Battle of Smolensk 4-6 (16-18) in August 1812

Battle of Smolensk 4-6 (16-18) in August 1812

In Smolensk, the combined forces of the two Russian armies numbered up to 120 thousand soldiers. In Russian troops, unlike the Great Army of Napoleon, there was not the slightest sign of decomposition. Soldiers and officers ...
With the "frenzy of the people" the invaders could not cope

With the "frenzy of the people" the invaders could not cope

70 years ago, 28 July 1942, the order of the USSR People's Commissar for Defense No. 227 was read out in the Red Army, which received the unofficial name “Not one step back!”. Why was he destined to make history ...
The first interrogation of General Vlasov

The first interrogation of General Vlasov

This document is preserved in an envelope glued to the album “Volkhov Battle”, which was published in limited edition in December 1942 of the 621 th propaganda company of the 18 German Army. He was in ...
Crusade to the East

Crusade to the East

30 years ago, 7 June 1982, the most significant event of recent history happened in the Vatican - the meeting of US President Ronald Reagan (the son of a zealous Catholic Irishman) with Pope John ...
The feat of the division of Neverovsky under the Red

The feat of the division of Neverovsky under the Red

2 (14) August 1812, the battle took place under the Red. Smolensk battle began with him. After the unification of the 1 and 2 of the Russian armies near Smolensk in the central direction, some ...
Vietnam and Afghanistan - two dissimilar wars

Vietnam and Afghanistan - two dissimilar wars

“The two largest and protracted local conflicts of the twentieth century”, “Afghanistan turned into Vietnam for the Soviet Union”, “The USSR and the United States switched roles” - such statements became canonical for ...
1 August 1914: Can Russian history reverse?

1 August 1914: Can Russian history reverse?

The anniversary of the start of World War I is approaching - 1 August 1914. In contrast to June 22, this day is not very well remembered by us, and yet it became a frontier, from which the processes began ...
Northern direction: fight on the river Svolna

Northern direction: fight on the river Svolna

After the victory of the 1 Infantry Corps of Lieutenant General Peter Hristoforovich Wittgenstein over the 2 Corps under the command of Marshal Nikolai Udino (for more details see the article VO: Northern Direction: Victory under ...
Bomb for gruppenführer

Bomb for gruppenführer

"Stirlitz, and I will ask you to stay!" Who does not know the catch phrase from the legendary television film "Seventeen Moments of Spring"! Or another replica from the same tape: “Nowadays, no one can be trusted, even ...


This case could occur in any military team, therefore I don’t name the unit numbers or units, but for imagery, I’ll say it was for us. In those age-olds ...
The first attack - the Day of the Navy of Russia

The first attack - the Day of the Navy of Russia

Junior Lieutenant Alexander Shabalin, after the consent of the headquarters of the Baltic Fleet, arrived from Kronstadt in the Northern Fleet in early August of 1941. The reason for the translation of the commander of the torpedo boat "D-3" ...