Russia Eternal

Russia Eternal

How many foreign brute, who has come over there, can accumulate in Russian antiquities!
MV Lomonosov

In world and domestic science, a stable myth has been created about the "savagery" of the Russian people and the priority "historical peoples ”- the British, Italians, French, Germans and Jews. The biblical and German-Romanesque conception of history also fully dominates in Russia. In the East, the myth of the ancient Chinese civilization, the "middle civilization", which brought the light of enlightenment to the outlying peoples, was created and actively supported. As a result, a stable image has been created in the information field, where the “right peoples” are allowed to have, including in the form of myths, legends and tales (like biblical “fairy tales”), a many-thousand-year history, while others are not.

In this regard, even archaic tribes and peoples of Africa, Oceania, or America (including the dead) were lucky: colorful editions with thousands of copies were compiled about their history and mythology, films are being shot, and expensive research is being conducted. In the West, created a "classic" scheme, familiar to us from high school. Stages of development of human civilization: the primitive society, darkness and wildness - the ancient world, the Ancient East and Egypt - Ancient India and China - Ancient Greece and Rome - the medieval barbarian kingdoms of Europe, mainly the Germans, the Romanesque peoples - the developed European Middle Ages, etc. All nations have their place, time and geographical framework. And naturally, Egyptians lived in Ancient Egypt, mysterious Sumerians, Babylonians, Assyrians, Phoenicians, Jews, in Greece - Greeks, in Rome - Romans lived in the Ancient East. Then in Europe, the ancestors of the British, French, Germans, etc.

Somewhere on the outskirts of the Slavs loom, and even then the South, who allegedly appeared in Europe only in the 5th — 6th centuries. n er Moreover, the beginning of their appearance in Europe is associated with the Great Migration of Peoples. Somewhere in the eighth century, or even in the tenth century, the figure of a “wild” eastern Slav “appears”, who came to his lands from somewhere in Europe, from the Danube or Central Europe, “colonized” the lands of the Balts and Finnish ugrs Eastern Slavs (Rus) are initially represented by “savages” who collect honey, mushrooms, fish in rivers and lakes, and pick in the land of primitive plow. At the same time, only the Vikings-Normans, a tribe of German-Scandinavian origin, will create the state for the Rus-Rus, and according to the most advanced modern version, the Swedes in general. And before the Western “Varyag-civilizing civilization” was called and the Greek missionaries were baptized, according to Westerners and Russophobes of the dead and alive, we had “savagery,” people “prayed for stumps,” walked in animal skins, did not know any written language or law. We were engaged in cutting with each other for any reason, snatching brides in a “bestial manner”, paying tribute to more developed neighbors and offering human sacrifices to idols.

At the same time, this false scheme does not hold the slightest criticism and rests only on the dominance of "classical" history and Western culture in the information field of Russia. It is enough to remember that it is not known from where the “Eastern Slavs” that appeared in one or two centuries could not simply under any circumstances create Gardarika - the “country of cities”, the huge Russian empire, stretching from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Russian (Black) Sea on south from the Carpathians in the west to the Don and the Volga in the east. Could not have created the oldest European literature, second only in antiquity to the literature of ancient times, but superior to English, German, French and others. Could not create a rich spiritual and material culture, with a mythology that goes back to primitive antiquity and advanced craftsmanship, allowing to arm and equip a powerful army that could threaten the most developed then Western state - the Byzantine Empire.

However, the Germanic-Romance scheme lives and thrives! Replicated and imposed on Russian. It so happened that the history is written by the winners, they write for themselves, they create historical myths and impose them on everyone. The true history of the Russian people and Russia-Russia for centuries is replaced by a false one. At the same time they actively rewrite the latest world and Russian history. So, after the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, the new version of the Great Patriotic War was actively promoted, according to which the USSR and the Third Reich, Stalin and Hitler must be put on the same footing. Moreover, it came to the point that they began to accuse Stalin that he was preparing a "conquest in Europe", and Hitler almost saved the Europeans by inflicting a "preventive" blow on the USSR. Supposedly, the USSR became the instigator of the Second World War, and therefore the Russians must repent of "their crimes" before the "civilized West". In Russia, thank God, this version has not passed and has caused a wave of good historical materials and works, refuting the “black myths”, which inspired the Russian people with an inferiority complex and guilt before the “world community. But in the West and in parts of the post-Soviet republics, this myth entrenched and became the official version of history.

Another example of what the anti-Russian myths lead to, we see in Little Russia, which is part of Russian civilization. The century-long rule of the “Ukrainian myth”, in which a part of the Russian superethnos, Little Russians, were turned into an independent and “ancient” ethnos of the “Ukrainians”, led to a bloody civil war, where the Russians began to kill Russians to please our geopolitical opponents in the West. Little Russia from one of the passionate centers of Russian civilization, the center of science, education and developed industry has been turned into a poor "bantustan", where the Russians must become extinct or become ethnographic material (white slaves) for the "melting pot" of Europe. And before the final collapse of Little Russia should unleash a war with the rest of the Russian civilization. For this future war, Ukraine has been saved, financed and armed.

In this way, historical myths are of paramount importance on the formation of the worldview and worldview of the people, on its present and future. No wonder the Americans are so actively writing history in their own interests. They create the image of an advanced power, the "Empire of Good", which has the right to dictate its values ​​to all, to bring "democracy and freedom" to "bloody and totalitarian regimes." Therefore, it is not surprising that the Americans, for the most part, believe that they were the first to fly into space, and not the Russians. And Hitler Germany defeated the United States, and the Soviet people only conducted “partisan actions” in the Volga or the Urals.

It is not surprising that under conditions when Western (European) culture dominates and “classical history” imposed on us by directive from the West, Russians were deprived of a significant part of the past, deprived of memory. Russian superethnos (Rus), despite its enormous influence on the history of mankind, turned out to be on the "back streets of history". The overwhelming majority of the population, unaware of what was happening in the past and what is happening at the moment, when we are removed from world history, and our territory is planned to be “mastered” by making Western civilization an “alternate airfield”, obediently swallows what we are drained from the West or “translate” local “creators”.

Hollywood has been shaping the values ​​and world outlook of our youth for decades. The bulk of the Russian "creators" only repeats Western crafts, and at a lower, parochial level. Works supporting the Russian “matrix” (the Spirit) are rare and drown in the mass of garbage. Soviet works, and in the USSR the manifestations of Russian culture were an order of magnitude greater and they were of high quality than in modern Russia, the overwhelming majority of children and young people are not interested, and they are the future of our civilization. We do not have “our own” not only in material culture, but also in spiritual, intellectual. And this is the end. A nation with a multi-thousand-year-old culture turns into “ethnographic material” for those world players who will continue the Game - of the Western, Chinese and Islamic civilizations.

The roots of the problem showed more Slavophiles in the XIX century (and even before M. V. Lomonosov). This is the predominance of Western culture and the Germanic-Romance school in Russia, the rejection of "their". Almost all of the Russian, Soviet and post-Soviet historical “academic” school, with the exception of a few titans of thought and spirit of the type M V. Lomonosov, V. N. Tatishchev, B. A. Rybakov and other devotees, is nothing but a collection of very good translators - copyists, who translated “history” to us from German, English, Swedish, etc. In fact, historians of the times of Romanov Russia and later were subordinated to a kind of Masonic system and hierarchy. They pay for a good life, publications, including those in the West, fame, invitations to international meetings and congresses by “writing” a story that is consistent with the “classical”, German-Romance and biblical school.

The people take everything at face value. People used to trust the venerable and such important pundits. In this way they decide the story. In the geopolitical interests of certain players, each people is assigned its own place, time and space, gradually striking out of history undesirable and dangerous peoples, like Russians. Often they are attributed to the compositions of other peoples, like Venedov-Vandals attributed to the “Germans”, and Prussian Porusians to the Balts, or even create “ethnic chimeras” like “Ukrainians” who are Russian-Rus in their history, language and culture .

Thank God, there are data from archeology, anthropology, linguistics, mythology, toponymy, and a number of other sciences related to history, which speak of the many thousands of years of succession between the Russian super-ethnos and previous cultures that were located on the territory of modern Russia. Foreign and domestic professional linguists, historians, mythologists and other specialists have long reported on the oldest roots of the Russian language from the Paleolithic (for tens of thousands of years deep into the history of mankind). Among them are such famous people as philologist-folklorist V. Ya. Propp, archeologist and historian B. A. Rybakov, archeologist and ethnographer Yu. E. Berezkin. Russian academician G.V. Vernadsky, the son of the more famous scientist V.I. Vernadsky, in 1943, during the most acute period of the struggle of the USSR against Nazi Germany, published the volume “Ancient Russia”, and the historian rightly led the history of Russia from Paleolithic there. Many devotee researchers show that the spiritual and material culture of the Rus-Russian times of the first princes of the Rurikovich family has a direct continuity with the culture of Sarmatia, Scythia, Kimmeria and the culture of the Aryan-Indo-European period. Moreover, the territories of these civilizations on the whole coincide with the territory of the Russian civilization (Russian super-ethnos). Arians and Scythians occupied lands from the Balkans to the Pacific Ocean, from the Arctic Ocean to the borders of China (they used to be south) and India. That is, the Russian superethnos inherited the Aryans and Scythians, taking responsibility for North Eurasia.

In addition, we should not forget that the western branch of the Rus lived in Central, Northern and Southern Europe. Rus founded such cities as Berlin, Rostock, Dresden, Brandenburg, Stargorod-Oldenburg, Vienna, Demmin-Dymen, Mecklenburg (Mikulin Bor), Schwerin-Zverin, Ratzeburg-Ratibor, Leipzig-Lipetsk, Breslau-Breslavl, Roslau-Rusislava, - Lubech, Bremen, Torgau, Lübben, Teter, Venice and many others. Each tribal alliance had dozens and hundreds of cities that were destroyed or became German, Austrian, and Danish cities.

Interestingly, the data of devotees of the Russian concept of history fully coincide with such a work as “The Legend of Slovene and Ruse and the City of Slovensk” (Descendants of Scythian, Sloven, Rus and Vandal). According to the "Legend ...", before Rurik in Russia there was a centralized state. Its founders were the sons of Prince Scythian - brothers Sloven and Rus. According to the Legend of both Slovene and Ruse, in 3099 from the creation of the world (2409 BC) princes with their families and subjects began to leave in search of new lands from the Black Sea coast and 14 for years searched for land for settlement. Finally 2395 year BC. er the settlers went to the great lake, it was originally named Moisko, and then Ilmer - after the sister of the princes - Ilmer. The elder brother Sloven with his family and subjects settled by the river, which they called Mutnaya (Volkhov) and set the city of Slovensk (the future Novgorod the Great). From this point on, the Scythians-cleave were called Slovenes. The river flowing into Ilmer (Ilmen) was named on behalf of Sloven's wife - Shelon. Prince Rus founded the city of Rus - Staraya Russa. On behalf of their princes, the people who inhabit these lands became known as Slovenes and Rus. Sloven and Rus, and the princes that inherited them, ruled a vast territory that reached the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Urals, the Ob River in the east. Mention is made of the campaigns of the Rus to Egypt, Greece and other countries. One of the descendants of Sloven was Prince Vandal. And this is only one of the sources on the history of Russia, which is unknown to the general public.

In order to successfully resist Western informational aggression, the concept of the history of Russia must be expanded at the expense of the Sarmatian, Venetian (the history of the Rus Europe), Scythian, Cimmerian and Aryan periods. The Russian concept of history, which was defended by M. Orbini, M. V. Lomonosov, V. N. Tatischev, V. Trediakovsky, A. F. Veltman, E. I. Klassen, A. D. Chertkov, A. S. Khomyakov, S. Gedeonov, M. Lyubavsky, D. Ilovaisky, V. V. Mavrodin, B. A. Rybakov, Yu. D. Petukhov and many other devotees, should become predominant in Russia.

If the scientific process proceeded along its natural course, if indisputable and numerous arguments and facts were accepted and considered, they would have buried, for example, the notorious “Norman theory” and the theory of the cultural influence of “Normans-Germans” on Russia. For there were no “Normans” at that time in Russia, since the Vikings-Rus fully controlled the Baltic (Venedskoe, that is, the Russian) Sea. There were no “Germans” in Russia at that time, since the whole of that time “Germany” was settled by the Rus, who were members of the alliances of the tribes — the Serbian Lutits, the Lutichies, the Obravian Prussians, the Prussians, etc.

In order for Russian civilization to survive in the 21st century, we must return our history. We need to know that our story does not begin in 1991, not in 1917, not in 1613, and not even in 988. We must reject the myth that we are “young people” who have not gone the way The “ancient” Europe, and especially the ancient peoples of the Middle East and the civilizations of India and China, passed. We must remember that our ancestor father, Japheth, the ancestor of Indo-Europeans (Russian chronicles still remember this), founded the city of Jaffa three and a half thousand years before the ancestors of the Jews came to Palestine. That the Ruses founded and Rushalim (Urusalim). Researcher T. Gracheva notes: “The Ruses founded this city at the end of the 3rd millennium BC and owned it before the Israelis, who seized it by force” ("Fighting on the Syrian land, Russia protects the spirit of the ancestors"). What our ancestors in the past lived in Syria-Russia. That our ancestors were the masters of most of Europe and founded many of its cities. That we are descendants of the most ancient northern civilization, whose roots go back to the times of the legendary Aryans and the mythical Hyperborea.

To be continued ...
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  1. +24
    13 November 2015 06: 33
    How much can foreign cattle wander there in Russian antiquities! M.V. Lomonosov
    our story does not begin in 1991, not in 1917, or even in 988

    The article is relevant, thanks to the author! Even here, on this site, people from another country, but that there are countries, from another continent are teaching me, a fanatic of our ancient past, Russian civilization, the past of my people! It's hard to hold back from emotions. Only here in the Russian language it is not entirely correct to use the term "Europe", we had another word or even several other terms, our own, not borrowed.
    1. -3
      13 November 2015 06: 38
      Quote: venaya
      we had another word or even several other terms, our own, not borrowed.

      Well, bring ali forgot?
      1. -8
        13 November 2015 07: 11
        Quote: Bayonet
        Well, bring ali forgot?

        So what? Will there be nothing for me? Al you kidding.
        1. +1
          13 November 2015 10: 28
          Quote: venaya
          So what? Will there be nothing for me? Al you kidding.

          And why should something be? Said A, speak B.
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 10: 31
            And why should something be? Said A, speak B.

            Yes, he will not say. Doesn't know, or hasn't googled yet. laughing
            They can only put a minus famously, but answer questions, with this it is more difficult for folklore artists.
            1. 0
              13 November 2015 10: 32
              Have they answered at least one?
              1. -4
                13 November 2015 10: 36
                Have they answered at least one?

                And were they? laughing
                1. -9
                  13 November 2015 10: 50
                  Was it just like that, just the point?

                  Engage in your flawed history, do not teach us ours. bully
                  1. +2
                    13 November 2015 10: 54
                    Take care of your flawed story, don't teach us our

                    Yes, and not going to. I do not write fairy tales. laughing
                    1. -8
                      13 November 2015 11: 26
                      The only thing is that they are busy with fables ... you just have nothing else to do but with "unwashed Russia".
                      Since they themselves are in the historical, as well as in the "bathhouse" If you are a neat plan, you can’t imagine anything, so you have to turn everything upside down, and in order to rise, you must lower someone below you.
                      1. +9
                        13 November 2015 12: 05
                        Quote: SectaHaki
                        as well as "bannom" i.e. neat, you are nothing like a plan

                        By the way, yes, with hygiene, it was always EXCELLENT to us in the times known by history, unlike the stinky and dirty Europe.
                        But compared with the hygiene of the same Ancient Romans, of course, it’s more complicated, they even had a sewage system!
                      2. -5
                        13 November 2015 13: 32
                        And how did they use it - is it known?

                        Such hygiene as the Russians did not have and no one has.
                      3. +4
                        13 November 2015 14: 08
                        Quote: SectaHaki
                        And how did they use it - is it known?

                        It is well-known that in terms of hygiene in the ancient world we were far from the first to come up with a cultural wash.
                      4. +2
                        13 November 2015 21: 44
                        It’s unknown, the Russians as they were and remain the first.
                      5. -1
                        14 November 2015 01: 21
                        Quote: SectaHaki
                        It’s unknown, the Russians as they were and remain the first.

                        It is written that it is KNOWN that not the first.
                        Recently, even an article was about the origins of Mediterranean civilizations - you probably did not remember.
                      6. +3
                        14 November 2015 11: 01
                        If something was known about the Russian bath / hygiene, and how it differs from the rest, then this was not written. Go there and compare. lol

                        Pointer your TV shows and letters from the category "Vodka-Pelmeni, Russian weeks at Mc'Donald's!" laughing
                        just stock up on a "barbaric" birch broom, instead of a stick with a reusable wound rag which these cultured Romans wiped their asses in their collective latrines without partitions. Like a "plunger", but not at all for a push ...
                      7. +1
                        15 November 2015 00: 04
                        The same in the topic
                        I read at Bushkov that Western historians portrayed Attila as a bloodthirsty savage, who pisses, while riding a horse, tearing raw meat with his teeth, blood in one direction, and urine in the other

                        In fact, it turned out that he was the most educated leader of a huge power, the prototype of Russia or the USSR, spoke 5 or 6 languages, had a huge administrative apparatus, etc. How else would he “butt” with Rome? His army was international - there were both steppe people and Slavs - the ancestors of the peoples of the USSR
                      8. -1
                        13 November 2015 15: 55
                        Quote: Down House
                        , with hygiene at us always in times known by history was EXCELLENT, in contrast to the smelly and dirty Europe.
                        But compared with the hygiene of the same Ancient Romans, of course, it’s more complicated, they even had a sewage system!

                        Sorry, Rome was founded by the Etruscans, the Russian-speaking part of the common Russian world. If you read the word ROME on the contrary, then you will get PEACE (in the sense of society), then there was no clear rule in which direction to read letters, and everyone read as he wanted, by the way Arabs still read from right to left. So Roman culture is just part of the general Russian culture.
                      9. 0
                        13 November 2015 15: 58
                        This is how the Latin "impotence" back "no eggs ..." the main meaning is beyond doubt.
                      10. +5
                        13 November 2015 16: 42
                        Quote: venaya
                        If you read the word ROME the other way around

                        And if you make 4 mistakes in the word ROME, you get the word BEER!
                        Quote: venaya
                        Sorry, Rome was founded by the Etruscans, the Russian-speaking part of the common Russian world.

                        This is in honor of what did you decide that the Etruscans are right after all Russians?
                        Made 7 mistakes in Etruscan? wink
                        First, study what the Etruscan civilization was like, even if, hypothetically, they were suddenly descendants of the "ancient Russians" - then in any case, there is NOTHING IN GENERAL in the culture of the Etruscans and ancient Russians!
                      11. +3
                        13 November 2015 16: 56
                        Quote: Down House

                        This is in honor of what did you decide that the Etruscans are right after all Russians?
                        First, study what the Etruscan civilization was like, even if, hypothetically, they were suddenly descendants of the "ancient Russians" - then in any case, there is NOTHING IN GENERAL in the culture of the Etruscans and ancient Russians!

                        Common language, similar gods, similar culture. Do you have any idea what you are writing about. Who are you, an Etruscologist? Or just by chance you came here? Or are you just working on a foreign sabotage service like V. Suvorov? It is not clear who gave you the right to evaluate someone? Maybe you are just one of the "chosen by God", therefore, by the right of birth, you have the right to commit any nasty things. Confess right away, then it will be worse, I assure you.
                      12. -1
                        13 November 2015 17: 32
                        Quote: venaya
                        Common language, similar gods, close culture. Do you have any idea what you're writing about. Who are you, an etruscologist?

                        Etrusologist? winked
                        Well, let's not climb into such wilds, just look a little at Wikipedia.
                        "Roman borrowings from the Etruscans include advanced engineering, in particular the erection of arched vaults. Roman customs such as gladiator fights, chariot races and many funeral rites are also of Etruscan origin."
                        "The most original creation of Etruscan sculpture is sarcophagi, usually terracotta"
                        "We know very little about Etruscan science, with the exception of medicine, which aroused admiration among the Romans. Etruscan doctors knew anatomy well."
                        And now the questions:
                        1. Where are the ancient Russian arches?
                        2. Where are the ancient Russian gladiator fights?
                        3. Where are the ancient Russians chariot races?
                        4. Where are the ancient Russian sarcophagi and necropolises similar to the Etruscan?
                      13. 0
                        14 November 2015 19: 01
                        Quote: Down House
                        let's not climb into such wilds, questions:
                        1. Where are the ancient Russian arches?
                        2. Where are the ancient Russian gladiator fights?
                        3. Where are the ancient Russians chariot races?
                        4. Where are the ancient Russian sarcophagi and necropolises similar to the Etruscan?
                        1. Arches, what are the Etruscan arches? So they are everywhere, you are just too lazy to look. 2. The Russian people are not savages, therefore the norms of fist fighting were adopted according to their own, cultural rules. 3. Chariots? So the best chariots of this time were among the Hittites, you are not familiar with this, read it. 5. Sargofegs were everywhere in Russia, if you have the audacity to refer to the Vekpedia, then there really is nothing Russian to find, this is a Nazi site opened. Sargophagus of the "Trypillian civilization" period was found on the territory of the "Vinca culture", near Belgrade, with the inscription "Zhivina Rus", etc., look in Wikipedia. Or where else, maybe under the fence? You have obvious shifts in the choice of information sources, you are not interesting!
                      14. 0
                        14 November 2015 22: 47
                        Quote: venaya
                        1. Arches, what are the Etruscan arches? So they are everywhere, you are just too lazy to watch.

                        An arch is an architectural element, a curvilinear overlap of a through or blind opening in a wall or a span between two supports.
                        And what are you talking about - about the Rainbow?
                        Quote: venaya
                        The Russian people are not savages, so the norms of fist fighting were adopted according to their cultural rules

                        Well, that’s Hammurabi crying with bitter tears laughing
                        Quote: venaya
                        Chariots? So the Hets had the best chariots of their time, you are not familiar with this, read

                        Cool, but the original question was "Where is the ancient Russian chariot race?" or the Hittites also descended from the ancient Rus ?!
                        Quote: venaya
                        Sargofegi ​​in Russia were everywhere

                        But where exactly? Proofs to the studio!
                        Quote: venaya
                        if you have the audacity to refer to wikipedia, you really can’t find anything Russian there, this is a Nazi site.

                        Wow, this is news! laughing
                        Quote: venaya
                        You have obvious shifts in the choice of sources of information, you are not interesting!

                        Of course, I respect scientific sources, you, as a fan of fantasy, are probably really not interested in them.
                        And in general, well, you write already without errors, the correct spelling is 100500 times more important than the 1000000000 years of the history of Ancient Russia laughing
                      15. 0
                        14 November 2015 23: 49
                        Arches have long acquired the name "Etruscan arches" in conventional science, that is, they are already Russian, but such structures with a great age have been found on the territory of the modern Russian Federation, this is not available to you, for you it is fantasy... Your publishers (owned by your financial gang) will never publish anything of this. Example: I am writing about a sargophagus 7000 years old, it annoys you and your religious bosses so much that no one dares to publish it, and yet I give the exact information where it is located, 18 km from Belgrade, with an inscription in almost modern language ... And where could you see that? Further: I get information from everywhere, the most valuable at scientific conferences and more often the speaker refuses to publish anything, apparently there are reasons, world experience is replete with them. I get some information in personal communication with narrow specialists. If you are satisfied with the children's Wikipedia, then the flag is in your hands, just do not shit on people's brains with this abomination, which has nothing to do with honest science. As for the Etruscans, at least read the book by E. Klassen "The Ancient History ...", for a start.
                      16. 0
                        15 November 2015 10: 34
                        then in any case, in the culture of the Etruscans and ancient Russians there is NOTHING AT ALL! [/ quote]

                        To get started, read at least one book about the Etruscans
                      17. 0
                        15 November 2015 16: 45
                        Quote: sergo42
                        To get started, read at least one book about the Etruscans

                        Are you limited to one book? So call her! I constantly call the sources, and you what, in a special situation. Try to name your sources, as well as sources of funding for the writing and production of printed materials. In order not to be biased, I give for example a book that Emperor Nicholas I read and evaluated, that is, a book by the outstanding figure E. Classen. You have claims to her, I’m ready to listen to everything, but for now, you remind me of a leader of a secret society, with all the ensuing consequences. Good luck reading the second book.
                      18. +4
                        13 November 2015 17: 56
                        Quote: venaya
                        If you read the word ROME on the contrary, then you will get PEACE

                        Eh .. this is in what language is it necessary to read it? Rome is actually written as Roma, back if - amor, and this is generally "love", if in Latin .. does not suggest any thoughts? wink

                        Quote: venaya
                        So Roman culture is just part of the general Russian culture.

                        A 360-degree brain turn is evident .. You’ll go to Veles (there’s such a passenger) Yes
                      19. 0
                        14 November 2015 18: 40
                        Quote: Cat Man Null
                        Mdja .. what language is it necessary to read? Rome actually spelled Roma
                        Quote: ivankursk46 We communicate on the Internet, and not at a scientific symposium. ... Now read the opposite of Roma
                        Quote: Down House let's not climb into such wilds, just take a look at Wikipedia.
                        Quote: hrych ... Latin "impotence" back "no eggs ..." the main meaning is beyond doubt.
                        Quote: venaya: Sorry, but the Etruscans founded Rome.
                        Quote: Uncle Joe: It turns out that Rome founded one of those that did not exist at that time pomors
                        Rome - Italy. Roma [ˈroːma]

                        Sorry dear colleagues. Where I am? What, someone have doubtsthat Rome founded the Etruscans ??? Personally, I never expected this, maybe someone will look at the textbook on the history of ancient Rome and find out in the end who founded Rome! Otherwise, I don't understand how to communicate here. Links to porn sites like "Vekipedia" like the rest of the pedias I completely reject. You might just as well refer to inscriptions on the fence, shed and where else, maybe in A. Hitler's kiga "My Struggle", although there are more serious sources, such as the Talmud, Torah, etc. Let's start in order: We are on the military-patriotic site "Voennoye Obozreniye", by the way Russian-language. Why, in this connection, I have to read the original name of the city in some kind of left-handed yak, then in the language of African savages "Latin" ("united", in translation) of the type of modern ISIS (also intentional or multi-tribal), or even more so in Italian , which appeared only in the XNUMXth century. Is this a form of psychiatry? Let's get serious and read Etruscan, which also converges with modern Russian. Hack it on your nose: Latin is the language of the Acupants of Erutreya, tribes of clearly African origin, like modern ISIS, or the Arabs who conquered the Iberian Peninsula in the XNUMXth century. Does it feel like there are only representatives of peoples with a partial African origin on the site? How else can you explain the behavior of the commentators. Of course, I understand that: "Each sandpiper praises his swamp," but what does the VO site have to do with it? If the city was founded by people who speak and write (he himself read a lot of them) in the dialect of the Russian language (by the way, it helps in the study of Russian itself), then why in this case it is necessary to use the language of some tribe "Tumba-Yumba"? I repeat: in Etruscan, the meaning of the word Rome is most likely just a community, a village, etc. If there are other opinions, please let us discuss. Denial of the obvious is a sign of a special culture - a culture of hatred, unproductive and having only destructive results, designed to completely confuse those around them, apparently setting a similar goal for themselves. Please remember who is particularly distinguished by this art.
                      20. 0
                        14 November 2015 21: 57
                        genetic studies showed that the Etruscans come from Iran, then they lived in Armenia for a long time, then they further migrated to the West, and from there they got to the Apennine Peninsula.

                        Maybe there are problems with decoding the Etruscan language, but with their genetics today everything is already clear.
                      21. -1
                        14 November 2015 22: 40
                        Quote: xtur
                        genetic studies showed that the Etruscans come from Iran, then they lived in Armenia for a long time, then they further migrated to the West, and from there they got to the Apennine Peninsula.

                        Thanks for the info, a lot of this is familiar to me. The problem is that the Etruscans were not a mononation, which greatly confuses researchers. Further: even in the epic - people from Troy, whose inhabitants were close to the Hetians, obviously white people, are closer to us even than the Felistimans / Pelazgs. In addition, according to studies, Iran (Persia) still uses the Parsi language (in Russia) and has always had close ties with northern Russia. Great genetic differences should not be in principle. At the moment, Iran is significantly populated by immigrants from the Arabian desert (Arabs) who are very deluded from the Russians. When using information on genetics, one should not forget its very great influence, therefore there is usually an abundance of misinformation. This info is too important for many.
                      22. -1
                        13 November 2015 18: 50
                        Quote: venaya
                        they founded the Etruscans, the Russian-speaking part of the general Russian world. If you read the word ROME the other way around, then
                        It turns out that Rome founded one of the Pomors that did not exist at that time. laughing

                        Rome - Italy. Roma [ˈRoːma]

                      23. -1
                        13 November 2015 20: 44
                        Quote: venaya
                        Sorry, Rome was founded by the Etruscans, the Russian-speaking part of the common Russian world. If you read the word ROME on the contrary, then you will get PEACE

                        Now read the opposite Roma [ˈroːma]
                      24. +1
                        13 November 2015 20: 57
                        Quote: ivankursk46
                        Now read the opposite Roma [ˈroːma]

                        And what will happen?

                        PS: Here it is generally accepted to use "you", if you are not in the course .. that's just accepted like that, and that's it Yes
                      25. -2
                        13 November 2015 23: 23
                        We communicate on the Internet, and not at a scientific symposium. Therefore, people with a fine mental organization should better delete the System32 folder from the computer immediately. This will completely solve all their problems.
                      26. 0
                        14 November 2015 00: 28
                        Quote: ivankursk46
                        We communicate on the Internet

                        Exactly. At this particular forum, an appeal to "you" is accepted.

                        PS: What the hell are you climbing? Duc is easy ..
                      27. +2
                        14 November 2015 00: 39
                        The place of communication is unimportant.
                        Correctness is important.
                        Are we polite people? .. wink

                        And in continuation of the theme of "the formation of history", and not only the Russian-Slavic, the film
                  2. -1
                    13 November 2015 13: 09
                    as I understand it, you are a supporter of the spread of Islam in Africa, but yourself from Turkey?
                    The Ottoman Empire is haunted, believe it in the past and it cannot be restored
                  3. 0
                    14 November 2015 15: 22
                    Don't like our real story? Do not meddle with these tips, it is not written for you.
                    1. 0
                      16 November 2015 08: 45
                      Who wrote it to you?
              2. The comment was deleted.
          2. -4
            13 November 2015 10: 33
            Russian as that ancient Greek goddess was sideways ...
          3. -5
            13 November 2015 11: 04
            Quote: Bayonet
            And why should something be? Said A, speak B.

            Not all information should be publicly available, will be punished.
            To give and explain all known self-names with their explanations, the whole book is not enough, not to mention comments. Gradually, dosed, to the extent possible, I can give, and I give, read in the following comments. And in other, earlier topics, I explained the meanings of individual words and concepts. For now, I will name only the term Porussia, for starters.
      2. +13
        13 November 2015 08: 08
        If you understand, then zapadentsev spit on what others think of them. And it’s right. We also need to act not to sprinkle ash on our heads and endlessly retell other people's myths about Russia, but to consistently and systematically defend our Russian history. Each culture makes up history and you don’t need to talk about history as a scientific institute of knowing the truth, history how you turned it around and turned out, a lot depends on the interpretation of facts, some facts are not noticed, others are absolutized. Traditional Russian studies believe that archaeological materials of Slavic origin only appear from the fifth century. As far as it is difficult for me to say to a specialist, it’s a mistake to start the history of the Slavs from the fifth century. There is an explanation for this, since the Slavic people didn’t come from heaven, obviously he had a previous story about which one can and should speak, let this story will have a hypothetical character, but let it be such that it will be just a blank spot. It is important that from the fifth to Since the great resettlement of the Slavs began, for some reason little is said and written about it, so few people have an idea how the Slavs settled from the Balkans, to Lake Ladoga, from Berlin to Kiev. This is our story, you need to know how many copies were broken during the discussion Russophobic Norman theory, but it seems that its history has come to an end. Modern genetic data indicate the presence of two haplogroups among modern Ruriks that are most prevalent among Russians and Prussians. A study of the genome of the remains of Rurikovich, if not mistaken, Yaroslav the Wise indicate its Prussian roots. Thus, the Scandinavians have nothing to do with the Varangians and cannot have. The curtain. The Varangians probably arrived from Prussia in the ninth century. It is known that the Scandinavians visited Prussia from the seventh century, so some of their names could be adopted by the Russians, this is a common practice of the time. Polovtsian khans in the thirteenth century also sometimes had Russian names.
        1. +5
          13 November 2015 09: 46
          Prussia is just the modernized name of those tribes that were on the territory of modern Germany. Of course, in those days there were no Germans. Most likely this is the western branch of the Slavs, some of which went east - here you have Rurik (Rorak)
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 10: 08
            Quote: Alexey-74
            Prussia is just the modernized name of those tribes that were on the territory of modern Germany. Of course in those days there were no Germans

            Prussia is the Germanic name for a part of the territory of Rus, previously called the original term Porusia (one "C"). The German language was created for a long time, the writing in the Latin script was introduced by Martin Luther in the 80th century, before that they used the Turkic runes, even under Hitler called "Ancient Germanic runes". Until today, the norms of the German language do not really exist, up to 1914 dialects of the German language are used in use. A complete ban on the use of Russian was carried out only with the beginning of the war in XNUMX.
          2. +4
            13 November 2015 10: 19
            Quote: Alexey-74
            Most likely this is the western branch of the Slavs,
            Poles and Russians have one haplogroup, the Prussians had another. There are also records of their traditions, religion, language. The Prussians belonged to the Baltic group.
            1. +5
              13 November 2015 11: 17
              Quote: Lead
              Poles and Russians have one haplogroup, the Prussians had another. There are also records of their traditions, religion, language. The Prussians belonged to the Baltic group.

              "Prussians belonged to the Baltic group"- and the name of this group appeared only in the 70th century, before there was no division. Residents of northern Germany, Poles, Lithuanians and Rusichi - mostly (90% -1%) belong to the same genetic group R1aXNUMX, if you have other infa, let me know. ”By the way, the Russian-Lithuanian state was both Russian-speaking and used the Russian alphabet.
              1. +1
                13 November 2015 11: 24
                Quote: venaya
                The Prussians belonged to the Baltic group - and the name of this group appeared only in the 70th century, before there was no division. Residents of northern Germany, Poles, Lithuanians and Rusichs - mostly (90% -1%) are in the same genetic group R1aXNUMX, if you have any other info, let me know.

                50% according to research, at least of the same Klesov
              2. -3
                13 November 2015 11: 58
                Quote: venaya
                "Prussians belonged to the Baltic group"

                By the way, everything is clear with poruses, but can you cite the etymology of the word "rus-rus"?
                It seems to me quite simple: the word - russus (lat. / Greek.) - red, red ...
                And they called it that in Byzantium, because the Slavs liked the red color ... and it's hot there ... that's like Evdokimov's - "the muzzle is red like that"
                1. +4
                  13 November 2015 13: 05
                  WE speak Russian, not Latin. Take Dahl's explanatory dictionaries, you can be older, and RUSSIAN LANGUAGE will open for you !!!
                  1. -7
                    13 November 2015 13: 39
                    You, like him, are a Dane chtoli to learn from him?
                  2. -5
                    13 November 2015 13: 44
                    Quote: 19max70
                    WE speak Russian, not Latin. Take Dahl's explanatory dictionaries, you can be older, and RUSSIAN LANGUAGE will open for you !!!

                    Have you read? There are half the words - Tatar, Latin, Greek ...
                    Your question is: as in Russian: dog, horse, owner ...
                    Maybe we should raise the ass from the Turkic "sofa" ???
                    1. +1
                      13 November 2015 14: 43
                      Have you read? There are half the words - Tatar, Latin, Greek ...
                      So in modern Russian there are a lot of foreign words, especially a lot of them began to be introduced into the language after 1991. We will soon come to the point where, as before the war of 1812, our elite, considering themselves Russian, will not be able to speak Russian. wink good
                      1. -3
                        13 November 2015 15: 40
                        As if the language are not only words, but also the rules for constructing phrases and word formation, i.e. the corresponding device ... for example, Russian or German languages ​​are inflectional, while English and Chinese are analytical ...
                        Didn't you know that?
                        So the main thing - when borrowing words, the language BECOMES RICHER.
                      2. +1
                        13 November 2015 15: 45
                        Quote: merlin
                        So the main thing - when borrowing words, the language BECOMES RICHER

                        well this is misleading i.e. It’s a lie, there is no need for the Russian language to use foreign analogues, because you can always find Russian natural for any non-Russian word ...
                      3. 0
                        13 November 2015 15: 55
                        Quote: War and Peace
                        for any non-Russian word you can always find Russian natural

                        And what about the electron?
                        What about the neutron?
                        Well, even if you find it, why bother finding them at all ?!
                        Does the fact that there are not Russian words in "chemistry" belittles our dignity, for example, that our compatriot invented the periodic system ?!
                      4. -1
                        13 November 2015 16: 31
                        He does not know such words ...
                        This people speaks to us from an amber-counting device ... laughing
                      5. +2
                        13 November 2015 17: 19
                        Quote: Down House
                        And what about the electron?
                        What about the neutron?

                        then you attach the prefixes -neiot and here you have a neutron, everything is easy ...
                      6. -1
                        13 November 2015 17: 31
                        Quote: war and peace
                        then you attach the prefixes -neiot and here you have a neutron, everything is easy ...

                        A neutron is a neutral, chargeless, "Anti-" electron, which you probably meant - a positron (positively charged) ...
                        Do you have two in physics at school? I would put a stake ...
                      7. +2
                        13 November 2015 17: 37
                        Quote: War and Peace

                        No words alone emotions laughing you about Thomas you are about Yerema laughing
                        I repeat again:
                        "Well, even if you do, why find them in the first place ?!"
                        The answer is Nothing!
                        The language of science is an international language (like the general system of units) and at its core, so that no one would be offended - "the language is dead"!
                        How then will you force our scientists to speak with Westerners at scientific conferences and read each other's works? laughing
                      8. The comment was deleted.
                      9. +2
                        13 November 2015 18: 56
                        Quote: Down House
                        Quote: War and Peace
                        for any non-Russian word you can always find Russian natural
                        And what about the electron?
                        What about the neutron?

                        Neutron - from lat. neuter - neither one nor the other.
                        Electron - from dr. ἤλεκτρον - amber.
                        So the words - and Russian - are available for their designation. It is ACCEPTED to name these particles only in the scientific community exactly as they are called now - and that’s all.
                      10. The comment was deleted.
                      11. The comment was deleted.
                      12. 0
                        13 November 2015 15: 56
                        Dear Vadim, the main difference between the Russian language and all others is that the original Russian words have a root and root words. All other words are borrowed from other languages, but this does not mean that we do not use them. Sincerely.
                      13. +3
                        13 November 2015 16: 38
                        And the original Greek and Latin have no roots and root words?
                        Do you think Finnish has no Finnish roots?
                        I explain on fingers: there is a word "computer" from the English. computer - "calculator", this word is borrowed, but the words "computer technician" are not in the English language, it is formed according to the rules of our Russian language, and this is a Russian word, we do not say - "geek", as the people do ... Do you still think word formation is not an important element of the language?
                      14. +1
                        13 November 2015 20: 04
                        Well talked with you, thanks, while the break is leaving.
                      15. +1
                        14 November 2015 10: 24
                        Belinsky has a great article about the Russian language, which "processes" foreign words, and spits out the unnecessary part.
                        The article is addressed to the Slavophiles who cared about the "purity" of the Russian language. Search merlin for this article, it is up to date.
                        When I read the word "smiled", I want to answer with a cool Russian word, to the same ending.
                      16. -1
                        14 November 2015 16: 44
                        I read this article, though still at school, it seems the name "Pedant" ... Belinsky, by the way, has more than one such article, in general, it was from this that the opposition of "Westernizers" and "Slavophiles" began, which we observe now, at least in the discussion of this articles ... And you are absolutely right, everything is still relevant now ... God, how many years have passed, and we are all there, the same arguments ... history really develops in a spiral ...
                      17. +1
                        13 November 2015 18: 09
                        Quote: 19max70
                        The main difference between the Russian language and all others is that the original Russian words have a root and root words

                        Electron - electron - electronic .. continue the sequence yourself, although your (crooked) statement is already refuted by this example alone .. as if laughing

                        Damn, as the "guardians of the primacy of the Russian language" got it .. they really don't know Russian (as a rule), they write - with ashipka (and even grammatical ones, not to mention others), English hayut (at the same time - it is also not know) .. Clinic, damn it ..
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                    3. -4
                      13 November 2015 21: 19
                      And in Turkic - a tractor? You better still sit in Danish, if you began to study Russian only at school.
                      1. +1
                        13 November 2015 21: 29
                        Quote: SectaHaki
                        And in Turkic - a tractor? You better still sit in Danish, if you began to study Russian only at school.

                        Well, you as an expert on MtDNA, of course, know best ...
                        Would you teach lessons, schoolboy ...
                      2. 0
                        16 November 2015 07: 19
                        learn Russian ... MtDNA is when not in Halacha. Fersteen?
                      3. +1
                        14 November 2015 01: 13
                        read ... Russian is more than the language of the Russians ... it is all over the world))
              3. -2
                13 November 2015 12: 21
                This is mitochondrial DNA, it is transmitted along the male line ... you are surrounded by a circle.
                1. The comment was deleted.
                2. +1
                  13 November 2015 12: 41
                  Quote: SectaHaki
                  This is mitochondrial DNA, it is transmitted along the male line ... you are surrounded by a circle.

                  Is this your joke-humor? belay
                  1. 0
                    16 November 2015 08: 13
                    Not once ...
                    1. -1
                      16 November 2015 09: 23
                      Quote: SectaHaki
                      Not once ...

                      Well, since it’s never once ... then in SCHOOL !!!
                      Teach biology, you dunce !!!
                      1. 0
                        16 November 2015 09: 24
                        I hear from this ...
                3. +2
                  13 November 2015 15: 17
                  everything is exactly the opposite, mitochondrial - by mother, and nuclear - mother + father. The sperm is introduced into the nucleus of the egg, and the mitochondria remain maternal.
              4. 0
                13 November 2015 13: 37
                Quote: venaya
                Residents of northern Germany, Poles, Lithuanians and Rusichs - mostly (70% -90%) are in the same genetic group R1a1, if you have any other info, let me know.
                I found info on the internet, I don’t remember the source. Apparently, genetics have not yet come to general conclusions on the genealogy of Rurik. haplogroup N1c1. "( A.A. Kolesov refers the Rurikites to the Baltic Slavs, and the author, whose article I read earlier, referred to the Prussians who lived in the same region. Who is right, I don't know, but I liked Kolesov's position better Yes
                1. -1
                  13 November 2015 14: 07
                  Quote: Lead
                  Rurikovich are either carriers of the haplogroup R1a, Slavs, or carriers of the South Baltic, Slavic branch of the haplogroup N1c1. A.A. Kolesov classifies Rurikovich among the Baltic Slavs, and the author, whose article I read earlier, attributed to the Prussians who lived in the same region. I don’t know who is right, but I liked Kolesov’s position more

                  Only now, he does not specify that the haplogroup N1c1 is characteristic of the Uralic language group, which, as it were, hints at their not Slavic, but Finno-Ugric origin ... naturally, later its representatives were Baltized.

                  It is strange that you Vedun, judging by the comments of a lover of everything Russian, liked this "position".
                  1. +1
                    13 November 2015 14: 16
                    Quote: merlin
                    he does not specify that haplogroup N1c1 is characteristic of the Uralic language group
                    Kolesov believes that the haplogroup N1c1-L550 belongs to the South Baltic Slavs.
                    1. -1
                      13 November 2015 15: 43
                      Quote: Lead
                      Kolesov believes that the haplogroup N1c1-L550 belongs to the South Baltic Slavs.

                      Imagine, I just wrote this to you ... N1c1-L550 Baltic Finno-Ugrians ... wink
                      Language and customs adopted from the Balts - it is now clear?...
                      1. +2
                        13 November 2015 17: 06
                        Quote: merlin
                        Language and customs were adopted from the Balts - is it clear now? ...

                        Perhaps the Rurik family with N1c1 were the indigenous inhabitants of the South Baltic region, which were later assimilated by the Slavs having R1a. In this sense, the Prussians, who probably had the N1c1 haplotype, were not compared in this article with the Rurik haplotype compared to the Haplotype, he has grounds for ranking Rurikovich precisely as Slavs, and not as Prussians. Not everyone decides genes, if in the 9th century Rurikovich were an assimilated family, then their culture, religion, speech and self-identification were Slavic.
                      2. -2
                        13 November 2015 17: 48
                        Quote: Lead
                        Only not all genes decide, if in the 9th century the Rurikovich were an assimilated genus, then their culture, religion, speech and self-identification were Slavic.

                        That is exactly what I had in mind. Blood is not as important as culture.
                      3. +1
                        13 November 2015 17: 26
                        Quote: merlin
                        Language and customs were adopted from the Balts - is it clear now? ...

                        Please specify what name is the language and how it was called. For example, before the Crusades in Lithuania they spoke and wrote in Russian and Russian letters, the Lithuanians themselves know about this. If in doubt, ask questions.
                      4. -1
                        13 November 2015 17: 39
                        Quote: venaya
                        Please specify which language and how it was called. For example, before the Crusades in Lithuania they spoke and wrote in Russian and Russian letters, the Lithuanians themselves know about this. If in doubt, ask questions.

                        Prussian, of course ... Prussian example: "Kails rekyse, thoneaw labonache thewelyse, eg koyte poyte Nykoyte pennega doyte." - is it very similar to Russian?
                        And Litvinians (and not like yours, Lithuania) are essentially Belarusians.
                      5. +10
                        14 November 2015 01: 19
                        The well-known Indian scientist professor Sanctritor Durga Prasad Shastri at a scientific conference in 1964 in India noted that Russian and Sanskrit are two languages ​​in the world that are most similar to each other. Our languages ​​have similar word structures, styles, and syntax. We add even greater similarity in the rules of grammar - it causes, in his words, deep curiosity of everyone who is familiar with linguistics. ”

                        The most famous Russian word "satellite" consists of three parts: "c" - prefix, "put" - root and "nick" - suffix. The Russian word path is the same for many languages: path in English and path in Sanskrit. The Sanskrit word "pathik" means "one who follows the path, a traveler." The semantic meaning of these words in both languages ​​coincides: "one who follows the path with someone else." In Russian, a companion is also called a wife.

                        “When I was in Moscow,” Shastri himself says, “at the hotel they gave me the keys to room 234 and said:“ two hundred and thirty-four. ” In perplexity, I could not understand if I was standing in front of a lovely girl in Moscow or in Benares or Ujjain in our classical period, about 2000 years ago. In Sanskrit 234 there will be “dwishata tridasha chatwari”. Is it possible somewhere more similarity? It is unlikely that there are two more languages ​​that have preserved the ancient heritage - such a close pronunciation - to this day. ”About 4000 years have passed since the breakup of the Slavic Aryans, and both languages ​​contain close and common words that arose in ancient times, but are easily understood by ear these days, even by lay people.

                        During this visit, Shastri claimed: "You all here speak some ancient form of Sanskrit, and I understand a lot without translation."

                        Also, at one time he visited the village of Kachalovo about 25 kilometers from Moscow, where he was invited to dinner with a Russian peasant family. An elderly woman, apparently the mistress of the house, introduced him to a young couple, saying in Russian: "he is my son and she is my daughter-in-law." Shastri was terribly surprised that the phrase sounds quite understandable without translation. “How I wish,” Shastri writes later, “so that Panini, the great Indian grammar player who lived about 2600 years ago, could be here with me and hear the language of his time, so wonderfully preserved with all the smallest subtleties!”

                        The Russian word is "son" and in Sanskrit "suna". The Russian word is “mine,” and in Sanskrit is “madi,” and finally “daughter-in-law” is the Sanskrit “snusha”.

                        “Here is another Russian expression:“ That is your house, this is our house. ” In Sanskrit: "I will give your tat, I will give our etat."

                        If we compare the young languages ​​of the European group (English, French, German) that directly go back to Sanskrit, then the above sentence in them cannot exist without the verb “is”. Only Russian and Sanskrit dispense with the is-conjunction verb. The word "is" itself is similar to "is" in Russian and "asti" in Sanskrit. And even more than that, the Russian word "nature" and the Sanskrit "astitva" mean "existence" in both languages.

                        “Thus,” Shastri writes, “it becomes clear that not only the syntax and order of the words are similar, the expressiveness and spirit are preserved in these languages ​​unchanged.”

                        Shastri gives a vivid example of how the Panini grammar rule works, in order to show how applicable it is in the word formation of the Russian language. Six pronouns are transformed into the adverb of time by a simple addition - “da”. In modern Russian, there are three of the six cited Panini Sanskrit examples, but they follow this rule 2600 years ago.
                      6. +4
                        14 November 2015 04: 08
                        So Arkaim is 4000 years old.
                      7. -1
                        14 November 2015 16: 56
                        This, of course, is all entertaining ...
                        But here's what is not clear: maybe I argued somewhere that Russian is not Indo-European? or maybe so that he is not inflectional? or did I say something about Sanskrit somewhere? maybe somewhere you read from me that the Russian language or Sanskrit has not changed over the centuries?
                        Why did you write this?

                        PS The ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans is the Volga steppes, and this is not my opinion - this is official science ... I would place it closer to Altai (Arkaim) to the ancestral home of the Uralic language family, but this is ....
                      8. 0
                        15 November 2015 19: 10
                        Quote: merlin
                        . The ancestral home of the Indo-Europeans is the Volga steppes, and this is not my opinion - this is official science ... I would place it closer to Altai (Arkaim) to the ancestral home of the Uralic language family, but this is ....

                        "this is not my opinion - this is the official science ..." - That is, some gang, with the help of money and power created by crazy money, declares a certain monopoly on the truth, sorry, but this is not a science, but something closer to the concept религия, which we notice at every step. Interestingly, M. Lomonosov's opinion is not included in the concept "official science". Please explain what exactly this muddy term, confusing everyone and everything, means.
                      9. -1
                        16 November 2015 09: 24
                        They should have explained it to you at school. wink
                        You would write on the matter, otherwise the flood is continuous ...
                      10. 0
                        17 November 2015 09: 37
                        Quote: merlin
                        They should have explained it to you at school.
                        You would write on the matter, otherwise the flood is continuous ...

                        You know, at school I had no time to listen to the explanations of the teachers, it took a lot of time to explain to the teachers mistakes in their curricula, they were more busy with their own improvement of their qualifications using the materials that I gave them. And all this disgrace continued until graduate school. Yes, of course I also feel sorry for my teachers, but how their professional level has grown! I would like you to pull up too, if you also have enough strength. By the way, what exactly do you mean by the word "flood", your interpretation is interesting.
                      11. The comment was deleted.
                      12. 0
                        15 November 2015 18: 44
                        Quote: merlin
                        Prussian, of course ... Prussian example: "Kails rekyse, thoneaw labonache thewelyse, eg koyte poyte Nykoyte pennega doyte." - is it very similar to Russian?
                        And Litvinians (and not like yours, Lithuania) are essentially Belarusians.

                        And what year did it appear "Prussian language"? According to research, a thousand years ago, more than 95% of the population of Berlin's environs used the Russian language, the same percentage of the names of villages, cities, rivers and mountains in their root are still Russian. The presence of German writing using Latin letters until the XNUMXth century was not By what year do you identify the inscription you submitted? Most likely it is only the XNUMXth century, please specify, otherwise you are confusing everyone here.
                      13. 0
                        16 November 2015 09: 26
                        Do not confuse the Prussians and the Western Slavs ...
                        And still could not read Prussian wink
            2. 0
              13 November 2015 12: 09
              Quote: Lead
              Poles and Russians have one haplogroup, the Prussians had another

              Well, name as this "halo group"!
              1. +1
                14 November 2015 01: 25
                R1a1 - Slavic haplogroup.
                As for the Prussians, I quote the study of Kuzmenko Yu. K.
                Speaking about the high level of haplogroup N1c among the Finns, Finno-Ugric, Balts (including Prussians) and northern Russians (> 40%), he notes that this haplogroup is almost absent in German-speaking peoples, with the exception of the Swedes (11%) and Norwegians (5%), but at the same time makes an important remark:
                “However, it is possible that the low frequency of the haplogroup N1c in Germany, Holland and Iceland and its absence among the descendants of the Angles, Saxons and Utes, as well as the Scandinavians in the British Isles, as well as its absence in
                Normandy may indicate that this haplogroup spread to Scandinavia only after the Viking era. ”
                That is, he confirms Klesov’s words that the Rurik-specific haplotype and in general N1c itself is not autochthonous for the Swedes etc even if it is found there (5-11%), since it is nothing more than evidence of the assimilation of the non-German-speaking population in the late historical stage.

                N1c is a South Baltic group, including among some Finns and Estonians.
        2. 0
          13 November 2015 12: 08
          Quote: Lead
          Each culture makes up history and there is no need to talk about history as a scientific institute for knowing the truth, history draws where it turned and left

          Oh come on!
          But what about the methodology of historical science?
          Do you even know the basic methods, for example, the validation of sources?
          1. +1
            13 November 2015 13: 42
            Quote: Down House
            But what about the methodology of historical science?

            Quote: Lead
            a lot depends on the interpretation of the facts, some facts are not noticed, others are absolute.
            1. 0
              13 November 2015 14: 13
              Quote: Lead
              a lot depends on the interpretation of facts

              Yeah, the writers of such "scientific" articles definitely do not notice either "Srubnaya" or "Andoronovka" or other cultures located on the territory of modern Russia.
              But official science by the way does not hide them, but studies!
            2. +1
              14 November 2015 11: 47
              Methodology implies that facts lead to truth, to the right result, and not to fit the facts to the expected result. Fitting - always leads to false, and therefore false results
              Reminiscent of the work of an investigator, right?
              You yourself know that there are far fewer good investigators than bad ones.
              The interpretation of facts is a deliberate lie, the fact does not need to be interpreted, it speaks for itself.
      3. 0
        13 November 2015 12: 01
        Quote: Bayonet
        Well, bring ali forgot?

        It is necessary to ask him how he, who found the word "buoy" on Mars - our, Soviet people, said they wrote 500000 years ago! fellow
    2. +3
      13 November 2015 06: 46
      "Every honest person should be a Russophobe"
      (Sarah Palin)
      1. +7
        13 November 2015 08: 59
        Quote: SWEET_SIXTEEN
        "Every honest person should be Russophobe"
        (Sarah Palin)

        Good people, stop putting minuses, a person does not express his opinion and quotes another pig!
      2. +8
        13 November 2015 10: 20
        Quote: SWEET_SIXTEEN
        "Every honest person should be a Russophobe"
        (Sarah Palin)

        Well, yes, but
        Russian with history is an extremist
        Academician of Philology A.A. Zaliznyak
      3. 0
        13 November 2015 11: 59
        Quote: SWEET_SIXTEEN
        "Every honest person should be a Russophobe"
        (Sarah Palin)

        who would say that? "specialist" who confused the power plant and the power plant on the queen?
      4. 0
        13 November 2015 20: 32
        We must end with you, dear luminaries of enlightenment. And then the last people on the planet will gobble up ... but we don’t need it.
    3. +5
      13 November 2015 09: 38
      It is high time that we seriously study history and present to the public new information that I am sure exists, but for some reason is hushed up by officials. In order to avoid an alternative story, you need to restore your story and loudly declare to the whole world with the provision of evidence.
      1. +9
        13 November 2015 09: 53
        There is a lot of fiction in history. For example, the thesis about the "barbarism of Russia". When in the cities of Europe slop was poured onto the street, in Russia there were already wooden pavements and cesspools. And the birch bark letter of Russia clearly shows the literacy of Russia, as opposed to the illiterate Europe. And the creation of Ivan the Terrible, who destroyed 4 people during his reign, was intimidated by this completely nonsense. In contrast, remember at least what they did in Europe with the Huguenots. Attempts to belittle and blot out the history of Russia will always be made. But you shouldn't go crazy creating insane myths either. There are enough facts in history, archeology to confirm the antiquity and civilization of the Slavic people.
        1. +2
          13 November 2015 12: 12
          Quote: Wend
          For example, the thesis about the "barbarism of Russia". When in the cities of Europe the slop was poured into the street, in Russia there were already wooden pavements and cesspools.

          And none of the official historians argues with this!
          But this is a pancake "Middle Ages" - there can be no talk of any relationship between the Russian State and the civilizations of antiquity, our State (whose history we consider) began to take shape by the 10th century only!
          1. +4
            13 November 2015 13: 48
            Whose story do we count?
            But do we consider someone - English, or what? Or American? or German?
            By the 10th century, only ... here's a scumbag!
            Germany was united only in the 19th century - a fact. Fact!
            With England leapfrog ... there only a lazy fool did not notice. And they consider their Arthur in general "SARMAT" from the Dnieper steppes.
            So who, then, is the founder of the Roundtable? Crest, either?
            No, well, what kind of relationship can China say, where statehood only developed in the 19th century, and so, all the principalities were.
            NOT, not .... be careful. With continuity.
            1. +3
              13 November 2015 14: 18
              Quote: Bashibuzuk
              By the 10th century, only ... here's a scumbag!

              Why is that funny?
              By the 10th century, this is earlier than the "average for Europe" (and by the way, finally, as a nation, we formed noticeably later), but much later than fantasy fans say, who consider "Ancient Russia" to be the same age as the pyramids.
              Quote: Bashibuzuk
              Germany was united only in the 19th century - a fact. Fact

              Yes, and when Germans are mentioned in the early centuries, they usually speak of modern Austrians.
              Quote: Bashibuzuk
              China, where statehood only developed in the 19th century

              But this is clearly a joke.
              1. +1
                13 November 2015 14: 27
                Well, do not consider the kaleidoscope of dynasties and dynasties according to the Han - for a single state.
                Six states there, then one, then none at all.
                Opened the Encyclopedia of China .... Mama Do not Cry.
                That's how many hieroglyphs are - that's how many dynasties were. Mentioned.
                And how many are still not open? Incorrectly dated? Misinterpreted.
                Let China withdraw from consideration altogether.
                If one character can be read in several ways, it is not surprising that they have 2400 years of history BEFORE ... the same AFTER ... and twice as much in the GAP.
                1. +1
                  13 November 2015 16: 03
                  Quote: Bashibuzuk
                  Six states there, then one, then no

                  Quote: Bashibuzuk
                  That's how many hieroglyphs are - that's how many dynasties were.

                  Well, we have two "recognized" ones. But I don’t think it’s essential.
                  Yes, and we also had a period of "feudal fragmentation" - but Novgorod does not cease to be a Russian city because of this.
                  So Chinese history is really a complicated thing, but it’s quite existing. (which only RI-RSFSR-USSR-RF-CIS) will cost for distant descendants.
          2. -4
            13 November 2015 16: 08
            Quote: Down House
            began to take shape by the 10th century only!

            and where is such a bold statement written and scientifically proven?

            to the goblin of these fleaish Scandinavians! Russian statehood arose only in 1939 with the end of the Spanish Civil War, and its fugitive children of the Ishpan commies organized for us! Rename urgently to Don Juan, switch from grebes to fly agarics, the portfolio of the Minister of Propaganda awaits you.
            1. -1
              13 November 2015 16: 49
              Quote: SectaHaki
              and where is such a bold statement written and scientifically proven?

              Yes, 100500 times written by 100500 scientists, read less "fantasy" type of article.
              1. +1
                13 November 2015 21: 54
                And you just as well unsubstantially wrote / postulated here another 10-50 times ...

                Fantasy with you. What exactly is not true in the article? The last two paragraphs may not be considered.
          3. +4
            14 November 2015 01: 43
            our State (whose history we consider) began to take shape by the 10th century only!

            Recount, and which states were in Western Europe? For comparison.
            You will be very surprised. And Byzantium, the Romans of the Eastern Roman Empire set the tone for the entire "Western" world. The first mention of the Russians (the mention does not mean that they were not mentioned before) refers to the year 626, during the attack on Constantinople.
            Just not everyone knows about it.
            1. -3
              14 November 2015 01: 58
              Quote: Turkir
              The first mention of the Russians (the mention does not mean that they were not mentioned before) refers to the year 626, when attacking Constantinople.

              Yes, even if I’m talking about something else by -626, there were no Russians as a nation then and there was no Russian state as a state then!
              And the fact that our ancestors did not come from a holy spirit and before the 10th century already lived on the planet with this is of course difficult to argue, but they did not consider themselves Russian then.
              1. +5
                14 November 2015 09: 57
                Russian as a nation then was not and the Russian state as a state was not then! ... but they did not consider themselves Russian then.

                Excuse me for being straightforward, but I don’t see logic in your reasoning.
                For starters, learn that the concept of nation came much later.
                There is another term - ethnos. It was by 626 that a message appeared about the attack of the Rus. Such an attack could be made only by a well-organized force, and not by a gang of robbers. And, most importantly, what you, of course, MISSED, in this important message, which is still stored in the archives of the Zion Cathedral in Georgia and the first message about which appeared in 1901. This manuscript reports on this attack of the Rus. You did not notice that in the XNUMXth century there were no ... Vikings. This is an extremely important fact - a bomb for Normanists of all stripes.
                Second, if our ancestors, let us call them the Slavs did not call themselves Russian (as you strange write - did not consider), then probably the state you are looking for could not be called Rus? Indeed, in Western terminology there is a mention of rugs, ruthenium. You have already been written about Wagria, etc.
                Novgorodians called themselves Slovenes. In the West there was a tribe of Slavs - encouraged, they called themselves Bodrich, etc.
                It seems that you know a lot of states that already existed, but here we, the orphans, had nothing. Name them.
                I did not put you any minuses. But, if you are really interested in history, we, in your place, cannot do this.
                1. +2
                  14 November 2015 12: 53
                  Additive to the above.
                  Roman Empire, the Romans. Senate, patricians.
                  Nation? Nothing like this.
                  And who are these Romans, something homogeneous? Have mercy.
                  This is not Italy and there are no Italians ..
                  It will appear only in the .. century.
                  When, find the answer yourself.
                  Therefore, to call the Genoese merchants in Crimea Italians is incorrect
                2. 0
                  14 November 2015 14: 40
                  Quote: Turkir
                  Excuse me for being straightforward, but I don’t see logic in your reasoning.

                  Well, let's try to find the logic in your comment wassat
                  Quote: Turkir
                  It was by 626 that a message appeared about the attack of the Rus.

                  Quote: Turkir
                  in this important message, preserved so far in the archives of the Zion Cathedral in Georgia, and the first message of which appeared in 1901.

                  1. There is such a thing as "verifiability of sources" - for example, the attack of the Russians on Byzantium in 860 is known both from Byzantine, and from European and Old Russian sources!
                  One single "Georgian" source about an event, which is not mentioned in "relevant" sources, cannot be a SUFFICIENT proof of the reality of the event.
                  Otherwise, we will have to believe in the "ant-people" who lived in those days - fellow
                  2. And the fact that this "manuscript" was "discovered" already in 1901 looks doubly doubtful! Probably there are millions of manuscripts in the Zion Cathedral and the monks themselves do not know what and where and how much they have. wassat
                  Quote: Turkir
                  in the XNUMXth century there were no ... Vikings. This is an extremely important fact - a bomb for Normanists of all stripes.

                  It is definitely not clear what kind of "bomb" you are talking about, but the Vikings just appeared in the XNUMXth century.
                  Quote: Turkir
                  Such an attack could be made only by a well-organized force, and not by a gang of robbers.

                  1. Were the Vikings a "well-organized force"? Probably in your opinion they had their own state? Apparently international, because according to the official history, the Vikings were including the Slavs.
                  2. Such an attack (and they did not take Constantinople, while attacking "from the rear", when and from where no one expected an attack, and even in the midst of the war with the Arabs) was quite possible for the Tribal Military Union.
                  3. I think you do not need to explain the difference between the Military Tribal Union and the People and the State? Or should wassat
                  1. +3
                    14 November 2015 15: 10
                    I deliberately did not write the source of the mentioned manuscript recorded in the "Byzantine Times" for 1901.
                    A 1042 manuscript on 322 leaves. The last part of "The Siege and Storming of the Great and Holy City of Constantinople by Squiths Who Are Russians".
                    Do not think that I made a mistake in the word - Squids.
                    Back to the logic.
                    Messages from primary sources, photographers, are rejected because he did not find a parallel photographer duplicating his message?
                    If this were so, then history as a science would not exist at all.
                    And even more so, the works of Western historians about Russia can be safely thrown into the trash, because most of these works are just "fortune telling on the coffee grounds."
                    And of course, all the protographs that historians refer to are written by people with diplomas in history. Jordan alone with his "Getica" is worth something.
                    As I see from your commentary, you replace the lack of words with emoticons to look, apparently in your own eyes, convincing.
                    I, unlike you, do not just write to "troll" someone or earn myself an extra star.
                    1. 0
                      14 November 2015 17: 02
                      Quote: Turkir
                      Do not think that I made a mistake in the word - Squids.

                      Then it is all the more "strange" - because science (in any case, Russian-speaking) does not know such peoples as Squiths.
                      Quote: Turkir
                      And even more so, the works of Western historians about Russia can be safely thrown into the trash, because most of these works are just "fortune telling on the coffee grounds."

                      And this is exactly one of the main reasons why we have "no history" until the 10th century.
                      Quote: Turkir
                      Back to the logic.

                      I did not leave her: the Russians as a single people, realizing themselves as Russians as a single and indivisible whole, as well as the Russian state (in our usual sense of the word) did not exist before the path "from the Varangians to the Greeks".
                      There are no archaeological sites of developed civilization (such as pyramids in Egypt) or documentary sources about the Russian state (due to the absence of any official contacts of this mythical state with others).
                      Our ancestors lived in "city-states" (like the city-states of ancient Greece) in geographical isolation from the main trade and political contacts and the maximum of their associations then could be military-tribal alliances - which are not a state.
                      Quote: Turkir
                      lack of words, you replace with emoticons,

                      Yes, it’s just hard to talk with a person who, in my humble opinion, doesn’t hear me and does not know the basics of theories about the origin of the State - at that time we didn’t have reasons for the emergence of a State such as Ancient Egypt for example - read the TGP and think hi
          4. +1
            15 November 2015 10: 37
            Quote: Down House
            Quote: Wend
            For example, the thesis about the "barbarism of Russia". When in the cities of Europe the slop was poured into the street, in Russia there were already wooden pavements and cesspools.

            And none of the official historians argues with this!
            But this is a pancake "Middle Ages" - there can be no talk of any relationship between the Russian State and the civilizations of antiquity, our State (whose history we consider) began to take shape by the 10th century only!

            Second, but the ancestors of ancient Russia, who and where from? These are Slavic tribes that were designated before the advent of the state of Russia. What does the state mean? Let's define the terminology. Is the state a ruler, is it taxes, is it hereditary power, is it law, is it city and structure? What do you think the state is? I ask that my answer be more accurate.
            1. 0
              15 November 2015 13: 21
              Quote: Wend
              but the ancestors of ancient Russia, who and where from? These are Slavic tribes, which were designated even before the advent of the state of Russia.

              Quote: Wend
              Let's define the terminology. Is the state a ruler, is it taxes, is it hereditary power, is it law, is it city and structure?

              Well, let it be - a centralized organization of the company with the most unified system of payments and fees.
              The main reasons for the emergence may be - external and internal competition, without them there is no reason for the centralization of tribes over a large territory.
      2. +1
        13 November 2015 10: 39
        Alexey-74 (1) RU Today, 09:38 ↑ New

        It is high time that we seriously study history and present to the public new information that I am sure exists, but for some reason is hushed up by officials. In order to avoid an alternative story, you need to restore your story and loudly declare to the whole world with the provision of evidence.

        Welcome all!

        The author to become big +!

        Alexey completely agree with you!
        True, I consider it necessary to clarify that OUR RUSSIAN SLAVIC HISTORY is needed both for us, our youth, and for opposing the inventions of "Westerners" about "savagery and barbarism" of the most ancient, medieval and modern Russia "and even before it"!

        Our ideological opponents in the West and our own pro-Western "experts on Russia will hardly listen to the words and works of PR-RUSSIAN HISTORIANS, but we need more data and strong arguments in the dispute with the ideological Western scum.

        Undoubtedly, discussions, exchange of views, acquaintance with new, unknown to us and personally unknown historical facts about Russia and its different parts, including my native Subcarpathian Russia, about Scythia, about Russians, and all our ancient SLAVIC predecessors, will and should be on this topic. who created and conquered the EARTH and TERRITORIES of the RUSSIANS.

        Moreover, the dirt and descriptions of the Russians as barbarians, who, only with the help of the Germans, the Varangians, the Chinese, the Tatar-Mongols, "COULD" join the culture, but according to Eminent Western historians, they could not BECOME A CULTURAL NATION, having the RIGHT to OWN STATE , POLITICS and OWNERSHIP OF PRIMORDIAL RUSSIAN TERRITORIES.

        After all, the Western opinion is based on these allegations that the Russians, the Slavs REMAIN only barbarians,
        which SHOULD FULFILL all the whims and requirements
        West, East, Asia and the devil know who else!

        Michael, Smolensk / Chita.
        1. -5
          13 November 2015 12: 16
          Quote: michajlo
          True, I consider it necessary to clarify that OUR RUSSIAN SLAVIC HISTORY is needed both for us, our youth, and for opposing the inventions of "Westerners" about "savagery and barbarism" of the most ancient, medieval and modern Russia "and even before it"!

          Wow, you’re a yoshkin cat. Well, I don’t know for the last 500 years.
          Yes, 90% of the population that 200-300 years ago did not know, neither traditions nor culture (and our people were fiercely RIGIDLY hard) nor trivial reforms in the economy and law - and you decided to raise your mind 10000 years ago!
          1. +3
            13 November 2015 13: 01
            Down House RU Today, 12:16 ↑

            Quote: michajlo
            True, I consider it necessary to clarify that OUR RUSSIAN SLAVIC HISTORY is needed both for us, our youth, and for opposing the inventions of "Westerners" about "savagery and barbarism" of the most ancient, medieval and modern Russia "and even before it"!

            Wow, you’re a yoshkin cat, for this, well, I don’t know, the last 500 or so little?! ...

            I welcome you Vanya!

            I do not agree with your opinion.

            To me personally and to people who think of the last 500 years of Russia and Russian history - it’s LITTLE, because I don’t see a reason to abandon ALL THE HISTORY OF RUSSIA, RUSSIANS and other Russian nationalities.

            For example, for your information, the History of Subcarpathian Rus is conducted somewhere from the 900th years of our reckoning.

            Us Rusyns (Rusyns, Russians in Austria-Hungary, and 1st Czechoslovakia), inhabiting the western and southern slopes of the Carpathian ridge (present-day Transcarpathia, Ukraine), northeastern Slovakia, Transylvania in Rumunia, the southern slopes of the Polish Tater (Lemma, Lema) , Ruthenians in Serbia, were called Ruthenians, Rusnakai, and Russians, indicating a connection with Russia, Russia.

            Therefore, only with this small example of the Eastern European Russian nationalities, I hope you understand that the last 500 years are not enough, because following your logic, it will be possible to reduce Russian history to 300-400 years and then to 100, and then very easily, and great-grandchildren and grandchildren, FORGET about the history of their great-grandfathers and grandfathers!

            Already, young people do not know and DO NOT INTEREST who (their nationality, nationality) were their ancestors in the 2nd t more knee.
            In this way, OUR HISTORY IS MASTERED (not without the help of pro-Western media and Western trends).

            Indeed, for example, only in the surname that my great-grandfather, deed, father and I, Rusnak had, I can immediately say (a resident of the Czech Republic and Slovakia and the current Transcarpathia of Ukraine) that I am RUSIN by ethnicity (Rusyns, Rusnaks, Rusnatsi, the latter sounds in Czech )

            Such is the interesting story of Russia and RUSSIAN TRIBES and PEOPLES, living FAR beyond the borders of the CURRENT RUSSIAN STATE!

            Michael, Smolensk / Chita.
            1. 0
              13 November 2015 13: 43
              Quote: michajlo
              To me personally and to people who think of the last 500 years of Russia and Russian history - it’s LITTLE, because I don’t see a reason to abandon ALL THE HISTORY OF RUSSIA, RUSSIANS and other Russian nationalities.

              I do not refuse that people lived in the modern territory of the Russian State before the 10th century, and that they had their own culture, including a fairly developed one, and that we are probably their genetic descendants.
              I only focus on the fact that we Russians, as a nation, as a state, began to take shape only by the 10th century on the way "from the Varangians to the Greeks."
              To say that "the history of Russia is much older" is not entirely competent from the point of view of scientific thinking, because even if we are the successors of early cultures, the population of these cultures and these cultures themselves were not then Russian in the usual sense of the word!
              Quote: michajlo
              I hope you understand that the last 500 years are few, because following your logic, it will be possible to reduce Russian history to 300-400 years and then to 100,

              Everything is exactly the opposite, it is rather following your logic that Russian History can be extended to the exodus of the first Russians from Africa.
              I’m talking about linguistic and cultural continuity first of all, beyond which talking about the Russian State is pointless in the same way as discussing the speed of the water flow after it freezes, we can only talk about cultures, the receiver and synthesis of which was the Ancient Russian State.
              Quote: michajlo
              young people do not know and DO NOT INTEREST who (their nationality, nationality) were their ancestors in the 2nd t more knee.

              Objectively speaking, the peasants in the Republic of Ingushetia also never knew this and were not particularly interested, knowing their Family in all cultures was the prerogative of the Noble.
              You see, you don’t even know this, you don’t know yesterday’s culture, which we are the successors of, and thereby give an incorrect assessment of today's day.
              But then you want to talk about the epochs with which you culturally GO!
              Quote: michajlo
              Michael, Smolensk / Chita.

              Do we know each other? )
              1. -4
                13 November 2015 21: 07
                Yes of course. The USSR also formed along the BAM ...
                What else will you come up with in the form of trade routes just to turn off the main and only state-building - the Russian people.

                Voloka Lamsky and others were needed in order to transfer troops and their equipment from border to border. Somehow not a single drakkar or trireme on them passed.
                How could flea Scandinavian robbers trade with Greek LGBT people? Her dried or pickled herring and sprats? And the Greeks probably delivered there their grain and oranges grown on the same rocks but warmer?

                You again got caught up in your own unproven postulates - in the 10th century Bulgarian writing was introduced in Russia. In the 9th they called on someone to reign. They called for reigning (judged by Russian Truth) always ready.
                Because it is impossible to call to reign in the principality of which is not yet there.
                1. -2
                  14 November 2015 01: 25
                  Quote: SectaHaki
                  Yes of course. The USSR also formed along the BAM

                  Well, if you don’t see the difference between the international trade route (an analogue of the modern WTO) and the internal railway, then I don’t even know what to do with you fellow
                  1. +1
                    16 November 2015 07: 10
                    Where did you find the international trade route? Is Belomorsky, Ladoga, Volga-Don and other channels with locks instead of draggers this also an international trade route now? Because of him, the USSR arose, right? And not vice versa? Did mammoths go before?

                    The service and protection of locks and draggers is not a wild rafting on rivers for kayaking. For this, the state should already be. The river does not flow directly from the Baltic to the Black Sea ...
              2. +2
                14 November 2015 04: 44
                I’m talking about linguistic and cultural continuity, above all, beyond which to speak of Russian

                when you finish writing, read the post above
                In perplexity, I could not understand if I was standing in front of a lovely girl in Moscow or in Benares or Ujjain in our classical period, about 2000 years ago.

                and end your demagogy state-not state, all modern nations are already different, respectively, the ancestors of those who came and who lived in the territories
                1. 0
                  14 November 2015 14: 41
                  Quote: poquello
                  In perplexity, I could not understand if I was standing in front of a lovely girl in Moscow or in Benares or Ujjain in our classical period, about 2000 years ago.

                  Quote: poquello
                  and finish your demagoguery

                  Are you sure I’m talking about demagogy now? wassat
                  1. The comment was deleted.
                  2. 0
                    14 November 2015 18: 27
                    Quote: Down House

                    Quote: poquello
                    and finish your demagoguery

                    Are you sure I’m talking about demagogy now? wassat

                    definitely for you. Vyatichi - Russia or not Russia?
                    1. 0
                      14 November 2015 22: 50
                      Quote: poquello
                      definitely for you. Vyatichi - Russia or not Russia?

                      According to the official history, Vyatichi is an Eastern Slavic tribal union that inhabited the Upper and Middle Oka basin in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries.
                      That is, strictly formally and scientifically - these are our ancestors, but this is NOT Russia yet, this is only one of its sources.
                      And this is clearly not 100 thousand years ago, as "connoisseurs of true history" assure here.
                      1. +1
                        15 November 2015 02: 08
                        Quote: Down House
                        Quote: poquello
                        definitely for you. Vyatichi - Russia or not Russia?

                        According to the official history, Vyatichi is an Eastern Slavic tribal union that inhabited the Upper and Middle Oka basin in the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries.

                        who came to Oka in the 7th century, the "official history" probably does not have time
                        Quote: Down House
                        That is, strictly formally and scientifically - these are our ancestors, but this is NOT Russia yet, this is only one of its sources.

                        and when did Vyatichi become Russia, did they circumcise, or did they shave their heads, or something else?
                        Where did Vyatichi, Krivichi, Drevlyans, etc. come from?
                        Near Smolensk ancient settlement of the 5-6th century BC, you know?
                      2. 0
                        15 November 2015 02: 23
                        Quote: poquello
                        and when did Vyatichi become Russia, did they circumcise, or did they shave their heads, or something else?
                        Where did Vyatichi, Krivichi, Drevlyans, etc. come from?
                        Near Smolensk ancient settlement of the 5-6th century BC, you know?

                        Do you know the word EVOLUTION, in this case society?
                      3. 0
                        15 November 2015 03: 13
                        Quote: Down House
                        Quote: poquello
                        and when did Vyatichi become Russia, did they circumcise, or did they shave their heads, or something else?

                        Do you know the word EVOLUTION, in this case society?

                        In what, and in what way did this evolution express itself?
                        Where did Vyatichi, Krivichi, Drevlyans, etc. come from?
                        Near Smolensk ancient settlement of the 5-6th century BC, you know?
                      4. +1
                        15 November 2015 18: 01
                        Quote: Down House
                        Quote: poquello
                        and when did Vyatichi become Russia, did they circumcise, or did they shave their heads, or something else? Where did Vyatichi, Krivichi, Drevlyans, etc. come from? Near Smolensk ancient settlement of the 5-6th century BC, you know?
                        Do you know the word EVOLUTION, in this case society?

                        Evolution? Let me remind you that there is also the term mutation. But about evolution, it is so useful to refer to the studies of the American researcher Michael Cremo, in his books partially translated into Russian (I counted 5 of them) and popular science films, he shows an example of the absence of evolution for 130 years. These data are recorded in scientific works, but everyone is afraid to use them, in particular, the found traces of a person together with traces ... in Mexico, exactly 000 million years old, and these traces are attributed to the type of person now called "Homo sapiens" and without traces of evolution , that is, of the modern type.
                      5. 0
                        16 November 2015 23: 55
                        Quote: venaya
                        in particular, the found traces of a person together with traces ... in Mexico are exactly 139 million years old, and these traces are attributed to the type of man now called "Homo sapiens" and without traces of evolution, that is, the modern type.

                        Well, it’s kind of closer to the electronic clock in the Chinese tomb
              3. The comment was deleted.
          2. +3
            14 November 2015 11: 52
            Wow, you’re a yoshkin cat. Well, I don’t know for the last 500 years.

            You are many, you are enough and a hundred years old.
            We need exactly as much as we really have.
            Yoshkin cat.
        2. -1
          13 November 2015 13: 39
          Michael, let's be careful with the word "Slavs", this is a foreign word to us, he has no root in Russian. The term "Slavic peoples" begins to be actively introduced at about the same time as the Nazi theory of racial inequality appears, according to which some nationalities and peoples are the highest, whose destiny to rule. And other nations and peoples, respectively, are inferior, which the superior nations must rule. Accordingly, the lot of the lower ones is to be ruled, led, subordinate to the higher nations. That is why they are "slaves" or "Slavs". Moreover, this word is just suitable for all many senses. That is, they are not just servants, workers, slaves. To denote these concepts, as some researchers correctly point out, many languages ​​have their own terms that differ from "sclave / sklave / slave". These are precisely the lower nationalities and peoples led by the higher ones - the "Slavic peoples".
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 13: 52
            [i] 19max70 SU Today, 13:39 ↑

            Michael, let's be careful with the word "Slavs", this is a foreign word to us, he has no root in Russian. The term "Slavic peoples" begins to be actively introduced at about the same time when the Nazi theory of racial inequality appears, according to which some nationalities and peoples are ... [/ i

            I welcome you Maxim!

            I did not quite understand your remark that the Slavs and Russians are not entirely related, or are they not the others?

            I grew up and educated in the USSR, I thought and still think that these definitions of nationalities and tribes are correct.
            You repeat that the term "Slavs" somehow smacks of Nazism, division into "obermensch" and "untermensch" (higher and lower races)?

            For example, in my subsequent comments on RUSINS, RUSNACS, RUSNACS, LEMKOV and LEMOV, I write that all Rusyns are connected with RUSSIA, and at the same time they are all just as SLAVIC, RUSSIAN PEOPLES living in different countries of EASTERN EUROPE.

            Explain to me a person "from the old school" (PRO_SOVETSKI and PRO-RUSSIAN educated and minded), your statements,
            since from you for the first time in your 54 years,
            I heard about "such interconnection" (Russian peoples, nationalities, Slavs - this is a Nazi view of the origin and connection between different branches and territories, PAST THE RUSSIAN POWER ?!

            Michael, Smolensk / Chita.
          2. +2
            13 November 2015 14: 17
            I agree. The name "Slavs" is imposed on us. The true self-designation of our people is "people". Even in medieval chronicles, here and there there are "Polish people", "Russian people", "Moscow people" and so on. A person defined himself by his place of residence and origin. To the question: who are you? The answer was "we are Novgorod people". Hence the most ancient names: Luda (Rus), Ludmila, Luta (Bulgaria), Lut (Poland), Lut. And a tribe of lyutichi, not from the word "fierce", but from the word "people".
          3. -4
            13 November 2015 14: 26
            Quote: 19max70
            as some scholars have correctly pointed out, many languages ​​have their own terms that differ from “sclave / sklave / slave”. These are the lower nationalities and peoples, led by higher

            By the way, according to one of the theories, the "Russians" drove the "Slavs" who lived to the south to sell them into slavery in the cultural world. From here the "Slavs" - "slave" also went.
            But it is necessary to ask specialists, I will not say this categorically.
            1. +3
              13 November 2015 22: 19
              Well, for some reason you already wrote this crap ... you probably justify the nickname with the mushrooms. or they confused Russians with Crimean Tatars under them, and north and south.

              PS. What is this "cultural world" in which there is slavery, or homosexual in the order of things? In Russia it has never been.
          4. GAF
            13 November 2015 18: 59
            19max70 "Mikhail, let's be more careful with the word" Slavs ", this is a foreign word to us, he has no root in Russian."
            Well, of course, from the spoiled by the British French - English words are taken or something: glory, praise God, glorious hail and hundreds of other root words.
            Dear, in the text that followed, "do not put the cart in front of the horse." The "sclave / sklave / slave" given by you are secondary. Crimea was the main base of the slave trade by prisoners taken from the Slavic tribes. They were excellent slaves and warriors for the entire Mediterranean.
          5. +1
            14 November 2015 10: 08
            Michael, let's be careful with the word "Slavs", this is a foreign word to us, he has no root in Russian.

            ? !!! Glory, glorious? Word, Slovenia?
            Indeed, let's be careful.
    4. -3
      13 November 2015 09: 55
      Quote: venaya
      Only here in the Russian language it is not entirely correct to use the term "Europe", we had another word or even several other terms, our own, not borrowed.

      From Latin EURO (EURO) is the EAST, i.e. for the western invaders the direction of capture was from west to east., which actually can be traced to our days, attacks on Russia-Russia have always been from the west.
      1. -1
        13 November 2015 10: 28
        From Latin EURO (EURO) is the EAST, i.e. for the western invaders the direction of capture was from west to east., which actually can be traced to our days, attacks on Russia-Russia have always been from the west.

        What a striking conclusion. laughing
        It is clear that if they come to us from the WEST, then in the direction it will be EASTERN.
        And if from the EAST, then what? laughing
        Russia has always been between West and East. Even trade routes if you look. From the east to the fuse - through us, and through us from the west to the east.
        1. -3
          13 November 2015 12: 19
          Quote: Glot
          Russia has always been between West and East. Even trade routes if you look.

          In a global sense, this entire path went from "east to west" - and geographically in our country it went from south to north, and only in those days when the Huns cut this very path in central Europe.
          It was then that the Ancient Russian State was born, like all other ancient states, at the confluence of other cultures along the trade route!
          1. -1
            13 November 2015 16: 18
            Where is it proven? Something is unlikely that Sweden or any other state on the outskirts formed on the merger of other cultures along the trade route!

            Or does it not belong to the ancients (in the bad sense of the word), and therefore it refers to the medieval ones, and Russia refers (to the ancients)?
            1. -1
              13 November 2015 16: 51
              Quote: SectaHaki
              Where is it proven?

              In history books and TGP.
              1. +1
                16 November 2015 07: 35
                At least one Russian was at least in co-authors? lol

                So what about Sweden?
      2. -4
        13 November 2015 10: 28
        From Latin EURO (EURO) is the EAST, i.e. for the western invaders the direction of capture was from west to east., which actually can be traced to our days, attacks on Russia-Russia have always been from the west.

        What a striking conclusion. laughing
        It is clear that if they come to us from the WEST, then in the direction it will be EASTERN.
        And if from the EAST, then what? laughing
        Russia has always been between West and East. Even trade routes if you look. From the east to the fuse - through us, and through us from the west to the east.
      3. 0
        13 November 2015 10: 34
        Quote: Sveles
        From Latin, EURO (EURO) is the EAST, i.e. for the western invaders the direction of capture was from west to east., which actually can be traced to this day, attacks on Russia - Russia have always been from the west.

        A little differently: the history of the term dates back to the Canaanite tribe that came to the lands of the Phelistimians (Pelazgians), entered all the Aramaic languages, and from there it got into the Phoenician language. Since the Phoenicians traded tin from the Tin Islands (British now), they called this territory "Europe", which means - west... This term in other Greek language also entered the meaning of "west", but in Latin it has an excellent meaning as "east". There was a substitution of concepts. The Latin language itself was created in Rome around 450-400 BC, after which the Etruscans created the modern Latin script we know for them (the invaders). The "Latins" themselves (united - this is how this term is translated) are originally from North Africa, but the language mixed with Etruscan, therefore there are so many Russian terms, for example "medicine", etc.
    5. -4
      13 November 2015 10: 09
      Quote: venaya
      Actual article, thanks to the author!

      Thanks for that?! He's writing:
      At the same time, only Normans, a tribe of German-Scandinavian origin, will create a state for Russian-Russians

      If he is about Rurik, then he really was "from Scandivia", and they called him because he was the closest relative of Gostomysl - the Novgorod "Elder".
      This is a worldwide practice all his life has been with the nobility, exchanging children with leaders of different countries, read for yourself how many European princes of Russian origin.
      In the West, a “classical” scheme has been created, familiar to us from high school. Stages of development of human civilization: primitive society, darkness and savagery - the ancient world, the Ancient East and Egypt - Ancient India and China - Ancient Greece and Rome - medieval barbarian kingdoms of Europe

      Well, in general, yes: if very briefly, then according to classical science, the origins of our civilization are originally the civilizations of the "Middle East".
      The second step was the civilization of the "middle sea"
      The third step was the development of the "Great Silk Road" - the countries that found themselves on this very path were the first - who stepped into "world integration".
      It was on this very path that practically all states known in the "first and middle" centuries grew up, including the Russian one, which grew on part of this path "from the Varangians to the Greeks" and when the path went south it fell into decay!
      Those civilizations whose trade routes passed by (Africa-Southeast Asia-South Africa) were isolated and fell during the time of geographical discoveries - the rest for the most part resisted!
      Somewhere in the VIII, and even in the X century, the figure of a “wild” Eastern Slav “appears”

      Yes, but what's so surprising about that?
      Although our state and our culture and our ethnic group began to take shape by the 10th century, even this is early - European states took shape later.
      We appeared later than the Ancient States, but earlier than the European.
      Rus founded cities such as Berlin, Rostock, Dresden, Brandenburg, Stargorod-Oldenburg, Vienna, Demmin - Dymin, Mecklenburg (Mikulin Bor), Schwerin - Zverin, Ratzeburg - Ratibor, Leipzig - Lipetsk, Breslau - Breslavl, Roslau - Lubislava - Lubech, Bremen, Torgau, Lübben, Teter,

      Well, why write such nonsense ?!
      Why the damn inhabitants of the Netherlands can be proud of their Motherland, and for us, who launched the first man into space, won the world war, the inhabitants of the largest State, for "pride" in our history, need to invent the fucking thing that we are "the homeland of elephants" ?!
      We are so close to the "ancient ukrov" will be!
      we must get our story back.

      We have something to be proud of even without "antiquities"!
      And although I do not deny that the formation of the Russian ethnos was influenced by the ancient states that lived before it on our territory (but not in our usual understanding of the word) whose descendants (of the same arkaim) we are quite possibly the ones, the inhabitants of these states are clearly not Russians were called. These were other people, on whose "fall of cultures" ours was possibly formed.
      Damn, learn history, respect your real story, understand this very story and read less fantasy!
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 10: 19
        Quote: Down House
        Rus founded cities such as Berlin, Rostock, Dresden, Brandenburg, Stargorod-Oldenburg, Vienna, Demmin - Dymin, Mecklenburg (Mikulin Bor), Schwerin - Zverin, Ratzeburg - Ratibor, Leipzig - Lipetsk, Breslau - Breslavl, Roslau - Lubislava - Lubech, Bremen, Torgau, Lübben, Teter,
        Well, why write such nonsense ?!

        Stupidity is not to know.

        Who wrote this story? The Slavs statehood, like Minoan, ancient Egyptian. In addition to the Prussians were still Etruscan, and now Slovenia is not far. In ancient times, Russian armies went to Armenia and Iran. They remember that.
        1. -1
          13 November 2015 11: 53
          Quote: SectaHaki
          Who wrote this story?

          You probably will not believe it, but history is studied (and not "written") by professional SCIENTISTS who are called historians!
          The same scholars who "write" (despite, for example, their German origin) that Ancient Egypt has a history of 100500 times older than Germany.
          And there are also "pseudoscientists" who carry a blizzard about the fact that Ancient Egypt was founded by the ancient Aryans and "The Great Germans are the only racial descendants of it" and how and how such "scientists" end up, we all know very well!
          Quote: SectaHaki
          The Slavs statehood, like Minoan, ancient Egyptian.

          Yes of course! And the ancient "Slavs" flew to Mars! On our territory, there are 100500 archaeological sites of Slavic cosmodromes laughing
          And yes, by the way, according to Arab sources "Rus" - a people living north of the Slavs (the territory of the east of the Baltic states and the north-west of the European part of modern Russia), which is engaged in trade with southern countries across the Black Sea - carries furs, honey and slaves to the south. Slavs. Can you imagine? The Arabs do not consider the Rus as Slavs, for them they are different peoples fellow
          Quote: SectaHaki
          In ancient times, Russian armies went to Armenia and Iran. They remember that.

          What are you ?!
          And then the Soviet Army did not go there ?!
          Are you sure that "Iran" and "Armenia" already existed then ?!
          Do you even know that modern Iran and Iranians as a nation and ancient Iran and Iranian peoples are a bit different things ?!
          1. +1
            13 November 2015 13: 02
            Who work out someone's order ... The science of the West and East Goth tribes is known, but much more ancient Russia as a people and as a state came from "out of nowhere"

            These will also end and finish them the same as in April 1945 in Berlin.

            Something yes - you. Take an interest in the question, ask around ... As a tributary, the Khazar Khaganate usually drove to Persia (it is Iran).
            We don’t need to rewrite our history according to some kind of Arabic chronicles - do your own thing, you will belittle Russians in your attempts and mock them, you yourself are miserable, insignificant and ridiculous.
            1. -5
              13 November 2015 16: 07
              Quote: SectaHaki
              you in your attempts to belittle the Russians and mock them,

              Nobody belittles anyone, there is an objective reality, we did not have a state until the 10th century because there was no need for it!
              Not because we are stupider than others, but simply because our descendants did not have any external or internal reasons for the centralization of society, and they lived normally with "policies"!
              1. +1
                16 November 2015 08: 22
                Yes, yes, and also composts brains ... and tries to get into something without soap.
                You may not have, but we did. Policies were in Greece. Otherwise, it would be impossible to fend off the same Khazars.
          2. 0
            13 November 2015 14: 42
            > Are you sure that "Iran" and "Armenia" already existed then ?!


            Genetically, the Armenians have not changed since the 3rd millennium BC. This is a scientific fact.
    6. 0
      13 November 2015 10: 42
      Quote: venaya
      Actual article, thanks to the author!

      Such "articles" are pseudoscientific, pseudo patriotic belching for naive souls! You can admire and snot with emotion, ignorance is ineradicable! hi
      1. -1
        13 November 2015 11: 54
        Quote: Bayonet
        Such "articles" are pseudoscientific, pseudo patriotic belching

        I would not be surprised if "Western capital" was initially behind this belch - they specifically finance the activities of such "scientists" so that we forget how to think logically, SCIENTIFICALLY!
    7. +5
      13 November 2015 11: 49
      Hello dear!
      And you send these favors to a little farther.
      Unknot is not alas ?, YOU and your Great RUSSIA WILL BE ENVIRONED.
      To your heroes4skoy past, no less heroes4skoy,
      for the present, and nadus is just 100% future proof.
      That 4to did not make half the conquerors, they will try
      word and inside.
      Your answer is Worthy, in my view of consolidation
      Societies of Great RUSSIA !!!.
    8. +2
      13 November 2015 11: 54

      Radzivilov Chronicle-fake

      At the same time, only the Varangians-Normans, a tribe of German-Scandinavian origin, will create the state for Russian-Russians, and according to the most advanced modern version, the Swedes in general.

      Fomenko and Nosovsky most reasonably answered the absurdity of the Norman theory in the study of the RADZIVILIAN CHRONICLE. What is the name of the Radziwil chronicle? - purely Russian is a LIST made by German scientists again from some kind of lost document, which speaks of the "calling of the Varangians to Russia", as well as the BINDING of this chronicle to modern chronology, and so these are the sheets from the notebook where these the facts are FALSIFICATION, the sheets are falsified.
      This study knocks out ALL support from the far-fetched fact of the introduced statehood by the Russians.

      1. +1
        13 November 2015 12: 20
        Quote: War and Peace
        Fomenko and Nosovsky responded to the absurdity of the Norman theory in a study of the RADZIVILOV CHRONICLE

        "Fomenko and Nosovsky" and "reasonedly" are diametrically opposed concepts!
        1. -2
          13 November 2015 16: 19
          That you again just posed golimo as well as about the 10th century.
      2. BMW
        13 November 2015 12: 56
        I read your "spears", and went nuts.
        Why no one remembers Tripoli culture, from everywhere it is crossed out. No one remembers. Why. And official history recognizes it, and considers it Slavic.
        1. +4
          13 November 2015 13: 46
          Quote: bmw
          Why no one remembers Tripoli culture, from everywhere it is crossed out. No one remembers. Why. And official history recognizes it, and considers it Slavic.

          Because this culture is too "unpretentious" (neither the Black Sea dripped nor went with military campaigns to Australia) for fans of the "history of Ancient Russia" and the representatives of this culture (that's a bummer!) And did not know yet that they were Russians and live in Russia! laughing
          1. +4
            13 November 2015 17: 34
            Quote: Down House
            this culture is too "unpretentious" (neither the Black Sea dripped nor went with military campaigns to Australia) for fans of the "history of Ancient Russia" and the representatives of this culture (that's a bummer!) and did not know yet that they are Russians and live in Russia!

            Where did you get such extensive knowledge ??? In 18 kilometers from Belgrade, the "Vinca" culture was excavated, and this is on the territory of the Tripoli culture, and so there was found a sarcophagus that I saw, and on it the inscription "Zhivina Rus", it is so clear that I could not present it myself read. The age of the find is about 7000 years, which corresponds to the age of the Trypillian culture.
            1. -3
              13 November 2015 17: 49
              Quote: venaya
              found a sarcophagus, which I saw, and on it the inscription "Zhivina Rus", it is so clear that I could not find it difficult to read it myself. The age of the find is about 7000 years.

              Have you read the 7000-year-old inscription ?! Moreover, "in Russian" ?! laughing
              Have you not found Russian words on Mars yet?
              You fly there on the weekend - look, they must be there wassat
          2. 0
            13 November 2015 21: 25
            They didn’t even have a map or compass (only pots) and they didn’t even know what their grandparents' name was ... probably also incubator ones. bully
    9. +3
      13 November 2015 16: 23
      my impression of the stories I read is that there is a very clear thread in which all civilizations on earth have the same age, and even more so, when it was one civilization, which, through the prism of modern history and the way people are trying to make up history, is called the Western world came out of one civilization with us, but it went to this as Ukraine is now going through, when that state, which is now called Turkey, Poland, Germany, and indeed all of the so-called Europe, has passed ...
      and the only states that maintain their constancy are the United States from the moment of its foundation, and Russia, transforming now into the Russian Empire, then into the USSR, now the Russian Federation, but remaining within its borders from the beginning of its foundation, only occasionally growing in some small territories! .. .
      in my opinion, when America was not yet discovered, there was one civilization on planet earth, which for one reason or another was divided into three Hordes, if we take into account that Ording is an order, then three civilizations are Orthodoxy, the second, what is now called Catholicism, and Islam, but not the Islam that is raging in the east now, it was precisely the basis and cause of the collapse of the blue horde, what was the Ataman Empire, the Ottoman Empire then and now Turkey! call it what you want, but the essence is the same, what happened then, now there are fragments !!!
      how to say it, I am not a supporter of the conspiracy, but often it follows from everything, but not as a reason, but as a derivative!
      and in fact, the whole howl that now carries the West to Russia is precisely the intensification of attempts to break the Golden Horde, only now already under the onslaught of white (Europe) and blue (south) hordes (orders) reduced to “democracies”
      someone is leading this fight !!!
      1. -1
        13 November 2015 16: 59
        Quote: SpnSr
        my impression of the stories I read is that there is a very clear thread in which all civilizations on earth are of the same age, and even more so, when it was one civilization,

        Well, let's say this, if we take ancient mythologies, then the roots of a certain mythology common to all are indeed observed - in almost all religions of the Middle East, the original similarity is traced.
        But to talk about the initially unified state is at least illogical, at least on the basis of probability theory.
        Although it is possible that in the origins of specifically Western civilization there really was one single culture, all the same, initially there were significantly fewer people.
        In all other respects, you are wrong, the original centers of culture on the planet were limited but many hi
        1. 0
          14 November 2015 12: 57
          Quote: Down House
          all the same, initially there were significantly fewer people.

          hence say that
          Quote: Down House
          that at the origins of specifically western civilization
          just how to say it, illogical! in view of the simple fact that if there is reason to say that there was a type of Western civilization, it is more logical to say that at least there was another civilization, or maybe even two, otherwise the statement that there was a Western one simply loses its meaning, because western makes sense if there is an eastern
          hence, if there was some notorious western civilization and some kind of let’s say eastern, then why were the most fertile and rich lands in those days not inhabited? But they only begin to be settled somewhere in the 8th century of the “AD”?
    10. +2
      13 November 2015 23: 21
      All this is certainly beautiful. To prove this is almost impossible. But let it be like a genre. Why not? Enemies let it infuriate, let it entertain us.
      1. +1
        14 November 2015 13: 16
        Quote: ratfly
        All this is certainly beautiful. To prove this is almost impossible. But let it be like a genre. Why not? Enemies let it infuriate, let it entertain us.

        it doesn’t have to be proved, you just have to read carefully and at least you can see Karamzin and he has a lot to see !!!
      2. 0
        14 November 2015 15: 48
        You don’t even have to prove it, it’s enough to show the truth in media, in reality there are a lot of finds, excavations of entire ancient Slavic cities that are hundreds of thousands of years old. And they hide it all, and destroy something for money.
        1. -1
          14 November 2015 17: 08
          Quote: Libra
          in reality, there are a lot of finds, excavations of entire ancient Slavic cities, which are hundreds of thousands of years old. And they hide it all

          That is, even before the appearance of the Cro-Magnons on the planet ?! wassat
  2. -2
    13 November 2015 06: 35
    Something this reminds .... I think in the second part we will be told how wild proto-Ukrainians dug the Black Sea under the guidance of proto-Russian engineers. smile
    1. wk
      13 November 2015 06: 54
      Quote: Bayonet
      .I think in the second part we will be told how wild proto-hides were digging the Black Sea under the guidance of proto-Russian engineers.

      +100500 ..... and here and on the RV there were such articles ... in one of them the Pacific Ocean was called the Russian Sea, where the protorus seemed to live 7 thousand years BC .... I’ll repeat a rich history in Russia without science fiction and there is something to be proud of!
      1. +3
        13 November 2015 07: 15
        Quote: wk
        The Pacific Ocean was called the Russian Sea

        Please write correctly: now the Black Sea used to be called By the sea, with one "s". For explanations, please contact the authors of the film "Ruska Sea, Crimea". Good luck.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 08: 41
          Please write correctly: now the Black Sea used to be called the Ruska Sea, with one "s". For explanations, please contact the authors of the film "Ruska Sea, Crimea". Good luck.

          Google about "Pontus Euxinsky".
          Good luck.
        2. +2
          13 November 2015 14: 10
          Quote: venaya
          The Black Sea used to be called the Russian Sea

          In ancient Greece, the Black Sea was called Pontus of Euxinus, which means "hospitable sea." There are several more old names of the Black Sea. This is the Sugdean Sea, in honor of the flourishing city of Sugdei (present Saadak), and the Khazar Sea, in honor of the Khazars. In the time of Ancient Russia, in the annals the Black Sea was called Russian, presumably because the Kiev prince, who fought with the Khazars, visited its shores. The Italians, who owned some small ports on the coast in the Middle Ages, called the Sea of ​​Pont.hi
          1. +2
            13 November 2015 21: 46
            So visited go it was still Russian?
          2. 0
            14 November 2015 12: 27
            In different historical epochs, the Black Sea was called differently by different peoples.
            And there is no contradiction.
            The Pontic Greeks called the Black Sea Pontus of Euxinus (Hospitable Sea).
        3. wk
          13 November 2015 15: 14
          Quote: venaya
          Please write correctly: now the Black Sea used to be called the Russian Sea

          I’m writing about what I’m writing .... I have no problems with geography .... I’m writing a similar article of one m-ka who wrote about the Pacific Ocean .... but about the Russian Sea, which the Black Sea heard at school , and the Soviet perestroika ....
          but according to the reaction to such articles by members of the forum you can trace their qualitative degradation ....
          I explain: if, two or three years ago, similar articles gained 70 - 80% minuses "-" ... and the number of comments did not exceed 20-30, then now the picture is the opposite ... for two hundred comments and support is more than 2/3 ... ...
          in Ukraine in Soviet times there were 70 percent of the sane population, but after the publication of stories about the Black Sea digging, the Invention of the Wheel, Arable land ... everything changed in a mirror .... this is after 91 years ... although little by little Ukraine did not cease its whole history as a part of Russia and the USSR.
      2. -4
        13 November 2015 07: 32
        The law is not written to the fool.
        If it’s written, it’s not understood,
        If understood, then not so.
      3. -7
        13 November 2015 08: 32
        Too rich, and the best is the enemy of the "good" ... Just think, even the Incas and Paleo-Asians had pictographic writing, while the Russians did not!

        And Russian drunkards shot down a Boeing and bomb Syria! it is strange that there was not a word about it. winked
      4. 0
        14 November 2015 12: 10
        Quote: wk
        called the Russian Sea
        called the Black Sea
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      13 November 2015 11: 30
      Quote: Bayonet
      Something this reminds .... I think in the second part we will be told how wild proto-Ukrainians dug the Black Sea under the guidance of proto-Russian engineers. smile

      And you read the ancient Roman chronographs, there are more than enough Slavic names. And even to invent nothing is necessary.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 12: 23
        Quote: Wend
        And you read the ancient Roman chronographs, there are more than enough Slavic names

        Which ones? Nikolay and Alexander?
        At the same time, read the "ancient Egyptian", there Russian Ivan ran everything! laughing
        1. +1
          13 November 2015 12: 52
          Quote: Down House
          Quote: Wend
          And you read the ancient Roman chronographs, there are more than enough Slavic names

          Which ones? Nikolay and Alexander?
          At the same time, read the "ancient Egyptian", there Russian Ivan ran everything! laughing

          In vain irony. Show your ignorance. And I did not write about Russian names, I wrote about Slavic. For your information, Ivan is not a Russian name, but a Greek. Nikolai and Alexander too.
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 13: 31
            Quote: Wend
            I did not write about Russian names, I wrote about Slavic. For your information, Ivan is not a Russian name, but a Greek

            I beg your pardon, but an inaccuracy has crept in here: the Greek language is very young, not even formed yet. The root of the word "van" is also widely used in Russian, for example, a bath room is a room with water. In Norwegian, the original meaning of the word "van" is preserved as water. from him come such words as Van-dey, S-van-s and in a modified sound the root "veins", examples of Ven-a, Ven-etia, Gen-uya, S-ven-s (Swedes) and others. Modern Greek is mixed with other languages ​​and does not have its own linguistic followers.
            1. 0
              13 November 2015 14: 22
              Yeah, and Vanya’s name is RUSSIAN ... apparently, it means WATER !!! laughing
              Although no, you said earlier that the Greek ...
              Do you know such a Russian word - barrel? ..
              And, in general, our people washed in the bath, tea is not Europeans ...
              1. -2
                13 November 2015 14: 44
                If we take the Serbo-Croatian name Vanya, which is quite common in the Balkans, often used as a female name in Bulgaria, it means that the name is Old Slavonic and has nothing to do with the biblical name John, under which the clerics drove it.
                1. 0
                  13 November 2015 16: 02
                  Where in the annals before the adoption of Christianity can you find the Slavic - Vanya? With reference, please.
                  As for now, so the whole world is convinced that - Ivan is a Russian name ... and yet, yes, Ivan is a Russian name, was this before the adoption of Christianity? ..
                  1. +2
                    13 November 2015 16: 55
                    Vannius, leader of the Quads. At the beginning of the XNUMXst century AD e. was the head of the "Kingdom of Vannia" (Regnum Vannianum) in the territory of modern western Slovakia, according to the chronicles of Tacitus.
                    Tacitus, The Annals, II, 63
                    1. -1
                      13 November 2015 17: 21
                      Quote: hrych
                      Vannius, leader of the quads

                      You can not continue further ... quads - an ancient Germanic tribe, according to Tacitus ... you could still remember the county of Vannes ...
                      1. +5
                        13 November 2015 17: 42
                        At that time there was no division into Germans and Slavs, the division occurred after the Catholicization. Their language has become romano-German. Remove Romanesque guano with articles and the language will become clear. The words are still the same. Brother - brooder, mother - mutter, sister-shvester, Eng. sister. Bull - ox - bull. The wall is a shaft. Etc. Now Catholics on the mov part of the Russian forced to indulge, so for ten years already ceased to understand. We definitely don’t understand them.
                      2. -1
                        13 November 2015 18: 03
                        In latin no article. Latin, like Russian, is an inflectional language.
                        In Latin, as in Russian, a simple sentence most often consists of a subject and a predicate, and the subject is in the nominative case.
                        Did you learn English at school? So English is pidgin, if you wish (it is spoken as Chukchi in Russian) ... and he became so in the Middle Ages ... and this is easy to trace ...
                        The same thing partially happened with German, but to a lesser extent, because German - stayed inflective.
                        Addiction and transition to analyticity can be traced in Russian.
                        PS You, before you say something, try to figure it out.
                      3. +3
                        13 November 2015 18: 30
                        Firstly, I know that in Latin there are no articles, although with a sectoral bias, I even have a disgraceful mark - four, but I studied it and I know that a lot of words in Russian are still understood and this is not surprising (give it to, werther - twirl, etc.), although the separation of Latin and the language of the races was a thousand years earlier than the Germanic and Slavic languages, this is not surprising for the Indo-European languages, all of these. And so it is surprising that the papists are Catholics who, to the little girls, Germans and other Swedes, no doubt painted grammar and for some reason (and we already know, but not all) imposed the articles. Not only that, some Latin nouns in these languages ​​are shoved with articles ... Apart from Mova, the last artificial division of languages ​​occurred with the Lithuanian language, because still we have a Slavic-Lithuanian branch of the Indo-European language. So the Grand Duchy of Lithuania simply spoke the same language with us, but ... they adopted Catholicism and several hundred years passed and we do not understand each other. Islam with its Arabic language made it even harder for misunderstanding, and therefore we understand the Indians better than the closer territorially Tajiks - native speakers of the Indo-European language. In a word, where the papists went there there is no understanding and this is not an accident, but a well-established mechanism, so the Serbs and Croats did not become brothers, Poles and Russians, and now we are witnessing a misunderstanding already among the Russians and Little Russians, and again the Vatican’s Uniates and ears stick out .
                        Quote: merlin
                        PS You, before you say something, try to figure it out.

                        These phrases need to be crammed into ... if you want to discuss.
                      4. +1
                        13 November 2015 18: 59
                        Quote: hrych
                        therefore, we understand the Indians better than the closer territorially Tajiks - native speakers of the Indo-European language. In a word, where the papists went there there is no understanding and this is not an accident, but a well-established mechanism, so the Serbs and Croats did not become brothers, Poles and Russians, and now we are witnessing a misunderstanding already among the Russians and Little Russians, and again the Vatican’s Uniates and ears stick out

                        Sorry for the insertion, I was intrigued by your conversation. I have a question: in your very interesting conversation, you often use the word "slovens". I have not yet figured out whether such use of a word of clearly foreign origin is legitimate? Until I can find the moment when this word was squeezed into our language, if you have at least some infa on this score, then do not consider it a job, to report at least something about this word, in the sense of the possibility of its use in Russian, and when this word appeared.
                      5. +1
                        13 November 2015 19: 35
                        Written testimonies of Byzantine authors of the VI century describe the sklavins and antes.
                        Well and so on
                      6. +1
                        13 November 2015 20: 02
                        You now give only a variant with Latin pronunciation, but when you managed to stick this word into the Russian language, any dialect. Perhaps this information is not available to you, but I am only interested in the question of the legality of using this term, because it confuses any interlocutor very much and I can’t find the key to convince me to use another, more suitable term, for example Rusich or Rus. I would be grateful for the help.
                      7. +1
                        13 November 2015 20: 04
                        On the link there are quotes from the PVL about the resettlement of the Slavs - the descendants of Japheth.
                      8. +1
                        13 November 2015 20: 32
                        Quote: venaya
                        In your very entertaining conversation, you often use the word "slovens". I have not yet figured out whether such use of a word of clearly foreign origin is legitimate?

                        Why foreign? One of the tribes of our ancestors was called Slovene, and they lived in the north, around Ladoga, Lake Peipsi, Pskov Lakes and so on. along with Krivichi, Radimichi glades, Drevlyans, Vyatichi.
                        You, apparently, raise the etymology of the word "Slavs" to the English slave - slave, slave. I don’t think this is correct. It is much better to deduce the origin of this word from "glorious", "glory", etc. It is not for nothing that the Slavs have a bunch of male names - and princely ones too - ending in -slav: Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, Mstislav, Izyaslav, Stanislav, even Zhidislav (an indication that there were Jews among the Slavs). The end of the names is clearly not because the Slavs were slaves!
                      9. 0
                        13 November 2015 20: 43
                        Quote: andj61
                        Why foreign? One of the tribes of our ancestors was called so - Slovene

                        The fact that you write to me is familiar, another thing is that even the link "hrych" clearly stems from the Latin origin of the language from the word "sklaveni", which causes certain bad associations with the meaning of it as "slave", which our enemies often and perhaps justly use. Therefore, I wanted to find a person who could explain this topic in nuances, I know something myself, another thing in this case requires high punctuality. This is my question, it is impossible to find such things in the Internet by definition, I know that.
                      10. +1
                        13 November 2015 20: 58
                        Words: Sklovene, Slovene and Slavs have different etymologies. And it is recognized in the scientific community. Moreover, the first two words are the names of Slavic tribes ...
                        Those. all are skloven and Slovenes are Slavs, but not all Slavs are skloven and Slovene.
                        You can find, for example, in the Fasmer dictionary ...
                      11. -1
                        13 November 2015 21: 13
                        Quote: merlin
                        And it is recognized in the scientific community.

                        All these societies are societies with LLCs, that is, irresponsible, and therefore do not represent any interest, therefore it is not possible to pay attention to their nonsense.
                      12. 0
                        13 November 2015 21: 36
                        Not LLC, but RAS ... I, of course, understand that you are insanely far from thought, but strain yourself somehow, try to understand that apart from yours, there is a different point of view ... I understand that it’s difficult ...

                        PS You, for example, unlike them, are not even trying to answer uncomfortable questions ...
                      13. 0
                        14 November 2015 00: 07
                        I read about the fact that the name (self-name) "Slovene" had a semantic root "word", i.e. so called compatriots who spoke a related language.
                        Unlike the "Germans" (dumb, not knowing the language), as the peoples were called from the west and north-west of the mainland, not only from the German (Norman) territory.
                        That is, these names arose on a linguistic basis, and not on an ethnic basis.
                      14. -1
                        14 November 2015 17: 24
                        Now, there is a lot of controversy on this topic in the scientific community ... you can be sure, at least by looking at the articles of historians ...
                        In general, they have agreed so far that sklans, Slovenes and Slavs most likely have different etymologies ...
                        And, in general, most likely what you read may well be true and fair, in fact, for the Slovenian tribes (Novgorodians), but for the "Slavs" the etymology may well come from the word "glory" ... something like this
                      15. -1
                        13 November 2015 20: 21
                        Yeah, the Great Catholic World Conspiracy of the Catholics ... it’s clear that it’s not clear ...
                        But Russian, as the papists perverted, now we cannot read The Lay of Igor's Campaign without a dictionary ... here are the Herods ...
                        Well, since you better understand the Indians than the Ukrainians, I can only wish you success in the field of the struggle against the global dominance of papists
                      16. +2
                        13 November 2015 20: 35
                        I read it perfectly fine. You probably don't know about the crusades, and besides the liberation of the Holy Sepulcher, for some reason they destroyed New Rome (called Constantinople in later times), then against their Cathars and Albigensians, against the Prussians and of course against us. Apparently the papists have nothing to do with it. I will say more, when the peoples adopted Catholicism, they could not understand that the priests were grinding there, in church Latin, literally before Luther, who translated the service into German. In general, it's cool, you stand in the church and you don't understand nichrome. I didn’t talk about Ukrainians, but talked about Tajiks, there’s no need to lie, but when I hear MOV, I only understand snippets of phrases, I can still guess what it’s about, in particular, peremoga, zrada, and immediately imagine how Svidomo is pushing in the toilet, It removes dumplings from the body, but I can’t answer. Or the constant "out", again a smelly association. While they speak Russian it is still possible to understand, but the next generation will cease to understand.
                      17. -3
                        13 November 2015 21: 09
                        Yes, you are a unique person: Old Russian is easy to understand, but Ukrainian through a word ... I can smell some devilry in this, but I can’t prove it laughing
                        Regarding the crusaders, they correctly noticed, only there our Olezhka nailed his shield too ... see also a papist? wink

                        But seriously, there is such a science - linguistics, essentially humanitarianism is complete, but you constantly encounter it, for example, it gives you a convenient search on the Internet ... yes, it is linguists who seriously participate in writing such algorithms.
                        And she has a section: comparative historical linguistics. Maybe you should get acquainted with this section of linguistics? Still, some academics have developed ...
                        And then we somehow speak different languages ​​...
                      18. +1
                        13 November 2015 21: 46
                        Because the Word is written in our language, the grammar is almost unchanged (I'm not talking about punctuation marks, etc., but about constructing sentences), only sometimes words come across out of use, but ... they are readable and their roots have not disappeared now. There is surzhik - a mixture of Russian and Little Russian words, which everyone understands, but should not be confused with the current mova. The Polish-Galician Ukrainians, led by Grushevsky - an ardent Svidomo, and then the KGB agent, the Soviet proffesor - added a lot of Polish, Galician and newly invented words to surzhik, only to be different from the Russian, which even one of the creators of the mov, Ukrainian writer Nechuy lamented -Levitsky in his brochure “Crooked mirror of the Ukrainian language”. “It turned out something heavy,” wrote I. Nechuy, “that not a single Ukrainian could read it ... this Chudernak mov excluded many Ukrainians from Ukrainian literature, ... something really came out, too far from Russian, but together with that it came out just as far from Ukrainian. ”
                        “Professor Hrushevsky took not the Ukrainian language as the basis of his written language, but Galician govirka with all its ancient forms, even with some Polish cases. To this he added many Polish words that Galicians usually use in conversation and in book language ... "
                        What to go far, on a mov helicopter - helicopter.
                      19. -1
                        13 November 2015 22: 12
                        It was like a joke ...
                        Somehow it has become bad lately with humor in our country ... sad ...
                      20. +1
                        13 November 2015 18: 59
                        If you do not touch the Romano-Germanic languages, but turn to Romance, i.e. Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and ... Romanian, even though they were descended from articleless Latin, they were all mired in articles. Here is such a grammar, or rather a muzzle ...
                      21. -1
                        13 November 2015 19: 59
                        Quote: merlin
                        You could still remember the county of Vannes ...

                        Or Lake Van in Turkey! From here Vanya is a Turk living near Lake Van! laughing
                      22. +1
                        13 November 2015 20: 06
                        In the Caucasus there is a name for itself, Vano, and it is full, and it is also far-fetched to John.
                      23. 0
                        13 November 2015 20: 34
                        Quote: Bayonet
                        Quote: merlin
                        You could still remember the county of Vannes ...

                        Or Lake Van in Turkey! From here Vanya is a Turk living near Lake Van! laughing

                        Actually, Van Lake, now owned by Turkey, like Mount B. Ararat, is located on the historical territory of Armenia ... feel
              2. -1
                13 November 2015 22: 14
                Have you ever been in it, or are you afraid of barbaric sadistic torture with a broom?
                1. -1
                  13 November 2015 22: 18
                  This is not even a school, but a kindergarten ...
            2. +1
              13 November 2015 14: 55
              Quote: venaya
              Quote: Wend
              I did not write about Russian names, I wrote about Slavic. For your information, Ivan is not a Russian name, but a Greek

              I beg your pardon, but an inaccuracy has crept in here: the Greek language is very young, not even formed yet. The root of the word "van" is also widely used in Russian, for example, a bath room is a room with water. In Norwegian, the original meaning of the word "van" is preserved as water. from him come such words as Van-dey, S-van-s and in a modified sound the root "veins", examples of Ven-a, Ven-etia, Gen-uya, S-ven-s (Swedes) and others. Modern Greek is mixed with other languages ​​and does not have its own linguistic followers.

              What does it mean young enough? What you just cited as an example is a modern reading and interpretation. As said in those days, it is not so easy to find out. For example, the words neck in an earlier dictum vyya. The word protein is cape. Etc. I agree that modern language is a cool mix.
              1. +2
                13 November 2015 17: 06
                Quote: Wend
                What does it mean young enough?

                This is a question for linguists, they deduced this as a result of their research. It turns out that this language is several centuries old. By the way, here someone read the President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Ingushetia A.S. Shishkov, who wrote the book "Korneslov", his followers developed the science of linguistics and there are very remarkable conclusions. Conclusions are drawn on this science.
          2. -1
            13 November 2015 13: 48
            Quote: Wend
            In vain irony. Show your ignorance. And I did not write about Russian names, I wrote about Slavic. For your information, Ivan is not a Russian name, but a Greek.

            Actually, Ivan is a Jewish name, so I’m ironic that you didn’t understand your ignorance hi
            1. +1
              13 November 2015 14: 51
              Quote: Down House
              Quote: Wend
              In vain irony. Show your ignorance. And I did not write about Russian names, I wrote about Slavic. For your information, Ivan is not a Russian name, but a Greek.

              Actually, Ivan is a Jewish name, so I’m ironic that you didn’t understand your ignorance hi

              I only know this transcription of Greek. ᾽Ιωάννης.
            2. +1
              14 November 2015 22: 42
              Quote: Down House
              Actually, Ivan is a Jewish name, so I’m ironic that you didn’t understand your ignorance

              Yeah, and the pre-Christian God Ivan Kupalo is also from the Greeks?
              1. 0
                14 November 2015 23: 06
                Quote: Rivares
                pre-Christian God Ivan Kupalo, also from the Greeks

                And Ivan Kupala is not God and not a person, this is the name of the holiday.
                "Adaptation" to the pagan traditions (Kupala night) of the Christian holiday Christmas of John the Baptist.
                1. 0
                  15 November 2015 15: 14
                  Quote: Down House
                  And Ivan Kupala is not God and not a person, this is the name of the holiday.
                  "Adaptation" to the pagan traditions (Kupala night) of the Christian holiday Christmas of John the Baptist.

                  Well, you wrote ... Do you even think what you wrote? Those. Did the Christians come to "pagan" Russia with their holidays and the local population began to rename their holidays again by foreign (Jewish in your opinion) names? According to your logic, is the feast of the carnival a renamed Christian holiday? You will decide where Christianity is and where the native Russian holidays are.
          3. -1
            13 November 2015 19: 54
            Quote: Wend
            For your information, Ivan is not a Russian name, but a Greek.

            The name Ivan has Hebrew roots, means "the grace of God." The old form is John.
            What did you say about ignorance? smile
            1. 0
              14 November 2015 07: 03
              Quote: Bayonet
              . The old form is John.

              Grand Prince of Moscow and All Russia since 1533, the first king of all Russia - John Vasilievich.
          4. 0
            13 November 2015 20: 38
            Quote: Wend
            In vain irony. Show your ignorance. And I did not write about Russian names, I wrote about Slavic. For your information, Ivan is not a Russian name, but a Greek. Nikolai and Alexander too.

            Ivan (Hebrew יוחנן Yochanan. Translations: “Yahweh (God) had mercy”, “Yahweh (God) had mercy”, “Yahweh (God) had mercy”, “Yahweh be merciful”) - common among the Slavs and some other peoples masculine name. In the form of Ivan, the name is common among Belarusians, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Russians, Serbs, Slovenes, Gagauz, Ukrainians and Croats. Slavic languages ​​came from Greek. ᾽Ιωάννης.
            So Ivan-John is not a Greek, but a Jewish name. And it came to Russia from Greece, along with the clergy and many others - as you rightly mentioned - purely Greek names.
        2. 0
          13 November 2015 16: 21
          And what do you know about the Egyptian letter?
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 21: 09
            Quote: SectaHaki
            And what do you know about the Egyptian letter?

            Modern Encyclopedia

            Egyptian Letter EGYPTIAN writing>, a verbal and syllabic system> writing, which served the ancient Egyptian language (about the 4th millennium BC - 3-4 centuries AD). It was based on about 500 signs-drawings, mnemonically associated with certain concepts and expressing them in words. Egyptian writing> was used in parallel in 2 varieties: pictorial with careful reproduction of the depicted object (hieroglyphics) and cursive (hieratic). From the 7th century. BC, on the basis of hieratics, a new cursive script was developed - demotic writing> (demotic). hi
            1. 0
              16 November 2015 07: 33
              And what kind of language is that? Decrypted? Wrote about what?
    4. 0
      14 November 2015 13: 11
      Quote: Bayonet
      Something this reminds .... I think in the second part we will be told how wild proto-Ukrainians dug the Black Sea under the guidance of proto-Russian engineers. smile

      and here it happened !!!
      Ukrainians, these are transformed Russians under the influence of the so-called Western civilization !!! which at one time underwent the same transformation !!!
      for example, the Poles, sharing it was the reason to pour deep Russophobia into them, although not only Russians shared it .....
      and about the Caucasus Mountains, you said that !!! laughing
  3. +13
    13 November 2015 06: 40
    We did not dig the Black Sea, and our ancestors nailed a shield on the gates of Tsaregrad. They defeated the Khazar Khaganate that there was no memory of him. They left us a great heritage in culture and the most valuable is the Russian language.
    1. +1
      13 November 2015 12: 05
      all this is in scientific history, without nonsense about 7 thousand years
    2. +3
      13 November 2015 12: 27
      Quote: sv-georgij
      We did not dig the Black Sea, and our ancestors nailed a shield on the gates of Tsaregrad. They defeated the Khazar Khaganate that there was no memory of him.

      Yes Yes Yes! And the official story does not argue with this!
      I will say more - one of the consequences of those our campaigns was the world's first documented ban on "coastal law".
      BUT - this is the 10th century again!
      1. +1
        13 November 2015 15: 55
        you have documented the reinforced concrete. The Chinese wall is standing which is facing in its ancient sections to China and not to Siberia.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 17: 00
          Quote: SectaHaki
          concrete wall china

          What are you talking about now ?! laughing
          1. 0
            14 November 2015 13: 24
            Quote: Down House
            Quote: SectaHaki
            concrete wall china

            What are you talking about now ?! laughing

            probably all the same about 7000 years! laughing
  4. wk
    13 November 2015 06: 47
    such articles have already appeared on VO .... this is something .... nonsense similar to ANCIENT UKRAW digging the Black Sea .... I do not want to read fantasy articles claiming historicity .... our history is rich and without fantasies she has something to be proud of!
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 07: 23
      Is it really scary?
    2. +5
      13 November 2015 08: 30
      It is generally customary for us to throw ourselves out of the fire and into the fire. Either German historians told what kind of Russians were barbarians and savages, then "Russian" historians open our eyes to the fact that we, it turns out, founded Jerusalem and had a state from ocean to ocean. It is given, the truth is somewhere in between. Yes, the Aryan civilization played a big role in the ethnogenesis of the Russians and Slavs in general, it is not for nothing that our language is so close to Sanskrit. Yes, we were greatly influenced by the Trojan civilization, compared to which the ancient Greeks were barbarians. The Cimmerians who lived in the Crimea were allies of the Trojans and maintained trade and cultural ties with them. Scythians and Sarmatians were our direct ancestors. The ancient Hittite state and the Bosporus kingdom also contributed to our history. But there is no need to primitize history, reduce it to the history of one family, one branch, like the Slavs and Rus. The story is more multifaceted and multifactorial. One thing I can say, you need to know your history and be proud of it.
      1. +6
        13 November 2015 08: 43
        Quote: Nikolai K
        ... It seems that the truth is somewhere in between.
        But it is not necessary to primitize history, to reduce it to the history of one family, one branch, such as the Slavs and Rus. The story is more multifaceted and multifactorial ... you need to know your history and be proud of it.

        "I think the truth is somewhere in between"- This is the worst thing, instead of maximum accuracy in describing the past, unsupported myths are created, such as a religious description of the past of one tribe, and an African one. And based on this myth (Torah), a kind of" science of history "is created that does not have nothing to do with reality. And then we ourselves invent the arithmetic mean from myth and real data from archaeological excavations, and we get the purest bullshit. I think that this is our common mistake.
      2. +1
        13 November 2015 10: 13
        Who wrote the story and for what purpose do you propose to know? The one from which it follows that we are in the middle of the 1st millennium after R.H. only came down from the trees and were so ignorant that they had to call on the "civilized" Varangians?

        "And they all stood under the banner,
        And they say: “How are we to be?
        Let's send to the Vikings:
        Let them come to reign.

        After all, the Germans are too busy
        He knows the darkness and light
        Our earth is rich,
        There is just no order in it. "
        (A.K. Tolstoy)

        "History of the Russian State", on the basis of which we were taught history at school and beyond, was written by the freemason Karamzin, it is clear at whose request.
      3. +4
        13 November 2015 12: 10
        now the Trojan civilization has appeared. here in recently there was a whole series of publications about the Mediterranean - Crete, Troy, the peoples of the sea, etc. read where you Slavs there find me not understandable.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 16: 01
          And who do you find there, just for sure?

          Slavic Slovenia and Croatia in the Mediterranean come out even now - well, something like that ...
          1. +2
            13 November 2015 16: 40
            Well, the Germanic (linguistic) USA and Canada are now in North America, and the Turks are in the same Mediterranean, and the Russians are on Sakhalin, and the Hungarians are in central Europe.
            and where were their ancestors 3 thousand years ago?
            1. 0
              16 November 2015 07: 41
              Yes, really where, and what statehood and literacy did they have?
      4. +1
        13 November 2015 12: 33
        Quote: Nikolai K
        Yes, in the ethnogenesis of Russians and Slavs in general, played a big role .....

        It is precisely that we (Russians) were formed thanks to "ethnogenesis" as well.
        And it is important to understand that even if we are (and apparently we are genetically) descendants of ancient cultures that lived on the territory of modern Russia (which, despite their common culture, were not states in the modern understanding), then as the Russian people (in the modern understanding of the people) and as the Russian State (in the modern sense of the state) we began to "take shape" only by the 10th century during the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks."
        1. -1
          13 November 2015 16: 03
          BAM is the German-to-Chinese trade route? winked

          Russian will not explain its ethnogenesis to someone else's trading interests.
          1. +1
            13 November 2015 17: 02
            Quote: SectaHaki
            BAM is the German-to-Chinese trade route?

            No, this is a road connecting different parts of the Empire.
            We are initially talking about internal and external reasons for the emergence of a centralized state in Russia!
            1. 0
              16 November 2015 07: 40
              What other empire? One reason - zadolbali invasions. Then, when centralization was abolished, they resisted the invasions.

              According to the Rhine, a centralized state appeared in the 19th century only, although it didn’t have a single gateway and dragger — on the contrary, they sat on their hills on each hill and blocked the river with chains. Has this Rhine strongly helped the Germans become a German empire, or is it all the same in people?
        2. 0
          15 November 2015 15: 22
          Quote: Down House
          as the Russian State (in the modern sense of the state), we began to "take shape" only by the 10th century during the trade route "from the Varangians to the Greeks."

          But the Gardarika which is mentioned in the Germanic and Scandinavian sagas is not considered?
          Those. cities, writing, army, rulers, crafts were and statehood was not ???
  5. -2
    13 November 2015 06: 57
    Interestingly, the data of devotees of the Russian concept of history completely coincide with such a work as “The Legend of Slovene and Ruse and the city of Slovensk”

    Can you link to the source?

    If the scientific process were to go along its natural course, if incontrovertible and numerous arguments and facts were accepted and considered, they would have buried, for example, the notorious "Norman theory" and the theory of the cultural influence of the "Norman-Germans" on Russia.

    Arguments and facts in the studio, but for now only big words and no more.

    That we are the descendants of the most ancient northern civilization, whose roots go back to the time of the legendary Aryans and the mythical Hyperborea.

    The words "mythical" and "legendary" are fundamental for the entire article.

    In general, another stupid thing.
    The author, do not be like the "great ukram". Our history is rich and eventful even without nonsense, and no one considers us a "dirty, unwashed and uneducated" Country in the past.
    The article is a fat minus! The author read and read the right books and not stupid things.
    1. +5
      13 November 2015 07: 20
      Quote: Glot
      The author read and read the right books and not stupid things.

      A quick list of "correct books", please, indicating the publisher, who owns it, what money was the order for writing the "books", etc. etc.
      1. -2
        13 November 2015 08: 44
        A quick list of "correct books", please, indicating the publisher, who owns it, what money was the order for writing the "books", etc. etc.

        "Quickly" you will speak to your wife. If you have it. Or will be. laughing
        And on the topic, the work of scientists of the RAS or the USSR Academy of Sciences, if you want, read, and not anyhow anyone. Quickly, before it’s too late. laughing
        1. -4
          13 November 2015 09: 40
          Quote: Glot
          if you want to read the work of scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences or the USSR Academy of Sciences, but not anyhow

          and many of these "aby" Russians?

          usually not even everyone goes to women and relatives.
          1. -1
            13 November 2015 10: 34
            and many of these "aby" Russians?

            usually not even everyone goes to women and relatives.

            That's enough.
            And it is not a matter of nationality, but of the level of knowledge and preparedness.
            And I believe the book written by KIN more than some kind of "Vasya Pupkin".
            You need to learn something from professionals and not from amateurs.
            1. The comment was deleted.
          2. 0
            13 November 2015 10: 34
            and many of these "aby" Russians?

            usually not even everyone goes to women and relatives.

            That's enough.
            And it is not a matter of nationality, but of the level of knowledge and preparedness.
            And I believe the book written by KIN more than some kind of "Vasya Pupkin".
            You need to learn something from professionals and not from amateurs.
            1. -2
              13 November 2015 10: 59
              No one! As among psychologists, dentists, and teachers of the Russian language in Russian schools. And it is only a matter of nationality, especially in the nationality of his wife. lol

              Do professionals rewrite the history of a still living people? Isn’t it easier to ask his representatives, however you’re already trying to teach Russians even their folklore ...
              1. +2
                13 November 2015 11: 07
                No one! As among psychologists, dentists, and teachers of the Russian language in Russian schools. And it is only a matter of nationality, especially in the nationality of his wife.

                Not a single Russian? Yah ?! And neither teachers nor doctors?
                Well, it may be where you live, this is the case, but we have everything in order with this. laughing
                In general, arguing with you does not make sense. The level of knowledge tends to zero. You can say little on the topic, but there are many exhausts of a nationalistic nature. But SCIENCE is not built on this.
                So, read fairy tales and treat teeth at the mechanic Vasya, and send children to study with grandmothers on a bench in the yard - this is for you. laughing
                1. 0
                  13 November 2015 12: 15
                  Maybe you are still like that Russian? There is no point explaining to you - you are already aware of what you are doing here.

                  Rather than trying to teach us our Great Russian history, tell us better about Zhivoglotsky about your own.
                  1. 0
                    13 November 2015 12: 49
                    Maybe you are still so Russian? There is no point explaining to you - you are already aware of what you are doing here.

                    Rather than trying to teach us our Great Russian history, tell us better about Zhivoglotsky about your own.

                    I AM ? Maybe Russian. In part. It’s a lot of blood.
                    My friend, CIN - Russian, another comrade, also a pro (according to the Horde) - Russian, and others and others ...
                    I don’t know about you, but I think that it’s not, that I’m fighting the enemy. Since only Nerus can try to spoil my People, trying to replace its history with fairy tales and fables. So what are you doing here, I think I understand.
                    I’m not going to teach you anything. You I see are already trained.
                    I think my story will not be interesting to you, and it’s not about your honor, in principle.
                    Although if you dirty our history unknowingly, due to the lack of proper education, and (or) mosXa in your head, then this is even worse. For the enemy, looking at people like you, leading into fables, will think that my people are stupid. But this is not so.
                    In general, from whatever side you look, all one sad sight .. crying
                    1. +1
                      16 November 2015 08: 27
                      Quote: Glot
                      I AM ? Maybe Russian.

                      then if "maybe" - pass by ... if you were Russian you would know that.
                  2. The comment was deleted.
                2. -1
                  13 November 2015 12: 38
                  Quote: Glot
                  You can say little on the topic, but there are many exhausts of a nationalistic nature. But SCIENCE is not built on this.

                  This is for sure, there was at one time in Germany a period when science was divided into Jewish and Aryan - this is when Einstein fled to the United States, and in Germany they financed the study of the theory of "hollow earth". laughing
                  1. +3
                    13 November 2015 14: 51
                    > That's for sure, there was a period in Germany at one time when science was divided into Jewish and Aryan - this is when Einstein fled to the USA

                    you would need at least a little knowledge in the field that you’re coming to judge ...

                    Heisenberg was in Germany then, if you even know who he is. The atomic project with a team of physicists from around the world was created specifically out of fear of it.
                    1. 0
                      13 November 2015 16: 11
                      Quote: xtur
                      Heisenberg was in Germany then, if you even know who he is.

                      Yes, it was a representative of the "old German school", even from the time of the Kaiser.
                      And I don’t understand at all what it has to do with it, or are you also a supporter of the "hollow earth" theory?
                      1. 0
                        13 November 2015 20: 26
                        Saturn-5 of NASA director von Braun then also did not fly around the "hollow earth" or to the "hollow moon" ... You do not know what nonsense to argue.
                        This is in the Jewish-Masonic USA full of rotary clubs through which he and his compatriots barely made his way to Congress for financing.
                        In jet aviation, as in the interwar period, in airships, the country that einsteins warmed up for some reason without German brains was also not a leader.
                      2. 0
                        14 November 2015 01: 30
                        Quote: SectaHaki
                        In jet aviation, as in the interwar period, in airships, the country that einsteins warmed up for some reason without German brains was also not a leader.

                        Blah blah blah! Google about the same native and beloved BI-1!
                        But at the same time we think, and what is it after Hitler in Germany that mass of scientists has so diminished? laughing
                      3. 0
                        16 November 2015 07: 26
                        And that Bakhchivandzhi crashed on it, or shot down more than 700 "flying fortresses" and flew to the moon many times?
                        Google is better than Bi-2, this is your level.
                      4. 0
                        14 November 2015 22: 08
                        > Yes, it was a representative of the "old German school", even from the time of the Kaiser.
                        > And I do not understand at all what he has to do with it, or are you also a supporter of the theory of "hollow earth"?

                        I can’t understand what you’re trying to say, but I’m talking about facts - in essence, unlimited scientific power of German physicists, and their decision to stay in Germany, although they were well aware of the regime that came to power in their country. And apparently, they even realized who brought this regime to power.

                        Potential young generation The German physicists turned out to be so great that during the two years of 1925-1926 two versions of quantum mechanics were created by their efforts, while the old generation of physicists, including Bohr, could not create one version in 20 years

                        Heisenberg quite consciously remained in Germany, and even tried to persuade Bohr to cooperate with him. These physicists met, quarreled in vain at this meeting, and before that were friends.

                        After this meeting, Bora was taken to the United States, and Heisenberg remained in Germany - which clearly speaks of the intentions of the parties and their choice of a party to the conflict. After his appearance in the United States, Bohr never said that the Germans would not create an atomic bomb. Ie Bohr was quite serious about the potential of Germany to create an atomic bomb.
                  2. The comment was deleted.
                  3. GAF
                    13 November 2015 19: 51
                    Down House "That's for sure, there was a period in Germany at one time when science was divided into Jewish and Aryan - this is when Einstein fled to the USA, and in Germany they financed the study of the theory of the" hollow earth ".

                    And based on this theory, without Einstein, they were a step away from creating an atomic bomb. They helped us after the war and to us in this matter. So the value of a person in science is determined by what is in his head, and not by nationality.
                    1. 0
                      14 November 2015 01: 31
                      Quote: GAF
                      And based on this theory, without Einstein, they were a step away from creating an atomic bomb.

                      Yeah, it was thanks to the "hollow earth theory" that the Germans were "one step away" from the atomic bomb, and at the same time one step away from flying saucers laughing
                      1. GAF
                        14 November 2015 07: 25
                        Down House "Yeah, it was thanks to the" hollow earth theory "that the Germans were" one step away "from the atomic bomb, and at the same time one step away from flying saucers."
                        FROM SECRET DATA. Thanks to the works of Otto Hahn and Lisa Meitner on the "hollow earth theory", the saucer flew to the center of the Earth
                      2. 0
                        14 November 2015 14: 44
                        Quote: GAF
                        FROM SECRET DATA.

                        Well, you can’t argue with that wassat
                        Quote: GAF
                        Thanks to the works of Otto Hahn and Lisa Meitner on the "hollow earth theory", the saucer flew to the center of the Earth

                        Well, the "hollow earth theory" meant that we live INSIDE the ball!
                        Is modern science and satellites lying ?! wassat
            2. +5
              13 November 2015 12: 03
              Quote: Glot
              And it is not a matter of nationality, but of the level of knowledge and preparedness.

              Memorial of the Swedish king, and why is it in Russian?
              1. 0
                13 November 2015 12: 53
                Memorial of the Swedish king, and why is it in Russian?

                Google to the rescue.
                Although I am not a supporter of the wiki.
                1. +3
                  13 November 2015 13: 10
                  Quote: Glot
                  Google to the rescue.

                  A worthy answer from a scientist.
                  One of Google claims that the Russians went wild with the Swedish scribe and he wrote in Russian.

                  It's good that at least she is not in Greek.
                  1. +1
                    13 November 2015 13: 19
                    A worthy answer from a scientist.

                    And who said that a scientist? laughing
                    What do you want to approve with this piece of paper?
                    I can tell you such a version.
                    He wrote it in Latin (not in Russian smile ) but in Russian transcription in order that it would be convenient for him to read this on our territory, for the Russian-speaking people. Since he read the letters familiar to himself, folding them into Russian words at the exit.
                    That's all.
                    And no conspiracy theories and secret meanings.
                    1. +1
                      13 November 2015 13: 28
                      It remains only to ask in honor of what the Russians needed it?
                    2. +1
                      13 November 2015 14: 42
                      Quote: Glot
                      I can tell you such a version.
                      He wrote it in Latin (not in Russian smile) but in Russian transcription in order that it would be convenient for him to read this on our territory, for the Russian-speaking people. Since he read the letters familiar to himself, folding them into Russian words in

                      In a series of "answers" to this phenomenon, "your" is the most common, you mindlessly repeat what you do not even bother to think about.
                      If you try to read someone else's SPEECH in your own words, the audience will never understand anything, because the main thing in SPEECH is phonetics, and if you speak someone else’s speech in your own words, this will be heard for gibberish. This is according to the rules of foreign languages ​​in PRESENT DAY.
                      Therefore, the LADY SPEECH AT THE FUNERAL OF CARL11 was recorded at the time when Russian and Svejsky had not yet dispersed far from each other PHONETICALLY.
                    3. 0
                      13 November 2015 14: 42
                      Quote: Glot
                      I can tell you such a version.
                      He wrote it in Latin (not in Russian smile) but in Russian transcription in order that it would be convenient for him to read this on our territory, for the Russian-speaking people. Since he read the letters familiar to himself, folding them into Russian words in

                      In a series of "answers" to this phenomenon, "your" is the most common, you mindlessly repeat what you do not even bother to think about.
                      If you try to read someone else's SPEECH in your own words, the audience will never understand anything, because the main thing in SPEECH is phonetics, and if you speak someone else’s speech in your own words, this will be heard for gibberish. This is according to the rules of foreign languages ​​in PRESENT DAY.
                      Therefore, the LADY SPEECH AT THE FUNERAL OF CARL11 was recorded at the time when Russian and Svejsky had not yet dispersed far from each other PHONETICALLY.
                    4. +3
                      13 November 2015 15: 19
                      Quote: Glot
                      He wrote it in Latin (not in Russian) but in Russian transcription in order that it would be convenient for him to read this on our territory, for the Russian-speaking people.

                      This piece of paper was read over the departed Swedish kings, a tradition they had, it seemed.
                      The library of Ivan the Terrible would put a lot in their places, but the question is, where is it?

                      Cons are not mine.
                    5. 0
                      13 November 2015 20: 48
                      Quote: Glot
                      He wrote it in Latin (not in Russian) but in Russian transcription in order that it would be convenient for him to read this on our territory, for the Russian-speaking people. Since he read the letters familiar to himself, folding them into Russian words at the exit.

                      This is not for the Russians, but for the Swedes it was written. It is stored in Stockholm, in some kind of archive, and the king seems to be signed. King of Sweden Charles 11 is the father of the warrior against Peter Charles 12. But they simply cannot explain the explanations to others.
                    6. +1
                      14 November 2015 20: 05
                      Quote: Glot
                      A worthy answer from a scientist.

                      And who said that a scientist? laughing
                      What do you want to approve with this piece of paper?
                      I can tell you such a version.
                      He wrote it in Latin (not in Russian smile ) but in Russian transcription in order that it would be convenient for him to read this on our territory, for the Russian-speaking people. Since he read the letters familiar to himself, folding them into Russian words at the exit.
                      That's all.
                      And no conspiracy theories and secret meanings.

                      that's just the statement
                      He wrote it in Latin (not in Russian smile ) but in Russian transcription in order that it would be convenient for him to read this on our territory, for the Russian-speaking people. Since he read the letters familiar to himself, folding them into Russian words at the exit.
                      and there is a real
                      conspiracy theories and secret meanings

                      otherwise he would have read Russian in Swedish !!! what to bother with, because the point is not even that the Russians served are more, but that Karl’s death just happened during the period of transformation from Russians to Swedes, first giving the language of Latin letters, an example of the collapse of the USSR, when many republics wanted to switch to Latin , and only here it is necessary to affirm
                      And no conspiracy theories and secret meanings
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +2
                13 November 2015 20: 42
                Quote: saturn.mmm
                Memorial of the Swedish king, and why is it in Russian?

                I saw it before - in the book of Fomenko! Many questions are posed there, to which modern historical science does not give answers. But those answers that he gives - do not fit into a harmonious scientific system.
            3. The comment was deleted.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +5
      13 November 2015 07: 25
      Have you been banned in Google?
      Most European travelers across Russia wrote fierce game about her, although they themselves poked around in the mud and blood.
      1. +4
        13 November 2015 07: 31
        Quote: Darkness
        Most European travelers across Russia wrote fierce game about her, although they themselves poked around in the mud and blood.

        This is the "culture" of these pigs! His daughter, Anna, Queen of France, wrote about this to her father Yaroslav the Wise.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 12: 08
          Quote: venaya
          This was written to his father Yaroslav the Wise by his daughter, Anna, Queen of France
          In the work of Maurice Druon "Paris from Caesar to St. Louis."
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 15: 58
            if it is also written with him, then this does not make it not true.
            1. 0
              13 November 2015 19: 22
              Quote: SectaHaki
              if it is also written with him, then this does not make it not true.
              The problem is that it is not written "yet with him", but "only him".
              1. +1
                16 November 2015 07: 43
                The fact that it is written "only with him" is written only by you here.
    3. +2
      13 November 2015 08: 43
      Quote: Glot
      Can you link to the source?

      Quote: Glot
      Arguments and facts in the studio, but for now only big words and no more.

      Studio - in the Country of Fools. Here is the link, please, Pinocchio is burning ...
      1. -3
        13 November 2015 08: 50
        Studio - in the Country of Fools. Here is the link, please, Pinocchio is burning ...

        Here it is ... Real Pinocchio Mlyn. laughing Some dig the Black Sea, others on the shores of the Arctic Ocean grow pineapples. laughing laughing
        Clowning pancake. laughing
        1. -1
          13 November 2015 09: 37
          The program is constantly such as you quote ...
      2. The comment was deleted.
    4. +1
      13 November 2015 10: 10
      Quote: Glot
      Arguments and facts in the studio, but for now only big words and no more.

      Do you require all the evidence? I provided you with evidence of the Russian presence in Byzantium in the form of Old Russian in old Byzantine mosaics, but somehow you left the conversation.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 10: 21
        ... also called the arguments laid out on the shelves "heap".
      2. +1
        13 November 2015 10: 51
        Do you require all the evidence? I provided you with evidence of the Russian presence in Byzantium in the form of Old Russian in old Byzantine mosaics, but somehow you left the conversation.

        I advised you there to study the history of Byzantium, its relationship with Russia, the same roots of the Greek language and so on.
        On the Byzantine mosaics the inscriptions are not in Old Russian but in Greek. If you see the inscription supposedly Russian there, then I repeat again - refer to the roots of the Russian language and written language. Everything will become clear.
        Do not turn known facts upside down for the sake of your crooked vision.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 11: 18
          Quote: Glot
          I advised you there to study the history of Byzantium, its relationship with Russia, the same roots of the Greek language and so on.

          I would also advise you something, do not advise others that you would not be sent where you would not want to go.

          Quote: Glot
          On the Byzantine mosaics the inscriptions are not in Old Russian but in Greek. If you see the inscription supposedly Russian there, then I repeat again - refer to the roots of the Russian language and written language. Everything will become clear.
          Do not turn known facts upside down for the sake of your crooked vision.

          neither in ancient Greek, nor in modern Greek there is no letter C, but only SIGMA, so what kind of "Greek" language is this?
      3. -1
        13 November 2015 10: 51
        Do you require all the evidence? I provided you with evidence of the Russian presence in Byzantium in the form of Old Russian in old Byzantine mosaics, but somehow you left the conversation.

        I advised you there to study the history of Byzantium, its relationship with Russia, the same roots of the Greek language and so on.
        On the Byzantine mosaics the inscriptions are not in Old Russian but in Greek. If you see the inscription supposedly Russian there, then I repeat again - refer to the roots of the Russian language and written language. Everything will become clear.
        Do not turn known facts upside down for the sake of your crooked vision.
      4. -2
        13 November 2015 14: 03
        Quote: Sveles
        I provided you with evidence of the Russian presence in Byzantium in the form of Old Russian in old Byzantine mosaics

        And in one of the corridors of the Cheops pyramid, a bad word is scratched ... in Russian! lol
  6. +3
    13 November 2015 07: 04
    Again about the Uruses? fellow
    We must remember that our ancestor father Japheth, the founder of the Indo-Europeans (Russian chronicles still remember this), founded the city of Jaffa three and a half thousand years before the ancestors of the Jews arrived in Palestine. That the Russians founded Ruskhalim (Urusalim).

    Jews with Russian brothers forever?
    The author, I do not understand what is the point of inventing a story and making myself a laughing stock? Doesn't Russia have a rich and interesting history and so on? And then you get to the point where Adam was the first Rus, oh no, sorry Urus. fool
    1. +5
      13 November 2015 07: 08
      Quote: Hello
      And then you get to the point that Adam was the first Rus,

      Well, firstly, Adam was 100% Russian and Eve was also from a Russian family. It is a shame not to know such obvious facts.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 07: 11
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Well, firstly, Adam was 100% Russian and Eve was also from a Russian family. It is a shame not to know such obvious facts.

        It is indicated that he created in the image and likeness, what are you hinting at? tongue
        1. +3
          13 November 2015 08: 42
          It’s clear what. God is also ours.
        2. 0
          13 November 2015 08: 45
          The fact that most of the rest can only throw shit and ape.
        3. +3
          13 November 2015 10: 42
          Quote: Hello
          It is indicated that he created in the image and likeness, what are you hinting at?

          The Rus called themselves the SONS of God, and all the other "ancient" peoples were the SLAVES of the Lord.
        4. +2
          13 November 2015 11: 06
          Quote: Hello
          It’s indicated that he created in the image and likeness,

          Normal Russian man, what is not clear then?
          1. +2
            13 November 2015 11: 12
            Quote: Alexander Romanov
            Normal Russian man, what is not clear then?

            Everything is clear, everyone around is Russian but not everyone knows about it, even the sky is even Allah wassat
            1. +3
              13 November 2015 12: 00
              Quote: Hello

              Everything is clear, everyone around is Russian but not everyone knows about it

              Well, finally you have received sight-Hello my Russian brother wassat
      2. +2
        13 November 2015 08: 41
        Yeah, and the snake tempter was American. The Aztecs called him Quetzalcoatl. wink
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 09: 42
          Rather, the creator of the Americans (at least, behave accordingly), and not Columbus at all ... lol
      3. +5
        13 November 2015 10: 36
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Eve was also from a Russian family

        I would add - from a good Russian family!
        Quote: Alexander Romanov
        Well firstly, Adam was 100% Russian

        Without bad habbits ! smile
        1. +1
          13 November 2015 10: 51
          Quote: Bayonet
          I would add - from a good Russian family!

          Taki, and how with the temptation to be succumbed to the same. Bad dad brought up wink
          Quote: Bayonet
          Without bad habbits !

          Athlete, communist and just handsome
          1. +1
            13 November 2015 11: 07
            Quote: Hello
            Taki, and how with the temptation to be succumbed to the same.

            I contacted the Jews laughing
            1. +2
              13 November 2015 11: 13
              Quote: Alexander Romanov
              I contacted the Jews

              So God created three Adam Eve and an unnamed Jew tongue
              1. +3
                13 November 2015 12: 01
                Quote: Hello
                So God created three Adam Eve and an unnamed Jew

                Yes, there was one serpent, he promised a lot and in the end threw it. Well, aren't the Jews laughing
          2. +2
            13 November 2015 12: 46
            Quote: Hello
            Bad dad raised

            Papa has nothing to do with, it’s all the mother of the Jewess who is to blame, there is nothing for the Russian peasants to be friends with the Jewesses! laughing
            Quote: Hello
            Athlete, communist and just handsome

            Didn’t you know that Jesus was one of the first members of the CPSU (B.) And his dad was Russian? fellow
          3. +1
            13 November 2015 13: 58
            Quote: Hello
            Taki, and how with the temptation to be succumbed to the same. Bad dad brought up

            No - the corrupting influence of the West! smile
        2. 0
          13 November 2015 12: 43
          Quote: Bayonet
          Without bad habbits !

          In what sense?
          If he did not drink vodka while fishing or after the bathhouse, then what kind of Russian is he after that! am )))))))
    2. +5
      13 November 2015 07: 21
      Quote: Hello
      Jews with Russian brothers forever?

      Do not flatter yourself, according to the research of Kyrgyz scientists, everything came from the Kirghiz, Jews - the first from them belay.
      Quote: Hello
      Doesn't Russia have a rich and interesting history and so on? And then you get to the point where Adam was the first Rus, oh no, sorry Urus.

      When Adam appeared, he said - men adam (I am a man). So says ari .., oh no, no - Kyrgyz science wassat .
      Of course, the history of the Russian people is older than Gostomysl, but there is no solid knowledge about it. Someday, genetics, archaeologists and linguists will better understand our antiquity. At least there is genuine interest in this.
      1. +2
        13 November 2015 07: 25
        Quote: Humpty
        Do not flatter yourself, according to the research of Kyrgyz scientists, everything came from the Kyrgyz, the Jews were the first from them.

        And then what about URUsalim? recourse
        1. +1
          13 November 2015 07: 34
          Quote: Hello
          And then what about URUsalim?

          Gorazdy you to tricky questions. How to be - to believe!
          Belief in miracles is the key to understanding the essence of extravagant historical hypotheses.
          1. +1
            13 November 2015 07: 39
            Quote: Humpty
            Gorazdy you to tricky questions. How to be - to believe!
            Belief in miracles is the key to understanding the essence of extravagant historical hypotheses.

            I begin to believe in URUSalim, how can I be with Jaffa as it is not in Urusian negative Oh, let's call URYaffo wassat
            1. +1
              13 November 2015 08: 14
              Hello "I'm starting to believe in URUSalim."
              Urusalim? This is interesting.)))) That's it. Are you ...))))
            2. 0
              13 November 2015 09: 38
              So read your torus there it is written. That Yerusalim is a city of Evuseys (we know who doesn’t pronounce ie Yeruseys) who was able to capture David, an ethnic non-Jew who was anointed to the kingdom by your own high priest when Saul ceased to obey. According to the archeology of linguistics and ... studies of cuneiform records and Egyptian bas-reliefs, the population of Palestine is the Eusebius Canaanites, Canaanians, etc. Aryan origin. The Hittites defeated Babylon. The Hittites defeated Ramses at the Battle of Kadash, precisely in the rivalry for Palestine and Syria. It so happened that Palestine was at the junction of the hostile civilizations of the people of the sea - the Kritominites, the civilization of the interfluve - the Assyro-Babylonians, Egyptians and Hittoscythians. The winners were the Hittites banging the Egyptians and the Babylonians. But climate change i.e. the period of drought forced the Hittites to leave Anatolia and Syria, then Herodotus describes them as Geths of the Scythian massagets, etc. And in Palestine, isolated cities of the state of both Het and Babylonian origin remained in Palestine at the time of the invasion of the refugee army from Egypt ... This is an official story and which does not contradict your torus.
              1. +1
                13 November 2015 10: 00
                Quote: hrych
                so read your torus there it is written. That Yerusalim is a city of Evuseys (we know who doesn’t pronounce i.e. Yeruseys) who was able to capture David an ethnic non-Jew who was anointed to the kingdom by your own high priest when Saul ceased to obey

                DAVID in Russian Davyd and what is primary?
                1. 0
                  13 November 2015 10: 40
                  If we take the Slavic names, including the names of the Gods, like Svyatovid and Yarovid, have this root, and the letter "t" at the end appeared in the Latin description of the gods of the Baltic Slavs by Catholic chronicler priests, and the name Zavid was found in the Slavic alphabet on birch bark letters No. 103 and 156 in Novgorod. Also the names Milovid and Mirovid have this root.
              2. +2
                13 November 2015 10: 20
                It is also worth noting that the explosion of the volcano on the island of Santorini, which destroyed the Cretan-Minoan civilization (a tsunami of up to 30 meters overtook Crete), also drove the Hittites from Syria and Anatolia, but as a consequence of climate change, there was a prolonged drought, and a volcanic the mud has poisoned the fertile lands. In Egypt itself, there was a drought, etc., reflected in the Torah in the form of "Egyptian executions", when the Sun darkened (from volcanic dust) and the waters of the Nile became bloody (from dust particles containing iron, rust simply colored the water). The priests of Amun in Egypt - the know-it-alls could not explain the pharaoh's ear or snout, and Amenhotep was renamed Akhenaten. He introduced the cult of Aton - a solar disk, and not a freak with a falcon's head, etc. And the priests - the swindlers were persecuted, so the schismatic Old Believers, led by the priest of Amon Moses, who is still a brother and contender for the throne of Akhenaten, draped into the empty, but not very poisoned Palestine. Also, the sea became shallow due to drought and splashed like dry ... This is now the official story according to the latest archaeological data and the decryption of the found texts, no more and no less, already announced by the main mouthpieces of the Air Force and Discovery. Naturally, not without fitting to the Torah, well, this is not surprising, and the biblical text should not be rejected ...
                The Crito-Minoans (the modern bespantian name according to King Minos, who took tribute from the Greeks for the Minotaur, they are also Roman Etruscans, the language and writing of the Minoans and Etruscans turned out to be identical, in Greek, the Tyrrhenians and Pelasgians, in particular, Homer mentions the Pelasgians as Cretans, self-name - race) having lost the fleet were subordinate to the Ionians (Achaeans), so the history of ancient Greece and Rome began ...
                1. +2
                  13 November 2015 10: 49
                  And the subsequent withdrawal of the Hittite empire from Syria, led to the arrival of the Assyro-Babylonians and Nebuchadanosor (Nabucco), who enslaved the Jews, destroyed the first temple and captured the remains of the Hittite cities in Syria. Another interesting fact is that one of the Egyptian executions describes a thunderstorm and hail, and there was fire inside the hailstones, such a phenomenon occurs again with the precipitation of volcanic origin.
                2. -1
                  13 November 2015 11: 07
                  It was, it was ... everything was. By all available means began to multiply the Slavs to zero, because "the best is the enemy of the good."
              3. +2
                13 November 2015 10: 58
                Quote: hrych
                So read your torus there it is written. That Yerusalim is a city of Evuseys (we know who doesn’t pronounce ie Yeruseys) who was able to capture David, an ethnic non-Jew who was anointed to the kingdom by your own high priest when Saul ceased to obey. According to the archeology of linguistics and ... studies of cuneiform records and Egyptian bas-reliefs, the population of Palestine is the Eusebius Canaanites, Canaanians, etc. Aryan origin. The Hittites defeated Babylon. The Hittites defeated Ramses at the Battle of Kadash, precisely in the rivalry for Palestine and Syria. It so happened that Palestine was at the junction of the hostile civilizations of the people of the sea - the Kritominites, the civilization of the interfluve - the Assyro-Babylonians, Egyptians and Hittoscythians. The winners were the Hittites banging the Egyptians and the Babylonians. But climate change i.e. the period of drought forced the Hittites to leave Anatolia and Syria, then Herodotus describes them as Geths of the Scythian massagets, etc. And in Palestine, isolated cities of the state of both Het and Babylonian origin remained in Palestine at the time of the invasion of the refugee army from Egypt ... This is an official story and which does not contradict your torus.

                Is it you so subtly hinting that David was Russian? Oh, yes, good health, I have always wondered why the "specialists" from history are trying to prove that they are older than the first monkeys. So with a long history, they are trying to hide the absence of a brain?
                1. -3
                  13 November 2015 11: 34
                  Russians are not so mean cruel and bloodthirsty to kill a stunned enemy in a duel, instead of having the opportunity to release him or take him prisoner.

                  From such shit they then, like the bears, want to leave everything just to go away ...
                  1. 0
                    13 November 2015 12: 52
                    Quote: SectaHaki
                    Russians are not so mean cruel and bloodthirsty to kill a stunned enemy in a duel, instead of having the opportunity to release him or take him prisoner.

                    To let go Rather break apart and birch!
                    When the tongues of "heretics" were cut off in Russia, so that the "unclean" did not touch them, they took knives themselves and cut their tongues - ala samurai.
                    You would have met our ancestors and would not have survived for a couple of days! fellow
                    1. 0
                      13 November 2015 20: 45
                      Was it the execution of a dumbfound for a tribute to walk twice or a military duel?
                      What else srusofobstvuete, "Russian" you are ours?

                      Can it still gobble up the ears of both the Persian anti-Semite and its entire hanged clan? Or to bleed from which boy and then celebrate the victory in the process with all Egupets (that he let her down from himself)?
                      Until they were overgrown, you would not have been able to stretch for sure ... after such racially-faithful tricks earlier, for some people, entry to Russia was forbidden for a long time, under pain of the like.
                      1. -1
                        14 November 2015 01: 32
                        Quote: SectaHaki
                        Or to bleed from which boy and then celebrate the victory in the process with all Egupets (that he let her down from himself)?
                        Until they were overgrown, you would not have been able to stretch for sure ... after such racially-faithful tricks earlier, for some people, entry to Russia was forbidden for a long time, under pain of the like.

                        And definitely stop understanding what you write laughing
                      2. 0
                        16 November 2015 07: 24
                        Then google related words. This may be your problem.
                2. +3
                  13 November 2015 12: 07
                  According to Chapter 16 of the Book of Kingdoms of the Torah, Pope David was Jesse the Bethlehem, your nationality is silent, but describes David as blond with beautiful eyes, that he can’t belong to the Semitic-Hamitic race, and Ashkinazes who did not come from the European Khazaria then basically ... According chapters 17 of the Book of Kingdoms Jesse was a Ephraite, who are the Ephraites, and science (Western by the way) identified them among the Hurrians who came from the Euphrates. Again, the book of Kings does not classify David as a Jewish posterity. This is done in the book of Ruth. Incidentally, in the surviving protocols of the rabbinical discussions at the Jamni Sanhedrin c. 100 g. e. Ruth’s book was criticized, some Jewish teachers opposed its inclusion in the Tanach. For her texts are left-wing and completely contradictory, there the David’s genealogy was introduced into the offspring of the Judah’s tribe. Here is such a parsley.
                  1. -2
                    13 November 2015 12: 24
                    Quote: hrych
                    ... the Semitic-Hamitic race

                    This is all Goebels propaganda ...
                    Do you consider yourself an Aryan race? Do you have a persistent, Nordic character?
                  2. +2
                    13 November 2015 13: 17
                    Shlomo, he is Solomon, he is the third king of Israel, he is the son of David and Bathsheba (Bat Sheva), who is the widow of Uriah the Hittite, i.e. the Hittah, which was in the army of David. Whether Bathsheba was a Hittite story is silent. It is clear that the anointing of David is a mystical invention, he fled from Saul and served as a military commander. belay the Philistines (Pelasgian Minoans), who defeated Saul’s army under Gelvah and when he died, David with his unit captured Hebron and proclaimed himself king of the Jews, and then declared war on Israel where the son of Saul, Joseph, reigned and defeated, became king of Israel and Judea , then he captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites. Begged belay the Philistines had an ark, with the help of a friend (?) of the Phoenician king Hiram built a temple and placed the ark there. The city was first mentioned in Egyptian sources of the 19-18 centuries. BC e. like Rushalimum, in the Al-Amarna letters of the 14th century. BC e. as Urusalim and in the annals of Sankheriv (late 8th century BC) as Ursalimmu. The earliest non-biblical Hebrew spelling of the word "Jerusalem" dates from the sixth or seventh century BC.
                    This story says, if you ignore the mystical anointings, that a military leader with Hurrian roots in the service of the Etruscan Philistines who participated in the defeat of the army of Saul captured Judea and Israel and his clan reigned before Nebuchadnezzar. David seized power with the help of the Philistines, his highest military leaders were the Philistines, we can say that before Nebuchadnezzar, Israel is part of the Etruscan Pelasgian empire, under the authority of the governor - David and his descendants. What the Torah is actually talking about. Religion is another matter, but this is a different story.
                    1. -3
                      13 November 2015 15: 04
                      This is all, of course, entertaining, but I wrote to that ... You just should not get carried away with Nazism - invent racial theories ... Semites are Caucasians.
                      1. +2
                        13 November 2015 15: 30
                        This is a claim to the Lord God, and not to me, that some are yellow with narrow eyes and teeth with a spatula, others are dark and curly, well, just like Obama ...
                    2. 0
                      13 November 2015 20: 52
                      And why then was David a Jew? Does he, like the ex-finance minister of Israel, also have a cat who was Jewish by her father?
                3. +1
                  13 November 2015 15: 46
                  = Hello "Is it you so subtly hinting that David was Russian? Oh, yes, good health, I have always wondered why the" specialists "from history are trying to prove that they are older than the first monkeys. So with a long history they are trying to hide the absence of a brain?"
                  And you thought to sit out?))) It won’t work out!))) You understand the new chronology ... and according to your soul too.)))
                  1. +1
                    13 November 2015 19: 55
                    Quote: Nagaibak
                    And you thought to sit out?))) It won’t work out!))) You understand the new chronology ... and according to your soul too.)))

                    Hrych subtly hints to us that Russia was called the wrong country, well, well fellow
              4. +1
                13 November 2015 12: 15
                Quote: hrych
                Yerusalim the city of the Eusebians (we know who p does not pronounce i.e. the Yeruseyev)
                Again this is an etymological twist and twist. "Who p does not pronounce" may just as well on ues replace it, not only with в. As then?
                1. +1
                  13 November 2015 14: 35
                  The people of Jebusites their city of Jerusalem, with burrs, of course a joke laughing , but any linguist in the slightest degree will compare their capital and people, especially with the characteristic prefix "no". In the scriptures the Jebusites are the descendants of Jebus from the clan of Canaan, i.e. Hurrian-Hittite origin.
                  1. 0
                    13 November 2015 23: 24
                    Quote: hrych
                    The Jebusite people their city of Jerusalem, with burrs, of course a joke
                    laughing Jokes don't reach me right away
                    Quote: hrych
                    any linguist in the slightest degree will compare their capital and people, especially with the characteristic prefix "no".
                    Cool! belay
                    Quote: hrych
                    In writingеи
                    Excuse me, but "a little bit linguists" do not know that the name of Holy Scripture is written with the characteristic ending "-ii" in the prepositional case? wink
          2. +2
            13 November 2015 09: 03
            Even Goebbels did not dream to be more extravagant than the modern world and all-Russian historical "science", because any German knows that the Russians will be more different than the Germans. About three times! This is actually visible on the faces. Just like any Khan knows why the Wall built by them 7500+ years ago looks face-to-face with loopholes in their direction, and its rear to Siberia ... Maybe it was even before the Glacier ...
        2. +1
          13 November 2015 08: 57
          As the most ancient and first Americans who flew into Space say, in their English: "You will have to somehow learn to live with this" ...
      2. +2
        13 November 2015 07: 27
        Quote: Humpty
        Of course, the history of the Russian people is older than Gostomysl, but there is no solid knowledge about it. Someday, genetics, archaeologists and linguists will better understand our antiquity. At least there is genuine interest in this.

        "the history of the Russian people is older than Gostomysl, but there is no solid knowledge about it"- What knowledge do you consider solid and what liquid? If you are really interested in this question, then I am ready to provide you with sources.
        1. +2
          13 November 2015 07: 44
          Quote: venaya
          If this question really interests you, then I am ready to provide you with sources.

          Thank you, I will never end up. I’m most interested in this since childhood.
          He even dug up some little thing.
      3. +1
        13 November 2015 08: 54
        Someone probably took care of this and continues ... including here. It is strange how besides Gardarika when Europe was a wild wooded peninsula to which Anna Yaroslavna was sent with a civilization mission, such a rich Russian language appeared out of nowhere. It remains now to destroy only him! Only then to speak in Russia on what, so that those in power understand all the others? However, usually people (if they are already people at all) do not see what is under their feet ... until the earth goes under their feet.
        1. +2
          13 November 2015 12: 55
          Quote: SectaHaki
          It’s strange how besides Gardarika when Europe was a wild wooded peninsula

          What is Europe?
          South? So there were states long before "Gardariki".
          Eastern? Well there, yes, actually worse than we had, I agree.
          This compares favorably with European countries; they arose on the ruins of the Roman Empire that seized them; we arose on the trade route ourselves
          1. +1
            13 November 2015 14: 40
            On the trade route, where from where? From Scandinavian robbers gnawed by fleas to homosexual slave traders in the Mediterranean? Which, having a warm sea under their noses, also never washed in it, but were rubbed with fat and scraped with scrapers? It is not known that dragrakars or triremes were dragging along dragging, just Russia sometimes holding its nose in exchange of goods to and fro, occasionally pinning their shields to the Greeks who had lost fear or removing the Scandinavian gates as a whole and dragging them as a souvenir to Novgorod ... wassat

            It is not worth equating the Apennine or Greek boot, next to which Slovenia, with the entire European Peninsula, has survived since ancient times, unlike the Et-Russians, and why "long ago"? The Polabian Slavs, unlike the Gauls, were not near Rome, and the Hellenes did not even get to the Danube - to the coldly naked homosexuals in the forest, but they eat mosquitoes.

            The "Great" Crassus with his Romans also went somewhere wrong, and received from the real Parthian Aryans ...

            In translation, barbarians are just "bearded".
            1. -1
              13 November 2015 16: 14
              Quote: SectaHaki
              The Slavic Slavs, unlike the Gauls, weren’t under Rome, and the Hellenes didn’t even get to the Danube - coldly naked homosexuals in the forest, but mosquitoes eat

              I confess, I hardly understand what you tried to write to me, I only understood that you do not like "homosexuals" since they were dragged for some reason laughing
              1. 0
                16 November 2015 07: 50
                What do you even understand? Maybe even you know who it is? Greek from the word sin - in ancient homosexuals was in the order of things. In Byzantium, later - regicide and incest, still gouging out captives there .. Under the Turks then the new sultan killed all the children from the previous one in the harem, just like lions do ... Fleas are not the worst option.
    3. +3
      13 November 2015 07: 31
      A fan of the theory that the history of Russia begins with the "great" baptism of the fratricide Vladimir?
    4. +2
      13 November 2015 12: 42
      Quote: Hello
      Doesn't Russia have a rich and interesting history and so on?

      In order to know this, you need to read this very story, but at the same time to understand, but this is difficult.
      It is better to read how our ancestors built the Egyptian pyramids on the shores of the Arctic and "calm down after being enlightened."
  7. +4
    13 November 2015 07: 38
    domestic science created a stable myth about the "savagery" of the Russian people... The name of the author in the studio! smile Here he is the main Russophobe .. chronicler Nestor ... smile And the Drevlyans lived an animal custom, they lived like animals: they killed each other, ate everything unclean, and they did not have marriages, but they kidnapped the girls by the water. And Radimichi, Vyatichi and Northerners had a common custom: they lived in the forest, like all animals, ate all the unclean things and adored their fathers and daughters-in-law, and they didn’t have marriages, but there were games between the villages and they went to these games dancing and all sorts of demonic songs, and here wives kidnapped themselves by conspiracy with them; they had two and three wives. And if someone was dying, they would make a scandal on him, and then make a large deck, and lay the dead man on this deck, and burn them, and after collecting the bones, put them in a small vessel and put them on poles along the roads, as they do now Vyatichi ... Source of PVL ... And from the same place .. The Polyans have the custom of their fathers meek and quiet, bashful before their daughters-in-law and sisters, mothers and parents; they have great bashfulness before mother-in-law and girls; they also have a marriage custom: they don’t go in-law for the bride, but bring her the day before, and the next day they bring for her what they give. That's where the myth is buried .. smile
  8. +9
    13 November 2015 07: 40
    Such pseudo-histories only harm, forcing to disbelieve the real facts hushed up by official historians. We will have enough of the real achievements of our ancestors, causing the teeth grinding of Eurocentrists.
    1. +1
      13 November 2015 12: 57
      Quote: dvg79
      forcing to distrust real facts hushed up by official historians.

      Not suppressed, but not confirmed at the moment.
      To be more precise, there is a confirmed "official" historical fact, there is an unconfirmed-refuted historical theory, but there are pseudo-historical myths, like this article.
  9. +2
    13 November 2015 07: 47
    They say that our civilization on earth is the seventh. There are plenty of facts that there were other civilizations before us.
    Was there a flood - most likely yes. Whether it covered the entire globe - no (to flood Everest - all the water of the Earth is not enough). Many of the past civilization survived, and not only in Egypt. I suspect that the enmity between the civilization of the Atlanteans (Atlantists, NATO) and the civilization of the Rus came to us from the past ... So, by and large, they measure pipelines about whose ancestors were the first to jump from the trees - it makes no sense.

    1. +2
      13 November 2015 09: 01
      I suspect that the enmity between the civilization of the Atlanteans (Atlantists, NATO) and the civilization of the Rus came to us from the past ...

      Oh how ... According to your NATO, the descendants of the Atlanteans organized? laughing
      Tin plate. laughing
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 10: 00
        not descendants, but also the same degenerates ...
        1. -1
          13 November 2015 11: 12
          There is such a view of our past ...

          1. +1
            13 November 2015 12: 15
            Quote: Boris55
            There is such a view of our past ...
            Boris, let's have something about the Lemurians smile
            1. -1
              13 November 2015 12: 49
              Quote: Uncle Joe
              Boris, let's have something about the Lemurians

              I read Levashov’s books about 10 years ago.
              I didn’t like the most important thing - they were all published in the USA, and these evil deeds will not slip us anything good.
              1. 0
                13 November 2015 13: 58
                Quote: Boris55
                I read Levashov’s books about 10 years ago.
                I didn’t like the most important thing - they were all published in the USA, and these evil deeds will not slip us anything good.
                Come on, Petrov and Efimov, too, do not palm off anything good on you, but you read and listen to them. lol

                By the way - the Atlanteans with the Lemurians and other Raja Yogis from Blavatsky went, as if hinting smile
                1. 0
                  13 November 2015 15: 19
                  Quote: Uncle Joe
                  Come on, Petrov and Efimov, too, do not palm off anything good on you, but you read and listen to them.

                  If you were aware of how BER arose, you would not have given such a comparison. hi
                  1. 0
                    13 November 2015 19: 02
                    Quote: Boris55
                    If you were aware of how BER arose, you would not have given such a comparison
                    It is enough for me to look at the structure of this teaching, then to laugh at the official version of its appearance for a long time - you’ll lol
    2. The comment was deleted.
  10. -5
    13 November 2015 07: 48
    if interested. get acquainted with the works of A.T. Fomenko, G.V. Nosovsky - New Chronology
    1. +1
      13 November 2015 08: 17
      phantom-11 "if it is interesting. get acquainted with the works of ATFomenko, GVNosovsky - New Chronology."
      Oh ... and here is Hare Krishna Hare Rama. welcomed.)))
    2. +2
      13 November 2015 13: 42
      well yes hang tags strong argument
  11. +2
    13 November 2015 07: 50
    Yes, even though the idiots consider Russia and the Russians wild, not civilizational, the more painful they will be from us, and they will receive it - this is like prevention against arrogance - 1 or 2 times a century. For there is nothing more dangerous than underestimating the enemy ......
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 08: 05
      History has preserved the names of the "great" generals: Cyrus, Darits, Alexander, etc. But history is bashfully silent that they were all defeated by the "wild tribes of the north."
      1. +1
        13 November 2015 08: 54
        History has preserved the names of the "great" generals: Cyrus, Darits, Alexander, etc. But history is bashfully silent that they were all defeated by the "wild tribes of the north."

        Yah ? Are there facts, facts? Or is it just your sacred knowledge? laughing
        1. +3
          13 November 2015 09: 30
          one of the generals of Macedon - Zopirion - was defeated by the Scythians. More precisely, even destroyed, along with the entire army to the last man.
          From the wiki:
          According to Justin, while Alexander was at war in the Caspian region and to the east, letters from Antipater were delivered to him from Macedonia, in which “they informed about the outcome of the war of the Spartan king Agis in Greece, the war of the Epirus king Alexander in Italy and the war of the viceroy (praefecti) [Alexander], Zopirion , in Scythia. (5) This news aroused conflicting feelings in Alexander; however, he was still more pleased with the death of two kings rivaling him than upset by the loss of the army [under the command of] Zopirion. " It was further specified that “Zopirion, put by Alexander the Great as governor of Pontus (earlier and in Scythia), believing that if he did not perform any feats on his own, he would prove to be inactive, gathered a thirty thousand army and went to war against the Scythians. He died with all his army, and thereby suffered punishment for the war, which he recklessly started against the people, innocent of anything. Ch. 3.
          1. +1
            13 November 2015 09: 33
            Especially fagots (and fighting Macedonians were all like that) in Russia never loved.
          2. 0
            13 November 2015 09: 53
            one of the generals of Macedon - Zopirion - was defeated by the Scythians. More precisely, even destroyed, along with the entire army to the last man.

            And? So what?
            I don’t need to google about Zopirion. I don’t know history from a wiki. laughing

            The following was said above by Boris55:
            History has preserved the names of the "great" generals: Cyrus, Darits, Alexander, etc. But history is bashfully silent that they were all defeated by the "wild tribes of the north."

            And who and where is silent that one of the generals Alexander - Zopirion was defeated by the Scythians? It seems nobody.
            And where does it say that "wild tribes from the north" defeated Alexander?
            It will not go into details of whether Zopyrion himself went to fight the Scythians or at the command of A.M. but, where does the "wild tribes from the north", the Scythians and the Persian and Indian campaigns of Alexander?
            It’s not necessary to pile everything in one pile, huh?
            1. +1
              13 November 2015 10: 23
              I don’t know history from a wiki.
              If for you dear Glot the story is not a secret behind seven seals, can you tell me what kind of picture was presented by the author at the beginning of the article and by whom was it written? hi
              1. +2
                13 November 2015 10: 58
                Quote: Gomunkul
                What kind of picture was presented by the author at the beginning of the article and by whom was it written?

                This painting - K. Vasiliev (Great Russian) "Man with an owl" hi ...
              2. +1
                13 November 2015 11: 02
                If for you dear Glot the story is not a secret behind seven seals, can you tell me what kind of picture was presented by the author at the beginning of the article and by whom was it written?

                Does this picture have anything to do with history? Or is it hidden some secret "meaning of all-comprehension"?
                I’m not interested in pictures, and even more so, I’m not studying history from them. Long gone from age when I read books / pictures. laughing
              3. 0
                13 November 2015 11: 02
                If for you dear Glot the story is not a secret behind seven seals, can you tell me what kind of picture was presented by the author at the beginning of the article and by whom was it written?

                Does this picture have anything to do with history? Or is it hidden some secret "meaning of all-comprehension"?
                I’m not interested in pictures, and even more so, I’m not studying history from them. Long gone from age when I read books / pictures. laughing
                1. +2
                  13 November 2015 12: 07
                  So Wikipedia?
                2. +3
                  13 November 2015 13: 50
                  Does this picture have anything to do with history? Or is it hidden some secret "meaning of all-comprehension"?
                  I’m not interested in pictures, and even more so, I’m not studying history from them. Long gone from age when I read books / pictures
                  Thanks for the reply. hi
            2. The comment was deleted.
          3. The comment was deleted.
          4. 0
            13 November 2015 12: 49
            Well this is not a discovery.
            But what does Russia have to do with it?
        2. +3
          13 November 2015 09: 32
          and further: Late antique Roman historians Justin (Just. II. 3. 4; XII. 1. 4, 2. 16 - 17) and Orosius claimed that the Scythians (and not the inhabitants of Olbia) were the winners of Zopirion. Moreover, this victory is put on a par with the victories of the Scythians over Cyrus the Great and Darius Gistaspom (Just. XXXVII. 3, 2). According to other sources, the Scythians / Getae: "... destroyed Zopirion with all his army (...) in the so-called Gethe desert (Curt. X. 1. 44: in Getis)"
          it is unclear whether Zopirion made a trip at his own risk and peril (this follows from the sources), or did he follow Alexander’s instructions. Curtius called him the governor of Thrace (Thraciae praepositus), and Justin and Pavel Orosius - the prefect of Pontus (Oros. Hist. III. 18. 4). It is likely that Roman terms will adapt to some (specifically - unclear) Macedonian realities of the last third of the 5th century. Sun. The Macedonian possessions, subordinate or dependent territories, on Ponte were then reduced to the Black Sea coast dependent on the Macedonian king of Thrace. And the appointment of an official in an area not yet conquered (as if in advance) is usually a Roman practice. The "governor of Pontus" and the "governor of Thrace", in fact, are identical. There is scope for all kinds of speculation [XNUMX].

          According to G.V. Vernadsky, Zopirion crossed the Danube and invaded Scythia. He managed to reach Olbia, but then he was defeated, forced to flee, and died with most of his troops, probably somewhere in Bessarabia
          1. 0
            14 November 2015 01: 58
            Macedonian, Greeks, Scythians ... - we read Droizen
      2. The comment was deleted.
    2. +1
      13 November 2015 13: 54
      Quote: Prop
      , the more sickly he will receive Lyuli from us, and they will receive

      Russian folk lullaby - Lyuli, Lyuli, Lyulenki flew ghouls ... wink
  12. +1
    13 November 2015 08: 25
    To be continued ...

    Or maybe not?
    and so everything is clear
    1. +1
      13 November 2015 08: 51
      Quote: Stas57
      Or maybe not?
      and so everything is clear

      "We must Fedya, we must" - without this we will not see luck!
  13. +3
    13 November 2015 08: 41
    And what literary works, which are almost as ancient as the works of the ancient Greeks, are the author referring to? It seems the first more or less historical record is a tale of bygone years. And the reliability of the events described there causes me great doubts. Everything was interpreted to please the prince-kings and the church.
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 08: 51
      Quote: Free Wind
      It seems the first more or less historical record is a tale of bygone years ...

      This story describes the events of a hundred years ago in favor of the existing government.
      For fun, compare the author’s years of life and the years that he describes.
      Yes, in our time, there are so many opinions about 1917 ... and all are different.

    2. +1
      13 November 2015 09: 43
      And the Novgorod birch bark?
      1. +2
        13 November 2015 11: 02
        Quote: Morrrow
        A Novgorod birch bark

        Novgorod birch-bark trees are the written monuments of Ancient Russia of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, and here they argue about millennia! hi
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 12: 00
          Take Stargorodsky, dig deeper - what are the problems?
        2. +3
          13 November 2015 12: 02
          Quote: Bayonet
          Novgorod birch-bark trees are the written monuments of Ancient Russia of the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, and here they argue about millennia!

          If you are interested in millennia, then please, only according to the latest Russian calendar we have 7524th summer in our yard. The caledar was canceled only in the year 1700 under Peter, but was used until 1917, although now some people use it. Arkhangelsk Pomor M. Lomonosov found a calendar which is 399 years old, for which he paid with his life. Perhaps you did not know this story. There is a lot of other scientific information, but a little later.
  14. 0
    13 November 2015 08: 53
    ... About the oldest roots of the Russian language from the Paleolithic (tens of millennia deep into the history of mankind) have long been reported by foreign and domestic professional linguists, historians, mythologists and other experts ...
    According to “The Legend and Slovene and Ruse”, in 3099 year from the creation of the world (2409 B.C.E.)
    Themselves contradict tovarischi "scientists" ...
  15. +2
    13 November 2015 08: 55
    temperament and plot ... violent fantasy scares itself and rich imagination sees it from the side))
  16. +3
    13 November 2015 09: 02
    I think that Rus is the greatest nation and this is without exaggeration !!!!
  17. +4
    13 November 2015 09: 11
    Quote: Boris55
    History has preserved the names of the "great" generals: Cyrus, Darits, Alexander, etc. But history is bashfully silent that they were all defeated by the "wild tribes of the north."

    Alexander defeated the wild tribes of the north? But Darius didn’t beat the same Alexander?
    Yes! and Everest with its current height was not up to the flood, study the process of mountain building and the topic of the movement of tectonic plates, their breaking away from a single continent. The Himalayas arose from the blow of India, breaking away from Africa, on the now Asian mainland. And if you look at the mountains, take into account the absence of the applied soil layer and the torn rock, then the blow was strong and not very long ago.
    By the way, the author of the theory of motion of tectonic plates is Russian.
  18. 0
    13 November 2015 09: 14
    Again folk-history ...
    1. -5
      13 November 2015 09: 25
      This is the real history ...
  19. +1
    13 November 2015 09: 25
    We must remember that our ancestor father Japheth, the founder of the Indo-Europeans (Russian chronicles still remember this), founded the city of Jaffa three and a half thousand years before the ancestors of the Jews arrived in Palestine. That the Russians founded Ruskhalim (Urusalim). Researcher T. Gracheva notes: “The Russians founded this city at the end of the XNUMXrd millennium BC and owned it before the Israelis, who captured it by force”
    Well, this is already too much. Let’s recall Chudinov’s, with his theory about Russian pyramids.
    1. -1
      13 November 2015 09: 30
      Let's better remember that the Jews did not establish Palestine but captured. Someone...

      were the Philistines one of the mixed near-Slavic tribes, or do you attribute them to the Arabs?
      1. +2
        13 November 2015 09: 39
        near-Slavic is how?

        Again, we are talking about the history of RUS. And they (we are) from the Baltic. P
        1. -1
          13 November 2015 09: 54
          "hrych" has already answered ... there was a Glacier in the Baltic at one time. This is one of the first means to hit the white race, almost destroying it through the destruction of its habitat. Then, at about the same time, artificially creating a yellow one (every Chinese also knows about this), they tried to exterminate it by a war with it, and it was almost exterminated itself, then they began to undermine it by various means (including again Mongol and other invasions) and even replace third-rate German Aryan (arable farming), real Russian ... Ugrofins lived in gathering, fishing and hunting, bread and now the Germans are not in the first place. In pasta "Aryan" and even more ...
      2. +2
        13 November 2015 11: 01
        Quote: SectaHaki
        were the Philistines one of the mixed near-Slavic tribes, or do you attribute them to the Arabs?

        I really can’t you take the present Philistines to your place too? They are Slav brothers fellow I assure you Israel will take any of your fellow citizens of any nationality in exchange for at least Armenians, at least Russian, at least Chukchi, at least the Bashkirs
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 11: 56
          the present Philistines are Arabs, claims to whoever already having 2 wives (one beloved, the second - not very) walked around the tents wink

          maybe you’re better back Egyptian captive for a colored caftan with pockets all will leave? all the more there ne-far ...
  20. +4
    13 November 2015 09: 50
    That is why it is necessary to completely review the history of Russia, even here we all argue, we prove our education, etc., and no one knows the truth, but imagine what then to say about world society ....
  21. +1
    13 November 2015 09: 51
    And you, dear critics, read or see Academician V.A. Chudinov, G.A. Sidorov, Yu.S. Rybnikov Once you figure it out, you can hang up labels and draw thoughtful conclusions. One wonders how ignorant people sometimes come across here. It is clear that not everyone is so blind. But this is not surprising. Surprisingly, the blindness of many, steady not the desire to develop. Change. as they have become numb, bronzed in their views - so loyally ready to bark everything new. All that I don’t understand is not true. All lies. This is a dead end philosophy. You gentlemen are just sorry. But we have a free country. And freedom, as you know, is a conscious choice. Choose. hi
  22. +1
    13 November 2015 09: 59
    Traveling by car Petersburg - Moscow, every time I am surprised by the detailed duplication of pointers and inscriptions in the Latin alphabet.
    The question is, for whom? Maybe for truckers from "friendly" adjacent countries?
    What percentage of foreigners runs between the two capitals?
    Who owns the initiative for such dubbing?
    1. +4
      13 November 2015 11: 05
      Quote: Igor Polovodov
      The question is, for whom?

      For tourists!
  23. +1
    13 November 2015 10: 00
    Well done fellows. Only besides ridicule, what can you offer? You don't like such myths. And the myths created by this power are better for you. For me, for example, Seeing off Russian Winter - Shrovetide is one of the main holidays. And by the way, May 1 in Russia was celebrated long before the Communists. And what do you want to celebrate the day of the traitor new mythology. You don’t even keep your native words, and criticize them too!
    1. -2
      13 November 2015 10: 40
      Well done fellows. Only besides ridicule, what can you offer? You don't like such myths. And the myths created by this power are better for you. For me, for example, Seeing off Russian Winter - Shrovetide is one of the main holidays. And by the way, May 1 in Russia was celebrated long before the Communists. And what do you want to celebrate the day of the traitor new mythology. You don’t even keep your native words, and criticize them too!

      Do you like myths? Believe in fairy tales? Your right. But, you just need to understand that these are fairy tales, myths and nothing more.
      Shrovetide. And who is against?
      But this I did not understand what is written:
      And what do you want to celebrate the day of the traitor new mythology.

      Probably I really don’t know my native words. laughing
      1. +2
        13 November 2015 13: 37
        Probably really do not know native words
        read your comments, you do not say anything. just mock (troll) your native words, and how do you prefer to speak a Russian volunteer or an English volunteer? And thanks for letting us celebrate Shrovetide.
    2. -1
      13 November 2015 10: 40
      Well done fellows. Only besides ridicule, what can you offer? You don't like such myths. And the myths created by this power are better for you. For me, for example, Seeing off Russian Winter - Shrovetide is one of the main holidays. And by the way, May 1 in Russia was celebrated long before the Communists. And what do you want to celebrate the day of the traitor new mythology. You don’t even keep your native words, and criticize them too!

      Do you like myths? Believe in fairy tales? Your right. But, you just need to understand that these are fairy tales, myths and nothing more.
      Shrovetide. And who is against?
      But this I did not understand what is written:
      And what do you want to celebrate the day of the traitor new mythology.

      Probably I really don’t know my native words. laughing
      1. +3
        13 November 2015 12: 09
        If they were relatives for you, you would recognize them.
  24. The comment was deleted.
  25. 0
    13 November 2015 10: 13
    How I liked the epigraph ... It is necessary to separately print and hang on the wall.
  26. +2
    13 November 2015 10: 35
    sv-georgij.Vot for the Khazar Kaganate "descendants" can not forgive until now. Abydno them that such a piece was released.
  27. +1
    13 November 2015 10: 45
    How many evil Russophobian trolls!
    Articles such as litmus test.
    Now essentially:
    1. so-called Jerusalem. This is a warped English transcription of the word Yarusalim. There is nothing more effective for distorting a place name, how to translate it into English, and then into the language of the reader. The essence of the name is lost.
    2. Fomenko and Nosovsky are not pioneers. Read A.N. Morozov, for example. There is no data at hand, but many can be cited. And what they write and prove there does not fit in any way with the "generally accepted" of Thoria.
    Jews have not walked 40 years in the Sinai desert. Although I respect the overwhelming majority of representatives of this people, you left Northern Italy from the banks of the Po River and came to Kostantinople, aka Tsargrad, aka Yarusalim. And this happened in the XI century A.D.
    3. The Philistines, they are a pilistype, they are Pelasgians - the population of the Balkan Peninsula. Palestinians
    the present have nothing to do with them. Named so intentionally.
    4. All the so-called primary sources from Herodotus, Ptolemy, etc. exist in copies dated XIII-XV centuries A.D.
    5.t. Troy is also Constantinople.
    And stop casting out in Russophobic verbiage. An anti-Semite is not one who does not like Jews, but one who does not like Jews. If someone does not like Russians, then he is not Russian.
    1. +1
      13 November 2015 11: 04
      Quote: Oprichnik
      the so-called Jerusalem. This is a warped English transcription of the word Yarusalim. There is nothing more effective for distortion

      And not Irushalaim? No matter how the English smelled when this city appeared
      Quote: Oprichnik
      Jews have not walked 40 years in the Sinai desert. Although I respect the overwhelming majority of representatives of this people, you left Northern Italy from the banks of the Po River and came to Kostantinople, aka Tsargrad, aka Yarusalim. And this happened in the XI century A.D.

      Oh, vey, I cried. Tell me where else we came from, maybe from Mars?
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 12: 06
        From Mozambique, approximately. These are Jews - and you don’t know where, from Mabud and from Maskva.
    2. 0
      13 November 2015 11: 40
      Jerusalem in the original (in Hebrew) is written and memorized as Irushalaim, since English is not older than Hebrew (Aramaic because it is a derivative of Hebrew), it is hard to imagine that someone remade this word, and yet - Moses led the Jews through the Arabian desert and if not in the Sinai, if only because they came to Israel from the side of the Jordan River, it follows that your whole post is a complete idle talk, because you obviously have a problem with the story.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 11: 58
        Quote: wanderer

        Hierusalim, but it was definitely built by the Russians.
      2. +2
        13 November 2015 12: 28
        Listen, Wanderer!
        Do not force to become personal. Irushalaym may sound, but why is Jordan. And you sort the place names of this word. For example, not Jordan, but Yardan. (Yar-Dan). By the way, this is not a river, but the Bosphorus. Here it is, a modern distortion from English: Jerusalem-Irusalim-Irshalaim-Irushalayim-Irushalayim-Yarusha, etc.
        You essentially cannot argue anything. You have no problems with Thorium, but they are with reality and conceit.
        And your opinion is better for you to defend among your like-minded people. The Po River used to be called Ebro. And the story of your people is by no means unique. You yourself go in blinkers and dress them on others. More likely intentionally.
        Chronicles of the Russian people were destroyed since 988. First, Vladimir, this bastard, after when they replaced the faith in Orthodoxy, then Peter I, then Catherine II, then Krupskaya, the heiress and successor of the case ..., I hope the library of Ivan the Terrible is intact. Waiting in the wings.
    3. -1
      13 November 2015 12: 11
      Quote: Oprichnik
      . the so-called Jerusalem. This is a warped English transcription of the word Yarusalim. Nothing is more effective for distorting a toponymic name, how to translate it into English, and then into the language of the reader.

      in general, FINA found a fact that is not mentioned by other researchers, is that Jerusalem is largely written off from the existing old fortress in Turkey, Eros - on the Asian coast of Turkey, there is also the grave of YUSHI
      , which can also serve as the original image of Jesus Christ ...
  28. 0
    13 November 2015 10: 54
    The West is the West, the East is the East, and Russia and its people have their own path, their own history and culture, and their own civilization. Glory to Russia!
    1. 0
      15 November 2015 22: 43
      dear, you didn’t believe that in the format of a comment you convince with the help of short clippings from the text from the photo with the photo
  29. 0
    13 November 2015 11: 05
    In no case do I cancel the glorious and great history of our Russian people, but still ...
    Remind me who destroyed the proud Rome? Are not barbarians - ardent, full of strength, ready to fight for their own to the end and not knowing the story?
    They say that nations are like people: they are born, grow up, grow old and die ... So, look at the history, only young nations are actively developing, expanding, building their Great Empire ... the old ones don’t need it - they would have to keep their own. ..
    Now so young, let's face it - the United States.
    So maybe we should be young and strong, look to the future, and not constantly look back ???
    1. +2
      13 November 2015 12: 12
      go to the cemetery and see how many graves there are of young vidakas who were revised in the 90s and do not remember their history.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 12: 37
        Quote: SectaHaki
        go to the cemetery and see how many graves there are of young vidakas who were revised in the 90s and do not remember their history.

        Go to Iceland? so I can’t ... not visiting, sir ...
        In Russia at the age of 90, the problems were not because of the "vidaks", but because the government was corrupt ... and then ... learn, don't learn history - you can't launch a ship into space ...
        Another example: the young builders of communism - the 2nd world. They won the war, launched Gagarin into space, built a great country, and yet their story began in 1917 ...
        draw conclusions
        1. +1
          13 November 2015 16: 29
          the authorities also came down because of the "vidaks" ... you won't know her for you, others will write her in which the Americans were the first to fly into space, and then they will show them mixed with porn and St. Petersburg cops.

          in World War 2, Russians defeated the Chinese, and taught them Gagarin to launch the tsar’s professors, or even with him.
          1. -1
            13 November 2015 17: 26
            Gagarin under the king launched? belay
            You have cereal in your head ...

            ps Korolev Sergey Pavlovich studied at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
            1. 0
              16 November 2015 07: 31
              Watch your own ... Who taught him there, Bauman himself?
              1. -1
                16 November 2015 09: 31
                Quote: SectaHaki
                Watch your own ... Who taught him there, Bauman himself?

                Soviet teachers, communists, party candidates and sympathizers ... the rest of the gentlemen were already in Paris ...
                Learn the story, schoolboy.
                1. 0
                  16 November 2015 09: 37
                  Dreams, dreams ... you don’t know anything, much less you think.
    2. +1
      13 November 2015 12: 44
      Without knowing (not having, like in the USA, 200 years is an infant age for history), one can twist one’s roots and history. Only the United States is a weapon, and who controls these weapons is much older and have a specific goal.!
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 13: 09
        Quote: 19max70
        Without knowing (not having, like in the USA, 200 years is an infant age for history), one can twist one’s roots and history. Only the United States is a weapon, and who controls these weapons is much older and have a specific goal.!

        Well, we finally remembered the ZOG ... Evil Templars, the Zhidomassons rule the world ... and only the Assassins stand in their way ... what can I say? classic Hollywood action, a minimum of content, a maximum of drive and hoax, and absolutely not included Motsk ...
        PS Remember who invented and promoted the "world conspiracy theory"
    3. 0
      13 November 2015 13: 04
      Quote: merlin
      So, look at the story, only young nations are actively developing, expanding, building their Great Empire ... the old do not need it

      Look at China - and throw the "volumes" of Gumilyov to hell.
      1. -2
        13 November 2015 13: 49
        Quote: Down House
        Look at China - and throw the "volumes" of Gumilyov to hell.

        And who and when did China conquer? If the "official" history does not lie, China is always bent ... well, you get the idea ...
        Or do you, like Fomenko, offer an "official" story to the furnace?
        1. +2
          13 November 2015 14: 29
          Quote: merlin
          If the "official" history does not lie, China is always bent ... well, you get the idea ...

          Well, that is, you did not understand that China is one of the strongest economies in the world today, unlike, for example, 100500 times younger Norway-Finland, which appeared 100 years on the map.
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 16: 14
            Quote: Down House
            Well, that is, you did not understand that China is one of the strongest economies in the world today.

            You will still not believe me, but objectively, China - was the strongest economy in the world until the 18-19 centuries, i.e. before the industrial revolution in Europe, now it’s regaining its lost position, what does this prove?
            China - the strongest economy was in the 13th century, did this stop the Mongols?
            Maybe in the 19th century, someone (poking a finger at the British, Americans, by the way, us) did it stop?
            Listen more to our Western "partners" who make scarecrows from China to the Russian Federation, and after all, they succeed ..
            1. 0
              13 November 2015 17: 20
              Quote: merlin
              You will still not believe me, but objectively, China was the strongest economy in the world until the 18-19 centuries.

              I somehow can’t believe it, only if we consider rice production as an indicator of the economy.
              Quote: merlin
              Maybe in the 19th century, someone (poking a finger at the British, Americans, by the way, us) did it stop?

              And what does this have to do with it ?! The conversation was initially about Gumilyov's delusional ideas about the "passionarity" of young peoples - his ideas crash against the very same China.
              1. -2
                13 November 2015 17: 51
                Quote: Down House
                The conversation was originally about Gumilyov's delusional ideas about the "passionarity" of young peoples - his ideas crash against the very same China.

                So you first break ... where is China's passionarity?

                PS i.e. except rice in China, nothing was produced before? But what then was taken along the Great Silk Road? rice?
                1. 0
                  13 November 2015 18: 28
                  Quote: merlin
                  those. except rice in China, nothing was produced before? But what then was taken along the Great Silk Road? rice?

                  Well, this is me figuratively, of course, but the IDP was clearly not relevant after the geographical discoveries, and China missed the Renaissance, as well as the "discoveries" themselves.
                  With all the consequences at that time.
                  Quote: merlin
                  So you first break ... where is China's passionarity?

                  What are you talking about?
                  1. -1
                    13 November 2015 20: 34
                    Quote: Down House
                    Quote: merlin
                    So you first break ... where is China's passionarity?

                    What are you talking about?

                    Well, if it’s about China, explain how the Mongol nomads managed to capture China, which was more advanced in terms of production, and why, to rob, how the Huns did it yet understandably, but to capture ...
                    1. +1
                      14 November 2015 01: 36
                      Quote: merlin
                      explain how the nomadic Mongols managed to capture more advanced China in terms of production,

                      And how did the Vietnamese give luli to the more technically advanced Americans?
                      Probably, one should not think that military victories are certainly directly dependent on the level of the economy hi
                      1. -1
                        14 November 2015 17: 31
                        Quote: Down House
                        And how did the Vietnamese give luli to the more technically advanced Americans?
                        Probably, one should not think that military victories are certainly directly dependent on the level of the economy hi

                        The economies of the USSR and China and the demonstrations at the White House helped the Vietnamese, just like the US economy and the indecision of the Soviet government ...
                        Who helped the Mongols? USA? THE USSR? Russia?
                        PS And you promised to break Gumilyov’s theory of passionarity, but you answer in the best style of KO, agree not beautifully ...
                      2. 0
                        14 November 2015 22: 58
                        Quote: merlin
                        The economies of the USSR and China and the demonstrations at the White House helped the Vietnamese, just like the US economy and the indecision of the Soviet government ...
                        Who helped the Mongols? USA? THE USSR? Russia?

                        Initially, the question was not "how" - but rather a rhetorical question wink
                        In short, the peaceful economy (in the case of China-Mongols, all the more so) does not have any effect on the course of battles - agricultural scientists are bad warriors, and to train "severe cavalry", to put it mildly, it is not necessary to have a production of porcelain compasses and silk sheets.
                        I hope you will understand how the preparation of the army in antiquity differs from modernity hi
                      3. -1
                        15 November 2015 01: 17
                        Quote: Down House
                        I hope you will understand how the preparation of the army in antiquity differs from modernity hi

                        Again Captain Evidence?
                        Those. peaceful plowmen are bad warriors, and peaceful cattle breeders are all heroes, just a Soviet peace tractor ... wink
                        And the weapons and armor of peaceful cattle breeders, apparently, fell from the sky ... oh, the Mongols still had unique horses ...
                        Although, what I argue with you, if you confirm the Gumilyov theory in your own words wink
                      4. 0
                        15 November 2015 02: 17
                        Quote: merlin
                        Those. peaceful plowmen are bad warriors, and peaceful cattle breeders are all heroes

                        Exactly. Especially when the herders are not peaceful at all, and there are many more.
                        Quote: merlin
                        Although, what I argue with you, if you confirm the Gumilyov theory in your own words

                        Indeed, especially if I did not confirm this and it is not possible to confirm it because "passionarity" is not true.
                      5. 0
                        16 November 2015 09: 20
                        Quote: Down House
                        Exactly. Especially when the herders are not peaceful at all, and there are many more.

                        400 thousand with old women and children ... well, of course, this is a lot ..
                        Quote: Down House
                        ... because - because "passionarity" is not true.

                        Do you have any other arguments ??? Or just "faith"?
                        I am expecting them from you already 10th comment ... At first they nodded at the economy, then they said that the economy is not important ... Now you have shepherds - everything is entirely "Rambo" ... by the way, you say that passionarity - not true, but in fact - this very passionarity of the Mongols and affirm ...
                      6. 0
                        16 November 2015 13: 03
                        Quote: merlin
                        400 thousand with old women and children

                        Exactly 400? But how many people lived on the planet then? )))
                        Quote: merlin
                        Do you have any other arguments ??? Or just "faith"?

                        I have just the same arguments - China, according to Gumilyov, is now more than "passionate", but this is an ancient civilization, which, according to Gumilev, should have lost its "passionarity" long ago - so Gumilyov contradicts himself in the case of China.
                      7. 0
                        16 November 2015 14: 17
                        Quote: Down House
                        Exactly 400? But how many people lived on the planet then? )))

                        In Russia, for example, 5-8 million lived. Agree - this is slightly more than 400 thousand
                        Quote: Down House
                        I have just the same arguments - according to Gumilyov, China is now more than "passionate"

                        China is passionate ??? In which place? Where are the Chinese who break the traditional way of life and come into conflict with society?
                        Or do you, as representatives of the Fomenkoids, come up with your own term, which is different from the commonly used one and now prove fictitious bankruptcy?
                      8. 0
                        17 November 2015 10: 54
                        > China, according to Gumilev, is now more than "passionaren", but it is an ancient civilization, which, according to Gumilev, should have lost "passionarnost" long ago - so Gumilyov contradicts himself in the case of China.

                        Gumilyov spoke of cycles of about 1200 years of the existence of an ethnic group. Accordingly, the Chinese have changed several ethnic groups during this time.

                        It seems that you understand Gumilyov’s theory exactly as much as in physics.

                2. +1
                  13 November 2015 18: 45
                  Quote: merlin
                  But what then was taken along the Great Silk Road? rice?

                  But what and where they drove - a big question! The fact is that in ancient Greece silk was produced, and Byzantium was its largest producer, and all silk was bought by the empire - it was a state monopoly. But the information on silk production in China refers to the Middle Ages. So it is entirely possible that the Chinese stole the secret of silk production in Byzantium. Industrial espionage has existed for a long time.
                  1. +1
                    13 November 2015 18: 55
                    Quote: andj61
                    The fact is that in ancient Greece silk was produced, and Byzantium was its largest producer, and all silk was bought by the empire

                    Quote: andj61
                    But what and where they drove - a big question!

                    1. Silkworms are needed for silk production - initially it was forbidden to export alkaliworms from China under pain of death - only in the 6th century did silkworms go west.
                    2. The presence of their silkworms in the west did not mean that silk no longer needed to be bought from China, while in the USSR tangerines were bought from southern countries, although they themselves were grown in Georgia.
                    3. China also had other goods besides silk, and the "Silk Road" is just a name - and trade along it went not with China alone.
                    1. +1
                      14 November 2015 01: 41
                      The homeland of the mulberry (mulberry) is Central Asia, the homeland of china is Central Asia, the homeland of paper is Central Asia. And so on everything that is attributed to the Chinese. Even the famous qigong, and so on, is from Central Asia. All Chinese inventions and achievements do not belong to the Chinese; all antiquity, the Jesuits invented and justified the Chinese, and did not even hide their authorship. The name China itself is also not Chinese, as NOT a CONFUSION CHINESE. Because of this, the emperors of China did not recognize him as a sage.
                      1. 0
                        14 November 2015 02: 04
                        Quote: Vasily50
                        Homeland of the mulberry (mulberry) Central Asia,

                        Quotation from Wikipedia:
                        "The history of silk production originates in China during the Neolithic Yangshao culture in the 4th millennium BC. Silk remained within the borders of China until the Silk Road appeared in the second half of the first millennium BC. for a thousand years, China has remained a monopoly silk producer "
                        With the rest, you also wrote everything wrong hi
                    2. The comment was deleted.
        2. +1
          13 November 2015 21: 30
          For example, the Dutch Formosa (Taiwan) won from one "great" naval power at that time - its stubborn "official historians" still cannot forgive this and constantly remove illustrated articles (with photos of monuments and their unapproachable fortresses) in Wikipedia. .. Manchuria, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet.
          China on the territory in what place in the world?
  30. +1
    13 November 2015 11: 18
    Amused, thanks! ) I just want to continue following the author - the Slavs -Russians dug the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean, and the Ural mountains were their dump.))) Well, in the text - a terrible mess, something taken from history (for example, the western border of the settlement of the Slavs- r. Elba) half of the author's "creative" approach. As for "The people take everything at face value. The people are used to trusting venerable and such important learned men. This is how history is made." It seems that the author is writing not about modern Russian society, but about the Soviet Union of the late 80s - early 90s, or about modern Ukrainian (for the most part). After the 90s, people in Russia ceased to be so naive and gullible.
  31. +2
    13 November 2015 11: 35
    "The Aryans and Scythians occupied the lands from the Balkans to the Pacific Ocean, from the Arctic Ocean to the borders of China (they used to pass to the south) and India. That is, the Russian super-ethnos inherited the Aryans and Scythians, taking responsibility for Northern Eurasia." Sudar, have you ever wondered why all peoples are called nouns and only we are called Russians - an adjective? Russian has the root rus in our language rus-rus is a bright place. Then the question is if Russian is not a nationality, but a description of the people, then who are we, as the name of our people? Who cares about the links to the materials below.


    1. +1
      13 November 2015 18: 38
      Quote: 19max70
      But have you ever wondered why all nations are called nouns and only we are called Russians - an adjective?

      1. And who else calls us "Russians" besides ourselves?
      2. Russian is a homonym (as it happened), like a passer-by or a worker - that is, a noun and an adjective at the same time. But INITIALLY a noun - there is no adjective without a noun!
  32. -2
    13 November 2015 11: 36
    I liked the article, also comments --- like-minded people. I read the following books on this topic:
    Anton Pervushin. Stalin's cosmonauts. M. Yauza "Eksmo", 2005.
    R. Balandin, S. Mironov, Secrets of the Time of Troubles, M. Veche, 2003.
    Books: Anatoly A. Abrashkin.
    Books: Alexander Igorevich Asov.
    Books: Alexey Viktorovich Gudz-Markov.
    Books: Sergey Lesnoy.
    Books: Valery Alekseevich Chudinov.
    Books: Natalya Romanovna Guseva.
    And many, many others.
    Best regards !!! Everyone +++++++++++++++++
  33. +1
    13 November 2015 11: 39
    Today you can track large masses of information and some are able to process it. It is from here that questions arise on the history of mankind. Most indisputable authorities from history can no longer assert controversial historical facts only by their own * authority *. We are all witnesses of how documented historical facts openly distort and legislatively solve political problems at the expense of history. The Romanovs, after being elected to the kingdom, destroyed the history of RUSSIA with sadistic cruelty and the best * helpers * in the destruction of archives and the destruction of the educated RUSSIANS was the church. The order for the * new * history of RUSSIA was worked out by imported villains from * science * and from the church, hired precisely to justify the * divinity * of the Romanov kingdom and their offspring. Even now, Gundyaev voiced the * savagery * of the RUSSIANS without * the church blessing *.
    1. +2
      13 November 2015 12: 25
      Each foreigner rewrites it as he wants, first of all, for some reason for the Russians ...
  34. +3
    13 November 2015 11: 41
    In general, after reading the article and comments, I recalled the old Soviet joke:
    Once, a Russian Ivan and a Turkmen Murat went to a symposium on the theory of evolution; Well, Russian, as usual, is late to the buffet and late for the start, then honestly listens for half an hour, does not stand up and asks Murat:
    - I didn’t understand: what kind of people did this monkey come from?
    -Uhh, what's so complicated, look: the Georgians have some last names: Geogridze - Shipanidze ... they came from chimpanzees; among Armenians: Akapyan - Akakyan - Makakyan ... from macaques; Russian Ivanov - Petrov - Gavrilov ... from the gorilla; clear?
    Russian thought and asked:
    -Wait, and from whom did the Turkmen come from?
    -Ah, listen, the Turkmens were already people then.
  35. +2
    13 November 2015 11: 43
    Moreover, this false scheme does not stand up to the slightest criticism.
    It may well be, but where is the reasoned and factual criticism?
    Samsonov does not have it - sheer distortions and pulls by ears.

    It’s enough to recall that for some one or two centuries the “Eastern Slavs” who appeared didn’t come from simply could under no circumstances create Gardarika - the “country of cities”, a huge Russian empire
    And who was the emperor in this empire?

    And why doesn’t there be a word about it in the well-known sources - is it all about the country of cities, which were an analogue of the city-states of ancient Greece, which no one would dare to call the empire?

    And why could not the Slavs "create" Gardarica in 2 centuries, if the cities were wooden, and a settlement of 500-1000 people at that time was already a city?

    Could not have created the oldest literature in Europe, inferior in antiquity only to the literature of ancient times, but superior to English, German, French and others.
    Where are the examples of ancient literature? - The first European literary monuments (not including Greek and Roman) date back to 4-5 centuries.

    Interestingly, the data of devotees of the Russian concept of history completely coincide with such a work as “The Legend of Slovene and Ruse and the city of Slovensk”
    Which is dated to the 17th century.

    For weight, the author also mixed up porridge from examples of the USSR and Little Russia that are not relevant (which is not surprising - the facts confirming the position of the author are completely absent, and therefore it is necessary to put pressure on emotions), and even Stalin was dragged.

    But in the end, he called for myth-making.

    Article minus.


    Stalin - Party historians should be Marxist lecturers. Is this true?

    Bedin - Absolutely Correct Comment, Comrade Stalin. Our task is for both philosophers and historians to learn to study Marxism-Leninism as a whole.

    Stalin - And what kind of historians are they if they did not study Marxism?.

    I. Stalin T.18 s.159
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 11: 51
      I agree with you (he was too lazy to paint in detail) thanks!
    2. +3
      13 November 2015 12: 26
      Quote: Uncle Joe
      Where are the examples of ancient literature? - The first European literary monuments (not including Greek and Roman) date back to 4-5 centuries.

      There are a lot of them, but who will show them. We remember: the Library of Alexandria was burned, the Roman library was burned, the library of John IV was burned, almost all the books were burned under Peter, in connection with the struggle against Vedic Orthodoxy, the Moscow Kremlin was burned in 1812, where the remnants of books were collected from all over the country, after which E. Klassen began to write his "History ...", after 1917, due to the change of the alphabet and the right-hand sign, all pre-revolutionary books were destroyed, but so I managed to read some of them, which were not completely destroyed. This year they burned down the NA library and a similar Washington library. Some of the ancient books still remain.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 12: 39
        There are a lot of them, but who will show them.

        And then, excuse me, do you know that there are a lot of them?
        Yes, they all burned everything, of course. Especially after the burning of 1917 smiled. There have been very, very many books since then, even MUCH. Nobody burned anything in connection with the transition to the new alphabet! What nonsense?
        Better say right away that you can’t confirm ANY WORD of YOURSELF, so you can create a fog like "evidence is dark, but no one will show them."
        In short, everything is clear ... la-la-la and no more.
        Maybe you still need to write a list of PERFECT CHRONICLES THAT HAVE REACHED US, which NO ONE BURNED to provide? He is, that is, and no one hides him.
      2. The comment was deleted.
      3. +3
        13 November 2015 12: 43
        Quote: venaya
        There are a lot of them, but who will show them
        So if you haven’t seen them, then why are you drawing conclusions - with exuberant imagination?

        burned library of John IV
        Has someone already proved both the fact of its existence and the fact of burning, or are you just bored without conspiracy theories?

        with Vedic Orthodoxy
        What is Vedic Orthodoxy - the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" of the Jew A.Khinevich?

        the Moscow Kremlin was burned in 1812, where the remains of books were collected from all over the country
        Have you personally collected, or again the fantasy broke out?

        all pre-revolutionary books were destroyed, but so I managed to read some of them, which were not completely destroyed
        So all, or not all (or in some destroyed every 2 page)?
        1. +2
          13 November 2015 13: 53
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          So all, or not all (or in some destroyed every 2 page)?

          Not all! 19th century religious literature has been preserved from my grandmother, I will sell the last pre-revolutionary books for a billion laughing
        2. -1
          13 November 2015 14: 24
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          So if you haven’t seen them, then why are you drawing conclusions - with exuberant imagination?
          Has someone already proved both the fact of its existence and the fact of burning, or are you just bored without conspiracy theories?
          with Vedic Orthodoxy What is Vedic Orthodoxy - the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" of the Jew A.Khinevich?
          Have you personally collected, or again the fantasy broke out?
          So all, or not all (or in some destroyed every 2 page)?

          "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" - the first edition of this collection was made in 1944, check it out. What does A.Khinevich have to do with it? In 1945, the ROC was established, the ROC never existed in the Russian Empire, check too. As for the exuberant imagination, it’s about the professionals - they develop it, I have nothing to do with it. You personally have an old question: in 1700, as a result of persecutions against Vedic Orthodoxy, Peter canceled the Russian calendar, according to which now the 7524th summer is 7524 S.M.Z.Kh. - chronology according to the Vedic calendar, this infa still hangs on the site
          yabrya-2015-7524-16588.html or check. What makes you think that this calendar is related to the Christianization of Russia according to the "Abrahamic" version of Christianity, of African origin. Where did you get this information, you have already sent me such a post, it interests me very much. I myself have read a huge number of books released before the 17th year, hence my awareness, and not only from here.
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 18: 42
            Quote: venaya
            "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" - the first edition of this collection was made in 1944, check it out. What does A.Khinevich have to do with it?
            Despite the fact that the first issue of these "Vedas" was carried out by Akhinevich at the beginning of the XNUMXs.

            The Russian Orthodox Church was established in 1945, the Russian Orthodox Church never existed in the Russian Empire, also check
            The Russian Orthodox Church in its present form has existed since 1943 - since the election of the patriarch on September 8 (you do not even know this), but what does this have to do with this topic?

            As for violent fantasy, it’s for professionals - they develop it, I have nothing to do with it
            Very much moreover, since you are in the affirmative form talking about something that neither you nor anyone else have seen, that is, at best, very violently fantasize.

            What makes you think that this calendar is related to the Christianization of Russia according to the "Abrahamic" version of Christianity, of African origin
            Since there is no non-Abrahamic version of Christianity, it is an Abrahamic religion.
            From the fact that before the reforms of Peter in the chronology was used constantinople era Julian calendar - from the creation of the world (Adam), still used by the Old Believers.
            From the fact that the first mentions of a certain stellar temple are found in the "Vedas" of Akhinevich.

            All infa is freely available and is elementarily searched for if the goal is not to pull the owl onto the globe by any means and wishful thinking.

            Personally, I personally read a huge number of books of the issue until the 17th year, hence my awareness, and not only from here.
            Give me a couple of these books - those that mention the Vedas, Aryan calendars, and other star temples.
      4. +1
        13 November 2015 13: 06
        Then, according to your logic, it must be stated that the bulk of the sources were destroyed in the 10-11th century by priests in the process of the baptism of Russia. Only here with the evidence base of such theories is tight as always.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 13: 38
          Maybe the temples weren't burned yet? Everything was very tolerantly destroyed not only by the temples, like "demonic literature".
          Then also destroyed the Old Believers Nikonians, then Peter. He even changed the calendar; he didn’t have time to finish the language.
          Non-Russian revolutionaries all shot and burned.

          Was there a library of the Academy of Sciences? The three of you scorch just not childish, for sure the stench pens stink.
        2. +3
          14 November 2015 02: 00
          Taketu. Universal baptism took place during the time of troubles, after the poisoning of Godunov. It was the Romanovs who completed * baptism *, simultaneously destroying the written history of RUSI. Before the Romanovs, even in VLADIMIR there were non-Christian * ends *. To destroy history, archives were destroyed, the so-called * bit records *, including written orders and decrees of the STATE, deed of purchase and donations to property and land, it was then that the library of Ivan the Terrible was destroyed. No wonder the Romanovs simultaneously became the richest in Russia. The Romanovs first guessed to shake the church and raked out almost everything, and then took control of the church treasury.
          1. 0
            16 November 2015 08: 15
            it was under Peter and Nikon and not during the first Romanovs, then they only called them, and from all sides a decent norm came only after more than 100 years.
    3. -3
      13 November 2015 12: 33
      It may well be, but where is the reasoned and factual criticism?
      Samsonov does not have it - sheer distortions and pulls by ears.

      Well done !! Perfectly dotted "i".
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 13: 39
        it is clear that not over "yat".
    4. The comment was deleted.
    5. -2
      13 November 2015 12: 37
      If the Russians did not have a written language (the Paleo-Asians had), then what kind of literature could there be?

      Any adventurous novels through which the Masons took, imprisoned pedophile-Dostoevsky of Russian antiquity, maxim of the pawn pawn of the early Middle Ages for whose pornography it would have removed everything superfluous in the frontal place, broken limbs and pulled out the tongue? In such cases, the Basurman simply cut off their heads humanely, or as the Taliban forbid TV, for which they then invade them or bomb them with white phosphorus.
      1. +1
        13 November 2015 14: 10
        Quote: SectaHaki
        If the Russians did not have a written language (the Paleo-Asians had), then what kind of literature could there be?
        This is as true as the fact that if you do not have glasses, then what vision can there be ...

        The writing was before Cyril and Methodius - nothing is known about literature, but Samsonov scratches precisely about examples of ancient literature.

        Well, where are these examples?

        Any adventurous novels through which the Masons took
        Who are the Masons?
        1. -1
          13 November 2015 16: 46
          Quote: Uncle Joe
          Who are the Masons?

          I asked you a question: in the year 1700, Peter, as a result of persecution of Vedic Orthodoxy, cancels the Russian calendar, according to which the summer of 7524 is now. Why do you stubbornly ignore it, although you criticized me before. Can I find that post of yours?
          "Who are the Freemasons?" - secret society, arose in England in the 1717th century, presumably in the XNUMXth year from the ranks of the Tamliers (Khramovniks, in Russian). They are engaged in organizing revolutions, wars and any other abomination.
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 19: 14
            Quote: venaya
            in the 1700th year, as a result of persecution of Vedic Orthodoxy, Peter cancels the Russian calendar, according to which the summer of 7524 is now. Why do you stubbornly ignore it, although you criticized me before. Can I find that post of yours?
            The calendar (or rather chronology) canceled by Peter is not autochthonous - you can find that comment of mine, exactly the same thing will be written there.

            Just what does this have to do with freemasons or writing?

            "Who are the Freemasons?" - secrets of society
            That everyone knows about smile

            arose in England in the 1717th century, preferably in XNUMX from the ranks of the Templars
            Which disappeared 400 years before lol

            They are engaged in the organization of revolutions, wars and all other abominations
            Don't you think this hobby is too strange to be true? laughing
            1. +1
              13 November 2015 21: 48
              Look at American money and the politics of this country. You should be able to afford the same ... you will be too stupid to troll - the dollar will depreciate.
              1. 0
                13 November 2015 22: 09
                Quote: SectaHaki
                Look at American money and politics of this country
                I look - what does all this have to do with freemasons or writing? smile
                1. -1
                  14 November 2015 01: 38
                  Quote: Uncle Joe
                  what does all this have to do with masons or writing

                  I don’t understand at all how his comments have to do with the article under discussion, or with at least some elementary logic. laughing
                  1. 0
                    16 November 2015 06: 56
                    It’s better to explain to your friend with a nickname how Masonic writing relates to American banknotes. It may work out ...
  36. +2
    13 November 2015 11: 47
    Why break the spears. The story is unpredictable. It is necessary to create a historical concept that would show the significance (special role) of Russia in the development of world civilization - and this is so! And let the state do this. All other interpretations of historical facts leave for electives.
    And today, it’s a shame for the power.
    People share common values, including common knowledge. For complete happiness, a person needs to have a glorious history. We had it, I am sure that it will be.
  37. 0
    13 November 2015 12: 05
    Thanks to the author. An interesting article and there is even literature that needs to be read.
  38. +2
    13 November 2015 12: 27
    > The biblical and German-Romanesque conception of history is completely dominant in Russia. In the East, the myth of the ancient Chinese civilization, the "middle civilization", which brought the light of enlightenment to the outlying peoples, was created and actively supported. As a result, a stable image has been created in the information field, where the “right peoples” are allowed to have, including in the form of myths, legends and tales (like biblical “fairy tales”), millennia-old history, but not for others.

    In Soviet times, all the power of the Soviet state was used to shorten the history of Armenia using the concept of Urartu. Stalin's notes on Piotrovsky’s works are preserved, of which his support for the theory of the existence of the Urartians and the origin of the Armenians from them is quite noticeable. And modern genetic research clearly shows that the Armenian set of genes was finally formed a couple of thousand years before the birth of Urartu - and this is a clear sign of the existence of its own state.

    If the most prominent Soviet scientists did not participate in this, this stupid theory would not have such a long life. Abroad, the authority is still the work of Dyakonov, who actively defended the theory of the emergence of Armenians only after the collapse of Urartu.

    And this despite the fact that the same Dyakonov openly told in the post-Soviet era that he wrote works commissioned by Azerbaijanis, you can easily find these words on the Internet.

    If the most prominent scientists (and statesmen) did not participate in the process of conscious distortion of history, these fakes would have a short life.

  39. 0
    13 November 2015 12: 39
    I completely agree with the author, our past is turned inside out, I hope that in the future we will not be taught in schools that before the adoption of Christianity, semi-wild pagans fled in Russia.
  40. -1
    13 November 2015 12: 58
    Any educated person knows that Russian civilization is an order of magnitude more ancient than any other.
    Only our closest history is at least 7500 years old.
    Oh, if it weren’t for the scum of Peter 1 ...
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 13: 16
      according to our ACTIVE calendar, today in the courtyard is 7524 from the creation of the world in the star temple (from the end of the war of the Aryans with China), and according to legends and chronicles, not only ours, but also according to the Chinese, the war lasted 1000 years. The result of the "Great" Wall of China "is only as far as it is a Chinese question.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 14: 13
        Quote: 19max70
        according to our CURRENT calendar today in the courtyard of 7524 from the creation of the world in a star temple
        From the creation of Adam according to the calendar of Christian Old Believers, canceled by Peter.

        A link to the facts confirming the presence of this stellar (or not so) temple - please.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 14: 26
          He doesn’t give you peace? Break off ...

          for some reason the Jewish calendar will be shorter.
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 18: 42
            What links to give you: frankly nationalistic or frankly liberal (or whatever), or maybe you yourself will take an interest and express your opinion. They read Pushkin in the original, he dates his works according to the Russian calendar, and not according to the Gregorian. There are materials where our calendar is as old as our planet. Who is right?
          2. 0
            13 November 2015 19: 16
            Quote: SectaHaki
            He doesn’t give you peace?
            He does not give you rest, but you do not give me rest lol
            1. 0
              16 November 2015 08: 02
              Yes, calm down at last ... bully

              Why don't you ask for references, but all to the temple and to the temple? "Lara Croft" reviewed?
        2. +1
          13 November 2015 22: 28

          1. 0
            13 November 2015 22: 37
            Well, this always surprises science fiction writers: to divide the day not by 24 hours, but since I, the author, wanted to ... well, it's okay in science fiction, but in fantasy it’s a disease in general ...
            Understand that 12 hours in a sunny day is natural and normal, because a circle (a sundial - there were simply no others then) is easy and simple to divide into 12 parts, well, at worst, by 6.
            You did not learn geometry at school, so at least now look ...

            PS and the calendar is your obvious fake ...
            1. +1
              13 November 2015 22: 46
              Maybe everything can be. Watch Zadorny's film "Prophetic Oleg, the newcomer true", especially a fragment about spinning wheels. And the difference between the calendars is only in the fact that now they look at the ecliptic (along the equator), before they looked at the precession (rotation in the starry sky) of the earth's axis of the north pole. The Earth's axis during its movement points (passes) through 16 constellations. Gregorian calendar on the ecliptic 12.
              1. 0
                13 November 2015 23: 21
                Quote: 19max70
                Watch Zadorny's film "Prophetic Oleg, the newcomer true", especially a fragment about spinning wheels.

                You know, I'll tell you about Zadornov.
                People like him. only bring harm. maybe his films, conclusions on the Russian language, etc., have nothing to do with science.
                I’m generally a power engineer (an electrician in general) and have seen quite a few people. who thought the same thing. that they are not only right. but they will also bring that revolution in electricity (without a minimum education of 0) but only on the basis - it seems to me that way and that’s why I’m right.
                Some are already in another world, some are disabled. parts are lucky.
                In the case of zadornov. Of course, he won’t beat him with a microphone or any other jupiter, but he does a lot of harm. maybe, it takes many fragile minds away from real history and (especially linguistics of the Russian language) - they gave it to him exclusively, which have nothing to do with science.
              2. 0
                13 November 2015 23: 34
                Quote: 19max70
                And the difference in calendars is only that they are now looking at the ecliptic (at the equator), earlier they were looking at the precession (revolution in the starry sky) of the earth's axis of the north pole. The earth's axis during its movement indicates (passes) through 16 constellations. Gregorian ecliptic calendar 12.

                I thought that the number of months approximately depends on the phases of the moon (actually in the solar year about 12,5 lunar months), but it’s like ... belay
                And recall where the word came from - the month ... oh, it seems this Slavic name of the moon ...
                And so yes, it’s clear, ecliptic, precession, is clear ...

                PS By the way, the duration of the menstrual cycle, is also on average 28 ± 7 days, it would seem a coincidence ...
      2. 0
        13 November 2015 15: 13
        Dolboslav Detected) Nowhere else have I heard about the creation of the world in the STAR TEMPLE. Or did you read Levashov wholeheartedly?)
    2. +1
      13 November 2015 14: 00
      Quote: Volzhanin
      Only our closest history is at least 7500 years old.
      Oh, if it weren’t for the scum of Peter 1 ...

      Are you talking about the era of Constantinople?
      The one "from the creation of the world"?
      And what does it have to do with "Russian history" ?!
      And by the way, yes, even here we are "not the most ancient" - the most ancient Hindus, according to their "calendar" it is now 155 trillion years old - learn from the Hindus how to love the Motherland correctly! laughing
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 14: 28
        Who are you both by nationality? Please introduce yourself ... And what does "Russian history" have to do with you.
        1. 0
          13 November 2015 16: 18
          Quote: SectaHaki
          Who are you both by nationality? Please introduce yourself ... And what does "Russian history" have to do with you.

          We - it is we - the Russian people.
          "Russian history" is directly related to me.
          1. 0
            16 November 2015 07: 59
            Are you about yourself in the plural? And there are no other Russians besides the two of you?
  41. -1
    13 November 2015 13: 05
    I think your attacks are unproductive, wanderer. So the Jordan River is not a river in a place you know, but the Bosphorus. And it was called before Yar-Dan.
    Further, the Po River was formerly called the Ebro. Doesn’t resemble anything? T.N. Jerusalem is the Tier, it is Constantinople.
    If you are going to teach the mind on the writings of Scaliger the Mason and his follower, Petavius, then not me. Enough, were in the blinkers.
    Yes, all that’s left of the ancient annals is nothing. Prince Vladimir Bastard, Peter I, Catherine II, attached their pens - (where is the real Lomonosov's chronicle?). The case was continued by Krupskaya and this representative of the Academy of Sciences. You better defend your opinion in the circle of like-minded people. And even more so to draw conclusions about the awareness of others.
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 17: 00
      Quote: Oprichnik
      I read that your attacks are unproductive, wanderer. So the Jordan River is not a river in a place you know, but the Bosphorus. And it was called before Yar-Dan.
      Further, the Po River was formerly called the Ebro. Doesn’t resemble anything? T.N. Jerusalem is the Tier, it is Constantinople.

      Why are you misleading people? Jerusalem is St. Petersburg which used to be called PitRUSgrad, and the Ioradan River is the Neva wassat
  42. +2
    13 November 2015 13: 51
    Read, read and tired.
    The main thing was that the sea was not dug, and thanks for that :)
    1. +1
      13 November 2015 21: 36
      well, you couldn’t understand just the last two paragraphs, you just didn’t like everything else as a non-Russian.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 21: 53
        Quote: SectaHaki
        well, you couldn’t understand just the last two paragraphs, you just didn’t like everything else as a non-Russian.

        It’s not Russian to me (although it is argued here that we are all Russian and Allah, too, oh, wey) born in the Soviet Union and living in Russia it is wildly insulting that the good Soviet education system degenerated in such victims of the Unified State Examination as the author of this article. Why engage in a distortion of your own story, which by the way is very eventful, there is no pancake for every home-grown historian who has read three and a half books and heard about the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, it is necessary to prove that his people are more ancient than mammoths.
        1. -1
          16 November 2015 06: 59
          Navryatli ancient, but you still do not envy ... wassat
  43. +2
    13 November 2015 14: 01
    Ha ha, ho ho ... as soon as the story appears, the wild whine begins.
    Well, the author is exaggerating somewhat. Who wants to know the history of the motherland. Russia, he knows her. Interested in. And all sorts of lyapus-opus foreign countries here will not prove anything to anyone.
    And those who "give a damn about" the origins, who only zaritsya on Apple and e-bay ... well, there's nothing you can do about it.
    Although, stop, but WHY?
    Exactly because it’s worth talking about - the lack of state policy on historical reliability.
    Something was once accepted there. some commissions worked.
    Money, at least mastered.
    The result is WHERE?
    No. From here and dance.
    "If someone extinguishes the stars, then someone needs it" - this is my phrase. From a book I have not written. Yet.
    One has only to mention NH or other authors of alternative versions of history - the "coven of witches" immediately begins - this is a commercial activity !!!
    But all the traditionalists, let’s say so - Mother Teresa, or what? They do not receive for their candidate-doctoral increases?
    They, studying Kostenki and all sorts of cultures, catacomb, pit, cord and battle axes - do they conduct research on their own? AN RF does not give them money, right?
    So kill me with a Neanderthal fork - nowhere and I have never read that Fomenko and Nosovsky were allocated money-grants-funds for trips to Turkey and Egypt.
    Friends sit, one mathematician, another publicist - and create alternativeism.
    Right, wrong - time will tell. And they earn money. And do not spend thoughtlessly.
    But those who do not know how to earn money, even by writing such books, bite their elbows.
    Well, God forbid, gnaw.
    Lahn, we look forward to continuing.
    What else will Alexander Samsonov tell us.
    Our alternative.
    1. +2
      13 November 2015 14: 33
      Quote: Bashibuzuk
      I have never read anywhere that Fomenko and Nosovsky were allocated money-grants-funds for trips to Turkey and Egypt.

      Yes, because they are insane amateurs who have nothing to do with science to give grants to them!
      Quote: Bashibuzuk
      and create alternativeism.

      Once again, history is a science.
      The same as physics.
      Therefore, in history, as in physics, there can be no alternative!
      1. +2
        13 November 2015 15: 35
        Oh well, are you serious?
        There is no alternative in physics ....
        But the phlogiston theory has not been forgotten yet, no? What is she talking about?
        Do you remember the theory of ether from time to time?
        Today I am reading, physicists have survived, without the theory of "dark matter" they can’t make ends meet. As this vile universe expanded, it expands.
        Or maybe physicists simply expanded.
        Niels Bohr tell me what he said for "dark matter". Enrico Fermi what did Max Planck say about "dark matter", huh?
        Marco Polo or Karpini, forgot, on their trips they saw one-legged people, then psiglavtsy - seriously believe them, right?

        ..And there is the work of Mavro Orbini, Bishop of Raguzh. About Russia. So for some reason I believe him.
        And the writings of Poggio Bracciolini - not a penny.
        Read these authors. If there is time.
        1. +1
          13 November 2015 16: 34
          Quote: Bashibuzuk
          Oh well, are you serious?
          There is no alternative in physics

          I’m serious - and you don’t confuse classical Newtonian physics with modern theoretical, the latter, by the way, really consists of many conflicting theories not supported by experiments.
          And here we must always understand that if in science there are two conflicting theories, then in 99% one of them is FALSE!
          1. +2
            13 November 2015 21: 50
            So I'm not a professional historian. No, not at all. And I don’t even try to stick to professional historians.
            But physics, unlike you, I know where it is better.
            And along with physics - dialectics.
            So - ".. two conflicting theories, then in 99% of them one of them is FALSE! ..." This statement does not go into any gate
            And in terms of physics ...
            You are familiar with such an author and work -
            Isaac Newton
            "Revised Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms"
            For the first time in Russian in the publishing house RIMIS published the book of Isaac Newton "The corrected chronology of the ancient kingdoms". Isaac Newton, the great English scientist of the XNUMXth century, devoted many years of his life to the study of historical chronology.

            Suddenly, doesn't it seem so?
            Why would it?
            in the 18th century.
            1. 0
              14 November 2015 01: 45
              Quote: Bashibuzuk
              So - ".. two conflicting theories, then in 99% of them one of them is FALSE! ..." This statement does not go into any gate

              If there is only one object of research, then it more than fits.
          2. +1
            13 November 2015 21: 51
            Quote: Down House
            I'm serious - and you do not confuse classical Newtonian physics and modern theoretical ...

            I’ll tell you a secret, Bashibuzuk is right.
            Let me explain: Einstein’s theory of relativity does not cancel Galileo’s theory, just the conditions of applicability are different ... In thermodynamics, we still use terms from the theory of caloric ... And GR does not work with quantum mechanics ... such a sadness ... and, yes physicists, appeal by different theories and models depending on conditions ...
            1. +1
              13 November 2015 22: 32
              But Newton was the secretary of Hook and stole all his works and patrets, giving most of his time to the search for ... Felos stone.
              This is real history and physics, not your alternative!
            2. 0
              14 November 2015 01: 51
              Quote: merlin
              Let me explain: Einstein's theory of relativity does not cancel Galileo's theory, just the conditions of applicability are different ...

              I generally understand this, probably, because these are private theories.
              Comrade initially wrote, as I understand it, about the most that neither is "theoretical physics" - that is, about modern attempts to create a unified general theory designed to combine, in particular, the same general relativity and quantum mechanics, which are not that contradicting each other, but banal are incompatible due to the same "uncertainty principle" - that is, about the most "thermonuclear matan" such as supergravity and string theory, where one theories appear more contradictory than the other, are improved and refuted before even a couple of thousand people manage to understand them ...
              1. 0
                14 November 2015 17: 49
                Quote: Down House
                I generally understand this, probably, because these are private theories.
                The comrade initially wrote, as I understand it, about the very "theoretical physics" - that is, about modern attempts to create a unified general theory designed to combine, in particular, the same general relativity and quantum mechanics, which are not that contradictory, but banal not compatible due to the same "uncertainty principle"

                The companion wrote in general ... physicists do not deny the facts, and if something worked for Wolf, then it is sincerely unclear to them why this should not work for Joule, although strictly speaking, all these models do not work ... Ohm's law does not hold. .. no one makes a tragedy from this, you just need to correctly determine the boundary conditions / conditions of applicability ...
                As for the "matan", it is not he who is terrible, but the fact that general relativity is continuous, and the CM is discrete ... but the uncertainty principle, which Einstein spat upon, has nothing to do with it (although very few people understand it, but especially the consequences of the uncertainty principle for modern philosophy) ...
                As for, according to your words, "theories that are refuted in batches", at the moment there are two of them: the standard model, which does not even pretend to any explanation and physical meaning and string theory, which has not been canceled and which has been successfully developing since 40 years, but is still far from over and is waiting for his Einstein ... such things ...

                PS physicists often scold each other, but believe me, they are much more tolerant of historians, because priority is given to the fact in strict accordance with Bacon.
                1. +1
                  16 November 2015 03: 44
                  Too figs of theories. This comrade, in turn, was stolen from Poincare. lol
                  the uncertainty principle is so "scientific"
                  1. -2
                    16 November 2015 09: 33
                    Learn physics, schoolboy.
                    1. 0
                      16 November 2015 09: 37
                      I can teach you, but it will be expensive ...
  44. +3
    13 November 2015 14: 34
    Lomonosov's quote is good. And the article is weak. I suggest that the author just think about the following questions.
    1. European peoples lead their cultural heritage from Ancient Rome. But why, when the Etruscan civilization was discovered, did they diligently hush it up?
    2. It is proved that it was the Etruscans who founded Rome. Where did the Etruscans go if there was no war with the Litvin tribe?
    3. "Etruscans" is the name given by the Lithuanians. Why did Ancient Greece in its written sources call them "Rusen"?
    4. The Etruscans lived in central, northern Italy and on the territory of present-day Serbia. The Etruscans were excellent sailors and the Greeks called them "Tyrrhenian pirates". Why did not these sailors lower their ships to the Danube, on the banks of which they lived?
    5. Western science is carried away by the sea powers and does not want to notice the great river power of the Etruscans. After all, from the Danube through the Black Sea you can easily get to the Dniester, Dnieper, Don. From the headwaters of the Dniester to the Vistula and the Rhine and further to the northern sea coast. From the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Don to the tributaries of the Volga and further across the Caspian Sea to the Arabs. And all this is in the lands of our ancestors and all this is a peaceful cultural expansion. Maybe then the phrase "Russian people" arose, as people closely cooperating with the Etruscan merchants, who are their guards and rowers?
    I am not saying anything, but for some reason no one wants to think this way. But it may turn out that the Etruscans are we Russians, or at least the product of the merger of the two peoples.
    1. +1
      13 November 2015 15: 41
      Who could be robbed on the Danube?
      Frog frogs and frog eaters ...
      And about the Etruscans - ... the answer follows from your 1.
      The first kings of the Romans are the Etruscans.
      In other words, the Romans simply clung to the statehood of the Etruscans.
      And then suddenly .... the language of the Etruscans is deciphered. Based on Slavic languages.
      How long after this will these materials be in circulation?
    2. 0
      13 November 2015 15: 54
      1. European peoples lead their cultural heritage from Ancient Rome. But why, when the Etruscan civilization was discovered, did they diligently hush it up?

      Who is silent about where?

      2. It is proved that it was the Etruscans who founded Rome. Where did the Etruscans go if there was no war with the Litvin tribe?

      They have not gone anywhere, just so to speak "dissolved among the Romans" and that's it. Nothing unusual.

      3. "Etruscans" is the name given by the Lithuanians. Why did Ancient Greece in its written sources call them "Rusen"?

      A link to the written sources of the Greeks, where they call the Etruscans.

      4. The Etruscans lived in central, northern Italy and on the territory of present-day Serbia. The Etruscans were excellent sailors and the Greeks called them "Tyrrhenian pirates". Why did not these sailors lower their ships to the Danube, on the banks of which they lived?

      Oops ... You said above that the Greeks called them "Rusen" ... ???
      The problem.
      Tyrrhenian yes, they called them.
      And, no Serbia. Apennine Peninsula here is their localization.

      5. Western science is carried away by the sea powers and does not want to notice the great river power of the Etruscans. After all, from the Danube through the Black Sea you can easily get to the Dniester, Dnieper, Don. From the headwaters of the Dniester to the Vistula and the Rhine and further to the northern sea coast. From the upper reaches of the Dnieper and Don to the tributaries of the Volga and further across the Caspian Sea to the Arabs. And all this is in the lands of our ancestors and all this is a peaceful cultural expansion. Maybe then the phrase "Russian people" arose, as people closely cooperating with the Etruscan merchants, who are their guards and rowers?

      Apennines! Which Danube, Dniester and Dnieper?
      You already forgive it, but fantasize.
      1. 0
        13 November 2015 16: 48
        useless, Glot, you don't prove anything to them. they themselves have already become entangled in their ravings - they are either from the Etruscans, or from the Scythians, or from the Aryans, who are vomiting in Russian-Sanskrit. they still haven’t reached the Sumerians, but I think they will be put into circulation soon.
        1. +2
          13 November 2015 17: 13
          Only the faint-hearted ones believe in the tales that suddenly, out of nowhere in the tenth century, a large people with the most complex and developed language appears (everyone has ancestors from the appearance of a person on Earth, even someone like you, at the behest of the Gods) destroys the largest in Europe the state - the Khazar Khaganate, leads thousands of ships to Constantinople, etc. Herodotus - the Greek described the Scythians, Leo Deacon - the Greek called Svyatoslav and his people Scythians. So if the Greeks called the Scythians Russ you have any doubts? Better Greek chroniclers versed in history? So you are in their chronicles and have a little bit of an idea of ​​the affairs of past days.
          1. 0
            13 November 2015 17: 44
            Quote: hrych
            suddenly out of nowhere in the tenth century a large people with the most complex and developed language appears

            No one says that there were no people, they say that there was no state and people in the usual sense.
            And it was not because we were stupid, but there were no internal and external reasons for their appearance!
            And when a trade route through our lands appeared and the "Russian-speaking" had the need to jointly "control" it - then the centralization of society was required, which is the basis of the state in this case.
          2. -1
            13 November 2015 22: 52
            Quote: hrych
            even someone like you

            what was that? in this vein will we polemicize?

            Quote: hrych
            with the most complex and advanced language

            I am not a linguist to assess the complexity and development of Old Russian; moreover, I do not know him. however, in modern Russian there are a huge number of borrowings (often these are everyday words, rather than special terminology), which, it seems to me, can be explained by the absence of their respective equivalents. there are also a significant number of exceptions to the rules and cases, which probably indicates the relative youth of the language.
            so maybe we can do without the superlative "most"
            1. +2
              14 November 2015 10: 40
              I'm not a linguist

              Then there is no need to write "about a huge amount of borrowings", "can be explained by the absence" and "is also present", etc.
              Judging by the Russian language, you are probably comparing it with some other language, with a more "ancient" one.
              With which?
              It would be nice to know about the division of languages ​​into two large groups: synthetic and analytical.
              Still it would be good to know how such a Slavic word as "DRG", meaning the way, the reading of "dereg", and in Russian "road" got into the basis of the root part of the Hebrew language?
              1. -1
                14 November 2015 15: 26
                Quote: Turkir
                Then do not write

                since not a linguist, in my reflections I use expressions like "it seems to me". I do not insist on anything, I just express my opinion. but I try to avoid such statements as "the most complex and developed".
                as for comparisons of the Russian language with others, it seems to me laughing , you need to compare it with other Indo-European ones, from the ancient ones we have Latin, ancient Greek, Sanskrit and their continuation - Romance, modern Greek, Hindi, Urdu.
                the general tendency, as far as I know as a layman, is a reduction in the number of cases.
                as for borrowing, this is generally a very big topic. the quantity and quality of such borrowings, in my opinion, gives an idea of ​​the geography of contacts in different periods. for example, the minimum number of words of Celtic origin may indicate the absence of Slavs in central Europe in 1 millennium BC.
                a huge layer of Turkisms and relatively small Iranisms speaks of the Slavs entering the steppe regions of Europe already in the Turkic period, i.e. after 4 in AD, the Scythians and Sarmatians were no longer found by and large, but with the Khazars, Pechenegs, etc. talked enough.
                I can't say anything about the "road"
                1. +3
                  15 November 2015 22: 01
                  That's all you wrote above - a wild nonsense.
                  From ancient times Russia and Tataria (Bulgaria) were nearby. Together.
                  So, with Turkisms - a span. According to Kungurov, Russia was BILINGUAL in life.
                  What do you know such terrible words and phrases from CELTIC. to argue - about the minimum number of words.
                  How much of the same kelstkoy is found among their closest neighbors - the British?
                  All English is warped by French German.
                  That you are still special, as I look.
                  And the general tendency - simplification, elimination of cases - this is how we come to PIGIN-English ... they will understand you on any island.
                  Give me a spoon, I want to eat, get fucked ... Maydarling ...
                  Development involves expansion.
                  And narrowing is wildness.
                  Apparently, apparently. you.
                  1. -1
                    16 November 2015 09: 39
                    Quote: Bashibuzuk
                    All English is warped by French German.

                    Igor, you may not believe it, but I don’t remember exactly which of the linguists conducted a study on borrowing English from French ... It turned out that there are more Russian borrowings in English ... (most likely, Wilhelm and his comrades have never once been French)
                    Quote: Bashibuzuk
                    And the general tendency - simplification, elimination of cases - this is how we come to PIGIN-English ... they will understand you on any island.
                    Give me a spoon, I want to eat, get fucked ... Maydarling ...

                    That's it, and I say that English is a pidgin ... they don't believe ...
        2. -1
          15 November 2015 21: 55
          What a primitive objection ... ".. it's useless, Glot, you won't prove anything to them. They themselves are already entangled in their nonsense .."
          Just in the style of Gloth ...
          those. you are in your ravings where you better understand.
          There is no subject of dispute -
          you wandered - you understand.
          And we will go our own way.
    3. +1
      19 November 2015 12: 31
      Why rowers and not chiefs? With the "lack of writing" and maps, were they afraid to lose the banks on the river?

      Etruscans are generally the western part of the Russian Slavs. Slovenia and Croatia are not far from Rome now. Europe was predominantly Celtic, Retic and Slavic. Then most of the Celts were enslaved by the Latins, most of the Rets were assimilated. Then the semi-wild Germans (Goths) from the Black Sea steppes came to the great migrations of peoples, then the Huns.
  45. +2
    13 November 2015 14: 53
    If holy men shout
    Throw you Russia, live in paradise
    I will say: do not have paradise
    Give my homeland!
  46. +2
    13 November 2015 15: 37
    A good article, and K. Vasiliev's picture "The Man with the Owl" is wonderful.
    In world and domestic science, a stable myth has been created about the “savagery” of the Russian people

    Well, Russophobes, like a quick fellow Ponomarev, say that Russian as a nation does not exist.
    True, this idea was not born in the skull of a hunter who wasn’t flawed by reason, the apologist of Russophobic theory - the former Minister of Nationalities of the Russian Federation, mournful mind - Valery Tishkov, they gave the unfortunate professor a timely kick in the ass, did not have time (fortunately) to rummage the Russophobe.
  47. +2
    13 November 2015 17: 55
    Russia, regardless of those who write its history in the popular mind, has not lost its origins in the subconscious memory. That is, the "foundation" has been preserved. Today the greatest antiquity of this ethnos has been proven. Many years and centuries of work of the rivals - plagiarists of these damn figures, the world has accumulated a huge amount of false information directed against the true assessment of Russia by assessing its origins. Even now, in those organizations in Russia where textbooks, encyclopedias, etc. are created. look who exactly prepares them and where they are, in essence, followers of the Egyptian priests, and then you will understand why this is still the case. Although it becomes more difficult to continue in the ocean of sources of information. Russia in that source of origin as an ethnos undoubtedly refers to the Aryans by antiquity. The evidence is dark.
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 20: 39
      Quote: Ima tsoh
      Russia in that source beginning as an ethnos undoubtedly refers in ancient times to the Aryans. The evidence is darkness.

      For example, what?
  48. +1
    13 November 2015 18: 41
    If only, if only ... Everything was so bad in Russia Mother, what kind of tolerant euro did it jump off of, and why did all the "economical and rogue" European community crawl ALL HISTORY behind the Russian good military method ?. And luli shook on the tonsils? THE STORY OF THAT IS A FACT! What's not at home in Bavaria and Storage? Why does General Frost freeze looters "breeding means" and the Russian Army fights off everything else that sticks out of the body, right up to a visit to Berlin-Vienna-Paris? Also a FACT, a thing, as they say, stubborn! They would have squeezed pimples to their fearful Mamselfrojans and would not rock the boat. What, damn it always itching? Do you need luli again? So it will not rust. Not in the first!
  49. +1
    13 November 2015 18: 45
    We need a patriotic story. In this regard, an example of its presentation by Karamzin is even relevant. But do not overdo it with all sorts of stories from fantasy. The medicine for the poison is different in dose. We don’t really need the poison of a pseudo-superpatriotic story!
    1. +3
      13 November 2015 20: 33
      Science is not patriotic and not patriotic. She is either there or she is not. You do not say patriotic physics, biology? The same thing with history, whatever it would be, it is ours.
    2. +3
      14 November 2015 10: 15
      Let me disagree with you. Karamzin did not write the history of Russia, but history for the reigning house. Agree that these are two different things.
      By the way, my friend Alexander Sergeevich of the same opinion:
      In his "History" elegance, simplicity
      Prove to us, without any prejudice,
      The need for autocracy
      And the charm of a whip.
      1. 0
        14 November 2015 14: 49
        Quote: Turkir
        Let me disagree with you. Karamzin did not write the history of Russia, but history for the reigning house. Agree that these are two different things.

        You can disagree first of all with you.
        Open the volume of TGP and read that: the history of states from antiquity to "our time" and the history of the "reigning house" are practically ONE AND THE SAME.
        In particular, this is precisely why the Russian Federation, and not Ukraine, is also the legal successor of "Kievan Rus" - because the Romanov dynasty was the legal successor of the Rurik dynasty.
  50. +1
    13 November 2015 19: 36
    They did not rule in a thin and not in an unknown land, but in the Russian, that is known and heard in all ends of the earth ...

    Hilarion A word about law and grace (XNUMXth century)
  51. +4
    13 November 2015 20: 08
    In world and domestic science
    Simply, in world science. Without domestic.

    We must reject the myth that we are a “young people” who have not gone through the path that “ancient” Europe took
    It is this same Europe that creates myths about its antiquity and our youth. That same Europe adopted so many inventions from the east. That same Europe lived like a pig while we did not arrange latrines in castles in the corners. When will everyone understand that Europe is a bunch of bandits in jackets with pockets, gathering a silent herd around itself and telling them about its antiquity and civilization. Today, it is enough to look at how these civilized barbarians behave to understand that this has always been the case with these people, 100 years ago and 1500 years ago.
    1. 0
      14 November 2015 18: 43
      Quote: Denis-Skiff
      That same Europe lived like a pig while we did not arrange latrines in castles in the corners.

      The expression: “like shit in a bathhouse” is clearly not European, much less ancient! smile
  52. -2
    13 November 2015 21: 27
    When you read the writings of modern Ukrainian historians, it becomes funny. There is no historicity in their writings. And how does Alexander Samsonov’s article differ from the writings of Ukrainian historians? Virtually nothing. A set of pseudo-historical phrases that have no factual confirmation. Does the greatness and achievements of the Russian people suffer from the fact that the Chinese civilization is more ancient. No, it does not. Each country and people has its own path, its own history. The antiquity of history is not a panacea at all and does not provide in principle, no advantages in modern times. By the way, it should be remembered that history is still a science, and not a collection of fairy tales and fictions. In this regard, the author’s stupidity, not his of course, but repeated ones, looks naive. The author's thesis that the roots of the Russian language go back to the Paleolithic is true to the same extent as the roots of any existing, and even dead, language go there. What then is unusual about the Russian language. Yes, its structure is more archaic in the family of Indo-European languages, but just that. Now a few words about the fictitious Russian ancient super-ethnic group, the millennia-old history of Rus, Scythians, and so on. To the great disappointment of lovers of fairy tales, there is no factual confirmation of all this. They are not in documents and chronicles, they are not confirmed by archaeological and anthropological data. They are not confirmed by recent genetic research. And the most important thing is not this. The most important thing is that the history of our country is Russia, our people, does not need fairy tales. The history of our country itself is a GREAT HISTORY, OF A GREAT PEOPLE. It is full of the heroism of the people, full of dramatic and tragic events, great victories and achievements in all spheres of life, art, science. We have something to be proud of. both today and for the deeds of our ancestors. That is why in the West they are trying to distort our history. But it either is history or it is not. And it is impossible to rewrite it. Interpretations and all sorts of fairy tales are not history, not science, but fiction. Therefore, no one will succeed in the greatness of the Russian people, who went through upheavals in which other peoples perished and managed, no matter what, to rise to the level of the highest level of our civilization. by definition, to belittle.
    1. +1
      15 November 2015 15: 32
      Quote: Theseus
      Does the greatness and achievements of the Russian people suffer from the fact that the Chinese civilization is more ancient?

      Did the Chinese tell you this? Jews keep chronology longer)
  53. 0
    13 November 2015 21: 36
    Unwashed Europe will teach us. ))) He will remember his fleas and lice, Europe)))
    1. 0
      13 November 2015 23: 33
      University of Erfurt 1379
      University of Heidelberg 1386
      University of Cologne 1388
      Moscow University 1755
      Judging by your comment, you often skipped classes at school)
  54. +2
    13 November 2015 21: 44
    - Well, we were given the opinion of Europe about us... A tiny piece of a huge continent, for some reason imagining itself as the center of wisdom and culture... But, somehow, managed to convince others of this!
    - Ask a Chinese, and he will answer that ALL those living north of the Wall are savage barbarians.. laughing
  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. +2
    14 November 2015 00: 40
    Some facts as food for thought. So:
    1. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Morozov, (1854-1946), Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, "History of mankind in natural-scientific coverage" (the work is known as "Christ". 30s, 5 thousand pages. A new periodization of ancient and medieval history is given ...
    2. Popular presentation of this work: "Another history of the Middle Ages" S. Valyansky and D. Kalyuzhny. 2001.
    3. Why did I study the History of the Middle Ages and the History of Ancient Rus' at school, although the time periods of events were the same? I studied distorted history.
    4.Which language is richer is more ancient. The richness of a language is determined, among other things, by the following property: the more words one concept can be expressed, the richer the language, and vice versa. Compare, for example, with English. (And what is in use now is cool, funny, comfortable, shorter, etc.). The richer the language, the more ancient the people.
    5. The chronology of China was created by Catholic missionaries from 1522 to 1822 in accordance with the chronology of Scaliger (died 1609) to confirm the dispersion of peoples after the destruction of the Tower of Babel.
    6.Data from Josh McDowell’s book “Indisputable Evidence” Author-Time of writing (traditional BC)-Oldest list (AD)-Difference (years)-Number of lists:
    -Caesar. 100-44. 900
    -Plato. 427-437. 900.1200. 7
    -Tacitus. 100 AD 1000. Less than 900
    Thucyditis. 460-400. 900
    -Svetonius. 75-160. 950
    Herodotus. 480-425. 900
    -Sofokl. 496-406. 1000
    -Demosthenes. 383-322. 1100. 1500.200
    -Aristotle. 384-385. 900
    There are NO genuine written evidences of antiquity, because there were none.
    7. The great scoundrel Heinrich Schliemann said: “I was looking for the city of Troy, and I found the city. So this is Troy.” That is, he fulfilled the order. (He who pays calls the tune). “Undeniable” discoveries are being made in archeology.
    8. History has never been and never will be an exact science.
    There are a lot of facts, no wonder N.A. Morozov wrote so much.
    But the Rus-Slavs still have a very, very ancient statehood!
  57. +2
    14 November 2015 01: 22
    1. The famous Indian scientist, professor Sanskritologist Durga Prasad Shastri, at a scientific conference in 1964 in India, noted that the Russian language and Sanskrit are the two languages ​​in the world that are most similar to each other “it is surprising,” as he notes, “that Our two languages ​​have similar word structures, style and syntax. Let us add even greater similarity in the rules of grammar - this, according to him, arouses deep curiosity among everyone who is familiar with linguistics.”

    The most famous Russian word "satellite" consists of three parts: "c" - prefix, "put" - root and "nick" - suffix. The Russian word path is the same for many languages: path in English and path in Sanskrit. The Sanskrit word "pathik" means "one who follows the path, a traveler." The semantic meaning of these words in both languages ​​coincides: "one who follows the path with someone else." In Russian, a companion is also called a wife.

    “When I was in Moscow,” Shastri himself says, “at the hotel they gave me the keys to room 234 and said:“ two hundred and thirty-four. ” In perplexity, I could not understand if I was standing in front of a lovely girl in Moscow or in Benares or Ujjain in our classical period, about 2000 years ago. In Sanskrit 234 there will be “dwishata tridasha chatwari”. Is it possible somewhere more similarity? It is unlikely that there are two more languages ​​that have preserved the ancient heritage - such a close pronunciation - to this day. ”About 4000 years have passed since the breakup of the Slavic Aryans, and both languages ​​contain close and common words that arose in ancient times, but are easily understood by ear these days, even by lay people.

    During this visit, Shastri claimed: "You all here speak some ancient form of Sanskrit, and I understand a lot without translation."

    Also, at one time he visited the village of Kachalovo about 25 kilometers from Moscow, where he was invited to dinner with a Russian peasant family. An elderly woman, apparently the mistress of the house, introduced him to a young couple, saying in Russian: "he is my son and she is my daughter-in-law." Shastri was terribly surprised that the phrase sounds quite understandable without translation. “How I wish,” Shastri writes later, “so that Panini, the great Indian grammar player who lived about 2600 years ago, could be here with me and hear the language of his time, so wonderfully preserved with all the smallest subtleties!”

    The Russian word is "son" and in Sanskrit "suna". The Russian word is “mine,” and in Sanskrit is “madi,” and finally “daughter-in-law” is the Sanskrit “snusha”.

    “Here is another Russian expression:“ That is your house, this is our house. ” In Sanskrit: "I will give your tat, I will give our etat."

    If we compare the young languages ​​of the European group (English, French, German) that directly go back to Sanskrit, then the above sentence in them cannot exist without the verb “is”. Only Russian and Sanskrit dispense with the is-conjunction verb. The word "is" itself is similar to "is" in Russian and "asti" in Sanskrit. And even more than that, the Russian word "nature" and the Sanskrit "astitva" mean "existence" in both languages.

    “Thus,” Shastri writes, “it becomes clear that not only the syntax and order of the words are similar, the expressiveness and spirit are preserved in these languages ​​unchanged.”

    Shastri gives a vivid example of how the Panini grammar rule works, in order to show how applicable it is in the word formation of the Russian language. Six pronouns are transformed into the adverb of time by a simple addition - “da”. In modern Russian, there are three of the six cited Panini Sanskrit examples, but they follow this rule 2600 years ago.
  58. The comment was deleted.
  59. +2
    14 November 2015 01: 25
    2. Pronouns:
    kim which one
    that one
    sarva everything

    when when
    then then
    always in the garden

    Here is a list of words that have the same pronunciation and meaning in Russian and Sanskrit.
    RUSSIAN SANSKRIT (transcription in Russian letters)
    BE BHU
    GO AND
    NO VED
    SO SO SO
  60. +1
    14 November 2015 01: 26
    3. European scientists became acquainted with Sanskrit at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century. In 1786, the founder of the Asiatic Society in Calcutta, William Jones, drew the attention of Europeans to this ancient language and its similarities with the ancient languages ​​of Europe. “No matter how ancient Sanskrit is, it has a wonderful structure,” noted William Jones, “it is more perfect than Greek, richer than Latin, and more refined than either of them, and at the same time it carries such close resemblance to these two languages, both in verb roots and grammatical forms, that it can hardly be an accident; this similarity is so great that not a single philologist who would study these languages ​​could fail to believe that they originated from a common source that no longer exists.”

    Since the 19th century, the study of Sanskrit by philologists from different countries began. The discovery of Sanskrit by Europeans and its study by linguists laid the foundation for the comparative-historical method in linguistics. They developed the concept of the genealogical relationship of the languages ​​of Europe and Sanskrit. The result of these studies were numerous works of a comparative historical nature, dictionaries, grammatical descriptions, and monographs.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, scientists believed that Sanskrit was older than its related languages, that it was their common ancestor. Sanskrit was considered a standard of comparison in the study of other European languages, because scientists (F. Bopp, A. Schleicher, I. Schmidt, etc.) recognized it as the language closest to Proto-Indo-European.

    The importance of Sanskrit for science lies in the fact that it has a unique linguistic literature. Scientists of Ancient India left information about the sound and interpretation of words of this language, a complete description of the morphology of Sanskrit. The techniques and methods of describing language by ancient Indian scientists are close to the methods of modern linguistics.

    Indian languages ​​in their historical development have been recorded in monuments for at least four thousand years. Sanskrit has existed in written form for more than two thousand years. Sanskrit is the main linguistic carrier of all-Indian high culture, the language of the vast majority of philosophical, literary, scientific and religious texts of antiquity. Still alive. In India, Sanskrit is used as the language of the humanities and as the language of worship in Hindu worship. Sanskrit is also one of the 22 official languages ​​of India. It is spoken by both high-born Brahmins and ordinary residents of North India. There are several types of Sanskrit:

    - epic Sanskrit (the language of the Mahabharata), collections of myths and legends, religious and magical texts are written in it;

    - classical Sanskrit (the language of literature), works on philosophy are written in it;

    - Vedic Sanskrit (the language of Vedic texts);

    - Buddhist Sanskrit (the language of Buddhist texts);

    - Jain Sanskrit (the language of Jain texts).

    The oldest form of Sanskrit is the language of Rik Veda (RigVeda). The works of the grammarians were systematized by the scientist Panini, and in the fourth century BC, a Sanskrit grammar by the author Panini, called the “Octateuch,” appeared. It contains more than four thousand grammatical rules. In this work, Panini recorded linguistic norms, the observance of which later becomes mandatory in literary works in classical Sanskrit.

    Grammatically, Sanskrit is characterized by a wealth of inflection: an eight-case name system, three numbers in names (singular, dual and plural), several hundred verbal and verbal forms, powerful word formation, the presence of different functional styles in syntax.

    The vocabulary shows wide synonymy, polysemy of used words and the free formation of numerous derivative words as needed.
  61. +1
    14 November 2015 01: 27
    4. Phonetics is characterized by three pure vowels (a, e, o).

    Sanskrit uses different types of writing. Currently, Sanskrit uses the main alphabet - Devanagari. This is a syllabic letter.

    As an instrument of expression, Sanskrit is more perfect than any modern language. It combines the ability to convey philosophical thought and rich poetic writing.

    As can be seen from the above examples, which clearly demonstrate the proximity and similarity of these two languages ​​(sound composition, pronunciation of words, vocabulary, word formation and grammatical structure of the language), it is simply impossible not to see the obvious that we are dealing with the same language. Taking into account the opinion of well-known Sanskrit linguists who deal with the issues of comparative typology of languages, who are convinced that the only proto-language that gave rise to other European languages ​​can be only one language - Sanskrit. We fully and completely share with them this bold, but the only logical point of view. Moreover, the conclusion suggests itself that Sanskrit is a purely Russian language. The new Sanskrit is, of course, different from what it was 4000 years ago. But, thanks to its conservation in a foreign environment, the preservation of the Sanskrit script and written sources and its use only for scientific and religious purposes by representatives of the highest caste (Brahmins), it was possible to preserve it to this day almost in the form in which it sounded for more than two thousand years ago. Ancient Sanskrit (classical Sanskrit, carefully preserved by the grammarians of India) is the Old Russian language. If you want to hear what the purest Sanskrit sounds like, go to the north of our country and you will hear for yourself and see that the northern Pomeranian dialect is that same Sanskrit...
    1. -1
      15 November 2015 05: 52
      In Old Bulgarian (you call this language Church Slavonic, it is clear to everyone for what reasons), there are all the markers of similarity with Sanskrit that you cited. Pay special attention to the availability DUAL NUMBER in Old Bulgarian. And about going to the north of Russia and hearing what “pure Sanskrit” sounds like, you made me laugh smile
  62. +3
    14 November 2015 02: 51
    I advise you to read Hilferding A. History of the Baltic Slavs. M., 1855. in III volumes. About the struggle of the Slavs with the Danes and Germans on the site of modern Denmark and Germany. You will learn a lot.
    here is the link
    1. +1
      15 November 2015 15: 29
      Quote: nomad74
      here is the link

      Thanks for the link!
  63. 0
    14 November 2015 15: 02
    The history is written by the winners.

    It’s okay that the so-called “English language” appeared during the literary project “SHAKESPER”, and the German language in 1902. Italian is also not much older.

    There were no Germans. German is “relative”, from “germa” - blood, and “men” - man.

    The entire history of Jewish (European) civilization is the fruit of literary fantasies.

    The only real state of early Jews (from Jewish settler) was the so-called Byzantium.
    Why so called? Yes, because the phantom Ancient Rome took away the name.
    The history of Ancient Greece is no better: they took and turned the Civil War in Rome, presented to us under the guise of a Turkish invasion, into a confrontation between the mythical Greeks and the mythical Persians.
    Iran, of course, will be the next Empire after Russia. But it will be, but it wasn’t.
    The tragedy of Russian history began with the accession to the Russian throne of a Jewish scoundrel who remained in history under the name of Peter. It was this rogue who canceled the old calendar. Commemoration from the creation of the world. From the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. That's what the year was called. And there were other calendars. The oldest began 1,5 billion years ago. years ago, from the arrival of the first Whitemara on the land of Midgard. By the way, one of the clans of the white race came from the land of RAI.
  64. +2
    14 November 2015 20: 41
    Quote: ignoto
    The history is written by the winners.

    It’s okay that the so-called “English language” appeared during the literary project “SHAKESPER”, and the German language in 1902. Italian is also not much older.

    There were no Germans. German is “relative”, from “germa” - blood, and “men” - man.

    The entire history of Jewish (European) civilization is the fruit of literary fantasies.

    The only real state of early Jews (from Jewish settler) was the so-called Byzantium.
    Why so called? Yes, because the phantom Ancient Rome took away the name.
    The history of Ancient Greece is no better: they took and turned the Civil War in Rome, presented to us under the guise of a Turkish invasion, into a confrontation between the mythical Greeks and the mythical Persians.
    Iran, of course, will be the next Empire after Russia. But it will be, but it wasn’t.
    The tragedy of Russian history began with the accession to the Russian throne of a Jewish scoundrel who remained in history under the name of Peter. It was this rogue who canceled the old calendar. Commemoration from the creation of the world. From the Creation of the World in the Star Temple. That's what the year was called. And there were other calendars. The oldest began 1,5 billion years ago. years ago, from the arrival of the first Whitemara on the land of Midgard. By the way, one of the clans of the white race came from the land of RAI.

    exactly. and the children of one of the sons of Noah spoke Sanskrit. The Angles couldn’t sit still and rewrite everything and wanted everything. Yes, they didn’t take into account one simple thing.
  65. +1
    15 November 2015 05: 27
    It was funny reading the comments. It has been scientifically proven that the oldest processed gold in the world was found in the Varna region. There was the cradle of European civilization. Yes, it has been proven that the Black Sea was a sweet-water lake, and, most likely, the global flood described first by the Sumerians, and then in the Old Testament, took place there. Perhaps it is at the bottom of the Black Sea that Atlantis is located. It was from the Black Sea region that the great migration of peoples began after the flood. There is a hypothesis that Ancient Egypt of the pre-dynastic period was ruled by settlers from the Black Sea region. And everyone knows that it was from the Egyptian priests that both the ancient Jews and the ancient Hellenes, who settled in the territory of modern Greece from North Africa, studied and gained their knowledge. Patience and perseverance to modern scientists! History textbooks of the ancient world will soon be rewritten smile
  66. 0
    15 November 2015 16: 18
    Cradle of human civilization - Varna - Bulgaria

  67. 0
    15 November 2015 17: 04
    No claim to being chosen by God smile

  68. 0
    15 November 2015 22: 32
    with respect . Don’t you think that defending your point of view in the comments is useless since everyone has already made up their minds and believe that their point of view is the only correct one
  69. 0
    16 November 2015 01: 29
    Moreover, this false scheme does not stand up to the slightest criticism and rests only on the dominance of “classical” history and Western culture in the information field of Russia.

    The scheme is good and withstands any criticism. This is where “alternative historians” lie
    Suffice it to remember that the “Eastern Slavs” who appeared out of nowhere in one or two centuries would simply not have been able under any circumstances to create Gardarika - the “country of cities”, a huge Russian empire stretching from the Baltic in the north to the Russian (Black) Sea in the south, from the Carpathians in the west to the Don and Volga in the east

    They didn’t create it in “one or two centuries,” and everything else is distortion. In the 4th century, the Huns invaded the Gothic power and, having defeated it, attacked both Roman empires. The Huns themselves were a people of nomadic culture, but along with them were allies a small agricultural tribe of Slavs, which inherited the lands of the Goths and other tribes of farmers. From the 4th to the 6th centuries, the initially small tribe of Slavs grew exponentially in the newly developed lands and began to split into ethnic groups (confirmed by data from linguistic analysis and archeology)
    In the 8th century, the Slavs, led by the nomadic Avar tribes, took possession of the Danube region, and in the 9th century, with the Bulgars, the Balkans. The Avars were eventually destroyed and the Eastern Slavs were “tortured” by the Khazars. They fenced off their settlements from the raids of these steppe predators, which is where the word “hail” came from, in the German transcription “gard” (compare with the word “burg” - fortification, fortress). Actually, most of the Slavic “cities” were not cities, they were fortified ancestral villages, there were many of them, hence the word “Gardarika”, a word borrowed by the Scandinavians from the Slavic
    Could not create the oldest literature in Europe, second in antiquity only to the literature of ancient times, but superior to the literature of English, German, French and others

    This is already in the realm of complete nonsense. Let's start with the fact that in the early Middle Ages there was no English, German, or French literature. There were only literary works of the predecessors of these nations: chronicles and sagas of the Britons, Saxons, Bretons, Gauls, etc. and all of them appeared before the literature of the Slavs. Who decided that the nations of Russians, French, Germans and English existed as such 1500 years ago?

    Could not create the richest spiritual and material culture, with a mythology dating back to primitive antiquity

    Excavations of the Prague and Dnieper cultures point to the incredible material scarcity of the Slavic cultures of the early Middle Ages, but as for the mythology going back to “primitive antiquity,” this is spot on, I agree, the mythology of the early Slavs exactly corresponded to their culture, according to archaeological and linguistic data
    and with advanced craft production, which made it possible to arm and equip a powerful army that could threaten the then most developed Western power - the Byzantine Empire.

    There is not a single evidence of “advanced craft production”, except for a sword of the Fransian type with the mark “Ludota”. And by a strange coincidence, the Russians attacked Constantinople only when the empire was exhausted in the fight against the Arabs or Bulgarians and there was no army in the capital, and the forces of the Russians were only enough to plunder the suburbs of Constantinople and nail a shield to its gates
    1. +1
      16 November 2015 19: 19
      The so-called Slavs - they may be the descendants of the so-called Thracians (the same Scythians, Odrysians, Pelasgians - about 90 tribes with a highly developed culture, whose oldest processed gold in the world was found in the Varna region, whose myths, legends and religion - Orpheism - were borrowed by the ancients Hellenes who came to the Balkans from North Africa and described them in their literary works). Or do you also think that the Slavs fell from the sky?
      1. 0
        16 November 2015 20: 19
        The Slavs cannot be descendants of the Thracian tribes - this is denied by linguistic and archaeological data. But being part of the Balts, assimilated by Iranian tribes, is very possible. This also accounts for the linguistic proximity of the Slavic and Lithuanian languages ​​and Iranian borrowings in the cult (Khors, Simargl). But the Balts, let me remind you, at the beginning of the millennium occupied the entire forest zone of Eastern Europe

        The fact that the Slavs are young peoples is supported by the unity of the Slavic languages ​​(divided only around the 10th century AD) and the primitive military culture of the early Slavs (from descriptions of Byzantine and Latin authors and from the results of autopsies of burials)

        The imaginary antiquity of Slavic culture, of course, pleases vanity, but does not correspond to scientific data
        1. +1
          16 November 2015 21: 56
          Quote: Logos

          The imaginary antiquity of Slavic culture, of course, pleases vanity, but does not correspond to scientific data

          That's right - the so-called Slavs, who suddenly appeared from nowhere and left no traces in ancient history - these are the descendants of the so-called Thracians - read the research of Bulgarian scientists with Google translator.
        2. 0
          16 November 2015 22: 38
          Although, having looked at what they write and say on the Russian-speaking space of the Internet, I felt sick - they say that someone is rewriting history, and they themselves are pulling the whole Thracian history solely on themselves. And not a word about Bulgaria, on whose territory the most ancient processed gold, many Thracian burial mounds, an ancient calendar and many other sensational archaeological discoveries were found. Bulgarians talk about the Black Sea region, southern Ukraine and the Azov region. But the Russian and Ukrainian authors of the clips I watched today speak only exclusively about themselves... And Atilla was Russian bully

          Well, nothing, you can say and write whatever you want, but TENS OF THOUSANDS OF THRACIAN mounds on the territory of Bulgaria, archaeological finds cannot be falsified.
          1. 0
            16 November 2015 22: 45
            And they’ve already had enough of their “Slavism”, trying to pull EVERYTHING onto themselves again, blatantly keeping silent about the achievements of non-Russian peoples.
    2. +1
      16 November 2015 19: 29
      In the 8th century, the Slavs, led by the nomadic Avar tribes, took possession of the Danube region, and in the 9th century, with the Bulgars, they took control of the Balkans. [/quote]

      The Bulgarians and the so-called local Slavs in the 7th century (681) captured the Danube region, created the state of Bulgaria, forcing the Byzantines to pay them tribute. The Bulgarians are the descendants of the ancient Fraks, who settled after the Flood (in the Black Sea) in vast areas - northern India and Pakistan, the Mediterranean, north to the Scandinavian countries and Great Britain. They simply returned to the Danube region - the homeland of their ancestors.
  70. 0
    19 November 2015 22: 33
    Quote: Talgat
    I read at Bushkov that Western historians portrayed Attila as a bloodthirsty savage, who pisses, while riding a horse, tearing raw meat with his teeth, blood in one direction, and urine in the other
    Actually, this is normal for nomads; and today, many nomadic peoples - the same Mongols and their relatives, in general, can ride horses for a long time, and if there is a hunt or war, is it really necessary to get off to recover?!?

    And raw meat - so in the Russian Federation, for example, all Arctic and Siberian peoples still eat stroganina, which, by the way, is why they suffer greatly from parasitic diseases.

    Quote: sv-georgij
    and our ancestors nailed a shield on the gates of Constantinople.
    You read their names in our chronicles (they have been preserved, if anything), and think, are these your ancestors or the more unloved “Europeans” from Scandinavia...
    1. 0
      20 November 2015 08: 53
      Quote: True-Loving
      read their names in our chronicles (they have been preserved, if anything), and think, are these your ancestors or the more unloved “Europeans” from Scandinavia...

      It says right there - “from Scandinavia”? Yes lol
      it was then even more of a backwater than the France of the times of Anna Yaroslavna (the daughter of Monomakh, married there on a civilizing mission, who taught them to wash, but alas, could not wean their frog princesses from eating)... laughing
  71. 0
    18 October 2016 14: 24
    For me personally, everything worked out a long time ago. And even the Americans eventually dubbed our area of ​​residence the “Heartland,” that is, the “core of the earth.” Race = Hyperborea = Dispersions + Asia = Great Scythia = Rus' = Russia. Times change, but the essence remains. In this regard, even the confrontation between Russia and the North Atlantic Alliance is not news. Hyperborea and Atlantis also ironed each other to the fullest. Echoes of the instantly “killed army of the Athenians” (that is, “ours”) have been going on since the time of Plato (see the dialogues “Timaeus” and “Critius”).

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"