What is "Ukrainian"

What is "Ukrainian"
Ukraine smells of decomposition, fumes and death

On May 2 in Odessa, about 40 people were burned alive during clashes. Who and how were these clashes caused, who were the mysterious people with gunshot weapons and red bandages and so on, it doesn't matter anymore. The reaction of the Ukrainian Internet public to this tragedy is important (you shouldn’t even write about the reaction of the Russian liberas): “Vata burns well”, “Ogrebli’s Colorado”, “Patriots won”, “I love kebabs”. For the sake of pro forma, I set up a chemically pure experiment of Pavlov’s dog, suggesting an uncomplicated train of thought between Ukrainians:

1. Burned Russian saboteurs, hirelings of the FSB and Putin.
2. So they should, let the "Colorado" die.
3. Damned "Colorado" burned themselves.

All this, in the same sequence and with the same details, was first reproduced in my comments by a kosher Ukrainian yoserian (a fighter against “Vata” and Putin from Dnepropetrovsk) - 15 citizens of the Russian Federation and 5 citizens of Transnistria, and himself stuffed ukro-media, particular tsn. It's only Putin's propaganda lies, but can it really lie to the media? Despite the fact that in the evening of May 2 it was clear that it was not the abandoned saboteurs who had died, but the native Odessans. Then it was confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

Do you think it somehow affected ukrov? They began to apologize, they began to write refutations of their own lies? .. The flight in the garbage disposal bastards continued to spread on the Internet fake photos of supposedly Russian passports of burnt people. And, of course, they continued to rejoice insanely at the murder of their own fellow citizens - citizens of Ukraine, residents of Odessa. In the end, the victims were recognized as suicides - they say they burned themselves. And they continued to celebrate Peremog.

For most Russian users, this, of course, has become an unpleasant truth about who "Ukrainians" are, and in what world the RF exists in general. Before that, we had widespread talk about stupid "Ruska bydle", "quilted jackets" and so on. Indeed, the Russians are not the most probably the best people on earth (the Germans are much better, although they burned 6 to millions of Jews, this is officially considered). But here the Ukrainian psychopaths broke all records, fell below any moral bottom. And most importantly - they seriously consider this as an overwhelm, a victory, a success. What do you think, why? Just because they are stupid?

Few Russians understand that in Ukraine all the last 23 of the year and on went, and unbridled military propaganda against the Russians is going on and on. Not against Putin, namely, against the Russians and Russia. It doesn’t matter whether Valeria Novodvorskaya or American-Ukrainian spy Navalny will head it. Will still go. What is military propaganda? This is not entirely propaganda of the advantages of war over a peaceful life, as it may seem. The thing is that forcing some people to easily kill others, and even be proud of it, is devilishly difficult. For this you need:

1. Shuffle into the head of people that their future "enemies" are devoid of all human properties.
2. If the future "enemy" is a kindred people, or even the same people, then it is necessary to deprive them of their identification properties. It’s one thing to kill a “brother” and another thing to kill an incomprehensible “starfishcorla” with five legs and a mandible like space insects.
3. At the same time, the future “enemy” has an impressive list of offenses and injustices inflicted on the patient being treated. There is also the root cause of murder - otvetka for all the "joys of life." 350 years Russian mocked the Ukrainians, it's time to fight back.

All this, in one sequence or another, flows every day from televisions, from radio, from newspapers and electronic media in Ukraine. I watched a couple of channels TV ukro TV a month ago. And there is a burning teaser - "war with Russia". All clear. And mental processing begins with an elementary school, where children are told what wonderful country of elves they live in, and how the damned Katsaps, which constantly “interfere with the European choice of a freedom-loving people, are spoiled by them”. This is despite the fact that even according to official statistics, more than a quarter of the population of Ukraine are ethnic Russians (in reality, at least half).

Let's go through the points briefly, but not in order.

2. In Ukrainian, no "Russian" does not exist. They simply do not. The maximum and extremely polite-abstract appeal is certain "Russians." Tuvans, Tatars, Bashkirs, Russians, Chechens. Who are the Ukrainians? Relatives, or what? Not in the Ukrainian language and no concept of "Russian language". There is some abstract "Russian mova." That is, a certain Tuva-Ingush-Armenian-Russian-Karelian language. What does he have to do with the Slavic Ukrainian language? A rhetorical question.

Therefore, all Russian experiences about the "brothers" from the Ukrainian point of view are meaningless. There are Ukrainians, and there are some abstract Russians (“northern jackals, self-inflamed from anger in Odessa,” I quote), which no one can call these Ukrainians in any way. It’s just some kind of Katsaps and Moskals — well, like orcs for the inhabitants of Gondor (that is, not even Slavs or even humans). The "brotherly people" invented for the "brothers" some idiotic and insulting nicknames, and dancing for joy: peremoga, peremoga, deceived Moskal, hurray! At the same time, all this against the background of poor, reconstruction scenery, an invented language (which most of the actors have not really learned), deceitful stories and general degeneration due to the fall of the intellectual level, outflow of the population (see below) and the same reconstruction (you know, if you seriously get into the role of a hobbit, then you can be damaged).

1. Ukrainian propaganda leads a constant racist information war. Russians - Katsaps, Muscovites - are depicted by her as a collection of scum, freaks, genetically inferior people, envious, stupid, natural slaves, inhabitants of the mythical "horde" who are naturally opposed by Juberus-Europeans in the person of Ukrainians - descendants of the oldest democrats of Europe, Tripoli-Aryans . Russian, Polish and Austrian cities inherited by the Ukrainians are declared Ukrainian, and the people who built them are invaders Mongolian-Katsaps, wild monsters who have nothing in common with Europe and universal human values. For the sake of formality, we recall that the same Odessa, where the scum were killed by their own fellow citizens and now they are terribly proud, was laid by Empress Catherine II, and one of the first governors and then governors of Novorossia (lol, jacket) and Bessarabia in 1804-1815 For years, the infamous, wild Mongolian-katsap Armand Emmanuel Sophia-Septimani de Vigneres du Plessis, Comte de Chinon, 5 Duke of Richelieu, who at the end of his life managed to be another foreign minister and head of government of infinitely wild, wretched France. The same applies to the Austrian Lemberg - a German-Jewish-Polish-Armenian-Russian city, where there were no “Ukrainians”.

It is impossible to explain why the “highest race” of Ukrainians washes toilets and kneads the solution, and also sells vaginas in Europe and Russia - like guest workers and prostitutes. Once again, the Muscovites podgadili, the Katsaps, the oil mold, cannot do anything, God, kill this black hole of the planet (a brief retelling of the “theory”).

3. The logical part of military propaganda is also a list of “hurt feelings”. It makes no sense to disassemble them, all this is golimy lies and lies, but for military propaganda, which is perceived by Ukrainians as a broadcast of LIE, it does not matter.

What do we have at the exit?

1. We have a people who are propagandistically sharpened to war with the Russians, hate them, are ready for anything for the sake of "victory." That is, kill, execute, torture. Once again, the Ukrainians are ready and morally prepared to kill the Russians. No matter what, it does not matter, nor does it matter that they are not even Russians at all, but their Ukrainians (!). That is why the last "Peremoga" in Odessa and met with such a joyful roar. People to this prepared, podvodili. They PROMISED it.

A more weakened version of this behavior is ukrofily bloggers from Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk, who have been fighting Putin for years, but the slightest attempts to look at Ukraine from a different point of view have been met with furious, vicious racist rhetoric. I saw about ten people in my eyes - it was kind of sane, and then turned into a mad Ukrainian dog. In Putin’s RF, he’s often rightly, I’ll note, complete Asiatic and obscurantism, the collapse of everything and everything, but Ukraine ... this is sacred, take away your dirty paws from the Katsapa offspring, Ukraine has blossomed and will bloom for a thousand years in spite of you, Putin's slaves.

Some Russian observers expressed surprise in this connection - rampant racist propaganda against Ukraine is going on in Ukraine against its neighbor, against practically its own people, but this country has no army. Why? Because, you see, for Tutsi and Hutu, no army is needed to arrange a suicidal massacre. Sticks, fixtures, knives, some firearms and Molotov cocktails, what else do you need to burn, kill, rape "Katsap"? As for military fenders, when confronted with armed resistance from the Russians (not the Russian army, but simply the rebels), a regular combing of the blunt nape of the neck begins - “we didn’t expect it”:

2. Propaganda creates an amazing, monstrous and distorted world, musty, saturated with hate, death, ashes and self-destruction. However, such propaganda cannot be carried on for a long time, because it acts destructively on the human psyche. Society is deformed, the economy degenerates, social ties. Such a state cannot be built into modern economic relations in any way, it is sharpened for self-hatred and self-destruction, what kind of investment is there?

3. In this world, there are no causal relationships, there is no notion of truth and lies, because everything is sharpened by one thing - the fight against the damned bloodsucker-Moskal. Kill him, kill him again, then kill him again, and then ... and then what? Never mind. There will be a country-garden with huts, pigs, ondrykami and natalkami in the field. Achito?

From the point of view of reflexology and behavioral psychology (behaviorism), a Ukrainian is the simplest "Pavlov's dog" with two constant reactions:

1. Achito?
2. Blame Muscovites.

This miserable and uncomplicated dvuhhodovka mental apparatus and was demonstrated by Odessa, and before that the Crimea, Maidan, and so on. The “Ukrainian” lives in his fictional nationalistic reality, very unpleasant and painful even for himself, and not having contact with the real world. The last Ukrainians are trying to bend in all seriousness - there are no Russian saboteurs in the burned-out building, it does not matter, we throw in fake photos, the main thing is to hold the night, stand for a day, peremoga there, kill all Muscovites, and the reality is plasticine, they cannot be really ugly Muscovites do something, we have America, hooray!

When a couple of months ago I published a couple of videos with columns of ghouls, chanting “Muscovites for Knives,” several scrupulous persons from among Moscow liberals and ancestors from Ukrainian Jews snorted with displeasure, they say, “became a padded jacket.” But after all, it does not even occur to Ukrainians and their curators that criticism of Ukrainians may not be for Putin’s money and not according to instructions! What people really do not like when some ... call for the destruction of persons of their nationality! After all, the war is going on, but in war - as in war. Either you are a paid spy, or you are intimidated by something. That brings Katsap nonsense-slander against the good and democratic fennel.

When naive Radulova posted a screen from Polish on her blog News, where it is written IN UKRAINE (and in all related Slavic languages ​​- Polish, Czech, Slovak, it is written that way), the ukri who came to her blog blamed the naive idiot for "national betrayal." Because “not betrayal” is to lie to the Russians, deceive them, insult them and make them write in their own language as the Ukrainians need (who, I notice for a moment, have their own language, but the trouble is it speaks 10-15 % of the population).

The Ukrainian is an honest and professional liar. To deceive Moskal, to deceive themselves, to deceive their own Ukrainians is a matter of "honor." I look after the activity of a certain "Tymchuk", which constantly replicates lies (it was especially good about the Crimean campaign), constantly getting slack, but continues to regularly supply "reliable" information to ukro-mass media and Moscow shabby bloggers. Therefore, no dialogue with the Ukrainian is simply impossible; the Russian should pass by a grimacing Ukrainian.

The world of Ukrainians is a rather strange jumble of shadows, where the Ukrainian Aryan fights against a certain Moskal, on the far horizon some kind of "good uncles elves" - America, the West, who love and adore the Ukrainians. All the media, blogs, television of Ukraine are crammed with cries about the "destructive actions of the Russian special services." In most cases, the Ukrainian is prozombirovan so much that he will not see a single trick in (I quote from memory): "Putin sent snipers to Kiev to shoot at the freedom-loving people of Maidan, who overthrows Moscow-appointed dictator Yanukovich." Well, it shoots that this nation quickly overthrew this Yanukovych. What do you think will happen if you ask Ukra about the actions of the special services of Poland, the USA or England in Ukraine? Will gasp for air, like a fish on land. There is no such thing in the world. Therefore, even innocuous fan-loud ukry cargo chants are remade for military needs - with the aim of insulting the "enemy." What for?

Ukraine will win, our people will once again surprise the world, and we all will be able to continue to build the country of our dreams, where there is a place for any constructive ideas, projects and energy. Together till the end.

And all this orom. And the victory - is the destruction of the "enemy" (ie, Russian). Try asking a Ukrainian how he is going to live on, destroying all his economic ties with Russia after the “won” fratricidal war? Try to ask why Ukraine, one of the best Soviet republics, built such high-tech as Ruslan and Mriya airplanes, which are now with great pleasure rented by the "progressive" NATO fighters for transportation to Afghanistan (yes, yes, quilted jackets nothing can not produce), rolled over for 23 year in full g ..., in full Albania? A country where on top of a social dream is a prostitute in a German or Moscow brothel, as well as a worker who kneads cement in some Romania or Poland?

If, in recent years, a couple of million people fleeing abroad (about 2% of the population) escaped from Putin’s stench of the Russian Federation, how did over the past 23 year disappear from the Ukrainian paradise to 20% of the country's population? Of the 52 million people in Ukraine in 1991, by the year 2013 there were about 44 million, and then by the most optimistic official calculations (that is, it is clearly greatly overestimated). Where are the others? Everybody died? Why did they run away from "prosperous Ukraine"?

There are no answers to this, nor will there be. It will be a long, muddy, idiotic nonsense, not connected in any way with reality. There will be insults, reproaches of "Jewry" (Ukrainians are slipping into anti-Semitism already on the third sentence - after all, their ancestors killed quite a few Jews, let's not forget), jumps, grimaces, fakes, a couple of demotivators will go, at least the Ukrainian will come up with - as it seems to him - a witty and impish insult in order to "morally ram the enemy". Somehow, for the sake of interest, I asked the impudent user kant_elz (an old-fashioned Kharkov Jew who fled to Germany and from there struggling with “Russian propaganda” - apparently, the person did not learn German, now he is overmixed with “Kiselevo”). The answers were:

1. To nullify economic cooperation with vile, vile and deceitful Russia.
2. Reorient to the West, attract Western investment, build high-tech.

That is, if in a simple way, then destroy at least two of the most important sectors of the economy of Ukraine (in spite of Moskalak) - metallurgy and mechanical engineering, and try to conquer the EU market with your grain and Nezhin tomatoes. Why? Brilliant program. Ukrainians are sure that the West loves them, the West will shower them with brilliant gifts, that the West will help them in their holy struggle with Rashka, the wild, Asian Horde, where slave Russia pays a huge tribute to Chechens (a logical question arises, and where is the same for Ukrainian democrats ?) Why the West over the previous 23 of the year did not help them, does not even reflect, and there is no such option.

All this means that now and in the coming months no entry of Russian troops into Ukraine can be done. This is a serpentarium, a kingdom of the dead, a burial ground of zombies - malicious, stupid, aggressive. Sharpened on the murder of Russian on ... but just like that. People brought to the level of African cannibals.

To the same sane people in Ukraine, if they are still there, advice - leave from there, leave the territory of Death. There will be very bad, and it will be bad soon enough and quickly. While in Ukraine there are still salaries, there is light, there is water, there is an external similarity of public order, but all this is inertia from previous years (the disgusting tyrant Yanukovych, who plundered hundreds of billions of euros in Ukraine). And inertia tends to fade.

But Russians in Ukraine have nothing to hope for — they will simply be killed. For the fact that they are Russian. Yes, this is conspiracy theory, lol, quilted jackets, we are freaks, yes, yes. But, alas, this is all a reality. Another way out for them is to join the ranks of the Russian resistance in the Southeast, take up arms and burn the obscene-nazi're coming out in "boxes" so that the screaming alive of the representatives of the "superior race" can be heard in their horns, Lviv, Vinnytsia and smooth. Unfortunately, these people do not understand another language (aka the Soviet and the mythical "brotherly people").
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  1. +5
    6 May 2014 13: 38
    Ukrainians are corrupt creatures...hochlozhops...so that your relatives will be burned and raped just like those people in Odessa!!!!damn you rotten nation...so that your children will kill you...Ukropeytsy.. ..

    Odessa will come back to haunt you not in this world, but in the next
  2. -3
    6 May 2014 13: 47
    For some reason, everyone has forgotten that the goal of the United States is to pit the once united Russian people against each other. The author professionally and simply hammers home the image of the enemy - a stupid and wild Ukrainian with all that it implies. We must not forget that American intelligence services (cyber troops) are in full control of ukrosites. The article is a minus, there is too much propaganda, although it feels like it’s painful (I’m like that myself).
    1. +6
      6 May 2014 15: 51
      First of all, think with YOUR own head, compare, draw conclusions.
      Personally, I concluded from the article: indeed, sending in troops now would be unforgivable stupidity. Even if the majority in the southeast is now passive, before the troops are brought in they are potentially ours, and after the troops are brought in - alas. And this will have to be taken into account.

      And the truth, as always, is somewhere nearby(((((((((((((And you can downvote.
    2. +1
      6 May 2014 19: 09
      Quote: Semenov
      hammers home the image of the enemy - a stupid and wild Ukrainian

      You shouldn't be so emotional.
      I believe that he is not “hammering”, but more or less harmoniously analyzing, revealing the root cause of the cesspool occurring in Ukraine - the massively induced state of “Maydownism”.
      To solve a problem, you need to understand it, which is what the author does.
    3. SMV
      6 May 2014 19: 40
      I completely agree! And the USA seems to have almost achieved this... it’s a pity.
  3. +2
    6 May 2014 13: 52
    They’ve been licking my ass for 20 years and the “garneau” will not heal, so who’s to blame? Right , ! This is their logic.
  4. Theton.
    6 May 2014 13: 57
    The guys must hold Slavyansk until May 11!! A small stone in the boot. An important knot. I’m far away in Yakutia, but somewhere I’m very close!
  5. +1
    6 May 2014 14: 04
    The EU wants to quickly remove pensioners and those over 40, so that only young people who grew up hating Russia remain.
  6. -6
    6 May 2014 14: 04
    the author of the article mixed everything possible into a heap and presented this mess to us as some kind of great postulate - everything is always bad for everyone, but when everyone is bad, who then feels good? I will say that it was not possible to artificially create a Ukrainian state and it was not possible to raise Ukrainian people. having separated a piece of its territory from Russia, the people inhabiting these lands have been pointing at us for years as sworn enemies, and the provocation on a state scale was a success - Russia is considered an enemy by those who were close to us. The point is not who the Ukrainians are, but to return many millions to Russia people in Ukraine lose their minds and painlessly set their brains back, because if Russia does not start taking care of its torn-off land, we will see in our home the blood and death of innocents at the hands of those whom we considered our brothers
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 20: 44
      You are not my brother, Bandera mug, not my brother!... am
  7. +3
    6 May 2014 14: 09
    death to Ukrainian fascists
  8. +2
    6 May 2014 14: 16
    Two Bandera men are sitting in ambush, watching the Red Army move past them. And then a tank drives past them. And immediately in the trench stank. One of Bandera:
    - Mikola, you sho, all the fear lies !?
    - Ta ni, kume, schi vi! Not a fear, but a fear of hate. laughing
  9. 0
    6 May 2014 14: 25
    I completely agree with what was written except for the last paragraph. This is a call to become like them.
  10. -1
    6 May 2014 14: 26
    But Ukrainian psychopaths have broken all records and fallen below any moral rock bottom.
    And the whole article is in the same spirit, somehow I even felt uneasy... I don’t believe it! A fly in the ointment spoils a huge barrel of a good product. Just recently I contacted a former colleague from Sumy. I ask, are the tomatoes wilted? Enemies forever? He - what are you saying, I have more relatives in Russia than in Ukraine, how can we be enemies?
    Although perhaps a grain of truth is visible in the article. If you tell a healthy person every day that he is a stupid person, then after a month he will start drooling and start snorting...
  11. DimDimych
    6 May 2014 14: 28
    "sane people in Ukraine, if they still exist there,
    advice - leave there, leave the territory of Death"
  12. -1
    6 May 2014 14: 31
    You can’t put an equal sign between Ukrainians and Bandera’s Maidan Euro-Khokhlovs.
    1. 0
      7 May 2014 08: 23
      Quote: Old Siberian
      You can’t put an equal sign between Ukrainians and Bandera’s Maidan Euro-Khokhlovs.

      Possible and necessary.
      1. skaarjj
        7 May 2014 16: 29
        nope, there is no way to put equality - Ukrainians and we are one people. Galicians/Banderaites and those who absorbed their mentality - those under the knife, without prisoners, as I already said
  13. +4
    6 May 2014 14: 37
    A Ukrainian is a fascist. Burn him in an oiled embroidered shirt and trousers.
    1. sergei-morjak
      6 May 2014 16: 12
      You are wrong. The Ukrainian is not a fascist, there is no need to generalize! Those who came from the West are not Ukrainians, this is what our Austrian ancestors, the eternal enemies of Russia, called them. They, like microbes, crawled from the West onto the territory of Ukraine and infected everyone who was not immune with hatred of Russia.
    2. skaarjj
      7 May 2014 16: 31
      Yes, stop inflaming something here - Ukrainian=Russian=Russian..who are you going to burn? there is no ethnic group Ukrainian, there are problems of self-identification... those who have absolutely problems with this + blood on their hands are in the ditch.... the rest are brothers
  14. +4
    6 May 2014 14: 49
    Slavyansk is a hero city. This small town has attracted the attention of the whole world. Just as Stalingrad became famous for its unheard-of resilience and heroism, so Slavyansk became a symbol of courage and perseverance. It stands and holds on despite the complete blockade and constant clashes, the death of civilians and militias. The majority of the city's residents are ethnic Ukrainians. Therefore, one should not confuse Ukrobanderites with their misanthropic ideas and Russophobia with ordinary residents of Ukraine. We need to strengthen the Slavic brotherhood, and not look for each other’s shortcomings.
  15. +3
    6 May 2014 14: 58
    Ukraine reminds me of something like this wink

    1. sergei-morjak
      6 May 2014 16: 16
      I agree, the moral is simple. Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll end up in it yourself.
  16. MG42
    6 May 2014 15: 01
    Ukraine is similar to the Titanic in recent years. months, there is water in the hold >> Donbass stokers are flooded with water, the orchestra is playing a Euro-waltz in Kyiv, orcs are jumping on the Maidan, trying to choose a captain on May 25.
  17. +1
    6 May 2014 15: 06
    obraztsov RU Today, 08:05 ↑
    But several generations ago this was not. From Western Ukrainians brought up our enemies. And the main opponent for us is the one who did it.

    God would give us the opportunity to hit the lair of these nonhumans.

    The address, according to GPS, is the USA, and according to Glonas, it is the Pentagon. In a word, we won’t miss the mark!
  18. Manul49
    6 May 2014 15: 21
    What is a Ukrainian?
    Psychiatry must give the answer.

    My first memory of Ukraine. The scene is the Lviv railway station.
    I am 4 years old. My grandmother and I get out of the carriage. I have a toy squirrel in my hands. A local boy, about 7-8 years old, runs past. He snatches the toy from his hands and disappears into the crowd...
  19. Hate
    6 May 2014 15: 41
    Forgive me, but I don’t agree that all Ukrainians are like this and that Russians and I are not brothers. It’s difficult for me to call people from Western Ukraine Ukrainians; they have only Western blood! And we have always been very different, they even have a different language. For me, the image of Ukraine is always Poltava, the people there are kind, straightforward and sympathetic. They love their land, and I have never heard any nasty things about Russians in those lands, they accepted everyone equally. I never heard about Bandera or other evil spirits there either. I believe that Ukrainians are a very naive people, they believe everything, and we were simply deceived, because they constantly play on TV - they will capture you, scary and terrible and they hammer and hammer you, and you can go crazy. And people began to forget that these terrible and terrible ones are our friends, husbands, grandmothers and that we have been living with them for many, many years. I think there is not a single family in the southeast that does not have Russian roots. And suddenly we are no longer brothers or relatives. And even those with Russian roots suddenly became “Maidanovites.” All these horrors that are happening are the result of terrible propaganda, cheating and brainwashing (I’m not talking about the Nazis, for me these are not people). I have many relatives, both Ukrainians and Russians, and in my entire life I have never been divided between who and where. I hope that the Russian people will not forget that we are part of it.
  20. sergei-morjak
    6 May 2014 15: 45
    In my opinion, we need to dig much deeper, because Western Ukraine is not Ukraine at all, it is the territory of the former Austria-Hungary, and there concentration camps were organized for the Slavs back in the First World War and real patriots were destroyed even then. And the territory of Western Ukraine was taken into the Soviet Union after The Great Patriotic War is a Trojan horse imposed on us by the West like Pakistan in India or just like the formed states in the Middle East. They, the former protectorates of Great Britain, were divided so that there would always be a hotbed of discontent smoldering there. So in our country a hotbed of eternal discontent was artificially created. I remember how back in the mid-70s, residents of Western Ukraine, either jokingly or seriously, were already called Benderites. This is an indicator. But as soon as Ukraine became independent, everything that the West laid as a time bomb back in the 40s exploded now with the help Overseas successors of the former Empire on which the Sun never sets, i.e. Great Britain.
  21. Rubmolot
    6 May 2014 15: 50
    Several years ago I took part in a 3-day international symposium in Lvov. The organizers organized a trip out of town; they booked a bus with a guidebook from a local shopping center. Among the participants of the trip were the British, Czechs, Slovaks, Belarusians, Russians, Lithuanians and Ukrainians. Most of them - or rather all of them - understood Russian, including one Englishman. When the guide from TC at the beginning asked in what language we should accompany him, one of the organizers instantly reacted:
    "Yak, yak???!" "We know each other in Ukraine, Ukrainians!"
    Ukrainian language is beautiful, but we understood very little from the accompanying word.
    This is my experience with the cheap nationalism of Western Ukraine.
    Another problem was to explain to a 55-year-old taxi driver in Russian that I needed to go to the airport.
    “I don’t understand,” he constantly answered. Only when I asked him if I didn’t go to school under the USSR, and convinced him that I was a Czech, he silently took me to the airport.
  22. +6
    6 May 2014 15: 59
    0-800-504040 free. Using this number you can enlist in the National Guard. Just for fun, I called, demanded Kalash, the girl quickly redirected me to a stern man who promised him to me (when he found out that I was also an officer, he promised a salary of 1500 USD), in the purest Russian.
    This is how we deal in Khokhland.
  23. +3
    6 May 2014 16: 03
    Admin. It's time to ban everyone who calls for killing people with neutron weapons.
    About moaning about where we were 23 years ago. Remind. In the deep....., on the edge of the abyss. And our enemies took advantage of this. Nuland voiced 5 lard, but I think much more has been invested in Ukraine. Not only the USA is involved there, but also Germany, Poland and other scoundrels.
    And regarding the export of products. This junta is being prepared for the independence of the DPR. They already realized that they may have lost here and, on the advice of the amers, they will starve. And they create a reserve for themselves for the winter.
    So it’s time for the South-East to switch to guerrilla actions and block transport arteries. Otherwise, then it will be too late and they will buy loyalty for rations when there is nothing to eat. Sincerely.
  24. +1
    6 May 2014 16: 07
    Western Ukrainians are zombied by complete nationalism. But in fact - what kind of independence can we talk about when Ukraine is only doing what it thinks - who to lie under (Sweden, Germany, EU,..)
  25. +2
    6 May 2014 16: 08
    My parents survived the occupation as children (my father lived in Ukraine) - they are already approaching 80 - and both of them still cannot calmly hear German speech... I find myself flinching if I hear Ukrainian. What a horror.... I agree 100% - you cannot send in troops now, under any circumstances. To do this means to ruin everything that can still be restored in this country - I mean brainwashed... And the Russians need to return to Russia...
  26. +2
    6 May 2014 16: 08
    Quote: Rubmolot
    “I don’t understand,” he constantly answered. Only when I asked him if I didn’t go to school under the USSR, and convinced him that I was a Czech, he silently took me to the airport.

    Another example is Riga, we went on an excursion when we were still in school. We were warned in advance that it is better to speak Ukrainian in stores, and it’s true - they served at the highest level, if you speak Russian, they don’t seem to notice you.
    1. Rubmolot
      6 May 2014 16: 21
      I bought ice cream in Italy... I don’t speak Italian, I asked the seller in the first language - German.
      Answer: Deutsche Tfu!
      Already sold it in English without comment. I didn’t try Russian then.
  27. +1
    6 May 2014 16: 25
    All this means that now and in the coming months no entry of Russian troops into Ukraine can be done. This is a serpentarium, a kingdom of the dead, a burial ground of zombies - malicious, stupid, aggressive. Sharpened on the murder of Russian on ... but just like that. People brought to the level of African cannibals.
    except for the island of humanity - Luhansk region and Donetsk, of course, you can’t say it better, GHOULHS. I don’t go to the censor from today. There’s nothing for normal people to do there.
    1. +5
      6 May 2014 18: 27
      Quote: jktu66
      I don’t go to the censor from today. There’s nothing for normal people to do there.

      I was there once, I don't want to go there again.
  28. +1
    6 May 2014 16: 49
    70-80 years, shortage...a smart guy comes into the store.

    Asks the seller:
    - Gina?
    XX- What about it?
    XX-Allright, get into a salofan!

    Yulia Baranka e?
    wrap it in a black wrapper.
  29. 0
    6 May 2014 16: 52
    When the Junta (if we do not intervene) suppresses the east, then we will get a completely hostile state at our side, and it will be a disaster...
    1. +6
      6 May 2014 18: 40
      Quote: Agent 008
      When the Junta (if we do not intervene) suppresses the east, then we will get a completely hostile state at our side, and it will be a disaster...

      We'll get it anyway.
  30. +1
    6 May 2014 16: 54
    What is Ukrainian? But everyone will decide for themselves - the milestone has arrived. Either you are a Slav and a brother to your brothers and your people. Or a fascist and a cannibalistic murderer. This is the situation today...
  31. +2
    6 May 2014 17: 43
    The junta is being dragged to the slaughter
  32. +3
    6 May 2014 18: 01
    Great article! I agree with the author 100 percent!
  33. +4
    6 May 2014 18: 23
    Something like that, from the heart :)
  34. +1
    6 May 2014 18: 24
    He served in the SA in 87-89, we had Westerners, they were Bandera’s even then. So what kind of brothers are they to us? And as for the rest of the Ukrainians, it’s time for them to understand that for Western “benefactors” they are consumable material - meat in war with the Russians. They were pleasing to them for 20 years, they thought they would give them a beautiful life, but they never lived beautifully, and the Russians turned out to be to blame. Damn logic!
    1. SMV
      6 May 2014 19: 57
      [quote=tinibar]As for the rest of the Ukrainians, it’s time for them to understand that for Western “benefactors” they are consumable meat in the war with the Russians.They pandered to them for 20 years, they thought they would give them a beautiful life, but they never lived beautifully, and the Russians turned out to be to blame.

      That's it! It’s been 20 years - my house is on edge! And now Russia is to blame - it’s not sending in troops!!!
  35. +1
    6 May 2014 18: 24
    It looks like a madhouse within the state of Ukraine, of course SE does not count.
  36. +3
    6 May 2014 18: 36
    I completely agree with the article. CONCLUSION: Russia should not introduce peacekeeping troops, but occupation troops, for the physical liquidation of Bandera’s followers, and not to save the Ukrainians (everything is clear with them, they are not people) but to save itself.
  37. +3
    6 May 2014 18: 36
    Plus for the author. Let it be based on emotions, but it’s true. I myself witnessed the beginning of this horror, in the early 90s. I served there. I saw torchlight processions in Lvov in 1991. And now the majority of the population does not like Russia. And our troops have nothing to do there. Who wants get a guerrilla war for 30 years?
  38. +1
    6 May 2014 18: 37
    Quote: Natrix
    Killing a dragon, you cannot become a dragon yourself. Yes

    Don't flatter yourself with the thought that this is a dragon. What is born in Ukraine cannot be called a dragon. It looks more like a jackal. And while he is still small, he must be drowned.
    And the dragon, dragons are also different. Including polite ones.
    1. +6
      6 May 2014 18: 49
      Quote: Valter1364
      It looks more like a jackal.

      then according to Kipling, Sasha are tigers?) both of them are rather mad dogs subject to destruction
  39. +2
    6 May 2014 18: 39
    Good article!
  40. +2
    6 May 2014 19: 00
    The article is tough, but absolutely understandable. I am grateful to the author, I share his position. This is the TRUTH, no matter how bitter it is to admit it.
  41. +2
    6 May 2014 19: 08
    Urkaina is a Matrix from which they will never escape. It would be possible, in a brotherly way, to give some brains, but alas, due to the lack of this option in this configuration, this is not possible. In general, Urkaina was associated with a number of ordinary, sewers of the democratic world.
  42. +6
    6 May 2014 19: 15
    Quote: Arkan
    but alas, due to the lack of this option in this configuration, this is not possible.

    there is a vacuum in the skull. and as you know, there is nothing in it
  43. Daemon
    6 May 2014 19: 22
    I don’t agree with the author about m.o.s.k.a.l.e., it’s not so simple:
  44. +1
    6 May 2014 19: 23
    We will never be brothers
    Not with the fascist scum, and with the bl...mi!

    Thanks to the moderators!
  45. Simonov
    6 May 2014 19: 35
    Quote: Randaltor
    "Our enemies were raised from the western Ukrainians." They have always been. He served with the Westerners 92-94 in Kiev. The main qualities are stupidity, ignorance and caveman Nazism. Bandera, Ukromova - that was in their conversations even then. And this is exactly the west - Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk. Chernivtsi. There were normal guys from the center.

    Not a fact.
    I served as a conscript in the PV (KZPO) directly in Kyiv itself. In the unit, in addition to being drafted from Samara, there were guys from Lvov, Kerch, Sumy, Simferopol, Balti (Moldova). The Svidomites, oddly enough, were guys from Sumy. The Lvov draft was quite sane and adequate, without any national quirks.
  46. Vorkutinets
    6 May 2014 19: 37
    A Ukrainian is an honest and professional liar. To deceive a neighbor, to deceive oneself, to deceive one’s own Ukrainians is a matter of “honor.” No. I can’t even object to anything. Absolute truth in every word +10. hi
  47. SMV
    6 May 2014 19: 38
    Indeed, the Russians are probably not the best people on earth (the Germans are much better, although they burned 6 million Jews, this is officially considered).

    Yeah... the author has “interesting” thoughts... the Germans not only exterminated Jews... you need to know history!!!
  48. +1
    6 May 2014 19: 49
    Everything is going according to plan - there should be 15 million slaves left on the territory of the USSR (now the CIS). Plus one more factor - a supervolcano in the USA, at least part of the population of North America needs to be evacuated somewhere, which means Odessa is acquiring great geopolitical significance. All that remains is to clear the territory of local aborigines. And there has been a US military biological laboratory in Odessa for many years, and there are similar laboratories in Georgia and the Baltic states.
  49. +6
    6 May 2014 20: 12
    Quote: AKKUL
    And mental processing begins in elementary school, where children are told what a wonderful land of elves they live in,

    like this?
  50. +2
    6 May 2014 20: 15
    I am Russian myself. And I have a friend. Ukrainian. Western. For her, Bandera sounds proud. But that’s her business. I’m talking about something else. When we just communicate, such a woman is good. But when it comes to Russia-Ukraine relations.. This is such She’s talking nonsense. Well, she’s a pure zombie. When you tell her that white is white, it simply doesn’t reach her. You took away Crimea. There was no referendum there. Everyone was driven at gunpoint to the elections. The Russians sent by Putin are fighting in the east of Ukraine. They burned down in Odessa non-humans. They must be destroyed. Everyone who disagrees with us must be destroyed. We have freedom and democracy in Ukraine, but in your country Putin shoots everyone and puts them in prison. Russia has almost collapsed already... it needs to be cut. Well, read the nonsense in that in the same spirit. And when I say, does the fact that you kill or burn someone not make your conscience torment you? You go to church. Did God really say that she should kill? The answer is murderous. You are a real Russian who wants war with a peaceful Ukrainian people. You are too aggressive and militant. That’s it, you can’t think of a better way to kill. When I told her that you are peace-loving, all I heard from you was kill, destroy, burn, but you never heard anything bellicose and evil from me and words like that..Well, the answer. I’m a stupid woman who doesn’t understand anything. Well, here’s an example of zombification. It’s like a conversation with just cliches. It’s like they’ve filled their heads. And this despite the fact that she lives and works in Russia. Which feeds her family. Her parents, her son... And the fact that he acts like that pig under the oak tree doesn’t come easily.
    1. +6
      6 May 2014 20: 19
      Quote: Alfer
      Well, here’s an example of zombification. It’s like talking in cliches

      really cliches. You described all my conversations with Ukrainians one by one. and not only from Western Ukraine
    6 May 2014 20: 20
    Quote: maks-xnumx
    I personally have the word Western Ukrainian disgusted as the word fascist in relation to the Germans, I understand that there are a lot of good people in western Ukraine but consciousness is resisting this, consciousness says that they need to be killed and that’s the point.

    We were traveling in a train, after the collapse of the USSR, from Hungary, t.s. withdrawal of troops. We passed through good Lvov. The train stood up to replenish water, etc. Our people ran to buy something native - seven people left, six returned with nothing, and the last one took only Polish alcohol, and only because he spoke Ukrainian. This is how we were greeted when we left Europe in Ukraine. This is just one episode, there will be more to come! Bestiality between citizens began immediately with the collapse of the USSR. Now the freaks have multiplied into a whole army, the army of the Nazis. 23 years old is a generation! It seems that special agents were sent to the territory of Ukraine, the Baltic states, and Belarus during the war years for long-term and clandestine destructive activities against the Soviet system and society. Hence, it seems to me, the transfer of Crimea to Ukraine (to the heap) in 1954. The more ukrov, the better for the West.
  52. +6
    6 May 2014 20: 39
    Eternal memory to the victims of Nazism - Hitler's and Ukrainian...
  53. +3
    6 May 2014 20: 40
    Fortunately, not everyone is zombied! And where should we go? This is the Motherland! We will stand until the last with weapons in our hands!
  54. +2
    6 May 2014 20: 56
    Eh-he-he! And we are all their brothers... "We will never be brothers..." - through the mouth of a baby... (the girl-poet is right!)
  55. +3
    6 May 2014 21: 04
    For those who don’t know what the “right sector” looks like.
    Educational video. You can’t help but think about the inner content of the “brotherly people.”

  56. The comment was deleted.
  57. +2
    6 May 2014 21: 18
    This is what Ukrainians write when discussing a murdered pregnant woman in a video on YouTube.
    Andriy Bezkorovainy 1 day ago:
    And rightly so.
    Finish off the Colorado Wikidish so that it doesn't multiply anymore.
    And here is his profile youtube.com/user/KapiTO4KA
    1. tokin1959
      6 May 2014 22: 16
      Yes, go to the blog of some “Russian” liberal - they write exactly the same thing there.
      a non-human can only rejoice in the murder of a defenseless woman.
  58. Or me
    6 May 2014 21: 30
    Guys Russians! Here in the article it is written about the fact that in Ukraine only people with brainwashed live, who fiercely hate Russians and Russia. And this article is what ?! This is the same only on the other fraternal side. My paternal grandfather died near Koenigsberg in the spring of the 45th, on the maternal side, the grandfather fought in the 4th Kuban Cossack Corps from the 41st to the 45th. I immediately pulled three years to the Black Sea Fleet with the guys from the Kuban, Siberia, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tver, Nizhny. For me, Russia has always been a second home. Your policemen never even cheated on me, because I am no different from you. And here you are me and my relatives, and my other friends and other Ukrainians recorded in Judah, Bandera and traitors in a bunch with those knocked out @ dkami ?! Why the hell is everything being written ?! Where do I and these people go, run, fly? All have families, some kind of housing, work, and who will need us in Russia? Replenish the mass of Tajiks and Uzbeks?
    I myself am in a terrible depression from what is going on with us, what will happen next with this unfortunate country.
    And here, too, you have such ardent fraternal support ....................................... ......
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 21: 44
      Quote: Elijah
      Guys Russians! Here in the article it is written about the fact that in Ukraine only people with brainwashed live, who fiercely hate Russians and Russia. And this article is what ?! This is the same only on the other fraternal side. My paternal grandfather died near Koenigsberg in the spring of the 45th, on the maternal side, the grandfather fought in the 4th Kuban Cossack Corps from the 41st to the 45th. I immediately pulled three years to the Black Sea Fleet with the guys from the Kuban, Siberia, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tver, Nizhny. For me, Russia has always been a second home. Your policemen never even cheated on me, because I am no different from you. And here you are me and my relatives, and my other friends and other Ukrainians recorded in Judah, Bandera and traitors in a bunch with those knocked out @ dkami ?! Why the hell is everything being written ?! Where do I and these people go, run, fly? All have families, some kind of housing, work, and who will need us in Russia? Replenish the mass of Tajiks and Uzbeks?
      I myself am in a terrible depression from what is going on with us, what will happen next with this unfortunate country.
      And here, too, you have such ardent fraternal support ....................................... ......

      NOBODY classifies normal people as Judases, even the majority of those who are now opposed to Russia are not. We are the UNITED RUSSIAN PEOPLE, those who think otherwise are bastards. There is no need to run anywhere, but we need to get up and work to restore our unity, and our support here is guaranteed.

      True, there are “hot heads” who do not restrain their tongues, but this is due to stupidity.
    2. tokin1959
      6 May 2014 22: 13
      no offense.
      Here he often refers to Bandera’s supporters and their sympathizers as “Ukrainians.”
      and the rest of the Ukrainians are simply considered Russians.
  59. +1
    6 May 2014 21: 50
    Quote: radio operator
    What a woman...
    1. +1
      6 May 2014 22: 45
      "do not give"...
      Hmm... No one will take it, even if you ask...
  60. The comment was deleted.
  61. +2
    6 May 2014 21: 54
    I talked not so long ago with a Ukrainian “expert”. It all came down to this phrase: if we had nuclear weapons, which our idiotic government destroyed on the orders of Moscow, you would have been to hell instead of Crimea! To which I asked, what do you think? Was your government able to use it competently?! And what am I asking, now Slavyansk and Donetsk would be the Ukrainian Herosima and Nagasaki?! To which he replied, I don’t give a fuck... she’s not sorry...
    No comments...
    1. tokin1959
      6 May 2014 22: 09
      the world has a very good idea of ​​who the Ukrainians are and that they cannot be trusted with nuclear weapons, which is why there was such unanimity around the world on this issue.
      even if it existed, it would still have been sold to either the Americans or the Arabs, and the money would have been stolen, so it would not have existed anyway.
      Bandera nuclear weapons?
      in the West they are not fools, Bandera is capable of killing a pregnant woman, a defenseless person, burning Khatyn, he is not smart enough for anything else.
      so they will never have a nuclear bomb
  62. The comment was deleted.
  63. +4
    6 May 2014 22: 09
    A logical part of military propaganda is also a list "grievances caused". There is no point in sorting them out, all these are bare lies and lies...

    Hmm ...
    Russia, according to the “reasons” of the Ukrainians, for everything and will always be to blame:
    - for the fact that from the moment she gained “independence” her life gets worse and worse every year, and now she’s completely sunk into ruin;
    - for interfering in the internal conflict of the country;
    - for the fact that if they do NOT intervene in the conflict (they did not bring in peacekeeping troops, they did NOT force reconciliation);
    - because instead of spring sowing, they are engaged in spring “weeding”, forgetting to put on glasses, “great Ukrainians” uproot the fruits that bear fruit, without thinking about autumn and winter;
    - for allowing their country to be turned into a military training ground for the United States;
    ...Yes, even because all these years, in their “rada”, not a single meeting takes place without fist fights, where “GREAT” “civilized” Ukrainians FIGHT among themselves... Russia is also to blame for this...
    Are there any normal people there???
  64. +6
    6 May 2014 22: 11
    Ukrainians have long been no longer ours (in the normal understanding of the meaning of this word) and not our own... this is a sad fact.
    From everyday conversations... about how they are the drinkers and breadwinners of the entire USSR... that they are being robbed for the sake of all the republics... to hostility towards Russians in our years... this is the path the Ukrainian self has gone through.

    I don’t deny that there are people who maintain normal relationships at the level of personal contacts... I’m talking about something else... they for the most part are no longer ours.
  65. +2
    6 May 2014 22: 14
    “To the same sane people in Ukraine, if they are still there, my advice is to leave there, leave the territory of Death. It will be very bad there, and it will be bad soon enough.” (WITH)

    Where? In Russia? A few posts ago, it was written about a mother and son who left ADA. So, did any of the local officials rush to help them? Did they receive Russian citizenship as refugees? Every bureaucratic petty bastard will say “no”, afraid of losing his job if he says “yes”, without regard to his superiors. “What if it’s impossible, but I’m here, of my own free will...”

    Just think about it, many people talked about a shelter for refugees. Who will be able to shelter Berkut employees, whose families and themselves are facing a terrible DEATH in the place that was considered home? Are you ready to take someone's family home? Even I, writing these lines, am not ready.
    My son has a godmother from the Lugansk region. And I can’t go to fight the Nazis for family reasons...
    Am I ashamed?
    Of course it's a shame...

    Minus if you want.
    1. tokin1959
      6 May 2014 22: 22
      you're right.
      We don’t have sugar either and it’s true.
      so it’s better to annex part of Ukraine to Russia, at least the Russian state, no one will persecute Ukrainians based on their nationality, Russians will not be forced to learn the language, and a Banderaite will never become the head of the Russian state.
      at least everything is predictable and relatively calm and there are no Banderas and there won’t be any.
  66. +3
    6 May 2014 22: 21
    Quote: matRoss
    Quote: Mugs
    I hear from acquaintances that many of their Ukrainian relatives on the phone are accused of assault, murder, the seizure of Crimea, saying "you, Russians" (somehow stupid, they are blood relatives themselves). They say "we have no more relatives in Russia" and stop communicating.

    I confirm, the same amazing garbage!
    And we did not believe to the last! False propaganda is a terrible weapon, it turns out. And how to be now? Kill them all? Unreal. Re-education seems also impossible. Drive to Galicia and fence off the wall? The task is not trivial ...
    Although in the twentieth century some were already cured, they were nevertheless brainwashed not in 23 years in the urine - only the Reich stood for 12 years (millennia!). Yes, and treated, consider the whole world, to a greater or lesser extent. I'm not talking about military power, of course, only about ideas.
    It seems that we must somehow let the monster devour itself ... But then God, save the Russians there. There’s a dead end! You involuntarily begin to think seditiously that Putin is silent now, not because it is not the time to speak, but because he also does not know what to do ...
    My humble one: if the results of the referendums clearly support the course towards Russia, recognize the Lugansk and Donetsk regions as independent, bring in peacekeepers at their request, burn out the evil spirits, but do not attach them yet, leave them as "vice versa limitrophes", feed and protect. And there it will be seen ... The creatures, of course, will howl with bad voices - sanctions, aggression - but there are no other options yet.

    I agree with the speaker.
  67. +2
    6 May 2014 22: 47
    Quote: Vixen

    Just think about it, many people talked about a shelter for refugees. Who will be able to shelter Berkut employees, whose families and themselves are facing a terrible DEATH in the place that was considered home? Are you ready to take someone's family home? Even I, writing these lines, am not ready.
    My son has a godmother from the Lugansk region. And I can’t go to fight the Nazis for family reasons...
    Am I ashamed?
    Of course it's a shame...

    If you are ashamed, then all is not lost... Dejection is a grave sin. Go to Kuban, to the Don. You will be accepted. There is a lot of space in Russia. And I assure you, they will help you. You just haven't tried. They will shelter and feed you. Don't judge people by yourself. By the way, the entire Berkut was sheltered...
  68. -7
    6 May 2014 22: 53
    I wonder where this Russian “smart guy” is advising us to run away? Firstly, for you and the fascist, I will declare that real Russians do not give up. Secondly, this is technically impossible: the borders are closed and people don’t have a lot of money. And thirdly, we won't go anywhere. As a last resort, we will use the same tactics as the current Russian Internet, namely, we will betray our own, i.e. you Russians. If you solemnly promise to support your own, and then, because of some sanctions, abandon your own brothers in fraternal countries, then what kind of brothers are you to us? Here people with their bare hands throw themselves at tanks for the sake of the common title of Slavs, and someone advises us to leave. Aren't you a Bandera bastard? If Russia, which started this mess together with the United States because of gas fields, including shale gas, and presented us with a choice between Russia and the United States, does not recognize our choice in its favor, then we will have to admit that the United States is still an alternative. While Russian trolls, sitting in warm armchairs at their computers, rant about the political struggle against the Ukrainians, in our east people are dying for the Russian spring. And not just, but going out bare-handed against armored vehicles. Although a good half of Russian politicians have promised us support, we don’t see it and don’t even smell it. Unless some enthusiasts break through to help besieged cities. And for this we thank them very much. Well, the majority are already accustomed to betrayal, so they are waiting for now. In principle, if this is another betrayal of the Russian-speaking population by their own brothers, we will not forgive it. And then you will get closer NATO bases. Well, and then the American spring in Moscow. It’s not that I’m scaring you, but this is how I see the situation.
    1. +2
      6 May 2014 23: 03
      Max! Stop your slurping! Judas! am This is all your trouble, described in your own words! Your Ukraine has died, you yourself ruined it, or rather burned it! So you are also a GHOUL from Donetsk!
    2. Surkov.Yura
      6 May 2014 23: 08
      you probably forgot 41 years ago, when we retreated from the western borders and you brothers Slavs shot us in the back and robbed the dead, and now the bad Russians are abandoning their own.
    3. +6
      6 May 2014 23: 40
      Are you sure, friend, that everyone in your city thinks the same way as you? That they need Russian support? Maybe they are simply waiting until a small part of the population runs out of steam and the Ukrainian army finally enters. We in Russia are not sure that the majority of the population wants our help. We are afraid that after the Russian guys die helping the fraternal people, they will be thrown into the field like dogs and told that the occupiers are dead. And the fraternal people will hiss at our backs - occupiers, we didn’t invite you. I think Putin is waiting for the results of the referendum. To understand what's what. In the meantime, there are few of you on the barricades, you yourself talk about it. Most of them sit at home and don’t want anything.
      1. +5
        7 May 2014 00: 03
        Exactly. Something like this stuck in my head too. Having betrayed you once, he will betray you again.
        Please take into account that the conversation is not about the population of one or two settlements, where at least part of the population showed courage and came out with their bare hands against thugs armed to the teeth, but about the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians, or whatever they call themselves, who are waiting for Russian guys will shed their blood for them, and then (everything is possible in this raging world) they will probably express their fucking dissatisfaction that Russia decided everything for them, and they just wanted to go to a well-fed Europe, so that they would be fed and groomed. Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, and indeed the whole of central Ukraine sits silently.
      2. The comment was deleted.
    4. +9
      7 May 2014 00: 46
      Quote: rtutaloe
      As a last resort, we will use the same tactics as the current Russian Internet, namely, we will betray our own, i.e. you Russians

      and you're not used to doing this
      Quote: rtutaloe
      In principle, if this is another betrayal of the Russian-speaking population by their own brothers, we will not forgive it.

      Why won't you forgive us? that you raised this scum, and we have to send our children to die? you there “my house is on the edge” will sit in front of the TV and watch the show, and our mothers will receive zinc coffins. You yourself can’t tear your butts off the sofa. how many are there at the checkpoints? bunch. where is everyone else? to get involved in a war because of a couple of thousand fighters from a multimillion-dollar region? and then receive bullets in the back and screams from the occupiers? when the whole Donbass stands up, then help will come to you
      1. +1
        7 May 2014 01: 06
        Couldn't have said it better...I subscribe to every word.
      2. The comment was deleted.
  69. +3
    6 May 2014 23: 31
    Quote: elmi
    Meanwhile, Bandera propaganda swung at the Rostov region and all of Russia

    They should not dream for long. They dream, but we act. Crimea, and soon the southeast and the rest of Ukraine will be part of Russia.

    He doesn’t even want to give their last names. How "modest". Yes, he doesn’t even know the name of the Russian Minister of Defense if you ask him. Stupid decoy. It feels like moronic American directing. At least they put a Russian uniform on this “Dmitro”, and not a tourist sweater with a tricolor. Sweatshirts from Hollywood, in short.
    1. tokin1959
      6 May 2014 23: 42
      and there will be one great Ukrainian people

      what's this? Do we need to learn the language in advance?)))))
      Do you think anyone will buy this cheap stuff?
    2. +2
      7 May 2014 00: 39
      I will pull his legs for such proposals, you filthy bastard. I live in the Rostov region, I will certainly ask if we have one.
      1. +8
        7 May 2014 00: 49
        Quote: Lukerya Weaver
        I will certainly ask if we have one.

        yes no of course, typical provocation
      2. tokin1959
        7 May 2014 00: 53
        It’s unlikely that there is such a thing.
        This is a propaganda video.
        Censor.net is full of such rubbish.
        there are tanks with yellowish-black pissing rags driving around Red Square in Moscow.
    3. +1
      7 May 2014 00: 56
      Well, this one is not childish... It even became funny, about the great Ukrainian people...
      Khokhlu, because he plays a Russian officer in the video and has no idea how his “great Ukrainian people” differ from the simplest Russian people. And it differs only in one thing, that the Russian recognizes other nations as people and assimilates them into himself (k.o.z.l.s don’t count, they are found in everyone). But the “great Ukrainian” is divided into subhumans and lords, and it doesn’t matter that in percentage terms the number of lords blue European blood smile is less than a third. That’s why the “Ukrainian people are great”, that more and more, especially young people, are trying to join it, because the lords have weapons, and of course blue european blood. laughing
    4. The comment was deleted.
  70. +1
    6 May 2014 23: 33
    "The clock is flying, and the terrible score
    Meanwhile, it grows invisibly" A.S. Pushkin "I lived then in dusty Odessa...".
  71. tokin1959
    6 May 2014 23: 39
    The revolution has a beginning, but the revolution has no end, here is the last pearl from Zhulka Timoshenko.

    Ukrainian presidential candidate Yulia Tymoshenko believes that only she can carry out the political reforms the country needs. As she stated at a press conference in Nikolaev, if the country chooses another candidate in the elections, “we will have to enter the third round of the revolution.”

    “I don’t want to be responsible for the failure of the revolution anymore. But if the country elects another president, and, in fact, I have one competitor today, I think that we will have to enter the third round of the revolution. Because I don't see any chance for any changes there. I just know all these people,” Tymoshenko said.

    Let them gnaw at each other, as long as they don’t touch the rest of the Ukrainians.
  72. +2
    6 May 2014 23: 46
    Quote: dedvladimir
    Quote: radio operator
    What a woman...

    That's how much vodka you have to drink to want it. It's easier to shoot yourself belay
    1. +1
      7 May 2014 00: 08
      No need for vodka... It's better to take a dry nap than to go to bed with someone like that.
      pussy: And on this woman’s T-shirt..(ugh) - toads are the usual self-hypnosis...
    2. The comment was deleted.
  73. +1
    7 May 2014 00: 09
    The article is simply excellent, many have read their thoughts, and many are like a sickle... and I would like to refute it, but there are almost no children here, so it’s not convincing.

    Another thing is what to do with all this now?
    I think Putin’s plan for the future will be like this. If the southeast drowns (no one would want it). But you can’t send in troops, there’s a 100 percent guarantee that they’ll shoot you in the back and blame you for all your troubles for the rest of your life. All that remains is to contain it at the borders and completely isolate it economically.
    The Banderaites will have only one way out - to redirect the flow of militants to the EU, because they will not feed them peacefully there either. And you will have to feed on something. At the same time, the southeast will understandably be torn apart for scrap metal, but this resource will quickly run out and... meet us friends, they themselves will forcefully join the EU, there is something to profit from there. 20 million hungry fascists will still come to bow to the father and founder of the movement.
  74. +1
    7 May 2014 00: 48
    I just read an interesting article in “Military Materials” - “Don’t put pressure on Putin - the mess is going according to plan.” Main theses: The current entry of Russian troops to protect the Russians of Donbass is a license for exactly the same entry of Romanian, Hungarian and Polish troops! They will not deny themselves this pleasure - after all, there are both their citizens and their fellow tribesmen in Ukraine. With the subsequent introduction of other NATA. And why the hell can you object to this! And something tells me that it is unlikely that the “liberating army” will limit itself to the territories where their fellow tribesmen lived... Russia will definitely intervene - it cannot help but intervene. Already interfering. The pressure is on, starting at the diplomatic level and gradually descending further down the management vertical. Just yesterday, they say in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, border guards were kidnapped in one of the villages of the Lugansk region (Yuzovka post, if memory serves). From 15-10 there is no contact with them. "Niva" and weapons too. No one knows what was crossing the border and where it came." So don’t lose heart, Slavs!
    1. 0
      7 May 2014 08: 53
      Quote: Lukerya Weaver
      The entry of Russian troops now to protect the Russians of Donbass is a license for exactly the same entry of Romanian, Hungarian and Polish troops!

      I don’t see anything bad in the fact that the Romanians, Hungarians and Poles will divide the land among themselves.
  75. +3
    7 May 2014 00: 52
    Before the tragedy in Odessa, to be honest, I didn’t know what kind of Russophobic processes were happening to people in Ukraine, I just didn’t think that it was all so serious, it had reached the point of complete entropy of the worldview. Blinded by the Maidan and false exclusivity, many Ukrainians have completely turned their idea of ​​good and evil upside down. All the thoughts that I began to have about Ukrainian society after May 2, 2014, were revealed by the author in incredible detail and intelligibly; there is simply nothing to add. Unfortunately, this article really is an accurate diagnosis of today's Ukraine.
  76. +8
    7 May 2014 00: 53
    Russia, according to the “considerations” of the Ukrainians, will always be to blame for everything:
    - for the fact that from the moment she gained “independence” her life gets worse and worse every year, and now she’s completely sunk into ruin;
    - for interfering in the internal conflict of the country;
    - for the fact that if they do NOT intervene in the conflict (they did not bring in peacekeeping troops, they did NOT force reconciliation);
    - because instead of spring sowing, they are engaged in spring “weeding”, forgetting to put on glasses, “great Ukrainians” uproot the fruits that bear fruit, without thinking about autumn and winter;
    - for allowing their country to be turned into a military training ground for the United States;
    ...and even for the fact that all these years, in their “rada”, not a single meeting takes place without fist fights, where “GREAT” “civilized” Ukrainians FIGHT among themselves... Russia is to blame for this too...
    Are there any normal people there???
    1. SMV
      7 May 2014 12: 20
      How I agree with Lukich !!!
  77. 0
    7 May 2014 03: 53
    Ukraine will win, our people will once again surprise the world...Yes, they surprised us, there’s nowhere else to go. Then we'll see how the Russians surprise us.
  78. 0
    7 May 2014 04: 00
    Next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week... next week. .. next week... next week... next week... next week...

    Wait, you finally!!!
    1. +2
      7 May 2014 07: 30
      Good morning everybody hi
      Quote: Gavril
      Next week...

      Apparently the record is stuck and where is the meaning in your comment.
  79. +2
    7 May 2014 06: 10
    TRUTH - TRUTH - TRUTH Live broadcast (05.05.2014) May Odessa: Khatyn of the XNUMXst century
  80. +1
    7 May 2014 06: 29
    Paragraph 43: Ukraine recognizes itself as an underdeveloped state in relation to Europe, and Ukrainians as an underdeveloped people.

    Quote about association with the European Union....funny isn't it?..? This is what Maidan was about. Yanyk, whatever he was there, refused to sign. No one has read these hundreds of pages. The population even less knows anything.
  81. +1
    7 May 2014 07: 05
    What’s interesting is all sorts of Avakov Timoshenkos, etc. speak Russian
    1. +1
      7 May 2014 07: 07
      And how ! In Ukrainian only for the camera.
      I repeat - in Kyiv, if you don’t know Russian, it’s impossible to get a normal job.
  82. +1
    7 May 2014 07: 20
    And there is such a joke... If they broadcast in Russian, everyone understands, even if they don’t speak it. Only in Ukrainian, the channel switching begins - panchokhs, shkarpetki, helicopters - gvyvntokryly, embassy embassies, felijans
    1. +3
      7 May 2014 07: 38
      In fact, the site is glitched...............And the technical reasons are related to the regrouping of troops wink ?
  83. Vlad Gore
    7 May 2014 09: 53
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFHJsDvIrDQ&feature=player_detailpage drinks
    1. 0
      7 May 2014 14: 16
      This is no secret for those who are friends with their heads.
  84. Vlad Gore
    7 May 2014 09: 57
    Glory to Russia drinks
    1. 0
      7 May 2014 13: 58
      Glory ! But Slaventiy is somewhere in the salt mines of Donbass lubricating his Kalash, looking out for banderlogs.
      A unique phenomenon, I wandered there as a child, my father really beat me with a parade belt, the stars remained on my ass. I think it helped... Now everything is neglected there.
  85. The comment was deleted.
  86. The comment was deleted.
  87. The comment was deleted.
  88. Nikurov
    7 May 2014 10: 51
    The ideologists of fascism and Nazism, including Ukrainian ones, need to be isolated for life. But for this it is necessary to strengthen the territorial defense troops of the South-East, the ultimate goal of which should be the capture of Kyiv and the trial of the criminals who started the civil war. Sitting on the defensive forever is 100% the end. Russia should only help with military equipment in order to equalize weapons. No invasion by a regular army, this is the last century.
  89. Georgich
    7 May 2014 11: 08
    Year 92, an acquaintance originally from Ukraine, says, “I’ll go home [Ukraine] with my family, we will have a cow and a maid, another acquaintance from Ukraine, about the same set of desires.” Back then I didn’t pay attention, but I remembered it. And now, in light of recent events, it really struck me that this is the great dream of Ukrainians. I know crests who have been living in Russia for a long time, working, having a family, but no, no, they hiss that Russia is to blame for what is happening now in Ukraine. Well, never mind, let’s figure it out, not the first one.
  90. greenpeace
    7 May 2014 11: 55
    My harsh reality. To all Maydauns, Banderas and the like. YOU ARE NO LONGER AS SOON AS YOU LOOKED AT ME THROUGH THE SIGHT! This is where tolerance ends. am
    1. 0
      7 May 2014 14: 26
      through a fork with a clove, or a collimator? It’s better to observe through the pancryotic banderlog.
  91. +2
    7 May 2014 13: 25
    I always disliked E. Grishkovets...
    But today I read his words about what happened in Odessa and my opinion of him has improved somewhat.

    Link to article:

    1. +1
      7 May 2014 14: 12
      I read it. The man has corrected himself, and apparently he’s had enough.
  92. 0
    7 May 2014 14: 02
    We need to do everything in the same way as the Americans do. Pay for any political party or movement throughout Europe, or register the right sector and let them “work” SO THAT EVERY PEOPLE REALIZES WHAT THIS IS, and don’t watch this lie in their media. Shake up the situation EXACTLY SO THAT THESE CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS' EARTH BURN. It will be much cheaper than then fighting this hornet's nest for years.
  93. +1
    7 May 2014 14: 27
    ...Russians in Ukraine have nothing to hope for at all - they will simply be killed. Because they are Russian...
    - Well, this is fascism! But we crushed the fascists, we crush them, and we will do this as long as we remember! Eternal memory to the victims of fascism!
  94. +1
    7 May 2014 14: 30
    And in the USA, too, there will be forces to shake up the situation among the Americans themselves for money, the same Indians, no matter what. In Mexico, they began to raise the issue of returning California and other states that were conquered by the Americans.
    1. +1
      7 May 2014 14: 41
      Silly question. Somehow the states do not remind us that on the border with Mexico there is a wire fence, underground passages for hundreds of meters... The main line of defense of the US “border guards”. The famous Hammers are suffocating there, not at all like in the movies.
  95. +5
    7 May 2014 15: 36
    Consequences of the arson of the House of Trade Unions
  96. 0
    7 May 2014 15: 46
    They hire cops only without education, our employment service is inundated with offers, you don’t have any brains after the army - go to the mentor. There is a specific staff turnover.
  97. skaarjj
    7 May 2014 15: 50
    Khokhlosrach on the tape is banned, so hello, big guys))) I wanted to throw out a couple of phrases:
    1. according to TopikStarer - I agree with everything, except that “it’s time for the Russians to go away.” Well, I won’t harp on history - anyone who has at least looked up the genesis of the “Ukrainian ethnic group” on Wikipedia will understand that any Ukrainian is a Russian, no less than a Muscovite (me, for example) or a Ryazan resident. At the same time, which is typical, the Galicians, who usurped the right to the concept of Ukrainian and to the Ukraine project in general, do not relate to Ukrainians in any way, because they always lived in different states, etc., etc.... in short, I won’t bore you, and so everything is clear to an unclouded mind with Internet access at least at the level of a wiki...
    2. Another thing is important - there is a heated debate all over the media - “is it worth introducing/isn’t it worth it, Putin is either our enemy or dear, are they our brothers or are they drugged, and how to distinguish the first from the second, etc.... I want to say straight out that, taking into account the p 1 we get:
    a) everyone who did not participate in the project “Ukraine is NOT Russia” is our brothers. for those who participated - a total war, without prisoners (depending on the degree of blood on their hands). participants in the propaganda of all “this” - lobotomy in correctional institutions, because it is incurable. zombified and sympathetic - according to the degree of zombification and sympathy. It is important - whoever has blood on his hands - total destruction, because Stalin’s mistakes cannot be repeated.
    b) there is even an article on the website about the battle between Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk, Benya, Genya, Kolomoika and other crap. It’s important - no Kolomoyka, even having destroyed all the Firtashevs and others combined, will be able to save the Ukraine project. there is no country and there won’t be, despite the likelihood of suppression of the DPR or Odessa or the south... now\later is not important at all, but propaganda of the current scale is six months of faith of the “masses”. and then the inevitable realization by everyone of what exactly happened and what it led to.
    c) Ukraine is BANKRUPT. and no IMF loans will save it - the only question is when the default will occur - now or six months later. That's why:
    d) time is on our side - by the end of the year, a social riot in the Outskirts is inevitable. but if we ENTER it, it will be written off to us. There is no need for us to rush - it will “pop up” itself. no troops - only “sort of like men with Berdyankas, shooting down helicopters, knocking out armored personnel carriers” .... what kind of men are these - the answer is obvious.
    e) therefore, there is no need to succumb to the “Putinpredalyugostok” wave - we are obliged to act in accordance with international law - only after the independence of the DPR. And then - Odessa-mama, and the cordon on the border with Galicia
    1. +1
      7 May 2014 15: 54
      Not banned, but here.
      1. skaarjj
        7 May 2014 16: 52
        you to me? I'm not used to the "forum" yet
  98. +1
    7 May 2014 15: 58
    Here it would be necessary to answer the question “What is a Ukrainian?” (that’s what the article is called), but I will speak on the topic “What is Ukraine.” Independent Ukraine, as a state, is not at all the result of self-determination of the Ukrainian people, but a completely artificially created state formation, the only purpose of which is to harm Russia as much as possible. This must always be kept in mind, and any normal citizen of Russia, and even a citizen of present-day Ukraine, if he is a sensible person and remembers where he lives and our history, has an unequivocal attitude towards this Ukrainian project. Before the revolution, there was no such word “Ukrainian”. Of course, Tsarist Russia was not at all the “Russia that we lost” about which various lovers of monarchism are now nostalgic. It was a country with quite developed social inequality, quite severe oppression, but it was not national, but social oppression. The same Ukrainian peasant was oppressed not because he is Ukrainian, but because he does not belong to the privileged class, which has all sorts of benefits and privileges. His chances of getting a higher education were a hundred times less than the chances of the son of a nobleman, not because this education was in Russian and not in Ukrainian, but simply because due to his class position, due to this oppression, he was deprived of opportunities. Just as Russian workers and peasants, and workers and peasants of other nationalities who were part of our country, were deprived.
    Where then did all these problems with Ukrainians come from, which were blooming and smelling by the time the Bolsheviks came to power? In fact, this problem was artificially inflated both by internal enemies in the person of all our liberals, and by external enemies. First of all, these are Austria-Hungary and England. When the critical events of 1917 arrived, all this was immediately put into action.
    Immediately after the February Revolution, already at the beginning of March 1917, the so-called Central Rada was created in Ukraine, and after the October Revolution they proclaimed the creation of the so-called Ukrainian People's Republic. Initially, this republic was still part of Russia, but after a couple of months they declared their complete independence. In response to this, already at the beginning of January 1918, the Donetsk-Krivoy Rog Republic was created, and by the end of January the Bolsheviks were able to liberate Kyiv and expel the Ukrainian nationalists from there with their Central Rada. And now, the same countries as back in 1917. They are pursuing the same policy, pitting different representatives of the same people - the Russians - against each other.
  99. +2
    7 May 2014 16: 04
    History does not tolerate the subjunctive mood, we have what we have.
  100. +6
    7 May 2014 16: 10
    history of modern Ukraine
    1. tokin1959
      7 May 2014 16: 57
      the crook Tymoshenko said yesterday that if Poroshok wins, then there will be a Maidan - Poroshok will go away.
      it's in their blood.
      Ukraine has always been such a mess.
      Until Russia came and finally put an end to this in 1709, there was always a fratricidal war.
      during the civil war in Ukraine, too, there was a leapfrog of governments, skirmishes and coups. Makhnovshchina.
      Soviet power was established - the republic began to develop.
      Since 1991, they have taken up the old ways again.
      conclusion - you can’t let your little Ukrainian brother leave home)))