Seven-year march and defeat of the Ottoman state

Seven-year march and defeat of the Ottoman state

Immediately upon his return from India, Timur set about preparing a large seven-year campaign against the West. He gave the troops a salary for 7 years, partly over the past time, and partly forward. It should be noted that the conqueror always carefully hid the route of the next campaign even from those close to him. And this time he was in no hurry to reveal the cards. True, there was no particular secret in where the Iron Khromets was going.

The riots continued in the possession of a crazy Miran Shah. In 1393, Timur appointed his 27-year-old son as governor of northern Iran, Iraq. The center of governorship was the city of Sultania in northern Iran. The tragic fall from a horse in the fall of 1396 had a negative impact on the health of Miran Shah. He injured his head and face during this fall. Skillful doctors and surgeons did their best and regained his physical health, but his consciousness remained clouded - “the fog enveloped the balanced center of his consciousness”.

Miran Shah drank, depraved, played, uncontrollably wasting his fortune. Committed unreasonable atrocities. He ordered to throw out the remains of the once famous people from the graves, destroyed monuments. Executed even those who enjoyed the patronage of Timur. Absolutely not engaged in public affairs, which led to several uprisings. Dignitaries used the madness of the ruler in their own interests, unrestrainedly enriched.

In addition, Timur’s concerns were caused by the strengthening of the neighboring powers. The positions of the Egyptian Sultan Faraj and the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid strengthened. Back in 1393, the ambitious predecessor of Faraj Barkuk ordered to kill the ambassadors of Timur, and then he himself was killed by the people of the latter. His son Faraj entered into an alliance with Bayazid. Bayazid Yildirim, which means Lightning, generally had reason to consider himself a no less gifted commander than Khromets. In 1389, in the battle of Kosovo, in which the Ottomans won a convincing victory over the Serbs, Bayazid was one of the commanders of his father’s army, Sultan Murad. Murad was killed by the Serbian knight Milos Obilic, and the board immediately took Bayazid in his hands. In the battle of Kosovo, the Serb army was defeated. Bayazid brutally avenged the murder of his father, exterminating most of the Serbian nobility who were on the Kosovo field. Serbia became a vassal of the Ottoman state. Fearing a conflict over inheritance, Bayazid, after gaining power, ordered to strangle his brother Yakub, while he, unaware of the death of the Sultan, was in Anatolia. Bayazid introduced fratricide into practice, which was deeply rooted in stories Ottoman dynasty. It was believed that the murder is preferable to possible conflicts between brothers.

After the conquest of Serbia, Bayazid completed the conquest of Anatolia. In 1389 — 1390 The Ottoman Sultan deployed troops to Anatolia and conducted a swift campaign, conquering the western Beylics Aydin, Sarukhan, Hermiyan, Menteshe and Hamid. As a result, the Ottomans reached the shores of the Aegean and Mediterranean seas, their state took the first steps towards the status of a maritime power. The nascent Ottoman fleet devastated the island of Chios and began to raid the coast of Attica. In 1390, Bayazid seized Konya, the capital of the large beylik Karaman. A year later, Karamansky Bey Ala ad-Din ibn Khalil resumed the war against Bayezid, but was defeated, captured and executed. After Karaman, the conquests of Kayseri, Sivas and the northern emirate of Kastamon followed, giving the Ottomans access to the port of Sinop on the Black Sea. Most of Anatolia was now in the grip of Bayazid. And the Ottoman state had access to the Mediterranean and Black Sea.

Then Bayazid, having strengthened the army with Anatolian troops, again invaded the Balkans. In 1393, the Ottoman army captured the capital of Bulgaria, the city of Tarnovo. The Bulgarian king John Shishman, who was a vassal of the Ottomans under Murad, was captured and killed in the 1395 year. Bulgaria finally lost its independence and for a long time became the province of the Ottoman Empire. In 1394, the Turks invaded Wallachia and captured it. In the same period, the Ottomans laid siege to Constantinople for the first time. In the 1394 year, the Turks invaded Greece, captured important strongholds in Thessaly, and continued the invasion of Morea. At the same time, most of Bosnia was conquered, and the conquest of Albania began. In 1396, in the battle of Nikopol, the Ottomans destroyed the army of the Crusaders. Having crushed the crusaders, Bayazid returned to Constantinople. The Ottoman fleet was defeated by the Christian ships of Marshal Busiko. However, Constantinople was under siege for six years, and its fall was inevitable. The millennial Byzantine Empire was in the balance from death. The invasion of the army of Timur was salutary for Constantinople.

At the same time, Bayazid intensified military activities in the east of his state. In 1400, he captured the city of Arzindzhan, where vassal Timur ruled. Also, at the court of Tamerlane, who declared himself the heir of Genghis Khan and the suzerain of all the Turkic rulers of Anatolia, rulers of small Beyliks conquered by the Ottomans found shelter. So the situation in the west of the Great Hromzez Power was very disturbing. Two great powers were to collide.

Hike to the West

However, in the winter of 1399, Timur’s army unexpectedly moved south. All of Asia had decided that Chromets went to check on the affairs of Shah Rukh, the ruler of Pakistan and Afghanistan. But in two transitions to Herat - the capital of Shakhrukh - Timur unexpectedly turned to the west and soon removed Miran Shah from his power in Sultania’s capital. The son of Tamerlan Pir-Mohammed became the emir of a huge ulus of Hulagu.

The campaign continued, although the nobility expressed discontent. After the wealth of India, the emirs did not want to fight. They indicated that the warriors had not yet rested after the Indian campaign. However, Timur said: “Victories do not depend on the number of soldiers, nor on their weapons, but only on the will of Allah.” And he added that his luck had never cheated him.

Timur reached the very borders of the state of the Ottoman Turks, in August 1400 took the cities of Sivas and Malatya, located in the fertile regions of Asia Minor, which Bayazid already considered as his possessions. In Sivas, several thousand Armenian Christians were buried alive in the land. From there, Iron Chromets again suddenly turned into the city of Aleppo (Aleppo), which belonged to the Egyptians, in Syria. Timur did not want to leave Egyptian troops on the flank of his operating line. Syrian-Egyptian troops could not resist Timur's iron army, and were swept away.

The fortress of Aleppo was considered impregnable. However, October 30 Aleppo was taken by deception. Timur made a promise not to shed a single drop of Muslim blood, and indeed the Christians were cut, but the Muslims, without any blood, were buried alive in the ground. In general, Timur was a true Muslim when it did not concern the war. So, about this "faithful Mohammedan" there is the following legend. When taking one Middle Eastern city, the warriors asked the Emir how to deal with the townspeople, among whom there were many representatives of different faiths, including Muslims. “Hack everyone,” Timur replied, “Allah in heaven will know his own!”

Hama and Homs surrendered without a fight, and therefore Timur imposed a light tribute on them. Then Damascus was stormed. Timur gave the city to plunder his soldiers. Skillful fighters, the Egyptian Mamelukes could not oppose anything to the Iron Hromtz military machine. The Egyptian army hid in the Sinai desert. Timur did not lead troops to Cairo. While the Ottomans could attack him from the Northern Iran, troops could not be led to Egypt.

In June, 1401, Timur’s army made a swift march to the east, leveling Mosul and Baghdad with the land. The fall of Baghdad was one of the most terrible pages in the history of wars. The Baghdadians resisted for a long 40 day siege (Timur had already captured the city in 1393 and his cruelty was well known). Having burst into the city, Timur did not spare anyone. “Towers” ​​were built from the heads, up to 90 thousand people were killed. All the monuments of Baghdad were destroyed. If in Uzbekistan Tamerlan is considered an enlightened ruler, a national hero, a unifier of the country, a defender against the Mongols and a patron of culture, then in Iraq, Iran, Syria for centuries, Timur was the embodiment of horror.

War with the Ottomans

Timur spent the winter in Georgia, after which he again went to the west. By that time, his relationship with Bayazid was already out of diplomacy. The rulers had time to exchange several sharp letters in which the Turkish sultan outdid the enemy in the art of insults. Timur, in fact, did not want to look like the instigator of the war, so he behaved quite courteously for a long time, but he did not hesitate to express himself in expressions and promised that he would not only take him for his harem, but also dishonor his beloved general’s wife.

Bayazid also promised to drive Timur to Tabriz and Sultania: “What does this poor guy interfere with? Does he not think that he is dealing with some wild tribe of highlanders or cowardly Indians? If he has become fit to fight, let him come. It will not come - I will find it myself and will drive it to Tabriz and Sultania. ”

In this case, apparently, it should be recognized as a mistake of Bayazid that he, so firmly speaking against the enemy on paper, did not stand up for Middle Eastern allies during the 1400-1401 campaign. Thus, Timur was able to deal with opponents in turn. Only in the winter, while the enemy was busy in the Caucasus, Bayazid sent detachments to Aleppo, Edessa and other cities. Probably, he wanted to wage war in the south, closer to the Egyptian ally, but Iron Chromez did not let him realize this plan and skillful movement, threatening to go to the rear of the sultan, forced him to return to war in northern Asia Minor. Perhaps, such a strategic mistake of Bayazid is connected with his moral and physical condition. His physical condition and mental abilities were undermined by drunkenness and riotous life.

By the spring, there were already about 800 thousand warriors in the armed forces of Timur’s empire. In April, 1402 of the year, his 200-thousandth army passes over to Kuru, goes to Erzerum, and then invades the northern Asian possessions of Bayazid, descending from the mountains to the Anatolian plain. In Anatolia, Timur's troops again plundered Sivas. Now the Ottoman Sultan had to start military actions. His ambassadors arrived in Sivas for negotiations. In their presence, Khromets conducted a review of the troops, during which the commanders of the troops, expressing to Timur their willingness to sacrifice everything for him, vowed not to leave a single shrub in the lands of his enemies, to plunder Anatolia and subvert the Ottomans. The ambassadors left impressed by the power of the enemy army and, probably, transferred this mood to many Turkish commanders.

In the meantime, the Ottoman ambassadors were visiting the Emir, he sent reconnaissance detachments in order to find out the location of the enemy and the general situation. Intelligence reported that the road to the nearest large city of Tokat (north of Angora - present-day Ankara) goes through the forest and is rather narrow. The Turkish troops, the intelligence officers said, appeared in the vicinity of Tokat and occupied all the ferries across the Kizil-Irmak river. Timur decided to cross the river in a more convenient place. To this end, the emir moved his forces first to Caesarea. He did not want to meet with the strong Turkish infantry in the forests and on narrow aisles. It was necessary to lure her to an open place where the equestrian army of Tamerlane would have a significant advantage. In addition, Timur was inclined to think that while it was necessary to act on the communications of the enemy, to exhaust him with small contractions. To interrupt the message of the Ottoman army with its capital, the city of Brouss, from Caesarea Timur made a surprising transition to Ankara for the number of troops he had. The city was besieged, and the army of Bayazid to remove the siege came to the plain. The Turks tried to enter the enemy in the rear, but Timur seemed to be ready for this. He retreated from Ankara, his army made a small transition and was strengthened by the camp on the same plain, to the northeast of the city.

Battle of angora

Chromets before the battle took a number of steps aimed at winning. Through his spies, Timur suggested that the Anatolian beyas, who were part of Bayazid's army, go over to his side, promising to give them a salary that was not paid by the Sultan for a long time. In addition, Timur ordered the implementation of engineering work. His people, with the help of a channel dug in the shortest possible time, diverted the water of a small river Chubuk to the side, into a specially prepared reservoir, thus depriving Bayazid's army of this necessary resource on the battlefield. It was dangerous to start a major battle with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, if there were no sources of water nearby. Especially in Asia Minor in the summer. The Ottoman sultan did not torment himself with such precautions. A few days before the battle, he also spent an optional hunt, exhausting his people.

There is no exact data on the number of two great armies. Timur's army could reach 140 thousand fighters. The number of Bayazid's army is 70-85 thousand people (according to other data - up to 200 thousand people). Bayazid built his troops back to the mountains, blocking the road leading from Angora-Ankara to the northeastern provinces with his left wing. The left wing was composed of Serbian vassal troops under the command of Stefan Lazarevic. They were distinguished by high combat capability. On the right wing stood the Anatolian troops under the command of Suleiman, the son of the Sultan. They consisted of Tatar detachments (18 thousand soldiers) and troops of the Anatolian Bey (also 18 thousands). In the center on a hill were janissaries, behind them in the valley - a cavalry reserve of heavy cavalry (sipahs). Thus, in the Turkish army was the most powerful center of combat order.

Timur's troops were lined up in three lines. The first line itself consisted of three sublines: first, the vanguard in the loose ranks, then the elephants, and finally, the main avant-garde with a solid line. The second line of Tamerlane consisted of cavalry advanced on the flanks. In the third line was a selective reserve.

The battle began with the fact that the right wing of Timur’s avant-garde attacked the Serbs. These attacks were repelled. Then the entire right flank of Timur's army fell on the Slavs. The aim of the Khromts offensive was to drive Bayazid’s army off the Ankara road and press it against the mountains. However, the Serbs fought fiercely and persevered. Timur, stingy in praise, whose face, according to Arab chronicles, for thirty years of aggressive activity has never softened a smile, even said to his retinue: "These broken heads are fighting like lions."

On the left wing of his warriors operated more successfully. Tatar riders and part of the Anatolian bey quickly spread to the side of the enemy. And Suleiman began to gradually retreat with the remaining troops to his west. His brothers also threw a battlefield with a part of the forces: Mohammed moved north-east to the mountains, Isa fled south.

On the right wing, Timur's troops again attacked the Serbs. Those were surrounded and cut off from the main forces of Bayazid, but were not embarrassed and went for a breakthrough. After a fierce battle, the Serbs could still break into the center and connect with the Janissaries. However, the forces were already unequal. The flanks of Bayazid were crushed and destroyed. In the end, the center of the Turkish army was thrown off the road and pushed back to the mountains. Timur threw his reserve to finish off the enemy.

The Serbs, realizing that the case was lost, began to retreat to Suleiman to the west, to Broussu. Prior to this withdrawal, Stephen offered to save the Sultan, but he expressed a desire to fight to the end. Soon his Janissaries were surrounded and all were killed. The same happened with a significant part of the Turkish equestrian reserve. Sultan Bayazid, with a small detachment, repelled the attacks of the enemy until nightfall, finally tried to break through from the battlefield, but his horse fell, captured him and presented to his sovereign one of the Khans of the Chagatai horde, Mamud. The pursuit of the main forces of the fleeing Turks lasted for five days. The Ottomans pursued the 30-th. horse body Suleiman barely managed to get to the sea, where he boarded a ship and hastily departed for Rumelia (the European possessions of the Ottomans in the Balkans). Suleiman established in Edirne (Adrianople).

Thus, in one of the largest battles in world history, Bayazid Lightning met with a much stronger rival. Khromets destroyed Bayazid’s army and destroyed its power. There is a legend that when the sultan was brought to Timur, he said: “It’s evident that fate doesn’t appreciate power and possession of vast kingdoms when it gives them to cripples - you, crooked, and I, the lame one” (Bayezid was one-eyed). The Ottoman Sultan was put in an iron cage and for some time was taken for Tamerlane. Sultan was forced to observe how his wives in a naked form serve the rival and his soldiers during feasts. 8 March 1403 year Bayazid died in captivity.

The warriors of Tamerlane after Ankara destroyed the Ottoman capital, Brousse and Izmir (Smyrna). In Brouss was captured a huge booty (the Ottomans many have been robbed in previous wars). Smyrna belonged to the Knights of Rhodes and the Ottomans had not previously been able to take the Christian city for many years. Timur blocked the city of December 2 1402 and two weeks later the powerful fortress fell. Timur, as usual, showed ingenuity, and his soldiers effectively implemented the master's plan. The Ottomans could not take the city, since it received help and supplies by sea. Not having a fleet, Timur found a way out. He ordered to build a huge dam of logs and cover them with hides. The sapper units under the cover of archers built a huge structure. The townspeople laughed at first, then tried to stop the work with torches and stones. And when help arrived from Rhodes and Cyprus, it was already too late. Instead of the cores, the heads of the killed citizens flew into the Christian ships.

The defeat at Ankor led to the collapse of the Ottoman state, which was accompanied by civil strife between the sons of Bayazid, the revolts of major feudal lords and the peasant war. The defeat of the Turks, which lost practically all its territory of Byzantium, gave a half-century delay.

However, Timur did not begin to transfer the war to Europe and to finish off the Ottoman state. He calmed down on his laurels. In 1404, Iron Khromets returned to Samarkand. Colossal territories were already in his hands: Maverannahr, Khorezm, Khorasan, Transcaucasia, Persia, Punjab. But this great conqueror was not enough. Timur had long cherished the dream of going to China.

Timur's western march
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51 comment
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  1. +9
    April 21 2016 06: 42
    Timur inflicted a heavy defeat on the Ottomans, but the Ottoman Empire did not break up .. and continued to exist, unlike the empire of Timur ..
    1. 0
      April 21 2016 07: 46
      The Byzantines didn’t transport the troops of one son Bayazid to Europe for the war with the other two sultanates could well be established
  2. Pig
    April 21 2016 07: 46
    the greatest commander!
    1. PKK
      April 21 2016 20: 12
      I admire historians. They know what happened 700 years ago, accurate to the day. And we do not know what was south of the Don 250 years ago.
      1. Pig
        April 21 2016 20: 36
        this is due to the fact that many historical sources, including written ones, have survived about Timur’s time ...
        1. +2
          April 22 2016 03: 53
          Quote: Pig
          this is due to the fact that many historical sources, including written ones, have survived about Timur’s time ...

          More sources than about the 18th century? Yes you’re a joker, my friend. Your sources are written, rewritten dozens of times, and moreover, were written by chroniclers who were controlled by the rulers.
      2. 0
        April 21 2016 20: 56
        They compose beautifully and lie unforgettably.
        The most beautiful thing is to lie about the insane number of ancient armies.
        1. Pig
          April 21 2016 21: 37
          so in the sources)))
  3. -4
    April 21 2016 08: 38
    That's interesting why he did not go to war with the Mongols.
    1. +4
      April 21 2016 10: 00
      who is he - Timur? So he dared the Golden Horde before that
  4. +4
    April 21 2016 08: 50
    Timur killed many people. He even took deceit and killed those who surrendered. He killed a lot of civilians, so Asia lagged behind Europe in development.
    1. 0
      April 21 2016 09: 03
      Black death killed more
  5. +6
    April 21 2016 09: 39
    Quote: Cartalon
    Black death killed more

    The plague, it’s just a virus, and these types are killed for fun. Definitely, at one time, mankind realizes the vileness of such timurchiks and throws their remains out of their mausoleums. So to think this is how much it was a brake on the development of human communities in the region where he appeared. His whole empire was just sadistic entertainment that had gained power. Therefore, it crumbled as he died.
    1. -5
      April 21 2016 15: 39
      Quote: Kentucky
      The plague is just a virus, and these types are killed for fun.

      and you do not at all admit that these heaps of skulls tied to Tamerlane are not a murder of the population, but a sweeping of the territory from the corpses of the dead by a devastated plague!
      Mikhail Matyugin Today, 11:39
      This is for sure, while the "black death" was active throughout Eurasia from Korea to Spain, and is a common negative factor for all countries.

      and a similar interpretation, as in this article, or anything else as an attempt to create an antithesis from subjects? ...
      but in general, the selected text, just the territory conquered by the Ataman empire!
      1. 0
        April 22 2016 08: 29
        and you do not at all admit that these heaps of skulls tied to Tamerlane are not a murder of the population, but a sweeping of the territory from the corpses of the dead by a devastated plague!

        Of course! Timur was just a forest nurse.
  6. -3
    April 21 2016 10: 06
    Two disabled people did not share Asia. Tamerlan is on a par with the greatest commanders.
  7. +1
    April 21 2016 10: 49
    An interesting article. I read about Timur at Balashov, about the Russian campaign and the battle with the Horde at Kondurch, but did not know that he had also visited India .. That’s yeah ..
  8. +7
    April 21 2016 10: 55
    “Chop all,” Timur answered, “Allah in heaven will know his own!” - something, this phrase reminds me of this: “Kill everyone, the Lord recognizes his own!” - said by Arnold Amalric 150 years before Timur during the massacre in Beziers. How did you even hear about this legend of Tamerlane?

    In the first article from this cycle, you write that the army of Timur during his reign reached a maximum of 200 thousand. man. In the same article you write: "By the spring, the armed forces of Timur's empire already had about 800 thousand soldiers. In April 1402, his 200-thousand-strong army crossed the Kuru ..." - where did Timur put another 600 thousand people while going to the Ottomans and how did he manage to feed so many mouths with medieval logistics?))

    PS Why do I have a Romanian flag in the message? smile
    1. +1
      April 21 2016 11: 56
      800 thousand fl propaganda of Timur himself
    2. +3
      April 21 2016 14: 05
      Quote: ainur88
      where Timur gave another 600 thousand people while he went to the Ottomans

      Everything is logical. Not a single large state can put all its troops on one battlefield - there are always borders, fortresses and other points of the necessary application of forces.
      It is difficult to judge the accuracy of numbers in relation to the kingdom of Timur. But there are much more recent and better documented examples. Napoleon had about 600000 soldiers under arms when he started the war of 1812. But for some reason in the battle of Borodino from Napoleon only ~ 138000 stood in operation. For some reason, no one asks the question where Napoleon did the rest ~ 460000 of his soldiers, everything is clear to everyone.
      And by the way, the logistics in the time of Timur did not differ too much from the logistics in the time of Napoleon - pack horses and carts (neither one nor the other had a railway and transport aircraft). But somehow, after all, Napoleon managed to organize campaigns! But Napoleon still had to carry artillery, ammunition with him, and a lot of everything that Timur’s ghouls did not need at all on the campaign. Accordingly, Timur was much simpler in this regard than the same Napoleon.
      1. +1
        April 22 2016 04: 03
        Quote: devastator
        And by the way, the logistics in the time of Timur did not differ too much from the logistics in the time of Napoleon - pack horses and carts (neither one nor the other had a railway and transport aircraft). But somehow, after all, Napoleon managed to organize campaigns!

        Well, you compared. Napoleon walked through Europe with cities, rural villages, roads. For example, Grew. The empire could not have in Turkestan at the same time more than 20k people. Only Skobelev laying the railway was able to bring the army to 50k people.
    3. +2
      April 21 2016 14: 14
      Quote: ainur88
      How did you even hear about this legend of Tamerlane?

      this phrase and during the massacre of the Huguenots in France in 1,5 centuries ... people think the same way that you can do it!
      and also a very fine line!
      The defeat at Anchor led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, accompanied by civil strife between the sons of Bayazid, the rebellions of large feudal lords and the peasant war.
      and already in 1422, an unsuccessful, but attempt to take Constantinople
      Last time, this attempt was made by his father Murad II in the summer of 1422. At that time, the Turkish army did not have either a sufficient fleet or powerful artillery.
      and already in 1453 they take it! lively!
      in general, potentially, there is a probability, and not small, but for this we need the consolidation of rulers and society, and here the emphasis is on the opposite ...
      about the Turks!
      Pavel Shlykov: Yes, the Turkish Republic, proclaimed in 1923, was deliberately built as the antithesis of the Ottoman Empire, which collapsed after the defeat in the First World War. According to the plan of Mustafa Kemal, she was to reveal a fundamentally new type of state, including the political system with its legislative base, socio-political and state institutions. The reason is not only that the republic was created in the fire and whirlwind of revolutionary change. The main thing here, in my opinion, is the coexistence and confrontation in the 1920s of two political elites close in potential: the “new” (Kemalist) and the “old” (Ottoman). (Http:// smeetsya-posledney.html)
      Turkey appeared as the antithesis of the Ottoman Empire! and this is to make it clear how Ukraine is for Russia!
      about Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, too, in those days, well, somehow it is doubtful! especially because of the others, these names are not used in that era!
      but in general, if it is necessary to divide society, find conflict, highlight contradictions, create an antithesis, put into life, and ... please, “ala, ukrayh” ...
      well, or what it is about.
      moreover, if in this case the antithesis is achieved by creating a nation, the same thing happens with religion in parallel, tearing it away from indigenous beliefs, and if the population is the same, then one can lead to different things by radicalizing the religion of one of the parties!
    4. 0
      April 21 2016 14: 35
      Because you are a Bulgarian.
  9. -1
    April 21 2016 11: 39
    Quote: Pig
    the greatest commander!
    I don’t know what he is the greatest commander in, except in your imagination. As a military organizer, yes. And so trite broke quantity.

    Quote: Cartalon
    Black death killed more
    This is for sure, while the "black death" was active throughout Eurasia from Korea to Spain, and is a common negative factor for all countries.
    1. +2
      April 21 2016 11: 58
      Given that we do not know the strength of either Timur’s troops or his opponents, your statement is not justified, it was unlikely that he could smash the numbers in India and against the Horde
    2. +3
      April 21 2016 14: 41
      Tamerlane was a commander and conqueror who played a significant role in the history of Central, South and Western Asia, as well as the Caucasus, the Volga region and Russia. The commander, the founder of the Timurid empire (1370) with the capital in Samarkand. "Read the story from the beginning, the wise guy before reproaching others, you dare to put minuses to people.
    3. +1
      April 21 2016 15: 14
      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
      And so trite broke quantity.

      the Germans also think that the councils threw corpses, meat :)
  10. +3
    April 21 2016 12: 12
    In Delhi, 100 thousand, in Baghdad 90 thousand, everywhere at least 50 thousand men, women, children and the elderly killed. A million, or even two, ruined lives and built hundreds of pyramids of human skulls. The real Count Dracula was resting next to him.
    1. +2
      April 21 2016 14: 21
      Quote: Adik89
      In Delhi, 100 thousand, in Baghdad 90 thousand, everywhere at least 50 thousand men, women, children and the elderly killed. A million, or even two, ruined lives and built hundreds of pyramids of human skulls. The real Count Dracula was resting next to him.

      laughing in general, such descriptions remind me of the description of the period of Stalin's rule! and what, even the names are the same laughing and so, a few years ago, at least Poland, I tried to take off about Stalin about this topic, then the GDP somewhat cooled their ardor, by the way, immediately the rhetoric of the Priboltoff changed, only the occupation of the USSR remained, the campaign and after Tamerlane were the same West events were held !!! laughing
      1. 0
        April 24 2016 07: 44
        Quote: SpnSr
        in general, such descriptions remind me of the description of the period of Stalin's rule! and what, even the names are the same

        you still wait, another 50 years will pass and they will say that Stalin personally strangled 50 million people and will believe, because the more time passes with each story, Beowulf's Hydra’s heads became more and more laughing
    2. 0
      April 21 2016 16: 08
      All these figures are taken from the ceiling, a lot of people were killed, how many do not know.
  11. +2
    April 21 2016 12: 35
    Quote: Cartalon
    800 thousand fl propaganda of Timur himself

    well, it’s necessary to write that according to Tamerlane he had 800 thousand people, and not write as a matter of course. Or did the author succumb to Tamerlane propaganda?))
  12. -1
    April 21 2016 13: 56
    Quote: Starshina wmf
    That's interesting why he did not go to war with the Mongols.

    ..Mongolia was founded in 1920 .. In those days, the Mongols did not exist even in the project ..
    1. +1
      April 21 2016 15: 19
      Quote: ver_
      ..Mongolia was founded in 1920 .. In those days, the Mongols did not exist even in the project ..

      The German Empire was organized in 1870, so there were no Germans nations in the project then, and until that time no German state existed :)

      P.S. like onions do not call sweet, he will not :)
      1. Riv
        April 21 2016 17: 55
        Recently, in a previous article about Timur, someone said: "What language did the Ottomans speak? Ottoman or what?" Well, he did not know that the Ottomans are not a people. This is the dynasty of Turkish sultans, named after the first of them: Osman. And they really spoke Ottoman, not Turkish.

        Roughly the same incident with Mongolia. Until the 20th century, the nation did not actually exist. The people consisted of separate, independent clans, none of which considered themselves "Mongols" and did not associate with any state. The territory itself belonged to China.
      2. Riv
        April 21 2016 19: 21
        Call the onion "freebie" - it will be sweet right away. :)
      3. -1
        April 22 2016 04: 08
        Quote: Max_Bauder
        The German Empire was organized in 1870, so there were no Germans nations in the project then, and until that time no German state existed :)

        Do not lie . There was the Roman Empire of the German nation, and then the German Union. The Mongols never had their own state.
        1. +1
          April 22 2016 15: 12
          Quotation: blooded man
          Was the roman empire

          Holy Roman Empire!

          The Roman Empire is a type of Roman Empire from the time of the emperors
        2. 0
          April 24 2016 08: 01
          Quotation: blooded man
          Do not lie . There was the Roman Empire of the German nation,

          The Roman Empire was a race that does not exist now, close to the Greeks, Italians and Spaniards, and she spoke the language of Latin, where the French and Spanish and Italian languages ​​came from, Romance in general, and the Germans were savages then, like monkeys, ran through the forests. There are records of the campaign of Gaius Julius Caesar in Gaul and Germany. Read or at least watch the beginning of the movie "Gladiator". smile
          And the Holy Roman Empire has nothing to do with Rome, except they copied the regalia, all the same, these are the descendants of the barbarian German-Saxon tribes Goths, Alemans, Gauls.

          Quotation: blooded man
          The Mongols never had their own state.

          Well then, China, Korea, Persians, Arabs, the Caucasus, Russia, Eastern Europe, Siberia were conquered by the Mongols who did not have states, then it would be doubly shame for those kingdoms to lose to wild tribes. And how so these tribes thought of gathering together and giving everyone a light, probably just piss hit my head laughing
  13. 0
    April 21 2016 14: 28
    kill a man-kill the whole world
  14. +2
    April 21 2016 14: 48
    On the right wing were the Anatolian troops under the command of Suleiman, the son of the Sultan. They included Tatar units (18 thousand soldiers) and the troops of the Anatolian Beys (also 18 thousand).

    These were the troops of the Noyon of the Golden Horde of Aktava, which were part of the troops of Tokhtamysh. Aktava, after losing to Temurlenko in 1397 on the banks of the Dnieper, left with the remaining army and members of their families to Yıldırım Bayazid. He first received them in the 1398 year, and then having gathered the military leaders of the Tatar army in one place, he killed everyone. As we see, later these Tatar troops recalled the treachery of Yildirim Bayazid.
  15. 0
    April 21 2016 15: 49
    all this garbage, alah will figure out where his own, where strangers, you need to actually comprehend he took and killed, any sacrifice not to the command of God is just an excuse for himself
  16. 0
    April 21 2016 15: 51
    lame ok will appreciate it, in due time
  17. 0
    April 21 2016 15: 55
    compared to timur, hitler is just a good kid
  18. 0
    April 21 2016 16: 01
    Hitler in comparison with timur saplya is brown, upstart and simply choked
  19. -1
    April 21 2016 16: 44
    ... with human heads like pins .... a terrible disabled person.
  20. 0
    April 21 2016 17: 24
    Quote: Cartalon
    we do not know the strength of either Timur’s troops or his opponents, your statement is not justified, it was unlikely that he could smash the numbers in India and against the Horde

    That is yes. But his strength was precisely in the fact that he was able to create a professional, well-armed and sufficiently trained army of a very large number.

    Therefore, he defeated the Horde on the basis of both numerical and qualitative superiority. It was about the same with the Ottomans - the troops were about equal in quality, but Timur had a quantitative superiority.

    He seems to have had no problems with India at all.

    But on the scale of Timur, everything is inferior to Genghis Khan, since he did not fight in China.

    Quote: Adik89
    In Delhi, 100 thousands, in baghdad 90 thousands, everywhere at least 50 thousands of men, women, children and the elderly killed.

    In general, in Central Asia, traditionally, the severed heads of opponents served as proof of victory. The last massive examples are during the period of the conquest of Turkestan by Russia, then during the struggle of the Basmachi with the USSR. This is how it happened - a painting by the artist Vereshchagin. It's called "Present Trophies". 1872 year.
    1. 0
      April 22 2016 11: 29
      Quote: Mikhail Matyugin
      Actually, in Central Asia, the severed heads of opponents traditionally served as evidence of victory.

      if we assume that this picture and the picture with skulls attributed to Tamerlan is a fact, then it is worth emphasizing that the provision of goals is a fact of confirmation of victory in the battle, but here are the skulls ?! it must first burn the corpses so that the bones are exposed, and then provide as a victory over the enemy! what for?
  21. 0
    April 22 2016 01: 00
    To understand a historical person, you need to understand well at what time, in what environment he lived. They say that the plague raged from Korea to Spain. That is, people were mowed down without wars. Reminds the story of the Spanish flu and the first world. Also, more people died from the virus than on the fronts. Moreover, it is young people. Maybe Timur spoke about the Almighty for a reason, that was his mission at the time of the Great Death.
  22. -1
    April 22 2016 08: 17
    And if Timur would kill your Grandfather, you would not be here! And you would not be 3,14 *** here. (*** is not a math word, but just asterisks :)
    1. 0
      April 22 2016 20: 17
      Yes, now there are so many 3,14 stars that it might be better to have their grandfathers mowed more at one time. For the fact that there would be a dozen such fewer, you can not regret your life. This is all the will of the Almighty. Do you think that if you were not in this world, he would have lost a lot?
  23. 0
    April 22 2016 17: 40
    Quote: SpnSr
    it must first burn the corpses so that the bones are exposed, and then provide as a victory over the enemy! what for?

    No, everything is much simpler. It's just that when such "pyramids of heads" lay for a long time, they turned into pyramids of skulls, and then crumbled into dust or were buried by the descendants of the surviving population.

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