book, a total circulation of over 10 million was published

          Himself. None of the publishers wanted to plunge into this shit
          1. +3
            4 March 2020 11: 14
            Quote: Tlauicol

            Himself. None of the publishers wanted to plunge into this shit

            as I understand it, you don’t have any idea about publishing

            you really think that you can publish a circulation of 10 lyam just like that, if you printed it means books were bought
            1. -2
              4 March 2020 11: 27
              list publishers and everything will be clear to you, minuser
              1. +3
                4 March 2020 11: 55
                Yes, what difference can you believe those publishers who have refused for a long time have nibbled all their elbows, because you can only dream of circulations in lyam and more, and when the series goes off the roof for a dozen lyam it says something, they BUY THEM
                1. -5
                  4 March 2020 11: 57
                  fools buy a lot of things, like Marvel or Herbalife comics. But how does this prove the truth of this false scientist?
                  it was not published even by the yellow agencies, which didn’t value their reputation very much
                  1. +1
                    4 March 2020 15: 18
                    Where did I prove that he was right ?!
                    Quote: Tlauicol
                    it was not published even by the yellow agencies, which didn’t value their reputation very much

                    Well, well, yes, and which ones did not print?
                  2. Mwg
                    5 March 2020 08: 34
                    Gee - gee. Yellow agencies, as well as white and other gray ones, will not print what they will be deprived of publishing licenses for in the regional committee. They are not fools)))))))))))
          2. Mwg
            5 March 2020 08: 30
            Traditional publishers some topics traditional shit
      5. +3
        4 March 2020 11: 15
        According to his books, it is possible to cultivate the patriotism of our Westphile youth,
        And DUAA is often the one who simply does not know the truth.
        A man spent SEVEN years traveling and archaeological site.
        And an IMPORTANT fact - why is archeology, especially today, so classified?
        1. +1
          4 March 2020 11: 31
          is archeology classified? belay by whom ? The Vatican? Romanovs?
          this fact, too, "did the men tell you"?
          1. Mwg
            5 March 2020 08: 52
            Archeology is classified as the same, which quite reasonable questions are thrown down by minuses. The question is reasonable, and the reaction to it is inadequate. If there is impartiality in the approach to the question posed, there will be a motivated answer; if there are anxious conditions and a desire to chat the topic, there will be a minus and a strained sarcasm and ridicule. Ergo: for you and your like-minded people, here the topic of the history of Rus is a painful topic.
            1. Mwg
              5 March 2020 10: 44
              The two minuses obtained are brilliant proof of the truth of the statements expressed in the commentary. The instincts of minusers work faster than the brain)))))))))))))))))))))))
              1. -1
                5 March 2020 18: 22
                Quote: MVG
                The instincts of minusers work faster than the brain)))))))))))))))))))))))
                You should see a doctor. The discussion is reduced to the calculation of the minuses and pluses ... Do you know what they are for? I see that you wouldn’t have to be checked by a doctor (do not look for classified doctors .. go to a therapist first (
                1. Mwg
                  5 March 2020 18: 35
                  An answer worthy of my ex-wife: I couldn't see any further pros and cons, poor thing, and cried out "sick, sick! Go to the doctor!" But you are not her, she was not called Sasha. I know where you got it from: Muladhara closed in infancy and the right hemisphere began to dominate over the left. How is hormonal balance not naughty? Not attracted to men?
                  1. 0
                    5 March 2020 18: 48
                    Quote: MVG
                    The two minuses obtained are brilliant proof of the truth of the statements expressed in the commentary. The instincts of minusers work faster than the brain)))))))))))))))))))))))
                    And where do you have that besides the minuses and pluses?) Oh yes I see)
                    Quote: MVG
                    Hormonal balance like, not naughty? To men does not pull?

                    Will you call your brother?)
                    1. Mwg
                      5 March 2020 18: 56
                      Ek dreamed ...
                      1. 0
                        5 March 2020 19: 28
                        Quote: MVG
                        Ek dreamed ...

                        everyone judges to the best of his licentiousness.
                      2. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 19: 45
                        And he dreams too)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
                      3. -2
                        6 March 2020 18: 40
                        I already suggested you to the doctor?) I see no reason to repeat the sentence) do not delay) health is a very important thing)
        2. 0
          4 March 2020 11: 58
          Quote: knn54
          why is archeology, especially today, so classified?

          Is she classified? Do you have an idea about the journal Archeology of the Russian Federation? What about Archeology today? 18 volumes of the series Archeology of the USSR is publicly available. Here is secrecy so secrecy ...
          1. 0
            4 March 2020 14: 27
            Quote: kalibr
            Quote: knn54
            why is archeology, especially today, so classified?

            Is she classified? Do you have an idea about the journal Archeology of the Russian Federation? What about Archeology today? 18 volumes of the series Archeology of the USSR is publicly available. Here is secrecy so secrecy ...

            and if you tell him that the Vatican library is also open? or is it better dosed?
            1. Mwg
              5 March 2020 10: 53
              When I was at school, our girl was a year younger, her classmates called for the fact that she climbed without a soap and constantly knocked on everyone.
              1. Mwg
                5 March 2020 11: 20
                Ah, moderator, moderator .... I threw the word out of the song ...
              2. -3
                5 March 2020 13: 27
                Baby, did someone offend you? Well, inform the moderator. I don’t get used to it, I had 8 warnings. Decent people here do not knock, but people like you at the local authorities are held in high esteem
                1. Mwg
                  5 March 2020 15: 55
                  Kid)))) I have a question for you: what reasons did you choose for yourself? Recollections of a past life or not realized plans?
                  By the way, the constant appeal to a third party with commenting on his interlocutor is a classic sign of fawning in front of that person. According to the Internet, the follower is called, and according to the common people in the easiest form - a sneak.
                  1. -4
                    5 March 2020 16: 07
                    I thought for a long time: to answer not to answer, because they will be banned again, and there is no more "ignore" on the site. follower is a reader, by the way

                    well, in general: you went to ..y, dolboslav!
                    1. Mwg
                      5 March 2020 16: 44
                      Oh no no no. "I'm no stranger, I had 8 warnings" "I thought for a long time: don't answer, they'll be banned again" - a rag eagle, however))))))))))))))))))))

                      Follower (from the English follower; synonyms: reader, follower, subscriber) - on Twitter-slang this word refers to a user who has subscribed to account updates on Twitter. In the literal sense, the word “Follow” is translated as “Follow”.

                      Yes, and tightly uneducated. Although the royal blood)))))))))))))))))))))))))
                      Go monster
          2. Mwg
            5 March 2020 08: 53
            And who edits and publishes? Who decides what to print and what to hold on to? Announce name, pliz
            1. -2
              5 March 2020 09: 25
              You type the name of the magazine in a search engine. There is a list of the editorial board ... And who publishes. As in VO ... But this is a scientific publication, not everyone can do it. Not Petukhov and not Samsonov, of course.
              1. Mwg
                5 March 2020 10: 16
                Yeah, I did. I went to the website of the publication, went to the section "about us", looked at the legal entity and their participants and, my God, there are no Ivanovs, Petrovs and Sidorovs. Based on your answer, it should be understood that they decide what to print and what to keep? Or will you seriously assert that employees make decisions?
                1. -2
                  5 March 2020 10: 27
                  I think that it is not the Ivanovs and Petrovs who are important, but the professionalism and scientific authority of those who make the decision.
                  1. Mwg
                    5 March 2020 11: 01
                    And I am convinced that some socially very active citizens receive instructions from a single center. And the board is from there. And you need to work out the money in social networks as well.
                    And with a snap of my fingers I will make a scientific authority out of the same "tlahuikol" and, for example. I can argue. All the costs of creating credibility with you
                    1. -2
                      5 March 2020 11: 32
                      Quote: MVG
                      very active citizens receive instructions from a single center.

                      So the FSB is working very poorly with us.
                      Quote: MVG
                      All the costs of creating credibility with you

                      Why's that? Besides, how do you post articles and monographs in E-lab that don't really exist? Do you even know what it is? Or Hirsch index? You cannot do it "tlahuikolu".
                      1. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 11: 39
                        No, I don’t know. I know people who know. The plan is this: hire slaves — they will write work for him; we will agree with the scientific council; make a couple of dozen publications on the coverage of the work of the recipient; arrange it in a couple of public organizations as an expert; we’ll hire slaves — they will write books to him — five or six pieces, well, someone needs to communize the topic for the dissertation, but the dean will decide; then we’ll find an academician by profile, ask for help. Well, actually, that's all. Give me money? We will do authority.
                      2. Mwg
                        5 March 2020 12: 20
                        Pancake. I forgot the most important thing: we will post information about our recipient on Wikipedia (cherry on cake)
                        And there is a high rating Hirsch just around the corner, only in Britain will need to go a couple of times
                      3. -1
                        10 March 2020 21: 47
                        Quote: MVG
                        No, I don’t know. I know people who know. The plan is this: hire slaves — they will write work for him; we will agree with the scientific council; make a couple of dozen publications on the coverage of the work of the recipient; arrange it in a couple of public organizations as an expert; we’ll hire slaves — they will write books to him — five or six pieces, well, someone needs to communize the topic for the dissertation, but the dean will decide; then we’ll find an academician by profile, ask for help. Well, actually, that's all. Give me money? We will do authority.

                        And you know how much it will cost? An article in Scopus 1000 bucks minimum, but you need a lot of them. And for what is all this, why? As for the money, they usually give it to me. I do not give to anyone!
                      4. Mwg
                        11 March 2020 09: 22
                        "As for money, they usually give it to me. I don't give it to anyone!" - I share your position in life from a capital letter to an exclamation mark! ))))))))))
                        "And do you know how much it will cost?" - of course I know, with an accuracy of + \ - 15%. While I was writing the commentary, the mathematics developed automatically. Even food costs have been calculated))))))
                      5. 0
                        11 March 2020 21: 45
                        Quote: MVG
                        Even food expenses are calculated

                        Then it's a bluff! Just for food expenses are different for everyone.
                      6. Mwg
                        12 March 2020 07: 17
                        Well, I have them the same)))
                    2. Mwg
                      5 March 2020 11: 45
                      The FSB works well with us. As they like to say there: if we have not yet come to you, this is not your merit, but our shortcoming. But if they answered, then they will definitely come. But a little later.
      6. 0
        4 March 2020 14: 58
        Let's move on to teaching at school. Does it suit you? am
        1. -3
          4 March 2020 15: 10
          Quote: bandabas
          Let's move on to teaching at school. Does it suit you? am

          no. more and more fools.
          but at least they don’t teach a forbidden liter - and that’s bread
          1. Mwg
            5 March 2020 08: 55
            For whom is the bread?
      7. +3
        4 March 2020 18: 49
        It is known that the Etruscans lived at the founding site of the Roman Empire, and Venice stands on Siberian larch, and the name is consonant with the Slavic people - the Wends. Many geographical names in Europe are Slavic. So the official story doesn’t tell much
        1. -2
          4 March 2020 21: 38
          Quote: Uran53
          Etruscans lived

          And who told you that this is their self-name and they have the Slavic haplogroup Ra1? Type in a search engine: here were my articles on the history of the Etruscans ... read.
          1. +2
            5 March 2020 01: 46
            What kind of haplogroup? PA1 ... are you by any chance a fan of Ra the Egyptian sun god? laughing
          2. +2
            5 March 2020 01: 50
            Quote: kalibr
            Type in a search engine: here were my articles on the history of the Etruscans ... read.

            Wow ... ischo one light in the dark !!! laughing laughing laughing
            Those. Do you consider yourself more knowledgeable in the field of genetic research on the origin of nations than Prof. Kolesov?
            1. -2
              5 March 2020 18: 26
              Quote: Dali
              Those. Do you consider yourself more knowledgeable in the field of genetic research on the origin of nations than Prof. Kolesov?

              God, and this "star" is remembered here ..... with a capital Z ..... All the same, not a religion of opium for the people, but pride.
      8. +4
        5 March 2020 08: 55
        Looking at modern historians, at the state of the so-called "historical science", it is better to read Bushkov, he at least honestly shows his train of thought, facts and documents from where he got what. yes, and does not hesitate to admit mistakes. And "real historians" consider it in the order of things to fit the documents under their theory by forging them. And then with frenzied stupidity to prove their "ideas" and only admit that they were wrong, but never.
      9. +2
        5 March 2020 16: 58
        Stop hysteria! There are no arguments, but Ekhov’s pathos are full of pants.
      10. 0
        5 March 2020 18: 15
        the linguistic core of the praetnos of the Indo-Europeans (Aryans) consisted of the direct direct ancestors of the Slavs-Russians

        And how to understand this phrase?
        The language consisted of Slavs Russ?
      11. +1
        6 March 2020 14: 04
        And now at school the history of ancient Greece is taught according to myths ... Is this serious in your opinion? Our official story, as in that joke, is both illogical and illegal ...
      12. +1
        7 March 2020 10: 54
        Quote: Tlauicol
        An ordinary schizophrenic who publishes himself

        Have you read anything from Petukhov’s works? I am sure that - no.
        Directly classical - did not read, but I condemn.
        But overpower yourself, read it - "By the ways of the gods". Petukhov spent more than 20 years of his life on this work. And everything that he wrote in it, he did not take from the ceiling.
      13. 0
        9 March 2020 14: 55
        Well, there they teach German folk and nothing;)
    2. +12
      4 March 2020 06: 50
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      It is a pity that such material is not taught in schools. I read one of Petukhov’s books, the author sets out well.

      Are you serious?
      Petukhov is not a historian and has never been. He is just a science fiction writer, a writer in the folk history genre. What kind of teaching his nonsense at school can we talk about if some of his works are recognized as extremist.
      1. The comment was deleted.
        1. +2
          4 March 2020 12: 44
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          It is enough to look at the last picture with the tree of peoples to determine that the author today is not in himself. Looks like spring aggravation in Durkee.
          It turns out ALL nations descended from the Proto-Slavs ...?! And how then is the author different from a certain ukrohistorik baby with his protoucra?

          So I, having seen the title and the picture, immediately went down the article and realized that I was not mistaken with the author. And then there’s such a tree, the masterpiece is simple! And where did the Mongols, Ainu, Chukchi, Evenki, American Indians, etc. are they not ours? Well, of course we won’t take African-Americans into our family.
        2. +11
          4 March 2020 16: 12
          Quote: Varyag_0711
          Just look at the last picture with the tree of peoples.

          I looked at the picture very carefully ... There were no places for the East Slavic people of Ruthenians ... Raseno-Slavs are cool !!!
      2. +3
        4 March 2020 08: 26
        Somehow does not fit.
        In Europe today they themselves culturally derive * directly from the ancient Greeks * that the Roman Empire is what all subsequent ones, while historians KNOW that PELASGI - the very ones that created Hellas and the culture of ancient Greece came to the Peloponessian Peninsula from the upper Don River, from about those places where today the city of VORONEZH. PELASGI brought with them writing and much more, including signs (hooks) that allowed you to record music.
        By the way, we see how * rethink * history in Europe, sometimes it is anecdotal as in Ukraine, but some are already mentioned in academic works as something unshakable.
        1. +4
          4 March 2020 09: 21
          How Pelasgians could create Greek culture if their language is still not decrypted, and most likely will not be deciphered, like Etruscan
      3. +16
        4 March 2020 08: 47
        From the article "By the paths of the gods" I'm just in a complete "frenzy". How can you print this, and also refer to the science fiction writer Petukhov. Most of all, it kills that some people are led to such articles and in all seriousness prove that it was so.
        Why Russians Crossed Out From Ancient History

        No one has deleted Russian from history. We Russians appeared as a result of the unification of two East Slavic states, the Ants with the capital in Kiev and the Ilmen Slavs with the capital Veliky Novgorod. From this moment, from the moment of unification of the two Slavic states, the history of our state and the Russian people began.
        1. -3
          4 March 2020 09: 07
          Quote: Sergey Olegovich
          No one has deleted Russian from history. We Russians appeared as a result of the unification of two East Slavic states, the Ants with the capital in Kiev and the Ilmen Slavs with the capital Veliky Novgorod. From this moment, from the moment of unification of the two Slavic states, the history of our state and the Russian people began.

          And this version of the story, what science fiction wrote? Did the Germans rewrite under the leadership of the Romanovs or after the adoption of Christianity to please Rome?
          1. +18
            4 March 2020 09: 28
            Quote: neri73-r
            And this version of the story, what science fiction wrote?

            Do you only prefer science fiction to read? This version was not written by science fiction writers, but by learned historians. Want to believe in myths created in the imagination of the Roosters, Chudinovs and other Fomenko, believe. I will continue to read and study the learned historians of the past and the present, including Lomonosov, Klyuchevsky, Rybakov and other learned historians, and not science fiction writers.
            1. -5
              4 March 2020 09: 30
              Quote: Sergey Olegovich
              among which Lomonosov

              Here in more detail, how did he fight with historians from the Romanovs, and where is his work ??? Huh?
              1. +17
                4 March 2020 09: 34
                Everything is normal with his labors. He fought with the dominance of the Germans in academic circles, and not with the fact that you somewhere read about it from someone.
                1. -3
                  4 March 2020 10: 32
                  Quote: Sergey Olegovich
                  Everything is normal with his labors. He fought with the dominance of the Germans in academic circles, and not with the fact that you somewhere read about it from someone.

                  Well, well, where are the sources from the monasteries, where are his genuine works ??? everything that is, everything dates back no later than 300 years, that is, from the moment of the accession of the Romanovs. Alas. History is rewritten to please the ruling dynasty and the Christian church. The reasons are clear.
                  1. -2
                    4 March 2020 17: 48
                    Quote: neri73-r
                    everything that is, everything dates back no later than 300 years, that is, from the moment of the accession of the Romanovs.

                    Who told you that? The earliest annals date back to the late 13th century.
                    1. -1
                      4 March 2020 18: 09
                      Question to the minuser: and then what age do they date from? Enlighten me and everyone else at the same time?
                      1. +1
                        5 March 2020 18: 29
                        so in the same place the person clearly indicated ... "300 years of the Romanovs" (sarcasm)
            2. +1
              4 March 2020 17: 38
              I will continue to read and study the learned historians of the past and the present, including Lomonosov, Klyuchevsky, Rybakov and other learned historians, and not science fiction writers.

              The story from Lomonosov, Klyuchevsky is wonderful if studied in the original. But there are deep doubts about this. Our whole history is drawn by the Germans and called "ISTORY" !!!!! Do you love the Germans, how do they interpret our chronicle? Me not. And every sane person must, must, question what these miraculous historians have insisted !!!!
              Best regards, hi
              1. -1
                4 March 2020 17: 50
                Quote: TampaRU
                Our whole story is drawn by the Germans

                So Lomonosov reproached them for the fact that they did not know the Russian language. They don’t know, but ... and rewrote the annals and made history. Some kind of impossible task for a handful of scientists. Or did all of Germany work for them? So it was not her, Germany then ...
                1. +1
                  4 March 2020 17: 55
                  [quoteThere was not her, Germany then ...] [/ quote]
                  I agree.
            3. +3
              4 March 2020 19: 15
              Read the "courtier" Karamzin and you will be happy. I believe more, for example, Lomonosov.
              Or Mauro Orbini, or rather those 500 (almost) sources that the Vatican laid hands on.
              And you have not yet read Murad Aji's "Polovtsian Field Wormwood". Where is it before him to modern Ukrainian "historians".
          2. +3
            4 March 2020 10: 21
            Quote: neri73-r
            Did the Germans rewrite under the leadership of the Romanovs or after the adoption of Christianity to please Rome?

            Did the Germans, who did not even know well the Russian language of that time, rewrite the chronicles in Old Church Slavonic? All hundreds of volumes? From all kinds of monasteries? Are you writing this drunk or foolishly? Good - rewrote. Then give at least one passage from any chronicle (by the way, there are many of them!), Which would clearly contain the belittling of our history and the humiliation of the people of Russia. That is, it is clearly evidence of "thesis substitution". At least one ...
            1. +1
              4 March 2020 10: 31
              Quote: kalibr
              Did the Germans who did not know well even the then Russian language rewrote the annals in Old Slavonic? All hundreds of volumes? From a variety of monasteries? Are you drunk or write this foolishly? Good - rewrote.

              I’m sober, where did you get this from? I didn’t write this! I said they rewrote history, not chronicles, but they seized chronicles and other sources from everywhere and destroyed, some were taken out and hidden in places like the Vatican and others. I, like, am a normal person, and, following formal logic, I can’t understand how (according to official science) did Russians jump out of the marshes in the 9th century and occupy 1/6 of the land over several centuries? Ahh, I forgot, it was the Normans who taught us ....., but for some reason, the Normans themselves did not capture the entire globe wassat
              1. +12
                4 March 2020 11: 19
                Quote: neri73-r
                it's from the swamps in the 9th century the Russians jumped out

                Above you, "Sergei Olegovich" wrote, Russia and the Russian people were formed by the unification of two Slavic states. What's not clear here?
                1. +2
                  4 March 2020 17: 41
                  Russia and the Russian people formed by the union of two Slavic states

                  Very interesting. What kind of states?
                  1. +10
                    4 March 2020 18: 31
                    Read the comment of Sergey Olenovich, he wrote which states.
                    1. 0
                      4 March 2020 18: 37
                      And can he be trusted? For you, he is an indisputable authority who can be trusted? Does he have information that can be trusted? The presence of the originals, the source of this information?
                      1. +10
                        4 March 2020 18: 47
                        Oh how ... Believe in yours can only be a science fiction writer?
                      2. 0
                        4 March 2020 19: 25
                        Science fiction writers, of course, should not be trusted. But, but !!! Nonsense, which in our history is already "over the edge", also cannot be trusted !!! I understand that we will never know the whole truth, but by indirect "evidence", "information", you can try to put the puzzle together and figure out what really happened. The main thing is to preserve impartiality in this matter, so to speak, it is necessary to rise above the situation and look at it with an "open" look, as Comrade Sharapov said.
                        Sincerely, hi
                      3. +1
                        4 March 2020 21: 41
                        Quote: TampaRU
                        The main thing is to preserve impartiality in this matter, so to speak, it is necessary to rise above the situation and look at it with an "open" look, as Comrade Sharapov said.

                        You forgot to call ignorance. This is the most important argument in such cases!
              2. 0
                4 March 2020 12: 00
                Quote: neri73-r
                Ahh, I forgot, it was the Normans who taught us ....., but for some reason, the Normans themselves did not capture the entire globe

                And where it is written - show that they have taught us something. Where, in what annals is it written?
                1. +2
                  4 March 2020 12: 03
                  Many historians identify the Varangians with the Normans (see Norman theory).
                  Wikis and history books help you.
              3. -1
                4 March 2020 12: 03
                Quote: neri73-r
                I said they rewrote history, not chronicles, but they seized chronicles and other sources from everywhere and destroyed, some were taken out and hidden in places like the Vatican and others.

                Where do we get them from then, if they destroyed everything? You contradict yourself. Because our story is precisely based on surviving chronicles. Quotes them. And in order to rewrite it, it was necessary to first change the annals. Explain available?
                1. +1
                  4 March 2020 12: 07
                  What do we have, two or three fakes of unknown origin?
                  1. 0
                    4 March 2020 17: 54
                    Quote: neri73-r
                    What do we have, two or three fakes of unknown origin?

                    How do you write wiki there to help, huh? Take a look at the lists of Russian annals and see how many there really are. The belly button will loose count. And most importantly, many are written with the use of dialectisms, unknown to any Germans. You need to know the topic, dear, and not to write any nonsense taken from the ceiling!
                  2. 0
                    5 March 2020 18: 32
                    lope-lope?) 2-3?)))) immediately seen knowing!)
                2. +1
                  4 March 2020 17: 46
                  Because our story is precisely based on surviving chronicles.

                  Yes, we have no chronicles from the word, in general !!!! "The Tale of Bygone Years" has been written, rewritten many times, like from the children's cartoon "Holidays in Prostokvashino" ... Everyone drew and sundry !!! About 10 years ago on the Internet one could find "The Tale of the Volga Bulgars", but suddenly it disappeared somewhere, it is no longer there ... There was something to see ...
                  1. -2
                    4 March 2020 19: 14
                    Quote: TampaRU
                    Yes, we do not have chronicles from the word, in general !!!!

                    Oh really? Do you know the discovery? And other chronicles of Lavrentievskaya, Ipatievskaya, Novgorod ... there are none too, right? Do you know that there are hundreds of them? The publication has been going on since 1829, and so far everything that has been printed has not been able to, so great is the volume. Look again at what PSRL is ...
              4. +15
                4 March 2020 12: 37
                Quote: neri73-r
                they rewrote history, not chronicles, but they seized chronicles and other sources from everywhere and destroyed

                Where did you get such information, from what sources? Thus, a little more and it turns out that we are the Black Sea towards the proto-digging)))
                1. +2
                  4 March 2020 12: 45
                  Quote: Sergey Olegovich
                  Where did you get such information, from what sources? Thus, a little more and it turns out that we are the Black Sea towards the proto-digging)))

                  No, you too, my ancestors didn’t dig, but suddenly they didn’t jump out of the swamps and holes and didn’t get off the Christmas trees in the 9th century. And they did not run to the Vikings for guidance.
                  1. +3
                    4 March 2020 14: 34
                    but did your gurus run after the leadership in the United States since the time of the writing of the Veles book - or is this not known to you?
                    1. +1
                      5 March 2020 02: 01
                      Quote: Tlauicol
                      Atoms for guidance your gurus have been running to the USA since the time of the writing of the Veles book - or is this not known to you?

                      Sources of information in the studio !!!
                      Well - you didn’t mix anything up, at the 90s your ran to bow to the amers ...

                      and this person (tlauikol) dares to call himself Ivan ...
      4. 0
        4 March 2020 09: 10
        After the adoption of amendments to the Constitution, all who say that the Soviet Union was good will be recognized as extremists.
        1. +4
          4 March 2020 12: 12
          Quote: Gardamir
          After the adoption of amendments to the Constitution, all who say that the Soviet Union was good will be recognized as extremists.

          This is a very important commentary on the article about the Slavs and Arians. feel
        2. 0
          15 March 2020 01: 15
          Quote: Gardamir
          After the adoption of amendments to the Constitution, all who say that the Soviet Union was good will be recognized as extremists.

          About 10 years ago such an action was considered. But before acting we conducted a competent opinion poll and found out that since 1991 in Russia the number of people who have a negative attitude towards the communist idea has not increased. Moreover, the number of white and red is not much different among businessmen, workers, lumpen, pensioners or youth. This reform has been canceled in Russia. So I’ll suppose that while Putin, at the head of the country, will not do anything contrary to the majority’s opinion.
      5. +1
        4 March 2020 11: 18
        What kind of teaching his nonsense at school can we talk about if some of his works are recognized as extremist.

        Arlen , what works and, most importantly, by whom are recognized?
        1. +14
          4 March 2020 11: 25
          On February 5, 2007, the Perovskiy court of Moscow applied the norms of the Federal Law of July 25, 2002 No. 114-ФЗ “On Counteracting Extremist Activities” in relation to Petukhov’s books. The books “The Fourth World” and “Genocide” are recognized as extremist.
          1. +3
            4 March 2020 11: 48
            I downloaded, ran diagonally. It is clear why they are recognized as extremist. But all is true, with some exaggeration, Arlene.
            In my spare time I read all of Petukhov, and then I will answer all his critics.
      6. Mwg
        5 March 2020 18: 41
        Is Nikolai Svanidze a historian?
      7. +1
        12 March 2020 11: 31
        Not only does the specified writer have nothing to do with history, he also differs by the extremely illiterate writing of his opuses, grievous, for perception. I read some works, hardly read it.
    3. +6
      4 March 2020 08: 12
      Is the result of the presentation or the process itself important to you? You never know who has a tongue hanging. By the way, about the rich archaeological material ... There is a multivolume ARCHEOLOGY of the USSR. You at least look at it, and only then ... you can write that Petukhov has him "rich". Where from? From a camel?
      1. -1
        4 March 2020 17: 23
        Is the result of the presentation or its process important to you? You never know who has a suspended language.

        Golden words!
    4. +3
      4 March 2020 10: 13
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      It is a pity that such material is not taught in schools

      That you are just the kind they teach. The current schoolboy believes that Lenin is a member of the Beatles, "he confuses the First World War with the Second World War, that Lermontov shot Pushkin in a duel, and so on.
      Ah, how it smelled of a rotten wave, which was raised two decades ago by Fomenko and Nosovsky! Not without reason this mythmaker received the nickname Thomas the Crown Man. The roots of these phenomena are clear: this is patriotism, but you can’t bring everything to the point of absurdity and insanity. Some have already agreed to the fact that the unfortunate Neanderthals squeezed out by the Cro-Magnons are the ancestors of the Slavs, intricately mixed with newcomers to the Africans and taught them to drive away their brooms and weave bast shoes. At the same time, our supposedly direct ancestors ennobled the blood of aliens and brightened their skin.
      By the way, according to Fomenko, the Russian Cossacks built the pyramids and the Great Wall of China, discovered America, etc.
      1. 0
        4 March 2020 17: 11
        Yes, the current student does not believe anything .... He is a sheet of blank paper, they write what they want on it, then they erase it, then they write again ...
      2. +2
        5 March 2020 18: 35
        Quote: astepanov
        By the way, according to Fomenko, the Russian Cossacks built the pyramids and the Great Wall of China, discovered America, etc.

        By the way, how does Fomenko \ Petukhov and others differ from "proto-ukra"?)
    5. +1
      4 March 2020 14: 16
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      One of the books by Petukhov

      Even Bush Jr. read as many as two books.
    6. -2
      4 March 2020 20: 58
      Quote: Dmitry Potapov
      It is a pity that such material is not taught in schools. I read one of Petukhov’s books, the author sets out well.

    7. 0
      4 March 2020 22: 49
      it would not be bad for Samsonov and Petukhov to justify the Russian gods, that is, what sources are according to the Slavic pantheon, name them and quote, otherwise they say that there are NO sources about the Russian gods.
    8. +2
      5 March 2020 13: 23
      And thank God that they don’t teach. And it’s not in Petukhov, even. Site editors should be ashamed of publishing such materials.
      Over the past 15 years, data from a new science - DNA genealogy - have become widely available. And to publish materials on the history of peoples without relying on its widely known data is simply not professional.
      All that has happened over the past 4900 years is a tough confrontation between peoples (with their characteristic mentality) of the haplogroups R1a (Aryans) and those who joined them, and R1b (as they are called in the genealogy DNA - erbin).
      And then there would be no such nonsense on the scheme as the origin of the Western Europeans (British, Spaniards, French, etc.), for these are Erbins, our centuries-old enemies.
      But the Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, and Levite Jews would appear on the scheme. Kirghiz and Jewish Levites have haplogroup R1a from 60% of men, more than the average for Russia.
      And on a similar scheme of Erbins would be the population of Cameroon. Yes, they look like natural blacks, but here you are, up to 95% of men with haplogroup R1b. This, when leaving Egypt (Tutankhamun - R1b), when all the Erbins went east and north (Europe), one part went southwest, reached the ocean, and there it remained to wait until their genetic relatives chased them into slavery to America.
      So the reality is much more interesting than imagined.
      And the scheme given in the post can be accepted as a scheme of the origin of Aryan (basically) languages. And this is not at all the same as the origin of the peoples.
  2. +8
    4 March 2020 05: 05
    Only Petukhov D.Yu. not a historian. He is a science fiction writer, a publicist, but not a historian. His works are very national-patriotic, but not based on scientific facts, but on the author’s Wishlist.
    1. +6
      4 March 2020 06: 08
      Like all historians without exception. More or less approach the truth can only be independently studying historical documents, artifacts, monuments. Each historian sets out everything as he likes, or as ordered.
    2. 0
      4 March 2020 06: 58
      Only Petukhov D.Yu. not a historian.

      And who is the historian for you? So who, like a parrot, retells an official historical lie? And does this lie make academic titles and careers?
      Even in our time, we see a distortion of quite recent history. And representatives of the "enlightened" West do it. Those who adhere to the official (false) history.
      1. +3
        4 March 2020 07: 19
        First of all, would you ask how many representatives of the West are among the folklorists and novochronolozhets and which publishers sponsor them, you are our enlightened
        1. +10
          4 March 2020 09: 12
          And whose representatives are rewriting recent Soviet history?
          1. -4
            4 March 2020 11: 42
            Quote: Gardamir
            And whose representatives are rewriting recent Soviet history?

            ask Klesov - he worked THERE. In some publishers I received green. Or the authors of the Veles book. Yes, you, who do not dig up the Chronolozhtsy - completely "our" people. And also build patriots out of yourself, although in reality either fools or Nazis
            1. +4
              5 March 2020 02: 12
              Quote: Tlauicol
              And build patriots from yourself, although in reality either fools or Natsik

              And you are like the smartest and enlightened pepper ... although in fact insulting people like that, you and people like you just are - fools and Western European, Jewish, etc. Natsik!

              You are also a pure liberalist working west with his wet dreams
  3. +6
    4 March 2020 05: 14
    I would not call Yuri Petukhov a classical historian, but his fiction turned out to be quite awesome, this hour I downloaded his Star Revenge series in audio format (I want to read it again). By the way Petukhov is the founder of the philosophical concept “Devil-humanity, or the Philosophy of Healing. Humanity as a cancerous tumor of the Earth and the Universe. Cure the disease. " smile Another not unimportant detail that reveals the worldview and character of Yuri Petukhov, he was a close friend of Alexander Prokhanov.
  4. 0
    4 March 2020 05: 15
    Very interesting ! This is not the first publication.
  5. +2
    4 March 2020 05: 19
    dangerous heresy, Ukrainians have the same tales, and how they dug up the Black Sea and how Jesus was Ukrainian; but you laugh at them and this nonsense of norms? :)
    And why is it here? Can you also throw a "new chronology" from Fomenko? :)
    1. +5
      4 March 2020 07: 04
      dangerous heresy

      A dangerous heresy, to consider your ancient ancestors as barbarians. Which were introduced to civilization by the "enlightened" West.
      1. +12
        4 March 2020 07: 56
        enlightened west? :)

        My ancestors were great and they built an empire, and they do not need to be attributed to them the delusional fantasies of all the stupid rams there who did not come out of childhood and still come up with fairy tales.
      2. +4
        4 March 2020 08: 20
        Quote: maidan.izrailovich
        A dangerous heresy, to consider your ancient ancestors as barbarians. Which were introduced to civilization by the "enlightened" West.

        Have you personally read books published in the same England on the history of the Slavs? Well, say, the book of the same D.Nikol? J. Heath, and others. U is true that no ... how what ... you write without knowing?
        1. +2
          5 March 2020 02: 18
          Quote: kalibr
          Have you personally read books published in the same England on the history of the Slavs? Well, say, the book of the same D.Nikol? J. Heath, and others. U is true that no ... how what ... you write without knowing?

          Like, they wrote the truth ... schazzzzz ... already believed ... a lot of things are written on the fence too.
  6. +3
    4 March 2020 05: 23
    Clearly, we Aryans, well now we need about the purity of the race, continued.
  7. +15
    4 March 2020 05: 27
    Yes, have come. The Military Review publishes similar topics.
    Firstly, not the historian Petukhov, but a science-fiction writer, publicist. An unselfish fighter for "true knowledge", as he called himself.
    Secondly, his scientific fantasies were not recognized and published anywhere except his own publishing house.
    Thirdly, on July 20, 2006, on the initiative of the prosecutor’s office of the Central District of Volgograd, a group of psychologists, political scientists and linguists conducted a comprehensive study of Petukhov’s works, as a result of which the researchers concluded that the texts propagate ideas of inciting racial, national and religious hatred, a cult violence and cruelty, xenophobia.
    And in general there is the opinion of respected people, based not only on bare words, that all these Slavic topics about pagans and the like did not arise by chance, but very competent people came up with them in the CIA corridors, to bring discord into Russian society, to create motley, not in vain they with such direct fanatical fury attack the scientists and Orthodoxy, other nations.
    Before neopaganism there was a project of planting sects, which were also abundantly sponsored by the West. The project failed, and neopaganism took root better. By the way, everything that is promoted by the so-called pagans to historical paganism has nothing to do, everything was invented as a modern, urban person, with elements of debauchery, nature protection, well, everything is as it should be in the west.
    1. +2
      4 March 2020 06: 10
      Yes. Anastasievites, for example.
    2. -11
      4 March 2020 06: 14
      Oh poor Orthodox, they attack you, they don’t give life directly. But isn't it the other way around?
  8. +2
    4 March 2020 05: 48
    Does Military Review website want to lose subscribers? Or lure the audience of Speed ​​Info and RenTV? Why are you posting this?
    1. +5
      4 March 2020 08: 48
      The real VO ended many years ago. Now this is the most famous (well, not the most) in RuNet reservation of schizophrenics, half-breeds (not to be confused with patriots) and the main reserve of couch troops. Such a resource, where the majority (especially among the authors) not only has nothing to do with the army in a professional manner. But they didn’t even serve urgent.
    2. +3
      5 March 2020 02: 20
      Quote: Tlauicol
      Does Military Review website want to lose subscribers? Or lure the audience of Speed ​​Info and RenTV? Why are you posting this?

      Do not like do not read ...
      1. -1
        6 March 2020 06: 35
        [/ Quote]
        Do not like do not read ... [/ quote]
        You cannot decline one word, but you also accuse the Germans of rewriting all the Old Slavonic manuscripts
        1. +1
          9 March 2020 20: 35
          Quote: Tlauicol
          You cannot decline one word, but you also accuse the Germans of rewriting all the Old Slavonic manuscripts

          Are you already drawing conclusions from one random mistake ?! belay
          And do not worry about declination; I can decline anything and anyone laughing certainly not for you to teach me ...
  9. +1
    4 March 2020 05: 51
    Already latent Russophobes have already run ... I will not venture to subscribe to every word of this article, but the fact that it is much more true than what is taught at school is a fact.
    1. -1
      4 March 2020 06: 28
      Quote: Creedco
      I don’t dare to subscribe to every word of this article,

      I do not recommend, I do not see the evidence base. And the others have already managed to dig out the sea ... request
      1. -3
        4 March 2020 06: 30
        You might think the official version is proven along and across
        1. +3
          4 March 2020 06: 39
          Quote: Creedco
          You might think the official version is proven along and across

          There are at least some sources ... We will not judge the Vikings by Harry Harrison and his works like "hammer and cross", although it is talented and written. feel
          And from your arguments there is only one minus and you can cite, but, you see, this is not a very serious argument. request laughing
          1. -5
            4 March 2020 06: 43
            The fact of the matter is that at least some that can be refuted without much knowledge. And minus is not mine.
            1. +5
              4 March 2020 06: 44
              Quote: Creedco
              And minus is not mine.

              Well, at least in this I was mistaken. Perhaps this is Samsonov. laughing
            2. +4
              4 March 2020 08: 25
              Quote: Creedco
              which can be refuted without much knowledge.

              The most captivating statement. And you still try to read, eh? Well, for starters, the archeology of the USSR. At that time, science was taken very seriously. It was a problem to buy jeans, but they did not spare money on excavations.
  10. +11
    4 March 2020 06: 30
    The fourth day of spring ... and even soon the full moon .. Samsonov ... we draw conclusions ourselves
    1. +8
      4 March 2020 06: 40
      Quote: Andrey VOV
      The fourth day of spring ... and even soon the full moon .. Samsonov ... we draw conclusions ourselves

      I myself am a little alienated from the article ... hi
    2. +1
      4 March 2020 10: 47
      Yes, and soon the full moon .. Samsonov ...

      think .... lycanthropy in the form of a canonical Slavic bear is possible? wink drinks
      By the way, Mr. Samsonov also used this picture ....
      1. +1
        4 March 2020 14: 49
        Come on lycanthropy - Norman theory - Ozhiganov of alien gods near the Rodnoveri draws, perun him Perun!
        1. 0
          4 March 2020 16: 01
          destroy him Perun!

          "Three thousand Peruns!" (Mikhail Boyarsky). laughing drinks
          I propose to send the author next year to Eurovision. It can be compared with Little Big with the plots, but it will convey the theory of superethnos to Europe. Solid pluses, and the whole European Union is on our knees! fellow how do you like my cunning plan? drinks
  11. +10
    4 March 2020 06: 34
    I read more or less interesting information about Russes only from Lev Gumilyov, but he was a famous scientist, wrote justifying. And more than that, no intelligible information other than official information has been met, and fiction is different - yes, they write a lot. wink
  12. +9
    4 March 2020 06: 51
    Yeah ..., the neighbors also started from a similar one, how many Maidan there were already? Although there they are not the first. Such theories do not end with anything good. Then, in a multinational country and with a bunch of mixed marriages, we will only have to find out the purity of blood. stop
  13. +10
    4 March 2020 07: 05
    Historian Yu. D. Petukhov unraveled the mystery of the millennium; materials of mythoanalysis, linguistics, toponymy, onomastics, anthropology and archeology clearly show that the original Slavic Indo-Europeans were Aryans

    This "historian"? belay
  14. -1
    4 March 2020 07: 23
    The article, of course, is not thematic, and it was published here in vain, but I am surprised by the characters who, foaming at the mouth, shout loudest "this can't be" and begin to vilify everyone. Previously, the countries of "Tartaria" were shouting. Although 50-year-old men at work say that in Soviet history textbooks, maps of the territory of the "Russian Empire" with the name of the country of Tartaria were given. And to a simple question of the student what kind of country it was, the teachers answered "There was such a country" that's the whole description. Read Marco Polo "Travel to Tartaria" and be surprised by the pictures and descriptions of Chinese or Chukchi tartats, there is no smell of Asians. Or the book "The Slavic Kingdom" banned by the Vatican by Marco Orbini. There are more questions than answers on this topic.
    1. +6
      4 March 2020 07: 30
      Quote: Ivan7527
      The article, of course, is not thematic and it was published here in vain, but I am surprised by the characters who, with foam at the mouth, shout loudest "this cannot be" and begin to vilify everyone

      So, such articles with evidence must be written, and the reference to Yu. D. Petukhov is somewhat comical in my opinion. request
      1. +2
        5 March 2020 02: 29
        Quote: Tank Hard
        So, such articles with evidence must be written, and the reference to Yu. D. Petukhov is somewhat comical in my opinion.

        With what evidence and how do you check it, how can you verify the evidence of opponents of this article? These are not the laws of physicists and mathematics ... although some things still come to pass when they begin to compare dates and apply the laws of astronomy and astronomical events to analyze the reliability of the same dates ...
        And then all sorts of local calibers go to the forest ...
        1. -2
          5 March 2020 08: 46
          Quote: Dali
          With what evidence and how do you check it, how can you verify the evidence of opponents of this article?

          On the fingers it looks something like this ... Find some object (inscription, event, etc.). They are looking for sources of the period (or close) where it is mentioned, preferably different, i.e., if this happened in Russia of a certain period, the information of the sources of this country and others, for example Byzantium, the Bulgarian kingdom, Arab merchants of that period and the like, is studied. It is advisable that this found be mentioned in any sources of other states. Regarding Samsonov’s article, the reference goes to a science fiction writer with works of dubious content and quality, not even a historian by profession, that is, an amateur storyteller. And you propose to take it on faith ?! There must be elementary logic, finally ... request
    2. +3
      4 March 2020 07: 38
      Can I link to a Soviet textbook with maps? Fortunately, there are scans of all Soviet textbooks on the Internet. And also for the book "Journey to Tartary" and "Slavic Kingdom"
      1. +10
        4 March 2020 07: 46
        Quote: Zeev Zeev
        Can I link to a Soviet textbook with maps?

        It’s just as curious, I’m 46 years old, my deceased grandmother worked all her life as a teacher at school, but she didn’t tell about such moments, and I don’t remember that. Although it should, if 50-year-old men told ... feel
      2. +10
        4 March 2020 07: 53
        Quote: Zeev Zeev
        Can I link to a Soviet textbook with maps? Fortunately, there are scans of all Soviet textbooks on the Internet. And also for the book "Journey to Tartary" and "Slavic Kingdom"

        They gave you a link: the men told request what other evidence is needed?
      3. +3
        5 March 2020 02: 39
        Quote: Zeev Zeev
        And also for the book "Journey to Tartary" and "Slavic Kingdom"

        "Slavic Kingdom" - there is a pdf in two editions of different dates (translation from the Italian edition of 2010) and 1722 edition (an unclear version, translation).
    3. +12
      4 March 2020 07: 44
      50 year old men is certainly an argument. It can be easily checked by going to the library and browsing through such textbooks, especially since this is the 70s. I guess I also learned from them.
      If the book is prohibited by the Vatican, then how can it be read? You can not trust the translation, but there is no source. He is forbidden.
    4. 0
      4 March 2020 09: 41
      Quote: Ivan7527
      Although 50 year old men at work say that in Soviet history textbooks

      Well, as if they were lying, I'm from the same time as your men - WASN’T
  15. +12
    4 March 2020 08: 05
    Oh, this Mr. Samsonov with his amazing stories wassat Well, if he offers to study history on the works of science fiction writers, then with the same success the books of the Warhammer 40k series can also be attributed to scientific literature lol
    1. +1
      5 March 2020 18: 40
      For the glory of the empire! =))
      1. +2
        5 March 2020 18: 55
        Ave Emperor lol drinks soldier
  16. 0
    4 March 2020 08: 10
    Recommended literature for study: Petukhov Yu. D. Arias. The roads of the gods. M. 2003; Petukhov Yu. D. Antiquities of the Rus. M., 2007; Petukhov Yu. D. History of the Rus. The most ancient era. 40-3 thousand BC e. T. 1-2. M., 2007; Yu. D. Petukhov. Normans. Rus of the North. M, 2005; Yuri Petukhov. Rus of the Ancient East. M., 2007. Petukhov Yu. D. Super-evolution. Superethnos of the Rus. M., 2008; Vasilyeva N.I., Petukhov. Yu. D. Russian Scythia. M., 2006.
    Usually, in addition to the letter M (Moscow), it is customary to indicate the publisher. Because if it is a publishing house of the Russian Academy of Sciences, or Atlant, or Tsentrpoligraf ... then it’s worth reading, but if something else, it’s better to immediately put it in waste paper.
    1. +6
      4 March 2020 09: 44
      It must be as many as six ignoramuses responded to a well-grounded remark: to put the NAME OF THE PUBLISHING HOUSE. How do you not want to know something, huh? And why? It's easier to live with myths. However, the word "monograph" also refers only to refereed publications, and not to popular science literature. You also need to know this, and only then use this "smart word". By the way, who was the reviewer for all these books by Petukhov? This is what it would be interesting to know and should start, by the way, with a historiographic review, especially with such a complex topic!
  17. +4
    4 March 2020 08: 13
    It is a pity that Adolf Petukhov did not read, you look, and there would be no war.
  18. +14
    4 March 2020 08: 15
    Hello! Is it an ambulance? Urgent leave, a person with a bad head!
  19. +2
    4 March 2020 08: 20
    The resettlement and migration of the haplogroups R1A and R1B is a well-studied topic.
    But do not go so far as to call everyone
    the pre-Slavs.
  20. +6
    4 March 2020 08: 31
    Historian. Without a monograph, publications and reviews. Without archival and material work with sources. Without systematic field work ... Village. And wrote.
    I am then the same historian. Yes, each of us is such a "historian".
    But in the comments you can immediately see the patients of the yellow house and those who did not go to school and who were not told what the scientific method of cognition is and what it is based on.
    And it was necessary to go to classes, and not beer in the paddy slurp. There would be no delirium about the theory of Darwin, etc. People do not even know that the scientific world has long gone far ahead from Darwin's theory. And they apparently still have the end of the 19th century outside the window.
  21. VS
    4 March 2020 08: 34
    Normal article))) The fact that the Roosters wrote for many years now through DNA is quite proved - we are the Russian Tatars and others are the descendants of the Aryans of the same))) Those who have R1a are those descendants))) and our ancestors HERE in today's Russia lived more 5000 years is exactly like))) Arias are farmers)) And the story of us that we got out of shit and savages who couldn’t wipe the dedicated priest without a WEST - were written by the eternal enemies of the Aryan farmers - nomadic gunas)) By the way, it’s not a good idea in WWI and called in the newspapers of the Russian - gunas))
  22. +2
    4 March 2020 08: 43
    Always change the word order and sublimely ennoble.
    Instead of "the ancestors of the Slavs were Indo-Europeans" in ".... the core of the praethnos of the Indo-Europeans ..... consisted of the direct ancestors of the Slavs-Rus" ....

    And what are the prospects now !!!! we are no longer their descendants, but they are ours !!!!
  23. +3
    4 March 2020 08: 46
    All very amicably yelling that the HISTORY of Russia-Russia began only from the 8-10th centuries, and you have not forgotten who wrote our HISTORY. So let me remind you that this was done by the so-called so-called "scientists" such as Miller, Schletzer and others like them, on whose orders the ancient Russian chronicles were taken out of the Russian monasteries and actually destroyed. And I will also remind you of how MV Lomonosov beat these false historians in the face and whose works on the HISTORY of Russia-Russia were replaced by the same Miller after his death !!!
    1. +2
      4 March 2020 09: 37
      Quote: kartalovkolya
      So let me remind you that this was done by the so-called Peter-1. "scientists" such as Miller, Schletzer and others like them, on whose orders the Old Russian chronicles were taken out of the Russian monasteries and actually destroyed. And I will also remind you of how MV Lomonosov beat these false historians in the face, and whose works on the HISTORY of Russia-Russia were replaced by the same Miller after his death !!!

      How do you know about this?
      1. +2
        5 March 2020 02: 43
        Quote: kalibr
        How do you know about this?

        Why don’t you know about this?
        1. -1
          5 March 2020 04: 22
          Quote: Dali
          Quote: kalibr
          How do you know about this?

          Why don’t you know about this?

          Answer a question with a question, you are our purebred
    2. +3
      4 March 2020 12: 11
      Quote: kartalovkolya
      Ip Miller, Schletzer and others like them, at the direction of which Old Russian chronicles were taken from Russian monasteries and actually destroyed.

      What chronicles do we use then, and what is PSRL then? Do not enlighten ...
      1. -1
        4 March 2020 18: 14
        What chronicles do we use then, and what is PSRL then? Do not enlighten ...

        Drawn annals we use ...
        1. -1
          4 March 2020 18: 15
          Quote: TampaRU
          Drawn annals we use ...

          And who drew them?
          1. 0
            4 March 2020 18: 29
            And who drew them?

            A very interesting question, which is difficult to give a simple answer. Of course, on the surface we see that there are clearly indicated culprits, the German academicians who painted the "history of the Russian State", but ... !! In my subjective opinion, everything is much more complicated. The whole history of mankind has been distorted. Goal? Who is the stakeholder? I think it will be difficult to figure it out, since the changes / rewriting of history happened in several stages in a short period of time ....
            1. -2
              4 March 2020 19: 07
              Annuaki admonished - I understand! All the best, don’t be sick!
              1. +1
                4 March 2020 19: 10
                Well, for the Annunaki you have gone a little too far. Have a nice one you too!
  24. +4
    4 March 2020 08: 59
    Honestly, I have some allergy to the word "Aryans" and "Aryans". I don't want to be an Aryan. But it's mine, okay. As for the picture at the end of the article, each ethnic group can paint it in its own way. We place, for example, below at the roots of the Proto-Germanic Boreals, further the German-Balto Slavs. We redraw the branch of the Eastern Slavs lower, and on the top we plant the German branch with the Germans at the head and oops! The Germans become the crown of creation - the Aryans-Aryans. Actually, this was done once. Likewise, Tajiks and Kurds can sign up as the founders of civilization on the same rights.
  25. +2
    4 March 2020 09: 08
    Jews, but Russophobia as excited.
  26. -3
    4 March 2020 09: 26
    Funny the same people fight for the oligarchs, rejoice in the rewriting of the Constitution, they hate the Russians in Ukraine and Belarus. Oh, not Belarusians, but Lukashenko. And it is these same people who went to battle with the author. Only all their criticism of the author’s article is an insult to the author. The same notorious Svidomo, no arguments against, then the author *****.
    1. +5
      4 March 2020 10: 07
      Quote: Gardamir
      Funny the same people fight for the oligarchs, rejoice in the rewriting of the Constitution, they hate the Russians in Ukraine and Belarus. Oh, not Belarusians, but Lukashenko. And it is these same people who went to battle with the author.

      To tears! good
  27. +2
    4 March 2020 09: 39
    Arias Rusy or not, let’s leave it to scientists, but the fact that Greek mythology is studied at school, and Slavic does not even mention this disgrace

    p / s / I give my head for clipping that ask people on the street who is Kaschei 99% will not answer
    1. +1
      4 March 2020 12: 12
      Quote: Barmaleyka
      and Slavic does not even mention this disgrace

      Mentioned, no fantasy. Detail of the entire pantheon of gods. In the textbook on the history of Russia for 6-7 cells. Go to school, ask for textbooks and see ...
      1. 0
        4 March 2020 12: 25
        it is mentioned
        quote from a textbook
        In the view of our distant pagan ancestors, the world consisted of four parts - earth, sky with luminaries (stars), water? Washing the earth, and the underworld. The Slavs revered the goddess of fertility ("mother of the crop") Makosh. The sun personified the god Horse - a symbol of good and light, casting out darkness. Another name for the god of the sun and heavenly fire is Dazhbog. His father - Svarog - was revered as the god of heaven and heavenly fire. The ancestor of the Slavs was the god Rod. The god of the storm and the patron saint of warriors was Perun. Veles (Hair) - the bestial god was revered as the god of wealth. In ancient times, the word "cattle" had the meaning of "property", "money".

        is ALL the volume of myths of ancient Greece comparable ?!
        can you tell me without internet what is kaschei and where is the viburnum bridge?
        why are animals the first to enter a new home?
        How is nav different from what?
        but what is the kingdom of Hades, I think many will answer
        1. +1
          4 March 2020 12: 29
          Quote: Barmaleyka
          is ALL the volume of myths of ancient Greece comparable ?!

          Do not compare! But Greek myths have a cultural, civilizational significance, and ours ... narrowly ethnic. Therefore, the first paid more attention, the second less. More attention in textbooks is always given to what is more important. We in the same school textbooks generally do not apply to the gods of many nations, including those who lived and live on the territory of the Russian Federation.
          1. +5
            4 March 2020 13: 09
            Quote: kalibr
            But Greek myths have a cultural, civilizational significance, and ours ... narrowly ethnic.

            But for us, what matters more? !!!!
            Quote: kalibr
            . Textbooks always focus more on what’s more important.

            once again for US for RUSSIAN what matters more? !!!
            the most interesting thing is that in our everyday life our pagan traditions are one hundred times more Slavic than the Scandinavian or ancient Greek, but for some reason they tell us about Argonauts or Hercules at school and don't consider it necessary about Makosh or Moran
            Quote: kalibr
            in the same school textbooks it does not apply to the gods of many nations

            for that is, literature lessons where the myths and legends of ancient Greece are.
            1. -3
              5 March 2020 11: 40
              the most interesting thing is that in our everyday life our pagan traditions are one hundred times more Slavic than the Scandinavian or ancient Greek, but for some reason they tell us about Argonauts or Hercules at school and don't consider it necessary about Makosh or Moran

              Everything is very simple. Our pagan traditions have not survived to us, at the time of their heyday the Slavs did not have writing, and at the time of decline, as part of the Christianization of Russia, they destroyed everything they reached. Therefore, almost nothing is known about paganism in Russia, and very much that spreads as "that very true paganism" is nothing more than a remake.

              And the Greek myths in schools are not told "for some reason", but because they have come down to us in a variety of very good sources and there is something to tell about.
              1. +2
                5 March 2020 12: 11
                Quote: rait
                Everything is very simple. Our pagan traditions have not reached us

                why? !!!!
                a huge number of ceremonies from launching a cat to a new house to Shrovetide, 90% if not more than Orthodox holidays are pagan holidays, which is immortal, three-headed snake, etc.
                Quote: rait
                And the Greek myths in schools are not told "for some reason", but because they have come down to us in a variety of very good sources and there is something to tell about.

                you just need to store YOUR OWN, and not borrow an alien
                1. -3
                  5 March 2020 12: 37
                  a huge number of ceremonies from launching a cat into a new house to Shrovetide, 90% if not more than Orthodox holidays

                  You need to start with the fact that cats in pre-Christian times in Russia were not massively (they were imported sporadically and were of great rarity), their remains are not found systematically in this period. So with the cat a remake, the peasant could not run the cat into the hut about the existence of which he did not know. Shrovetide is also absolutely officially remake. Of course, scientists believe that it goes back to some kind of pagan holiday, but again exactly what and how it happened (what ritual he had), again no one can say for sure.

                  The same goes for the rest. As I said, there are simply no sources. What Koschey the Immortal and Three-headed serpent? From which source with which dating did you get them?

                  Here I will quote Rybakov Boris Alexandrovich from his monograph "Paganism of Ancient Rus"

                  In relation to Kievan Rus, we must say that those topics that can be so fully represented in the proposed ethnographic volume for the era of Kievan Rus not documented or only fragmented. In many cases, you can use the retrospective method, but this method has one weak point - we do not always know at what chronological depth one should dwell in retrospection, where the exact scientific method ends and where the assumption begins.
                  A number of chapters of the book "Paganism of the Ancient Slavs" are devoted to the search for these lines between the authentic and the assumed, in which the depth of memory of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian peasants was clarified.
                  Identification of deep roots gives us the right to use the extrapolation method, that is, the extension to Kievan Rus of those beliefs and forms of worship that are documented both for an earlier time and for a later one.

                  you just need to store YOUR OWN, and not borrow an alien

                  With these words, you are late for more than 10 centuries.
                  1. -1
                    5 March 2020 14: 34
                    Quote: rait
                    So with a cat remake

                    the fact of the matter is that it did not induce it as a carnival before fasting and not at the equinox
                2. -1
                  6 March 2020 06: 40
                  When did domestic cats appear in Russia?
                  1. 0
                    6 March 2020 08: 05
                    this just speaks of Ignorance of where the custom came from, initially it was a victim, and ANY animal could be launched, even though the mouse was taken away by a brownie
                    1. -3
                      6 March 2020 08: 45
                      mice themselves dragged into the house? what lost books can be read?
                      1. +2
                        6 March 2020 08: 57
                        I don’t cling, I’m typing into the blind, in what books can I read about Prince Igor?
                      2. -2
                        6 March 2020 09: 27
                        Blindly. Begin with the Primer. From the native language.
                        and do not answer the question with the question of how the chronic inhabitants. it is not in Russian
                      3. +1
                        6 March 2020 10: 05
                        Quote: Tlauicol

                        walk in the forest
                        on the topic, excuse me, but all that I read I can not post on the forum
        2. +4
          4 March 2020 13: 54
          what is different from nav
          Nav - according to Slavic beliefs, people who died an unnatural death, people who did not receive tranquility after death.
          Reality is a mutilated recently traditional folk designation of realities.
        3. 0
          5 March 2020 18: 44
          what are you comparing with?) to you to throw off the scan of the paragraph about the gods of ancient Greece?))) where does the myths and text of the textbook have to do with it?)))
  28. +1
    4 March 2020 10: 02
    Quote: Creedco
    Oh poor Orthodox, they attack you, they don’t give life directly. But isn't it the other way around?

    From you do not confuse, it is not necessary when we attack so it is holy, and when it is so on us and vice versa.
  29. -3
    4 March 2020 10: 15
    there is an opinion that the Russians went from the Cherusque people, who were still mentioned by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar and the historian Tacitus, they really ranked them apparently wrongly among the Germans. Then, apparently, the Cherusks decided to remove the letter combination from the first three letters from the beginning of their name, and this is how we find the mention of Russians in the first century BC. Walk like a walk.
    1. +8
      4 March 2020 11: 17
      Quote: pru-pavel
      Then apparently cheruski decided to remove the letter combination from first three letters from the beginning of its name,
      How so-removed?

      Remained and "Russian" and ... three letters Yes
    2. 0
      4 March 2020 18: 16
      it is believed that the Russians went from the Cherusque people, who were still mentioned by the Roman emperor Julius Caesar and the historian Tacitus

      You mean "Etruscans", I guess ..?
      1. 0
        4 March 2020 18: 43
        Etruscans are an isolated ethnos. Something like the Basque. Or Pelasgians in the Balkans. And Cheruski is a Germanic tribe that has at least a common Indo-European origin with the Slavs
  30. -6
    4 March 2020 11: 01
    Again, the opposition of Russia to Europe under the sauce of supposedly patriotism.
    Who are the Indo-Europeans? This term, although it appeared earlier, began to be actively used only after the 2nd World War. The reasons are clear. This is an emasculated politically correct term, roughly like "African Americans." And the correct term is Indo-Germans. Rus is the East Germans. And naturally, the "ethnocultural and linguistic core" of the Indo-Germans consisted of the immediate ancestors of Russia. This is the same sensation and discovery as 2 + 2 = 4. But the imposition of a "Slavic", that is, slavish identity, this is Russophobia
  31. 0
    4 March 2020 11: 09
    Thank you ... Maybe He is not a historian, but a Techie. And I trust my brothers more than political informants.
    Graduated from MEIS, MIREA (1976), VK IITs (1984). He worked as an assistant at the Research Institute of the Military-Industrial Complex (1974-83). Founder and Ch. editor of j-lov "Adventures, Fiction" (since 1990), "History" (since 1994), publishing house "Metagalaktika"

    ___ i.e. Master - academic degree, qualification (in some countries - a degree).
    I have no doubts. Before the heap, someone has already noticed here that DNA studies have already been carried out (for example, by Klyosov), which have identified a certain root of Russians in all nations (exaggerating, of course), but the geneological "trunk" of the Russians has been proven. Here is another question - who has erased Russian history with gods and traditions, and why it was done.
    1. +1
      4 March 2020 12: 15
      Quote: CBR600
      who erased Russian History with gods and traditions, and why it was done.

      And she's worn out, right? No books, no textbooks, no Rybakov's monograph "Paganism in Russia", no 18-volume ARCHEOLOGY of the USSR. Everything is overwritten, right?
      1. 0
        4 March 2020 14: 58
        Do you propose to start reading 18 volumes? Are you kidding me?
        no, the men said: wiped, - so wiped!
    2. +1
      4 March 2020 12: 22
      Quote: CBR600
      Master in Academic Degree

      A master is a beautiful word, but in reality it’s just ... a diploma about higher education in the USSR! Then we had a five-year plan. Then they did 4 years - college (bachelor - incomplete higher) and master (master - full higher). Call any university. They will explain it all to you again if my explanation is not enough. He does not have a scientific degree, so ... he is a historian, like from a ... bullet!
  32. 0
    4 March 2020 11: 20
    An interesting thing is obtained by reading the comments. As soon as someone is behind Russia, immediately objections. And as against, so the orchestra played.
    1. 0
      4 March 2020 11: 56
      Quote: NordUral
      As soon as someone is behind Russia, immediately objections.

      And for which specifically? They were not alone, and they were at enmity mortally ... Or for the Slavs? For what? Drevlyan, glade ..? Or maybe for the Poles, Bulgarians, Czechs? The author here has Greek - Balto - Germanic Slavs, maybe there are also Afro - Slavs, but I do not know about such. We need evidence and not a reference to the science fiction writer. I am for common sense, and phantasmagoria and shows on TV are already so full ...
    2. 0
      4 March 2020 15: 23
      Quote: NordUral
      As soon as someone is for Russia,

      "Not for Russia", but against the stupid!
      1. +5
        4 March 2020 15: 52
        Vyacheslav, not all the same lucky ones endowed with fate, like you. Everything is relative.
        1. +2
          5 March 2020 02: 49
          Quote: NordUral
          Vyacheslav, not all the same lucky ones endowed with fate, like you. Everything is relative.

          This caliber is generally a light in the flesh, not so long ago he enlightened, proved here at the Higher School of Sciences in more exact sciences ...
  33. +2
    4 March 2020 11: 30
    Even if this nonsense is recognized further for truth, then what? Does the whole world owe us? To experience admiration or give money? Adore us? Adolf at one time had about the same thoughts, only about the Germans.
    1. -1
      4 March 2020 11: 48
      The struggle against Russophobia, the restoration of traditions, the search for a national idea other than sovereignty, a cultural connection with genes as spirituality. And yes - Bring back our gods. Fascism in general has nothing to do with it.
      __ judging by the issue, you are not up to the culture
      1. 0
        4 March 2020 12: 17
        Buy a log! Cut the face - a silver mustache, golden hair - and God Perun will be yours. And ... pray to him, sacrifice goslings and smoke, soak your lips with vodka, and you will be happy!
    2. 0
      4 March 2020 12: 28
      Extend your thought to the Anglo-Saxons. We will never overtake them in conceit and thirst (or rather, requirements) of gratitude for their good deeds for the whole world.
      And who says that we need something in terms of gratitude or admiration? They would have lagged behind, finally.
      1. 0
        4 March 2020 13: 42
        Quote: NordUral
        Extend your thought to the Anglo-Saxons.

        I don’t particularly like them, however, since the time of the Republic of Ingushetia, all the more or less serious technical documentation was either in English or in German ... request Take at least the latest events with the notorious "Nord Stream 2", they imposed sanctions, and the pipes "do not fit," there are none (c). feel
        1. 0
          4 March 2020 15: 56
          So, since the accession of the Romanovs, Russia was actually under external control, Tank Hard, with all the ensuing consequences. As now, however.
          1. -5
            4 March 2020 17: 02
            Quote: NordUral
            So, since the accession of the Romanovs, Russia was actually under external control, Tank Hard, with all the ensuing consequences. As now, however

            So I'm not talking about that, however, you do not understand.
            1. +2
              4 March 2020 19: 35
              Why did not you understand - speak directly about our scientific and technical backwardness. But it never occurs to the mind that the civilization of the Rus could have been and, most likely, not as consumer-oriented as the Western one, and therefore left few material traces. But the Western "teachers" have worked with the spiritual heritage notably, destroying almost everything.
              1. +1
                4 March 2020 19: 42
                Quote: NordUral
                ... But the Western "teachers" have worked with the spiritual heritage notably, destroying almost everything.

                Uh no, they continue to work fruitfully ..:
                1. 0
                  4 March 2020 20: 39
                  I agree with you, Tank Hard, but I talked about the past successes of the West.
              2. -1
                4 March 2020 21: 48
                Quote: NordUral
                But the Western “teachers” have worked with the spiritual heritage, destroying almost everything.

                It’s a shitty legacy, Eugene, if it turned out to be so easy to destroy!
                1. +3
                  4 March 2020 23: 31
                  If the killer makes a hole in your forehead, then you are too bad, according to your clumsy logic.
                  1. +4
                    5 March 2020 02: 52
                    Quote: NordUral

                    If the killer makes a hole in your forehead, then you are too bad, according to your clumsy logic.

                    100% ... don’t go to the grandmother ... !!!
  34. +3
    4 March 2020 12: 34
    Yeah .. It seems like until the first of April almost a month ....
    But seriously. Oh, and on a slippery track are such articles. From protoruses to marches of glorifying collaborators - Hitler's minions, the path flies quickly. Ukraine also started from this. And what it leads everyone can see.
  35. +3
    4 March 2020 13: 16
    Stood out first italian hatto-louvianTocharian armenian, Celtic, Greek, Indo-Iranian, Germanic branches. Later than all the balts were separated from a single trunk and Slavs.

    ... the "young" Russian people created writing before the adoption of Christianity.

    Vasya Lozhkin confirms. wassat laughing

    1. +6
      4 March 2020 13: 23
      Vasya Lozhkin confirms.

      Yeah wink I still like this one - also a conspiracy theory! drinks
      1. -1
        4 March 2020 13: 42
        Quote: Pan Kohanku
        Vasya Lozhkin confirms.

        Yeah wink I still like this one - also a conspiracy theory! drinks

        No no no ....

        But in general - masons, scary people

        Shl. Let's not "offtopic" anymore.
        1. -1
          4 March 2020 14: 09
          Shl. Let's not "offtopic" anymore.

          You're right, but finally, ... Everything will be fine! drinks Good Doctors will catch all Indo-Aryans will confirm! laughing drinks
      2. -1
        5 March 2020 15: 02
        And what? I like! The caricature is wonderful. with humor. Especially kote is good.
    2. +1
      5 March 2020 20: 36
      You can not do it this way. Before replicating pictures from obscurantists, first familiarize yourself with at least the minimum amount of information about the real world order. The picture contains images of rabbis, not magi.
  36. +6
    4 March 2020 13: 48
    Pickled grass was
  37. +2
    4 March 2020 14: 07
    Prominent European scholars, beginning in the 19th century, believed that there was a single Indo-European linguistic community. It was divided into two groups only by 4-3 millennium BC. But even earlier, the French academician Jean Sylvain Bailly in his letters to Voltaire wrote that the ancestral home of the Indo-Iranians or Aryans was in high northern latitudes. The Baltic Slavic and Iranian linguistic communities, contrary to the claims of modern historians, developed many millennia ago. The Russian language is closer than all other languages ​​of the world to Sanskrit - the language of the oldest books of mankind, the Vedas. That is, our Russian language has existed for millennia. Why does official history recognize the emergence of our statehood and our people only since the adoption of Christianity? .. In addition, the theory of the origin of the Aryans beyond the Arctic Circle was recognized by the brightest scientific minds. An outstanding Russian scientist-ethnologist, candidate of historical sciences Svetlana Vasilyevna Zharnikova talks about what the world science says about the origin of the Aryans and the antiquity of the Slavs.
    1. +2
      4 March 2020 15: 31
      Quote: Vadim Golubkov
      Why does official history recognize the emergence of our statehood and our people only from the moment of adoption of Christianity?

      Here is the territory and archaeological finds on it. Egypt - the pyramids, etc. Rome - ... Greece -... The territory of the Great Russian Plain ... Next we look: the 18-volume USSR ARCHEOLOGY is a rather poor archaeological culture. Although, yes, millennia, millennia, nobody argues with this.
      1. +3
        4 March 2020 16: 01
        The whole point, Vyacheslav, is that in Europe, Africa and Asia they used stone in construction, and in Russia - wood. This is where the "poverty" of archaeological finds comes from.
        1. +1
          4 March 2020 17: 38
          and iron gold foundation road bones ceramics felling traces of intercultural exchange where? The Romanovs were taken out and buried?
          The world knows thousands of wooden artifacts from Europe and Egypt to China and America: ships, coffins, wells, tools, etc. age up to 7 thousand. years old. And in the Old Russian Empire, the climate was not the same? Even noble metals corroded
          1. 0
            4 March 2020 19: 26
            Do you know a lot of excavation sites in the North of our country? They dig it out mainly in the Middle Ages, without further climbing.
            1. +1
              4 March 2020 19: 59
              Do you know a lot of excavation sites in the North of our country? They dig it out mainly in the Middle Ages, without further climbing.

              Kostenki, Sungir. In Kostenki it was more than once - powerful, there is still digging and digging. Paleolithic, 30 years ago, plus or minus 000.
              1. +2
                4 March 2020 20: 29
                Yuri, I didn’t write that they didn’t dig at all, but mostly. The list goes on. But I will say it again, mainly in line with the classical history of the 1000th Rus.
                1. +1
                  4 March 2020 21: 18
                  But I will say it again, mainly in line with the classical history of the 1000th Rus.

                  Well, this is the youth of Russia. Arkaim and the entire complex associated with it of the Bronze Age (XXI and XVIII centuries BC, i.e. 4 100 - 3 700 years ago), the so-called Hadron culture - Indo-Aryans. It is not surprising that this will sound to the commentators of this article. laughing
            2. -3
              4 March 2020 21: 50
              Quote: NordUral
              They dig it out mainly in the Middle Ages, without further climbing.

              But who told you this? Where does the information come from? Once again: 18 volumes of the USSR ARCHEOLOGY are able to learn any ignoramus. If he wants, of course.
              1. +3
                4 March 2020 23: 27
                I'm all in tears, kalibr. Not everything in these volumes, my friend, not everything. And please do not be rude, this is stupid.
                1. -2
                  5 March 2020 08: 20
                  To call stupid stupid is not rudeness. A normal statement of his difficult situation.
                  1. +2
                    5 March 2020 11: 29
                    And you are an expert, Vyacheslav ...
                    1. +1
                      5 March 2020 20: 52
                      Of course, Evgeny, when you will have 40 years of teaching behind you, 35 in the armed forces, more than 2000 articles published in journals of the USSR, the Russian Federation, and ... many other countries and 40 published books and textbooks, and 5 grants of the RAS, you too so develop your brain that you will not only know a lot of things yourself, but also see all sorts of morons right away!
                      1. +1
                        6 March 2020 10: 32
                        It is strange then that all this brought up a lout in you, Vyacheslav.
                      2. -1
                        6 March 2020 10: 33
                        And with ignoramuses, Eugene, and idiots, that's the only way you can. Otherwise they will piss on your head. After 60 years, I consider it simply irrational to waste my precious time on equivocations with such people. You will come to that too, but later. Or you will never get there. But this is no longer a problem of education or culture, but of the level of intelligence. And not "in you" should be written, but according to the norms of the Russian language - "out of you."
                      3. +1
                        6 March 2020 11: 20
                        I won’t argue about literacy, but it does not change the essence of what I have said.
                      4. -1
                        6 March 2020 12: 58
                        Quote: NordUral
                        I won’t argue about literacy, but it does not change the essence of what I have said.

                        Evgeniy. You can't even imagine to what extent the opinion of ignorant anonymous authors is indifferent to me. Here are the clicks and comments - yes, that's good. Than there are not more of them, the better! I would recommend you to buy my textbook for the Higher School - "Public Opinion Management Technologies" (Infra-Engineering). It can be ordered online. It seems that a little more of the circulation is left ... Immediately you will begin to understand many things much better.
                      5. +2
                        6 March 2020 13: 07
                        I’ll look, Vyacheslav. It became interesting, as I saw the name of the textbook. Coincided with my thoughts about you.
                      6. +2
                        6 March 2020 19: 24
                        I also read carefully the introductory excerpt from "PR-design and PR-promotion ".
                        A clear class (or rather elite) orientation is interesting. In terms of the main content - the beginning of the 90s it would be interesting, but thank God, I could do without such a reading then, since there were both Zola and Dreiser in my father’s library, whom I read eagerly about all the volumes.
                        So even in childhood I tasted PR and the Old and New Worlds.
                        True, trade has never interested me, I'm a techie.
                        The introduction seems to be interesting, in it all of you and your attitude to the Soviet past.
                        And 20/80 spells impress with a cynical attitude towards the majority. It is clear to everyone that the bulk of the people are passive, but the reasons for stupid people you cite are dirty, in my opinion, as the pollution of the environment by the atomic tests of the USSR and others, but the States and France are not even mentioned.
                        Typical Anglo-Saxon technique. But write clearly
                        read without being distracted by the offer to buy.
                        In general, your attitude towards VO has become clear.
                      7. -1
                        6 March 2020 21: 54
                        You see how useful it is to read at least something. Only not "cynical", but cynical. And about the Anglo-Saxon technique ... To write this way, you have to compare, but why have you read their books on the same topic? It would be interesting to know which ones? Just curious what kind of books published there on such a specific topic read by techies? Or at least translated ...
                        By the way, on you can now read my excellent novel "People and Weapons". Historical, based on a ton of materials, including from the Library of Congress!
                      8. +1
                        7 March 2020 10: 54
                        You see how useful it is to read at least something
                        Listen to you, Vyacheslav, it turns out that those who do not read PR books do not read at all.
                        By the way, on you can now read my excellent novel "People and Weapons".

                        I immediately remembered the album published in the Soviet Union by the artist Samokhvalov - "My Way in Art".
                        However, I read, the topic is interesting to me.
                        And lastly, PR books are not at all interesting to me right now, since I’m a bit over 70, I don’t work already, so I indulge in toys that I couldn’t do before or didn’t finish at one time.
                      9. -1
                        7 March 2020 12: 04
                        PR - the topic is generally very specific. So I do not urge you to delve into it at all, especially if you are over 70. But I did not know this, and it was about the impact on the mass consciousness. Besides, you wrote about the "Anglo-Saxons". And any comparison is always based on knowledge. Or ignorance, but the repetition of the mantras of semi-literate journalists. I would not like a person of my generation to use such "sources" of information. And about the fact that the novel is excellent, I did not write, but those who read it ... So get in there and read. Perhaps you will return to childhood in some way. There is also one more - about a cat. But this should be read to little grandchildren or granddaughters.
                      10. +1
                        8 March 2020 19: 14
                        Vyacheslav! Immediately about the "excellent" - the text, as in the first person, that's why I remembered about that artist.
                        About the Anglo-Saxons and the impact on consciousness. A few days ago I watched an excerpt from the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (I usually watch TV while having a snack). So there flashed an episode in which it is mentioned that one of the coveted prizes was found by a boy from Russia, and then somehow it turns out in passing that he is a swindler. The audience is outraged. Here is one example of influencing the crowd with the desired result. And you are talking about mantras ...
                      11. -1
                        8 March 2020 19: 29
                        I would not have far advanced professionally if I focused on such a movie. Although the movie, of course, is a component of a single information field. And then, what doesn’t anyone repeat the mantras of mediocre journalists with us?
                      12. +1
                        8 March 2020 20: 49
                        Although the movie, of course, is a component of a single information field.

                        Vyacheslav, I'm not talking about the film, but about the hidden reception of the impact.
                      13. -1
                        8 March 2020 21: 54
                        About this I would recommend to you a book by Arthur Poinsonby or "Technologies of Public Opinion Management". It is more modern and contains a lot of materials not only of mine, but also of my colleagues in the workshop.
        2. +1
          4 March 2020 18: 04
          Quote: NordUral
          This is where the "poverty" of archaeological finds comes from.

          What about metal? Ceramics?
    2. -1
      4 March 2020 20: 08
      Read normal linguists. Chat with them. "The Russian language is closer than all other languages ​​of the world to Sanskrit - the language of the most ancient books of mankind, the Vedas." - No, it is not. The closest to Sanskrit is Old Lithuanian. Russian is not so archaic, although it bears some similarities like all Indo-European languages. Both Sanskrit and Proto-Slavic languages ​​(from which Russian originated) had common roots in origin. But Russian has NOT come from Sanskrit at all :)
  38. +3
    4 March 2020 16: 22
    guys there is the same site anthropogenesis, there is science about Yandex, look and do not believe in nonsense
  39. AAK
    4 March 2020 16: 45
    Of course it’s nice to feel like the direct and closest descendant of the Hyperboreans-Aryans-Protoslavians, but simple logic suggests that you can talk about phonetic differences 10-12 thousand years ago based on at least some written or other material sources of those years, or the author analyzed the video -Audio recordings from that time on the subject of community or language differences :)))
    1. +1
      4 March 2020 18: 51
      Sometimes it is possible without them but very limitedly. See about the nostratic macro family. In domestic linguistics, almost all adhere to it. In the West, too, is gaining strength
  40. -3
    4 March 2020 20: 03
    Enough title to understand - folk conspirator, and in fact a shekel lover, crazy Samsonov laughing
    PS Topwar editors again broke the bottom, but this is not surprising - stupid propagandists always mess ...
  41. +4
    4 March 2020 20: 04
    Please return the minuses in the ratings of articles :)
  42. +2
    4 March 2020 21: 32

    here :) the absurdity of the article text reminded me of this
  43. -3
    4 March 2020 22: 43
    Yeah, yeah, Ukrainians and Belarusians are not such "Russians", judging by the tree, although the center of the birth of Russia is kind of like in Ukraine. Ukrainians, in theory, are the most "Russian" Russians are the most direct descendants.
    1. 0
      4 March 2020 23: 10
      It depends on which of the Slavic tribes you want to consider Russian, say in Latvia, Russia - Krievija (Krivichi neighbors), at Finof Venäjä (Wends - neighbors) ...
      And if we take into account that the Russ and Slavs in the "Tale of Bygone Years" were named separately, then taking into account the delirium of all Fomenko and Petukhovs, one can come to interesting conclusions and to 3 cubes of galloperidol.
      You can just walk to
      Quote: Steffan
      Ukrainians are in theory the most "russkie" Russians are the most direct descendants. not?
      , and there already with a vernier caliper to measure the chirp to determine the purity of the nation :)
      1. 0
        5 March 2020 13: 00
        Your message does not carry any semantic meaning, just reasoning. I asked an interesting question: why the grandchildren whose great-grandfathers were Russians and lived in the center of the birth of the state of Russia and the center where the spread of Russians came from, are not considered direct descendants ?? I think this issue is highly politicized. it turns out that the Permians and Siberians are more "Russian" than the Kievans? -bulls. The picture with a tree is politicized.
        1. +2
          5 March 2020 18: 45
          Well, it has no meaning, for those who do not see it :)
          Think what I wrote "
          It depends on which of the Slavic tribes you want to consider Russian
          ", therefore I will repeat myself and chew on the shelves for you" It all depends on the interpretation and agenda. "
          And about the picture and the article as a whole - I have already expressed that this is a dangerous heresy
    2. +1
      4 March 2020 23: 18
      Quote: Steffan
      Yeah, yeah, Ukrainians and Belarusians are not such "Russians", judging by the tree, although the center of the birth of Russia is kind of like in Ukraine. Ukrainians, in theory, are the most "Russian" Russians are the most direct descendants.

      Not, since the Ukrainian is Russian, who has forgotten his roots! On modern stolen, I generally keep silent, as their type of Russian in the 20th century occupied.
      1. +1
        5 March 2020 13: 02
        I didn’t forget my roots and the state was erased from memory, the state. The Bolsheviks with their two chi three waves of Ukrainization.
  44. +2
    4 March 2020 23: 02
    Medina quietly envies: he can’t publish this (yet).
  45. 0
    4 March 2020 23: 28
    Dolboslavs spring aggravation campaign ... wassat

    But seriously, Samsonov, how much can you write this pseudoscientific nonsense already? fool
  46. 0
    4 March 2020 23: 35
    Quote: Tlauicol
    You did not answer: so how did ALL ancient Slavic written sources get into the Vatican and how is Petukhov aware of this? (I'm not talking about the content of manuscripts). Also read in the sun and stumps?

    But you don’t know that under Peter1 all the manuscripts were brought to St. Petersburg for rewriting, and then, SIMPLY, disappeared and the Romanov history began, where the head of the Populist Rus played a significant role! By the way, he was from Kiev!
    1. 0
      5 March 2020 01: 05
      Quote: rusi4SPb

      But you don’t know that under Peter1 all the manuscripts were brought to St. Petersburg for rewriting, and then, SIMPLY, disappeared and the Romanov history began, where the head of the Populist Rus played a significant role! By the way, he was from Kiev!

      What is your evidence ?! Arnold
      1. +2
        5 March 2020 02: 59
        Quote: Voletsky
        What is your evidence ?! Arnold

        What are yours?
        1. -1
          5 March 2020 03: 30
          Quote: Dali

          What are yours?

          Russian State Historical Archive
  47. 0
    4 March 2020 23: 36
    Quote: Connor MacLeod
    Dolboslavs spring aggravation campaign ... wassat

    But seriously, Samsonov, how much can you write this pseudoscientific nonsense already? fool

    But you are a 100% connoisseur of history. I have no doubt about it!
  48. 0
    4 March 2020 23: 39
    Quote: Voletsky

    here :) the absurdity of the article text reminded me of this

    And you lived in those days that you were so sure of your innocence! Look, Ukrainians and Psheks are sure that the USSR is the culprit of 2 MB, although not even 100 years have passed?
    1. -1
      5 March 2020 01: 06
      Have you lived ?! And where do the Poles and Ukrainians ?! I do not become like them, are you talking to me or with them ?!
  49. -1
    4 March 2020 23: 48
    Quote: toptigin
    guys there is the same site anthropogenesis, there is science about Yandex, look and do not believe in nonsense

    About anthropogenesis is another sect of witnesses to science!
    Question: Why are the lower parts of the house dug up to 3 floors underground in many cities of Europe and Russia? What happened? Anthropological speaker (historian): "Eh! Well, it was people who littered and the horses gave a shit on 45 floors, but there was no cleaning!" Anthropoginesis rules! XNUMX min talk and everything about the dermis !!!
    1. -1
      5 March 2020 07: 54
      Quote: rusi4SPb
      Question: Why in many cities of Europe and Russia they dig out the lower parts of the house up to three floors underground. What happened

      This is called the cultural layer. In a century, approximately 1 m is formed. It just so happened.
  50. -1
    4 March 2020 23: 57
    Quote: Tlauicol
    and iron gold foundation road bones ceramics felling traces of intercultural exchange where? The Romanovs were taken out and buried?
    The world knows thousands of wooden artifacts from Europe and Egypt to China and America: ships, coffins, wells, tools, etc. age up to 7 thousand. years old. And in the Old Russian Empire, the climate was not the same? Even noble metals corroded

    respected! Are you sure they are 7000 years old! After all, honest historians themselves say about dating "by eye"! History is also politics!
  51. -1
    4 March 2020 23: 58
    Quote: kalibr
    Any person engaged in scientific research can write an application to the Vatican library and get permission to work there. For the money, of course. Even in the secret section. But it costs money and you still have to live there. And in Rome it is expensive. But if you want, will I arrange you there?

    Be careful not to answer, otherwise I’ll ask you to arrange it!
    1. -2
      5 March 2020 08: 12
      Quote: rusi4SPb
      Be careful not to answer, otherwise I’ll ask you to arrange it!

      Ask! With pleasure. And I’ll give you the address where to write, and I’ll write the text as needed. And I’ll agree on everything. You see - I am connected with many museums around the world, I am allowed to use their materials. I will receive the same permission from the Vatican. But only then will you have to answer for the market. That is, go and work. Because what other opinion will be formed about us? A citizen of a great country asked, we provided... but he doesn’t go. Are you suffering from diarrhea? And you also need to speak and write English well, know at least a few common words in Italian, Latin, and medieval Latin... I, for example, don’t know it. That's why I don't work there. You can rent an apartment through booking, but in Rome it’s expensive + food + other museums. So don't be ashamed in front of the whole world. Sit where you sit. “Dunka has nothing to do in Europe.”
  52. 0
    5 March 2020 00: 01
    Quote: Tlauicol
    yeah, only Petukhov is the same historian as Bushkov or Chudinov. An ordinary schizophrenic who publishes himself, since the publishers simply twisted their fingers at the temple, reading his opuses. Teach folk histories of crazy graphomaniacs at school? Are you serious ?

    And you are a doctor with a degree in psychiatry, why would you call a person a schizophrenic?
    Or are you posting from Ward No. 6?
  53. -1
    5 March 2020 00: 03
    Quote: Zeev Zeev
    Could you elaborate on the ancient writing of the Slavs in Russia in the pre-Christian era?

    Only Jews and arrogant Saxons are right and know the history of the World, and as for the RUSSIANS, so immediately “...what an antiquity the Rusians have....!” Let it be known to you that the outstanding Russian historian E. Spitsin says about antiquity Rusov that today this issue is DEBATED in scientific circles! The limits of the discussion in time from 14 thousand years BC. BEFORE 4 thousand years BC Somehow, stop belittling the Russian nation! And then all sorts of Nazis and Zionists took over the fashion!
    1. -1
      5 March 2020 01: 32
      Lord :) to all counter-arguments you call on Jews and “Anglo-Saxons” like some kind of devils :) Are you normal in general?:)
      1. -1
        15 March 2020 18: 49
        Why don’t you have enough brains to answer my arguments, gentlemen, right away?
  54. -2
    5 March 2020 00: 15
    Quote: Zeev Zeev
    A. Accusing the 18th century Protestants of collaborating with the Vatican is like blaming the Uniates or Old Believers for their love for the Moscow Patriarchate.
    B. 300 years. Cubic kilometers of land excavated, tons of artifacts. And nothing.
    The Vatican did not fight in World War II.

    The Vatican kissed Hitler tooth and nail, and after the USSR kicked the Nazi European Union 1.0’s ass, the Vatican organized a “rat trail” to transport Nazi criminals to South America, and the arrogant Saxons also to the USA! These are FACTS!
    But since Nazism is close in spirit to you Zionists, you “forgot” about these facts...
  55. The comment was deleted.
    1. -1
      5 March 2020 01: 48
      History is a fact; it cannot be changed, it can be interpreted differently, but if I start calling my grandmother grandfather, she will not turn into grandfather.
      1. 7 lyams of raped German women - the same Petukhov, and when we turn to the documents and orders of the command regarding the looting, we will understand that this did not happen; but the sheep will believe in it, ala fans of Fomenko - Petukhov
      2. The Ukrainians did not destroy anything, they began to promote destructive propaganda that has nothing to do with history.

      And you do the same thing as them.
      And in general, blame your damn government for not going to court over unfounded accusations.
  56. -2
    5 March 2020 00: 30
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: bessmertniy

    We are all relatives, because from Adam and Eve!

    I and my ancestors are not Jews, so your statement is false!!! R1A1-MY MARKER
    1. -3
      5 March 2020 08: 00
      That is, you did not come from Adam and Eve, but from someone else? And from whom?
      1. 0
        5 March 2020 21: 35
        Quote: kalibr
        That is, you did not come from Adam and Eve, but from someone else? And from whom?

        who is this ?:)
      2. 0
        15 March 2020 18: 46
        From the Russians, not from the Jews
  57. -2
    5 March 2020 01: 26
    Strange article. I didn't expect to see this here. Anti-scientific, referring to an amateur in matters of history, but the worst thing about this is that, judging by the comments, there are so many adherents of this heresy in our country (some of them laughed at VO with the term “proto-Ukrainians”). The danger of these articles (as well as with “good” intentions) leads to the fact that fragile minds will soon accept such statements as the ultimate truth, and will be absolutely confident in their exclusivity in this world. Our country in the late 90s - early 00s experienced similar “booms” of exclusivity on the foundation of “Rodnoverie” and “Dolboslaviya” (the echoes of these “booms” continue to this day, partly the fruits of these “booms” (“wotanyugend”, “ misanthropic division" (organizations banned on the territory of the Russian Federation) migrated to Ukraine in 2014 and resulted in a tragedy; members of these organizations participated in punitive operations against the civilian population of the LDPR as part of volunteer battalions with a National Socialist bias). In our country there were a huge number of organized, well-brainwashed similar authors, thugs who called themselves nationalists, NS, etc. whose worldview was based on the “Veles book”, which said that everything in the world began with the Slavs-Aryans. These groups, against the backdrop of neo-folklore with “native gods” (such as vyshenya and kroshenya, which the ancient Slavs never had), found echoes among young people and the groups grew stronger, and the convictions in these groups also grew stronger that Hitler planned to liberate the peoples of Russia, that the plan “ost "a fake of contemporaries, that the Holocaust was invented later in order to profit from it, etc.. Having felt the power, these groups began to use it on homeless people, migrants, on people who differed in skin color or eye color, often leading to murders (groups banned in the Russian Federation NSO, Slavic Union, etc.) planned to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation. Only years later, these and similar organizations, thanks to the colossal work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB, were able to be neutralized, but the trail of this “boom” still stretches, which arose precisely in the 90s, under the leadership of American instructors, on neo-folklore, on “Veles books” ", on pseudo-history (we must pay tribute to the writers, a very beautiful fairy tale, which is very difficult for a person without critical thinking not to fall in love with), on stories "about how it really was" by "true Slavs", such as: the Levashovs, the Trelebovs, the Khinevichs , Prozorovs, etc. And we all seem to be jumping on the same rake.
    1. 0
      5 March 2020 10: 24
      In essence, the article does not answer anything. One propaganda of matriarchy is just a carriage of snot and a screen of flood. If you're not interested, don't comment. I didn’t notice anything about the greatness of the Russians in the article, but the comments about the distortion of history, yes. Americans, nationalists, brought in the Holocaust. That's not what the article is about.
    2. +2
      5 March 2020 15: 17
      The danger of these articles (as with “good” intentions) leads to the fact that fragile minds will soon accept such statements as the ultimate truth,
      And you try to explain to these fragile minds where entire nations disappeared from the ethnographic map of the world???
      The map of North America of the 18th century is replete with inscriptions of Delawares, Iroquois, Sioux - and these inscriptions often cover territories the size of England... But on the map of North America of the 20th century there are no such inscriptions!!! There are no entire nations!!!
      And everything is quiet and peaceful, and note that in the movies, for example, the Spaniards are always called the bloody tormentors of local Indians, and the British and French are simply travelers, settlers, cowboys... But in Central and South America there are still countries with a dominant indigenous population and in North America there are no such countries!!! There are no Anglo-Indian countries or Indian countries!!! That is, entire nations were simply destroyed and all this was done in just 200 years... And pseudo-historians writing history textbooks, by and large, don’t care about this!!!
  58. -1
    5 March 2020 07: 47
    I haven't read such nonsense for a long time. Was the author bitten by the proto-Ukrainians who dug up the Black Sea?

    And the last “tree of ethnogenesis” is absolutely superb. The author doesn’t even understand that he has peoples on the same branches, the difference between them is millennia
  59. -2
    5 March 2020 08: 11
    Quote: kalibr
    That is, you did not come from Adam and Eve, but from someone else? And from whom?

    from the Indo-Aryan monkey)))))
  60. 0
    5 March 2020 08: 23
    If you replace some of the words in the article, you would think that you are reading an article from the “Institute of Memory” of Ukraine. And the main principle is to add to everything "-Slavs" So, in terms of the level of delusion of our neighbors, we will catch up and surpass them...
  61. +1
    5 March 2020 09: 02
    We need to raise our horizons. Archive, the truth is somewhere nearby, zone 51, these concepts should remain with the Americans. It’s a big country to study who will. By the way, artifacts should be the property of the people and not the security service. This is the point I would put in the first place in the constitution! Despite the fact that everyone has computer modeling. In our time, the most famous traveler Konyukhov did something that an ordinary person could not do. Such people are needed and there should be even more of them.
    And according to the text of the article, you can continue at the Lukomorye green oak tree..
  62. 0
    5 March 2020 09: 13
    I apologize in advance if I'm wrong. In relation to the historian Yu. Petukhov. At the beginning of the “holy 90s” I came across a paperback book with poor printing. Fantastic mini story. About sex with an alien, with an alien. He impregnated the women of the Earth. The description of his activity in this field was at the level of an 18-year-old boy, dreaming brightly with whomever. Funny and plentiful. There were no such books under Soviet rule, not because they were banned, but because there was no plot, only one... as if a teenager was describing his fantasies. I remember the author of the book, we swore off reading such nonsense. By chance, the first and last name of that author coincides with the historian. Well, it’s really a coincidence, you never know in Russia there are such a surname and the same name.
    1. -1
      5 March 2020 11: 58
      Quote: Uma Palata
      Well, it’s really a coincidence, you never know in Russia there are such a surname and the same name.

      This is him!
  63. +4
    5 March 2020 10: 05
    Quote: neri73-r
    On the first question, don’t be foolish, historians like Biron and company, commissioned by the Vatican, skillfully rewrote history and destroyed/seized the originals.

    Cossack scientists sent to Russia by the Vatican It's a great time to trample on Russian history!
    [b]Lomonosov even hit the German Mayer in the face
    For this he was even sent to prison!
    1. 0
      5 March 2020 10: 27
      I support you with all my hands. And a worn-out history with culture and traditions. Good article! For those who think and accumulate information.
      ___ For the rest - 18 volumes of archeology of the USSR
      1. 0
        5 March 2020 11: 56
        Quote: CBR600
        For those who think

        What does he think?
    2. 0
      7 March 2020 22: 41
      Well, the old man loved to drink and was jealous of the Germans, like why do they pay them more and the Germans also weren’t fools, so they fought. Happens
  64. +4
    5 March 2020 10: 23
    Well, as I understand it, the author’s next message will be on the topic: who actually dug up the Black Sea - us or the “Sumerians”...
  65. +1
    5 March 2020 10: 55
    In the article, of course, a lot of water is poured about milk rivers with jelly banks... But reading books on history, one serious question often arises - And what kind of history were we taught and are being taught at school?" Who's history? Or Who is the favorable version of history being taught to our children?

    History textbooks clearly have white and black spots - sections that are overly illuminated and sections, on the contrary, darkened... A striking example of excessive lighting is the era of Caesar - that is, the Roman Empire at the turn of the millennium... A sea of ​​literature has been written about this period, kilometers of films have been filmed - this is the favorite era of many historians - lovers of antiquity... A striking example of dark spots in history is the history of the Byzantine Empire - historians even took away its name from this state!!! The Byzantine (Roman) Empire existed for more than 1000 years and meager paragraphs are written about it in textbooks... The Byzantine Empire is part of the Roman Empire - but for some reason, historians took away its name from this state and gave the very dubious union of German and Italian principalities the loud name "Holy Roman Empire"... And in this form these piles of lies are taught to children at school!!!)))
    Зand with all these dark affairs on the pages of textbooks, the long-standing 1000-year-old conflict between the European West and East is visible - and Russia, being the largest part of Eastern Europe, for some reason learns from the history textbooks of Western Europe!!! A pun and nothing more!!!
  66. +2
    5 March 2020 11: 39
    The same nonsense as about “ukrov-dug up the Black Sea”...
  67. 0
    5 March 2020 13: 41
    For particularly zealous Zadornov fanatics, the term “history” is from the Greek language (ἱστορία, historia). It’s not like there’s no smell of Torah here, even from afar. But the article under discussion has nothing to discuss, because it falls into the category of myths and faith, by discussing which you simply encourage an increase in stupidity. And you attach significance to this stupidity. All these Hyberboreans in the Arctic, Ingrian republics, Siberian nationalists, sectarians of the “USSR”, Rodnoverie and so on live on the Internet with the goal of hype and collecting money.
  68. 0
    5 March 2020 13: 49
    The story is written by the winners.
  69. +1
    5 March 2020 14: 34
    Articles like this do more harm than good and only cause laughter.
    1. +1
      5 March 2020 16: 31
      Sorry! Laughter cannot cause harm.
  70. 0
    5 March 2020 15: 18
    Petukhov’s tree is, of course, too ambitious. At a minimum, there is no convergence there, only divergence. It is not taken into account that the “Aryans” are only one of the branches (otherwise at least haplogroup N1 would have nowhere to come from). But in general, as a concept it’s better than nothing of its own... The main thing is not to spoil it with obvious nonsense. Otherwise it will turn out like Fomenko-Nosovsky - they started with revealing obvious fraud in some historical periods, and ended with press packaging of everything. My ancestral home is Hyperborea, my word is Russian Speech (and not “language”, because it means “people”, which was also known to A.S. Pushkin), conceptually for me Russia is the power of the North, not the numb West and not the Chinese East, and certainly not the Semitic-Hamitic South. He who does not protect his own is doomed to lick other people's boots under other people's mantras. For those who want to trace their genealogy about the “Drevlyans on the trees,” I wish you to once again return to the branches.
    1. +3
      5 March 2020 15: 42
      Quote: andrew42
      My ancestral home is Hyperborea,
      We look at the history of the ancient world through the eyes of the Greeks and Romans,.. )) For them, Hyperborea is a wonderful country on the edge of the world (Ecumene)... Therefore, the tribes inhabiting Hyperborea are often called Ants, Atlanteans - everywhere there is a root “ant-” or “anti-”, that is, different from the Greeks or opposite to them ...

      People often underestimate the greatness of the countries of the ancient world - Greece is the center of the world of the Scythian era!!! This is the center of civilization, measuring such concepts as normality or abnormality by distance from Athens...)) Therefore, among the Greeks, the people inhabiting the outskirts of their world are some kind of minotaurs, half-monsters, or gorgons, or cyclops... In general, the Greeks knew how to tell stories! !!
      1. +1
        5 March 2020 17: 13
        Let me disagree with the “Greek-centrism” of the Scythian era. Firstly, not “Greeks”, but “Hellenes”. Secondly, the Achaeans came to the Morea just destroying and finishing off the remnants of that highly cultural “Minoan” civilization. They proved unable to restore and maintain such ancient cities as Mycenae and Tiryns. Yes, they were very good at robbing. They broke Troy there, gathering all their organized crime groups into a heap. Sparta is a classic apartheid state, an ancient copy in the spirit of Guillaume the Norman. Thirdly, the so-called classical Greece of the city-polises of the times of Solon and Pericles is a very, very heterogeneous formation. The Athenians in life considered the Spartans to be semi-wild barbarian warriors (and not without reason), and the northern part of the peninsula, starting with Thessaly, did not really favor both of them. Not to mention the Greeks of Asia Minor (Ephesus, Miletus, etc.), who, apart from the Athenians, did not see worthy partners in the “Greeks” at all, and got along quite well with the Persian Empire, even fought for it! In this regard, I am entirely on the side of Gumilyov, who very much questioned the legitimacy of all these ancient “reference points.” The fact that “Greek culture” is so dear to Western European science is a personal matter of this scientific school; for the descendants of Scythia it is not necessary. Americans also love to identify themselves with Rome in their Hollywood historical action films, they have the Capitol, the Senate, the “Roman patriots” mercilessly smash the pierced Persians, dirty Parthians, stupid Gauls, demonic Carthaginians and many others. Why do we need this comic? It’s the same with “central” Greece. And in the “era of the Scythians,” the centers were precisely the possessions of the Scythian kings and princes, which were later disputed by the Medes. That’s why it is the “age of the Scythians”, many centuries old. The era of the spread of Hellenistic culture, usually through trade routes, is much shorter and less ancient.
        1. 0
          5 March 2020 18: 50
          Quote: andrew42
          Let me disagree with the "Greek-centrism" of the Scythian era

          1. So who is Herodotus? - a Greek and about the Scythians we know 90% of the information from him and other Greeks and Romans like him...
          2. Who are the Achaeans is an open question - quite possibly they are the same direct ancestors of the Greeks...
          3. As for the semi-savagery of the Spartans, the question is very, very controversial... Military valor in the heyday of Athens and Sparta was valued higher than success in culture and art...
          4. The fact that the Greek cities of the state had all their own specifics is undoubtedly...
          The Greek peninsula consists of narrow fertile valleys surrounded and crossed by mountains - here nature itself created all the conditions for the emergence of city-states. Since it is not easy to control such complex rough terrain even now.
          The Greeks identified themselves with civilization and the Scythians with barbarians... (And not only the Scythians).... This is in the general traditional view of Western states on other cultures and peoples that they did not understand... The outskirts of the world known to them then (Ecumene) were inhabited by peoples incomprehensible and completely incomprehensible to the Greeks - hence so many tales and myths

          Athens in its heyday is like New York today - a city that was supposed to stun and conquer any visitor with its wonders - not with luxury, not with art, but with something unprecedented and unheard of (in this case, its temples).
          By the way, Rhodes, from the point of view of ancient man, is also a kind of center, but only the center of maritime trade of the ancient world. The island of Rhodes is located just at the turn from the countries of the east (Anatolia, Syria and Egypt) to the countries of the north (Greece, Thrace, Scythia, etc.).
          1. 0
            5 March 2020 19: 21
            I was just talking about disagreement regarding the “reference point” in relation to the Greek city states that had been squabbling with each other for centuries, starting with myths and ending with the Peloponnesian Wars. I didn’t say a word against the high culture of Athens, but in “Greek” culture the Athenians have always been the “black sheep,” starting with the myth of Theseus and ending with that very Athenian democracy. The rest of the policies were not close. not counting the cities of Asia Minor. And the vaunted Sparta has nothing to boast about except for raising the art of killing (and dying) to the highest degree of valor. The laws of Lycurgus, the Messenians (indigenous inhabitants, by the way) as two-legged cattle - this is the essence of Sparta, this is where the savagery is, not material, but the savagery of morals.
  71. +1
    5 March 2020 18: 59
    in one neighboring country they also decided to get to the roots, now they eat breakfast and lunch with blood
    1. 0
      5 March 2020 19: 10
      In that very “one country” that is sometimes written 404, they just abandoned their roots. Instead of the Single Root, they came up with an alternative but “our own” one. Brotherhood was exchanged for the right to “lick the master’s boots,” parasitizing on the external attributes of the traditions of our ancestors. The moral is simple: if you cough up a pot, it doesn’t mean you had something cooking in there.
  72. 0
    5 March 2020 19: 32
    Idiocy is getting stronger)))) Crossed out)))) But Samsonov will write in based on his dreams and visions.
  73. 0
    5 March 2020 20: 32
    The historian (not chronicler) Petukhov did a really great job, but his surname is still suspicious. Essentially, I inform the following: one should not overload the sighted with such voluminous calculations in order to convince them of the existence of Ra (the sun), in relation to the blind or those feigning blindness, such work is also futile. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas do not ambiguously, clearly and unambiguously indicate that the Heavenly or White Race consists of four Clans: Svyatoros, Rossens, Ha Aryans, Yes Aryans. The clans are listed in order of precedence by time of origin. The White Race is present on Midgard - the true name of the planet on which we all live and call Earth, for about one billion years. The thing is . that Our Ancestors called any planet earth, i.e. earth is a synonym for the modern word planet. You can read about the role and fate of each of the Clans and the Race as a whole there, i.e. in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Nevertheless, Petukhov’s work is interesting and worthy of respect as material detailing some events in the chronology of the Heavenly Race in the near future.
    1. 0
      10 March 2020 08: 56
      I will support! Petukhov’s work is worthy of respect, because it is based on completely different material, not archaeological and at the same time very historical. But where are these Slavic-Aryan Vedas? I only know about two silver plates and only from pictures.
  74. 0
    6 March 2020 01: 23
    Gardarika is not a country of cities, but a country of vegetable gardens, embankments and natural earthen ramparts with a wooden wall (vegetable garden) on top, the most famous are the serpent ramparts
  75. -3
    6 March 2020 02: 49
    And today, OUR RUSSIAN GODS - Rod, Svarog, Perun, Lada, Svyatobor, Veles, Makosh, Dazhdbog, Bereginya and many, many others ALWAYS WITH US, no matter how those who want to erase the memory of them from our people will howl in every possible way!

    1. 0
      6 March 2020 07: 11
      add for pathos: “For it was said by the man in the avatar: “Brothers and sisters,..”
      1. 0
        6 March 2020 10: 41
        I have a suitable log at my dacha. We must quickly cut out Perun's face to scare the crows...
    2. 0
      7 March 2020 22: 22
      Uh...... but I hope this is a joke. After all, otherwise it’s scary to see the psychos on the loose who were, are and will be with us. Yes, and always
  76. 0
    6 March 2020 07: 24
    Humanity originated from the Hyperboreans and then, in small tribal communities, they settled all over the planet. This, in particular, especially concerns the European peoples - they are all a secondary product of the huge Hyperborean community, so to speak, the waste of the main Hyperborean conglomerate of Hyperborean nations, for whom there was no place in Hyperborea. The process is roughly similar to the current state of affairs, where people leave their country for various reasons and settle in different places.

    The origins of the history of Rus' should correctly be sought in the legends of Hyperborea and Tartaria. The origins are there, and Russians lived on the territory of Russia, although they were called differently at different times, but, judging by DNA research and genotype, they are one and the same people.
    You will not argue here that blacks, Indians or Chinese lived here. The names were different, but the population was the same.
    1. +2
      6 March 2020 10: 02
      Only all the legends about Hyperborea and Tartary were compiled in the 20-21 centuries. Unfortunately, it turns out to be some kind of short Aryan story. Although if you base it on the paintings of my fellow countryman Ivanov, then it even turns out fun: fighting mammoths, spaceships in Yamal and radiant maidens with boobs)))
  77. -2
    6 March 2020 11: 48
    yes, because globalization took place on the basis of the West, and Russian civilization posed a danger as an alternative
  78. -2
    6 March 2020 12: 18
    Hitler also considered himself an Aryan; now new ones have appeared, led by a guarantor, and the regimes are similar
  79. +1
    6 March 2020 13: 38
    It’s cool to unravel the mysteries of history based on your own ideas and pseudo-scientific research.
  80. 0
    6 March 2020 22: 40
    They cross out because “Moscow is the Third Rome.” Holy Rus' is the guardian of Orthodoxy. A country that MUST preserve the Truth until the end of time. The Germans have an excellent expression on this topic: “Light is from the East!,, . There are smart, adequate PEOPLE in the West too. And they are waiting for Russia to have its say. They rely on Russia. After all, the West is largely controlled by “ordinary non-humans” (in short, conveniently and true to the meaning of the word - “UFOs”). Europe got lost, got lost in three pines, back in the Middle Ages. Already in the XNUMXth century, everything was lost. Signs of “cloudness of mind” can be the capture of Christian Constantinople by Western Christians and the attacks of Western Christians on Christians in Rus'. “We’ve arrived!” - that’s how people use humor in such cases. But it's not funny...
    The past centuries have not added intelligence to either the West or UFOs. They are literally dragging the whole world into deep Satanism. Their “ideal” for people is a giant concentration camp. All these Maidans, Auschwitzs, Dulags were literally yesterday. And again, already in this century - numbers for ALL people, now fashionable, electronic... The same meaning as 80 years ago - resigned work for a bowl of gruel...
    “Ordinary non-humans are not at all interested in the history of PEOPLE. Moreover, heroic and glorious. They are evil, primitive and nasty. It is impossible to remake them, they need to be stopped
  81. +1
    7 March 2020 10: 27
    Is this seriously all this nonsense about Hyperborea, Tartary and so on? Or is it some kind of joke?
  82. +4
    7 March 2020 17: 13
    Our People have a REAL glorious history. Inventing something that didn’t exist. Drawing on the homeland of elephants, the dug-up Black Sea, the book of Veles is only insulting the memory of our ancestors.
  83. 0
    10 March 2020 21: 28
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    So I want to ask you a question - can the Norman theory of the origin of Russia be beneficial to anyone outside of Russia?
    And yet - how do you feel about the rumors about the digging back by German archaeologists of the results of excavations on the island of Rugen, which suddenly turned out to be of Slavic origin?
    P.S. And do not get excited, imagine that I am a persistent first-year student.

    Sorry again, but you... are a very stupid 1st year student. Am I telling you what? Read primary sources. He brought a bunch of books, an article in a magazine. If you were my student, you would already be reading this... and not jumping from one to another. And now it’s like this - they opened the chronicle, read about the calling of the Varangians, strained their gray cells, and saw that there was no “Norman theory”. There is a legend about three brothers and that's it. All! You understand. Everything else is nonsense, like this article itself and Petukhov’s work. Not available? But this is so, and I won’t write more if you don’t understand. I.N. Danilenko explains it all very well. And who is he - Google to the rescue... Second. There was already my article about burial on Rügen here on VO. Detailed. Learn to use the Internet. My students can. Find and read. And in general, do you only know Russian, right? There is a lot of literature. All questions have been answered a long time ago... Why am I here... in a sandbox with a kindergarten?
  84. +1
    11 March 2020 12: 48
    Russians live by ancient history. This is very convenient if the country is ruled by dead people. Lenin "lays a mine", Stalin "destroys the color of this and that and everything....". The Shirnar masses live in the networks with the horrors of the Civil War.

    Therefore, modern statesmen are definitely not responsible for anything at all.....
    AND THEN - WHAT ARE MODERN “STATE-FORMING” RESPONSIBLE FOR? They don’t even go to any elections on principle. Where there is no responsibility, there, sorry, there can be no rights.... we will still envy the serfs of the 18th century, who could sometimes become angry, and one day flog the master with the whole village.....
  85. 0
    15 March 2020 18: 54
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: Ingvar 72
    So I want to ask you a question - can the Norman theory of the origin of Russia be beneficial to anyone outside of Russia?
    And yet - how do you feel about the rumors about the digging back by German archaeologists of the results of excavations on the island of Rugen, which suddenly turned out to be of Slavic origin?
    P.S. And do not get excited, imagine that I am a persistent first-year student.

    Sorry again, but you... are a very stupid 1st year student. Am I telling you what? Read primary sources. He brought a bunch of books, an article in a magazine. If you were my student, you would already be reading this... and not jumping from one to another. And now it’s like this - they opened the chronicle, read about the calling of the Varangians, strained their gray cells, and saw that there was no “Norman theory”. There is a legend about three brothers and that's it. All! You understand. Everything else is nonsense, like this article itself and Petukhov’s work. Not available? But this is so, and I won’t write more if you don’t understand. I.N. Danilenko explains it all very well. And who is he - Google to the rescue... Second. There was already my article about burial on Rügen here on VO. Detailed. Learn to use the Internet. My students can. Find and read. And in general, do you only know Russian, right? There is a lot of literature. All questions have been answered a long time ago... Why am I here... in a sandbox with a kindergarten?

    Are you serious about primary sources? For a long time now, everything that is needed to stupefy the masses has already been rewritten, even the Hebrew Bible, is the Koran still intact.
  86. 0
    15 March 2020 19: 08
    Quote: kalibr
    Quote: rusi4SPb
    Be careful not to answer, otherwise I’ll ask you to arrange it!

    Ask! With pleasure. And I’ll give you the address where to write, and I’ll write the text as needed. And I’ll agree on everything. You see - I am connected with many museums around the world, I am allowed to use their materials. I will receive the same permission from the Vatican. But only then will you have to answer for the market. That is, go and work. Because what other opinion will be formed about us? A citizen of a great country asked, we provided... but he doesn’t go. Are you suffering from diarrhea? And you also need to speak and write English well, know at least a few common words in Italian, Latin, and medieval Latin... I, for example, don’t know it. That's why I don't work there. You can rent an apartment through booking, but in Rome it’s expensive + food + other museums. So don't be ashamed in front of the whole world. Sit where you sit. “Dunka has nothing to do in Europe.”

    Let's get in touch, I'm ready to study science in the Vatican Library in 4 months for a year. What is required of me, just don’t start with the money right away, otherwise I can even help myself for the money. I need from you PERMISSION TO WORK IN THE VATICAN LIBRARIES. BEGIN .
    1. 0
      15 March 2020 19: 15
      Quote: rusi4SPb

      Great! But I need to know who to register it for. I can’t register it in my name and then declare that another person will come. Then write to me in a personal message... whatever is needed. I will notify you and send you copies of the letters I sent.
  87. DDT
    April 29 2020 12: 59
    Yes... My favorite Military Oborzenie, tritely becomes a platform for the ancient Rus, ukrov, wikis, dates, tats and other abbreviations. The main thing is that they are all handsome, they are all ancient, they are all Aria, even the Aryans. And everyone has a Nordic character... But one of them decided to declare them all gods!
    Well, what to expect from an era when every lousy blogger fancies himself a journalist, a drunken high school student who undresses becomes a “nude model”, every second mathematician is a historian at heart, and most importantly, they are all “influencers”... At the same time, for some reason, all these “journalists, models, historians” from one sixth of the land are firmly convinced that secondary education in countries of decaying capitalism is an order of magnitude worse, although a storm of comments on the site proves the opposite... Comrade, if there are still such people left, it’s not funny to you /ashamed of ourselves?