What I see Russia, ready for war


Part of 1. Do not yet hopelessly broken trough

Thanks again to all for the reviews of the previous articles. Believe me, I tried to get acquainted with all opinions. But I am only a man, and in a day I have only 24 hours, of which 8 has to spend on earning my daily bread. By the way, I am especially grateful to the person who wrote that I "put my soul" - this is so.

I am calm and understanding with all kinds of condemnations (even reproaches), but I do not accept insults. I will not stoop to stupid swearing at those who are not doing it themselves (in our case, do not write, but only read), throw mud at others.

Well, we will consider the introduction of a short such a heart-to-heart talk. Get down to business. Many have condemned me that I’m writing how to dismantle NATO, while I’d better understand how to strengthen our country. Honestly, I didn’t want to raise this question, because this topic is very long and complicated, but so that they don’t doubt that I’m imbued with it and will raise it for a long time. I apologize in advance for the "superficiality", but with this topic otherwise it will definitely not work. Or you need to write a book. Would you like to read later? - A moot point. Therefore, I will simply describe my vision in which direction our country should move.

Immediately make a reservation that in the case of Russia, first - to strengthen, and then - to put enemies in place, DO NOT GET !!! AT history take a dip, our country ALWAYS lived in a ring, if not enemies, then enemies. And our ancestors (and we are not an exception) had to plow and fight off raids at the same time.

Forget the rules!

First of all, let's talk about how to behave yourself so that our country in general can become happy rich and strong. Here it is necessary to understand, and what if "play by the rules." Let us remember the great Russian naval commander Admiral Ushakov, who, without hesitation, "violated" the order of the sea battle and, thanks to this, smashed the superior forces of the Turks.

We, the Russian people, are in the pen. Do not hesitate, long before the evil old woman Margaret Thatcher (and she wanted to leave only 15 million souls in the entire Soviet space), the plans for the destruction of our country were determined by the order from which we, while alive, would be allowed to go under the knife. Hoping that the gate will open in the pen or at least the pen will be expanded - utter nonsense. The fence will have to break, break headlong! Discarding such things as “decency”, “civilization”, modesty and, I warn you, sometimes even conscience (it should be left for its own, to deal with the enemy with conscience - a lot of honor). The world has become different. Everything is constant, like in a war, or - it is you, or - you are his. In such an environment is useful to become a barbarian. But, here it is again important to understand that the barbarian is for the enemy (it does not matter whether the external is the enemy or the internal). Remember, the bourgeoisie (I also include bureaucrats in this notion) will not spare us, which means no mercy for them either.

Consider these lines ma-a-a-scarlet preparation for what you have to read further.

Pulling the country out of the pit, we have to abandon such a thing as “international law”, and at times from the law in general. Get ready for the fact that you will often have to shoot scoundrels and traitors without a trial, and before that - to beat their teeth, smash their ribs, etc. (I'm not kidding).
Undoubtedly, all this will involve “angry” attacks from the West, “preoccupied” with the protection of the rights of a “person” (in quotes, because it’s impossible to call those whom they protect to be people).

And the leadership of our country (if there is a guide looking for it) comes up on the words and articles of all Bankers from Wall Street, lawyers and just homosexuals to stupidly disregard or snap (sometimes with a good mat!). Spit on "diplomacy", "political correctness" and "etiquette"!

In the coming years, 20 will not be able to add anything to their poisonous words for at least three reasons:
1) Russia still has atomic weapon;
2) our country is the largest supplier of gas to Europe (and in the coming years, 20 without them will be the end of our gas);
3) we are one of the largest markets, will not sell goods (and services, the same tourist) to us - they will not find another such buyer, and this is a ruin.

There are other reasons, but these lie on the surface. Therefore, fears of external threats - to the side! Not that the invasion, but the embargo does not threaten us. It is more useful to instill in oneself another panic fear - the fear of extinction of our GREATEST nation.

Yes, and most importantly, not only our homegrown, but also Western economists already recognize that capitalism, as a way of organizing production and public relations, has exhausted itself FINALLY. And it is better to believe now, by making a dogma for ourselves, such an assertion: only SOCIALIST Russia is capable of becoming strong, happy and rich. If you recall the old talker Plekhanov (who was so afraid to blot his “intellectuals” hands), then now not only “the flour was crushed”, but also the “dough has been mixed up for a long time”, it is time to give it shape and immediately put it in the oven! Otherwise, the “lush pie” will never be baked.

Initial funds

To restore and renew the industry, to breathe oxygen into our already, honor, destroyed agriculture, to return to normal education, to cultivate morality in our long-suffering people, some initial savings will be required, as the bourgeois say, “starting capital” (we will not use their ape language we are RUSSIAN).

At first, trade in raw materials abroad will do. With a tiny amendment so that the money gained from our oil and gas in the hands of the bourgeoisie and bureaucrats would not settle. To achieve this should be the most severe, sometimes - hellish measures (see above about the scuffle and shootings).

The second source of income for the first time was the two most important transport arteries that our country possesses: the Northern Sea Route (I wrote about it in more or less detail in the article “Between a Chinese Lion and a NATO Crocodile”) and the Trans-Siberian Railway. And, if the first one still requires huge investments for the restoration of ports, the icebreaker fleet and polar aviationthen the second is ready now. Sign contracts (only wisely) and drive freight trains. With all the hatred for us, the West will NEVER refuse such a direct (and therefore relatively cheap) way from the Pole to the Chinese.

Remember, bourgeois (in particular - the western subspecies of this mammal) - a creature, by definition, stupid, no matter how clever and educated it is. Why? - Yes, everything is simple, because with an appraisal mind, education, and sometimes inventiveness, its purpose throughout life remains the same - HELLER and everything ...

Several trial multimodal (for those who do not know, the composition, which includes different types of cars: tanks, refrigerators, platforms with containers, etc.) trains from the West through Russia to China and vice versa already allowed. The result (in terms of economy) exceeded all expectations. Do you really think that they will refuse this if we offer to put on stream? - Yes, never! Having seen such a mad decrease in expenses, the bourgeois will completely spit, even if we have his own brethren (in class and mind) in the middle of Red Square they will chop them. And the path from China to Europe and vice versa through Russia, whatever you might say, is SHORT. Everything is also safe, because It passes through the territory of ONE state that is not covered by war or widespread unrest. Not to mention the fact that rail transport - the cheapest of all possible.

Now we will not describe all the details of how to organize the work of our transport arteries (for this, we would have to write a couple of similar articles, at least). To whom it is interesting, first read about China and the Northern Sea Route. As for the railway, everything is much simpler, it is enough to demand that two conditions be met: the crew serving the squadron (at least while traveling across Russia) is Russian, and the guards of the squad are too. Of course, Russia should be ready to take responsibility for the cargo along the whole route, say, from Leningrad (I don’t accept the word “St. Petersburg”) to, say, the Kamyshovaya station (on the Russian-Chinese border). In general, you can not be afraid of responsibility, starting great things. A little running ahead, I dare to suggest that if the case with Transsib goes well, then you can not skimp on even parts of the route (especially for freight trains, so as not to interfere with passenger trains), but this is a matter of the future.

The beauty of these sources of income for our country is their inexhaustible. The Northern Sea Route and Transsib are not oil, gas, iron or coal. These things have been given to us by Mother Nature by virtue of geography, and ALWAYS will be with us!

So, the continuing supply of raw materials (without which the West can not yet, far before its notorious "green" energy), the work of transport arteries (sea and land), and what is the third component necessary for our country torn "market" economy?

And the third is the return of all loot that can be returned. I am sure you can, if you try! First, to return the enterprises of the mining, fuel and energy, military and near-war, automobile and alcoholic industries (in other words, of all strategic industries), transferred to private hands, into the hands of the state - the hands of the people. If someone now starts saying: “What should I return, then? “Everything has long been ruined!” - this is utter nonsense! Plants, oil rigs, mines abroad are not so easy to take out. Everything remained where it was. Yes, much is not in that condition, it is necessary to repair, it is necessary to restore. And who said it would be easy? In this sense, I was just struck by the statement by Putin, they say, "there will be no revision of the results of privatization (read, plunder)." It is clear that he is a bourgeois president, it is clear that he does not serve the people, but he even had no right to say so !!! How is it, "will not be"? And if a pensioner has a bag of potatoes stolen, then now, also not to try to return her potatoes or knock out money from a thief so that her grandmother would not die of hunger ?!

Therefore, no Sberbank OJSC is a State Savings Bank, no Russian Railways OJSC is a ministry (although, in my opinion, this is the People's Commissariat), and, of course, no Gazprom OJSC is the State Production Association of Gas Industry Enterprises Gazprom. "

Second, try to return and stolen money. Everything will definitely not work out, but partially, oh, how it doesn’t hurt us. And no "Khodorkovsky processes", no "legal methods". Everything is in the style of the surplus (with the only difference that it is strictly selective, I would say personally-selective) and “dashing 90's”. Because we don’t have time to roll up perennial processes, is it really not clear that a person, say, who bought a plant in 90 for 10 000 rubles (even Soviet ones) is, by definition, GUILTY? Of course, the person who sold the plant for such a price is also GUILTY! And our task is not to collect evidence of his guilt, but to knock out what he has stolen from children, old people, our wives. If someone has the words “But this is inhuman!” - ask yourself, and “humanely”, what did people throw out on the street, closing factories and selling “on a cog ?! But humanly, when the remaining "in business", for years their hard-earned money was not paid ?! And the fact that nightclubs “sculpted” from schools and kindergartens, where our children were poisoned (and today they are also poisoned) with “fake” vodka and drugs — are also humane ?! So, the perpetrators of all the above-described "activities" today and do not need to look (what is the beauty and simplicity). It is they who are the inhabitants of the "ruble", that they sit in the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Russia, that they occupy the seats in the State Duma. Chubais, Abramovich, Prokhorov, Izmailov (director of Cherkizon) are all the same ... Do you feel sorry for them? - I - no !!!

The money collected by the second and third methods will be enough for our country for 10 years, in addition to the first 20 from the sale of raw materials (maybe more, but I consider, as always, the most lousy course of events). But 30 years behind the eyes is enough for all the measures that I will describe next.
How to free the national economy from the influence of "traders" from Wall Street.

Already, even the child knows that thanks to the "wave of the hand" of the Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Morgans, Goldmans and other Saxons, any, the most prosperous power of the world today, can be launched in the blink of an eye around the world.

This is done simply, rather old-looking goat-goat Soros, or “great analyst” Ben Bernanke, can “blurt out” something like the price of shares of the PROSTHETIE ENTERPRISE company and, as a result, on its product, falls on the New York Stock Exchange (which “taxis” all others) to zero. This happened more than once with our oil, for example.

I do not like these unusual words to the Russian ear, with your permission, I will call the exchange “a market for trading empty papers” or “a workshop for making money out of thin air”.

What is the result? - Because sometimes, as if by chance of the words spoken, the next economic collapse occurs, enterprises go bankrupt, people lose a good job and go so far as having a HIGHER education, they agree to take revenge on the street. And all because some "financial luminaries" did not like the development and strengthening of the "non-democratic" country. How come? - Only “correct”, “parliamentary”, “tolerant” states have the right to this (and this is strictly slower than the States), he resents. And then, let's say, dictatorial, and even Muslim Iran (or Libya) began to rise. Aw, not good! You can, of course, destroy other people's well-being with bombs, but you don’t always have confidence in complete victory, and they already have many fronts. Therefore, there are different ways to apply: Libya - bombs, and Iran (immediately anticipating cavils, just for example took) - safer with the help of "paper (although it is more correct - already electronic) market".

How can we avoid this? - Well, no bombs are foreseen, but what to do with “financial terrorism”? - Yes, everything is simple - the will is broken by a stronger and inflexible will! “Let down”, let's say, our oil, and we reply: “We will not sell at your“ exchange ”price! “Pay well!” They will try to buy from someone else. Oil will find, perhaps. And gas? And the Northern Sea Route, and Transsib ?! - No to this replacement. We are destiny - the sole owners. So it is necessary to use! And our Vneshtorg and Foreign Ministry (Nakromindel) should talk like this: “Oh, you have difficulties, collapse, you have no money? - We do not care! Prices are! It will be either way or not at all! ”

The second point on which I would like to dwell here is the complete control of our country over the Central Bank. I have already written a few words about Sberbank, that it should be state owned, and the Central Bank of Russia, even more so. That's when we are definitely out of reach for "financial terrorists." I apologize, but I confess honestly, in banks it is not at all strong. I know that it should be so, but how to achieve it - let, having read my lines, someone who understands this question better will tell you step by step. I will be grateful.

Of course, I describe everything here very simply, so that it is understandable and accessible. The bottom line is that you need an isolated economy. Not “fenced off” (like a feudal subsistence economy), not an “iron curtain”, but ISOLATED, i.e. having all the necessary relations with the outside world, leading a brisk trade, but very tough, dictating the prices of its products. And the prices should not be determined by the “paper-electronic bazaar”, but by the cost price and the profit that we, Russia, want to make. To do this, you need to be either the sole producer of the goods (the sole owner of the transport route in our case), or the producer of the highest-quality goods, which obviously beats the market with all their own kind, but costs not much more (better when cheaper, of course). Here we are approaching the most important component in the reconstruction of the country, which I will discuss in the next part of my article.
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  1. 0
    24 August 2013 00: 33
    The author simply doesn't know the answer. Who will do it?
    All this, of course, is good - to nationalize, that is, to return to the country and people what was stolen from them by deceit and meanness, to build a socialist state...
    Who will do this?
    There is no one to do this. We all, and in part I, can throw around beautiful words and phrases about how we are wow! But what in reality? We, the glorious Internet fighters, who, no, have not screwed up our great country, because the process is not over - we are still screwing it up...
    Well, red Internet columns, march-march forward...
    I do not believe...
  2. 0
    24 August 2013 00: 39
    Who will do it? We are separated, with other people's thoughts and desires in our heads, with an abyss inside, devastated, exhausted to the bottom, humiliated and insulted, poor in spirit...
  3. bagpipe
    24 August 2013 00: 59
    Quote: Mareman Vasilich
    Liberalism is a dead-end branch of human development, this is no secret. But it’s also no secret that goodness must come with fists. In order to raise the country now, a repressive apparatus is needed, and first of all, according to the Stalinist principle, the fish rots from the head, so now there are 10 thousand officials in a year, tavo, and you can already see the result for improvement. The people will understand these steps and unite, and the external influence will come to an end.

    You present amazing things - on the one hand, a repressive apparatus for “raising the country” - on the other hand, against officials - i.e. against the same repressive apparatus. Here we should somehow decide - or somehow try to equip the country from the standpoint of state interests or carry out something like this - lumpenization in the best demobilization traditions of the dissatisfied.
    1. 0
      24 August 2013 01: 15
      Quote: volynyaka
      You present amazing things - on the one hand, a repressive apparatus for “raising the country” - on the other hand, against officials - i.e. against the same repressive apparatus.

      But no matter how it is, it’s impossible to leave it “as it is.”
      And may God grant the officials understanding that it is no longer possible to delay it any longer, and it’s time to make a decision...
      Otherwise, the “decision” will have to be made on the street...
  4. +1
    24 August 2013 01: 04
    It is difficult to comment on logically illogical statements. For example, if the “bourgeoisie” have one goal - profit, then why does the author interpret their actions as stopping at the fact that it is cheaper to send goods through Russia? Does he really naively think that they will stop there, since it is even more profitable, “more profitable”, to send goods through their territory, which was previously called Russia... And, in my opinion, the age-old “bourgeois” desire to own this territory has already outgrown the desire for profit , became manic, embraced many social institutions of the West, education, the media, became part of state policy, and sometimes its main meaning.
    As for the methods, they resemble some kind of Robespierreanism. In order to change something, we need political will, comprehensive, systematic upbringing and education, support for young people in important endeavors, and much more in the same direction.
    For 22 years everything went backwards, or rather, it was destroyed, degraded. Wrong: it began to collapse earlier. An entire generation has practically been lost. I am afraid that we no longer have the moral and intellectual strength to revive the country (I mean a socially just society in a strong, independent country).
    The Committee of 300 managed to destroy a country like the USSR; I really don’t want the same fate to befall Russia. Lessons need to be learned!
  5. 0
    24 August 2013 07: 26
    Yes, our country has been at the “INVICTABLE” stage for a long time, i.e. no one will defeat us and we will not defeat a serious opponent either - unless the tolerants and “revolutionaries” help the enemies.
    The enemies know that through Ch+ we must redeploy to area N and strike there, but we haven’t left the PPD yet, so they don’t have enough charges for us request
  6. Rezun
    24 August 2013 09: 59
    Quote: bogdan
    The author simply doesn't know the answer. Who will do this? All this, of course, is good - to nationalize, that is, to return to the country and people what was stolen from them by deceit and meanness, to build a socialist state... Who will do this? There is no one to do this. We all, and in part I, can throw around beautiful words and phrases about how we are wow! But what in reality? We, the glorious Internet fighters, who, no, have not screwed up our great country, because the process is not over - we are still screwing it up...

    There will be someone to do and what to do! The most important question is BASED ON WHAT LAW? There is no ideological core. The land is not with the peasants, the factories are not with the workers, the peoples have no peace... Let's accept a different ideology - ALL FOR THE GOOD OF RUSSIA - and we will take embezzlers in the Moscow Region and in civilian life by the collar - billions in the Moscow Region are equal to billions in civil departments; if you don’t care about the monument, you don’t care about the people; if you harm the state, take revenge... All the tools for solving problems were invented before us, you need to have the inner determination to do it This...
  7. 0
    24 August 2013 11: 39
    Please provide links to previous posts.
    And on the topic, I calculated something similar for Ukraine.
    We need total, totalitarian control of the people over everything in the country.
    There is no other way to transform “developed capitalism” into a normal life for the people.
  8. jury08
    24 August 2013 17: 19
    Sharikov’s case lives on!
  9. 0
    26 August 2013 21: 48
    well... another utopia...
    first we need to ensure that already known thieves and embezzlers receive real sentences with the confiscation of “exorbitantly acquired property”, and not make up stories “how to revive Russia”
  10. 0
    27 August 2013 16: 02
    Yes, guys, from everything said above, it became clear that we need the Joseph Vissarionovich of today (Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great - it depends on who you like). And yet he’s not there...
  11. Peterkov
    28 August 2013 22: 28
    What will you say when your uncle comes to you with a machine gun and says that he does not share your views and you should be spanked without trial?