What is "Ukrainian"

What is "Ukrainian"
Ukraine smells of decomposition, fumes and death

On May 2 in Odessa, about 40 people were burned alive during clashes. Who and how were these clashes caused, who were the mysterious people with gunshot weapons and red bandages and so on, it doesn't matter anymore. The reaction of the Ukrainian Internet public to this tragedy is important (you shouldn’t even write about the reaction of the Russian liberas): “Vata burns well”, “Ogrebli’s Colorado”, “Patriots won”, “I love kebabs”. For the sake of pro forma, I set up a chemically pure experiment of Pavlov’s dog, suggesting an uncomplicated train of thought between Ukrainians:

1. Burned Russian saboteurs, hirelings of the FSB and Putin.
2. So they should, let the "Colorado" die.
3. Damned "Colorado" burned themselves.

All this, in the same sequence and with the same details, was first reproduced in my comments by a kosher Ukrainian yoserian (a fighter against “Vata” and Putin from Dnepropetrovsk) - 15 citizens of the Russian Federation and 5 citizens of Transnistria, and himself stuffed ukro-media, particular tsn. It's only Putin's propaganda lies, but can it really lie to the media? Despite the fact that in the evening of May 2 it was clear that it was not the abandoned saboteurs who had died, but the native Odessans. Then it was confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Do you think it somehow affected ukrov? They began to apologize, they began to write refutations of their own lies? .. The flight in the garbage disposal bastards continued to spread on the Internet fake photos of supposedly Russian passports of burnt people. And, of course, they continued to rejoice insanely at the murder of their own fellow citizens - citizens of Ukraine, residents of Odessa. In the end, the victims were recognized as suicides - they say they burned themselves. And they continued to celebrate Peremog.

For most Russian users, this, of course, has become an unpleasant truth about who "Ukrainians" are, and in what world the RF exists in general. Before that, we had widespread talk about stupid "Ruska bydle", "quilted jackets" and so on. Indeed, the Russians are not the most probably the best people on earth (the Germans are much better, although they burned 6 to millions of Jews, this is officially considered). But here the Ukrainian psychopaths broke all records, fell below any moral bottom. And most importantly - they seriously consider this as an overwhelm, a victory, a success. What do you think, why? Just because they are stupid?

Few Russians understand that in Ukraine all the last 23 of the year and on went, and unbridled military propaganda against the Russians is going on and on. Not against Putin, namely, against the Russians and Russia. It doesn’t matter whether Valeria Novodvorskaya or American-Ukrainian spy Navalny will head it. Will still go. What is military propaganda? This is not entirely propaganda of the advantages of war over a peaceful life, as it may seem. The thing is that forcing some people to easily kill others, and even be proud of it, is devilishly difficult. For this you need:

1. Shuffle into the head of people that their future "enemies" are devoid of all human properties.
2. If the future "enemy" is a kindred people, or even the same people, then it is necessary to deprive them of their identification properties. It’s one thing to kill a “brother” and another thing to kill an incomprehensible “starfishcorla” with five legs and a mandible like space insects.
3. At the same time, the future “enemy” has an impressive list of offenses and injustices inflicted on the patient being treated. There is also the root cause of murder - otvetka for all the "joys of life." 350 years Russian mocked the Ukrainians, it's time to fight back.

All this, in one sequence or another, flows every day from televisions, from radio, from newspapers and electronic media in Ukraine. I watched a couple of channels TV ukro TV a month ago. And there is a burning teaser - "war with Russia". All clear. And mental processing begins with an elementary school, where children are told what wonderful country of elves they live in, and how the damned Katsaps, which constantly “interfere with the European choice of a freedom-loving people, are spoiled by them”. This is despite the fact that even according to official statistics, more than a quarter of the population of Ukraine are ethnic Russians (in reality, at least half).

Let's go through the points briefly, but not in order.

2. In Ukrainian, no "Russian" does not exist. They simply do not. The maximum and extremely polite-abstract appeal is certain "Russians." Tuvans, Tatars, Bashkirs, Russians, Chechens. Who are the Ukrainians? Relatives, or what? Not in the Ukrainian language and no concept of "Russian language". There is some abstract "Russian mova." That is, a certain Tuva-Ingush-Armenian-Russian-Karelian language. What does he have to do with the Slavic Ukrainian language? A rhetorical question.

Therefore, all Russian experiences about the "brothers" from the Ukrainian point of view are meaningless. There are Ukrainians, and there are some abstract Russians (“northern jackals, self-inflamed from anger in Odessa,” I quote), which no one can call these Ukrainians in any way. It’s just some kind of Katsaps and Moskals — well, like orcs for the inhabitants of Gondor (that is, not even Slavs or even humans). The "brotherly people" invented for the "brothers" some idiotic and insulting nicknames, and dancing for joy: peremoga, peremoga, deceived Moskal, hurray! At the same time, all this against the background of poor, reconstruction scenery, an invented language (which most of the actors have not really learned), deceitful stories and general degeneration due to the fall of the intellectual level, outflow of the population (see below) and the same reconstruction (you know, if you seriously get into the role of a hobbit, then you can be damaged).

1. Ukrainian propaganda leads a constant racist information war. Russians - Katsaps, Muscovites - are depicted by her as a collection of scum, freaks, genetically inferior people, envious, stupid, natural slaves, inhabitants of the mythical "horde" who are naturally opposed by Juberus-Europeans in the person of Ukrainians - descendants of the oldest democrats of Europe, Tripoli-Aryans . Russian, Polish and Austrian cities inherited by the Ukrainians are declared Ukrainian, and the people who built them are invaders Mongolian-Katsaps, wild monsters who have nothing in common with Europe and universal human values. For the sake of formality, we recall that the same Odessa, where the scum were killed by their own fellow citizens and now they are terribly proud, was laid by Empress Catherine II, and one of the first governors and then governors of Novorossia (lol, jacket) and Bessarabia in 1804-1815 For years, the infamous, wild Mongolian-katsap Armand Emmanuel Sophia-Septimani de Vigneres du Plessis, Comte de Chinon, 5 Duke of Richelieu, who at the end of his life managed to be another foreign minister and head of government of infinitely wild, wretched France. The same applies to the Austrian Lemberg - a German-Jewish-Polish-Armenian-Russian city, where there were no “Ukrainians”.

It is impossible to explain why the “highest race” of Ukrainians washes toilets and kneads the solution, and also sells vaginas in Europe and Russia - like guest workers and prostitutes. Once again, the Muscovites podgadili, the Katsaps, the oil mold, cannot do anything, God, kill this black hole of the planet (a brief retelling of the “theory”).

3. The logical part of military propaganda is also a list of “hurt feelings”. It makes no sense to disassemble them, all this is golimy lies and lies, but for military propaganda, which is perceived by Ukrainians as a broadcast of LIE, it does not matter.

What do we have at the exit?

1. We have a people who are propagandistically sharpened to war with the Russians, hate them, are ready for anything for the sake of "victory." That is, kill, execute, torture. Once again, the Ukrainians are ready and morally prepared to kill the Russians. No matter what, it does not matter, nor does it matter that they are not even Russians at all, but their Ukrainians (!). That is why the last "Peremoga" in Odessa and met with such a joyful roar. People to this prepared, podvodili. They PROMISED it.

A more weakened version of this behavior is ukrofily bloggers from Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, who have been fighting Putin for years, but the slightest attempts to look at Ukraine from a different point of view have been met with furious, vicious racist rhetoric. I saw about ten people in my eyes - it was kind of sane, and then turned into a mad Ukrainian dog. In Putin’s RF, he’s often rightly, I’ll note, complete Asiatic and obscurantism, the collapse of everything and everything, but Ukraine ... this is sacred, take away your dirty paws from the Katsapa offspring, Ukraine has blossomed and will bloom for a thousand years in spite of you, Putin's slaves.

Some Russian observers expressed surprise in this connection - rampant racist propaganda against Ukraine is going on in Ukraine against its neighbor, against practically its own people, but this country has no army. Why? Because, you see, for Tutsi and Hutu, no army is needed to arrange a suicidal massacre. Sticks, fixtures, knives, some firearms and Molotov cocktails, what else do you need to burn, kill, rape "Katsap"? As for military fenders, when confronted with armed resistance from the Russians (not the Russian army, but simply the rebels), a regular combing of the blunt nape of the neck begins - “we didn’t expect it”:

2. Propaganda creates an amazing, monstrous and distorted world, musty, saturated with hate, death, ashes and self-destruction. However, such propaganda cannot be carried on for a long time, because it acts destructively on the human psyche. Society is deformed, the economy degenerates, social ties. Such a state cannot be built into modern economic relations in any way, it is sharpened for self-hatred and self-destruction, what kind of investment is there?

3. In this world, there are no causal relationships, there is no notion of truth and lies, because everything is sharpened by one thing - the fight against the damned bloodsucker-Moskal. Kill him, kill him again, then kill him again, and then ... and then what? Never mind. There will be a country-garden with huts, pigs, ondrykami and natalkami in the field. Achito?

From the point of view of reflexology and behavioral psychology (behaviorism), a Ukrainian is the simplest "Pavlov's dog" with two constant reactions:

1. Achito?
2. Blame Muscovites.

This miserable and uncomplicated dvuhhodovka mental apparatus and was demonstrated by Odessa, and before that the Crimea, Maidan, and so on. The “Ukrainian” lives in his fictional nationalistic reality, very unpleasant and painful even for himself, and not having contact with the real world. The last Ukrainians are trying to bend in all seriousness - there are no Russian saboteurs in the burned-out building, it does not matter, we throw in fake photos, the main thing is to hold the night, stand for a day, peremoga there, kill all Muscovites, and the reality is plasticine, they cannot be really ugly Muscovites do something, we have America, hooray!

When a couple of months ago I published a couple of videos with columns of ghouls, chanting “Muscovites for Knives,” several scrupulous persons from among Moscow liberals and ancestors from Ukrainian Jews snorted with displeasure, they say, “became a padded jacket.” But after all, it does not even occur to Ukrainians and their curators that criticism of Ukrainians may not be for Putin’s money and not according to instructions! What people really do not like when some ... call for the destruction of persons of their nationality! After all, the war is going on, but in war - as in war. Either you are a paid spy, or you are intimidated by something. That brings Katsap nonsense-slander against the good and democratic fennel.

When naive Radulova posted a screen from Polish on her blog News, where it is written IN UKRAINE (and in all related Slavic languages ​​- Polish, Czech, Slovak, it is written that way), the ukri who came to her blog blamed the naive idiot for "national betrayal." Because “not betrayal” is to lie to the Russians, deceive them, insult them and make them write in their own language as the Ukrainians need (who, I notice for a moment, have their own language, but the trouble is it speaks 10-15 % of the population).

The Ukrainian is an honest and professional liar. To deceive Moskal, to deceive themselves, to deceive their own Ukrainians is a matter of "honor." I look after the activity of a certain "Tymchuk", which constantly replicates lies (it was especially good about the Crimean campaign), constantly getting slack, but continues to regularly supply "reliable" information to ukro-mass media and Moscow shabby bloggers. Therefore, no dialogue with the Ukrainian is simply impossible; the Russian should pass by a grimacing Ukrainian.

The world of Ukrainians is a rather strange jumble of shadows, where the Ukrainian Aryan fights against a certain Moskal, on the far horizon some kind of "good uncles elves" - America, the West, who love and adore the Ukrainians. All the media, blogs, television of Ukraine are crammed with cries about the "destructive actions of the Russian special services." In most cases, the Ukrainian is prozombirovan so much that he will not see a single trick in (I quote from memory): "Putin sent snipers to Kiev to shoot at the freedom-loving people of Maidan, who overthrows Moscow-appointed dictator Yanukovich." Well, it shoots that this nation quickly overthrew this Yanukovych. What do you think will happen if you ask Ukra about the actions of the special services of Poland, the USA or England in Ukraine? Will gasp for air, like a fish on land. There is no such thing in the world. Therefore, even innocuous fan-loud ukry cargo chants are remade for military needs - with the aim of insulting the "enemy." What for?

Ukraine will win, our people will once again surprise the world, and we all will be able to continue to build the country of our dreams, where there is a place for any constructive ideas, projects and energy. Together till the end.

And all this orom. And the victory - is the destruction of the "enemy" (ie, Russian). Try asking a Ukrainian how he is going to live on, destroying all his economic ties with Russia after the “won” fratricidal war? Try to ask why Ukraine, one of the best Soviet republics, built such high-tech as Ruslan and Mriya airplanes, which are now with great pleasure rented by the "progressive" NATO fighters for transportation to Afghanistan (yes, yes, quilted jackets nothing can not produce), rolled over for 23 year in full g ..., in full Albania? A country where on top of a social dream is a prostitute in a German or Moscow brothel, as well as a worker who kneads cement in some Romania or Poland?

If, in recent years, a couple of million people fleeing abroad (about 2% of the population) escaped from Putin’s stench of the Russian Federation, how did over the past 23 year disappear from the Ukrainian paradise to 20% of the country's population? Of the 52 million people in Ukraine in 1991, by the year 2013 there were about 44 million, and then by the most optimistic official calculations (that is, it is clearly greatly overestimated). Where are the others? Everybody died? Why did they run away from "prosperous Ukraine"?

There are no answers to this, nor will there be. It will be a long, muddy, idiotic nonsense, not connected in any way with reality. There will be insults, reproaches of "Jewry" (Ukrainians are slipping into anti-Semitism already on the third sentence - after all, their ancestors killed quite a few Jews, let's not forget), jumps, grimaces, fakes, a couple of demotivators will go, at least the Ukrainian will come up with - as it seems to him - a witty and impish insult in order to "morally ram the enemy". Somehow, for the sake of interest, I asked the impudent user kant_elz (an old-fashioned Kharkov Jew who fled to Germany and from there struggling with “Russian propaganda” - apparently, the person did not learn German, now he is overmixed with “Kiselevo”). The answers were:

1. To nullify economic cooperation with vile, vile and deceitful Russia.
2. Reorient to the West, attract Western investment, build high-tech.

That is, if in a simple way, then destroy at least two of the most important sectors of the economy of Ukraine (in spite of Moskalak) - metallurgy and mechanical engineering, and try to conquer the EU market with your grain and Nezhin tomatoes. Why? Brilliant program. Ukrainians are sure that the West loves them, the West will shower them with brilliant gifts, that the West will help them in their holy struggle with Rashka, the wild, Asian Horde, where slave Russia pays a huge tribute to Chechens (a logical question arises, and where is the same for Ukrainian democrats ?) Why the West over the previous 23 of the year did not help them, does not even reflect, and there is no such option.

All this means that now and in the coming months no entry of Russian troops into Ukraine can be done. This is a serpentarium, a kingdom of the dead, a burial ground of zombies - malicious, stupid, aggressive. Sharpened on the murder of Russian on ... but just like that. People brought to the level of African cannibals.

To the same sane people in Ukraine, if they are still there, advice - leave from there, leave the territory of Death. There will be very bad, and it will be bad soon enough and quickly. While in Ukraine there are still salaries, there is light, there is water, there is an external similarity of public order, but all this is inertia from previous years (the disgusting tyrant Yanukovych, who plundered hundreds of billions of euros in Ukraine). And inertia tends to fade.

But Russians in Ukraine have nothing to hope for — they will simply be killed. For the fact that they are Russian. Yes, this is conspiracy theory, lol, quilted jackets, we are freaks, yes, yes. But, alas, this is all a reality. Another way out for them is to join the ranks of the Russian resistance in the Southeast, take up arms and burn the obscene-nazi're coming out in "boxes" so that the screaming alive of the representatives of the "superior race" can be heard in their horns, Lviv, Vinnytsia and smooth. Unfortunately, these people do not understand another language (aka the Soviet and the mythical "brotherly people").
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  1. The comment was deleted.
  2. +5
    7 May 2014 16: 29
    women of the eastern regions of Ukraine rose to the defense
  3. +2
    7 May 2014 16: 36
    Very smart, truthful and talented. I am closely connected with Ukraine, I have been going (I have gone - I won’t go again for a long time) there for 20 years to visit my mother-in-law. It's all true. And this is not Poltava, Ternopil, Uzhgorod, but the Donetsk region. As a person who has lived quite a lot in this world, an economist by education and work, I subscribe to the author’s words that there is pure horror ahead, something like the Leningrad blockade, only carried out by cannibals. People of St. Petersburg, forgive me if you think that I am sullying the sacred. I can’t imagine anything more terrible than the Leningrad siege, and eternal memory to the siege survivors. He himself studied in Leningrad, served near Leningrad (Aspen Grove, Sertolovo-2, Garbolovo).
    And you can’t go into Ukraine under any circumstances - the author explained everything very clearly - what’s the point of getting into a crowd of zombies who don’t hear, don’t think, one instinct - kill the damned me. Helping those who are not infected or have recovered is mandatory. But only they must purify themselves in the fire of this war and become people themselves again.
    I remembered something long ago. We sat well, half a table of Rostovites, half a table of Kievites, it was a guy’s anniversary. It's in a hostel in the Rostov port. And after drinking a liter, I ask across the table from a guy from Kiev I like: “Arkasha, what if our presidents (Kravchuk and BN then) put us in trenches on opposite sides of the front line and you see me at gunpoint - will you shoot or will you regret it?” He thought about it, and I honestly admitted that I always shoot first and then regret it. I didn’t think that this question would be so close to the future. Apparently, it was already in the air then.
  4. +2
    7 May 2014 16: 38
    The number of Internet users who supported the petition addressed to the UN Security Council is growing every minute. Its authors call for recognizing the Ukrainian radical organization “Right Sector” as terrorist.

    _Ukraine /
  5. +2
    7 May 2014 16: 45
    Gubarev was traded!

    The militias exchanged Alpha fighters for captured self-defense leaders. Supporters of federalization exchanged three previously captured special forces soldiers for militia leaders. 07.05.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX

    On May XNUMX, at one of the checkpoints near Slavyansk, three Alpha fighters were exchanged for three leaders of the people’s militia. On the part of self-defense activists, the “people's governor” of Donetsk Pavel Gubarev and the deputy “people's mayor” of Slavyansk Igor Perepechaenko returned to the militias. The name of the third is also unknown.

    On April 25, Igor Perepechaenko traveled to Moscow at the invitation of one of the TV channels. Upon his return, he was detained by Ukrainian special services.

    “People’s Mayor” of Slavyansk Vyacheslav Ponomarev stated then that he was ready to exchange Igor Perepechaenko for one of the detainees who are now in the hands of the people’s militia of Slavyansk.
    1. skaarjj
      7 May 2014 17: 42
      Well, there are two options:
      1. either Kyiv has finally come to terms with the loss of the DPR
      2. or we are waiting for “sensational statements” from Gubarev
  6. Rubmolot
    7 May 2014 16: 45
    "Ukrainian" in the eyes of an EU citizen
    1. 0
      8 May 2014 23: 45
      "Ukrainian" in the eyes of an EU citizen
      It’s surprising that he’s not in harness, but that’s probably until the association completely wears off.
  7. The comment was deleted.
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  10. Guslar
    7 May 2014 16: 58
    I am hoh0l, because I despise the word "Ukrainian", which means "inhabitant of the Polish colony." We, Russians, do not need to flatter ourselves that "Ukraine" is the outskirts of Russia. This is a Bolshevik agitprop. The capital of Russia on the outskirts is a logical nonsense, and purely historically: the word "ukraine" appears as a designation of the territory precisely during the period of the Polish occupation and is initially used only by Poles. Until the 18th year of the last century, “Ukrainians” called themselves Rusyns, i.e. in Western Russian, by Russian. Today's "Ukrainians" (although the ideologists of this ethnonym are just the Westerners of the Uniates - in the past, and in the present, the enemies of the ancestors of real Ukrainians) want to consider themselves not descendants of the great Russian princes (Kiev, Galician, Chernigov, etc.), not descendants Russian knights and Russian heroes, not the descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks - purely Orthodox and anti-Uniate, but the descendants of Bandera, maximum - Mazepa. That is, not a thousand-year-old people, but a people with a hundred-year history. This is really cool! The Western project in Ukraine, begun 500 years ago by the Vatican with the creation of the Union, continued by Poland and Austria-Hungary, is clearly articulated by Hitler: “Then we will defeat Russia when we convince Ukrainians that they are not Russians.” Thanks to Gorbachev’s concessions to the Vatican, the victory of the Catholic ideological conversion of Ukrainians was expressed in the fact that in 1991 the Austro-Hungarian Galician occupation flag was chosen as the state flag. No relation to Ukrainian history !!! If we talk about some kind of identity of Ukraine, then its proto-statehood is the Zaporizhzhya Sich. However, in the heraldry of modern Ukraine, or rather Ukria, there is NO connection with Zaporizhzhya history! This is absurd. But on the other hand, the ideologically victorious Uniates did not have to remind the Ukrainians of their true history, of their Orthodox heroic ancestors, who had been at war with the Uniates and Catholics for 500 years, including with the Jesuit Order, which then worked on an ideological field in Ukraine, as the Americans are now. By the way, support for the Uniates from Kolomoisky, Poroshenko-Valtsman, Tymoshenko-Kapitelman, Victoria Nuland-Nudelman, etc. this is typical of their community in Ukraine. So did their ancestors. Therefore, it is now easy for us for modern Russians, including Orthodox Ukrainians (or Ukrainians, as I prefer) to understand and understand why the Jewish pogroms in Ukraine and Belarus were so frequent! If Russian Jews do not stop their Ukrainian fellow tribesmen, then the threat of comprehensive Jewish pogroms is highly predictable. Thus, from the Rus, Ruthenians, Russians, Cherkasy, Cossacks and Ukrainians, this people the West turned into ukrov or dill. Now the next step remains - from the Orthodox to turn them into Uniates, i.e. to select Orthodox churches, as it was during the time of the Commonwealth. Then in the central Ukrainian territories they were still given over to the Jews and the Orthodox paid rent for using their own churches and the right to pray on Sundays and holidays. You need to know your story! By the way, the word "cattle" - Polish, especially to refer to Rusyns (then Ukrainians). So, after the conversion of Western Russians into ukrov, the remaining will be converted to Catholic Uniatism and the expulsion of the Orthodox Church. As a result, the creation of an anti-Russian people, full of hatred for Russians and Orthodoxy.
    Nevertheless, I am Khokh0l, Kozak, Rusyns, Russian, Rus, Slavs. If a Ukrainian, then only as a resident of this region. By the way, it would be nice to rename the territory from the “Polish colony” to Yugorus or Yugorossia, at worst - Maloruss or Little Russia. It is necessary to return to the name of the earth the original root "Rus"!
  11. The comment was deleted.
  12. skaarjj
    7 May 2014 17: 27
    Quote: Baikal
    For those who don’t know what the “right sector” looks like.
    Educational video. You can’t help but think about the inner content of the “brotherly people.”

    yes, what is the content here - everyone is under 20, they were “washed out” from school, a lot of chants (apparently, so as not to discuss any ideas among themselves). to correct....
    1. +1
      8 May 2014 10: 20
      I wonder what these zombies are happy about? They will soon be with each other! Because they will become gay pops and because they won’t eat... it will be! In addition to gay parades, you also need to work! In gay ropopia, people pay 45 percent of taxes and work like slaves!
      1. +1
        8 May 2014 13: 28
        I have already said it and I will repeat it again - such brothers are being taken out with politany!
    2. +1
      8 May 2014 10: 35
      A pack of jackals, there would be such a “baby”:
  13. +2
    7 May 2014 17: 34
    The Dnipropetrovsk National Defense Headquarters told who the saboteurs were. “A saboteur is a foreign citizen with a weapon who is engaged in subversive activities on the territory of Ukraine. All citizens of Ukraine who call for separatism or federalization are offenders and become the object of investigation by law enforcement agencies,” says Head of the Headquarters Yuriy Bereza. Also, the Headquarters asked not to bring friends, relatives, acquaintances and dubious citizens with a request to give them a reward as separatists and saboteurs.
    Let us remind you that in Dnepropetrovsk, on the initiative of Governor Igor Kolomoisky, they promise to pay 10 thousand dollars for a captured separatist. They offer 200 thousand dollars for an unlocked administrative building.
    Source: http://polemika.com.ua/news-145003.html
    Here is the face of the “Svidomo Ukrainians” - for money they will pass off their own mother as a saboteur!!!!
  14. +2
    7 May 2014 17: 36
    Member of the European Parliament proposed to consider the Right Sector a terrorist organization

    Member of the European Parliament (EP) from Latvia Tatiana Zhdanok appealed to her colleagues in the EP with a proposal to support her demand that the European Commission (EC) add the Ukrainian radical movement “Right Sector” to the list of terrorist organizations. About this correspondent. ITAR-TASS was informed by the bureau of the European Parliament.

    If such a decision is made, the accounts of this organization and its leaders will be frozen, the Right Sector radicals will be prohibited from entering EU countries, and the governments of different states will cooperate for the purpose of political isolation and physical detention of militants. However, according to Zhdanok, “the main responsibility for defeating the Right Sector will be assigned to the Ukrainian interim authorities themselves, who will finally have to draw a clear line between political organizations and far-right extremists.” “At the moment,” she notes, “this line is blurred, and a number of government posts are occupied by radicals who adhere to fascist beliefs and are tainted by participation in violent actions against their opponents or representatives of law and order.”

    “After the terrible tragedy in Odessa, where Right Sector militants burned alive 43 supporters of the federalization of Ukraine, the need to ban Right Sector became obvious. Moreover, a simple ban on activities is not enough here - the defeat of this extremist organization with the disarmament of its militants, the arrest of activists and trial is necessary over them. The provisional authorities of Ukraine do not dare to take this step for various reasons, including because of the sympathy of the ruling politicians for the Right Sector,” the deputy emphasized.

    According to her, “the international community, represented by the EP and the EC, must give an unambiguous signal to the victorious revolutionaries and their sponsors that fascists cannot be sympathized with, and armed right-wing extremists must be outlawed. I am sure that without such a step the road to a political settlement cannot be opened contradictions of today's Ukraine."
    Well, well, well... just a little more, and with the White Book and video - pin all the European deputies to the wall, and IT WILL COME!!! (That THESE can get to them, if they come to Europe)
  15. Vlad Gore
    7 May 2014 17: 37
    The US Navy cruiser Vella Gulf will enter the Black Sea on May 9 http://news.yandex.ru/yandsearch?cl4url=www.novayagazeta.ru%2Fnews%2F1681786.htm
    l&lr=974&lang=ru angry
  16. Guslar
    7 May 2014 17: 40
    How many more Russians need to be burned for the entire people, including Russia, to rise to their defense? One hundred is apparently not enough...
  17. +2
    7 May 2014 19: 56
    Shoto, I’m not playing Ukraine on three maps (but only on the fourth).
    Probably in distant times, Dill was planted, but it grew only in the 20s and now it has already begun to spread like a weed (it’s time to get the haymower).
  18. +1
    7 May 2014 20: 00
    Apparently yes... unfortunately...
    Now, if we merge the South-East (God forbid, of course, pah-pah-pah, etc.), then our volunteers are shedding blood there, Cossacks, how are you living?
    I know about the brothers and Vera, but what was the idea, huh?
    God forbid I'm wrong...
  19. +2
    7 May 2014 20: 18
    Quote: tokin1959
    V. Makhnovshchina.

    Makhno, by the way, had great authority; under him there was no chaos. He beat everyone left and right until Vovka Lenin betrayed him. He was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.
    The cart with the maxim is also attributed to him.
  20. +1
    7 May 2014 20: 32
    Who is a Ukrainian? Three possible answers. The one who was never ethnically Russian, the one in whom the Russian was “killed,” and the one who lives on the administrative territory of the former Russian Empire - Little Russia and Novorossiya. Are there other options?
  21. +6
    7 May 2014 20: 53
    Unverified but extremely important information has been received that deserves attention.

    So, allegedly yesterday, May 05, 2014, a congress (it has not yet been established what level) of “thieves in law” took place.
    At the congress, many issues were resolved that were subject to collective discussion at the “gathering”. One of them was what was happening in the political and social sphere.

    Special attention was devoted to the events in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa on May 02.05.2014, 46, during which, according to official data, 30 people died and, in fact, more than XNUMX people were burned alive.

    The gathering sharply condemned the actions of radical groups, calling it “lawlessness,” reporting that, according to the concept, this is what they do “.”

    In connection with the decision taken, a sentence was passed to punish those involved, especially the organizers, by “cutting them out.”

    This decision will be implemented by the participants of the meeting “on the ground”.

    In addition, it was established that yesterday, 05.05.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX, after the arrival of a train with Ultras militants from Odessa to Kharkov (many went home only a few days later, fearing the revenge of Kharkov residents), at the railway station in Kharkov information about passengers (from tickets) was successfully received. Probably, such actions were carried out earlier on the first trains arriving from Odessa after the massacre.

    As you know, information about congresses of crime bosses is kept secret in order to avoid preventive arrests by the Organized Crime Control Department officers, who disrupt congresses, decisions, coronations and detain suspects of organized criminal activity. That’s why journalists don’t show such congresses in TV stories.

    Information is being verified!

    Information from the site: http://planeta.moy.su/news/sezd_vorov_v_zakone_v_odesse_resheno_za_bespred
    Details on the site Our Planet
  22. +1
    7 May 2014 22: 23
    There are already rumors that the followers of the pederast Bandera are recruiting fresh roosters, are the old ones running out? And they threw the cockcrow all over Moldova? Like cockerels of all countries unite! For fun, genderless! Maybe we should really send these evil homosexuals to Eurosodomy, let them cook in a common pot! Demons get away!
    1. +5
      7 May 2014 22: 28
      Quote: fktrcfylhn61
      There are already rumors that the followers of the pederast Bandera are recruiting fresh roosters, are the old ones running out? And they threw the cockcrow all over Moldova? Like cockerels of all countries unite! For fun, genderless! Maybe we should really send these evil homosexuals to Eurosodomy, let them cook in a common pot! Demons get away!

      Yes, there aren’t enough of them for all the regions, so they are rushing all over the southeast
  23. necha265
    7 May 2014 22: 43
    What a KOVPAKA, you would look at the ancestors of this Legendary commander, you would be stunned, and the Great Partisan himself would probably be turning over in his grave from such relatives!!! All the time there are deputies and oligarchs, they go to kindergarten with mandates!!! And you’re talking about partisanism, everything is OK for them in the Urals too!!
  24. +1
    7 May 2014 23: 03
    And on YouTube I found a Russian answer to the verse “We will never be brothers”
  25. +2
    7 May 2014 23: 33
    Quote: obraztsov
    But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies. And the main opponent for us is the one who did it.

    God would give us the opportunity to hit the lair of these nonhumans.
    Yes it was, believe me, a resident of Crimea, who already in 1992 arrived in a village with huts under a thatched roof. This is in the Kamenets-Podolsky district, Khmelnitsky region! The neighbor’s main question was: “Why don’t you talk in your native language?” They’re almost Poles?” After that, at first I fell into a stupor, but when the neighbors of my relatives asked me - and asked so insistently, I sent them. Yes, out of anger I sent them, explaining that I consider Russian to be my language! And to them I taught at school. And these were forgotten serf-owners who herded cows and pigs, proudly putting on leather skirts and branded sneakers to knead Mr. (while exchanging a leather jacket for 3 pigs!) And they sacredly believed that they were living better than we are, in the stupid Crimea, where huts were already only in the steppe and were given over to sheds. Conclusion: it was bad in the USSR, they were engaged in propaganda and few of them were exiled to other republics.
  26. Gambit0
    8 May 2014 08: 10
    A very correct article, it would be on the front pages of world publications.
  27. +3
    8 May 2014 09: 20
    In general, I would like to express criticism towards the SITE ADMINISTRATION.
    At the culmination of world events, the community has a lot to share and discuss. In fact, this is one of the few sources that I personally consider quite reliable. I'm sure I'm not alone.
    “Technical reasons” are very incomprehensible, especially since there are no reasons in the field of administration that would take several days.
    If you wanted to relax for the holidays, you would have said so request
  28. Maz
    8 May 2014 09: 39
    Don’t send troops, protect them at the UN, smuggle weapons to the southeast, send volunteers, collect debts, build up the military group in Crimea. And the worse the situation in Ukraine, the better off Russia will be. It's clear. But there is no water from rice in the Crimea, the bridge is expensive and you can’t build it in a month. Electricity will be fine, but what about fuel? Conclusion - the corridor is needed. And for this, the southeast must advance. And he sits on the defensive. By the way, are there 4000 people in the Donetsk region? They sit in their huts. So let the right-wingers continue to wince until self-consciousness is choked with blood and floods the extremity of the entire nation.
  29. +1
    8 May 2014 09: 55
    From the same oven, but the rolls are not the same
  30. +1
    8 May 2014 10: 42
    On May 7, Member of the European Parliament from Latvia Tatiana Zhdanok invited her colleagues to support her demand that the European Commission (EC) add the Ukrainian radical movement Right Sector to the list of terrorist organizations.

    If the initiative is approved, the accounts of this organization and its leaders will be frozen, Right Sector radicals will be prohibited from entering EU countries, and the governments of different states will cooperate for the purpose of political isolation and physical detention of militants, ITAR-TASS reports with reference to the bureau of the European Parliament.
  31. Guslar
    8 May 2014 11: 55
    This article, although it has a sound grain, and the rage is understandable, but the direction can give anti-Russian fruit. We must clearly understand: the enemies are the Uniates or, if you like, Bandera, and the Ukrainians are part of us, and we need to free them from Westernization both physically and, very importantly, ideologically. Uniting all Ukrainians with the Uniates into a united front of our enemies is the dream of the West.
  32. Guslar
    8 May 2014 12: 00
    Yesterday Avekdor Eskin reported that a group of several hundred former “Russian” “Afghans”, “Chechens” and other former military personnel arrived from Israel from Israel and will provide assistance to the rebels. At least the Jews will save the Russians, while those in Russia will count “how much the South-East will cost us”...
    1. Guslar
      8 May 2014 18: 44
      Now the Russian media is only blaring: “WE CAN’T FEED THE SOUTH-EAST...” - This is with the Ukrainian best black soil in the world! What an ANTI-economy it is necessary to have in order to manage to manage at a loss with the Ukrainian black soil, with a fertile climate!!! Yes, Little Russia, if you just don’t bother it with Russian taxes, extortions and bureaucratic stupidity, etc. will feed half of Europe on its own. “THE SOUTH-EAST WILL COST US EXPENSIVELY...” - This is despite the fact that it has almost all the industry, its own coal and partly local gas??? Well, then Russia can’t take anything at all - everything is unprofitable except the tundra with oil and gas holes. In general, then we must give up everything except Siberia and sit by the pipe. (By the way, even the settlements there are not gasified.) They whined about the same song before the return of Crimea!!! Well, of course, Russia is a southern country - what for do we need the extra Black Sea coast, sea, resorts, fertile region, etc. And in general, such a formulation of the question “how much will it cost” is another confirmation of the DEGENERATION OF THE PEOPLE!!! If people are wondering whether or not it is worth returning their own land with their own people, even if it is a piece of desert, these people have a maximum of 50 years left to trample the planet. This is the science of ethnology. By the way, the second sign of the degeneratism of a people is the destruction of their own native language. We are all bashing Americans here, and according to our media and advertising, Russian Slavic words are consistently being forced out of the language and replaced with Americanisms. In Ukraine, the Russian language is purer than in Russia! :-) In reports from there, they already translate the Russian words “chairman” into “speaker”, “mayor” into “mayor”, “supreme council” into “parliament”, “former” into “ex”, “ legal" - to "legitimate". We already speak AMERICAN SURGIC!!! This is no longer RUSSIAN, but RUSSIAN language. It has nothing to do with the language of the world's greatest literature. And we destroy this language - WE. At the suggestion of “Dozhd” and “Echo of Moscow”, but for THEM it is not native. The Americans will tell our grandchildren that you don’t have a big country, you don’t have a Great Victory, you don’t even have the Russian language, you have nothing to do with your great ancestors. Not only can you not produce a mobile phone, but you cannot EVEN COME UP WITH A RUSSIAN WORD to call it. This is a sign of extreme stupidity or sycophancy towards Western culture!!! By the way, neither the Arabs, nor the French, nor the Chinese, nor the Japanese, nor the Koreans, nor the Greeks, nor the Turks...... nor dozens of other self-respecting cultures ALLOW BORROWING, especially Americanisms!!! So, gentlemen, Russian patriots, look at the main things that DETERMINE A NATION, and these are: language, customs, songs, clothes - WHAT OF THIS IS RUSSIAN WITH US???????????? Not only Americans laugh at us, but also French and Arabs who know Russian. Although the latter, if they don’t laugh, are upset for us and sincerely do not understand what is happening to us. I know this personally. :-(
    2. The comment was deleted.
  33. The comment was deleted.
  34. +3
    8 May 2014 13: 12
    The author insults ALL Ukrainians and the article smacks of inciting national hatred."From the point of view of reflexology and behavioral psychology (behaviorism), a Ukrainian is the simplest “Pavlov’s dog” with two constant reactions:

    1. Achito?
    2. Blame."
    “A Ukrainian is an honest and professional liar. It is a matter of “honor” to deceive me, to deceive myself, to deceive my own Ukrainians.”
    I AM UKRAINEIAN. Born in Ivano-Frankovsk - my grandfather was “exiled” to a license plate plant at 47, and at 69 he moved to the city of Ordzhonikidze, Dnepropetrovsk region. I studied in the Ukrainian class. In 1982, he was drafted into the USSR Armed Forces. He served as a conscript in the General Staff of the Air Defense Forces. In 84 he entered in the LVVPU Air Defense named after Yu.V. Andropov. Anyone who served at the “points” knows what RTV is. Only since 2005 he served in the city of Novosibirsk. Total length of service is 33 years.
    And now the author writes that I and my family are Pavlov’s dogs and liars.
    When the events in Crimea began, I quit my job and went with my brother-in-law to the glorious city of Kerch.
    Does the author know that Crimea supported (at first) the Maidan? I’m sure not. When the Tymoshenkoites came to power, then Crimea understood which direction to go.
    Unlike the author, I watched and listened to UkrTV in real time. I agree, Russian “saboteurs” are caught every day. But what does the rest of the other Ukrainians have to do with it?
    The author knows that normal people in Ukraine call the ATO in the southeast not the actions of Ukrainians, but ATO Kyiv.
    The author works for Kyiv.
    I’m sorry that it has so many advantages and I won’t regret that they give me disadvantages.
    In conclusion. In 1994, he served in the ORLR in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The deputy regiment commander arrived with an inspection. One of the officers complained to him “at an officers’ meeting” - how can a Ukrainian be a deputy and teach the Motherland (RUSSIA) to love “I pinned this officer down at once --vo"-he was fired.
    BY MAY 9, how many UKRAINIANS died in the Second World War?
    1. +1
      8 May 2014 14: 08
      We must honestly admit that we have again lost in the ideological struggle. Now in Ukraine there is a confrontation between the pro-Russian minority and the aggressive + indifferent-minded Ukrainian majority. After Russia did not send in its troops, both will be against us. If troops are brought in, the same thing will happen as the fighting grows. You can downvote, but it won’t make anyone feel any better, think and analyze the situation. Once again I was convinced of the correctness of our president’s decisions; he chooses options with the least losses for Russia.
      1. +1
        8 May 2014 15: 13
        Alexander! I personally give you a thumbs up! It’s a pity that the forum is taking a break due to technical reasons! Well, okay, happy upcoming Victory Day! drinks
    2. 0
      8 May 2014 16: 38
      Sorry, downvoted by accident! request
  35. Vlad Gore
    8 May 2014 13: 32
    Quote: victorsh
    The author insults ALL Ukrainians and the article smacks of inciting national hatred.

    The author is not insulting anyone. There are no "Ukrainians". The people of Little Russia were deceived. Even the most rabid Banderlogians speak Russian. The author makes it clear that you don’t want to be fooled by an animal, remember who you are. 90% of "Ukrainians" are fooled Russians. Yes
  36. Vlad Gore
    8 May 2014 13: 37
    Quote: victorsh
    BY MAY 9, how many UKRAINIANS died in the Second World War?

    The Galician Bandero-fascists are not interested in this. They even deny such a war (WWII). Yes
  37. itr
    8 May 2014 14: 20
    I haven’t read the article, but the title is like a sickle in the balls))))))) who? What ?))))))
  38. 0
    8 May 2014 14: 55
    It seems like V. Surkov writes in his LiveJournal
    Well, let’s talk “for the fraternal peoples”, since such a booze has begun.
    There are no fraternal peoples - “no”. Oops!
    There is one people with small local variations-deviations-dialects, which, unfortunately, it just so happens, lives in three different states.
    But!... relax, nationalists, and listen to me before throwing slop at me and accusing me of Great Russian chauvinism.
    But... This does not mean at all that a single Slavic people is obliged to live in one state. Complete stupidity!
    The German people, for example, live very comfortably in Austria and Germany. (I assume the analogy with Ukraine and Russia is obvious?)
    The Anglo-Saxons coexist comfortably in separate state entities. For some reason, I haven’t heard of the States blackmailing Canada, or Australia threatening New Zealand.
    Don't worry about shades of blood, national pride, subtleties of language or the shape of your ears.
    Strive to earn money, not to waste money (sorry, I just couldn’t find another term) and dream of living, not surviving.

    To think that order is returning to Ukraine through the Maidan is like believing that Russia and Putin are rising from their knees.
    Yanukovych is in shit, Maidan is in blood, and then Yulia appears - in a dazzling orange tailcoat.
    Don't be naive. Don't you understand that... Winter is Coming.
    And if you don’t want to die from cold and hunger, then stop whining and asking for gas from Russia and money from Europe.
    Go and build yourself warm houses.
    God has given you fertile land, a mild climate, a gentle sea, strong hands, and the most beautiful Women in the world.
    What more do you need, Ukrainians?

    Beautifully written! And exactly. Although there are some things I don't like.
    1. 0
      8 May 2014 15: 07
      Andrey thanks for the link! There are no words and nothing to add! It’s not just beautiful, but timely and powerfully said! Especially the last two lines, just spot on! Really, what more do they need! Our children only get to see the mild and gentle climate in the summer on vacation, but it’s winter for 9 months...
    2. 0
      8 May 2014 23: 54
      Quote: andj61
      God has given you fertile land, a mild climate, a gentle sea, strong hands, and the most beautiful Women in the world.
      What more do you need, Ukrainians?

      Hemorrhoids, Vaseline and lard. laughing
  39. Space
    8 May 2014 15: 00
    Do you consider Right Sector a terrorist organization that should be banned?
    visit this link. registration is simple

    1. 0
      8 May 2014 19: 51
      Space! I consider the right sector to be u.r.o.d.a.m.i and fascists! The right sector should not be banned, but must be destroyed and there is no place for them on earth!
  40. Vlad Gore
    8 May 2014 15: 27
    Quote: andj61
    Beautifully written! And exactly. Although there are some things I don't like.

    Stupidly written. At the beginning he talks about a united people. And at the end he addresses some “Ukrainians”. And such a mess is in every second person’s head. request
  41. Vlad Gore
    8 May 2014 15: 35
    Quote: Guslyar
    We must clearly understand: the enemies are the Uniates or, if you like, Bandera, and the Ukrainians are part of us, and we need to free them from Westernization both physically and, very importantly, ideologically

    “Ukrainians” are part of us if they remember that they are Russian. Yes
  42. Vlad Gore
    8 May 2014 15: 44
    Ukrainians were divided into two categories. One part has mutated to the state of banderlogs. Another part remembered that they were Russian. In Hollywood movies, the good guys destroy mutants. In the Russian version, this role will be played by polite guys. good
  43. 0
    8 May 2014 15: 53
    Quote: Vanko
    There are no words. And do they believe that? Nature zombies crying

  44. 0
    8 May 2014 16: 58
    Repost. I liked it."Ukrainians, if you don’t want to die from cold and hunger, then stop whining and asking for gas from Russia and money from Europe.
    Go and build yourself warm houses.
    God has given you fertile land, a mild climate, a gentle sea, strong hands, and the most beautiful Women in the world.
    What else do you need, Ukrainians?"
  45. 0
    8 May 2014 17: 19
    The authorities in today's Ukraine are not legitimate and not independent, everything is decided there by the US State Department and the US CIA...Decisions are made by a team of Polish-American-Canadian political scientists and these recommendations are mandatory for everyone, the entire press is under their control! What can you negotiate with puppets?
  46. Guslar
    8 May 2014 18: 45
    Now in the Russian media they just rattle: "WE CANNOT FEED THE SOUTH-EAST ..." - This is the one with the best Ukrainian black soil in the world! This is what an ANTI farm must have in order to manage at a loss with the Ukrainian black earth, in a favorable climate !!! Yes Little Russia, if you just do not interfere with Russian taxes, extortions and bureaucratic stupidity, etc. itself will feed half of Europe. "THE SOUTH-EAST WILL BE EXPENSIVE TO US ..." - This is the one despite the fact that there is almost all industry, its own coal and partly local gas ??? Well, then Russia cannot take anything at all - everything is unprofitable except for the tundra with oil and gas holes. In general, then we must give everything except Siberia and sit by the pipe. (By the way, even there the settlements are not supplied with gas.) The same song was whined before the return of Crimea !!! Of course, Russia is a southern country - why don't we need an extra Black Sea coast, sea, resorts, fertile land, etc. And in general, such a formulation of the question "how much will it cost" is an extra confirmation of the DEGENERATION OF THE PEOPLE !!! If the people are wondering whether or not to return their own land with their own people, even though it is a piece of desert, - these people have to trample the planet for a maximum of 50 years. This is the science of ethnology. By the way, the second sign of people's degeneration is the destruction of their own language. We all obserae Americans here, and according to our media and advertising, Russian Slavic words are consistently displaced from the language and replaced with Americanisms. In Ukraine, the Russian language is cleaner than in Russia! :-) In the reports from there, the Russian words "chairman" are translated into "speaker", "mayor" - into "mayor", "supreme council" - into "parliament", "former" - into "ex", " legal "- to" legitimate ". We are already talking in AMERICAN SURZHIK !!! This is NOT RUSSIAN, but RUSSIAN. It has nothing to do with the language of the world's greatest literature. And we destroy this language - WE. With the filing of "Rain" and "Echo of Moscow", but for THEM he is not native. To our grandchildren, the Americans will say you don't have a big country, you don't have a Great Victory, you don't even have the Russian language, you have nothing to do with your great ancestors. Not only can you not produce a cell phone, but you are EVEN unable to COME up with a RUSSIAN WORD to name it. This is a sign of extreme stupidity or sycophancy in front of Western culture !!! By the way, neither the Arabs, nor the French, nor the Chinese, nor the Japanese, nor the Koreans, nor the Greeks, nor the Turks ... ... nor dozens of self-respecting cultures DO NOT ALLOW THE BORROWING of especially Americanisms !!! So, gentlemen, Russian patriots, look at the main things that DEFINE THE NATION, and these are: language, customs, songs, clothes - WHAT DO WE HAVE RUSSIAN OUT OF THIS ???????????? Not only Americans laugh at us, but also French and Arabs who know Russian. Although the latter, if not laughing, then grieve for us and sincerely do not understand what is happening to us. I personally know this. :-(
  47. The comment was deleted.
  48. +1
    8 May 2014 20: 16
    It may have already happened, but here it is.........:

  49. FallingDown
    8 May 2014 20: 48
    "Russians in Ukraine have nothing to hope for at all - they will simply be killed. Because they are Russian. Yes, this is a conspiracy theory, lol, quilted jackets, we, yes, yes. But, alas, this is all reality. Another way out for them - to join the ranks of the Russian resistance in the South-East, take up arms and burn the disgusting Ukrainian-Nazis in “boxes” so that the scream of the burning alive representatives of the “superior race” can be heard in their Ternopil, Lviv, Vinnitsa and exactly. Unfortunately, these people (aka the Soviet and mythical “brotherly people”) do not understand the language.”

    It's a joke? There are 8 million Russians in Ukraine. They will be killed. FOR WHAT? I do not believe. What does the superior race have to do with it? I don't understand.
  50. The comment was deleted.
  51. 0
    8 May 2014 21: 07

    Extraordinary anger - at the word “b”, convulsions and salivation begin.

    Unpretentious, eats cookies from Mrs. Nuland and garbage from the EU. I'm fascinated by Polish steroid pork.

    It works only outside its habitat, not willingly and not for long; it can only do unskilled work.

    Due to the impossibility of determining nationality, since over the centuries he was assimilated by Poles, Hungarians, Romanians and Austrians, he is positioned as a “Banderite”. By the name of his beloved "provider"....

    He claims to rule all of Ukraine, but due to his natural stupidity, he tries to act on the orders of his uncles from the USA and aunts from the EU. It turns out bad...

    Prone to various gatherings. If there are more than 3 individuals together, it is uncontrollable and requires the intervention of orderlies...

    If he hears Russian speech, he goes into a rage, even to the point of natural bowel movements. To calm down, orderlies are also needed, preferably with a portrait of Shukhevych or Bandera...

    If any complications arise for “her,” an ordinary Bandera member, falls into a wild ecstasy, expressed in verbal diarrhea and verbiage, while stinking saliva is sprayed in different directions... Not dangerous, but disgusting and unpleasant.

    When there is a gathering of more than three, there are often strange jumps in place with cries of weak-minded, meaningless chants, reminiscent of the ritual dances of some African tribes... Strange and incomprehensible...

    When danger arises, at the level of unconditioned reflexes, he tends to burrow underground in the forest, into the so-called “cache.” It comes out at night, shits disgustingly and stinks impossible... The only treatment is complete devastation, i.e. extermination.
    1. 0
      8 May 2014 22: 00
      Quote: Yakut
      If he hears Russian speech, he goes into a rage, even to the point of natural bowel movements. To calm down, orderlies are also needed, preferably with a portrait of Shukhevych or Bandera...
      If any complications arise for “her,” an ordinary Bandera member, falls into a wild ecstasy, expressed in verbal diarrhea and verbiage, while stinking saliva is sprayed in different directions... Not dangerous, but disgusting and unpleasant.

      A striking example of this. One to one... smile
    8 May 2014 22: 39
    MAIDAN KILLED A UKRAINIAN IN ME!!!!! It’s bad when they pit the united Slavic people against each other, which was once divided at someone’s whim!!!!! They were probably afraid!
  53. 0
    8 May 2014 22: 53
    Jackal somehow not finished off
    Came out with a bottle and a bat,
    Having sold honor and conscience forever,
    To your suffering homeland.

    Cowardly, spineless
    Maidanut, unrequited.
    Hundreds of years under lords...slaves-
    So they think only with their asses!
    ........................ ..
    Parasites on the body of Russia!
    Even though their flag is blue.
    The gas was pulled like blood from a donor ...
    An unkind eye like a black crow.

    You have forgotten the covenants of your fathers,
    Forever under the Poles,
    Vile, unrequited scum...
    There is hopeless darkness over Ukraine.
  54. -1
    8 May 2014 22: 57
    I agree with the author in every word. No amount of therapy will help with these zombies. Only surgery, only cleansing fire! Let the howl stand!!
  55. The comment was deleted.
  56. FallingDown
    9 May 2014 00: 10
    “Propaganda creates an amazing, monstrous and distorted world, musty, saturated with hatred, death, decay and self-destruction. However, such propaganda cannot be carried on for a long time, because it has a destructive effect on the human psyche. Society is deformed, the economy and social connections are degenerating. Such a state cannot be built in any way in modern economic relations, it is geared towards self-hatred and self-destruction, what kind of investment is there?”

    But here you might think there is no propaganda. After all, we also keep a lot of things silent. The media are almost all controlled by the state. Here is a map with the level of press freedom (BLUE - BAD, Green - good) Plus a link to the article (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0 %BE%D0%B4%D0%B0_%D1%81%

    D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D0%B2_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8). Our propaganda says that they are fascists, the EU is also fascists, America is about to be plunged into fire, but in Russia everyone is rich, smart and healthy. Propaganda cannot be treated as the author said. We must remember that propaganda is an integral part of the life of any state or other entity.
    1. tux
      12 May 2014 13: 02
      Quote: FallingDown
      Here is a map with the level of press freedom (BLUE - BAD, Green - good) Plus a link to the article (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0 %BE%D0%B4%D0%B0_%D1%81%
      D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B0_%D0%B2_%D0%A0%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%B8 ).

      False map at the link. It is the Western media that are controlled by the State Department, both American and European. There can be no talk of any freedom of speech in the West! They sing what they are told to do! If they don’t sing, they’ll fly out of work like a cork from a bottle. You, my friend, are saying provocative things.
  57. -1
    9 May 2014 05: 07
    The history of Ukraine is a story of complete betrayal and inferiority complex.
  58. +2
    9 May 2014 19: 25
    A Ukrainian is a resident of the recently so-named territory of Russia. We have a lot of that. Urals, Siberians, Far Easterners, not to mention Krasnodar, Orlov, Novgorod, Kuban, Stavropol, etc., etc., etc.
  59. +1
    10 May 2014 01: 12
    Poem on the topic of the day
  60. -2
    10 May 2014 04: 04
    The author of this article is inferior. And his place is in a mental hospital for the insane. Now there are NO autochthonous (pure) nationalities. Over many hundreds of years, everyone mixed up. And in Ukraine there are no fewer normal and adequate people than in Russia. Or did few Ukrainians die at the front during the war? And here he writes that almost all 40 million are Banders. Among the Russians, too, there were enough scum during the war - the ROA alone was worth it... My grandfather, may he rest in heaven, spent 2 years in the Carpathians catching Benderites, and he was the PUREEST Ukrainian, from the Cossacks... You have to think about what to write based on national feelings now oh how they play...
    1. 0
      10 May 2014 14: 06
      Many Ukrainians, like other peoples, died in the Second World War, but only the Ukrainians and the Balts make outcasts out of the Second World War veterans, and heroes out of the fascist bedding! The Germans and those who write out a ticket to the mine for such attempts, but here the Slavic brothers distinguished themselves... The question here is not who fought, but who is glorified. In Russia, no one makes heroes out of the ROA, and they are not proud of belonging to this office, but they do take part in the “valiant ranks of the Waffen SS Galicia division.” Moreover, about the “purity of the nation” - this smacks of the “works” of Hess, Goebbels and Aloizych. Don't you find it?
  61. 0
    10 May 2014 10: 19
    Quote: Setrac
    Quote: Sergey Vl.
    Field Marshal Keitel in Nuremberg made excuses that he was a soldier and carried out orders. Hung up.

    Let me draw your attention to the fact that in Nuremberg the Americans hung the Germans to cover up the traces of their presence in the Third Reich.

    You can remember Reichsmarshal Gerring, with his American wife. I thought they would get me off, but that didn’t happen.
  62. Guslar
    12 May 2014 17: 25
    RUSSIAN sycophants. The funniest thing now is to listen on the Russian media about how the spirit and patriotism of the Russian people is rising - directly proportional to anti-Americanism, and this anti-Americanism is expressed by AMERICAN freak words that are actively being introduced into the Russian language by the suicidal Russian people themselves. For without language there is no nation. If there were no Ukrainian dialect (or language - whatever you want) - there would be no Ukrainian question at all. Russians are now having trouble not only inventing Russian words, but it even seems “cool” to insert American substitutes into their monkey speech instead of native Russian-Slavic ones. THIS IS THE FIRST SIGN OF DEGENERATIVISM IN THE NATION!!! Soon this population will simply not exist. The second sign is an unwillingness to defend themselves, instead - counting on accounts how much the reunification of ancestral lands will cost and how much their relatives from these lands will “gobble up”. The Germans and the Jews proved their worth as nations when the two Germanys reunited, despite all the economic costs for West Germany and when the Jews restored their language - Hebrew (naturally, they now protect and preserve it, unlike the Russians), and when they were ready to welcome their relatives to their homeland, including old pensioners, and pay them a “basket”. Returning after 15 years of working abroad and getting used to how they protect their native languages ​​from American, I discovered that in Russia my native Russian language had been stolen from me. Now I understand how the first wave of emigrants feel. I am ashamed that I belong to a people who themselves are destroying the language of the greatest literature in the world!!! By sycophancy and admiration of the West in practice (although in words it’s the other way around!), the people turn into monkeys, parrots, monkeys, and become like pygmies or Papuans (I don’t want to offend the latter), who do not have their own rich culture and developed language system. The degenerate people switched to American surzhik, glamorous fenya. The language for radio presenters is a working tool, but they don’t even know real RUSSIAN words anymore; speech consists of a dozen killer words: “positive”, “negative”, “history”, “super”, “message”, “ex”. This is what the vocational students used to say in the 80s: “thing,” “crap,” “crazy,” “crappy,” etc. There's no difference. Only then there were Russian words, and now they are American. The poverty of language, and therefore of thought, is exactly the same. Only then it was a lower class, but now it is a class - “crooked” :-) DEBI-I-I-ILY......
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  65. 0
    18 January 2015 20: 27
    Great article. It's a rare case when I completely agree with the author.