Deadly Confrontation

Deadly Confrontation

The Great Patriotic War was also a deadly battle between intelligence and counterintelligence. Soviet intelligence, partisans and underground workers in the territories occupied by the Nazis were opposed ...
Woman with tapestries

Woman with tapestries

Sometimes it happens that the past intrudes into the present in the most direct way, and what comes out of it, this will be the story now ....
And there are fish here.

And there are fish here.

The last story from the series about the service of the commander of a tank company in the Belarusian military district...
Based on "The Barefoot Gene"

Based on "The Barefoot Gene"

The idea to make an animated film "The Day Europe Disappeared", dedicated to... a possible nuclear war on the European continent, between the NATO bloc and Russia, after which there will be no Europe...
National Security Threat: Migrants

National Security Threat: Migrants

In the suburbs, a migrant hit a girl while jogging because of her clothes. The answer here can be the only one - an immediate criminal case for a crime and expulsion after punishment home, to the familiar "new ...
Kosovo is here

Kosovo is here

Problems with migrants, so-called. "hard-working foreign specialists" are exacerbated. Open disregard not only for the customs and traditions of the peoples of Russia, but also for the laws of the Russian Federation,...
The threat of barbarization of Russia

The threat of barbarization of Russia

The barbarization of Russia has been launched for a long time. In addition to their own savagery, many migrants are brought into the country, who carry their civilizational and cultural codes. And this against the backdrop of a fast...
Big Yalta and big water

Big Yalta and big water

A new underground water conduit is being punched into the resort capital of Crimea instead of the old one...
The cocaine truth of Pablo Escobar

The cocaine truth of Pablo Escobar

Why did the American intelligence services keep everything about the legendary and terrible drug cartel Pablo Escobar classified...
Japanese myth about nuclear bombings. Threat to Russia

Japanese myth about nuclear bombings. Threat to Russia

Japan has its own myth about the nuclear bombings on August 6 and 9, 1945. It lies in the fact that this is a mourning date, but the United States is not named as a country that used nuclear weapons ...