War genius

The beginning of the Chinese campaign. Timur's death

When Timur was 68 years old (in the autumn of 1404), he began to prepare the invasion of China. Another fortification was built, on the 10 days east of the fortress, erected at one time by Mohammed Sultan on the border of the present Syrdarya region and Semirechye. A new outpost was located somewhere near the Issyk-Kul lake. In January, 1405, Tamerlane and his army arrived in the city of Otrar.

Timur has long been making plans for the conquest of China. This was his great dream. Asian countries have long maintained contacts with China, had political and economic ties. There were sea routes along the Silk Road by land. The Mongol Mogul invasion of China expanded knowledge of China. The Yuan Dynasty, founded by the grandson of Genghis Khan, the Mongol khan Kubilai, ruled China until the 1368 year. The Ming Dynasty, the heiress of the Yuan, considered herself the heir of the Mongolian dynasty. Accordingly, all lands previously belonging to the Mongol Empire should have recognized the sovereignty of the Chinese emperors.

Timur formally considered himself a vassal of the Ming dynasty. Chinese sources report on the embassies of Timur and his gifts. He had long cherished the dream of finally ceasing to be a vassal. For this it was necessary to defeat the overlord - the Chinese emperor. In addition, there was an economic goal - the seizure of the remaining part of the Great Silk Road, to maximize profits and ensure the prosperity of the native Maverannakhr and its capital Samarkand. But as usual, Timur gave a religious color to the war with China, asserting that he had already reached the age in which they thought about forgiveness for the mistakes made and that “holy war” with “infidels” was the best way to save the soul. Tamerlane said: "I will take with myself those people who have become the instrument of my sins, so that they become the instrument of my repentance."

Once Timur said: “To wage war with China, one must have enormous power.” Therefore, the preparation for the war was comprehensive. A large army was formed, in which there were 100-200 ths. Only horsemen. Prepared infantry and vehicle fleet. By his order, inventories were drawn up of the roads, climate, and resources of the areas along which the army was to pass. Timur sent the peasants in advance, under the protection of the soldiers, so that they would grow wheat along the edges of the roads where the troops were to pass. In some cities, including Otrar, food stocks have been created. Hundreds of wagons were loaded with tents, other supplies and equipment necessary to overcome the vast desert and snow-covered spaces. Thousands of camels had to follow the troops, providing soldiers with milk and meat. Never before has Timur's army been so well prepared for the march.

Timur's army made at the end of December 1404, that is, in the middle of winter, as he liked to do. The troops crossed the Syr Darya on the ice. The great emir planned to go through Central Asia in three months and deliver a sudden blow to China. True, rumors about the preparation of Timur’s army reached China and measures were taken there to repel the attack. But the Chinese hardly expected that the fighting would begin at an unfavorable time of year.

Timur made a stop in Otrar and no longer left the fortress. The great commander fell ill. Timur has long been in poor condition. Serious attacks had already happened to him and many were expecting Hromz’s death. But he was cheating death. In recent years, he has not shown his extraordinary physical strength. In Damascus, his servants carried him out of the tent and put him in the saddle. However, during the last festivities dedicated to the marriage of grandchildren, Timur was awake, eating and drinking more than others. The ambassadors noted with surprise that at night he continued the feast, which began during the day, when they themselves left the feast to have a little rest. The next day, the emir, as if nothing had happened, continued to lead the feast. However, lack of sleep, excessive consumption of meat and wine by this usually temperate man, undermined his health. Although the mind remained strong until his death.

Timur suffered greatly, but he endured the disease steadfastly. A messenger arrived from Tokhtamysh with a plea for forgiveness and help. Timur gave the first and promised the second. He asked his scouts about the road. Snow in the mountains fell more abundant than expected: the height of two copies. The road had to be cleared. The great emir was preparing for a feast, which was timed to the farewell to the princes of his house. They accompanied him to Otrar and were about to return to Samarkand. Timur could not stand it and fell down. He was delirious and, in moments of enlightenment, he listened to readings about relatives and troops. Timur 18 of February 1405 died (on the gravestone of Timur - 15).

According to Arabshah, before his death, he addressed his grandchildren with a speech: “My children, I leave you still very young ... Do not forget those rules that I told you to calm the nations. Be interested in the state of each. Support the weak, tame greed and pride of the nobles. Let the sense of justice and virtue constantly guide your actions ... Always remember the last words of a dying father. ” The body was embalmed, placed in a black wood coffin upholstered in silver brocade, and brought to Samarkand. Tamerlane was buried in the mausoleum of Gur Emir, at that time still unfinished.

The heirs of Timur did not heed the words of justice and virtue. Timur appointed Pir-Mohammed, the son of his son Jahangir, as his heir, and commanded the commanders to take an oath of allegiance to him. However, against his will, the throne was captured by another of his grandsons, Khalil-Sultan. Pir-Mohammed at this moment was too far in the south, in his possessions, and Khalil-Sultan, who had been wintering in Tashkent, was the first to visit Samarkand. In 1406, Pir-Mohammed gathered an army and moved north to fight the invader, but Khalil-Sultan defeated him. A year later, the “faithful” emirs conspired and killed Pir-Mohammed. Khalil-Sultan himself controlled only Maverannakhr, and even then he had to constantly fight rebellious feudal lords. In 1409, rebel warlords deprived him of the throne. The youngest son of Timur Shahrukh ascended to the throne.

War genius

Timur's mausoleum in Samarkand

Man of iron

The great commander corresponded to his name. Timur means "iron." The wounded body of the great Emir had amazing strength and endurance. He tolerated cold, heat, fatigue, thirst, hunger, long feasts and sleepless nights. Timur possessed unprecedented will power. Timur was rarely ill. And when he was sick, he did not lose his presence of mind. If he could not walk, he ordered himself to be carried on a stretcher, just not to stop. When the old and maimed he could not independently mount his horse, squires planted him in the saddle.

Timur was brave and was not afraid of death. In this case, without the benefit of the case did not set up. If you took a sword, then by necessity. In 1375 or 1376, in Tien Shan, he was ambushed from which he “wielded with a spear, club, saber and lasso”. In 1395, during the battle on the River Terek, he fought like a simple warrior, "with a saber, as the arrows ran out and the spear broke."

This iron man did not allow the weaknesses of themselves and anyone else. He knew human nature well and demanded a lot, but he knew the capabilities of his subordinates. The soldiers understood him, obeyed and followed him in enterprises that seemed impossible. Timur has always acted with the confidence of a genuine chess player. He was rarely contradicted. When someone complained, he would become enraged, all the more terrible, because it rarely happened to him. Behind him had the reputation of a sober, but if necessary, organizing feasts, Timur could drink a lot, while maintaining clarity of mind and controlling himself. In difficult moments he loved to play chess. The infinite love of this game, which he had been fascinated with since childhood, and of which he was considered a master, distracted him from worries, relieved nervous tension.

Timur was sure that he was right. He believed that he was an instrument of fate, in his mission. In this opinion he was convinced by everything: victory; hazards that have been avoided; that he managed to impose his will on everyone. In the shamanist, Turkic-Mongolian and Chinese traditions, the sovereign maintained with God the special relations that exist between the main shaman and Heaven. The sovereign is regarded as the Son of Heaven, as a being "who appeared from Heaven, similar to Heaven and manifested by Heaven." At the same time, Timur had the so-called. parapsychic properties. With a sharp look, almost unbearable, he pierced interlocutors, anticipating their reaction and responses. He penetrated into the thoughts of others, the secret intentions of the enemies and, with astonishing inerrancy, foresaw the development of events. His intuition sometimes literally performed miracles. On it found insights. Often, taking this or that decision was made by Timur not his mind, which he was not denied, but something else, “divine pressure”. The great Emir had night visions that forced him to take one decision or another. His enemies said that he was ruled by Satan, and his friends were an angel, referring to those spirits who were previously worshiped by the Turks and the Mughals.

Timur himself was sure that he was acting on behalf of God and in accordance with his will. He often showed his piety. He uttered hot prayers in moments of great joy and under the influence of intense experiences. Having won the victory over Tokhtamysh, Timur fell to the ground to thank God for the victory given. Chromets respectful of the sheikhs, priests and descendants of the prophet, often talked with them. Since childhood, maintained relations with dervishes. Timur was well aware of the Muslim laws, although he interpreted them freely. So, he alternated the ban on drinking wine with the organization of booze, which corresponded to the shamanic rite.

On the other hand, the traditions of shamanism (paganism) were still strong. The ancient religion, despite the brutal repression, still held in the people. Ibn Arabshah saw in Timur a “bad Muslim” who “preferred Chinggiskhan’s law to the law of Islam”. In the empire of Timur, especially Khorasan and Mogulistan, there were still many genera that adhered to old traditions. No wonder that Timur’s empire and pagan roots can be noted in its behavior. Tellingly, Timur and his descendants tried to associate themselves with the genus of Genghis Khan. Timur’s propaganda proved that he acted according to tradition and, to some extent, followed the will of Genghis Khan himself.

In the tomb of Timur Gur Emir in Samarkand on a large dark green jade gravestone in Arabic script in Arabic and Persian languages ​​was written: “This is the tomb of the great Sultan, the gracious hakan of Emir Timur Gurgan; the son of Emir Taragay, the son of Emir Bergul, the son of Emir Aylangir, the son of Emir Anjil, the son of Kara Charnuyan, the son of Emir Sigunchin, the son of Emir Irdanchi-Barlas, the son of Emir Kachulaya, the son of Tumnay Khan. This is the 9 generation. Genghis Khan comes from the same kind from which the grandfathers of the venerable Sultan, buried in this sacred and beautiful tomb, are descended: Hakan-Chingiz-son. Emir Maysukai-Bahadur, son of Emir Barnan-Bahadur, son of Kabul-Khan, son of the aforementioned Tumnay-Khan, son of Emir Baysungara, son of Qaidu-Khan, son of Emir Tutumtin, son of Emir-Buk, son of Emir-Buzandzhar. Who wants to know further, let it be known to him: the mother of the latter was called Alankuva, who was distinguished by honesty and her impeccable morality. She once became pregnant by a wolf, who came to her in the opening of the room and, taking the form of a man, announced that he was a descendant of the ruler of the faithful Aliya, son of Abu Talib. This testimony given by her is taken as true. Well-off descendants of her will own the world forever. "

Legend of Tamerlane's grave

Until now, a lot of people sincerely believe that the beginning of World War II is related to the fact that in 1941 in Samarkand the eternal peace of “Sultan of Peace of Timur Gurgan” was disturbed, as the inscription on the mausoleum says. Indeed, the remains of the great conqueror were removed from under the huge tombstone of the jade plate (which the famous Ulugbek once brought from Mogulistan to his grandfather) in order to reconstruct the appearance of an ancient eastern warrior.

According to the legend, the source and time of occurrence of which is not possible to establish, there is a prediction that if Timur’s dust will be disturbed, a great and terrible war will begin, which she did not know equal story. The inscription on the jade tombstone reads: "Anyone who disrupts my peace in this life or in the next will suffer and will perish." In principle, such an inscription is not surprising. From ancient times, such curses frightened tomb raiders, and very few people paid attention to such things (almost all tombs and burial mounds were looted in ancient times).

In the forties of the 20th century, when searching for the burial of Timur, there were long debates about where exactly his dust should be searched for. Some scholars insisted that the great conqueror, along with his treasures, rest in his native village of Kesh, others claimed that Gur-Emir was in Samarkand in the mausoleum. After lengthy disputes, it was decided to start a search in the capital of the empire Timur. The excavations began on 16 June 1941, by a group of Soviet scientists, accompanied by experts from the Leningrad Hermitage under the leadership of anthropologist M. M. Gerasimov. One of the main tasks of the expedition was the documentation of the authenticity of the burial of Timur, because despite the initiatory inscription, which itself did not prove anything, many researchers continued to doubt whether Chromets rested in Gur-Emir. The guardian of the memorial, eighty-year-old Masud Alaev, having been horrified, showed the group to the inscription inscribed on the tomb of Tamerlane, and explained that according to legend, invisible forces protect it from all sorts of touches. Those who disobey this warning and disturb the peace of the dead, will release the Spirit of war and unleash terrible disasters on the world. Just in case, for reinsurance, they reported this to Moscow. In response, an order came: arrest Alaev for spreading false and panic rumors, the tomb must be opened immediately.

After they lifted the slab closing the grave, and the weight of these jade plates reached several tons, and in order to move them, special winches were made and the first coffin was unpacked, wonderful aromas soared in the air. This can be explained by the use of aromatic oils and incense in the burial. However, immediately after this event, there was talk of “Spirit of Timur” among local residents. The first remains found belonged to Tamerlan’s son and grandson. The remains of Shahrukh, the son of Timur, were poorly preserved, the bones of the grandson of Ulugbek were in much better condition. The body of the latter was decapitated, which proved: it was Ulugbek, who was beheaded for betraying his faith for the sake of science, namely, for his passion for astronomy. So, 21 June 1941 of the year, less than a day before Hitler's Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the burial of the great Asian warrior was revealed.

At the opening of the grave of Timur himself under a green jade plate was found a wooden coffin no different from the modern ones. And here begins a series of no less mysterious phenomena, which themselves, of course, could hardly be called mysterious, if not to associate them with the name of the commander and his posthumous "curse." With the help of special measuring devices in the tomb of Tamerlane an extremely strong magnetic field was recorded. Locals said that they had repeatedly observed the strange glow of the tomb in the dark. At the opening of the coffin the winch broke, the researchers had to move it with their hands; searchlights were constantly going out. The pleasant aromas that filled the tomb after opening the graves of the son and grandson of Timur, replaced the fetid caustic stench from which the respirators did not save and hurt the eyes. All these small and meaningless in any other circumstances, the details most negatively affected the state of the members of the working group, whose nerves were already extremely tense. It is not surprising that as soon as all this began to occur, rumors about Tamerlane’s curse immediately spread. At night, unfamiliar old people approached the working group, who begged to close Tamerlane’s coffin and not touch his ashes, otherwise something terrible would happen: “There will be a massacre so bloody and terrible that the world has never seen forever.”

After opening the coffin, scientists discovered a very poorly preserved embalmed body. The remains, which lay in the coffin, once belonged to a man of considerable growth for the inhabitants of Central Asia (approximately 170 cm, and possibly higher), with a large head, high forehead and broad shoulders. One of the dorsal vertebrae was severely deformed, as was the case with all of the Timurid family. Scientifically confirmed Gerasimov's lameness and dry-wittedness complemented the portrait. There was no doubt - before the scientists lay the body of the greatest commander Timur. Joy archaeologists had no end. And in the morning they announced on the radio that the Great Patriotic War had begun ...

The remains of Tamerlane and his descendants - Shah Rukh, Ulugbek, Mohammed, Miranshah, as well as Timur’s spiritual mentor of the Muslim sheikh from Medina Mir Seyid Bereke and Shah Hoxha - were returned to their tombs on December 19 of the year 20.

Ibn arabshah The history of Amir Temur // http://www.vostlit.info/haupt-Dateien/index-Dateien/I.phtml?id=2049.
Karnatsevich V. Ten geniuses of war. M., 2005.
Lemb G. Tamerlane. Shocker of the universe. M., 2008.
Petrosyan Yu. Ottoman Empire. M, 2013.
Potapov G. Persian Empire. M., 2013.
Ru J.P. Tamerlane M., 2007.
Tamerlane Oriental literature // http://www.vostlit.info/haupt-Dateien/index-Dateien/T.phtml?id=2059.
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  1. PKK
    April 22 2016 06: 13
    It's good to be kidding. 1404 year! Well, how do you know what happened then? The flood? No, the flood was later.
    1. +11
      April 22 2016 06: 25
      Yeah, since I didn’t see, it means there wasn’t and in general we all starred in a jade turtle
  2. +1
    April 22 2016 07: 17
    It turns out Hitler is not to blame for the attack on the USSR, but the Soviets themselves are to blame ... it was not necessary to get the corpse of Tamerlane smile
    1. +6
      April 22 2016 11: 03
      ... rumors immediately spread of the curse of Tamerlane. At night, unfamiliar old men approached the working group and begged to close Tamerlane’s coffin. and do not touch his ashes, otherwise something terrible will certainly happen: "And the massacre will be so bloody and terrible, which the world has not seen forever and ever."

      There is a film about the autopsy of Tamerlane’s tomb, they talk about the fact that they later searched for the old men (these were not fictitious, but they really looked for the Cheka) - but they were not found and no one saw them ... it seems like a mystic, but told by a witness of those events ....


      P.S. He visited Samarkand, was at the tomb of Tamerlane and not only ....
      1. -6
        April 22 2016 12: 08
        Quote: gray smeet
        P.S. He visited Samarkand, was at the tomb of Tamerlane and not only ....

        belay ...what!? And had to lie in it?
        1. +5
          April 22 2016 13: 24
          Quote: Chen
          Quote: gray smeet
          P.S. He visited Samarkand, was at the tomb of Tamerlane and not only ....

          belay ...what!? And had to lie in it?

          Not funny...
          And I can tell you a lot about Samarkand!
          not minus you
      2. 0
        April 24 2016 14: 30
        I heard that there were almost unrest before the autopsy
      3. 0
        10 December 2016 17: 34
        gray smeet
        There is a film about the autopsy of Tamerlane’s tomb, they talk about the fact that they later searched for the old men (these were not fictitious, but they really looked for the Cheka) - but they were not found and no one saw them ... it seems like a mystic, but told by a witness of those events ....

        What is a Cheka in 1941?
  3. +4
    April 22 2016 07: 37
    The troops crossed the Syr Darya on the ice...Mdaa the weather was ..
    In Bashkir mythology there is an ancient legend about Tamerlan. According to him, it was by order of Tamerlan in 1395-96 that the mausoleum of Hussein-bey was built - the first distributor of Islam among Bashkir tribes, since the commander, by chance finding a grave, decided to give great honors to him as a person who spread the Muslim culture. The legend is confirmed by the six graves of the military princes at the mausoleum, who for unknown reasons died along with part of the army during the winter camp. However, who specifically ordered the construction, Tamerlan or one of his commanders, is unknown.
    1. -2
      April 22 2016 11: 58
      ... Aladdin and Agraba, however, are just as real ..
    2. +5
      April 22 2016 19: 13
      In the south of the Chelyabinsk region is the so-called. "Tamerlane's tower. There are legends, according to which the daughter of Tamerlane, this formidable warrior of the past, is buried here. According to legend, Tamerlane's daughter fell in love with a commoner and fled with him. On the shore of the lake, Tamerlane's warriors overtook them. Not wanting to surrender, the lovers voluntarily passed away. After that Tamerlane ordered to build a gorgeous mausoleum over his daughter's grave.
      Scientists, however, deny this legend. It is known that the formidable Timur Tamerlane never appeared in these places.
      Only one thing is clear - the eastern girl buried under the mausoleum is not an ordinary one. The majestic mausoleum, jewelry, silk clothes clearly testify to its high status. Unfortunately, after so many centuries, we are unlikely to know for certain about the mysterious girl, her history and the mausoleum itself. "


      Kesene Mausoleum Tamerlan Tower Varna Chelyabinsk Region
      Photo by: Maxaonnn
  4. +4
    April 22 2016 07: 41
    Interestingly, the great empire crumbled as soon as its creator left for another world. So, as the creator of the empire, Timur did not become a model, failed, and perhaps did not manage to bring up a worthy change. And although history does not tolerate speculation, it would be interesting how its course would have changed if Timur had died five years later. However, China would also digest these conquerors, as happened before and after more than once.
    1. +1
      April 22 2016 07: 51
      He has lived quite a lot, China cannot be conquered in 5 years, so nothing would have changed
      1. +3
        April 22 2016 09: 14
        Quote: Cartalon
        He has lived quite a lot, China cannot be conquered in 5 years, so nothing would have changed

        Genghis Khan conquered the same - 1213-1214
        1. -2
          April 22 2016 09: 20
          What exactly in these years Genghis won the map look.
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. The comment was deleted.
          3. +3
            April 22 2016 10: 27
            Quote: Cartalon
            What exactly in these years Genghis won the map look.
            1. 0
              April 22 2016 10: 38
              In 1213-1214 he conquered all this? And at the time of death, look.
              1. +2
                April 22 2016 15: 00
                Northern China, he conquered the Qin Empire during these years (1213-1214)
                1. 0
                  April 22 2016 15: 12
                  The Qin Empire was conquered under Ogedea, and what you write is a successful company in Manjuria, it does not pull you to conquer China
            2. 0
              April 22 2016 11: 54
              ... this is complete idiocy .. You don’t use horses in coniferous forests and ridges, there’s nothing to feed ... and there are no roads ..
              1. 0
                April 23 2016 11: 08
                Southern Manchuria is the steppe. Ver well, you seriously ass ... whether.
    2. +2
      April 22 2016 08: 32
      Yeah. Great Tamerlane. How many enemies he defeated, how many people he exterminated. But in the end, what did he bring to the world, what remained after him? Dust.
      1. +2
        April 22 2016 15: 59
        The spread of the Ottoman Empire slowed down, thanks already ..... Great memory, this is after Chubais dust.
    3. 0
      April 22 2016 15: 53
      And whom did China digest, please remind?
  5. +5
    April 22 2016 07: 46
    Reconstruction of the exterior of Tamerlane, the work of an anthropologist, archaeologist and sculptor Mikhail Mikhailovich Gerasimov.
    1. +6
      April 22 2016 10: 51
      Strongly undermined my faith in the reconstruction of Gerasimov, his reconstruction of the appearance of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. If the chronicles spoke of his beautiful appearance, then Gerasimov came out with some roughly speaking "ugliness", and, what is remarkable, with a strongly expressed Mogoloid.
      Indeed, reconstructions carried out at a later time and with more advanced methods showed that Bogolyubsky did not have any Mongoloidity at all and that he had a completely normal Central European appearance with completely normal facial features.
      Gerasimov, apparently, was influenced by the fact that Bogolyubky's mother was a Polovtsian and he, for some reason considering the Polovtsians Mongoloids, gave him "oriental features", which indicates a very strong subjective factor in Gerasimov's reconstructions (and only about the shape and length of beards , mustache and hairstyles even say no).
      1. +1
        April 22 2016 17: 25
        And here is "Prince Svyatoslav. From the high relief of St. George's Cathedral in Yuryev-Polsky, first half of the XIII century. There is also the Nevsky image from the posthumous veil http://www.obivatel.com/img/pix/1231500149Nevskiy.JPG
        1. 0
          10 December 2016 18: 09
          Nevsky has a mother from the same steppe as Bogolyubsky. So, there is nothing surprising. In general, at that time, for princes, marriage to Polovtsian princesses was commonplace.
      2. -3
        April 23 2016 11: 10
        Do not be racist. Gerasimov is recognized worldwide, unlike some.
      3. 0
        10 December 2016 17: 06
        alebor "then Gerasimov came out with some roughly speaking" ugliness ", and, what is remarkable, with a strongly expressed Mogoloid."
        You should not drive Gerasimov. If you knew that Andrei Bogolyubsky had a Polovtsian mother, you wouldn’t write stupidity.)))
    2. The comment was deleted.
  6. +2
    April 22 2016 08: 27
    Indeed, you need to know the story. Gorbachev came - ruined the great empire - the USSR. Parallels with the empire of Timur are simply one to one.
    1. 0
      10 December 2016 17: 40
      snowcloth April 22, 2016 08:27
      Indeed, you need to know the story. Gorbachev came - ruined the great empire - the USSR. Parallels with the empire of Timur are simply one to one.

      Most likely not parallels. but the opposite. One created a huge empire, and the other betrayed and collapsed.
  7. +3
    April 22 2016 08: 43
    Thank you for the article.
  8. +10
    April 22 2016 08: 50
    An interesting moment, while preparing the campaign, Timur thought over everything: roads, transport, food, as it should be during the war and, on the other hand, the Mongols: in winter, without forage, food is just what it takes. Remember our winters, try to survive, even if capturing villages, cities and getting food and fodder, how you can feed 200 thousand people and 600 thousand horses. Russia at that time was not a densely populated country and settlements did not meet at every turn. And the second thing is that the surviving people and cattle ate, if the Mongols raked everything clean, for their food. With age, you begin to ask questions without taking everything on faith.
    1. 0
      April 22 2016 09: 19
      And what is the connection between 200 thousand and Russia in the winter, Timur did not go to Russia.
      1. +4
        April 22 2016 10: 13
        Timur just went to Russia. He took the city of Yelets and turned back. The reasons are called different. Thank you for an interesting article.
        1. 0
          April 22 2016 12: 01
          Then he did not have 200 thousand.
  9. +1
    April 22 2016 10: 32
    Quote: igorra
    what the survivors and cattle ate, if the Mongols raked everything clean, for their food. With age, you begin to ask questions without taking everything on faith.

    How many marching troops will take? Who can feed and how will troops return to their homeland? Napoleon took Moscow and lost the army during the retreat. There was nothing to feed the army. It hurts too easily to move hundreds of thousands to thousands of kilometers. More like a legend than a real number of troops.
    1. +2
      April 22 2016 10: 55
      Well, it started, because Timur moved the troops over long distances, it just said that he had them differently, not even big losses would have affected the combat efficiency, how many troops he had, we don’t know the documentary list, and the chroniclers are free the numbers included, and Timur himself conducted propaganda, based on the fact that Timur always acted as one group, it is unlikely that he gathered more than 150 tons of people together, Napoleon’s example in Russia is not correct too different conditions.
  10. 0
    April 22 2016 10: 59
    The story-image is collective, drawn from several sources, i.e. if you refute any research, etc., then in addition to your opinion, something else more affirmative is needed.

    Quote: surozh
    Indeed, you need to know the story. Gorbachev came - ruined the great empire - the USSR. Parallels with the empire of Timur are simply one to one.

    And I disagree about one MS Gorbachev. If we take the post-war period or, more precisely, the "pre-Khrushchev" period, people have restored the COUNTRY in a very short time, this indicates a high potential. And then, instead of further development and increasing welfare, several "collective farmers" were at the helm, who put an end to the history of the country of soviets.

    Still sitting in the kitchens on stools with unscrewing legs.
  11. +2
    April 22 2016 11: 34
    There is a legend, Timur was menacing, but valued courage and resourcefulness

    The Sufi poet Hafiz of Shiraz wrote the famous lines:
    If only a Turkish woman living in the far Shiraz region,
    My heart will take in his hand.
    For one of her moles I give Bukhara!
    And he wants to, let Samarkand take it.

    And so, taking Shiraz, Timur ordered to bring the poet Hafiz. After some time, the famous poet who was dressed in a simple bathrobe was brought to him. And the conqueror said to the poet, alluding to the well-known quatrain: “Oh miserable! I spent my whole life in order to decorate and exalt two of my favorite cities: Samarkand and Bukhara, and you want to give them away for a whore! Hafiz, pointing to the holes of his robe, replied: “O master of the faithful! Because of my generosity, I am in such poverty. ” Timur appreciated the poet’s quick wit — he laughed, ordered Hafiz to be given a luxurious robe, and let him go.

    In fairness, it should be noted that Shiraz was completely plundered.
  12. -2
    April 22 2016 11: 35
    Quote: PKK
    It's good to be kidding. 1404 year! Well, how do you know what happened then? The flood? No, the flood was later.

    Quote: PKK
    It's good to be kidding. 1404 year! Well, how do you know what happened then? The flood? No, the flood was later.

    Do not you understand? The author of the article is the direct and only descendant of Timur. He has his travel notes, staff maps and memoirs .. And also a description of his funeral and a medical book ...
  13. +1
    April 22 2016 15: 53
    Eternal Glory to the warrior!
    1. +1
      April 22 2016 19: 55
      Quote: Robert Nevsky
      Eternal Glory to the warrior!

      I had to live in Samarkand. Was in Gur-Emir.
      It was said that the head of India, Jawaharl Nehru, while in the USSR, asked to visit the grave of Timur. He was led to the mausoleum. He went to the tombstone, spat on him and rubbed his foot. This is because of his atrocities against the captive Indians (ordered the execution of 100000 prisoners).
      1. aba
        April 23 2016 00: 30
        He went to the tombstone, spat on it and rubbed his foot.

        Hmmm ... A very "worthy act" for a great man.
  14. 0
    April 22 2016 17: 45
    Quote: alebor
    ... If the chronicles spoke of his beautiful external appearance, then Gerasimov came out with some roughly speaking "ugliness", and, what is remarkable, with a strongly pronounced Mogoloid.

    Quote: alebor
    Gerasimov, apparently, was influenced by the fact that Bogolyubky's mother was a Polovtsian and he, for some reason considering the Polovtsians Mongoloids, gave him "eastern features"

    You are absolutely right. Most likely Germasimov repeatedly introduced distortions in his reconstruction. Although the presence of Polovtsian people with a high degree of Mongoloidity cannot be denied.

    Quote: Cartalon
    Yes, and Timur himself conducted propaganda, based on the fact that Timur always acted as one group, it is unlikely that he gathered more 150 people together, Napoleon’s example in Russia is not correct too different conditions.
    Yes, how to say - not correct. Or maybe correct? The way of managing in general hasn’t really changed much ?! not ?
    1. 0
      April 22 2016 21: 21
      As if the middle lane and the middle east are different, and the regular infantry looks a little like the horse gallows of Timur
  15. 0
    April 22 2016 20: 53
    Yes, good. At first the gods were angry by opening the grave. Then they circled Moscow with the icon and won! The mind of the isoterics is bizarre ...
  16. +1
    April 23 2016 11: 16
    An excerpt from the text of the "Author" amused: "She once became pregnant from a wolf, which appeared to her in the opening of the room and, taking on the image of a man." What a "hole in the room". There is no need to mutilate the primary sources. This is the so-called "toono" - a window in the upper part of the yurt.
  17. +1
    April 24 2016 12: 40
    Quote: Cartalon
    As if the middle lane and the middle east are different, and the regular infantry looks a little like the horse gallows of Timur

    I am talking about the way of managing and about the way of providing food for the armies. In the 18 century and at the beginning of the 19 under Napoleon, only the way of technical support changed due to the introduction of factory production, but they ate and delivered to the front what to eat - just like in the era of Timur.

    And the result - more than 120-150 thousand in one place Napoleon did not collect, and then using the principle - "we go separately, we fight together", the main armies 60-80 thousand, 200 thousand - only for a short period a couple of times and at once " downsized ".

    The situation changed radically with the appearance of the steam fleet in the middle of the 19th century and especially with the development of railways in the second half of the 19th century, when it became possible to supply huge masses of troops "from wheels."
  18. 0
    22 June 2016 22: 16
    That's interesting: they write that Tamerlan erected pyramids from the skulls of executed enemies, up to 700000 skulls. I don’t know for sure whether this is true, but in that case, why is he better than Hitler? Or is it not genocide, because entire nations were destroyed, and in Central Asia they almost idolize him?
  19. 0
    27 December 2016 21: 58
    As if the author on a camomile considers cavalry from 100 to 200 thousand. Or maybe from zero to 10?
    1. +2
      31 December 2016 15: 47
      Of course, you calculated and mathematically calculated that the Soviet Army should not have liberated Poland until the Wehrmacht and the SS cleaned it up. As soon as the Israelis tolerate such a bastard?