The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke

The myth of the Tatar-Mongol yoke
Siege of Moscow by Tokhtamysh. facial vault

"Mongols from Mongolia"

The hordes of Batu attacked the Polovtsians, Volga Bulgaria and Rus'. They defeated and conquered the Polovtsian steppe, the Volgars-Bulgars (future Kazan Tatars) and the fragmented Russian principalities. The terrible "Mongol-Tatar yoke" began. This is the official version that has been promoted in Russia since the time of Karamzin.

True, there are many facts that do not fit into this version. The fake about "Mongols from Mongolia" was launched by the papal envoy Plano Carpini and other agents of the Vatican.

Firstly, there were no "Mongols" in Rus'. There were battles, destroyed cities. But there were no Mongols. Archeology shows that Caucasians - representatives of the white race - fought on both sides. There were no hordes of Mongols-Mongoloids in Europe. This is shown by modern genetic studies. Attempts to find "Mongoloidness" in Russians ended in complete failure.

Although the centuries-old stay of a large number of "Mongols" in the Golden Horde, given the dominance of racial characteristics (in a simple way: a Russian mother and a Mongol father will have children with a predominance of Mongoloid racial characteristics), should have left corresponding racial traces. But they are not! That is, there were no "Mongolian" hordes in Eastern Europe!

Secondly, the then Mongols were at a low level of spiritual and material development - shepherds, cattle breeders and hunters. Approximately, like the Indians of the tribes of North America. Accordingly, a handful of shepherd-hunters simply could not create an invincible army, arm it and crush the developed, strong neighboring kingdoms. Create the greatest Eurasian empire. For this, an appropriate level of development was needed.

enough to know history: Assyria, Babylon, the Persian Empire, the Empire of Alexander the Great or the Roman Empire had a correspondingly high level of development, economy, made revolutions in military affairs (for example, the Macedonian phalanx or the Roman legion).

Nothing has changed in the new history. Napoleon crushed almost all of Europe. The Second and Third Reichs were the leading economies in Europe. Hitler got all the resources of Europe. The Soviet superpower is the second economy in the world. The only modern superpower is the United States, the world's first economy, advanced technologies, including military ones.

That is, to create a great empire, an appropriate spiritual, organizational, material, economic, and technological potential is required. The Mongolian shepherds did not have it. Like the Indians of North America, otherwise they would have easily swept away the first bunch of European slave-pirates. A handful of shepherds and hunters could not conquer huge China or Rus', even fragmented. Create a huge and developed empire with dozens of city-cities.

White (Golden) Horde-Rod

This is already enough to understand that there were no Mongol-Tatars in Rus'. They were invented to distort, cut off the true multi-thousand-year history of Rus'-Russia. In fact, Rus' was the direct heir to the ancient northern civilization - the legendary Hyperborea, the kingdom of the Aryans-Rus and Great Scythia.

Hyperborea-Aryans-Scythians-Russ lived on our land, in the north of Eurasia since ancient times. From Central Europe, the Balkans and the Carpathians in the west to the borders of China and Japan in the east. Great, advanced civilization. With a powerful spiritual tradition, material culture. The clans of the Rus lived in present-day Germany and Austria (during the onslaught to the East, they were crushed by Catholic Rome - "Slavic Atlantis" in Central Europe). Rus-Russia was created by the Russ families who lived in Novgorod, Kyiv, Chernigov, Smolensk and Suzdal.

There was a huge Scythian-Siberian world of pagan Rus. Known in the annals as "filthy", that is, not Christians. For thousands of years they led a semi-nomadic and at the same time agricultural way of life. It was they who conquered China, Central Asia, conquered the Bulgars (Tatars-Volgars), defeated and included the Polovtsians (also the heirs of Scythia - Caucasians, the closest relatives of the Rus from Kyiv or Chernigov) and invaded the Russian principalities.

The Horde is Rod, Rada. Tumen - darkness, ten thousand warriors. Khan - kokhan, kohan, beloved, respected. This word has been known in Rus' since the time of the Khazaria. So, Prince Vladimir the Baptist was called a kagan. The notorious "Mongols" is a nickname, "Moguls - powerful, great." The "Moguls" did not bring a single Mongolian word to Rus', did not leave a single Mongoloid skull, no Mongoloid racial signs. Because there were no Mongols in Rus'.

But the battle between Christian Rus and pagan Rus of the Scythian-Siberian world (hence the "animal" style of dress, tradition) was fierce. Russ with Russ always fight very cruelly. Nothing has changed in the modern world: Russians-Great Russians are fighting with Russians-Little Russians.

It was a big mess. The princes-khans fought for power over a vast territory. At the same time, they fraternized, like Yaroslav Nevsky with Batu's son Sartak, gave their daughters in marriage to each other, spoke the same language. Russian squads with the Horde went to Europe and the Caucasus. Then they completely mixed up. The Horde naturally became Russian by the time of Ivan the Terrible, part of the renewed Russian state. The Horde-Tatar princely-boyar families became part of the common elite.

Part of the Rus-Scythians-Horde adopted Orthodoxy, the other settled in the Golden Horde, Central Asia and China, gave the local peoples princely and imperial dynasties, then dissolved in the masses of the Mongoloid population. This example is not the only one. Many thousands of Russians left for China and other Asian countries after the Troubles of 1917, and in the second generation they became Chinese and other Mongoloids.

What Western falsifying historians and their Russian followers call the Great Empire of Genghis Khan was in fact the Russian Horde Empire, the Empire of the Rus. The degradation of the empire and death were associated with Islamization and Arabization. This became the basis for the split, strife and collapse of the great Eurasian empire of the Rus.

But the empire did not die. She was reborn as a phoenix. The merging of European (Vladimir, Moscow, Tver, Novgorod, Ryazan) and Scythian-Siberian Rus made Rus' the Great, a huge empire from ocean to ocean. The Russians again went east and reached the Pacific Ocean, reviving the great northern civilization and tradition.

The myth of the "yoke"

The word "yoke" comes from the Latin "yoke", a collar for working cattle. The word is used in a figurative sense, as an oppressive, enslaving force. The ancient Romans forced enemy troops to pass "under the yoke-yoke", which surrendered. To do this, at the place where the army laid down weapon, stuck two spears and tied the third at the top, across. Under it, one by one, with their commanders at the head, without weapons and military distinctions, all the soldiers passed in front of the victors.

The term "yoke" was introduced by the famous historian and Freemason Nikolai Karamzin. Tsarist and then Soviet historians liked this term, and Russians were inspired that from 1238 to 1480 the people lived under the Tatar yoke.

In fact, these were vassal relations common for the then world. Novgorod the Great generally agreed with the Horde, there were no fights. Moscow, Vladimir, Ryazan, Tver and other princes submitted to the Tsar Khan. Russian squads became part of the unified army of the Golden Horde. And after the pogrom of Batu, the "nasty" came to the Russian principalities until 1380 only at the invitation of our own princes, who tried to get rid of competitors.

Interestingly, the "wild nomad shepherds" immediately created a developed civilization. Although it doesn't just happen. This takes centuries of development. On the Volga, Don and lower reaches of the Dnieper in the XIII-XIV centuries. dozens of cities built by "nomads" were erected. They were made of stone, with luxurious manor palaces and even water pipes. Compared to these cities, Paris and London were dirty villages, which in fact they were. Obviously, many of these settlements were simply rebuilt, they were the legacy of Great Scythia.

Trade routes and communications operated throughout the empire. There was a huge trade turnover between Rus' and the Horde along the Volga route. The caravans of Russian merchants apparently reached India and China. The story of Afanasy Nikitin is a piece of this mosaic.

Speaking of the "yoke", researchers interested in fakes ignore the fact that the Russian ushkuiniki (Novgorodians who followed the traditions of the Rus-Varangians-Vikings) were a thunderstorm for the entire empire on the Volga. River flotilla from the ushki - vessels of the "river-sea" class, sailed along the Frozen Sea (Arctic Ocean), the Baltic, the Volga and the Kama.

The Horde could not cope with them and constantly asked for help from the Grand Dukes of Moscow and Vladimir. The Moscow Grand Dukes had to fight with this freemen with varying degrees of success. Cossacks of the North. The Ushkuiniki usually successfully beat the Moscow governors. But Moscow could arrange an economic blockade of Novgorod and eventually conquered it.

"Tatar-Mongol yoke" - a myth, a fake. There were vassal relations. The Russian princes themselves brought the Horde to Rus', just as they used to lead the Polovtsy, who burned and robbed the cities and villages of competitors. Rus' and the Horde were part of a single empire. Then the Horde decomposed, fell apart, and Moscow Rus became the center of a new revived northern empire.
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  1. +1
    15 February 2023 13: 34
    Quote: Keer
    All lovers of the malicious “rigging of human history” or its writing from scratch over a hundred or two years through the efforts of the pope’s evil agents did not study well at school, otherwise they would have figured out what kind of resource was needed for this. In truth, with such a resource, Yshbara-kokhan would have reached Mars.

    There was no fraud. There was the creation of History. For 200 years, the Catholic Church, having at its disposal HUGE financial and human resources, could well have done this. And if not for 200, then for 300. What is the problem?
    Quote: Keer
    And if we take even the fee from the sale of Fomenkovism with his comrades as income, then we must admit the complete financial stupidity of the popes. at such and such expenses.

    In fact, all these terms are name-calling: “alternatives”; "no alternatives"; "old chronologists"; “Novochronology” and so on - this is all just, by and large, a circus in order to attract as many people as possible to whom you can sell your artistic books.
    In fact, the struggle of the "old chronologists" with the "new chronologists", or how else can one say the struggle of the admirers of "Great Mongolia" with the admirers of "Great Tataria" - this is the struggle of the Nanai boys. They can no longer live without each other and represent two hands of one body. Well, or they represent two heads of the same Serpent Gorynych, who quarrel with each other and spit at each other.
    But by and large, both those (admirers of Great Mongolia) and others (admirers of Great Tataria) are equally "hrenologists". For documentary historical sources, on which they build their castles in the air, neither the first nor the second. Both of them have only one narrative, it is not known when and it is not known by whom it was actually written. Since mankind does not know the handwriting of any of the so-called "ancient authors", including the handwriting of Rashid ad-Din himself.
    However, mankind also does not know the handwriting of any of the so-called "ancient authors".
    The Vatican created History in which it exalted itself. And spread Christianity among millions of people. The costs were completely worth it.
    Quote: Keer
    Further, due to the fact that notifications about replies do not work, I propose to communicate on the thread about the poor ancient Turks, may its author forgive me.

    Sorry, this is where I end my conversation with you. Because I don't see the point. I don't want to discuss questions of faith. I want to discuss historical issues based on authentic documents. And from that time they did not reach us at all. And since there are no documents, then why discuss? Which method of fortune telling is best suited for composing a version of history? This is without me. Please. hi
  2. 0
    16 February 2023 10: 15
    What yoke? A yoke is when you are simply pressed. When they try to destroy language, culture, national traditions, religion. There was nothing of this on the territory of Rus'. The Tatar-Mongols did not even settle on the territory of Rus'. It was purely vassalage. Pay tribute and live in peace. The Great Byzantine Empire paid tribute to everyone. It wasn't called yoke. The term yoke was invented to justify Russia's backwardness. And the final touch. More people died in the internecine wars of the Russian princes than during the Tatar-Mongol invasion.
  3. 0
    26 February 2023 22: 09
    Yes, everything is clear and everything fits - the Russians invented love so as not to pay money
  4. The comment was deleted.
  5. 0
    6 March 2023 17: 02
    Nonsense from fans of the new chronology. They should be treated, and not promote their nonsense to the masses.
  6. 0
    11 March 2023 15: 02
    So, what kind of smart guy writes that there were no Mongols? What were you smoking, smart guy?
  7. 0
    16 March 2023 07: 14
    Lord, when will you understand that the Turks are you, those who call themselves Russians. Especially on the territory of current Ukraine. The Turks came there from Asia, more precisely from the expanses of what is now Mongolia and Siberia. I am Sakha, but I don’t understand other “Turks” (Kyrgyz, Kazakhs, Tatars, etc.). This suggests that we were on the periphery of the Turkic empire and adopted trade, partly laws, but not culture and language. Within the limits of calculations and some military terms, we still understand each other. But in everyday things - no. The Central Asian Turks understand each other quite well due to the fact that for centuries they have been mixed with both culture and languages, essentially representing chaotically mixed tribes and groups. But in the Russian language there are many Turkic words: all words starting with the letter A, for example. Even the word “brake,” which has lost its original meaning in Russian, in our country means a “cross stick” (“tuora mas”) that impedes movement. The history of the Russian (Turkic) people goes back more than 8 thousand years. It was you who laid the foundations of monotheism - Faith in one God - Tengri. This Faith allowed us to become equal with God the Father, the Creator. People became part of the divine world and broke away from the animal state. How can a son not be equal to his father? We still have the Tengri Faith. And we can always and everywhere turn to our Father, just as any son can turn to his father at any time, anywhere and without intermediaries. And you became Russian by mingling with the Slavic tribes and creating Rus'. Russians are those who are for Rus'. And if a Mordvin, Chuvash, Buryat, Kalmyk, Polyanin, Dubych or Chechen stands for Rus', they are all Russian. And only then the sons of their tribes.
  8. 0
    16 March 2023 07: 22
    Tengri's symbol is a solar symbol - an equilateral cross. Preserved by Georgians and Armenians. Also preserved as the St. George Cross. Saint George brought faith in one God to the Caucasus. The same Jesus Christ, until the age of 33, wandered around Asia Minor, where Tengri’s faith was known. Then he returned to his homeland and was crucified for spreading someone else’s Faith.
  9. 0
    16 March 2023 07: 26
    Now, in connection with the Northern Military District, many traitors are abandoning their nation. Like, we are ashamed that we are Russian. They were not Russians, since they do not stand for Rus'. And Rus' is a country from ocean to ocean! And if someone denies other peoples to be Russian, he himself is not Russian! A Russian is a citizen of the Empire. And it must be earned in general.
  10. +1
    25 March 2023 02: 32
    Back in school, this fact bothered me:
    12th century - like a yoke, like the Golden Horde, like hundreds of thousands of Mongol-Tatars... like they conquered all of Siberia and Central Asia...
    And so Ermak went to Siberia with a small crowd of people, and destroyed all of Siberia!! Where are those hundreds of thousands of Monogolo-Tatars??? where are the descendants of these world conquerors?? There is nothing left of them.
    So the question arises - were they there???
  11. 0
    31 March 2023 20: 29
    Okay, Russians don’t have Mongolian genes, but who else do they have? Okay, papal envoys and TD. But what about the evidence of Asian and Chinese historians? Or does the tail run before the dog? The absence of Mongolian genes can be explained, for example, by the small number of purebred Mongols in Batu’s army and a thousand other reasons, and not by the author’s fictitious spell - There were none and that’s all.
  12. -1
    April 1 2023 14: 48
    God!! In science fiction, why publish here???
  13. The comment was deleted.