13 variants of the emblem "Army of Russia" from the Ministry of Defense, or Artistic Climax

The main military department of the country is preparing a truly epochal innovation. Why epochal? Because it concerns the new symbols of the Russian army, namely, those signs and symbols that the world will see on the form of Russian military personnel, on the wings and sides of Russian military equipment. The idea of ​​creating new symbols for a new army seems to be based on quite the right things: a new army, which means that the distinctive signs can be changed according to the new status. But only the ways to solve this serious issue by the Ministry of Defense, to put it mildly, are surprising. However, first things first.

13 variants of the emblem "Army of Russia" from the Ministry of Defense, or Artistic Climax

Last week, a meeting of the Public Council at the Ministry of Defense was held in the hall of the Cultural Center of the RF Armed Forces. Sergei Shoigu at a large table gathered scientists, culture, art; there were famous singers, war correspondents, former athletes, politicians and high-ranking military personnel. The main part of the meeting was devoted to attracting contract servicemen to the army, new military uniforms, measures to popularize military service, the need to increase the number of youth military-patriotic clubs in the country. However, as it turned out, the Minister of Defense is the main thing in store for the final stage of the meeting. 13 samples of the new symbols of the Russian army were presented to those gathered, each of whom had to choose the ones that seemed to him the most suitable. Before distributing printouts, artists, musicians and others anticipated the graphic extravaganza and the abundance of dissimilar emblems that corresponded to certain military traditions. But what they saw led the majority of those gathered in a real stupor.

A piece of paper appeared in front of them, on which something was depicted ... Moreover, it was announced to everyone that one option would win out of the "something" presented, and you need to choose and approve it before the beginning of October ... No, well, about the shock deadlines for making decisions knew. Our country is traditionally glorious for this ... By the next anniversary of the Komsomol, to the anniversaries of the revolution, it was a business, they built, handed, handed over, accepted ... And now they try to hand over something timidly, but only military symbols these are not like Olympic facilities, not a cosmodrome, not new houses and apartments, which need more than urgent provision to flood victims in the Amur region ... Why such a hurry? Why exactly before the beginning of October, and not at all until the end of this week? .. What kind of monumental holiday is going to celebrate the Ministry of Defense in October, which does not allow us to devote more time to the proposal and discussion of new military symbols. Isn't it the seventh of October that everyone cares so much? ..

So back to the proposed ministerial "specialists in graphics" options for the emblems of the Russian army. Readers have already managed to look at these "spotlights" and, probably, appreciated them at their true worth ... If it seemed to someone that all these symbols were derivatives of one, and one directly connected with some other army (with which, most readers also guessed ...), then you are not alone with your suspicions. A well-known singer Sergei Mazaev, who was present at the meeting of the Public Council, also noticed that the emblems with stars in circles resemble American ones, which Sergey Shoigu reported. At the same time, Mazaev offered the services of a familiar artist who, in his words, can draw a quote: “a good emblem”. It was a clear unveiled hint that all the presented emblems can be classified as a sort of guano ...

Sergey Shoigu responded to the proposal of the singer in a peculiar way. The head of the military department said that the Ministry of Defense will consider a quote, “one more thing,” but only if this artist draws it quickly. This is where it came up: until the end of September - the beginning of October ... Like, where are they, if there are already thirteen of them! By the way, what a wonderful number for such a significant undertaking is thirteen ...

If even a quick run through the emblems that the unknown depicted (thank God, for himself, that his name remained unknown) is an artist, certain analogies emerge. Well, the stars in the circles - this is an indisputable copy-paste from the American "partners" from the Air Force. And the emblem numbered 8 is what? Army "Star Factory", or what? .. And the first seven options - this is a simple copy of the logo "US Army". And the red star is still “something” and “somehow”, but the blue-and-blue star is what it is all about? .. It is also surprising that the unknown maestro didn’t portray the star against the rainbow flag as an option ...

By the way, this is a selection of graphical analogies that should be demonstrated to the main military department, that maybe you don’t need to hurry with such an important issue, which, maybe, you should still entrust this work to people who are really able to create high-quality The final "product" for which will not be ashamed. After all, the emblem is selected for the Russian army, and not for some shop of amateur plagiarists ...

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  1. +1
    24 September 2013 11: 59
    Looks like plagiarism... US Air Force
  2. +4
    24 September 2013 12: 00
    They entered Berlin with stars, the best emblem of the victorious Army
    1. ROA
      24 September 2013 16: 08
      Our troops entered Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, Vienna, Sofia, and many other cities with the tricolor and the double-headed eagle.
      1. rodevaan
        25 September 2013 12: 27
        Quote: ROA
        Our troops entered Berlin, Paris, Warsaw, Vienna, Sofia, and many other cities with the tricolor and the double-headed eagle.

        - Just for fun, read what year the Great Patriotic War ended, and what cities of enemies and Slavic states were captured and liberated by our Soviet troops, respectively.
      2. erg
        25 September 2013 13: 03
        They entered with the two-headed man. Never under the tricolor. Before the Civil War, the tricolor was never used as a battle flag, nor was it ever flown on the battlefield.
  3. The comment was deleted.
  4. +4
    24 September 2013 12: 03
    And generally speaking! There is no need to change anything! Those who before them created naval and army attributes also made a mess in their time, but were still closer to traditions. Look at the Ministry of Emergency Situations uniform!!!!! The employee is covered in stripes of unknown purpose and also against the background of a blue undershirt. I won’t say anything about the headdress at all. Horrible in short. Now they will make Christmas trees out of the soldiers. Plus, the names on the badges are in English!!!!!!!! For what!!!!!!!?
  5. The comment was deleted.
  6. +3
    24 September 2013 12: 09
    And this is North Korea...
  7. +4
    24 September 2013 12: 16
    And all this tinsel successfully camouflages a vitally important topic - EQUIPING THE RUSSIAN ARMY AND NAVY with new weapons. The logical conclusion suggests itself: are our current leaders in cahoots with the State Department and the Pentagon? It is these “friends” who do not want new aircraft and submarines to enter service. It’s better to send all this to India, Vietnam, China, Indonesia or other australopithecines. The cut-down industry can only do something to a limited extent. Why doesn’t Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Sormovsky plant, etc. produce? After five years, this problem may automatically disappear due to delay. Models of the same submarines cannot withstand real carriers of tomahawks, etc. And no matter how well some people on the forum treat, say, India, the Indians will not protect us!!!
  8. +8
    24 September 2013 12: 19
    When the income in a brothel falls, it is not necessary to rearrange the beds and repaint the signs, but to... change it.
  9. 0
    24 September 2013 12: 21
    Yes, this article is a provocation..they are simply monitoring..I am for the red star on the wings of our fighters..When they see them, many people are attacked and vomited..!
  10. +1
    24 September 2013 12: 21
    Here is the first lapel emblem of the tank forces - why is it bad... And so as not to change the “model” of the tank on the lapels every time, you can return it or make it a sleeve...
  11. wax
    24 September 2013 12: 26
    Introduction of shoulder straps in 1943 (according to the memoirs of A.A. Golovanov):
    When various samples were ready, they were brought to the Kremlin, and for some time Stalin’s office turned into an exhibition hall of various uniform samples sewn according to the instructions of fashion designers. There was so much to see here, including uniforms with epaulettes from the eighteenth century. Stalin carefully examined the presented samples and shook his head, either in surprise or bewilderment. Finally he asked:
    - But is there a uniform of the Russian army worn by ordinary Russian officers?
    - And how much time did the uniform in the Russian army improve in general? - Stalin asked the rear workers.
    “The uniform in the Russian army has improved over the entire time of its existence,” the answer followed.
    “And the rest of the form presented here?”
    “Everything presented here is new, just created.”
    “Why are we going to introduce what has not yet been tested when there is already proven here?” - said Stalin.
    We decided on this. Thus a form that had already existed before was introduced, and it fully justified itself throughout the war.

    Study, study and study. Comrade Stalin.
  12. +5
    24 September 2013 12: 33
    Some emblems are very similar to traffic signs. What kind of idiot drew them?
    When are they needed? Something is going on with Comrade Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.
  13. LSV
    24 September 2013 12: 33
    Well, yes, at least strange(
  14. +1
    24 September 2013 12: 52
    13 variants of the emblem "Army of Russia" from the Ministry of Defense, or Artistic Climax
    I remembered the phrase: “The more “oaks” in the army, the stronger our defense. It feels like S.V. Shoigu’s current position is not beneficial. It’s time to call a brigade of orderlies.
    PS It’s not otherwise that the Americans are taking revenge on us for Syria in this extravagant way.hi
  15. Postovoi
    24 September 2013 12: 53
    I honestly admit, but such a perversion upsets me very much, but it can’t be like that... stop

    But this is possible and even necessary wink

    1. +3
      24 September 2013 13: 24
      - And so? Infantry emblem of the Red Army!
      1. 0
        29 September 2013 22: 01
        This is the emblem of the NKVD rifle units; the infantry in the Red Army did not have a lapel emblem.
  16. ed65b
    24 September 2013 12: 54
    Reminds me of hockey emblems. Dirty. smear well done.
  17. +4
    24 September 2013 12: 56
    SHOIGU is a PR man!!!! His team is not busy restoring the Armed Forces after the destructive reforms of Taburetkin, but with OWN PR! What he did in the Ministry of Emergency Situations! Just the instructions to the heads of the main departments of the constituent entities are worth something - everywhere in front of television cameras SHOW THEIR BACKS WITH THE INSTRUCTION OF THE EMERCOM OF RUSSIA!! !
  18. Roman Vasilenko
    24 September 2013 12: 58
    This is all sad, of course, but what kills me most is the number of bright stripes on the FIELD uniform, on the uniform that is supposed to disguise the fighter. They are either smoking or eating something there.
  19. led1989
    24 September 2013 13: 00
    The main thing is how the army will be prepared, and not what badge the soldiers will wear. The article initially distorts what Shoigu did. Well, think for yourself, why the hell would the Minister of Defense show sketches of the emblem to all these people “people of science, culture, art; there were famous singers, war correspondents, former athletes, politicians and high-ranking military personnel.” As I understand it, this is only to make sure that the material provided is, as stated above, guano. Something tells me that the final version will be completely different...

    Well, you continue to throw mud at the man who, for the first time after the collapse of the USSR, began conducting normal army exercises, for his badge.
    1. 0
      26 September 2013 09: 39
      Boy, this is not a badge, and the anthem is not a song. And the cunning Shoigu is so cunning! And the state is conducting the exercises, apparently the “Moor” Serdyukov has done his job, and now “we are playing in contrast.”
  20. +1
    24 September 2013 13: 05
    One hope, maybe we are being scammed? recourse
  21. rodevaan
    24 September 2013 13: 08
    With these stars, our country rose from the chaos and ruins of the Civil War, becoming a great world Power!
    With these stars, our heroic grandfathers forged victory in the Winter War and at Khalkin-Gol, at Khasan and in Manchuria!
    With these stars on the wings, on tanks and on helmets, our Great Red Russian Army went to Berlin to beat the fascist bastard and all the Western-animal trash that had been coming to rob and kill us for centuries.
    With these stars, the Armed Forces of our country were known, feared and respected in all corners of the Globe, including the main breeding ground of shit-cracy!

    By depriving our army of these symbols, which have already become natively Russian, our leaders are depriving the country and people of the symbols of the Great Victory, the Great History and the Great Glory of Russian weapons.

    SHAME AND SHAME! That some of our single-celled population, having seized power, forgets its great history, lackeyly licking all sorts of shit from a foreign-overseas tin can...

    SHAME AND SHAME! To our society, what gives birth to individuals who support all this and crawl on all fours in the comments in front of the stupid West, cursing their history and the symbols of their army!
    1. ROA
      24 September 2013 16: 11
      It’s strange, all my life I thought that the USSR troops beat the Nazis. It’s a shame and disgrace to lose the war to Poland, capitulate in the First World War, and fill the Finns with meat in the winter.
      1. rodevaan
        25 September 2013 02: 14
        Quote: ROA
        It’s strange, all my life I thought that the USSR troops beat the Nazis. It’s a shame and disgrace to lose the war to Poland, capitulate in the First World War, and fill the Finns with meat in the winter.

        - Read, it’s better to have a better story, and don’t watch Rezunov’s and Svandz’s nonsense about the zombie box. I don’t have enough space here to describe all these wars for particularly advanced “experts.”
        1. 0
          29 September 2013 17: 44
          Do not reject the fact that in Soviet times, edited historical facts were blown into everyone’s ears, while some were simply kept silent.
      2. 0
        29 September 2013 17: 39
        Not “convenient” historical information, especially in the Union..
  22. +1
    24 September 2013 13: 16
    - It’s a complete mess... We didn’t have time to remove the Japanese gold star from the Russian St. George ribbon - you’ve got a new fuck-up! It looks like the development was entrusted to a teenage neighbor! To the Museum of the Armed Forces of these idiots, and don’t let them eat until they develop something acceptable!
    1. erg
      25 September 2013 13: 13
      Controversial statement. The cockade of the Russian Imperial Army and the modern one does not have the St. George ribbon. The insignia of the Order of St. George (which includes the ribbon) could only be worn by units of St. George (consisting of Knights of St. George). These are the colors of the emblem of the imperial period, officially introduced by Paul 1. The golden star is too common an emblem to be seriously considered as Japanese. Rather, it was imitation on the part of the Japanese. The superposition of one emblem on another does not mean any reduction in the status of the latter. These are all ideas from the evil one. Those people who have nothing to do but look for meaning in certain signs (which may not exist at all).
      1. 0
        27 September 2013 00: 48
        - This is army folklore: This version of the cockade was called “Victory of Japan over Russia.” Well, what’s the point of looking here?
        1. 0
          29 September 2013 17: 47
          Not only the Japanese have golden stars on their cockades, the star is known to be present in many military emblems, flags, etc.
  23. +1
    24 September 2013 13: 21
    Excuse me, why..... reinvent a new wheel if it is respected by the whole world? We have nothing else to do in Moscow Region????
  24. 0
    24 September 2013 13: 24
    Rebranding, however, in my opinion, is the best symbol, it is our strength, and this way everyone will know who is who.
    Well, if anything, then the star MUST be RED!!!
  25. +6
    24 September 2013 13: 25
    We in Bulgaria have already gone through this on our way to NATO and the European Union. Mark my words - after the reform of the main symbol of the Russian Army, they will resent their shoulder straps. Look how beautiful they are and how tolerant the general of the army of civilized Belgium, for example, is. You still have to grow and grow until Geyrope:
  26. 0
    24 September 2013 13: 34
    .... it started with sergeant badges, when American ticks were introduced instead. how to start collecting signatures for the return of these original Russian insignia to shoulder straps?
    1. Postovoi
      24 September 2013 17: 49
      By the way, the stripes have already been returned, just as they changed (or even returned) the shoulder straps of the army general as it was back in the glorious times, instead of 4 stars there is one large embroidered one, if anyone paid any attention to what kind of shoulder straps Shoigu had as soon as he took office and after some time time. smile
  27. +5
    24 September 2013 13: 53
    Quote: Ascetic
    Quote: Vladimirets
    . But judging by your nickname, these are really your allies.

    By the way, a nickname without an avatar, although this one would be an example (bottom left). Wristband's Chevron. I remember in the days of the bad memory of MO Grachev they ordered new Vlasov cockades for caps, the army refused to wear them and all these stamped masterpieces went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs (today's policemen).

    I remember at first I even refused to wear a tricolor on my sleeve (I even received a penalty for this). I can imagine what kind of indignation there will be in the troops about these beer stickers and Coca-Cola mattress caps.

    We are not policemen, but policemen, by the way, the police protect you and are fighting in the Caucasus, as soon as you get around, you will run to the police yourself - “save, help.” There is nothing in common between the policemen of the Second World War and today's police!!!!!!!!
  28. +1
    24 September 2013 14: 10
    fucking Ekibastuz
    hey you, up there - I'm ashamed of you.
    1. kazssr
      25 September 2013 20: 09
  29. +1
    24 September 2013 14: 14
    The star in the square is like the football/hockey banners of CSKA fans, but the circle with stripes is a complete copy of the US Armed Forces, well, although if the leadership is the same...
  30. +5
    24 September 2013 14: 24
    Apparently all twelve sketches were made by some lieutenant who was accidentally caught in the corridors of the Ministry of Defense, who was caught by some colonel, who was caught by some general, who had the imprudence to meet Shoigu in front of these with a bright thought in his head.
    The joke remembered:
    There was no water at all in the military unit.
    The general wanted to drink and calls the lieutenant, gives him a mug
    and commands: “Get water!”
    The lieutenant catches the new guy and hands him a mug: “Water for me!”
    The young guy, without thinking twice, turns the mug over and shows it to the lieutenant
    and says: “Comrade Lieutenant, this is impossible, the neck of the mug is sealed!”
    The lieutenant takes the upside down mug: “Uh, it doesn’t even have a bottom!!”
  31. 0
    24 September 2013 14: 26
    Let’s take a well-known star as a basis:
  32. +5
    24 September 2013 14: 30
    I am by no means an artist or a computer genius. I drew it in “publisher” in 3 minutes.
    Look, evaluate, what else is needed?
    Or maybe they allocated a ton of money for the picture and urgently need to implement it and cut it down. Therefore, someone drew it on their knees and now it’s urgent to accept it and take the money. For some reason other options don't come to mind.
    1. +5
      24 September 2013 14: 49
      almost the flag of Yugoslavia
    2. erg
      24 September 2013 22: 29
      It doesn’t look bad, and matches the colors of state symbols. Russian tricolor, armorial colors red and gold. Yes, and on the banner of the armed forces there are such stars.
  33. 0
    24 September 2013 14: 38
    By the way, a star in a circle is almost a pentagram, and most people associate a pentagram with a satanic symbol (although not every pentagram is a satanic symbol) well, in general, if anyone is interested, take a look, there is a lot of information about these symbols... And under such a symbol will our soldiers and officers serve?!, it will look awesome how a regimental priest sprinkles holy water on a line of soldiers with such emblems... disgusting...
  34. sird64
    24 September 2013 14: 39
    what nonsense, why touch the holy of holies? meaning? Probably another money laundering again.
  35. 0
    24 September 2013 14: 42
    No place to put money am
  36. faint27
    24 September 2013 14: 44
    Yes, the fact that Shoigu has problems with taste is noticeable both in the uniform of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and in the new uniform of the generals (it has become similar to the uniform of dictators from banana republics), so one cannot expect good things (
  37. +1
    24 September 2013 14: 48
    Let everything remain as it is.
    1. 0
      29 September 2013 17: 50
      And how is it, that is, not how? Now it’s not clear what’s going on with the symbols, they just want to repaint the stars for the third time in recent years, Shoigu doesn’t like three-color ones anymore, he wants dotted ones, about the same as now on the T-50 fuselage.
  38. +1
    24 September 2013 14: 54
    Rebranding, including this kind, is generally the last thing. Why did the existing (and partly still existing) symbols of the Soviet Army not fit? They are covered in traditions and military glory, they are known in the world. It’s not clear, the main thing is, why change? For the sake of sawing up the money allocated for changing the emblems, perhaps... The army does not become better because of the change of symbols, just as the police do not become better after being renamed the police.
    1. ROA
      24 September 2013 16: 15
      Why didn’t the symbols of the tsarist army suit the USSR? They, too, were soaked in the glory and blood of enemies from all over Europe.
      1. 0
        24 September 2013 16: 21
        If something was done wrong once, why repeat it? This is the same stupidity as the demolition of monuments - the culture and history of the country suffer as a result.
      2. rodevaan
        25 September 2013 12: 38
        Quote: ROA
        Why didn’t the symbols of the tsarist army suit the USSR? They, too, were soaked in the glory and blood of enemies from all over Europe.

        - The USSR did a lot of idiocy after changing the monarchy to socialism, and one of the main mistakes was the destruction of churches, temples and the eradication of religion from the consciousness of the Russian people. As a result of this barbaric insanity, our people forever lost priceless architectural monuments of Slavic and Old Russian architecture and lost many national symbols of the Orthodox faith.
        This is self-destruction, loss of national identity!

        And our business - the business of descendants - is not to condemn and find fault with our ancestors, but to appreciate, cherish and increase from achievements and victories, and not repeat their mistakes and miscalculations.
        1. erg
          25 September 2013 12: 59
          I don’t want to upset you, but the destruction of historical, as they would say now, monuments was practiced in tsarist times. Find out on the Internet what kind of redevelopment, for example, they tried to do in the Moscow Kremlin. We will not touch upon issues of religion, but the conflict between the church and the people existed long before the revolution. Often leading to sad consequences, such as robbery and robbery, violence on the part of the clergy, usually black, and retaliatory actions on the part of the people - the murder of priests, the looting of churches and even the desecration of icons, and by believers, and not by militant atheists. And this is in the 18,19th, 2th and earlier centuries. It was not for nothing that Catherine 2013 began to liberate the monastery peasants from the fortress. An article on this topic can be found in the journal Questions of History for 19, unfortunately I don’t remember the number. There is also a list of references, some sources are works of historians dating back to the XNUMXth century.
          1. rodevaan
            26 September 2013 16: 49
            I agree that this happened in tsarist times, but to the scale on which it began in Soviet times - it would not have begun in any tsarist times.
      3. 0
        29 September 2013 17: 52
        Until a generation changes in Russia, there will be a majority of adherents of Soviet symbols in Russia.
  39. 0
    24 September 2013 15: 10
    Or maybe announce an open competition with discussion in the media? Involve professionals in the competition. For example, the artists of the military studio named after. Grekova. Our military has some kind of inexplicable craving for Americanisms When I served in the Russian army, I wore a jacket very similar to the American one. Now they are trying to rip off the emblems from the Americans. Somehow it's not serious...
  40. AndreyAB
    24 September 2013 15: 39
    The Grachev-Serdyukov case lives ... Besides the emblem, there is nothing to reorganize? Judah Serdyukov for many years has provided reform after himself and spend money on replacing nameplates and stickers to her from the evil one.
  41. +1
    24 September 2013 15: 46
    Now it is clear how the next Minister of Defense will increase his authority - abolish beer caps and half-American wings.
    You can't go far with Suvorov chauffeurs and shoulder straps...
    The feeling of being in the stalls of a theater of the absurd. All other problems have already been solved, oh. The saddest thing is that there is not the slightest real lever to stop this mess. What, again, only the president-father-our hope, if this insanity reaches him, will influence?
  42. +1
    24 September 2013 16: 01
    Almost all emblems look good. But plagiarism is plagiarism. We have an original army, not a sprout of states. At least I want to believe so.
    1. 0
      29 September 2013 17: 53
      The point is not plagiarism, but a global trend in military symbols.
  43. The comment was deleted.
  44. me
    24 September 2013 16: 15
    I would prefer something from the symbolism of the Slavs, played out in a modern manner: swastika, runes and all that. I’m just afraid the old generation won’t understand, our brains are too much.
    1. spd2001
      24 September 2013 16: 57
      The old generation won't understand, their brains are too big.
      I'm afraid that it is the younger generation who are asleep, since you write such things.
      1. me
        25 September 2013 17: 32
        My point is that it is easier to convince modern people that there is nothing wrong with the swastika, they did not fight fascism and therefore there is a chance to give this symbol a second life, in its positive status. The older generation will definitely perceive this negatively for well-known reasons, which is why I say, sorry, about the “froze” of the brain. Just imagine the howl that will arise if the swastika symbol becomes the symbol of the Russian army.
  45. +4
    24 September 2013 16: 32
    How much can you do??!!
    Let them leave alone the symbol of OUR victory in the most terrible war in the history of mankind!
    The only way!
  46. +2
    24 September 2013 16: 35
    Comrades, IS IT POSSIBLE TO SOMETHING INFLUENCE this bedlam with new symbolism? Is it possible to write a petition to the Moscow Region? Well, it’s funny... or rather, it’s not even funny anymore...
  47. 0
    24 September 2013 16: 43
    Was it one of the military officials who asked his 14-year-old son to draw the emblems? There is zero imagination, zero meaning, and it’s just ugly...
  48. +1
    24 September 2013 16: 49
    Quote: Nova
    Comrades, IS IT POSSIBLE TO SOMETHING INFLUENCE this bedlam with new symbolism? Is it possible to write a petition to the Moscow Region? Well, it’s funny... or rather, it’s not even funny anymore...

    NOVA write a petition, I will be the first to sign it.
    1. +4
      24 September 2013 17: 24
      I am writing a petition.
  49. +1
    24 September 2013 16: 52
    I think they wanted a simpler emblem, memorable, without complex symbols, but this is not what Shoigu proposed, everything can be done laughing it's funny..
    If the initiator is Shoigu, then I have no words..
  50. +1
    24 September 2013 17: 17
    They don't look like military emblems, but like TRADEMARKS. belay
  51. 0
    24 September 2013 17: 29
    What the hell is going on in Shoigu’s brain!? Why change the red star for this shit!? Even the latest fagot... ahem, a potential enemy will recognize the Red Star a kilometer away and run to America to ask for help.
  52. Sarmat1972
    24 September 2013 17: 43
    The fact that this is another cut is clear. I used to work at the Savings Bank; on the instructions of Mr. Gref, Sber was rebranded: they conducted a survey among employees, sent possible sketches, and even offered to change the color to orange.... Result: one of the Gay European companies proposed a “new emblem” - the same green circle, only the cutout is not on top , but shifted a little to the left!!! for this (only officially) about 80 lyams of greenery were paid (I don’t remember the exact amount). How is this normal????
    And then, under OUR stars, our ancestors won the most terrible war. I consider it blasphemy to change the symbolism (and radically) - this is our history, this is memory, this..... Fuck them all....
  53. +2
    24 September 2013 17: 48
    -We couldn’t find anything on the official website of the Ministry of Defense (mil.ru). But! There is a section "citizens' appeals" Please contact...
  54. 0
    24 September 2013 17: 58
    What nonsense, why change anything at all, crappy reformers
  55. 0
    24 September 2013 18: 03
    An artistic climax - definitely.
  56. 0
    24 September 2013 18: 23
    Is Red Star not enough anymore? The USSR accomplished a great feat and now the red star is known to every most shabby Chuchmek from any garbage dump on the globe. Is this the goal, to blur the immortal image, to hide it among hundreds of similar ones? Oh, I feel like I know the country from which this was served. Red Star with a white border and period!
  57. 0
    24 September 2013 18: 50
    Petition against the approval of the submitted sketches and for the announcement of an open competition:



    Gentlemen, when you try to post a link to the petition, the problem above appears, which does not work. Help is needed.
  58. +1
    24 September 2013 18: 51
    Should the person who drew this be punched in the face, or maybe Grandpa McCain sent the sketches along with the article? laughing
  59. +1
    24 September 2013 18: 51
    These are not emblems for a great army with a great and glorious military history and traditions, these are some kind of “labels” from condoms and beer bottles! The initiator of the idea of ​​​​changing the emblems should stick them on the forehead
  60. The comment was deleted.
  61. +3
    24 September 2013 18: 52
    Usually the symbols with which a given army won victories are applied to military equipment... In this particular case, these are the symbols of the Red Army and the SA... No one, for example, disputes the beam cross in Germany, although the German army (Reichswehr, Wehrmacht, Bundeswehr) won brilliant victories and no less crushing defeats with him... As for the presented hybrids, the symbiosis of the symbols of North Korea and the USA, I want to hang the artist precisely for the place in which he thought and then painted...
    1. POBEDA
      25 September 2013 00: 48
      You can’t hang yourself for “that” place, he thought ass and drew it for her
  62. 0
    24 September 2013 18: 57
    And what does the emblem of the GRU special forces have to do with it??????????????? and the ARMY emblem.
    In general, I have a feeling that it was someone from the Moscow Region whose son, about 9 years old, mastered the design program
    the level is terrifying... and in general it’s not even the designer’s business... first the idea and the designer will polish it graphically
  63. 0
    24 September 2013 19: 09
    Petition Link:







    It doesn’t start from here, I don’t know why, but if you copy it into the address bar, it works.
  64. Garrym
    24 September 2013 19: 25
    Such artists used to be sent to paint landscapes of Siberia. That's where they belong...
    1. +2
      24 September 2013 19: 42
      And Comrade Khrushchev defined them even more clearly.
  65. +1
    24 September 2013 19: 26
    I also don’t understand, maybe Shoigu will still invite professional designers or announce a competition among the military, among them there are enough people with taste and understanding of aesthetics. Emblems should be brutal and beautiful. And what is presented is simply nothing. This is from a series of elastic bands and belts on jackets, large caps, vegetation on the bands - Latin America. However, this is my subjective opinion, I do not claim to be the truth.
    1. erg
      25 September 2013 13: 20
      Just not designers. Designer and heraldry, and even more so military emblems, are not compatible things. And plant ornaments are our Russian. Since the 17th century, floral patterns on the uniform (including on the headdress) distinguished the highest command staff. And before the times of Peter the Great, this was an image of a crown embroidered on a hat with pearls.
  66. Peaceful military
    24 September 2013 19: 50
    at first about the patient.
    I wrote my opinion about this (an article, albeit not a big one) on this one, наш, resource, back on Saturday.
    Promuryliving 2 day, they pushed me aside, saying after these 2 days that we (they) are already working on this material and tomorrow (well, that is, today) we will produce an article.
    Amazing! Then why offer to publish? Ahh, I suspect that they are published first among equals... Opposite negative
    Now about the patient himself.
    S. Shoigu’s love for appearance, a special appearance, similar to someone else’s appearance, is noticeable.
    If for the Ministry of Emergency Situations this is not very important, then for the Armed Forces, in my opinion, it is extremely important, along with other, no less important things.
    I will certainly repeat the opinion of my respected colleagues that once again breaking the continuity of our Armed Forces through emblems is another crime against Russia.
  67. +3
    24 September 2013 20: 33
    Shoigu valiantly continues the work of Serdyukov. We are following the right course, comrades, I feel that now we will definitely lose the remnants of what we had.
    And yes, “Star” even looks better than these 13 pictures, in which they simply changed the colors to white, blue, and red.
  68. coserg 2012
    24 September 2013 20: 45
    There's just a really bad smell from these thieves artists. They probably acquired their diplomas during the transition. The worst real artist wouldn't draw such crap.
  69. Yankuz
    24 September 2013 20: 47
    Some kind of garbage and not emblems! Are we like Americans? They love and amuse themselves with all sorts of supermen and so on, and each has its own emblem. There is no need to spray in their likeness the Valiant Badges of our Fatherland, which, although they are few and simple visually, have already proven themselves in glorious and heroic battles! Moreover, each branch of the military had its own emblem. There should be one emblem on the vehicle - the Red Star! As a symbol of the Victory of our Army!
  70. 0
    24 September 2013 21: 08
    Yes, the Motherland is waiting for Heroes, and they are born... (find it yourself).

    Only the RED STAR, and nothing more, should decorate the wings, sides, turrets (etc.) of military equipment. Only a symbol of the Great Victory!!!
  71. +1
    24 September 2013 21: 25
    I really want to print out a sheet with images of these “masterpieces” of heraldry and stuff it into the “artist” author’s place exactly where he came up with (naturally, apparently) this highly artistic idea.
  72. +3
    24 September 2013 21: 46
    people\. I do not understand. Instead of expressing your “fie” here, it would be better to sign a petition, or send a message on the Moscow Region website. What's the point of being indignant here - does Shoigu read this site?
  73. coserg 2012
    24 September 2013 21: 46
    There's just a really bad smell from these thieves artists. They probably acquired their diplomas during the transition. The worst real artist wouldn't draw such crap.
  74. 0
    24 September 2013 21: 51
    Why, the Kaklys swapped the stars for crosses. You look at this symbolism and you won’t understand! The cross is like an “iron” one. The shape is the same. And the fighters themselves don’t understand what it all means. Okay, stars. But crosses are everywhere .Sala to Ukraine!!!
  75. +1
    24 September 2013 22: 07
    The emblems, apparently, were created not by artists, but by designers. And in Paint. And not just designers, but those who won the tender.
    Lately in Russia there has been either a clear shortage of talent or good taste. The flag is White Guard, the coat of arms - there is no desire to even discuss this Chernobyl bird, the Anthem is redone from the USSR (by the way, I wonder Nikita Sergeevich, how does the copyright holder not yet demand money for its public performance?), now the symbols of the army also evoke very specific associations.
    What's next?
    There is a proposal: to leave the Red Star, but instead of the hammer and sickle (symbolizing workers and peasants), depict Abramovich’s yacht and the Pipe (symbolizing the oligarchy and service personnel).
  76. +2
    24 September 2013 22: 12
    Unfortunately, we swallowed the Vlasov tricolors, under which no one ever fought for a just cause, and we will also swallow these “excrements” (as Father Angel said).
  77. +2
    24 September 2013 22: 15
    All samples presented are complete g....! leave what you have. There is no need to invent anything else, otherwise over the past 19 years I have changed emblems, cockades, chevrons and everything else four times. I’m tired of it! It seems that someone has acquired a factory for the production of all this tinsel and wants to cash in on the v\sl. In my memory, this has already happened.
  78. 0
    24 September 2013 22: 19
    So, holding a referendum and asking the people is not in fashion?
  79. Garik_31RU
    24 September 2013 22: 27
    Quote: Denis
    Quote: Gennady1973
    Lutshe then turn to the "demobels", they will draw more worthwhile
    Those can do it!
    The main thing in extremes is not to go into the picture

    Motorized sewing troops?
  80. Druid
    24 September 2013 22: 29
    Madhouse. By the way, it’s not only the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation that shouldn’t do this.
  81. +1
    24 September 2013 22: 57
    What does a cat do when he has nothing to do? Ball licking! - So at least the cat doesn’t steal from the budget. And how much money will be written off for the “development” and production of emblems?
    As if there are no more problems in the country and in the army!
    1. displaying all sorts of emblems and badges is a sign of mental illness.
    2. in the old days, the most super special forces units walked around peacefully with innocent emblems of signalmen or topographers. And here - as if custom-made for terrorists and hostage takers, the chevrons “Central Apparatus of the Ministry of Defense”, “Operational Command...”, etc. and so on. The Ukrainian army is decorated exactly like this. Not with combat training, but with emblems to scare enemies.
    I got to see the uniforms of different armies. And the weaker the army, the more emblems and the more terrible they are.
  82. dentitov
    25 September 2013 00: 35
    We would order it from Lebedev and his studio. These guys have artistic taste.
    1. POBEDA
      25 September 2013 00: 49
      Lebedev couldn’t even draw a proper metro map....
  83. POBEDA
    25 September 2013 01: 18
    They drew terrible labels.....
    And now, tell me, why not introduce the uniform of the Russian Imperial Army of the early 20th century as a dress uniform? French jackets with a stand, shoulder straps and no jackets and ties. It’s beautiful, it’s worthy, and there’s continuity! And let the field be whatever it is, as long as the soldiers feel comfortable, comfortable and warm!
  84. +1
    25 September 2013 01: 35
    Everything is in the firebox! The two-headed eagle is a must have! Whereee???
  85. 0
    25 September 2013 01: 56
    You're a paid designer, go back to the States.
    It feels like these pictures were drawn either by an EXTREMELY incompetent person, or by a very fat government troll
  86. go
    25 September 2013 02: 05
    This once again proves that in modern Russia there is a lack of professionalism in many respects, and positions are held on the basis of cronyism or the principles of personal dog loyalty. By the way, this is a manifestation of corruption.

    Shoigu was apparently given instructions from the presidential administration to carry out a rebranding - hence the tight deadline. He would not have set a tight deadline for himself. He gave the task to these “professionals” from Voeninform... and nothing came to their mind except to make an American emblem with the colors of CSKA. They probably don’t educate themselves on anything other than Amer’s films and football...Are there any normal heraldry specialists left in Russia to make an emblem? Or is it not appropriate for these unfortunate professionals from the Ministry of Defense to go and talk to the relevant institutes!? It's all sad - it's all hopeless.

    Regarding the red star, not everything is so simple. Although she and I won the Second World War, it is far from clear that comm. the revolution benefited the Russian state. And if you remember all the blood, the devastation associated with this, the stolen national. property, emigration and compare with Sov. Europe, which has not experienced this, will become completely sad. On the other hand, the red star is a purely technically recognizable symbol and is not so unmasking.

    If an emblem is needed, then it should reflect the thousand-year history of Russia and modern times, be concise and recognizable. Associations with the Vlasov colors of the Russian flag are also nonsense and soviet brain firmware. The colors were not Vlasov’s, but those of pre-revolutionary Russia, which had no less a rich history than its communist period.
  87. +3
    25 September 2013 02: 24
    One can only guess about the reasons for the appointment of Shoigu as Minister of Defense. Here Putin has his own far-reaching plans. Maybe he is preparing a “successor” for himself, who, if something happens, can be seated in the presidential chair, indicating to the Russian people who to “vote” for. Or maybe this is another “chair guard” during Putin’s breaks between presidential terms. The fact that Putin intended to rule the country for a very long time is clear as day. And your sycophant lackey is very necessary. Medvedev is no longer suitable here - he is a very unpopular person. In addition, Medvedev plays the role of a whipping boy, taking all the blows for Putin’s “shoals” and unsupported, populist election promises. Therefore, Shoigu is an ideal candidate. But the fact that Shoigu is an extremely unsuitable candidate for the post of Minister of Defense, I wrote about this before, I am writing about it now, and I will write about it later.
    The Russian Army has catastrophic luck with defense ministers. Then a trader-thief, now a showman-showman. Not so long ago we heatedly discussed and condemned the new uniform of the Russian military, swords of thunder and lightning on Serdyukov’s head. Now the new minister proposes signs simply copied from the Americans as symbols of the Russian Army. You'll really regret that it's not '37 now. For such a “proposal” then Shoigu and his accomplices would quickly have their foreheads smeared with brilliant green.
    What Shoigu does well is PR, showing off and organizing all sorts of displays, exhibitions and shows. So, maybe he should join Pugacheva’s team. It might be good for something there. Bring cups of coffee or cut out paper lanterns. But the army needs to be left to a professional.
  88. rodevaan
    25 September 2013 02: 29
    Quote: reality
    I showed it to my father, out of interest))) He said that this was betrayal and disgusting, he got really angry, and immediately left to smoke. ((((

    What could be more severe than the red star and St. Andrew's flag? These are symbols washed by the blood of our ancestors, and even those living today.
    It's like WOW. Everything is ours from the beginning. If they want to emphasize the difference from the USSR, let them add a two-headed man in some form, and that’s enough.

    - I didn’t even show my father this latest slaughter of fat-bellied brutes in the Moscow Region, so that he wouldn’t get angry and, like yours, go away to smoke, because he’s a naval officer. I agree that you don’t want to leave Soviet symbols on the army and navy panels - turn to history and introduce the symbols of the Russian Empire, especially since under the symbols of the Empire, our great-great-great-grandfathers won great victories and the glory of Russian weapons thundered no less than Soviet ones!

    And what are these filthy idiots up to, wow... Well, there are no normal words anymore...
  89. 0
    25 September 2013 03: 12
     DocKlishin  Yesterday, 08:44 - “+” to you, although if it were possible, I would give 1000 pluses.
    When Shoigu was appointed Minister of Defense, almost everyone at this forum rejoiced and admired Putin’s next “wise” decision. Well, the thief was removed (maybe even imprisoned, although time has shown that not everything is so simple in Putin’s kingdom-state), and a real man was put on defense. Only a few expressed a sober judgment that Shoigu was not for the army. A little time passed and it became clear that Shoigu was Putin’s lackey, and, moreover, a show-off and a swindler.
    One can only guess about the reasons for the appointment of Shoigu as Minister of Defense. Here Putin has his own far-reaching plans. Maybe he is preparing a “successor” for himself, who, if something happens, can be seated in the presidential chair, indicating to the Russian people who to “vote” for. Or maybe this is another “chair guard” during Putin’s breaks between presidential terms. The fact that Putin intended to rule the country for a very long time is clear as day. And your sycophant lackey is very necessary. Medvedev is no longer suitable here - he is a very unpopular person. In addition, Medvedev plays the role of a whipping boy, taking all the blows for Putin’s “shoals” and Putin’s unsupported, populist election promises. Therefore, Shoigu is an ideal candidate. But the fact that Shoigu is an extremely unsuitable candidate for the post of Minister of Defense, I wrote about this before, I am writing about it now, and I will write about it later. But the Putinoids desperately downvoted me and labeled me with all sorts of labels, of which “liberal” is the most harmless word. But time still brings everything out. And I am sure that those who just recently clapped their hands for Shoigu will soon begin to throw mud at him. Because he will “screw up” very big. The crap has already taken its toll, but the biggest is yet to come.
    The Russian Army has catastrophic luck with defense ministers. Then a trader-thief, now a showman-showman. Not so long ago we heatedly discussed and condemned the new uniform of the Russian military, throwing thunder and lightning on Serdyukov’s head. Now the new minister proposes signs simply copied from the Americans as symbols of the Russian Army. You'll really regret that it's not '37 now. For such a “proposal” then Shoigu and his accomplices would quickly have their foreheads smeared with brilliant green.
    What Shoigu does well is PR, showing off and organizing all sorts of displays, exhibitions and shows. So, maybe he should join Pugacheva’s team? It might be good for something there. Bring cups of coffee or cut out paper lanterns. But the army needs to be left to a professional.
  90. White Guard
    25 September 2013 06: 46
    The five-pointed star is an ancient occult symbol. A tragic mistake was the introduction of stars on shoulder straps back in the Imperial Army. However, until all the consequences of the revolution are overcome (and someday, I am sure, this will be), the star is more or less appropriate in a state that ideologically and legally maintains continuity from the Soviet regime. The configuration of the new emblems is completely idiotic. Even in the Soviet Army, the chevron was in the shape of a shield, which corresponds to the national tradition.
  91. golosey
    25 September 2013 07: 14
    Ha ha ha. And supposedly Shoigu liked these emblems?
    Or did he not look at them?
  92. 0
    25 September 2013 10: 00
    I’m still waiting for the inscription in large yellow/white letters “RUSSIAN AF” or “RF Ministry of Defense” to appear on the back of a serviceman in a field uniform, or maybe some other crap. So that everything is like in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Then the fighter’s appearance in the eyes of the minister will reach perfection and harmony.
  93. +1
    25 September 2013 10: 33
    Quote: Nova
    people\. I do not understand. Instead of expressing your “fie” here, it would be better to sign a petition, or send a message on the Moscow Region website. What's the point of being indignant here - does Shoigu read this site?

    Gentlemen, Comrades, Sirs and Madams, there are so many of you on this site, you are all so unanimously outraged by the new emblems, WHY DON’T YOU SIGN THE PETITION????
    I just signed up, and it turns out I'm only FOURTH!!! not the four hundredth, but the FOURTH!!!
    The man tried, he made a petition for us all, is it really possible to press 3 buttons?
    I'm ashamed for you.
    To the petition creator +
    1. rodevaan
      25 September 2013 12: 40
      Quote: Alexandr73
      Quote: Nova
      people\. I do not understand. Instead of expressing your “fie” here, it would be better to sign a petition, or send a message on the Moscow Region website. What's the point of being indignant here - does Shoigu read this site?

      Gentlemen, Comrades, Sirs and Madams, there are so many of you on this site, you are all so unanimously outraged by the new emblems, WHY DON’T YOU SIGN THE PETITION????
      I just signed up, and it turns out I'm only FOURTH!!! not the four hundredth, but the FOURTH!!!
      The man tried, he made a petition for us all, is it really possible to press 3 buttons?
      I'm ashamed for you.
      To the petition creator +

      - Yes, I’ll sign it right now, where’s the petition?
  94. v.lyamkin
    25 September 2013 10: 57
    Gentlemen, comrades. Isn't a terrible secret being revealed here? Maybe, based on the new emblem designs, we will become a US state in the near future? And then everything with the emblem becomes clear.
    1. rodevaan
      25 September 2013 12: 41
      Quote: v.lyamkin
      Gentlemen, comrades. Isn't a terrible secret being revealed here? Maybe, based on the new emblem designs, we will become a US state in the near future? And then everything with the emblem becomes clear.

      - Right now! Run away! Let these idiots come here with their crap...
  95. 0
    25 September 2013 11: 37
    I guess it's a joke recourse
  96. +1
    25 September 2013 12: 18
    Mr. Shoigu, have you already built and adjusted everything in the Armed Forces? Now only RED STARS are bothering you? Get busy with business, not for show.
  97. abrosig
    25 September 2013 18: 12
    Quote: Deniska
    Guys this is another saw;))

    You know whether it is a WWII soldier or a photo of an armored personnel carrier from Agan, I know everything by the red star to whom it belongs and for whom it is fighting.

    Lord, how naive you are, comrades! Developing a new army logo, as they say, is a modern trend and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Next, this logo must be applied to military equipment, insignia of military personnel, and new signs must be sculpted for Ministry of Defense institutions - these are millions and billions of people's rubles - the longed-for dream of all bureaucrats, regardless of their type of activity. The cut lived, the cut lived, the cut will live.
  98. Bradley
    25 September 2013 18: 50
    Russia will soon become a competitor to China in terms of photocopying. Well, really, how much is possible? First they photocopied my favorite series - Escape, then House, and now we've gotten to the icons... What's next?
    What I liked about the USSR (according to my mother) was that people developed their imagination! And a lot of other things (mugs there, all the things). Although I am not a Patriot of Russia, even I am offended.
  99. avega
    25 September 2013 19: 35
    Quote: OTTO
    Quote: Rus_87
    without this pretentious phrase "ARMY OF RUSSIA"

    For whom, in general, this inscription for their own so as not to be forgotten, or for enemies? So for them you need to write not in Russian.
    But seriously, the image on the heraldic signs of the inscriptions, except for the mottos, is bad form. If the emblem is not recognizable without a signature, then what is the emo for the emblem?

    I am for the Russian red star!!! Our grandfathers fought with her! She has a GREAT story! And everything pro-American and fagot-like is WON!!!
  100. Antokha
    25 September 2013 20: 11
    Hi all! fellow There are so many opinions and discussions on this topic that it’s not clear what we need! But I think we need to, of course, not stand still and at the same time not forget about the past. Personally, I would leave the star but just modify it a little stylistically (contour etc.) It is necessary to introduce some kind of dimensional standards, select a tone or color for each branch of the military, edging and something like that, and all this should be with strict, clear lines. And the best thing is to hold an all-Russian competition for the development of various chevrons and military emblems, I think there are quite a few people willing! Let’s hold our own competition! What do you think?