Disputes about tsarist Russia: an aborted flight or a journey into the abyss

Disputes about tsarist Russia: an aborted flight or a journey into the abyss

“Now in the minds and souls of the Russian people
the most terrible revolution is taking place,
which ever took place in stories...
an entire age-old worldview is collapsing...
And this catastrophic revolution...
not some malicious revolutionaries,
but the distraught power itself, drawn by some kind of fate.

Deputy of the State Duma V. A. Maklakov
(December 27 1916 of the year)

Controversy about Tsarist Russia

Liberals and part of the clergy often regret that pre-revolutionary Russia "which we have lost." A film by S. Govorukhin “The Russia We Lost” (1992) and Metropolitan Tikhon’s latest project (2021) “The Fall of the Empire. Russian Lesson”, a lot of scientific papers have been written. One of the most famous is the positivist article by B. L. Brazol (1959) “The reign of Emperor Nicholas II in facts and figures (1894–1917).

Among the modern ones are the work of B. N. Mironov “Russian Modernization and Revolution” and others, in which it is proved that the country had an “economic miracle”, high economic growth rates and a constant increase in the standard of living of the people. Mironov's work caused a lot of skeptical publications.

Another message of liberal propaganda is that what the Bolsheviks did, for example, the GOELRO plan, was planned under Nicholas II.

A new wave of optimism was caused by the works of P. Gregory (USA) (“Economic Growth of the Russian Empire (late XNUMXth – early XNUMXth century: New calculations and estimates”), who believes that if there had not been a revolution in Russia, we would have come to a standard of living However, another American, R. S. Allen (From Farm to Factory: A New Interpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution), believes that we most likely followed the path of Argentina.

Where does the wind come from?

Why should Americans praise Tsarist Russia (CR)?

Because our liberalism is, on the one hand, a 100% American project, and a return to the past, on the other. And we need to strengthen the legitimacy of both. In 1967, in the book of the emigrant historian G. Katkov, the revolution was explained by the activities of German agents. At the same time, one of the main architects of the Cold War, a specialist in Russian history, J. Kennan called on Western historians to show the achievements of the tsarist autocracy and the random nature of the revolution. Grants from the Kennan Institute were received by many prominent "revisionist" historians, for example, P. Gregory, D. Field, P. Gatrell, whom CR apologists like to refer to. And the same Mironov also did an internship at this institute.

The first film by Metropolitan Tikhon (then archimandrite) “The Fall of the Empire. Byzantine Lesson” – a hint at modern Russia, addressed to our elites, was received extremely positively. The second project was met with skepticism. The author warns against the threat of "orange revolutions".

Our elites are afraid that the patience of the people will end. So what is more important: to teach the elites or to humble the people? The patience of the people has an end - it was like that until 1905, and then it went like a snowball. But the effectiveness of the state is determined by the top.

All the same, let's not speculate, using false promises that someone then lived very well, probably for someone, but not for everyone. Or manipulate numbers. It is absolutely wrong to compare some prices and someone's specific income. To assess reality, there are quite certain indicators.

Were there any legends about paradise before the revolution? And if it was so good for everyone, why was it demolished so harshly?

What destroyed the empire?

Indeed, under Emperor Nicholas II, Russia had good economic growth rates, railways were being built, and the country's population was growing rapidly. But, firstly, this could not continue indefinitely (more on that below), secondly, an increase does not always indicate the magnitude of the indicator, and thirdly, all this had a downside.

During the period from 1880 to 1914, the population increased by 2,2 times - from 82 million to 182 million people. For the period 1861–1891. the length of railways increased from 1,5 thousand to 28 thousand versts, and by 1899 it became 58 thousand versts. During the years 1890-1900. coal production soared by 271%, iron and steel production - by 262%, oil - by 262%. The budget increased by 2,8 times from 1 billion rubles. (214) to 1885 in 3.

The volume of industrial production in Russia for the period from 1860 to 1913 increased 10,5 times, while in Germany - only 6 times, in France - 3, in England - 2,5, in the USA - 6 times. .

The increase is large, but the values ​​in absolute terms are not so large, and leading in terms of rates, Russia produced in 1913 iron and steel almost 7 times less than the United States, 2,5 times less than Germany, and more than 2 times less than England and France; produced 18 times less coal than the USA, 10 times less than England, 5 times less than Germany. Russia also lagged far behind other capitalist countries in cotton processing (I. V. Maevsky, “The Economy of Russian Industry under the First World War”, Moscow, 1957).

The national income per person in Russia for the period from 1894 to 1913 increased by 34 rubles (50%) - from 67 rubles to 101 rubles. An average of 2,6% per year is a fairly good indicator. But the level of income itself was very low.

The national income per capita in 1913 in ruble equivalent was: in Russia - 102,2 rubles, in the USA - 695, in England - 463, in France - 355 and in Germany 292 rubles. According to A. Ostrovsky in a polemic with B. N. Mironov, after the author corrects the data, the average income of 80% of the population is estimated at about 70 rubles (that is, it was at the level of a prisoner in prison).

Economic growth was largely driven by foreign capital and a huge increase in external debt, and high population growth resulted in land scarcity. The gold standard introduced by S. Witte fettered the possibility of issuing the ruble and hindered development.

The growth of the agricultural sector was facilitated by a long cycle of rising prices (with the exception of crises) for grain in the world and domestic markets, but the development of agricultural production was predominantly intensive. The main share of the population was rural, and the labor productivity and technology of the village were backward, which led to a low standard of living and difficult living conditions.

Debt bondage of the state led to the export of all surplus agricultural products, depriving the country of sources of consumption and accumulation. The state was never able to carry out sufficient industrialization, introduce mechanization and advanced technologies in the countryside, and solve problems with affordable mass education. All this was connected with the problem of management efficiency, the mentality of the ruling class and the peculiarities of monetary policy.

Then the Bolsheviks were able to solve all these tasks quite successfully, having made the second “great leap” after Peter I. According to the “Challenge-Response” law of the famous English historian Arnold Toynbee, the survival of a civilization is determined by the ability of the ruling stratum to meaningfully act on the challenges of history (fate).

Our history follows Toynbee's law quite clearly: the CR collapsed after losing the First World War; and the USSR was able to build Empire No. 2, an alternative to the US that won World War II. And this same law will quite clearly define the future of our country in the period up to 2025, when we will once again have to step up what we have lost in 30 years of liberalism.

One of the best works on the CR is the book by the famous historian S. A. Nefedov “Demographic and structural analysis of the socio-economic history of Russia. Late XNUMXth - early XNUMXth century. The author explains the reason for the collapse of the CR in the framework of the standard demographic-structural theory. In addition to the author, the majority of unbiased historians (many dozens of historians of the pre-revolutionary, Soviet and modern period) recognize: the problem of agrarian overpopulation of the country, the low efficiency of agriculture due to climatic conditions and technical backwardness, an excess of labor in the countryside, a low standard of living as a peasantry, as well as the working class.

According to these factors, in Russia there was:

1) the rapid increase in the number of the lower classes of the population in conditions of limited resources;

2) the situation of the population was difficult, the state began to experience financial difficulties and problems with tax collection;

3) excessive spending during the First World War caused a financial crisis of the state, which grew into a collapse of supply and the country as a whole.

Let's condense the other side of the "positive" statistics.

In 1913, the grain yield in Russia was 8,7 centners per hectare and was lower than in Canada (15 centners), the USA (11,7 centners) and Denmark (21 centners).

The absolute number of the rural population grew continuously, rising from 71 in 760 to 1885 in 103.

According to N. A. Rubakin's "Russia in Figures" (1912), due to population growth, the average allotment in Russia decreased from 4,8 (1860) to 2,6 dess. (1900). By 1905, the number of landless farms reached a huge percentage (14,9%), while the number with insufficient plots exceeded this last one (19,7%).

“Grain production per capita decreased from 25 poods in 1900-1904. up to 22 poods in 1905–1909.” The labor surplus in the countryside increased from 1900–1913. from 23 million to 32 million people.

Due to the bad climate, grain harvests in Russia fluctuated greatly from year to year. “... The ratio of the maximum yield of such an important food crop for the Russian peasantry as rye to the minimum yield in 1901-1910. amounted to 1,67 in Russia, and 1,28 in France, and 1,18 in Germany. But there were also good harvests, in 1904 and 1913 (by 18,9% and 17,1% above the norm, respectively). Good harvests were in 1899, 1902, 1909, 1910 and 1912 with yields above the norm by 10,0%, 15,3%, 15,7%, 6,4% and 7,9%, respectively.

“After the famine of 1891, covering a vast region of 29 provinces ... Samara province went hungry 8 times, Saratov 9. Over the past thirty years, the largest hunger strikes date back to 1880 (the Lower Volga region, part of the lakeside and Novorossiysk provinces) and to 1885. (Novorossia and part of the non-chernozem provinces from Kaluga to Pskov); then ... the famine of 1892 came in the central and southeastern provinces, the hunger strikes of 1897 and 98. approximately in the same area; in the 1901th century the famine of 17 in 1905 provinces of the center, south and east; (mainly eastern, central provinces, Novorossiya).

(New Encyclopedic Dictionary / F. A. Brockhaus and I. A. Efron, 1913. Stb. 41).

According to S. Nefedov: without families, most of the workers did not have apartments. About 70% of single workers and 43% of families rented a "corner". "Corner" is a bed, sometimes (when the family lives) fenced off with a curtain. Bachelors often slept right on the floor, in corridors, in the kitchen, etc. With such an economical life, about 80% of the salary was spent on food, clothing, housing, the rest was sent to the village.

As Leo Tolstoy wrote during his trip at the end of the XNUMXth century:

“In all these villages, although there is no admixture to bread, as it was in 1891, bread, although pure, is not given in plenty. Welding - millet, cabbage, potatoes, even the majority, there is none. The food consists of herbal cabbage soup, whitened if there is a cow, and unwhitened if there is none, and only bread. In all these villages, the majority have sold and pledged everything that can be sold and mortgaged.

According to the results of the first Russian census in 1897, the number of literate people was 21,1%. By 1917, already half of the inhabitants of Central Russia were literate, but in the whole country this figure did not exceed 30-35%.

To these facts must be added "financial and economic factors":

1) the gold standard contributed to a decrease in the degree of monetization (money supply) of the country and contributed to the growth of the external debt burden;

2) the government encouraged the expansion of foreign capital, which actively exported profits from the country;

3) the uncontrolled growth of external debt and the expansion of foreign capital, turned the country into a semi-colony of the West, caused an increase in external payments, which required increasing the export of bread, stimulating food crises and reducing the standard of living of the people;

4) the low efficiency of the elite, the excess level of the labor force and its cheapness led to a low level of investment in the mechanization and development of the country.

The consequences of the gold standard (the backing of the ruble with gold) caused a significant contraction of the cash supply in circulation:

“If in the middle of the XIX century. per inhabitant of Russia accounted for an average of more than 30 rubles. or 120 French francs, then by 1899 - only 10 rubles. or 25 francs... In 15 years, by 1914, there were 10 rubles per inhabitant of Russia. or 25 francs, while in Germany it was 115 francs, in the USA - 125 francs, in England - 140 francs and in France - 210 francs ... "

(S. A. Andryushin, Features of monetary circulation in Russia: the lessons of history).

According to Guryev, over 15 years, the cash ruble supply has not increased: on January 1.01.1881, 1 - 133,5 million rubles, and by January 1.01.1896, 1 - 121,3 million rubles, although over the same period the population of Russia increased by 32,8 .XNUMX million people

Over 60 years, Russia's external debt has grown from 220,8 million rubles. ser. (in 1853) to 4 million rubles. angry (in 229) or up to 1914% of the amount of public debt with a corresponding increase in annual interest payments from 48 million rubles. ser. up to 10,3 million rubles. (A. Amosov, Evolution of the monetary system of Russia, "Questions of history" No. 194, 8).

To pay off debts and maintain the exchange rate of the ruble, it was necessary to increase the export of grain and other raw materials. If in 1884-1891. the annual export of bread amounted to 408 million poods, for the period 1893-1897. - 509 million pounds, then by 1914 - 648 million pounds. (S. A. Andryushin).

So: the CR was subtly and skillfully bankrupted by the bigwigs of world capital, having lost its gold reserves.

All these problems were timely identified by the outstanding Russian economist S. F. Sharapov, whose work was in many respects ahead of his time, whose recommendations formed the basis of the monetary circulation of the USSR. The reform was also criticized by such prominent figures of that time as G. V. Butmi and A. Nechvolodov.

The outdated, feudal model of "subsistence economy" led to the crisis, when land, not industry, was the source of income. Over 76% of the active population of Russia was employed before the war in agriculture and only 10% in industry. The empire turned out to be a "colossus with feet of clay", and a catastrophic food crisis caused a revolution.

The situation was so serious, the discontent of all sections of the population was so excessive that the revolution could not fail to occur. Under specific historical conditions, the activities of subversive forces, spies, provocateurs, and revolutionaries had a solid foundation, which, under those conditions, was practically very difficult to destroy. To save the country, an extremely tough policy was needed, which the tsarist government was not capable of.

As the philosopher Vasily Rozanov wrote:

“Rus' faded away in two days, at most in three ... There was no Kingdom left, no Church left, no army left ... What was left, then? Strangely, literally nothing.”

And the same thing happened during the theatrical three-day coup of the GKChP in August 1991, when the huge colossus of the USSR collapsed, and neither the huge army nor the all-powerful KGB saved it?

Differences in living standards by region

Where does the information about the high standard of living before the revolution come from?

They lived differently, but in general the standard of living was low. According to the research of S. A. Nefedov:

“in the capital provinces ... the most prosperous sections of the population were concentrated due to the huge import of food from the provinces. The North, the North-West and Belarus… could not provide for themselves… the level of consumption here was below the national average. At the same time, differentiation among the peasants led to the fact that the level of consumption of the poorest strata was below the famine line ...

In the east, beyond the Volga ... natural conditions and soils were worse than in the Chernozem region; in the Cis-Urals, droughts were a frequent occurrence ... To the south, in Little Russia, the situation was better, per capita production reached 30 pounds ... consumption was relatively high ...

For all that ... in the then Russia there were real regions of abundance. For example, in the Samara province, state peasants had allotments on average 4,1 dess. per capita ... in the Kherson province, an average of 29 poods of bread was consumed per capita (1898) ... the regions that lacked bread ... became "fortresses of Bolshevism" in the Civil War - while the rich outlying regions supported the whites.

In the next photo we see a wealthy peasant family.

So why are the “reds and whites” still fighting?

So why are there still such serious battles for this "phantom" of "lost" Russia?

Why, during the liberal period, the activities of the Bolsheviks were denigrated in every possible way, reduced to repressions and sharashkas, and the activities of the unsuccessful state were exalted in every possible way. Yes, there were repressions, but that was the time. Did you make "galoshes"? And even now, the sophisticated propaganda of a number of TV channels “sells” us at the subconscious level a distorted image of the greatest state in the history of mankind and Russian civilization. Who lost the first, and who won the second world war? Who made the atomic bomb, the atomic reactor and launched Gagarin into space? And only now, on the wave of patriotism and sympathy of the population for the USSR, a reversal has appeared.

The answer is simple: this dispute is not so much about past Russia, but to a greater extent about present and future Russia. The past cannot be changed, but the future, if we are allowed to, is our choice.

But propaganda is useless - as K. Shakhnazarov said: our people are Soviet, and the government is bourgeois. According to opinion polls (September 2022), almost two-thirds of Russians (62%) sympathize with socialism, and this is the maximum in the history of polls. According to VTsIOM data at the end of 2022: almost 50% of Russians want the restoration of the USSR, and 58% of citizens regret its collapse. According to the monitoring data of the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences: about 80% of the population of the Russian Federation give a negative assessment of the scenario of "inertial" economic development, which, in their opinion, leads the country to a dead end.

Why is capitalism dangerous for Russia?

Both the history of the CR and the history of liberal reforms show that the capitalist model cannot be "grafted" onto Russia, which is, in fact, an antipode and counterbalance to the West. Capitalism is mortally dangerous for the country, both when it led us to the Civil War, and today - provoking an unprecedented civilizational crisis and the extinction of the Russian population.

One of the central reasons for the collapse of the CR is that the West deliberately enslaved, exploited and suppressed Russia until this process ended in revolution.

During the period from 1887 to 1913, the net profit of foreign capitalists on capital invested in Russia amounted to 2 million rubles, or 326% more than the invested capital (30 million rubles). As of January 1, 783, the share of foreign capital in industry was about 1%.

A. Nechvolodov quotes Taburno:

“Russia for a 20-year period from 1882–1901. paid abroad about 5.740 million rubles, or about 15 1/2 billion francs. That is, every 6 1/2 years we pay foreigners a tribute equal in magnitude to the colossal indemnity paid by France to its conqueror Germany. In the last two years (1900 and 1901) our payments to foreigners amounted annually to about 380 million rubles, and in the present 1903 this amount will be even more significant, so that in the last 5 years we will pay foreigners about 5 1/2 billion francs ... Without war, without cost, without loss of life, foreigners are more and more defeating us, every 5-6 years, inflicting on us a financial debacle equal to the defeat of France in 1870.

The West plundered the CR in the same way as other countries (adjusted for the level of development), using the mechanism of the gold standard, the debt needle, the export of resources and the purchase of assets. V. I. Lenin in his work “Imperialism, as the Highest Stage of Capitalism” called Russian capitalism “semi-colonial”.

And now, starting with the reforms of the 90s, everything is a blueprint: only instead of gold - the dollar - and instead of grain - oil and gas. And if the current liberal reforms since 1992 had a national character, we would long ago be at least (!) the third largest economy in the world after China. For liberation, a new iron curtain and a new purge of the tops are needed.

Why couldn't tsarist Russia become Germany?

According to the Norwegian economist Eric S. Reinert, Europe and the United States achieved wealth only through the development of industry, creating wealth through added value, then Germany, the USSR, Japan, South Korea and finally China repeated this path. The poverty of agricultural countries is caused by the lack of their own industry, they do not have enough purchasing power. A typical example is pre-revolutionary agrarian Russia. Every "average" citizen, in order to become a buyer, must be a producer.

Another example is Argentina. Shortly before the First World War, the country was on the same level as France and Germany in terms of per capita income. But the industry was undeveloped: almost everything was imported from abroad. At the beginning of the XNUMXth century, overproduction of grain began in the world, and the standard of living in the country fell.

Speaking about the impossibility of a "capitalist leap" scenario for the CR, P. Gregory Allen writes:

“In the 1930s. - the years of the Great Depression, when grain prices reached a minimum ... the Russian "wheat boom" ended in the same way as in Canada ... and Argentina ... The most likely scenario is that Russia drags out a miserable existence due to ... slow economic growth ... the revolution was the natural reaction of the peasantry to poverty, and in this situation the expropriation of the possessions of the nobility becomes a logical point in the political program.

The CR under the current model (as we are now) could not have carried out industrialization on a Stalinist scale. In a couple of decades, television, jet engines, atomic weapon. Russia at that time would still remain a backward agrarian state in need of modernization and industrialization.

Could she win the coming World War II?

It was swept away by fate in the form of a revolution, clearing the way for the tired people and the communists who want change.

Let us add to this that in the CR there was actually an external debt crisis, the development ended in the financial collapse of 1917. And if not for the war, then a little later.

Tsarist Russia was ruined by an inefficient ruling class

The huge problem of the CR is the efficiency of its elites, which is relevant for today. As S. A. Nefedov writes about the expenses and life of the ruling class:

“... in 1907 ... bread worth 431 million rubles was exported; instead, ... consumer goods for the upper classes were imported ... for 180 million rubles. and approximately 140 million rubles. amounted to the expenses of Russians abroad ... For comparison, in the same year, machinery and industrial equipment were imported for 40 million rubles, agricultural machinery - for 18 million rubles. (Yearbook of Russia... 1910: 191-193; Pokrovsky 1947: 383) ...Only a very small part of the income received from grain exports went to the needs of industrialization.

Is it not the same now, only cooler - yachts, real estate, a trillion dollars in accounts?

And here is the testimony of the Minister of Agriculture in 1915-1916. A. N. Naumova:

“Bread speculation, predation, bribery flourish; commissioners who supply grain make their fortunes on the phone. And against the background of complete poverty of some - the insane luxury of others. Two steps away from the convulsions of starvation - an orgy of satiety. Villages around the estates of those in power are dying out. Meanwhile, they are busy building new villas and palaces.

It would be reasonable to expect that agriculture, as the basis of the economy, should have seen the growth of advanced technologies and mechanization. In fact, the technology was extremely backward: in 1910, 7,9 million wooden plows, 3 million wooden plows, 6 million iron plows, 5,7 million wooden harrows, 15,9 million wooden harrows with iron teeth were used in agriculture, in total 400 thousand iron harrows, 811 thousand reaping machines, 27 thousand steam threshers. In 1913, there were 165 tractors [Questions of Economics. 1949. V.2. S. 56]. Of these, with oil engines - 93, all the rest - steam, all - imported. In 1916, the Russian army had 408 tractors, all imported. The existing economic policy made it impossible to intensify agriculture.
For comparison. In 1909, 2 thousand tractors were built in the USA, in 1916 the US industry produced 30 thousand, and in 1917 - about 62 thousand tractors [https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Page: EB1922_-_Volume_32.djvu/765].

By 1913, the CR had approximately 9 cars; as of July 1, 1917, there were 12378 cars. In 1914, 459 cars were produced in the USA, in 155 - 1917 cars (US Automobile Production Figures - Wikipedia)

As A. Solzhenitsyn wrote:

“Russia stood for centuries - and dozed ... This is how it stands - and will stand ... it was the slumber of the entire hereditary privileged class - the nobility ... grand ducal and guards circles. This class, which had received so much from Russia over the centuries, and everything in advance, was now in the transitional tense time of the country ... just dozed, living carelessly, without active search, without sacrificial anxiety ... The ruling class lost its sense of duty ... the state consciousness most abandoned it. And in the formidable December 1916, the nobility, which ruined this power, also recoiled from it with loud denunciations.

Look at how His Beatitude Metropolitan Anthony (Khrapovitsky) wrote about the state of society and, most importantly, its leaders before the revolution in 1889:

“It is no longer a people, but a rotting corpse, which considers its rotting to be life. In reality, it has no life, but only moles, worms and disgusting insects live on it and in it, which rejoice that the body is dead and smoldering, because in a living body there would be no life for them, and they could not satisfy your greed."

The biggest mistake of the autocracy is the too late abolition of serfdom and the second is the "liberation" of the peasants when their economic situation worsens due to redemption payments, as well as the preservation of corvée for the transition period. Instead of turning the ruling class of Russia into producers and investors involved in the development of the economy, the autocracy supported their dependency mood by increasing lending through the Noble Bank. Yes, there were prominent industrialists in Russia, but they did not make the weather.

The historical reason for the parasitism of the Russian elites is natural wealth - while Europe was forced to produce, it was enough for us to export. According to O. Bessonova, a model of a “distributing economy” has developed in Russia, essentially a feudal system. Its problem is that it can only be effective under the strict dictatorship that was under Peter I or Stalin. As soon as the state reduces the burden of "supervision" as under Brezhnev or in liberal times, the elite relaxes and its effectiveness falls.

As V. O. Klyuchevsky believed, Russia had historical problems of choosing between a patrimonial state, which enriched only the top, and a state of the common good, which would benefit all sections of society. Only the communists realized this choice, which was destroyed by cunning in the process of the bourgeois revenge of 1985-1992.

Conclusion: Revolution Was Inevitable

Many, including G. M. Katkov, S. P. Melgunov, Elisabeth Heresh, accuse Lenin of being a German spy and receiving funding from Germany. A number of researchers accuse England of subversive activities, some - Japan. How many films have been shown on this topic on our TV! Yes, the West destroyed and exploited Russia, as it is now through trade and finance, yes, there were agents and spies. But if the building were strong, it would stand! A very popular point of view is that the betrayal of the top of the country, the leadership of the army, led to the catastrophe, which is shown in the film "Conspiracy of the Generals".

But the philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev, who was a contemporary of the October Revolution of 1917, pointed to its true causes:

“The revolution is punishment sent down from above for the sins of the past… In the revolution the sins of the past are atoned for. A revolution always speaks of the fact that those in power have not fulfilled their purpose, that they have led to a revolution, that they have admitted its possibility. There was disease and rot in society, which made the revolution inevitable.”

Of interest are the opinions of the former leaders of the White movement (P. N. Wrangel, A. I. Denikin, A. P. Budberg), who had monarchist views and had no interest in denigrating the autocracy. A. I. Denikin:

"The revolution was inevitable, it is called nationwide ... the revolution was the result of dissatisfaction with the old government - definitely all segments of the population."

And if everything was so wonderful, why on March 9 (March 22), 1917, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church turned to the Russian people with an appeal to recognize and support the Provisional Government:

“The will of God has been done. Russia has embarked on the path of a new state life. May the Lord bless our great homeland with happiness and glory on its new path ... "

Widely publicized theories about the external causes of the revolution are essentially a way to distract society from the true causes of the revolution and maintain the legitimacy of the current liberal system. This is a social order.

As unwritten historical laws say: unreformability and lack of feedback from the people is the first sign of a future collapse. The old system was doomed by fate - therefore, in its fall there was a kind of "rock". As the deputy of the State Duma V. A. Maklakov prophesied, speaking on December 27, 1916: “It will be ... a revolution of anger and revenge ...”.

Who just did not warn Emperor Nicholas II about the impending disaster. But for changes it was necessary to move the interests of "moneybags" and listen to the advice of authoritative economists. Isn't that what is needed now? But recent events show that it is easier to get on a plane at the right time and leave.

Looking through the photos of Tsarist Russia, we often see peasants tired of life, dressed in "rag" clothes. And it is precisely then that these desperate people will, in revenge and to the bitter end, exterminate not only the upper, but also the middle strata of society. And how cruelly - in a completely barbaric way, the kulaks were dispossessed. But didn't they profit for several generations from the grief of their poorer neighbors? At the same time, the entire upper and middle stratum not only lost their property, but often their lives or their homeland - and at the same time forever.

The most terrible thing in the capitalist CR was that the bulk of the ruling class, who spoke French, wasting their lives at balls, parties and receptions, traveling abroad, did not invest the necessary efforts in the development of their country, in improving the life of their people. They lost their Christian indifference to the fate of their neighbor, the difficult situation of the working classes, but also did not understand that the state and the economy require their full participation, both according to the law of economics and the law of morality.

The elite brought the country to the extreme, and the answer of fate was not long in coming. At the same time, the Church, being under the influence of the state, could not raise the voice of the sermon and denounce for the salvation of the country this mass social fall of the ruling class, which was rushing at full speed to its terrible death in the events of the coming revolution and the bloody Civil War.

And since then, the trends have remained the same. And once the lesson of history is not learned, events may repeat themselves. It is easy to see historical parallels between the abolition of serfdom in 1861, followed by capitalist “modernization” and globalization, leading to the revolution of 1917, and the second attempt to bring Russia into the global project, which started in 1985 but was frozen during the NWO. But now everything is happening much faster.

Now two matrices are fighting in Russia: the matrix of the peripheral raw-material capitalism of the CR, controlled by the elites who use the country as a cash cow, and the matrix of the creation of the USSR, which began a countdown in 2014. And the whole world is waiting for our revival, and the Russian news that it is impossible to live under the heel of the United States anymore. The outcome of the battle is obvious, and perhaps the denouement will come before 2025.

Maybe, as in 1917 or 1991, 2 or 3 days will pass - and only painful memories will remain of the current liberal fog.

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Allen, R.S., From Farm to Factory: A New Interpretation of the Soviet Industrial Revolution.
Katkov G. M. February Revolution
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Ostrovsky A. V. «On the degree of social stratification in pre-revolutionary Russia».
Mironov B. N. Social history of Russia. SPb., 1999, Tab. 32–33. pp. 404–405.
Onischuk S.V., Belousenko M.V., Historical types of social reproduction.
Rubakin N. A. "Russia in numbers". A country. People. Estates. Classes. The experience of statistical characterization of the estate-class composition of the population of the Russian state
Finn-Enotaevsky A. Modern economy of Russia. SPb., 1911.
Chistyakov Yu. F. Food exports of the Russian Empire in the XNUMXth and early XNUMXth centuries. And the socio-economic development of the country: lessons for modern Russia.
New Encyclopedic Dictionary / Under the general. ed. acad. K. K. Arsenyeva. T. 14. St. Petersburg: F. Brockhaus A. and Efron I. A., 1913. Stb. 41.
Tolstoy L. N. Complete works in 90 volumes, academic anniversary edition, volume 29.
Andryushin S. A. Features of money circulation in Russia: lessons of history
Guryev A. Money circulation in Russia in the 1903th century, St. Petersburg, 236, pp. 237–XNUMX.
Amosov Alexander Ilyich, Doctor of Economics, Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Evolution of the Russian Monetary System, "Questions of History" No. 8, 2003
"The Development of the Soviet Economy". M. 1940, p. 19; Bakulev GD Development of the coal industry in the Donetsk basin. M., 1955, p. 156–157.
Taburno. Draft review of the financial and economic state of Russia. Table number 19.
Naumov A. N. Cited. MK Kasvinov Twenty-three steps down. M.: Thought, 1978. S. 106.
Mamontov V. D. Russian Economy at the Turn of the XNUMXth–XNUMXth Centuries: Myths and Reality
Conspiracy of the Generals
Berdyaev, N. Philosophy of inequality / N. A. Berdyaev. - Moscow: AST Moscow: GUARDIAN, 2006. -349 [3] p.
Denikin A. I. Essays on Russian Troubles.
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  1. +12
    28 August 2023 04: 29
    easier to get on the plane at the right time and leave.
    Now there is nowhere to go.
    1. +8
      28 August 2023 09: 16
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      Now there is nowhere to go.

      Dubai, Seychelles, etc. Who needs to find a place.
      1. -27
        28 August 2023 21: 11
        God bless him with Dubai.
        This is where I started reading this article. Big. Below is a bunch of used literature. I think a smart person, wise thoughts...
        And right there on the threshold of the Russian Empire (RI) he called the CR. belay
        It is logical then to call the USSR BR (Bolshevik Russia). But there is no such thing.
        Okay, let's read on. "CR lost the First World War."
        Oh how! So the Brest Peace was signed by the Bolsheviks, but the Republic of Ingushetia lost.
        Author, you didn’t confuse anything?
        So everything else can't be trusted either.
        In short, flop. Just waste time.
        1. +3
          5 September 2023 19: 36
          Have you taught history? Did you miss anything? RI ceased to exist in February 1917. In the course of Kerensky's order N1, which completely killed the unity of command in the army. It was then that fraternization began at the fronts. The Bolsheviks simply saved what they could save. In addition, by the time of the October Revolution, the Russian Empire no longer existed. For a month now the country has been called the Russian Republic
    2. -1
      29 August 2023 00: 45
      Quote: Bolt Cutter
      Now there is nowhere to go.

      A friend worked at the Central Military Hospital. Last year I went to Germany for 9 months, where I was idle for 9 months. Now she is faced with a dilemma either to return to state work at 35 rubles a month or to try to get a national visa to work in Germany, where a job of 000 euros for 100 hours of work is reserved for her. True, you need to learn German and write a polite letter to the consulate. The last time when the Russians were not given visas to Europe, she was rescued by the creative phrase "I want to see wonderful Italy! Please let me go quickly!"
      1. 0
        3 September 2023 17: 14
        Yeah, you have a boneless tongue.........
  2. +19
    28 August 2023 04: 37
    To pay off debts and maintain the exchange rate of the ruble, it was necessary to increase the export of grain and other commodities

    The Bolsheviks solved the problem of external debt radically - comrade. Lenin simply sent all the holders of our debt to the address known to everyone in Russia. What's stopping you from doing it now?
    1. +17
      28 August 2023 05: 52
      Quote: Luminman
      What's stopping you from doing it now?

      Exactly!!! In the context of the imposed sanctions, seized assets, Russia is OBLIGED to make a statement about the revision of its own debt obligations and obligations in other areas of international activity. the bourgeois cannot be given the right to receive profits by paying for it with the lives and health of Russians.
      1. +20
        28 August 2023 08: 29
        . What's stopping you from doing it now?

        Lack of sovereignty - puppets at the helm follow the rules and instructions of overseas enemies.
      2. +11
        28 August 2023 10: 46
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Russia is OBLIGED to make a statement on the revision of its own debt obligations and obligations in other areas of international activity

        The idea is interesting.
        Question: And who in RUSSIA will make such statements? I would like to hear the names of persons (the president, members of the government, the Foreign Ministry, etc.) who care for the interests of Russia, invest all their strength and health to create a strong state with an independent economy, increase prosperity and increase the number of people (indigenous population) ? Are there such people in the ruling circles at all? Please open the secret.
        1. +8
          28 August 2023 13: 47
          Quote from Mari33
          Are there such people in the ruling circles at all?

          It’s hard for me to name offhand the names of officials who care about state affairs more than personal ones ... Yes And I'm not sure if anyone knows them.
      3. +2
        28 August 2023 18: 07
        Yes, Russia has no special debts, why is there to "forgive"
      4. +4
        29 August 2023 16: 29
        We have exactly the same bourgeois, no different from those abroad, they, unlike the Bolsheviks, have their homes, businesses, bank accounts outside their borders. In order for them to milk the country for decades, what would it be to lose?
    2. +3
      28 August 2023 08: 11
      Quote: Luminman
      To pay off debts and maintain the exchange rate of the ruble, it was necessary to increase the export of grain and other commodities

      The Bolsheviks solved the problem of external debt radically - comrade. Lenin simply sent all the holders of our debt to the address known to everyone in Russia. What's stopping you from doing it now?

      After that, Vladimir Ilyich had to organize the production of royal (!!) 5 and 10 rubles (now worth the price of gold from numismatists, no more) and take everything out of the Hermitage. .And now we are sitting on imports much more sharply - then the population did not need implanted medicines and telephones ...
      1. -7
        28 August 2023 08: 32
        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        Rpgress was replaced by progress in 1917, se

        Are you ready to pay 10-15 million lives for this progress (where?)?
        1. +11
          28 August 2023 13: 41
          Quote: Vladimir80
          ..... for this progress (where?) to pay 10-15 million lives?

          And what did the Russian people pay for with their lives before ??? The reforms of Peter I, the reign of Anna Ioannovna, Catherine II, serfdom and its tightening after Peter's reforms? Peasant life and death, solely for the pleasure of barchuks, the opportunity to live in Russia according to European standards, or vice versa --- to leave for Europe. Only under the USSR, the average life expectancy of the population began to increase, medicine improved for everyone, and free education for everyone !!!
        2. +18
          28 August 2023 14: 58
          Are you ready to pay 10-15 million lives for this progress (where?)?

          Well, yes, here you are for the regression of 1993, you were ready to pay 20 million lives and now you pay extra for the NWO, but as a revolution it’s impossible ... Such liberals
          1. +9
            28 August 2023 18: 48
            Quote: spektr9
            ..... you are for the regression of 1993, you were ready to pay 20 million lives and now you are paying extra for the SVO, but as a revolution it’s impossible ... Such liberals

            Chubais spoke of 30-40 million who would give their lives because "they didn't fit into the market."
            And how many residents during the shock therapy worsened their health, lost their favorite and paid work, not to mention the fact that Russian people were forced to find themselves outside the territory of Russia. But liberals don't care.
            1. +3
              29 August 2023 16: 34
              Well, Stolypin's reforms meant removing 25 million extra peasants from the economy. There is no place for them in the countryside, due to the lack of land and an excess of population, and the cities could not accept them, due to the lack of a developed industry
              1. +3
                29 August 2023 17: 07
                For 30 years now, the bourgeois from Stolypin have been trying to make a modern hero. Yes, it doesn't work. And on the site there used to be stolypina adorers laughing who were worried about him crying couldn't even eat
        3. +10
          28 August 2023 15: 25
          And the people pay with their lives, but without any progress. We're just dying. And that's it.
        4. -3
          28 August 2023 17: 15
          Are you ready to pay 10-15 million lives for this progress (where?)?

          Russia's losses at the beginning of the XNUMXth century:
          World War I - about 4 million people;
          Civil war (including epidemics and emigration) - more than 13 million people;
          famine of 1920-21 — more than 5 million;
          famine of 1932-33 - more than 7 million
          1. +7
            28 August 2023 18: 52
            kreck. Today, 17:15. NEW. your - "... Russia's losses at the beginning of the XNUMXth century:
            World War I - about 4 million people;
            Civil war (including epidemics and emigration) - more than 13 million people;
            famine of 1920-21 — more than 5 million;
            famine of 1932-33 - more than 7 million

            Well started respected only stopped in vain! You give the full XX century and the beginning of the beginning of the XXI century feel
            Once so aware. answer further: crying
            - 2 MV (WWII) -
            - from Perestroika and thinking Mishka Tagged 1984 - 91 -
            - from liberalism EBN. Gaidar. Chubais since 1991 -
            and further -
            You can look at Tsar-grad - Pronko. Oh ... what numbers are emerging ... and the process is on belay bully crying
            So what...!? belay No. crying
            1. -4
              28 August 2023 21: 41
              Population losses in Russia and the USSR as a result of demographic catastrophes in 1904-1996. (killed and dead) (thousand people)

              The Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905
              Total deaths in the armed forces of Russia 53,0
              World War I 1914-1918
              Total deaths in the armed forces of Russia 2000,0
              including those who died in captivity 150,0
              Civil War 1917-1922
              Total population loss 5750,0
              including as part of the Red Army and its allied formations, including losses in the Soviet-Polish war 742,0
              including as part of the white armies and formations allied with them 284,0
              including "green", local, national and other formations that fought both against the reds and against the whites 224,0
              Total losses in the armed formations 1260,0
              Victims of terror 1500,0
              including red terror 1000,0
              Victims of famine and epidemics 2990,0
              Total population loss 5750,0
              Armed conflicts near Lake Khasan and on the Khalkhin-Gol River in 1938-1939.
              Losses of the Red Army 10,0
              Other armed conflicts of the 1920s and 1930s, including the fight against the Basmachi in Central Asia and the invasion of Poland in September 1939.
              Losses of the Red Army 2,0
              Soviet-Finnish war 1939-1940
              Losses of the Red Army 166,0
              The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
              General losses of the population of the USSR 43
              including losses of the Soviet Armed Forces 26
              including those who died in captivity 4000,0
              Losses of the civilian population of the USSR 16
              Soviet-Japanese war of 1945
              Losses of the Soviet Armed Forces 12,0
              Armed conflicts in the 1950s and 1970s, including the Korean War, the 1956 invasion of Hungary, and the Middle East wars
              Losses of the Soviet Armed Forces 2,0
              War in Afghanistan 1979-1988
              Losses of the Soviet Armed Forces 135,0
              War in Chechnya 1994-1996
              Total population loss 100,0
              including losses of armed formations 24,0
              including losses of the Russian Armed Forces (Army, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, border guards) 20,0
              including losses of the Chechen armed forces 4,0
              including civilian casualties in Chechnya 76,0
              Losses of the population of Russia and the USSR in wars and military conflicts 1904-1996 51529,2
              including the loss of the population of the USSR, 1917-1991. 49
              Losses of the population of the USSR from hunger and collectivization, 1930-1933. 8000,0
              Losses of the population of the USSR from hunger, 1946-1947. 1000,0
              Losses of the population of the USSR from political repressions, 1921-1953 1050,0*
              Total losses of the population of the USSR from hunger and political repressions 10
              Total losses of the population of Russia and the USSR as a result of demographic catastrophes 1904-1996 61
              including the loss of the population of the USSR 1917-1991. 59
              1. +9
                29 August 2023 09: 48
                Data on losses in the Great Patriotic War and during the Afghan campaign are incorrect. What you have indicated as losses of the Armed Forces during the war years is actually the total number of losses of the Soviet people, taking into account civilian casualties. Adding to the loss of unborn children who could be born in a more favorable situation, I think is incorrect. Both anti-communists and communists sin with this, only in assessing different periods of our history. It is necessary to count precisely the people who really lived, whose lives were interrupted due to wars, famine, epidemics, etc.
                1. +1
                  29 August 2023 12: 32
                  [quòte] count exactly the people who really lived, whose lives were interrupted due to wars, famine, epidemics, etc. [/ quote]
                  In the Republic of Ingushetia, they did not specifically count, except for the only 1998 census. All data was obtained differently
              2. +4
                29 August 2023 19: 48
                Can you find the source of these numbers? Did you count yourself or data from sources? From what sources?
              3. +1
                2 September 2023 01: 32
                Excuse me, crack, but you didn’t get stoned with crack by chance? You then at least once with your head think!!! The mobilization potential of the USSR in 1941 was 19,6 million people (i.e., an absolute maximum of 10% of the population). In your opinion, ALL MALE WORKING POPULATION between the ages of 18 and 45 died in the Second World War at the front, and even 7 million from above ?. Did you accidentally read Solzhenitsyn's night? You at least once take an interest in how many ages were called up in the USSR and how many in Germany, in which the mobilization potential is not included. the occupied territories were somewhere around 9.6 million. According to German data, they lost only 4,5 million people killed at the front, but this did not stop them from recruiting even 1945 air defense airmen and 14 airmen in the army in 15, and another 60 airmen in the army (folksturm) But children of age are not included in the mobilization potential at all! In mob. potential on men from 18 to 45 years old!!! And this is despite the fact that in the USSR, not even all ages under 45 were drafted into the army !!! And you say that the USSR lost 26,4 million people killed at the front? Yes, fear God.
          2. +5
            29 August 2023 16: 36
            And in the 19th century, no one counted how many died from hunger and cold and regular malnutrition and unsanitary conditions.
        5. +10
          28 August 2023 17: 18
          Rpgress was replaced by progress in 1917, se

          I often heard in post-perestroika Russia ranting that Stalin was a tyrant and a bloodsucker, and the state machine he built destroyed a huge number of civilians, and it would be better under the tsar.
          Don't know. Maybe it would. For a certain and very small circle of people and for a very short time.
          That's just at the very time when the royal couple and all the aristocrats close to her arranged balls and entertainment receptions, tens of thousands of children died in the country every year. Little ones like that. Only every third child lived from infants to five years of age. Child mortality in the Russian Empire was the worst.
          Health care in tsarist Russia was not even in its infancy. In the same state were primary and vocational education, industry and the social sphere. For a hundred years, everyone forgot about it. They forgot what the word "literacy program" means. The elimination of illiteracy throughout the Russian Empire - that's what it means. They forgot what a single person did to an agrarian underdeveloped country in just twenty years. Yes, I'm talking about Stalin, if someone does not understand this.
          I think that if there hadn’t been a revolution and the bloody events that followed it, the owner of any person in the expanses of the former Russian Empire would have been called Hans, Fritz, Alfred or something else, and we would all be perfectly able to wind footcloths and wear bast shoes made by our own with my own hands.
          1. +1
            28 August 2023 19: 36
            Quote: kreck
            I often heard in post-perestroika Russia ranting that Stalin was a tyrant and a bloodsucker, and the state machine he built destroyed a huge number of civilians, and it would be better under the tsar.

            it’s hard to judge .. no one lived in VO in those days .. but Stalin had no particular choice but to call the country to strict discipline in order to maintain order.
            Quote: kreck
            That's just at the very time when the royal couple and all the aristocrats close to her arranged balls and entertainment receptions, tens of thousands of children died in the country every year. Little ones like that. Only every third child lived from infants to five years of age. Child mortality in the Russian Empire was the worst.

            and the nobles also died, so it’s unclear what the balls had to do with it, then medicine was nothing at all, there weren’t even antibiotics yet .. though the nobles were 1% of the population, so it wasn’t so visible ..
            Quote: kreck
            I think that if there hadn’t been a revolution and the bloody events that followed it, the owner of any person in the expanses of the former Russian Empire would have been called Hans, Fritz, Alfred or something else, and we would all be perfectly able to wind footcloths and wear bast shoes made by our own with my own hands.

            You are clearly inclined towards a cult of personality - the legacy of faith in the "Tsar", which decides everything - and what hinders Russia - after the tsars are gone, as they "make" tsars from "different", in the hope, everything will be solved .. And Stalin certainly a Great personality, and after him there were no such people yet, a fact, but Russia fought before him .. and a lot .. and, first of all, the victories were won by the People and their blood and sweat, without this no one Great would have helped ..
            1. +3
              28 August 2023 22: 19
              and the nobles also died, so it’s unclear what the balls had to do with it, then medicine was nothing at all, there weren’t even antibiotics yet .. though the nobles were 1% of the population, so it wasn’t so visible ..

              Yes, the nobles also died, only an order of magnitude less, as now among the elite, the nobles at that time still had access to that non-medicine, unlike the same peasants who had access only to the midwife, but now, too little changed, if an elite child is treated in the best clinics, then a child from a simple family is collected money for treatment by SMS and the population of Russia consisted, fattened?
              You are clearly inclined towards a cult of personality - a legacy of faith in the "Tsar", which decides everything - and what hinders Russia - after the tsars are gone, since they "make" tsars from "different", in the hope - everything will be decided ..

              The power of the people is when the sheep take themselves out to pasture, shear themselves, and carry the wool themselves.
              You ask me where are the shepherds? And the shepherds at this time eat barbecue with the wolves. And yes, the very concept of the cult of personality was led by Khrushchev, that says it all. I now think that the cult of personality is now.

              In general, your comment is very similar to trolling.
              1. -1
                29 August 2023 10: 23
                Quote: kreck
                In general, your comment is very similar to trolling.

                honestly, not trolling, but the opinion of a person who did not particularly find the USSR and therefore can look at past periods relatively independently ..
                Quote: kreck
                Yes, the nobles also died, only an order of magnitude less, as now among the elite, the nobles at that time still had access to that non-medicine, unlike the same peasants who had access only to the midwife

                and the doctors of that time were much better than midwives with bloodletting? so in the royal family children died ...
                Quote: kreck
                you know, when your children have nothing to eat, you can’t arrange big balls, or will you say that the peasants, of which 90% of the population of Russia consisted, were fattening?

                no, they didn’t get fat, but they didn’t swell from hunger either .. it’s logical that money is needed for balls, but the peasants needed them, balls then? and parties are not for everyone, they were quite to themselves in Soviet times .. it’s just that the “elite” has become different .. or did they not settle in the former bourgeois housing - new, “nomenklatura”?
                Quote: kreck
                The power of the people is when the sheep take themselves out to pasture, shear themselves, and carry the wool themselves.

                I didn’t talk about the power of a purely people, but talked about the fact that a leader can behave like a king and expectations from him as from a king, if he is really a king .. in other cases, it’s stupid to treat him like a king, to someone who it is not.. moreover, it is harmful to the common good..
                Quote: kreck
                I now think that the cult of personality is now.

          2. 0
            29 August 2023 09: 52
            You know, then even in large families of noble, merchant, prosperous families there was a high infant, child, and adolescent mortality. If you look at the history of the ruling Romanov family, then even they had many deaths in infancy and childhood, many died at a young age.
        6. -2
          28 August 2023 18: 09
          No, of course)) all such speeches are designed for the fact that you don’t have to pay or someone else will pay.
          1. +1
            29 August 2023 18: 19
            Quote: Vanya Pupkin
            No, of course)) all such speeches are designed for the fact that you don’t have to pay or someone else will pay.

            And your speech is designed to preserve your feed, to the detriment of everyone else and even your descendants. You don’t care about the fact that the further you drag it out, the more bloody the price you have to pay? The main thing is that you feel good here and now.
        7. +6
          29 August 2023 00: 53
          Quote: Vladimir80
          Are you ready to pay 10-15 million lives for this progress (where?)?

          So in Russia (USSR) the population grew from 1914 to 1941 from 105 million to 160 million, and from 1991 to 2023 it fell from 149 to 146 million with the replacement of 20-30% of the indigenous population by Azerbaijanis, Tajiks, Uzbeks, Kirghiz, Vietnamese, Georgians, Moldovans and Armenians. Western liberal reforms cost Russians more than Leninist-Stalinist ones. By the way, this was also the case under Peter 1.
          1. +1
            29 August 2023 09: 56
            Well, there is nothing to drive on Moldovans. They are Orthodox people, and in Russia they assimilate surprisingly quickly. How many Vietnamese do you see here now? Where did you see a large number of Georgians now in Russia? We need to be more precise. By the way, there are visually much fewer Azerbaijanis in Moscow than 15-20 years ago.
        8. +5
          29 August 2023 16: 31
          And with regression, how many millions of lives are you willing to pay annually and indefinitely?
      2. +4
        28 August 2023 11: 40
        As for the production of ROYAL coins: have you heard anything about the "sower"?
    3. -13
      28 August 2023 10: 28
      Quote: Luminman
      comrade Lenin simply sent all the holders of our debt to the address known to everyone in Russia
      He paid with land and people for everything. And money and gold were needed for the "world revolution".
    4. 0
      28 August 2023 14: 15
      Quote: Luminman
      The Bolsheviks solved the problem of external debt radically - comrade. Lenin simply sent

      Khe khe.

      I remember that 2/3 of the debt was internal. So "sent to a well-known address" he is mostly Russian. The French and others, by the way, found some royal junk, not all, but some of the money was returned. But the Russians did not return, they received a bullet and that's enough from them.

      Giving money to the Russian state has always been a damn bad idea.
      1. +5
        29 August 2023 16: 40
        But our guarantor in the well-fed zero returned all the royal debts (although no one asked him)
    5. +5
      28 August 2023 21: 51
      The guarantor guarantees the payment of external debt and does not violate the lives of Zelensky, Chubais, Aven and the rest of the riffraff, but does not guarantee the retirement age and a bunch of "guarantees".
      1. +5
        29 August 2023 16: 41
        Well, he is the guarantor of the ruling class (bourgeois capitalists)
    6. +3
      29 August 2023 18: 00
      What's stopping you from doing it now?
      - prevents the absence of Comrade Lenin and his other comrades.
    7. AB
      30 August 2023 11: 53
      Not so simple. By sending everyone away, the Bolsheviks bought time and took a populist step. But one way or another, then they began to pay off many debts. Otherwise, the complete confiscation of all the assets of the CR over the hill, as well as the tightening of sanctions and the full compliance with existing sanctions, threatened.
    8. -1
      3 September 2023 17: 21
      But I had to give back to those who gave money for the revolution ..... And a lot
  3. +7
    28 August 2023 05: 12
    The future is like the past

    Unfortunately, there is such a trend. This is the dream of the ruling capitalist class. Surely they think that there would be a people, as then, in "hedgehogs" ---- we would have healed! And this is not only in Russia. Various techniques: fantasy, idealization of a past old life ....
    1. +7
      28 August 2023 06: 20
      Some kind of vicious circle in our history .. Rpgress was replaced by progress in 1917, now everything has gone back into regression. Revolution is inevitable
      1. -20
        28 August 2023 07: 57
        All power to the Soviets!

        Quote from: dmi.pris1
        Revolution is inevitable

        Don't cry famously while it's quiet

        Russia is the fifth economy in the world (and this is during NWO and internal uncertainty):
        - China ($31,559 billion)
        - USA ($23,149 billion)
        - India ($15,875 billion)
        - Japan ($5,675 billion)
        - Russia ($5,510 billion)

        Next year, if there are no revolutions and other nasty things, we will definitely overtake Japan. Anyone who wishes that there would be no Russia is well known to everyone. There are some on this site...

        Quote: A. Odintsov
        So why are the “reds and whites” still fighting?

        "The best slave is the one who does not suspect that he is a slave."

        False injection into societyhiding the real reason. It is not the Reds who are fighting the Whites, but the exploiters with the exploited.. Exploiters - in order to make the exploited slaves, and the exploited so as not to become slaves ...
        As soon as we understand this simple truth, many "misunderstandings" will become clear to us.

        About past and future:
        "Never erase your past. It shapes who you are today and will help you become who you will be tomorrow." - Ziad K. Abdelnour.

        And on the trail. Brixiku - to be!
        1. +26
          28 August 2023 08: 17
          At the end of 2022, the excess of Russia's GDP over the 1991 figure was only 30%! The average annual dynamics of Russia's GDP growth during the liberal period was less than 1%, which is an extremely low rate of development. Over the same period, China's GDP grew over this period by 14,5 times (!), And world GDP 2.5 times.
          Russia's place in the world economy is getting smaller: from 4,8% in 1990, dropping to 2022% in 2,87: this is the lowest figure since 1998! Rosstat announced a decrease in the population of Russia in 2022 by 555 thousand people, to 146,4 million people: the reduction has been going on for the 5th year in a row.
          In 2022, it became clear that we would not yet be able to return to the income level of 2013. According to HSE calculations, in 2022 the real income of the population is 89% lower than in 2013 (according to official data).
          At the same time, the export of capital from Russia is still breaking records during 2022, the positive balance of financial transactions of the private sector amounted to 227 billion dollars. But if in 1997 there were only 6 dollar billionaires in the Russian Federation, then according to data for 2022 there are already 110 of them , including an increase of 22 in the last year.
          1. -21
            28 August 2023 09: 09
            All power to the Soviets!

            Quote: Alexander Odintsov
            According to HSE calculations...

            - VSI was created by the US State Department, which forms managerial personnel in Russia.
            - Not a single economy in the world is able to compete with the Fed's printing press.
            - Crisis in the global economy, + sanctions, + Nabiulina, etc. with her. cannot but affect the well-being of citizens. We are at war with the West and we practically do not feel the consequences of all this.

            It is not difficult to guess where a person with such a surname and with such a name will lead us.

            Don't scare us with numbers. The economy of the country with two percent has challenged the West and the West is dying, and we (taking into account all the negative impacts) are only growing. hi
            1. +14
              28 August 2023 09: 49
              Quote: Boris55
              It is not difficult to guess where a person with such a surname and with such a name will lead us.

              Russian President Vladimir Putin is pleased with the work of Elvira Nabiullina as head of the Central Bank and therefore again nominated her to this position. This was stated by the press secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov
              “Of course, when the Central Bank bears an additional burden of responsibility for maintaining economic stability, of course, the president regularly communicates with Nabiullina. The President has repeatedly praised the results of the work of Nabiullina and the Central Bank as a whole. Here we see how the logical continuation of this is the introduction of her candidacy for another term, ”said Mr. Peskov
              1. +13
                28 August 2023 13: 53
                Quote: Karabin
                Russian President Vladimir Putin is pleased with the work of Elvira Nabiullina as head of the Central Bank and therefore again nominated her to this position.

                Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Law on Pension Reform, asking you to treat this with understanding, BUT ... stop This does not mean that all pensioners began to live up to 65 years old, but the pensions of those who still survived allow them to live with dignity ...
                DAM was appointed by the GDP to the post of Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, but this does not mean that the activities of DAM are needed at all and that the GDP itself fulfills its promises to reduce the apparatus of officials...
                1. 0
                  29 August 2023 10: 04
                  We have increased mortality in the range of 40-50 years, especially among men. But those who lived to be 50-55 years old have a great chance to live up to 60-70 years.
                  1. +2
                    29 August 2023 18: 03
                    those who lived to 50-55 years old have a great chance to live up to 60-70 years old.
                    - that is, either not have time to retire, or live only 5 years after retirement? Fine....
            2. -1
              28 August 2023 11: 32
              Quote: Boris55
              a person with such a surname and with such a name
              Do you prefer your last name or patronymic?
              1. +5
                28 August 2023 13: 55
                Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
                Do you prefer your last name or patronymic?

                Judging by the spelling of the word "kindness", he likes the game of "21" more ... feel
                1. +2
                  28 August 2023 18: 02
                  One word - Boris lives on the planet of pink ponies ..
              2. +1
                28 August 2023 18: 58
                Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
                ..... Do you dislike your last name or patronymic?

                recourse Reminds me of a children's cartoon. Soviet

                In the blue sea, like in a pharmacy
                Everything has an essence and weight.
                Ship like a man
                The name is desperately needed!

                You will always find a name
                And I will tell you in advance:
                What do you call a yacht
                So she will swim!

                Call it Hercules
                And command: --- Forward!
                And she is without an ice cutter
                The ice at the Pole will break through !!!

                And call it a trough ---
                Don't get out of trouble...
                This yacht and in the swamp
                Drunk water!
            3. +3
              29 August 2023 16: 47
              You either remove the Soviet flag from the avatar, or support the bosses
          2. -7
            28 August 2023 10: 57
            Quote: Alexander Odintsov
            the excess of Russia's GDP over the 1991 figure was only 30%!
            1992 - 91,625 billion dollars; 2022 - 2,22 trillion. dollars. Where do you get 30% from?
            1. +8
              28 August 2023 13: 00
              1992 - 91,625 billion dollars; 2022 - 2,22 trillion. dollars. Where do you get 30% from?


              Probably not where you are.
              PS It has always been touching how connoisseurs perceive inflation as GDP growth.
              1. -6
                28 August 2023 17: 42
                Quote: Nefarious skeptic
                It has always been touching how connoisseurs perceive inflation as GDP growth
                Be touched as much as you like, but in your opinion it turns out that this is such a dollar inflation of thousands of percent ... And the world does not know anything. Tin! Write more, Connoisseur!
                1. +3
                  29 August 2023 13: 39
                  Be touched as much as you like, but in your opinion it turns out that this is such a dollar inflation of thousands of percent ... And the world does not know anything. Tin! Write more, Connoisseur!

                  Dollar inflation over this period is approximately 215%. It was said about inflation in the light of the fact that you replaced the initial year of your opponent's period (1991) with 1992, the beginning of hyperinflation, when the rate reached 400 rubles per dollar, with an average annual around 250 rubles per dollar. Against 30 in 1991 before the collapse of the Union. Next, figure out for yourself how this affects the expression of GDP in dollar terms and why the figures you cited are manipulative?
          3. +2
            29 August 2023 10: 02
            Do you have an error in the digital data? There can't be an 89 percent reduction. Are you saying that now people's incomes have decreased tenfold?)
            1. +3
              29 August 2023 18: 28
              Quote: Sergej1972
              Do you have an error in the digital data? There can't be an 89 percent reduction.

              There, rather, "decreased to." Which is also very bad. Not a disaster, but very bad.
        2. +9
          28 August 2023 09: 37
          Next year, if there are no revolutions and other nasty things, we will definitely overtake Japan.
          Yes?!!! Portugal comes out already bypassed?!!!! Which was in 50th place? laughing
          1. +4
            29 August 2023 10: 11
            Do you distinguish between total GDP and GDP per capita? In the late 90s, we overtook Portugal in terms of total GDP, both at par and at PPP. Not such a big economy. After all, it was not about the volume of GDP in general, but about the volume per capita. We are significantly behind, for example, India in terms of GDP. But in terms of GDP per capita of the Russian Federation, India surpasses India.
            1. +2
              29 August 2023 16: 49
              Well, of course, in India, the population is 10 times larger.
          2. 0
            29 August 2023 18: 29
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            Yes?!!! Portugal comes out already bypassed?!!!! Which was in 50th place?

            Maybe in terms of fertility? In this I believe.
        3. 0
          28 August 2023 11: 47
          Quote: Boris55

          Let's start with the fact that this word is written with a soft sign at the end (since it is a verb) - "cry". This time. And secondly, could you tell me where you got this information from?
          Russia is the fifth economy of the World (and this is during the NWO and internal uncertainty):
          - China ($31,559 billion)
          - USA ($23,149 billion)
          - India ($15,875 billion)
          - Japan ($5,675 billion)
          - Russia ($5,510 billion)
          1. +2
            28 August 2023 14: 19
            Quote from Kojote21
            where did you get this information?

            Putin recently stated. And you know yourself, he will not star.
            1. 0
              28 August 2023 15: 49
              Quote: Negro
              Quote from Kojote21
              where did you get this information?

              Putin recently stated. And you know yourself, he will not star.

              I remembered. But 5,510 billion dollars is hard to believe...
              1. +4
                28 August 2023 16: 00
                Quote from Kojote21
                But 5,510 billion dollars is hard to believe

                To do this, you need to enter the "real" dollar exchange rate (PPP), which will be three+ times different from the nominal one. It's funny that the Russian Federation practically does not have its own production of any consumer goods, but at the same time, the "purchasing power" of the currency of the main exporter, China, differs from the face value by less than two times, and the ruble by more than three times, which is even higher than the level of India.

                Outstanding achievement of Rosstat. Overtaking Chinese statisticians in impudence is costly.
                1. -2
                  29 August 2023 01: 00
                  Quote: Negro
                  Outstanding achievement of Rosstat. Overtaking Chinese statisticians in impudence is costly.

                  By the way, during the covid epidemic, China bought raw materials for the production of anti-covid masks in Russia, of course, not those that were sold in Russian pharmacies, but those that could effectively protect against the virus.
              2. 0
                29 August 2023 10: 14
                This is the World Bank data. The indicator of the Russian Federation in terms of GDP at PPP.
              3. +2
                29 August 2023 16: 55
                The Internet says that last year the GDP was 2.240 billion and 8th place. In short stupidly 2 times lying
                1. 0
                  29 August 2023 21: 16
                  In terms of GDP according to PPP, the Russian Federation ranks fifth in the world. Do you know that there is GDP at par and GDP at PPP?
                  1. +1
                    30 August 2023 01: 11
                    It is unwise to downvote in this case.
                  2. +2
                    30 August 2023 10: 53
                    Quote: Sergej1972
                    Do you know that there is GDP at par and GDP at PPP?

                    There is GDP at par and propaganda, to be exact.
            2. +4
              29 August 2023 16: 51
              On June 27.06, Putin said that the state financed Wagner PMCs for 86 billion. And on August 25.08, Peskov said in an interview that the state paid nothing to the Wagners at all. Who is cheating?
            3. +1
              29 August 2023 18: 30
              Quote: Negro
              Putin recently stated. And you know yourself, he will not star.

              Well, yes. Remembering the pension reform. The most honest person.
        4. +3
          28 August 2023 14: 17
          Quote: Boris55
          - Russia ($5,510 billion)

          Draw more, what to be ashamed of.
          1. -1
            29 August 2023 21: 20
            Send your claims to the management of the World Bank. This is their data.
        5. +7
          28 August 2023 16: 23
          History teaches that it teaches nothing. The lesson of 1905-1917 has not been learned. Very bad parallels arise ....
        6. +11
          28 August 2023 16: 36
          Quote: Boris55
          Russia is the fifth economy in the world

          And why are you bashfully silent about what this figure consists of? Is it because it does not depend on the Russians themselves? And that this place is due to the price of resources? Who are you competing against and in what? In the amount of dough? Well, the Saudis also have a lot of dough, but if oil prices fall tomorrow, that's all.

          He is going to overtake Japan tomorrow. In what? Maybe in the level and range of manufactured goods, in applied sciences, or in the level of medicine? At the welfare level? In the standard of living? In what way do you want to overtake them? In how much quicker do you sell bowels and forests? So in this you are already ahead of the rest.
        7. +5
          29 August 2023 16: 43
          Only Japan rushes in the complete absence of resources, on science and economics, while Russia has the main income from gas and oil
      2. +3
        29 August 2023 16: 44
        What are you, what are you, the main anti-fascist said that Russia has exhausted the limit on the revolution
    2. +1
      28 August 2023 16: 25
      Quote: Reptiloid
      This is the dream of the ruling capitalist class.

      Amendment, this is the dream of the ruling totalitarian and / or imperialist class, and the economic system has nothing to do with it at all.
      And the USSR clearly proved that an empire can also be socialist, and that the true essence does not change from "popular" terms and names.
      A person, in principle, cannot live with dignity in large countries and empires with great ambitions, the larger the country and the more ambitions it has, the greater the stratification in society, the less resources go to the quality of life of the people themselves and the less the value of the person himself, due to total human mass. The man in them is a cheap resource and an insignificant cog, an ant, forced to gnaw out its place under the sun.
      The level of concern for people is highest in countries whose population does not exceed 15-20 million, they simply cannot afford the luxury of considering people expendable.
      1. -1
        29 August 2023 18: 40
        Quote: And Us Rat
        Amendment, this is the dream of the ruling totalitarian and / or imperialist class, and the economic system has nothing to do with it at all.

        Do you still believe in this fabulous nonsense? The fact that they don’t tear three skins from you as from an Asian or an African means only that they are pulled from an Asian and an African. The USSR was never an empire. Not in any period of time.
        Quote: And Us Rat
        The level of concern for people is highest in countries whose population does not exceed 15-20 million, they simply cannot afford the luxury of considering people expendable.

        Very interesting version. As I understand it, based on living in Israel. It is a pity that somehow the same Haiti does not fit into it.
  4. -14
    28 August 2023 05: 27
    In order for the whites and reds to stop fighting, it was necessary, as soon as the reds sing a song where there are the words “My native country is wide, there are many forests, fields and rivers in it,” ask the reds a question - and who, if not the Tsars and their subjects, created and handed over to you and us this wide country where there are many forests, fields and rivers in historical heredity. However , such question was with consequences . Foreseeing nothing bad, in the Brezhnev era, I asked such a question at the political studies of Tsarist Russia to the whining political officer, so the next day I already had a conversation with the Special Department. The Reds did not like that the history of the greatness of Russia, it turns out, does not begin and be deducted from 1917 ...
    Well, if the current liberals are invited to admire Peter the Great in the swamps created by the world masterpiece St. Petersburg, then they will find something to spoil Peter.
    In a word, misunderstanding that the Russian Tsars, like the ancient Romans, built and created as if for themselves, but built and created for centuries as a legacy to generations, because of such a misunderstanding, the war between the Reds and Whites does not stop going on.
    1. -10
      28 August 2023 05: 53
      Quote: North 2

      Well, if the current liberals are invited to admire Peter the Great in the swamps created by the world masterpiece St. Petersburg, then they will find something to spoil Peter.

      You can build anything with the labor of slaves and peasants, especially if you do not take into account the mortality of the builders. The Romans built palaces and amphitheatres, and the Egyptians built pyramids. Yes, and the USSR built all sorts of White Sea Canals by the hands of prisoners, that is, practically for food
      1. +7
        28 August 2023 09: 32
        i.e. for food
        And what is now in the country built for the money? And how much money was stolen from construction workers?
        1. -3
          29 August 2023 17: 27
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          i.e. for food
          And what is now in the country built for the money? And how much money was stolen from construction workers?

          I don’t know how much they stole. I know that they make good money at construction sites. And God only knows how much Menshikov stole
    2. +9
      28 August 2023 06: 20
      This story is endless. The current ones do not produce anything, but eat up the inheritance. Even bast shoes are not produced.
      As for the Nyenschanz fortress, renamed St. Petersburg, there is nothing to talk about.
      1. +10
        28 August 2023 06: 40
        Even bast shoes are not produced.
        They stripped them off, as they sold the raw materials, they cut the trees, they went for matches and furniture, also as raw materials. Growing new trees is not profitable, there will be no profit right away, but in a few years. laughingAnd everything should be profitable for us, and right away. laughing
    3. +13
      28 August 2023 07: 16
      Quote: north 2
      to ask a question in red - and who, if not the Tsars and their subjects, created and handed over to you and us in historical heredity this wide country where there are many forests, fields and rivers.

      Oh, is it? It can be said about Stalin that he collected and left the country with an atomic bomb and a gold reserve of 2 tons (in 500 there were 1941 tons) ... Specify what was left there after the tsars ... It was then that VIL came to mind the right decision is to send royal debts along with investors (foreign creditors) ...
      Quote: north 2
      Didn't like red that the history of the greatness of Russia, it turns out, does not begin and is deducted from 1917 ...

      The Reds knew that the new history of Russia began in 1917 with the proclamation of the only just socialist system, which not only set the planet in motion, showing the possibility of further development without exploiters and oppressors, but also gave rise to the collapse of the colonial system. It was during the years of Soviet power that the people sang:

      And you, a person who has picked up the "tops", "push" us your own version of history ...
      It's a shame, my friend, a shame...
      1. -3
        28 August 2023 10: 28
        Quote: ROSS 42
        Specify what was left after the kings.

        At least the Hermitage ... From which they later sold a lot of things ... For a pittance, by the way ...
        1. +7
          28 August 2023 14: 02
          Quote: kalibr
          At least the Hermitage ... From which they later sold a lot of things ... For a pittance, by the way ...

          Years of sale and specific examples in the studio!
          Did the tsars also leave the Tretyakov Gallery? Would you specify what and how much was sold from 1917 to 1987 and what went there after ... Do you assume that "Gangster Petersburg" in the part of the film "Baron" was sucked out of your finger? And military aircraft did not take out the gold of the USSR?
          After the death of the temporary detention facility, one can consider a socially just life in the country very approximately. Nepotism has taken a very wide turn. You know the words "blat" and "deficit" ...
          1. +2
            29 August 2023 09: 38
            On February 7, 1921, the "Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars on the compilation of a state fund of values ​​for foreign trade" was issued, so there really was trade.
            Good or bad is another question
          2. 0
            29 August 2023 10: 20
            Judging by the Krokodil magazine of the late 40s and early 50s, nepotism, blat, and postscripts, etc., were common in that period. For all my many elderly relatives, my material life was better in Khrushchev's times than in Stalin's, and in Brezhnev's better than in Khrushchev's.
            1. +3
              29 August 2023 18: 48
              Quote: Sergej1972
              For all my many elderly relatives, my material life was better in Khrushchev's times than in Stalin's, and in Brezhnev's better than in Khrushchev's.

              It was the result of the very industrialization without which you would now live as an average Indian.
        2. +5
          29 August 2023 18: 46
          Quote: kalibr
          At least the Hermitage ... From which they later sold a lot of things ... For a pittance, by the way ...

          It's sad, of course. But there is one small but. Remind me for what purpose this was done.
    4. -1
      28 August 2023 14: 18
      Quote: north 2
      who, if not the Kings and their subjects, created and handed over to you and us in historical heredity this wide country where there are many forests, fields and rivers
      Haughty offspring.
      1. +4
        29 August 2023 18: 50
        Quote: Stanislav_Shishkin
        Haughty offspring.

        The kings left nothing. They took away everything that was mined and made by people's labor. To say that the kings did everything means not to put the people in anything. And at the same time interfere with the shit of himself. But what won't you do for the sake of the dough. Is it true?
    5. +2
      28 August 2023 18: 20
      The Reds did not like that the history of the greatness of Russia, it turns out, does not begin and be deducted from 1917 ...

      Peter I opened a window to Europe and at the same time cut down a lot of everything domestic (now Peter I would be called a pro-Western politician). Including the Slavic calendar. One of his first decrees was the decree on the introduction of the Julian calendar and the transfer of the new year from September to January. The decree is dated 7208. Thus, Peter 1 stole 7000 years of history from Russia.
      “Our only duty to history is to rewrite it,” and history is written by the victors.
      1. +3
        29 August 2023 09: 43
        Russia appeared from the creation of the world? Or did we not cross out 5000 years from ourselves, but simply changed the moment from which the time count passed (the birth of Christ)
    6. +4
      28 August 2023 21: 36
      At first, the tsars expanded their territory, but after 1917 much was lost. Then Stalin began to collect these lands, returned them and collected more. And in order for the Reds and Whites to stop fighting, it is necessary to achieve an understanding that there are a lot of wonderful things in the Red project. And the current "white" is leading the country to extinction. Therefore, the Whites must be moved, the Reds should be put in power. Those. change everything that is now mirrored.
      1. -3
        29 August 2023 10: 21
        But then the "Reds" must also admit that there were successes and achievements in imperial Russia too.
        1. AB
          30 August 2023 12: 55
          The Reds just don't deny it.
  5. +20
    28 August 2023 05: 41
    Why compare? Everything is on the "face", some heritage has been multiplied, the second is eating away, they still cannot eat it, but they have already eaten the fish. On the market, a ram, one piece costs 250 rubles, the Astrakhan vobla is cheaper, it has not yet been eaten, yet.
    1. +3
      28 August 2023 07: 46
      Quote: parusnik
      Why compare? Everything is on the "face", some heritage has been multiplied, the second is eating away, they still cannot eat it, but they have already eaten the fish. On the market, a ram, one piece costs 250 rubles, the Astrakhan vobla is cheaper, it has not yet been eaten, yet.

      Quote: parusnik
      On the market, a ram, one piece costs 250 rubles, the Astrakhan vobla is cheaper, it has not yet been eaten, yet.

      In Moscow in 1987, a sabrefish/vobla cost 50 kopecks average, 1 ruble larger.
      It's a little cooler than the current 250...

      In general, all this rests on a problem - everyone dreams of a USSR model 1980go, but come back OH and we will be in 1919.....
      The outskirts and the Far East with the Caucasus will break away, the destruction of complete economic ties will lead to a drop in production to zero, which in turn will lead to a sharp impoverishment of the population. The oligarchs, as usual lol -they will have time to escape to Paris, small owners will be nationalized or will abandon their property / shopping center / small-scale production.
      Crooks of all stripes will come running - to join the Party. They will have to be shot. Then the shooters will have to be shot - because they will take bribes furiously ...
      Estessno the West will come to plunder and divide.
      Civil war is inevitable..
      Well, of course, those who will be dissatisfied with the slow arrival of the "bright future" and will tear the collar "For what did we shed blood?!!" ....
      Everything is described in "Virgin Soil Upturned" - adjusted for the change from village to city
      1. +6
        28 August 2023 09: 27
        In Moscow in 1987
        And then there’s no sabrefish, she came to our estuary, and not only ours, from the Kuban to spawn, only boys dragged her, sabrefish was not considered a commercial fish, and like a ram. It was possible to catch about a hundred rams in an hour in the estuary with a bait. So they caught it. The men didn’t set up nets. And then they built houses for themselves, and then they became "patriots" of the already modern country and climbed into the deputies. why didn't you restore it? We had two fish farms in the village. One was closed, even the ponds were dried up, the reeds are now there. There was one left, but he’s like a private owner working for himself. . And the factory, these are already specialists, of various qualifications, where can I get them in the village? It is desirable to have your own agriculture, to grow tomatoes, what to reduce the cost, the production of canned goods, but these are again costs, payroll, workers .. Smokehouses are also not profitable, special wood chips must be brought from the devil knows where, again, the equipment is specialists, fish " golden" turns out, accumulated and did not sell. So we grow fish for restaurants around the region, we transport it to the capitals. sometimes we sell to the townspeople when there is an excess. I can say one thing under the "totalitarian redhead" they did not suffer from a lack of fish. Now, only herring, in the store.
        1. -4
          28 August 2023 11: 44
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          And then there is no chekhon
          Go to Avito, enjoy

          Lightly salted path with caviar500/kg. Without caviar 400₽/kg. Chekhon 500₽/kg. Dried pike perch 450₽/kg. Bleak 1000₽/kg. Salt myself.
          Did the fight with the redhead tire you go?
      2. +10
        28 August 2023 14: 10
        Quote: your1970
        In general, all this rests on a problem - everyone dreams of the USSR of the 1980 model

        Yours: either "in half" or "to smithereens" - a personal worldview.
        The majority of Soviet people are against private ownership of natural resources, land plots above certain areas, depending on the purpose, for a progressive personal income tax scale and for the use of the death penalty and confiscation of property for theft on an especially large scale and betrayal ...
        1. +1
          28 August 2023 21: 28
          Quote: ROSS 42
          Most Soviet people are against private ownership of natural resources

          Let's say. Near the nationalized Gazprom, there is a private factory for the production of nozzles for the entire Gazprom. The product is cheap - but badly needed.
          And then the owner says "And pay me 3 times more for them !!"
          And there are two ways - either show him a fig, after which he will leave the factory due to senselessness and profitlessness, and you will HAVE to nationalize it.
          Or he will simply bring the dough (as it was in the NEP) to the People's Commissariat and Gazprom will buy at exorbitant prices. Also nationalization, but later, when the people's commissar is shot for bribes.

          Quote: ROSS 42
          land plots above certain areas, depending on the purpose,

          Wonderful!! Here you come to the nationalization of the land!!
          And then it’s piquant - now shift workers are processing it from farmers. Having taken away the land, you either give it to the collective farm (conditionally) - but there are no able-bodied people and the land will not be abandoned. power to yourself - we didn’t have work and still don’t !!"
          The exhaustion of labor resources in the countryside was already acute in the USSR, which is why they sent / army / students for cleaning
          Quote: ROSS 42
          for a progressive personal income tax scale

          After you nationalize small industry, it will lose its meaning in principle. Moreover, a formula from the times of the USSR will appear "Why rip for 500 when you can kick the bulldozer at the research institute for 170"

          Quote: ROSS 42
          for the use of the death penalty and confiscation of property for theft on an especially large scale and treason ...
          holy faith in people's fear of the death penalty. Naivete...
          In the Middle Ages, for several centuries in Europe, counterfeiters were roasted alive. All the cities knew - once the smell of barbecue is over the city, it means they are frying someone. For several centuries ..
          In Islam still1300 years!!!!!) women are stoned to death for fornication. It came to the women that - is it impossible? For 1300 years??
          In China, they have been shot for more than 20 years. Does it help? If they still shoot with broadcast or in stadiums?
          The most terrible example is Babi Yar. Everyone who was taken there knew that they were being killed there, but did not fully believe that they would be killed. Runs of 200-300 people in different directions - it would be physically impossible to shoot them with rifles. The chances, although small, remained .

          "This is a stupid faker / neighbor caught for fakes / fornication. They won't catch me, I'm smart and cunning! I won't die!!"
          Pure regulation of the population does not allow to get rid of the violation as such.

          The working option is to create the physical impossibility of corruption. For example, they reduced the registration time in Rosreestr and filing only through the MFC - the bugs of the 2000 era ran out right away - "10 and by the evening they will register everything for you !!"
          1. +2
            29 August 2023 18: 58
            Quote: your1970
            A working option is to create the physical impossibility of corruption.

            Your physical impossibility is a departure from commodity-money relations. What is fundamentally impossible in a capsystem. I won't even comment on the rest.
            1. 0
              29 August 2023 22: 25
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              Your physical impossibility is a departure from commodity-money relations. What is fundamentally impossible in a capsystem.
              It seems like I didn’t drink brotherhood with you, and even by decision of the people’s court I wouldn’t do this, this is 100%.
              Well, God bless him...
              Didn’t you hear that in customs offices, when switching to electronic declaration and declaration in CEDs, they practically outlived corruption?
              The fact that in Rossreestr was the norm in 2000 "10 and you are registered in the evening" (with a standard of 000 days) - now filing through the MFC, extraterritorial registration and reducing the period to 20 days to zero reduced possible corruption

              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              I won't even comment on the rest.

              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              What is fundamentally impossible in capsystem.
              -a You just don’t understand why among capitalist countries in the mass (except the USA) the level of corruption crimes below significantly than ours. Therefore, I don’t even want to comment on the nonsense about the fundamental impossibility.
              There were no oligarchs in the USSR, but at the same time there was a total system of corruption of the household level, so to speak. Have you heard about the "pushers" in every organization, collective farm and military unit? Have you heard about the fact that the competition for trade universities was like an "artist"?
      3. -1
        29 August 2023 18: 54
        Quote: your1970
        In general, all this rests on a problem - everyone dreams of the USSR of the 1980 model, but return HE and we will find ourselves in 1919 .....

        So you're suggesting we leave things as they are? Well, yes. With such demographics and economic growth at the level of statistical error, we will definitely win!
        1. +3
          29 August 2023 22: 32
          Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
          Quote: your1970
          In general, all this rests on a problem - everyone dreams of the USSR of the 1980 model, but return HE and we will find ourselves in 1919 .....

          So you're suggesting we leave things as they are? Well, yes. With such demographics and economic growth at the level of statistical error, we will definitely win!

          Do you think that if now bam and the USSR v.2 - then the population will rush to stud like crazy? Improve demographics?
          I’ll surprise you so much - by the end of the 1970s, families had 2 children with a small tail (at the expense of the Central Asians). That is, even then the population stopped multiplying, because it began to live well.
          But obvious things don’t reach you, that they multiply at an accelerated pace where a crowd of children is a way for the family to survive (RI, Asia, Africa), and where it’s good, there are 1-2 children and that’s it ...
    2. +10
      28 August 2023 07: 55
      Quote: parusnik
      Why compare?

      That's what I don't understand. Any more or less thoughtful involvement in this topic immediately shows all the wretchedness and futility of being in the CR. But they try to compare regularly. Apparently, all hope is for, to put it mildly, not very thinking contingent, to which you can sing anything you want ...
      1. -4
        28 August 2023 09: 44
        Quote: Doccor18
        Any more or less thoughtful involvement in this topic immediately shows all the wretchedness and futility of being in the CR.

        let's for the sake of fairness, we note that it is with you - the basis of knowledge about the CR, on the basis of which "thoughtful involvement" occurs - is invested in the USSR, and has a pronounced anti-CR connotation .. how would it be? but who knows how .. but today the position and size of the country is much smaller than then - this is a real fact, and the rest is guesswork ..
        1. +13
          28 August 2023 10: 29
          "thoughtful involvement" - invested in the USSR
          Invested in the USSR, that’s not necessary .. Tell me, how many warships for other countries did the CR build? How many airplanes did the CR build, did the CR sell many different types of firearms to other countries. Simply put, was the CR the weapons forge of the world?
          1. -10
            28 August 2023 11: 31
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            Invested in the USSR, that’s not necessary .. Tell me, how many warships for other countries did the CR build? How many airplanes did the CR build, did the CR sell many different types of firearms to other countries. Simply put, was the CR the weapons forge of the world?

            I don’t see a single contestation of my words in your comment .. because, as far as I understand, it’s rightly written by me, or not in the USSR, the foundations of a personal position regarding the CR among people who grew up in the USSR, okay, it’s silly to argue with that ... I answer you: was not. and what does it change? The United States was also not at that time .. or maybe in 50 years the CR would have been the "forge of the world" ... this is unknown, but in theory it can be calm ... I wrote about the facts that we have today, after CR and the USSR, and not theories and probabilities, and not the reasons why and their subjective explanation .. just "naked" facts ...
          2. +10
            28 August 2023 11: 49
            2/3 of the tsarist Navy was built abroad.
            Another 1/3 was built in Russia, but from foreign components and much more expensive than purchased ships.
            Those 83 Muromets consisted of imported parts, not counting Russian rags and ropes (and not all of them).
            ALL riflemen and artillery were either purchased or licensed.
            There was no chemical and electrical industry AT ALL.
            Matches in Russia were not produced AT ALL.
            The colony.
            Just a colony.
            1. -1
              28 August 2023 12: 56
              I agree that the industry in the CR was clearly not at the forefront of the world .. then, in general, Europe ruled the world .. and China and the USA and the CR in general in this sense were almost "no one" at that time .. however, like almost the rest of the world, except for Europe .. but the colony is still commanded from the metropolis, Russia was not commanded .. it would be more correct - mostly an agrarian country ..
              1. +7
                28 August 2023 13: 18
                but the colony is still commanded from the metropolis, Russia was not commanded ..

                A good example of such a "non-command" is the railroad loans from France. When we built roads not where we needed, but where the French needed.
                1. -3
                  28 August 2023 14: 05
                  the influence of the business interests of French investors (again - in the country's economy) and command are different things .. in any case, we had the railway, and not 300 billion francs, somewhere in the accounts .. is under the influence and being a colony - is not equivalent.
                  1. +6
                    28 August 2023 14: 27
                    the influence of the business interests of French investors (again - in the country's economy) and command are two different things .. in any case, we had the railway, and not 300 billion francs, somewhere in the accounts ..

                    From the country's economy, the railway, built at the behest of the French, was pulled out money, since they had no economic significance, but were built, on the eve of the French war with Germany, to fulfill the Russian part of the mobilization plan. They demanded money for their upkeep. Kokovtsev writes in his diaries how he went to Nikolai and tearfully begged not to put this burden on the budget.
              2. +4
                29 August 2023 10: 30
                In the late 90s of the 19th century, the United States came out on top in the world in terms of industrial production. Already in the early 10s of the 20th century, in a number of important industries, the volume of production exceeded the volume of production in England, Germany, and France combined. And already before the First World War, the United States produced several times more cars than in the rest of the world. The only thing is that in the United States, compared to other developed countries, there was a much higher domestic level of consumption of manufactured industrial products.
          3. -1
            28 August 2023 14: 26
            Quote: kor1vet1974
            Simply put, was the CR the weapons forge of the world?

            And why should a poor country be the "arms forge of the world"?
            1. +3
              29 August 2023 19: 13
              Quote: Negro
              And why should a poor country be the "arms forge of the world"?

              And that's true. It is better to be a global manufacturer of bast shoes.
        2. +7
          28 August 2023 14: 12
          but today the position and size of the country is much smaller than then
          The Trade Federation is smaller than the Soviet Union and this is the merit of the blue dreamer of power. But the current ones also want to divide Russia. First, the governors were instructed to fight the covid, then to carry out mobilization, and now to recruit their own army. Well, how is the finale, but why do the governors need the Kremlin?
          1. 0
            28 August 2023 19: 22
            Quote: Gardamir
            ..... the current ones also want to divide Russia. First, the governors were instructed to fight the covid, then to carry out mobilization, and now to recruit their own army. Well, how is the finale, but why do the governors need the Kremlin?

            And not only this. All local ministries and ministers. How is that? Feeders for the right people? And not only. But after all, watersheds can pass through even smaller sizes. Giving more power to municipal districts (and not even districts and regions)
            And then the process of destruction of the country will be faster. Globalists will try to destroy countries from above, trying to carry out the events they need, to take away power according to their own principles ---- covid, environmental police, green lotions, etc.... And municipalities ---- to loosen from below.
            1. +3
              29 August 2023 10: 39
              Do you know what a municipal district is? This is the same area, but in which there is no settlement level of power elected by the population. If district councils and councils of settlements are elected in the district, then in the municipal district there is a single representative body. And a single head, who is either chosen by the population, or, more often, by a representative body with the official or unofficial participation of regional authorities. And the heads of former settlements are not elected by the population or local councils, but are appointed by the head of the municipal district. And so, territorially municipal districts are former municipal districts. It is precisely to transfer more powers to the municipal authorities, because they do not pose a threat to the integrity of the country due to their small size. But the problem is the lower qualifications of municipal officials compared to regional and federal ones. Plus the passivity of the population. Not always the expansion of powers will be a boon for the population. There are also urban districts, smaller in territory, but more urbanized. In principle, they have the same rights as municipal districts, but they have greater financial opportunities, since they are created on the basis of fairly large cities.
        3. -2
          28 August 2023 14: 34
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          let's for the sake of fairness, we note that it is with you - the basis of knowledge about the CR, on the basis of which "thoughtful involvement" occurs - is invested in the USSR, and has a pronounced anti-CR connotation .. how would it be?

          I note that this is not even a completely anti-RCMP shade.

          Thus, the author writes:
          The national income per capita in 1913 in ruble equivalent was: in Russia - 102,2 rubles, in the USA - 695, in England - 463, in France - 355 and in Germany 292 rubles.

          That is, the relative figures of the per capita of the Republic of Ingushetia and Western countries are close to today's. Already from this fact it follows that everything that the Soviet government did had absolutely no positive effect in total.

          However, for the author, these figures are an argument against the old regime. And not against the new, for some reason.
          1. +1
            29 August 2023 19: 16
            Quote: Negro
            Already from this fact it follows that everything that the Soviet government did had absolutely no positive effect in total.

            Maybe then completely get rid of the Soviet heritage as in Ukraine? Fuck all the remaining enterprises to close and the nuclear industry with space to throw out as a heavy legacy of a bloody scoop? So let's panic?
            1. -1
              30 August 2023 09: 24
              Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
              Maybe then completely get rid of the Soviet heritage as in Ukraine?

              I note that until recent events, the economy of Ukraine is approximately the economy of Russia minus hydrocarbons. So your suggestion is not entirely clear.
        4. +7
          28 August 2023 15: 05
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          the basis of knowledge about the CR, on the basis of which the "intelligent involvement" takes place, is invested in the USSR, and has a pronounced anti-CR connotation ..

          Yes, invest, don't invest "shades" of something, it doesn't matter, reality is important, and it is visible in everything: in life, in photography, in people's memories. And I don’t need to tell how it was then, I was lucky to live in Soviet times, it’s a pity that it didn’t last long. Therefore, bias / bias has nothing to do with it. The facts are all over the place. 1% of the rich and 80% of the illiterate / illiterate poor and disenfranchised people - this is the CR. So what's there to compare?
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          but today the position and size of the country is much smaller than then -

          That rotten tree simply physically would not have lasted until today - this is a reality.
          1. -5
            28 August 2023 18: 04
            Quote: Doccor18
            That rotten tree simply physically would not have lasted until today - this is a reality.

            this is not a reality, but a theory, because this was not in principle .. but the USSR did not reach it, this is a fact .. without discussing the reasons, just a fact .. is it also a "bad tree" in your opinion?
            Quote: Doccor18
            1% of the rich and 80% of the illiterate / illiterate poor and disenfranchised people - this is the CR.

            At that time, for most countries of the world, this was the norm ..
            Quote: Doccor18
            Yes, invest, don't invest "shades" of something, it doesn't matter, reality is important

            once again confirm the thesis about nested perception, speaking about the non-viability of the one who was "killed", like he would have died anyway ... but what if not? these are speculations, not facts .. but I’m not talking about this, but about what was the USSR and what was the point in the historical outcome for Russia? smaller and weaker in 100 years .. it might have been worse from the CR, or maybe with the survival of the Provisional Government and moving along the path of most countries of the world with the bourgeois revolution, it’s better .. now we won’t know .. but if not, there’s no normal path was?
            1. +7
              28 August 2023 19: 29
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              but about what was the USSR and the sense in the historical result for Russia?
              There are two big differences between what Russia went to the Bolsheviks after the tsar, and what the Soviet Union was like at the time of the state anti-constitutional coup in 1991. For more than 30 years, the newly-minted bourgeois have been living off Soviet achievements and the Soviet margin of safety.
              It is terrible to imagine what would have happened to Russia after the tsar, had the Yeltsins, Chubais and Gaidars remained in power after the February Revolution of 1917.
              Here, some believe that Russia could have stayed away from the First World War, and, having gained loans and credits in the West, flourished further ... We must not forget that there was capitalism in Russia, that capitalism became a world system in which there was a battle for leadership. World War I was primarily a battle between Britain and Germany for this leadership. Perhaps, if Kaiser Germany had won, with a neutral Russia, our country for the Germans could have become like Canada for the United States, but no more. Tsarist Russia or Russia with a pro-Western government would never have become a space and nuclear superpower, and, most likely, other pieces of the empire would have fallen to Alaska mediocrely sold by Alexander I. A strong and great Russia is not needed by the West, it is not needed with any power.
              If the current puppets of the West remain, who began to disguise themselves more cunningly, speculating on Soviet victories, exaggerated achievements, under fireworks and holidays, nothing good will shine for Russia. It is impossible to lie endlessly, no matter how you puff out your cheeks, dependence on the West is already very difficult to hide. I repeat paraphrased - it is impossible to live in world capitalism, and it is impossible to be free from its laws, and these laws were invented not for the benefit of the colonies, but for the benefit of the owner of the world capitalist system. Therefore, Russia can have true independence and fruitful development only by reviving a pole of power independent of capitalism, that is, socialism.
              1. +4
                28 August 2023 21: 38
                Quote: Per se.
                Alaska sold by Alexander I
                Late noticed, I'm sorry, I wanted to say Alexander II.
              2. -5
                29 August 2023 09: 59
                Quote: Per se.
                Two big differences, what kind of Russia the Bolsheviks got after the tsar, and what was the Soviet Union

                Two roughly equally impoverished countries. However, in 17 there was a fundamentally healthy economy and a basic idea of ​​the correct organization of the system of state power: the communists have rolled both into concrete in 70 years. So the "democrats", God forgive me, it was much more difficult.
                Quote: Per se.
                Here, some believe that Russia could have stayed away from the First World War.

                World War I went relatively well for RI. Regarding WWII, for example.
                Quote: Per se.
                our country for the Germans could become like Canada for the USA

                What's wrong with Canada? You were there?
                Quote: Per se.
                would not become a space and nuclear superpower,

                Canada, thank God, it is not necessary. And in cosmonautics, they are doing well: they participate in the ISS, and in Artemis, and in the Webb telescope - unlike Roskosmos in the last two cases.
                Quote: Per se.
                ineptly sold by Alexander I to Alaska,

                Alaska was surrendered in order to break through the diplomatic isolation of Russia after the unsuccessful geopolitical experiments of Nicholas. There were fewer and fewer people who wanted to deal with undeveloped lands in the XNUMXth century. By the way, if Alaska had not been surrendered, closer to Theodore Roosevelt, the Americans would simply have taken it away for free, like Cuba and the Philippines. Of the colonial empires, the Americans were ready to tolerate only the British.
                1. -1
                  29 August 2023 19: 28
                  Quote: Negro
                  However, in 17 there was a fundamentally healthy economy and a basic idea of ​​the correct organization of the system of state power: the communists have rolled both into concrete in 70 years. So the "democrats", God forgive me, it was much more difficult.

                  A fundamentally healthy economy is now in many African and Latin American countries. But for some reason, not everything is so rosy. Although there was such an economy throughout the last century. Chet doesn't fit here. Don't you find it?

                  Quote: Negro
                  World War I went relatively well for RI. Regarding WWII, for example.

                  On a secondary front against the German militias? Are you serious?
                  Quote: Negro
                  What's wrong with Canada? You were there?

                  Canada is bad because it was given as an example. We should rather be compared with India. And that is a serious difference.
                  Quote: Negro
                  Of the colonial empires, the Americans were ready to tolerate only the British.

                  Nifiga did not understand. What methodology is this? I'm already confused by them. The fact that Alaska had to be given up is a sign of the great power of the Republic of Ingushetia, "is it different" or some other anti-Soviet interpretation?
                  1. -1
                    30 August 2023 09: 20
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    Basic healthy economies now in many African and Latin American countries

                    Yes. A fundamentally healthy economy is a system of markets and a price mechanism for regulating supply (there is everywhere, even the DPRK is trying to introduce it) and guarantees of property rights (this is much more difficult). Therefore, such a starfish, as in the early USSR, can be found in very few places.
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    But for some reason, not everything is so rosy there.

                    What do you mean not so happy? Not as rosy as in the USSR of the 22nd or 91st?
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    On a secondary front against the German militias?

                    Heh heh. The Wehrmacht was much weaker than the Reichswehr, according to German opinion. In any case, finding yourself in a situation where Germany has no enemies besides you is just a question for the invariably wise policy of the party.

                    It was even lucky with Churchill and Hitler, Chamberlain and a more sane Fuhrer could have agreed.
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    We should rather be compared with India

                    Russia in 1913 with India? However...

                    If you look for the modernizing dictatorships of the twentieth century without socialism, then these are Japan, Turkey, South Korea, Taiwan.
                    India, yes, a dictatorship, but not a modernizing one.

                    Among those listed are the losers in WWII, but any of those listed eventually overtook the USSR.
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    The fact that Alaska had to be given up is a sign of the great power of the Republic of Ingushetia, "is it different" or some other anti-Soviet interpretation?

                    For Alaska, at least some buns were sold. The money was really stolen in an instant, but there's nothing to be done about it. In 30 years, the Americans would have simply taken it away, like Hawaii, Cuba and the Philippines. Still piss on the face.

                    The transfer of Alaska was one of Alexander's measures to correct the catastrophic situation left by Nicholas. When they managed to unite the entire West against themselves, a great geopolitical achievement.
                    1. -1
                      31 August 2023 14: 43
                      Quote: Negro
                      Yes. A fundamentally healthy economy is a system of markets and a price mechanism for regulating supply (there is everywhere, even the DPRK is trying to introduce it) and guarantees of property rights (this is much more difficult). Therefore, such a starfish, as in the early USSR, can be found in very few places.

                      Is that why African Peisans swim across the sea in fragile boats, risking their lives? Apparently they do not understand their happiness of living in a fundamentally correct economy. You would have brought Cuba. This is not the level of the economy to build socialism surrounded by capitalist predators.
                      Quote: Negro
                      What do you mean not so happy? Not as rosy as in the USSR of the 22nd or 91st?

                      Not as rosy as in the EU. It looks like capitalism is wrong.
                2. -1
                  31 August 2023 20: 17
                  Quote: Negro
                  Quote: Per se.
                  Two big differences, what kind of Russia the Bolsheviks got after the tsar, and what was the Soviet Union

                  Two roughly equally impoverished countries. However, in 17 there was a fundamentally healthy economy and a basic idea of ​​the correct organization of the system of state power: the communists have rolled both into concrete in 70 years. So the "democrats", God forgive me, it was much more difficult.
                  Quote: Per se.
                  Here, some believe that Russia could have stayed away from the First World War.

                  World War I went relatively well for RI. Regarding WWII, for example.
                  Quote: Per se.
                  our country for the Germans could become like Canada for the USA

                  What's wrong with Canada? You were there?
                  Quote: Per se.
                  would not become a space and nuclear superpower,

                  Canada, thank God, it is not necessary. And in cosmonautics, they are doing well: they participate in the ISS, and in Artemis, and in the Webb telescope - unlike Roskosmos in the last two cases.
                  Quote: Per se.
                  ineptly sold by Alexander I to Alaska,

                  Alaska was surrendered in order to break through the diplomatic isolation of Russia after the unsuccessful geopolitical experiments of Nicholas. There were fewer and fewer people who wanted to deal with undeveloped lands in the XNUMXth century. By the way, if Alaska had not been surrendered, closer to Theodore Roosevelt, the Americans would simply have taken it away for free, like Cuba and the Philippines. Of the colonial empires, the Americans were ready to tolerate only the British.

                  In delirium. Briefly, but right in I block.
              3. +3
                29 August 2023 10: 36
                I don’t argue about the greatness of the USSR, I’m about the results of the fact that there was a period of Bolshevik power in Russia .. in the end it turns out like there is no monarchy and there are no Bolsheviks ... for me it’s better for us either the Bolsheviks or the tsar would be than I don’t know how to even formulate - based on the results of 30 years after the USSR - such conclusions ..
            2. +3
              28 August 2023 20: 28
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              The USSR did not hold out, this is a fact .. without discussing the reasons, just a fact .. is it also a "bad tree" in your opinion?

              Yes, it's "rotten" too. Above. Therefore, it died.
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              what was the USSR and what was the point in the historical result for Russia?

              The USSR for Russia and the whole world was the only practical experience of the theory of Marxism-Leninism. And this experience will not be forgotten, no matter how anyone would like it. This experience will be explored, passed down from generation to generation, and who knows, maybe we will get a second practical attempt.
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              type and so would have died ... what if not?

              Germany was gaining momentum in the 20th century, and the crisis of capitalism was growing again in the world, from which it followed that WWII was inevitable, and 99% of Germany and the Republic of Ingushetia would be the main actors in it. Now imagine for a second that during WWI, the entire power of the Kaiser's Germany would fall on the Russian Empire (without the Western Front, Verdun, etc.). What do you think, what chances of success did RI have with its phenomenal lag in aviation, artillery, and disgustingly working transport? And now extrapolate all this to WWII, where all the power of a united Europe (without Britain) falls on the Russian Empire in 1941 ...
              1. +2
                29 August 2023 10: 29
                Quote: Doccor18
                What do you think, what chances of success did RI have with its phenomenal lag in aviation, artillery, and disgustingly working transport? And now extrapolate all this to WWII, where all the power of a united Europe (without Britain) falls on the Russian Empire in 1941 ...

                In reality, the rotten Republic of Ingushetia held the front in Romania and Poland for 4 years, with losses to the German close to 1:1. Due to this, the losses of the Republic of Ingushetia in WWI differ from the Soviet ones by 5 times the military ones and 10 times the total ones. Since the tsarist regime, for all its shortcomings, was basically sane, naturally, it fought an order of magnitude better than the Bolsheviks. By royal standards, Shaposhnikov was just a colonel, and not the only person on the General Staff who knew how to use cards.

                Strictly speaking, we do not need to guess how the Bolsheviks in the 40s could show themselves against the tsarist generals: His Excellency Gustav Karlovich conducted such an experiment.
                The USSR for Russia and the whole world was the only practical experience of the theory of Marxism-Leninism. And this experience will not be forgotten, no matter how anyone would like it.

                Alas, forgot immediately. The communists said "it was not real socialism" and again for the old.
                1. +1
                  29 August 2023 19: 37
                  Quote: Negro
                  Due to this, the losses of the Republic of Ingushetia in WWI differ from the Soviet ones by 5 times the military ones and 10 times the total ones.

                  And what happened to France in World War II? She corny lost in a matter of weeks. Are the communists to blame there too?
                  Quote: Negro
                  Strictly speaking, we do not need to guess how the Bolsheviks in the 40s could show themselves against the tsarist generals

                  Actually, these generals could not do anything against the Reds in civilian life. Here's the problem.
                  Quote: Negro
                  The communists said "it was not real socialism" and again for the old.

                  This is demagogy from those who like to divide capitalism into right and wrong, but of course in the case of capitalism "this is different." So do not attribute your nonsense to the communists.
                  1. +2
                    30 August 2023 08: 25
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    And what happened to France in World War II?

                    France lost more than half as many people in World War II as in World War I. The ratio of the losses of France and RI 1: 2, France and the USSR 1:50. At the same time, both France and the USSR, thanks to the rather random decisions of the Americans, were appointed the "main" winners of WWII with a seat in the UN Security Council, permission for their own nuclear program, and other geopolitical goodies.
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    Are the communists to blame there too?

                    Funny but yes. The succession of governments during the interwar period, when one government lasted less than a year on average, was not good for defense. Moreover, the leftists constantly crawled into these governments, which, of course, harmed the economy, including the military one.
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    Actually, these generals could not do anything against the Reds in civilian life. Here's the problem.

                    The Bolsheviks were bad in everything, but they were exceptionally good politicians. Their Excellencies could not lie on such a scale, they simply did not have enough imagination. Humanities education has its advantages over the military.
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    but of course in the case of capitalism "this is different"

                    It is the same.
                    Quote: IS-80_RVGK2
                    So do not attribute your nonsense to the communists.

                    Well, you seem to be a communist: and the collapse of the USSR obviously taught you nothing.
                    1. +1
                      31 August 2023 14: 54
                      Quote: Negro
                      Well, you seem to be a communist: and the collapse of the USSR obviously taught you nothing.

                      Taught something. He showed me what capitalism is in action on the example of Russia. And in many ways, that's why I'm a communist. Well, thanks to my extraordinary intelligence of course.
              2. +3
                29 August 2023 10: 32
                Quote: Doccor18
                The USSR for Russia and the whole world was the only practical experience of the theory of Marxism-Leninism. And this experience will not be forgotten, no matter how anyone would like it. This experience will be explored, passed down from generation to generation, and who knows, maybe we will get a second practical attempt.

                and we shouldn’t forget it, this is a really unique experience in the history of mankind .. and hypothetically, avoiding mistakes, it could work out .. but again, the role of the individual .. there is no personality at a key moment and down the drain, unfortunately capitalism is more stable ..
                Quote: Doccor18
                Germany was gaining momentum in the 20th century, and the crisis of capitalism was growing again in the world, from which it followed that WWII was inevitable, and 99% of Germany and the Republic of Ingushetia would be the main actors in it. Now imagine for a second that during WWI, the entire power of the Kaiser's Germany would fall on the Russian Empire (without the Western Front, Verdun, etc.). What do you think, what chances of success did RI have with its phenomenal lag in aviation, artillery, and disgustingly working transport? And now extrapolate all this to WWII, where all the power of a united Europe (without Britain) falls on the Russian Empire in 1941 ...

                well .. maybe .. although in WWI theoretically all the power could not fall upon us, we were not the main goal of that war, moreover, there were by no means bad relations with the Germans .. but if they had united, then the Anglo-Saxons would have ended ..
                about the 41st .. who knows .. at the same time, without a revolution, it would not have been necessary to restore what was destroyed in the civil war, and by the 14th year the industry had already been pumped for 20 years, although of course not as intensively as in the 30s, i.e. before 41 - there was a lot of time, and then the "industrial revolution" was a pearl in the world, so it's not a fact that they "would have torn a heating pad like an ace", in fact, the first couple of years of the Second World War in the USSR cannot be called joyful ..
            3. +1
              29 August 2023 10: 22
              Quote: Level 2 Advisor
              but if not, it turns out there was no normal way?

              This is not an easy question.

              Yes, the events of 17 were the result of the bankruptcy of the Romanov regime. Nicholas was too bad to hold on, but at the same time he was able to crush all alternative centers of power. Between February and October, everything went bankrupt: both the military and civil authorities.
              Was the insane dictatorship of a deranged intelligentsia the only option? Obviously not. All pieces of the Republic of Ingushetia, which outweighed the Bolsheviks in time, developed in the usual European trend. Did the RKMP have a future? No, apparently it wasn't. Next to the bad Nikolai was a very good Franz Joseph - AVI did not save him. From this point of view, the Stalinists are right: mass human sacrifices made it possible to delay the collapse of the Republic of Ingushetia for 70 years. Saved Russia, so to speak, at the cost of its population.
        5. 0
          29 August 2023 19: 07
          Quote: Level 2 Advisor
          let's for the sake of fairness, we note that it is with you - the basis of knowledge about the CR, on the basis of which "thoughtful involvement" occurs - is invested in the USSR, and has a pronounced anti-CR connotation .. how would it be? but who knows how .. but today the position and size of the country is much smaller than then - this is a real fact, and the rest is guesswork ..

          Here, somehow, statistics on the production of steel for the second half of the 19th century slipped on the site. To say that it was tryndets to say nothing. In RI, this was very bad. You see, the point here is not even that we didn’t have something, but that we did. And the fact that the real development was very weak. Stalin was right a thousand times over in starting industrialization with such merciless measures. Otherwise, we would be finished. Despite all these pretentious stories about the former greatness of the Republic of Ingushetia.
  6. +13
    28 August 2023 06: 41
    If life were satisfying and sweet, no one would have gone to expose their heads to bullets, and it’s so obvious that it’s gone further and there’s no way to incite the Bolsheviks to such a thing with propaganda alone.
    1. +12
      28 August 2023 07: 59
      Quote: Alexey 1970
      it is evident that there is nowhere to go further, and one cannot incite the Bolsheviks to such a thing with propaganda alone.

      Absolutely in solidarity. The rulers always make a revolution in the state with their wise policy. And the Bolsheviks only led the militant stream of people ...
    2. +7
      28 August 2023 09: 02
      If life were rich and sweet,
      Such a nuance, during the bread riots in February 1917, when bread shops, workers and women were smashed, they took away rye bread, they didn’t touch “black”, wheat, white, they simply did not know what it was.
      1. +2
        28 August 2023 19: 29
        L.N. Tolstoy in his work "HUNGER" wrote what kind of bread was ---- with the addition of various herbs.
        And according to the statistics of that time, it turned out that many peasant children who were taken to the Army had not tried meat until that time. There was also an article about this .5-6 years ago.
  7. +8
    28 August 2023 06: 45
    Tsarist Russia was ruined by an inefficient ruling class

    The ruling class, or rather, state officials who have been snickering and depraved in their own luxury, with enviable perseverance, are ruining everything that an ordinary Russian creates. So the kings used the wealth obtained in wars and taxes for feasts and balls, and then one could hear the “crunch of a French roll”, and the other - the crunch of bones from work without any restrictions and compliance with TB. Remember that VIL had a party nickname "Old Man"? But Vladimir Ilyich died at the age of 53 - the age by today's standards of a completely healthy person ... And today, few people remember that the only "entertainment" of the Russian peasantry, which represented the OVERALL MOST of the country's population, was love for children ... More precisely, to the process itself. The absence of depraved liberalism and adherence to Christian canons gave the right to the existence of large families ... By the way, the very process of matchmaking and marriage excluded the appearance of childless families. And, if this happened, then some Kokovanya could always adopt some Daryonka. Wars, sweatshops and injuries (occupational mortality) did their job ... And on top of that, there were no pensions.
    * * *
    Under Soviet power, more attention was paid to people of creative labor. Scientists, engineers, inventors, just workers were at the forefront of the attention of the authorities ... True, there was a bias between the working class and the collective farm (and just the peasantry). To be honest, there were those to whom the war (various difficulties and troubles) became their own mother. True, comparing the pace of industrialization and the development of the economy of the Soviet and tsarist periods is the same as comparing a finger with an object thanks to which a grandmother could become a grandfather.
    And again, overeaten, believing in their own infallibility and invincibility (maybe even eternity), the elite rotted under the applause of the crowd and writing notes based on the materials of the party plenums and congresses that followed one after another. One thing was an indisputable plus - according to the materials of the congresses, the reporting reports, the country saw the growth of the economy in accounting units, the growth of wages in rubles and the stability of prices in stores (there were also increases, but they were at least explained convincingly and were not asked to treat this with understanding) . Among other things, the country's population was in third place in the world and was steadily moving towards an increase in numbers (although there were regional paradoxes).
    * * *
    The current leadership, following the path of criminal reformers, decided to erase from the memory of millions not only the names of Soviet leaders, but also to eradicate the socialist principles of morality and justice from life. Yes, imagine, there were such principles. They were also compared with Christian commandments. I will not list all the advantages that our state has gained over three decades. They are visible to the naked eye. Suffice it to say that the Indian lunar station discovered a strange feature on the surface of the Moon - temperatures of 60 ° C, and the domestic one did not "fit" into the contours of the satellite.
    It is only indisputable that the population of the country has known in all variants (who has the opportunity) the joys of traveling around the planet, the variety of clothes, the functionality and performance of household appliances, the absence of queues in stores and the variety of sources of necessary and unnecessary information. That is, they abandoned their swords and plowed and plunged into the world of "bread and circuses."
    Someone will ask - what's wrong with this? And I will say that there is nothing wrong with that. Only again the development of the country and statehood is happening sideways. And most importantly, we began to die out in the literal and figurative sense. I can note that last year there were 440 fewer pensioners, and they did not live much better.
    * * *
    So draw conclusions, what should we do: search longer or fly further?

    It is possible to fly to nowhere: the path is not determined, forces and means are squandered, the leaders have grown decrepit and the leaders are often of a narrow-minded mind.
    1. -7
      28 August 2023 10: 09
      Quote: ROSS 42
      Scientists, engineers, inventors,

      Aha! On the cutting edge... robbery by the authorities. They were not paid extra on a huge scale. But they paid 13 lazy workers so that they would not doubt the benefits of socialism. In 1985 I published an article in Bulgaria. A notice arrives: a $25 fee for Vneshtorgbank. Joy! They say from the bank - you will be taxed 20 dollars, and you will receive 5 rubles at the internal rate. One of my iconic inventors made a thing ... without which every 10th AK assault rifle went into marriage. He says - give me 10 kopecks. from each issued for life. He was given 7 and was told, thank God, that they gave him something at all. And such examples...
      1. +6
        28 August 2023 10: 34
        Aha! On the cutting edge... robbery by the authorities.
        Name engineers, millionaires now? What if they exist at all? Where is the production of machine tools and other things? Oh, it’s not profitable to produce, it’s cheaper to buy, and if that’s the case, then engineers and workers are not needed. The bare minimum is needed. We have international cooperation, right? And did you cooperate a lot?
      2. +5
        28 August 2023 10: 36
        gave 7 thousand and said thank God that they gave something at all.
        In the United States, an employee of a company "on the payroll" for an invention or breakthrough development is given - 1 (one) dollar. It used to be silver, now I don't know.
        1. +8
          28 August 2023 12: 26
          In the United States, an employee of a company "on the payroll" for an invention or breakthrough development is given - 1 (one) dollar. It used to be silver, now I don't know.

          Everything that is invented, invented within the framework of work in the company - the property of the company.
          If we assume that you piled something in the garage, and at that time worked for a corporation, you will still need to fight it off in order to prove that you definitely did not do it at lunch or after working on computers, company equipment. if the development is significant, it is unlikely that you will fight off corporate lawyers or the courts will drag on for a long time and investors will not approach you for a cannon shot.
          Well, or they really will give a "dollar", or maybe "two".
          This is a legally justified situation.
          There was a similar practice in the USSR, why not?
      3. +7
        28 August 2023 13: 43
        Quote: kalibr
        Aha! On the cutting edge... robbery by the authorities. They were not paid extra on a huge scale. But they paid 13 lazy workers so that they would not doubt the benefits of socialism.

        You, Vyacheslav Olegovich, describe particular examples ... I can also give an example, when in the mid-70s people in the North earned 1 rubles each ... And comrade Traloflot can tell you how the merchant and fishing fleet walked in “ Polar Dawns "...
        An invention and a rationalization proposal are two different things. I remember how the tyatino proposal required a co-author and he only received the Order of the Badge of Honor ...
        We understand perfectly well what I'm talking about and all your examples are the activities of fucking Soviet officials.
      4. +6
        28 August 2023 20: 38
        Aha! On the cutting edge... robbery by the authorities. They were not paid extra on a huge scale. But they paid 13 lazy workers so that they would not doubt the benefits of socialism.
        But they paid party propagandists who were striving with all their might for this feeder (district committee, regional committee, and if they were lucky, then even higher) - well, it wasn’t the ideas of building communism that moved them?
        1. +4
          29 August 2023 09: 52
          Quote: Aviator_
          .... paid 13 lazy workers, ....
          ... they paid party propagandists who strove with all their might for this feeder ....

          Greetings, Sergey! hi in fact, it was with their own labor that the workers created the material and technical base of the USSR, which for more than 30 years has been plundered, destroyed, eaten up and cursed by modern liberals together with former propagandists.
          Yesterday I wanted to PM you, so the letter disappeared and another curse from the device
    2. +2
      28 August 2023 10: 35
      Vladimir Ilyich died at the age of 53
      It is worth noting that he was not a hammer or a stoker - here, most likely, the general level of the then medicine should be blamed, when doctors have opium and klyster in their arsenal.
      1. +5
        28 August 2023 13: 04
        Only the richest people could live to a ripe old age. For example, the mother of Nicholas 2, over 80 years old, elderly senators in Repin's painting ....
        Somehow they don’t remember that according to the only census in the Republic of Ingushetia in 1998, the average age of life for Russians was 29 and 30 years. And if the king's mother is over 80 years old, then for the average 30 years old, how many newborns died?
        1. +10
          28 August 2023 13: 12
          The average age of life for Russians was 29 and 30 years.
          Great-grandfather lived for 102 years, and his father lived for 90. But yes, the chances of dying young in those days were much higher.
          1. +5
            28 August 2023 13: 19
            This is more the exception than the rule. hi Such is your nature!
        2. +3
          28 August 2023 13: 42
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Only the richest people could live to a ripe old age. For example, the mother of Nicholas 2, over 80 years old, elderly senators in the painting by Repin

          Dima, the example with Maria Fedorovna is unsuccessful, by the way, she lost her young son, the heir.
          Pinochet went to another world, having crossed the 90-year mark, following your logic - even dictators could live to a ripe old age.
          The ways of the Lord are inscrutable and unsearchable.
          And, there was a voice from heaven to him ........ Pay attention to yourself and do not subject your investigation of the fate of God, because this is soul-damaging
          1. +1
            28 August 2023 13: 58
            Greetings Vladimir wink! Why not mention the queen? recourse Taboo? This is statistics. When did Pinochet die? Already another development and level of science, medicine. And here the Chilean dictator so many years later? I have no doubt that you, thinking about your health or the health of your loved ones, look (that is, explore) other people
            1. +2
              28 August 2023 14: 05
              Okay, I agree.
              By the way, the bloody dictator Franco was also a long-liver, somehow it all looks ominous.
              1. +6
                28 August 2023 14: 39
                Well, yes, long-lived artist Zeldin, poets Sergei Mikhalkov and Korney Chukovsky, academician Pyotr Leonidovich Kapitsa, scientist-atlantologist Nikolai Feodosevich Zhirov, founder of our astrobiology Gavriil Andrianovich Tikhov, academician Abram Ioffe, biologist Igor Akimushkin, planetary scientist Leonid Ksanfomaliti, host of the program "In the world animals " Nikolai Drozdov, Soviet publicist and journalist Peskov ....
                It's just that educated people have common knowledge and the ability to monitor their health.
                1. +4
                  28 August 2023 14: 56
                  Quote: Reptiloid
                  Well, yes, long-livers

                  I will add to your list - Archimandrite John Krestyankin, the most revered elder of Russia, 95 years old
                  - Saint Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky), 84 years old
                  - Reverend Kuksha of Odessa, 89 years old
                  Everyone went through prisons, camps, exiles, and the list goes on.
                  1. +3
                    28 August 2023 17: 09
                    Quote: bober1982
                    ....... I will add to your list - Archimandrite John Krestyankin, the most revered elder of Russia,95 ......

                    I don’t know exactly their age, but you can probably remember the legendary old man Fyodor Kuzmich, as well as John of Kronstadt. Also Ilya Efimovich Repin, a vegetarian, and Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich, and Prince Peter Kropotkin.
                    But all these names confirm that people who worked hard physical labor died early.
                    And only under the Soviet regime, the average life expectancy began to increase, despite the wars, damages, lack of everything!
        3. +3
          28 August 2023 15: 13
          Quote: Reptiloid
          Only the richest people could live to a ripe old age

          This is a lie.

          The low average age came from high infant mortality and mortality at a young age. If you managed to reach 50, then live your life in peace before cardiovascular or oncology.
        4. 0
          28 August 2023 17: 58
          Only the richest people could live to a ripe old age.

          This is a common misconception, at that level of medicine (until the end of the 19th century), a rich man could not buy himself a 3rd heart (like Rockefeller), and from this point of view he was on an equal footing with a commoner
          1. +1
            28 August 2023 19: 40
            Of course, could not buy a heart. But even now it is not easy.
            Just a rich person could not work for 12 hours (or even more) a day. And if he needed to go somewhere, he rode a cab. And the workers, like the peasants, walked a lot. And what ends! Here in St. Petersburg, for example, corporal punishment was carried out "on the exit." This place was literally next to the Sennaya Ploshchad metro station. And the guilty were sent there from different parts of the city. And people had to come there on foot and after the punishment go back. How many km? I think that up to 15 km one way could be. Imagine.
            1. +2
              29 August 2023 10: 01
              Quote: Reptiloid
              Here in St. Petersburg, for example, corporal punishment was carried out "on the exit." This place was literally next to the Sennaya Ploshchad metro station. And the guilty were sent there from different parts of the city. And people had to come there on foot and after the punishment go back. How many km? I think that up to 15 km one way could be. Imagine.

              I strongly suspect that at that time Peter whole was a radius of 5 kilometers, no more ...
              1. 0
                29 August 2023 21: 33
                Quote: your1970
                ..... I strongly suspect that at that time Peter whole was a radius of 5 kilometers, no more ...

                Who will forbid? hi It's about a big cut. time. The city broke out. Factories of the Vyborg side, Avtovo, and summer cottages with estates and estates
    3. +3
      28 August 2023 22: 01
      Quote: ROSS 42
      there were promotions, but at least they were explained convincingly and not asked to treat it with understanding).

      You are wrong - exactly requested "be understanding"
      ..."........Nevertheless, when carrying out a monetary reform, certain sacrifices are required.. Most of the victims are the responsibility of the state. But it is necessary that part of the victims be taken over by the population, especially since this will be the last victim. The exchange of cash for new money, due to these restrictions, will affect almost all segments of the population. However, this order of exchange will strike first of all at the speculative elements who have amassed large reserves of money and keep them in "jugs". The losses of the overwhelming majority of workers connected with the exchange of money will be short-term and insignificant and will be completely covered by the abolition of high commercial prices and the reduction of existing ration prices for bread and cereals.
      1. -1
        29 August 2023 12: 57
        Quote: your1970
        You are wrong - you just asked to "treat with understanding"

        And this request to understand and forgive caused the wrath of the workers? For your information, the bulk of the population had meager savings ... In addition, the money stored in the Savings Bank (on books) was exchanged under special conditions. And the money received as a result of theft and speculation depreciated ... Although, I can say for sure and definitely that trade workers learned about the monetary reform of 1961 and all others ahead of time. And citizens who have HUGE savings that do not fit into the framework of labor income, and even more so.
        1. +2
          29 August 2023 22: 45
          Quote: ROSS 42
          And this request to understand and forgive caused the wrath of the workers? For your information, the bulk of the population had meager savings ... In addition, the money stored in the Savings Bank (on books) was exchanged under special conditions. And the money received as a result of theft and speculation depreciated ...

          that is, read historical documents - how did the population react to this reform and to the abolition of cards - not? Especially to the abolition of cards? And why was Soviet trade wildly happy about this abolition lol?
          And as described organs attitude towards this population?
          And this is taking into account the fact that the Soviet government, with the slightest manifestations of hostility towards it, did not spoof and the people clearly knew this, but nevertheless ....
          read it, you will be surprised - why the Soviet government rushed to lower prices ...
          And then she raised them again - but this will no longer be interesting to you, it will not work in logic
  8. +14
    28 August 2023 06: 56
    Thanks to the author for his work. No revolution should be expected. There were a huge number of disadvantaged people in the CR. What can not be said about the present day. On the contrary, one should expect the suppression of all left-wing views. In such an environment, one should fight for one's rights at work, at home. A person must show that he opposes the planting of primitive thinking. That despite the pressure, he still looks to the future. Socialism is not dead. It was appropriated by the elite. And the rest is only capitalism.
    1. +2
      28 August 2023 08: 57
      It was appropriated by the elite. And the rest - only capitalism.
      Yeah, it turns out that the world's capitalist elites are fighting for socialism? laughing
      1. 0
        28 August 2023 19: 45
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        [b] ..... Yeah, it turns out that the world's capitalist elites are fighting for socialism? laughing

        Some very interesting socialism within a small circle of its own ---- friendship, good advanced medicine, excellent food, various opportunities, greater than for the plebs. Flights in private jets .... and let the plebs protect the environment on a lisapede laughing
    2. +1
      29 August 2023 13: 12
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      Socialism is not dead. It was taken over by the elite. The rest is just capitalism.

      I consider you a literate person, but I'm sorry...
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      Socialism is not dead.

      He couldn't die. This is not a pet. It could be destroyed, just like it was built in a single country.
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      It was taken over by the elite.

      What elite? Who do you call the elite? It was they who appropriated such a name for themselves, as once prostitutes began to be called "prostitutes" and "night butterflies." And all this party nomenklatura, in collaboration with crime, appropriated the fruits of the labor of citizens of a socialist country, by force of arms, words, with the help of slander and deceit, rewriting state property in their dirty names. I can’t even offhand name more than five people who have achieved high prosperity with their own mind and work.
      Quote: Nikolay Malyugin
      The rest is just capitalism.

      The survivors of the criminal analysis were prepared for the Russian version of capitalism, with all its charms of rapid accumulation by proven methods and variants of speculation.
  9. +7
    28 August 2023 07: 16
    "Liberals and part of the clergy often regret that pre-revolutionary Russia "which we lost."
    Not only liberals and the clergy.
    It's only been two months since June 24.06th. 23 - V.V. Putin delivered his speech, which was repeated many times and broadcast by various sources.
    Although ... Judging by the way churches are built wherever needed and where it is not needed at all, how the priests "run" the spaceports - and hardly anyone doubts the liberality of the current government - the conclusions are simple.
    1. +3
      28 August 2023 14: 54
      Quote: Vladimir-TTT
      "Liberals and part of the clergy often regret that pre-revolutionary Russia "which we lost."
      ...... temples are being built wherever necessary and where it is not at all necessary, how the priests "run" at the spaceports - and hardly anyone doubts about the liberality of the current government - ......

      Of course, how can liberals not wish for a complete return to the old days! After all, then their spiritual co-owners were in power, relatives not by blood, but by essence! What were the corruption, scams and machinations under the king! Scams in construction contracts, theft and bribery in the supply of the army, even during the war! And who was punished for it? Revolutionaries were imprisoned and executed, but these??? They even stayed in their jobs! Remember Prince Tsushima --- uncle of Emperor Nicholas II, Admiral General!
      The diamond necklace of his mistress Eliza Balletta was referred to as the "Pacific Fleet". To her, A.A. presented a red cross inlaid with rubies, made with the money of the Red Cross.

      Over the 23 years of Prince A. A. Romanov's leadership of the Maritime Department, the Imperial Navy became less and less defensive, flawed. Although funding has increased 5 times! .....
      ...... Not to mention class inequality! There were noble estates, but there were --- "vile" !!!!!!!! And they had NOT EQUAL rights! This is what modern liberals are striving for.
  10. +14
    28 August 2023 07: 40
    "We did in 30 years what the Romanovs did not do in 300" - Beria L.P. Yes, it was achieved by very hard work, but superpowers are not born just like that. And the result of this hard work of the Soviet generation gives us a chance to survive in the current conditions.
    1. +3
      28 August 2023 08: 54
      gives us a chance to survive in the current conditions

      He is not pay, not advance,
      It drops out only once.
      Fortune knocks on the door, and you
      Not home.
      It's so easy to miss
      But it is easier to bite the elbow,
      What a new chance to get.
      Brings a black mark, a black mark
      To me?
      Black mark, damn mark
      And so, when you're around the corner
      From a pile of fabulous riches
      He tells you:
      "God will give!"
      Tricky chance.
      He selected a crew for you,
      He went with you to the boarding
      And he saved your musket from a misfire.
      Giving a misfire only once,
      Now you are a rabbit, he is a boa constrictor.
      And the boa constrictor has a gloomy disposition.
      Brings a black mark, a black mark
      To me?
      Black mark, damn mark
      And so, when you're around the corner
      From a pile of fabulous riches
      He tells you:
      "God will give!"
      Tricky chance.
      He pulled your trigger
      He stuffed your wallet
      And he saved your musket from a misfire.
      Brings a black mark, a black mark
      To me?
      Black mark, damn mark
      And so, when you're around the corner
      From a pile of fabulous riches
      He tells you:
      "God will give!"
      Tricky chance." (c)
      1. +1
        28 August 2023 15: 10
        An interesting cartoon. Kiev Studio of Popular Science Films 1988
  11. +2
    28 August 2023 07: 47
    The author of the article cited a lot of figures, which is why the article had to be read obliquely.
    A.I. Denikin, the author, wrote down as a monarchist, although Anton Ivanovich was a hardened liberal, there is nowhere to put a stigma on him.
    As experts on the collapse of tsarism, the author mentioned Berdyaev, Maklakov, Solzhenitsyn, of these specialists, the first two - they themselves bred rot and put their hands to this very collapse of the autocracy.
    The illustration of the armed seizure of the Winter Palace is in the best traditions of the Soviet Agitprop.
    1. +4
      28 August 2023 08: 25
      Someone has a lot of numbers, someone has a lot of beeches. Figures resulted a little. I have 20 times as many numbers in my draft. Inserted main. Berdyaev is a great philosopher, who, by the way, unlike Ilyin, spoke positively about the communists. Maklakov warned everyone to the last and predicted the revolution very accurately. Solzhenitsyn, although he denigrated the USSR, wrote a completely sane article about the revolution. This is not agitprop - this is reality. Peace and goodness to you.
      1. +1
        28 August 2023 08: 56
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        Berdyaev - the great philosopher

        There is an opinion that Berdyaev drew inspiration from Western sectarians and mystics, was too fond of searching for the era of the Logos.
        All the best to you, I did not want to offend you, I just expressed my opinion.
    2. +10
      28 August 2023 08: 31
      The author of the article cited a lot of figures, which is why the article had to be read obliquely.

      Many numbers are bad, few numbers are bad.
      mentioned Berdyaev, Maklakov, Solzhenitsyn
      - bad, did not mention - bad.
      Yes, great article!
      But smart.
      Thanks to the author.
      1. +6
        28 August 2023 13: 08
        Quote: Edward Vashchenko
        ..... Yes, great article! But smart. Thanks to the author.

        I join! I liked the article very much. hi
  12. Fat
    28 August 2023 08: 09
    1) the gold standard contributed to a decrease in the degree of monetization (money supply) of the country and contributed to the growth of the external debt burden;

    In order to talk negatively about the gold standard, it would be necessary to discuss the difference between the binding of the "Soviet chervonets" to precious metals from Witte's "matildores".
    Both reforms were aimed at stabilizing the state's monetary system.
    So where is the negative of Witte's reforms and where is the positive of the "golden gold piece"? recourse
    1. +5
      28 August 2023 08: 29
      The difference is very simple. The USSR had chervonets just like money, it printed almost like the USA as much money as needed. And Tsarist Russia tied the ruble to gold through security, so there were not enough rubles. Just like now, but now to the dollar. Not only our economists wrote negatively about the gold standard, but also Keynes, from modern Bernanke, calling it the main cause of the Great Depression.
    2. +6
      28 August 2023 08: 40
      So where is the negative of Witte's reforms and where is the positive of the "golden gold piece"?

      In tying monetary circulation to “gold”, it is not connected with the fact that “gold” will be eternal,
      and in order to reform the monetary circulation.
      Witte and the Soviet reformers, many of whom were "tsarist" specialists, had different goals and different results.
      Let me remind you that initially “money” was all metal and paper notes were used as a credit instrument, which led to the devaluation of the “exchange ruble”.
      Witte, in fact, turned out that there was a successful withdrawal of gold abroad, as dollars are today: in European casinos and ladies with low social responsibility willingly accepted the gold ruble, who would take the Russian paper ruble?
      In the USSR, this was done in order to bring down inflation caused by World War I and the Civil War, restore confidence in the domestic market, and buy the technologies necessary in the West, which required "hard currency": paintings from the Hermitage, etc.
      This is the difference.
      1. Fat
        28 August 2023 12: 29
        hi Edward. In fact, in both cases, the positive effect of both "golden" reforms is the accelerated industrialization of the country.
        In the USSR, gold was not exchanged for treasury and bank notes, only on the day of foreign trade, and then for quotation abroad it was necessary to stamp a gold coin of the royal sample. "Sowers" because of the Soviet symbols, a number of countries did not accept payment.
        In both cases, the subsequent World War led to inflation and the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944... request
  13. -2
    28 August 2023 08: 43
    Not only our economists wrote negatively about the gold standard, but also Keynes, from modern Bernanke, calling it the main cause of the Great Depression.

    In developed capitalist countries, economic crises are associated with overproduction and revaluation of funds, everything is different with us, so the explanations of these gurus do not suit us at all
    1. +5
      28 August 2023 08: 58
      I have previously written a lot of articles about the lack of money in Russia. Now Sergei Blinov is writing about this, and Glazyev talks a lot about this. And this is one of the most important causes of poverty.
  14. +3
    28 August 2023 08: 50
    Disputes about tsarist Russia: an aborted flight or a journey into the abyss
    And now where are we striving? Into the heights? Waving wings? Or "We fall like birds, we fall like birds shot down in flight, We no longer dream of a true story with tales of blue heights ..." (c)? This moment ... this moment ... like a cry - a sudden dead end "(c).
    1. +5
      28 August 2023 08: 59
      The path is the same I agree The article is just about this
  15. +3
    28 August 2023 08: 50
    Dear author, your article is provocative. Why? To begin with, the history of the subjunctive mood does not have. The second mention of those times causes rage among many, because of the Civil War and the death of millions of people, relatives, friends, and it makes no sense to say that the Central Republic could not organize the next industrial leap, could not defeat the Germans in World War II, it makes no sense, since the Bolsheviks by force, objectively, de jure, taking the side of the Germans did not give her these chances. You write that they defeated Nazi Germany, but this is a fact, but at what cost? Your words: Russia had 1913 million people in 182, but what about now? God forbid 130 million. Say I distort. Many territories left the USSR in 1991, for which, by the way, our ancestors shed their blood abundantly. But who is to blame? The Bolsheviks are to blame for this, who conducted their experiments on people by transferring regions from one republic to another! I'll tell you this: the current war and the blood shed now by our soldiers is simply a direct consequence of those mistakes or crimes against the Russian ethnos, that's how it is more convenient for anyone. I know they will downvote me now, but I don't care.
    1. +11
      28 August 2023 09: 05
      My article is not provocative. It is almost scientific, because I have studied this topic. She touches on a well-known discussion. The USSR also had jambs, I agree. I will answer you briefly as follows: if it were not for the collapse of the USSR, the current war would not have happened. There would be no NATO around us. Our population would grow, not shrink. And we would be the second or third economy in the world, not the fifth. And most importantly, all these clothes, household appliances of which the world has filled up China, too. So in all respects it would be better. And atheism would have ended by itself.
      1. -3
        28 August 2023 09: 56
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        I will answer you briefly as follows: if it were not for the collapse of the USSR, the current war would not have happened. There would be no NATO around us. Our population would grow, not shrink. And we would be the second or third economy in the world, not the fifth. And most importantly, all these clothes, household appliances of which the world has filled up China, too. So in all respects it would be better.

        But this, Alexander, cannot be said with 100% certainty. There are many factors that you have not written about, and a lot of things in general, which can change a lot in one moment. By the way, the decision to dismantle the socialist system was made by the Central Committee of the CPSU back in 1988, only the question "how to do it with the least losses" was debated.
        1. +3
          28 August 2023 10: 40
          Poem from the 90s
          Night, street, lantern, pharmacy,
          The beginning of the next century
          The shadow of a policeman flickers,
          Clutching the cut under the armpit,
          I write three words on the wall:
          Long live the CPSU!!!
          What didn't come true? laughing
      2. +1
        28 August 2023 12: 52
        The article is at least one-sided. Provides data on lack of land and low living standards. But the Bolsheviks approached collectivization having the peasant masses quite satisfied with their way of life and income. For all that, little has changed with the land from 1913 to 1928.
        The problem of lack of land is caused not only by population growth, but also by the peculiarities of inheritance, and Stolypin also solved it by developing new lands.
        And to refer to the supporter of the West, Denikin, is wrong, not only because he did not see enemies in the Entente and its help, but also because there are suspicions that his memoirs were edited.
        1. +3
          28 August 2023 13: 27
          But the Bolsheviks approached collectivization having the peasant masses quite satisfied with their way of life and income.

          The Bolsheviks approached collectivization with a minimum marketability of agricultural products from this same peasant mass. Stratified again.
          For all that, little has changed with the land from 1913 to 1928.

          So it hasn't changed?
          1. 0
            28 August 2023 20: 25
            I did not want to answer because of the strong bias in the topic, but still.
            You get a deuce in "History of the CPSU", the main reason for collectivization is stated incorrectly.
            The main task, as we were taught, was to expand the social base of socialism. What, translated into Russian, means to make the peasants proletarians, that is, hired workers. According to the "Short Course in the History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks" edited by I.V. Stalin. A certain low marketability is a pretext based only on theoretical research on the high efficiency of agricultural cooperatives.
            1. +1
              29 August 2023 13: 49
              You get a deuce in "History of the CPSU", the main reason for collectivization is stated incorrectly.

              Doesn't it bother you that this text
              Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
              But the Bolsheviks approached collectivization having the peasant masses quite satisfied with their way of life and income.

              , as in my answer to this text - not about the causes of collectivization. Which you now suddenly want to talk about.
        2. +2
          28 August 2023 15: 40
          Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
          .... the Bolsheviks approached collectivization having a peasant mass quite satisfied with their way of life and income ..

          Doubtful And how did this contentment manifest itself?
          .... little has changed with the land from 1913 to 1928 ....

          And the Bolsheviks had the wisdom to reckon with the years of the peasant "black redistribution". Indeed, during WW1, this was precisely what caused the desertion of soldiers, former peasants. The time of "black redistribution" approached. Land allotments were given by the peasant community to the men present for a period of 12 years. And collectivization just coincided with the next "black redistribution"
          Stolypin's reforms were carried out with the aim of destroying the peasant community. The Bolsheviks, on the contrary, tried to take into account the interests
          1. 0
            29 August 2023 22: 03
            The communities did not have a unified procedure for the redistribution of land. A significant part of the communities were generally unlimited. In some part of the communities, the number of females in the family was also taken into account in the redistribution, although usually the “female” share was smaller. The frequency of redistribution was also not uniform. Etc. and so on.
            1. 0
              31 August 2023 03: 39
              Some changes were constantly happening ---- orphans were sent to an orphanage, their lands were taken by the community. As sometimes happened with the lands of fallen soldiers. And sometimes even those who didn’t die. Depends on family composition
      3. -1
        28 August 2023 13: 08
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        I will answer you briefly as follows: if it were not for the collapse of the USSR, the current war would not have happened. There would be no NATO around us. Our population would grow, not shrink. And we would be the second or third economy in the world, not the fifth. And most importantly, all these clothes, household appliances of which the world has filled up China, too. So in all respects it would be better. And atheism would have ended by itself.

        with the same probability it can be argued that if there had been no revolution and the USSR, everything would have been the same .. but why can one say? but because it is THEORY .. it is impossible to prove the opposite .. only facts do not need proof .. and facts = the current country, having passed the path through the USSR, is weaker and smaller than the CR .. yes, if the USSR had remained, it would be different. but did not stay .. and we have what we have, the rest is fantasy. therefore, it’s not a fact that it would be worse today - if the CR remains, if you look at the outcome .. it would be interesting to discuss on this topic how the CR could develop for 2023, since with the direction of development - through the creation of the USSR - we see the result outside the window .. and yes, in the USSR the common man lived better than today! and I would like it to be .. but no! and cons for this given fact - will not help in its restoration. Unfortunately, I think that we no longer have the opportunity to build a socialist state at the level of the USSR, and when the last witnesses of how life was in the normal times of the USSR leave, and those who saw only capitalism remain, even more so ..
        1. +3
          28 August 2023 14: 07
          I think that we no longer have the opportunity to build a socialist state of the level of the USSR
          I think it shines, but yes, not for us and not in this life.
      4. +2
        28 August 2023 22: 23
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        And most importantly, all these clothes, household appliances of which the world has filled up China, too.

        All that was needed for this was 1) poverty, like in China - a bowl of rice a day is a holiday, 2) the desire of Western capitalists to get these hands, 3) the desire of the CCP to get technology ...
        We had neither the first, nor the second, nor the third. Therefore, all attempts to do something with clothes are either outdated Western samples from NOT advanced countries (Zhiguli) or our own, well, like that (“what is it that they roll behind the clock on a cart? These are batteries for them !! (c))
  16. +8
    28 August 2023 09: 27
    The revolution, of course, is explained by the activities of German agents, yeah.
    The Germans, when they recruited Lenin and paid him in gold, said: how will you take
    power, immediately start opening research institutes and universities, build power plants,
    create a combat-ready army and provide all the Soviet people with free
    medicine and general education.
    1. +4
      28 August 2023 09: 47
      The Germans, when they recruited Lenin and paid him in gold, said:
      And then they added, and the money will remain, you can stir up a revolution in November in all the national regions that are part of Austria-Hungary. Lenin, as he established the first 1918 scientific institutes in 25 with German money, began to stir up revolutions in Europe. laughing laughing Everything is logical laughing laughing hi
      1. +3
        28 August 2023 09: 52
        well, like this laughing hi "" "" "" "" "" "
      2. +5
        28 August 2023 11: 41
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        And then they added, and the money will remain, you can stir up a revolution here in November, in all national regions included in Austria-Hungary.

        Yeah ... the circulation of money in nature: German intelligence gave Lenin gold to make a revolution in Russia and, having come to power, sponsored a revolution in the Reich itself.
        Great plan, Walter! Reliable. like a swiss watch! laughing
        1. -5
          28 August 2023 12: 56
          The Germans were used "in the dark", they hardly knew that they themselves were preparing a revolution and they would lose the war with grave consequences.
        2. +3
          28 August 2023 13: 37
          having come to power, he sponsored a revolution in the Reich itself.
          laughing No matter what he was called a German spy anymore, he took revenge on the Germans. He sent the sailor Zheleznyak, with a "chumadan" of money, he, under the guise of a Negro Maksimka, made his way to the German fleet and, with the help of lard and vodka, which he brought with him, agitated the entire German imperial fleet . laughing This is from an unwritten history, the Bolsheviks carefully concealed it, and Medinsky dug it up laughing laughing
        3. +4
          28 August 2023 15: 51
          Quote: Alexey RA
          Quote: kor1vet1974
          .... money will remain, you can stir up a revolution in November, ....

          Yeah ... the circulation of money in naturelaughing

          And then, these super-punctual Germans, who have different archives, ate all these documents about money, destroyed it irrevocably.! So that no punctual German could reproach the Bolsheviks with this money and present papers
          1. +1
            29 August 2023 11: 09
            Quote: Reptiloid
            And then, these super-punctual Germans, who have different archives, ate all these documents about money, destroyed it irrevocably.!

            Well, you know these Germans ... they ate documents about the torpedoing of the Tirpitz by Lunin. Moreover, they reached right up to the archives of the British special services (the Germans who sat tightly on the communication lines and had agents in Norway). smile
  17. +12
    28 August 2023 09: 48
    The saddest thing is that now call our government for negotiations, promise it world recognition, return balls in Courchevel, yachts, unfreeze accounts and they will easily betray their people and will carry out all the directives to establish a new world order. They do not even understand that then they will not be needed anyway.
  18. +2
    28 August 2023 09: 53
    The last picture is a lie. This was not the case in reality. And I liked the article.
    1. +8
      28 August 2023 11: 06
      Second attack on the Winter Palace
      At 23 p.m., the Reds began shelling the Winter Palace from the guns of the Peter and Paul Fortress, firing 35 live shells, of which only 2 slightly "scratched" the cornice of the Winter Palace[16][22]. Later, Trotsky was forced to admit that even the most loyal of the gunners deliberately fired over the Winter Palace. When those who raised the uprising wanted to use the 6-inch Aurora cruiser, it turned out that, due to its location, the cruiser could not physically shoot at the Winter Palace. And the case was limited to intimidation in the form of a blank shot [22].

      The decisive role in the capture of the Winter Palace was played by the 106th Infantry Division under the command of Mikhail Svechnikov[23], which arrived in Petrograd on the day of the assault, a few hours before the Cossack units of General Dukhonin, suitable from the headquarters, sent to Petrograd on the orders of Kerensky. After the defenders repulsed the first three attacks, Svechnikov led a detachment of grenadiers (440-450 soldiers of the 106th Infantry Division, who arrived with him from Finland) for the fourth assault. The attack took place from the side of the Neva embankment and was crowned with success ....
      Researcher at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University Alexander Shubin.
      Alexander Vladlenovich, today it is clear to everyone that Eisenstein thought up a lot of things and embellished in the history of the capture of Zimny. But what exactly? …
      Still, the palace was taken, and by armed means, there was an assault. It just wasn't as spectacular as Eisenstein's. There was a defense, there was also a barricade that defended the Winter Palace, shooting took place on Palace Square. Maybe not so cinematic, but still the Winter Palace was taken, and the Provisional Government was arrested.
      1. +2
        28 August 2023 19: 44
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        but still the Winter Palace was taken,

        "Ten Days That Shook the World" The author is a living participant in those events ...
  19. +2
    28 August 2023 10: 46
    A purely Bolshevik analysis of history, carried out on a materialistic basis, where the spiritual is replaced by the material. Or, the road to hell is paved with good wishes. Otherwise: the creation of a new person has come to a standstill, instead a grabber, an egoist and a rogue has been created, who today flooded the public space, and moreover, this human effect is highly welcomed.
    By the facts. The Bolsheviks really usurped power by dispersing the Constituent Assembly, an event that, in the Time of Troubles, was convened by the Russian people to decide on the formation of power structures necessary for the life of society. At the same time, it must be remembered that all these figures were hanging around abroad. Someone in the USA, someone received permission to drive a sealed wagon through the territory of a country at war with us. Also. The military force for the suppression of popular opposition that arose on a spontaneous basis was created with the money of this very people, taken from appropriated banks, and, as you know, force breaks straw.
    1. +4
      28 August 2023 11: 10
      In tsarist Russia, in addition to the material basis, there was a spiritual and moral crisis. Its basis is atheism, connected with the fact that the Church could not fulfill its role, being under the tutelage of the state. I agree the power was usurped. The fact that cooperation was not established is probably a mistake. The grabber, as you write, was created not by the communists, but by the current system. But all this is not related to the topic of the article.
    2. +3
      28 August 2023 11: 46
      Quote: OstWest
      The military force for the suppression of popular opposition that arose on a spontaneous basis was created with the money of this very people, taken from appropriated banks, and, as you know, force breaks straw.

      And what prevented the previous government create a military force with the money of the people to suppress popular opposition? Where did the same Guards regiments disappear, whose teams put things in order with fire and blood in 1905? In general, where in 1917 did the power support of the previous government disappear? wink
      Oh yes, I forgot that the backbone of the Empire was very busy - expressing support for the abdication of the emperor.
      1. +1
        28 August 2023 15: 55
        And this emperor infuriates me the most. A lot of vices, weakness ..... No wonder there were skeptical conversations among the people ----- But the king is not real. What was the article about. about 5 years ago
  20. -3
    28 August 2023 11: 15
    Quote from AdAstra
    The revolution, of course, is explained by the activities of German agents, yeah.
    The Germans, when they recruited Lenin and paid him in gold, said: how will you take
    power, immediately start opening research institutes and universities, build power plants,
    create a combat-ready army and provide all the Soviet people with free
    medicine and general education.

    The Germans objectively needed to take Russia out of the war in any way, so they understood that they were losing to the Entente in a war on two fronts, and then there was a revolution, but Russia, bleeding, faithful to allied obligations, continued to fight; you need to somehow take it out of the game, and then from Switzerland a certain Ulyanov-Lenin asks to make a revolution in Russia: they send him in a closed car: You can say whatever you like, but it was an operation planned by the General Staff of Germany and with his money . It is a fact. It doesn't make sense to continue.
    1. +7
      28 August 2023 13: 50
      Ulyanov-Lenin asks to make a revolution in Russia:
      Did Lenin stir up the February revolution too? Did Bukharin and Trotsky accept the abdication of the tsar?
      It makes no sense to continue
      1. +4
        28 August 2023 15: 33
        Quote: kor1vet1974
        Did Lenin stir up the February revolution too?

        And yak! And the entire military and political elite of the Empire were actually secret Bolsheviks. smile

        Seriously, even History of the invention of the steam engine party The Bolsheviks did not aim for February as a whole in their "Short Course on the History of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks". They directly wrote that their strength was only enough to fight in the streets.
        While the Bolsheviks led the direct struggle of the masses in the streets, the compromising parties, the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries, seized deputy seats in the Soviets, forming their majority in them. This was partly facilitated by the fact that most of the leaders of the Bolshevik Party were in prisons and exiles (Lenin was in exile, Stalin and Sverdlov were in Siberian exile), while the Mensheviks and Social Revolutionaries roamed freely on the streets of Petrograd. Thus, at the head of the Petrograd Soviet and its Executive Committee were representatives of the conciliatory parties: the Mensheviks and the Socialist-Revolutionaries. The same thing happened in Moscow and in a number of other cities. Only in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, Krasnoyarsk and some other cities the majority in the Soviets from the very beginning belonged to the Bolsheviks.
        1. -3
          29 August 2023 07: 39
          Quote: Alexey RA
          And the entire military and political elite of the Empire were actually secret Bolsheviks

          Germans, rather.
          Quote: Alexey RA
          the Bolsheviks did not aim for February entirely

          А зря.
          Nicholas was overthrown by Comrade Brusilov, our man in Inglewood, so to speak.
          1. +1
            29 August 2023 10: 50
            Quote: Negro
            Germans, rather.

            Judging by 1918, they vehemently hated Germany. smile
            Quote: Negro
            Nicholas was overthrown by Comrade Brusilov, our man in Inglewood, so to speak.

            One is nonsense, one is zero ©
            The crow's settlement was really set on fire from all over. And Vasisualy this time was very unlucky.
  21. +6
    28 August 2023 11: 36
    If the facts are described correctly, IMHO, then the conclusion is clearly not the same.
    “Now two matrices are fighting in Russia: the matrix of the peripheral raw material capitalism of the CR, controlled by the elites who use the country as a cash cow, and the matrix of the creation of the USSR, which began a countdown from 2014. And the whole world is waiting for our revival, and the Russian message that to live more under the heel of the United States is impossible. The outcome of the battle is obvious, and perhaps the denouement will come before 2025. "

    - "the matrix of peripheral resource capitalism" - yes.
    The media and the authorities happily report on the export of resources - a record to Europe in 22, a record to Asia in 23 ... And he is trying to erect busts of the White Guards. (Wrangel, for example, is about to want)

    - But "the matrix of creation of the USSR ... since 2014," - alas, this is IMHO, a blende.
    It is enough to remember how quickly they covered up and stopped mentioning the Russian spring, democracy, and the fate of all these people's leaders of the LDNR. Edro, Officials, Oligarchs, poverty - period.

    and "the whole world is waiting for our revival" .. this is such a fantasy, IMHO, no words ...
    In the world it's every man for himself. And China, India (and maybe our oligarchs) happily resell Russian oil to NATO for diesel fuel and gasoline for the Armed Forces of Ukraine.
  22. -1
    28 August 2023 11: 44
    Quote: Alexander Odintsov
    My article is not provocative. It is almost scientific, because I have studied this topic. She touches on a well-known discussion. The USSR also had jambs, I agree. I will answer you briefly as follows: if it were not for the collapse of the USSR, the current war would not have happened. There would be no NATO around us. Our population would grow, not shrink. And we would be the second or third economy in the world, not the fifth. And most importantly, all these clothes, household appliances of which the world has filled up China, too. So in all respects it would be better. And atheism would have ended by itself.

    Not provocative, you say? Do you know that civil wars are the most fierce and bloody: how many millions Russia has lost during its time and from its consequences only God can answer you if you dare to ask him about it at the gates of Heaven and Hell. But for example, there are more than 400 thousand Americans, and for them this topic is still very painful. And the French? When, after the overthrow of Napoleon III, the Bourbons were offered the French throne for the last time, they refused, although for this it was only necessary to accept the tricolor, but they wished to enter Paris under the White Banner with the Lilies. In my family, my great-great-great-grandfather was a real secret adviser, assistant to the chief trustee of the Imperial Humanitarian Society and a talented cellist musician, the first Guarneri in Russia belonged to him, he did no harm to anyone and, as a token of his merits, was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra: the Bolsheviks razed his grave to the ground, as "having no artistic value." And my grandfather generally died no one knows where: no grave, nothing. And there are millions of them: and you say it's not provocative; Eh, you...
    1. +6
      28 August 2023 12: 18
      I don't argue, I agree. I know how many died. Yes, it's a tragedy. So what led to war and revolution? The policy of tsarist Russia seems to be, isn't it? The article is written so that there is no repetition. Because the economic consequences of Yeltsin's reforms correspond exactly to the consequences of the civil war.
      1. +7
        28 August 2023 13: 53
        The article is written so that there is no repetition.
        The capitalists will read it and cry with burning tears. laughing
        1. +3
          28 August 2023 14: 05
          Maybe they won't pay. But maybe someone will.
          1. +4
            28 August 2023 15: 04
            Maybe they won't pay. But maybe someone will.

            And they will do all the conditions for the destruction of the dissatisfied class, that's all
            1. +1
              29 August 2023 08: 26
              Quote: spektr9
              Maybe they won't pay. But maybe someone will.

              And they will do all the conditions for the destruction of the dissatisfied class, that's all

              No. They won't. It is very expensive. And they are always strangled by a toad. Do not invest in long-term programs
      2. -1
        31 August 2023 21: 03
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        I don't argue, I agree. I know how many died. Yes, it's a tragedy. So what led to war and revolution? The policy of tsarist Russia seems to be, isn't it? The article is written so that there is no repetition. Because the economic consequences of Yeltsin's reforms correspond exactly to the consequences of the civil war.

        For some reason, your accusers do not mention who started the Civil War.
        Already in December XNUMX, Generals Alekseev, Kornilov, Denikin began to form the Volunteer Army on the Don.
        Obviously not to plant flowers.
        That is, a little more than a month has passed since the October Revolution.
        The Bolsheviks did not even have an army then.
        The civil war was started by those who lost power in order to regain it.
        And these are not the Bolsheviks, but those who swore allegiance to the Provisional Government.
        But the liberals stubbornly lie that the Bolsheviks unleashed the Civil War.
    2. +2
      28 August 2023 14: 24
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      Not provocative, you say? Do you know that civil wars are the most fierce and bloody: how many millions Russia has lost during its time and from its consequences only God can answer you if you dare to ask him about it at the gates of Heaven and Hell.

      That's just not necessary. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain". And how many millions of Russians and other peoples included in the R.I. died during the entire reign of the Romanovs, then the Holstein-Gottorp, in wars, famine and epidemics? How many men are flogged to death in the stables, in noble estates? Who counted? in the Bryansk region. settlement Ovstug is the estate of the chief censor Tyutchev, until now, 90-year-old grandmothers from generation to generation tell how the master spoiled the serf girls. And how many then drowned in the river, who counted? Saltychikha, where did it come from? And how many of them were in Russia, serfs were bullied. Bare, white bone, your nobility .. her swing there! The Decembrists are fake, they took the soldiers to the square under the guns, some got out and went to Siberia, then the wives followed, to live on the income from the estates, by the way peasant sweat and blood earned, and the soldiers in shackles to hard labor. And forget all this, forgive? Never! Everything, sheep's tears poured out to the wolf. Much was remembered in the October Revolution and after the snickering nobility that it preferred to forget, but was reminded.It is not at all a pity for the degenerate estate he is dear to him there, to the dustbin of history. Now they regret the peasants when they lost the cards of serfs, they don’t want to remember the families they broke. They stand up for the kulaks, and he is in the village first worldeater. Explain the meaning of this word? The current fists of the new formation, like the Tsapkovs, squeezed the place so tightly, they couldn’t breathe ... they couldn’t breathe, so they returned to square one, now it’s just that powerwhich was then lost. The president is no king? There his press secretary said, there is no need to choose, and so everything is clear.
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      In my family, my great-great-great-grandfather was a real privy councilor, assistant to the chief trustee of the Imperial Humanitarian Society and a talented cellist musician, the first Guarneri in Russia belonged to him, he did no harm to anyone and, as a token of his merits, was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra

      And I have from the peasants of the former Chernigov province, now the Bryansk region. and great-great-grandfather and great-grandfather with grandfather. Two brothers of the great-grandfather disappeared in WWI, it is not known where. In the name of what? For the Faith of the king and the fatherland? Or for capital and nobility?
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      In my family, my great-great-great-grandfather was a real secret adviser, assistant to the chief trustee of the Imperial Humanitarian Society and a talented cellist musician, the first Guarneri in Russia belonged to him, he did no harm to anyone and, as a token of his merits, was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra: the Bolsheviks razed his grave to the ground, as "having no artistic value."

      And who listened to him, class brothers or peasants from Central Russia? Only the chosen ones need music, let the rest strum on the balalaika? The Soviet government gave my grandfather land, my father an education, education for me, and why should I hate it? As for the grave, as it is in the scripture ... Let the dead bury their dead ....
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      And there are millions

      Millions of peasants or nobles? Who more? So the reconciliation of whites with reds is not expected
      1. +1
        29 August 2023 05: 59
        Quote: Unknown
        Bryansk region settlement Ovstug is the estate of the chief censor Tyutchev, until now, 90-year-old grandmothers from generation to generation tell how the master spoiled the serf girls. And how many then drowned in the river, who counted?

        90 year olds say tell? 1923 year of birth? Who could remember something since 1933?
        Given the fact that the bar was scared in 1905, at least 30 years have passed ..
        And in between there was WWI, WWII and Civil War - things are much more terrible ...
        No need to exaggerate...
        1. +1
          29 August 2023 16: 34
          Quote: your1970
          90 year olds say tell? 1923 year of birth? Who could remember something since 1933?

          Can you read?
          still grandmas 90-year-old from generation to generation
          .It's clear? The people's memory lives on.
          Quote: your1970
          Given the fact that the bar was scared in 1905, at least 30 years have passed ..
          And in between there was WWI, WWII and Civil War - things are much more terrible ...

          When is 1905 - the year the bar got scared? Remind me of the punitive expeditions of Meller-Zakamelsky and Rennenkampf? Or Colonel Riemann? Records of interrogations of the defendants of the former Semenovsky regiment, carried out at the OGPU headquarters in the Leningrad Military District, have been preserved.

          Leningrad, November 28, 1930 to civil.. And you don’t need to refer to WWI which peasants from the hinterland of Russia, aged 40–43 years, born in 1895–1892. knocked out almost everyone. And how many died from the first estate? The civil war bypassed the central provinces, almost did not affect them. As soon as it comes to the crimes of the tsarist regime, then immediately ... yes, it was a long time ago and not true ...
          No exaggeration
          .Here they are the defenders of Russia, which they lost.
          1. -2
            29 August 2023 21: 53
            Quote: Unknown
            When is 1905 - the year the bar got scared? Remind me of the punitive expeditions of Meller-Zakamelsky and Rennenkampf? Or Colonel Riemann?

            how many estates were burned? The bar was really scared, at least in our Saratov region
            "According to various estimates, from 1905 to 1907 thousand noble estates were destroyed in European Russia in 3-4 - from 7 to 10% of their total number."
            There were no less landowners who sold their lands on the cheap. Or do you seriously think that if the peasants burned down a couple of neighboring estates, then in the third they did not understand that they were next in line and it was time to tie up with the girls?
            But that's not the point
            Quote: Unknown
            It's clear? The people's memory lives on.

            you still didn’t understand that in the interval there were 3 wars: WWI, Civil and WWII, when the men were very thinned out.
            From my village, 6200 men were drafted into the war (almost clean up, the railway and 70 people remained in the extraction of oil shale in the mine) - 5370 died.
            Some more returned disabled.
            That is, there were stupidly no men left in the village at all, and then someone would begin to remember "But the master raped me, yeah ..."
            She would have been shushed right there, "At least there was some kind of woman's joy - but we will never have our own man!!"
            1. 0
              30 August 2023 06: 03
              Quote: your1970
              Or do you seriously think that if the peasants burned down a couple of neighboring estates, then in the third they did not understand that they were next in line and it was time to tie up with the girls?

              What was it about, did it come or not? When did Tyutchev live? The memory remains serfdom which was abolished only in 1861. Where and when did I speak of later years? And what about the later years, what bar has changed? Better become? Punitive expeditions, who led and under whose leadership? There was an organization called the United Nobility, which directed the repressions.
              Quote: your1970
              then someone would begin to remember "And the master raped me, yeah ..."
              She would have been shushed right there, "At least there was some kind of woman's joy - but we will never have our own man!!"

              Then the women, after the master's fun, ended their lives suicide, such upbringing was and this was discussed.
              Quote: your1970
              you still don’t understand that there were 3 wars in between:

              You did not understand this and act as a lawyer for the nobility and tsarist Russia. At the same time, the descendants once ruling class they tell sentimental stories about white fluffy great-grandfathers, grandfathers, etc.
              Quote: your1970
              From my village called to the war

              Which war of the three? If at WWI, then how many were called up exactly you don’t know from the village, just like civil. As for the Second World War, a separate conversation. And the question of how many of the first estate died in WWI remained unanswered.
              Quote: your1970
              and then someone would begin to remember

              103 years have passed since the Great October Revolution and they remember everything, they should be forgotten after all the upheavals, but they don’t remember.
  23. +1
    28 August 2023 12: 47
    1) the gold standard contributed to a decrease in the degree of monetization (money supply) of the country and contributed to the growth of the external debt burden;

    2) the government encouraged the expansion of foreign capital, which actively exported profits from the country;

    3) the uncontrolled growth of external debt and the expansion of foreign capital, turned the country into a semi-colony of the West, caused an increase in external payments, which required increasing the export of bread (oil), stimulating food crises and reducing the standard of living of the people;

    4) the low efficiency of the elite, the excess level of the labor force and its cheapness led to a low level of investment in the mechanization and development of the country.

    Nothing changes, and in 100 years the same problems, the same reasons...
    problems of choice between the patrimonial state, which enriched only the top

    Who just did not warn Emperor Nicholas II (Putin) about the impending disaster. But for changes, it was necessary to move the interests of the "money bags" and listen to the advice of reputable economists

    two matrices are fighting: the matrix of the peripheral raw material capitalism of the CR, controlled by the elites who use the country as a cash cow, and the matrix of creation of the USSR, which began a countdown in 2014
    - the matrix of peripheral raw material capitalism of the CR is still ongoing, and I'm afraid the "matrix of the creation of the USSR" has not yet begun its countdown ...
  24. -7
    28 August 2023 12: 48
    No matter how much the snarky "scientists" yelped at the "bad life" in the Russian Empire before 1917, one would like to send them on an erotic walk on foot. The facts denounce the false propagandists to the contrary. In 1906, Russian. scientist D.I. Mendeleev published the book "To the Knowledge of Russia". In 1897, 125,7 million people lived in the Russian Empire (with Poland, but without Finland). Natural growth in Russia at the turn of the 1,8th-1910th centuries was stably 155,6% per year. It was taller than anywhere else in Europe, and one of the highest in the world. D. Mendeleev predicted the growth of Russia's population. In 1950, the scientist calculated, 282,7 million people will live in the empire, in 2000 - 594,3 million, and in 600 - 600 million people. Consequently, at the beginning of the 1917st century, the population of Russia within the boundaries in which the census was conducted should have exceeded 100 million. Even if Poland were excluded from these borders, the population of the remaining part would still exceed 146 million by our time. Mendeleev could not have foreseen those terrible demographic catastrophes that would fall upon the Russian people in the 600th century! The catastrophe began with the seizure of power in 2000. alien rootless cosmopolitans who did not even have Russian citizenship. The nasty invasion began long before what happened. Trained armed fighters arrived in St. Petersburg for several months, on steamboats, and were placed in empty barracks on the outskirts. Residents of the city did not participate in the seizure of power. More than 6130 years have passed. In all countries around the Russian Federation, the population has grown significantly. And we are still the same 50 million people. And why has the birth rate plummeted and the death rate rises? This was not the case even during WWII. What is this if not Deliberate Politics? https://zen.yandex.ru/media/history_russian/pochemu-ne-sbylsia-prognoz-mendeleeva-o-9-millionah-rossiian-v-24-godu-o-kotorom-govoril-putin-413ddbXNUMXcXNUMXdfeXNUMXeaeeXNUMXe
    1. +5
      28 August 2023 13: 10
      No matter how much the snarky "scientists" yelped at the "bad life" in the Russian Empire before 1917, one would like to send them on an erotic walk on foot. The facts denounce the false propagandists to the contrary. In 1906, Russian. scientist D.I. Mendeleev published the book "To the Knowledge of Russia".

      Which demographers cite as an example of how not to count lol
      Mendeleev made "forecasts" not only for Russia. Did not know? And they didn't come true either. Despite the absence of "terrible demographic catastrophes that will fall on the Russian people in the XNUMXth century."
    2. -2
      28 August 2023 14: 02
      Quote: Vlatko_Radovic
      Mendeleev predicted the growth of the population of Russia

      Grandfather was wild and did not know about the first and second demographic transitions. He would only drink vodka.

      But of course, the achievements of the Soviet government in harassing the population can hardly be exaggerated.
      Quote: Vlatko_Radovic
      the population has grown significantly

      Not quite. In Germany, it remained approximately at the level of the beginning of the century, in Britain or France it grew approximately the same as in "Greater Russia" (within the borders of the Republic of Ingushetia). But yes, these countries were at a later stage of demography: the Soviet government essentially burned the first demographic transition.
      Quote: Vlatko_Radovic
      What is this if not Deliberate Politics?

      Communists just love to kill people. In China, we are now seeing the same results.
      1. +2
        28 August 2023 14: 11
        Grandfather was wild and did not know about the first and second demographic transitions. He would only drink vodka.

        Why write such nonsense?
        1. +1
          28 August 2023 15: 27
          Quote: Nefarious skeptic
          Why write such nonsense?

          Grandfather really did not know the demographic laws known now. This can be seen in the fact that the population doubles every 50 years. So his "calculations" are non-science fiction.

          By chance, they could turn out to be true if the first and second transitions overlapped each other. But just by accident. Of the Western countries, only the United States showed such growth figures. But they were initially much smaller than the RI and used not only the natural increase, but also the always high and positive migration balance.
          1. +1
            28 August 2023 16: 40
            Grandfather really did not know the demographic laws known now.

            And he could not have known what was first attempted to be formulated only twenty years after the appearance of his erroneous work.
            Why should this be a sign of "wildness" and "only eat vodka"? Although after "communists just love to kill people" this is not the most stupid thing.
            1. -4
              28 August 2023 17: 56
              Quote: Nefarious skeptic
              And he couldn't know

              Therefore, it is illiterate to bring such calculations into the discussion.
              Quote: Nefarious skeptic
              Why should this be a sign of "wildness" and "only eat vodka"?

              Think of it as a polemically pointed formulation.
              Quote: Nefarious skeptic
              Although after "communists just love to kill people"

              Recall a conditionally communist country that was distinguished by its advantageous demographics relative to its neighbors in the XNUMXth century.
            2. -1
              31 August 2023 21: 15
              Quote: A vile skeptic
              Grandfather really did not know the demographic laws known now.

              And he could not have known what was first attempted to be formulated only twenty years after the appearance of his erroneous work.
              Why should this be a sign of "wildness" and "only eat vodka"? Although after "communists just love to kill people" this is not the most stupid thing.

              This is something like rezunoasky - "Zhukov liked to attack on Sundays."
              Brad of a cosmic scale. Kindergarten, pants with straps.
    3. +2
      28 August 2023 14: 03
      The population grew. But this means that it lived well. I have a lot of digitized books of that time; I don’t remember anyone talking about a good life.
      1. +1
        28 August 2023 15: 02
        The population grew. But this means that it lived well. I have a lot of digitized books of that time; I don’t remember anyone talking about a good life.

        The good life in the Republic of Ingushetia usually speaks only of the liberal propaganda of the last 30 years. But it is worth noting that the bourgeois learned the lessons for themselves from 1917, and any discontent will now be suppressed in the most cruel way
      2. +2
        28 August 2023 19: 38
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        I have a lot of digitized books of that time; I don’t remember anyone talking about a good life.

        And I have many photographs of relatives - ancestors of that time. Seamstresses, traveling salesmen, craftsmen from locomotive workshops, officers of the Russian army, teachers ... Faces ... beautiful. Dressed ... fashionably ... the house built by my great-grandfather in 1882 stood until 1976 in excellent condition. Everyone received an education, settled in life ... well. Were satisfied. But unfortunately there is a law of 80 and 20, and there were only 20% like them.
        1. +2
          28 August 2023 20: 40
          About the law 80 and 20% is nonsense, it works only with a certain social structure of society. In a country where 80% of the rural population such a rule did not work at all.
          Even serfdom and the actual landlords did not prevail throughout the entire territory of the Russian Empire. I myself am from the Cossack region and I know what I am writing about.
          1. -2
            29 August 2023 11: 35
            Quote: Sergey Alexandrovich
            About the law 80 and 20% is nonsense, it works only with a certain social structure of society.

            He always works. Even in the device of the Galaxy!
        2. 0
          29 August 2023 09: 13
          I also have these photos. Grandfather was an engineer in a weaving factory. Studied in Germany. Dressed like a dandy. Photo of the family of his wife my grandmother. Wealthy people too. But nothing accepted the Soviet regime and worked for it. And the other grandfather is not from a simple family. He fought either with Voroshilov or with Budyonny, the artilleryman went through the whole war. Cavalier of the Order of Lenin. But not everyone in Russia has such photos. Most of them just didn't. They didn't film in the villages. And those photos that are now on the Internet say people did not live very well.
        3. -1
          31 August 2023 21: 18
          Quote: kalibr
          Quote: Alexander Odintsov
          I have a lot of digitized books of that time; I don’t remember anyone talking about a good life.

          And I have many photographs of relatives - ancestors of that time. Seamstresses, traveling salesmen, craftsmen from locomotive workshops, officers of the Russian army, teachers ... Faces ... beautiful. Dressed ... fashionably ... the house built by my great-grandfather in 1882 stood until 1976 in excellent condition. Everyone received an education, settled in life ... well. Were satisfied. But unfortunately there is a law of 80 and 20, and there were only 20% like them.

          For ceremonial photographs, they always put on their best and, of course, smiled.
      3. -2
        29 August 2023 06: 07
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        The population grew. But this means that it lived well.

        In Switzerland, Germany and the Russian Federation, there are now approximately the same number of children per capita - does this mean that in Germany and Switzerland they live as badly as in the Russian Federation? Or is it as good in Russia as in Switzerland and Germany?
        A high birth rate is always in countries with a bad life (Africa / Asia now). When children are needed as tool family survival...
      4. +2
        29 August 2023 09: 22
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        The population grew. But this means that it lived well. I have a lot of digitized books of that time; I don’t remember anyone talking about a good life.

        hi the peasantry made up the bulk of the Republic of Ingushetia. The peasant community gave land plots to the male sex. Isn't that an incentive? And the boys did not always turn out. In addition, the peasants knew that someone would become a soldier (and then the land allotment would decrease), someone might die in infancy, and therefore the number of children increased. At that time there was another incentive
        not to get worse and worse
        1. 0
          29 August 2023 22: 24
          In some communities, females were also taken into account. Each community independently decided this issue, in accordance with the norms of local customary law.
  25. +11
    28 August 2023 13: 14
    The idealization of Russia under Nicholas II and of this unfortunate emperor himself is akin to what the Yeltsin Center is doing now, trying to create a myth about Yeltsin, who "gave Russia freedom" and the "saints of the 90s."
  26. 0
    28 August 2023 13: 56
    It's funny. On the one hand, the current propagandists, lazy as hell, simply write off from Soviet grandfathers. On the other hand, Duginism / Prokhanovism is a Fronde today, and extremism tomorrow. Comrade Kagarlitsky will not let you lie.
  27. -5
    28 August 2023 14: 13
    Quote: kor1vet1974
    Ulyanov-Lenin asks to make a revolution in Russia:
    Did Lenin stir up the February revolution too? Did Bukharin and Trotsky accept the abdication of the tsar?
    It makes no sense to continue

    When you read, you don’t even try to read to the end and understand what is written there. It says: "... after the February revolution, Russia, bleeding, but true to its allied obligations, continued to fight ...". Sorry for the cruel expression, but the legal actions of Ulyanov-Lenin differ little from the betrayal of Kurbsky or Vlasov. Now stand in front of the mirror and looking into your eyes answer a simple question: what would I.V. Stalin, under similar circumstances, with Mr. Ulyanov-Lenin. You can not? Go to a lawyer or the prosecutor's office, ask there.
    1. +1
      28 August 2023 15: 12
      I wonder how I.V. would have done with you. Stalin is for such nonsense, and he would be absolutely right hi
      1. 0
        29 August 2023 06: 18
        Quote: spektr9
        I wonder how I.V. would have done with you. Stalin is for such nonsense, and he would be absolutely right hi

        You answered positively For approval
        Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
        Sorry for the cruel expression, but the legal actions of Ulyanov-Lenin differ little from the betrayal of Kurbsky or Vlasov. Now stand in front of the mirror and looking into your eyes answer a simple question: what would I.V. Stalin, under similar circumstances, with Mr. Ulyanov-Lenin.

        Vladimir Ilyich was kept under investigation for such actions in the Second World War for a very long time - until the entire party was unwound. There, one slogan "A world without annexations and indemnities" would be enough for the Navy for the ears ...
        1. 0
          30 August 2023 16: 51
          You answered yes to the statement

          Do you know how Stalin treated the sun for blindness among liberals and monarchists? It looks like it's time for you to undergo such treatment in order to understand the text written in Russian Yes
    2. 0
      29 August 2023 09: 32
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      ..... it is written: "... after the February revolution, Russia, bleeding, but true to its allied obligations, continued to fight ...".

      And in Denikin's memoirs it is written that the decomposition of the army began before the February. The peasants were in a hurry to go home, to the black redistribution in advance. Moreover, it became known about the hope of the Republic of Ingushetia to receive the straits. What caused anger ----- after all, the landowners wanted to export even more grain.
    3. -1
      31 August 2023 21: 21
      Quote: Ezekiel 25-17
      Quote: kor1vet1974
      Ulyanov-Lenin asks to make a revolution in Russia:
      Did Lenin stir up the February revolution too? Did Bukharin and Trotsky accept the abdication of the tsar?
      It makes no sense to continue

      When you read, you don’t even try to read to the end and understand what is written there. It says: "... after the February revolution, Russia, bleeding, but true to its allied obligations, continued to fight ...". Sorry for the cruel expression, but the legal actions of Ulyanov-Lenin differ little from the betrayal of Kurbsky or Vlasov. Now stand in front of the mirror and looking into your eyes answer a simple question: what would I.V. Stalin, under similar circumstances, with Mr. Ulyanov-Lenin. You can not? Go to a lawyer or the prosecutor's office, ask there.

      Read Denikin, he clearly said who ruined the army.
      Liberals of the Provisional Government.
  28. +7
    28 August 2023 14: 25
    The author is right in one thing, you can’t live like this, in the frenzy of liberal norms. BUT ! The main liberal has been leading us along this path for 30 years and there is no end in sight. Don't you vote for Putin in every election? So you get what you get. Many remember how he and his gang dragged Russia into the WTO, which is not beneficial to us in any way, and then spoke so offendedly about the sanctions. But when the Russian people wake up, only God knows. , all this is a liberal swamp and will blow bubbles. And the theater of one actor continues in Russia, hundreds of sites have been created and are actively working, promoting the bright image of the President and the Leader of the people. And Russia is still there. ...In a swamp
    1. +1
      28 August 2023 15: 00
      Don't you vote for Putin in every election?

      And these notorious you, who are these, dead souls from the cemetery? Don't you think that he is voting for Putin, the one who firmly believes that with elections we can change something?)
    2. 0
      30 August 2023 22: 20
      Quote: baltiksi
      The author is right in one thing, you can’t live like this, in the frenzy of liberal norms. BUT ! The main liberal has been leading us along this path for 30 years and there is no end in sight. Don't you vote for Putin in every election? So you get what you get. Many remember how he and his gang dragged Russia into the WTO, which is not beneficial to us in any way, and then spoke so offendedly about the sanctions. But when the Russian people wake up, only God knows. , all this is a liberal swamp and will blow bubbles. And the theater of one actor continues in Russia, hundreds of sites have been created and are actively working, promoting the bright image of the President and the Leader of the people. And Russia is still there. ...In a swamp

      It reminds me of something. Oh yes .... dear Leonid Ilyich. Is very similar.
  29. -1
    28 August 2023 19: 33
    Quote: ROSS 42
    all your examples are the activities of fucking Soviet officials.

    For some reason, there were no others. It turns out that your socialism is the realm of ... fucking officials. Although there were slogans ... right? What kind of system is this, which, while proclaiming the best, breeds the worst? Now, at least, the state does not lay its paw on my fees so frankly. Conscience has!
    1. 0
      29 August 2023 09: 35
      Quote: kalibr
      ..... the state does not impose its paw on my fees so frankly. Conscience has!

      Aha! It is indiscreet, veiled lol wassat imposes
      1. 0
        29 August 2023 11: 38
        Quote: Reptiloid
        It is indiscreet, veiled

        % takes the bank for the transfer and that's it. They charge for shipping everywhere.
        1. +1
          31 August 2023 03: 31
          Well, of course. hi You still pay a few pennies for electricity and a few rubles for rent. For some reason, the rent is growing and growing, but under the USSR it was unchanged. Although the house is brick from Soviet times. recourse There was no new apartment
  30. 0
    28 August 2023 22: 49
    Capitalism is deadly for the country...

    For the country, such delusions and calls to return socialism from the USSR 2.0, widespread among the broad masses, and not capitalism, are mortally dangerous. For China, Japan, Korea, France, Canada, Sweden, Germany and dozens of other countries, capitalism is not dangerous, but for Russia it is a direct mortal threat. The fact that "good" capitalism has not been created in Russia does not mean that it is necessary to return to a deliberately failed socialist experiment, socialism cannot be "good". There are many successful capitalist countries, but is there even one successful socialist? No. The fact that there were problems in the Russian Empire does not mean that a revolution with all its consequences was needed to solve them. Otherwise, you will have to agree that every country with economic problems urgently needs a revolution, a civil war, the abolition of private property and other nonsense mixed with rivers of blood. But this is crazy. It was necessary to carry out competent reforms (and exterminate communists and other revolutionaries in a timely manner), and not utopian experiments.
    1. +3
      29 August 2023 07: 09
      It was necessary to carry out competent reforms (and in a timely manner (destroy the liberals and rogues)

      The same can be said about the Soviet period, it was necessary to carry out economic reforms, and not to destroy the country, and what was not created by them, bringing to power in the 90s various rogues who were shuller grabbing under utopian tales "the market will regulate everything itself" ...
    2. +1
      29 August 2023 09: 18
      No one is calling for the return of socialism. It is necessary to return power to the hands of the national forces. We need to build a hybrid economy like China does. But in the Soviet economic legacy, more than 60% is still applicable today. The issue of the ruble, the financing of state orders, social security, foreign trade, planning in the state and the military industry, and most importantly, industrialization and orientation towards the domestic market. A market is needed, of course. For the consumer sector.
    3. -2
      29 August 2023 11: 40
      Quote from Bosfor
      timely exterminate the communists

      If the tsar had introduced the death penalty for membership, only for membership, in the Socialist-Revolutionary and Bolshevik parties, there would have been no revolution!
    4. -1
      30 August 2023 22: 17
      Quote from Bosfor
      Capitalism is deadly for the country...

      For the country, such delusions and calls to return socialism from the USSR 2.0, widespread among the broad masses, and not capitalism, are mortally dangerous. For China, Japan, Korea, France, Canada, Sweden, Germany and dozens of other countries, capitalism is not dangerous, but for Russia it is a direct mortal threat. The fact that "good" capitalism has not been created in Russia does not mean that it is necessary to return to a deliberately failed socialist experiment, socialism cannot be "good". There are many successful capitalist countries, but is there even one successful socialist? No. The fact that there were problems in the Russian Empire does not mean that a revolution with all its consequences was needed to solve them. Otherwise, you will have to agree that every country with economic problems urgently needs a revolution, a civil war, the abolition of private property and other nonsense mixed with rivers of blood. But this is crazy. It was necessary to carry out competent reforms (and exterminate communists and other revolutionaries in a timely manner), and not utopian experiments.

      No need to whistle, no one in the USSR canceled private property, even though it was called personal property. Of course, there are successful capitalist countries, but for some reason there are many times more unsuccessful ones.
      Exterminate people for their beliefs? And how are you better?
      Isn't it because of such revolutions?
      The empire has galloped, and the Bolsheviks are to blame.
      How simple and primitive, the most complex processes can be reduced to the destruction of m revolutionaries. Actually destroyed, learn history.
  31. 0
    28 August 2023 23: 18
    Another Bolshevik agitation. Well, the tsarist government did not guess to sign everyone for an internal loan of 50 percent of earnings, the Cheka did not come up with executions without trial on a class basis, to imprison scientists so that they would not run away, etc. From the author: "But if the building were strong, it would have stood!", This fully applies to the USSR, which did not even last a hundred years.
    1. 0
      29 August 2023 09: 21
      There is no propaganda. Dry scientific analysis. Agitation in the place where they praise what has collapsed. And the USSR was dismantled because the elites wanted to rule the country like in the West. The dismantling of the USSR is a collusion between the rotten Soviet elite and the West. Nothing had to be submitted. We had to follow the path of China. Then we were now in second or third place in the world, and not sixth.
      1. -1
        29 August 2023 21: 40
        The path of China is the path that the Americans offered him in order to prevent rapprochement with the USSR, they were allowed to become a world factory, but they were not allowed to develop. As soon as the Chinese began to invest in technology, the American howl immediately rose. The typical neo-communist approach is that the Republic of Ingushetia collapsed, and the USSR was dismantled. There were conditions, but here the enemies worked. I’ll just give an example, during the First World War in the “creepy” tsarist empire, neither Latvians, nor Lithuanians with Estonians provided any noticeable help to the Germans, but there’s no need to tell how they fought against the council. Using the method of lawlessness and robbery of one's own population, one can carry out any kind of experiments (dispossession, decossackization, collectivization, industrialization, etc.). Try now the GDP of at least one hundredth of these methods, the howl will rise to the skies.
    2. -1
      30 August 2023 22: 09
      Quote: Sevan
      Another Bolshevik agitation. Well, the tsarist government did not guess to sign everyone for an internal loan of 50 percent of earnings, the Cheka did not come up with executions without trial on a class basis, to imprison scientists so that they would not run away, etc. From the author: "But if the building were strong, it would have stood!", This fully applies to the USSR, which did not even last a hundred years.

      A very thoughtful analysis of the article is durak himself.
      Some kindergarten. The cutest triples were introduced under Kolya the Second. As well as food defense and detachments, and the tsarist hard labor was worse than the Gulag.
      Have you heard of the Guardian? At the expense of executions, type in a search engine.
      The Lena execution without trial is only the most famous, and there were dozens, if not hundreds of them.
      1. The comment was deleted.
      2. 0
        6 September 2023 22: 16
        I don’t understand who your durak is, well, God bless him. The tsarist repressive apparatus, no matter what it was: 1. Worked according to a court decision, 2. It was never used against those undesirable on a class basis, 3. The entire top of the Bolshevik shobla visited both the tsar’s exile and the tsar’s penal servitude more than once (whether the tsar of the Cheka, they would simply, which is right, be shot). And do you think hard labor should be a pioneer camp?
  32. +1
    28 August 2023 23: 52
    Often here I read statements about the impossibility of revolutions. And such statements cause some indignation mainly from how people perceive it one-sidedly. Revolution is a certain stage of social development. And I can shock you, but it is happening now in the whole society, and not just in some specific countries. And this process is determined primarily by social relations of production and their comparative backwardness relative to other known possible forms. And this primarily concerns global production relations, of which the Russian Federation is also a part. The course of the revolution itself is nourished by the fruits of the vital activity of already existing backward forms of social relations. And such terminology, which identifies the possibility of a revolution with a change of power, is nothing more than a form of a certain ideology with the aim of forming a certain passive consciousness. The change of political power is the result of a revolution that has already taken place under the conditions of reaction. Those. there are revolutionary currents not because there are followers of Marx or Lenin somewhere, but because the current social relations are outdated and create problems in society. And people who see the futility of such a society have no desire to develop it in this direction. If you convince them that it is impossible to do otherwise, they will begin to eliminate themselves. For why live if progress has stopped. If a person refuses to think revolutionary (precisely in understanding the development of society) - he simply resigned himself to the terminal stage. As for themselves personally, and worse - for society.
  33. +4
    29 August 2023 06: 07
    Good article, all at once and in one place. I disagree with a couple of places, the problem of Russia is not liberalism, but capitalism. And capitalism is dangerous not only for Russia, but for everyone in general. And as long as we have a capitalist state, nothing good will happen for most of the country's population. And there is no left turn, because the same people are in power as 30 years ago. It's just GOING TO FACILITATE with the population, like you will support us in a difficult time for us, and we will turn left for you. But in fact, when the elites get better, they will continue to do the same thing that they have been doing for the past decades.
    1. +1
      29 August 2023 09: 24
      Michael is correct. I have an item there and it's called Why capitalism is dangerous for Russia. Liberalism is the same. But the future belongs to the hybrid economy - like in the PRC, and they use the Soviet legacy and we need it.
      1. -2
        30 August 2023 21: 59
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        Michael is correct. I have an item there and it's called Why capitalism is dangerous for Russia. Liberalism is the same. But the future belongs to the hybrid economy - like in the PRC, and they use the Soviet legacy and we need it.

        So the Stalinist economy was a hybrid one. There was a mix of public and private economy. Large industries are state-owned, almost all consumer goods are private artels, cooperatives, etc.
    2. 0
      29 August 2023 09: 39
      Quote: Mikhail Krivopalov
      ..... when the elites get better, they will continue to do the same thing that they have been doing for the past decades.

      And they never stopped, no matter what happened.
    3. -2
      30 August 2023 22: 01
      Quote: Mikhail Krivopalov
      Good article, all at once and in one place. I disagree with a couple of places, the problem of Russia is not liberalism, but capitalism. And capitalism is dangerous not only for Russia, but for everyone in general. And as long as we have a capitalist state, nothing good will happen for most of the country's population. And there is no left turn, because the same people are in power as 30 years ago. It's just GOING TO FACILITATE with the population, like you will support us in a difficult time for us, and we will turn left for you. But in fact, when the elites get better, they will continue to do the same thing that they have been doing for the past decades.

      HERE!!! Capitalism will devour the planet Earth, whose resources are limited.
  34. +3
    29 August 2023 06: 56
    The historical reason for the parasitism of the Russian elites is natural wealth - while Europe was forced to produce, it was enough for us to export.

    Nothing changes, neither in tsarist times, nor in the present liberal. Therefore, the current liberals in every possible way denigrate the achievements of socialism, talking about "galoshes", despite the fact that thanks to these "galoshes" the country has been living for 30 years ....
  35. +2
    29 August 2023 09: 11
    Great work! And pay attention, not a single abusive word, than the "zahists" of capitalism sin. Full respect to the author!
  36. +1
    29 August 2023 13: 45
    Without reading the comments, I’ll immediately assume that there will be those from bulkohrusts with squeals and tantrums. Although here on Topwar readers are much more sane.
    And the breakdown is great. Figuratively speaking, this is a confirmation of the thesis that revolutions are not made to order, but conditions must develop. Nothing without this.
    Well, and finally, if this article is posted on Zen, oh, what a noble hysteria of the bulkokhrusts living there will be, oh, how they will squeal and beat in epilepsy.
    1. 0
      30 August 2023 21: 56
      Quote: Tank DestroyerSU-100
      Without reading the comments, I’ll immediately assume that there will be those from bulkohrusts with squeals and tantrums. Although here on Topwar readers are much more sane.
      And the breakdown is great. Figuratively speaking, this is a confirmation of the thesis that revolutions are not made to order, but conditions must develop. Nothing without this.
      Well, and finally, if this article is posted on Zen, oh, what a noble hysteria of the bulkokhrusts living there will be, oh, how they will squeal and beat in epilepsy.

      There are plenty of stupid ones here too. Won minus.
    2. 0
      31 August 2023 03: 16
      Well, and finally, if this article is posted on Zen, oh, what a noble hysteria of the bulkokhrusts living there will be, oh, how they will squeal and beat in epilepsy.

      Well, so what do you want, propaganda is working in full, only here there are also countless bots on salary drowning for great capitalism. And Zen is generally a great dump, I remember there is an ak there that leaves invisible comments on articles (well, not visible if you look under that ak there is a comment, if you go out the comment has disappeared in an interesting way), so I think that Zen is 90% percent from propaganda fosterlings
  37. +3
    29 August 2023 15: 06
    We must thank the Lord God for the fact that the imperialist system collapsed and the Bolsheviks were in power.
    Thanks to the Soviet Union for industrialization, scientific and technological progress.
    We have been living off the Soviet legacy for 30 years now.
    1. +1
      29 August 2023 16: 01
      Quote: RussianPatriot
      Thanks to the Soviet Union for industrialization, scientific and technological progress.

      And how are things in places that the Soviet Union did not reach? In Finland, for example?
      1. -1
        30 August 2023 21: 54
        Quote: Negro
        Quote: RussianPatriot
        Thanks to the Soviet Union for industrialization, scientific and technological progress.

        And how are things in places that the Soviet Union did not reach? In Finland, for example?

        Finland prospered at the expense of the Soviet Union. And now, having entered the Russophobic path, they have problems.
        1. +1
          31 August 2023 07: 40
          Quote: Ulan.1812
          Finland prospered at the expense of the Soviet Union.

          LOL. Who just did not prosper at the expense of the Soviet Union.

          What kind of problems are these? Can't you go to St. Petersburg for cigarettes?
          1. -1
            31 August 2023 21: 27
            Quote: Negro
            Quote: Ulan.1812
            Finland prospered at the expense of the Soviet Union.

            LOL. Who just did not prosper at the expense of the Soviet Union.

            What kind of problems are these? Can't you go to St. Petersburg for cigarettes?

            You? Sorry, I don't smoke.
  38. +1
    29 August 2023 16: 21
    yes, we are already on the edge of the abyss (((if we don’t change anything, it’s over for us ... the only question is in the format of the upcoming changes, the revolution will finish us off, and the current government will not allow a smooth transition
  39. The comment was deleted.
  40. +4
    29 August 2023 17: 28
    History has objectively shown that capitalism is not the same for Russia. what she needs. For 32 years, it was possible to build a non-viable freak with an inhuman (animal) face. Economic growth rates at the level of statistical error. GDP per capita ranks 61st in the world (below Seychelles (Africa)). Social inequality is monstrous. By the number of billionaires - per 10.000 inhabitants, we are world leaders. In terms of the export of capital from the country, they are absolute champions. The result is the degradation of everything and everything, plus an accelerated reduction in the country's indigenous population. Even the uncontrolled importation of citizens of southern countries and the helicopter scattering of Russian passports among them does not help. (We will still import from Africa, maybe it will help?). At the same time, the Church, being under the influence of the state, cannot raise the voice of the sermon and denounce for the salvation of the country this mass social fall into sin of the current worthless ruling class, which, as it hopes, was rushing at full speed towards its bright future .... What will it be, time will show. This objective reality can be denied either by a telezombified half-wit or by an enemy.
  41. +1
    29 August 2023 18: 43
    The population of the Republic of Ingushetia grew rapidly, while agricultural productivity remained negligible, at the level of the Middle Ages. 90% of the population obtained food by hard labor, which was still not enough. The amount of fertile land in a more or less decent climate was limited, it was impossible to increase the area of ​​​​arable land, and you can’t plow too much on a thin horse, even if there is something to plow. Agricultural machinery was practically non-existent, as well as fertilizers, there was no money to buy them, but they would have been found - there was no one to repair and maintain, there was nothing to refuel.
    It was a road to a dead end, to a terrible famine and extinction.
  42. -3
    29 August 2023 21: 08
    When I read to the point where the author called Denikin a monarchist, it became clear that he had escaped from a psychiatric hospital.
    1. +1
      31 August 2023 11: 48
      Where did you learn to make such posts? As in the matrix ... I read up to this point, it became clear that ... I read up to this, it became clear that the author ...
  43. +1
    29 August 2023 21: 44
    Quote: Vladimir80
    Are you ready to pay 10-15 million lives for this progress (where?)?

    Why must you pay with your life?
  44. +1
    29 August 2023 21: 50
    Quote: kreck
    The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945
    General losses of the population of the USSR 43
    including losses of the Soviet Armed Forces 26

    You must have missed a few zeros. And I forgot to explain that all these millions were shot by detachments and eaten personally by Stalin, and the Germans tried to save all these people.
  45. 0
    30 August 2023 06: 13
    Well, it's no secret that the Romanovs are essentially the German aristocracy. Like many nobles were foreigners. Why should they care about Russian peasants? There is an opinion that during the turmoil of the 1600s, we did not win, but lost to the Poles. After this turmoil, the Romanovs took power.
  46. +1
    30 August 2023 08: 31
    History is not a teacher. History is an examiner!
  47. +1
    30 August 2023 08: 46
    The famous manipulator Kara-Murza has a book * A short course in mind manipulation *. This article was written within the framework of this course. Today, many authors begin by first laying the idea in the foundation of their work - what I want to show, and then they begin to adjust the facts to fit it. I will dwell on some points.
    1. The fact that many people lean towards the times of the USSR is not surprising. And what do they know about the history of Tsarist Russia? In our time, we knew more about the war of the Scarlet and White Roses than about the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Maybe that's why there are no colored regiments from our side in Ukraine? But they are, as in the song: * We fought for Russia, and they are for whom ... *
    2. The fact that the concept of revolution is announced in this way is nothing but a criminal coup. They came to power, albeit educated, but criminals. And they began to behave like criminals, imposing their own criminal order, relying on the most declassed element. Which can then be eliminated as unnecessary. Had the Bolsheviks acted differently, not letting power take its course, restoring order in the army, attracting the officer corps, the most literate part of the population, to their side, then the Civil War could have been reduced to a minimum. But Lenin and his associates needed Russia to burn in the hellish flames of internecine war.
    3. Of course, the weak power of Nicholas II brought this to this point. Even his father, Alexander the Third, understood that his son was no ruler. Nevertheless, the house of the Romanovs existed for 300 years, while the USSR did not last even a hundred. But what happened, happened ... I would very much like to have a photograph of the Ipatiev House on the table of our President, so that when liberal-democratic thoughts come to his head * ... we are not like that! * His gaze fell on this photo, to what it leads to.
    Many will not like my thoughts, and as the author insisted that liberals yearn for the times of the Russian Empire, this is not for me! Be at least a year of my power, all our modern liberals were not sitting behind a hillock, but were building the Arkhangelsk-Uelen railway. And the Ukrainian Azov was their foreman.
    1. 0
      31 August 2023 11: 50
      Dear Alexander! there is no manipulation. It's just that the subject has been studied for a long time.
      1. -1
        31 August 2023 20: 27
        Quote: Alexander Odintsov
        ..... there is no manipulation. ......
        I agree 100%! True, I have not read Kara-Murza's book. But I read Nightingale's book, however, I forgot the title. That's where the manipulation is literally on every line. I ordered it specifically to read it carefully and find out what kind of nightingale it is.
  48. -1
    30 August 2023 09: 19
    Data on the Russian Empire until 1917, when a worker could earn 37,5 rubles on his salary, which, in terms of 2013, is a coefficient. 1282,29 \u48.086d 2023 rubles, and in terms of 2,4, coefficient 115.406 \u186232d 1917 rubles, he could feed his family: his wife and eight children! https://topwar.ru/115.406-kakoj-byla-zarplata-do-revoljucii-1906-goda-i-ceny.html Compare today's "paradise" when one child is hardly supported, and they don’t even dream of a salary of 1897 rubles ! In 125,7, Russian. scientist D.I. Mendeleev published the book "To the Knowledge of Russia". In Ros. Empire (with Poland, but without Finland) lived in 1,8, 1910 million people. Natural growth in Russia at the turn of the 155,6th-1950th centuries was stably 282,7% per year. It was taller than anywhere else in Europe and one of the highest in the world. D. Mendeleev predicted the growth of Russia's population. In 2000, the scientist counted, 594,3 million people will live in the empire, in 600 - 600 million, and in 1917 - 6 million people. Consequently, at the beginning of the 106st century, the population of Russia within the boundaries in which the census was conducted should have exceeded 146 million. Even if Poland were excluded from these borders, the population of the remaining part would still exceed 8 million by our time. Mendeleev could not have foreseen the catastrophe that would befall the Russian people in the 44th century! The attack began with the seizure of power in 1,8. newcomers rootless cosmopolitans - foreigners who did not have Russian citizenship. The invasion began long before what happened. Trained armed detachments of terrorist fighters, created strictly on a mono-ethnic basis of hereditary parasites, for more than 600 months arrived, on steamboats, in St. Petersburg from the USA, England, were placed in empty barracks, on the outskirts. The capture was financed by the US banker - Jacob Schiff. Residents of the city of St. Petersburg did not participate in the seizure of power, but were only in the role of observers. It is noteworthy that the forcible seizure of power by strangers was called "gevolution", and the Council of People's Commissars. consisting of foreign terrorists, received the name - "Guzsky"! 2000 years have passed. In all countries around the Russian Federation, the population has grown significantly. And we are still the same 6130 million people. And now, in full view, the ethnic descendants of the same parasite-occupiers, whose characteristics are presented in the Bible: ch.50. v.9 "From John." And the population growth of 24%, as in the Russian Empire, is no longer achievable! https://zen.yandex.ru/media/history_russian/pochemu-ne-sbylsia-prognoz-mendeleeva-o-413-millionah-rossiian-v-XNUMX-godu-o-kotorom-govoril-putin-XNUMXddbXNUMXcXNUMXdfeXNUMXeaeeXNUMXe
  49. AB
    30 August 2023 11: 50
    In principle, general points are described in interesting details that anyone who is interested in the issue knows. Thanks to the author!
  50. -2
    30 August 2023 17: 21
    Quote: Luminman
    comrade Lenin

    Yes, a syphilitic and Russophobe, Blank (Ulyanov as a girl) acted like a gopnik.

    Because of his rebellion, Russia lost millions of lives.
    Only with Stalin coming to power did the population begin to grow.

    Under Nicholas II, the population of Russia grew by 3 people a year, under Blank (Ulyanov) it lost 000 people in a few years.
    Under Stalin (after the Second World War), the population grew by 1 people per year.

    There is now a steady decline in most regions.
    1. +1
      2 September 2023 21: 42
      Nobel laureate. Peace Prize I.A. Bunin about the cosmopolitan Ulyanov-Lenin: “...A degenerate, a moral idiot from birth. He ruined the greatest country in the world and killed several million people..." https://proza.ru/2013/09/19/1019 The degenerate nicknamed "Lenin" was a gay man who went crazy due to brain decomposition from chronic syphilis. Grigory Klimov wrote about Lenin: “A degenerate, a cross between the Antichrist and Satan.” This defector writer expressed his only gratitude to Vladimir Ilyich (and at the same time to his brothers and sisters) only for the fact that he did not leave any offspring, so as not to breed further degenerates...
    2. -2
      4 September 2023 10: 26
      From 1897 to 1913, the population growth within the borders of the USSR in 1939 from 127 million people. up to 153 million people, 26 million, in 16 years, even up to 2 million a year does not reach.
      It sucks not to know and forget, learn the materiel, ignoramus.
  51. +1
    30 August 2023 21: 48
    “Unreformability and lack of feedback from the people” - this is exactly what is happening now.
  52. The comment was deleted.
    1. -1
      31 August 2023 21: 41
      Quote: evgen1221
      Western propaganda in the style of divide and conquer works very effectively. 30 years
      The men are already arguing about how it would be good to live in Rus', while everyone has completely forgotten that in 90% of their ancestors and themselves it was the USSR that brought them into the people, which in the Republic of Ingushetia is far from a fact that would have happened in such massive quantities, they would have worked as laborers further on they bowed to the spelled and at the master’s feet, which is partially being revived today.

      I don't argue because this is an indisputable fact.
      My ancestors were peasants who fed and protected Russia for centuries.
      Father is from the Don Cossacks, mother is from the peasants of the Tula province.
      They were the first in their family to study, their father became an officer, and their mother a technician.
      If not for the revolution, they would still be peasants.
      And there were an overwhelming majority of people like them in the Republic of Ingushetia.
      Only the USSR gave them a chance for a new life.
      Both grandfathers died, one in WWII, the second in the Second World War, but the grandmothers said a lot about peasant life in the Republic of Ingushetia.
      How “happy” they were, as some here wrote.
  53. 0
    1 September 2023 11: 44
    Bravo, author! But now we also need an analysis of the prerequisites for the counter-revolution that occurred in 1991. Let’s read, compare and draw the necessary conclusions.
  54. +3
    1 September 2023 13: 55
    Sheer lies.
    There was no dominance of foreign capital in the Republic of Ingushetia. See capital accumulation. Moreover, we had a positive capital balance, that is, we imported more than we exported. So it turns out that the Republic of Ingushetia was robbing foreigners and not, on the contrary, forcing them to import more.
    In Japan, for example, the share of foreign capital was much higher

    The story that Russia could not go the way of Germany is such stupidity) Russia began its industrialization in the 1880s, its GDP per capita grew by 80 percent by 1913, for comparison, another similar country is Japan. In the 1880s, it beat us by 30 percent; around 1913, we caught up; in 1937, Japan beat the USSR by 30 percent. This is all open data, see Maddison's database.
    Russia followed the path of accumulation of internal capital, the accumulation rate was at the level of 14 percent of GDP, this figure was one of the highest at that time. Russia has invested a lot in itself. And it followed the path of increasing demand on the part of the peasants, thereby increasing supply. The savings of peasants in the period 1890-1913 grew almost 10 times, and became the largest group. The peasantry was getting richer and they were the drivers of demand. A good book on this topic by Davydov: “20 years before the Great War”
    Nefedov’s quote is already a complete mockery, the USSR caught up with the Empire in terms of calorie consumption per capita only in the 1960s (see Wheatcroft), and the quote that the village lived poorer than the city... Nefedov is literally mocking us with this, in our Volga region 5 million died, in 32 -33 about 7 million died and mostly the villages died. This is just outright mockery. The USSR literally returned the Malthusian trap, Russia was able to get out of it, but the communists returned it. Hence, by the way, the terrible decline in the birth rate in the 30s, because they lived on the verge of starvation as in the Middle Ages.

    The revolution did not happen because of backwardness, this is stupidity. The revolution happened because the authorities did not understand what a mass society was, did not conduct propaganda, did not fight terrorists (underground printing houses could exist for years) and they were terribly short of police officers, the secret police was weak. The number of security forces in the USSR under Stalin was 14 times greater than in the Republic of Ingushetia in the period before the revolution. That's the whole answer. Before the revolution, the authorities did not have the means to fight all kinds of terrorists, moreover, the authorities did not understand this.

    What would Russia have been like by World War II? Considering that the USSR caught up with the Republic of Ingushetia in terms of GDP per capita only in 1929, and in terms of GDP per person of working age only by 1934. Well, it’s clear that Russia would not have screwed up the 20s. In terms of GDP per capita, by the end of the 20s we would have been approximately the same as the USSR at the end of the 30s (after all, there are no 10 previous years), then we can compare with Japan, if in the period before the revolution we grew faster than Japan, then before the invasion of China, Japan outperformed the USSR by 30 percent. It can be assumed that we would be richer than the Japanese if we grew faster.
    And at the end of the 30s, Russia would have had a total GDP twice as large as that of the USSR, and at the same time a population of 2 million. No Germany would have attacked such a country, it would have been suicide, and Germany would have understood this.
    1. -1
      5 September 2023 18: 08
      Besides blah blah blah, can you give some numbers?
      1940 USSR steel production - 18,2 million tons, Japan - 6,4 million tons, production of trucks - 148000 USSR, 31200 - Japan. Production of metal-cutting machines - 58400 in the USSR, 19800 in Japan.
      Learn the materiel before you start blah blah blah.
  55. -2
    2 September 2023 07: 28
    Alas, it’s high time and “It is necessary to recognize that the Soviet Union inherited the Russian Empire not only geopolitically in terms of preserving the “Great Space”... This tradition, without a doubt, was state socialist, only in pre-revolutionary Russia it was “infected "liberal-bourgeois influences, and in the post-revolutionary period, left-radical influences. Cleansing this tradition from liberalism and leftism is the most important guarantee of strengthening Russian statehood and overcoming the tragic enmity between “red” and “white" (A. Eliseev: link to www.dynacon.ru) . Moreover, “Orthodox socialism (or “Christian communism”, “Christian socialism”) was proclaimed in the Holy Scriptures and apostolic tradition. History is full of attempts to implement it, including Russian history. In the historical implementation of Orthodox socialism, the will of God for the Russian people is seen , and both of Russia's largest state projects - the "Third Rome" (Russian Empire) and the "Third International" (USSR) - were attempts to get closer to this ideal. Orthodox socialism should be included in the social doctrine of the Russian Orthodox Church..." (N. Somin: link on chri-soc.narod.ru), amen, mouth front?
  56. The comment was deleted.
  57. +2
    3 September 2023 16: 34
    And the same thing happened during the theatrical three-day coup of the GKChP in August 1991, when the huge colossus of the USSR collapsed, and neither the huge army nor the all-powerful KGB saved it?
    The KGB itself organized this whole collapse.....
  58. -2
    4 September 2023 10: 29
    Quote: Vlatko_Radovic
    Nobel laureate. Peace Prize I.A. Bunin about the cosmopolitan Ulyanov-Lenin: “...A degenerate, a moral idiot from birth. He ruined the greatest country in the world and killed several million people..." https://proza.ru/2013/09/19/1019 The degenerate nicknamed "Lenin" was a gay man who went crazy due to brain decomposition from chronic syphilis. Grigory Klimov wrote about Lenin: “A degenerate, a cross between the Antichrist and Satan.” This defector writer expressed his only gratitude to Vladimir Ilyich (and at the same time to his brothers and sisters) only for the fact that he did not leave any offspring, so as not to breed further degenerates...

    Is a Nobel laureate the ultimate truth for you? A mediocre scribbler, enraged that the peasants took away his estate, one could not expect anything else from this character.
    H.G. Wells and Romain Rolland spoke of Lenin in excellent terms. After all, they were objective, they were not stifled by rage over lost estates.
    The times are no longer the same, the ecstasy of the phrase “the Nobel laureate said...” is already in the distant past.
  59. -1
    4 September 2023 10: 43
    It was my mistake. And here the bun-crunches came out. But since they can’t argue anything with reason, they just pour it out.
    Indeed, these are amazing numbers: almost 460000 cars per year in the USA and 10000 cars per year in the mighty Republic of Ingushetia (CR). Naturally, according to the bakers, the USA should nervously smoke on the sidelines.
    There is literally no tractor manufacturing at all. Machine tool industry - screwdrivers, 90% of machine tool components are foreign. There is absolutely no aviation and automobile engine manufacturing. Engine design bureaus - zero.
    The radio industry is a screwdriver industry; there is absolutely no production of radios.
    You read about what equipment and mechanisms were installed on the battleships, cruisers and destroyers of the tsarist fleet - all England, Germany, Sweden, of our own - at most 15%, and even then, mostly assembled from foreign units.
    But the bread crunch is at least happy with a stake on their head. They have blind faith at the level of a religious sect: I believe because I believe. There is only one answer to any numbers and statistics: “you’re fucking lying.”
  60. 0
    6 September 2023 04: 22
    oh, how delicious.. in general, gluttonous Soviet nonsense. no, in the part where the elite of the late Central Russia is criticized, everything, apparently, is more or less true. with the only caveat that this is a criticism of the POLITICAL system of society. and this criticism sounded not even a hundred, but two hundred years ago - resulting in the Decembrist uprisings and similar fermentations. however, the comparison of that old elite and system with at least the first (if not all) years of the Bolsheviks is silent. and this comparison... hunger, violence, poverty and terror were unprecedented under any kings, unthinkable even in the 19th, not to mention the 20th century.
    does the author compare economic indicators with the most developed countries in the world? Well, the gap in many of them (especially those related to personal living standards), to put it mildly, has not narrowed at all over the years of conscientious power.
    Central Russia lost the First World War? the Soviets would win the same way they “lost” - some kind of swarming on the western border, with the loss of part of Poland and the Baltic states. which would certainly have resulted in a final victory, if not for the revolutionary disintegration of the army by leftists.
    Soviet won the war and sent Gagarin, copied the atomic bomb? a typical list of achievements of historical revisionists from Marxism, dreaming of “history of communism” again. Well, then you should like National Socialism even more - because the Third Reich was the first to reach space (1944 - the first man-made object in space), was a pioneer of rocket technology, the nuclear program was incomparable with the Soviet one, and one-on-one in a war the Reich would have been much better stronger.
    Is "capitalism" not suitable for Russia? Yes, there is no “capitalism”, it is only in the speeches of Marxists. There is simply a world around us where they don’t believe in communism and are not forbidden to work for anyone other than the state.
    did the CR have any shortcomings? and you do not compare them with the England of that time, but with the shortcomings of the later Soviet Union. suddenly, famine is not famine (where up to 20 million died under the communists) and poverty is not poverty, and there were much more rights than under the “progressive system”. By the way, about the “late abolition of serfdom” - are comrades aware that the communists returned it? albeit in the light version. from the 30s until 1973(!), most of the collective farmers did not have passports and could not leave (“disassociate”) from the state collective farm at will without permission from the state. This was 36% of the country's adult population at the time of the repeated abolition of serfdom in 1974.
    in general, a traditional set of beliefs for neo-Marxists. extremely dangerous, of course - because “who owns the past, owns the future” and this is a dispute not about history, but about the paths of the future. Our country, having been burned by both communism and Westernism, again found itself at a crossroads. and the Marxists again sensed their historic chance to drag her into the darkness of their experiments