What is "Ukrainian"

What is "Ukrainian"
Ukraine smells of decomposition, fumes and death

On May 2 in Odessa, about 40 people were burned alive during clashes. Who and how were these clashes caused, who were the mysterious people with gunshot weapons and red bandages and so on, it doesn't matter anymore. The reaction of the Ukrainian Internet public to this tragedy is important (you shouldn’t even write about the reaction of the Russian liberas): “Vata burns well”, “Ogrebli’s Colorado”, “Patriots won”, “I love kebabs”. For the sake of pro forma, I set up a chemically pure experiment of Pavlov’s dog, suggesting an uncomplicated train of thought between Ukrainians:

1. Burned Russian saboteurs, hirelings of the FSB and Putin.
2. So they should, let the "Colorado" die.
3. Damned "Colorado" burned themselves.

All this, in the same sequence and with the same details, was first reproduced in my comments by a kosher Ukrainian yoserian (a fighter against “Vata” and Putin from Dnepropetrovsk) - 15 citizens of the Russian Federation and 5 citizens of Transnistria, and himself stuffed ukro-media, particular tsn. It's only Putin's propaganda lies, but can it really lie to the media? Despite the fact that in the evening of May 2 it was clear that it was not the abandoned saboteurs who had died, but the native Odessans. Then it was confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Do you think it somehow affected ukrov? They began to apologize, they began to write refutations of their own lies? .. The flight in the garbage disposal bastards continued to spread on the Internet fake photos of supposedly Russian passports of burnt people. And, of course, they continued to rejoice insanely at the murder of their own fellow citizens - citizens of Ukraine, residents of Odessa. In the end, the victims were recognized as suicides - they say they burned themselves. And they continued to celebrate Peremog.

For most Russian users, this, of course, has become an unpleasant truth about who "Ukrainians" are, and in what world the RF exists in general. Before that, we had widespread talk about stupid "Ruska bydle", "quilted jackets" and so on. Indeed, the Russians are not the most probably the best people on earth (the Germans are much better, although they burned 6 to millions of Jews, this is officially considered). But here the Ukrainian psychopaths broke all records, fell below any moral bottom. And most importantly - they seriously consider this as an overwhelm, a victory, a success. What do you think, why? Just because they are stupid?

Few Russians understand that in Ukraine all the last 23 of the year and on went, and unbridled military propaganda against the Russians is going on and on. Not against Putin, namely, against the Russians and Russia. It doesn’t matter whether Valeria Novodvorskaya or American-Ukrainian spy Navalny will head it. Will still go. What is military propaganda? This is not entirely propaganda of the advantages of war over a peaceful life, as it may seem. The thing is that forcing some people to easily kill others, and even be proud of it, is devilishly difficult. For this you need:

1. Shuffle into the head of people that their future "enemies" are devoid of all human properties.
2. If the future "enemy" is a kindred people, or even the same people, then it is necessary to deprive them of their identification properties. It’s one thing to kill a “brother” and another thing to kill an incomprehensible “starfishcorla” with five legs and a mandible like space insects.
3. At the same time, the future “enemy” has an impressive list of offenses and injustices inflicted on the patient being treated. There is also the root cause of murder - otvetka for all the "joys of life." 350 years Russian mocked the Ukrainians, it's time to fight back.

All this, in one sequence or another, flows every day from televisions, from radio, from newspapers and electronic media in Ukraine. I watched a couple of channels TV ukro TV a month ago. And there is a burning teaser - "war with Russia". All clear. And mental processing begins with an elementary school, where children are told what wonderful country of elves they live in, and how the damned Katsaps, which constantly “interfere with the European choice of a freedom-loving people, are spoiled by them”. This is despite the fact that even according to official statistics, more than a quarter of the population of Ukraine are ethnic Russians (in reality, at least half).

Let's go through the points briefly, but not in order.

2. In Ukrainian, no "Russian" does not exist. They simply do not. The maximum and extremely polite-abstract appeal is certain "Russians." Tuvans, Tatars, Bashkirs, Russians, Chechens. Who are the Ukrainians? Relatives, or what? Not in the Ukrainian language and no concept of "Russian language". There is some abstract "Russian mova." That is, a certain Tuva-Ingush-Armenian-Russian-Karelian language. What does he have to do with the Slavic Ukrainian language? A rhetorical question.

Therefore, all Russian experiences about the "brothers" from the Ukrainian point of view are meaningless. There are Ukrainians, and there are some abstract Russians (“northern jackals, self-inflamed from anger in Odessa,” I quote), which no one can call these Ukrainians in any way. It’s just some kind of Katsaps and Moskals — well, like orcs for the inhabitants of Gondor (that is, not even Slavs or even humans). The "brotherly people" invented for the "brothers" some idiotic and insulting nicknames, and dancing for joy: peremoga, peremoga, deceived Moskal, hurray! At the same time, all this against the background of poor, reconstruction scenery, an invented language (which most of the actors have not really learned), deceitful stories and general degeneration due to the fall of the intellectual level, outflow of the population (see below) and the same reconstruction (you know, if you seriously get into the role of a hobbit, then you can be damaged).

1. Ukrainian propaganda leads a constant racist information war. Russians - Katsaps, Muscovites - are depicted by her as a collection of scum, freaks, genetically inferior people, envious, stupid, natural slaves, inhabitants of the mythical "horde" who are naturally opposed by Juberus-Europeans in the person of Ukrainians - descendants of the oldest democrats of Europe, Tripoli-Aryans . Russian, Polish and Austrian cities inherited by the Ukrainians are declared Ukrainian, and the people who built them are invaders Mongolian-Katsaps, wild monsters who have nothing in common with Europe and universal human values. For the sake of formality, we recall that the same Odessa, where the scum were killed by their own fellow citizens and now they are terribly proud, was laid by Empress Catherine II, and one of the first governors and then governors of Novorossia (lol, jacket) and Bessarabia in 1804-1815 For years, the infamous, wild Mongolian-katsap Armand Emmanuel Sophia-Septimani de Vigneres du Plessis, Comte de Chinon, 5 Duke of Richelieu, who at the end of his life managed to be another foreign minister and head of government of infinitely wild, wretched France. The same applies to the Austrian Lemberg - a German-Jewish-Polish-Armenian-Russian city, where there were no “Ukrainians”.

It is impossible to explain why the “highest race” of Ukrainians washes toilets and kneads the solution, and also sells vaginas in Europe and Russia - like guest workers and prostitutes. Once again, the Muscovites podgadili, the Katsaps, the oil mold, cannot do anything, God, kill this black hole of the planet (a brief retelling of the “theory”).

3. The logical part of military propaganda is also a list of “hurt feelings”. It makes no sense to disassemble them, all this is golimy lies and lies, but for military propaganda, which is perceived by Ukrainians as a broadcast of LIE, it does not matter.

What do we have at the exit?

1. We have a people who are propagandistically sharpened to war with the Russians, hate them, are ready for anything for the sake of "victory." That is, kill, execute, torture. Once again, the Ukrainians are ready and morally prepared to kill the Russians. No matter what, it does not matter, nor does it matter that they are not even Russians at all, but their Ukrainians (!). That is why the last "Peremoga" in Odessa and met with such a joyful roar. People to this prepared, podvodili. They PROMISED it.

A more weakened version of this behavior is ukrofily bloggers from Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, who have been fighting Putin for years, but the slightest attempts to look at Ukraine from a different point of view have been met with furious, vicious racist rhetoric. I saw about ten people in my eyes - it was kind of sane, and then turned into a mad Ukrainian dog. In Putin’s RF, he’s often rightly, I’ll note, complete Asiatic and obscurantism, the collapse of everything and everything, but Ukraine ... this is sacred, take away your dirty paws from the Katsapa offspring, Ukraine has blossomed and will bloom for a thousand years in spite of you, Putin's slaves.

Some Russian observers expressed surprise in this connection - rampant racist propaganda against Ukraine is going on in Ukraine against its neighbor, against practically its own people, but this country has no army. Why? Because, you see, for Tutsi and Hutu, no army is needed to arrange a suicidal massacre. Sticks, fixtures, knives, some firearms and Molotov cocktails, what else do you need to burn, kill, rape "Katsap"? As for military fenders, when confronted with armed resistance from the Russians (not the Russian army, but simply the rebels), a regular combing of the blunt nape of the neck begins - “we didn’t expect it”:

2. Propaganda creates an amazing, monstrous and distorted world, musty, saturated with hate, death, ashes and self-destruction. However, such propaganda cannot be carried on for a long time, because it acts destructively on the human psyche. Society is deformed, the economy degenerates, social ties. Such a state cannot be built into modern economic relations in any way, it is sharpened for self-hatred and self-destruction, what kind of investment is there?

3. In this world, there are no causal relationships, there is no notion of truth and lies, because everything is sharpened by one thing - the fight against the damned bloodsucker-Moskal. Kill him, kill him again, then kill him again, and then ... and then what? Never mind. There will be a country-garden with huts, pigs, ondrykami and natalkami in the field. Achito?

From the point of view of reflexology and behavioral psychology (behaviorism), a Ukrainian is the simplest "Pavlov's dog" with two constant reactions:

1. Achito?
2. Blame Muscovites.

This miserable and uncomplicated dvuhhodovka mental apparatus and was demonstrated by Odessa, and before that the Crimea, Maidan, and so on. The “Ukrainian” lives in his fictional nationalistic reality, very unpleasant and painful even for himself, and not having contact with the real world. The last Ukrainians are trying to bend in all seriousness - there are no Russian saboteurs in the burned-out building, it does not matter, we throw in fake photos, the main thing is to hold the night, stand for a day, peremoga there, kill all Muscovites, and the reality is plasticine, they cannot be really ugly Muscovites do something, we have America, hooray!

When a couple of months ago I published a couple of videos with columns of ghouls, chanting “Muscovites for Knives,” several scrupulous persons from among Moscow liberals and ancestors from Ukrainian Jews snorted with displeasure, they say, “became a padded jacket.” But after all, it does not even occur to Ukrainians and their curators that criticism of Ukrainians may not be for Putin’s money and not according to instructions! What people really do not like when some ... call for the destruction of persons of their nationality! After all, the war is going on, but in war - as in war. Either you are a paid spy, or you are intimidated by something. That brings Katsap nonsense-slander against the good and democratic fennel.

When naive Radulova posted a screen from Polish on her blog News, where it is written IN UKRAINE (and in all related Slavic languages ​​- Polish, Czech, Slovak, it is written that way), the ukri who came to her blog blamed the naive idiot for "national betrayal." Because “not betrayal” is to lie to the Russians, deceive them, insult them and make them write in their own language as the Ukrainians need (who, I notice for a moment, have their own language, but the trouble is it speaks 10-15 % of the population).

The Ukrainian is an honest and professional liar. To deceive Moskal, to deceive themselves, to deceive their own Ukrainians is a matter of "honor." I look after the activity of a certain "Tymchuk", which constantly replicates lies (it was especially good about the Crimean campaign), constantly getting slack, but continues to regularly supply "reliable" information to ukro-mass media and Moscow shabby bloggers. Therefore, no dialogue with the Ukrainian is simply impossible; the Russian should pass by a grimacing Ukrainian.

The world of Ukrainians is a rather strange jumble of shadows, where the Ukrainian Aryan fights against a certain Moskal, on the far horizon some kind of "good uncles elves" - America, the West, who love and adore the Ukrainians. All the media, blogs, television of Ukraine are crammed with cries about the "destructive actions of the Russian special services." In most cases, the Ukrainian is prozombirovan so much that he will not see a single trick in (I quote from memory): "Putin sent snipers to Kiev to shoot at the freedom-loving people of Maidan, who overthrows Moscow-appointed dictator Yanukovich." Well, it shoots that this nation quickly overthrew this Yanukovych. What do you think will happen if you ask Ukra about the actions of the special services of Poland, the USA or England in Ukraine? Will gasp for air, like a fish on land. There is no such thing in the world. Therefore, even innocuous fan-loud ukry cargo chants are remade for military needs - with the aim of insulting the "enemy." What for?

Ukraine will win, our people will once again surprise the world, and we all will be able to continue to build the country of our dreams, where there is a place for any constructive ideas, projects and energy. Together till the end.

And all this orom. And the victory - is the destruction of the "enemy" (ie, Russian). Try asking a Ukrainian how he is going to live on, destroying all his economic ties with Russia after the “won” fratricidal war? Try to ask why Ukraine, one of the best Soviet republics, built such high-tech as Ruslan and Mriya airplanes, which are now with great pleasure rented by the "progressive" NATO fighters for transportation to Afghanistan (yes, yes, quilted jackets nothing can not produce), rolled over for 23 year in full g ..., in full Albania? A country where on top of a social dream is a prostitute in a German or Moscow brothel, as well as a worker who kneads cement in some Romania or Poland?

If, in recent years, a couple of million people fleeing abroad (about 2% of the population) escaped from Putin’s stench of the Russian Federation, how did over the past 23 year disappear from the Ukrainian paradise to 20% of the country's population? Of the 52 million people in Ukraine in 1991, by the year 2013 there were about 44 million, and then by the most optimistic official calculations (that is, it is clearly greatly overestimated). Where are the others? Everybody died? Why did they run away from "prosperous Ukraine"?

There are no answers to this, nor will there be. It will be a long, muddy, idiotic nonsense, not connected in any way with reality. There will be insults, reproaches of "Jewry" (Ukrainians are slipping into anti-Semitism already on the third sentence - after all, their ancestors killed quite a few Jews, let's not forget), jumps, grimaces, fakes, a couple of demotivators will go, at least the Ukrainian will come up with - as it seems to him - a witty and impish insult in order to "morally ram the enemy". Somehow, for the sake of interest, I asked the impudent user kant_elz (an old-fashioned Kharkov Jew who fled to Germany and from there struggling with “Russian propaganda” - apparently, the person did not learn German, now he is overmixed with “Kiselevo”). The answers were:

1. To nullify economic cooperation with vile, vile and deceitful Russia.
2. Reorient to the West, attract Western investment, build high-tech.

That is, if in a simple way, then destroy at least two of the most important sectors of the economy of Ukraine (in spite of Moskalak) - metallurgy and mechanical engineering, and try to conquer the EU market with your grain and Nezhin tomatoes. Why? Brilliant program. Ukrainians are sure that the West loves them, the West will shower them with brilliant gifts, that the West will help them in their holy struggle with Rashka, the wild, Asian Horde, where slave Russia pays a huge tribute to Chechens (a logical question arises, and where is the same for Ukrainian democrats ?) Why the West over the previous 23 of the year did not help them, does not even reflect, and there is no such option.

All this means that now and in the coming months no entry of Russian troops into Ukraine can be done. This is a serpentarium, a kingdom of the dead, a burial ground of zombies - malicious, stupid, aggressive. Sharpened on the murder of Russian on ... but just like that. People brought to the level of African cannibals.

To the same sane people in Ukraine, if they are still there, advice - leave from there, leave the territory of Death. There will be very bad, and it will be bad soon enough and quickly. While in Ukraine there are still salaries, there is light, there is water, there is an external similarity of public order, but all this is inertia from previous years (the disgusting tyrant Yanukovych, who plundered hundreds of billions of euros in Ukraine). And inertia tends to fade.

But Russians in Ukraine have nothing to hope for — they will simply be killed. For the fact that they are Russian. Yes, this is conspiracy theory, lol, quilted jackets, we are freaks, yes, yes. But, alas, this is all a reality. Another way out for them is to join the ranks of the Russian resistance in the Southeast, take up arms and burn the obscene-nazi're coming out in "boxes" so that the screaming alive of the representatives of the "superior race" can be heard in their horns, Lviv, Vinnytsia and smooth. Unfortunately, these people do not understand another language (aka the Soviet and the mythical "brotherly people").
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  1. +79
    6 May 2014 07: 14
    it’s more likely to have a referendum. Time stretches terribly long. Hold on.
    1. +123
      6 May 2014 07: 23
      I personally have the word Western Ukrainian disgusted as the word fascist in relation to the Germans, I understand that there are a lot of good people in western Ukraine but consciousness is resisting this, consciousness says that they need to be killed and that’s the point.
      1. +52
        6 May 2014 08: 05
        But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies. And the main opponent for us is the one who did it.

        God would give us the opportunity to hit the lair of these nonhumans.
        1. +41
          6 May 2014 09: 48
          A few? And one rest did not pass. This is scary, in such a short time there has been a revolution in the minds of the whole country. And not only among young people, but also among those born in the USSR.
          1. +32
            6 May 2014 12: 20
            If you delve into the Internet, you will find otographs of the demonstrations held in Kiev during the collapse of the USSR. And even then slogans were heard about the great Ukraine, the People's Movement and other heresies invented for dill. So the enemy worked on this for a long time, a very long time. At least remember Bandera. He did not arise from scratch.
            1. +26
              6 May 2014 14: 12
              The family is not without a freak, as they say. Probably a very small percentage of all kinds of haters is in every country. Now hysterical Russophobia in Ukraine is widespread.
              I hear from acquaintances that many of their Ukrainian relatives on the phone are accused of assault, murder, seizure of Crimea, saying "you, Russians" (somehow stupid, they are blood relatives themselves). They say "we have no more relatives in Russia" and stop communicating. Thank God mine is not one of those.
              1. The comment was deleted.
              2. The comment was deleted.
              3. +28
                6 May 2014 19: 03
                Quote: Mugs
                I hear from acquaintances that many of their Ukrainian relatives on the phone are accused of assault, murder, the seizure of Crimea, saying "you, Russians" (somehow stupid, they are blood relatives themselves). They say "we have no more relatives in Russia" and stop communicating.

                I confirm, the same amazing garbage!
                And we did not believe to the last! False propaganda is a terrible weapon, it turns out. And how to be now? Kill them all? Unreal. Re-education seems also impossible. Drive to Galicia and fence off the wall? The task is not trivial ...
                Although in the twentieth century some were already cured, they were nevertheless brainwashed not in 23 years in the urine - only the Reich stood for 12 years (millennia!). Yes, and treated, consider the whole world, to a greater or lesser extent. I'm not talking about military power, of course, only about ideas.
                It seems that we must somehow let the monster devour itself ... But then God, save the Russians there. There’s a dead end! You involuntarily begin to think seditiously that Putin is silent now, not because it is not the time to speak, but because he also does not know what to do ...
                My humble one: if the results of the referendums clearly support the course towards Russia, recognize the Lugansk and Donetsk regions as independent, bring in peacekeepers at their request, burn out the evil spirits, but do not attach them yet, leave them as "vice versa limitrophes", feed and protect. And there it will be seen ... The creatures, of course, will howl with bad voices - sanctions, aggression - but there are no other options yet.
                1. +20
                  6 May 2014 20: 00
                  Quote: matRoss
                  but other options are not yet visible.

                  Campaign is the best option.
                  As amended.
                  It is necessary to take the whole SE to clean the brain with intensive psychotherapy and attach it within 3 months.
                  Crimea alone will not be forgiven.
                  Seven troubles are one answer, and 10-15 million in half a year they will say thanks to us and it won’t hurt us.
                  1. +13
                    6 May 2014 20: 12
                    Meanwhile, Bandera propaganda swung at the Rostov region and all of Russia

                    They should not dream for long. They dream, but we act. Crimea, and soon the southeast and the rest of Ukraine will be part of Russia.
                    1. +17
                      6 May 2014 20: 48
                      There are no words. And do they believe that? Nature zombies crying
                      1. +18
                        6 May 2014 21: 30
                        elmi, you’re super, where did you find this! I probably laughed for the first time for so long watching this video. Bandera bunch of shit! These clowns are the only ones who can humiliate themselves even more! laughing
                      2. +5
                        6 May 2014 22: 33
                        Quote: Hans51
                        where I found it!


                      3. +42
                        7 May 2014 10: 02
                        I, a Ukrainian, a descendant of the Zaporozhye Cossacks and ancient Rusich. My grandfathers beat the Nazis, not sparing their lives. I declare: Since when did the Galician descendants of Polish and Austrian serfs, who until 1939 were unknown by whom, lived half a millennium in other states and were forcibly joined by Stalin us, have Ukrainians become “help”?
                        Galicians who speak Polish-Austrian surzhik, which differs from the Ukrainian language in the same way as tarpaulin boots differ from ladies' shoes, suddenly decided that they are also Ukrainians! And even enrolled in the defenders of the Ukrainian language. They suddenly signed up for the builders of the Ukrainian nation. It’s the same as the US blacks who speak English and the English who live in England are one nation. But a nation is united by a common historical and cultural past. And we have a GENERAL HISTORICAL PAST WITH them SIMPLY NO. They sank the whole country with their Diaspora-Galician nationalism, which for some reason is called Ukrainian. All: RUKHI, KUNY, NUNS, OUN, UPA and full-time Tyagnibokovskaya "freedom" climb like cockroaches in Ukraine EXCLUSIVELY FROM GALICHINA. They suddenly decided all of us, in their opinion, the racially-inferior inhabitants of Ukraine (Little Russia), to which they have nothing to do, to teach Ukraine and their oh svidomosti.
                        By the way, THEIR “Svidomost” is all that is purely Galician complex of historical inferiority. For their whole story is the story of servility and betrayal. Now they are stealing our history, like they’re the Cossack family. There was no Cossacks in their history, because the Cossacks were imprisoned for the betrayal of the faith of their ancestors. Although they could spare the Pole. There was no Taras Shevchenko in their history, because he had never been to Austrian Galicia. By the way, almost all the prose of T. G. Shevchenko is written in Russian. They climb a dirty snout into the history of a country where their ancestors did not live. Like Bogdan Khmelnitsky was wrong. There was no Bohdan Khmelnitsky in their history, because in the liberation war of our people against the Poles, the Galicians were always on the side of the Poles. In their history there was the Polish king Sigismund and the Austrian emperor Ferdinand. And there is nothing for the Galician mutants to slander on behalf of Ukraine. Galicia - Homeland of traitors and dung gopot.
                        From comments
                      4. +14
                        7 May 2014 12: 07
                        You are a Ukrainian !!!
                        Although I think that this "self-name" is historically incorrect, but since you like to be called that - your RIGHT. Until the end of last year, your desire and those like you did not prevent me from living.
                        You are a Ukrainian! With people like you I want to be called, if not just one people (not my desire), then BROTHERS - EXACTLY !!!
                        You are a UKRAINIAN! My grandfather (German) in 43-44 went through the northern regions of Ukraine as part of the 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts, then told his wife (my grandmother) that he had visited her historical homeland, freed her companions from "their" relatives.
                        To which she replied - "That's okay. I hope our children and grandchildren will never distinguish" nationality "in their blood. Everything will mix."
                        They did not live to this shame. Lucky at least in this.
                        And if one piece of my blood will no longer fight with RUSSIAN, then about the other, I'm not sure. Arrange yourself which one ...
                        You are a Ukrainian! And you are few. Few real Ukrainians, few are left. The rest are not-understand-who.
                        That's even if only one million of them remain. THESE THESE, here with them I also want to KIND, BROTHER, FRIENDSHIP or just TRADE - it's YOUR choice.
                        Alenov on a switch ....
                      5. +12
                        7 May 2014 19: 39
                        After May 2, the howl of "Sala Ruin" and "Hero Solo" is now generally unbearable to hear, I can hear the gasping wheeze, the scream of the burnt alive, the groan of a strangled woman, under this slogan they shouted finishing off those who jumped out of the windows. A dumb, twisted bunch of orcs. Somewhere they said that the point of no return has been passed. And there is. All those that killed will be found, do not hesitate. Odessa is not a very revolutionary city, it has a different bias, and MAY 2 WILL NEVER BE FORGOTTEN, and everyone who killed will be found and everyone who dares will be VENGEED. "To each according to his deeds"
                      6. +4
                        7 May 2014 13: 42
                        Bravo! I support! :)
                      7. Guslar
                        7 May 2014 14: 52
                        Great text !!! Summary of the diagnosis of Ukraine. It is a pity that almost no one talks about it.
                      8. Guslar
                        7 May 2014 14: 52
                        Great text !!! Summary of the diagnosis of Ukraine. It is a pity that almost no one talks about it.
                      9. +22
                        7 May 2014 18: 29
                        I, a Russian, have never considered Ukrainians a fraternal people, in my subconscious understanding - Ukrainians, synonymous with the concepts: Novgorodian, Rostovite, Pskovite, etc., I considered us (Russians and Ukrainians) one great people, Rusichs! You say a lot and correctly, which refutes the idea that there are only one in Ukraine and I am sure that your point of view is shared by the majority of ethnic Ukrainians, wherever they live. The question only arises: why do you say THIS here and now? Why have you been silent for 23 years, observing (perhaps with a condescending grin) Western propaganda? In Russia, no one has ever called to "hang Ukrainians", my great-uncle is a Ukrainian, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and I personally, for such a call would have dragged such a "talker" to the nearest birch. You have similar calls not uncommon, and recently, the norm and sign of "svidomisti", Ukrainians considered zapadenkov clowns, roguly, onizhedets, but not extremists and not traitors. You yourself, with your silence (read approval), rolled your country into the farthest nooks ... well. As the saying goes, it's too late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys have failed.
                        Now think about why all this x ... nya happened right now, 23 years after gaining independence? I will tell you: the junior command staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as the rank and file, do not have a Soviet (common) past, they have no concept of "brotherhood of peoples", they have been drummed into the "national idea" since childhood that Russians in general and Russians in particular are enemies and invaders, and "Galicia", "Nachtigall" UPA, etc., patriots, heroes and liberators. We, Russians and Ukrainians, were purposefully pitted against for two decades, under your condescending smile, and now you have received your sight! Unfortunately, it’s too late, if it’s a warrior, there will be no "fraternization", the Ukrainians will slaughter the Russians, because they have been taught so, and the Russians, the Ukrainians, as fascist henchmen. At the same time, the blood of both Ukrainians and Russians will ONLY be on your hands, yours and yours like Ukrainians, who understand all the absurdity of this "Western national idea", but allowed it to be hammered into the heads of YOUR children. You say that the Galicians are fucking small, and this is so, but you (the Ukrainians) allowed two carts of Bandera to push their idea to 45M Ukrainians. I remember how many (not all) mocked Russian problems in Ukraine, during the Chechen campaigns - you are pouring blood to each other, but we have peace, labor, May in Ukraine. With the initiative Gromadyane!
                        PS: You got a song there "We will never be brothers", so it contains the words: "... silence is gold in your home ...", so what is happening in Ukraine is the price of your silence to the fascist-Bandera propaganda and their (Bandera) Nazi antics.
                      10. Guslar
                        7 May 2014 19: 17
                        Mind does not require much to transfer the arrows to ordinary citizens of Ukraine, "that you were silent ...". And you (personally) that were silent when Yeltsin signed the collapse with Kravchuk, when he gave up Crimea, when he gave 20 million Russians abroad without the right to obtain Russian citizenship on a priority basis, gave the same Western Russians - Ukrainians to humiliate the Western Jewish government in Kiev, when Russia allowed a part of its former country with its people to drift, when it allowed the creation on its borders of an almost hostile state with a false history. If we are so great and rich, why didn't we defend our NATIONAL interests following the example of the States ??? I know how the States do it in countries that are in the opposite hemisphere. And we even managed to quarrel with Belarus !!! The current situation in Ukraine is one hundred percent PROSER of the policy of the Russian leadership !!! And there is no need now to dance to the American tune - to sprinkle hatred towards Orthodox Ukrainians. "Cutting each other" is what the Americans are now trying to achieve. And thus you are playing on the side of the devil. Our task is to get the Russian leadership to help the Little Russians get rid of the Uniate government. Then help the rest of the Ukrainians to kick the Uniates out of central Ukraine and create an allied country like Belarus. This is the minimum task. Ideally - to go further and push the Uniates to Poland and Hungary, to their historical masters.
                      11. +5
                        7 May 2014 20: 16
                        And you yourself will be there? Help! Will you ?! Or in a bright city, Moscow city?! I am a Muscovite myself. With Tambov-Tula-Nizhny Novgorod roots. Collect a human gathering in your yard. Collect, but in a sober mind "plow" start our Russian chernozem. If the field is not plowed, then the seed cannot be raised. And the ear cannot be raised, then the harvest is stunted. A-la "swamp"!) Everyone should understand what you sow, you reap. And our land , has always been fertile. That is why our thoughts were always hospitable and fraternal. To anyone. To everyone. Why do I (a Russian, a Russian) need more? Why, when everyone has two legs, two arms and a head? It’s difficult, but for a working man. We, Russians, are warriors from the plow. But for some reason, not someone wants to understand that the plow and the sword are behind each other. We plowed and fought. We did not capture anyone, but on the contrary welcomed them. If I told you I’ll say, from 5 to 10 plow the field, and then go and say a good word for your neighbor, but if it doesn’t work out, pull out the sword, but don’t hit it until there is no thunder (noise). Do not rush things, they will come to you themselves. what has been said reveals the present time. There are a lot of warriors all over the world, only the final place is a warrior-pogost. And a place is for the Russian warrior-plowman, the land that will feed his grandchildren. For which he "fought" with a sword, a plow and a plow. ", good for fertilization, but not to kill, but simply" Wed ... b ".
                        Why do you need it? You yourself take the truth and then bring your womb to people. Carry it not with a word, with a deed! You look and your (e), your environment will think that every person is a prophet. Each one can decide and make a decision. And from everyone It depends on it. Let it be in your own family, but the family is the same spike, and if weed is used instead of spike, then ...... weed is also useful. Only growing weeds are nearby.
                        Love the Motherland. Respect the memory. Remember the past, always.
                      12. +9
                        7 May 2014 20: 34
                        When Yeltsin signed the "collapse" I was 14 years old and my vote was unlikely to decide anything. And regarding the translation of the arrows, I did not try, I just stated a fact, and an obvious one. They do not set us against the Ukrainians, but quite the opposite. I did not call on anyone to cut, and in Odessa people were burned not at my call, watch the news, ALREADY they are cutting and it is not the government of the Russian Federation that is to blame, but the indifference of the citizens of Ukraine. How do you think Russia should have controlled the situation in a sovereign state, invade and outweigh everyone? Until recently, Russia had more than a dofig of its own problems. To oust the Uniates - how, with a kind word? Any solution to the problem from the outside, unfortunately, leads to war. If anyone can decide everything peacefully, it is the Ukrainians themselves. And by the way about Belarus, no one there called to kill the Russians, did not crap in the direction of Russia, and if he crap, he got it in the head from the Belarusians themselves, and without much publicity. Little Russians consider it a sign of independence to spit in the direction of Russia. And more about the "massacre", when someone starts to cut, one must not appeal to brotherly feelings and not look for the malicious hand of the West under the bed, one must SHOOT, because if you don’t feel sorry for your life, then every self-respecting man is obliged to protect his women and children and it is both in Slavic and Russian.
                        PS If anyone in Russia is to blame for the current situation in Ukraine, it is the "Bloody Tyrant Stalin" with NS Khrushchev, who, instead of shooting all the Bandera scum, took and, apparently out of natural Russian bloodthirstiness, exiled them in the camps, and even amnesties were periodically announced. I ask no one to take my words personally, I just express my opinion.
                      13. +4
                        7 May 2014 22: 58
                        "Guslyar", "busido", "fyvaprold" - hi
                        All three are right! And your truth is stinging like "Trinidad Scorpion Moruga" and annoyingly unbearable like a toothache.
                        But it's true. And it is necessary to swallow, so that not only the mouth, but also the ears, eyes and soul will not clog the sugary-sweet.

                        About this the truth, oddly enough, it sounds nice to read. And no less useful ... Yes

                        Welcome to the site. There would be more of those, and not those who are ready to arrange a "gallery of funny pictures" here ...
                        In pursuit of imaginary "popularity", it seems to me. hi
                      14. Guslar
                        8 May 2014 12: 34
                        I completely agree with PS Everything that is above is, unfortunately, immaturity and a complex of looking for someone to blame. Answers like “I was 14, what I could”, “how Russia could”, “they themselves had many problems” are low-budget excuses. I personally do not accuse you, in contrast to your aggressiveness, but I ask you to "turn to yourself" before accusing others. Of course, Russia had no time, it was necessary to share resources among the oligarchy !!! How this is done - to suppress someone else's influence, displace, etc. - this is a matter of technology, only political will is needed. I am not going to argue on this topic and do not intend to read lectures. I worked professionally in it and for me it is an alphabet. By the way, to deny the hand of the West after everything that happened in Kiev and against the background of what is happening now in the West is a rare blindness. The main thing is not to immediately look for enemies in those who can and SHOULD, by definition, be our ally. It is the West - BY DEFINITION, our enemy, and now it has already proved it, well, just for the poor-minded. This is the problem of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation over the past 20 years.
                      15. 0
                        8 May 2014 14: 30
                        This is the trouble Rossii.Pokleniya 30-50 years rozhdennykh.I us, the children of this generation. And about the West ..... Are you Guslyar, really stupidly worked in his "professionalism"? Not a mistake, two fs. What they teach will come to that. We are drawn into a direct war. And we do not go. Everything is not according to the plan of Western professionals. And "Hollywood" is not used to when the script goes out of the budget. We do not need a war. We have enough ... covs. Deal with them, the same your words- " Of course, there was no time for Russia, it was necessary to share resources among the oligarchy !!!", confirm this. We lived under a carbon copy, and now we need to write our own. But before you write, you have to think about what you are writing. Is it not so ?! So the mind, the mentality should be our own, and not imposed ... oh. That's who we see now in the government and others like them, can it be lower? Basically those same "children of the generation." You only offer to sharpen the "fringes", but you need to do the job. Not by a piece of one. And by "pieces" are divided. We have Asians under our noses, the most a dangerous contingent. Also not from an empty place. To be cured, it takes time and desire. The unity of the whole organism. And now we are treating a leg, we are crippling a head, nothing good will come of it. And the general full recovery depends on the totality, unity, not only from the head, but also from the little finger on the leg. Otherwise, it's completely gangrene, it will fall, absolutely everyone, we will be dead ...
                        So I say, change around you, and not "cancer" to people put)))) The head! The big consists of small. That's how it is.
                      16. +3
                        8 May 2014 18: 00
                        Basido, put you a minus for the fact that the homosexuals say the same word for word about the Russians. It’s not a question to go to the people. Here the USSR drank 41 grief, mother do not cry, but when Stalin one Jewish journalist asked to extinguish all the Germans, Hitler's offspring. Koba said "Hitlers come and go, but the German people will remain," after the capture of Berlin, the first order of the Soviet Army to organize field kitchens and feed the German people. Fascists on the count, unambiguously, they were hung with a garland in Nuremberg, the truth is not all, Brita was not given
                      17. 0
                        8 May 2014 19: 41
                        It’s not a minus, but a strategic plus. I don’t teach, but I’m learning myself. Every day doesn’t arise from an empty place. Guys !!! Was 94-96 not enough for you? ”We are strong, parachute from the sky, after all, he gave us a task from below , do not dig that dacha for the rooks "and similar other. Little? History is in fact already. Memory. No need to meddle where we are not called. And no one is against defending, against many war. Read what he said before. Little? What is war?" Nightmare. And the war of the people of the 21st century, this is completely absurd. I don’t want to "gondom" your head, maybe it’s easier, it’s time to solve aggressiveness smarter? The same "cyberwar", the same Internet battles, "tanks", "airplanes" ". And the sacrifices of one and all are tender over time!))) So we will be "great monkeys"? It will be pleasant for you to see (not yourself to experience) how your bro is put on a stake? And for what? Yes, just like that. Here is the answer that will bring. .. like.World peace, war pipiska !!!! And if, no, then "West" will help many wheelchairs. And dry milk ..... It's a shame friend that you want war so much .... Just wish for peace, get ready to war, but don't call her, don't ...
                      18. 0
                        10 May 2014 09: 26
                        I am misunderstood again. There was no aggressiveness in my words, at least I did not put it in, and perhaps an excessively harsh tone is connected with the fact that I care what happens in Ukraine when another Western "protege" begins to water Russia ... rm, and zapadensky youngsters chant Russophobic x ... ynyu, in Ukraine they are considered "patriots" and not extremists and not agents of Western influence. I am not inclined to demonize Ukraine, it’s too early to harbor fraternal feelings for the EU, NATO, the United States, but to consider ONLY the West to be the culprit of all troubles is not entirely correct in my opinion. Chegevara is right when he says that we must first shake off the "noodles", and then it will be seen, but in my opinion, for a start we must all the same "pasta masters", if not hang, then at least transplant. The root of many troubles is not in Yaroshi, Tyagnibok, and other extremist rubbish, but in the Ukrainian media, which are just engaged in whitewashing the black and vice versa. We also have a lot of stupid people, but our media are not trying to make a bullet out of sh ... rm, at least not so obviously. Ukrainian media support and glorify all the actions of the Bandera, while the arrows translate, you know, to whom, this is about: "turn to yourself." Therefore, before "shaking off the noodles" you must first shake its (noodles) source. When they stop talking about the fact that Bandera are heroes, then they will cease to be perceived as such and then the Odessa events will not be possible to repeat. I will repeat 99,99 (9)% of what is happening in Ukraine, the Ukrainians themselves are to blame, with whose tacit approval the Banderas were able to raise their heads, proudly raise them, without the risk that this head will be shot. You say that this is a miscalculation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation over the past 20 years, that's really a trick, a miscalculation of foreign policy, this is when the bases from Vietnam and Cuba were withdrawn, and Ukrainian affairs are the result of the long work of the West throughout the Cold War, Remember in what year Sashko Bily fought in Chechnya, since 94th, i.e. 2 years after gaining independence, it turns out that he acquired svidomost instantly and with a Russophobic bias. Could it be possible for him, Yarosh and others to get rid of in the 90s, I think yes, but it would rather have the opposite effect, remember S. Bander, who spent the whole war in a German prison, and at the same time was the banner of the struggle. So there may be a miscalculation, in terms of insufficient attention paid to this problem in the Russian Federation, well, so you yourself said what our politicians were doing then (drank oil, etc.) and who these politicians were. Do we not see them now, expressing "fraternal solidarity" to Ukraine, in the person of Bandera and other rubbish? All these "lads" and those that are now in Ukraine, and that in the 90s in Russia, work for one Washington uncle, sparing neither blood nor sweat (truth of strangers), so blame for what is happening only the miscalculations of Russian policy, myopia, bordering on blindness. IMHO. I ask no one to take my words personally.
                      19. The comment was deleted.
                      20. +1
                        8 May 2014 17: 45
                        Guslyar, 10000 ++++, to extinguish people who do not vkursya, 23 years have been living "in noodles", you must first shake off the noodles, look in your eyes, but then who did not understand soldier , well, how it goes am
                      21. The comment was deleted.
                      22. Guslar
                        7 May 2014 18: 53
                        I am hoh0l, because I despise the word "Ukrainian", which means "inhabitant of the Polish colony." We, Russians, do not need to flatter ourselves that "Ukraine" is the outskirts of Russia. This is a Bolshevik agitprop. The capital of Russia on the outskirts is a logical nonsense, and purely historically: the word "ukraine" appears as a designation of the territory precisely during the period of the Polish occupation and is initially used only by Poles. Until the 18th year of the last century, “Ukrainians” called themselves Rusyns, i.e. in Western Russian, by Russian. Today's "Ukrainians" (although the ideologists of this ethnonym are just the Westerners of the Uniates - in the past, and in the present, the enemies of the ancestors of real Ukrainians) want to consider themselves not descendants of the great Russian princes (Kiev, Galician, Chernigov, etc.), not descendants Russian knights and Russian heroes, not the descendants of the Zaporozhye Cossacks - purely Orthodox and anti-Uniate, but the descendants of Bandera, maximum - Mazepa. That is, not a thousand-year-old people, but a people with a hundred-year history. This is really cool! The Western project in Ukraine, begun 500 years ago by the Vatican with the creation of the Union, continued by Poland and Austria-Hungary, is clearly articulated by Hitler: “Then we will defeat Russia when we convince Ukrainians that they are not Russians.” Thanks to Gorbachev’s concessions to the Vatican, the victory of the Catholic ideological conversion of Ukrainians was expressed in the fact that in 1991 the Austro-Hungarian Galician occupation flag was chosen as the state flag. No relation to Ukrainian history !!! If we talk about some kind of identity of Ukraine, then its proto-statehood is the Zaporizhzhya Sich. However, in the heraldry of modern Ukraine, or rather Ukria, there is NO connection with Zaporizhzhya history! This is absurd. But on the other hand, the ideologically victorious Uniates did not have to remind the Ukrainians of their true history, of their Orthodox heroic ancestors, who had been at war with the Uniates and Catholics for 500 years, including with the Jesuit Order, which then worked on an ideological field in Ukraine, as the Americans are now. By the way, support for the Uniates from Kolomoisky, Poroshenko-Valtsman, Tymoshenko-Kapitelman, Victoria Nuland-Nudelman, etc. this is typical of their community in Ukraine. So did their ancestors. Therefore, it is now easy for us for modern Russians, including Orthodox Ukrainians (or Ukrainians, as I prefer) to understand and understand why the Jewish pogroms in Ukraine and Belarus were so frequent! If Russian Jews do not stop their Ukrainian fellow tribesmen, then the threat of comprehensive Jewish pogroms is highly predictable. Thus, from the Rus, Ruthenians, Russians, Cherkasy, Cossacks and Ukrainians, this people the West turned into ukrov or dill. Now the next step remains - from the Orthodox to turn them into Uniates, i.e. to select Orthodox churches, as it was during the time of the Commonwealth. Then in the central Ukrainian territories they were still given over to the Jews and the Orthodox paid rent for using their own churches and the right to pray on Sundays and holidays. You need to know your story! By the way, the word "cattle" - Polish, especially to refer to Rusyns (then Ukrainians). So, after the conversion of Western Russians into ukrov, the remaining will be converted to Catholic Uniatism and the expulsion of the Orthodox Church. As a result, the creation of an anti-Russian people, full of hatred for Russians and Orthodoxy.
                        Nevertheless, I am Khokh0l, Kozak, Rusyns, Russian, Rus, Slavs. If a Ukrainian, then only as a resident of this region. By the way, it would be nice to rename the territory from the “Polish colony” to Yugorus or Yugorossia, at worst - Maloruss or Little Russia. It is necessary to return to the name of the earth the original root "Rus"!
                      23. +3
                        7 May 2014 20: 42
                        History is a good topic. Only written by hand and often without "brains". First of all, this concerns centuries-old stories. "Why?" I wanted to say yes changed my mind .... Understand a simple thing, the same story says, "here and now my size." Turn on the logic. If I'm 25 years old and what interest am I in what will happen in 20-30-50 years? When the day after tomorrow my son is born. And under the window "delirium" is having fun. Yes, of course, I will think about my son and his future. But! !! What does conspiracy have to do with it? Plans? Strategies? There is only one strategy and you all know it perfectly well. “I want to live better.” This is a conspiracy. Themselves against themselves. Better. And what is better? Better than a neighbor? Or better than Yesterday? So if it's better than yesterday, then work better than yesterday. Live clearer (that is, clearly), openly and it will be better. The house is not built according to history. And not right away. Each time has its own "better". it is necessary to be clearer, and not to powder your brains with the centuries-old foundation of "history written by hand." There are people (that is, you, me, we). mind, but reason - trite? But true. And the whole story is about that and speaks and gutarit!)
                        God give you good, Egor!
                      24. +1
                        8 May 2014 18: 11
                        Guslyar, bravo, I have a grandmother from Kievskaya my father, told me as a child that her mother (my great-grandmother) was a Russian, but she was Ukrainian, only now that’s what it was about.
                      25. The comment was deleted.
                      26. +4
                        7 May 2014 08: 25
                        Quote: Hans51
                        These clowns are the only ones who can humiliate themselves even more.

                        While you can’t embed articles, I highly recommend following the links and reading ....
                        Ukraine: another coup attempt

                        "..... after the third" planned activation "of the ATO (if I'm not mistaken), the fighting in the southeast is in full swing. Three helicopters were shot down, four armored vehicles were burned, and yesterday, on May 5, iksperd in the kasga , a paranoid-manic type by the name of Tymchuk proudly reported on the latest successes of the “anti-terrorist forces”: “seventeen separatists were killed.” It was precisely for this “figure” that it was necessary yesterday to throw all the reserves to Slavyansk. May I have to hear behind closed doors the report of the so-called security officials. So they organized another exacerbation. We needed corpses that testify to the effectiveness of the “fight against terrorists.” After all, they have at stake, so you understand, a struggle for power in the country. ethical principles do not apply here. ”Those who were burnt alive in the Odessa House of Trade Unions are assessed from the point of view of the influence of this“ event ”on“ stopping separatist sentiments ”in Odessa before May 6. It is no coincidence that Yes, two main competitors for the presidency and one of Petro Poroshenko's dancers rushed in. I mean Vitali Klitschko ..... "
                        The whole article is here - http://www.versii.com/news/303004/
                    2. +13
                      6 May 2014 21: 02
                      If this is not a production, then such bitch should be drowned in a garbage can in childhood.
                      1. AVIATOR36662
                        7 May 2014 03: 52
                        This production was here a month ago, but after 2-3 days the directors themselves admitted that it was just a theater. So it’s possible to be calm for our fighters, and especially for this part, where this military supposedly comes from. This regiment of the Novocherkassk brigade of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation always carried out military missions in hot spots of recent years.
                      2. +6
                        7 May 2014 08: 31
                        Quote: galan
                        Such bitch must be drowned in a garbage can in childhood.

                        ATTENTION!!! Another article, I advise you to read !!!!

                        The salvation of temporary workers: the Nazis in the police?

                        Perhaps the most surprising thing about the assessments of what happened in Odessa on May 2, 2014 is the search for the guilty. In addition to the "separatists", "saboteurs" and "terrorists", behind which, of course, Russia is standing (and who else? Sublimations not only idiots betray their secret fears), almost everyone called the security forces guilty - the police and a little less often the SBU. The heads of the Odessa police rained down, and he himself came out in the vanguard of the "mental war". about. Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. What happened? Too much ash from the inhabitants of Odessa burned alive?
                        So much of it, that, having sprinkled their heads on them, some cunning “pillars” of the temporary post-trip collaborationist regime of the temporary Kiev junta are trying to save them (heads) in the future?

                        It is possible that this motive is present. The executioners and the inspirers of reprisal became terrible. For the burning of fellow citizens, their surviving relatives and relatives are unlikely to suffer Avakov, his immediate chefs and chefs - Yulia Tymoshenko, Alexander Turchinov, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, Andrey Parubiy - cookies. Quite the contrary - they spit on disgusting Hari, not to say even worse ...
                        Read more here - http://www.versii.com/news/303010/
                      3. +1
                        8 May 2014 23: 38
                        And according to Pushkin - count aspen good

                    3. raf
                      6 May 2014 21: 28
                      Fantastic dreamer. Jules Verne on the background of the dreamers, has a rest! laughing
                      1. 0
                        8 May 2014 19: 10
                        Jules Verne was a philanthropist and dreamed, but do these really have dreams? Even the cannibal tribes fade with horror.
                    4. +8
                      6 May 2014 21: 49
                      And there will be one complete p .... c, whom are you going to join and to whom, read the story also to me the dill commander, and you can serve in your poor army, no one bothers to change citizenship, just compare the salaries, to fat with a burner you don’t have enough, and there’s nothing to steal, everyone has already stolen, but no one forbids you to die from the bullet of the self-defense defender Slavyansk or Kramatorsk for your great outskirts. Only surrender to me that you won’t go there, talk yes, but it’s unlikely to fight, so that isn’t ...... e comrade Bandera.
                    5. +3
                      7 May 2014 00: 21
                      Find these "actors" ... and bring them to Rostov-on-Don ...
                      I wish we heard tearful and snotty ...
                      1. Russian Chelovek
                        9 May 2014 20: 11
                        Everything is right! They are brave when there are a hundred of them for one (remember Odessa), but you just have to squeeze at least one, you torment him to wipe his snot - he will hand over all his people with giblets and will sell his mother and motherland. But in fact, none of the Westerners can even work - just gulp and crowd in the street to look for who is weaker than them.
                    6. +7
                      7 May 2014 00: 28
                      This is a famous fake on YouTube.
                      There is no such officer in the Russian army.
                      Ukrainians are driving "truthful" information from which the entire population is already zombified.
                    7. +4
                      7 May 2014 01: 36
                      laughing dill lol well, stupid fool 2 minutes of viewing and 30 minutes of laughter !!!
                    8. +2
                      7 May 2014 09: 44
                      People, please, when you post a video, write its name !!! The server closes the server at work, and retyping the link into the phone is very dreary.
                      1. +4
                        7 May 2014 10: 07
                        Quote: Xunta
                        People, please, when you post a video, write its name !!! The server closes the server at work, and retyping the link into the phone is very dreary.

                        Please video title-
                        Rostov deputy calls for Rostov to join Ukraine, in which he is supported by a Russian officer
                    9. Ujin61
                      7 May 2014 09: 49
                      Lazha Khokhlyatskaya. Goebbels has a rest in comparison with the dill SMinzinformatsii.
                    10. +1
                      7 May 2014 11: 29
                      and what is this dibiloid?
                    11. +2
                      7 May 2014 12: 25
                      Quote: elmi
                      Meanwhile, Bandera propaganda swung at the Rostov region and all of Russia

                      I read on the Ukrainian resource Bandera wrote:
                      Finally our dream came true, we crossed the Dnieper.

                      According to the video - a strange outfit from the "Russian military", but this is an officer, like a unit commander.
                      Well, judging by the video from the tanks, they will shoot the "patriots".
                    12. +1
                      7 May 2014 13: 39
                      fuck up :)
                    13. +4
                      7 May 2014 19: 45
                      Cool video! They would have added flags to each button on the keyboard. I don’t understand, are they really idiots, or are they taking off for boarding patients for people with developmental delays?
                    14. Pyckaya-dubina
                      7 May 2014 20: 34
                    15. 0
                      8 May 2014 22: 50
                      what nonsense? Where did they find this clown ?? wassat
                    16. 0
                      9 May 2014 13: 37
                      Fake video. Why are you publishing this? IDTOTISM. The Ukrainians forgot the campaign, the political map of the world. After such a video, I want Russia to do with Ukraine too, what Umbrella Corporation did with a herd of zombies in Raccoon City - a nuclear strike. Fuh damn I got angry. Do not take it seriously.
                  2. The comment was deleted.
                  3. +16
                    6 May 2014 20: 27
                    Quote: ATATA
                    It is necessary to pick up the entire SE to cleanse the brains with intensive psychotherapy and attach them during the 3 months. Crimea alone will not be forgiven.

                    I do not agree with you on everything. How now to "pick up", for example, Zaporozhye and Kherson region? There are no folk performances at all. You can occupy even all of Ukraine, you have enough strength. This is not the task. How to make them, if not brothers, then at least not fierce enemies? And what is intensive psychotherapy? Make you watch Rossiya5 for 24 hours a day? Or electricity?
                    About Crimea - yes, they will not forgive. And without him they would not be forgiven. Just for what we are. But this does not mean that now you can act without regard to the consequences.
                    It’s too early to treat this patient with an ax, it’s too late for poultices, you need to try with a scalpel.
                    1. +6
                      6 May 2014 20: 45
                      Quote: matRoss
                      I do not agree with you on everything.

                      I agree with you in almost everything. )))
                      But to leave Maidanutyi SE in the power for at least a month more is to raise enemies for decades, blood enemies.
                      Therefore, it is better to pick it up now.
                      Treat them with electric shock. And then already if it will be necessary to apply individual therapy.
                      Quote: matRoss
                      It’s too early to treat this patient with an ax, it’s too late for poultices, you need to try with a scalpel.

                      So with a scalpel along the Dnieper is just what you need, and then intensive antibiotic therapy.
                      I just see what happened to my relatives in Odessa in 23 years, if you don’t walk the Dnieper with a scalpel, then the gangrene will go to Russia.
                      My cousin (Russian) said to me: "You are invaders, and the events in Odessa are pro-Russian provocations."
                      I would not have believed if I had not heard from her.
                      When here it was written earlier that SE was almost lost for Russia, I did not believe.
                      I thought, like so, there are all of us, all relatives!
                      Now I believe, I do not just believe, I KNOW!
                      Really ALMOST!
                      But it is not too late to cut off the SE from the obsessed Vukraina with a scalpel, they recover in 5 years.
                      1. +6
                        7 May 2014 04: 57
                        Quote: ATATA
                        But it is not too late to cut off the SE from the obsessed Vukraina with a scalpel, they recover in 5 years.

                        Perhaps you are right. But this will not stop the third world flywheel.
                        Because the matter is not in the Ukrainians. And rabid propaganda is just the result of the work of huge piles of cut paper. The real customers of the situation are the Anglo-Saxons.
                        I quote:
                        CTEPX RU March 29, 2014 12:31 | The sunset of the empire of "great writers"
                        - The USA cannot be considered in isolation from Great Britain and the Jewish elite. Their common name is Anglo-Saxons)).
                        - Over the Anglo-Saxons dominated by the presence of debt to the whole world. According to some estimates, the amount of this debt is $ 85 trillion.
                        - Again, according to some estimates, this amount (85 trillion dollars) is equivalent to ALL the total world wealth)).
                        - The Anglo-Saxons have a well-functioning mechanism for the disposal of such debts - world wars.
                        - The object of a world war must be a country that bears the burden of previous debts (and, accordingly, retains previous rights). This country is Russia.
                        - Anglo-Saxons cannot be attackers to write off debts)). Or maybe some third, "irresistible" force, such as "Ottomans", "revolutionary Napoleon", "Communist International", "Hitler".
                        And now we are witnessing convulsive attempts of the Anglo-Saxons to grow a "big rat" Wahhabi or Nazi, super-fast pumping it up and setting it on the WHOLE rest of the world)). The goal is to reach the moment of writing off debts)).
                        Next - everything is new)).

                        STEPX from 9 December 2013 12: 00
                        "They need to urgently write off their debts. For this they need a world war -" everyone who wants "against Russia. It is impossible to educate Hitler from the caliphate, from the Poles - there is little time. Ukraine is suitable as a battlefield.
                        While Russia is floundering at its borders, you can play the Syrian and Japanese-Chinese cards again. In principle, apart from the war, they have no other choice)) ".
                        The real struggle is for or against the implementation of such a scenario.
                        So everything will swing until the beginning of the third world)).

                        If all of the above is true, then "cutting off with a scalpel" is natural. What's next?
                      2. +4
                        7 May 2014 12: 20
                        Quote: ctepx
                        If all of the above is true, then "cutting off with a scalpel" is natural. What's next?

                        Further increase in the human and economic potential of Russia.
                        Attenuation in two, or even three potentials, of a large rat called Vukraina.
                        Ukraine is not just a battlefield, it is cannon fodder for the war with Russia.
                        The mental attitude of many Ukrainians has already been created, another 5 years of poverty and harassment of Russia and there will be 5-10 million wonderful fighters against Russia.
                        And what will we do to throw a nuclear bomb at them?
                        If Ukraine is left as it is, then the most powerful potential for hatred of the Russians will very soon break into the war with Russia.
                      3. 0
                        7 May 2014 15: 57
                        Quote: ATATA
                        If Ukraine is left as it is, then the most powerful potential for hatred of the Russians will very soon break into the war with Russia.

                        Not)). According to the plan, they (the Anglo-Saxons) conquer the new Hitler - Europe, the old Wahhab - Central Asia, and only then, we will have a happy opportunity to break the ridges of these reptiles. This is according to their plans)).
                        We would break these plans at the take-off stage. What the Way seems to be doing.
                      4. Irina14
                        8 May 2014 23: 43
                        This is true. And therefore it is very sad that we seem to have no way out. But remembering the prophecy of the great destiny, Russia should not give up.
                    2. The comment was deleted.
                    3. +1
                      7 May 2014 23: 51
                      Here it is necessary to treat not the "patient" but his previous "doctor", moreover, it is indicative, and without anesthesia.
                  4. Ankarrakhtyn
                    7 May 2014 08: 43
                    Absolutely accurate article, for a long time all this disgrace will need to be straightened out.
                    1. Ujin61
                      7 May 2014 09: 56
                      The first true article about Urco-Ainu. Unfortunately, these are facts.
                  5. +1
                    8 May 2014 22: 46
                    everything would be fine ...
                    Quote: ATATA
                    It is necessary to take the whole SE to clean the brain with intensive psychotherapy and attach it within 3 months.
                    but even there ... not everyone will agree on the southeast. For those who are lying on the couch ... all the protests and the war with the people ... this is nonsense ... Such people would be pulled out of the house ... and show what Kiev people are doing to people ...
                2. Moldovan
                  6 May 2014 23: 11
                  People believe what they want to believe. If they are told on TV tomorrow that the Russians did not attack Ukraine, they will not believe it ....
                3. +2
                  8 May 2014 11: 25
                  To pull apart ONE person into EVERY Russian (Belarusian, Tatar, Dagestan, Yakut, ...) settlement, up to farms and 5 years to make them work with their hands. To see with OWN eyes how real "Russians" live, and not those invented by propaganda! It is highly desirable that they do not communicate with each other. I can't think of anything else ...
                  1. +2
                    8 May 2014 11: 48
                    Quote: Evgeniy-111
                    Pull along ONE person into EVERY Russian (Belarusian, Tatar, Dagestan, Yakut, ...) settlement, right up to farmers and 5 years, to force them to work with their hands.

                    Nuuuu you know ..... Even the "bloody Stalinist razhym" did not allow this ... belay laughing
                    "With hands to work" at this time in Ukraine hto will ... Kitaisy?
                    And if they bring infectious svidomlyatstvo to "every locality"? what
              4. The comment was deleted.
              5. 0
                8 May 2014 18: 30
                Eh, our grandfathers did not finish off these creatures. ((
            2. Moldovan
              6 May 2014 23: 08
              Yes, it’s all sitting in the genes and waiting for the moment to splash out, and now the moment has come. An interesting video, you can watch it, you can go to https://vk.com/video40492126_168705969?list=344b6067847c2dc13e
              1. +3
                7 May 2014 20: 11
                Quote: Moldovan
                An interesting video, you can watch a sleep.

                What is it... belay Rehearsal of the shooting of the remake of the film "Major Payne"
            3. +5
              7 May 2014 11: 26
              Based on the CIA analytical note, which states the complete failure of the so-called. "counter-terrorist operation" in Donbass, and there is a demand for the Kiev authorities to throw all their forces into maintaining control over the Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions,
              and also, guided by the data of opinion polls conducted in April, which suggest that about 70% of citizens in the Odessa region do not support the introduction of Russian armed forces into Ukraine, today a decision was made to imitate, by the forces of the Right Sector, etc. The National Guard, a breakthrough in Odessa of the Russian troops from Transnistria.

              The gangs will be ordered to ensure the maximum number of casualties among the civilian population in order to overshadow the massacre on May 2, and to bring down the wave of discontent of the Odessa residents, which threatens to sweep away the "power" appointed by Kiev and lead to the loss of control over the Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions.
              In addition, the junta hopes, under the threat of "external aggression", to win over to its side the sympathies of some residents of the Odessa region, and thereby stimulate the entry of residents of southern Ukraine into the so-called. "National Guard", which residents of the South-East refuse to join and which is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel.

              We ask all independent media and information agencies to make this information as public as possible in order to prevent crime and save the lives of civilians in Odessa region !!!

          2. +20
            6 May 2014 19: 01
            there was no coup. This is their genetic.
            And those who were born in the USSR were brought up in a Ukrainian family. And already in those days it was believed there that "m ... whether the fat was covered with fat from the edge of the zyily"
          3. +11
            7 May 2014 10: 58
            The Ukrainian army does not exist! There is an URKAIN army - an army of traitors, cowards, ukronatsists, whom FASHINGTON commands.
            The officer corps sat down in a warm place, covering its ass, surrendered weapons to the enemies, cowardly "crawled under the bed", fights for the Fashington money against its people - we are not talking about fulfilling the oath - to protect their people.
            And they had to rise with weapons - part by part!
            Henceforth, to be called "an officer of the Ukrainian army", "a soldier of the Ukrainian army" is a SHAME - it means admitting cowardice and venality. Hide it from your children and grandchildren-great-grandchildren - for shame will fall on their heads!
            NO UKRAINIAN ARMY -There is an army of cowards and traitors!
          4. +2
            8 May 2014 17: 11
            in the 70s, my friend served in western Ukraine and then they said that Bendera’s end there ....... they were there all their life and laid under Europe, and Europe used them anywhere
        2. randomizer
          6 May 2014 10: 59
          "Our enemies were raised from the western Ukrainians." They have always been. He served with the Westerners 92-94 in Kiev. The main qualities are stupidity, ignorance and caveman Nazism. Bandera, Ukromova - that was in their conversations even then. And this is exactly the west - Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk. Chernivtsi. There were normal guys from the center.
          1. +3
            6 May 2014 13: 42
            Quote: Randaltor
          2. Berserk
            6 May 2014 14: 43
            it was in 88-91.
          3. +13
            6 May 2014 16: 03
            served 1989-90, completely agree Bandera continuous from Lviv.
            1. +11
              6 May 2014 22: 11
              I served in 81-83, and it was the same. It may be somewhat veiled and not so frank, but nationalism from them per, despite the whole system of Soviet political education. Our fathers crushed them, but they only became meaner. And a scalpel will not help here.
              1. +4
                6 May 2014 22: 45
                I served in 81-83, and it was the same. It may be somewhat veiled and not so frank, but nationalism from them per, despite the whole system of Soviet political education. Our fathers crushed them, but they only became meaner. And a scalpel will not help here.

                The fact of the matter is that no one particularly pressed them in the Soviet Union. And tell me what a bloody executioner Stalin was ... If this were so, then all this vile Bandera bastard would have rotted long ago in the swamps of Magadan.
              2. +2
                8 May 2014 10: 28
                Quote: Kharin Oleg
                but nationalism of them per
                Our fathers crushed them

                Her and the finger also have some "similarities", but their purpose is DIFFERENT.
                You confused nationalism, fascism and Bandera ...
                If absolutely exaggerated:
                Nationalism - respect for "OWN" and acceptance of the foreign.
                Fascism is the exaltation of "ours" and rejection of "others".
                Bandera - the same, plus anger at a "richer and more successful neighbor".

                Nationalism "feather" from the Vlasovites and they planted it with cruelty.
                Nationalism "feather" of Russian "white" officers. For this they were massively shot, drowned, and they themselves were hanged in a foreign land.
                Nationalism "rushing" from the Jews at the level of Judaism. But no one blames them, but only "pity" them.
                Nationalism (American ???) SUMMER of amer. They not only plant it within their borders, but also import it on the wings of bombers ...
              3. +1
                8 May 2014 19: 14
                Not a scalpel is needed, but a poplar. It is a pity that it is unrealistic
            2. +12
              7 May 2014 00: 37
              In our unit was one of Lviv.
              Even then, 35 years ago, he showed us a trident
              and talked about what that means.
              We laughed at him then
              and he was silent and quietly grumbling - come our hour now

              So, SMERSH did not completely work in the 50s.

              And most importantly, why did you need to add all this in 1939 ???
              Let them remain slaves in Poland
        3. +37
          6 May 2014 11: 06
          Not true, it was ... it was 35 years ago (at least). A family from western Ukraine came to visit the neighbors and there was a boy there, my peer (age 6). Due to my age, I could not understand why I (as I tried to make friends in every way) treat me like a subhuman. He just hated me, with all his baby soul. So they bring up hatred of Russians in their children from the cradle and for a very long time.
          1. Owl
            6 May 2014 20: 33
            I agree when you find out by whom, when, with whose help and after what events Ukraine appeared, you understand that this is so.
          2. raf
            6 May 2014 21: 31
            Their pathological Russophobia is transmitted at the genetic level, absorbed by mother’s milk. They are not curable people!
        4. +34
          6 May 2014 11: 28
          Quote: obraztsov
          From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies.

          Everything is a little bit wrong. The technology of the great transatlantic manipulator is working. Like in a circus, watch the charge with your hands! Op! We replace the concept of Ukraine with Galicia. Everything that was Ukrainian should now become Galician. Instead of the Ukrainian language, the Galician dialect, instead of Orthodoxy, Uniates, Catholics, Gogol is an ukrogalyan. And so on ... Very quickly the creeping Galician occupation spread across Ukraine. The Galicians have ACQUIRED the concept of Ukraine and the right to speak on behalf of the whole Ukraine. They are no longer UKRAINIANS ALSO, but it turns out, the only correct, "racial" Ukrainians. here is everyone who is not a Galician, no longer a Ukrainian, as it were ... And urgently must be forged racially. And for those who remember their Slavic roots, their Orthodox ancestors, the Odessa House of Trade Unions.
          1. +20
            6 May 2014 19: 15
            To my friend, when his dad was serving near Odessa in 1966-69, his parents tried to get exemption from Ukrainian language lessons, father is an officer, here today, there tomorrow. The answer of an official of the district: "Eat Ukrainian bacon, so there will be no release," after which my mother issued a verdict - well, hell with them, with deuces in Ukrainian, answer as you can. And you are all about the West ...
            PS Great lovers to join the CPSU during the period of military service in the SA than the Ukrainians were not. And after December 1991 they (members of the Communist Party of Ukraine) were the first to yell m ..... whether they were getting out of the country.
            1. +12
              6 May 2014 20: 04
              Quote: sso-250659
              PS Great lovers to join the CPSU during the period of military service in the SA than the Ukrainians were not. And after December 1991 they (members of the Communist Party of Ukraine) were the first to yell m ..... whether they were getting out of the country.

              You are 100% right.
        5. The comment was deleted.
        6. +8
          6 May 2014 12: 33
          [quote = obraztsov] But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies.

          What are you speaking about? Several generations ago, Western Ukraine was part of Austria-Hungary (by the way Lviv was called Lemberg), and after its disintegration until 1939, most of it was part of Poland, then the German occupation until 1945. So why was this not several generations ago? Was Western Ukraine pro-Russian at that time? Oh well...
        7. +18
          6 May 2014 12: 52
          Quote: obraztsov
          But several generations ago this was not.

          Everything was. Read the sad message of the Latvian Yura Alekseev to your Donetsk friend And now they will kill you on http://imhoclub.lv/ru/material/a_teper_oni_vas_budut_ubivat
          1. Alex 241
            6 May 2014 14: 41
            Quote: Cherdak
            Everything was. Read the sad message of the Latvian Yura Alekseev to your Donetsk friend. And now they will kill you at http://imhoclub.lv/en/material/a_teper_oni_vas_budut_ubivat

            There will always be a decent answer bandrave !!!!!!!!!!!
            1. Alex 241
              6 May 2014 15: 35
              Quote: Alex 241
              There will always be a decent answer bandrave !!!!!!!!!!!
              1. +3
                6 May 2014 18: 48
                The pilot of a helicopter shot down yesterday tells
                1. Alexey N
                  6 May 2014 19: 21
                  Russian-speaking humanoid creature
                  1. 120352
                    6 May 2014 19: 55
                    Alexey N
                    It is a pity that the creature is Russian-speaking. Better to be forever silent! He is a traitor. For some reason I hate such people since childhood.
                    1. The comment was deleted.
                    2. Alexey N
                      6 May 2014 22: 17
                    3. Alexey N
                      6 May 2014 22: 45
                      Unfortunately, half of the dill army consists of such creatures. The Russians themselves, Soviet or pro-Western, swore allegiance to the Ukrainian people. And they obey any fascist who seized power in the capital.
                      This is not an officer - this is manure.
                  2. -8
                    6 May 2014 20: 08
                    Quote: Alexey N
                    Russian-speaking humanoid creature

                    And why are you better than kaklov?
                    1. Alexey N
                      6 May 2014 21: 04
                      I AM? Many of them. For example, I do not bomb my people.
                      And you?
                2. +2
                  6 May 2014 21: 53
                  Does he tell how he fought with dushmans in Afghanistan ?! Field Marshal Keitel in Nuremberg made excuses that he was a soldier and carried out orders. Hung up.
                  1. +3
                    7 May 2014 12: 42
                    Quote: Sergey Vl.
                    Field Marshal Keitel in Nuremberg made excuses that he was a soldier and carried out orders. Hung up.

                    Let me draw your attention to the fact that in Nuremberg the Americans hung the Germans to cover up the traces of their presence in the Third Reich.
                    1. 0
                      8 May 2014 12: 28
                      Quote: Setrac
                      Americans hung the Germans to cover up the traces of their presence in the Third Reich.

                      Greetings, Sergey!
                      And there were many AMERICANS in the German MILITARY structures? And who were many? Besides the Germans themselves ...
                      And if you set the task to cover up the traces of not only the crimes themselves, but also the prerequisites of these crimes, then they hung a little. It was necessary to turn around. Who else would be found in the financial fields ...
                      How can you hang yourself? This is no longer a "trial" - it is self-liquidation.
                      Is hunting ...
              2. 0
                7 May 2014 13: 51
                Girl uh !!! How to get to know her?
              3. The comment was deleted.
            2. 120352
              6 May 2014 19: 51
              Thanks for the reference. The letter is what you need! It’s good for everyone to read.
          2. Latvian
            6 May 2014 18: 29
            The dragon’s teeth have grown, but it’s worth throwing a stone in the crowd .... It's a pity to look at them: it’s kind of beautiful, but there is no mind.
            1. 0
              6 May 2014 20: 09
              Quote: Latysh
              It's a pity to look at them: it’s kind of beautiful

              What is the evaluation criterion?
              Maybe you? .... Blue ate?
          3. +1
            8 May 2014 12: 12
            There ... But it seems to have already been published here.
            But just in case ...

            Let us remember Ukraine, and to hell with it ...
            Letter to an orange friend.

        8. +3
          6 May 2014 13: 39
          Alas for you, but THIS was already in the 80s, at the end.
        9. +7
          6 May 2014 13: 41
          Quote: obraztsov
          But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies. And the main opponent for us is the one who did it.

          How wrong you are.
          I am saddened by your ignorance.
          My hut on the edge
          with the world on a string - naked shirt
          Guess whose sayings?
          Why was it recommended in the USSR Armed Forces to put Ukrainians as foremen of units, cooks of Central Asians, and Caucasians were sent to the battalion building (although in vain. It was necessary to conduct a competition and send the most adequate ones to military units)?
        10. +6
          6 May 2014 20: 41
          23 years is basically one generation. The US is already raising the second and third. Those who then only went to school and go so far.
          Where are these? Those who left the Union? No time to watch the children? And, looking into school history books, there is no one to get the fuck of what is written?
          What to complain about the fact that they looked at the children for the hired life?
          Which cocktails today are not from a nightclub tossing wherever they fall and rejoice at the victims?
          It turns out such a swamp that if, by popular demand, Russia sends troops, these same Ukrainians will shoot in the back. Do we need it? We needed Crimea, because the Russian Black Sea Fleet is standing there. We have the Crimea. The rest of the brothers decide for themselves. You have the same space, here you go ...
          Until the bulk is determined, there will be such crap. And then there are 500, there are 1500 ... With the population of the same Odessa, one and a half or two million, as they say, do not tell my slippers.
          1. +4
            6 May 2014 21: 03
            Quote: Vanko
            The rest of the brothers decide for themselves. You have the same space, here you go ...

            This is what happens?
            They have us "West" chopped off at least 20 million people in 23 years, we wiped out and that's it?
            No IMHO this will not work.
            His need to bail out.
            Otherwise, after 20 years, their descendants will trample on us with weapons, regardless of the victims.
            Do you need this?
        11. koshh
          6 May 2014 22: 39
          Quote: obraztsov
          But several generations ago this was not.

          Sorry, but you are mistaken. Zapadentsev always had this, because they are not Russian. The last Bandera bandit with weapons was destroyed in the late 50s, and the rest, hiding weapons, scattered around the huts. And periodically they made night sorties both in the 60s and 70s.
        12. ivnti
          6 May 2014 23: 01
          I support! I wait, I can’t wait until our leader PUTIN gives the command to bomb these Nazis. And as they cannot understand, they are only better off from this. We will only burn their people from the Nazis with fire and napalm
          1. 0
            9 May 2014 19: 42
            Uhhh, ebl.a.n, scat from a resource! ..
          2. 0
            10 May 2014 10: 28
            Such laughter ... ki, well go to demotivation.me, there they will appreciate and support. And it is better to have “your leader” at the head of the country than an overseas halop.
        13. 573385
          7 May 2014 00: 21
          Quote: obraztsov
          But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies.

          Sir! Where did you fall on our sinner? And who rampaged in Belarus? And later? I graduated from the Plavsk school of sergeants in the spring of 1985. They left the Ukrainian SSR, and there were about half of them, we were not called anything other than "ktspy" and "mskli"!
        14. +1
          7 May 2014 09: 35
          The Ukrainian army does not exist! There is an URKAIN army - an army of traitors, cowards, ukronatsists, whom FASHINGTON commands.
          The officer corps sat down in a warm place, covering its ass, surrendered weapons to the enemies, cowardly "crawled under the bed", fights for the Fashington money against its people - we are not talking about fulfilling the oath - to protect their people.
          And they had to rise with weapons - part by part!
          Henceforth, to be called "an officer of the Ukrainian army", "a soldier of the Ukrainian army" is a SHAME - it means admitting cowardice and venality. Hide it from your children and grandchildren-great-grandchildren - for shame will fall on their heads!
          NO UKRAINIAN ARMY -There is an army of cowards and traitors!
        15. platitsyn70
          7 May 2014 21: 57
          But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies. And the main opponent for us is the one who did it.
          it happened a few generations ago, they just were afraid of the Soviet regime. I studied in Slavyansk in 87-90 years, we had a couple of "thugs" in our company, one surname Serdyuk, and I don’t remember the other, so Serdyuk did not hide his dislike of Russians.
        16. 0
          9 May 2014 08: 02
          Quote: obraztsov
          But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies.

          It was, as it was ... Yes Yes, and brought up on fertile soil. And flooded like a cancerous tumor.
          And not only from the West, unfortunately.
          What to do, what to do?
          The approach to re-education should be comprehensive.
          Someone "... and burn filthy Nazis are coming out in" boxes "so that the scream of the burning representatives of the" superior race "could be heard in their Ternopols, Lviv, Vinnytsia and evenly."
          This is currently the most relevant.
          Someone to work in Russia only for money (visa, tax, patent)
          For the rest, no preferences in the economy, let them live on their own money.
          And counter-propaganda via satellite, internet, radio, brochures, etc.
        17. The comment was deleted.
      2. +121
        6 May 2014 08: 32
        answer: "What is Russia."
        And today I want to tell you about why Russia is not bad. Firstly, everything that is possible in Europe and in the USA is possible in Russia, except perhaps gay pride parades and homosemes. Secondly, in Europe and the USA there is not even half of the freedom that exists here. There is no pressure of public opinion, there is no dictatorship of social norms, there is no unspoken fascism in relation to white healthy straight men. In the end, here you will never get a term of 10 years, no matter what you do. And here you are not forced to be someone you don’t want to be.

        Here you are truly free to be yourself. Do you like fagots? Love. Do not like fagots? Do not love. If you want to be friends with the Khachs - be friends, if you want to yell - Russia for Russians - Ori. Here you can be an old believer, or you can stick an iPhone in your ass, you can go into the army and return as a superman, or you can slope and be proud of it. Here you can have three higher educations and work as a janitor, but you can have 8 classes and a technical school behind you and be the owner of a successful business. Russia is a country of true freedom, freedom even from LOGIC.

        Here you can be a liberal with fascist views, you can go to rallies against the authorities and vote for Putin, you can be a communist and believe in God, you can even be a national socialist and crow about racial theory and at the same time be a mixture of Tatar-Turkic-Adyghe-Armenian blood. And no one will say a word to you. The only thing that Russia does not forgive is weakness. Wimps here do not survive and flee from here, therefore Russia is a country of strong people. A strong man is free here and all roads are open to him. A wimp and a rag here, as elsewhere, will occupy a place at the very bottom of the food chain. The author is your admin, that is, I hope I liked it))))

        I liked it directly and openly.
        1. +9
          6 May 2014 09: 22
          Write correctly. True simple freedom. (not to be confused with the ambitions of Khodorka, he simply wanted the authorities to sell Russia in parts to their overseas owners)
        2. maxim polukedoff
          6 May 2014 12: 33
          very close. approximately it is. I do not like .... and are friends ...
        3. +3
          6 May 2014 12: 44
          The conclusion is wonderful, I have long been hatching such a thought, thanks that someone was able to voice it so beautifully
        4. +7
          6 May 2014 13: 54
          Quote: maks-xnumx
          Here you can be a liberal with fascist views,

          this must be eradicated before it’s too late ...
          1. +1
            6 May 2014 21: 25
            If such a liberal with fascist views begins to voice these views out loud, others will look at him with such eyes that they do not need to be eradicated)) They can broadcast these views only on TV, and then, with a known effect)
        5. +1
          6 May 2014 21: 20
          Moreover, many Europeans and even Americans, having visited Russia, say: "You have a truly free country, we do not have such a thing." So let's wait and see))
        6. raf
          6 May 2014 21: 47
          Absolutely right! Russia is an absolutely free and democratic country. Even the former Minister of Defense was amnestied here, according to which the Zonovsky people sobbed together with pine trees in Siberia. So they were waiting for him, they were waiting for him at the logging, but alas. Can Vasiliev come?
        7. bilibom
          6 May 2014 22: 06
          "... The mind cannot understand Russia.
          You can only BELIEVE in Russia ... "
        8. 0
          7 May 2014 19: 10
          Quote: maks-xnumx
          A wimp and a rag here, as elsewhere, will occupy a place at the very bottom of the food chain

          I wanted to write a lot of things, and then I thought. Maybe I misunderstood? Explain who it is? Who is at the very bottom of the food chain, thanks to whom does it even exist?
      3. +16
        6 May 2014 09: 12
        You just need to record the Nazis NAME, and then call to account. After all, the "right sector" does not hide faces? Good! Everyone will answer for their crimes!
      4. The comment was deleted.
      5. +7
        6 May 2014 09: 17
        The trouble is that you are not the only one. And when they are taken to, they will be beaten to death and burned alive. It will be very difficult to stop. The people are angry. Chaos defeats chaos.
        1. stroporez
          6 May 2014 10: 15
          Quote: Michael-rl
          And when they are taken to, they will be beaten to death and burned alive. It will be very difficult to stop
          --- this must be prevented anyway ......... because a year will not pass, as from the destroyed fascists, in kitchens, in tete-a-tete conversations, in "get-togethers" to start sculpting "martyrs" - this is it was already ...... I was born in Ukraine, and I remember very well these "kitchen" conversations, in Soviet times .... and for some reason there was no "all-seeing and all-hearing KGB ... and this Ukrainian fascism definitely comes from of the Soviet past ...... yes sho there is the past --- out, the current liberals openly call for bombing in Russian cities --- and nicho, they walk free, they were not even fined ........ ....
      6. Hunghuz
        6 May 2014 09: 34
        hi The guy noticed) they took to the Right Sector) and in the Donbass they sent him to fight Khokhl ......))))))))) but for whom and against whom does the platoon Zapadenets and Rebe political instructor know ???
      7. +24
        6 May 2014 09: 43
        Quote: maks-xnumx
        I personally have the word Western Ukrainian disgusts

        I would not like to interfere in the Slavic showdowns, but after reading the Ukrainian sites, I realized that they are not brothers to you. Stop lying to yourself.
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. +13
          6 May 2014 10: 57
          People living in Ukraine have relatives living in Russia by the number equal to the number of residents of Ukraine. So you are wrong. Blood connections exist. And what Ukro-media and Internet-media are satisfied with is all a commonplace lie that gives a short-term effect. Yes, there are slightly zombie-motivated (motivation is valid for a very short period and requires constant replenishment), but it is flimsy and when it comes to the truth, it quickly disappears. It is necessary to destroy the source of LIES - the USA and their minions in Ukraine, and those who have become soiled in innocent blood, and everything will fall into place.
          1. +9
            6 May 2014 11: 28
            Quote: alexneg
            It is necessary to destroy the source of lies - USA

            - exactly! This is the exact definition of the source of infection!
            1. +14
              6 May 2014 13: 53
              It would be a holiday
              1. +3
                6 May 2014 20: 48
                This will!!!!
            2. +1
              7 May 2014 05: 30
              Quote: Kite
              - exactly! This is the exact definition of the source of infection!

              Inaccurate)). This is the same as what we call the source of Hitlerism-the Wehrmacht.
              More precisely, perhaps, these are the Anglo-Saxons under the control of the Jewish elite.
          2. +1
            6 May 2014 13: 56
            Quote: alexneg
            and their minions in Ukraine, unfortunately Ivanovich, there are already so many of them that without the Great War they cannot be eradicated ... and the war, as you can see now, is not always a panacea ...
          3. +2
            6 May 2014 17: 06
            Late treatment of symptoms if metastases have spread throughout the body! And there is cancer, 4th degree
        3. +8
          6 May 2014 11: 21
          Quote: hommer
          Stop lying to yourself.

          - It’s very difficult for me to lie to myself! My cousins ​​live in the Kiev region, there is a cousin in Belarus. Am I fooling myself ??? If there is a brother, then only in Belarus ?! Do they remember me in Kiev region?
          It is very painful to think so, but it looks like we need to equip the strictest "sanitary" cordon on the border with that territory !! A monstrous epidemic is raging there.
        4. +3
          6 May 2014 11: 40
          Brothers, only in the guise of Cain. am
        5. +39
          6 May 2014 12: 50
          The fascist, what outfits you don’t give him, remains a fascist and will never be a brother to a Rusich, even western or eastern. The fascist does not have a nationality - this is a geek subject to liquidation. soldier
        6. +4
          6 May 2014 14: 24
          Well here, you understand the big political question, who considers whom whom. Slavs live throughout eastern Europe. Poles, Czechs, Romanians, Slovaks, Slovenes and others. All these are Western and Southern Slovenes. And for a long time we considered them all as brothers. Here are the current relatives we got addicted. The Poles, pushed by the Swedes or the Germans all tried to conquer us. After that, this long-suffering Outskirts of Russian lands grew up on which the anti-Russian Slovenian community has been developing for more than a hundred years. Separated us and pit each other. And how do we deal with such brothers, forget? Or to score? The trouble is that the Russians are not leaving their in trouble.
          1. 0
            8 May 2014 12: 36
            Quote: EvgenSuslov
            Poles, Czechs, Romanians, Slovaks, Slovenes and others. All these are Western and Southern Slovenes.

            From Wiki:
            Romanians (rum. Români) - people in Europe (number 23,8 million people), speak the Romanian language of the Romance language group of the Indo-European family.

            Romanians (and Moldavians) are not Slavs.
      8. +18
        6 May 2014 09: 55
        Quote: maks-xnumx
        I personally have the word Western Ukrainian disgusted as the word fascist in relation to the Germans, I understand that there are a lot of good people in western Ukraine but consciousness is resisting this, consciousness says that they need to be killed and that’s the point.

        Well then, I'm a fascist and my parents fascists and my Russian-speaking classmates (Armenians, Georgians, Ukrainians, Russians, Tajiks and Tatars) from western Ukraine - also fascists, namely from the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. I understand everything, I understand that we have a firm opinion that western Ukraine is a stronghold of all Banderas and fascists. But this is far from the case. The article, which I hope you have read, clearly speaks of the excellent propaganda, which are truly Russophobic in nature. And more than that, I can tell you, comrade - maks-101, by writing this post, you automatically become an accomplice of the already crappy relations between our peoples and countries! My friends from western Ukraine, so to speak "courtyards", have already disowned me. For they consider eating, I am a Nazi muzzle, oh, a traitor. And this is a consequence, I repeat again, a good brainwashing of the 5th column and're coming out of the media.

        PS though, this is your point of view that your
        consciousness says that they must be killed and the point.
        . Here you can discuss a very, very long time (under drinks ) It's a shame you just think so.
        1. +10
          6 May 2014 11: 04
          Quote: LaGlobal
          I understand everything, I understand that we have a firm opinion that western Ukraine is the stronghold of all the Bandera and fascists. But this is far from the case.

          I agree that not all of Western Ukraine are fascists. But, you must admit, it is not here that the veterans of the Galicia division are marching in Nazi uniforms, it is not here that they are honored and extolled, it is not here that old veterans who defeated this fascist scum are beaten, we do not shout - to hang a Ukrainian and Ukrainians - to the knives!
          From the actions of filth, from the general tone of the press, television, the general mood of public opinion is compiled. There are no open alternative opinions in Ukrainian media, and, apparently, it simply cannot be. And if you just try to show the opinions of different parties - this is the responsibility of the media - you immediately have an attack like the attack of the freak Lyashko on the head of the Ukrainian television channel.
          The author, of course, exaggerates, and, in excitement, apparently gave a little more to the mountain than is permissible, but the state of the split in Ukraine (on - this is the norm of the Russian language - and only!) Showed quite accurately.
          Anti-Russian propaganda in your country acts, of course, on us, in Russia, and on the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine. Naturally, it causes rejection! And to the question of who is to blame, an unequivocal answer follows: zapadentsy, Galicians, etc. This, in general, does not fully correspond to reality. In Odessa, people from Odessa, Kharkovites, and Dnepropetrovsk burned people. But since Western Ukrainians were originally the carriers of Bandera ideology, a negative opinion extends to all of them. Although during the war and the postwar years, three quarters of all the victims of Bandera were Western Ukrainians
          But now, the actions of your 10%, supported by frenzied media and confused youths from all over the country, create an opinion about all Western Ukrainians.
          You too are to blame for this, because you are silent. We all need to be kinder to each other. After Odessa, the first word is yours!
          Despite the shortcomings of the article - plus.
          1. +7
            6 May 2014 12: 02
            Quote: andj61
            But agree

            - I agree!

            Quote: andj61
            veterans of the Galicia division marching in Nazi uniforms not here

            - categorically, I do not accept this fact! And in every possible way I condemn him and I will condemn !!! But in due time, skins were freely walking in Russia ...

            Quote: andj61
            Anti-Russian propaganda in your country

            - I have long been living in Petersburg bully drinks

            PS honestly, I’m already so fed up with news about Ukraine that my brain is already in full swing! For there is incredible bewilderment and misunderstanding in me, how for people and relatives with whom I have been friends for 17 years, so easily refuse friendship and kinship ??? AS??!!! And most of all it is surprising that for them now they become a friend and brother, with a% decree, - of course,% nn% n American and pid% races from geyropa, and we Slavs are worse than the enemy for them ...
            1. +4
              6 May 2014 16: 45
              Quote: LaGlobal
              I’m already so fed up with news about Ukraine that my brain is already in full swing! For there is incredible bewilderment and misunderstanding in me, how for people and relatives with whom I have been friends for 17 years, so easily refuse friendship and kinship ??? AS??!!! And most of all it is surprising that for them now they become a friend and brother, with a% decree, - of course,% nn% n American and pid% races from geyropa, and we Slavs are worse than the enemy for them ...

              I support! In addition, I am half Ukrainian ...
            2. +5
              6 May 2014 21: 30
              Thanks for the answer. I am Russian with a Ukrainian surname, my ancestors are Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, assigned to the old-Dubuque first kuren (under the Commonwealth), then to the Cossack regiment. I myself very hard perceive and worry about everything that is happening now in Ukraine. I live near the border of three - now irony - fraternal republics.
              In the 60s and early 70s, my great-grandfather was still alive, who was born in the 19th century, and in his youth was recorded in the estate as a "Cossack" (the Zaporozhye Cossack army was abolished as irregular, according to him, under his father). I asked him who we are by nationality, Russians, Ukrainians or Belarusians. He replied that we are all Orthodox Russians, and we speak our own language in almost every village (it was true - they began to speak Moscow literary (almost!) In the villages in the 80s). Nationalities were invented, according to him, under Soviet rule. Then I did not believe him, and my father told me not to pay attention to these words, but now I see that he is largely right.
              Please forgive me if I touched your feelings with something. In Ukraine, I have many relatives, friends, good friends who perceive these events very well. I understand you very well. I am afraid that after the events that have taken place, and after those that will still be, relations with our brothers in Ukraine will be very difficult.
              1. +2
                7 May 2014 16: 44
                Quote: andj61
                Please forgive me if I touched your feelings with something.

                - all is well, I'm not angry! Moreover, I sincerely understand you. drinks

                I am afraid that after the events that have taken place, and after those that will still be, relations with our brothers in Ukraine will be very difficult.

                - Unfortunately, this is so sad
          2. +1
            6 May 2014 15: 19
            Quote: andj61
            I agree that not all fascists in Western Ukraine.

            Yes, you are right, but the time is near when it will be necessary to make a choice, either they will join the fascists or put their lives at risk.
        2. +4
          6 May 2014 11: 51
          Either you have to bounce soon, or they can make you a scapegoat. Run from there, or you have nothing to lose, or I'm scared for you.
        3. +3
          6 May 2014 12: 09
          Here you can discuss for a very, very long time
          You are right, it is impossible to write down all without exception as "fascists" if they live in the territory where this ukronazism originated. Our enemies know the weak point of Russia: it is its multinationality, it is in this field that they are working, their method is as old as this world: "divide and rule!", Remember this. It is necessary to distinguish where is the lie, and where is the truth, and then the enemy will not pass, but the battlefield is inside each of us, and everyone is free to choose with whom he is and who is closer to him. His Soul is at stake. hi
          1. -16
            6 May 2014 15: 32
            Quote: Gomunkul
            Our enemies know Russia's weak spot: this is its multinational

            Finally, people are beginning to understand that "multinationality" is not an advantage, but a disadvantage.
            1. nevopros
              10 May 2014 00: 25
              Partly ... YES, disadvantage. In general, in the vastness of the Russian world, "nationality" is an instrument of "divide and rule", since it implies territorial national formation.

              The more groups of "2 and a half people" with "their own" false identity per 1 hectare, the easier it is to manage them.
        4. The comment was deleted.
      9. 120352
        6 May 2014 10: 07
        I will try to answer the question in the title of the article: “What is a“ Ukrainian. ”It seems to me that the answer is rooted in the well-known maxim:“ My house is on the edge ”.
        Very illusory thought. After all, the one who is on the edge, he is always EXTREME, which means he gets the first one. And now he will get it.
      10. +4
        6 May 2014 10: 38
        In Western Ukraine there are very few industries, so a significant part of the able-bodied population works as migrant workers in Europe or Russia, or stupidly does not work - it cultivates its garden, engages in small part-time jobs at the place of residence, and stupidly lounges the rest of the time. And young people in farms and urban-type settlements have nothing to do at all, there is really little work and this is the answer from where these find time to participate in the Right Sectors and others. They don’t have to rush to work, because this work is not. But full of hatred. In many ways, the author is right, but IMHO, at the end of the article, he slipped to the same level that he himself describes - an overkill. It is not necessary to humiliate the whole nation because of the numerous in absolute magnitude (but very small% of the total population) Nazi scum. There are a lot of them, but this is a small percentage of obvious degenerates, you can not humiliate and insult everyone! Article minus!
        1. The comment was deleted.
        2. raf
          6 May 2014 22: 05
          In the countryside (in some places) we also have no work, it has been ruined and plundered, and why should we hate Ukraine, including the western one, for this? Our unemployed people are not satisfied with Maidans, people in buildings are not burned! In Tajikistan, as in Ukraine, there was the same situevina, to be a secular or Wahhabi country, like Ukraine, to be a people's and happy country or a fascist-Bandera? The Tajiks chose a secular state and fought for it, there was also a civil war. But in Ukraine, only the southeast opposed the Nazis, but Crimea voted to join Russia. What is the rest, most of Ukraine is silent? So they silently agreed with the fascist regime self-appointed rulers? And where does Russia, which Ukrainians "love" so much? The author, respect and 100% support, put everything correctly, maybe even highlighted the dark colors.
      11. +11
        6 May 2014 10: 47
        All the fucking thing is that in the east, anti-Russian is no less! That is why I believe that it is too early to deploy troops. Helping volunteers is so far the best option in this situation. But after the referendum, at least some picture is outlined.
        1. Gloria45
          6 May 2014 11: 06
          1 .. Ukrainian propaganda is waging a constant racist information war. The Russians - katzapy, moss and li - are portrayed by her as a gathering of donks, monsters, genetically inferior people, envious, stupid, natural slaves, inhabitants of the mythical "horde"
          1. The comment was deleted.
          2. +10
            6 May 2014 17: 25
            1. raf
              6 May 2014 22: 08
              Ay Zeus well done !!! He laughed heartily, thanks !!! The very essence! hi
          3. +10
            6 May 2014 17: 27
            The picture shows a typical maydaun. This picture has nothing to do with normal Ukrainians.
            1. raf
              6 May 2014 22: 09
              ))))))))))))It is truth too!!!
      12. +12
        6 May 2014 11: 35
        Quote: maks-xnumx
        I personally have the word Western Ukrainian disgusted as the word fascist

        From Rovno. Exactly the same feeling I have. But what to do here with people who are completely normal, just having a great degree of suggestibility? All their judgments about the situation in the country and the main acting forces boil down to the well-known Ukrainian saying "Who are the best in the world? Nevistka." With the same success, investing in mass information, they can be made in a month - another crawl to this nevistka (Russia) on his knees and kiss her feet, or the feet of the inhabitants of Mars.
        Threat. By the way, an interesting fact. Remaining Svidomo with foam at the mouth, they all unanimously advise to leave for Russia as a country richer and more stable (especially since the legislation has been adjusted and there will be no trouble with documents for me). Absolute schizophrenia.
      13. +4
        6 May 2014 12: 17
        You are right, in western Ukraine there are a lot of good people. Yes, they already believe in ancient ukrov and independence, but the fact that Kiev is the mother of Russian cities is the same axiom for them.
        The zombie-Ukrainians who are narrated by the author are young people born with the collapse of the USSR. It was they who did not receive a normal Soviet education who poured this nonsense into their heads. And it is they who are now killing their fellow citizens. And it is they that we will have to burn out, like rot and mold on the old table, beloved by the kitchen. And if at the same time you have to cut off the parts of the legs, I will be very sorry.
        1. +5
          6 May 2014 15: 38
          Quote: EvgenSuslov
          You are right, in western Ukraine there are a lot of good people. Yes, they already believe in ancient ukrov and independence, but the fact that Kiev is the mother of Russian cities is the same axiom for them

          One catch that they do not consider Russian living in Russia to be Russian, but consider impostors to steal the Russian name (this is part of Ukrainian national mythology - the Muscovite impostors stole our name and history from us)

          Quote: EvgenSuslov
          The zombie-Ukrainians who are narrated by the author are young people born with the collapse of the USSR. It was they who did not receive a normal Soviet education who poured this nonsense into their heads

          Soviet education (historical) was not normal, it is thanks to him that we have most of the current problems. Moreover, a lot of ukro-Nazis are older people. For example, look at Farion - she is generally a purely Soviet person who received an excellent education at a Soviet university and was a member of the Komsomol and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. And there are many.
      14. Shaki's memory
        6 May 2014 12: 40
        These are the Ukrainians .. And because they will not be anything (((
        Two fotik and a bit and a smile at the sight of those burning .. And this "mother" will give birth to?

        edium = facebook
      15. +4
        6 May 2014 12: 46
        The most offensive is that individuals with Russian surnames meet, but abruptly any Bandera they hate RUSSIA.
      16. +4
        6 May 2014 13: 21
        The most "svidomye" Galicians sentenced the "United Ukraine" project to death. There is also a positive moment: the masks covering the fascist grin have been dropped. Over time, these faces will be recognized in the world.
      17. +4
        6 May 2014 13: 50
        Quote: maks-xnumx
        I personally have the word Western Ukrainian disgusted as the word fascist in relation to the Germans, I understand that there are a lot of good people in western Ukraine but consciousness is resisting this, consciousness says that they need to be killed and that’s the point.

        for me personally, it is ON- "Western-Banderlog" ...
      18. +31
        6 May 2014 13: 55
        And who are the Russians? I think the Emperor gave an excellent and correct answer!

        1. raf
          6 May 2014 22: 14
          Quite right, the way it is !!! And these custins and the like, the same patients and are not amenable to treatment, which we see in today's life, very often Russophobia terry, wild, schizophrenic.
        2. bilibom
          6 May 2014 22: 20
          Russian is not a nationality.
          Russian is a state of mind.
          After all, not a single ethnic group has disappeared in the Russian Empire for nothing, no matter how small it is.
          And what happened to the Indians in both Americas?
      19. +5
        6 May 2014 14: 18
        Recently I talked with a guy from Western Ukraine. It’s a normal person. He is not Russian. So normal people in Nezalezhnaya
        1. 0
          7 May 2014 17: 55
          Quote: Karaul
          Recently I talked with a guy from Western Ukraine. It’s a normal person. He is not Russian. So normal people in Nezalezhnaya

          Do not create illusions about the inhabitants there.
          Alone, they seem to be normal, especially when they are on a foreign land.
          But all together, especially at home, they are not very normal.
          I know, I have experience with them.
      20. +5
        6 May 2014 15: 22
        Quote: maks-xnumx
        I personally have the word Western Ukrainian disgusted as the word fascist in relation to the Germans,

        WESTERN is no longer fashionable, and the author in this article does not mean exactly the west of Ukraine, we are talking about Ukraine as a whole. As far as I know, Chernihiv, Sumy, Poltava is the most East, however ... You yourself know whom they support. There is no need to harbor illusions, the whole of Ukraine is infected, to share this misunderstanding into the East and the West is too simple nowadays.
      21. +4
        6 May 2014 16: 58
        It kills and infuriates that all these stsuki, the majority! Here are such relatives too
      22. The comment was deleted.
      23. +1
        6 May 2014 20: 18
        No need to kill them. It is necessary to isolate them a little, let them cook in their own guano. Maybe some thoughts will come, they will begin to think, they will realize where someone ...
      24. +1
        6 May 2014 23: 08
        I apologize for the comment not on the material of the article. I recommend reading (on organ transplantation in Ukraine, "black" transplantologists, communication with Tyagnibok, etc.):

      25. 573385
        7 May 2014 00: 10
        Ay-yai-yay! What are you! Look, Putin and Lavrov are proposing to AGREEMENT, TALKS with those whom you like, sort of ....
      26. +8
        7 May 2014 00: 28
        Quote: maks-xnumx
        they must be killed, period.

        And how will you be different from them?
        Please read this -
        "" "" "" "" "" "
        Who and why allowed us to learn, and even with such exhaustive evidence, the truth about the Odessa massacre?
        Why the atrocities of the maydauns in Kiev were so hard to publicize, the case of Maidan snipers is still carefully braked, and here they all told us so expertly and shown.
        WHY? A puncture of the American interventionists and their squinty henchmen from half a thousand?
        Not at all!
        An elementary analysis of the sky-high cruelty with which people were killed in the House of Trade Unions clearly says that there were no brutalized youngsters there. Can any normal, unprepared civilian be able to do this? Yes, it will turn out from the first second! No, Svidomo plankton was used to divert eyes as useful idiots.
        Real professionals slaughtered, raped, imprisoned for similar punitive operations, death squads, trained for such slaughter!
        What for? And then! Who needs an escalation of the conflict in the former Ukraine? To the Americans! Only them and no one else!
        Those who shout that the Russians need to build a Second Vietnam, who are interested in blood rivers here seriously and for a long time!
        Therefore, the events in Odessa are a classic provocation according to the Yugoslav recipe, and the cook is the same - the CIA. When consistently, crimes are committed for each side far beyond brutal brutality. Necessarily with irrefutable evidence that it was precisely the opposing side that did it. Odessa is not a battle that accidentally turned into a massacre. This is not a provocation for Putin to send troops. Everything is much more serious here. This is an ideal way to tear quarreling parts of the people, and for centuries to plunge them into the bloody abyss of irreconcilable hostility for dozens of generations.
        In Odessa, everything was done so that the blood boiled violently, and the brain exploded in every normal person, still peaceful yesterday, and today ready to cut, shoot and hang. The action was well prepared, extremely clearly documented, with lots of evidence that it was done by the Zapadents, and it was against the Russianophiles. Why so far no one has raised the question of where these videos and high-quality photos come from, and why they are so massively injected. This is not a bravado of juvenile scumbags, intoxicated by massacres. This is a cold calculation and the "pure" work of the true enemies of the human race. Now, in a couple of days, similar events will occur, such as the brutalized Cossacks raped and ripped open their bellies Svidomo young ladies, photos, whose names and addresses are so persistently reposted. And a bloody whirlwind, worse than the last civil "class" war, will turn around. So, the once united people are always torn apart. We are already familiar with the masters of such matters from the Yugoslav slaughter, and we also know what kind of ocean they live. They clearly came up with how to make people brutalize, tear each other, who were still yesterday-peaceful and believing in God, albeit in different ways. If everything goes as they intended, then Lviv and Ternopol will never be Russian, and Kiev will burn like brushwood in this crucible of irreconcilable hostility of parts of the once united Russian people. This is a terrible prospect for Russia to get a second "Galician" "Afghanistan" if it dares to bring in troops.
        Distribute on an Internet these Odessa horrors without appropriate insistent explanation, a crime no less!
        "" "" "" "" "" "
      27. +4
        7 May 2014 00: 39
        Do you want to kill western Ukrainians?
        Among whom there are many front-line soldiers .. and "Afghans" .. If you do not take 1% (even much less) .. if you do not take a few frostbitten, there are the same Russian people.
        Do you consider yourself much better than them? .....
        Western beast now attacking Ukraine. And in 1993, the same beast took power over Russia (and took it) .. It is only recently that many have begun to see clearly. We are now freed from the power of the beast.
        But look how YOU behaved in 1993. Just remember! Then cameras were a rarity. Therefore, the hundredth share of those Moscow atrocities was not captured .. when western BEAST took power in Moscow.
        1. Guslar
          8 May 2014 11: 49
          Good brother! This article, although it has a sound grain, and the rage is understandable, but the focus can give an anti-Russian fruit. It must be clearly understood: the enemies are Uniates or, if you will, Bandera, and the Ukrainians are part of us, and we must free them from Westernism both physically and, which is very important, ideologically. To unite all Ukrainians with Uniates into a united front of our enemies is the dream of the West.
        2. Guslar
          8 May 2014 11: 49
          Good brother! This article, although it has a sound grain, and the rage is understandable, but the focus can give an anti-Russian fruit. It must be clearly understood: the enemies are Uniates or, if you will, Bandera, and the Ukrainians are part of us, and we must free them from Westernism both physically and, which is very important, ideologically. To unite all Ukrainians with Uniates into a united front of our enemies is the dream of the West.
      28. +4
        7 May 2014 04: 07
        An unusually touching clip to the verses of Kyiv residents - Slav brothers.
      29. +2
        7 May 2014 09: 31
        Bankruptcy "Privat": Hyena's dying laugh.
        I don’t know how close it is to the truth (it might just be a trivial stuffing), but it’s worth considering:

        The days of Privat are numbered. Even the record amount of refinancing in the amount of 13 billion hryvnia, which the Kiev bandits "presented" to the Kolomoisky Privat, could not save the doomed bank. If you have deposits in Privat, you have another ten days to collect them. I also recommend removing salaries and savings from cards. Otherwise, your money will go to the income of the casino to Kolomoisky.

        Only facts from all over Ukraine:
        1. The day before yesterday, all heads of PrivatBank left the Donetsk region above the middle level, all bank branches were closed.

        2. In Ivano-Frankovsk, a friend received a transfer through Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Sberbank told him that now the transfer can be obtained only in Privat. When he arrived there, he was told that transfers only to the Privat card could be received, the card was issued for three days, and the transfer percentage was 5%

      30. +3
        7 May 2014 10: 03
        No. It is unfair to generalize like that. Not all Ukrainians are animals.
        We live by stereotypes. In another person, we are first of all trying to see our reflection. When faced with that. that counterpart behaves wrong, it causes stress.
        What is happening with the maydanuts? Alain Dulles' plan is considered by some to be a fake, while others do not agree with this. The plan of the "Elders of Zion" was transferred to Russia by the intelligence officer of the General Staff, who copied it from one of the authors for money. After publication, this gentleman died very quickly, not a natural death. However, you must agree, the plan of the Elders of Zion, the plan of Alain Dulles, the directive of the State Department from 1947, and everything else is essentially the evolution of the anti-Russian trend. Yes, the texts seem overly "artistic" and therefore seem fake. After Watergate, the results of the Senate Commission's investigation into the MK-Ultra program were released. I read as a boy in the Literary Gazette. Then it seemed like communist propaganda. But everything came true. Look at how the Maydanutyms were brainwashed, listen to their speeches, drugs, etc., they have formed an anti-Russian perception and thinking. Excessive cruelty towards the South-East causes in us, normal people, not understanding and denial. There is no forgiveness for this.
        The militias must understand that the right-wing people and mercenaries from all over the world, the Ukrainian "army" came to kill them. They are enemies. No mercy. Take no prisoners. These monsters do not consider militias for people.
        Unfortunately, I cannot personally help the southeast with anything.
        1. skaarjj
          7 May 2014 18: 58
          yes there are serious "rebza". look at the reports - they are still sparing the warriors, but they don't take prisoners from the SS - total war, that's the only way it should be. I remember my grandfather - I spent my whole life with shrapnel in my leg and a splinter in my eye (half a thorn was, dragging) - so even I, a humanist, the youngest about a specialty "crazy fight") will go to the front. only to the front first I will go inside - unless the curls / silanovs / nabiulins are cut out by the stronger elites themselves. I’ll go and very soon - because the separation from the West is necessary - we started playing in globalization ...
      31. +2
        7 May 2014 10: 31
        Urkaina. Slavyansk. More than 20 dead. 07.05.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX
      32. wow
        7 May 2014 13: 20
        Sorry, I agree! And old and small and women and their children. Personally, I don't see another way yet. Stalin's experiments with the forgiveness of the so-called. "realized" did not bring success.
        1. skaarjj
          7 May 2014 19: 01
          no realized and no "forgiven" !!! it makes sense to "pile up" on the resources \ forums are coming out? - I've been looking for nothing adequate
      33. +6
        7 May 2014 13: 38
        As a young man, I myself was born after the Second World War, but my relatives fought against the German fascists and the Nazis on the Nazi axis: Romanians, Hungarians, Italians, Bulgarians (yes, there’s no getting anywhere, it was), etc. What can I say about the zombies of the population of these countries? They were thrilled with the feeling of "God's chosenness" in relation to the rest of the peoples living to the east. Hitler in Germany 33 of 33 years old was greeted with a bang by women, children, old people. Yes, almost all citizens. But when the Soviet troops began to give in their faces to the Nazis in the territory occupied by them, when they came to their countries: famine, death from this and tearing bombs and shells on a man’s part, sad letters from fathers, brothers and a funeral from the front, frau and dicks began to think ... But did the great Fuhrer and orator Goebbels send them there? When from the front the husbands and sons of these Frau began to write from the Russian front that the Russian winter, the Russian soldiers are immortal, unkillable, and that this is a payment to the whole German people for all the atrocities on earth from the ideas of the Fuhrer, at home in little Germany thought 99 % of German Frau, dicks and other citizens in the past are already God's chosen. Until now, the word fascism, the expression "Hitler kaput", pronounced on the territory of modern Germany, cause horror, rejection, disappointment and memory of the heart from the fact that the great German people, who gave birth to the geniuses of Schiller, Goethe, Beethoven, Schubert, Wagner, Weber, Handel, Bach, Bartholdi, Mendelssohn, as well as famous world-famous scientists: Leibniz, Gauss, Hertz, Roentgen, Einstein, Born, Ohm gave birth to such scum as Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels, Shah, Bormann, Skorzeny, Mengele, which is the birthplace of the great musicians and scientists became the birthplace of the invention of gas gas chambers, crematorium ovens, the misanthropic law on racial purity, became a political ideoma for building statehood, in which the racial theory and the superiority of the Aryans (read Germans) over all races on earth and the Catholic apologist for its physical destruction were the basis everyone who does not fit the theory of racial purity, especially Jews and Slavs. Paradoxically, it is a fact that a very intelligent, progressive and organizationally mature people have become a herd of fanatics, cynics, fanatics, scum, aggressive aliens, "strangers" on Earth. Modern Ukraine, an example of how you can quite easily fool, turn into whole zombies, brainless creatures millions of people: young and not very, without education and with it. Moreover, the theory of God's chosen people in this case was not born among the Ukrainians themselves, but was brought in from the outside by the West, who was absolutely blasphemous to God, in the person of Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, Bulgaria, France, and the USA. Yesterday's victims of the German Aryans, liberated by the USSR, today spit on their singers, trample the shrines, thanks to which their grandparents were able to give birth to their popes and mothers, and themselves. By the way, it concerns 100% modern Ukrainian youth! For, if not, they would not have been guaranteed!
      34. 0
        7 May 2014 15: 32
        People. Urgently, Maximum REPOST. In Mariupol began to shoot people !!!! Throw Ukrainians, bullets whistle! not fake! REPOST!
      35. +3
        7 May 2014 15: 39
        A look from the states:
      36. DimychDV
        7 May 2014 17: 44
        This is because on the other side there is no protest, indignation of the maydanut. They sent them to us to earn money. Well then, wuyky, do not blame me.
      37. Latvian
        7 May 2014 18: 35
        Western Ukrainian ?, but what Ukrainian is a settlement of the Yesessites! Dynasty of Sonderkommandas and geeks, undeveloped! This scum has nothing to do with Ukraine and normal Ukrainians too. Germany at one time also turned off the brain and went for the Fuhrer, and the end that awaits the Nazis is known to all.
        Pravosekov is waiting for the same thing and the last ss Galicia, or to flee to the United States, or shoot himself. Death to the Nazis!
        Happy Great Victory Day for everyone !!!
      38. 0
        8 May 2014 11: 17
        max do not worry .... there are no slavs! the latter were crushed in thalerhof in 1914, and even during the times of Khmelnytsky, the "right of the first wedding night" was in effect in those territories, which was used by the managers of Polish estates, enterprising Jews, Nemchurs, Madyars, Romanians, Turks and other rabble, and since the "law of telegonia" was not canceled were born, respectively, not slavs! ...)
      39. fau14
        9 May 2014 02: 03
        Ruthenians live in Transcarpathia who hate Galicians. They are also so messy with their brains, but at the level of intuition they understand or understand what’s the point. All this is a blunder of the Russians, while the Amis worked with the population there, the Russians were hired by Yanukovych; a new one, which is not zombified from kindergarten, here they replenish the sobs of the right sector.
      40. fau14
        9 May 2014 02: 03
        Ruthenians live in Transcarpathia who hate Galicians. They are also so messy with their brains, but at the level of intuition they understand or understand what’s the point. All this is a blunder of the Russians, while the Amis worked with the population there, the Russians were hired by Yanukovych; a new one, which is not zombified from kindergarten, here they replenish the sobs of the right sector.
    2. +33
      6 May 2014 07: 26
      And what will the referendum change? Unfortunately, nothing will change. Apparently, until all of Ukraine is washed with blood, until all the people come together and go to beat the oligarchs and their hires, nothing will change in Ukraine. Civilians are dying, blood is pouring, but the bulk is waiting for something. Someone's help.
      1. +25
        6 May 2014 07: 58
        Legally change the status of territories.

        The IMF said it would not give money without the Southeast. And one Donetsk region - 16% of Ukrainian exports.
        And how are debts repaid? That's right, export, and nothing else.

        Therefore, if the legal status of the territory changes, Russia can legally support the new territorial entity in the Southeast on the basis of agreements with representatives of these territories.

        Why is no one poisoning Putin for Crimea, they are not yelling already about annexation, etc. Because legally, it’s not possible to creep into the UN, anywhere else.
        1. +5
          6 May 2014 08: 33
          The Southeast is not the only supplier of money for Ukraine, huge amounts are imported by 3000000 migrant workers working in Russia, if everyone brings 300 bucks a month, then the amount is 1 lard per month or 12 per year.
          1. +6
            6 May 2014 08: 53
            By the way, why not among them recruit. Only one percent is enough in excess. This is 30 combat-ready fighting soldiers. Pay 000-3 times 5. Take money from Russian moishes. One of them will be enough. I think that this has already been done!
            1. +9
              6 May 2014 09: 21
              Quote: tolian
              why not among them recruit.

              Because most of them are with memory. And if they don't speak openly, they support them in their minds! Here you need to approach with great analysis. And there is no guarantee that even the "attracted", having come home, will not want to sit out. There are many of those who say: "Sorry, but I'm going home, what the hell is going on, do we need to help our" separatists "? That's just it!
          2. 0
            8 May 2014 19: 24
            to ban transfers to Ukraine. and close the border for a couple of months
      2. sled beach
        6 May 2014 13: 45
        A limp mass is always waiting for something, but in fact it is food.
      3. The comment was deleted.
      4. 0
        6 May 2014 16: 53
        Whose-Whose ?!
        He expects that, as usual: a frantic Russia, having washed itself with mud, will swallow everything, rub it off, digest and somehow pay for all the reconstruction of the "good" neighbor ...
    3. +1
      6 May 2014 08: 03
      oh ghost bear hi)
    4. +12
      6 May 2014 08: 25
      no such nation is Ukrainian.
      1. +11
        6 May 2014 08: 51
        Right. There was citizenship of Ukraine. The citizen was Ukrainian. But such a nation is not, that's for sure. There are Russians (including Little Russians), there are Poles, there are Jews, there are Rusyns, and until recently they were all Ukrainians. But now this state is de facto no longer, and therefore there are no citizens either. It’s the same as calling the Serbs Yugoslavs ...
      2. +11
        6 May 2014 09: 41
        Quote: Dmitry
        no such nation is Ukrainian.

        Oh citizens! It is not that simple! If someone is really interested in history, I highly recommend reading - Fyodor Gaida: "About the origin of the word UKRAINE" http://regnum.ru/news/polit/1410406.html
        Honestly - you will not regret it! But at least start to understand! In the meantime, briefly ...
        Where and how the word "Ukrainians" was first used?

        "In the Muscovite state," Ukrainians "were originally called military people (border guards) who served in the Oka Ukraine - in the Upper and Middle Poochie - against the Crimeans. In March 1648, the Moscow Duma clerk Ivan Gavrenyov wrote to the Discharge order a note about cases, in which, in particular, under the sixth paragraph, it was briefly said: “Ukrainians, who lives why, do not keep them and let them go.” The Duma clerk did not explain the word “Ukrainians” in any way; obviously, in Moscow it was heard and explained didn't need ... "
        When and in what sense did the word "Ukrainians" first begin to be used in Little Russia?
        In the I half - the middle of the XVII century. the word "Ukrainians" (Ukraińców) was used by Poles - this is how the Polish gentry in Ukraine were denoted. M. Hrushevsky quotes from 2 reports of the crown hetman N. Potocki dated July 1651, translated from Polish into the modern Ukrainian language, in which the hetman uses the term "Panove of Ukraine" to designate the Polish landowners of Ukraine. The Poles never extended it to the Russian population of Ukraine.
        1. +4
          6 May 2014 09: 46
          Continued ...
          From the last third of the 1669th century. the word "Ukrainians" in relation to both Cossacks and Sloboda Ukrainians appears in the part of Little Russia that has ceded to the Russian state - in the pro-Moscow circles of the Cossack elders and clergy. The most striking document in this respect should be considered the "Perestorogi of Ukraine" (XNUMX) - a publicistic treatise written, most likely, by the order of Kiev Colonel V. Dvoretsky. The author calls the Cossacks of the Right-Bank Ukraine "Ukrainians", to whom the message is addressed (the "Cossacks", "Panov Cossacks", "Cossack troops", "Ukrainian people" are also used as synonyms).
          When "Ukrainians" began to call the entire population of Ukraine-Little Russia?
          Decembrist P.I. Pestel (1792-1826) in his "Russian Pravda" divided the "Russian people" into five "shades", distinguished, in his opinion, only by "the way of their management" (ie, the administrative structure): "Russians", "Belarusians "," Russians "," Little Russians "and" Ukrainians ". "Ukrainians", as Pestel noted, inhabit the Kharkov and Kursk provinces. Kharkov playwright G.F. Kvitka (Osnovyanenko) (1778-1843), nephew of I.I. Kvitka, in a small essay "Ukrainians" (1841), wrote: "The peoples who inhabited the present Kharkov province were for the most part Ukrainians and had the same language and customs with the Little Russians, but since their settlement here they have significantly deviated from them to a noticeable difference .. . "

          The expansive interpretation was used quite casually. K.F. Ryleev, in sketches of his poem "Nalivaiko" (1824-1825), wrote: "... Pole, Jew and Uniate // Feast unconcernedly, violently, // All are animated with joy; // Some Ukrainians yearn ...". This passage ("Spring") was first published only in 1888. In 1834, a young botanist M.A. Maksimovich published in Moscow "Ukrainian folk songs", in the comments to which he wrote: "Ukrainians or Little Russians make up the eastern half of the Southern or Black Sea Russ, which had as its focus the god-saved city of Kiev." However, later, starting to study the history and culture of Little Russia, Maksimovich narrowed the concept of "Ukrainians": in his opinion, this was the name given to the descendants of the glades - Cossacks and residents of the Middle Dnieper region.
      3. Gloria45
        6 May 2014 10: 53
        Quote: Dmitry
        no such nation is Ukrainian.

        Kharkov. A man on the street: There is no such state as Ukraine

        AntiMaydan Kharkov
        Today in 4: 25
        Give us freedom, have a conscience !!! :: There is no such state as "Ukraine" !!

        No, and never was !! Is it hard for you to realize it? I believe and understand. I really believe and understand. Washington has spent over $ 80 billion in the last 23 years to instill "Ukraine" in you. To inspire you about such a "country and state". If you are not a blue-and-yellow zombie from the Maidan and could read up to these lines, then read on.
        In the 90s, when the United States destroyed the USSR, they created a referendum, let the citizens say what they want? And the result - more than 92% of the Ukrainian Republic supported the preservation of the CIS, that is, Russia, but not a branch !!

        But people were thrown !! American separatists - separated the Russian Ukrainian Republic from the Russian world .... As a result, Washington created the pseudo-state "Ukraine" ...

        So what?? What have we received for these 23 years of pseudo-nezalezhnosti, in addition to suffering? Let's answer??!! Yes YOU !!! Ukrainian with a blue and yellow flag, answer ?? !!! What we got for 23, except for the endless American Maidan and coups ?? Well, look in the eyes and ANSWER !!! The answer is obvious ...

        Therefore, please do not stop the people of the Southeast from escaping this American-Ukrainian shame, poverty and 23 year old devastation !! Let people choose their path !! The path of democracy and freedom !! Real freedom !!! Do not stop us from gaining freedom !! Do not bother, but better - join us !!
        1. raf
          7 May 2014 00: 52
          Haha, the man laid siege and gave okorot to this corrupt bitch. People like her, and with the help of people like her, zombie the gullible population. Well done, comrade who remembers that he swore allegiance to the USSR!
      4. +1
        6 May 2014 16: 57
        This nationality is still there ...
    5. Hunghuz
      6 May 2014 09: 31
      hi But it’s interesting to swear to the damned yunhunhuz you can join the international battalion of Spain-Ukraine against the Dimakrat-Bandera and the Nazis of NATO ....... ??????
    6. The comment was deleted.
    7. 0
      6 May 2014 09: 38
      The referendum is another red line.
      And Putin, meanwhile, menacingly SILENT. bully
      1. +2
        6 May 2014 10: 03
        Silence is gold. wink
    8. +10
      6 May 2014 09: 50
      The author has correctly stated everything. They are sick! like a zombie!
      just imagine your brother, as in the movie, turned into a zombie (he was bitten by the same zombies), and rushing at you, wants to kill, gobble, tear to pieces, you shout to him: Petya, is that me? but how do you believe in the movies you believe that this will stop the zombies ?! while you are sitting on the couch yourself shout to this woodpecker: yes, you will come. he is no longer a man, not your brother, dunk him, otherwise you will die! here is the same thing.

      Ukrainians are no longer brothers to you, this must be understood by many at the forum, in Russia, who still have a hope that everything can be cured brother, it is impossible! all! zombies don’t have a soul, Ukrainians also killed their souls, understanding of reality.

      bite you, become the same. We must understand and not be offended by them, because you are not offended by the wolf who wants to eat you, he has such an essence. Also, the essence of the Ukrainian now hate everything Russian, someone is ready to kill for it, as in Odessa, someone just sits in the kitchen and blames Russia for everything. This is such a sad reality.
    9. 120352
      6 May 2014 09: 55
      I listened on TV to the questions that they want to put to a referendum. Nothing encouraging! All the same independence from Kiev. You might think that they are now on friendly terms with him. In any case, they lose. They do not want to live with Kiev - they will receive from Kiev for separatism and Russia will have no reason to help them, to enter their territory, because we are not talking about joining us.
      They want to live with Kiev, Kiev will punish them for the noise they make, for the same separatism, they will finish the Russians and write down all the victims on them.
      Sorry, but this wording of questions smacks of betrayal. The referendum is about nothing! This is not a referendum, but the creation of conditions for increasing the number of victims among civilians.
      Unfortunately. there is too little time to change anything. So, congratulations guys! You yourself came to the scaffold! And I even know. who brought you here. He is shown on TV several times every day as your leader. And when Kiev solves its problems, we will surely see him next to the Kiev "leaders" in a colonel's or even a general's uniform with his hand thrown up in a Nazi greeting, and present him to us as a special agent who has fulfilled Kiev's task to suppress pro-Russian separatist sentiments.
      1. +1
        6 May 2014 20: 03
        Do you believe yourself? Or is it just the same money in your mind? You’re wrong and soon you will see it.
        1. 120352
          7 May 2014 09: 13
          Your comment is addressless, without appeal, so I'm not sure that you are writing to me, but just in case, I will answer.
          Do I believe in myself? Faith is a useful feeling, but when it comes to human lives, it is better to use logic. Faith will be required. if you cannot save these lives and do not solve the combat mission.
          I didn’t write a word about money, so I don’t know what caused your question. There is no money. Here the price is different: honor.
          Who is right and who is wrong, time will tell. Well, for starters, you can open the widgets of Ukrainian cities, which we perceive as ours, and read the texts.
          I have the honor!
    10. Silent_23
      6 May 2014 12: 20
      The worst thing is that the actions of propaganda are even here on the forum. WE argue, we tell everyone, we prove it, we put it on OUR and not ours (beat white so that they blush, beat red so that they blanch) The worldview war is going on and on and while it is better for them (the West) to fight with us with our own hands.
      sorry for the grammar, but somehow
    11. +13
      6 May 2014 13: 04
      In my opinion, all this happens for one simple reason .. WE ARE NOT AFRAID! Yes, yes that’s the way, we never asked anyone in full! They always forgave everyone, they forgave the Germans, they punished the punishers of the Romanians and Hungarians, they forgave the killers of the Bander. Very many .. We Russians value the life of others too much and do not value our own .. And time and time again we get a lot of problems. Like 08.08.08 Georgians fled not particularly resisting, well aware that the Russians would not do anything with them, not the Turks, but they would come in the face, they could drink wine and break everything, but other nations would have wiped the country and nation from the face of the earth, at best case would have levied a long tribute (like the Jews of the Germans) what did Russia after this war? Correctly opened its markets to Georgian goods (wine, Borjomi) .. Sorry, but this is idiocy, who after that will at least put us in something. And now hohloukry perfectly understand they will not be anything. there will be no mass sweeps with burnt cities of executions of the guilty and not so much, nor any indemnity and other troubles after the lost war, but there will be a restoration of the ruined one, the organization of normal life and other social charms of a normal state, all at the expense of the winner and not the loser. if we leave scorched earth in western Ukraine with a sharply thinned population, then neither Europe nor the mattress will pop up, but will sit quietly hoping that it will not come to them .. I don’t see any other solution, everyone else will lead to inevitable loss and, as a result the destruction of both Russia and the Slavic ethnic group.
      1. +4
        6 May 2014 14: 03
        Quote: max702

        they are sure that behind the states ...
        Quote: max702
        for what the Georgians did, their state and nation would be wiped off the face of the earth
        in this we are distinguished from others ...
        1. +2
          6 May 2014 14: 49
          Quote: Andrey Yurievich

          Andrey Yuryevich

          Today, 14: 03

          ↑ ↓ New

          Quote: max702NOT AFRAID! they are sure that the states are behind ... Quote: max702for what the Georgians did their state and nation would be wiped off the face of the earth, we are different from others ...

          Quote: Andrey Yurievich

          Andrey Yuryevich

          Today, 14: 03

          ↑ ↓ New

          Quote: max702NOT AFRAID! they are sure that the states are behind ... Quote: max702for what the Georgians did their state and nation would be wiped off the face of the earth, we are different from others ...

          Well, why kill to teach a lesson? you can purely brotherly, in Slavic OTPI ... TO DRINK!

          I’m sure that they will surrender, I’m sure they will surrender, not the Russians to blow up the last grenade, taking away others, and not the Japanese to make hara-kiri from the shame of losing, so catch and AWAY ... AWAY !!! GOOD !!! but in order to remain alive, such a punishment will be just right. PUBLIC OTPI ... TO DRINK!

          PySy. I imagine they are walking around Moscow, like the Germans at one time, and everyone around them throws garbage at them, spit, tear their hair, kick, pull out, they all see it on TV.
          1. +3
            6 May 2014 18: 54
            You see, even here we don’t understand the whole depth of the problem, let’s give lyuli, let’s disgrace .. so what? These villains do not care for shame because they have no honor! There is no sense of shame. How many times have these prostitute nations been treated? And that everything is like water off a duck's neck, and even very good lyuli are forgotten, and the reason is especially forgotten, there remains only an undercurrent of anger that has been hurt for decades, and sooner or later it spills out with a vengeance to avenge its next shame and defeat .. How why do you think the Poles hate us so much and now they are quickly being caught up in hate by ukrohokhloander .. Only bloody treatment, up to radioactive wastelands, you say this sorting can be solved by other means, but I’ll tell you there aren’t for me 100 dead and 500 wounded crippled a soldier is much more expensive than the fading ashes on the site of Lviv. Understand we are Russian for these nonhumans worse than cattle, and they see us only in the form of slaves and nothing more. And I think so if someone wants to kill me and is ready to do it, then I have every right to do the same with him. Are these bastards ready to kill us? YES ! Well, we are the same ready .. Not in the first ..
    12. -2
      6 May 2014 13: 09
      Quote: Deadmen
      it’s more likely to have a referendum. Time stretches terribly long. Hold on.

      Here explain to me unreasonable!
      How do you see the providence of the referendum there?
      1 It is necessary to print ballots.
      2 It is necessary to organize commissions for voting.
      3 It is necessary to equip places for a referendum.
      4 Security must be ensured at all polling stations, including in remote villages.
      How do you see this without Russian green men who can provide at least security?
      Well enough is already in the clouds!
      There will not be any official referendum.
      Moreover, there will not even be a turnout, people are simply afraid to go there.
      Because according to the lists for voting, the prosecutor's office of Ukraine will prosecute people.
      Well, do you all have brains with this referendum turned off ?????
      1. +2
        6 May 2014 17: 32
        The referendum will not cry. The sites are being enlarged, and these areas are not the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There will be problems with the appearance, banderlogs will interfere in every way. But there will be a referendum.
        1. 0
          6 May 2014 17: 49
          Quote: tasey
          The referendum will not cry. The sites are being enlarged, and these areas are not the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There will be problems with the appearance, banderlogs will interfere in every way. But there will be a referendum.

          Well, wait a long time, 5 days.
          We will survive, exchange according to the result.
        2. 0
          6 May 2014 18: 26
          Quote: tasey
          But there will be a referendum.

          And then, how to conduct a referendum, if there are military operations.
          In the morning before the election, some kind of pravosek disguised as a local resident will throw a grenade at the polling station.
          And who will come there to vote?
          How to vote?
          The first and most important condition to ensure security !!!
          In your opinion, in my opinion, an overly optimistic comment, you have not given an answer to this question. Yes, in general, you have not answered a single question.
          The only thing that can be achieved there is to disrupt the presidential elections of Ukraine on May 25 in these regions of Lugansk, Donetsk, and even then there is still a lot of time before the election date.
      2. +1
        7 May 2014 12: 56
        Quote: ATATA
        How do you see this without Russian green men who can provide at least security?

        Plus you, however, there is one mistake in your reasoning, you think that the "little green men" are not there, I want to draw your attention to the fact that the "little green men" are not yet the Russian Army, and they can be there without any invasion from Russia.
    13. 0
      6 May 2014 13: 16
      It seems to me in such a situation as Ukraine is now, no referendum will help. That everything would be official, it is necessary to invite observers. And whom can they invite besides Grandma with cakes Al Nuland and Russophobe Mac Kane, not finished by the Vietnamese? Normal people do not recognize these elections and referenda. Waste of time. Late to drink Borjomi when the kidneys refused. Now in Ukraine there is only one law. This is the law of Power.
    14. Validator
      6 May 2014 13: 28
      Good promotion throughout the southeast
    15. acute
      6 May 2014 14: 25
      let them take weapons. Where and what ?. If everything was so simple, then they would have been in Kiev and kicked Bandera from there.
    16. Latvian
      6 May 2014 17: 32
      The southeast needs to gather all its forces against the punitive, but somehow they need help with weapons. With bare hands you won’t last long, but this Bendera scum must be destroyed. These are already mutants - killers and only their grave will correct them.
    17. +3
      6 May 2014 18: 17
      I already began to doubt about the referendum. For several weeks in a row I have been corresponding with a friend who lives in the Luhansk region. He is engaged in the design of religious buildings, i.e. Orthodox churches designs and builds. He was born in Russia, and not a few years - 50 already.
      The dialogue between the deaf and the blind is obtained. Here is the whole set:
      - Putin and the Russian Federation are to blame for all the troubles in Ukraine;
      - bandits with flags of the Russian Federation run around Ukraine and rob everyone;
      - why are you blackmailing us with your gas, we will refuse it and will heat wood at home;
      - for Ukraine, independence is paramount;
      - you are all zombified by your media.
      and so on ...
      I have already switched to a language that even a baby can understand. I talk to him politely, so as not to damage the delicate psyche, I give the most intelligible and independent links to information confirming what I said, and all the same, the output is "0" !!!
      As in the old children's story about the priest: "The priest had a dog, he loved her ..."
      It so happened in life that I have always had people in subjection. First in the fleet, then in enterprises, and I always managed to find a common language with them.
      Everything is clear with friends (around the world), everything is clear with allies, business competitors. Even with our authorities lately - everything is clear too.
      But with the Ukrainians, less and less is clear.
      What could be closer than a classmate? Five years in one cockpit, in one company. Probably only family, relatives.
      I told him about the innocently killed unarmed people, and he told me about the "hero" of the Tatar State Department Dzhamilyov, who is not allowed to the Crimea by evil Russians!
      In general, I decided with my friends to end this argument.
      He probably went to harvest firewood for the winter, and now I'm sitting and thinking, maybe I'm wrong about something? fool
      1. yur
        6 May 2014 22: 31
        Quote: Valter1364
        He probably went to harvest firewood for the winter, and now I'm sitting and thinking, maybe I'm wrong about something?
        Right, you are right. And let your acquaintance now at the same time prepare firewood for the entire metallurgical industry. laughing
      2. +1
        7 May 2014 00: 01
        I have the same story. A classmate lives in Kharkov.
    18. GRune
      6 May 2014 19: 44
      What will this referendum give ??
    19. Or me
      6 May 2014 21: 37
      Guys Russians! Here in the article it is written about the fact that in Ukraine only people with brainwashed live, who fiercely hate Russians and Russia. And this article is what ?! This is the same only on the other fraternal side. My paternal grandfather died near Koenigsberg in the spring of the 45th, on the maternal side, the grandfather fought in the 4th Kuban Cossack Corps from the 41st to the 45th. I immediately pulled three years to the Black Sea Fleet with the guys from the Kuban, Siberia, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tver, Nizhny. For me, Russia has always been a second home. Your policemen never even cheated on me, because I am no different from you. And here you are me and my relatives, and my other friends and other Ukrainians recorded in Judah, Bandera and traitors in a bunch with those knocked out @ dkami ?! Why the hell is everything being written ?! Where do I and these people go, run, fly? All have families, some kind of housing, work, and who will need us in Russia? Replenish the mass of Tajiks and Uzbeks?
      I myself am in a terrible depression from what is going on with us, what will happen next with this unfortunate country.
      And here, too, you have such ardent fraternal support ....................................... ......
      1. 0
        6 May 2014 21: 52
        Do not worry! There are always trolls, but the world does not hold onto them. Normal people, sooner or later, will always draw the right conclusions. Look at the article rating - not everyone liked it. Everything will be fine - you will win.
      2. +1
        7 May 2014 00: 32
        It is written for a simple reason, in the south-east of Ukraine, there are about 17 million
        people. In the cities of Lugansk and Donetsk, 1 million each, and is fighting and / or resisting (protesting) Nazism a few HUNDREDS (mostly women and men over 40). Where are the citizens, where are the soldiers? Take the initiative, perseverance, sacrifice. Or again for you our guys die?
      3. 0
        7 May 2014 05: 51
        Quote: Elijah
        All have families, some kind of housing, work, and who will need us in Russia?

        Yesterday, through Channel 1, A. Tuleyev, the governor of the Kemerovo region, invited people to his place. He said that up to 600 people (including families) were ready to receive. Waiting for miners, all mining specialties, metallurgists, metalworking specialists, engineers and workers, teachers, doctors, service. the staff said that the rest will find work, but with housing - temporary immediately, permanent - a year or two (really, of course, three to five)
      4. 0
        7 May 2014 13: 00
        Quote: Elijah
        My paternal grandfather died near Koenigsberg in the spring of the 45th, on the maternal side, the grandfather fought in the 4th Kuban Cossack Corps from the 41st to the 45th.

        Your grandfather fought, did he have a family? It was, nevertheless, he fought. All families have war not only unmarried and childless.
    20. +7
      6 May 2014 23: 00
      In Lugansk removed from the monument t-34! Ready for battle!
      1. 0
        8 May 2014 05: 29
        Quote: Ross
        In Lugansk removed from the monument t-34! Ready for battle!

        Yes, they knew how to do it. The fact that after so many years wound up and went, speaks for itself. But about combat readiness there are questions.
        The machine gun can be seen that removed. Obviously paired too. Well, suppose they find a couple of diesel engines or they will fit a PC in their place - the Russian man has always been fancy about the invention. But what to do with the gun? Even if they didn’t remove anything from it, drill it, weld it, even if the barrel is not worn out and does not rust, then where are the 85mm shells? They have been removed from armament for at least half a year. And without a gun, this is a museum exhibit and a moving target, even more from the bulldozer.
        Well, the truth is to raise morale, he can make a lot of one of his appearance. And this is also worth something.
    21. +5
      7 May 2014 00: 23
      I have serious suspicions that the Ukrainians are using tanks and artillery right down to Grad on the 11th
      to disrupt the referendum.
      And they, as we see in Odessa, will not stop at the massacres.
      If in Odessa they killed more than 150 people and Russia did not send troops
      then there can be much more victims
      and provocations with dressing up in Russian uniforms are possible.

      Their main task is to drag Russia into an armed conflict.
      And this task was set for them by the current president of Ukraine - Biden.

      So we are on the threshold of something very big and unfortunately very bad
    22. bigELDAK
      7 May 2014 00: 25
      the picture needs to be corrected, but it’s true
    23. +1
      7 May 2014 00: 25
      Fresh news from Stelkov:
      Information from Strelkov Igor Ivanovich
      6 May, 23: 09
      06 May 2014 g. 22 h. 00 min.

      "Today it is relatively calm. Dill pull the troops" not childishly ": in addition to the existing 2 airmobile brigades, a battalion of the National Guard, a special forces detachment" Omega ", a fucking cloud of" jaguars "and" falcons "(special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs) and other rag-tag, from Barvenkovo an almost full tank battalion (30 units) + a Gradov battery arrived, from Krasnoarmeisk - the same motorized rifle (20 BMP) + a tank platoon (4 units) and a 6-gun battery “Akatsiy”. With such a strength, if everyone tramples together, it will be somehow completely sad for us to fight. "We will live badly, but not for long. But we are preparing as much as we can."

      About volunteers:

      "Mostly local volunteers 40-50 years old and older come to us, ready to fight for their hometown."

      Igor Ivanovich answered very briefly to my question about the fate of the shot ATGMs (anti-tank guided missiles) from the destroyed MI-24:

      "... dismantled and brought here to Slavyansk."

      What for? A military secret

      UPDATE: Immediately on Twitter, some Bandera member wrote to me: @ a_summer56 about ATGMs - 3.14zdezh. the remains of the helicopter were shot by "drying", video is available

      I answer. Your oh Ukrainian army has really gouged the remains of a helicopter. But only after the valiant defenders of Slavyansk, on the orders of Strelkov, took off ALL that is NECESSARY. There are relevant photos.
    24. +1
      7 May 2014 07: 51
      The European Union also loved Greece. And now she doesn't know how to get rid of her. The situation with Ukraine is even more difficult! Well, they will indulge, humiliate Mother Russia, gloat over someone else's grief, and then only have time to get your wallet. And tady evropoydy say: "Why the hell did she surrender to us, this impoverished Ukraine? And what the hell do we need their tomatoes and cholesterol (bacon)?"
    25. 0
      7 May 2014 09: 57
      Ukronazistsky punitive operation. Slavyansk 6.05.2014/XNUMX/XNUMX
    26. +2
      7 May 2014 10: 24
      Quote: Deadmen
      rather, a referendum would already be.

      So Yes!
      -but I think that after the referendum everything will just start ... Donetsk residents declare themselves independent-Kiev does not recognize the elections and introduces new troops "to pacify" -Russia introduces its troops, because New de jure is a separate state and it is already possible! Western "democracies" are starting a new round of pouring out feces and introducing new sanctions, or even cattle ...
      Act 2: Russia itself because both the CIS and the SCO will not support it includes a decent response and everything is only just beginning ...- Curtain! (iron)
      - Personally, as for me, as a person who lived at the first "curtain" I am ready for the honor and greatness of my country and suffer, by the way, I am sure that not for long - Europe for the most part is not stupid and silent arthropod ... too much today depends on behavior of Russia itself, kick up and ala! -in Europe, and not only a crisis of which we have never seen.
    27. +1
      7 May 2014 14: 34
      I also Benny stole 20 grams.
      That's all I left there, foreseeing such a situation. Then he decided: no shit, and this must be taken. Came to the ATM - does not!
      Indeed, he is tying on trifles - because because of such an amount no one will make a fuss.
      But I think there will be no further restrictions on the amounts!
      This is Western Ukraine. PRIVAT-Bank and A-Bank
    28. 0
      7 May 2014 15: 17
      There are still four days left, and meanwhile every day these bandits are getting more and more impudent and kill, savoring the number of killed in their reports for the obamite and merkeluhi. I would like the VVP to answer them that way !!! so that they themselves would throw a "hemp tie" around their necks for fear of more terrible reprisals from the people they kill. Burn them in HELL.
    29. Guslar
      8 May 2014 18: 47
      Now in the Russian media they just rattle: "WE CANNOT FEED THE SOUTH-EAST ..." - This is the one with the best Ukrainian black soil in the world! This is what an ANTI farm must have in order to manage at a loss with the Ukrainian black earth, in a favorable climate !!! Yes Little Russia, if you just do not interfere with Russian taxes, extortions and bureaucratic stupidity, etc. itself will feed half of Europe. "THE SOUTH-EAST WILL BE EXPENSIVE TO US ..." - This is the one despite the fact that there is almost all industry, its own coal and partly local gas ??? Well, then Russia cannot take anything at all - everything is unprofitable except for the tundra with oil and gas holes. In general, then we must give everything except Siberia and sit by the pipe. (By the way, even there the settlements are not supplied with gas.) The same song was whined before the return of Crimea !!! Of course, Russia is a southern country - why don't we need an extra Black Sea coast, sea, resorts, fertile land, etc. And in general, such a formulation of the question "how much will it cost" is an extra confirmation of the DEGENERATION OF THE PEOPLE !!! If the people are wondering whether or not to return their own land with their own people, even though it is a piece of desert, - these people have to trample the planet for a maximum of 50 years. This is the science of ethnology. By the way, the second sign of people's degeneration is the destruction of their own language. We all obserae Americans here, and according to our media and advertising, Russian Slavic words are consistently displaced from the language and replaced with Americanisms. In Ukraine, the Russian language is cleaner than in Russia! :-) In the reports from there, the Russian words "chairman" are translated into "speaker", "mayor" - into "mayor", "supreme council" - into "parliament", "former" - into "ex", " legal "- to" legitimate ". We are already talking in AMERICAN SURZHIK !!! This is NOT RUSSIAN, but RUSSIAN. It has nothing to do with the language of the world's greatest literature. And we destroy this language - WE. With the filing of "Rain" and "Echo of Moscow", but for THEM he is not native. To our grandchildren, the Americans will say you don't have a big country, you don't have a Great Victory, you don't even have the Russian language, you have nothing to do with your great ancestors. Not only can you not produce a cell phone, but you are EVEN unable to COME up with a RUSSIAN WORD to name it. This is a sign of extreme stupidity or sycophancy in front of Western culture !!! By the way, neither the Arabs, nor the French, nor the Chinese, nor the Japanese, nor the Koreans, nor the Greeks, nor the Turks ... ... nor dozens of self-respecting cultures DO NOT ALLOW THE BORROWING of especially Americanisms !!! So, gentlemen, Russian patriots, look at the main things that DEFINE THE NATION, and these are: language, customs, songs, clothes - WHAT DO WE HAVE RUSSIAN OUT OF THIS ???????????? Not only Americans laugh at us, but also French and Arabs who know Russian. Although the latter, if not laughing, then grieve for us and sincerely do not understand what is happening to us. I personally know this. :-(
    30. The comment was deleted.
  2. The comment was deleted.
    1. +7
      6 May 2014 08: 28
      But the paid ones were hammered and continue to be hammered with the help of pigs, mlechins and other mois that it was a tyrant and a bloodsucker. But he saw for centuries to come. Now blood is pouring and living people are burning. But this is only the beginning! If not stopped by the Stalin method.
  3. +16
    6 May 2014 07: 19
    Soon, normal Ukrainians will be ashamed of their Ukrainians. If you are Ukrainian, you must love Bender and hate my friend and colleague I. Now there is a hard breaking of the consciousness of Ukrainians, something like the Germans after the war. The Germans ended up being Germans. somehow it’s not called by hand Finns or Danes, and a normal Ukrainian can always remember that he is Russian.
  4. +9
    6 May 2014 07: 19
    The euphoria will pass after the default and fall in living standards, time heals.
    1. +42
      6 May 2014 08: 04
      Euphoria, perhaps, will pass. Yes, all the same, all the misfortunes will be to blame. Stopudovo.
      How are they? They don’t give money - they want to crush a free Ukraine, they donate money - they want to buy a free and independent Ukraine. Gas valves are closed for debts - they want Ukraine to leave Ukraine without fuel and bring its economy down, agree on gas discounts - they want to buy proud Ukraine (they won’t manage to buy them!), Canceled gas discounts - they again want to strangle Ukraine. Etc. etc.
      1. +4
        6 May 2014 08: 32
        Let them pay for everything as in Europe, European ministers will probably explain if they do not run away before this time.
        1. bilibom
          6 May 2014 22: 31
          Well, it’s better to let them completely refuse to buy gas from Russia, build their pipe to Europe and buy gas there.
      2. +12
        6 May 2014 09: 47
        That's for sure. A Ukrainian is a strange genetic formation, where you don’t kiss him - everywhere you go. such an asshole.
  5. +3
    6 May 2014 07: 20
    The enemy will not pass! Victory will be ours! Zapadentsy, geyropa and mattresses went to opu!
  6. +14
    6 May 2014 07: 27
    A little offtopic:
    Three tank crews from the Crimea arrived in the Volgograd Region, consisting of former Ukrainian military personnel who accepted Russian citizenship. Crimean tankers will participate in tank biathlon competitions.
    It would be better if we took part in Slavyansk, there are enough law enforcement targets!
    1. +7
      6 May 2014 08: 10
      Quote: Michael177
      It would be better if we took part in Slavyansk, there are enough law enforcement targets!

      Take part in competitions, and then you can fight.
      It’s hard to learn, easy in battle.
      1. 0
        6 May 2014 17: 29
        Quote: radio operator
        It’s hard to learn, easy in battle.

        Maidan self-defense announced the mobilization
        At the Council of Maidan Self-Defense Centers, the order "On the main tasks of the Maidan Self-Defense in the Conditions of Russian Aggression" was approved. The secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, the head of the Maidan Self-Defense Andriy Parubiy wrote about this on his Facebook page.

        According to the order, mobilization was announced and the main structural units were identified: regular government units and reserve volunteer battalions.

        “Taking into account the Russian aggression and the need for active protection of the state, mobilization is announced,” the document says. The main functions of Self-Defense at the moment are to ensure the formation of battalions of patriots "who will defend the territorial integrity and independence of Ukraine with arms in their hands."

        The order also says that self-defense volunteers will operate in the National Guard, the special battalion under the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The structure of Self-Defense will consist of the Central Headquarters, regional, district and local headquarters.

        The document ends with a provision according to which all who do not fulfill this order are not related to Self-Defense.
        Source: http://polemika.com.ua/news-144899.html
  7. +16
    6 May 2014 07: 27
    In the 90s, many former Soviet peoples were in a similar frenzy, but he passed, wiser, changed his mind. But in Ukraine, they almost broke the chain, or such power, or the people are not very smart. Hence the hysteria with complexes of independence, greatness and freedom.
    1. +13
      6 May 2014 08: 12
      Quote: Barboskin
      But in Ukraine, they almost broke the chain, or such power, or the people are not very smart. Hence the hysteria with complexes of independence, greatness and freedom.

      Yes there is a background to this phenomenon. Which will turn 100 years this year.
    2. +19
      6 May 2014 08: 36
      And they slowed down in the late 80s and early 90s and for 23 years they ate, sold out, sifted through the Soviet legacy, and at the same time we were yelling like Eirop and archi "cevilized and self-sufficient", unlike these (wild, dense) Mongolo-maskals, now the time has come, to go through the same thing that the former Soviet republics have gone through in 25 years, only they have their own way, European, bytro-bytro, schnel-schnel, a tailwind into their sail, in the end they will find themselves in the place that is now fashionable (to love) in Geyrope, but in Russian in the ASS, and at what in full! Good luck to you fucking! fellow fool
    3. +3
      6 May 2014 10: 23
      No, there are many more - some proud Baltic sprats are worth what! and the former allies bloodsuckers on CMEA are not far behind!
    4. Latvian
      6 May 2014 18: 13
      What is happening in Ukraine is the result of a lack of iodine in the diet, which negatively affects mental development. Hence there is nothing to think about. As Professor Preobrazhensky said: "atavism", and even a steep degradation. All this was clearly manifested in the remote western Bendera region. This does not apply to the southeast, and I would like to believe that the Ukrainian people with a wolf Bender's grin, who are led on a leash and set against normal people by Uncle Sem, will overcome and kill the Ukrainian people themselves. It's time to wake up from hibernation and gather the people's army. There will be Minins and Pozharskys, we believe that they should be found.
    5. 0
      8 May 2014 11: 44
      Let’s not talk about people speaking badly!
      In an extreme case, we can recall that the pride of the USSR and the Russian Federation was forged and forged now partially or completely at Ukrainian enterprises.

      No need to become frenzied nationalists.
  8. -39
    6 May 2014 07: 32
    Pseudo-patriotic article. A few grains of truth are inflated to the size of popcorn and seasoned with a panicky scent (Run! Run!) The trolls became smarter.
    1. +23
      6 May 2014 07: 57
      No, not pseudo, Natalya.
      And the most, that is, a real article.
      And I also know this Tymchuk by his "expert" activities in the National Security and Defense Council of Vukrainy.
      From the site of the Censor.net.ua.
      Bitter truth. As the young people made Inhumans.
      Once again, after calming down, it will take a long time to carry out DeVelikoUkronizatsiya.
      Long and cruel.
      1. +8
        6 May 2014 08: 07
        Quote: Igarr
        Once again, after calming down, it will take a long time to carry out DeVelikoUkronizatsiya.
        Long and cruel.

        1. The comment was deleted.
      2. -4
        6 May 2014 08: 19
        Pseudo - because several facts that really take place are taken as a basis, and are blown up to the level of fatal inevitability. If we take what is written at face value, it turns out that the entire population of Ukraine is "honest and professional liars", "Tymchuk" and "grimacing kakly", since they are Ukrainians, and it is this category that is so emotionally and categorically narrated. articles, the resistance of the south-east is a miracle, which cannot even be an exception, only confirming the rule. And the active use of "Russian language" by the Pravosek people themselves and other nationalists is generally beyond understanding.
        1. +4
          6 May 2014 09: 14
          Natrix, haven't you noticed that the word Ukrainian in the title is quoted in quotation marks? Otherwise, the author can be attracted for inciting national hatred, After all, he very rightly writes about the "Ukrainians" in quotation marks. And there is such shit from Jews with capital to Russians, Tatars and others who are offended and embittered by the Soviets. They are simply marginalized. Normal people there are Ukrainians without quotes. They see everything and understand everything.
          1. +2
            6 May 2014 09: 27
            In the article itself, this word is not quoted. And in this way a mental change is made. Lemonade differs from champagne in that the bubbles are the same, but the taste is different.
    2. +2
      6 May 2014 11: 35
      Quote: Natrix
      Pseudo-patriotic article. A few grains of truth are inflated to the size of popcorn and seasoned with a panicky scent (Run! Run!) The trolls became smarter.

      You are right. And, I swear, I plus! And immediately jumped 2 minuses.
    3. elga5
      6 May 2014 11: 47
      Now the anger of any sane person is overwhelming-to survive this horror-how? And in the wake of unbearable pain, such an article full of epithets. On the topic of the right, in terms of content, I think it is very dangerous, especially the last paragraph. Suggests thoughts of a well-organized brainwashing, only now on this side of the barricade. Yes, about the zombies of a large part of the population, it’s true to join the Russian resistance, yes, but the call is to burn ... I do not perceive. Article minus.
  9. +14
    6 May 2014 07: 38
    Few Russians understand that in Ukraine for the past 23 years and beyond, unbridled military propaganda against Russians has been and will continue. Not against Putin, namely against the Russians and Russia. It doesn’t matter whether it will be headed by Valeria Ilyinichna Novodvorskaya or the American-Ukrainian spy Navalny. It will go anyway.
    1. 225chay
      6 May 2014 08: 01
      Quote: turk
      It doesn’t matter whether it will be headed by Valeria Ilyinichna Novodvorskaya or the American-Ukrainian spy Navalny. It will go anyway.

      Is that Valera’s brother Ilyinichny in the photo, or her son? How much time did she hide her origin and relatives?
      The heredity of this family at the peak of development ...
    2. -5
      6 May 2014 08: 05
      What a woman...
      1. +11
        6 May 2014 08: 21
        Quote: radio operator
        What a woman...

        God forbid this.
        1. +6
          6 May 2014 08: 40
          On such even a hungry goat for a pound of hay is not tempted.
        2. +6
          6 May 2014 09: 25
          Why was she released from the psychiatric hospital? Well, it turns out she was put there hi
        3. Latvian
          6 May 2014 21: 08
          An old and experienced agent of influence from the states. Than you order to earn to the elderly woman, only to sell yourself while it is in demand.
      2. +4
        6 May 2014 08: 47
        And what? And the truth no longer gives? wassat
        1. +2
          6 May 2014 11: 00
          Quote: ale-x
          And what? And the truth no longer gives?

          do not take.
      3. gsg955
        6 May 2014 09: 07
        Yeah ... the person is clearly not of Aryan nationality.
      4. 0
        6 May 2014 19: 32
        When you see a photo of Novodvorskaya, the phrase "What a disgusting face!"
      5. +1
        6 May 2014 20: 05
        Quote: radio operator
        What a woman...

        They used to say about such people: worse than atomic war
      6. bilibom
        6 May 2014 22: 50
        Let O'Bamka take it. We don't need such beauty. Something easier for us.
    3. bilibom
      6 May 2014 22: 40
      Why not deprive our liberals such as Novodvorskaya and Bulk citizenship and send them abroad to Russia. Home to the owners. And now we support them by paying taxes, and after that we also provide them with a pension. And for what? Because they despise us. Are they calling us to kill, to destroy our HOMELAND - RUSSIA?
  10. +4
    6 May 2014 07: 39
    It seems to me alone that the author, in the guise of protecting Russians and righteous anger, is fueling ethnic conflict?

    Perhaps, nevertheless, this role should be left for the Kiev gang and their foreign conductors. It is clear that pravosekov need to be chased, and it is better to carry out educational work. if they can calm down. In Siberia, there are many educational institutions and work for total re-education. But when I hear phrases like "stupid kakly", I immediately want to befriend such a speaker.
    1. -1
      6 May 2014 07: 42
      Not for you alone. I left a comment above. There would be more minuses to similar opuses.
      1. -5
        6 May 2014 08: 31
        Quote: Natrix
        Not for you alone. I left a comment above. There would be more minuses to similar opuses.

        It’s nice to know that besides the patriots there are thinking people on the resource.
      2. +6
        6 May 2014 08: 33
        Did you see the protection of the Russians here?
        I do not.
        And the fact that you see the incitement of the conflict from scratch-yes, you, in any way, yourself Svidomo, huh?
        I will mercilessly minus you.
        I was born and raised in Central Asia. I have lived for half a century throughout the Soviet Union.
        And nationalist rot for a mile away.
        1. -5
          6 May 2014 08: 42
          Killing a dragon, you cannot become a dragon yourself. Yes
        2. +11
          6 May 2014 08: 45
          Quote: Igarr
          Did you see the protection of the Russians here?
          I do not.
          And the fact that you see the incitement of the conflict from scratch-yes, you, in any way, yourself Svidomo, huh?
          I will mercilessly minus you.
          I was born and raised in Central Asia. I have lived for half a century throughout the Soviet Union.
          And nationalist rot for a mile away.

          Igor, who are you talking to? smile

          I can’t get rid of the feeling that people drank coffee in awake and their thoughts got confused in their heads.
          I do not care where you were born and raised. I was born and raised in Moscow. I have long been for 50 and by the way yesterday was my birthday, which I did not celebrate as a sign of mourning for the Odessa events. Moreover, I am a longtime (more than 20 years old) and a loyal fan of A. Dugin. And as you know, in Russia, there is no more adequate and consistent Russian patriot.

          Tie up with a sleepy look to throw guano at the fan, quickly wake up and turn on the brain. wink
          And then half of the forum of these sorting out in the Nazis, who, instead of the thought process, can only shout out "Russia forward!" or "the enemy will be defeated."

          Here a month ago, everyone screamed without a trace that the Tatars would begin to slaughter the Russians in Crimea and that they all needed to be caged. I almost claimed that the Crimean Tatars are not one person and that most of them want peace and normal business with the Russians. I've told. they’ll immediately deal with the Majlis as soon as a week passes — another after the referendum. ...
          Now I see that after Odessa the people completely tore off the tower and it comes to the fact that now they are already beginning to screech that all Ukrainians should be wetted with atomic bombs.
          And I say that among both Tatars and Ukrainians, almost every nationality is full of decent and simply wonderful people, and that these screaming men (to wet everyone!) Are no better than those who are now committing crimes on behalf of and on order of the Kiev gang.
          However, I do not care to teach anyone here. If you shout out the words and minus those whose words are not clear to someone, it’s easier (but it’s easier) than thinking with your head and forming a truly personal opinion (and respecting someone else’s personal opinion), then for God's sake. Fools do not sow and do not plow. They themselves grow.
          It's nothing personal.
          1. gsg955
            6 May 2014 09: 11
            There are no bad nations, there are bad people. M. Gorky
          2. +3
            6 May 2014 09: 38
            but do not spit anywhere, firstly;
            and secondly, from your snobbery, disgust makes me ...
            you there alone defended the Crimean Tatars.
            So go back to those articles and read my comments.
            Spit on him.
            Look, you will dry out of thirst.
            For a long time for 50 ... but not noticeable. boy kid.
            1. 0
              6 May 2014 10: 05
              Quote: Igarr
              but do not spit anywhere, firstly;
              and secondly, from your snobbery, disgust makes me ...
              you there alone defended the Crimean Tatars.
              So go back to those articles and read my comments.
              Spit on him.
              Look, you will dry out of thirst.
              For a long time for 50 ... but not noticeable. boy kid.

              You know what's the funniest thing?
              I just illustrated to you in paints your previous appeal to me. And you immediately see disgust crept.
              It’s how it turns out ... So it’s not in vain that I reproached you for not being very different from Tymoshenko. The whole difference is only in the potential difference. But not in the sense of good and bad. Just two different, bad ones. She screams bang m.os.ka.l.ey, and you bang ho.khl.ov. And when they point out to you the inadmissibility of speech, you generally begin to unbelieve in response.
              This is sad ...

              By the way, in snobbery and self-confidence I’m not your opponent. wink
              1. +2
                6 May 2014 10: 29
                Feelings of humor and courtesy - the best weapon against ha ..., oh yes! not very educated people. love
                1. +5
                  6 May 2014 19: 22
                  Quote: Natrix
                  Feelings of humor and courtesy - the best weapon against ha ..., oh yes! not very educated people. love

                  1. 0
                    6 May 2014 19: 41
                    I, too, am opposed to emotion escalating into some kind of phobia. Emotions should be a stimulus, not a guide to action. It is very difficult. recourse
                2. 0
                  7 May 2014 06: 08
                  Quote: Natrix
                  Feelings of humor and courtesy - the best weapon against ha ..., oh yes! not very educated people. love

                  Actually in the original: Politeness is the thief’s best weapon.
                  1. 0
                    7 May 2014 07: 25
                    I did not quote anyone, this phrase is my personal conviction. As for politeness, this is generally a universal weapon that can be in the hands of anyone. What you choose is your personal preference.
          3. +2
            6 May 2014 10: 20
            Indeed, emotions are off scale. Emotions are righteous, but inherently borderless. Usually, after such a splash, an afterword follows: The forest is cut - the chips fly. She almost vomited after learning about what had happened in Odessa. I experienced such a wave of almost animal disgust only when I watched the footage of the chronicle of Nazi crimes. She even wrote a few creepy comments on calls. I felt better. Then she began to analyze and came to the conclusion that in fact the most monstrous and disgusting murders in the Odessa House of Trade Unions were committed not by an angry crowd, but by cold-blooded professionals. Start with a brilliantly carried out provocation by subjects in red bands, thanks to which a wave of aggression was directed at the tent city, and ending with a downright staged photograph with a strangled woman (let her rest in peace). Well, those who have really blown the tower down with their emotions cannot calmly walk through the rooms and count the troupes. The result is an impressive, non-our success in the information war. The charge of hatred reached its target and caused a tsunami in response. This is called "rocking the situation". "Polite people" is a symbol of a calm irresistible force, not atomic or neutron bombs.
            1. The comment was deleted.
              1. +1
                6 May 2014 15: 00
                Quote: Sanya Beach
                Waste Slavic ethnic group.

                The lackey breed, the slave rabble
                You do not need freedom, you feel bad without masters,
                The electorate is faceless, two-legged dubbing,
                You are great great grandfathers rotten rabble.

                Slaves suck beer, rape guts
                Drive a shrill horn into chicken brains
                Thieves bar, traitors hand,
                Only your own skin is dear to you in life.

                Retribution at the doorstep - arising from sleep
                Open the coffin
                And again, in one fell swoop, rising among adversity,
                Without pity and fear, a slave in himself will kill,
                And by the will of one Judas over the gang
                Will fulfill an inexorable and fair trial!

                A. Kharchikov
              2. +2
                6 May 2014 19: 04
                Those who took pictures of the moments of Nazi crimes in their process were also cold professionals, which is exactly what I wanted to emphasize when speaking about the staging of photography. If your mind is limited only by the ability to regurgitate curses, then all of them primarily relate to you yourself.
              3. +1
                6 May 2014 19: 34
                Quote: Sanya Beach
                Yes, and the cries of a pregnant woman are also staged, you can’t fake it with all your desire. What are you goddesses and corrupt sellers, purebred slaves of someone else’s will. Wastes of the Slavic ethnic group.

                To you and people like you, of whom I have divorced on the resource:

                Do you understand at least a little that you are speaking not as a rational and adequate person, but as an evil dwarf with burning eyes?
                Do you even understand the difference between nationalism and Nazism?

                I thought and believe that all these hysterical cries, there are cries enemies Russian nation and Slavic ethnic group in general.
                You always substitute love for your people and your country, hatred for enemies. And hatred is a very strong poison that instantly corrodes the mind and is very poorly taken out of the soul, leaving it scorched and insensitive. Protect your hatred for the moment when you look through the slot of the sight at your enemy who is going to kill you. And do not pour these poisonous streams on the forums where adequate people come to communicate.
    2. +1
      6 May 2014 19: 39
      Guys, why do you want to send any scum to Siberia? The climate here is wonderful both physically and morally, and people are nice. Why do we need this abomination? Do you have your own swamp to push such and others like him into it?
    3. Edward
      8 May 2014 20: 39
      read the censor, and you will see that everything described in the article directly overlaps with what's going on, one to one
  11. +18
    6 May 2014 07: 40
    "Few of the Russians understand that in Ukraine for the past 23 years and further there has been, is and will continue to be, unbridled military propaganda against the Russians. Not against Putin, but against the Russians and Russia." - unfortunately it was, and there was no opposition to this - the ideology was pumped up by responsible uncles in Moscow - now we are reaping the benefits !!!
    1. +8
      6 May 2014 07: 54
      Quote: taseka
      uncle responsible ideology pumped in Moscow

      What it means
      Quote: taseka
      . Good to tolerate. Let's be honest about fucking ali.
      1. +3
        6 May 2014 10: 58
        If simple, then it is! I’m just observing the rules of the site! drinks
    2. +3
      6 May 2014 08: 17
      I do not agree. Every year I come to Ukraine, the city of Zaporozhye. As a guest, a friend .... I hope it will remain so. I come to the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and sports organization SPAS Ukraine. I’m always welcome, I conduct seminars with them, I myself participate in seminars and forums, and act as a judge in Cossack competitions. Over the years I have not been told a single offensive word, on the contrary - they are happy and friendly.
      Two years ago, in Zaporozhye, an international forum of patriotic education of youth was held, there were guests from many countries: Bulgaria, Serbia, Russia, the Baltic States, Israel ... And there was not a word said about nationalism.
      1. +6
        6 May 2014 08: 33
        Quote: zakidon73
        And there a word was not said about nationalism.

        And now?
      2. +6
        6 May 2014 08: 39
        Duck would have ...
        You try an Israeli Jew to say about the Holocaust that he was not there.
        You did not understand the article. Not at all.
        The racist Great Ukr differs in that it is cunning, like a serpent-snake.
        One-on-one .. it's just some kind of bunny, white and fluffy.
        Like any scum - it is strong only in a pack of frostbitten ones.
        And here it’s even worse. This is a flock of crazy people.
        You can imagine a pack of rabid dogs.
        Me not.
        I would have liked to see a flock of great lemurs.
      3. +3
        6 May 2014 11: 05
        CERTAINLY NOT ALL SCREAMS FROM THE RIGHT SECTOR! Have you visited Ternopol, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Lviv, Uzhgorod? I don’t want to say that everyone was directly yelling-Get, but Bandera’s ideology was clearly visible - in the names of streets, monuments, rallies, etc.
  12. -12
    6 May 2014 07: 42
    Something tells me that the best medicine for re-educating ukro-mutants is a neutron bomb.
    1. +15
      6 May 2014 07: 55
      Normally, YOU are so ... That is, if I started to rot a finger on my leg, I need to throw an ax over my head with an ax.
      1. +1
        6 May 2014 12: 25
        Well then, you explain to me - to kill a lawyer dill - a good deed?
        And there are already 60 thousand of them in the lists! And all sorts of pharions and femen, with them, what to do?
        What do you propose to re-educate all these creatures?
        1. +1
          7 May 2014 12: 19
          Quote: SarS
          Well then, you explain to me - to kill a lawyer dill - a good deed?
          And there are already 60 thousand of them in the lists! And all sorts of pharions and femen, with them, what to do?

          What to do, what to do ... Collect them all in one desert place, and then what you want and do drinks hi
      2. 0
        6 May 2014 12: 25
        Well then, you explain to me - to kill a lawyer dill - a good deed?
        And there are already 60 thousand of them in the lists! And all sorts of pharions and femen, with them, what to do?
        What do you propose to re-educate all these creatures?
        1. 0
          6 May 2014 14: 44
          My native country is wide
          There are many forests of fields and rivers in it.
          Enough space for all of them to bury.
          Loves work Russian people. laughing

          But seriously. finger must be amputated, do not touch head
  13. +3
    6 May 2014 07: 43
    Vote under an appeal to the UN Security Council for the entry of Russian peacekeepers into the Southeast. I do not think that the Security Council will immediately respond to our petition. But there is a chance to give another argument to S. Lavrov and V. Churkin in the discussion with the West. Now there are 144 097 votes, but this is not enough. Citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Estonia, Germany, Canada, Lithuania vote ... Distribute this link if you agree to sign the appeal. https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/Sovet_Bezopasnosti_OON_Vvesti_mirotvorchesk
    ie_voyska_Rossii_na_YugoVostok_Ukrainy /? tZjwuhb
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 07: 56
      No longer there is a petition. Tie up with advertising.
      1. 0
        6 May 2014 08: 53
        There is a petition
      2. evgen258796
        6 May 2014 09: 31
        Everything is there
  14. +24
    6 May 2014 07: 44
    it is a pity that the Hague trebunal over the past decade has become hand-hung would these creatures
  15. +5
    6 May 2014 07: 46
    From all that has been written, only one conclusion can be drawn; Ukrainians have a system of "patriotic" education, but we do not. And we urgently need to develop and apply it.
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 11: 51
      Quote: kagorta
      Ukrainians have a system of "patriotic" education

      It is in Russia that there is a system of patriotic EDUCATION, and Ukrainians have a system of patriotic ZOMBING, based on the propaganda of CREATING A NATIONAL STATE WITH AN INFLUENCE COMPLEX UNITED BY A COMMON ENEMY and a NATION THINKING OUT OF COMPROMISES.
  16. +10
    6 May 2014 07: 48
    Brilliant analysis of the situation! The reality is exactly this: the immature to the Russian, envious of them with black envy kakly try to cover up their squalor with fictional fables and rags. Behind the soul is a booming emptiness. Non-Russians simply forgot that only an empty vessel rings loudly.
    PS It should be reminded of this territory that debts must be paid. Or describe the property.
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 13: 11
      That's right, unfortunately !!!
  17. +4
    6 May 2014 07: 49
    And these are not Ukrainians, but inhuman with undead. The destruction of such is not genocide, but weeding.
    1. gsg955
      6 May 2014 08: 36
      Ancient Ukrainians fly through the sky - a missile hit the Rada.
  18. +7
    6 May 2014 07: 53
    According to information received by the editors 57.md, the Kiev criminal authorities, led by CIA officers who have sat in Kiev and actually control all the actions of the anti-people’s junta, are preparing another war crime.

    Relying on an analytical note by the CIA, where a complete failure of the so-called "Counter-terrorist operation" in the Donbass, and demands the Kiev authorities to give up all efforts to maintain control of the Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov regions, as well as being guided by the data of opinion polls conducted in April, which indicate that about 70% of citizens in the Odessa region they do not support the entry of the Russian armed forces into Ukraine; today it was decided to imitate the breakthrough of Russian troops to Odessa from Transnistria, by forces of the Right Sector, and so on. National Guard. The gangs will be ordered to provide a huge number of victims among the civilian population in order to overshadow the massacre on May 2, and to bring down a wave of discontent of Odessa residents, which threatens to sweep away the “power” appointed by Kiev and lead to loss of control over Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions. In addition, the junta expects, under the threat of "external aggression", to win over the sympathies of part of the inhabitants of the Odessa region, and thereby stimulate the entry of the inhabitants of the South of Ukraine into the so-called. The "National Guard", which residents of the Southeast refuse to join and which is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel.

    We ask all independent media and information agencies to make this information as public as possible in order to prevent crime and save the lives of civilians in Odessa region !!!
  19. Grenz
    6 May 2014 07: 58
    Further it will be even worse.
    After stripping the Southeast, the turn of Russia will come.
    Yes, it will be so. And there’s nothing to hide your head in the sand.
    Is it not clear that Ukraine is not the main goal. Ukraine is the first echelon (along with Poles, Balts, Romanians, etc.) in the attacking hordes.
    "Dranch nach Osten!" - this is the main goal of the West.
    And it has already begun to be implemented. East European pack, even now it’s ready to cling to Russia.
    And we all must translate into war rails:
    - understandable - form combat-ready units
    - to recreate "SMERSH" - otherwise we will be destroyed from the inside without weapons
    - suspend all false funds, grants, etc.
    - stop all internships in the west of our government officials
    - Take control of the media and the Internet, etc.
    Otherwise, we repeat 1941.
    Gunpowder smelled strongly in the world and we must be ready to defend the Fatherland!
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 11: 24
      Look around, this has been done for a long time and without the "nix".
  20. +8
    6 May 2014 07: 58
    Quote: Natrix
    Pseudo-patriotic article. A few grains of truth are inflated to the size of popcorn and seasoned with a panicky scent (Run! Run!) The trolls became smarter.

    Are you any suspicious, in the morning you didn’t get the Amer’s dry ration or cookies from NULAND, why do you feel hunger and acute hatred? belayBe careful for God's sake - do not bite your tail recourse
    1. 0
      6 May 2014 08: 42
      Quote: Fish Inspection
      Quote: Natrix
      Pseudo-patriotic article. A few grains of truth are inflated to the size of popcorn and seasoned with a panicky scent (Run! Run!) The trolls became smarter.

      Are you any suspicious, in the morning you didn’t get the Amer’s dry ration or cookies from NULAND, why do you feel hunger and acute hatred? belayBe careful for God's sake - do not bite your tail recourse

      Vladimir Good afternoon, unless of course he's good. hi
      First, you answered the young lady. And secondly, apparently they didn’t read the article very carefully. And if they did, they didn’t think before writing here.
      However, if you are one of those for whom all of Ukraine, this "stupid kakly / non-humans" who need to be destroyed with a neutron bomb, then how are you different from Tymoshenko, who wanted to shoot us all with atomic weapons or from those scum that burned people in Odessa or did they shoot at the windows of residential buildings in Slavyansk?

      I highly recommend that you still think about this (everyone) before throwing yourself on the keyboard. Better yet, count to ten, exhale, to moderate the irritation, think again and then express your balanced and meaningful opinion.
      1. +4
        6 May 2014 10: 20
        Quote: Al_lexx
        Quote: Fish Inspection
        Quote: Natrix
        Pseudo-patriotic article. A few grains of truth are inflated to the size of popcorn and seasoned with a panicky scent (Run! Run!) The trolls became smarter.

        Are you any suspicious, in the morning you didn’t get the Amer’s dry ration or cookies from NULAND, why do you feel hunger and acute hatred? Be careful for God's sake - do not bite your tail

        Vladimir Good afternoon, unless of course he's good.
        First, you answered the young lady. And secondly, apparently they didn’t read the article very carefully. And if they did, they didn’t think before writing here.
        However, if you are one of those for whom all of Ukraine, this "stupid kakly / non-humans" who need to be destroyed with a neutron bomb, then how are you different from Tymoshenko, who wanted to shoot us all with atomic weapons or from those scum that burned people in Odessa or did they shoot at the windows of residential buildings in Slavyansk?

        I highly recommend that you still think about this (everyone) before throwing yourself on the keyboard. Better yet, count to ten, exhale, to moderate the irritation, think again and then express your balanced and meaningful opinion.

        And what is the actual argument?
        The author of the article pointed to the powerful anti-Russian propaganda that has sprouted. And we are not talking about "a few grains of truth", but about a mass phenomenon. And the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians are naturally not "stupid kakly / non-people", but really intoxicated people. Russians are treated more or less normally (I'm not talking about frostbitten banderlog now), but they do not accept what is presented to them as "RF politics".
        This explains the fact that the uprising in the Southeast did not take on a mass character.
        It is more difficult with youth. But here is still such an age - rebellious. Give the image of the enemy, and reap the benefits.
        About banderlogov and them sympathizers - with these everything is clear. Only total destruction !!!
        I communicate with the Ukrainians myself. Educated people. Mature enough - 50,60 years. But this is what you understand - arguing is simply pointless !!! And they live in the Southeast, and they negatively relate to Bandera ...
        The situation in Ukraine is not very simple. And so the troops to be introduced at this stage in a timely manner. Most of the local population simply will not support them (I'm not talking about individual cities, but about the whole region).
        1. +1
          6 May 2014 11: 05
          Quote: Goodmen
          I communicate with the Ukrainians myself. Educated people. Mature enough - 50,60 years. But this is what you understand - arguing is simply pointless !!!

          And maybe that's why they "bear" because they read such articles about themselves about Ukrainians (I insist - in the article the word is used without quotation marks, and this is a very important point), and their hair stands on end, and if they also read comments about neutron bombs (where there is Tymoshenko with her obsolete atomic bomb), then they begin to understand that they have not left a way back. I'm talking about those whom you call really intoxicated people.
          1. +1
            6 May 2014 11: 42
            Quote: Natrix
            And maybe that's why they "bear" because they read such articles about themselves about Ukrainians (I insist - in the article the word is used without quotation marks, and this is a very important point), and their hair stands on end, and if they also read comments about neutron bombs (where there is Tymoshenko with her obsolete atomic bomb), then they begin to understand that they have not left a way back.

            No. It’s different there. The media, school, moral urod and traitors in government. And so for 23 years.
            And no comments need to be read)))

            The phrase in the month of March is still: "Leave us alone. Tell Putin that he would not interfere with us. And we will deal with our government and oligarchs ourselves." I was told this over the phone ...
            ))))))) A humorous man, but with an inadequate worldview. Thanks to the media. And this is in the Southeast ... My jaw dropped. Attempts to evaluate the current events were unsuccessful)))))

            And more recently he also had a "pleasant conversation". The interlocutor is also from the South-East. The meaning of his position: 1. The West will pull Ukraine out of the crisis in any scenario - this is a matter of honor for the West, if only in order to wipe the nose of the Russian Federation and show its bankruptcy.
            2. The Russian Federation is obliged to withdraw its troops from the territory of Ukraine.
            3. There are no fascists in the government (in the leadership) of Ukraine. And the "right sector" has nothing to do with the government.

            And this is not 18 year old jerks say !!! and not great ... and not ardent Bandera ...
            1. +2
              6 May 2014 12: 19
              You are just unlucky with your interlocutors love I am an optimist and I believe that in Ukraine adequate people will win, and not your interlocutors. Although I wish them a speedy recovery.
              1. 0
                6 May 2014 12: 54
                Naturally, there are adequate people there)))
                And they are not enough.
                I remember a funny conversation last summer. A taxi driver in Zaporozhye told me something like this: "Tell Putin to bring troops into the territory of Ukraine. I will be the first to surrender." )))))
                The taxi driver was part-time CEO of the construction company ... And the entire construction market was under the relatives of Yanukovych. And my interlocutor did not belong to them ...)))))
                In Ukraine, people are tired of thieves in power, from oligarchs ... Therefore, some of them supported Maidan in their souls ... Now I think the eyes began to open slowly, but still it takes time, and the worst thing is sacrifice, so that people understand what is happening .

                PS I don't understand why the oligarchs in Ukraine are evil and bastards, but is this normal with us? (... there was either an article or a comment on the resource, according to the meaning of which, for such an innocent question, I immediately find myself in the "provocateurs" section and I should be anathematized as a "bastard", because I question the current policy inside RF))))) Here I tell the author of this article right away - go to ..th, blinkered aphid !!! )))
                1. 0
                  6 May 2014 13: 53
                  I hope the troops will not be needed. The pictures showed enough to wake up.
              2. 0
                6 May 2014 20: 32
                but there are VERY few of them ... hi
                1. 0
                  6 May 2014 21: 56
                  As elsewhere - look at the article rating.
              3. 0
                7 May 2014 06: 24
                Quote: Natrix
                You are just unlucky with your interlocutors love I am an optimist and I believe that in Ukraine adequate people will win, and not your interlocutors. Although I wish them a speedy recovery.

                Look carefully: there are adequate units. The protest movement in the Southeast is actively supported by thousands, and there are millions of people. The overwhelming majority in general have a position - my hut from the edge.
                In the millions of Odessa and Donetsk, if only 100 people took to the streets, and even 000, could there be something against the right-wingers, the Turchinovs and the Avakovs? People basically closed in their shells and do not protrude.
                And about optimism ...
                Pessimist: Everything is bad, very bad, so bad that it will not be worse.
                Optimist: It will be, it will be!
  21. +30
    6 May 2014 08: 00
    Ukrainian geologists reported a sensation!
    - It turns out that gas in Ukraine is not Russian horseradish, but comes from some hefty pipe!
    1. gsg955
      6 May 2014 08: 40
      So they came up with a bicycle. Adam is also an ancient Ukrainian.
  22. +3
    6 May 2014 08: 02
    Quote: nablydatel
    in order to prevent crime and save the lives of civilians in the Odessa region !!!

    In general, it’s strange that people are burned, while Ukrainians men still consider themselves civilians
    1. gsg955
      6 May 2014 08: 41
      So used to that someone will do for them.
  23. +8
    6 May 2014 08: 03
    Quote: Barboskin
    But in Ukraine, they almost broke the chain, or such power, or the people are not very smart. Hence the hysteria with complexes of independence, greatness and freedom.

    Ho ... s at all times considered themselves God's chosen people, Khokhlyat pride will be purer than the gentry. And for twenty-three years of false propaganda driven into blunt heads, there is nothing left there except hatred of Russia and Russian people.
  24. +3
    6 May 2014 08: 06
    hard written, but capacious and to the point
  25. +2
    6 May 2014 08: 09
    This is true! And Russian Ukrainians need to learn this clearly!
  26. +9
    6 May 2014 08: 10
    Thanks to the Ukrainians for the lesson. I read the White Paper on human rights violations in Ukraine. Today, every Russian should know the truth about the events in Ukraine, and then understand what all kinds of Novodvorskaya, Nemtsov, bulk, Makarevich, who have American cockroaches in their heads, are eating the last crumbs of the brain.
    And to the Ukrainians, in the difficult days of the civil war, I wish you courage and patience.
  27. +13
    6 May 2014 08: 12
    Go to the pages on social networks, for example, "VK", to the Europeans coming out from Ukrodina and your hair will stand on end.
    Here's an example: http://vk.com/id11271271

    comments on the scary photographs from Odessa like this: "I hope they have Colorado ribbons, there is no doubt about them .... deeeen poooooooooooooooooooooh ..."

    When I saw and read it, I almost broke the laptop, BURNING YOU IN HELL NELY MARCHUK !!!!!
    1. gsg955
      6 May 2014 08: 43
      Ukrainians are descended from gypsies. The same habits and manners.
      1. +1
        6 May 2014 11: 31
        No, these are the descendants of the Khazars. They sit on transport tracks and collect tribute. Parasitic education.
    2. +6
      6 May 2014 08: 47
      THIS NELE (GERMAN) MARCHUK (BENDEROVA) Infernal mixture, it is necessary to tear the uterus from the inside out so as not to give birth to your own kind
      creature. am
  28. Vlad Gore
    6 May 2014 08: 16
    Tough but true. good
  29. +10
    6 May 2014 08: 16
    As previously reported, flour and grain began to be exported from the southeastern regions of Ukraine. This information was confirmed by employees of wholesale food bases in the Donetsk, Lugansk and Zaporizhzhya regions. According to Dmitry Bodrov, director of Cepital East LLC (Donetsk), flour is exported due to the tense situation on the Russian-Ukrainian border. “I know that flour has been exported from the Donbass for two weeks now,” the specialist said. According to wholesalers, grain is transported to warehouses and elevators in central Ukraine. This was reported by REGNUM.

    However, there is no clarity on the main question: why is flour taken out? Flour is not a weapon that can be plundered, nor a work of art that is dangerous to leave in a war zone. Therefore, one can see the intention of the Kiev authorities to arrange something like a "famine." The next few days will clarify the situation with bread in the south-east of Ukraine and the true intentions of the Kiev regime.
    1. 0
      6 May 2014 11: 28
      Yes, to clarify, and so it is clear. If they shoot people unarmed, they just want to destroy everyone at the root.
  30. +2
    6 May 2014 08: 21
    Ukraine itself must decide how they live. Sanktsy must be introduced to Russia against the geyrops and mattresses so that they do not climb with their swarm in Ukraine. This will be effective help.
    1. +5
      6 May 2014 08: 37
      Quote: oxotnuk86
      Ukraine itself must decide how they live. Sanktsy must be introduced to Russia against the geyrops and mattresses so that they do not climb with their swarm in Ukraine. This will be effective help.

      So now, under the influence of 23-year-old propaganda, she will decide: to establish a NATO base (to defend against Russia), an anti-Russian missile defense system, breaking all ties with Russia, and kirdyk to everyone who thinks differently in Ukraine than Svidomo’s .
    2. The comment was deleted.
  31. -2
    6 May 2014 08: 21
    Ukraine itself must decide how they live. Sanktsy must be introduced to Russia against the geyrops and mattresses so that they do not climb with their swarm in Ukraine. This will be effective help.
    1. Vlad Gore
      6 May 2014 09: 50
      "Ukraine" will not decide anything. As a state, it did not take place. The inadequacy of Svidomo is off scale. wassat After partitioning, the remaining surviving banderlogs should be given compulsory psychiatric treatment. For life. Yes
  32. 0
    6 May 2014 08: 27
    Good article. In many ways corresponds to my opinion about Ukrainians. After all, when we hear the words "Ukraine" and "Ukrainians", we still remember popular prints from Soviet films and photographs. And there everything is completely different. And you will have to break your attitude to Ukraine within yourself. Odessa is just the first step.
  33. +3
    6 May 2014 08: 29
    "The reaction of the Ukrainian Internet community to this tragedy is important (it's not even worth writing about the reaction of Russian liberals"

    I have already written, but still ... Indeed, what does our liberal public like Novodvorskaya, Nemtsov and other riffraffs write about the "Odessa tragedy"?

    “We have a people who are propagandistically imprisoned for war with the Russians, hating them, ready to do anything for the sake of“ victory. ”That is, kill, execute, torture. I repeat once again, Ukrainians are ready and mentally prepared to kill Russians.

    This has long been understood. Well, thanks, Ukrainians. You have taught us to hate us with your hatred. And all whom we Russians hated ended very badly.
  34. +3
    6 May 2014 08: 30
    Indeed, the Russians are not, probably, the best people on earth (the Germans are much better, although they burned 6 million Jews, this is officially considered)

    Why are Germans better than Russians? Your rigidity? Pragmatism? Feeling superior to others? Russians and peoples living in Russia are the most humane and sensitive to the troubles of other people. There is no Russian Soul in the world by analogy. The article is muddy and controversial thoughts are veiled. And do not tell me that I am a provocateur. I love my nation, I love my homeland - Russia Great Russia.
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 08: 56
      Well, the Germans are better. Well, let them be, since they want to. If only they would not cry.
    2. +1
      6 May 2014 09: 10
      Yes, this is an article in the article. Therefore, I did not plyusovat. And I completely agree with you.
  35. +1
    6 May 2014 08: 31
    The trouble is that the population in the post-Soviet space has been trained to watch television.
    With the help of television, the manipulation of consciousness. We can clearly observe this process in Ukraine, since the process is constantly accelerated and pronounced manipulation becomes visible from the side.
  36. sonovlad
    6 May 2014 08: 33
    The descendants of the Austro-Polish claps and lackeys again said, CAN!
  37. 0
    6 May 2014 08: 33
    Will the trident and the yellow-black flag be equated with the Nazis?
    1. 0
      6 May 2014 09: 09
      Apparently, it’s time to raise this question.
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. The comment was deleted.
    4. +7
      6 May 2014 09: 48
      Let anyone who wants to be offended, BUT: the zhovtoblokitny and the trident were symbols of the SS Galicia division and all sorts of UPA, una-unso, and therefore I HATE them!
  38. +3
    6 May 2014 08: 34
    The Ukrainian government is now at a dead end:
    1. The operation in Donetsk and Lugansk (other cities in the region) is delayed, and suppression of resistance - blood from the nose, is necessary before the regional referendum on May 11. Accordingly, the main attack will begin on May 10-11 of this year;
    2. It does not matter how the referendum takes place, who wins the military confrontation - Kiev or Donetsk, but the junta will have to keep a large number of armed forces in this region (and will face an underground movement, like the Nazis during the Second World War);
    3. The number of regions and cities dissatisfied with the current government (and more with the rampant neo-Nazis) is growing, which also requires attention and finding an increased number of security officials in these regions;
    4. There are also cities "tikhushniki" that have not clearly expressed their position on the current situation. And this also requires attention (ours, by the way, should pay attention to them the same).
    5. And the most problematic is the upcoming elections, spiders in the bank are already biting. And to ensure security in Kiev on the eve of the elections, in the elections themselves and certainly after the elections, someone must definitely. And given the presence of warring factions that are now in Kiev, this seems unlikely.
    6. Well, on the little things: the sowing season is already in full swing, and no one is sowing. Salaries in factories are not paid, pensions were reduced and their payments were delayed, contracts with Russia were suspended .....
  39. Alexey N
    6 May 2014 08: 35
    Even the children understood everything!
    1. 0
      7 May 2014 22: 28
      Only there in the box is actually red with a piglet and devil horns!
    2. The comment was deleted.
    3. 0
      9 May 2014 19: 54
      Very funny. Change the picture and the girl will shoot at the other. You should not "speculate" on the images of children, playing politics! Minus, of course, to the author of the demotivator.
  40. +1
    6 May 2014 08: 41
    When People are right - They will even shoot simple sticks.
  41. +3
    6 May 2014 08: 49
    That's exactly what it says, some friends here say to me: "It's quiet on the street, the shops are open, only gasoline has risen in price," well, the last 2-3 billion from Russia allow us to go to "neutral", but the budget deficit remains, debts are growing and the day will just come when there will be a default.
  42. +1
    6 May 2014 08: 52
    The US State Department demanded that Kiev investigate the deaths of dozens of people in Odessa and bring those responsible to justice, stressing that "such violence is unacceptable." The statement has become a kind of landmark. Almost the first time since the crisis in Ukraine, Washington has publicly condemned the violence used against supporters of federalization.
  43. Alexan
    6 May 2014 08: 53
    I am ready to subscribe under every word! I began to observe the true national essence in 91 in Sevastopol, when the fleet was divided. The desire to curry favor, grab, arrange a provocation. Russian sailors were forbidden to provoke the "brothers", and they were happy to beat up the crowd in the Black Sea Fleet uniform, who went on a spree. And then, all 23 years, Ukrainians have been blackmailing in every possible way because of Sevastopol: I’ll evict ... to get the next preferences. Now - nothing! So they began to blackmail the Russian population. A special tribe is a Russian-speaking Ukrainian nationalist or a Russian with a Khokhlov identity. They are molded out of hatred! What do they want now? Let them keep answering. And there is nothing to be offended when in Moscow they begin to be treated worse than Caucasians.
    1. gsg955
      6 May 2014 09: 21
      Already started and put in first place.
      1. Alexan
        8 May 2014 11: 07
        Ukraine passed from a fraternal state into a friendly one, then into a neighbor, then into a non-friendly neighbor ... It is already an ENEMY! And without any quotes. Do you think this is only the Galician and so relate to Russia? The entire central part, Dnepropetrovsk, etc. Many Russian-speakers think so (albeit under the zombie mass media). Send Russian guys to fight for this country? Will have to ... but few will appreciate it! Whatever Putin’s motives, they began to take care of the soldiers ... I want to think so!
    2. +2
      6 May 2014 10: 03
      Right! Very agree! They dig their own grave!
  44. +10
    6 May 2014 08: 53
    It is very similar to the truth that most of the Ukrainian population is duped in an anti-Russian spirit. Hysteria in Kiev, and even warmed up by amers, will push them into a "campaign" against Russia. And behind them will be "propped up" by the Americans and Western Europe. It will turn out that Ukraine is a mongrel for starting a big fight ... We need to prepare a meeting for "dear guests" so that they feel bitter. And after the "case of May 2 in Odessa," Pravoseks now need to be "treated" all the time until all "patients" are gone ...
  45. +7
    6 May 2014 08: 54
    Bravo to the author! So that I wrote. I want to say a lot, but it is not always clear. Article +
  46. Kupez
    6 May 2014 08: 56
    Watch the world crumble
    How memory loses its head
    Every day,
    Nearing the end.
    War is the beginning of the beginnings
    Raises the black banner.
    To heaven
    Soot of torn hearts.

    The lights of the crafty capitals
    They carelessly careless souls.
    Nests are inside.
    Look at the full of dirt
    With them you are tied to the ears
    You lived here
    So go and see.

    Everyone digs his own
    Shame survived by personal conscience.
    For pressure in a blind fight
    Puppeteers open a loan.
    We scoop up the heat with buckets
    Yes, without measure, shearing from the bush,
    And a fire creeps over it -
    Antichrist is a megastar.

  47. +9
    6 May 2014 08: 59
    What is a Ukrainian? The question is of course rhetorical !! What we knew before and what we were taught in Soviet times is now not true! And now they are trying to present new dill to everyone in their own way, well, something like that!
    1. gsg955
      6 May 2014 09: 22
      There are not enough horns, but it looks like that.
  48. +4
    6 May 2014 09: 03
    Yes, guys, the situation is such at the moment that in Donetsk and Lugansk, people simply have self-consciousness and they resist, and the rest ... well, 90% are just sheep for the slaughter, and so it will be, unfortunately.
    1. gsg955
      6 May 2014 09: 23
  49. +3
    6 May 2014 09: 07
    I do not agree. Every year I come to Ukraine, the city of Zaporozhye. As a guest, a friend .... I hope it will remain so. I come to the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks and sports organization SPAS Ukraine. I’m always welcome, I conduct seminars with them, I myself participate in seminars and forums, and act as a judge in Cossack competitions. Over the years, I have not been told a single offensive word, on the contrary - happy and friendly.

    So not everywhere in Ukraine. And not only in recent years. Been on business trips to Western Ukraine in the Soviet years - the attitude is not very welcoming. Dislike for Russian was there, is and will be. This is in them (zapadentsev) in the genes laid.

    ... why is flour taken out? Flour is not a weapon that can be plundered, nor a work of art that is dangerous to leave in a war zone. Therefore, one can see the intention of the Kiev authorities to arrange something like a "famine."

    FLOUR is also a weapon. We didn’t have to go hungry. With such power this year there will be no harvest in Ukraine. And you always want to eatunder any authority. Here zapadentsy themselves grub and harvest. They also steal livestock from the east. Then you’ll understand what’s what. In Slavyansk there are already food shortages.
    1. 0
      6 May 2014 20: 16
      Flour, cattle, food in general have always been, are and will be WEAPONS, and no less dangerous than wearable, transportable, crawling, floating and flying pieces of iron. From starvation people died almost more than from traumatic injuries, especially if this hunger is organized. No wonder the information on the quantity and location of strategic food supplies has always been secret.
  50. +4
    6 May 2014 09: 08
    Another way out for them is to join the ranks of the Russian resistance in the South-East, take up arms and burn the filthy Nazis in the "boxes" so that the scream of the burning representatives of the "superior race" can be heard in their Ternopols, Lviv, Vinnytsia and smooth. Unfortunately, these people (aka the Soviet and mythical "brotherly people") do not understand another language.

    That's right. Take up arms and leave this country. Together with their land. Having previously exterminated all the scum.
    1. The comment was deleted.
      1. +1
        6 May 2014 23: 38
        Quote: rtutaloe
        Quote: Docent1984
        That's right. Take up arms and leave this country. Together with their land. Having previously exterminated all the scum.

        But I wonder where to get these weapons? Well, I have a table knife and a club.
        Four pieces of armored Mi-24 with a table knife or baton shot down? Do not panic.
        1. AVIATOR36662
          7 May 2014 04: 50
          And nobody heard about arms stores at all? Normal weapons are within range.
          1. 0
            7 May 2014 22: 26
            That's right, whoever wants, is looking for opportunities, and who does not, is looking for excuses!
      2. +1
        7 May 2014 00: 22
        And you re-read the Brest Fortress.
        Somehow the thought did not come to them that there was no weapon and that they say I can. Weapons in war are taken from the enemy.
        I did not hear about the suppressed uprising in Ukraine, but I heard about the Brest Fortress and admired the spirit of the fighters. You can live life in different ways.
    2. sergei-morjak
      7 May 2014 14: 30
      I don’t understand why guerrilla tactics aren’t used, because Ukraine is the birthplace of Kovpak! Are these pravoshki somehow making their way to cities, and why not vice versa? Do they fuck all the equipment that they have such serious security? Or arrange a rail war as in 1943 .
  51. +3
    6 May 2014 09: 18
    Quote: aristarh
    it is a pity that the Hague trebunal over the past decade has become hand-hung would these creatures

    Europe won’t let them hang them... The only thing is to send them, say, to Mars... Just as if we wouldn’t have to fight with Mars in 2019... wink
    The idea of ​​a supernation is too deeply rooted in their subcortex. Here, it seems, psycholinguistic zombification and the 25th frame effect were involved. They kill too easily and cruelly... joyfully and without thinking...
  52. +2
    6 May 2014 09: 22
    In order for the entire Ukrainian world to hate the Russians, they are credited with the qualities of the crests themselves and at the same time the revered Pindos.
    So that the whole West hates Russia, the qualities of the West itself are attributed to it.

    PS Our trouble is NOT that there are a lot of creatures around, but that We don’t consider them to be creatures.
  53. +6
    6 May 2014 09: 25
    The article is emotional. But now we can ask a practical question. If there is such a Ukrainian, and if there are enough of them, as the events from Maidan to Odessa showed, then what should we do with them now? For me personally, the option with a “friendly” ending and general fraternization, forgetting insults and gouging out the eyes of those who have not forgotten seems complete pathological nonsense. This is the first unrealizable option. The second - a carpet sweep to the western borders, the opening of the Gulag in new buildings of the North Pole and their forced eviction into the vastness of technology - this is also from the field of medicine. There was no united Ukraine with united Ukrainians, and now there cannot be. This means there must be a reservation where such a “brown plague” will sow vegetable gardens and breed nationally correct cattle. The question today is what size will this reservation be and where?
  54. +3
    6 May 2014 09: 31
    Testament of dill-pravosek.

    As I die, bury on the Maidan dear,
    In the midst of the burnt wheels dig a grave
    To lay me in a garbage can, under mighty shit,
    To smell like it stinks of a dunghill.
    And when from the fields of Ukraine Ukrainians are frail
    Bear a blizzard, then I get up from the grave -
    I will rise as a formidable wail, a demon of discord,
    My eyelids will be lifted, clicking the shutter.
    Bury and get up, # tear up experiences,
    Sprinkle the earth with our evil diarrhea.
    And me in a family of freaks runaway from a madhouse
    Don’t forget - use an indecent word. (c)
  55. komrad.klim
    6 May 2014 09: 32
    True article! Agree 95%
    I am corresponding with three comrades from Ukraine.
    1. Odessa is neutral, his position is that I am on the sidelines, the events taking place are a showdown between two oligarchic clans, there are no Nazis.
    2. Resident of Dnepropetrovsk region. - Seemingly a decent, literate person. He is offended by life, in particular, he blames the Soviet Union (USSR) for his troubles, and by inertia his dissatisfaction with current problems spreads to Russia and Putin. On the one hand, he seems to have an analytical mind, on the other hand, from the flow of information, he trusts the u/k\r-media, and the pro-Russian media all lie. There are no fascists in Ukraine. In response to my proposal to select information from the Internet, filter it, filter out cheap trick opuses. Ignores competent, detailed information. A tendency towards the main idea is clearly visible in his thinking - Europe will create favorable conditions for Ukraine to prosper. But Russia is preventing this. Completely zombied. Cannot be persuaded.
    3. From Donetsk region. Simple guy. With my everyday problems. Does not interfere in politics, that is, does not take an active position in current events. Sympathizes with Russia.
    Where is the way out?
    I think about this all the time.
    Clearly, interfering with open military intervention in the events taking place in Ukraine is fraught with negative consequences for Russia.
    Ukrainian society is sick!
    On the one hand, we (Russians) realize (this is how we were brought up) that Ukrainians are our brothers. But on the other hand, they are aggressive (most of them, sad to say) belong to Russia!
    We've already been through this. And from world history and domestic history (civil war, brother against brother).
    What to do with a mentally (violently, quietly insane) unhealthy relative?? It is logical not to kill a relative, but to treat. How are mentally ill people treated? Isolate from healthy people. And those who interfere with treatment (bring alcohol or drugs to the hospital, i.e., interfere with treatment) are sent to strict isolation and prison by law.
    Everything seems to be clear. There is a patient. It remains to find those willing to act as doctors...
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 12: 16
      Quote: komrad.klim
      Everything seems to be clear. There is a patient. It remains to find those willing to act as doctors...

      This begs the question: are we ready to act in this capacity? The patient does not really agree to treatment!
    2. 0
      7 May 2014 23: 40
      Yes, I wanted to write this myself!:( There is no such state, and I certainly never will be, on our Earth.
  56. +2
    6 May 2014 09: 33
    Those Ukrainians who lived in the USSR no longer exist. The majority are brainwashed and stuffed with militant nationalism; the road to nowhere lies before them.
  57. +3
    6 May 2014 09: 33
    I hope everything is clear to everyone
  58. +2
    6 May 2014 09: 38
    It would be necessary to decide who a Russian is. As they say, between a Russian/Soviet person from the times of, say, Stalin and the great USSR on the one hand, and the drunken race of the times of the alcoholic Yeltsin, humiliated and spat upon, the distance is a huge abyss. Thank God, today’s Russia has moved away from the “race”, not in everything, of course, but it has moved away. And Ukraine, as it turned out, is still sitting there in the 90s, and they just have to make their choice, they want to be “hokholukrs” with the OUN, Bandera, SS and other dregs in their heads, which will not lead them anywhere, or choose something else.
  59. onegin61
    6 May 2014 09: 40
    Putin, after the referendum on May 11, to protect the Russian-speaking citizens of the south, south-eastern part, at their request, it is time to introduce a Russian military contingent along the very Dnieper River, if the armed formations of Kiev resist, extinguish them harshly with high-precision weapons, do not spare them as an enemy. Take at the sight of high-precision weapons, all objects of the Kiev government and its formation, including the government itself, with the condition that with the slightest resistance and obstruction to the formation of federally independent regions, it will be destroyed. It’s time to understand: the Kiev government, which came after the coup, is the enemy of the entire Russian-speaking part Stopping it now means saving many lives of people who will fight to the last.
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 12: 24
      Quote: Onegin61
      after the referendum on May 11, to protect Russian-speaking citizens of the south-south-eastern part, at their request, it is time to introduce a Russian military contingent right up to the Dnieper River

      The referendum will only take place in TWO regions out of about 10 (if you count up to the Dnieper), and it is not a fact that it will take place in all cities of these regions. What if people in other areas, intoxicated by propaganda, resist? Who will we be then? Occupiers? Will we fight with the people?
      That’s why Putin is STILL silent!
      And then, when the time comes, he can use the trump card six - Yanukovych. And this six, in certain situations, beats the ace.
  60. +3
    6 May 2014 09: 42
    If you want to defeat the enemy, raise his children. This is how Ukrainian children have been raised all these years. And the worst thing is that they are already approaching Russian children, replacing true values ​​with false ones.
  61. +3
    6 May 2014 09: 48
    What is a Ukrainian?
    This is a diagnosis.
  62. +1
    6 May 2014 09: 49
    An interesting speech by presidential candidate Tymoshenko yesterday on ICTV had the meaning - THE RUSSIANS ARE TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING.
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 12: 30
      Quote: KAPITANUS
      An interesting speech by presidential candidate Tymoshenko yesterday on ICTV had the meaning - THE RUSSIANS ARE TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING.

      This is just like the joke:
      Generous Ukrainian:
      - The Jews are to blame for everything
      - I completely agree - Jews and cyclists!
      Generous Ukrainian: -What do cyclists have to do with it?
      Rabinovich: - What do the Jews have to do with it?
  63. +2
    6 May 2014 09: 49
    I agree with the article 1000%, only they themselves must sort out their mess! There is no point in exposing our children to the bullets of these ukrov freaks!
  64. +3
    6 May 2014 09: 51
    You read and understand that all this has already happened and somewhere you have already read all this. The Poles were the teachers of the Ukrainians in the matter of association with the EU. Even on TV they showed numerous “seminars” and meetings with “Europeans”. Hence the whole ideology taken from PiS and Mr. Kaczynski personally. Hence, living in a parallel, virtual world with your own heroes and grievances, with Russians always to blame for everything. Only all this is at an even more primitive level and with national characteristics.
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 12: 32
      Quote: XYZ
      The Poles were the teachers of the Ukrainians in the matter of association with the EU.

      The Poles have now even forgotten the Volyn massacre carried out by Bandera’s followers during the Second World War, when more than a hundred thousand Poles died! They agree to do anything to annoy the Russians!
  65. +2
    6 May 2014 10: 02
    At the beginning of the 90s, a lot of things were declassified and the media wrote “not on orders.” According to the KGB archives, it turned out that the last military clash in Western Ukraine was recorded in 1982 (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) year. Count how many decades this partisanship continued after the end of the war. If the shuttle brought goods from there normally, it was luck. They always didn’t like Russians there, just like in the Baltics.
  66. pomeshkin.g
    6 May 2014 10: 02
    I don’t understand how they Ukrainians will live then in a year or two, because we can’t leave and change apartments, we’ll still remain neighbors
  67. The comment was deleted.
  68. The comment was deleted.
  69. +2
    6 May 2014 10: 18
    ... "Who and how these clashes were caused, who were the mysterious people with firearms and red bands, and so on, this is no longer important...."

    Oh really? Who “doesn’t care” about this? Kholuyam from Kyiv? For example, it’s still so important to me... And to make this fact public, with lists of names that have no statute of limitations...
  70. +7
    6 May 2014 10: 22
  71. +2
    6 May 2014 10: 26
    ... "cotton wool burns well", "Colorado was raked", "the patriots won", "I love barbecue"...

    But mourning for whom after all? By "vatniks and colorados"? They screwed up, however... And the zombified population is sliding deeper and deeper into the cesspool... recourse
  72. +2
    6 May 2014 10: 28
    The passive behavior of the majority of the population of the southeast in the current situation seems inexplicable. But this is inexplicable only in the context of this situation. Otherwise, this is a normal reaction of a civilized person living in a rule of law state. What is an agreement between the state and the citizen? Nothing more than a protection agreement between the lads of the 90s and the larechniks of the same time. Only this agreement is concluded not near a garbage can, but in parliament. You pay us, and we protect you; if you’re wrong, we’ll resolve the situation. People in the southeast worked and paid taxes regularly, so they had the right to expect protection from the authorities. In theory, the government should be neutral in order to impartially judge who is right and who is wrong. And suddenly the situation changed dramatically. There was no more power in the democratic sense, and a government appeared that was clearly on the side of the Nazis. It does not respect the civil contract, taking the side of brute force. This is the power of the crowd. Why isn't there such a crowd in the southeast? And no one prepared them for this. The Westerners have their own ideology; they were used to train combat troops; it was their national ideas that underlay the definition of national self-identity and, accordingly, patriotism. This took years, and now the situation is developing so rapidly that any kind of coordinated resistance in the southeast simply does not have time to mature.
  73. -3
    6 May 2014 10: 34
    Once upon a time in the distant 80s, after one reactor out of four exploded in Chernobyl, I was born with a vile poem, so vile that I never told it to anyone; I think now it’s possible:
    Not enough three boilers,
    Destroy all crests
    1. 0
      6 May 2014 15: 21
      Then why are you better than Banderlog?

      Isn’t it enough for you that, while serving as an emergency worker in the Lviv region, I grabbed x-rays?

      Isn’t it enough for you that my friends from the Tula region were paid “coffin money”, and the infection of my native Tambov region was officially recognized when the “coffin money” had already “forgiven everyone”?

      Go and hide in the Sarcophagus, now you can.
  74. +2
    6 May 2014 10: 43
    Quote: Docent1984
    Docent1984 SU Today, 08:51 ↑ New

    Right. There was citizenship of Ukraine. The citizen was Ukrainian. But such a nation is not, that's for sure. There are Russians (including Little Russians), there are Poles, there are Jews, there are Rusyns, and until recently they were all Ukrainians. But now this state is de facto no longer, and therefore there are no citizens either. It’s the same as calling the Serbs Yugoslavs ...

    So they create the Ukrainian! But before that, everything will be razed to the ground! They will destroy everyone and everything, and after that they will have an “independent Ukraine” (with mattress pads and geyropa) wassat
  75. lg41
    6 May 2014 10: 49
    The author of the article is an instigator of hatred between people, a split among the Slavs. conductor of the Anglo-American line of “divide and conquer.”
    Similar materials appeared in the world press before the split of INDIA into India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Before the overthrow and destruction of the unwanted Libyan leader. And in dozens of other places on the planet.
    Only the names of nations and peoples changed. But the essence is the same. Inciting hostility between people through opposition and abuse.
    I understand that the author of the article is smart. The Anglo-Saxons will make great money on this material.
    BUT YOU CAN ' T follow him!
  76. +1
    6 May 2014 11: 01
    One thing I don’t understand is where were the parents of all these Ukrainians? After all, they all came from the USSR, where they taught the same history of the fatherland. Why did they allow their children to become zombies? Why didn’t they explain to them that what they are taught in educational institutions is a blatant lie?
    1. 0
      7 May 2014 08: 08
      Quote: kit-kat
      One thing I don’t understand is where were the parents of all these Ukrainians? After all, they all came from the USSR, where they taught the same history of the fatherland. Why did they allow their children to become zombies? Why didn’t they explain to them that what they are taught in educational institutions is a blatant lie?

      Just don’t start singing about the USSR...
      All Ukrainian Nazis came from the USSR and were members of the Komsomol and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.
  77. +3
    6 May 2014 11: 08
    While the democrats of Russia celebrated their victory over the communists and over the ideology of the USSR.
    While they were calling out with the slogans “The West will help them.”
    While the KGB, Russian state interests, science and economics were being handed over, the West was raising a new generation of Ukrainians.
    Now, in the end, we got what we got.
    There is no point in Russia sending in troops.
    The West will create a new eternal Afghanistan on the territory of Ukraine.
    It is already clear that instead of the “Taliban” there will be their “right sector”.
    International peacekeepers will also not solve the problem, as they will incite confrontation between Russia and the rest of the world.
    Russia to strengthen its economy and protect its national interests.
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 12: 44
      Quote: individ
      The West will create a new eternal Afghanistan on the territory of Ukraine.
      It is already clear that instead of the “Taliban” there will be their “right sector”.

      A plus for the comment. I agree with your position, except for what I quoted.
      There will be neither a second Afghanistan nor new Taliban.
      Muslims, taking the path of jihad and declaring Gazavat infidel, sincerely believe that they are becoming companions - murids of the prophet himself. At the same time, they easily and fearlessly sacrifice their lives - after all, instead of a joyless life, they have a Garden of Eden with houris ahead of them.
      Will there be thousands and thousands of fighters in the right sector who are ready at any second to lay down their lives on the altar not even of victory, but of struggle?
      I do not believe in this.
      And troops can be sent in only if the people unconditionally support this step.
  78. pomeshkin.g
    6 May 2014 11: 08
    Ukrainians at this time are just a weapon of the world oligarchs. weapons directed against Russia. Therefore, Ukraine is consumable material - cannon fodder
  79. +3
    6 May 2014 11: 09
    This is where the essence of Ukrainian statehood is expressed.
    In Munich, a burgher sits in the pub and the boys walk nearby. - Where are you guys from?
    - From Ukraine!
    - And what is this?
    - This is a great derzhava! We have a hymn, a coat of arms and a flag!
    - Where is it?
    - Donbass heard?
    - Yes, my father fought in 43. So this is Russia!
    - None, grandfather, this is great Ukraine!
    - And what is your language there?
    - At us, the grandfather, the most ancient mov - Ukrainian.
    - And how will the "leg" be on your move?
    - Leg.
    - And the "hand"?
    - Arm.
    - And the ass?
    - Fuck.
    “And for the sake of battle, did you come up with a hymn, a coat of arms and a flag ???”
  80. +5
    6 May 2014 11: 17
    Quote: VNP1958PVN
    This is true! And Russian Ukrainians need to learn this clearly!

    Both Hitler and Turchinyukh began with the cleansing of their own race-nationality. The problem for both of them is that they took on the Russians... After all, how many times in history have such “evil geniuses” been warned, but each new one considers himself smarter than others...
    Here another monkey jumps through the palm trees and crumbles a loaf of bread into Russia. Oh, and he’ll grab this overseas miracle if he doesn’t calm down am
  81. Tanechka-clever
    6 May 2014 11: 19
    May 6, 2014, 10:12 am View "Poster calling for opposition.."
    Today, May 6, at 7.30, a huge poster with portraits representatives of the so-called “cultural opposition” and a photograph of those killed in the Odessa House of Trade Unions. The inscriptions on the poster read: “Fifth Column! Strangers are among us! “They support the junta in Ukraine. What will they say now?” - An initiative group of Moscow students, who had previously hung similar posters in different areas of Moscow, took responsibility.
    Thanks young people!!!!! If not YOU, then who!!! The patriots are real and that says it all.
    And the poster shows Andrey Makarevich, Yuri Shevchuk, Boris Akunin. Dmitry Bykov, Boris Nemtsov, Alexei Navalny. These people, according to the activists who hung the poster, are the “fifth column” of national traitors. Today, after the Odessa KHATYN, this fifth column, with its silence, supports the punitive actions of the Maidan junta and they have no place in Russian society - their place is on the fascist Maidan.
    “We hung our poster in front of the office of the Ekho Moskvy radio station. In our opinion, this radio station is a public platform for national traitors like Nemtsov, Makarevich and others,” said one of the organizers of the action. But in fact, “Echo of Washington”, known for cheap chatter in the light of American obedience and venality for a visa to the EU and the USA. Ilya Azarov now works here, actively collaborating with Ukrainskaya Pravda, known for anti-Russian rhetoric. We don’t need someone else’s “Echo..” at home - so that our old people and mothers don’t burn in the “echoic” fire of corrupt punishers, and men and young people don’t die defending them. Shut up "Echo.." - the voice of the State Department. I think the public should actively join such a movement - the “fifth column” should burn in the “fire” of popular anger and contempt.
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 12: 47
      Quote: Tanya-umunechka
      I think the public should actively join such a movement - the “fifth column” should burn in the “fire” of popular anger and contempt.

      You definitely need to do this everywhere!
  82. arch_kate3
    6 May 2014 11: 25
    In an amicable way, it is necessary to separate Western Ukraine by a border and let it consider itself Europe! The rest should be annexed to Russia on clearly defined federal terms. And stop killing people!
  83. +4
    6 May 2014 11: 36
    The entire society there is permeated with hatred of everything Russian. Here are some examples. Presidential candidate Mikhail Dobkin faced the following situation:
    I went to the microphone and spoke in Russian. Minister of Culture Vasily Vovkun, who was sitting next to me, perked up:
    “Rose up with your sovereign language,” he shouted to me, jumping up.
    - Listen, we are in a closed meeting. I am reporting on an economic issue; there is specific terminology here. I can switch to Ukrainian, but then it will take much longer.
    - No, this is an official entry, you are guilty of speaking to the sovereign! – Vovkun was literally shaking.
    “First of all, I don’t owe you anything,” I answer. – Secondly, I am addressing the prime minister, not you.
    - You won’t talk like a dog!
    Just like that! The Russian language is already a “dog language” for them.
    And here is Irina Farion:
    We have 14% of Ukrainians who indicated that their native language is Russian, that is, the language of the occupier. This indicates a terrible mutation of their consciousness. These are 5 million Ukrainian degenerates. And they need to be saved
    But it seems to me that the Ukrainians themselves need to be treated. After all, just listen to the CORRECT Ukrainian language, some words of which are simple and indecent for a well-mannered person to pronounce: Here is a photo of an advertisement for the purchase of a piano. Well, which is correct - “piyanino” or “pyanino”? "Piano" or "piano". Guys, do you know the answer to the question yourself? Why was it even necessary to call it “pianino” instead of “piano”? Happy birthday greetings - Happy Ugly Day. Right here, right on the bull's eye! Exactly - ugly!
  84. +2
    6 May 2014 11: 39
    Lived near Lvov from 1985 to 1991, studied at a “Russian” school. Among my local peers, no one knew the school number. She was just “Russian” and that’s all. Adults did not interfere particularly openly in our teenage relationships until we, the children of Soviet officers, were pushed out of parks and cinemas without fights or conflicts. When, as it happened, patience ran out and several of us beat up the most infuriated bullies, it turned out that the five of us taught a lesson to 8-9 people of the same age and a little older, at school they started talking about Russian nationalism and racial hatred. They were all still Komsomol members, and they and I went to meetings together. Strange, isn't it?
  85. 0
    6 May 2014 11: 51
    At VO it is still being discussed, some are in favor of input, some say it’s not necessary. But with us everything is clear - you turn on the zombie box and there the war with the Russian Federation has been going on for a long time. This has been stated directly for a long time. And I don’t care that there is no official statement there. All the top officials speak, they speak to the people.
    Main points
    East - bandits, terrorists with Russian weapons, war with Russian gang formations, and special units of the Russian Federation.
    And in Odessa they are also shooting down, either the arson itself or Putin himself started the fire.
    At the same time, they don’t show anything in detail about May 2, but they relish the crowds who are “concerned” about the release of “pro-Russian militants” detained on May 2.
    These crowds were chanting the necessary speeches; I’m sure there were few Odessa residents there.
    On Ukrainian news, war on Russia has long been declared (and with the note that the Russian Federation viciously attacked, captured, and is killing Ukrainians). What we predicted after the Maidan.
    And there is a purge across the country, which is aimed at exterminating dissidents. Which is also declared correct, even the dead are made a PR tool for politicians + they are declared victims of Putin.
    The question is, why does Russia even need this?
    Ukraine was sick when the Maidan, after the victory of the Maidan and the takeover of the media, was already infected.
    Opinion: It’s too late to save someone. It is necessary to evacuate Russian citizens and secure the front line on the border; the Ukrainians will not stop.
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 12: 52
      Quote: Cristall
      Opinion: It’s too late to save someone. It is necessary to evacuate Russian citizens and secure the front line on the border; the Ukrainians will not stop.

      And you already agree to run? Leave your house THIS?
  86. +2
    6 May 2014 12: 16
    Yes, everything is written correctly in the article! I myself am 100% Ukrainian (I live in Odessa), but after May 2 I don’t consider myself as such. Ukropov was purposefully and to capacity (especially after 2004) pumped up with blind hatred of everything Russian, then organized and armed.
    What happened in Odessa is a classic punitive operation, an act of intimidation. For residents this came as a complete surprise, because... there were no prerequisites, the Odessa region remained until recently the calmest in Ukraine, all the actions of the opposing sides were exclusively peaceful. Hatred is not directed against the nation, but against a way of thinking, a worldview that is different from Ukropov’s.
    The cleansing of Odessa from “separatists” continues on an individual basis. As sad as it may sound, we have nothing to oppose to the Banderlogs - there is no organization, no funds, no weapons, no support from the people.
    Dill sincerely believe in their invincibility and the support of the West and are ready to kill. They represent the real force in Ukraine and cannot be overcome by spontaneous actions of ordinary citizens.
  87. +2
    6 May 2014 12: 23
    Quote: maks-xnumx
    I understand that there are a lot of good people in Western Ukraine, but the consciousness resists this
    , and yet the overwhelming majority of the population are our staunch enemies, with whom it is useless to speak in normal language, only in the language of weapons.
  88. 0
    6 May 2014 12: 27
    Quote: comrade Misha
    When I saw and read it, I almost broke the laptop, BURNING YOU IN HELL NELY MARCHUK !!!!!

    All anti-scientific nonsense, religion and stereotypes are spread not by men with machine guns, but by us - women. In the Caucasus, men are moderate Muslims, and women, oddly enough, are much more immersed, although the Koran promises them less than their husbands. It’s the same story in Ukraine: the carriers of this infection are not boys with guns, not football fans, but modest village women gossiping on their phones. They raise these shoots.
  89. +1
    6 May 2014 12: 34
    Attention! A careful but massive formation of convincing the people of Ukraine to vote for Tymoshenko in the elections begins. The extremely delicate work of introducing trolls and provocateurs has ended and the active stage has begun. I hope the relevant forces will not allow this...
    1. 0
      6 May 2014 12: 57
      I upvoted you, but to be honest, I don’t see anyone you can vote for. Any of them will be under the influence of Svoboda and Pravosek.
  90. 0
    6 May 2014 12: 42
    Quote: tommytros
    The referendum is another red line.
    And Putin, meanwhile, menacingly SILENT. bully

    While there is no expression of the will of the people, why talk? Here after the referendum!!!!!!!!! Moreover, a legitimate president will ask! Then he will say everything.
  91. The comment was deleted.
  92. +2
    6 May 2014 12: 52
    “It is impossible to explain why exactly the “superior race” of Ukrainians wash toilets and mix mortar, and also sell vaginas in Europe and Russia - like guest workers and prostitutes.”
  93. Ivan 63
    6 May 2014 13: 01
    I visited those parts a long time ago, back in the good Brezhnev times, and I’ll say frankly, I believe the author, in Moldova at that time I felt like I had “Christ in my bosom” - unlike the Hochland.
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 15: 42
      Served in the Lviv region; the town was, as they said, “the population was three cripples, two of them were former Banderaites who served their time and returned to their native places.” The town is so small that (you may not believe it) we didn’t even have such a punishment as deprivation of the next dismissal. The bulk of the colleagues are Westerners (poorly representing the majority of Moscow), strongly supplemented by Russians from the European part. I didn’t feel the slightest hostility during my year and a half of service. I remember the attitude of the local veterans like: “Hello, gentleman soldier!”, and almost a bow from the waist.
      I thought, when I come home, I’ll lie, how they set up a machine gun and an AGS at the checkpoint at night.
      Now, it seems, reality will seem incredible...
  94. +5
    6 May 2014 13: 03
    Ukraine (or what remains of it) - led the way in the 90s... Sooner or later, the shooting will end - what will you eat??? What are you going to heat with??? I heard correctly - if you don’t want to suck Russia’s tit, you will suck the Americans’. Good luck.
  95. 0
    6 May 2014 13: 04
    Yes, what an amazing helicopter we created in the USSR!
  96. 0
    6 May 2014 13: 17
    correctly noted, not who is this, but something like this....
  97. Khan
    6 May 2014 13: 18
    It is necessary to ban entry into Russia for people from Western Ukraine to work, if the Eastern Ukrainian is welcome, but the Westerner is not. We must hit where it hurts the most: money.
  98. komrad.klim
    6 May 2014 13: 27
    Quote: Const
    Lived near Lvov from 1985 to 1991, studied at a “Russian” school. Among my local peers, no one knew the school number. She was just “Russian” and that’s all. Adults did not interfere particularly openly in our teenage relationships until we, the children of Soviet officers, were pushed out of parks and cinemas without fights or conflicts. When, as it happened, patience ran out and several of us beat up the most infuriated bullies, it turned out that the five of us taught a lesson to 8-9 people of the same age and a little older, at school they started talking about Russian nationalism and racial hatred. They were all still Komsomol members, and they and I went to meetings together. Strange, isn't it?

    According to a specific fact, “Westerners have hatred of Russians”!
    Clearly not a natural inclination to murder.
    This is revenge against the “lords” from Poland, the NKVD from the USSR and other objects of violence against them and their ancestors. It’s another matter from the limitations of the intellect to direct the aggression of revenge to an association with the rapists, i.e., to an object identical in their narrow-mindedness, and even when this aggression is fueled by a third party with an acquisitive ideology - “WE ARE THERE WHERE YOU CAN CUT THE BOB DOWN.” “ALL FOR BOB” - even if it’s on blood, it’s not our blood...
  99. -1
    6 May 2014 13: 35
    I read it,,,, and the first impulse was OH AS I SAID!!!
    I re-read it - a sneaky article, vile. And the premises seem to be correct, but the conclusions seem to be upside down. And the goals, it seems to me, are the same ones that the author so lynches.

    ..Don’t be afraid of prison, don’t be afraid of scrip, Don’t be afraid of pestilence and famine, But fear only the one who says: “I know how to do it!”
  100. -2
    6 May 2014 13: 35
    Quote: Shaki's Memory
    These are the Ukrainians .. And because they will not be anything (((
    Two fotik and a bit and a smile at the sight of those burning .. And this "mother" will give birth to?


    edium = facebook

    But he will give birth to such people.

"Right Sector" (banned in Russia), "Ukrainian Insurgent Army" (UPA) (banned in Russia), ISIS (banned in Russia), "Jabhat Fatah al-Sham" formerly "Jabhat al-Nusra" (banned in Russia) , Taliban (banned in Russia), Al-Qaeda (banned in Russia), Anti-Corruption Foundation (banned in Russia), Navalny Headquarters (banned in Russia), Facebook (banned in Russia), Instagram (banned in Russia), Meta (banned in Russia), Misanthropic Division (banned in Russia), Azov (banned in Russia), Muslim Brotherhood (banned in Russia), Aum Shinrikyo (banned in Russia), AUE (banned in Russia), UNA-UNSO (banned in Russia), Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people (banned in Russia), Legion “Freedom of Russia” (armed formation, recognized as terrorist in the Russian Federation and banned), Kirill Budanov (included to the Rosfinmonitoring list of terrorists and extremists)

“Non-profit organizations, unregistered public associations or individuals performing the functions of a foreign agent,” as well as media outlets performing the functions of a foreign agent: “Medusa”; "Voice of America"; "Realities"; "Present time"; "Radio Freedom"; Ponomarev Lev; Ponomarev Ilya; Savitskaya; Markelov; Kamalyagin; Apakhonchich; Makarevich; Dud; Gordon; Zhdanov; Medvedev; Fedorov; Mikhail Kasyanov; "Owl"; "Alliance of Doctors"; "RKK" "Levada Center"; "Memorial"; "Voice"; "Person and law"; "Rain"; "Mediazone"; "Deutsche Welle"; QMS "Caucasian Knot"; "Insider"; "New Newspaper"