Russian-Horde Empire
Given the above facts, it is obvious that the traditional version of the "Tatar-Mongol" invasion, the yoke and more broadly - the creation of the empire of Genghis Khan, is a myth. Moreover, this myth is very beneficial to Russia's geopolitical "partners" in both the West and the East. It allows you to sharply narrow historical, chronological and territorial space of Russian civilization and superethnos of Russians.
The time frame is usually limited to the first princes of the Rurik dynasty and the baptism of Russia (IX-X centuries). Although with the advent of the Ukraine-Rus theory of the state, when all the first centuries of the Russian state, led by the Rurikovich dynasty and all the first princes, were “Ukrainized,” Russian history was cut off right up to the formation of the “Old Russian people”, the creation of Vladimir-Moscow Russia. At the same time, the Russians were even deprived of the Slavic community - they are now descendants of the “Ugro-Finns, Turks, Mongols with an insignificant admixture of Slavic blood." And the "Ukrainians" were declared the "true" heirs of ancient Kievan Rus.
The territorial framework of the settlement of the superethnos Russes is limited to the Podniprovya region, the Pripyat marshes. From there, the Russians allegedly settled in the rest of the land, displacing and assimilating the Finno-Ugrians, Balts and Turks. That is, everything is in the framework of the myth of the "prison of nations", where the Russians allegedly conquered and oppressed the neighboring tribes from ancient times.
Thus, the superethnos of the Rus was deprived of many thousands of years of history, coming from Great Scythia and the legendary Hyperborea. And the territory of the settlement of the Rus — from Europe in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the borders of Iran, India and China in the south — was reduced to Kievan Rus.
It is clear that some researchers have seen the weak points of the official version of the "Tatar-Mongol" invasion. Trying to restore the true story, they went several ways. The first attempt to give a different explanation of the events of the thirteenth century is the so-called. "Eurasianism" G. Vernadsky, L. Gumilyov and others. The historians of this trend retain the traditional factual basis of the “Mongolian” invasion, but carry out a complete ideological revision, where the minuses become pluses.
That is, the "Eurasians" did not question the origin of the "Mongols". But, in their opinion, the “Tatar-Mongols” were generally friendly to Russia and were in an idyllic “symbiosis” as part of the Golden Horde. There are generally sound facts about the positive influence of the government of Genghis Khan and the first rulers behind him on the vast Asian expanses. In particular, merchants could easily travel great distances without fear of robbers, they were destroyed; a well-organized postal service was created. Northeastern Russia, with the support of Batu, held out in the fight against the western “dogs-knights”. Later, Moscow became the new center of the “Eurasian Empire”, continuing the common cause.
The Eurasian version is useful because it dealt a strong blow to the “armor” of the classic history written by the Germans and Westerners for Russia. She showed the deception of the stereotype about the eternal hostility of the “forest” and “steppe”, the incompatibility of the Slavic world with the cultures of the steppe Eurasia. The Westernizers attributed the Slavic world to Europe. They say that the Slavs fell under the Horde yoke, and their history was subjected to harmful “distortions” by the “steppe”. Like the "totalitarianism and tyranny" of the Mongol rulers. Moscow inherited the "Asian" traditions and attitudes of the Horde, instead of returning to the "European family."
The version of the Tatar-Mongol Yoke, which was proposed by the authors of the theory of radical revision of history, the so-called “New chronology” - A.T. Fomenko, G.V. Nosovsky and other authors. It must be said that the authors of the “new chronology” used the earlier ideas of the Russian scientist N. A. Morozov. "Fomenkovtsy" revised the traditional chronology in the direction of its reduction, and believe that there is a system of historical counterparts, when some events are repeated in another time and another region. "New chronology" put a lot of noise in the historical and near-historical world. Created a whole world of "new chronology." In turn, the subversors wrote a whole bunch of exposing works.
According to Fomenko and Nosovsky, there was a single Russian-Horde empire (Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. New Chronology of Russia; Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Russia and Orda. The Great Empire of the Middle Ages):
“The Tatar-Mongol yoke” was simply a period of military control in the Russian state. No foreigners conquered Russia. The supreme ruler was the commander - khan-tsar, and in the cities there were civil governors - princes who collected tribute for the maintenance of troops.
- The ancient Russian state was a single Eurasian empire, which included a standing army - the Horde, consisting of professional soldiers, and a civilian unit that did not have a standing army. The notorious tribute (the Horde way out), familiar to us from the traditional exposition of history, was simply a state tax inside Russia for the maintenance of the regular army — the Horde. The famous "tribute to blood" - every tenth person taken to the Horde - is the state military set. It seems like conscription, but for life. Later, recruits were also taken away - for life. The so-called "Tatar raids-rati" were ordinary punitive expeditions, raids in those Russian regions where the local administration, the princes did not want to obey the royal will. No wonder Alexander Nevsky so tightly established control of the Horde in the Novgorod-Pskov land. For him, the unity of power was an obvious necessity in the conditions of invasion from the West. The Russian regular troops punished the rebels, as they would later do in other periods of history.
“The Tatar-Mongol invasion” is the internal war of the Russians, the Cossacks and the Tatars within the framework of one single empire. The Golden Horde and Russia were part of the great power "Great Tartary", which was predominantly populated by Russians. Big Russia (“Tartary”) was split into two fronts, into two rival dynasties — the western and the eastern, and the eastern Russian Horde, and those were the “Tatar-Mongols” who took and stormed the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal, Kiev and Galician Russia. This event and went down in history as the "invasion of the nasty," "Tatar yoke."
- The Russian-Horde empire existed from the XIV century to the beginning of the XVII century, and its era ended in great turmoil. As a result of the turmoil, which was initiated in Rome by a part of the Russian “elite”, the pro-Western Romanov dynasty came to power. She carried out a “purge” of sources, caused a split of the church with the emasculation of Orthodoxy, when religion became a formality and one of the instruments of control of the people. Russia under the Romanovs (except for certain periods when patriots were the head of Russia) took the course of “restoring” unity with the West. However, this course contradicted the “Russian matrix” - the cultural code of the Russian super-ethnos. As a result, the lack of unity of the “elite” with the people led to a new confusion - the 1917 disaster of the year.
Romanov, in order to retain and retain power, as well as conduct a pro-Western course, needed a new story, ideologically justifying their power. From the point of view of the former Russian history, the new dynasty was illegal, therefore it was necessary to radically change the coverage of the preceding Russian history. This is what the Germans do. They “wrote” a new history of Russia, removing facts that contradicted the new order and cutting off Russian history in the interests of the West and the new authorities. Professionals worked, without changing the facts on the merits, they were able to distort the entire Russian history beyond recognition. The history of Russia-Horde with its estate of farmers and military estate (horde) was declared the era of "foreign conquest", "Tatar-Mongol yoke." At the same time, the Russian army (horde) turned into mythical newcomers from a distant unknown country.
The same version is followed by the famous writer Vasily Golovachev: “Here we have been told all my life: the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the Tatar-Mongol yoke, implying that Russia was in a slave of many centuries of slavery. What nonsense! There was no Mongol-Tatar yoke! The yoke in general from Old Slavic - "rule"! The words "army" and "warrior" are not originally Russian, they are Church Slavonic and put into use in the seventeenth century instead of the words "horde" and "Horde". Before violent baptism, Rus was not pagan, but Vedic, or rather, Vedic, it lived according to the traditions of Vesta, not religion, but the oldest system of universal knowledge. Russia was a great empire, and we were imposed by the views of German historians about the supposedly slave past of Russia, about the slave souls of its people ... A conspiracy against true Russian history has existed and is still in effect.and we are talking about the vile distortion of the history of our fatherland in favor of those who are interested in concealing the secrets of ascension to the throne of the Romanov dynasty, and most importantly - in demeaning the Russian family, supposedly a kind of slaves who moaned under the unbearable burden of the three hundred year old Tatar-Mongol yoke who did not culture. ... The great Russian-Ordian empire, ruled by a Cossack chieftain - daddy - hence, by the way, the name-nickname - Baty - spread out on the territory more than the former USSR. Is this not a reason for the Pharisees, who lived in America and Europe, to imagine that everything was the opposite, that they did not occupy a dominant position, but the Slavs? ”
The “new chronology” of Fomenko and Nosovsky raises many questions and, apparently, is erroneous. But the main thing is that the Fomenkovists in their writings published a large number of traces of the presence of Russian-Russians in Europe and throughout Eurasia. Although according to the "classic" version of history, the Eastern Slavs (Russians) climbed out of the swamps and forests only somewhere in the period of the 5th-6th centuries. (others give an even later date), their statehood was created by “Viking-Swedes”, and the Russians allegedly have nothing to do with the “true story” that went on in Europe and Asia.
True, having found numerous traces of Russians in Europe and Asia, where they should not be officially, Fomenko and Nosovsky made a strange conclusion: the Russians, together with the Cossacks and Turks during the reign of Ivan III, conquered Europe and ruled it for a long time. Europe was part of the Russian Empire. Then, gradually, the Russians were ousted from Europe, and their traces were tried to be destroyed, so that there was no doubt about the greatness of European civilization.
Here you can agree with the last conclusion: the Vatican, the later Masonic orders and lodges really did everything to destroy the traces of the Slavs, Russ in Europe, and also write the “history” of Russia-Russia in their own interests. But this could not be done completely, because the Russians were not short-term invaders of Europe, as it seems to the supporters of the “new chronology”. There was no conquest of Europe The Russ were the autochthonous (indigenous) population of Europe, since they lived in Europe from ancient times. Our ancestors - Veneds, Venets, veins, vandals, ravens, crows, rugi-rarogi, pelasgi, raseny, etc., have lived in Europe since ancient times.
This confirms most of the toponymy in Europe (the name of rivers, lakes, localities, mountains, cities, settlements, etc.). Since ancient times, the Ruses have inhabited the expanses of the Balkans, including Greece-Goretsii and Crete-Skryteni, modern-day Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Northern France, Northern Italy, and Scandinavia. The process of their physical destruction, assimilation, Christianization, and ousting from Europe began approximately in the middle of 1 th. er It was the Slavic-Russian tribes who crushed the completely late rotten Rome (the “German” tribes that are counted among the Germans do not have anything to do with them, for example, the “Germans” - the vandals are the Slavs-Wends). But the flag of the "Roman contagion" was picked up by the already Western Christian Rome and the Romean (Byzantine) empire, a protracted war began, which lasted a thousand years (and continues to the present, since the "Russian question" has not yet been resolved). Slavicorians were destroyed, turned into “Germans-dumb”, who were thrown at brothers, who had not yet forgotten their language and clan, were pressed to the east. A significant part of them was destroyed or assimilated, turning into “Germans”, incorporated into the composition of the new Roman and German-Scandinavian nations. So, the whole Slavic civilization in the center of Europe - Western (Varyazhskaya) Russia was destroyed. You can read about this in L. Prozorov’s work “Varyazhskaya Rus: Slavic Atlantis” or the work of Yu. D. Petukhov “The Normans. Russ North.
The virus of Catholicism was instilled in other Slavanorussians, the Slavs were subjugated to the Western matrix, making enemies of their brothers. In particular, in this way, the Polish Poles turned into stubborn enemies of Russia. Now, according to the same scheme, the southern and western parts of the Rus' superethnos are transformed into “ukrov-orcs”. In Belarus, Russians make “Litvinov”. In Russia itself, Russians are turned into an ethnographic mass, the biomaterial is “Russians”.
Thus, the positivity of the “new chronology” is that it shows the absence of “Mongols from Mongolia” in the expanses of Russia. Proves the fact that the true history of Russia is largely circumcised, distorted in favor of the owners of the West.
Supporters of the idea that Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus, have always existed, often creating great (world powers), moreover within the borders of Northern Eurasia. Since ancient times, Eurasia was inhabited by our ancestors, the Ruses whom the sources know by different names - Hyperborea, Aryans, Scythians, Tauroskifs, Sarmatians, Roxolans-Rossolans, Varangians-Weeds, Dews-Rushes, “Moguls” (“Mighty”), etc.
So, in the work of N. I. Vasilyeva, Yu. D. Petukhov “Russian Scythia” it is noted that on the territory of Northern Eurasia — from the Pacific Ocean and the borders of China to the Carpathians and the Black Sea — anthropological, cultural (spiritual and material culture), often political unity can be traced from the times of the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (the time of the Proto-Indo-Europeans, Aryans) to the Middle Ages.
There are facts that indicate that our direct ancestors lived on the territory of modern Russia-Russia since the very emergence of a modern type of man - the Cro-Magnon-European. So, a group of scientists from Russia and Germany, after many years of research, came to the conclusion that it was the Russian land that was the cradle of European civilization. The results of the latest research have shown that a modern-day Caucasian type of man was born by the 50-40-th millennium BC. and originally lived exclusively within the Russian Plain, and only then settled in the whole of Europe.
As reported by the British Air Force Radio Company, scientists made such conclusions by examining the human skeleton found in 1954, near Voronezh, in the ancient burial ground of Markin Gora (Kostenki XIV). It turned out that the genetic code of this person, who was buried about 28 thousands of years ago, corresponds to the genetic code of modern Europeans. To date, the Kostenki complex near Voronezh has been recognized by the world's archaeologists as the most ancient human habitat of the modern type, European. Thus, the modern territory of Russia was the cradle of European civilization.
According to Yu. D. Petukhov, the author of a number of fundamental studies on the history of the Rus (“The History of the Rus”, “The Antiquities of the Rus”, “The Paths of the Gods”, etc.), vast forest-steppe spaces from the Northern Black Sea region through the Southern Urals and to Southern Siberia, modern Mongolia, which Western historians were given to the "Mongol-Tatars" in the XII-XIV centuries. actually belonged to the so-called. "Skifosibirskomu world." The Europoids mastered huge spaces from the Carpathians to the Pacific before the wave of Aryan-Indo-Europeans left during the 2 millennium BC. er to Iran and India. The memory of tall, fair-haired and light-eyed warriors has been preserved both in China and in neighboring regions. The military elite, nobles of Transbaikalia, Khakassia and Mongolia were Europoids-Indo-Europeans. It is from here that the legend of Rusoborod and the blue-eyed (green-eyed) Genghis Khan-Temuchin, the European appearance of Batu, etc., originated. It was these heirs of the great northern civilization - Scythia, that were the only real military force that could subdue China, Central Asia (which previously in the sphere of their influence), the Caucasus, Russia and other regions. Later, they were dissolved among the Mongoloids and the Turks, giving a passionate impulse to the Turks, but they retained their memory as if they were fair-haired and light-eyed “giants” (for physically less developed Mongoloids, they were giant warriors like the Russians of Kiev, Chernihiv and Novgorod for the Arab travelers).
The relatively rapid assimilation (within the framework of the historical process, only a few centuries) of the Horde ruses should not be surprising. Thus, the Northern Caucasians repeatedly captured China (in the Celestial Empire they don’t like to remember this), but they all dissolved into the mass of Mongoloids, their subjects. Also, after the 1917 disaster, thousands and tens of thousands of Russians ended up in China. Where are they? They would have to be a prominent part of modern Chinese society. However, they were assimilated. Already in the second, third generation, all became "Chinese." Lost not only racial, but also language, cultural, differences. Only in India were the descendants of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans (our own brothers) able to preserve their appearance, cultural traditions (the Old Russian language - Sanskrit) in the great mass of the “black” population, thanks to a tough caste system. Therefore, the modern Kshatriya warrior castes and Brahmin priests are very different from the rest of the Indian population.
The Horde did not adhere to the principles of caste division, so the Horde in China and other areas that the Mongoloids mastered, dissolved, transferring some of their attributes and passionate charge to the Mongoloids and Turks.
A part of these Scythians-Rus came to Russia. Anthropologically and genetically, these late Scythians were the same Ruses as the Russians, living in Ryazan, Novgorod, Vladimir or Kiev. Outwardly, they were distinguished by the manner of dressing - “the Scythosiberian animal style,” their own dialect of the Russian language, and the fact that they were largely pagans. Therefore, the chroniclers and called them "nasty", ie, pagans. That is the key to the phenomenon that the three-century “Mongolian” yoke did not make the slightest anthropological changes in the indigenous population of Russia. Therefore, the Scythian Russes of the Horde (the word "horde" is a distorted Russian word "clan", "glad", in the German language is preserved as "order, ordnung") quickly found a common language with the majority of Russian princes, were related, framed. It is doubtful that in the same way Rusichs would begin to build relationships with absolute strangers-Mongoloids.
Cities of the Scythians and their neighbors that existed before the new era (according to Koltsov I.E.). 1 - Dnieper Scythians; 2 - neuro; 3 - agafirces; 4 - androphages; 5 - melanchle; 6 - gelons; 7 - Boudin; 8 - Sarmatians; 9 - brands; 10 - Tissage; 11 - Iirki; 12 - breakaway Scythians; 13 - Argippea; 14 - Issedon; 15 - Arimasp; 16 - hyperborea; 17 - the ancestors of the Kalmyks; 18 - Massagets; 19 - royal Scythians; 20 - Yenisei Scythians; 21 - Indigir Scythians; 22 - Transcaucasian Scythians; 23 - Volga-Don Scythians.
Scythian swastika-solstice
This version immediately puts in place many pieces of the mosaic that do not find a place for themselves in the traditional version. Siberian Scythians-Rus had many thousands of developed spiritual and material culture, production base, military traditions (similar to the later Cossacks) and could form an army capable of crushing China and reach the Adriatic Sea. The invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan russes sucked into its mighty wave of pagan-turkish, pagan-polovtsy and alan. Later, the Siberian Rus created the Great “Mongolian” empire, which began to degenerate and degrade only after the growing Islamization, which was facilitated by the influx of a significant number of Arabs into the Golden (White) Horde. Islamization has become the main prerequisite for the death of a mighty empire. It collapsed into many fragments, among which Moscow Russia began to rise, which would restore the empire. After the battle on Kulikovo field, Moscow gradually comes to the fore, as the capital of the new Russian empire. In about a century and a half, the new center will be able to restore the main core of the empire.
Thus, in the 16th-19th centuries, the Russian state did not conquer foreign lands, but returned territories that had been part of northern civilization since ancient times.
Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 16th-17th centuries, and sometimes until the 18th century, most of Eurasia in Europe was called Great Scythia (Sarmatia) or Great Tartary-Tataria. The sources of that time identified the ancient Scythians-Sarmatians and the contemporary Russian Slavs, considering that the whole forest-steppe Eurasia, as before, was inhabited by one people. So not only authors who used literary sources, but also travelers believed. The 15th-century Roman humanist Julius Lat made a trip to Scythia, visited Poland, on the Dnieper, at the mouth of the Don, and described the life and customs of the Scythians. The traveler spoke about the "Scythian" honey and Braga, how the "Scythians" sitting at the oak tables, proclaim toasts in honor of the guests, wrote down a few words (turned out to be Slavic). He said that "Scythia" extends to the borders of India, where the "Khan of the Asian Scythians" rules.
Al-Omari, an Arabic (Egyptian) historian of the mid-XIV century, reporting on “the lands of Siberia and Chulymanskiy” reports a strong problem that beautiful, remarkably folded people, distinguished by their whiteness and blue eyes, live there. In China, under the rule of the Yuan dynasty (1260-1360-s) in the capital, the guard, recruited from Yases, Alans and Russians, was of great importance. Some of the names of “Alanian” commanders are also known - Nikolay, Ilie-Bagatur, Yuvashi, Arselan, Kurdji (George), Dmitry. The Slavic pagan name was worn by the renowned commander "The Eyed" Bayan. In 1330, the emperor Wen-tszun (Kubilai's great-grandson) created a Russian unit in 10 of thousands of warriors - in translation from Chinese to Russian, its name sounds like “Always true Russian Guard”. Given the fact that by the middle of the 14 century, the former united “Mongolian” empire had collapsed, it is hard to imagine that thousands of Russian soldiers came from China from Vladimir and Moscow Russia. Most likely, they were from closer places. Thus, Chinese Wang Hoi and Yu Tan-Jia, who lived in the XIV century, wrote: “Russians are descendants of the ancient Usun people”. And the Usuns are Siberian Scythians, who were called Issedons in ancient Europe (they occupied the territories of the Southern Urals and Siberia).
Prior to outside intervention, the Russian historical tradition directly elevated the origin of the Russian people to the Alans-Sarmatians. The author of the “Scythian history” A. Lyzlov identified the Sarmats-Savromats with the Russians. In the History of V.N. Tatishchev and M. Lomonosov, it is reported that the Russians are descended from the Sarmatians-Roksalans (Eastern Rus), on the one hand, and from the Vends-Wends (Western Slavonic Russians) on the other.
Thus, it is clear that almost the whole history of Western Europe is a myth. The winners, that is, the masters of the West, simply ordered the story for themselves, tried to clean up or hide unnecessary pages. But we do not need their myth, you can not build your power on other people's tales. We need our own, Russian history, which will help preserve our civilization and the Russian race.
The time frame is usually limited to the first princes of the Rurik dynasty and the baptism of Russia (IX-X centuries). Although with the advent of the Ukraine-Rus theory of the state, when all the first centuries of the Russian state, led by the Rurikovich dynasty and all the first princes, were “Ukrainized,” Russian history was cut off right up to the formation of the “Old Russian people”, the creation of Vladimir-Moscow Russia. At the same time, the Russians were even deprived of the Slavic community - they are now descendants of the “Ugro-Finns, Turks, Mongols with an insignificant admixture of Slavic blood." And the "Ukrainians" were declared the "true" heirs of ancient Kievan Rus.
The territorial framework of the settlement of the superethnos Russes is limited to the Podniprovya region, the Pripyat marshes. From there, the Russians allegedly settled in the rest of the land, displacing and assimilating the Finno-Ugrians, Balts and Turks. That is, everything is in the framework of the myth of the "prison of nations", where the Russians allegedly conquered and oppressed the neighboring tribes from ancient times.
Thus, the superethnos of the Rus was deprived of many thousands of years of history, coming from Great Scythia and the legendary Hyperborea. And the territory of the settlement of the Rus — from Europe in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the borders of Iran, India and China in the south — was reduced to Kievan Rus.
It is clear that some researchers have seen the weak points of the official version of the "Tatar-Mongol" invasion. Trying to restore the true story, they went several ways. The first attempt to give a different explanation of the events of the thirteenth century is the so-called. "Eurasianism" G. Vernadsky, L. Gumilyov and others. The historians of this trend retain the traditional factual basis of the “Mongolian” invasion, but carry out a complete ideological revision, where the minuses become pluses.
That is, the "Eurasians" did not question the origin of the "Mongols". But, in their opinion, the “Tatar-Mongols” were generally friendly to Russia and were in an idyllic “symbiosis” as part of the Golden Horde. There are generally sound facts about the positive influence of the government of Genghis Khan and the first rulers behind him on the vast Asian expanses. In particular, merchants could easily travel great distances without fear of robbers, they were destroyed; a well-organized postal service was created. Northeastern Russia, with the support of Batu, held out in the fight against the western “dogs-knights”. Later, Moscow became the new center of the “Eurasian Empire”, continuing the common cause.
The Eurasian version is useful because it dealt a strong blow to the “armor” of the classic history written by the Germans and Westerners for Russia. She showed the deception of the stereotype about the eternal hostility of the “forest” and “steppe”, the incompatibility of the Slavic world with the cultures of the steppe Eurasia. The Westernizers attributed the Slavic world to Europe. They say that the Slavs fell under the Horde yoke, and their history was subjected to harmful “distortions” by the “steppe”. Like the "totalitarianism and tyranny" of the Mongol rulers. Moscow inherited the "Asian" traditions and attitudes of the Horde, instead of returning to the "European family."
The version of the Tatar-Mongol Yoke, which was proposed by the authors of the theory of radical revision of history, the so-called “New chronology” - A.T. Fomenko, G.V. Nosovsky and other authors. It must be said that the authors of the “new chronology” used the earlier ideas of the Russian scientist N. A. Morozov. "Fomenkovtsy" revised the traditional chronology in the direction of its reduction, and believe that there is a system of historical counterparts, when some events are repeated in another time and another region. "New chronology" put a lot of noise in the historical and near-historical world. Created a whole world of "new chronology." In turn, the subversors wrote a whole bunch of exposing works.
According to Fomenko and Nosovsky, there was a single Russian-Horde empire (Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. New Chronology of Russia; Nosovsky G. V., Fomenko A. T. Russia and Orda. The Great Empire of the Middle Ages):
“The Tatar-Mongol yoke” was simply a period of military control in the Russian state. No foreigners conquered Russia. The supreme ruler was the commander - khan-tsar, and in the cities there were civil governors - princes who collected tribute for the maintenance of troops.
- The ancient Russian state was a single Eurasian empire, which included a standing army - the Horde, consisting of professional soldiers, and a civilian unit that did not have a standing army. The notorious tribute (the Horde way out), familiar to us from the traditional exposition of history, was simply a state tax inside Russia for the maintenance of the regular army — the Horde. The famous "tribute to blood" - every tenth person taken to the Horde - is the state military set. It seems like conscription, but for life. Later, recruits were also taken away - for life. The so-called "Tatar raids-rati" were ordinary punitive expeditions, raids in those Russian regions where the local administration, the princes did not want to obey the royal will. No wonder Alexander Nevsky so tightly established control of the Horde in the Novgorod-Pskov land. For him, the unity of power was an obvious necessity in the conditions of invasion from the West. The Russian regular troops punished the rebels, as they would later do in other periods of history.
“The Tatar-Mongol invasion” is the internal war of the Russians, the Cossacks and the Tatars within the framework of one single empire. The Golden Horde and Russia were part of the great power "Great Tartary", which was predominantly populated by Russians. Big Russia (“Tartary”) was split into two fronts, into two rival dynasties — the western and the eastern, and the eastern Russian Horde, and those were the “Tatar-Mongols” who took and stormed the cities of Vladimir-Suzdal, Kiev and Galician Russia. This event and went down in history as the "invasion of the nasty," "Tatar yoke."
- The Russian-Horde empire existed from the XIV century to the beginning of the XVII century, and its era ended in great turmoil. As a result of the turmoil, which was initiated in Rome by a part of the Russian “elite”, the pro-Western Romanov dynasty came to power. She carried out a “purge” of sources, caused a split of the church with the emasculation of Orthodoxy, when religion became a formality and one of the instruments of control of the people. Russia under the Romanovs (except for certain periods when patriots were the head of Russia) took the course of “restoring” unity with the West. However, this course contradicted the “Russian matrix” - the cultural code of the Russian super-ethnos. As a result, the lack of unity of the “elite” with the people led to a new confusion - the 1917 disaster of the year.
Romanov, in order to retain and retain power, as well as conduct a pro-Western course, needed a new story, ideologically justifying their power. From the point of view of the former Russian history, the new dynasty was illegal, therefore it was necessary to radically change the coverage of the preceding Russian history. This is what the Germans do. They “wrote” a new history of Russia, removing facts that contradicted the new order and cutting off Russian history in the interests of the West and the new authorities. Professionals worked, without changing the facts on the merits, they were able to distort the entire Russian history beyond recognition. The history of Russia-Horde with its estate of farmers and military estate (horde) was declared the era of "foreign conquest", "Tatar-Mongol yoke." At the same time, the Russian army (horde) turned into mythical newcomers from a distant unknown country.
The same version is followed by the famous writer Vasily Golovachev: “Here we have been told all my life: the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the Tatar-Mongol yoke, implying that Russia was in a slave of many centuries of slavery. What nonsense! There was no Mongol-Tatar yoke! The yoke in general from Old Slavic - "rule"! The words "army" and "warrior" are not originally Russian, they are Church Slavonic and put into use in the seventeenth century instead of the words "horde" and "Horde". Before violent baptism, Rus was not pagan, but Vedic, or rather, Vedic, it lived according to the traditions of Vesta, not religion, but the oldest system of universal knowledge. Russia was a great empire, and we were imposed by the views of German historians about the supposedly slave past of Russia, about the slave souls of its people ... A conspiracy against true Russian history has existed and is still in effect.and we are talking about the vile distortion of the history of our fatherland in favor of those who are interested in concealing the secrets of ascension to the throne of the Romanov dynasty, and most importantly - in demeaning the Russian family, supposedly a kind of slaves who moaned under the unbearable burden of the three hundred year old Tatar-Mongol yoke who did not culture. ... The great Russian-Ordian empire, ruled by a Cossack chieftain - daddy - hence, by the way, the name-nickname - Baty - spread out on the territory more than the former USSR. Is this not a reason for the Pharisees, who lived in America and Europe, to imagine that everything was the opposite, that they did not occupy a dominant position, but the Slavs? ”
The “new chronology” of Fomenko and Nosovsky raises many questions and, apparently, is erroneous. But the main thing is that the Fomenkovists in their writings published a large number of traces of the presence of Russian-Russians in Europe and throughout Eurasia. Although according to the "classic" version of history, the Eastern Slavs (Russians) climbed out of the swamps and forests only somewhere in the period of the 5th-6th centuries. (others give an even later date), their statehood was created by “Viking-Swedes”, and the Russians allegedly have nothing to do with the “true story” that went on in Europe and Asia.
True, having found numerous traces of Russians in Europe and Asia, where they should not be officially, Fomenko and Nosovsky made a strange conclusion: the Russians, together with the Cossacks and Turks during the reign of Ivan III, conquered Europe and ruled it for a long time. Europe was part of the Russian Empire. Then, gradually, the Russians were ousted from Europe, and their traces were tried to be destroyed, so that there was no doubt about the greatness of European civilization.
Here you can agree with the last conclusion: the Vatican, the later Masonic orders and lodges really did everything to destroy the traces of the Slavs, Russ in Europe, and also write the “history” of Russia-Russia in their own interests. But this could not be done completely, because the Russians were not short-term invaders of Europe, as it seems to the supporters of the “new chronology”. There was no conquest of Europe The Russ were the autochthonous (indigenous) population of Europe, since they lived in Europe from ancient times. Our ancestors - Veneds, Venets, veins, vandals, ravens, crows, rugi-rarogi, pelasgi, raseny, etc., have lived in Europe since ancient times.
This confirms most of the toponymy in Europe (the name of rivers, lakes, localities, mountains, cities, settlements, etc.). Since ancient times, the Ruses have inhabited the expanses of the Balkans, including Greece-Goretsii and Crete-Skryteni, modern-day Poland, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Denmark, Northern France, Northern Italy, and Scandinavia. The process of their physical destruction, assimilation, Christianization, and ousting from Europe began approximately in the middle of 1 th. er It was the Slavic-Russian tribes who crushed the completely late rotten Rome (the “German” tribes that are counted among the Germans do not have anything to do with them, for example, the “Germans” - the vandals are the Slavs-Wends). But the flag of the "Roman contagion" was picked up by the already Western Christian Rome and the Romean (Byzantine) empire, a protracted war began, which lasted a thousand years (and continues to the present, since the "Russian question" has not yet been resolved). Slavicorians were destroyed, turned into “Germans-dumb”, who were thrown at brothers, who had not yet forgotten their language and clan, were pressed to the east. A significant part of them was destroyed or assimilated, turning into “Germans”, incorporated into the composition of the new Roman and German-Scandinavian nations. So, the whole Slavic civilization in the center of Europe - Western (Varyazhskaya) Russia was destroyed. You can read about this in L. Prozorov’s work “Varyazhskaya Rus: Slavic Atlantis” or the work of Yu. D. Petukhov “The Normans. Russ North.
The virus of Catholicism was instilled in other Slavanorussians, the Slavs were subjugated to the Western matrix, making enemies of their brothers. In particular, in this way, the Polish Poles turned into stubborn enemies of Russia. Now, according to the same scheme, the southern and western parts of the Rus' superethnos are transformed into “ukrov-orcs”. In Belarus, Russians make “Litvinov”. In Russia itself, Russians are turned into an ethnographic mass, the biomaterial is “Russians”.
Thus, the positivity of the “new chronology” is that it shows the absence of “Mongols from Mongolia” in the expanses of Russia. Proves the fact that the true history of Russia is largely circumcised, distorted in favor of the owners of the West.
Supporters of the idea that Russian civilization and the superethnos of the Rus, have always existed, often creating great (world powers), moreover within the borders of Northern Eurasia. Since ancient times, Eurasia was inhabited by our ancestors, the Ruses whom the sources know by different names - Hyperborea, Aryans, Scythians, Tauroskifs, Sarmatians, Roxolans-Rossolans, Varangians-Weeds, Dews-Rushes, “Moguls” (“Mighty”), etc.
So, in the work of N. I. Vasilyeva, Yu. D. Petukhov “Russian Scythia” it is noted that on the territory of Northern Eurasia — from the Pacific Ocean and the borders of China to the Carpathians and the Black Sea — anthropological, cultural (spiritual and material culture), often political unity can be traced from the times of the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (the time of the Proto-Indo-Europeans, Aryans) to the Middle Ages.
There are facts that indicate that our direct ancestors lived on the territory of modern Russia-Russia since the very emergence of a modern type of man - the Cro-Magnon-European. So, a group of scientists from Russia and Germany, after many years of research, came to the conclusion that it was the Russian land that was the cradle of European civilization. The results of the latest research have shown that a modern-day Caucasian type of man was born by the 50-40-th millennium BC. and originally lived exclusively within the Russian Plain, and only then settled in the whole of Europe.
As reported by the British Air Force Radio Company, scientists made such conclusions by examining the human skeleton found in 1954, near Voronezh, in the ancient burial ground of Markin Gora (Kostenki XIV). It turned out that the genetic code of this person, who was buried about 28 thousands of years ago, corresponds to the genetic code of modern Europeans. To date, the Kostenki complex near Voronezh has been recognized by the world's archaeologists as the most ancient human habitat of the modern type, European. Thus, the modern territory of Russia was the cradle of European civilization.
According to Yu. D. Petukhov, the author of a number of fundamental studies on the history of the Rus (“The History of the Rus”, “The Antiquities of the Rus”, “The Paths of the Gods”, etc.), vast forest-steppe spaces from the Northern Black Sea region through the Southern Urals and to Southern Siberia, modern Mongolia, which Western historians were given to the "Mongol-Tatars" in the XII-XIV centuries. actually belonged to the so-called. "Skifosibirskomu world." The Europoids mastered huge spaces from the Carpathians to the Pacific before the wave of Aryan-Indo-Europeans left during the 2 millennium BC. er to Iran and India. The memory of tall, fair-haired and light-eyed warriors has been preserved both in China and in neighboring regions. The military elite, nobles of Transbaikalia, Khakassia and Mongolia were Europoids-Indo-Europeans. It is from here that the legend of Rusoborod and the blue-eyed (green-eyed) Genghis Khan-Temuchin, the European appearance of Batu, etc., originated. It was these heirs of the great northern civilization - Scythia, that were the only real military force that could subdue China, Central Asia (which previously in the sphere of their influence), the Caucasus, Russia and other regions. Later, they were dissolved among the Mongoloids and the Turks, giving a passionate impulse to the Turks, but they retained their memory as if they were fair-haired and light-eyed “giants” (for physically less developed Mongoloids, they were giant warriors like the Russians of Kiev, Chernihiv and Novgorod for the Arab travelers).
The relatively rapid assimilation (within the framework of the historical process, only a few centuries) of the Horde ruses should not be surprising. Thus, the Northern Caucasians repeatedly captured China (in the Celestial Empire they don’t like to remember this), but they all dissolved into the mass of Mongoloids, their subjects. Also, after the 1917 disaster, thousands and tens of thousands of Russians ended up in China. Where are they? They would have to be a prominent part of modern Chinese society. However, they were assimilated. Already in the second, third generation, all became "Chinese." Lost not only racial, but also language, cultural, differences. Only in India were the descendants of the Aryan-Indo-Europeans (our own brothers) able to preserve their appearance, cultural traditions (the Old Russian language - Sanskrit) in the great mass of the “black” population, thanks to a tough caste system. Therefore, the modern Kshatriya warrior castes and Brahmin priests are very different from the rest of the Indian population.
The Horde did not adhere to the principles of caste division, so the Horde in China and other areas that the Mongoloids mastered, dissolved, transferring some of their attributes and passionate charge to the Mongoloids and Turks.
A part of these Scythians-Rus came to Russia. Anthropologically and genetically, these late Scythians were the same Ruses as the Russians, living in Ryazan, Novgorod, Vladimir or Kiev. Outwardly, they were distinguished by the manner of dressing - “the Scythosiberian animal style,” their own dialect of the Russian language, and the fact that they were largely pagans. Therefore, the chroniclers and called them "nasty", ie, pagans. That is the key to the phenomenon that the three-century “Mongolian” yoke did not make the slightest anthropological changes in the indigenous population of Russia. Therefore, the Scythian Russes of the Horde (the word "horde" is a distorted Russian word "clan", "glad", in the German language is preserved as "order, ordnung") quickly found a common language with the majority of Russian princes, were related, framed. It is doubtful that in the same way Rusichs would begin to build relationships with absolute strangers-Mongoloids.
Cities of the Scythians and their neighbors that existed before the new era (according to Koltsov I.E.). 1 - Dnieper Scythians; 2 - neuro; 3 - agafirces; 4 - androphages; 5 - melanchle; 6 - gelons; 7 - Boudin; 8 - Sarmatians; 9 - brands; 10 - Tissage; 11 - Iirki; 12 - breakaway Scythians; 13 - Argippea; 14 - Issedon; 15 - Arimasp; 16 - hyperborea; 17 - the ancestors of the Kalmyks; 18 - Massagets; 19 - royal Scythians; 20 - Yenisei Scythians; 21 - Indigir Scythians; 22 - Transcaucasian Scythians; 23 - Volga-Don Scythians.
Scythian swastika-solstice
This version immediately puts in place many pieces of the mosaic that do not find a place for themselves in the traditional version. Siberian Scythians-Rus had many thousands of developed spiritual and material culture, production base, military traditions (similar to the later Cossacks) and could form an army capable of crushing China and reach the Adriatic Sea. The invasion of the Scythian-Siberian pagan russes sucked into its mighty wave of pagan-turkish, pagan-polovtsy and alan. Later, the Siberian Rus created the Great “Mongolian” empire, which began to degenerate and degrade only after the growing Islamization, which was facilitated by the influx of a significant number of Arabs into the Golden (White) Horde. Islamization has become the main prerequisite for the death of a mighty empire. It collapsed into many fragments, among which Moscow Russia began to rise, which would restore the empire. After the battle on Kulikovo field, Moscow gradually comes to the fore, as the capital of the new Russian empire. In about a century and a half, the new center will be able to restore the main core of the empire.
Thus, in the 16th-19th centuries, the Russian state did not conquer foreign lands, but returned territories that had been part of northern civilization since ancient times.
Therefore, it is not surprising that in the 16th-17th centuries, and sometimes until the 18th century, most of Eurasia in Europe was called Great Scythia (Sarmatia) or Great Tartary-Tataria. The sources of that time identified the ancient Scythians-Sarmatians and the contemporary Russian Slavs, considering that the whole forest-steppe Eurasia, as before, was inhabited by one people. So not only authors who used literary sources, but also travelers believed. The 15th-century Roman humanist Julius Lat made a trip to Scythia, visited Poland, on the Dnieper, at the mouth of the Don, and described the life and customs of the Scythians. The traveler spoke about the "Scythian" honey and Braga, how the "Scythians" sitting at the oak tables, proclaim toasts in honor of the guests, wrote down a few words (turned out to be Slavic). He said that "Scythia" extends to the borders of India, where the "Khan of the Asian Scythians" rules.
Al-Omari, an Arabic (Egyptian) historian of the mid-XIV century, reporting on “the lands of Siberia and Chulymanskiy” reports a strong problem that beautiful, remarkably folded people, distinguished by their whiteness and blue eyes, live there. In China, under the rule of the Yuan dynasty (1260-1360-s) in the capital, the guard, recruited from Yases, Alans and Russians, was of great importance. Some of the names of “Alanian” commanders are also known - Nikolay, Ilie-Bagatur, Yuvashi, Arselan, Kurdji (George), Dmitry. The Slavic pagan name was worn by the renowned commander "The Eyed" Bayan. In 1330, the emperor Wen-tszun (Kubilai's great-grandson) created a Russian unit in 10 of thousands of warriors - in translation from Chinese to Russian, its name sounds like “Always true Russian Guard”. Given the fact that by the middle of the 14 century, the former united “Mongolian” empire had collapsed, it is hard to imagine that thousands of Russian soldiers came from China from Vladimir and Moscow Russia. Most likely, they were from closer places. Thus, Chinese Wang Hoi and Yu Tan-Jia, who lived in the XIV century, wrote: “Russians are descendants of the ancient Usun people”. And the Usuns are Siberian Scythians, who were called Issedons in ancient Europe (they occupied the territories of the Southern Urals and Siberia).
Prior to outside intervention, the Russian historical tradition directly elevated the origin of the Russian people to the Alans-Sarmatians. The author of the “Scythian history” A. Lyzlov identified the Sarmats-Savromats with the Russians. In the History of V.N. Tatishchev and M. Lomonosov, it is reported that the Russians are descended from the Sarmatians-Roksalans (Eastern Rus), on the one hand, and from the Vends-Wends (Western Slavonic Russians) on the other.
Thus, it is clear that almost the whole history of Western Europe is a myth. The winners, that is, the masters of the West, simply ordered the story for themselves, tried to clean up or hide unnecessary pages. But we do not need their myth, you can not build your power on other people's tales. We need our own, Russian history, which will help preserve our civilization and the Russian race.